Difference Between Teacher Made Tests and Standardized Tests

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A complete overview of

Teacher made tests &

Standardized tests…
And distinguishing them from one another.
Back to basics: Testing
• A brief overview!

A procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or

reliability of something, especially before it is taken into
widespread use.

Testing refers to the use of tests to collect information on students

learning over a specific period of time.
Connection of tests to assessment.

• Testing basically is the common form of assessment.

• Simply put, a test refers to a tool, technique, or method

that is intended to measure students' knowledge or their
ability to complete a particular task. In this sense, testing
can be considered as a form of assessment. Tests should meet
some basic requirements, such as validity and reliability
Teacher-Made Tests!

Assessment instruments, typically with a summative purpose, designed to measure

and promote student achievement of knowledge/skills specified in the course
learning outcomes. Solving a math problem, such as estimating the number of
beans in a jar.

Teacher Made Oral Tests Are Designed To Measure The Performance Of

Student's Skills Like Listening And Speaking In Language Learning. Written
Tests Are Designed To Test The Abilities Of Student's Knowledge Comprehension
And Written Expression.
More about teacher made tests!

• Tests tell the teacher about the effectiveness of his/her

teaching. The basic purpose of an evaluation is to make a
judgment about the quality or worth of an educational program,
or the proficiency of a student's attainments.

• Because tests provided with a textbook don't include the

knowledge the students gain from outside experiences,
teacher-made tests better reflect what is taught in class
and fit better with the teaching methods they use. With
customized tests, teachers can assess the students as
they progress to check for understanding.
Standardized Tests
•A standardized
of test that (1) test is all
requires anytest
takers to
questions, answer
or a the same
selection of
questions, from
in thecommon
same bank
way, and of
or (2) is
consistent scored in
manner, a “standard”
relative it possible
performance to compare
ofgroups of the
students. Whilestudents or
different types
of tests and assessments may
“standardized” inassociated
this way, the be
term is
tests administered with
large populations
such as a of
given to all thestudents
public-school eighth-gradein a
particular state,
Role of Standardized Test
Standardized tests may be used for a wide variety of educational
purposes. For example, they may be used to determine a young child’s
readiness for kindergarten, identify students who need special-
education services or specialized academic support, place students in
different academic programs or course levels, or award diplomas and
other educational certificates. The following are a few representative
examples of the most common forms of standardized tests:
Achievement Tests: designed to measure the knowledge and skills
students learned in school or to determine the academic progress they
have made over a period of time.
Aptitude Tests:  attempt to predict a student’s ability to succeed in an
intellectual or physical endeavor 
College Admission Tests: used in the process of deciding which
students will be admitted to a collegiate program.
International comparison Tests: are administered periodically to
representative samples of students in a number of countries,
Psychological Tests: including IQ tests, are used to measure a person’s
cognitive abilities and mental, emotional, developmental, and social
Distinguishing Teacher made Tests &
Standardized Tests
• A teacher is more concerned with the teacher-made tests as she is directly
involved in their construction. Moreover, teacher-made tests have an advantage
over standardized tests because they can be constructed to measure outcomes
directly related to classroom-specific objectives and particular class situations.
These tests are within the means of every teacher and most economical. The
teacher-made oral tests are designed to measure the performance of students’
skills like listening and speaking in language learning. Written tests are
designed to test the abilities of students’ knowledge comprehension and written
More on differences!
• Standardized Tests.

• It’s a highly sophisticated process requiring technical competence of

high quality, a deep understanding of the subject matter, and an
actual experience of teaching.

• A single person cannot possess all things; so we need a cooperative

panel comprising content specialists, test designers, and practicing

• The process of standardization requires more critical analysis of the;


Teacher-made Tests.
Basically, Teacher-made tests are used to evaluate the progress of
the students in school. However, the specific use of tests may
vary from school to school & teacher to teacher.
These tests are simple and easy to use
Easy for the students
Teachers can assess the strengths and weaknesses of students
Teachers can understand the need for re-teaching concepts and
can decide on remedial instruction.
Thank you for listening!
Presented by Wendel Gabrielle L. Navarro
BSED Major in English, 3rd year


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