News Report: A Blended Extensive Reading and Intensive Reading Activity

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News Report: A Blended Extensive

Reading and Intensive Reading Activity

In general, students learning to read in English do not like reading and
they rarely read. This is partly due to the way reading is approached in
the language class. The reading skill is most often taught by close study of short
passages followed by analysis of language. 

 Extensive reading: An alternative approach

 Aims of extensive reading

 The characteristics of an extensive reading approach

 Motivation

 The teacher's role

 Conclusion

The value of this intensive reading procedure, with its focus on the teaching of
discrete reading skills has been questioned by some, who claim that teaching
students reading strategies does not necessarily make them better readers. It is
widely believed that people become good readers through reading, and that learning
how to read should mean a focus of attention on the meaning rather than the
language of the text.

Extensive reading: An alternative approach

Another model for teaching reading exists. This is an 'extensive reading
approach' and involves students reading long texts or large quantities for general
understanding, with the intention of enjoying the texts.

Students are allowed to choose the books they read depending on their interests,
and there is not always a follow-up discussion or work in class. In this way students
are encouraged to read for pleasure and should become better readers.

Aims of extensive reading

The principal objective of undertaking an extensive reading approach is to get
students reading in English and liking it. An increase in reading fluency should be
another objective. Because of this, reading should be a pleasurable activity for the
student, promoted as much as possible by the teacher
The characteristics of an extensive reading approach

 Reading material
Reading for pleasure requires a large selection of books be available for
students to choose from at their level. Here, teachers can make good use of
graded readers (books which have been written specifically for EFL/ESL
students or which have been adapted from authentic texts).

Setting up a class library is a good way to provide material for students, and
because the books are kept in the actual classroom, there is a greater chance
that they will be borrowed, and teachers also have more opportunities to
refer to them during class.

 Student choice
Students choose what they want to read based on their interests. If a student
finds a book is too difficult or they don't enjoy it, they can change it for
another one.

 Reading for pleasure and information

Often students are put off reading when it is tied to class assignments. In an
extensive reading programme, the students are reading principally for the
content of the texts. Teachers can ask students about the books they are
reading informally, and encourage occasional mini-presentations of the books
or book reviews, but these should not seem like obligations to the students.

 Extensive reading out of class

Teachers can do a lot to help students pursue extensive reading outside of
the classroom. Having a classroom library and regularly encouraging students
to borrow books to take home are some things which can help. If books are
shelved in the classroom, students can also be given class time to browse and
select books.

 Silent reading in class

Extensive reading should not be incompatible with classroom practice and
methodology. There are teachers who set aside a regular fifteen-minute
period of silent reading in class. This silent reading has been said to help
structural awareness develop, build vocabulary, and to promote confidence in
the language.

 Language level
The vocabulary and grammar of the books that students read should not pose
a difficulty. The objective of an extensive reading programme is to encourage
reading fluency, so students should not be stopping frequently because they
do not understand a passage. However, the books should not be too easy as
this may well demotivate students, who feel they are getting nothing out of
the books.
 Use of dictionaries
Reading becomes a chore if students think they have to stop and look up
every word they do not understand in a dictionary. For this reason,
dictionaries should be avoided. Instead of interrupting their flow, students
should be encouraged to jot down the words they come across in a
vocabulary notebook, and they can look them up after they have finished

 Record keeping
If the teacher takes an interest in and keeps record of what students are
reading, then this can in itself encourage students. If a note is also made of
which books the students like, then the teacher can also recommend other
books to the students. The teacher should also be careful to explain the
reasons behind the programme, and to highlight the benefits of extensive
reading to them so that they know why they are doing it.
 The teacher as role model
If the teacher is also seen to be a reader by the students, then they will be
encouraged to read. The teacher can talk in class about books that she or he
has been reading, and if they are knowledgeable about the books in the class
library, having read them, then they can make genuine recommendations to
students about what to read. The teacher can also read aloud to students, as
a way of introducing students to different genres or individual books.


One of the key factors to the success (or not) of an extensive reading programme is
motivation. Capturing student interest is the key. If the materials available are
interesting to the students, then they will be far more likely to want to read them.
These books should also be at a level appropriate to their reading ability. As
mentioned earlier, the texts should not be too difficult so students experience the
frustration of not being able to understand the books.
Getting the extensive reading programme off to a good start is also vital. The aim is
for an initial successful experience so that students discover they can read in English
and that they enjoy it. This positive experience should stimulate them to read more,
increasing motivation, enjoyment and a desire to read.

The teacher's role

The teacher encourages and assists the students with their reading, which the
students undertake during and /or after class. Occasional summaries (oral or
written) can help with this as they show both that the students are reading and also
that they understand what their books are about. The activities can also help
students improve their writing or speaking ability. Another activity teachers can
become involved in is individual counselling - this gives the teacher an opportunity
to ask students about their reading experiences and can be done by the teacher
while the rest of the class are silent reading. Above all, however, extensive reading
should be a student-centred and a student-managed activity.


Day & Bamford (1998) highlight the benefits that have been gained by the
undertaking of extensive reading programmes. These include gains in reading and
writing proficiency, oral skills and vocabulary, an increase in motivation and positive
affect. Setting up an extensive reading programme should not only lead your
students to improve their reading proficiency and other language skills, but will
hopefully enable them to take pleasure in reading for its own sake.

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