Newsletter Term 1 - Edition 5, Week 11 2023

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Issue 5 TERM 1, WEEK 11 Thursday 6 April 2023


All at Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School believe that children have the right to feel safe and be safe. Our staff ensure that all
students receive the highest possible standard of care and protection at all times.

Supervised School Hours: 8.30am to 3.35pm.

School Number: 8746 6464 Absentee Phone Number: 8746 6400


Week 11 Thursday 6 April Holy Thursday
Whole School prayer 9.00am
Easter Bonnet Parade and Easter Raffle 12.45pm
LAST DAY TERM 1 – Students finish at 1.30pm
Week 1 Monday 24 April SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY: No School
Tuesday 25 April ANZAC DAY – No School
Wednesday 26 April School starts at 8.50pm
Week 2 Wednesday 3 May Confirmation Family Faith Night
St Anne’s Church 6.30 – 7.30pm
Thursday 4 May 2024 Prep Interviews
Week 3 Tuesday 9 May SPSSA Cross Country
Tuesday 9 May School finishes at 1.30pm
Tuesday 9 May Parent / Teacher / Student Learning Conferences
2.00pm – 6.30pm
Wednesday 10 May 2024 Prep Interviews
Wednesday 10 May Parent / Teacher / Student Learning Conferences
3.30pm – 6.30pm
Friday 12 May 2024 Prep Interviews
Term 2 School Closure Days

Tuesday 9 May: School finishes at 1.30pm

Parent / Teacher Learning Conferences 2.00pm – 6.30pm
Tuesday 13 June: No school
Positive Wellbeing

Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School respectfully acknowledges the Wurundjeri People of the Kulin Nation, who are the Traditional Custodians of the
land on which we live, learn, work and play. We pay our respect to their Elders past, present and emerging.

Dear God,

As we celebrate the resurrection of your son, Jesus, we ask that you grant us a deeper understanding

of the significance of this event in our lives.

Open our hearts and minds to see how his resurrection has changed everything

and given us new hope and new life.

Help us to live each day with a renewed sense of hope and purpose,

knowing that through Jesus, we are made new.


Dear Holy Trinity Families

The end of Term 1 is here and what a busy term it has been. It has been the smoothest start to school for a number of
years and there has been a real sense of calmness as well as a learning buzz around the school. This was highlighted
to the leadership team during our school tours. The Preps are to be congratulated on the way in which they have
adapted to their new learning environment and to think that they have only been to school for 40 days (at the time of
writing this newsletter). We also had a number of children in other year levels who started at Holy Trinity this year and
they too have transitioned well into their new school. We look forward to next term continuing that positive start for all
the children.

The introduction of our school canteen has probably been a huge highlight for so many and I thank our canteen
manager Paula for providing this great service.

As you are aware, Fr Kevin McIntosh, will be finishing up as our Parish Priest on 19 April. Fr Kevin has had a
significant impact on so many people here in Sunbury during his time at Our Lady of Mt Carmel Parish (18yrs) and will
be missed dearly. His passion for Catholic Education was evident as he was instrumental in establishing the third
Catholic Primary School in Sunbury, Holy Trinity. I was very blessed to be appointed the foundation Principal of Holy
Trinity and had the privilege of working closely with Fr Kevin to set up the school. His unwavering support for me in my
role as principal and his passion for the community of Holy Trinity, is something that will stay with me forever. All are
very welcome to come along to farewell for Fr Kevin, that will take place on Sunday 16 April at St Anne’s Parish Hall
with a special lunch.

As we have grown significantly this year to 308 students, I am sure that you will agree with me that with the growth,
the traffic on Mitchells Lane in particular is becoming quite hectic. Hence there has been much talk about the parking
at Holy Trinity. We are in fact blessed to have parking at the front of the school and the rear of the school, which is
generally unheard of. I want to clarify that our planning permit from the Hume Council, clearly stipulates that the car
park is private property and hence is for Staff Parking only, including external providers that provide a service for the
school, community eg OHSC, Canteen. As part of our Traffic Management, we do open the gates from 9am, after
school has started and they do stay open until 2.30pm weekdays for deliveries, early pickups etc.

I am aware of a petition that has been circulating about the parking at Holy Trinity however with the support of the
School Advisory Council, an investigation into Traffic Management by a private company has been instigated, to
assist us in preparing a report for the Hume Council, to highlight the need to review the parking arrangements on
Mitchells Lane and surrounding streets. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to report to the Hume council anyone
parking illegally.
We offer our heartfelt condolences to Mr Hubbard and his family on the passing of his beloved grandmother. Please
keep the Hubbard family in your prayers during this difficult time for them.

Finally, congratulations on a magnificent first term at Holy Trinity and what a term it has been! I have been very
impressed with the transition of the children and staff, to Holy Trinity. I want to extend a huge thank you to all the
leaders, teachers, ESO’s and Admin staff, for their dedication and hard work in supporting the children of Holy Trinity.
Holy Trinity is fortunate to have a highly skilled, talented and dedicated staff, for which I am very grateful.

I wish everyone a Blessed Easter and a safe and peaceful break. We look forward to seeing everyone back at school
on Wednesday 26 April.

Take care

Krystine Hocking


Energy Drinks
The school has become aware that some children have brought drinks which are sometimes referred to as ‘energy
drinks’ to school to consume. There is evidence that these drinks, which can have excessive levels of caffeine, sugar,
sodium and herbal stimulants have an adverse effect on children’s health.

One such drink is ‘Prime’ which has grown in popularity in recent times but has health experts worried about its impact
on children’s health including:
● jitteriness and nervousness
● upset stomach
● headaches
● trouble concentrating
● trouble sleeping

The drinks have warning labels on them which identify they are not suitable for children under 15. Health experts
are trying to extend this age to 18 years old. Therefore, please note that Energy Drinks are not to be brought to
school. Your support in this is much appreciated.

Curriculum Levy & School Fees

Thank you to the families who have already organised payment of the school fees. Just a reminder that our direct
debit system is now in place for families who would like to pay school fees this way. Please do not hesitate to contact
Nicole Pinnone in the office to discuss the 2023 School Fees and Levies.

School Closure Days TERM 2 - Please mark these dates on your calendars:
Please note that these are pupil-free days. Care will be available on these days through Big Child Care.

School Uniform
Next term we will begin to change over from Summer to Winter Uniform. All students need to be wearing their Winter
Uniform by the week beginning Monday May 1. This will allow a one week transition period at the beginning of Term 2.

Boys Winter Uniform Girls Winter Uniform

- Grey pants - Grey pants
- Grey socks - Winter Tunic
- White school shirt (long or short sleeve) - White school shirt (long or short sleeve)
- School Woollen Jumper - Grey stockings or grey socks
- School Beanie - School Woollen Jumper
- School Beanie

- Plain black jackets / black parkas can be worn to school

Optional: Holy Trinity scarf / Holy Trinity Jacket or Vest

Please note: That only the school beanie is to be worn at school
Parish Easter Liturgies
Please see the Mass and Liturgy times for Easter.

Holy Thursday - 6 April

• Mass of the Lord’s Supper - 7:00pm, St Anne’s Church

Good Friday - 7 April

• Way of the Cross - 9:00am, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Grounds
• Ecumenical (Combined Christian Churches) Service - 10:00am, St Mary’s Anglican Church
• Passion of the Lord - 3:00pm, St Anne’s Church

Easter Saturday - 8 April

• Easter Vigil - 7:00pm, St Anne’s Church

Easter Sunday - 9 April

• Easter Sunday Masses - 8:30am & 10:30am, St Anne’s Church

Congratulations to the children who this week completed their First Reconciliation. We are very grateful to Fr Kevin for
making the time to come and celebrate this important Sacrament with us. The children who completed their First
Reconciliation are in Years 4, 5 and 6 and have chosen to complete their Sacraments. As a school community, we
continue to pray for them as they continue their journey of faith.

Valentino A
Kyrie B
Audrey H
Kaiden T
Ellie W

Prep Family Faith Evening

Last Tuesday evening, our prep children and their families gathered at St Anne’s Church for the Prep Family Faith
evening. The evening provided an opportunity for our prep families and children to gather together and to learn more
about Religious Education at Holy Trinity and how parents, as the primary educators of their children, can support
their spiritual growth and development. The evening focussed on the following intentions;

• To understand the connection between school and parish

• To develop an understanding about Religious Education at Holy Trinity
• To explore how you can support your child’s spiritual growth and development

It was great to see the children and their families engaging together as they discussed how they can and do
incorporate prayer into their lives using Pope Francis’ ‘5 Finger Prayer Model’. The Prep children then were the stars
of the show as they performed for the parents, singing a song, ‘Love One Another’ which they had been learning at

David Munslow
Religious Education Leader
It is difficult to believe that Term 1 has already come to an end. It has been so exciting to
see the number of students achieve their Bronze and Silver Home Reading Awards. Just a
reminder that if students choose to read over the holidays, that these will still count to their
daily total. This also provides an amazing opportunity for some creative ways to include
reading. A home reader is just one option. What ideas can you think of? Some examples
could include:
• reading books about Easter
• enjoying the newspaper together as a family
• listening to some audiobooks
• visiting the local library
• sharing scripture passages from the Bible
• hosting a mini book swap between a group of friends or family
• researching something you are interested online

Olivia Hodgetts
Learning and Teaching / Literacy Leader

2023 SPSSA Athletics Carnival

On Wednesday 22 March 2023, 36 students represented Holy Trinity at the Sunbury Primary Schools Sports
Association Athletics Carnival held at Eric Boardmans Reserve. It was fantastic to see everyone participate showing
our Holy Trinity touchstones of being collaborative and displaying persistence. Congratulations to all the students for
giving their best and representing the school to a high standard. We had our best ever result finishing 4th amongst the
small schools in Sunbury.

Here are some stand out results:

Student Event Student Event

Matthew F 1st Long Jump Allira H 3rd 800m
Ruben F 3rd 100m Samson M 2nd High Jump
Billy H 3rd Shot Put, 3rd Discus Ava E 1st Shot Put, 3rd Discus
Summer C 1st Long Jump, 3rd 100m Nicolas Q 2nd Long Jump, 3rd 100m
Sophia M 2nd Triple Jump Laurence F 2nd Discus
Lola J 2nd Shot Put Sebastian P 3rd Shot Put
Valentino A 3rd Shot Put, 3rd Discus Kaiden T 3rd Hurdles
Ruby E 3rd Long Jump Arya P 3rd 100m
Tyler C 1st 800m Chloe L 3rd Hurdles
Rory P 3rd 100m

Thank you to Mr Cashen, Mrs Ramshaw, Mrs Bond and Mr Munslow who assisted on the day. Thank you to all the
parents that came to support Holy Trinity and we are looking forward to sending an even bigger team in 2024!

Shaun Farrugia
Physical Education Teacher
Wellbeing and Mental Health in Children
Mrs Hocking, Mrs McKenzie (Yr 4 White Teacher) and myself were fortunate to undertake Mental Health in Primary
Schools (MHiPS) training this term facilitated by Melbourne University in conjunction with the Murdoch Children’s
Research Institute. One significant area of our training was centred around ‘Mental Health Literacy’. Over the course
of this year I will share a number of topics, definitions, research and statistics relating to Mental Health and Wellbeing
in children that formed part of our training.
What is Wellbeing?
The World Health Organisation defines wellbeing as:
"A state in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stress of life, can work
productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community."
While the concept of 'wellbeing' is often used within schools, there is a lack of clarity and consensus of how wellbeing
is defined in relation to children. It is usually understood as a multidimensional concept involving a student's
emotional, mental, physical and social health and includes how the student thinks and feels about themselves and
their life generally.
Recent research collected the perspectives of over 600 primary and secondary school students across Australia to
elicit their views on the meaning of 'wellbeing' and how it is best facilitated (Powell et al., 2018).
Students conceptualised wellbeing, across three interconnected domains of 'being', 'having' and 'doing' -

• 'Being' - Students identified wellbeing as a state of 'being' that existed when their needs were met and
when they experienced a sense of satisfaction. For example, being happy, loved, cared for, connected,
wanted, safe and healthy.
• 'Having' - Students conceptualised wellbeing in relation to 'having' support, rights and social justice. For
example, students described the importance of having a voice, justice, fairness, help with schoolwork,
good friendships, communication and respect.
• 'Doing' - Students also understood wellbeing in relation to their own actions. For example, the actions
students most referred to included looking after oneself, accepting yourself and others, making good
decisions and doing acts of generosity and kindness

Child Development and Mental Health

The foundations for mental health and wellbeing are built early in children's lives, and early experiences can
strengthen or disrupt various aspects of development. Critical early life experiences that influence their social,
emotional and cognitive development include children's relationships with their parents and carers, teachers, and

Parenting Articles from Happy Families

The two articles that have been linked to this newsletter are titled, ‘My Child is a Bully’ and ‘Why Create Rites of
Passage?’ See below for the links.

No parent wants to hear that their child is a bully. It’s awful to think that your child maybe inflicting harm on someone.
If you hear that your child is being a bully, resist the temptation to panic or be defensive. Stay composed and begin to
gather the facts.

Link to article ‘My child is a Bully’

With a rise in Mental Health issues and a desire by more and more parents to protect and support the mental health of
children there has been a huge increase in the number of families and schools looking at ways to bring back healthy
Rites of Passage.

Link to article ‘Why Create Rites of Passage?’

Steven Hubbard
Mental Health and Student Wellbeing Leader
Digii Social Parent Tips
Increasingly, families are reporting issues regarding behaviour and incidents online. This week’s Digii Social Tips aim
to support parents to have open and honest communication about technology use with their children and to develop a
plan for dealing with issues if they arise. If you have any questions or concerns regarding cyber safety and how to
help children stay safe online, please visit the Australian eSafety Commissioner website:

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

This term we continue to implement PBL across all year levels of our school. The staff and children have continued to
embrace PBL and we are seeing fantastic results with the children’s behaviour especially displaying the values to be
SAFE, INCLUSIVE AND RESPECTFUL in all places at all times. As we reviewed our 2022 PBL acknowledgement
system students, staff and parents were given the opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions to meet the needs
of our students. It was decided that in 2023 students will collect their tickets and then spend them at our Holy Trinity
PBL Shop. We will finish each term with one student from each class chosen by the classroom teacher will receive the
S.I.R Trinity PBL Award for displaying the values to be SAFE, INCLUSIVE AND RESPECTFUL in all places at all
times at the end of term assembly and receive a voucher for 50 tickets to spend at the PBL Shop.

The Holy Trinity PBL Shop

Last Wednesday we were very excited to open the Holy Trinity PBL Shop for the first time. As mentioned in previous
newsletters, students had the opportunity to trade in the PBL tickets they have received for demonstrating our Positive
Behaviour Values and Expectations this term. There are lots of items for students to choose and take home with them
including pens, pencils, fidgets, lego and Holy Trinity experience vouchers including- helping in another classroom.
Some students decided to hold onto their tickets and save them for ‘future purchases’. The Holy Trinity PBL Shop will
be open 3 times a term.
Harmony Day

On Friday 24 March we celebrated Harmony Day at Holy Trinity. It was so lovely to see so many students and staff
dressed in orange. The students came together in their House Teams to work in their buddy groups on a Harmony
Hand which was made into a whole school Holy Trinity Harmony Heart.

Kelly O’Neill
Learning Diversity Leader

Parents and Friends Association (PFA)
Many thanks to the PFA who have worked hard this term to bring to life our Parents and Friends Association. The
school disco was a huge success and the children had the absolute best time dancing the night away. It was fabulous
to see so many parents volunteer to help out on the night to ensure that the children were well supervised. Thank you!

Our annual Easter raffle was once again a huge success, thanks to the generosity of our families.

Your ongoing support and commitment is very much appreciated.

Holy Trinity Parents and Friends Association (PFA) - Upcoming Events

Mother’s Day Stall

Colour Fun Run

More information about these events will be sent home soon.

Changes to operating hours for Uniform Shop - School Holidays

Please note the following changes to operating hours for the uniform shop during the upcoming holidays.

Friday April 7 – Good Friday – CLOSED


Monday April 17 – 10am - 2pm


Wednesday April 19 – 10am - 2pm th

Friday April 21 – 9am - 5pm


Saturday April 22 – 9am - 1pm


Monday April 24 - Normal Hours 8am - 12pm


Wednesday April 26 - Normal Hours 8am - 12pm


Friday April 28 – Normal Hours 9am - 5pm

Easter Bonnet Parade
To help celebrate the Easter season as a school community, we will be holding an Easter Bonnet Parade on Thursday
April 6, 12:45pm in the Quadrangle. The Bonnet Parade is an opportunity to promote creativity and foster school spirit
and inclusion. It is also a way in which we can celebrate the Easter Spirit as we prepare to remember Jesus’
Resurrection at Easter.

All children are encouraged to enter the parade with their own bonnet design. Each entry will earn points for their
House Team. These points will go towards the Holy Trinity House Cup that will be presented to the winning team at
the end of the year. There are also prizes to be won which have been donated by the Holy Trinity Parents and Friends
Association (PFA).

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