The Contemporary World Act. 4

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- International criminal -The ICC can open an -The Court is
courts pursue several investigation into participating in a global
objectives including possible crimes in one fight to end impunity,
retribution, of three ways: a and through
deterrence, creating a member country can international criminal
INTERNATIONAL historical record, and refer a situation within justice, the Court aims
CRIMINAL COURT (ICC) giving a voice to the its territory to the to hold those
victims while the rights court; the UN Security responsible
of the accused are Council can refer a accountable for their
protected. situation, or the crimes and to help
prosecutor can launch prevent these crimes
an investigation into a from happening again.
member state proprio
motu, or “on one’s
- NATO’s essential and - NATO’s purpose is to -NATO is a security
enduring purpose is to guarantee the freedom alliance of 30 countries
safeguard the freedom and security of its from North America
and security of all its members through and Europe. NATO’s
members by political political and military fundamental goal is to
NORTH ATLANTIC and military means. means. safeguard the Allies’
TREATY Collective defense is at freedom and security
ORGANIZATION (NATO) the heart of the by political and military
Alliance and creates a means. NATO remains
spirit of solidarity and the principal security
cohesion among its instrument of the
members. transatlantic
community and
expression of its
common democratic
-To Sustain the growth -APEC was designed to -The primary function
and development of promote sustainable of APEC is to promote
the region for the economic growth and and facilitate trade and
common good of its to strengthen the economic growth
ASIA-PACIFIC peoples and, in this multilateral trade between members of
ECONOMIC way, to contribute to system through a the group. Under that
CORPORATION (APEC) the growth and commitment to open large umbrella, it will
development of the trade, investment and aim to achieve its
world economy. economic objectives through two
-To enhance the reforms among its primary actions:
positive gains, both for member economies liberalizing trade and
the region and the investment, and
world economy, facilitating economic
resulting from growth.
increasing economic
including by
encouraging the flow
of goods, services,
capital, and
-To develop and
strengthen the open
multilateral trading
system in the interest
of Asia-Pacific and all
other economies.
-To reduce barriers to
trade in goods and
services and
investment among
participants in a
manner consistent with
GATT principles, where
applicable, and without
detriment to other

UNITED NATIONS -the aim of UNICEF is to - the United Nations - UNICEF provides
CHILDREN’S FUND spread a table, decked Children's Fund, is a services in primary
(UNICEF) with all the good things United Nations agency health-care, nutrition,
that nature provides, responsible for basic education,
for all the children of providing humanitarian sanitation and
the world. and developmental aid women's development
- The main objective of to children worldwide. in developing
UNICEF is to look after The agency is among countries. UNICEF
children's welfare the most widespread performs various other
especially in and recognizable social functions. As the sole
developing countries welfare organizations agency for children, it
by providing people in the world, with a speaks on behalf of
with low cost presence in 192 children and upholds
community-based countries and the Convention on the
services in maternal territories. Rights of the Child and
and child-health, works for its
nutrition and implementation.
immunization, etc.
GLOBAL - The overall objective - GEF has played a - Global Environment
ENVIRONMENT of the GEF unique role in Facility gives
FACILITY (GEF) Programmatic international efforts to developing countries
Approach is to secure a protect the future of funding for innovative
larger-scale and a more the planet. projects that generate
sustained impact on worldwide
the global environment environmental
through partnerships benefits.
between the country
and other partners
(including NGOs, the
scientific community,
or the private sector)
and represents a
commitment by the
country to implement
its priorities towards
global environmental
objectives. The
adoption of medium
and long-term
Programs, based
entirely on countries'
priorities, makes it
possible to better plan
the use of the
resources while
focusing on a
manageable number of


Building Asia-Pacific Regional Institution: The Role of APEC (
1. The things that I learned from the readings are the causal mechanisms and ideal types which help to
explore more complex interaction situations and the interlocking structures of international
governance institutions. In order to assess the causal relationships between thin situations involved,
complex interaction situations must be analytically decomposed into individual cases with
unidirectional causal pathways, following a particular causal mechanism and ideal type. Also, the
systematic analysis of the interplay between worldwide establishments as a primary step closer to
building a concept of global interaction. It examines how international institutions may additionally
exert causal have an impact on every different improvement and effectiveness and indicates that 4
trendy causal mechanisms can elucidate the distinct routes thru which have an impact on travels
from one institution to every other. Institutional interaction can for this reason depend upon the
transfer of knowledge, commitments installed below an institution, behavioral results of a group,
and practical linkage of the final governance goals of the establishments worried. The causal
mechanisms and kinds of interplay are jointly one-of-a-kind models that help examine real-global
interaction conditions. Lastly, the adoption of the obligation in the target institution can thus be
expected to trigger a positive feedback effect on the source institution that follows a different causal
mechanism, namely Behavioral Interaction.

2. That things that are still unclear to are the interaction through commitment, Unintentionally
Triggered Cognitive Interaction, and Intentionally Triggered Cognitive Interaction.

3. I used to think that the causal mechanisms of interaction between international institutions is just a
simple issue or topic.

4. I don’t have any questions about the readings.

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