NC-559-ASM, No-Clean Solder Paste: Product Data Sheet
NC-559-ASM, No-Clean Solder Paste: Product Data Sheet
NC-559-ASM, No-Clean Solder Paste: Product Data Sheet
Test Results
Test J-STD-004 or Test Requirement Result
other requirements (as stated)
Copper Mirror IPC-TM-650: 2.3.32 L: No breakthrough
Corrosion IPC-TM-650: 2.6.15 L: No Corrosion
Quantitative Halides IPC-TM-650: L: <0.5%
Electrochemical Migration IPC-TM-650: L: <1 decade drop
Surface Insulation Resistance 85 oC, IPC-TM-650: L: ≥100 MΩ (No-clean)
85% RH @ 168 Hours
Tack Value IPC-TM-650: 2.4.44 54g
Viscosity - Malcom @ 10 RPM/25 C
IPC-TM-650: Print: 210-300
(x103mPa/s)- Sn63/Pb37 T3/T4 Dispensing: 100-140
Visual IPC-TM-650: Clear and free
from precipitation
Conflict Minerals Compliance Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) Compliant
REACH Compliance Articles 33 and 67 of Regulation May contain up to 1%
(EC) No 1907/2006 w/w of ethoxylated
NC-559-ASM, No-Clean Solder Paste
Printer Operation Amtech Low Oxide Powder DistributionMicron Size
The following are general guidelines for stencil Micon Size Type Pitch Requirements
printer optimization with NC-559-ASM. Some 45 - 75µ Type-2 24 mil and above
adjustments may be necessary based on your 25 - 45µ Type-3 16 - 24 mil
process requirements. 20 - 38µ Type-4 12 - 16 mil
15 - 25µ Type-5 8 - 12 mil
Print Speed: 25-100 mm/sec 5 - 15µ Type-6 5 - 8 mil
Squeegee Pressure: 70-250g/cm of blade 2 - 11µ Type-7 < 5 mil
Under Stencil Wipe: Once every 10-25 prints, Note: Type-6 and Type-7 may not be available in certain alloys.
Other powder distributions are available on request.
or as necessary
Stencil Life
Solder paste should be stored between 3-8 °C
>12 hours @ 30-45% RH and 20-25 °C
(37-46 °F) to obtain the maximum refrigerated shelf
~ 4 hours @ 45-75% RH and 20-25 °C
life of six months. Unopened solder paste stored
at room temperature, 25 °C (77 oF) will have a one
month shelf life. Syringes and cartridges should
NC-559-ASM is a no-clean solder paste that can
be stored vertically in the refrigerator with the
be left on the board for many SMT assemblies.
dispensing tip down. Allow 4-8 hours for solder
For applications requiring cleaning, NC-559-ASM
paste to reach an operating temperature of 20-25 °C
can be cleaned using flux residue removers such as
(68-77 oF). Keep the solder paste container sealed
Inventec Disper 607 and Disper 610.
while warming the solder paste to operating
Recommended Profile
Profile for Sn63 and Sn62 Alloys
This profile is designed to serve
as a starting point for process Topside Temperature of board
to be @ 212 – 230°C maximum
Temperature Ramp
seconds, with a rapid pre-heat @ < 3.0°C/Second