Micro Teaching

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A detailed lesson plan in Science

I. Objectives:
During the discussion and activities, the pupils will be able to:
A. Identify the different types of weather: sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, and stormy.
B. Classify the clothes that we wear on different types of weather.
C. Participate and cooperate in the group activity.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Different types of weather: Sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, stormy
Reference: Standards and Competencies for Five-Year-Old Filipino Children by DepEd,
pp. 23.
Materials: picture cut-outs, clothes that we wear on different types of weather

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Motivation
“Before we start with our lesson,
teacher will give you 3 classroom rules.
Can you see the different pictures that I
have? Yes teacher!
What pictures are these? Ears, Mouth/Lips, Hands
Very good. Each picture indicates a
rule. So first rule: Listen when someone
is talking, next rule: Quiet Mouth and
last rule: Raise your hand before you
talk. is that okay? Yes teacher!
What will happen if you will not follow
the rules? Teacher will be sad.
Yes, that’s right. So teacher to be happy
what will you do? We will follow the rules and behave.
Very good.

B. Preparation
Okay! So children can you please look
around the classroom? What can you
see? Different pictures teacher.
Great. Kindly help teacher to gather
those pictures and paste in front. Raise
hand if you want to look around and
get the pictures.
*all the pictures are pasted in front*

C. Discussion
What do you think is the weather for
today? Sunny teacher!
Yes, which among the pictures present
sunny weather? The picture that has a Sun on it.
There are two pictures, which is which? The one that has the biggest sun.
Very good. So this is the sunny
weather. What can you wear during
sunny weather? Sleeveless, shorts
Do you like sunny weather? Yes teacher.
Why? Because we can play with our friends outside.

Next, can you tell me another weather

that you know aside from sunny? Rainy teacher.
Can you please point which among the
pictures is rainy? This one teacher. *points to the rainy picture
Yehey! You pointed the right one.
Why this picture became rainy? Because it has droplets teacher.
Aside from droplets, what else? Dark clouds teacher.
Nice observation children. What do
you need to do during rainy weather? Stay inside the house and don’t go out.
What will happen to you if you go out
from your house? You will get sick.
That’s right, you need to stay inside for
you not to get wet and not be sick.
What if you have to go to school, what
will you wear for you not to get wet? Have an umbrella, raincoat, and rain boots.
Okay very good.

Do you like rainy weather? No teacher, because we can’t go outside. /

Yes teacher, because it’s peaceful.

Okay aside from this two, what else can

you see? Windy teacher.
Good. What do you think is windy
weather? The wind blows very hard.
Can be. What do you usually wear if it is
windy? Socks and jacket teacher
Yes because it is very cold outside if it is
windy. Have you experienced going
outside and it’s very windy? Yes teacher.
What happen? My clothes are flying especially my skirt. / It’s
very cold teacher.
Yes, that’s why you need to always
have your jacket with you so that if it’s
windy you will not be cold.

Aside from the weathers given, can you

please give me another one? No more teacher
Are you sure? Yes teacher
But we still have two pictures left on
this side, what do we call these
pictures? I don’t know teacher.
Okay, so let teacher tell you what this
is. *gets the picture of stormy*
Children this is stormy. From what you
observe in this picture, can you tell me
what stormy weather is? It is like rainy but has thunder on it. / It is a
strong rain. It has thunder.
That’s right. What do we wear during
stormy weather? Is it similar to rainy? No teacher, because we can’t go out from our
house when it is stormy unlike rainy, because
it has stronger winds, rain and also thunder.
Then what do we need to wear? Thick jacket and bonnet
Very good.

What do you think is this? Uhmm…

Any guess children?
Okay so this weather is called Cloudy
weather, why is this called cloudy? Because it has many clouds
Yes, Does it similar to sunny or windy? Sunny teacher.
Why do you say so? Because it still has sun.
That’s right, and then what do we need
to wear? Shirt and jeans
Can be, but don’t forget to bring some
jacket and umbrella because it might
get rain if it is cloudy. Okay? Okay teacher.

D. Generalization
Okay children what did we learn from
our lesson today? The different kinds of weather.
Okay, what are the different kinds of
weather? Sunny, Rainy, Windy, Stormy, and cloudy
*review the pictures on the board*

IV. Evaluation
Now that you have learned about the different kinds of weather. We will be having a
game entitled finding my clothes.
Can you see the scattered clothes here in the floor? I will be describing the kind
of the weather and I want you to find the right clothes to wear. Are you ready class to
play the game? You will be receiving a star if you wear the correct clothes.
V. Assignment
“For your assignment, draw the weather that you like the most on a short bond of paper, and
another short bond paper for the weather that you really don’t want.”

Content - 7 pts.
Neatness – 3 pts.
TOTAL 10 pts.

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