Types and Difference of Assassment

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Assignment No: (I)

Program: BS-ENG- EVE-III

Subject: Educational Assessment

" Difference Between Types and Forms Of Assessment"
"Difference between teacher made tests and standardize Test"

Submitted to: Sir Naem Sarwar

Submitted By: Muhammad Jan
Roll no: Bsf : 1902967
" Difference Between Types and Forms Of Assessment"
A) Types of Classroom Assessment
1. Assessment for Learning (Formative Assessment)
Assessment for learning is ongoing assessment that allows teachers to monitor
students on a day-to-day basis and modify their teaching based on what the students
need to be successful. This assessment provides students with the timely, specific
feedback that they need to make adjustments to their learning.
2. Assessment of Learning (Summative Assessment)
Assessment of learning is the snapshot in time that lets the teacher, students and
their parents know how well each student has completed the learning tasks and
activities. It provides information about student achievement. While it provides
useful reporting information, it often has little effect on learning.
3. Assessment as Learning
Assessment as learning means to use assessment to develop and support students’
metacognitive skills. This form of assessment is crucial in helping students become
lifelong learners. As students engage in peer and self-assessment, they learn to make
sense of information, relate it to prior knowledge and use it for new learning.
Students develop a sense of efficacy and critical thinking when they use teacher,
peer and self- assessment feedback to make adjustments, improvements and changes
to what they understand.

B) Forms Of Assessment:
1. Informal Assessment:
Informal assessments are those spontaneous forms of assessment that can easily
be incorporated in the day-to-day classroom activities and that measure the students’
performance and progress. Informal assessments are content and performance
Examples :
2. Formal Assessment;
Formal assessments are the systematic, pre-planned data-based tests that measure
what and how well the students have learned. Formal assessments determine the
students’ proficiency or mastery of the content, and can be used for comparisons
against certain standards.
Examples :
● standardized tests
● criterion referenced tests
● norm referenced test
3. Paper - Pencil Assessment:
In paper-pencil assessments, students provide written responses to written items.
You have probably taken numerous paper-pencil assessments in your educational
career. Assessments in which you fill out answers on the assessment form itself or
electronic forms, like Scantrons, fall under this category. Typically, paper-pencil
assessments include questions to answer, topics to address through paragraph
responses, problems to solve, etc.
4. Performance Assessment:
Performance assessments, on the other hand, are assessments in which students
demonstrate their knowledge and skills in a non-written fashion. These assessments
are focused on demonstration versus written responses. For example, giving oral
presentations, completing physical assessments in physical education (PE) classes,
performing experiments in a lab, or dissecting activities in anatomy classes fall under
this category.

Differences between Standardized and Teacher Made Test

Standard Test Teacher made test

1. generally prepared by specialists who 1. made by teachers who may not know
know very well the principles of test very well the principles of test
construction; construction;

2. prepared very carefully following 2. Often prepared hurriedly and

principles of test construction; haphazardly to be able to meet the
deadline for administration;
3. given to a large proportion of the 3. Usually given only to a class or
population for which they are intended classes for which the tests are intended;
for the computation of usually, no norms are computed;

4. generally correlated with other tests 4. Teacher-made tests are not subjected
of known validity and reliability or with to any statistical procedures to
measures such as determine their validity and reliability;
school marks to determine their validity
and reliability;

5. generally are high objective; 5. May be objective and may essay in

which case scoring is subjective;

6. have their norms computed for 6. Have no norms unless the teacher
purposes of comparison and computes the median, mean, and other
interpretation; measures for comparison and

7. measure innate capacities and 7. Generally measure subject

characteristics as achievement; achievement only;

8. intended to be used for a long period 8. Intended to be used only once or

of time and for all people of the same twice to measure achievement of
class in the culture where students in a subject matter studied
they are validated. during a certain period;

9. accompanied by manuals of 9. Do not have manuals of instructions,

instructions on how to administer and only the directions for the different
score the tests and how to types of tests which may be given orally
interpret the results; or in writing.

10. generally copyrighted. 10. Not copyrighted.

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