UNIT:10 Accounts For Incomplete Records
UNIT:10 Accounts For Incomplete Records
UNIT:10 Accounts For Incomplete Records
“A system of book-keeping in which, as a rule, only records of cash and of personal accounts are
maintained, it is always incomplete double entry system, varying with circumstances”
Unit at a Glance:
Salient features
Difference between double entry system and incomplete records
Ascertainment of profit or loss from incomplete records
Conversion into double entry method
numerical exercises
Accounting records which are not prepared in accordance with double entry system
method are described as accounts for incomplete records.
1. Apply of personal accounts only ( ignores nominal and real accounts)
2. Maintenance of cash book.( Cash book is prepared )
3. Based on original vouchers. (Collection of data is made with original vouchers)
4. Lack of Similarity. (Method of preparation of books differs from firm to firm, it prepared
as per the need of the business.
5. Preparation of final accounts. (After converting the information into double entry system
final accounts are prepared. Due to this Statement of affairs is prepared instead of
Balance sheet)
1. Easy method (Not requires any specific knowledge)
2. Economical( Can be prepared by without having more staff)
3. Suitable for small concerns (Few assets and liabilities are to be recorded)
4. Not – rigid (Can be modified/changed as per requirement of business)
5. Easy finding of profit & losses. (Only opening and Closing capital is required)
1. Impossible to find fraud (As Trial balance is ignored)
2. Incomplete system (No set rules are followed)
3. Unable to find adequate profit & losses. (Ignorance of nominal accounts)
4. Difficulty in preparation of balance sheet.(Lack of valuation of goodwill)
5. Unable to retain full control on asserts. (Real accounts are ignored, it is difficult to make
full control on assets)
6. Unsuitable for planning in control(Lack of reliable figure)
7. Lack of internal checking(Fails to adopt double entry system)
8. Improper evaluation of asserts (Ignorance of certain information like depreciation etc.)
Basis of difference
Recording of both aspects (Double entry records every transaction and incomplete
records few transactions)
1. Type of accounts (All accounts are considered in double entry only personal account are
considered in incomplete records)
2. Trial balance (Trial balance is prepared in double entry system,Trial balance is not
prepared in incomplete records )
3. Net profit/ loss (Profit/Loss is calculated by preparing trading and profit &loss a/c in
double entry system, Statement of profit is prepared in incomplete records to find the
4. Financial position (Balance sheet is prepared in double entry and statement of affairs is
prepared in incomplete records)
5. Adjustment (Adjustment are considered in double entry ,while adjustments are not
considered in incomplete records)
Format of Statement of Profit
Closing capital --------
Add: Drawings --------
1. Opening capital
2. Additional capital introduced
Profit during the year
Mr. Ramesh,the owner of a mobile shop maintains incomplete records of his business. He wants
to know the result of the business in 31stDec. 1998 and for that following information are
1st Jan, 1998 31st Dec, 1998
Cash in hand 300 350
Bank balance 1500 1600
Furniture 200 200
Stock 1000 1300
Creditors 700 800
Debtors 500 600
During the year he had withdrawn Rs.1000 for his personal use and invested Rs.500 as additional
capital. Calculate his profit on 31st Dec, 1998.
Statement of affairs
As on 1st January, 1998
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Rs. Rs.
Creditors 700 Cash in hand 300
Capital(balance figure) 2,800 Bank balance 1500
(Opening capital) debtors 500
Stock 1000
Furniture 200
3,500 3,500
Statement of profit
For the year ending 31st December, 1998
Closing capital as on 31-12-1998 3,250
Add: drawings 1,000
Less: further capital introduced 500
Less: opening capital as on 1-1-1998 2,800
Profit for the year 950
Points to be remembered: If opening capital is given but closing capital is not given, only one
statement of affairs will be prepared to find closing capital.
Conversion into double entry method: Under this method following steps are made :
1. Opening of statement of affairs
2. Preparation of subsidiary.
3. Opening of others account like debtors account.
Format of creditor‟s A/c
Total Creditors account
Rs. Rs
To cash paid to By balance b/d
creditors .......... (opening balance of ..........
To B/Paccepted .......... creditors) ..........
To B/R endorsed .......... By B/P Dishonored
To Purchase returns By B/R endorsed ..........
To discount received dishonored ..........
To balance c/d .......... By Credit Purchase,
(closing balance of if given (if not given
creditors, either balancing figures is .........
given or balancing Credit Purchase)
Find out credit and total purchases from the following particulars:
Balance of creditors on 1st Jan, 2003 60,000
Balance of creditors on 31st Dec, 2003 48,000
Cash paid to creditors 2,40,000
Cheques issued to creditors 80,000
Returns outwards 10,000
Discount received from creditors 7,200
B/P given to creditors 17,000
B/P dishonored 4,000
B/R endorsed to creditors 6,000
B/R endorsed to creditors dishonored 2,400
Cash purchases
Creditor‟s Account
Rs. Rs
To cash paid 2,40,000 By balance b/d 60,000
To Bank 80,000 By B/P Dishonored 4,000
To Purchase returns 10,000 By B/R endorsed 2,400
To discount received 7,200 dishonored
To B/P accepted 17,000 By Credit Purchase 3,41,800
To B/R endorsed 6,000
To balance c/d 48,000
(closing creditors)
Generally commits these mistakes ,please avoid:
1. Do not forget to find opening/closing capital
2. Creditors has credit balance
3. Debtors has debit balance
4. Deduct additional capital from statement of profit while finding profit or loss.
Numerical question:
Q.1 AB Company keeps incomplete records. During 2000 the analysis of his cash book was as
Receipts from Rs. Rs.
debtors 8,000 Bank overdraft(1-1- 1,200
Additional capital 2000) 5,400
introduced on 1-9- 600 Payments to creditors 1,800
2000 General expanses 600
Loan from C on 1-7- 3,000 Salaries 800
2000 @ 6% interest Drawing 1,800
p.a. Bank balance(31-12-
11,600 2000) 11,600
On 1st Jan, 2000, The Following Balances were Recorded: Building Rs.5,000; Stock Rs. 3,600;
Debtors Rs.10,600 And Creditors Rs.3,000.
The Balances On 31st Dec, 2000were: Debtors Rs.12,000; Building Rs.5,000; Creditors Rs.3,800
And Stock Rs.5,200.
Allow 5% Depreciation On Building. Provide Interest in C„S Loan for Six Months. Prepare
Profit And Loss Accounts and Balance Sheet on 31-12-2000
1. Credit sales Rs.9,400
2. Credit purchase Rs.6,200
3. Opening Capital Rs.15,000
4. Gross profit Rs.4,800
5. Net profit Rs.2060
6. Balance sheet Rs.23,750
Q.2 Dr. Man Mohan maintains incomplete records. His accounts on 31st December 2005 were as
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Rs. Rs.
Bills payable 20,000 Stock 3,00,000
Sundry Creditors 2,40,000 Cash 40,000
Capital 6,80,000 Bank balance 1,00,000
Bills received 1,40,000
Sundry debtors 2,40,000
Furniture 1,20,000
During the six months ended 30th June, 2006 his position was as follows:
(i) His cash position improved by Rs.20,000 the bank balance was as Rs.1,00,000.
(ii) Stock decreased to Rs. 2,60,000 and debtors reduced by Rs.40,000.
(iii)Sundry creditors were the same as on 31st Dec, 2005.
(iv) There was no bills payable outstanding.
(v) The balance of the furniture was Rs.70,000 (Furniture costing Rs.50,000 was sold for Rs.
(vi) There was no change in bills receivable.
The furniture was sold on 30th June, 2006. It was estimated that furniture depreciated during the
period @10%p.a. of the original cost.
From the above information calculate Profit or Loss of Dr. Man Mohan` and also prepare his
final statement of affairs.
Answer: Closing capital Rs.5,90,000, Net loss Rs.93,500. Total of final statement of affairs