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Week 6 Term 1 2021

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1A Maryborough Avenue

Kingsbury, Vic 3083

Tel: 9462 2711
O.S.H.C.: 9462 2354
Email : kingsbury.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au
Website: www.kingsburyps.vic.edu.au
Thursday 4th March 2021
Week 6 Term 1

We are a Child Safe School.

All children have the right to feel safe and to learn.
We are committed to protecting the wellbeing of students in our care.

Friday 5th March Whole school Hockey Clinic
Uniform shop open for sales
Monday 8th March Labour Day Public Holiday—School Closed (No students at school)
Tuesday 9th March Playgroup, 9.00am—11.00am
Wednesday 10th March Foundation students at school today—full time as from this week
Thursday 11th March Canteen open for sales

From the Principal,

Congratulations to the following students who were presented with their badges at our Junior School Investiture
Assembly last Monday, 1st March 2021:
School Captains Shyma Nakoa and Joseph Winarto Herriman
School Leaders Alleasha Fenton and Ebony Smith
JSC Representatives Yahya Muhammad, Khoa Nguyen, Bill Nguyen, Ivy Olszewski, Sao Pham, April Proctor,
Zac Smith and Alexis Waters
Library Representatives Jeneesa Nie and Joshua Tondo Llopart
School Crossing
Around our school during peak times is always extremely busy. We have to accept that and ensure that our own
behaviours are not adding to the difficulties at drop off and pick up times. We would really like to think that
EVERYONE cares about the safety of our children, but some unacceptable behaviours have been witnessed:
 Parking in local resident’s driveways is illegal
 Stopping in the middle of the road and allowing children to jump out and run across to the footpath puts these
children at risk and holds up other traffic
 Stopping and parking illegally, too close to the school crossing, over driveways and too close to corners is
unsafe. All these practices diminish the clear vision of pedestrians and drivers and could lead to a terrible
 Use the school crossings, either at Maryborough Ave or Niblick St to enter the school.
So, please take a little time and have consideration for pedestrians and other drivers. Be prepared to wait and/or give
way to other traffic and most importantly, keep our students, our school surrounds safe and friendly.
Years 3-6 Camp
The Years 3-6 Camp is fast approaching, departing Wednesday 17th March. Camp is an exciting experience for all
students, but it can also present challenges for some children. It should be approached with a positive mindset as it is
an excellent opportunity for friendship and resilience building. Our camp is fully supervised by our school staff and
activities have been chosen carefully with both safety and engagement of students as our main priority. I thank all of
the teachers who give up their personal time to both organise and attend camp. Please ensure that all payments or
payment plans are finalised by Friday 12th March so that your child is able to attend camp.
Staffing Update
You may have noticed that Mrs Cunado did not start the year with us. She has chosen to take up a new position at
Thomastown Meadows in 2021 as their Performing Arts and Auslan teacher for 2021. We wish her well as she learns
some new skills and works in a new school after spending many, many years at Kingsbury. Sonya has asked me to say a
formal farewell to you all.

Continued next page…..

From the Principal (continued)
Preps attending Full time school—commencing Monday 8th March 2021
Next week sees the beginning of our Prep students commencing school full time. They have done a great job of
settling in school at Kingsbury with the support of their teacher, Mrs Valkanis and our Education support staff.
Please continue to assist your child to develop their independence and resilience by talking about school positively
with them at the end of each day. We encourage parents to ‘drop and leave’ in the morning, allowing their child to
develop the morning routines of organising their belongings for the day. Things that you can practise at home with
your child include:
 Allowing them to pack and unpack their school bag
 Reading with them and discussing their take-home book each day
 Practising any word lists sent home
 Ensuring they can put their jumper on and off
 Showing them how to take off and put on the lid of their lunchbox
 Making sure they are comfortable using, and flushing the toilet, as well as washing and drying their hands
 Encouraging them to speak to any teacher in the school if they need assistance
Thank you
A big thank you to Cindy Hodgson for picking up some fresh fruit for our students and families this week from ‘Second
Bite’. We really appreciate this service to our school. It was lovely to have fresh plums at school and melons to send
home with families.
Student Dress Code
Kingsbury Primary School takes pride in our school and our uniform. I have noticed that many students are presenting
to school dressed in clothing that is not school uniform. Uniform is compulsory at Kingsbury, so if your child is missing
uniform items, then please visit the uniform shop on a Friday morning between 9.00and 10.00am to purchase
appropriate clothing. I ask that all parents and students adhere to Student Dress Code Policy, which can be found on
our school website, kingsburyps.vic.edu.au/parents/policies. This policy also refers to general appearance, jewellery &
cosmetics, hair and sun safety. Please take the time to read this, I am proud of our uniform and school colours and
hope that wearing our school uniform will encourage all students to take pride in our school.
Christine Campbell


Our Parents Group are once WE WON’T WAIT.
again running the AT 9.00AM SHARP!!!
Easter Raffle.
Please make sure you look beautiful for
Donations can be placed in your photos and are dressed in full,
the basket at the school office. clean school uniform.
Raffle tickets have been sent

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