Revision Final Set 3

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1. (a) Express
x4-2x3-5x-16 in partial fractions. [5 marks]

(b) Let and Q(x)=x 2-4. When P(x) is

divided by Q(x), the remainderis 14x+52. Use the remaindertheoremto
find the values of m and n. [5 marks]
(c) Given that and

Find (g of) and hence state its domain and range. [4 marks]

ii. Verify that (g of) I = f -1og 1 [6 marks]

(d) The positionvectors of points P and Q relativeto the origin O are p and
q respectivelyand pl =lql. Show that the vector (P+q) is perpendicular
to the line PQ. [5 marks]

2. (a) It is given that the complex number X+Yi and its conjugate Z satisfy
the equation,ü+2iz= 12+6i.
i. Find the possible values of z [6 marks]
ii. State the quadrants and express the arguments of z in n.
[4 marks]
(b) Let f (x) -4xl and g(x)=x 2+4. Sketchthegraphs of f(x) and g (x).
Then, determinethe values of x such that f (x) > g(x). [5 marks]

(c) Let thevectors p=2i-j+k, q=i+j+k and r=2i-j.

Find a vector orthogonal to both p and q. [3 marks]
ii. Calculate (p x q) •r. [2 marks]

(d) Given that 2 = 5-1. Evaluate the determinantof A.

[5 marks]
3. (a) Using mathematical induction, prove that Er = for any integer n,
Hence, find the sum of the first 20 terms. [9 marks]

(b) Given that g (x) =

Sketch the graph of g(x). Hence, determine its domain and

range. [6 marks]
ii. A function g (x) is onto if for every element in the codomain, there
exists an element in domain which maps to it. Determine whether
g (x) is onto. Give a reason. [2 marks]

By algebraic approach, show that g (x) is a one to one function.

[3 marks]
(c) Let Ll and La be the lines with equations and
L2 :-2i+4j+k+A2 (-3i+3j+k). Find the relation of Al and A2. Then,
explain the relationof L, and G. [5 marks]

4. (a) A functionf is definedby x Find the value of a if

[3 marks]

(b) Show that A = is a zero of polynomialf (A)= A2-5A+/. Hence
-5 3
find A -I andA 3. [7 marks]
2 tan—
(c) Prove that tan x = 2 By using t = tan—, solve the equation
I- tan 2—
9 cos x = 3-7 sin x for angle between 00 and 360 [10 marks]
(d) Find the term independent of x in the expansion of 2xS _
[5 marks]
5. (a) The first and second terms of a geometric series are 6 and -4,
respectively. Write down an expression for the sum of the first n terms and
deduce the sum to infinity. [5 marks]
(b) Given that M = -1 1 -1 , find W I by using elementary row operations.

[5 marks]
(c) Given the two planes, and "2 and a line,

Find the acute angle between planes and [5 marks]

ii. Find the Cartesian equation of the plane which is orthogonal to
the straight line L and passes throughthe point (1,2,-3).
[3 marks]
Determine whether the two planes m1 and "2 are perpendicular.
[2 marks]

(d) Let the parametric equations

x=2cos6+1 and y=3sine+2.
Show that the above parametricequations represent an ellipse.
[3 marks]
ii. Find the foci of the ellipse. [2 marks]


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