Gods Salvation Plan

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Gods salvation plan.


If you want to do something great in life, you will find that it is neccesary with a plan. If
you want to build something, you start planning it. IF nothing else, you will plan it in
your mind. But often, you take a piece of paper, and starts to draw down your plan.
Some plans never come to excistance, simply because it was too difficult, or too
expensive. Before men learned how to fly, there was a lot of plans on how to accomplish
such a great goal. Some of those plans are looked back upon with laughter

But of all the plans, there was no greater than the plan God had to save mankind. It was
not something he made along the way. It was well thought through. It was very well
planned. As a matter of fact, it was so well planned, that we can see the fingerprint and
signature of Gods plan, everywhere. In his creation, in the history of the world, in the
anatomy of men. But most of all we can see Gods plan in his word. The more we study
his word, we can see his plan unfolded. To fully understand his plan, we must first look
into the finished product. The execution and fullfillment of his plan. Salvation. When
was this salvation taking place? How was this salvation accomplished and done?

It is my belief that everything God has done, and everything Gid has made is built around
his plan to save mankind.
Everything is made by him and FOR him. For who? The Son. Who is the Son. His name is
Jesus, meaning Jehovah is salvation. The Bible says he came to seek and to save that
which was lost. THAT was his purpose. THAT was his goal. THAT was his mission. So,
since everything is created FOR him, that means that salvation of the lost is the purpose
of EVERYTHING. The stars, the moon and the sun, is created as a part of Gods plan. Every
creature, every tree is created as a part of that plan. Thets why you can expect to see
Gods plan also in his creation. You can see his plan in the history of the world.
Jesus Christ is the CENTERpoint of everything. Everything before him point TOWARDS
him, and everything after him points BACK to him. Those saved in the time before him,
was saved by the faith in him that was to COME. Those saved in the time after him, was
saved by the faith in what he had DONE. Before him, this plan was wrapped, and in the
time after him it was unwrapped. Reading the Old Testament, is like touching and
exploring a packet under the christmas tree. You feel someting here, and you touch
somethint there. THrough what you feel, you make an image in your mind what you
think is in the package. When you unwrap it, it is revealed what this little hump over
here was, and what this soft space overe there was. What was that sound when you
shook it, and what was that strange unknowing shape you could never figure out. When
you unwrap it is is all revealed. Thats what Jesus did. He unwrapped Gods plan in the Old
Testament. He made us understand the meaning of the different and difficult parts of the
Old Testament was.

Let us first look at the unwrapped gift. The greatest gift of all. Jesus Christ.

Chapter one: Who was he

Chapter two: What was his mission
Chapter three: What did he do, and why did he do it
Chepter four: How is this related to us
Chapter five: The gospel
Chapter six: THer three elements of salvation
Chapter seven: The plan in creation
Chapter eight: The plan in History

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