Lec 17 - MA (9th Week)

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Sewer System Design

Two equations serve in the design of sewer;

• Hazen William equation -The Hazen–Williams equation is
an empirical relationship which relates the flow of water in a
pipe with the physical properties of the pipe and the pressure
drop caused by friction
• Manning's equation -The Manning equation is an
empirical equation that describes the relationship
between the velocity in a conduit and the channel
geometry, slope, and a friction coefficient
• But of these, Manning's equation has found wide
applications in sewer design because it applies to both
sewer flowing full and partially full.

Sewer System Design
• The useful forms of Manning's equation
are mentioned below;

Sewer System Design

Sewer System Design

Sewer System Design
Problem 1: Determine the velocity of 0.0081 m3/sec flow in a 200
mm diameter sewer at a slope of 0.0040 m/m. The pipe is new
VCP (vitrified clay pipe). Assume the pipe flowing full.
(a) Estimate the velocity and flow rate for the sewer flowing full.
The ‘R’ hydraulic radius for flowing full is D/4 and n= 0.013 for
new VCP (see Table 19.5).
0.387 2 1
Using equation: V = 𝐷3 𝑆 2
2 1
V full = 0.2003 0.00402 = 0.66 m/s
0.312 8 1
Now, using equation; Q full = 𝐷3 𝑆 2
8 1
Q full = 0.2003 0.00402 = 0.0208 m3/s

Sewer System Design
(b) Calculate = 0.0081 m3/sec = 0.39

0.0208 m3/sec
(c) From Figure 19.9, on the abscissa at = 0.39, and draw a
vertical line to the discharge curve labelled ‘n’ variable with
depth. Then draw a horizontal line to the velocity curve labelled
‘n’ variable with depth. From the intersection point, draw a
vertical line down to the abscissa and read the value; = 0.78

(d) The velocity flowing partially full is then;

V= 0.78 V full = 0.78 (0.66 m/s) = 0.51 m/s

Problem 2: Water from a reservoir situated at higher elevation is to be
brought down to city situated at a distance of 20 miles. Through two steel
mains rising by gravity flow. Find size of main required using following data;
Population of town = 100,000
Average daily supply = 40 gal /day
Summer requirement = 30% higher than winter
Net available head = 200 feet


Average flow = 40 x 100,000= 4000,000 = 4 MGD (million gal /day)

Summer requirement = 4 x 30% = 4 x 1.3 = 5.2 MGD
Converting Flow rate into ft3/sec,
Q = 5.2 x 106 x 0.1605 / 24 x 60 x60 = 9.65 ft3/sec or cusec
(Conversion factor: I gallon = 0.1605 ft3)
Since these are 2 steel mains , load on single main =Q= 9.63/2 = 4.815 cusec
Continuity equation: Q = AV or V= Q/A = 4.815 / (π / 4 x d2) = 6.13 / d2
Frictional factor of steel pipe =0.01

Using Darcy–Weisbach equation is an empirical equation, which relates the head
loss, or pressure loss, due to friction along a given length of pipe to the average
velocity of the fluid flow for an incompressible fluid.

(Where , V= 6.13 / d2; L = Length of pipe = 20 miles = 105600 ft)

Substituting values in Darcy–Weisbach equation;

200= 0.01 x 105600 x (6.13/d2)2
2 x d x 32.2

Solving the above equation ; d5 = 3.0808

or d = 1.25 feet = 15 inches

Problem 3: If water supply in an area is 101900 gal/day and 70%
returns as sewage. Assume, velocity of 2.5 ft/s. Calculate;
(a) Diameter of sewer
(b) Verify the slope of pipe with velocity if it is decided to lay RCC
pipe where n= 0.013, 𝑅3 = 0.3036. Use continuity equation
and Manning's equation.
Solution: Water supply = 101900 gal/day
Sewage flow = 71330 gal/day (70% of water supply)
n= 0.013 , 𝑅 = 0.3036, V= 2.5 ft/s

Now converting flow from gal /day into cft /day

(1 gal = 0.1605 cft) Therefore;
Average Sewage flow = 71330 gal/day x0.1605 = 0.132 cft/s
For peak flow it is three times of average flow; Peak flow = 3 x 0.132 =0.396 cft/s

Using continuity equation; Q = AV
Q= ∏/4 D2 x V
0.396 = ∏/4 D2 x 2.5
D2 = 0.2017 or D = 0.448 ft or 5.37 inches
Assume the pipe flow is flowing with a safety factor of ¼;
D = 5.37 + ¼ (5.37) = 6.71 ft (Practical diameter is 8 inches).
Checking slope with velocity of 2.5 ft/s using Manning's formula ;
1.486 2 1
V = 𝑛 𝑅3𝑆 2 (for FPS system)
1.486 1
2.5 = 𝑥 0.3036 𝑥𝑆 2
S= 0.005 ft/ft i.e. 5 ft in 1000 ft
1 2 1
Checking velocity with slope 0.005; V = 𝑛
𝑅3 𝑆 2
1.486 1
V= 𝑥 0.3036 𝑥 0.0052
V= 2.498 ft/sec ( self cleansing velocity is verified).

Storm Flow and Sewage Flow Estimates
Quantity of Sewage:
Theoretically, the quantity of sewage that is likely to enter the sewerage
system should be equal to certain proportionate quantity of water supplied to
the contributing area. The net quantity of sewage generated will be about 70-
80% of the water supply.
Estimation of Dry Weather Flow:
(i) Domestic or sanitary sewage which is the sewage or wastewater derived
from residential buildings and from commercial, institutional and similar
public buildings such as offices, schools, cinemas, hotels, stations, etc.
(ii) Industrial sewage which is the sewage or wastewater obtained from
manufacturing plants of the industries, processing industries
(iii) Groundwater infiltrating into the sewers through the pipe joints and
other entry points.
(iv) The estimation of dry weather flow therefore involves the estimation of
each of these components.

Storm Flow and Sewage Flow Estimates

The quantity of dry weather flow depends on

the following factors:
(1) Rate of water supply
(2) Population growth
(3) Type of area served
(4) Infiltration and exfiltration (Exfiltration is the
leakage of wastewater out of a sanitary sewer
system through broken or damaged pipes and
Storm Flow and Sewage Flow Estimates
Estimation of Storm Water (or Rain Water) Flow:
• When rainfall takes place a part of it infiltrates into the
ground surface, and the remaining part flows over the
ground surface. The part of rain water flowing over the
ground surface is commonly known as storm water or
runoff, which needs to be drained through the sewers,
otherwise the entire area would be flooded.
• The storm water (or rain water) flow through sewers is
also known as wet weather flow in order to distinguish
it from dry weather flow. For the design of sewers it is
necessary to estimate the quantity of storm water (or
rain water) that will reach sewers.

Storm Flow and Sewage Flow Estimates
• The quantity of storm water (or rain water) that will reach
sewers depends on intensity and duration of rainfall,
characteristics of catchment area or drainage area such as
its shape, imperviousness (such as pavements, sidewalks,
roads and driveways) and topography including depressions
and the time required for the flow to reach the sewer.
• For estimating the storm water flow or runoff for the
design of sewers the following two methods are commonly

(1) Rational method

(2) Empirical formulae

Storm Flow and Sewage Flow Estimates
(1) Rational Method:
In this method the storm water flow or runoff reaching a sewer
is given by the expression;

Storm Flow and Sewage Flow Estimates
(2) Empirical Formulae:

• The use of rational formula for estimating the storm water (or rain water) flow or runoff for the
design of sewers is usually limited to small catchment areas or drainage areas, say up to about 400
hectares. This is so because for large areas the selection of suitable values of runoff coefficient and
intensity of rainfall requires extreme care and judgement.

• For large areas empirical formulae are generally used for estimating the storm water (or rain water)
flow or runoff for the design of sewers. However, the empirical formulae that are available for
estimating the storm water (or rain water) flow or runoff can be used only when conditions
comparable to those for which these formulae were derived initially can be assured.

• The various empirical formulae involve the following variables:

• (i) Catchment area or drainage area;

• (ii) Rate or intensity of rainfall;

• (iii) Relative imperviousness; and

• (iv) Slope of ground.

Storm Flow and Sewage Flow Estimates
The three main means of determining the magnitude of rainfall are;
• Precipitation gauges
• Radar
• Remote sensing
Rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency Analysis:
Variables needed for hydrologic design of hydraulic structures include
the rainfall intensities, critical storm duration (concentration times for
determination of peak discharges) for the catchments area, and the
selected frequencies (return period). These variables together
constitute the design storm.
To calculate the intensity of rainfall the following formulas are used;
• Dillon Equation
• Bilham Equation
• Holland's Equation

Storm Flow and Sewage Flow Estimates

Storm Flow and Sewage Flow Estimates


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