Mathematics: Quarter 2: Module 7

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8 Department of Education

National Capital Region


Quarter 2: Module 7
Converse, Inverse and Contrapositive

Stephanie Angelica A. Mamangon

Violentina J. Asuncion
Cover Illustrator: Joel J. Estudillo


Hello Grade 8 learners! In this module, you will learn how to :

• Determine the inverse, converse, and contrapositive of an if-

then statement. M8GE-IIh-36

You can say that you have understood the lessons in this module if you can

1. Recall the following

• Definition of statement
• Simple Statements and Compound Statements
• Conditional Statements
2. Derive the converse, inverse and contrapositive of the given conditional
Statement in if – then form

Read and analyze each question carefully. Choose the letter that corresponds
to the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is NOT a derived statement?

A. conditional B. converse C. inverse D. contrapositive

2. What is the inverse of the statement “If you are in love then you are inspired.”?
A. If you are inspired, then you are in love.
B. If you are in love, then you are not inspired.
C. If you are not in love, then you are not inspired.
D. If you are not inspired, then you are not in love.


3.What is the converse of the statement “If a polygon is a triangle, then it has three
A. If a polygon has three sides, then it is a triangle.
B. If a polygon is not a triangle, then the number of its sides is not three.
C. If the number of sides of a polygon is not three, then it is not a triangle
D. If a triangle is not a polygon, then it is not a closed plane figure.

4. What is the contrapositive of the statement “ If a polygon is a triangle, then it has

three sides”?
A. If a polygon has three sides, then it is a triangle.
B. If a polygon is not a triangle, then the number of its sides is not three.
C. If the number of sides of a polygon is not three, then it is not a triangle
D. If a triangle is not a polygon, then it is not a closed plane figure.

5. What is the converse of the statement “If a number is divisible by 2 and 3, then
it is divisible by 6.”?
A. If the number is divisible by 6, then it is divisible by 2 and 3.
B. If the number is divisible by 2 and 3, then it is not divisible by 6.
C. If the number is not divisible by 6, then it is not divisible by 2 and 3.
D. If the number is not divisible by 2 and 3, then it is not divisible by 6.
6. What is the inverse of the statement, “If x is less than zero, then x is not positive.
A. If x is greater than zero, then x is positive.
B. If x is not positive, then x is less than zero.
C. If x is positive, then x is greater than zero.
D. If x is not positive and not negative, then x is zero.

7. What is the contrapositive of the given statement in #6?

A. If x is greater than zero, then x is positive.
B. If x is not positive, then x is less than zero.
C. If x is positive, then x is greater than zero.
D. If x is not positive and not negative, then x is zero.


8. What is the inverse of the statement “If ∆ABC is a right triangle, then its two
sides are perpendicular.
A. If two sides of ∆ABC are perpendicular, then ∆ABC is a right triangle.
B. If two sides of ∆ABC are not perpendicular, then it is not a right triangle.
C. If ∆ABC is not a right triangle, then it has no right angle.
D. If ∆ABC is not a right triangle, then its two sides are not perpendicular.

9. What is the contrapositive of the given statement in # 8?

A. If two sides of ∆ABC are perpendicular, then ∆ABC is a right triangle.
B. If two sides of ∆ABC are not perpendicular, then it is not a right triangle.
C. If ∆ABC is not a right triangle, then it has no right angle.
D. If ∆ABC is not a right triangle, then its two sides are not perpendicular

10. What is the inverse of the contrapositive of the given statement 𝑝 → 𝑞?

A. 𝑝 → 𝑞 B. −𝑝 → −𝑞 C. 𝑞 → 𝑝 D.−𝑞 → −𝑝

Statements are sentences that are either true or false but not both. The
sentences, “The sun rises in the west.” and 2 + 5 = 7 are examples of
statements because both sentences can be classified as true or false. Whereas,
the sentence “ It is a beautiful day,” is not a statement because we cannot say
it is true or false until we agree on what we mean by “beautiful day” Likewise with
the sentence,

8 +x = 10 because we do not know the value of x. However, the sentence

“8 + x = 10 for some real number x.” is a statement.


A. Determine whether each of the following sentences is statement or not. Write
S if statement and NS if not.
1. There is a Lego Land in Manila.
2. Stop wearing facemask.
3. x ² - y² = y²- x²
4. The number 3 .14 is a whole number.
5. Two points determine a line.

B. A statement maybe simple or compound. Simple statements convey only one

idea. It can be represented by small letters like p, q , r and s.

Examples are
p: The sun rises in the east.
q: 2 + 5 =7,

r: 25 + x = 10 for some real number x

s: COVID 19 is a virus.

Compound statements have two or more ideas. They can be formed in two
ways; first by negation and secondly, by using connectives. The negation of a
statement is a statement whose truth value is the opposite of the given statement.
Thus, the negation of a true statement is a false statement and the negation of a false
statement is a true statement.

Given Statements Negation of the given statements

p: The sun rises in the east. ~ 𝒑 : The sun sets in the east.

q: 2 + 5 =7. ~ 𝒒 : 2 + 5 ≠7

r: 11 is an even number. ~ 𝒓: 11 is not an even number.

s: COVID 19 is a virus. ~ 𝒔: COVID 19 is not a virus


C. Write the negation of each of the following statements.

1. Corona virus causes pandemic.

2. Diagonals bisects each other.
3. ∠A is not congruent to ∠B.
4. Two distinct points are always collinear.
5. Strict health protocols is implemented.

D. The compound statements that can be formed using connectives are the

1. Conjunction is formed when two simple statements are joined by the word
“and” The symbol “Λ” is used to represent the word “and”. (p Λ q)

2. Disjunction is formed when two simple statements are joined by the word
“or” The symbol “V” is used to represent the word “or”. (p V q)

3. Implication is a conditional statement in If - then form. The implication “ If p,

then q” in symbols, (𝐩 → 𝐪) is also read as “p implies q” and “p is sufficient
for q.” and “q is necessary for p”.

E. Write each of the following declarative statements in If - then form.

1. Diligent students can pass mathematics.
2. All right angles are equal.
3. Every prime number is odd.
4. All rhombuses have equal sides.
5. Circles with equal radii are congruent.


Lesson: The Derived Conditional Statements: Converse, Inverse
and Contrapositive

ACTIVITY 1: What if…What if Not?

Read the text below. Analyze each of the statement that follows.

¹The COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines is a part of the worldwide

pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The first case in
the Philippines was identified on January 30, 2020 and involved a 38-year-old Chinese
woman who was confined at San Lazaro Hospital in Metro Manila.[b] On February 1, a
posthumous test result from a 44-year-old Chinese man turned out positive for the
virus, making the Philippines the first country outside China to record a confirmed
death from the disease.
²The man, whose name was not released, was a resident of Wuhan, China, the center
of the outbreak. He died on Saturday( February 1, 2020) after developing what officials
called “severe pneumonia.”
“This is the first known death of someone with 2019-nCoV outside of China,” the World
Health Organization’s office in the Philippines said in a statement, using the technical
shorthand for the corona virus.

Statements from the paragraph are:

1. The first case of COVID 19 in the Philippines identified was identified
January 30, 2020.
2. The first case of COVID 19 in the Philippines involved a 38- year old Chinese
3. A 44-year-old man in the Philippines has died of the coronavirus, the first
known fatality outside China.


4. The man, whose name was not released, was a resident of Wuhan, China,
the center of the outbreak
5. Philippine health officials said the man had arrived in the country on Jan. 21
with a 38-year-old woman.

Consider the five statements from the text. Based on the information given on
the text, draw out five questions which start with “ What if”
1. What if the travel ban to enter the entire Philippines was imposed earlier
than January 21, 2020?
2. What if you could travel back in time? What is the first thing that you would
do to prevent the COVID -19 pandemic?

Every statement to be proved in Geometry is a conditional statement. Each

conditional statement can be written in declarative form of sentence or in compound
sentence, If - then form. The two parts of a conditional statement are the hypothesis
and the conclusion. The hypothesis is the given condition in the conditional
statement and the conclusion is the part that needs to be proved. Identifying the
hypothesis and conclusion in a statement is important in proving theorems.

How to identify the hypothesis and conclusion of conditional statement?

• In declarative form, the complete subject is the hypothesis and the complete
predicate is the conclusion
• In an implication or If - then form. The “if- clause” is the hypothesis and the
“then – clause “is the conclusion.

A new conditional statement can be derived when the hypothesis and conclusion of a
conditional statement are interchanged and/or negated. These derived conditionals
are known as the converse, inverse and contrapositive statements. Derivation of
conditionals is easier when we use the symbols for each statement.


The Derived Conditional Statements

Conditional is the Converse is Inverse is derived Contrapositive is

given implication. derived when the when the derived when the
hypothesis and hypothesis and hypothesis and
conclusion in an the conclusion in conclusion in an
implication is an implication are implication is
interchanged. negated. interchanged and
𝑝 →𝑞 𝑞 →𝑝 −𝑝 → −𝑞 .−𝑞 → −𝑝

Illustrative example

1. Let p denotes: It is raining,

q denotes It is colder

Given Conditional statement ( 𝑝 → 𝑞 ) If it is raining, then it is colder.

Converse ( 𝑞 → 𝑝) If it is colder, then it is raining.

Inverse −𝑝 → −𝑞 If it is not raining, then it is not colder.

Contra positive .−𝑞 → −𝑝 If it not colder, then it is not raining.

Rewrite each of the following statements in if – then form and derive the
converse, inverse, and contrapositive of each.
1. Linear pair of angles are supplementary.

2. Skew lines are not coplanar.

3. The sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle is 180º.

4. Corruption in the government leads the nation into poverty.

5 .Nuclear power as a source of electricity is a potential answer to the

Philippines’ problems of precarious supply and high cost of electricity.



Complete the description of each derived conditional statements in the table.

Conditional is the Converse is Inverse is derived Contrapositive is

given implication. derived when the when the derived when the
hypothesis and hypothesis and hypothesis and
conclusion in an the conclusion in conclusion in an
implication is an implication are implication is
____________. ____________. __________and
𝑝 →𝑞 𝑞 →𝑝 −𝑝 → −𝑞 .−𝑞 → −𝑝

Goal: To help your classmates and yourself to come up with a decision to

enroll in online learning or in modular mode of learning?

Role: Advocate of continuing education despite of pandemic.

Audience: classmates, parents
Situation: Classes in the “new normal” will use blended learning system
where the students will have to choose to enroll in online classes
or in modular mode of learning
Product /Performance:
Construct a table of advantages and disadvantages of online class and modular mode
in a short bond paper. Solicit suggestions/ advises of advantages and disadvantages
from your classmates, parents or former teachers and list down on the table. Discuss
the list with your classmates and parents then come up with your final decision.

Note: The suggestions and advises must be written in If-then form with the derived
converse, inverse and contrapositive of each advantages and disadvantages. Have a
list of at least 3 suggestions or advices.


Success Standard:
A decision which is suitable in your living standard, practical, safe, and will maximize
your time and effort in studying your lesson.
If you choose to If you need to go to If you choose not to If you don’t need to go
study using the school to claim and study using the to school to claim and
internet platforms, submit the internet platforms, submit the self –
then you don’t need self – learning then you need to go learning modules, then
to go to school to modules, then you to school to claim you choose to study
claim and submit choose not to study and submit self- using the internet
self- learning using the internet learning modules platforms
modules platforms


4 3 2 1
The list of The list of The list of The list of
suggestions and suggestions and suggestions suggestions
advises is advises is and advises is and advises is
complete, written complete, written complete, incomplete,
in if-then form in if-then form written in if-then and not written
with the derived with the derived form but without in if-then form
conditionals and conditionals the derived and without the
with correct conditionals derived
grammar conditionals
The decision is The decision is The decision is The decision is
suitable in the suitable in the suitable in the not suitable in
student’s living student’s living student’s living the student’s
standard, standard, not standard, not living standard,
practical, safe, practical, but practical, not practical,
of the final and will maximize safe, and will but safe, but safe,
decision time and effort in maximize time
studying the and effort in
lesson studying the
Submitted ahead Submitted on Submitted a Submitted
of time time day after the beyond 1 day
deadline after the



Read each item carefully. Then choose the letter that corresponds to the correct
1. . Which of the following statements derived −𝑞 → −𝑝 from 𝑝 → 𝑞 ?
A. conditional B. converse C. inverse D. contrapositive

2. What is the converse of the inverse of the given statement 𝑝 → 𝑞?

A. 𝑝 → 𝑞 B. −𝑝 → −𝑞 C. 𝑞 → 𝑝 D.−𝑞 → −𝑝

3.What is the inverse of the statement “ If a polygon is a quadrilateral, then it has

four sides”?
A. If a polygon has four sides, then it is a quadrilateral.
B. If a polygon is not a quadrilateral, then the number of its sides is not four.
C. If the number of sides of a polygon is not four, then it is not a quadrilateral
D. If a quadrilateral is not a polygon, then it is not a closed plane figure.

4. What is the converse of the statement “ If a polygon is a quadrilateral, then it

has four sides”?
A. If a polygon has four sides, then it is a quadrilateral.
B. If a polygon is not a quadrilateral, then the number of its sides is not four.
C. If the number of sides of a polygon is not four, then it is not a quadrilateral
D. If a quadrilateral is not a polygon, then it is not a closed plane figure.

5. What is the symbolic representation of the inverse of the contrapositive of a

conditional statement ?
A. 𝑝 → 𝑞 B. −𝑝 → −𝑞 C. 𝑞 → 𝑝 D.−𝑞 → −𝑝



Fill-in the appropriate conclusion for each item and write its converse, inverse,
and contrapositive statements

1. If I will not clean my room, then __________ .

2. If I will study my lessons, then __________ .

3. If I will not come on time, then __________ .

4. If I will ask permission, then __________ .

5. If I cannot fall asleep, then __________ .


1. Which of the following statements derived −𝑝 → −𝑞 from 𝑝 → 𝑞 ?

A. conditional B. converse C. inverse D. contrapositive

2. What is the symbolic representation of the contrapositive of a conditional

statement ?
A. 𝑝 → 𝑞 B. −𝑝 → −𝑞 C. 𝑞 → 𝑝 D.−𝑞 → −𝑝

3.What is the inverse of the statement “ If a polygon is a triangle, then it has

three sides”?
A. If a polygon has three sides, then it is a triangle.
B. If a polygon is not a triangle, then the number of its sides is not three.
C. If the number of sides of a polygon is not three, then it is not a triangle
D. If a triangle is not a polygon, then it is not a closed plane figure.



4. What is the converse of the statement “ If a polygon is a triangle, then it has
three sides”?
A. If a polygon has three sides, then it is a triangle.
B. If a polygon is not a triangle, then the number of its sides is not three.
C. If the number of sides of a polygon is not three, then it is not a triangle
D. If a triangle is not a polygon, then it is not a closed plane figure.

5. What is the converse of the statement “If a number is divisible by 9, then the
sum of its digits is divisible by 9.”?
A. If the number is not divisible by 9, then the sum of its digits is not divisible by 9
B. If the sum of the digits of a number is divisible by 9, then it is divisible by 9.
C. If the number is divisible by 9, then the sum of its digits is not divisible by 9
D. If the sum of the digits of a number is not divisible by 9, then it is not divisible
by 9.

6. What is the inverse of the statement, “If x is greater than zero, then x is
A. If x is less than zero, then x is not positive.
B. If x is positive, then x is greater than zero.
C. If x is negative , then x is less than zero.
D. If x is not positive, then x is zero.

7. What is the contrapositive of the given statement in #5?

A. If x is less than zero, then x is not positive.
B. If x is positive, then x is greater than zero.
C. If x is negative , then x is less than zero.
D. If x is not positive, then x is zero.



8. What is the converse of the statement “ If ∆ABC is a right triangle, then its
two sides are perpendicular.

A. If two sides of ∆ABC are perpendicular, then ∆ABC is a right triangle.

B. If two sides of ∆ABC are not perpendicular, then it is not a right triangle.
C. If ∆ABC is not a right triangle, then it has no right angle.
D. If ∆ABC is not a right triangle, then its two sides are not perpendicular.

9. What is the negation of the inverse of the given statement in # 7?

A. If two sides of ∆ABC are perpendicular, then ∆ABC is a right triangle.
B. If two sides of ∆ABC are not perpendicular, then it is not a right triangle.
C. If ∆ABC is not a right triangle, then it has no right angle.
D. If ∆ABC is a right triangle, then its two sides are perpendicular

10. What is the contrapositive of the inverse of the given statement 𝑝 → 𝑞?

A. 𝑝 → 𝑞 B. −𝑝 → −𝑞 C. 𝑞 → 𝑝 D.−𝑞 → −𝑝


1. XP Geometry by Jose A Marasigan, PhD.

2. Geometry by Antonio C Coronel, M.S.E.E. and Sr. Iluminada C. Coronel,



Answer Key



Development Team of the Module

Writers: Violentina J. Asuncion (PHS)

Stephanie Angelica A. Mamangon (MHHS)

Editors: Bielynda O. Daelo (JDPNHS)

Analyn C. Santos (MSHS)
Violentina J. Asuncion (PHS)

Internal Reviewer: Dominador J. Villafria (Education Program Supervisor-Mathematics)

External Reviewer: PNU Validators
Cover Illustrator & Layout Artist: Joel J. Estudillo (SNNHS)

Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Dominador J. Villafria
Education Program Supervisor-Mathematics

Ivy Coney A. Gamatero

Education Program Supervisor– LRMS

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

Email Address: [email protected]

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989

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