John Dela Cruz - GECMAT Section 1 Assignment

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Name: John D.

De la Cruz Course and Section : BSMA 1-B

Assignment in GECMAT


I. Observe and draw 1 of the following and find out the pattern.
1) Animal 2) Plant or fruit

Lady Bug Watermelon

Pattern: Symmetrical distribution of black spots Pattern: The green stripes

3) Thing or man made 3) Natural phenomenon

T- shirt Volcanic Eruption (Strombolian)

Pattern: The Red and Black Stripes Pattern: The orange lines(magma) moves downwards

In not more than five sentences, discuss the patterns you have presented.

II. Provide concise answers (maximum of 5 sentences) to the following questions.

1. Why are numbers important in our life?
-Numbers are important in our life because everyday we use numbers to count. Learning
numbers make us competent individuals. In accounting, numbers is really important which
always use to communicate financial statements.
2. What new ideas about mathematics did you learn?
- The new ideas about mathematics that I’ve learned were patterns, sequences,
proportion and the golden ratio. These lessons provide set of examples which will
help me also to have in depth comprehension about the topic.
3. What is it about mathematics that might have changed your thoughts about it?
- Mathematics has something to do with the behavior of every humans. As it plays an
important role in making a strong foundation of analytical and contextual design of
everything on Earth. The more we are knowledgeable enough to perform basic
mathematics and apply this to everyday lives. Thus, I can somehow said that
mathematics really changed my thoughts about how I perceived things.
4. Other than those mentioned in the text, describe three other patterns of shapes that you
see in nature. Discuss briefly the “mathematics” behind such patterns.
- The leaves of Coconut Tree
 As you notice there is a such pattern in the leaves of coconut tree, the
leaves in the basal and distal parts were smaller compare to the middle. But
its symmetrical from the left portion, to the right portion of the leaves.
- The Dalmatian Dog
 This breed of dog is famous for having a white fur with black spots scatter
all through out the body parts of this dog. As you can see that there are
spots which equally distributed to the whole body parts of this dog. There is
behind mathematics about the patterns of this Dalmatian dog.
- Water Ripple
 As you observed, when you try to slap a pail full of water, ripples form. Its
movement as you notice from the center, the wave forms from a small
circle. As it moves away from the center, the circles are getting larger and
5. Identify and describe certain patterns (at least one) that you observe in your locality or
within your nearby environment.
- In my case as I lived near the farm, a certain patterns that I observed in my locality is
how the farmers plant the rice. I noticed that they follow a patterns whether it could
in be rows or in columns. It depends in what patterns where they are used to do so.
As a matter of fact, it helps them to finish planting of rice faster when they use
patterns as their guide for planting.

III. Describe in details the importance of mathematics in the following areas. Cite specific and real-
life example for each.
1) Business
- Mathematics is important in the world of business. Businessmen and
businesswoman deals money for every transactions they have. In accounting
practices, mathematics is a vital as it is use by accountants to communicate their
reports and making financial statements.
2) Medicine
- Mathematics is important in the world of medicine. Pharmaceutical companies use
mathematics in terms of the exact amount of chemicals to be use in making
medicine drugs. Also for doctors, giving prescriptions to the patient, how much the
amount of medicine to be taken up just to cure illnesses of the patients.
3) Technology
- Mathematics is important in the world of technology. Computer programmer also
use mathematics for developing apps or other related technologies information.
Engineers, technicians, and other related professions in this field of technology, is
much important for then the use and apply of mathematics in their workplaces.
4) Music and Arts
- Mathematics is important also in Music and Arts. In music, a composer uses
mathematics in writing a song as they measure the rhyming words to be use. In arts,
also some of the artists in terms of crafting, spend a lot of measuring accurately to
things they used in crafting in order to make their finished product a good looking
5) Society
- In society, Mathematics is also really important to the people living in the community.
Everyday they use mathematics, like for an example, buying of goods to grocery store and
they count their change for the bills they have. Also, in payments of utility bills, like
electricity, Internet, water and etc. Also for those people who do savings, it is important to
them to use mathematics to monitor their savings.


IV. Provide concise answers (maximum of 5 sentences) to the following questions.

1) Did the lesson presented changed your perspective in Mathematics? Why?
- Yes, it did changed my perception about Mathematics for some reasons from part
experiences that this subjects really focuses on numbers, formulas, solving and etc.,
but I was wrong. Mathematics have an impact in our lives, we can learn and apply
things in reality. It really develops our critical thinking skills to solve problems in
reality with the use of what we learned about Mathematics.
2) What is the most fascinating information that you have learned about Mathematics in Nature?
- The most fascinating information that I have learned about Mathematics in Nature is
that, all things in nature are related to Mathematics in which there is connection,
like shapes and patterns of the structure plants and animals. In general, those shapes
and patterns of all living and non-living things on Earth makes every kind unique
from others and thanks to the Mathematics.
Enumerate and describe two other things for each of the following:
a) that show the Fibonacci numbers.
- A Rose Flower
 The number of rose petals is tend to be a Fibonacci number. As you can see
from each sections have different numbers of petals. For example, in the
center, there are 2 petals. Next section, there are 3 petals and last are 5
- The branches of a Tree
 There is also a Fibonacci number in almost trees. As it from a single trunk,
then it was grown into 2 different branches, as it multiplies until such end it
reaches its tip, from trunks to figs
b) that illustrates the Golden Ratio.
- The fiddlehead Ferns
 The fiddlehead of the fern illustrates the Golden Ratio. As you can see the
golden spiral structure of this plant. Each has a corresponding number
sequence. As I observed from the center tip of the fiddlehead, it grows in
the form, from a small, It becomes larger and bigger.

- CN Tower, Toronto
 The CN Tower in Toronto, the tallest Tower and freestanding structure in
the world, has contains the golden ratio in its design. The ratio of
observation deck at 343 meter to the total height of 533.33 is 0.618 or phi,
the reciprocal of Phi!

c) that follows a Golden Rectangle

- The Parthenon in Greece
 The Parthenon is 30.8 meters wide and 69.51 meters long (101 and 228
feet, respectively). This equals a 4:9 ratio. This 4:9 ratio also is found in
other parts of the building, including the width of the Parthenon’s front
columns, and in the height of the façade to its width.
- The Taj Mahal in India
 Displays golden proportions in the width of its grand Central arch to its
width, and also in the height of the windows inside the arch to the height
of the main section below the domes.
V. Measure the following body parts (in cm). You may ask someone for you to assist in measuring
your body parts. Round answer up to two decimal places. Then, write down the proportions of each body

Body parts Measurement Ratio

a = Top-of-head to chin a = 33cm a
1 ¿ =1.74
b = Top-of-head to pupil b = 11 cm b
2 ¿ =1.29
c = Pupil to nose tip c = 5cm d
3 ¿ =2. 00
d = Pupil to lip d = 8. 5 cm j
e = Width of nose e = 6cm 4 ¿ =1.80
f = Outside distance between eyes f = 11.5cm e
5 ¿ =1.33
g = Width of head g = 19 cm f
6 ¿ =1.53
h = Hairline to pupil h = 8cm h
7 ¿ =1.25
i = Nose tip to chin i = 9cm e
j = Lips to chin j = 4.5 cm
k = Length of lips k = 7.5
l = Nose tip to lips l = 4.5

Which ratio of your body part is nearest to the golden ratio?

The ratio between top of head to chin and width of head.

Which ratio of your body part is the farthest to the golden ratio?

The ratio between the length of lips and with of the nose.

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