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The Orgasm Whisperer: How To Talk Her Into An Orgasm

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The Orgasm Whisperer: How To Talk Her Into An Orgasm

"The Orgasm Whisperer"

How To Talk Her Into An Orgasm
Lloyd Lester, OrgasmByCommand.com

"Addicted To Your Voice"

I magine, if you will, getting a woman to become

addicted to your voice...addicted, because every

time you talk, it sends waves of pleasure through
her body. You can even set her up for a powerful,
mind-blowing orgasm, without you ever touching

Yes, it's possible - and it's been done before. And,

I'm about to show you how it's done.

First of all, you should not use your everyday

normal voice. It has to be a unique voice.

There are a few very good reasons for this...

1. You don't want her to be turned on every single

time that you utter a word. As exciting as that idea
may sound to you right now, it's just not practical.

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The Orgasm Whisperer: How To Talk Her Into An Orgasm

You don't want her to be turned on - and distracted -

when she's at work, or when she's driving, or when
she's handling sharp objects.

Get it? It's dangerous, and it can get people hurt -

especially her.

2. If you use your normal voice to turn her on, it will

soon become "normal" for her. Her body and mind
will get used to your voice - if she hears it all the time -
and especially if there's no other voice for her to
compare it to.

For example, when people have surgery, they are

prescribed pain medication to deal with the pain. In
the US, the patients are usually given Vicodin after
getting their wisdom teeth pulled out.

If the pain happens to continue even after their

Vicodin prescription has been used up, the doctor
usually prescribes a different drug...even if the
Vicodin was effective in managing the patient's pain.

The reason is simple... after a while, the patient's body

(and mind) gets used to Vicodin. Thus, it stops
responding to it. So, Vicodin becomes ineffective in
managing pain, which is why the doctor switches the

Similarly, if the voice you use to turn her on is the

only voice that she hears when she's around you, that

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The Orgasm Whisperer: How To Talk Her Into An Orgasm

voice will eventually lose its effectiveness. Her body

and mind will adapt - they will get used to your voice.

So... you shouldn't use your normal speaking voice for

this process.

Instead, you can use a "sexy" voice... or just a voice

that is deeper, lower, and spoken much slower.

Just think of how you would talk to her, or whisper in

her ear, if you were saying something in hopes of You shouldn't use
turning her on - of getting her aroused. your normal
speaking voice for
this process. Instead,
You may already have a voice like that. If not, practice you can use a "sexy"
this voice in private if you need to. And then try it out voice... or just a
voice that is deeper,
on her. Get her feedback. If she starts to laugh at your
lower, and spoken
attempt, that's probably not the right voice to use. much slower.

Try another voice. Don't over-think this. As I

mentioned above, just lower the volume, make it
sound deeper...and slow it down so that your words
are dragged out a bit more than normal.

Once you've got the voice, and are pretty confident

that she will respond well to it, it's time to condition
her mind to associate extreme "arousal" and
"pleasure" to that voice...

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Voice Activation

T he next time that you're having sex with her, wait

till she's extremely close to having an orgasm...and at

that point, start using your "voice" to say whatever it
is you're going to say to her...to get her to have that
Continue to pleasure
orgasm. her while you use
this "voice"...and
Continue to pleasure her while you use this keep using the voice
as she starts having
"voice"...and keep using the voice as she starts having
her orgasm. And...
her orgasm. And... keep using the voice until she's keep using the voice
done with her orgasm. until she's done with
her orgasm.

You don't need to have a conversation with her during

the above event. You can simply use one or two


"Feel the pleasure increasing more and more


If she's moaning as she nears orgasm, you could even


"Oh Yeaahhhh... I love the way you sound...it drives

me so crazy.... Yeaahhh..."

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The Orgasm Whisperer: How To Talk Her Into An Orgasm

As you may have guessed by now, I'm also repeating

one word over and over, in between everything else
that I'm saying.

In the above case, it's the word, "Yeaahhh..."

As she starts to have an orgasm, you can continue to

say that word..."Yeaahhh baby..." After several
sessions of doing
"Yeaahhh...[fill in the blank]..." this "conditioning"
technique, her mind
will "associate" that
Whisper it in her ear - or near it, if possible, during particular voice of
her orgasm. yours - and even that
particular word - with
amazing pleasure,
You can choose any other word too, if you like. You almost to a point that
can use a word like..."Pleasure"...or... "Explode"....or would get her ready
for an orgasm.
whatever you feel is appropriate.

Start to do this every time she has an

orgasm...whether you're both in the same room or
even if it's over the phone.

In fact, using the above technique over the phone

works really well because she will constantly have
your voice talking directly into her ear.

After several sessions of doing the above

"conditioning" technique, her mind will "associate"
that particular voice of yours - and even that
particular word - with amazing pleasure, almost to a
point that would get her ready for an orgasm.

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The Orgasm Whisperer: How To Talk Her Into An Orgasm

Now... after you have got your "voice" installed into

her brain, you can use it anywhere - anytime - at will.

Each time that you use that voice, in just that unique
way, it will instantly get her aroused. It will flood her
body with pleasure and good feelings.

How powerful and useful do you think that can be to

you? ;-)

Imagine using this "voice" on her while she's giving

you a massage...or while she's giving you oral sex...or
whatever it is that you would like to enjoy more of...

Instantly, by using that voice, you would associate

pleasure - in her mind - to giving you a massage,
performing oral sex on you, or whatever it is that she's
doing at the time.

Now, imagine talking to her about a subject that gets

her frustrated...or something that the two of you tend
to fight over.

What would happen if you slipped in the "voice"

during the above conversation? You guessed it, she
would start to feel "pleasure" during those

And, she won't even know why she's suddenly feeling

so much pleasure.

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The Orgasm Whisperer: How To Talk Her Into An Orgasm

Can you now see how incredibly powerful this stuff

can be? Talk about creating a powerful addiction!

The above technique is not just theory, by the way.

Mental conditioning by "association" has been around
since the beginning of time.

And, people are being conditioned in this way all their

lives. (Just think of that particular song that
immediately takes into an emotional state - whether
happy or sad. Think of a particular smell that has the
power to bring some memories and emotions flooding

Those types of associations get created in our brains

randomly. But, now you know how to create them on

"Pleasure Triggers"

W hat you have just done above is created a

"pleasure trigger" in her mind - and you programmed

your voice (and even a particular word) to be that
trigger for her.

There are many other triggers you can create in a

similar way. But, a vocal trigger has some unique

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The Orgasm Whisperer: How To Talk Her Into An Orgasm

benefits in these kinds of situations, which is why we

started with that.

Important: If you were to now use that "voice"

If you were to now
trigger on her during sex, it would make her orgasms use that "voice"
even more intense and powerful than before! :-) trigger on her during
sex, it would make
her orgasms even
Now that you have the basic understanding of how more intense and
these "pleasure triggers" are created, it's time to take powerful than before!

this a step further...

Emotional Bliss (Advanced)

Y ou can also create pleasure triggers in her mind

that get her to feel other peak emotional states:

happiness, excitement, passion, motivation, and so

If you're smart, you would first find out what her

favorite emotions are - emotions that she likes to
experience the most.
By using mental
conditioning, you can
The reason you'd want to pick her favorite emotions is also create pleasure
simple... triggers in her mind
that get her to feel
other peak emotional
Those are the emotions that she wants to feel the
states: happiness,
most. And, if she's like most people on earth, she excitement, passion,
probably doesn't get to feel those emotions often motivation, and so
enough. Life's challenges and problems often force

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The Orgasm Whisperer: How To Talk Her Into An Orgasm

her to feel other emotions - usually negative and

painful ones.

So...by creating some pleasure triggers for her to help

her feel the emotions that she wants, you will...

1. Help her feel more pleasurable emotions a lot

more often in her life, and...

2. Make her realize that she feels her favorite

emotions most often when she's with you.

And there you have it... she will start to become

addicted to you because you make her feel amazing.

Isn't that how it's supposed to be? So that both of you

can be incredibly happy around each other?

Okay... so how do you find out what her most favorite

emotions are?

You can find this out simply by asking her the right
question...like this one...

"If you were to pick just one emotion that you would
want to experience the most of, what would it be?"

If she isn't able to pick just one, that's okay. We can

use the others as well. If she is able to pick her
absolute top emotion...

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The Orgasm Whisperer: How To Talk Her Into An Orgasm

Then, ask her what her second most favorite emotion

is...and then the third. Three emotions are plenty to
start with.

Now, it's time to create some more "pleasure triggers"

for her.

As mentioned earlier, a "voice" trigger is just one type

of trigger. You can have visual triggers (sight), sensory
triggers (touch), auditory triggers (sound), and yes
even triggers that are associated with taste.

Basically, all your senses can be used to create these


Let's quickly go over the process of creating a

"happiness trigger" for her.

Happy Trigger

F irst of all, you will need to get her to feel the

feelings of "happiness" - as strongly and fully as


The easiest way to do that is to ask her these

questions, in this particular order...

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The Orgasm Whisperer: How To Talk Her Into An Orgasm

"Do you remember a time in your life when you were

extremely happy?"

Most people, especially women, will be able to

remember at least one incident from their past where
they felt really happy.

But, just in case she can't think of anything, ask her


"Okay...what do you think would make you extremely

happy in the future?"

She may say something like "winning the lottery"...or

something more real, like... "knowing that I've made a
difference in this world"...and so on.

Next, ask her...

"How does it feel to be that happy? If you were to go

to that place right now, what would it feel like?"

If needed, follow up with...

"For example, what kind of thoughts go through your

mind...and what do you feel in your body? And what
kind of inner dialogue do you have?"

The answers that she gives you here are very

important. Listen very carefully to what she says and
remember it.

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The Orgasm Whisperer: How To Talk Her Into An Orgasm

She may say something like... "I feel like every cell in
my body comes alive and starts to dance"...etc.

Next, ask her this...

"Wow...that sounds amazing. Now...if you were to

associate a color to that feeling and sensation, what
would that color be?"

If she thinks of a color, that's great. If she has

difficulty coming up with a color, just ask her to
"guess" as to what that color "might" look and feel

Next, ask her...

"So...what would happen to that color IF you suddenly

started to feel even happier?"

She may say something like... "The color would start

to swirl and become brighter."
The sequence that
I'm showing you is a
Next, say...
quick - but very
powerful - hypnotic
"That sounds wonderful...what if that could start to pattern that can get
her to feel strong
happen right now? What if that color could start to
emotions very
swirl and become brighter...more and more...the more quickly...almost
you think about it...right now...?" instantly.

The above sequence is a quick - but very powerful -

hypnotic pattern that can get her to feel strong
emotions very quickly...almost instantly.

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The Orgasm Whisperer: How To Talk Her Into An Orgasm

At this point, just keep asking her what she's feeling,

what she's seeing, what the color is doing, and
continue to take her through this process until you've
got her entire body immersed in this wonderful
swirling, bright color.

Then...(this is a very important step)... take the tips

of your thumb and index finger of your right
hand, and press the tip of her right thumb
with your two fingers.

If needed, you can take her through this "happiness"

process a few times. The more times you do, the
stronger your trigger will become.

And each time you do, each time that you get her fully
immersed in the feelings of "happiness," repeat the
same maneuver: press the tip of her thumb with your
two fingers. (Always use the same fingers, of the same
hand that you used the first time.)

After doing this several times, you would start to From this point on,

create a "happiness trigger" that gets activated every whenever you'd want
her to start feeling
time you press her right thumb with your two fingers extremely happy,
(of your right hand.) you could just press
her thumb in that
same unique way,
From this point on, whenever you'd want her to start
using those same
feeling extremely happy, you could just press her two fingers of yours.
thumb in that same unique way, using those same two And bam...she'd get
flooded by the
fingers of yours. And bam...she'd get flooded by the
happiness emotion.
happiness emotion.

Copyright © Lloyd Lester, OrgasmByCommand.com 15

The Orgasm Whisperer: How To Talk Her Into An Orgasm

You can do the same with her other two

emotions...and create two more (different) touch

Every emotional trigger has to be unique. That means,

for each emotion, pick a different part of her body to
touch or press. It can also be a different finger, or a
different hand.

And voila! You now have access to three of her top

emotions, literally at your fingertips!

What can you do with this kind of instant "pleasure


Hmm...perhaps it would be easier to ask... what can't

you do with it?!

"The Addiction"

T hink about it... what is an addiction, really?

People get addicted to something because of how that

thing make them feel. That's it.

It's all about emotions. It's always about emotions

because we humans are emotional creatures.

Copyright © Lloyd Lester, OrgasmByCommand.com 16

The Orgasm Whisperer: How To Talk Her Into An Orgasm

Everything that we do in life is for one reason only: we

do it because of how it makes us feel. Nothing more.

The only difference in this case is, you have full

control of it. You are purposely creating addictions
that serve you and your woman. Not the other way

So, in order to give her the emotional highs that she's

craving, all you would have to do is activate her top
three emotional "pleasure triggers" on a consistent

And by doing that, you're not only going to get her to And why not also
want you more and more, you will also make her feel create your own top
three emotional
incredible on a consistent basis.
triggers, as well?
This way, you can
This is why it's so important to start by first finding also start giving
yourself those
the right woman - by first creating a match that works
emotional highs on a
wonderfully for both of you. consistent basis...
and simultaneously
with your woman!
In fact, I'd highly recommend that you take this
addiction process even further...

I'd recommend that you to create your own top three

emotional triggers. And, start giving yourself those
emotional highs on a consistent basis as well.

And, especially start triggering those emotional highs

while you're around your woman. Then, take things
up another notch. Start experiencing those emotional
highs around each other as often as possible.

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Become addicted to each other! And continue to learn

about, and increase, the amount of pleasure you can
give each other.

Human beings are capable of experiencing a virtually

unlimited amount of pleasure.

It's time for the two of you to find out just how much
pleasure and happiness you can create in each other's

I wish you an incredibly happy, satisfying, and

fulfilling life!

Lloyd Lester

Copyright © Lloyd Lester, OrgasmByCommand.com 18

The Orgasm Whisperer: How To Talk Her Into An Orgasm

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Copyright © Lloyd Lester, OrgasmByCommand.com 19

The Orgasm Whisperer: How To Talk Her Into An Orgasm

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Copyright © Lloyd Lester, OrgasmByCommand.com 20

The Orgasm Whisperer: How To Talk Her Into An Orgasm

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The Orgasm Whisperer: How To Talk Her Into An Orgasm

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