Article On Project Planning and Scheduling - Sagar Gaur - AL

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Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.

2022, Vol. 6, No. 3, 3535–3544

Understanding the Importance of Project Planning and Scheduling in

Indian Construction Projects

Sagar Gaur

Senior Consultant, Ramboll India Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon, India

Email: [email protected]

The construction sector in India aims to be the world's 3rd largest construction industry, with a 7.1
percent annual growth rate predicted by 2025. The Indian construction industry is accountable for a
9% share of India's GDP and provides employment to more than 50 million people. India is a project
driven country and around 60% of the Indian construction Projects are running behind Schedule.
Hence, Planning & Scheduling plays a vital role in completing projects within time and cost. The
Project Planning & Scheduling is the second phase of the project life cycle. In this phase, the planner
understands the contract and define Project Deliverables/ Key Milestones. The planner then creates a
detail project plan (also known as Detailed Work Programme (DWP)) to guide the execution team.
Planner breaks the Project Deliverables in Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and further into
activities and assign the required resources to complete those activities. Activities are tasks which
needs to be performed by the execution team like excavation, concreting and so on. While resources
are Manpower, Equipment and Material which are assigned to these activities for estimation of
activities duration. A detail list of WBS and activities are created along with the required resources.
All these activities are interconnected (using relationship like FS, SS, FF & SF) from start till end to
create a working project plan. The planner then coordinates with Construction Manager/ Project
Manager for validation of the project plan. The project planning & scheduling helps to cover the full
scope as per contract into a plan which benefits the project by reducing the time, cost, and risk on the
project. This phase is a vital step in conducting the construction work smoothly. There is a need to
understand the importance of Project Planning & Scheduling in success of a project. Project Planning
& Scheduling directly affects the HR functions in an organization. Not limited to this, other
departments are affected by the Project Planning & Scheduling phase. There are various available
software’s like Primavera P6 or MS Project to assist planner in preparation of project plan. Further,
AACE provide recommended guidelines (RP) like 39R-06 or 91R-16 on Schedule Development
which is very helpful and comes handy while preparing the Detailed Work Programme (DWP).
Lastly, Risk Register needs to be prepared, updated and incorporated in project plan.
Keywords— Project Planning, Project Scheduling, AACE, Planner, CPM, Primavera P6, MS Project
& Risk Register

available resources. Those steps are called

WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) which
From olden times till today’s technological
further divides into activities leading to
world, planning is always considered the most
preparation of project plan. The project plan
significant tool whose importance is growing
clearly defines how the project will be
more with digitalization of construction
executed, monitored, controlled, and closed.
projects. Project planning is the process of
Project Planner/Planning Engineer plays an
detailing steps for accomplishing the project
important role during project planning &
within a certain time frame by using the
scheduling stage. The four important factors

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Sagar Gaur, et. al. 3536

considered during this stage are scope, with the activities is called scheduling. It not
milestones, deliverables, timeframes, and only handles the pace of the work but also
resources i.e. cost. Detailed Work Programme handles how the tasks are executed. The project
(DWP) contains various plans like Design Plan, management methodology started to grow from
Utility Diversion Plan, Execution Plan, 1950 by the CPM method. The Great Wall of
Resource Plan, Budget Plan, Procurement Plan China is a big example of project management
& so on. that was done in the 90s century. The project
management techniques are largely based in
1960 on the waterfall technique. So, the concept
Project planning is the process of doing a
of scheduling is not new around the world.
project step by step by dividing the project into
Mainly, construction planning is a challenging
WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) & further
and fundamental activity in the management of
into activities and scheduling is the process of
a construction project. A good project plan not
linking the activities using relationship like FS,
only calculate timeframe to complete the
SS, FF & SF and arranging resources and also
project but also develop the budget of the
optimizing the project i.e. Scheduling is the
project. Hence, developing a construction plan
process of arranging the work and also
is a fundamental, challenging & very critical
gathering the resources which are required. The
task in the management and execution of the
main aim of the project is to get the importance
of project planning and scheduling, project
planner & project controls in the Indian
construction sector.
There are some objectives of the research are
given below:
To evaluate how project planning & scheduling
works in the construction sector.
To evaluate how the pre-Project planning is
very helpful.
Preparation of Risk Register.
Importance of using AACE international
recommended guidelines.
To discuss the preparation of Detailed Work Source: (Hendrickson, 2008)
Programme (DWP) using Primavera P6 & MS Figure 1: Construction Planning
IV. BACKGROUND In this figure, the project plan is described.
Project planning and scheduling in the Through the project plan, the factors which are
construction sector is the process to know what affecting the construction sector are also
exactly to do, when to do and what resources described. By planning a task, it can help to
are needed to complete the task. Project reduce the time and budget of the plan.
planning serves as a roadmap for the entire (Muneeswaran, 2020).
project & project management process by Cost is divided further into direct cost i.e.
breaking down the scope of work as per labour, equipment, material cost and so on
contract into WBS and activities while while indirect cost i.e Transportation cost,
scheduling is the process to identify the Overhead cost, Depreciation cost, Taxes and so
resources which are needed to complete those on. While Schedule is prepared based on 02
tasks (Prasad, Vasugi, Venkatesan, & Bhat, types i.e. Time based or resource based.
2019). This arrangement of the resources along

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3537 Journal of Positive School Psychology

The construction planning restricts the further According to Venkateswaran and Murugasan,
extension of the time within which the task or 2017, the aim of the study is the factors
the project must be done. The overall project affecting to delay of the project
plan has been divided into some tasks. Those (Venkateswaran, 2017). And the study also
tasks also need some resources to do those tasks determines what factors also affect the budget
within time. The resources are arranged of the project (Nouban, 2017). There are more
according to the task and through managing than twenty factors that can affect the time and
those tasks, which are the biggest matter of money of the constriction. The factors which
scheduling of a project plan. affect the cost and the time delay of the project
• Insignificant project planning.
The literature review is the section where the
• Underestimate the schedule of the project.
whole process of planning and scheduling is
• Underestimate the cost of the project.
• Bidding procedure.
According to Khun-anod and Limsawasd 2019,
• Long duration of the process.
there are many challenges in the construction
• Project execution based on Experience
projects (Khun-anod, 2019). Lack of
rather than based on Project Detailed Work
knowledge, skill, and experience are the main
Programme (DWP).
three barriers to completing a construction
• Unethical activities.
project (Dixit, 2017). The effort directly affects
• Poor Procurement Planning.
the project's success. Efforts are directly
• Poor communication with the stakeholders.
proportional to the success of the project. The
• Negligence in the site visit.
pre-project plan is the process to develop
• No Risk Management Plan.
sufficient strategies to avoid the risks and
Those are the most important factors that affect
arranging resources. Pre-project planning is an
the project time and the cost of the project.
owner-driven process. The pre-commitment
Those are the main factors for which ‘planning
process, risk management, and statement of the
and scheduling’ are very important.
work process are involved in the process of
planning (Bhosale, 2017). The pre-commitment
According to (Ryad, 2019), planning is the
is the process of committing to something in
process of doing something in some specific
advance. Risk management is also an important
steps. And the scheduling is the process of
one in planning. Risk management is the
gaining resources from the outside and also
process of controlling threats, identifying, and
arranges materials to do those steps (Ryad,
assessing organizational capital. And the work
2019). There is mainly the process of suitability
process is the process the work has been done.
and the efficient existing planning method,
And the working procedure is the procedure by
scheduling the performance and development
which the work is going in step by step.
control, scheduling concept and the knowledge-
based study. The process of scheduling and
planning goes in some steps. By completing
those steps, the full project is completed.

Source: (Pat Ferguson, 2015)

Figure 2: Project Plan

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Sagar Gaur, et. al. 3538

must prepare a risk register, and project

scheduling which can show the relationship
between the project activities in order to
estimate project timings (Issa, 2017). The risk
register can identify the risks of the project and
also gives a sufficient mitigation plan. The
causes of delay of the projects are insufficient
technical knowledge, lack of procurement plan,
no manpower planning, no proper project
controls department and absence of risk
management plan. The risks are the most
important thing to handle in any type of project.
Proper planning and scheduling can optimize
the whole procedure of the project. The project
must use those methods to improve the risk
management of the project.
The AACE international standard guidelines are
the accepted standard and give excellent project
Source: (Aulin, 2015) management suggestions. The construction
Figure 3: Planning and Scheduling sector in India needs to evolve its project
control department, and the recommendations
The figure contains the basic formula to will be crucial to the project's smooth progress.
complete a project (Hasan M. L., 2019). In the There are a number of suggested guidelines,
input stage, the project planner needs to have some of which are expanded, that are applicable
knowledge about the project by going through to project management in the Indian
the contract agreement and need to have a good construction business.
understanding about the project plan. The DWP AACE recommends schedule development as
is a document which establishes the means of one of the practices, and the ID for this
monitoring, controlling, and executing the guideline is 91R-16. This procedure entails
project. The plan is the main communication converting the project's scope into functionality,
vehicle that can run between the start till end of feasible milestones, time-duration, time
the construction. Measures carried by the limitations, and other schedule-related data into
efficient deployment of team, team knowledge a schedule model (AACE, 2020). A well-
and sustainable project control tools or the crafted schedule contains sufficient detail to
methods used in the project control, decision enable effective project management. The many
making, and the recovery plans can further sorts of schedules can be classified into five
make the overall DWP works efficiently. This tiers based on the degree of schedule
all will help in following the realistic schedule information. The schedule's highest level is
and execution control leading to stakeholders’ provided by Level 1. The schedule's fifth level
satisfaction and the successful project planning is used to manage task needs for the completion
performance. of the functionality specified in the schedule.
According to Chowdeswari et al. 2017, the The working schedule is a level five schedule
planning process in the construction industry is that depicts work demands on a weekly, daily,
to develop the project plan and the project or hourly basis. The next AACE-recommended
documentation. In a construction project, many guideline for the construction sector is EVM, or
risks can affect the whole project "Earn value management," with the ID number
(Chowdeswari, Optimal planning and 82R-13 (AACE, 2020). The "32 EIA-748-C
scheduling of high-rise buildings., 2017). To recommendations" for employing EVM are
maintain the risk measure for the project, we

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3539 Journal of Positive School Psychology

defined first in this recommended practice. guideline's purpose is to increase

"Earned value management" (EVM) is a communication among stakeholders involved in
construction project management system that the creation, evaluation, and use of project
combines time, price, and scope to measure controls information. It is an AACE
project performance (Chen, 2012). EVM International recommended practice. This
predicts the future based on predicted and deliverable can be part of a larger "Project
observed values, allowing project managers execution plan" (PEP), or it can be used on its
make adjustments as needed. The own to outline the specific approaches that each
"Responsibility and required skills for a project functional unit, such as engineering,
planning and scheduling" guideline, with ID procurement, construction, safety, and quality,
14R-90, is another AACE guideline whose will take. All of the aforementioned rules are
objective is to establish the accountabilities of critical in project management, and the Indian
project planners and scheduling specialists construction industry, in most cases, lacks
during various project planning stages and project control.
schedule creation. This procedure also specifies
the abilities and expertise that project
The research is based on the importance of the
schedulers must possess. The execution of
planning and scheduling of the project. The
project control in the Indian construction sector
methodology of the project of research is meant
necessitates the use of competent and
for collecting and gathering the data or the
experienced personnel, as well as the proper
information in a relevant manner for exploring
training of workers. Project planning, schedule
the effects of some variable and decision-
formulation, and schedule control or
making process. The methodology section
management are the three aspects of this
hereby is delivered to include in which way the
study will proceed in collecting data after
The "Schedule update review," with the ID
making sampling (Kumar, 2019).
53R-06, is the next AACE worldwide guideline.
There are various methods used for planning
This "schedule update review" recommended
and scheduling like Gantt chart, Critical Path
practice (RP) is meant to be a guideline rather
Method (CPM) or Kabana Method. CPM is the
than a set of rules. As recommended by AACE
most popular method of planning. The CPM
International, this paper offers instructions for
method is to create a list of tasks which is
the project scheduler to write a professionally
required to complete the project, dependences
scheduled update or analyze the appropriateness
between tasks, resources required to complete
of schedule modifications to be made as a result
those tasks like Excavation quantity can be
of a change in project status and progress. This
1000 Cum and one hydraulic excavator can
RP is tied to "Total Cost Management" (TCM)
excavate around 200 cum of soil in one day.
progress and performance measurement, as well
Hence, 05 days will be required to complete the
as change management processes, for building
task with one hydraulic excavator. This
projects (Igwe, 2020). These best practices
calculation helps us to estimate the time
document outlines guidelines for construction
required to complete the task.
entities delivering schedule updates
In the below mentioned figure, we can easily
(contractors) and organizations evaluating
see various activities along with the time
schedule submittals (owners or clients) to
duration required to complete the project. The
respond proportionately to the submittal.
below figure is also able to show the exact
Another AACE worldwide guideline is
“Critical Path” of the project (highlighted in
"Developing the project control plan," which
red) which should be following by the project
has the ID 60R-10. Instead, then being a set of
planner, project manager or by senior
rules, this proposed practice is designed to be
management of the project to monitor the
used as a guideline (AACE, 2020). The
overall status. The other paths should also be

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Sagar Gaur, et. al. 3540

monitored at only project manager level as

leaving them unmonitored may lead them to be
critical in future.

Figure 6: Activities under WBS including


Source: (AcqNotes, 2021)

Figure 4: Critical Path Method (CPM) Model
Plan using Finish-to-start relationship

Due to the complexities of the project in

modern world, the scheduling plans are mainly
Figure 7: Sequence of activities and
created through the software like MS project or
relationships between activities
Primavera P6 (Lehtimäki, 2017). The planner
plays an important role in preparing the
Detailed Work programme (DWP).
The programme file i.e. Detailed Work
programme (DWP) contains:
a) Key Milestones,
b) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS),
c) Activities,
d) Relationships,
e) Sequencing of Activities,
f) Activity Durations,
g) Define Resources, Figure 8: Project Calendar
h) Assign Resources to each activity,
i) Assign Calendars based on the public
holidays and other critical information,
j) Assign expenses to activities, if required.

Following extract is taking to analyze the DWP

preparation of any successful project using
Primavera P6:

Figure 5: Work Breakdown Structure Figure 9: Creating Resources

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3541 Journal of Positive School Psychology

Steps involved in developing Risk Register

Step 1 Identify the Risks

Step 2 Describe the risk in detail

Step 3 Brainstorm the mitigation measures

Step 4 Identify the Risk Owner like Project

Figure 10: Assign resources to activities Manager or Design Manager

One Example of Project Plan using MS Project: Step 5 Ascertain the Risk Category like
Design, Procurement, etc.

Step 6 Identify the Probability of that risk


Step 7 Calculate the “Impact Range”

Step 8 Risk Value will be calculated

Figure 11: Sample Risk Register

Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) used to

analyze the driving and dependence power of
the variables. Interpretive structural modelling
(ISM) is a well-established methodology for
The project schedule modelling allows seeing identifying relationships among specific items,
the big picture on the primary task which is to which define a problem or an issue. It is
be completed. The project schedule involves structural based on mutual relationship. The
mainly three major items i.e. deliverables, major three steps involved in ISM modelling
milestones and the activities needed to complete are as follows:
the project. Then the research comes to the a) Identify the elements which are relevant to
analysis of project risk planning. Project risk the problem. This could be done by a
planning is the process to identify how to carry questionnaire survey.
out the activities or the tasks associated with the b) Establish a contextual relationship between
risks. The main work of that is identifying the elements with respect to which pairs of
risk of the project and proper mitigation elements would be examined.
measures against those risks (Chowdeswari, c) Analyze the impact.
Optimal planning and scheduling of high-rise
buildings, 2017). The risk register is where the Hypothesis - A hypothesis is a statement that
record of all identified risks is maintained, it predicts the relationship between a set of
also stores the mitigation measures and variables. Variables are factors that are likely to
calculate the risk value. change. Relational hypotheses to determine if
relationships exist between a set of variables.

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Causal hypotheses to determine if changes in

Having pre-execution Risk Register
one variable cause changes in another. helps mitigate risk and increases
HR1: Impact of Preparation of Proper Project productivity of Project Plan (DWP)
Plan i.e. DWP on the other variables.
HR2: Impact of the deployment of Planning
Engineer for project planning & scheduling 30%
on other variables. 70%
HR3: Impact of having pre-execution risk
register on the other variables.
HR4: Impact of the use of software for Planning YES NO
& Scheduling on the other variables.
FINDING Uses of International AACE
50 participants considered for the questionnaire recommended guidelines increases the
effectiveness of Planning and
survey. Mainly from Infrastructure & Heavy Scheduling phase
civil construction industry. Participants include
Planning Engineer, Site Engineer, Supervisors,
Construction Manager, Project Manager, 45%
Project Controls Manager & Sr. Management.
Medium and large Organizations are only
considered for the survey. YES NO

Proper Project Plan increases efficacy VIII. DISCUSSION

of Planning & Scheduling phase Planning is a challenging task but at the same
time it is also a fundamental activity in
managing any type of construction project.
Good monitoring and controlling of
construction projects are based on developing
the budget and the schedule for the work. In
layman term, the project plan is the process that
YES NO defines the project goals, project aims and
objectives. It specifies the task that how the
project will proceed, and total time required to
Deployment of Project Planner complete the project. It also specifies what
increases effectiveness of Planning & resources will be required for undertaking the
Scheduling phase
task (Bajjou, 2020). The project plan also gives
the information of the team role.
The planning of the project includes the risk
40% register. Now a days, there are various software
60% available to prepare the project plan like MS
project and Primavera P6. The project plan is
mainly referring to time schedule which
YES NO involves the steps to complete the project. The
project planning also includes documentation of
the project and an effective method of creating
a flow chart to complete a construction project.
A project plan defines all of the work which has
to be done in the project and also identifies who

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3543 Journal of Positive School Psychology

will do that work. The project plan is focused planned against those in order to estimate
on the scope, time, cost, quality, environment, those risks within time. Otherwise, it will
safety, quality and risk of the work. lead to cost & time overrun. So, Risk
There are some basic steps involved in planning Register needs to be prepared showing
& scheduling for successful completion of the probability and impact of risk, thus,
project: calculating the risk value for each risk.
• Scope Planning: Specify the requirements • Communication Plan: For any project,
for the entire project and in order to create communication plan is required to make a
the WBS structure, scope planning for the suitable communication between the various
entire project is required so that the stakeholders to have timely decision. Also,
Engineers and the managing authority of the the communication between the workers,
project are able to finish the entire project managers and the supervisors are also
according to the timeline by fulfilling all the required so that there have no difficulties or
requirements. misunderstanding arises.
• Development of the project schedule: Scheduling is the process of providing the
Mapping the overall work of the entire resources, relationships, and schedule of the
project, develop the entire schedule for the tasks to calculate the completion time (Kanit,
project by creating WBS and activities in 2021). The schedule of the construction is based
detail and implement within the timeline. on the task, material, labor, and the time needed
• Resource Planning: Planning for the for completing the project. There are many
resources is also required so that it is ways to create a schedule which includes curve
possible to gather all the possible resources, S, network planning, the scheduling linear, etc.
or any extra resources required before start The construction planning and the scheduling
of the project in order to complete the are to improve the work efficiency of the
overall project successfully. Otherwise, the project. Effective material management and
overall timeline and the overall cost for the proper distribution of the material or the
entire project might be hampered. resources reduce the cost of the project and
• Design Planning: One of the most important reduce the lifetime of the project. Site planning
planning phase where Preliminary, Detailed, is a task that is done step by step on the site
Good for construction and As-built drawings (Hasan, 2019). Planning is the process by which
programme is prepared. the work simplifies. Scheduling is the process
• Procurement Planning: Besides scope of arranging the resources and managing those
planning and budget planning focusing on steps in a tabular form. The scheduling is the
the outside vendors and the subcontracting steps of the planning activities. That’s why
are also required to prepare the procurement planning and scheduling are very important
of materials and equipment to complete the criteria to do work properly. And reduce the
overall project successfully. project time and cost of the project.
• Budget Planning: To complete the overall
project within the budget the planner needs
Mitigate the limitation of the project planning
to pre-planned for the estimate budget for
and the scheduling of the project. These above
the entire project so that they are able to
sections must be improved further, so that the
finish their work and also able to measure if
importance of the project planning and
any extra cost is required for completing the
scheduling can be focused further and proper
planning to be carried out before construction
• Risk Management Plan: Before start any of
(Saad, 2020). The planning and scheduling can
the projects, the planner needs to list down
help the project complete within time without
the possible risks while performing the
cost overruns. The plan can define the work
overall work and also needs to be pre-
purpose and the schedule of the work can define

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Sagar Gaur, et. al. 3544

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