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Construction Planning and scheduling (for BSc COTM program)

Chair of Construction Management
Construction planning and Scheduling (CoTM 3402)
Delivered by: Teklebrhan Kidanu and Lina N. (February 2020)
Chapter one

Contents of the lecture

 What is planning?
 Characteristics of planning
 Plan development Process in General
 Types of planning
 Construction Plan of Construction Project
– Time planning process
– Work scheduling process
– Resource planning process
 Project control process
 Importance of planning, scheduling and controlling projects
1. General Planning concepts

1.1 What is planning?

There are many definitions of Planning. To mention a few:

• A plan is ‘a formulated and especially detailed method by which a thing is to be done’ (Oxford,
• Planning is a process of deciding what to do and how to do today, for the future to achieve
specified objectives.
• Planning is ‘the determination and communication of an intended course of action incorporating
detailed methods showing time, place and the resources required’ (CIOB, 2011).
• Planning aims at formulation of a time-based plan of action for coordinating various activities
and resources to achieve specified objectives.
• This definition indicates the importance of working towards an objective and identifying how
that objective will be achieved. Within a construction context the objective may be simply
stated as the successful completion of the design and construction of the building or
• Planning is ‘a decision making process performed in advance of action which endeavours to
design a desired future and effective ways of bringing it about’ (Ackoff, 1970).
• Planning is ‘the production of budgets, schedules, and other detailed specifications of the steps
to be followed and the constraints to be obeyed in project execution’ (Ballard and Howell,
1998b; Ballard, 2000).

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Construction Planning and scheduling (for BSc COTM program)

• It is easy to think of planning as the production of a time schedule but this is only one aspect of
successful project planning. Therefore, planning for a project must include time, cost, quality,
health and safety and other aspects such as design and production. In addition to this, planning
includes communication plan, procurement, manpower, equipment etc.
• Planning is more than an aid to the successful completion of the project; it is an essential part of
the project. Whatever definition is chosen it is clear that a number of factors emerge in
planning. As a result:
 Planning precedes execution. (You plan before you commence work.)
 Planning is a process and it is important to complete all the stages in the process.
 Planning is a process of deciding what to do and how to do today for the future.
 Planning is a creative and demanding mental activity.
 To plan you need to make decisions.
 The objective of planning is to ensure that things happen successfully.
 The output of planning comprises schedules and budgets and information for others to
 Having set in place plans it is necessary to monitor progress and, in the event of the
unexpected or failing to achieve expected performance, re-plan.
• Planning involves the breakdown of the project into definable, measurable, and identifiable
tasks/activities and then establishes the logical interdependences among them. Generally,
planning answers three main questions:
 What is to be done?
 How to do it?
 Who does it?
who plans?
Everyone should plan the work for which they are responsible. All those responsible for the
management of construction work, client, designer, contractor and subcontractors, need to plan. Each
party within a project will be working to a different schedule that reflects their own requirements.
Planning takes place within different parts of the organisation and at all levels within the organisation.
Within the client, designer or contractor’s organisation there is the likelihood that different programmes
for the same project will exist. Within the contractor’s organisation the estimator, project manager, site
agent, site engineer and subcontractor/gang leader will have different plans. What is important is that
all parties and all within the organisation are working to integrated plans that contribute to the overall
objectives of the project master plan.

Forecasting VS Planning:

 Forecasting: predicting what the future will look like.

 Planning: Predicts what the future should look like

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1.2 Characteristics of planning:

1. Planning is the primary management function that provides direction and a common sense of
purpose for the organization. Planning and controlling are the twins of management. Planning
establishes the foundations for the control function b/c it specifies what is to be accomplished and
provides a standard for measuring progress.

2. Planning is a continuous process: Planning deals with the future and the future is by its nature
uncertain. The future events may not be exactly as predicted. This aspect of planning makes it a
continuous process. Revision of plans is needed to be made in response to changes in internal as
well as external environment of the enterprise.

3. Planning concerns all managers: Every manager is expected to set his goals and operating plans
with in the frame work of the goals and plans of his superiors. Etc.

1.3 The planning process in General:

A. Understanding the existing situation: Analyze the economic, political, social situations & other
environmental situations. (External factors)
B. Forecasting: what the future look like
C. Establishing objectives: objectives specify the expected results & indicate the end points of what is
to be done
D. Determining alternative courses of action
E. Evaluating alternative courses of action: Examing strong & weak points and weighing in light of
premises & goals.
F. Selecting a course of action: evaluation of alternative may show two or more actions are advisable
and the manager may decide to follow several courses rather than the one best course.
G. Formulating derivative plans: Derivative plans are almost invariably required to support the basic
H. Numbering plans by budgeting
I. Implementing the plan: The manager must decide; who will do what? By what date will the tasks
be initiated and completed? What resource (both human & material) will be available for the
process? What reporting procedures are to be used? What type and degree of authority will be
granted to achieve these ends?
J. Controlling and evaluating the results:

Planning versus Scheduling

Planning is the process of developing the project plan. The planning process develops the project
management plan and the project documents that will be used to carry out the project. The plan
outlines how the project is to be directed to achieve the assigned goals. It specifies a predetermined and
committed future course of action, based on discussions and decisions made on the current knowledge
and estimation of future trends.

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Scheduling means putting the plan on a calendar time scale. Scheduling is the determination of the
timing of the activities comprising the project to enable managers to execute the project in a timely
manner. During execution stage, monitoring brings out the progress made against the scheduled base
line. Control deals with formulation and implementation of corrective actions necessary for achieving
project objectives.

Scheduling involves answering new questions and making new decisions such as:
 When will the work be carried out?
 How long will it take?
 What level of resources will be required?

Scheduling is concerned with sequencing and timing. Sequencing and timing leads to considerations of
time and cost. As more information becomes available and the project progresses, there will inevitably
be a need to revise and amend such forecasts. Planning and scheduling is therefore an iterative process.
The schedule must be sufficiently accurate to enable its use for forecasting material, manpower,
machines and money requirements. It must show an efficient work method based on an optimal cost,
bearing in mind the availability of the resources (Pilcher, 1992). Planning should precede scheduling.

Construction schedules are considered acceptable in court when arguments occur over project
completion or delivery dates or in the formal coordination of project participants.

Schedules establish the start, duration and completion dates of a project or a task so let people &
organizations know in advance when to expect a certain action to take place. The start and completion
date of a particular job is essential information because it allows contractors and suppliers to determine
whether or not the job can be accomplished in the context of their other works.

In the construction phase of project development, planning and controlling are in separable. During
project implementation, the plan-do-monitor-communicate re-plan (when necessary) is a continuous

During project operations, it is essential that actual performance be compared with planned
performance in all of these areas and action taken to remedy any indicated deficiencies which is termed
monitoring and control. Where;
– Monitoring refers to methods for comparing actual with planned performance &
– Control denotes the actions taken to attempt to bring deficient aspects of the project into
conformance. It deals with formulation and implementation of corrective actions necessary for
achieving project objectives.
In this context, the term planning broadly includes the plan-making, scheduling and controlling

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(Please visit project management process, relation and interaction of the process groups for better
understanding concerning planning) [See guide 5th edition, 2017 and pmbok construction extension,

Planning follows a systematic approach. Various planning techniques are employed to systematize and
transform the mental thought process into a concrete project plan.

1.4 Types of Plans

Bases of Types of Includes

classification plans
Repetitiveness i) Standing Purposes (missions): basic function or task
plans: can be
used again and Objectives or goals: the ends toward which activity is aimed
again Policies: guide thinking in decision making

Strategies: Choice of ways & means to achieve the established

Procedures: sequence of activities.
• Are guides to action rather than to thinking
• More required by low level management

Methods: more detailed and concerned with a single operation

(with one particular step). Tells how this particular step is to be

Rules: managerial decision that certain actions must or must not

be taken. E.g. no smoking
ii) Single use Programs: complex of goals, policies, procedures, rules, task
plans assignments, resources to be employed etc. necessary to carry
out a given course of action. Supported by budget

Budgets: expected results expressed in numerical terms

Project: a part of a general program

Time dimension i) Long range Longer time horizon 5 to 10years

ii) Short range Not prepared separately but they are complementary of long
planning range plans. 1 year or sometime 2 years
iii) It is in b/n
range planning

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Scope/ breadth i) Strategic • Done by taking into account environmental treats

dimension planning and weaknesses.
• Mostly long range in its time frame
• Performed by top level management
• Expressed in relatively general nonspecific terms
• Provides general direction to the organization
• E.g. what business are we in? What business should
we be in? Where will we be 10 years if we continue
doing what we are now doing?

ii) Tactical • Developing actions through which strategies are

planning executed. Prepared by departmental managers
• e.g. Developing annual budget for each department,
division, project
• Deciding on course of action for improving current

iii) Operational • Most specific and detailed

planning • Concerned with day to day activity & week to week
activities of the organization
• Mostly short range plan
• E.g. Production schedule, sales plans, lesson plans

Types of project plans Based on phases of construction Project

Planning the entire project from its inception to completion requires a vast coverage, varied skills, and
different types of plans. The nature of plan encountered in a typical construction projects are;

Project plan

Inception stage Engineering stage Implementation stage

Project feasibility Project preliminary Project
plan plan construction Plan

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1.4.1 Project feasibility plan:

Planning by the client begins as soon as he gets the idea about developing the facility to fulfill certain
motives. His early thought process conceptualizes the cost, time and benefit implications of the project.
Only when he is convinced about the soundness of his idea does, he decides to go ahead with the
feasibility studies.

The feasibility study team examines the needs of the client and ways to fulfill them. It defines the
overall scope of work, and assesses the time and costs of accomplishing the project. This outline plan,
developed by the feasibility team during inception stage, forms the basis for identifying projects
objectives and developing the project plan.

1.4.2 Project preliminary plan:

Acceptance of the feasibility studies marks the commencement of the preliminary plan-making
process. Its main aim is to provide direction to the client mangers and staff employed during the
development phase of the project. The project preliminary plan forms the basis for developing the
project construction plan. The preliminary plan includes;

 A project time schedule and skeleton network to highlight the work dependencies, project
milestones and the expected project completion time
 The project design and drawings preparation schedule
 A breakdown of project work into contracts, along with a schedule of contracting activities,
including the tender preparation period, tender finalization period, and the contracted works
commencement and completion dates.
 A resource preliminary forecast indicating the phased requirements of men, important
materials, plant and machinery.
 Resource procurement system
 Project organization and staffing pattern
 Preliminary forecast of funds requirement

1.5.3 Project construction plan:

The construction planning process is stimulated through the study of documents. These documents
include-but not limited to;
 The available technical and commercial studies and investigations
 Designs and drawings
 Estimate of quantities
 Construction method statements
 Project planning data
 Contract documents
 Site conditions
 Working regulations

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 Market survey
 Local resource
 Project environment and,
 The client’s organization

The planning process takes into account the strengths and weakness of the organization as well as the
anticipated opportunities and risks.
Process involved in construction project construction planning can broadly be divided into;

In similar sense, the major Construction project construction plan are elaborated further;

 Time plan: it depicts the schedule of project activities for completion of the project within
the specified time.

 Resource plan: it forecasts the required input resources of men, Machinery and money for
achieving the project completion time target and cost objective.

 Plan for controlling project: it encompasses the design of control system, monitoring system,
codification system and the computerized information system.

In addition to the above mentioned plans, the construction planning includes construction safety plan,
quality plan, resource procurement plan, communication plan etc. In general, the project management
team integrate the subsidiary plans from all Knowledge Areas that fit the project environment, level of
detail, and implementation thoroughness required. The iterative nature of this effort and the
transformation of the project information by each of the project entities establish the structured
approach for project delivery.

The construction projects plan development process; time planning, resource planning and project
control system planning and others are interdependent and not mutually exclusive.

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Construction Planning and scheduling (for BSc COTM program)

Construction Project Planning Process:

Planning data collection Where to look for data? Studying the relevant documents
Planning time What is to be done? Define scope of the work
What are the activities involved? Breakdown project into activities
How it can be done? Developing network plans
When it is to be done? Scheduling work
Where it is to be done? Charting site layout

Planning resource What is needed to do it? Forecasting resource requirement

Planning the 4M’S
Who is to do it? Designing organizational structure
Allocate tasks and resource
Establishing responsibility centers
Planning implementation How to account performance? Designing control systems
How to monitor performance? Formulating monitoring methodology

How to communicate information? Developing project management

information system(PMIS)

Construction Project Planning Techniques:

Stages Planning process Techniques/methods

Planning time Breaking down project work Work breakdown

Developing time network plan Network Analysis, BC&LOB

Scheduling Time limited scheduling

Resource limited scheduling
Planning resources Forecasting resource requirement Forecasting
Planning manpower requirement Manpower scheduling
Planning materials requirement Materials scheduling
Planning equipment procurement Equipment selection and
Budgeting costs Cost planning and budgeting
Designing organizational structure Organization design
Allocating tasks and resources Resource allocation
Planning Formulating monitoring methodology Resource productivity control
implementation Time control
Contribution control
Budgetary control

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1.5 Time planning process:

A plan prepared well before the commencement of construction in a project, can be instrumental in
formulating directions, coordinating functions, setting targets, forecasting resources, budgeting costs,
controlling performance and motivating people. However, the absence of a project time plan almost
makes certain that a project cannot be completed on schedule without incurring extra costs. (Benefit of

The project management body of knowledge 4th edition, 2008, states that time management includes 6
time management process:

– Define activities: the process of identifying the specific actions to be performed to produce the
project deliverables. The create WBS process identifies the deliverables at the lowest level in the
WBS, the work package. Project work packages are decomposed into activities that represent the
work necessary to complete the work package. Activities provide a basis for estimating, scheduling,
executing and monitoring and controlling the project work.
– Sequencing activities: the process of identifying and documenting relationships among the project
activities or it is determining the job logic. Predecessors successor.
– Estimate activity resources: the process of estimating the type and quantities of material, people,
equipment, or supplies required to perform each activity
– Estimating activity durations: the process of approximating the number of work periods needed to
complete individual activities with estimated resources
– Develop schedule: the process of analyzing activity sequences, durations, resource requirements
and schedule constraints to create the project schedule.
– Control schedule: the process of monitoring the status of the project to the project progress and
managing changes to the schedule baseline

Except the process ‘Control schedule’ the remaining 5 above mentioned process are part of time
planning. Remember that time management is broader in scope than time planning. Control schedule
is not part of time planning but planning how to control schedule is part of planning time. You have to
also understand that control schedule and time planning are twins of management because time
planning lays foundation and Control schedule measures the performance against the original time
based plan (schedule).

The time planning process involves the following three stages;

(a) Project work breakdown this means breaking down the scope of project work into its
constitute sub-projects, tasks, work packages and activities.

(b) Modeling and analyzing networks this include developing logic diagrams or sub-networks;
integrating these to develop a time-planning model (Usually a network), and; analyzing this
model to determine the project completion time.

(c) Scheduling work programme this involves putting the time plan on a calendar basis, and using
the scheduled programme to forecast inputs and out puts.
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Work scheduling process:

Scheduling means putting the plan on calendar basis. A project network shows the sequence and
interferences of activities, their time durations and earliest and latest completion time, but this needs to
be scheduled to determine commence and termination dates of each activity, using optimum resources
or working within resource constraints. A time schedule outlines the project work programme, it is a
time table of work.

Scheduling procedure:

 The scheduling methodology varies with the planning techniques and the nature of the task to
be performed. Each Scheduling Techniques has its own merits and demerits. But ultimately
scheduling is best presented in the bar chart form for ease of comprehension and
communication. These bar charts are supplemented with appropriate planning technique for
monitoring the progress of the projects.

Commonly used time planning techniques in construction project management

SI.N Nature of the project Planning Scheduling Monitoring Displaying


1 Simple project/sub project

(a)Non-repetitive work
(b)Repetitive work Bar Chart Bar Chart Bar Chart Bar Chart


2 Complex sub-projects
CPM Time scale Bar Chart
PERT Network CPM
>> >>
3 Complex Projects
(a)Non-repetitive W. PNA Bar Chart PNA Bar Chart
(b)Repetitive work PNA LOB LOB Bar Chart/LOB
(c)Probabilistic PERT Time Scale network PERT Bar Chart

CPM-Critical Path
PERT-Programme Evaluation and Review Techniques BC-Bar Chart
PNA- Precedence Network Analysis TSN-Time Scale Network/Logic Bar Chart
LOB-Line of Balance

The scheduling procedures, depending upon type of project and can be broadly divided into two
1. Scheduling non-repetitive network based projects
2. Scheduling repetitive projects using line of balance techniques

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1. Procedure for Scheduling non-repetitive network based projects

 Outline scheduling constraints
 Design scheduling calendar
 List activities in order of sensitivity
 Draw earliest start time schedule
 Determine resource optimization criteria
 Schedule critical activities
 Schedule non-critical activities
 validate time objectives
 Schedule other resource
 Schedule within resource constraints
2. Procedure for Scheduling repetitive projects using line of balance techniques
 Outline schedule constraints
 Tabulate scheduling data of a unit work cycle
 Prepare a logic diagram of a unit work cycle
 chart scheduling calendar
 Prepare earliest start time schedule
 Analyze earliest start time schedule
 Prepare optimum schedule leaving adequate buffer
 Draw Line-of-Balance work schedule

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1.6 Resource planning Process

Forecasting inputs and outputs

The inputs and output forecast includes the data-wise requirement of project manpower, major
materials, costly equipment, production costs, earned value of work done and the expected income. The
basis of forecasting is the schedule of work.

 Inputs and outputs forecast aids in conceptualization of project. It indicates the quantum of
resources required for executing a project and output expected. The pattern of input resource form the
base for evaluating such needs as workers’ accommodation, materials storage, equipment work-load
and project funding pattern.

a. Planning construction work force:

The project manpower planning primarily focuses on determining the size of the project work force,
its structuring into functional groups and workers’ teams, and scheduling the manpower
recruitment/induction to match the task requirements.

 This process chiefly involves identifying the trades or the skills required, establishing productivity
standards to determine the number of workers needed to perform a given job in the specified time,
data-wise forecasting of the workers’ requirements for accomplishing the project work, and , finally,
organizing the planned workforce into operating work-teams having assigned programmed tasks.

b. Planning construction materials

the construction materials planning involves identifying the materials required, estimating quantities,
defining specifications, forecasting requirements, locating sources for procurement, getting material
samples approved, designing materials inventory, and developing the procurement plan to ensure a
smooth flow of materials till the connected construction works are completed at the project site.

c. Planning construction equipments

 Equipment planning for a project aims at identifying the construction tasks to be undertaken by
mechanical equipment, assessing the equipment required, exploring the equipment procurement
options and, finally, participating in the decision-making for selecting the equipment

d. Planning construction standard costs & planning construction Budgets:

The construction cost plan uses standard cost concept for costing work-packages, work items or
activities. The standard cost technique finds wide applications in estimating, forecasting, budgeting,
accounting and controlling costs.

Standard Costing and variance analysis is the method or the tool where the standard costs are pre-
determined and afterward compared with the recorded actual costs. It may also be defined as a

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technique of cost accounting which compares the standard cost of each product or service with the real
cost in order to determine the efficiency of the operation, so that any remedial action may be taken
immediately. It is a programmed cost which determines and calculates what each product or service
should cost under given circumstances. The standard costing involves:
o Setting of standards
o Ascertaining actual results
o Comparing standards and actual costs to determine the variances
o Investigating the variances and taking appropriate action where necessary.

1.7 Planning How to Control and Project Controlling Process

Even if the controlling process appears after performance (execution process), planning how to control
and identifying which standards or controlling tools to use is part of planning.

Controlling involves organizing the control responsibility centers, designing accounting and monitoring
methodology, codifying data and developing the information system so as to make-decisions speedily. It
also includes identifying the problem areas, making risk-taking decision to tackle the problem,
organizing and directing resources needed to carry out these decisions, and measuring the results of
these decisions against targeted expectations through organized and systematic feedback.

An efficient control system improves productivity of men and materials, economizes employment of
resources, enables understanding of time and cost behaviors, provides yard-stick for measuring
performance, generates information for updating resource planning and costing norms, prevents
pilferage and frauds and assists in formulating bonus or incentives scheme for motivating people.

Project controlling Methodology

The project control follows the system concept. Each organizational unit in a project, usually referred
to as the responsibility center, can be viewed as a sub-systems are highly interdependent and
interactive. The performance objective of a sub-system is stated in terms of the parameters to the
controlled. These parameters include the time progress targets, resource productivity standards and the
work-package standard costs and sales target. Each sub-system accounts for its performance and
reports its actual performance to the monitor. And it is these reports that serve as early warning signals
of resulting dangers.

a. Planning Controlling of Resource Productivity

Productivity control aims at ensuring efficient utilization of inputs of men, materials and equipments
by identifying cases of their wastage as well as affecting improvement to minimize it. The case of
wastage is located by analyzing variances and efficiency of planned and on-site actual productivity;

Productivity performance variance=planned productivity-actual productivity

Productivity performance index=planned productivity/actual productivity

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The methodology used for controlling the parameters (Labor productivity, equipment productivity and
material productivity) can be divided into four stages;

Defining the control purpose, measuring the actual performance, computing the productivity
performance variance and identifying their causes for effective improvements

Hence, appropriate productivity standard of men, materials and equipments should be identified during
planning that can be used as a reference for controlling actual performance.

b. Controlling Costs

It involves the processing of reports received from various responsibility centers or operating
divisions, relating the costs incurred with the set standards, analyzing the reason for any variances and
presenting the results to the project management for decision-making and initiating remedial measures.

c. Controlling time

The project time control aims at timely execution of work as per the work programme and
applications of corrective measures in case of deviations.

The time controlling mechanism and tool should be planned during construction planning. EVA (earned
value analysis) or other controlling tools should be identified if we are in position to use the tool or
other methods should be identified panned where appropriate.

 The time control process involves the monitoring of time status by updating the project network and
time schedules, reviewing durations of balance activities, computing deviations and evaluating the
implication of deviations on project time objective by time-analyzing the project network. It includes
formulating remedial measures including what-if analysis, time crashing, re-planning, re-forecasting and
re-mobilizing resources under changed situations with a view to accomplish the time objective.

1.8 Importance of planning, Scheduling and controlling projects

Planning benefit

 Project plan clearly defines project scope of work. It breaks down project objectives into clear,
identifiable, quantifiable, attainable and verifiable goals which are assigned to individuals and
responsibility centers for accomplishment.

 Project plan aids the management in performing its functions efficiently and effectively.

 Project plan forms the basis of a project operations and directions and shows how the project is
to be run. It also specifies the committed future course of actions on the basis of current
decision made with available knowledge of future.

 Project plan identifies critical activities, thus enabling the managing of project by exception.

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 Project plan provides the yard-stick for measuring progress and evaluating resources

 Project plan is built in flexibility in the form of floats, to navigate changes in the planned path
for meeting fast changing environment.

 Project plan creates healthy environment. It promotes unity of purpose among functional
diversities to make people time and cost conscious. It commits individuals to asks and motivates
them to achieve challenging targets.

Schedule Benefits

 Schedule simplifying a project plan.

 Schedule validates time objective. Work schedule shows the planned sequence of activities,
 Enables to know in advance when a certain action takes place
 Schedule aid in optimization of resource employed.
 Schedule enables forecasting of input resources and earned value to indicate the pattern of
requirement and the financial state of the project in terms of investment, expenditure, output
and income.
 Schedule brings out implication of time and resource constraints.
Importance of planning, Scheduling and controlling projects

Control Benefit

Because planning and controlling are twins of management, understanding benefits of controlling like
that of benefits of planning is necessary.

 The control system aids the management at various levels to perform its functions efficiently
and effectively for achieving the overall project objectives.

 The benefits which can be derived at each level of management through an effective control
system are;

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Operational control at Supervisory Level:

In improves productivity by;

 Minimize unproductive man hours
 Preventing wastage of materials
 Economizing plant and machinery utilization
 Reducing activity execution time

Administrative control at managerial level: it assists in ensuring project organization efficiency and
effectiveness by;
Updating the work quantities status and determining the balance scope of work
Analyzing project time status and its implication on project time objectives
Evaluating production cost status and forecasting future trends.
Calculating income status and forecasting cash inflows
Computing budget status and forecasting cash inflows
 Computing budgets status and analyzing the implication of variance of future expenditure.

Directional control at general manager's/ project manager’s level:

It helps in formulating and directing polices for achievement of project objectives

 Analyzing project time cost behavior and making decisions on time saving when required
 Reviewing project costs and profitability, and making profitability improvement decisions
concerning wastage reductions through rigorous cost control, value engineering techniques,
cost benefits analysis, workers incentive schemes and alternate methods of construction which
cost less.

Strategic control at corporate level: It provides information concerning corporate goals and assistance
in formulating corporate strategies by;
Determining overall profitability
Budgeting and allocating funds and resources.
 Updating the company’s planning norms and unit rates for securing future works.

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Chapter two (Time planning)


According to PMbok 2017, project schedule management (project schedule management as per
previous versions) includes the processes required to manage the timely completion of the project. The
Project Schedule Management processes are:
 Plan Schedule Management—The process of establishing the policies, procedures, and
documentation for planning, developing, managing, executing, and controlling the project
 Define Activities—The process of identifying and documenting the specific actions to be
performed to produce the project deliverables.
 Sequence Activities—The process of identifying and documenting relationships among the
project activities.
 Estimate Activity Durations—The process of estimating the number of work periods needed to
complete individual activities with the estimated resources.
 Develop Schedule—The process of analyzing activity sequences, durations, resource
requirements, and schedule constraints to create the project schedule model for project
execution and monitoring and controlling.
 Control Schedule—The process of monitoring the status of the project to update the project
schedule and manage changes to the schedule baseline.

Above figure shows project schedule management overview (Pmbok, 2017)

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Similarly, the PMbok Construction extension 2016 and has put the following project schedule
management process:
 Define Activities
 sequence activities
 Estimate Activity Resources
 Estimate Activity Durations
 Activity Weightage Definition
 Develop Schedule
 Progress Curves Development and Update
 Project Schedule Management Monitoring and Control
One should note that the Pmbok CE, 2016, does not contradict the the Pmbok 2017 but the CE considers
the different nature of construction projects.

Furthermore, the above mentioned process are schedule management b/c it includes controlling.
However, the schedule planning includes all schedule management process except controlling.

Once again, students are expected to take into consideration the specific process considered to be
followed for construction project construction phase planning may only include Sequencing activities,
estimating activity resources, activity duration estimation and develop schedule. The basic reason
behind is that the process 'define activities', sometimes like in DBB delivery system, it is assumed to
have been already prepared during engineering stage plan and given in the form of BOQ.

Accordingly, the following steps may be used as a guideline, or checklist to develop a project time plan
(schedule plan):
1. Define Activities: Define the scope of work and Generate the work breakdown structure (WBS)
to produce a complete list of activities.
2. Develop the organization breakdown structure (OBS) and link it with work breakdown structure
to identify responsibilities.
3. Determine the relationship between activities.
4. Estimate activities time duration, cost expenditure, and resource requirement.
5. Develop the project network.

2.1. Time planning process

2.1.1. Project work Breakdown

A Work Breakdown Structure helps in organizing what needs to be done in small packages of activities.
WBS is a structured view that breaks the project deliverables into manageable work packages, and
defines what should be delivered to achieve the project objectives. Examples include work performance
activities that generate an activity list along with their activity attributes, and possibly, a milestone list.

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The WBS is a hierarchical system that represents the construction project in increasing levels of detail to
define, organize and display the project work in measurable and manageable components. The full
scope of work for the project is placed at the top of the diagram and then sub-divided smaller elements
of work at each lower level of the breakdown.

Effective use of the WBS will outline the scope of the project and the responsibility for each work
package. There is not necessarily a right or wrong structure because what may be an excellent fit for one
discipline may be an awkward burden for another. To visualize the WBS, consider Figure1.2 which
shows a house construction project.

As shown in Figure1.2, level 1 represents the full scope of work for the house. In level 2, the project is
sub-divided into its three main trades and in level 3 each trade is sub- divided to specific work packages.

Project work-breakdown methodology enables splitting of the project work into hierarchical work-
breakdown levels of;
 sub-projects
 tasks
 Work packages
 Activities
Each activity represents an identifiable lower-level job which consumes time, and possibly resource.
 Construction projects are best organized by tasks into task responsibility centers. They
are best managed by work packages and best planned and mentored by activities.

Project work Breakdown levels

The project work-breakdown process involves breaking down of the project work into manageable
parts arranged in a hierarchical order till the desired level is reached.

 work-breakdown levels;

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 Sub-project level-Mini project/task groups

 Tasks level-a task is an identifiable and deliverable major work, is used in the
project-summary plan, the design-Preparation plan and the contract tendering

 Work package level-Each work package contains a sizable, identifiable,

measurable, costable and controllable package of work. In the project master
plan or the contracted works-plan, each work package is assigned its
performance objective. These are generally stated in terms of its completion
period, standard cost and resource productivity standard.

 Activity level

 Operational level

The work breakdown structure of a project forms the basis for listing of activities, modification of
systems, storing data by hierarchy levels, structuring of work organization and managing similar-scope

Example (2000 Housing Unit project)

Scope of Work

The project work included construction of 2000 residential apartments, educational buildings, public
buildings, a civic center, connected external utility services and landscaping. The total value of
contracted work was approximately US$160 million and the project was contracted for completion in 36

[The residential accommodation was of precast concrete construction. The 2000 apartments were
grouped into residential building consisting of 334 identical modules with each containing six flats. The
precast production and reaction was geared to achieve a peak of five flats per working day.]


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Example, Operations involved in concreting are;

 Cleaning and preparing inner side of the raft for concreting

 Pumping concrete
 Spreading and vibrating concrete
Finishing of top concrete surface
Determining activities involved

The commonly used methods for determining activities depending on the nature of the project;

Nature of Activity Method used

Construction activities Work-breakdown structure
Functional activities Task Matrix
Repetitive activities Structure and Matrix Combine
Building construction activities Specification standards( e.g..
Applicable relevant doc.)

1. Work-breakdown structure

 The various construction activities can be identified by systematically developing a work-breakdown


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2. Task Matrix

The task matrix method is generally used for determining functional activities at the feasibility stage.
E.g. Work package Vs Function

Task Task description Activities with duration in the month

Accomplishing Designing Contracting Execution
A Land procurement 1 -
and survey

3. Work Breakdown and task matrix for Repetitive works

In the projects involving repetitive or similar activities, the work breakdown structure method can be
used to identify activities in one building while the task-matrix method can assist in determining
activities in the other building. E.g. Schools Construction Sub projects

Si.No. Activity Activities with duration in the month

Primary School High school K.G School Nursery
1 Excavation 1 -
and Footing

4. Deriving building construction activities using relevant specification

2.1.2. Defining Precedence R/ships among Activities

Once work activities defined, the relationships among the activities can be specified. Precedence is
determined by following particular sequence.

Numerous sequences exist for construction activities due to one or more requirements of the following:
• Structural integrity (Mandatory dependencies): inherent in the nature of the work; hard logic
• Optional dependencies: Technical requirements which are not inherent but defined by the
project team as best work method; soft logic
• External dependencies: involve r/ships b/n project and non-project activities
• Regulations: Sometimes it happens that regulation may be imposed for safety of public or other
reasons which can affect the sequence of construction activities. E.g. regulation may restrict
that excavation should not be started unless otherwise shoring is done.
You must determine dependencies in order to use critical path analysis

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2.1.3. Assessing Activity Duration

Duration of an activity is defined as the expected economical transaction time. The estimation of time
is based upon the current practices carried out in an organized manner under the normal prevailing
conditions, and its assessment is done preferably, by the person responsible for its performance.

 Duration estimation is based on current practices this implies that the estimation is based on
the present knowledge of the method of transaction in an economical way; it may undergo a
change with the passage of time or with improved techniques.

 Under normal prevailing site condition using economical resource

 Activity is performed in an organized manner  breaking down activity into elements, matching
optimum resource for each element, laying down a systematic way method of execution,
specifying objectives and assigning responsibility.

 Responsible person this makes the duration estimate realistic and meaningful.

The construction activity accomplishment process combines resources: men, materials, and
machinery. The first step in duration estimation is the methodology to be used for transforming these
input resources into the desired activity.  The method of choosing and combining these resource may

Duration Estimation Methods

The duration of an activity may be estimated as:

Activity duration = quantity of work / number of crews x resource output

t=Q/(n * p)

The duration Estimation methods are one time, three time and trapezoidal distribution estimate.

1. One time estimate

The estimation of duration is based on one of the following;

i. Planning data
ii. Past experience or execution of a similar project
iii. Average time assessed by a group of executives.

2. Three time estimate

 When the exact duration of an activity, like research and development, is not certain, the three-
times estimate is used to compute its expected duration.

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 Application in construction projects -->in certain areas of construction projects where time is the
main criterion and the resources employed are of secondary consideration;

 Application in Construction Projects

1. Planning of the projects especially, at the feasibility stage
2. The Skelton networks enclosed with the tender documents.
3. The contracted works, where time is the main consideration for management
4. The complex structures, where the exact duration estimate is difficult to assess.

3. Trapezoidal distribution estimate

in practice, the profile of most activities takes the shape of trapezoidal distribution. The build-up and
rundown phase can be expressed in terms of total activity duration. Assuming build-up and rundown
times as 20% & 10% respectively of the total duration, the duration is estimated as follows.

Duration Estimation procedure

 Estimating the quantity of work

 Deciding the labor and material constants
 Assessing the effective activity-wise employment of resource
 Estimate the activity completion period
Examples of Duration Estimation
Let’s assume 400 m2 form work is the quantity which is required to be performed for 3 rd floor of B+G+6
building. The productivity rate (planning data) of a single crew consisting of 1 carpenter and 1 assistant
carpenter is 5m2/day. The duration required to complete the work is:
a. Using one time estimate: D = 400 m2/ [(5 m2/day)*1 crew] = 80 days
b. Using Trapezoidal time estimate:
Total man days = 0.2*DP*1/2 + 0.7DP + 0.1*DP*1/2 = 0.85DP
D = (Total man days / (0.85*P) = (400 m2 / (0.85 * 5 m2 /day) = 400/4.25 = 94.12 = 95 days
N:B. See the difference in duration b/n one time estimate (80 days) and trapezoidal estimate method
(95 days) resulted from the build up and run down time elapsed periods in which the average
productivity rate is less than 5 m2/day in trapezoidal method.
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2.1.4. Project Network Analysis (part I CPM & PERT) Project Network Analysis techniques (part I: CPM & PERT):

 CPM-> is best suited for activities with deterministic single-time duration

 PERT-> useful for project feasibility reports or tasks involving uncertainties.
 PN-> commonly used technique for time planning of construction projects.

i. CPM Network analysis Fundamentals:

Network elements
Event or Milestone:

A point in time when certain conditions have been fulfilled, such as the start or completion of one or
more activities

Unlike an activity, does not consume time or resources

Hence, expresses a state of being

Activities take place between events

Activity: an item of work that consumes time and resources to produce some result

Dummy Activity

This activity does not involve consumption of resources, and therefore does not need any time to be

It is used to define interdependence between activities and included in a network for logical and
mathematical reasons as will be shown later.

Illustration of event, activity, and dummy activity:

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Critical Path

Path and critical path

Any series of activities connecting the starting point to the finishing point can be said to define a ‘path’
and indeed in a project having several activities, several such ‘paths’ can be identified.

Among these paths, the ‘critical path’ is defined as one that gives the longest time of completion (of the
project), which also defines the shortest possible project time.

A critical path is a path in that all of series of activities must finish on time for the whole project to finish
on time. A critical path has zero float.

Float or Slack Time

The additional time available to complete a non-critical activity. Slack time represents the flexibility of
the job.

Leads and Lags

• An imposed modification of the logical relationship b/n activities
• To accelerate (lead = negative lag) or delay (positive lag)the apparent natural order

Illustration for TF, IF, and FF calculation

Total Float

Total Float in an activity (i,j) [TF(i,j)]

Total float is amount of time by which the start of an activity may be delayed from its early start
without causing a delay in the completion of the project (planned project finish date). This is calculated
as (TF(i,j) = [LST(i,j)]– [EST(i,j)]) or ([LFT(i,j)]– [EFT(i,j)])

Free Float

Free float is the amount of time by which the start of an activity may be delayed without delaying the
early start of any immediately following activity/ies.

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Free Float = (Earliest start time of the following activity – Duration of the activity – Earliest start time of
the activity) that is Free Float = TEj- TEi -D

Independent Float

Independent float is the amount of time by which the start of an activity may be delayed without
affecting the preceding or the following activity.

Independent Float = Earliest date for succeeding event – Latest date of preceding event – Activity
duration that is Independent Float= TEj- TLi-D

Network Preparation

Tabulate the network logic drawing the arrow diagrams step-by-step.

Logic activity can be tabulated as

-> Which activity/ies preceded & succeed this activity?

->Are there any logical constraints imposed on this activity?

->Is it the final activity?


Activity Preceding Succeeding Remarks

A - B,H Last activity

B A G,J Last activity

C - H Last activity

D - E,G


F E -

G B,D -


J B,H -

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Logic diagram of activities

Numbering Events

Event Timings, Activity Timings and Associated Terms

Start and finish times

Earliest Start Time of an activity (i,j) [EST(i,j)]

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• The earliest time that the activity (i,j) can be started, i.e., all the necessary preconditions are
• The earliest start time for each activity (i,j) is equal to the earliest possible time for the
preceding event E(i):

• EST (I,j) = earliest occurrence event time of (i).

Earliest Finish Time of an activity (i,j) [EFT(i,j)]
• This is the earliest time that an activity can be completed.
EFT (i,j)= EST(i,j) + D(i,j)
Latest Finish Time of an activity (i,j) [LFT(i,j)]
• The latest time that an activity needs to be completed in order that there is no delay in the
project completion.
• The latest finish time consistent with completion of the project in the desired time frame of L(n)
for each activity (i,j) is equal to the latest possible time L(j) for the succeeding event:
LFT (i,j) = Latest occurrence event time of (j)

Latest Start Time of an activity (i,j) [LST(i,j)]

• The latest time when an activity must be started, in order that there is no delay in the project
LST(i,j) = LFT(i,j) – D(i,j)

Note the following:

 The first activity always starts at the beginning of day 1.
 Earliest start and latest start always begin at the beginning of the day.
 Earliest finish and latest finish always end at the end of the day.
 This means an activity starting on day 1 and lasting 3 days will end at the end of day 3. NOT

Forward and Backward Pass

The process of determining the early schedule is refereed to as the “Forward Pass”. The forward pass
begin at the project start node and determine the earliest possible time each task can begin and finish. The
forward pass moves through the network diagram from the ‘start’ node towards the ‘finish’ node and
basically calculates the earliest occurrence times of all events so as determines the early start and finish
dates of an activity.

Each activity begins at its earliest time. An activity can begin as soon as the last of its predecessors is

Considering that the project starts at time zero, the earliest occurrence time at each node is found by
going from node to node in the order of increasing node numbers keeping in mind the logical
relationships between the nodes as shown by the connecting arrows. The “Early Start” of a task is the

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“Early Finish” of the preceding task. The “Early Finish” of each task in succession is determined by
adding the task duration to its “Early Start”.

The earliest occurrence time for any node can be estimated from the (maximum) time taken to reach
that node from the different incoming arrows. When two or more arrows enter a task, the “Early Start” is
the largest of the preceding task’s “Early Finish.

Backward Pass

The process of determining the late schedule is referred to as the Backward Pass. The late schedule cannot
be determined until after the early schedule is known.

 From the end of the project, work backwards through the network to determine the late schedule.
We start from the last node and move to the first node.

 The Latest occurrence time for any node can be estimated from the (minimum) time taken to
reach that node from the different outgoing arrows. The “Late Finish” of a task is the “Late
Start” of the succeeding task. When two or more arrows back into a task, the “Late Finish” is the
smallest of the succeeding task’s “Late Start”

 Begins at its latest completion time and ends at the latest starting time of the first activity in the
project network.

 LFT of last node is set to be equal to EFT of the last node to commence the backward pass

 A backward pass determines the late start and finish dates

• LST = LFT - Duration

Task ID Duration Dependency
A 7

B 3

C 6 A

D 3 B

E 3 D,F

F 2 B

G 3 C

H 2 E,G
Network of the example
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= EST + D D

A 7 0 7 0 7 0 0 0

B 3 0 3 7 10 7 0 0

C 6 7 13 7 13 0 0 0

D 3 3 6 10 13 7 0 0

E 3 6 9 13 16 7 7 0

F 2 3 5 11 13 8 1 0

G 3 13 16 13 16 0 0 0

H 2 16 18 16 18 0 0 0

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PERT is used for probabilistic nature of construction projects that there is no similar experience or the
current scenarios of resources availing is not certain. In addition, for time constrained projects PERT can
be used to determine the sensitivity of the project.

Example of three time estimate

For an activity “design foundation”

the optimistic time = 14 days

the most likely time = 18 days and

the pessimistic time estimates = 28 days

The PERT technique assumes that the three time estimates of an activity are random variables and the
frequency distribution of duration of an activity takes the shape of Beta distribution.

The average or expected time it is given by

te= (to+4tm+tp)/6

For the case of ‘design foundation’, te can be worked out to be 19 days [(14 + 4 x18 + 28)/6].

The fact that te > tm in this case, is a reflection of the extreme position of tp and the asymmetry in the
Beta distribution, even though computationally the weights given to to and tp is the same.

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There has been a lot of criticism on the approach of obtaining three ‘‘valid’’ time estimates to put into
the PERT formulas.

It is often difficult to arrive at one activity-time estimate; three subjective definitions of such estimates
do not help the matter (how optimistic and pessimistic should one be).

Nevertheless, the three time estimate also provides the advantages of ascertaining the variability or
uncertainty associated with a particular set of estimate.

For example, suppose we have two sets of estimate provided by the different estimator for the same
‘design foundation’ activity.

In order of (te, tm,tp), let the first set of estimate (14, 18, 28) and the other set of estimates be (17, 18,

There is large variability in the estimates of first estimator compared to the second one, even though
the expected or average activity duration turns out to be 19 in both the cases (verify!!!).

In order to measure the uncertainty associated with the estimate of duration of an activity, the standard
deviation (St) and the variance Vt are determined, which in PERT are defined as:

St = (tp-to)/6 and

Vt = (St)2

The formula for St indicates that it is one sixth of the difference between the two extreme time

Further, the greater the uncertainty in time estimates, the greater the value of (tp-to), and the more
spread out will be the distribution curve.

A high St represents a high degree of uncertainty regarding activity times. In other words there is a
greater chance that the actual time required to complete the activity will differ significantly from the
expected time te.

For the two sets of estimate used in ‘design activity’, the St and Vt would be 2.33 days and 5.44
respectively for first set of estimates while 1.33 days and 1.77 are the corresponding values of St and Vt
for the second set of estimates.

The expected length or duration of project Te is calculated by summing up the expected duration te’s
of activities on the critical path.

The critical path is determined following the forward pass and backward pass explained earlier.

The variance associated with the critical path is the sum of variances associated with the activities on
the critical path.
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In case, there is more than one critical path in a project network, then the path with the largest
variance is chosen to determine the VT and ST. Mathematically,

Te= ∑te

VT = ∑Vt and


VT and ST represent variability in the expected project duration. The higher the VT and ST values, the
more likely it is that the time required to complete the project will differ from the expected project
length Te.

As was pointed earlier, to, tm, and tp are assumed to be a random variable following Beta distribution in
the PERT technique.

Now that, te is the weighted sum of to, tm, and tp, it is also treated as a random variable. Since, Te is the
sum of te’s it indeed is a random variable.

The distribution of Te follows normal distribution according to the Central Limit Theorem of statistics.

The behavior of normal distribution is well known and a number of assumptions can be drawn which
could be useful to a planner or a project manager.

For example, it is possible to compute the probability (index) of whether a project (or a key stage
therein) will be completed on or before their schedule date(s).

Of course, all this is possible under the assumption that the activities of the projects are statistically
independent of each other.

Suppose, it is required to compute the probability of completing the project within a target duration of
TD days.

Now given the Te of the project it is possible to calculate the deviation of TD from Te in units of standard

This is calculated from the normal distribution table. To adopt the table, a ratio called the standardised
deviation or more often the normal deviate, Z, is derived. Z is defined as the ratio of the difference in TD
and Te to ST. Mathematically, Z= (TD- Te)/ ST,

Here Z is the number of standard deviations by which TD exceeds Te. Note that TD might be less than
Te, in which case Z is negative. Now the probability measure the originally sought may be obtained by
referring to the following table, extracted from a standard normal table:

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Example: PERT Diagram

H (1, 2, 3

Expected duration, standard deviations and variances for activities

Activity Id Duration (days) Expected duration Standard Variance

(days) te= deviation Vt = (St)2
Optimistic Most likely Pessimistic (to+4tm+tp)/6 St = (tp-
duration to duration tm duration tp to)/6

Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col6 Col 7

10-20 3 12 21 12 3 9

20-30 2 5 14 6 2 4

20-40 6 15 30 16 4 16

30-40 1 2 3 2 1/3 1/9

30-50 5 14 17 13 2 4

40-50 2 5 14 6 2 4

40-60 4 5 12 6 4/3 16/9

50-60 1 2 3 2 1/3 1/9

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Computation of early occurrence and late occurrence times

Node Early occurrence time Late occurrence time Slack

10 0 12-12=0 0

20 0+12=12 Min of [(21-6)=15 and (28 - 0


30 12+6=18 Min of [(34-13)=21 and (28 - 3


40 Max of [(12+16)=28 and Min of [(36-6)=30 and (34 - 0

(18+2)=20]=28 6)=28]=28

50 Max of [(18+13)=31 and 36-2=34 0


60 Max of [(34+2)=36 and 36 0


Assume the target duration (TD) for a project is 42 days. The determined expected duration is
36 days.
Now, the problem of computing the probability of meeting target duration (TD), such as 42 days shown
in the figure is quite simple. Since the total area under the normal curve is exactly one, the cross
hatched area under the normal curve is directly the probability that the actual completion time, will be
equal to, or less than, 42 days.

In this case Z= (TD- TE)/ ST, = (42-36)/ 5.48 = 1.09 standard deviations.

In other words, the target duration TD is 1.09 standard deviations greater than the expected time TE=36

The equivalent probability P (Z=1.09) can be read off a normal probability distribution. This corresponds
to a probability of 0.862 (86.2%) which implies that there is a 86.2% chance that the project will get
completed within 42 days.

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Assuming that time now is zero, one may expect this project to end at time 36 days (corresponding
probability of achieving this target being 50%, verify!!! Hint: TD=36, TE=36); and the probability that it
will end on or before the target duration of 42, without expediting the project is approximately 86.2%.

On the other hand, if one were to schedule towards TD= 33 days; herein TD<T E; i.e. Z=-0.55 (Note the
negative sign); the corresponding probability would be 0.291, which is really a very bleak situation.
In the above, the phrase ‘without expediting’ is very important.
In certain projects schedules always may be met by some means or another,

For example,
 by changing the schedule,
 by changing the project requirement,
 by adding further personnel or facilities, etc.

However, here it is implied that the probability being computed hereinabove is the one that the original
schedule will be met without having to expedite the work in some way or another.
The feature in PERT on the computation of probability of completing the project in a particular duration
is quite useful especially for negotiating the duration with an owner by the executing agency.

For example, while agreeing on a particular duration, the executing agency would like to judge his
chances on completing the project in that duration.
For being reasonably sure of a particular duration, he would like to attain a probability of more than

Thus for the same example, suppose the executing agency is asked to provide the projected duration for
the project, the agency would find out the duration corresponding to Z(P=0.95)= 1.65, thus the target
duration for this case could be TD= TE + 1.65 x ST= 36 + 1.65 x 5.48= approximately 45 days. In other
words, the executing agency would be quite confident of completing the project in 45 days. PRECEDENCE NETWORK ANALYSIS

 It is AON diagram with activities on nodes or boxes and precedence relationship shown as arrow
but precedence network without arrows also is possible!
 Numbering of activity also follows rules similar to that followed in PERT and CPM
 time estimate for the activity could be one time estimate or three time estimate
 But the three time estimate needs to be converted into single time before using in the network,
by computing the expected time!
 many variants of the boxes or nodes in a precedence network is possible based on information
of the user desires
 For illustration, a typical box used for all the preceding examples
 has been divided into three horizontal parts, top, middle and bottom

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top & bottom are again divided vertically into three compartments, left, center
and right
 Sample network diagram given in the following slide
 Common type of relationship used in CPM and PERT
 FS – Finish to Start relationship
 In reality, other relationships are possible, i.e.
 SS – Start to Start
 SF – Start to Finish
 FF – Finish to Finish
Precedence networks incorporates the mentioned four types of relationships

 FS – Finish to Start relationship

 Task ‘B’ can’t start unless Task ‘A’ is completed

 For (e.g.) consider a project with two tasks

 Task 1 – Laying bricks

 Task 2 – Plastering
 Plastering can’t start until laying bricks is complete (common dependency)
 Case ‘a’:

• There is no lead or lag

• Plaster commences after complete laying of bricks

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A lag is a duration that is applied to a dependency to make the successor start or finish earlier or later.
Lag time is the minimum amount of time that should pass b/n the finish of one activity and the start of
another in case of FS relationship.
• Lag can be positive or negative. Negative lags are also called as lead. A successor activity will
start later when a positive lag is assigned.
• A negative lag (which is Lead) is assigned when a new activity may be started before the
predecessor activity is finished in case of FS relationship.
• Lag is the number of planning units an activity (successor) is delayed instead of starting at its
previous date.
• Lead allows an acceleration of the successor activity.
• Lead happens when the 1st task & the task you start little early will overlap.
• E.g. you have to test a program once you finished developing it. But if we start testing a small
part of it when about to finish the program development that testing time is the lead time.

 Lead – Lag factors portrayed in two ways:

• lead-lag factors shown on arrow joining the two boxes
• introduction of ‘pseudo activity’ between the two activities
 Pseudo activity method similar to the one adopted in CPM, PERT
 But this method results in a lengthy network and increases the computational efforts

FS – Finish to Start relationship (pseudo activity)

 Case ‘b’:
 Lag of 7 days described as a pseudo activity

FF – Finish to Finish relationship

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 Task ‘B’ can’t finish unless Task ‘A’ finishes

 For (e.g.) consider a project with two tasks
• Task 1 – Add wiring
• Task 2 – Inspect electrical work
• “Inspect electrical work" can't finish until "Add wiring" finishes
 Lead-Lag factors shown on the arrow

 represented using a pseudo activity

SS – Start to Start relationship

 Task ‘B’ can’t start unless Task ‘A’ start

 For (e.g.) consider a project with two tasks
• Task 1 – Pour foundation
• Task 2 – Level concrete
• “Level concrete" can't begin until "Pour foundation" begins
 Lead-Lag factors shown on the arrow

 Represented using two activities- preceding activity in two components and then proceeded

 Disadvantage would be the additional list of activities and a lengthy network. Similar to
approach used in PERT/ CPM in order to accommodate such type of relationships

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SF – Start to Finish relationship

 Task ‘B’ can’t finish unless Task ‘A’ start

 SF dependency can be created between the task we want to schedule just in time (the
predecessor) and its related task (the successor)

 If successor task updated also, it won't affect the scheduled dates of the predecessor task

 Can be used for just-in-time scheduling up to a milestone or the project finish date to minimize
the risk of a task finishing late if its dependent tasks slip

SF not commonly used in precedence networks, but included here to have a complete discussion.

The two ways of representing the SF activity are as follows:

Illustration of dual relationship in precedence network

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 more than one type of relationships has been assigned between two activities in the given
network, which is an additional advantage of precedence network

Important Points:

Determination of critical path is not that simple as compared to network techniques such as PERT and

The process is identical if only FS relationship is used in the network.

If the activities have SS, FF, and SF relationship in the network, then determining critical path becomes
difficult especially if manual computations are performed.

Further, in precedence network, the activities on critical path may not be connected clearly in a



 top left compartment – earliest start time

 top centre compartment – activity duration
 top right compartment – earliest finish time

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 middle left portion – activity description

 middle right – node number
 bottom left compartment – latest start time
 bottom centre compartment – total float
 bottom right compartment – latest finish time
 For the above sample example the Forward and Backward passes is computed in similar manner
as CPM & PERT since only FS type relationship is used!
 Critical path(s) is (are) identified next
 This has activities with zero float logically linked between the start activity and finish activity
 Float is the difference between the late start and early start

Explanation of determination of early start and early finish activity times

Node Activity Duration EST Remarks EFT Remarks

10 EW1 2 0 0 start activity, 2 EFT10=EST10+d10


20 EW2 2 2 EST20=EFT10+FS10-20 4 EFT20=EST20+d20

Hence, EST20=2+0 Hence, EFT20=2+2

Explanation of determination of late finish and late start activity times

Node Activity Duration LFT Remarks LST Remarks

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Backward pass to determine LFT and LST

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 The procedure of forward and backward passes change if there are relationships of type FF and

 In the forward pass

 activity start time is calculated with FS and SS relationships

 finish time is calculated with FF and SF relationship, along with the activity duration

 If the early start and early finish so calculated differ by more than the activities duration then
the activity is split according to the rules outlined in the algorithm!


 For illustrating the set of rules used in forward pass and backward pass for illustrating activity
time computations and critical path determination, we take up the following network
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 relationships between different activities are self explanatory


 We start from the first node and move to the last node

 Node 1

• EST (start) is set to 0 to commence the forward pass computations

• However, any other number can also be assigned for this purpose
• Since ‘start’ is not consuming any time, also the EFT of node 1 = 0
• EFT = EST + Duration (0) = 0 + 0 = 0
 Node 2
• EST2 = EFT1 + lead lag factor = 0 + 0 = 0
• EFT2 = EST2 + duration = 0 + 10 = 10
 Node 3
• EST3 = EFT1 + lead lag factor = 0 + 0 = 0
• EFT3 = EST3 + duration = 0 + 5 = 5
 Node 4
• EST4 = EFT1 + lead lag factor = 0 + 0 = 0
• EFT4 = EST4 + duration = 0 + 5 = 5
 Node 5
• Relationship with predecessor – FS
• EST5 = EFT2 + lead lag factor = 10 + 2 = 12
• EFT5 = EST5 + duration = 12 + 5 = 17

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 Node 6
• It has 2 predecessors and hence we have to compute EST for each
• Relationship with predecessor (3) – FS
• EST6 = EFT3 + lead lag factor = 5 + 1 = 6
• Relationship with predecessor (5) – SF
• EST5 = EST5 + lead lag factor – duration = 12 + 1 - 1 = 12
• We select the Max(EST) which we obtain from the predecessor 5
• EFT6 = EST6 + duration = 12 + 1 = 13
 Node 7
• It has 2 predecessors and 3 relationships hence we have to compute EST for each
• Relationship with predecessor (5) – SS
• EST7 = EST5 + lead lag factor = 12 + 7 = 19
• Relationship with predecessor (5) – FF
• EST7 = EFT5 + lead lag factor – duration = 17 + 1 - 15 = 3
• Relationship with predecessor (6) - FS
• EST7 = EFT 6 + lead lag factor = 13 + 0 = 13
• We select the Max(EST) which we obtain from the predecessor 5
• EFT6 = EST6 + duration = 19 + 15 = 34
 Node 8
• It has 2 predecessors and 2 relationships hence we have to compute EST for each
• Relationship with predecessor (4) – FS
• EST8 = EFT4 + lead lag factor = 5 + 1 = 6
• Relationship with predecessor (7) – SF
• EST8 = EST7 + lead lag factor – duration = 19 + 1 - 1 = 19
• We select the Max(EST) which we obtain from the predecessor 7
• EFT6 = EST6 + duration = 19 + 1 = 20
 Node 9
• It has 2 predecessors and 3 relationships hence we have to compute EST for each
• Relationship with predecessor (7) – SS
• EST9 = EST7 + lead lag factor = 19 + 1 = 20
• Relationship with predecessor (7) – FF
• EST9 = EFT7 + lead lag factor – duration = 34 + 3 - 45 = - 8
• Relationship with predecessor (8) - FS
• EST9 = EFT8 + lead lag factor = 20 + 0 = 20
• We select the Max(EST) which we obtain from the predecessors 7, 8
• EFT6 = EST6 + duration = 20 + 45 = 65
 Node 10
• EST10 = EFT9 + lead lag factor = 65 + 0 = 65
• EFT10 = EST10 + duration = 65 + 5 = 70

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 We start from the last node and move to the first node

 Node 10

• LFT of node 10 is set to EFT 10 to commence the backward pass computations

• LST = LFT - Duration = 70 – 5 = 65
 Node 9
• Relationship with successor (10) – FS
• LFT 9 = LST10 - lead lag factor = 65 – 0 = 65
• LST 9 = LFT9 - duration = 65 - 45 = 20
 Node 8
• Relationship with successor (9) – FS
• LFT 8 = LST9 - lead lag factor = 20 – 0 = 20
LST 8 = LFT8 - duration = 20 - 1 = 19
 Node 7

• It has 2 successors and 3 relationships hence we have to compute LFT for each
• Relationship with successor (9) – SS
• LFT 7 = LST9 – lead lag factor + duration = 20 -1 + 15 = 34
• Relationship with successor (9) – FF
• LFT 7 = LFT5 - lead lag factor = 65 - 3 = 62
• Relationship with successor (8) - SF
• LFT 7 = LST 8 - lead lag factor + duration = 20 – 1 + 15 = 34
• We select the Min(LFT) which we obtain from the successors 8, 9
• LST 7 = LFT7 - duration = 34 - 15 = 19
 Node 6
• It has 1 successor
• Relationship with successor (7) – FS
• LFT 6 = LST7 – lead lag factor = 19 - 0 = 19
• LST 6 = LFT6 - duration = 19 - 1 = 18
 Node 5
• It has 2 successors and 3 relationships hence we have to compute LFT for each
• Relationship with successor (7) – SS
• LFT 5 = LST7 – lead lag factor + duration = 19 -7 + 5 = 17
• Relationship with successor (7) – FF
• LFT 5 = LFT7 - lead lag factor = 34 - 1 = 33
• Relationship with successor (6) - SF
 Node 5 (contd.)
• LFT 5 = LST 6 - lead lag factor + duration = 19 – 1 + 5 = 23
• We select the Min(LFT) which we obtain from the successor 7

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• LST 6 = LFT6 - duration = 17 – 5 = 12

 Node 4
• Relationship with successor (8) – FS
• LFT 4 = LST8 - lead lag factor = 19 – 1 = 18
• LST 4 = LFT4 - duration = 18 - 5 = 13
 Node 3
• Relationship with successor (6) – FS
• LFT 3 = LST6 - lead lag factor = 18 – 1 = 17
• LST 3 = LFT3 - duration = 17 - 5 = 12
 Node 2
• Relationship with successor (5) – FS
• Relationship with successor (5) – FS
• LST 2 = LFT2 - duration = 10 - 10 = 0
 Node 1
• Since it is a start dummy activity hence its LST
• LFT = 0 which can be computed using
• LFT 1 = LST2 - lead lag factor = 0 – 0 = 0
• LFT 1 = LST3 - lead lag factor = 12 – 0 = 12
• LFT 1 = LST4 - lead lag factor = 13 – 0 = 13
• Choose the Min(LFT)
• LST1 = LFT1 – duration = 0 – 0 = 0
Evident from the above example that manual calculations are tedious when there are relationships
other than FS in precedence networks

Total slack / float for each activity has been computed in the figure using the formulae

• TF = LST – EST
• TF = LFT – EFT

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 Precedence network is becoming popular these days in construction industry

 Most of the latest software's such as PRIMAVERA and MS PROJECT etc. are fast becoming a
standard around the world are based on this type of network

 Of course Primavera and Microsoft project can also produce bar charts from the precedence
networks automatically, if it is desired!!

2.3 Project work scheduling

 Scheduling using Bar Chart

 Scheduling the Network Plan
 LOB Method of scheduling for Repetitive projects
2.3.1 Introduction
A schedule is a work programme, set date wise in a logical sequence; it is a time table for action. Time
scheduling is the process of developing a work programme. It implies programming of the chosen work
plan on a calendar basis and provides the base against which all progress is measured.

 The scheduling methodology varies with the planning techniques and the nature of the task to be
performed. A tool containing the commonly used techniques for planning, scheduling and monitoring is
indicated in the next slide.

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 The method of presentation of a schedule depends upon the scheduling techniques used.

Generally, all of them use time scale along the horizontal axis. This time scale mostly uses a “week” as
the unit of time; these weeks then related to the calendar dates and months.

Each Scheduling Techniques has its own merits and demerits. But ultimately scheduling are best
presented in the bar chart form for ease of comprehension and communication. These bar charts are
supplemented with appropriate planning technique for monitoring the progress of the projects.

Purpose of work scheduling

 It simplifies the project plan

 It validates the time objectives
 It optimizes the resource employed
 It forecasts the input resources, and predicts the output
 It evaluates the implications of scheduling constraints

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2.3.2 Bar Chart

In the bar chart method, works are first split in to activities. These activities are then listed in the
order of construction priorities, generally on the left-hand side column, while the time scale is plotted
horizontally on the top and/or bottom of the chart.

 The bar against each activity represents its schedule of work

 The start of the bar marks the commencement of the activity and the end of the bar its
completion. The length of the bar on the calendar scale represents the duration of the activity.

Bar charts are easy to plot, comprehend and communicate, and are most appropriate for
presentation of schedules. However, as planning technique, the bar chart is not suitable for complex
projects due to the following reasons:
(a) It does not reflect the relationship between various activities which are a common feature of all
complex projects.
(b) It cannot identify and highlight the emerging critical tasks needing special attention for
preventing schedule slippages, time overruns, and other bottlenecks.
(c) In complex projects, time durations are often educated guesses. Any change in schedule or time
duration would require a redrawing of the multi-task bar chart schedule.

 Thus, it can be said that the bar chart format is most useful for presentation of schedules, but as a
planning technique, it is not suitable for scheduling complex projects.

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A scheduling aims at optimizing resources for completion of the project within stipulated time
objectives. Resource optimization implies scheduling of resources according to the given pattern of their
employment. Optimization is achieved by suitably adjusting the schedule of non-critical activities using
available floats in such a manner that fluctuations from the desired pattern of resource utilization are

The scheduling of network plan involves the following steps;

 Outlining scheduling constraints(Time constraint or Resource Constraint)
 Identifying the floats of each activities to order of (ascending order of floats) sensitivity.
 Preparing the earliest start time(EST) schedule.
 Determining resource scheduling criteria
 Scheduling critical activities at their EST
 Scheduling non critical activities
 Optimizing other resources
 Validating time objective.

In resource leveling, the constraint is the fixed project duration.

That is the project must get completed by a fixed date.

The attempt of such heuristic is to reduce peak requirement of resources and to smooth out period to
period assignments.

Such problems are also referred to as ‘time limited resource considerations’ problems.
The assessment of resources is done using resource loaded or resource aggregation chart.
Example to illustrate the concept of resource leveling.

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Let’s assume that there are a total of 7 activities A to G in the example network.

The duration of each of the activities are written below the arrow while the resource requirement of the
activities is shown in the bracket adjacent to the activity name.

For example, the duration for activity A is 3 days while the resource required by this activity is 2 units.

The early start and late start time of events or nodes are also shown in the network from which the float
available in a particular activity can be calculated thus critical activities can be identified.

The critical path of the network is 1-2-4-5-6 and it consists of activities A, C, E, and G. The critical path is
shown by bold arrows in the network.

Steps in Resource leveling

The project network is prepared based on the data provided for each activity. Event times and activity
times are computed as illustrated earlier thus total float is also computed for each of the activities.

The list of activities are ranked in order of their EARLIEST START date (refer Table in the next slide).

The resources required on daily basis for each of the activities are summed up and shown in the form
of a chart called resource aggregation or resource loading chart.

Fig 3.2 shows resource loading chart based on the earliest start time of all the activities. The project
takes a total of 87 man days to complete and the daily requirement varies from a minimum of 2
resources on days 1 to 3 to a maximum of 11 resources on days 4, 5, and 6.

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• The two resource loading charts obtained from steps 2 and 3 are compared.
• The two charts provide the two extreme arrangements of resource requirements.
• In the case that PEAKS AND VALLEYS are seen in the utilization pattern for a resource, the
activities are manipulated by visual inspection and an acceptable resource requirement is found
between the two extremes.
• The bottom-line is to ensure continuous deployment of resources and to avoid large variations
in the utilization pattern.

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• One such compromise solution is shown in Fig below (also refer Table below ). This figure has
been obtained by delaying activity 2-5 and 2- 3 by the number of the float days beyond its early
start time and leaving the rest of activities intact as given in Table first table.
It has resulted in reducing the peak requirement (from 11 to 10) besides bringing a gradual change in
resource requirement.

The two resource loading charts obtained from steps 2 and 3 are compared.

Now the activities are ranked in order of their LATEST START DATE (refer Table below). It may be noted
that the latest start date of an activity is the latest time of the finish event less the duration.

Thus latest start times of activities 1-2, 2-4, 2-3, 4-5, 2-5, 3-5, and 5-6 are on days 0, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 11
respectively in the ascending order.

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The resource loading chart shown in Fig below is prepared based on the ascending order of latest start
time of each activity. It can be noticed that the requirement of resources varies from a minimum of 2 to
a maximum of 10 resources.


As can be understood from this example, it would be extremely difficult to employ this technique of
visual examination for large problems.

Also, for simple problem though the leveling exercise can be completed in one attempt, however for
larger problems the resource leveling cannot be carried out in a single step, and is a largely iterative

Computers can be employed to a good advantage for leveling of resources under time constrained

A number of heuristics have been developed for this purpose.

2.3.4. Line of Balance (LOB)

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In LOB, the time is usually plotted on horizontal axis, and units or stages of an activity on the vertical

The production rate of an activity is the slope of the production line and is expressed in terms of units
per time.

The method uses man-hour estimate and the optimum crew or gang size. The LOB diagram can be
plotted once the man hour estimates and optimum size of crew are determined by the planner based on
his or her experience or in consultation with the implementing agencies such as vendor or

Two oblique and parallel lines, whose slope is equal to the actual rate of output will denote the start
and finish times respectively of each activity in all the units from the first to last.

This technique can be applied to construction projects for repetitive unit projects such as mass housing,
high rise buildings, tunnels, etc.

A typical LOB diagram is shown in the next slide for housing construction.

LOB diagram for scheduling of a housing project


Consider an example to illustrate the construction of LOB for scheduling of a housing project, where 10
houses are to be constructed.

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For simplicity let’s assume that substructure, superstructure, and finishing are the only three activities
involved in the construction of a house.

Further, let’s assume that substructure, superstructure, and finishing take 10, 20, and 15 days
respectively for a single house.

To provide for the margin of error in the time taken to complete each of these operations, the time
buffer is usually placed in between the two activities.

Let’s assume the buffers in this case to be of 5 days. Thus the construction of a single house needs 55
days to complete (10 + 5 + 20 + 5 + 15 = 55).

That is the first house is completed in all respect on 55th day from start. It is further assumed that now
onwards every 5th day one house is to be completed i.e. second house on 60th day from start, third
house on 65th day and so on and the last house or 10th house gets completed on 100th day.

This is called the rate of construction, thus rate of construction here is one house every 5 days. This rate
is represented diagrammatically, for all the three activities where completion dates is drawn for each of
the 10 houses. Thus, the substructure, superstructure and finishes of all houses are joined by sloping
lines. These form a series of bands which are the LOB schedules, for each activity.

It can be seen that in this case, all the sloping lines are parallel to the handover line. Each activity is
proceeding at the rate of 1 house per week at the same rate as the handover schedule.


In practice, each time buffer would probably be different.

The construction manager selects the buffer according to his own experience and his own forecast of
the risk or difficulties in delays that may occur.

For example, if in a particular locality, carpenters are known to be in short supply, longer buffers would
be inserted after activities involving carpenters.

Conversely, only very small buffers may be required when little difficulty is expected in reaching,
planned gang, size and output.

The crew size is determined in such a way that production rate of all the activities become more or less

The buffer can be uniform or non uniform depending on the situation. In practice, each time buffer
would probably be different. For example, if in a particular locality, welders are known to be in short
supply, longer buffers would be inserted after activities involving welders. Conversely, small buffers
would be sufficient when not much difficulty is foreseen in mobilizing the required crew size

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Drawing LOB

Step 1: Construction of network logic diagram for one segment

As a first step, usually a logic or network diagram for one of the many units to be produced is prepared
and incorporated into the LOB schedule.
The logic diagram for one segment of retaining wall is as given below.
The notations and durations of activities are assumed to be the same as for the previous illustrations.

The estimation of duration is dependent on the quantity of each of the activities and the associated

The quantities involved and the number of workers assumed is shown for all the activities associated
with the construction of retaining wall in the following table.

It is assumed that there will be work for 12 hours each day. It is also assumed that the formwork,
reinforcement and concreting would be done by the same set of workers.

Step 2: Buffer estimation and ‘start’ and ‘end’ buffer identification

The buffers are estimated in such a manner that crew of one activity does not interfere with the crew of
other activity.
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The buffers B for this illustration have been estimated and shown under the dotted arrows.
For example B=1 means a buffer of one day between the earthwork and plain cement concrete
It would be pertinent here to distinguish between a start and end buffer.

In case the rate of construction (speed) of subsequent activity is faster than the activity under
consideration buffer is kept at the end. AbBbC (fast) slaw
Conversely if the rate of production of subsequent activity is slower than the activity under
consideration then the buffer is placed at the start.

For example, completion of earthwork is achieved in 2 days while the completion of plain cement
concrete is achieved in 1 day itself. Naturally the speed of the later activity is faster than the former.
Thus in order to avoid the interference of the later crews with the crews of earthwork activity, it is
desired to have the end buffer and derive the start of plain cement concrete as shown in Table below.

Now considering the case of plain cement concrete and concrete raft it is clear that the speed in the
later is slow (concrete raft is taking 7 days to complete) thus requiring a start buffer.

Step 3 Computations of start and finish of first and last segment of each of the activities involved

Using the concept of start and end buffer the start and finish of first segment and the fifth segment are
computed for each of the activities involved with the construction of retaining wall.

Computations of line of balance schedule for the construction of retaining wall

Step 4 Drawing line of balance chart

The resulting start and finish time for each activity for all the segments are shown in the following

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Step 5 Adjusting the schedule

It can be noted from Fig _____that the rate of construction of different activities are not uniform.

In other words, these are not ‘balanced’ thus some improvement is desirable.

In order to bring about a more ‘balanced’ schedule a number of steps can be taken.

For example, the crew size can be adjusted since we can neither make changes in the quantity nor in the
assumed productivity.

From the above figure it can be seen that we can reduce the speed of plain cement concrete activity by
reducing the number of crew.

Also, we can try to increase the speed of the activities ‘concrete raft’ and ‘concrete wall’. This can be
achieved by increasing the speed of construction of these activities by increasing the number of crews.

The ideal situation would be to aim for ‘parallel scheduling’ as shown in Fig___for housing construction
example wherein the rate of construction of each of the activities is same.

In our retaining wall example, it is also possible to achieve a parallel scheduling by decreasing the speed
of plain cement concrete activity and increasing the speed of concrete raft and concrete wall activities
to 2 days per segment, and thereby reducing the overall duration for the construction.

However, such reduction in duration should be checked for its technological feasibility as well as its cost
saving potential.

For example if it is found that the extra cost incurred in increasing the crew size and thereby reducing
the overall duration has more cost associated with it than the saving it generates by decrease in indirect
cost, there is no point in such reduction in duration.

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Thus there could be many possible schedules and the choice of a particular schedule will be dependent
on the decision maker and the situation prevailing at that time.

Needless to say the computations for start and finish times of some of the activities may undergo

The revised computations for start and finish times after adjusting the crew size is shown in Table___.

The overall completion time is now 29 days as against 74 days. Please also note that the buffer between
the activities concrete wall and fencing has now been changed to 4 days from previous buffer of 3 days.

The revised LOB schedule based on these computations for our retaining wall example is shown in Fig__.
As explained earlier, there could be further improvements possible.


In resource allocation, availability of resources is a constraint. In other words, the resources have fixed

For illustrating resource allocation, we take the same problem (Project network of Fig above, that of the
resource leveling) which was used for illustrating resource leveling but let’s assume the resource for
activity 4-5 (E) is 5 units instead of 3 units.

The difference here however is resource constraint. Let’s take the maximum availability of resources be

In case it is not possible to resolve the resource over-allocation on a particular day, some activities
may have to be delayed.

The basic objective here is to find out which activities can be delayed and by how much and finally to
arrive at the shortest possible time to complete the project satisfying the resource constraints.

Basic assumptions/ Heuristic

When the resource requirement on a particular day exceeds 8 we decide the priority of competing
activities on a predefined set of rules.
Let the activities with earliest start time gets the first priority.
In case, there is a tie between two or more activities, the priorities are decided on the basis of float
available in the activities.
That is the activity with the minimum float gets first priority.
Further, non critical activities may need to be rescheduled in order to free the resources for critical
activities. Also, let’s not stop an activity in between once it has started.

To illustrate the concept of resource allocation, the example considered for resource leveling is used.
but let’s assume the resource of activity 4-5 (E) is 5 units instead of 3 units.
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The network of above figure redrawn to the time scale

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Day 4

• The three activities 2-3, 2-4, and 2-5 can be started on day 4. Thus resource requirement would
become 3 + 4 + 4 = 11, which is more than 8, the maximum limit. The decision rule ‘activity with
least float gets priority’ for resource assignment comes into play here.

• Activity 2- 4 lies on the critical path i.e float =0 and hence resources need to be allocated to it
first. The activity 2- 4 requires 4 unit of resources, availability is 8, thus resources remaining
after assigning to 2-4 is 4 (8-4). Next in queue is activity 2-3 with float = 2 days. Thus resources
are assigned to 2-3. The requirement of this activity is 3, while now the availability is 4, thus 1
resource is left out after this allocation.

• Activity 2-5 is left out since it needs 4 resources but the available resource is just 1, hence we
need to postpone this activity. Also, the float of this activity is reduced to 3 now.

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Activity 4- 5 continues. Requirement -5, availability – 8, remaining – 3.

Activity 2-5 is now critical so as per the assumption this activity gets priority than activity 3-5. The
resources required are 4 but the availability is only 3.

Hence we need to postpone this activity by a day. This increases the duration of the project by 1 day.

Day 9
Activity 4- 5 . Requirement -5 Available – 8 Remaining – 3
Activity 2 -5 . No enough resources are available. Hence we need to postpone this activity by a day
The total project duration now becomes 18 days

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The project duration has been increased by 4 days from original 16 days with no resource constraint to
20 days with resource limit of 8.

The resource requirement varies from ____to 8. The resource loading chart for the total project
duration is shown in Fig______.

The steps illustrated above can be carried out manually only if the project is small. For large projects
involving multiple resources we need to look to computer programs.

The examples presented for resource leveling and resource allocation are that of very simplistic nature.
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First of all, we have considered only a single type of resource which is used for all types of activities.

Further we have considered that the resource is interchangeable across different activities.

Unfortunately in real life situations both these assumptions do not hold true. In practice we have to deal
with different types of resources such as equipment, materials, and labours etc. and further a single
activity may require more than one type of resources.

Contents of the lecture

I. Network Crashing /Cost time trade off

II. Resource planning
1. Manpower planning
2. Materials planning


CPM is based on the assumption that duration of an activity can be reduced or crashed to a certain
extent by increasing the resources assigned to it.

As is known the execution of an activity involves both the direct costs and indirect costs.

However, there is no point in attempting to crash all the activities by increasing the resources.

Any reduction in duration of critical path activities can reduce the project duration.

An activity can be performed;

 at its normal or most efficient pace or

 ‘normal duration’
 It can be performed at higher speed.
 ‘crash duration’
Some activities along the critical path sometime need to be shortened in order to reduce the overall
duration of the project.
This leads to a decrease in the indirect expenses (due to decrease in duration) and an increase in the
direct expenses (due to more mobilization of resources) or even remain unchanged in some situations.

The relationship between the cost of the job and the duration has been assumed to be linear. The
steeper the slope of the line, the higher the cost of expediting the job at an earlier date.

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Time cost trade off


This expedition of activity at an earlier time is referred to as Crashing.

There are 3 cases that normally arise –

Line sloping down to the right – The steeper the slope, the higher the cost of crashing.
Horizontal line – No cost of crashing.
Vertical line – The activity can’t be shortened regardless of the extra resources applied to it.

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Important points

The point of the minimum cost of project is known as the optimum point.

In order to find the optimum point, the project network is drawn based on the normal duration of the
activities. This is the maximum length schedule. The duration of the project is thus noted.

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It can be shortened by expediting jobs along the critical path. If the added cost of expediting the job is
less than the saving in the indirect expenses which result from shortening the project, then a less
expensive schedule can be found.

New schedules are found as long as there is a reduction in the cost of the project.

As can be observed from this small example, it is possible to crash some activities such as 1-2, 2-3, 2-4,
2-5, 4-5, and 3-5, while it may not be possible for some activities to be crashed such as 5-6 (both normal
and crash duration are same here).


The total project cost if all the activities are executed at their normal pace would be = normal costs of
activities 1-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 4-5, 3-5, and 5-6 + (indirect cost per day x duration of project) = (5000 + 6000
+ 9000 + 5000 + 7000 + 8000 + 20000) + 6000 x 16 = 60,000 + 96,000 = 156,000.

To shorten the project duration, we have to shorten the duration of activities along the critical path (1-

We observe that the activity 1-2 is on the critical path and has the least slope (Br. 2000/day) and hence
can be crashed first. This activity can be crashed by 1 day, thus the project duration reduces by a day.
Project duration has become 15 days now.

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Option available now

to crash activities B, C and D together by 1 day

the cost of crashing the three activities together is equal to the sum of cost slopes of activities 2-3, 2-4,
and 2-5 that is Br. 10,000.

Thus project duration becomes 10 days.

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Revised Network after crashing by additional 1 day


Crashing Exercise: The network and durations given below shows the normal schedule for a project. You
can decrease (crash) the durations at an additional expense. The Table given below summarizes the
time-cost information for the activities. The owner wants you to finish the project in 110 days. Find the
minimum possible cost for the project if you want to finish it on 110 days. (Assume that for each activity
there is a single linear, continuous function between the crash duration and normal duration points).

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 From a project schedule, the following schedules can be prepared.

 Invoice schedule
 Cash inflow and cash outflow schedule
 Staff schedule
 Labor schedule
 Material schedule
 Specialized subcontractor schedule
 Plant and equipment schedule
 Working capital schedule
 Estimation of direct and indirect costs

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Chapter Three
3. Resource Planning
Planning construction Manpower
Planning construction materials
Planning construction equipments
Planning construction costs

3.1 Planning construction Manpower

Establishing Workers’ Productivity standard
Scheduling construction site workers
Project manpower grouping
Designing workers
Financial incentive scheme
3.1.1 Introduction
The project construction manpower planning is primarily concerned with estimating the workers’
productivity, scheduling manpower employment, and structuring it into workers’ teams and work
groups, with a view to economically match manpower supply with the task requirements.

Project planning team: typical manpower planning functions

1. Determining expected labor productivity
2. Estimating workers requirements for each work package
3. Scheduling data-wise, category-wise, project direct labor
4. Establishing construction teams
5. Organizing task forces
6. Allocating labor during execution stage
7. Monitoring workers productivity at site
8. Recording productivity data
9. Costing and controlling manpower cost
10. Controlling manpower mobilization, distribution and demobilization.
11. Defined job requirements for key executive and staff appointments.
12. Assist in recruitment of personnel
13. Assist in controlling manpower costs.
14. Assist in controlling manpower costs
15. Assist in training and induction of manpower.

3.1.2 Establishing workers’ productivity standard

The challenging task

a. Workers required

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= (Work quantity X Workers’ productivity standard)/(Completion period)

a. Workers’ productivity standard
=worker output norms X production efficiency factor
i. Workers’ productivity standard is defined as the effort in man-days or man-hours needed for
accomplishing a unit quantity of work, while working efficiency but allowing for normal delays
and wastage.
ii. Work quantity of the activity involved is expressed in standard work units
iii. Completion period is taken as working days or hours planned or earmarked to accomplish the
iv. Workers’ production norms are expressed in man-days or man-hours, category-wise, required
for accomplishing the unit work.
v. Production efficiency factor is the multiplier used to convert production norms into productivity
standards expected under job conditions at the site.
Identifying requisite skills
 Construction involves multi-skill technology for its wide range of related activities.
 These skills varies with the nature of job, type of project and corporate policy of the contractor
 The first step towards determining productivity standard is to identify the trade workers needed
for execution of the project.
 (Refer local standards)!!!

3.1.3 Worker’s production planning Norms

A task involving 160m2 of fixing timber formwork for the roof slab of a single story building. The time
earmarked for completion is four days, working eight hours per day. If workers’ team consisting of two
skilled workers and an skilled worker can be install the formwork at the rate of 1.25m2/hr,

Efferent Required=(Formwork quantity)/(Out per team)

=160m2/(1.25 m2 per team-hours) =128 team-hour
Teams required=Team-hours/(Completion period)
=128/(4*8) = 4

Workers required=4(2 skilled +1 unskilled) =8 skilled + 4 unskilled

Experienced estimators and planners compile the workers’ production planning norms for estimating
the manpower requirements. In the absence of such planning data, appropriate norms can be evolved
using one or a combination of the following methods:

(a) Analyzing the past performance data

(b) Abstracting data from published norms
(c) Works-studying the actual work process

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3.1.4 Analyzing past performance data (Statistical analysis techniques for evaluating workers
production norms)
Drawbacks of the methods

i. No two projects are exactly alike, and therefore the past performance data of various projects
have two be carefully examined for their suitability while determining the norms for a given
ii. The construction production output is constantly improving over time because of induction of
better techniques and latest equipment. The statistical analysis of past performance therefore
my not conform to the state-of-the-art/ high-tech.
iii. Analysis of the past data is useful only if the data available is reliable. The degree or reliability of
such data needs to the ascertained prior to analysis.
iv. Statistical analysis must not blindly compound the inefficiencies or problems of the past. The
actual context in which the past performance data was recorded should be studied, and the
data of inefficient or problematic working periods should be discarded prior to processing.

3.1.5 Selecting published production norms

 A planner can derive production norms for a project by relating them with the published
production norms of professional institutions or that prepared by the concerned government

 The workers productivity norms vary from area to area. Workers coming from different areas,
even when employed on a similar job, have different productivity. This difference is due to a
blend of many ethnic and environmental factors this resulted in the introduction of different
relative productivity index for different location.

3.1.6 Work studying construction process

 work-study, using the method study and time study techniques, aims at finding the optimum
method of production with specified resources and the time required to perform the production
tasks, so as to establish production norms of workers and production capacity of machine.

 Method study- aims to find an optimum method of executing of work by minimizing all waste.
 Purpose of the study is defined
 The method of execution is recorded
 The sequence of work and resources employed are critically examined, and
 Areas of inefficiency are identified with the aim of reducing wastage
The various study of construction activity show that a workmen devotes only 40-60% of his time in
the actual execution of works, with the rest spent on wasteful and unproductive activities like waiting,
travelling, and personal breaks

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 Consider a project with the production cost of $100 million, having 20,000 man-months as direct
labor, of which 60% is non-productive time. If 15% of the wastage resulting from non-productive
time is eliminated by using improved methods then the resulting saving in labor cost would be:

Labor cost=20% of the project cost (estimated while tendering)

=0.2*100 million=20 million
Non-productive labor time at 60% of labor cost, 0.6*20=12 M
Saving in cost by reduction of 15% of non-productive time=0.15*12 M=$1.8M
Saving as percentage of productive work value=($1.8M*100)/(40% of 20 M)=22.5%(1.8/8)

 After the method study has established the methodology for accomplishing the work, time study
establishes the time needed by a qualified worker to carry out the specified work at a defined level of
 Factor Affecting production Efficiency

 The computation of production efficiency factors depends upon numerous variable which affect
workers’ productivity in actual job conditions at the project site. These variables vary from
project to project, and over place and time. Some of the typical factors affecting the workers’
production efficiency are;

i. Work complexity

ii. Repetition of work

iii. Quality control ( stringent quality control )
iv. Equipment intensive tasks – less susceptible to productivity changes than the labor-intensive
v. Supervision – an effective and efficient supervisor can get a higher productivity from workers
vi. Climate and weather change
vii. Labor availability

3.1.7 Scheduling Site Workers

 Direct and indirect workers –for ease of estimating, planning, accounting and controlling!

 Direct Manpower- these are the construction site workers who can be identified with execution
of the client’s permanent works such as those listed in the bill of quantity. The direct manpower
constitutes 75-90% of the total manpower employed at the project site.

 The direct construction workers include foremen and tradesmen, skilled in various
engineering trades, in addition to the semi skilled and unskilled manpower. The trades
men include carpenters, bar benders, masons, plumbers, electricians, painters and

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 Generally the wages of construction site workers are accounted on a daily or hourly
basis, and their activity-wise requirement is computed using the workers’ productivity

 Indirect manpower- the indirect manpower covers all supervisors, staff and workers other than
those in the direct manpower. It is required to support the direct manpower, both technically
and administratively. It generally consists of the project management and administration group.

 The indirect manpower is generally accounted on monthly basis! Most of the

indirect manpower can be assessed while formulating organizations of work and
can be estimated using thumb-rules based on experience.

 The workers’ scheduling methodology involves

1. Scheduling direct construction site workers
2. Adding indirect construction site workers

1. Scheduling direct workers

 The direct manpower schedule indicates, data-wise as well as category-wise, the worker
strength required to accomplish the scheduled work.
 The past performance data is invaluable for conceptualizing manpower forecasts!
 The bar chart of construction work schedule with its date of commencement and completion of
each activity of work-item forms the basis for developing the direct workers schedule. Since
activity has a specified duration, work content, and manpower required for its accomplishment,
the daily average manpower required for each scheduled activity can be assessed as:
=(quantity of work X labor productivity standard in man-days)/ duration in days
 The ratio of skilled and unskilled workers in a construction team depends upon their characteristics
and the nature of work!!

 The date-wise aggregation of manpower required for the scheduled activities (or work items)
indicates the daily strength of manpower, category-wise, required to accomplish the scheduled
work as per the project plan.

 Daily manpower required for scheduled work:

= sum of manpower of construction of scheduled activity on date

Adding indirect construction site workers

Requirement of indirect workers varies with the nature and size of the project.

There are some yardsticks for assessing administrative persons, but on the whole the number of indirect
workers required for each project has to be estimated and scheduled separately, on case-by-case basis.

Adjusting for daily manpower requirements

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 The daily forecast of manpower can best be considered an approximate estimate of the work
force required under the normal operating condition.

 The factors such as learning process, weather condition, labor turnover, strikes, absenteeism,
sickness and the overtime working policy affect the day-to-day aggregated manpower
requirement. Though it is difficult to quantify such variables, for planning purposes the
aggregated manpower in each category may be increased by 5% or so to cater to these factor.

 On the other hand, it is possible to decrease manpower. Though it is difficult to replace skilled
manpower by machines, the overall strength of the work force can be reduced by increasing
productivity as:
(a) Replacing unskilled labor by machines, wherever feasible, in jobs like loading, unloading, bar-
cutting etc.
(b) Using appropriate and efficient tools as equipments
(c) Constantly improving the methods of production
(d) Increasing productivity through improved working conditions and incentives
(e) Implementing the job-oriented financial incentive schemes
(f) Training workers to overcome the initial learning period
 In particular, overtime working based on job-oriented financial incentives schemes, if properly
implemented, can cut down the daily manpower requirement by a substantial amount, say 10-

3.1.8 Project manpower grouping


The project manpower organization depicts the hierarchy of organizational groups of people.
 The number of organizational groups depend upon the magnitude and complexity of a project-a
simple project may have only a few while a large, complex one may have many.
 The project manpower groups can be broadly divided into the following function units.
(a) Command and Control groups: to manage the project and to provide necessary logistic support,
(b) Construction task forces: to execute the construction works
(c) Resource/ Support centers: to provide men, materials, and machinery support to the
construction task force

 Indirect manpower requirement is related to the management functions. In construction

projects, these functions can broadly be grouped as;
 Project office management
 Design and drawing management
 Estimation and contracts management
 Planning and monitoring management

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 Project administration and personnel management

 Cost and finance management
 Materials management
 Plant and equipment management
 Quality management
 Construction supervision management
 Supporting service management
 The extent of indirect manpower needed to perform the project functions depends upon the
type and size of the project.

Structuring Site Organization

The structuring of work groups into construction task forces and direct support service centers is
accomplished by applying the three classic principles of designing formal organizations:
(a) Unity of Command
(b) Scalar Principle
(c) Span of Control

Designing workers financial incentive scheme

 The project management team aims at achieving objectives economically. It employs
motivational tools to increase production and productivity. The art of motivating lies in creating
environment, developing systems, and directing efforts in such away that they meet the
organizational goals as well as the needs of those participating in the process, with everyone
working enthusiastically as one team under the relationship of the project manager.

 The motivational approach, can be divided into behavioral approach and financial
incentive schemes. In a construction project;

The behavioral motivational approach create healthy working environment

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Financial incentive scheme  benefits the participants by;

Increase production and productivity, without any appreciable increase in estimated cost
It helps workers in increasing their earnings and gaining job satisfaction without affecting the estimated
cost of the project.

The financial incentive scheme may vary with the type of the project, nature of the task and
employment teams of workers.
(a) Time related schemes  overtime work will be paid in proportion to the basic hourly wages
(b) Job-related schemes according to the measurable job completed
(c) Lump-sum work payment  time saved from standard time fixed for completing the job, lump-
sum amount paid for completing the fixed quantity of a specified job.
(d) Profit sharing bonus  these can be paid as bonus after a predetermined time, say, quarterly,
half-yearly or yearly.

3.2 Planning construction materials

 Construction materials cover all types of materials used in construction including electrical and
mechanical fittings fixture, devices and instruments that are incorporated during the
construction of permanent works and temporary supporting works at site.

 Efficient materials management in project environments calls for an integrated approach

covering numerous functions such as materials planning, purchasing, inventory control, store-
keeping and warehousing, handling and transportation, codification and standardization, and
the disposal of the surplus.

 * Materials planning, which is the key function of materials management, is closely linked with
project planning and control set-up.

 Aim to develop a plan for procurement and stocking of construction materials so as to provide at the
site materials of the right quality in right quantity at the right prices from the right sources at the right

ABC Classification of construction Materials

 The primary concept purpose of classifying materials is to control quality, cost and timely
supply. There are many factors that need consideration while classifying materials. These
include storage space, shelf life, supply reliability, inventory costs, ease of identification,
construction sequence, transportation requirement, price, procurement time, procurement
source and project life. Some of the general categories are;
(a) bulky, one –time purchase, repetitive use, and minor materials
(b) Vital, essential and desirable materials
(c) Indigenous and imported materials
(d) High price, medium price and low price materials

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(e) High usage value, medium usage value and low-usage value materials

 The most commonly used method for classifying construction materials is to group them into
high-value, medium-value and low-value materials. * this classification is achieved using the
ABC analysis. The prerequisite for applying the ABC analysis technique is that the project should
have a standardized bill of materials listing the physical quantities (including standard usage),
unit rate and total cost for each item.

S.No. Item of Unit Quantity Rate Amount


 The materials management technique of ABC analysis is based on the principle of “control by
selection” which implies that is not necessary to give the same degree of attention to
procurement, storage, issue and control of all types of materials.

Group Total Inventory

Class Items Costs

A 10% 70%

B 20% 20%
C 70% 10%

3.2.1 Methodology
(a) Identifying materials required and estimate quantity of each material.
(b) Obtaining the approximate unit rate for each item.
(c) Assessing the requirement during the period under consideration, i.e. yearly or project
completion basis.
(d) Determine the usage value of each type by multiplying the quantity required with the
corresponding unit rate.

3.2.2 Materials Usage Standard

Some wastage is inevitable in actual work. This wastage in materials is generally expressed as a
percentages of materials calculated theoretically from the quantities of the work involved, and are

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termed as ‘standard wastage'. The total quantity of materials to be provisioned should cater for the
standard wastage by increasing the theoretical quantity, proportionally.
 Materials to be provisioned;
= Theoretical quantity of materials X
[{100+standard Wastage (%)}/100]
 It may be noted that standard wastage caters for wastage during utilization only for causes
considered beyond control at the site. In addition to the controllable wastage, there is wastage
which falls in the category of controllable wastage. The main cause of controllable wastage are;
(a) Wastage on account of designers specifying non-standard materials having unattainable
(b) Wastage due to incorrect purchasing resulting in over buying, wrong buying, unnecessary buying
and untimely buying.
(c) Wastage in transpiration and handling including breakage and pilferage.
(d) Wastage during storage resulting from deterioration, improper storage, breakage, obsolescence
and theft.

since, controllable wastage falls under the purview of the materials management staff the additional
provisions to compensate for such wastage should be made by them so as to ensure that the right
quantity of materials are available at the right time.

3.2.3 Materials provisioning process

 A material planning considers materials in the order of requirements at the site. For example, in
a building construction project, bulk materials and other items for the site development,
foundation work and superstructure frame, which are needed in the early stages of
construction, are considered first. The others are taken up in the sequence of their requirement.
The materials selection process for each item generally, follows the sequence outlined below;
1. Identification of materials Package
2. Materials quantity estimation
3. Scheduling Materials requirement
4. Materials procurement Enquiries
5. Finalization of materials Procurement

3.2.4 Planning materials Inventory

 The term ‘Inventory’ implies the cost of materials in stock at a given time. This stock of materials is
held to act as a cushion between supply and demand. The monetary value of inventory indicates the
extent of investment required to maintain minimum stock of materials for smooth running of the
project. Higher inventory implies higher investment, and fewer inventories carries the risk of supplies
falling behind demand. A balanced inventory act as a cushion between supply and site requirement till
supplies are received. This includes predetermined safety stock to cater for slippages in delivery
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schedules. It is therefore, necessary to hold a planned stock of construction materials at the project site
to ensure a timely supply of the expected quantity of materials at the appropriate time for smooth
execution of planned construction activities with least investment on inventory.

Costs of inventory

The effective management of inventory involves a tradeoff between having too little and also too much

Inventory costs:
i. Ordering Costs: requisitioning, preparation of purchase order, expediting, transport and receiving
and placing in storage, set-up costs
ii. Carrying Costs: interest on capital locked up in inventory, storage and handling costs, insurance,
depreciation, and property taxes.
iii. Shortage Costs: arise when inventories are short of requirement for meeting the needs of
production or the demand of customers.

Inventory Management – Minimizing Costs

The goal of effective inventory management is to minimize the total costs that are associated with
ordering and holding inventories.

Choose the level of inventory with the lowest total cost after estimating the different expenses with
varying inventory levels.

i) Order Quantity
Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)
ii) Order Level
Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)

 The Economic Order Quantity refers to the order size that will result in the lowest
total of order and carrying costs for an item of inventory.
 Order costs increase as number of orders increase
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 Carrying costs increase as large stocks are kept

Variables in the EOQ model:

D: The forecast usage/demand for goods or raw materials for a year is known,
Q: Quantity Ordered,
S: Cost per Order,
H: Holding cost
C: Price per Unit (other than carrying and ordering costs)
TC: Total Costs of ordering and carrying

By adding the item holding and ordering costs together we can determine the total cost curve, which is
used to find the Oopt inventory order point that minimizes total costs. Using calculus we take the first
derivative of the total cost function with respect to Q, and set the derivative (slope) equal to zero.,
solving for the optimized (cost minimized) value of Oopt.

TC  DC 
S   Q H 
Q 2

dTC  DS H 2 DS 2 DS
 0 2   0 Q2  Q
dQ Q 2 H H

D = Annual demand
S = Order cost
H = Annual holding cost
Example: Given the following for a company:
D = Annual Demand = 20,000 Units
S = Cost to place an order= Birr 2,000
H = Holding cost=Birr1200

2 DS 2 x 2,000 x 20,000
Q Q  258.2units
H 1200

 We also need a reorder point to tell us as what inventory level we need to place an
order. If the usage rate of materials and lead time for procurement are known with
certainty then;
The ordering level = Lead time in days for procurement X Average daily usage

R=L x d

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Construction Planning and scheduling (for BSc COTM program)

L= Lead time, Average daily usage = d

3.3 Machinery planning

Machinery planning for a project aims at identifying the construction tasks to be undertaken by
mechanical equipment, assessing the equipment required, exploring the equipment procurement
options and, finally, participating in the decision-making for selecting the equipment.

The main issue in machinery planning is corresponding or matching equipments with the required work
according to time plan or schedule with a sense of optimized equipment utilization.

Thus relating the equipment planning and integration with other resource planning is essential. Proper
planning and deployment of equipments saves considerable amount of money. It also contributes
positively to timely completion of construction works and workers moral.

The detail concept is covered under a separate course of ‘equipment and plant management’.

3.4 Cash flow (money) Planning

Cash flow (money) Planning is covered in financial management course. What is basic is relating work
schedule with respective required resource and valuing on monetary bases. The cash required to get the
resources as per schedule (cash out flow) and the revenue from the executed work are determined and
planning is made from where to finance the cash deficit.

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