English 10 (Week 2) (Vibal)

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This lesson will teach you about essays and adages in literature. This lesson will also
shed light on how you can present information using tables, graphs, and maps. Measuring
concepts and observing coherence in point of view will be tackled as well. At the same time,
this lesson will teach you about claims of fact, value, and policy. The prosodic features of
speech will also be dealt with. Lastly, this lesson will educate you on how you can assess
the effectiveness of the ideas presented in a listening material and a viewing material.

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 Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the theme of a particular
literary selection. (EN10LT-IIc-2.2; EN10LT-IId-2.2)
 Express appreciation for sensory images used. (EN10LT-IIc-2.2.1)
 Explain the literary devices used. (EN10LT-IId-2.2.2)
 Present information using tables, graphs, and maps. (EN10RC-IIc-5.4)
 Give technical and operational definitions. (EN10V-IIc-13.9; EN10V-IId-13.9)
 Observe correct grammar in making definitions. (EN10G-IIc-29; EN10G-IId-29)
 Formulate claims of fact, policy, and value. (EN10WC-IIb-13.2)
 Use patterns and techniques of developing an argumentative claim. (EN10WC-IIc-
 Assess the effectiveness of a material listened to taking into account the speaker’s
purpose. (EN10LC-IIb-15.1)
 Assess whether the speaker’s purpose is achieved or not. (EN10LC-IIc-15.2)
 Employ appropriate pitch, stress, juncture, intonation, etc. (EN10OL-IIa-5; EN10OL-
 Assess the effectiveness of the ideas presented in the material viewed taking into
account its purpose. (EN10VC-IIc-3.8)

What is an essay?
 Literary genres have specific elements that contribute to the theme of a particular
reading selection under it. For this lecture, we will explore the second genre featured
in this quarter—essay.
 Montaigne popularized the literary form essay as found in his collection of writings
entitled Essais. His essays written in prose contain his personal thoughts and
reflections about his own experiences and, in effect, about mankind and human life
in general. Though discussing a general theme, Montaigne’s essays were not
anchored on a clear main idea and normally deviated into personal anecdotes and
Unlike a modern essay which has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion working
together to form one, coherent message, Montaigne’s essay is a series of philosophical
ruminations or thoughts interspersed with anecdotes and narratives. However,
Montaigne’s essays directly influenced the works of many landmark writers and
philosophers such as Francis Bacon (1561—1626) regarded as the Father of the
English essay; and Jean Jacques Rousseau (17 12—1778), thinker and political
philosopher of the Age of Enlightenment or the Age of Reason which had its
beginnings in the latter half of the 17th century and ended toward the end of the
18th century.

Activity: Of Managing the Will

Word Chest
Look for the meaning of the following words:

1) Interposed

2) Repose

3) Declension

4) Impetuous

Read the essay below. Then, answer the questions that follow.
Chapter X: Of Managing Will (an excerpt)
by Montaigne

The Parliament of Bordeaux chose me mayor of their city at a time when I was at a distance
from France,—[At Bagno Della Villa, near Lucca, September 1581]—and still more remote from any
such thought. I entreated to be excused, but I was told by my friends that I had committed an error in
so doing, and the greater because the king had, moreover, interposed his command in that affair. 91s
an office that ought to be looked upon so much more honourable, as it has no other salary nor
advantage than the bare honour of its execution. It continues two years, but may be extended by a
second election, which very rarely happens; it was to me, and had never been so but twice before:
some years ago to Monsieur de Lansac, and lately to Monsieur de Biron, Marshal of France, in whose
place I succeeded; and, I left mine to Monsieur de Matignon, Marshal of France also: proud of so noble
a fraternity— “Uterque bonus pacis bellique minister.” [“Either one a good minister in peace and war.”
— Aeneid, xi. 658.] . . . At my arrival, I faithfully and conscientiously represented myself to them for
such as I find myself to be—a man without memory, without vigilance, without experience, and
without vigour; but withal, without hatred, without ambition, without avarice, and without violence;
that they might be informed of my qualities and know what they were to expect from my service. And
whereas the knowledge they had had of my late father, and the honour they had for his memory, had
alone incited them to confer this favour upon me, I plainly told them that I should be very sorry
anything should make so great an impression upon me as their affairs and the concerns of their city
had made upon him, whilst he held the government to which they had preferred me. I remembered,
when a boy, to have seen him in his old age cruelly tormented with these public affairs, neglecting the
soft repose of his own house, to which the declension of his age had reduced him for several years
before, the management of his own affairs, and his health; and certainly despising his own life, which
was in great danger of being lost, by being engaged in long and painful journeys on their behalf. Such
was he; and this humour of his proceeded from a marvellous good nature; never was there a more
chantable and popular soul. Yet this proceeding which I commend in others, I do not love to follow
myself, and am not without excuse. He had learned that a man must forget himself for his neighbour,
and that the particular was of no manner of consideration in comparison with the general. Most of the
rules and precepts of the world run this way; to drive us out of ourselves into the street for the benefit
of public society; they thought to do a great feat to divert and remove us from ourselves, assuming we
were but too much fixed there, and by a too natural inclination; and have said all they could to that
purpose: for ‘tis no new thing for the sages to preach things as they serve, not as they are. . . . I
believe that in the Temple of Pallas, as we see in all other religions, there were apparent mysteries to
be exposed to the people; and others, more secret and high, that were only to be shown to such as
were professed; ‘tis likely that in these the true point of friendship that everyone owes to himself is to
be found; not a false friendship, that makes us embrace glory, knowledge, riches, and the like, with a
principal and immoderate affection, as members of our being; nor an indiscreet and effeminate
friendship, wherein it happens, as with ivy, that it decays and ruins the walls it embraces; but a
sound and regular friendship, equally useful and pleasant. He who knows the duties of this
friendship and practices them . . . has attained the height of human wisdom and of our
happiness, . . . exactly knowing what he owes to himself; will on his part find that he ought to apply
to himself the use of the world and of other men; and to do so, contribute to public society the duties
and offices appertaining to him. He who does not in some sort live for others, does not live much for
himself: Qui sibi amicus est, scito hunc amicum omnibus esse.” [“He who is his own friend, is a friend
to everybody else.” — Seneca, Ep., 6.] The main burden we have is, to everyone his own conduct; and
‘tis for this only that we here are. As he who should forget to live a virtuous and holy life and should
think he acquitted himself of his duty in instructing and training others up to it, would be a fool; even
so he who abandons his own particular healthful and pleasant living to serve others therewith, takes,
in my opinion, a wrong and unnatural course. I would not that men should refuse, in the employments
they take upon them, their attention, pains, eloquence, sweat, and blood if need be: Non ipse pro caris
amicis Aut patria, timidus perire:” [Himself not afraid to die for beloved friends, or for his country.’1—
Horace, Cd., iv. 9, 51.] . . . Men perform like things with several sorts of endeavour, and different
contention of will; the one does well enough without the other; for how many people hazard
themselves every day in war without any concern which way it goes; and thrust themselves into the
dangers of battles, the loss of which will not break their next night’s sleep? and such a man may be
at home, out of the danger which he durst not have looked upon, who is more passionately concerned
for the issue of this war, and whose soul is more anxious about events than the soldier who therein
stakes his blood and his life. I could have engaged myself in public employments without quitting my
own matters a nail’s breadth and have given myself to others without abandoning myself. This
sharpness and violence of desires more hinder than they advance the execution of what we
undertake; fill us with impatience against slow or contrary events, and with heat and suspicion
against those with whom we have to do. We never carry on that thing well by which we are
prepossessed and led: Male cuncta ministrat Impetus.” [“Impulse manages all things ill.”— Statius,
Thebaid, x. 704.] . . . In him who is intoxicated with this violent and tyrannical intention, we discover,
of necessity, much imprudence and injustice; the impetuosity of his desire carries him away; these
are rash motions, and, if fortune do not very much assist, of very little fruit . . . For anger not only
disturbs, but, of itself, also wearies the arms of those who chastise; this fire benumbs and wastes
their force; as in precipitation, “festinatio tarda est,”—haste trips up its own heels, fetters, and stops
itself . . . . . . Consider, that even in vain and frivolous actions, as at chess, tennis, and the like, this
eager and ardent engaging with an impetuous desire, immediately throws the mind and members into
indiscretion and disorder: a man astounds and hinders himself; he who carries himself more
moderately, both towards gain and loss, has always his wits about him; the less peevish and
passionate he is at play,he plays much more advantageously and surely.

1) Why is Montaigne initially hesitant to be mayor of Bordeaux? What makes him finally
accept the position?

2) What about the position makes him proud? What makes Montaigne think that being
mayor is honorable?

3) In describing himself in paragraph 2, why do you think Montaigne repeated the word

4) In paragraph 3, what conflict does Montaigne identify as a consequence of holding

public office? Does this conflict still exist at present? Explain your answer.

5) In paragraph 4, what friendship is Montaigne talking about? How does Montaigne

characterize this friendship?

6) What is the tone of the essay?

7) What point is Montaigne expressing strongly in the last four paragraphs?

8) What might have been Montaigne’s purpose in writing the essay? How effectively does he
achieve this purpose?

9) How realistic is Montaigne’s depiction of human behavior? Use

details from the essay to support your answer.

What is an adage?
 Many great works of literature contain words of wisdom which through the years
have been repeated and used popularly that they have become adages, such as the
following examples:
“Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” by Benjamin
“All’s well that ends well.” by Shakespeare
“Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.” by Aesop
An adage is a memorable passage statement, expressing a fact of life or a truth that
is generally and universally accepted. Adages may be valued as wise sayings or as
pieces of practical and useful advice or instruction.
Activity: I Deserve an Explanation
Explain the meaning of each quote. Then, tell why the following quotes used by Montaigne
in his essay
1) “Of Managing the Willy may be called adages.

2) “He who is his own friend, is a friend to everybody else.”

3) “Impulse manages all things ill.”



How do you present information using tables, graphs, and maps?

 Data gathered from research are easier to read and understand when presented and
summarized in tables, graphs, maps, and other graphic representations. A table or
chart, for example, can present data that can be used for comparison and contrast or
for drawing conclusions.
Study the following table:

By summarizing the causes of Philippine uprisings during the Spanish Colonial Period, the
table helps the reader easily make comparisons and observe how the causes are either
economic (taxation, encomienda, forced labor) or religious. Graphs, on the other hand, can
present data in a way that helps the reader recognize trends or patterns and make well-
informed conclusions or generalizations.

Note how the following line graph communicates the idea that more puto or rice cake is sold
as its price is lowered.

A map is another way of graphically presenting information. Pay attention to how the
following map shows not only location and geographical features, but also information that
helps the reader see how the Byzantine empire is protected from invaders coming from the
west by a moat and a wall fortified by another wall on the east. The map shows how the
empire’s long coast must have been equipped with military facilities preventing invasion
from the sea and how the Golden Horn canal, by luring ships into it, must have been a
tactical nightmare for the enemy.

Activity: Graph It
Use an appropriate graphic representation to present the information in the linear text
below. Place your output in a letter-sized document. Then, send it to your teacher.

The enrollment figures of school A show a steady decrease in the number of students in the
last five years, coinciding with increase in tuition. In 2013, there were 500 students when
tuition cost P50,000.00. In the next year, however, when tuition increased to P55,000.00, the
number of enrolled students went down to 450. In the following years until 2018, with a
yearly increase of P5,000 in the cost of tuition, enrollment continued to decline at an
average rate of 50 students a year.

How are concepts measured?
Another difference between conceptual definition and operational definition is that
the latter provides specific and measurable ways of giving meaning to a word. Conceptually,
for example, temperature is defined as the hotness or coldness of an object. Operationally,
temperature is defined as the rate by which molecules move in matter, measured using the
Kelvin, Celsius, or Fahrenheit scales. In defining abstract concepts like love operationally,
one may devise a scale that will allow a concept to be defined in a measurable way, like the
scale shown in the following table:


How do you observe coherence in point of view?

 Clarity is essential when writing sentences including definitions and one way of
ensuring it is observing coherence in point of view, i.e., avoiding unnecessary shifts
in tense, voice, number, and person.
Shift in Tense
 Spelunking is a recreational activity that involved exploring subterranean caves.
 Note how the tense in the definition needlessly shifts from the present to the past. To
be coherent, the definition must be rewritten thus:
o Spelunking is a recreational activity that involves exploring subterranean
Shift in Voice
 A stevedore is a pier personnel who helps passengers load and unload their luggage
and tips are received for his service.
 The shift from active voice to passive voice breaks the coherence of the sentence
which, when corrected, should read:
o A stevedore is a pier personnel who helps passengers load and unload their
luggage and receives tips for his service.
Shift in Number
 An iguana is a reptile that sticks out their tongue to catch prey. The shift from the
singular antecedent reptile to the plural possessive their is an error in agreement,
making the sentence incoherent. The sentence must be revised as follows:
o An iguana is a reptile that sticks out its tongue to catch prey.
Shift in Person
 A congregation is an assembly of believers brought together by your common faith.
The shift from the third person (believers) to the second person (your) must be
corrected to remove faulty agreement. A congregation is an assembly of believers
brought together by their common faith.

Activity: Fix-It-Felix
Tell whether the definition lacks coherence in tense, voice, number, or person. Then,
rewrite each definition to remove shifts in point of view.
Format: tense/voice/number/person - rewritten sentence
 A planet is a celestial body that rotates on its axis and revolved around a star.

 An environmentalist not only study the environment but also protect it from damage.

 A goalie is a football player whose job is to prevent the opponents of our team from
scoring a goal.

 A copy editor ensures grammatical accuracy in articles for publication and

manuscripts are carefully examined by the copy editor for fine-tuning.

How do you formulate claims of fact, policy, and value?

 Argumentative claims are of different types—claim of fact, claim of policy, and claim
of value.
Claim of Fact
 Claim of fact is an assertion that something has happened or existed, does happen or
exist, or will happen or exist. The claim must be one which is arguable or with which
not everyone will agree. The statement that steel is a strong, hard metal made of iron
and carbon is a fact that is not arguable and thus cannot be the topic of an
argumentative essay. But the assertion that steel is the world’s most trusted material
is an argumentative claim of fact because while it states the common view, some may
argue against it.
Claim of Value
 An argumentative essay can be used to defend a value or virtue. Doing this invites
readers to explore notions of morality and present one value proposition as better
than another. The essay below shows how techniques in argumentation are used to
defend a value.

You are still in your pajamas when you begin thinking of him. The moment you
wake up, you start dreaming of the million-and-one possibilities of meeting him—in the
cafeteria line, in the library’s checkout counter, or even along a corridor. Once on board
your vehicle, you stare at all sidewalks or byways, secretly hoping to see him amidst the
conundrum called the morning rat race. When you finally meet him first thing in the
morning, you muster all your strength to deliver the most profound line you can concoct in
his presence: “HH” As far as the average person and popular media are concerned, the
phenomenon described above is outright identified as love. The sheer burst of emotions
resulting from an eager anticipation of how this pseudo relationship will unfold has been
the subject of so many novels, songs, and movies. Who could deny the ubiquity of such a
claim that paved the way to billions of dollars worth of greeting cards, cakes, roses, and
rom-com films. A closer scrutiny of this popular notion of love, however, would reveal that
this is not love at all—at least not in a sense that promotes moral rectitude and stability.
Those whose wisdom have been fashioned by the ordeals of this so-called love would know
better; they would know that these strong feelings are but a fleeting experience of the young
bound to burst like a bubble at the moment of consummation—the crossroads where
pleasure meets responsibility. For this reason, I would like to propose that genuine love—
unlike what our popular notion love is—begins not when feelings begin but when they
cease; it is in that very moment when the initial excitement is gone can one truly commit—
and confess—true love for the other.
First of all, falling in love, or having feelings for another, is effortless. One can easily
fall in love as easily as out of it. The strong surge of emotions we feel when we meet our
crush is caused by the mixture of hormones coming from our brains to ensure the survival
of the human species—with no effort from our end. When this happens, we tend to project

an image of our so-called “loved one” that may or may not necessarily correspond to reality.
Such an image is almost always perfect— one that would fulfill our every desire and need.
The problem with this view, however, is that each one of us has imperfections in our own
ways. Once these imperfections set in, the one who is deeply in love will begin to see the
person for all his flaws. If “love” is solely based on one’s feelings, then the process of break-
up begins—with those little fights ranging from disagreements on schedule and food
preferences to those more existential in nature, questioning whether the other is truly “the
one.” When one or both of the partners give in to this, then the relationship ends, nullifying
whatever promises of eternity were uttered at the beginning of the relationship.
Nonetheless, the one who truly loves is able to overcome all of these initial feelings
of frustration and eventually come to accept the partner for who he or she is—warts and
all, so to speak. In the course of the relationship, perhaps after a few weeks or months,
then the strong feelings we associate with falling in love begin to fade. Once this happens,
the will to go on with the relationship now then rests on the partner’s shoulders. Are they
going to base their relationship on initial feelings of attraction, or are they willing to go
beyond these in order to meet each other’s deepest needs? If a couples breaks up at the
slightest hint of falling out-of-love, then what they felt at the beginning is not truly love, but
simply infatuation. Out, if the couple is willing to embrace their differences and proceed
with their journey in life together, then that is true love. Eventually, they will help each
other overcome their flaws through a caring and nurturing relationship that puts the other
before oneself.
Source: ‘Love Begins When the Feelings Are Gone.’ Paradigmcatalyst’s Blog.
July 17, 2010. Accessed November 7, 2019.
Claim of Policy
 A policy is a measure implemented in a certain organization or locality meant to help
forward a particular goal. Harmonious living in the society is dependent on the
policies we craft and implement.
An argumentative essay on a claim of policy begins with a rationale. This identifies
and explains what is wrong with the current state of affairs, states a proposed policy,
and then discusses how the new policy can address the gap. You can also show here
possible objections and explain why your idea is a much better alternative.
To substantiate your claims, appeal to your target audience’s sensibilities. You may
also offer hypothetical scenarios to help them visualize the benefits of the proposed
policy. The argumentative essay below addresses the issue on allowing students to
wear civilian clothes to school. Examine the articulation of arguments and the
structure of the essay.

Should our school have a civilian attire day?

by Mary Catherine Siena

High school students like us, who are mostly teenagers, find many ways to express
ourselves. Sometimes, we like to express ourselves through art like those cool drawings and
paintings we find in our Visual Arts classroom or the small doodles we draw in our
notebooks. However, one of the simplest ways we express ourselves is through the clothes
that we wear. Hence, I believe that we should have a day for civilian attire. Within a week of
school, students constantly change from PB uniform which consists of the white PE shirt to
the regular uniform with the red vest. If we allow one out of the five days of school for
civilian attire, we will have some leeway to wear what we want yet also give way to our
school uniforms.

One of the many things that civilian attire promotes is creativity. Creativity is not
just spoken through our work output, but it can also be seen in the way we carry
ourselves. Civilian attire is like a pathway for us to express ourselves and discover who we
are. Let me ask you this: isn’t it nice to know that you can wear this comfortable hoodie in
school with your favorite band’s name on it? Isn’t it nice to know that you can wear trendy
shirts, jackets, and shoes? All these are how we open up ourselves to one another because
we are simply showing what we like. Having this in mind, our creativity brightens and
blooms with the freedom of choosing what we want to wear. Each of us has a right to
express who we are even in terms of clothing.

Aside from creativity, there is convenience. If we wear civilian attire, we can choose
whatever clothing which makes us comfortable. During days when it is hot, we may simply
wear a shirt and pants and in days where it is cold, we may switch to a hoodie or a jacket.
The option of being able to choose clothing that gives us comfort; we may even easily
perform tasks in school if we are wearing comfortable clothes. Convenience in civilian attire
will also include spending less money for our parents. With one day for civilian attire, our
parents will not have to purchase an extra uniform to fit the schedule for that day.

Nonetheless, I do agree that wearing school uniforms may be very important for
many reasons. One, for security reasons and two, it is a way to be identified as a member of
our school community. Indeed, there are many reasons why uniforms are important,
although isn’t this also the case for civilian attire? Having a taste of both in our school days
may promote many things that shape us as individuals, whether it be the way we choose to
express ourselves to the way we chose to represent our school. All students are given a
right to express themselves. All students are given a right to voice out who they are. All
students are given a right to speak out their interests with the clothes that they wear. So
why not take this leap of faith and begin implementing a civilian attire day? Why not start
here? Thank you.

Activity: Ample Samples

Give your own example of a claim of fact, claim of value, and claim of policy.

1) Claim of Fact

2) Claim of Value

3) Claim of Policy


How do you assess the effectiveness of a spoken text?

Whether it is in ordinary everyday conversations, in speeches or in other speaking
situations, people speak for different reasons including the following:

 to inform, or to relay information, provide knowledge, or give instruction to the listener
or audience;
 to entertain, or to amuse and engage the listener or audience, through the use of
humor and wit;
 to inspire, or to motivate or to stimulate good and positive feelings in the listener or
audience; or
 to persuade, or to convince the listener or audience to accept a fact or opinion or to
take a particular course of action.

To be effective, a spoken text must be able to achieve the purpose of its speaker who may
employ a variety of techniques many of which have been discussed in the previous lessons
such as the use of rhetorical question, repetition and strong and powerful language; the
use of pathos and logos; the use of ethos; the correct use of the verbal and nonverbal
features of speech; and the use of imagery, figurative language, and other literary devices.

Activity: Listen Well

Listen attentively to one of the following speeches. Identify the purpose of the speech and
enumerate the devices used by the speaker to achieve his or her purpose.
 John F. Kennedy’s “Inaugural Address”
 Angela Lee Duckworth’s “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance”
 Sugata Mitra’s “New Experiments in Self-teaching”

Place your answers here.


How do you use the prosodic features of speech correctly?
 As discussed in the previous quarter, verbal features of oral communication such as
stress, pitch, juncture, and intonation, affect the meaning of a spoken or oral text.

In the following pairs of words, note how shifting the stress () from one syllable to another
changes the meaning of a word.

High or low pitch can indicate shifts in the emotional tone of a spoken message. For
instance, a high pitch may indicate anger, excitement, or other strong emotions, while a low
pitch may indicate sadness or disinterest.

Read the following examples aloud. Note that the italicized words indicate a high pitch.
Anime is not the same as cartoons!
(The change in pitch may suggest a strong objection to the misconception that anime and
cartoons are the same).

Anime is not the same as cartoons!

(The absence of pitch change may indicate that the statement is merely stating the fact that
anime and cartoons are two different genres).

Pauses in speech, or their absence, indicate the relationship of sound units between words.
A pair or set of words may be pronounced in a connected, sliding manner while another
may be marked by pauses.
Examine the pairs of words below, paying attention to the pauses indicated by a slash (/).

Note how pronouncing the sound units wrongly may result in sending the wrong message.
ice / cream I / scream
that / stuff that’s / tough
a / name an / aim
The rise and fall of the voice in speech depends on the meaning a speaker intends to make.
A falling intonation, for example, is used when simply stating a fact or when asking a
question not answerable by yes or no.
Folly is a bad quality.
Why is folly a bad quality?

A rising intonation, on the other hand, may signal an exclamation or a yes-no question.
Folly is a bad quality!
Folly is a bad quality?

Activity: Let’s Try
Read an excerpt from the reading selection in this lesson. Employ the correct use of the
prosodic features of speech. Take an audio recording of yourself for documentation. Send it
to your teacher for evaluation.
Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln
"Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, on this continent, a new nation,
conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now
we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived,
and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have
come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting-place for those who here gave
their lives, that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do
this. But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate—we cannot hallow—
this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far
above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what
we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be
dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly
advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—
that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here
gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not
have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that
government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."



How do you assess the effectiveness of a visual work according to its purpose?
 You have learned from the previous View lesson how to assess the effectiveness of a
visual work—videos in particular—according to its purpose. Some of the purposes
discussed were: to disseminate information or to raise awareness, to entertain, and to
stir the viewer’s imagination or to refine their audience’s artistic sense. To add, a
visual work may also persuade a viewer—to take a particular stand, to buy
something, and others. All of these are applicable not only to videos, but to images as
well. Remember that when you assess the effectiveness of a visual form, identify first
its purpose and see if the material was able to achieve it.

Activity: The Purpose

Take a look at the image below. Then, answer the questions that follow.

1) What do you think is the purpose of the image?

2) Was the image able to achieve its purpose?


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