A Detailed Lesson Plan

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A Detailed Lesson Plan


Mathematics 4

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:

a. Identify the greatest common factor of numbers;

b. Appreciate the importance of greatest common factor of numbers; and

c. Locate the greatest common factor of numbers.

II. Subject Matter:

a. Topic: The Greatest Common Factor of Numbers
b. Reference: Life Mathematics 4, Hemisphere C. Creag
c. Materials: cut outs, cellphone/laptop, pen and paper
d. Values: Appreciate the importance of the greatest common factor of numbers in real life situation.

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
-Everybody stand up and lead the prayer -In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,…
2. Greetings
-Good morning, class! -Good morning, teacher!
3. Checking of Attendance
-Say present when your name is called.
-Christine,… -Present!
-Diosdado,… -Present, teacher!
B. Drill
-I have here a jumbled letters, arrange it and form
a word.
“Geatesrt Conmom Fatroc of Nebrums” -“Greatest Common Factor of Numbers”
C. Review of the Past Lesson
-Okay class, what was our topic last meeting? -Prime and composite numbers, teacher!
-Yes, very good!
-Okay, who can tell me whether it is a prime or a
composite numbers.
1. 49 1.
2. 27 2.
3. 31 3.
-Okay, very good class!
D. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
-Okay everybody, watch and sing along with (Pupils start to sing along)
this video
2. Presentation
-Okay class, what are the factors of 12? -1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12, teacher!
-Yes, that’s correct. And what are the factors
of 20? -1, 2, 4, 5, 10, and 20, teacher!
-Yes, that’s right! Now, which are the common
factors? -1, 2, and 4, teacher!
-Yes, very good! Now, what is the GCF
(Greatest Common Factor)? -4, teacher!
-Yes, very good class!
-Now, any idea what will be our topic for
today? -It’s something about Greatest Common Factor, teacher!
-Yes, that’s right!
3. Setting-up of Standards
-Okay, before we start. What will you do if -Listen, teacher!
teacher is talking? -Behave, teacher!
-Yes, another one? -Cooperate, teacher!
-Yes, very good! I will be expecting that class,
okay? -Yes, teacher!
4. Discussion
-So, our lesson for today is something about -Factor are the numbers that are multiplied to get a
Greatest Common Factor of Numbers. But product, teacher!
before we proceed who can give me the
meaning of a factor?
-Yes, that’s correct!
-Okay, now did you know that you can find the
GCF by prime factorization using factor trees
or continues division? Here’s an example


-The common prime factors of 16 and 20 are -4, teacher!

multiplied as 2 x 2. So the GCF of 16 and 20 is?
-Yes, very good!
-The GCF is the product of the common prime

5. Generalization
-So again class, what is the Greatest common -It is the biggest number that is a factor of each number,
factor of two or more factors? teacher!
-YES, that’ correct!
-What method should you use to find the GCF - Listing method or the prime factorization method,
of a number? teacher!
-Yes, very good!
6. Valuing
Why do you think we need to learn finding -So that, we can you use when we are handling money or
GCF in real life scenarios? computing real-life problems, teacher.
7. Application
Let us practice!
IV. Evaluation
Work alone!
V. Assignment/Agreement

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