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1. Bu sınavda 50 soru vardır.

2. Bu sınav için verilen toplam cevaplama süresi 75 dakikadır.
3. Cevaplamaya, istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz.
4. Sayfalar üzerindeki boş yerleri müsvedde için kullanabilirsiniz.

1. – 11. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan

yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi

1. Researchers reported that they needed ---- 4. Music has a direct ---- on our mood; that’s
amount of information sources to finish the why shops, restaurants and shopping malls
survey. often keep some music playing.

A) considerable B) spacious A) prediction B) trait

C) widespread D) vulnerable C) ability D) influence

E) durable E) venture

2. It is highly possible to ---- a Turkish person 5. Elephants ---- about 250 litres of water daily,
in almost every street of Europe. especially when they have been in the sun
for extended periods.
A) stand out for B) put up with
A) provide B) consume
C) run across D) get over
C) feed D) achieve
E) catch up with
E) consist

3. Our body organs require water in order to 6. The people under my living room window
function ----. were talking ---- I missed the most important
dialogue in the entire film.
A) incidentally B) boldly
A) as loudly as
C) properly D) justly B) much louder than
C) so loud as
E) severely D) such loud
E) so loudly that

Influence Grade 12 Mini Practice Test 06 1

7. Five thousand years ago, the independent 12. – 16. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
city-states lining the River Nile ---- to form numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
one long, thin country that ---- by one king, ya da ifadeyi bulunuz
or pharaoh.

A) have united / was ruled Galileo was born near Pisa, Italy in 1564. He had a
B) have been united / has been ruled mixed education, (12) ---- at a monastery school in
C) would unite / had ruled Vallombrosa. In 1581 Galileo joined the University
D) united / would be ruled of Pisa to study medicine. (13) ----, his interest in
E) had united / ruled medicine was not great and he was attracted to
mathematics. He received (14) ---- instruction in
maths from a friend of his father and progressed
rapidly. (15) ---- the university in 1585 without a
degree, he returned to Florence to study the Greek
giants of maths, namely Archimedes and Euclid. He
8. The cause of his sudden death is still supported himself by teaching maths until 1589,
unknown; while some say he ---- of a heart (16) ---- he became a professor of mathematics at
attack, others claim it was because of his Pisa.
very high blood pressure.

A) could die 12.

B) should have died A) to start
C) is supposed to die B) starting
D) may have died C) to be started
E) must die D) being started
E) having been started

9. It’s estimated that just one cup of coffee 13.

contains thousands of chemicals, ---- are A) However
cancer-causing agents. B) Moreover
C) For instance
A) many of which D) Therefore
B) some of whom E) In conclusion
C) one of which
D) all of whose
E) most of what

A) steep
B) wealthy
C) hazardous
D) grateful
10. The climbers walked ---- the river hoping to E) private
go ---- it, but they couldn’t find a bridge.

A) into / along B) across / on

C) above / through D) in / over

E) along / across A) To leave
B) To be leaving
C) Having left
D) Being left
E) Having been left

11. It is recommended that all cash income

documents ---- by the officer before he
passes them on to the Finance Department.
A) signed B) have signed A) that
B) ----
C) be signed D) are signed C) at which
D) where
E) have to be signed E) when

Influence Grade 12 Mini Practice Test 06 2

17. – 21. sorularda, cümleyi uygun şekilde 22. – 24. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. cevaplayınız.

17. The boys panicked and ran away when There is no image more stereotypical of India than
asked by the police ----. that of a cow walking down the middle of a busy city
street. Hindus consider cows sacred animals, and
A) that one of them was kicking a shop
killing them is banned for religious reasons
throughout most of India. Cows are frequently
B) what they were looking for at such a late
allowed to go wherever they please, even in cities,
where Indians usually tend to view them much the
C) who became suspicious of them when they
way Americans and Europeans regard pigeons: an
saw how strangely they behaved
inescapable part of the urban landscape. However,
D) whether they are looking for someone
in New Delhi, many residents have lost their
E) who have been fighting in the street
patience with these cows and demanded that the
disturbing the residents
courts do something about the capital’s cows.

18. Having experienced the same stress many

times on practice tests, ----. 22. We can understand from the passage that
Indians living in cities ----.
A) the anxiety level shouldn’t go far beyond
the level considered normal
A) enjoy seeing pigeons as much as cows
B) the idea of having to determine the future
B) experience almost the same problems as
on a three-hour test makes students feel
their European or American counterparts do
C) usually take cows for granted as part of
C) the university candidates were rather able
their daily lives
to cope with the real exam situation easily
D) admire New Delhi for its cow-free streets
D) universities must be given the freedom to
E) no longer believe that cows are holy
select their own students all by themselves

E) there are several methods of relaxation that

can be used during the actual exam

19. It is of vital importance for politicians ----.

A) being positive under every possible
23. As is clearly pointed out in the passage, the
B) having been followed by large audiences
image of a cow walking freely in the city
C) being understood in every line of their
streets is ----.
D) to have the ability to make everything seem
A) hardly ever known around the world
B) believed to become more common in the
E) to have had the skill to make themselves
clear in their statements
C) known to be a relatively new image
D) likely to mislead people about India
20. ---- what you will get as a satisfactory score E) the picture that typically represents India
on the SAT or TOEFL exam.
A) In order to do your master’s degree abroad
B) Many international universities admit
C) Whether you want to go to a private college
or not
D) If you do not want to do your freshman year
24. It can be understood from the passage that
E) Anyone who wishes to do their graduate
in New Delhi, the capital of India, ----.
study in the States
A) cows are not treated as properly as they
21. ---- to avoid sinking and practically run on it traditionally used to be
as if it were solid. B) the residents cannot put up with the
pigeons ruining the beauty of their
A) It takes a pelican a very long distance to
speed up and take off
C) people do not feel comfortable about what
B) The basilisk lizard moves its feet quickly
the courts have decided to do about the
enough on water
C) Ice sheets are dangerous for ships
D) there is growing discomfort about the
navigating near the Arctic Region
existence of cows in the streets
D) It is possible to produce liquids that harden
E) most people think that they have to put up
when hit against
with the cows just because of their sacred
E) Since Saturn has no surface like that of our

Influence Grade 12 Mini Practice Test 06 3

25. – 27. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre 28. – 30. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. cevaplayınız.

In Sigmund Freud’s hands, psychoanalysis was, Most people think that the cat is an unintelligent
indeed, more art than science. He led the patient animal, fond of ease and caring little for anything but
and the reader, in his terms, out of the forest and mice and milk. But a cat has really more character
into the open space where all could be seen clearly than most human beings think, and gets a great
as a whole, where dreams could be understood as, deal more satisfaction out of life. Of all the animal
primarily, visual parodies of experience. In his kingdom, the cat has the most many-sided
attempt to “decode” what the “dream work” had character. He -- or she -- is an athlete, a musician,
caused, Freud took his readers through labyrinthine an acrobat, a grim fighter and a good friend. All day
paths as he explored dreams in terms of the long the cat loafs about the house, takes things
unconscious and of wish-fulfilments, and as he easy, sleeps by the fire and allows himself to be
devised a whole new vocabulary for the workings of pestered by the attentions of our womenfolk and
the unconscious: condensation, displacement, annoyed by our children. To pass the time away, he
symbolic representation, and regression, for sometimes watches a mouse hole for an hour or two
example. Freud’s memorable tales of Dora and the just to keep himself from dying of boredom.
Wolf Man, of the burning child who appears in his
father’s dream, and of his own young daughter’s
dreams of strawberries have enriched the history of 28. The depiction of the cat made by the author
the medical narrative and set precedents for gives us the feeling that cats ----.
contemporary medical essays.
A) are the least disturbing animals for people
B) have difficulty getting used to living with
25. The passage mainly focuses on ----. new people
C) don’t need people’s attention or care at all
A) Freud as a medical writer D) are contented with their lives and don’t

B) how Freud became interested in have much concern about things

psychoanalysis E) are vicious animals that don’t like humans
C) Freud’s memorable tales except when they need them
D) the common features of the characters in
Freud’s tales
E) Freud’s controversial research methods

26. We understand from the passage that Freud

29. The author of the passage draws attention
A) liked walking in open spaces with his to the fact that cats ----.
patients rather than spend time in a forest
B) often got lost in his thoughts while A) can’t do without drinking milk all the time
analyzing people’s unconscious, which was B) can turn into monsters when they are
like walking in a labyrinth hungry
C) invented new words or terms while C) are not as clever as they are thought to be
writing about psychoanalytic cases D) don’t like being at ease all the time
D) played in parodies with his patients in order E) have many different abilities and
to fulfil his unconscious wishes personalities
E) deliberately used words which nobody
could understand

27. The author of the passage considers ----.

A) Freud to be a good psychoanalyst but a 30. One point that is not made in the passage is
bad medical narrative writer in the that cats ----.
contemporary sense
B) Freud’s tales to be complete failures as A) can entertain themselves when they feel
medical narratives bored
C) the tales of Dora and the Wolf Man to be B) like the attention of humans even if they
the best examples of medical narrative may be pestered
D) Freud to be a pioneer in the field of C) like spending time in comfort and peace
medical essays D) know how to get satisfaction from their lives
E) the tales of his young daughter’s dreams to E) prefer the company of men rather than
be more memorable than his father’s women or children

Influence Grade 12 Mini Practice Test 06 4

31. − 33. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın
boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek
ifadeyi bulunuz.

31. 33.
Denny : Willy :
How long have you been living with Have you taken this language test
your cousin in the same house? before?

Emma : Tim :
Since I started attending university Yes, three times so far.
Willy :
Denny : ----
Tim :
Emma : Sure, but they have changed the
You have to when you have no exam format completely and added
choice. many new types.

A) Do you get along with him? A) I will try to learn what type of questions will
B) Who would you like to live with? be asked this year.
C) How long will you live in the same house? B) If so, I think you can give me some hints
D) Where are you planning to move next? about the kinds of questions asked.
E) How often do you go to your hometown to C) I can help you fill out the exam form then
see your parents? D) Do they change the format of the exam
every year?

E) If I had known that, I would have asked you


Marty :
Have you found a good job yet?

Bob :
No, I haven’t. When I think I’ve found 34. – 36. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca
one, either the salary is too low or en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.
the working conditions are too
34. Instructions should be read before the
machine is operated; otherwise, it may be
Marty :
hazardous to the user.
A) The machine shouldn’t be operated even
Bob :
after reading the instructions; or else, it will
I’ll give it another two months and if
harm the user.
I can’t, I’ll have to make do with the
B) The instructions on how to operate the
one I find.
machine should be read in order for the
user not to give damage to it.
A) How many jobs have you applied for up to
C) The user should operate the machine
before he reads the instructions to prevent
B) Do you think you will ever be able to find
any damage.
the best job for you?
D) Because the user may get harmed, he
C) Maybe, you shouldn’t have quit your job
had better read the instructions before
before finding another one.
operating the machine.
D) Why don’t you search the Internet as well
E) If the machine is harmful to the user
as looking at newspapers?
during operation, he ought to read the
E) How long have you been looking for a job?
instructions first.

Influence Grade 12 Mini Practice Test 06 5

35. The only one who knew the exact place of 38. Your nephew tells you that he will have a
the treasure was Dick, with whose death the long holiday. As he doesn’t want to waste
hope for finding it was lost. his time sleeping all day, he asks you to
recommend a book that can add something
A) Dick, who was the only one to know the to his personality. You don’t have a specific
location of the treasure, was killed before name in your mind, yet you want to give
he could tell it to anyone. some practical advice. You say:
B) Nobody but Dick, whose death is still a
mystery, knew where the treasure A) You cannot get yourself ready for the life
was exactly located. only by reading books.
C) Dick is the only person who knows exactly B) Sorry, but I cannot recall any names at the
where the treasure is, so if he were dead, it moment.
would become impossible to find it. C) I think I am not the right person to give you
D) Not having told anyone where the treasure some useful piece of advice.
was located, Dick remained the only one to D) I can’t give you a name, but I think you
find it till his death. should start with self-improvement books.
E) With Dick’s death, the possibility of finding E) Why don’t you try to enjoy your holiday by
the treasure vanished, as no one else knew doing some other activities?
its exact location.

36. Uninhabited for thousands of years, the 39. – 41. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere,
forests in Siberia provide a third of the total parçada anlam bütünlüğü sağlamak için
oxygen supply on earth. getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

A) A third of all the oxygen on earth is

provided by the Siberian forests, where 39. It is not known exactly when men started to
no human has lived for thousands of years. shave their beards. But we know who the
most famous man to shave his beard was:

B) If it weren’t for the uninhabited forests in

Siberia, the amount of oxygen on earth Alexander the Great. ----. One of them is that
would be three times as less for thousands he didn’t want his soldiers to be caught from
of years. their beards in the battle field, and another
C) Not having been destroyed by humans for one is that he didn’t want his beard to cover
thousands of years, Siberian forests are his beauty.
known to produce one third of the total
oxygen on earth. A) Men used to shave their beard and hair so
D) The forests in Siberia have been as to save themselves from the enemy who
uninhabited for thousands of years despite may snatch their hair with their hands
providing one third of the total oxygen on B) As the beard is a good home for lice, men
earth. have to cut it off
E) The Siberian forests have been providing C) There are different views to explain why he
one third of the total oxygen on earth for didn’t like beard
thousands of years as there are no people D) He was known for his unprecedented
living there. changes in the social life
E) Before the advent of safety razors and
sanitation laws, shaving was dangerous

37. – 38. sorularda, verilen duruma uygun 40. There are more than 5000 ladybird species.
düşen cümleyi bulunuz. Contrary to popular belief, dots on the
ladybirds have nothing to do with their age.
37. You are struggling hard to learn a second ----. However, the average lifespan of these
language, but you are irritated by your cute bugs is three years. Some people
teacher’s laughing at your mistakes, believe that ladybirds can predict the
especially your pronunciation. You decide to weather. If they fell off your hand it would
speak to him about how discouraged you rain, if they flew away it would be fine.
feel, so you say:
A) Adult ladybirds hibernate through the winter
A) I’ve decided to drop out of your language in sheltered places
class. B) Some have two black dots on the red
B) I feel I would improve much faster with shields
the right motivation from you. C) Some ladybirds have up to 22 dots on the
C) My friends always make fun of me in class. back
Could you do something about it? D) Not all ladybirds are red, and not all red
D) I love your lessons, but I don’t know how to ladybirds have dots
improve my pronunciation. E) On a summer day, different species of
E) I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. ladybirds can be found on the same plant

Influence Grade 12 Mini Practice Test 06 6

41. In one Polynesian account of the origin of 43. Developing countries are just beginning to
mankind, two fishermen, the only people on realize that the main reason for their poverty
earth, found a piece of sugar cane in their is the determination of the developed
net. At first, thinking it useless, they threw it countries to remain prosperous at all costs.
away, but after catching it by chance for
three days in a row, they planted it in the A) Gelişmekte olan ülkeler, yoksulluklarının
ground. ----. She cooked for the men by day temel nedeninin gelişmiş ülkelerin, ne
and hid in the cane by night. pahasına olursa olsun, zengin kalmaya
yönelik kararlılıkları olduğunu yeni
A) They had been extremely hungry for weeks farketmeye başlıyorlar.
and they couldn’t bear it anymore B) Gelişmekte olan ülkelerin yeni farketmeye
B) This piece of sugar cane is believed to have başladıkları şey, yoksulluklarının temel
been the ancestor of our sugar today nedeninin gelişmiş ülkelerin, ne pahasına
C) They didn’t know what to do with it, so they olursa olsun, zengin kalmaya yönelik
asked their women about it kararlılıkları olduğudur.
D) It started to grow and after a while, it burst C) Gelişmiş ülkelerin, ne pahasına olursa
open and a woman appeared from it olsun, zengin kalmaya yönelik kararlılıkları,
E) These men looked after it by themselves as gelişmekte olan ülkelerin yoksulluğunun
there was no woman that would deal with temel nedeni olmasına rağmen, onlar bunu
such stuff daha yeni farketmeye başlıyorlar.
D) Gelişmekte olan ülkeler bunu yeni fark
ediyor olsa da, onların yoksulluklarının
temel nedeni, gelişmiş ülkelerin, ne
pahasına olursa olsun, zengin kalmaya
yönelik kararlılıklarıdır.
E) Gelişmekte olan ülkeler, gelişmiş ülkelerin,
ne pahasına olursa olsun, zengin kalmaya
yönelik kararlı olmalarının onların yoksul

kalmasına neden olduğunun daha yeni

farkına varıyorlar.

44. What has puzzled scientists for centuries is

42. – 44. soruda, verilen İngilizce cümleye the unanswered question of how dinosaurs
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. disappeared from the face of the Earth.

A) Dinozorların dünya üzerinden nasıl yok

olduklarıyla ilgili cevaplanmamış soru,
42. Dream is a semi-conscious state where we
yüzyıllardır bilim insanlarının kafasını
have absolutely no control over our
thoughts and expressions.
B) Bilim insanlarının yüzyıllardır kafasını
karıştıran şey, dinozorların dünya
A) Düşünceler ve ifadeler üzerinde hiçbir
üzerinden nasıl yok olduklarıyla ilgili
şekilde etki edilemeyen yarı bilinçli duruma
cevaplanmamış sorudur.
rüya denir.
C) Dinozorların dünya üzerinden nasıl yok
B) Rüya, düşüncelerimiz ve ifadelerimiz
olduklarıyla ilgili yüzyıllardır cevaplanmamış
üzerinde kesinlikle hiçbir kontrolümüzün
olan soru, bilim insanlarının kafasını
olmadığı yarı bilinçli durumdur.
C) Yarı bilinçli durumda olduğumuzdan,
D) Dinozorların dünya üzerinden nasıl yok
rüyada düşüncelerimiz ve ifadelerimiz
olduklarıyla ilgili sorunun cevaplanmaması,
üzerinde hiçbir etki yoktur.
yüzyıllardır bilim insanlarının kafasını
D) Rüya, düşüncelerimiz ve ifadelerimiz
üzerinde hiçbir etkimizin olmadığı yarı
E) Bilim insanlarının yüzyıllardır kafasını
bilinçli duruma denir.
karıştıran şey, dinozorların dünya
E) Rüya sırasında hiçbir düşüncemize ve
üzerinden nasıl yok olduklarıyla ilgili
ifademize etki edilemez çünkü yarı bilinçli
cevaplayamadıkları sorudur.

Influence Grade 12 Mini Practice Test 06 7

45. – 47. soruda, verilen Türkçe cümleye 47. Bir grup Amerikalı arkeolog tarafından yeni
anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. bulunan taş bir tabletin Maya kültüründeki
sembollere ışık tutması bekleniyor.

45. İstanbul’un fethi ile ilgili çok şey yazılmış A) A stone tablet that a group of American
olmasına rağmen, Osmanlı askerlerinin archaeologists have recently discovered is
gerçekten gemileri karadan çekerek denize expected to shed light on the symbols in
indirip indirmedikleri hala bir sırdır. Mayan culture.
B) The symbols in Mayan culture is expected
A) Though much has been written about the to be illuminated by a stone tablet that has
conquest of İstanbul, it is still a mystery recently been discovered by a group of
whether the ships were really pulled over American archaeologists.
land into the sea by the Ottoman soldiers. C) A stone tablet recently discovered by a
B) Whether the Ottoman soldiers really pulled group of American archaeologists is
the ships over land into the sea during the expected to shed light on the issue of
mysterious conquest of İstanbul is symbols in Mayan culture.
something about which much has been D) A group of American archaeologists have
written. recently discovered a stone tablet that is
C) Even though there is much written about expected to shed light on the symbols in
the conquest of İstanbul, the question of Mayan culture.
whether the Ottoman soldiers really pulled E) A group of American archaeologists who
the ships over land into the sea is still a have recently discovered a stone tablet
mystery. expect it to shed light on the issue of
D) Much has been written about the conquest symbols in Mayan culture.
of İstanbul, but it is still a mystery whether
the Ottoman soldiers really pulled the ships
over land into the sea. 48. – 50. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
E) Although much has been written about the okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
conquest of İstanbul, whether the Ottoman

bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

soldiers really pulled the ships over land
into the sea is still a mystery. 48. (I) The moment that you step in a store to buy
something, you feel like you are the most
important person in the world. (II) Assistants
come and try to help you in every way possible.
(III) Yet this heaven-like portrait changes the
moment that you buy the thing you like. (IV) For
example, if you have a problem after you buy
an item, you cannot find anybody to speak to.
(V) Customer services are the places where the
46. Son yirmi yılda bilim ve teknolojide o kadar items that are damaged or faulty are returned.
çarpıcı değişimler oldu ki gelecek yüzyılın
insanoğluna ne getireceğini öngörmek A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
neredeyse imkansızdır.

A) There have been such dramatic changes in 49. (I) Britain in the 21st century is a multi-cultural
science and technology in the last twenty society. (II) Many young people in Britain prefer
years that it is almost impossible to predict today’s more relaxed atmosphere to the way of
what the next century will bring to life in the past. (III) People in London speak 307
humankind. different languages. (IV) That’s more languages
B) Science and technology have changed so than in any other city in the world. (V) The
dramatically in the last twenty years that it children and grandchildren of immigrants to
is almost impossible to predict what the Britain have now become part of multi-cultural
next century will bring to humankind. Britain.
C) The changes that have happened in
science and technology in the last twenty A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
years are so dramatic that it is almost
impossible to predict what the next century
will bring to humankind. 50. (I) The first tip in selecting a child's bicycle is
D) There have been such dramatic changes in finding a bike that is a good fit. (II) The best way
science and technology in the last twenty to select it is to ask the child what he or she
years that what the next century will bring wants. (III) It is never a good idea to choose a
to humankind has become almost bike that is too big, thinking the child will grow
impossible to predict. into it. (IV) A large bike can be very difficult to
E) Such dramatic changes have occurred in handle. (V) A youngster, especially one that is
science and technology in the last twenty just learning to ride, can easily lose control of
years that what the next century will bring such a bike.
to humankind cannot possibly be predicted. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Influence Grade 12 Mini Practice Test 06 8

1. A 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. E 7. D 8. D
9. A 10. E 11. C 12. B 13. A 14. E 15. C 16. E
17. B 18. C 19. D 20. B 21. B 22. C 23. E 24. D
25. A 26. C 27. D 28. D 29. E 30. E 31. A 32. B
33. B 34. D 35. E 36. A 37. B 38. D 39. C 40. C
41. D 42. B 43. A 44. B 45. E 46. A 47. C 48. E
49. B 50. B




1. Bu sınavda 50 soru vardır.

2. Bu sınav için verilen toplam cevaplama süresi 75 dakikadır.
3. Cevaplamaya istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz.
4. Sayfalar üzerindeki boş yerleri müsvedde için kullanabilirsiniz.

1. – 11. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan

yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi

1. It’s a shame that some people feel 4. A few months ago, some sailors were taken
absolutely great when they ---- other people ---- by some Somali pirates in the Indian
whom they think are not as good as them. Ocean.

A) run out of A) hostages

B) see to B) fugitives
C) look down on C) lodgers
D) put out D) hosts
E) turn up E) employees

2. The principal is ---- certain that Daniel took 5. The historical and cultural properties and
part in the disturbance, but he wants to natural beauties in the southern and western
make sure before he expels him. coasts of Turkey will always ---- artists.

A) steeply A) agonize
B) equally B) frighten
C) generously C) inspire
D) previously D) intensify
E) reasonably E) irritate

3. The rescue team has done everything to 6. I ---- from insomnia for a long time when, at
save the ---- skiers on top of the hill despite last, I ---- to see a sleep specialist.
the bad weather conditions going on for the
last few hours. A) have been suffering / had decided
B) suffered / have decided
A) trapped C) had been suffering / decided
B) obsolete D) was suffering / had decided
C) confidential E) am suffering / have decided
D) unlawful
E) unpredictable
Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 03 1
7. Some scientists ---- that by the end of this 12. – 16. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
century, such unique species of birds as the numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
flamingo, the albatross and the bald eagle ya da ifadeyi bulunuz
---- out due to the habitat loss.

A) are claimed / will die No one really knows (12) ---- the pyramids were
B) will claim / will be dying built. In the absence of facts there (13) ---- always
C) had claimed / are going to die ---- many theories so far. Hollywood has mostly
D) claim / will have died taken its cues from the Greek account: 100,000
E) claimed / have died slaves labouring for 20 years. One American
recently advanced the theory that kites (14) ---- the
2-ton stones. Now a French architect says that after
studying the pyramids for eight years, he has solved
the mystery (15) ---- the help of 3D computer
animation. Jean Pierre Houdin believes the
8. Never cross the street before you ---- traffic pyramids were built from the inside out, through an
lights. internal spiral lamp. Egyptologists believe that it’s
a(n) (16) ---- theory, but they say it ought to be
A) had checked tested.
B) have checked
C) are checked 12.
D) will check
E) checked A) what
B) how
C) who
D) which
E) how long

9. Many young painters are attracted to Paris,

the world’s art capital, ---- the economic
facts of life force them to return home 13.
before they become famous.
A) would / be
A) on the contrary B) had / been
B) but C) have / been
C) because D) used to / be
D) in addition E) had to / be
E) during


A) could have lifted

10. Asia’s biggest wave pool, Dino Beach, is a B) would have lifted
fine place for the Chinese to cool ---- in C) will have lifted
summer as the days go on heating ----. D) have lifted
E) may have been lifted
A) up / off
B) out / with
C) within/ to
D) down / up 15.
E) on / for
A) by
B) along
C) with
D) to
E) of
11. ---- many books on Ottoman history, I really
find it hard ---- what you claim as I haven’t
heard about such a thing before.
A) Having read / to believe
B) To read / to have believed A) trivial
C) To be reading / believing B) unfeasible
D) Reading / believe C) persistent
E) Having been read / to believing D) notorious
E) plausible

Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 03 2

17. – 21. sorularda, cümleyi uygun şekilde 22. – 24. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. cevaplayınız.

17. Due to the WHO’s declaration that swine flu The first emperor of all China was a fellow named
is a public health event, ----. Ying Zheng, born in 260 BC during the Warring
States Period, fierce, and dangerous time in
A) many people are in demand of visiting the Chinese history. He was a member of the Qin
country dynasty, and ascended to the throne in 247 BCE at
B) in which many people could have been the age of twelve. In 221 BCE King Zheng united all
affected of what is now China and renamed himself Qin
C) so the health ministry informed the public Shihuangdi, although ‘united’ is rather a tranquil
D) the swine flu incidents will decrease word to be using for the bloody conquest of the
E) all the hospitals have been warned against region’s small polities. According to the Shiji records
the epidemic of the Han dynasty, Qin was a phenomenal leader,
who began connecting existing walls to create the
first version of the Great Wall of China, constructed
18. ----, most of them think that just being strict an extensive network of roads, standardized written
is the solution to everything. language and money, and abolished feudalism,
A) Being a teacher is a hard job for many establishing in its place provinces run by civilian
people governors.
B) Once he had enough confidence to speak
in public
C) After some students caused trouble in class
D) While some teachers try to find different 22. We can understand from the passage that
ways to attract the students’ attention when Ying Zheng was born ----.
E) Whenever the principal called one of them
A) the Chinese throne didn’t belong to anyone
B) he was already entitled to be the king

19. However easily Brenda tried to explain the C) he was named Qin Shihuangdi by his
matter, ----. dynasty
D) the Chinese history started
A) and the boy had no sign of understanding E) there was chaos in the country
B) she was successful in the end
C) the boss just gave a blank look
D) Mary is able to find a suitable answer to
each question
E) but nobody seemed to be listening
23. It can be inferred from the passage that Ying
Zheng ----.
20. One of the most important cities in Turkey is
Antalya in the South coast, ----. A) was in favour of feudalism, which caused
ordinary people to suffer a lot
A) that is the tenth most crowded city B) had the first part of the Great Wall of China
B) which is also suitable for citrus fruits constructed
farming C) was a leader who tried to unify the country
C) before the minister of tourism visited the which was once divided
area D) brought many changes in different aspects
D) tourists from various countries visit the of life
wonderful beaches there E) led China to have many segregations
E) whose complaints about overpopulation through bloody wars
there are all in vain

21. The Cubans started a rebel led by Maximo

Gomez ----. 24. According to the passage China ----.

A) that the Spanish troops killed thousands of A) was a great empire before Ying Zheng’s
Cubans rule
B) although the Spanish didn’t keep their B) was a scattered country until 221 BCE
promise C) has been ruled by Qin dynasty since Ying
C) until Antonio Maceo joined him Zheng’s time
D) as a result, the Spanish had given them D) didn’t develop at the time of Ying Zheng
their independence without struggle E) had just one common monetary system
E) when Spain refused their demands and prior to Ying Zheng
began to increase her military presence

Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 03 3

25. – 27. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre 28. – 30. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. cevaplayınız.

Dog bites and maulings are a worldwide problem, There is more evidence that chemical based
particularly in children. Every year about 250,000 fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides are extremely
people who have been bitten by dogs attend minor harmful to our health. Conventional agriculture relies
injuries and emergency units in the United Kingdom, heavily on chemical fertilizers and toxic pesticides,
and half of all children are reportedly bitten by dogs which are harmful to human health, penetrate water
at some time, boys more than girls. Accurate death sources, deplete the soil and devastate natural
figures are difficult to obtain, but in the past five ecosystems. In addition, there are over 7000
years, two to three cases a year have made the artificial and/or chemical preservatives and additives
news headlines. In terms of prevention, they permitted in non-organic food including colourings,
suggest that children should be taught to treat dogs stabilizers, fillers, none of which are permitted in
with respect, avoid direct eye contact, and not to organic foods. Not only do whole communities
tease them. They should be taught not to approach become subject to the dangers of toxic agricultural
an unfamiliar dog; play with any dog unless under chemicals, they seep into the food on which they
close supervision; run or scream in the presence of are applied; and the foods become contaminated as
a dog; pet a dog without first letting it sniff you; or well. In many places trees have stopped bearing
disturb a dog that is eating, sleeping, or caring for fruit because the use of pesticides has killed the
puppies. pollinators–the bees and butterflies.

28. According to the passage, it is true that

chemical fertilizers ----.
25. The writer states in the passage that ----.
A) are not preferred much in conventional
A) minor injuries don’t require treatment agriculture

B) the number of boys bitten by dogs is higher B) don’t harm the soil but natural ecosystems
than that of girls’ in the UK C) are not as damaging as herbicides or
C) 250,000 children are bitten by dogs in the pesticides
UK every year D) are not permitted as they change the eco-
D) girls don’t play with dogs as much as boys systems
do E) cause harm to humans and animals in a
E) the UK doesn’t give much importance to number of ways
children’s education about dogs

26. It is pointed out in the passage that children 29. We can understand from the passage that
----. organic foods ----.

A) must be brought up with pets in order to A) do not contain any harmful substances like
make them get used to them colourings or fillers
B) should be given the opportunity to spend B) can be produced by the help of 7000
time with dogs as pets artificial preservatives
C) usually provoke stray dogs so they are C) are preferred by most of the communities
attacked D) need more caring than the non-organic
D) are the subject of fatalities on the news foods
once or twice a year due to dog bites E) cause the bees and butterflies to die though
E) should be educated and warned about they are safe for humans

27. The writer suggests that if we want to

prevent dog bites and maulings ----. 30. According to the passage chemical
fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides cause
A) we should teach our children how to treat ----.
B) we should never let children play with dogs A) trees to yield fruits
C) we should avoid keeping dogs at homes B) bees to pollinate less
D) it is better to keep our children away from C) many problems in nature
dogs even if they are our pets D) people to have new kinds of illnesses
E) we mustn’t let a dog come close and sniff E) nothing harmful unless they penetrate
us water sources

Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 03 4

31. − 33. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın
boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek
ifadeyi bulunuz.

31. 33.
Ms. Jenkins: Brian :
---- How can we arrange all these
things in a short time?
Director :
It is your choice, but you Jack :
shouldn’t expect to be here ----
Brian :
Ms. Jenkins: I don’t think we will be able to do
But I have arranged everything that. He must be lying on the beach
and I am flying tomorrow. now.

Director : Jack :
You wouldn’t think I will be Oh! I completely forgot that.
working with those who don’t
come to work when appointed, A) Why don’t we start now? It won’t take that
would you? much, I guess.
B) Let’s not do it right now.
A) I have prepared all the files and put them in
C) Don’t worry I can do it by myself.
the cabinet.
D) Shall we call your cousin for help?
B) As I am going to Germany tomorrow, I
E) I’ve planned everything and my niece will
would like to ask when the general meeting

C) I wonder if I have been appointed to a new

task this year.
D) I hope you liked the present I bought for
you in Germany.
E) Have you decided on meeting dates you
will hold this term?

34. – 36. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca

en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.

32. 34. You have to spend more hours studying

Jason : rather than sleeping if you want to be
We have got two free tickets and successful.
want to go to Cyprus.
A) Successful people don’t always spend a lot
George : of time to study.
---- B) The more you study, the more sleepy you
will be.
Jason : C) What makes a person successful is getting
Exactly, but I don’t think there can enough sleep before studying.
be a more convenient place for our D) You can’t be successful unless you get
budget. enough sleep however much you study.
E) Sleeping less and studying more will make
George : you successful.
Why don’t you search on the
Internet? There are many vacation
sites abroad that cost a lot less.

A) What a nice thing it is going to be as it is a

beautiful place for a summer holiday.
B) You must have saved a lot of money all
through the winter.
C) I have been to Cyprus a few times before.
D) Are you going to stay in Kyrenia or
E) I am sure you will pay a fortune for the
accommodation there.
Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 03 5
35. Although traffic jam is a serious problem in 38. Your best friend invites you to the
big cities, some people see it as a chance to graduation party. You don’t want to go
read more. because of some people who will be present
there. So you politely decline it frankly
A) People in big cities can spend time reading expressing your feelings.
when there is heavy traffic, however, they
still complain a lot about it. A) That’s very kind of you, but I think I will be
B) It’s strange that some people read just quite busy then
when there is traffic jam, which is a big B) I’m afraid I can’t come since I can’t get on
problem in cities. well with some people there
C) Some people do not bother themselves C) OK. I’ll come but don’t call those people as
with the traffic jam, a serious problem in big you know how much I dislike them.
cities, as it gives them an opportunity to D) Sorry, I have to see my uncle at his house
read. that day.
D) One of the biggest problems in cities is that E) How can I refuse it as everybody I like will
some people read just when there is a be there!
traffic jam.
E) There is a lot of traffic jam in big cities, so
people waste time when they could have
spent it reading.

39. – 41. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere,

parçada anlam bütünlüğü sağlamak için
getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
36. Thanks to a plentiful harvest, the farmer was
able to rent out part of his land and
purchase some new machinery. 39. Comets are small, fragile, irregularly shaped
bodies. They have highly elliptical orbits

A) If there were plenty of harvest, the farmer that bring them very close to the Sun. ----.
would hire out his land and buy some new However, they all develop a surrounding
machinery. cloud of diffuse material, called a coma, that
B) Because of a plentiful harvest, the farmer usually grows in size and brightness as the
bought not only some land but some new comet approaches the Sun.
machinery as well.
C) There has been a plentiful harvest recently, A) The coma and the nucleus together
so the farmer will be able to hire out part of constitute the head of the comet
his land and buy some new machinery. B) Usually a small, bright nucleus is visible
D) The farmer managed to hire out part of his C) Comets have always been a hotly debated
land and buy some new machinery owing topic
to an abundant harvest. D) Comet structures are diverse and very
E) But for the harvest that was scarce, the dynamic
farmer could have rented out part of his E) They are believed to keep the origin of life
land and bought new equipment. on Earth

37. – 38. sorularda, verilen duruma uygun

düşen cümleyi bulunuz.
40. Bungee jumping is the easiest of all extreme
sports. You do not need any special
37. Your wife is complaining that you don’t give knowledge or equipment to execute a jump.
her any presents. She’s very angry with you. All you need is the nerves to jump and a
You know she is completely right, so you cord attached to your ankle. ----. They have
want to calm her down apologetically and the knowledge to help you through.
you say:
A) If you have not tried it yet, it’s time you had
A) If you don’t stop now, I am afraid I will some thrill
break your heart. B) Bungee jumping operators are usually
B) Why don’t you buy me any presents on my trained professionals
birthday then? C) The first modern bungee jumps were made
C) I am so sorry, but I’ll try to be more in 1979 from the Clifton Suspension Bridge
considerate from now on. in Bristol
D) Don’t you have anything else to talk about? D) This extreme sport killed many people
E) You should have reminded it to me instead E) Skydiving is another extreme sport for
of talking now. adventure lovers

Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 03 6

41. Misbehaviour can be brought on by many 43. It is clear that every effort has been made to
different things. ----. An extremely common clarify the instructions of the test.
reason for misbehaviour is the need for
attention. If children feel they aren’t A) Sınav yönergelerinin açıkça anlaşılması için
accepted socially or have not been attended büyük çaba gösterilmiştir.
to, they will express that dissatisfaction B) Sınav yönergelerinin açıklanması için her
through misbehaviour. türlü çaba gösterilmelidir.
C) Gösterilen bütün çabanın amacı sınav
A) This can range from mirroring parents’ yönergelerini açıklamaktır.
mood or the children acting up to get what D) Her türlü çaba gösterilerek sınav
they want yönergeleri açıklanmıştır.
B) Naughty children are not listened to or E) Sınav yönergelerini açıklamak için her türlü
cared much by their parents çabanın gösterildiği açıktır.
C) Children do something bad deliberately to
attract their parents’ attention
D) This is a good strategy to get on well with
E) One of the tips for parenting is to stay
patient and committed towards your kids

42. – 44. soruda, verilen İngilizce cümleye

anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

42. Most people are horrified by the idea of 44. Global warming is the unusually rapid
laboratory animals being used in increase in Earth’s average surface
experiments. temperature due to the greenhouse gases
released by people burning fossil fuels.
A) Laboratuvar hayvanlarının deneylerde
kullanılması düşüncesi birçok insanı A) Küresel ısınma dünyanın ortalama yüzey
dehşete düşürür. sıcaklığındaki beklenmedik ani artıştır, ki bu
B) Bir çok insan laboratuvar hayvanlarının da insanların fosil yakıt yakarak sera gazı
deneylerde kullanıldığını düşününce çıkarmalarından kaynaklanmıştır.
dehşete düşmüştür. B) Küresel ısınma insanların yaktığı fosil
C) Laboratuvar hayvanlarının deneylerde yakıtlardan salınan sera gazlarından dolayı
kullanıldığını düşününce pek çok insan dünyanın ortalama yüzey sıcaklığındaki
dehşete düşer. sıradışı hızlı artıştır.
D) Laboratuvar hayvanlarının deneylerde C) İnsanların fosil yakıt kullanarak sera gazı
kullanılması düşüncesi bile bazı insanları salınımına neden olmalarından dolayı
dehşete düşürmek için yeterlidir. dünya yüzeyinin ortalama sıcaklıklarında
E) Birçok insanı dehşete düşüren laboratuvar ani yükselişler olmuştur.
hayvanlarının deneylerde kullanılması D) İnsanlar fosil yakıt kullanarak küresel
düşüncesidir. ısınmaya neden olmakta ve dünya
yüzeyinin sıcaklığı sera gazı salınımıyla
hızlı bir şekilde artmaktadır.
E) Küresel ısınma dünyanın beklenmedik
şekilde ve hızla ısınması ve fosil yakıt
kullanan insanların sera gazı salınımıyla
buna katkıda bulunmasıdır.

Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 03 7

47. Anne babaları tarafından çok fazla eleştirilen
45. – 47. soruda, verilen Türkçe cümleye çocuklar gelecekte başkalarını çok fazla
anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. eleştireceklerdir.

45. Doğal afetlerle ilgili alınabilecek önlemleri A) As parents criticize their children a lot,
görüşmek için BM genel sekreteri tarafından children will criticize others unfairly in the
düzenlenen toplantının başında Pakistan’la future.
ilgili bir video gösterildi. B) When parents criticize their children a lot,
they cause them to criticize others in future.
A) At the beginning of the meeting organized C) The children who are criticized a lot by their
by the UN Secretary-General to discuss the parents will criticize others a lot in the
precautions to be taken about the natural future.
disasters, a video related to Pakistan was D) Children who strongly criticize others will
shown. also criticize their parents throughout their
B) The video that was shown about Pakistan life.
was organized by the UN Secretary- E) Parents who like criticizing their children will
General to discuss the precautions related cause them to criticize many other people
to the natural disasters. in the future.
C) To discuss the precautions that must be
taken about natural disasters, the UN 48. – 50. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
Secretary-General organized a meeting at okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
which a video about Pakistan was shown. bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
D) A video related to Pakistan will be shown at
the beginning of the conference which will 48. (I) Turkey's application to accede to the
be organized by the UN Secretary-General European Union was made on 14 April 1987.
to discuss the natural disasters. (II) Turkey has been an associate member of
E) The UN Secretary-General organized a the European Union and its predecessors since
conference to discuss the precautions 1963. (III) After the ten founding members,

about the natural disasters and a video Turkey was one of the first countries to become
about Pakistan was shown. a member of the Council of Europe in 1949, and
was also a founding member of the
Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) in 1961. (IV) The OECD
countries have been left with lower potential
output and high government debt by the global
crisis. (V) The country has also been an
associate member of the Western European
Union since 1992.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

49. (I) Survivor is a reality television game show

format produced in many countries throughout
the world. (II) Its first format was created in
1992 by British television producer Charlie
Parsons. (III) In the show, contestants are
isolated in the wilderness and compete for cash
and other prizes. (IV) Some parts of the
program are not shown on TV, but if you are
46. Birçok dolandırıcı internet üzerinden e-mail curious you can watch them on the Internet.
göndererek veya cep telefonu mesajlarıyla (V) The show uses a system of progressive
insanları dolandırmaktadır. elimination, allowing the contestants to vote off
other tribe members until only one final
A) Many swindlers use e-mails on the Internet contestant remains and wins this prize.
or mobile phone messages to cheat people.
B) It is easy to cheat many people using e- A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
mails on the Internet or cell phone
messages. 50. (I) Modern technology has had a great influence
C) Many swindlers cheat people by sending e- on our architecture. (II) Many things that we can
mails on the Internet or by cell phone do today were a dream even 25 years ago.
messages. (III) Without it we would never have had the
D) Most swindlers cheat people because it’s towering skyscrapers or buildings constructed
easy for them to do it by the use of e-mails out of prefabricated, mass-produced parts.
on the Internet or mobile phone messages. (IV) New materials offer us opportunities for
E) E-mails sent on the Internet or cell phone innovation. (V) However, we have not yet taken
messages are good opportunities for many full advantage of them.
swindlers to cheat people. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 03 8

1 C 26 E
2 E 27 A
3 A 28 E
4 A 29 A
5 C 30 C
6 C 31 B
7 D 32 E
8 B 33 D
9 B 34 E
10 D 35 C
11 A 36 D
12 B 37 C
13 C 38 B
14 A 39 D
15 C 40 B
16 E 41 A
17 E 42 A
18 D 43 E
19 C 44 B
20 B 45 A
21 E 46 C
22 E 47 C
23 D 48 D
24 B 49 D
25 B 50 B


1. Bu sınavda 50 soru vardır.

2. Bu sınav için verilen toplam cevaplama süresi 75 dakikadır.
3. Cevaplamaya, istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz.
4. Sayfalar üzerindeki boş yerleri müsvedde için kullanabilirsiniz.

1. – 11. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan

yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi

1. Insects are a major group of arthropods and 4. A ring made of onyx stone, on which the
the most ---- group of living things on Earth, image of Artemis was ---- carved, was the
with over a million known species. most attractive piece found in Selçuk.

A) addictive B) redundant A) annually B) commonly

C) meagre D) diverse C) meticulously D) haphazardly

E) vulnerable E) statistically

2. The public in Nigeria, with its numerous 5. Claiming that she was unfairly dismissed
scandals, is frustrated as economic ---- is in from her post, she ---- her company for
decline. compensation.

A) progress B) conflict A) demanded B) complained

C) recession D) crisis C) suggested D) reprimanded

E) stability E) sued

3. Even though all the experts worked on the 6. Ali Sami Yen Stadium, which ---- so many
project steadily, they couldn’t ---- why the football games before it ---- down, is still in
condition of the patient didn’t improve. memories of many.

A) draw up B) make out A) has witnessed / pulled

B) witnessed / has been pulled
C) come round D) get by C) witnessing / had pulled
D) was witnessed / had been pulled
E) show up E) had witnessed / was pulled

Influence Grade 12 Mini Practice Test 05 1

7. ---- makes a weather forecast more complicated 12. – 16. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
than other programmes is the maps and numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
electronic images ---- required. ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) Which / that
B) That / which The science of geography is believed to be the
C) How / that oldest of (12) ---- sciences. Geography is the
D) What / ---- answer to the question (13) ---- the earliest humans
E) It / which asked, "What's over there?" Exploration and the
discovery of new places, new cultures and new
ideas have always been basic (14) ---- of
geography. (15) ----, geography is often called the
"mother of all sciences" as studying other people
and other places led to (16) ---- scientific fields as
biology, anthropology, geology, mathematics,
8. Statistics indicate that students ---- a astronomy and chemistry.
background ---- Latin score significantly
higher on standardized tests.
A) of / at
B) on / on A) many of
C) with / in B) much
D) in / of C) every
E) at / with D) each
E) all

9. Some economists expect that India’s
investments in South Africa will be ----
A) to whom
potent ---- South Korea’s in the near future.
B) that
C) who
A) as / as
D) of which
B) such / as
E) why
C) enough / to
D) the same / as
E) so / that


A) components
B) encounters
10. But for the joyful moments ---- I spent with C) positions
friends, I don’t miss my twenties, ---- I saw D) obstructions
the world through rose-tinted spectacles. E) complications

A) that / at which
B) ---- / when
C) which / where 15.
D) whom / ----
E) when / when A) Nevertheless
B) In contrast
C) Thus
D) Due to
E) Because

11. ---- the end of his speech could anyone

understand what he had been trying to say. 16.

A) Unless A) the same

B) When B) so
C) Once C) like
D) Not until D) such
E) During E) very

Influence Grade 12 Mini Practice Test 05 2

17. – 21. sorularda, cümleyi uygun şekilde 22. – 24. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. cevaplayınız.

17. Istanbul is such an old city that has hosted Emotional eating or using food to deal with stress is
so many civilizations ----. a way of coping. People who engage in emotional
eating turn to food when they are upset, hoping that
A) which is adored all over the world it will improve their negative feelings. They tend to
B) consequently it was no more under the rule choose foods that are high in fat and protein such
of the Byzantines as ice cream, chocolate, pizza and macaroni. These
C) that wherever is dug, a piece of history components work chemically in the brain to
comes out to light temporarily improve one’s mood. The media
D) which has the youngest population in portrays the act of emotional eating very well though
Europe somewhat unrealistically. Sitcoms show an actress
E) that they once ruled a number of different indulging in a gallon of ice cream after a breakup or
nations at the time eating fast food to deal with anxiety before a big
event. These scenes achieve their effect well,
18. What makes a good deal a profitable one is however, the actresses or in some cases actors are
not its temporary returns, ----. usually attractive and thin. They aren’t
A) but its permanent commercial relationships representative of people that gain weight due to
B) and also the expenses that should be emotional eating.
C) temporary gains are expendable though 22. According to the passage, emotional eating
D) yet it is still important to think of income ----.
E) but also the expenditure has to be taken
into account A) is the most common way of dealing with
19. When a star has used up all its nuclear fuel, B) is currently one of the most important
reasons for the increasing rate of obesity

it reaches the end of its life, ----.

C) is a habit some people turn to as a means
A) our sun being one of the middle-sized ones to improve their mood
that has a lifespan of ten billion years D) generally results from work-related stress
B) turning into a neutron star or even a E) leads people to suffer from more stress in
black hole if it has sufficient mass the long run
C) that has been known ever since nuclear
energy was discovered
D) and has lost most of its mass after the nova
E) after which any planets around their orbits
would lose their source of heat 23. The writer of the passage seems to hold the
media responsible specifically for ----.
20. Glaciers can be found in the mountainous
regions of every continent except Australia, A) making people fancy slim actors or
----. actresses
B) encouraging people to eat something
A) which are known to meet 70% of the fresh whenever they are in stress
water need of the world C) giving people the impression that weight
B) they shape mountains and carve out gain is not a problem for relationships that
valleys in them do not work
C) most of which contain ice that has D) inspiring people to eat junk food when they
remained there for hundreds of years are not even hungry
D) which is also where almost all the glaciers E) suggesting that emotional eating makes
of the earth take place one physically attractive
E) where they might have existed until a
few thousand years ago, though

21. ----, you have to be much more aware of

your responsibilities.
24. The kinds of food that emotional eaters
A) You will turn eighteen on the fifth of next commonly choose to eat ----.
B) That older brothers and sisters usually act A) have high fat and protein contents
as role model for their younger siblings B) are those whose frequent consumption may
C) Now that you are the owner of your own lead to food addiction
business C) will make them hungry for more food
D) So irresponsible have both of you lately D) are those that hardly relieve people of their
been hunger
E) Before you decided to have a child E) may be harmful for their digestive system

Influence Grade 12 Mini Practice Test 05 3

25. – 27. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre 28. – 30. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. cevaplayınız.

Some authors write for the subject’s sake. They The culture of Afghanistan reflects its ancient roots
have had thoughts or experiences which seem to and position as a crossroads for invading ethnic
them worth communicating. On the other hand, groups and traditions. Objects made by the Afgans
some other authors write for writing's sake and write are rarely unattractive. Even common grain bags
for money. They are cheating the reader because used for carrying products to the market are often
they write under the pretext that they have embroidered to make them more beautiful. A camel
something to say. Writing for money is also the ruin caravan of nomads often looks like a circus parade,
of literature. No one writes anything that is worth with the animals decorated with woven finery. The
writing, unless he writes entirely for the sake of his Islamic traditions of fine calligraphy and graphic arts
subject. It seems as though the money carries a can be seen decorating many buildings. Poetry and
curse for every author degenerates as soon as he poets are admired a lot. Although the people of
begins to put pen to paper in any way for the sake Afghanistan may have been sorely stressed by
of gain. The best works of the greatest men all centuries of warfare and difficult circumstances,
come from the time when they had to write for no their arts have prospered nonetheless.
financial gain or for very little amounts of money.

28. The passage is mainly concerned with ----.

25. The passage points out that authors ----.
A) how Afghan people can turn an ordinary
A) who write for money pay extra care to the building into a piece of art with very little
subject they are writing about ornament
B) all want to write about their experiences B) the negative effects of warfare on literary
and thoughts arts in Afghanistan
C) don’t all write for the same purpose C) why Afghan people still hold on to their

D) mostly write for money traditional arts

E) generally seem to have nothing worth D) the Afghan culture throughout history
communicating E) the importance of decorative arts in

29. The passage informs us that the Afghans

26. According to the passage, if authors don’t
tend to ----.
want to cheat the reader, they must ----.
A) sell common grain bags for high prices in
A) put pen to paper for the subject’s sake
the market as they are often embroidered
B) write for the sake of gain, including money
B) decorate even simple daily objects
C) avoid producing works of literature
C) work in circuses with their camel caravans
D) regularly change the subject of their books
D) decorate their animals with jewellery before
E) make worthless subjects look good in their
they join a circus parade
E) make everything look unattractive by
ornamenting them with fake jewellery

27. The writer of this passage implies that 30. We can understand from the passage that
authors ----. ---- in Afghanistan.

A) will have no inspiration unless they are sure A) decorating buildings have always been
that the work is to be a best-seller given priority
B) must be deprived of a good life to produce B) the effects of different religions can be seen
good works of literature on the decoration of buildings
C) degenerate when they become well-known C) if there hadn’t been so many wars, art
D) are more likely to produce better works wouldn’t have prospered so much
when they are to earn nothing or very little D) the long warfare didn’t stop the practice of
E) don’t write anything worth reading unless decorative arts
they write for the sake of gain E) the Islamic tradition of art is the main
reason why literary art has prospered

Influence Grade 12 Mini Practice Test 05 4

31. – 33. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın
boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek
ifadeyi bulunuz.

31. 33.
Diane : Geoffrey :
You have seen The Godfather Some argue that the
before, haven’t you? disadvantages of wind power
outweigh its advantages.
Robert :
Yes, I have. Sam :
I can think of no reason why it
Diane : should.
Geoffrey :
Robert : ----
No, there’s no need. I’m quite happy
to watch the film once again. Sam :
Taking into consideration the
A) Don’t you think it is one of the best movies migration routes, this can easily
ever made? be solved.
B) Is it something that you recommend I
watch? A) There is a possibility that temporary
C) I had better choose a different DVD for us changes in wind patterns that last several
to watch then. years might render the investment
D) I guess you thought it was an excellent unprofitable.
movie. B) As the turbines will be installed near

E) Would you like to watch it for a second coastlines, they will be under the constant
time? threat of hurricanes.
C) The ceaseless noise from the blades can
be unbearably disturbing for neighbouring
D) The power generated by wind turbines are
not worth the relatively huge investments.
E) The blades of the turbines, for instance,
may hit the birds that fly nearby.

34. – 36. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca

en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.
Candy :
Did you talk to the manager about
the photocopy machine?
34. On the desks were several letters, which did
Bruce : not include the recipients’ names.
A) There were several letters on the desks the
Candy : names of whose recipients were not
But someone has to. written.
B) There were letters on the desks but several
Bruce : of them did not have any recipients’ name
Why should that be me? on them.
C) On several of the desks there were some
A) I don’t know who broke it down. letters which had no recipient’s name on
B) You should have read the instructions them.
before use. D) Several of the letters on the desks did not
C) I have already fixed it. have their recipients’ names on them.
D) I don’t want to be the one to talk about it. E) Of all the letters on the desk, several had
E) Would you like me to fix it? no recipient’s name on them.

Influence Grade 12 Mini Practice Test 05 5

35. India produces more buffalo milk than any 38. You have a friend who doesn’t take “no” as
other nation and is second to the US in cow an answer, and this time he insists on doing
milk production. some business together. You’re sure the
business will bring nothing and his idea is
A) India’s not only buffalo milk production, but worse than ever. You decide to give him a
also cow milk production is nearly as good firm rejection that will finish the
as that of the US. conversation. You say:
B) Both India and the US are the major buffalo
and cow milk producers, but the US is a bit A) Thanks for your nice offer, but I’m not so
in the front. sure about its feasibility.
C) Other nations such as the US can only be B) I’m not even interested in it, and this is my
the second best in buffalo and cow milk final word about it.
production when compared to India. C) You’d better stop chasing your dreams, I
D) No other country produces as much buffalo believe.
milk as India and in cow milk production it D) Don’t you think it is a little risky to start
comes right after the US. business these days?
E) India might be the biggest buffalo milk E) I think we should wait for the economic
producer in the world, but it remains far crisis to end to start such a business.
beyond the US in cow milk production.

39. – 41. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere,

parçada anlam bütünlüğü sağlamak için
36. Once the spacecraft has reached a critical getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
speed, it uses half as much fuel as before
for the same distance.
39. There is a short video on the net which has
A) If the spacecraft has been accelerated fast been watched by lots of people since it was
enough, it will have used only half as much released. It is about the late Steve Jobs and

fuel as it normally would. his advice to a group of students. He tells

B) The spacecraft once reached such a critical them three stories about his life and he
speed that it used only half as much fuel as expects the students to get some messages
it had until then. about life. ----. The last one, on the other
C) Since the spacecraft has now reached the hand, is about his work experiences. All of
critical speed, it will use much less fuel than them have the same theme: Never postpone
it has before. life!
D) Having reached the critical speed fast
enough, the spacecraft will have used half A) Nevertheless there were strict objections to
as much fuel at the end. those messages
E) When the spacecraft is fast enough, it B) However not everyone seemed to share his
starts to travel twice as much with the same views about life
fuel as it has up to that time. C) All the stories included financial guidelines
for the grads
D) The first and second stories are about his
37. – 38. sorularda, verilen duruma uygun
E) Authorities still discuss whether he was the
düşen cümleyi bulunuz.
right choice as a speaker

37. It’s been a long time that one of your once-

best-employee works under his usual
performance. After he comes late to work for 40. The history of ironing is believed to have
a couple of times, you finally decide to call been started by the Chinese. ----. After a
him in your office and talk about the short time, Northern Europeans are thought
problem. You don’t want to offend him, yet to have started using stones, glass or
you need to learn the reason of his woods for smoothing. It wasn’t until the
misbehaviour. You say: Middle Ages that blacksmiths forged simple
flat irons.
A) If you come late again you’ll need to find a
new place to work. A) However, it was not the best way to make
B) If you weren’t a good worker once, I clothes look better
wouldn’t hesitate a moment to fire you. B) It is still a mystery how they managed to
C) You used to be the best worker here, so smooth clothes in that way
please tell me what has changed your C) Centuries passed until other civilizations
desire for work. started to iron clothes
D) I think it’s high time you tried to catch up D) They were the only ones to press clothes
with the others in the office. until the Middle Ages
E) Is this your method to create good role E) They used pans filled with hot coal to
model for other employees here? smooth the stretched cloth

Influence Grade 12 Mini Practice Test 05 6

41. “Change is good” or so the saying goes. 43. The emoticons formed by keyboard symbols
However, according to some psychologists, have migrated from the emails of teenagers
people actually dislike change because it to the correspondence of professionals
threatens a natural desire to keep things the priding themselves on their gravitas.
way they are. They state that most people
have a strong preference for order, A) Ağırbaşlılıklarıyla övünen profesyonellerin
continuity and predictability in their lives. yazışmalarındaki klavye sembolleri ile
----. oluşturulan yüz ifadeleri, gençlerin e-
postalarından geçmiştir.
A) Therefore, anything, good or bad, that B) Klavye sembolleri ile oluşturulan yüz
requires change can be experienced as ifadeleri gençlerin e-postalarından
stressful ağırbaşlılıklarıyla övünen profesyonellerin
B) This positive attitude towards change may yazışmalarına geçmiştir.
be shaped by a variety of factors C) Gençlerin e-postalarından ağırbaşlılıklarıyla
C) Another thing that technology fails to do is övünen profesyonellerin yazışmalarına
to alter how people view change geçen yüz ifadeleri, klavye sembolleri ile
D) Nonetheless, change requires re-learning oluşturulur.
and retraining D) Ağırbaşlılıklarıyla övünen profesyoneller
E) It is, however, normal for people to get klavye sembolleri ile oluşturulan yüz
uncomfortable when familiar things are ifadelerini gençlerin e-postalarından kendi
taken away from them yazışmalarına geçirmişlerdir.
E) Klavye sembolleri ile oluşturulan yüz
ifadeleri ağırbaşlılıklarıyla övünen
profesyonellerin yazışmalarından gençlerin
e-postalarına geçmiştir.

42 – 44. soruda, verilen İngilizce cümleye

anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

42. Although it is notorious for its harmful

effects, it is an undeniable fact that
television can also be used as a medium of
education. 44. Constitutions become meaningful
documents when they are accepted by all,
A) Zararlı etkilerinden dolayı televizyonun adı from the rulers to the ruled.
çıkmış olabilir ancak televizyonun bir eğitim
aracı olarak da kullanılabileceği inkâr A) Anayasalar, yönetenlerden yönetilenlere
edilemez bir gerçektir. kadar herkes tarafından kabul edildiğinde
B) Zararlı etkileriyle adı çıkmış olmasına anlamlı belgeler haline gelir.
rağmen televizyonu bir eğitim aracı olarak B) Anayasaları anlamlı kılan, yönetilenlerden
da kullanabileceğimiz inkâr edilemez bir yönetenlere kadar herkesin bu belgeleri
gerçektir. kabul etmesidir.
C) Zararlı etkileriyle adı çıkmış olmasına C) Yönetenlerden yönetilenlere kadar herkesin
rağmen televizyonun bir eğitim aracı olarak kabul ettiği anayasalar, anlamlı belgeler
da kullanılabileceği gerçeğini inkâr haline gelir.
edemeyiz. D) Yönetenlerden yönetilenlere kadar herkesin
D) Zararlı etkileriyle adı çıkmış olmasına kabul etmesi, anayasaları anlamlı belgeler
rağmen televizyonun bir eğitim aracı olarak haline getirir.
da kullanılabileceği inkâr edilemez bir E) Anayasalar, yönetenlerden yönetilenlere
gerçektir. kadar herkes tarafından kabul edildiğinden
E) Zararlı etkileriyle adı çıkmış olmasına anlamlı belgeler haline gelmiştir.
rağmen televizyonun bir eğitim aracı olarak
kullanılıyor olduğu inkâr edilemez bir

Influence Grade 12 Mini Practice Test 05 7

45. – 47. soruda, verilen Türkçe cümleye 47. Hediye vermek, söylemek istediğiniz ama
anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. kelimelere dökemediğiniz duygularınızı ifade
etmek için iyi bir yol olabilir.

45. Pek çok insan, kahramanların vampirler A) Giving a gift can be a good way to express
olduğu kitapları okumaktan sıkılmış olsa da your feelings that you want to say but can’t
Jasper Kent’in kitapları halen çok satanlar put into words.
listesindedir. B) Giving a gift can be a good way to express
your feelings that you want to say but can’t
A) Although Jasper Kent is still in the best- be put into words.
seller list, many people have got bored of C) The feelings that you want to say but can’t
reading books in which heroes are put into words in a good way can be
vampires. expressed by giving a gift.
B) Jasper Kent’s still being in the best-seller D) A good way to express your feelings that
list doesn’t change the fact that many you want to say but can’t put into words can
people have got bored of reading the books be giving a gift.
heroes of which are vampires. E) Giving a gift can be a way to express your
C) Even though many people have got bored good feelings that you want to say but can’t
of reading books in which the heroes are put into words.
vampires, Jasper Kent’s books are still in
the best-seller list.
D) Even if people got bored of reading the 48. – 50. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
books whose heroes are vampires, Jasper okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
Kent’s books would still be in the best-seller bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
E) Jasper Kent’s books will still be in the best- 48. (I) It is hard to explain what a jetlag is, and it is
seller list unless many people get bored of even harder to experience it. (II) After a long
reading books in which the heroes are and tiring flight, you still have to struggle with

the effects of the time shift. (III) However, in

some cases it may cause memory loss.
(IV) Those effects perish in time but the length
of this time is about the time zones one flies
through. (V) Generally speaking, it may last for
several days to fully recover.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

49. (I) Piracy in movie sector is a thing which is

tried to be prevented. (II) Instead of purchasing
original DVDs, people prefer downloading or
buying cheaper copies. (III) However hard
46. Diğer omurgalılarla karşılaştırıldıklarında, authorities try to fight piracy, it is almost
memelilerin, geçmişteki hatalarından ders impossible to be stopped. (IV) Books and other
alabilen son derece zeki hayvanlar oldukları social media productions are also copied and
görülür. sold illegally. (V) With the advances in
networking technology, their struggle to stop
A) The comparison of mammals to other piracy becomes more and more difficult.
vertebrates shows that they are very clever
animals which can learn from their past A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
B) When compared to other vertebrates, it can
be seen that mammals, which can learn 50. (I) When someone speaks of leisure activities,
from their past mistakes, are highly reading a book is the first thing that pops up in
intelligent animals. people’s minds. (II) Contrary to this common
C) When we compare mammals to other view, reading shouldn’t be considered as an
vertebrates, we see that they are very activity that is done only in leisure time.
intelligent animals that can learn from their (III) Since it is one of the most useful things to
past mistakes. improve ourselves, it is better to think of it as a
D) The mammals are very clever animals in daily responsibility. (IV) It would be wise to have
comparison to other vertebrates because a look at the best-seller list weekly to find a
they can learn from their past mistakes. good book. (V) Just as we go to work or do
E) When compared to other vertebrates, it can homework regularly, we should spare some
be seen that mammals are highly intelligent time to read every day.
animals which can learn from their past
mistakes. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Influence Grade 12 Mini Practice Test 05 8

1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. E 6. E 7. D 8. C
9. A 10. B 11. D 12. E 13. B 14. A 15. C 16. D
17. C 18. A 19. B 20. E 21. C 22. C 23. B 24. A
25. C 26. A 27. D 28. E 29. B 30. D 31. C 32. D
33. E 34. A 35. D 36. E 37. C 38. B 39. D 40. E
41. A 42. D 43. B 44. A 45. C 46. E 47. A 48. C
49. D 50. D




1. Bu sınavda 50 soru vardır.

2. Bu sınav için verilen toplam cevaplama süresi 75 dakikadır.
3. Cevaplamaya istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz.
4. Sayfalar üzerindeki boş yerleri müsvedde için kullanabilirsiniz.

1. – 11. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan

yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi

1. The questions were so difficult that even the 4. Duck River is one of the most biodiverse
most ---- students failed. waterways in the US, and it ---- several
endemic species found nowhere else on
A) attractive Earth.
B) elaborate
C) diligent A) harbours B) recites
D) susceptible
E) reluctant C) attributes D) pursues

E) persists

2. As soon as the weather begins to warm up 5. Vitamins, taken in tiny doses, are a major
in Russia's far east, the polar bear cubs group of organic ---- regulating the
begin to ---- from the thick snow. mechanisms by which the body converts
food into energy.
A) emerge B) release
A) drawbacks B) outcomes
C) detect D) conclude
C) debates D) compounds
E) shelter
E) principles

3. Our exam was ---- as our teacher was ill and 6. When people ---- descriptions of disorders,
absent yesterday. they often ---- some of those symptoms or
characteristics in themselves.
A) burnt up B) used up
A) read / had seen
C) got over D) dealt with B) read / see
C) have read / saw
E) put off D) are reading / have seen
E) will read / will see

Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 02 1

7. I ---- harder before I went on holiday because 12. – 16. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
my final exams are beginning next month, numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
and I don’t think I am ready yet. ya da ifadeyi bulunuz
A) must study
B) might study New York, (12) ---- populous city in the United
C) needn’t have studied States, (13) ---- a powerful influence over global
D) should have studied commerce, finance, media, culture, art, fashion,
E) can’t study research, education, and entertainment. The city is
often referred to as New York City or the City of
New York to distinguish it (14) ---- the state of New
York, of which it is a part. (15) ---- on a large natural
harbour on the Atlantic coast of the Northeastern
United States, the city consists of five sections. It
8. I have ---- money to buy a new cell phone, so (16) ---- the country's largest city since 1790.
I will ask my father for ---- money.

A) enough / any 12.

B) no / half
C) too little / some A) more
D) too much / more B) less
E) a little / most C) such
D) the most
E) least


9. Before ---- on a long trip, you should be sure A) has

to have your car completely serviced. B) does
C) makes
A) to go D) gives
B) having gone E) takes
C) gone
D) to have gone
E) going


A) for
B) with
C) from
10. As fewer people now engage ---- demanding D) of
manual labour, inactivity has helped the rate E) at
---- obesity double since 1900.

A) on / at
B) with / for
C) upon / in 15.
D) in / of
E) at / on A) To be locating
B) Be located
C) Locating
D) To locate
E) Located

11. The university aims to establish a corporate

structure in ---- cooperation with graduates 16.
is supported.
A) is
A) which B) had been
B) that C) will have been
C) when D) would be
D) whom E) has been
E) where

Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 02 2

17. – 21. sorularda, cümleyi uygun şekilde 22. – 24. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. cevaplayınız.

17. Aristotle is best known for his works in Caretta caretta is an oceanic turtle that can be
philosophy; ----. found throughout the world. It is the world's largest
hard-shelled turtle, measuring up to 213 centimetres
A) since then he has been popular with long when fully grown. The adult caretta caretta
modern writers weighs approximately 135 kilograms. It has a heart-
B) however, he also studied, experimented, shaped brown carapace; a creamy yellow plastron
and wrote many textbooks about natural and yellow markings on its legs. There are no
sciences external differences in gender until the turtle
C) that the universe had never had a becomes an adult. The most obvious difference is
beginning and would never end that adult males have thicker tails and shorter
D) though his work in zoology was not without plastrons than the females. Caretta caretta has a
errors lifespan of 47–67 years and is found in the Atlantic,
E) were the ages in which wars, blood and the Pacific, and the Indian Ocean as well as the
tears dominated the earth Mediterranean Sea. It spends most of its life in
saltwater habitats. Caretta caretta has a low
18. Even though Alice’s tooth has badly ached reproductive rate. A female caretta caretta lays an
for the last three days, ----. average of four egg clutches and then becomes
quiescent, producing no eggs for two to three years.
A) she made her mind to go to the dentist as
soon as possible
B) it wasn’t the first time she had had a 22. It is clear from the passage that caretta
toothache in her life carettas ----.
C) her parents are worried about her as it may
have some side effects A) can be seen only in some parts of the world
D) toothache may be an indicator of another B) are the heaviest sea creatures in the world

disease C) have got a larger shell than the other turtle

E) she still insists on not going to a dentist to species
get her tooth pulled D) look all the same regardless of the gender
E) live only in saltwater habitats

19. Seven centuries after Romans chose this hill

to build a fort ----.

A) my mother still thinks it is a good place for a

B) the view will not disappoint the occupants 23. According to the passage, male and female
C) monks used the location to build an abbey caretta carettas ----.
D) tourists find it interesting because there are
no houses around A) physically differ from each other In
E) despite the damage done by the elements it numerous ways
stands B) can be distinguished from each other with
their tails and plastrons
C) are found mostly in the Mediterranean
20. As I walked to the edge of the rock, ----. D) choose different habitats for themselves
E) separate from one another after females lay
A) a terrible accident has drawn my attention eggs
B) I remember not taking the camera with me
C) the music coming from a house nearby
D) the rough parts on the road should be
E) I could hear the badly-injured girl yelling for
help 24. One can conclude from the passage that ----.

21. Elizabeth is crazy about science fiction A) once caretta carettas lay egg clutches, they
books ----. cannot lay eggs any more
B) caretta carettas live longer than the other
A) therefore, she spends all of her money on turtle species
them C) a caretta caretta is either yellow or brown
B) as she doesn’t like fictional books D) caretta carettas may grow up to nearly two
C) although they are very cheap meters at most
D) however, she is interested in psychological E) a female caretta caretta doesn’t lay eggs
books every year
E) despite never losing her enthusiasm for
Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 02 3
25. – 27. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre 28. – 30. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. cevaplayınız.

The Habsburg Monarch ruled as the Emperor of Permaculture is sustainable land use design. This is
Austria over the western and northern half of the based not only on ecological but also biological
country that was the Empire of Austria and as the principles, often using patterns that occur in nature
King of Hungary over the Kingdom of Hungary. The to maximize effect and minimize work. The
two capitals of the monarchy were Vienna for ecological processes of plants, animals, their
Austria and Budapest for Hungary. Austria-Hungary nutrient cycles, climatic factors and weather cycles
was geographically the second largest country in are all parts of the picture. Inhabitants’ needs are
Europe after the Russian Empire, and the third most provided for using proven technologies for food,
populous one after Russia and the German Empire. energy, shelter and infrastructure. Elements in a
In the last two years or so of World War I, there was system are viewed in relationship to other elements,
growing dissatisfaction among the various where the outputs of one element become the
nationalities of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Most inputs of another. Within a permaculture system,
wanted to form their own nation-states or join work is minimized, wastes become resources,
neighbouring states. At the end of the war, the only productivity and yields increase, and environments
completely new state was Czechoslovakia. Large are restored. Permaculture principles can be applied
areas of the empire broke away. Croatia, Bosnia to any environment, at any scale from dense urban
and Slovenia joined Serbia to form Yugoslavia. settlements to individual homes, from farms to entire
Galicia became part of the revived state of Poland, regions.
while Transylvania, the Banat and Bukovina
became part of Romania. 28. The passage is largely about ----.

25. It is inferred from the passage that ----. A) why permaculture has become common
in certain places
A) Austria-Hungary Empire was the greatest B) where permaculture can be applied

empire in history C) which needs are provided for inhabitants

B) Austria and Hungary were ruled separately D) what permaculture is and its principles are
under the same monarchy E) whether permaculture works or not
C) the population of the German Empire was
less than that of the Austria-Hungary
D) World War I started on account of the
dissatisfaction in Austria-Hungary Empire
E) Austria-Hungary was geographically larger
than Russia
29. It is clear from the passage that
permaculture ----.

A) aims at decreasing work force and

26. It is obvious from the passage that Austria increasing productivity
and Hungary ----. B) should be applied only to farms and private
A) put an end to World War I C) obtains its principles from inhabitants’
B) had their own capitals separately needs
C) were dealing with the dissatisfaction among D) uses mostly weather cycles as patterns
nationalities when the World War I started E) can be harmful for environment
D) were never ruled by monarchy
E) always regarded each other as a rival

27. According to the passage, when the World 30. The passage doesn’t tell us that ----.
War I ended, ----.
A) wastes are used as resources in
A) all of the nationalities joined their permaculture
neighbouring states B) elements in permaculture are in a
B) Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia formed relationship with each other
Yugoslavia without another country C) permaculture is based on only ecological
C) Transylvania, the Banat and Bukovina were principles
conquered by Romania by force D) permaculture maximizes effect and
D) Galicia joined Poland to revive it minimizes work
E) Czechoslovakia was the only country E) permaculture depends on nature for its
declaring its independence principles

Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 02 4

31. − 33. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın
boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek
ifadeyi bulunuz.

31. 33.
Yeliz : Lilly :
Can you wash the dishes? Have you read the book they
advised all of the class?
Şerife :
---- Marshall :
Yeliz :
It was me who did the washing-up Lilly :
the last time and this is your turn. If you want, I can give you mine.

Şerife : Marshall :
I know you are right, but one of my I don’t know how to thank you.
favourite series is on TV now.
A) Yes, I liked it very much.
A) If you wait for a few minutes, I will wash B) I think it’s not compulsory to read that book.
them. C) I’ve borrowed it from a friend of mine, but I
B) I had already washed them before you said. haven’t read it yet.
C) Why do I have to do the housework in this D) I don’t like reading that kind of books.
house all the time? E) I couldn’t find it anywhere.
D) Would you mind if you did it this time?
E) I am busy studying for the math exam.

34. – 36. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca

en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.

32. 34. The more candidates there are for the job
George : interview, the more difficult questions are
My training shoes are quite worn asked.
A) The more difficult questions are asked in a
Albert : job interview, the more candidates will
---- apply for the job.
B) When the difficult questions are asked in a
George : job interview, a lot of candidates become
You are right, but I haven’t got willing to get the job.
enough money. C) If the number of the candidates increases in
a job interview, the difficulty level of the
Albert : questions increases, too.
Don’t worry. I can lend you D) If the questions were less difficult, more
some money. people would take part in the job interview.
E) The less difficult questions are asked in a
A) Why don’t you buy a new pair? job interview, the more candidates
B) You don’t take care of yourself despite your participate in it.
C) How can I help you?
D) What happened to the other shoes?
E) You have just bought a new pair.

Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 02 5

35. We were to take a holiday, but we called it 38. You are in an English exam. You cannot
off after we learned it would rain heavily for understand one of the questions, so you go
about two weeks. to your teacher and ask him about the
question. He gets angry with you as you
A) As we learned that it would rain heavily for distract others asking a question in the
another two weeks, we ended our holiday. middle of the exam and he says:
B) Although we knew it would rainy heavily for
two weeks, we didn’t change our holiday A) I have taught how you can solve this type of
plans. questions.
C) If we had known about the heavy rain B) You are putting your friends off, please go
beforehand, we would have taken our back to your seat.
vacation two weeks earlier. C) You are a lazy student and you hate
D) No sooner had we learned that it would rain studying English.
heavily for two weeks, we changed our D) I want to talk to your father about your
holiday destination. exam grades.
E) When we learned it would be raining E) You are in an exam and you cannot ask
heavily for about a fortnight, we cancelled your friends for help.
our vacation plan.

39. – 41. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere,

parçada anlam bütünlüğü sağlamak için
getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.
36. The number of hate crimes in a society gets
higher at times of economic hardships.

A) Hate crime rates increase in a society that 39. An auction is a process of buying and
is going through financial crises. selling goods or services by offering them

B) Whenever a society suffers from a financial up for bid, taking bids, and then selling the
crisis, hate crimes start to take place there. item to the highest bidder. ----. If they don’t
C) To prevent a society from experiencing want to do so, they can remotely take part
economic hardships, the number of hate through a variety of means, including
crimes should be decreased. telephone and the Internet.
D) The increase in the rate of hate crimes is
directly related to the economic welfare of A) There are several variations on the basic
society. auction form
E) The number of hate crimes is on the B) Participants in an auction hardly know the
increase in a society only at times of identities of other participants
economic hardships. C) Bidders may participate in an auction in
D) The seller usually pays a commission to the
E) The word "auction" is derived from the Latin
augēre, which means "to increase"
37. – 38. sorularda, verilen duruma uygun
düşen cümleyi bulunuz.

40. Human rights are rights and freedoms to

37. A tourist is in your city, and he wants to visit which all humans are entitled. ----. Such
the zoo. However, he doesn’t know how he entitlements can exist as shared norms of
can reach there and runs across you. He actual human moralities, as natural rights
requests you to direct him. You help him supported by strong reasons.
giving directions and you say:
A) Human rights are conceived in a
A) I’m sorry, but I don’t know where the zoo is. universalist fashion
B) I’m very late for work, so I cannot waste my B) There is no consensus as to precise nature
time talking to you. of what in particular should or should not be
C) If you give me some money, I will take you regarded as a human right
to the zoo. C) The abstract concept of human rights has
D) Turn right and when you walk for 200 been a subject of intense criticism
metres, you will see it on your left. D) The modern conception of human rights
E) I am afraid of talking with foreigners and if developed in the aftermath of the Second
you go on asking questions, I’II call the World War
police. E) Everyone is endowed with certain
entitlements merely for being human

Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 02 6

41. Argentina is the second largest country in 43. Scientists in Chernobyl are trying
South America. It is the eighth largest to predict which species are likely to be
country in the world by land area and the most severely damaged by radioactive
largest among Spanish-speaking nations. contamination.
Argentina's continental area is between
the Andes mountain range in the west and A) Çernobil’deki bilim insanları, radyoaktif
the Atlantic Ocean in the east. ----. However, kirlilikten en çok hangi türlerin zarar
those claims overlap with those made by görmeye yatkın olduğunu tahmin etmeye
Chile and the United Kingdom. çalışmaktadır.
B) Radyoaktif kirlilikten hangi türlerin en çok
A) Argentina increased in prosperity and zarar görmeye yatkın olduğu, Çernobil’deki
prominence between 1880 and 1929 bilim insanları tarafından tahmin edilmeye
B) Argentina claims over Antarctica çalışılıyor.
C) Argentina is a founding member of the C) Çernobil’deki bilim insanları, hangi türlerin
United Nations radyoaktif kirlilikten en çok zarar görmeye
D) Argentina is one of the G20 major yatkın olduğunu tahmin etmeye
economies çalışmaktadır.
E) The earliest evidence of humans in D) Radyoaktif kirlilikten en çok hangi türlerin
Argentina is in Patagonia and it dates from zarar görmeye yatkın olduğunu tahmin
11,000 BCE etmeye çalışanlar, Çernobil’deki bilim
E) Radyoaktif kirlilikten hangi türlerin en çok
zarar görmeye yatkın olduğunu tahmin
eden bilim insanları Çernobil’de

42 – 44. soruda, verilen İngilizce cümleye

anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

42. A strong earthquake caused the tsunami 44. Bees in urban and suburban settings have a
that devastated some parts of the South richer and healthier diet than those in
Pacific in 2009. farmland settings.

A) Tsunami yaratan şiddetli bir deprem, A) Çiftlik ortamındaki arıların beslenme

2009’da Güney Pasifik’in bazı kısımlarını düzeni, şehir ve banliyö ortamındakiler
tahrip etti. kadar zengin ve sağlıklı değildir.
B) 2009’da tsunamiye ve Güney Pasifik’in bazı B) Şehir ve banliyö ortamındaki arılar, çiftlik
kısımlarının tahrip olmasına neden olan ortamındakilerden daha zengin ve daha
deprem çok şiddetliydi. sağlıklı bir beslenme düzenine sahiptir.
C) 2009’da Güney Pasifik’in bazı kısımlarını C) Çiftlik ortamındaki arılar, şehir ve banliyö
tahrip eden tsunami, şiddetli bir depremden ortamındakilerden daha az zengin ve daha
kaynaklandı. az sağlıklı bir beslenme düzenine sahiptir.
D) Şiddetli bir depremden kaynaklanan D) Çiftlik ortamındaki arılar, şehir ve banliyö
tsunami, 2009’da Güney Pasifik’in bazı ortamındakilerden daha zengin ve daha
kısımlarını tahrip etti. sağlıklı bir beslenme düzenine sahiptir.
E) 2009’da Güney Pasifik’in bazı kısımlarını E) Şehir ve banliyö ortamındaki arıların, çiftlik
tahrip eden tsunamiye şiddetli bir deprem ortamındakilere kıyasla daha zengin ve
neden oldu. daha sağlıklı bir beslenme düzeni vardır.

Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 02 7

47. Birkaç saat tartıştıktan sonra, Julie en yakın
45. – 47. soruda, verilen Türkçe cümleye arkadaşını, sırrını kimseye söylemediğine
anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. ikna etmeyi başardı.

45. Araştırmalar, dünyadaki en basit canlılar A) Julie was able to convince her best friend
arasında yer alan bakterilerin koku duyusu not to tell her secret to anybody, after
olduğunu gösteriyor. several hours of argument.
B) Julie succeeded in convincing her best
A) Researches show that bacteria, which friend that she wouldn’t tell anybody her
rank among the simplest organisms on secret, but they argued for several hours.
Earth, have a sense of smell. C) After arguing for several hours, Julie
B) According to researches, bacteria, which convinced her best friend that she hadn’t
rank among the simplest organisms on told anybody her secret.
Earth, are known to have a sense of smell. D) After arguing for several hours, Julie
C) Researches show that bacteria, which have managed to convince her best friend that
a sense of smell, rank among the simplest she hadn’t told anybody her secret.
organisms on Earth. E) Only after several hours of argument did
D) The fact that bacteria have a sense of smell Julie manage to convince her best friend
is revealed by the researches which show to tell her the secret.
that bacteria rank among the simplest
organisms on Earth.
E) Researches show that bacteria rank among 48. – 50. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
the simplest organisms on Earth and have okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
a sense of smell. bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

48. (I) Electronic commerce consists of the buying and

selling of products or services over electronic
systems such as the Internet and other computer

networks. (II) The amount of trade conducted

electronically has grown extraordinarily with
widespread Internet usage. (III) Most Internet
users speak English as a native or secondary
language. (IV) Modern electronic commerce
typically uses the World Wide Web at least at
some points in the transaction's lifecycle. (V) A
large percentage of electronic commerce is
conducted entirely electronically for virtual items,
such as access to premium content on a website.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

49. (I) The Grand Canyon is one of the largest

natural wonders of the world. (II) Plant life on the
46. Göçebe kültürün mirası olan keçe, son
canyon walls varies from subtropical at the base to
yıllarda tasarımcıların ellerinde yeni şekiller sub arctic near the peak. (III) The first European to
almış ve modern yaşamın bir parçasını see the canyon was the Spanish explorer García
oluşturmuştur. López de Cárdenas in 1540. (IV) The Grand
Canyon was set aside by the U.S. government in
A) Felt, which has taken new shapes in the 1908 as a national park. (V) It was enlarged in
hands of designers and constituted a part of 1975 to include other areas, such as Marble
modern life in recent years, is the legacy of Canyon and parts of Glen Canyon and Lake Mead.
nomadic culture .
B) What has taken new shapes in the hands of A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
designers and constituted a part of modern
life is felt, which is the legacy of nomadic 50. (I) Multiculturalism is the acceptance or promotion
culture. of multiple ethnic cultures, applied to the
C) As it is the legacy of nomadic culture, felt demographic make-up of a specific place, usually
has taken new shapes in the hands of at the organizational level. (II) Multiculturalists
designers and constituted a part of advocate extending fair status to distinct ethnic
modern life in recent years and religious groups without promoting any
D) Felt, the legacy of nomadic culture, has specific factor. (III) Multiculturalism is a fairer
taken new shapes in the hands of system that allows people to truly express who
designers, and constituted a part of modern they are within a society. (IV) According to the
life in recent years. multiculturalists, culture is not one definable thing
E) Felt, which is the legacy of nomadic culture based on one race or religion. (V) The more
and which has taken new shapes in the racially diverse a community is, the greater the
loss of trust is.
hands of designers, has constituted a part
of modern life in recent years.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 02 8

1 C 26 B
2 A 27 E
3 E 28 D
4 A 29 A
5 D 30 C
6 B 31 D
7 D 32 A
8 C 33 E
9 E 34 C
10 D 35 E
11 A 36 A
12 D 37 D
13 A 38 B
14 C 39 C
15 E 40 E
16 E 41 B
17 B 42 E
18 E 43 C
19 C 44 B
20 E 45 A
21 A 46 D
22 C 47 D
23 B 48 C
24 E 49 B
25 B 50 E

1. D 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. D
6. E 7. E 8. D 9. C 10. E
11. C 12. B 13. B 14. D 15. C
16. E 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. D
21. B 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. C
26. D 27. E 28. C 29. C 30. B
31. D 32. E 33. C 34. E 35. C
36. B 37. C 38. D 39. C 40. A
41. D 42. E 43. D 44. B 45. B
46. C 47. A 48. D 49. B 50. C




1. Bu sınavda 50 soru vardır.

2. Bu sınav için verilen toplam cevaplama süresi 75 dakikadır.
3. Cevaplamaya, istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz.
4. Sayfalar üzerindeki boş yerleri müsvedde için kullanabilirsiniz.

1. – 11. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan

yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi

1. The common belief that reading in dim light 4. The football federation has just ---- the
damages the ---- of a person has turned out requests from the premier league teams to
to be untrue. play some of the matches on Tuesdays.

A) horizon B) attitude A) run over B) found out

C) eyesight D) convenience C) kicked off D) turned down

E) rivalry E) passed away

2. Many people left their homes ---- when 5. Before you attend a job interview, you
İstanbul was hit by a minor earthquake last should do some research about the
week. company you are applying to and the ----
A) solely B) hurriedly
A) relevant B) brisk
C) honestly D) freely
C) instant D) populous
E) doubtfully
E) hazardous

3. Some gangs in Turkey and in other 6. Nowadays finding out the most reasonably-
countries ---- credit card information of priced goods is an easy task ---- the Internet
people from hackers and use them however enables us to access price comparison
they like. sites.

A) assist B) purchase A) though

B) owing to
C) lend D) approach C) whereas
D) until
E) influence E) since

Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 04 1

7. On the first days of my diet I definitely ---- 12. – 16. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
determined to go on, but as time passed by I numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük
---- to eat. ya da ifadeyi bulunuz

A) was feeling / had tempted

B) feel / tempt
C) felt / am tempted Hay fever is caused by breathing pollens in and by
D) was felt / have been tempted getting pollens in the eyes. You (12) ---- get hay
E) felt / was tempted fever at (13) ---- time from early spring to late
summer. It depends on what you are allergic to. The
pollens (14) ---- early spring problems. They are
usually from trees such as the silver birch, ash, and
oak. Hay fever is usually hereditary and it (15) ---- in
the early teenage years and symptoms peak in the
8. The project team has announced that they twenties. The main symptoms (16) ---- hay fever
need ---- twenty days to complete the are; repeated sneezing attacks, runny or itchy nose,
interior design of the historic building. loss of concentration and a general feeling of being
A) another B) other

C) one another D) the other 12.

A) should
E) others B) have to
C) had better
D) can
E) must

9. Bald eagles’ wing spans are ---- the hawks’

although they are quite similar in

A) so large A) several
B) much larger than B) any
C) the largest of C) much
D) large enough D) little
E) too large E) a little

A) may cause
10. No one seems to understand the reason why B) should cause
the old woman insists on living ---- in such a C) have to cause
big house. D) ought to cause
E) used to cause
A) herself B) hers

C) by herself D) her own

E) of her own 15.

A) starts
B) started
C) has started
D) is started
E) will have started

11. The world’s biggest migration, which

involves the migration of nearly two million
animals, is ---- threat ---- proposals to build a
road across the Serengeti. 16.
A) with
A) through / by B) about
B) against / to C) of
C) towards / of D) on
D) about / for E) from
E) under / from

Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 04 2

17. – 21. sorularda, cümleyi uygun şekilde 22. – 24. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. cevaplayınız.

17. As my colleague didn’t attend the meeting Fishing is a fun recreational activity and a popular
yesterday afternoon ----. hobby and sport. There are several methods of
fishing, such as angling, hand fishing (also known
A) he must have disappointed the boss who as noodling), fly fishing, bow fishing and ice fishing.
trusts him the most Among these, angling is the most common method.
B) his illness is becoming more unbearable Different types of fish require different methods of
C) he would prefer to go out rather than stay in fishing. Before you learn how to fish, you must be
D) so he must inform the manager about the aware of the terms used for different things in
results of the research fishing. For example, an angler is a term used for a
E) this made us feel extremely glad fisherman who uses a hook and line. The fishing
gear is collectively known as tackle. You must also
possess a fishing licence if you are above 18 years
18. ---- without the information provided by the of age. You should check for the laws for fishing in
local people. any particular area.

A) You shouldn’t have kept any information

from the police 22. We understand from the passage that ----.
B) The door was forced with a knife
C) When I found out the fact A) fishing is seen as a job by most people
D) The fugitives surrendered before dawn B) angling is the most preferred method of
E) The police won’t be able to locate the fishing
terrorists C) hand fishing is quite different from noodling
D) noodling is not considered as a method of

19. ---- the consequences of the crisis on the E) you can apply any method for any kind of
government. fish

A) Severe precautions are suggested

B) Nobody has an idea about
C) The prime minister said at the press
D) Some ministers are content with the
economic situation but
E) Since the authorities don’t know 23. It is clearly stated in the passage that one

A) should learn fishing before he is eighteen

20. So impassable was the Çanakkale Strait B) must get a license to fish if he is under
during the Turkish Independence War ----. eighteen
C) should know which hook or line to use for
A) which caused the death of millions of different types of fish
people D) must learn the related terminology before
B) because the soldiers defending the area they start fishing
had no fear of death E) should go fishing with another fisherman if
C) that the attacking countries had to retreat he is going for the first time
in the end
D) where it was impossible to avoid being
shot by a bullet
E) they gave way to no ships

21. My granddad worked for the same company 24. We can conclude from the passage that ----.
for years ----.
A) good fishing equipment will make you more
A) as soon as he has graduated from successful in fishing
university B) anybody can go fishing anywhere without
B) because he will be awarded for being such any permission
a good employee C) laws about fishing are not strict enough
C) before he started working for the first time D) fishing is a hard job even for the
D) until he retired and settled in a small experienced
village E) fishing without a licence is not allowed for
E) since he was a young man people who are older than 18

Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 04 3

25. – 27. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre 28. – 30. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. cevaplayınız.

Two dead crows have tested positive for bird flu in When he was only a teenager, Ramses II was
Japan. The crows were found near a chicken farm. already chief commander of his father Seti I’s army.
The worry among officials is that this disease may He later became co-ruler of Egypt, and when his
be more difficult to control than previously thought. father died, he became Pharaoh while still in his
One crow was right next to a chicken farm that had twenties. This Egyptian king spent the early part of
had bird flu among its chickens. The other crow was his reign as the third king of the 19th Dynasty,
about five miles away. According to the authorities, battling the Hittites and other neighbouring peoples
these crows most likely caught the flu from the to regain land that earlier pharaohs had lost. At the
chickens at the infected farm. One official said: Battle of Kadesh, he is said to have charged his
‘Crows may have spread the disease, but if that had chariot at the Hittites all alone. He held them off until
been the case, then we would have seen more reinforcements could arrive. Before the battle even
visible cases of dead crows.' People complained began, Ramses had arranged for it to be thoroughly
that the infected chicken farm had not reported the recorded in poetry, prose and illustrated wall reliefs
chicken deaths immediately. A nearby farm last with captions. It’s not certain whether the story
Thursday became the fourth farm in Japan to be about him is true or not, but Ramses II did make a
affected by bird flu. treaty with the Hittites by the 21st year of his reign,
after which there was peace in Egypt.

25. It’s understood from the passage that in

Japan, ----. 28. We learn from the passage that Ramses ----.

A) bird flu cases are increasing A) had better relations with Hittites than the
B) people kill crows for fear of getting the bird neighbouring countries
flu from them B) lost a lot of land during his reign

C) crows infected many chickens in the farms C) preferred peace instead of war
with bird flu D) was the king of the 19th Dynasty
D) authorities state that they are ready to E) became a chief commander after he was
combat the bird flu epidemic 20
E) crows prefer living near chicken farms

26. It is implied in the passage that ----. 29. It is stated in the passage that ----.

A) a bird flu epidemic might give more harm to A) Ramses fought with the Hittites without his
the country than people think army throughout the Battle of Kadesh
B) chicken farm owners are ready to destroy B) Ramses had the Battle of Kadesh recorded
all the chickens in their farms by means of literature and art
C) bird flu threatens the rest of the world too C) everything mentioned about Ramses is true
D) a new dead crow which is infected with bird D) Hittites defeated Ramses’ army in Kadesh
flu is found every day E) Ramses attacked the Hittites with a much
E) the chicken farm owners reported the cases smaller army than they had
as soon as they noticed them

30. We can conclude from the passage that ----.

27. According to the passage, bird flu ----.
A) Ramses regained all the land his ancestors
A) is a worldwide problem that must be solved lost
urgently B) Kadesh was the only great military victory
B) should not be feared as it does not usually for Egyptians
infect humans C) Ramses ruled Egypt for more than 20 years
C) most probably spread to crows from a D) Seti didn’t trust his son to be the king when
nearby chicken farm he was alive
D) mostly affects crows E) Ramses dedicated himself to peace during
E) probably affected more crows, but the his reign
authorities aren’t aware of it

Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 04 4

31. − 33. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın
boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek
ifadeyi bulunuz.

31. 33.

Tourist : Lilly :
Could you tell me how to get to Thank you so much. This is the
the hospital, please? most delicious apple pie I’ve ever
Mary :
---- Alan :
I'm so happy to hear it. It’s my
Tourist : grandmother's recipe.
I knew it was supposed to be
somewhere near here. Thanks Lilly :
for your help. ----

Mary : Alan :
Not at all. Well yes, she is.

A) The hospital? It’s far from here. You should A) Does she really enjoy cooking?
take a taxi. B) She must be a wonderful cook.
B) Ask the man behind you. He knows exactly C) You should certainly give it to me.
where it is. D) Does she write all her recipes down?
C) Oh, it's very close to my old house. E) She should run a restaurant.
D) I’m afraid I can’t. I’m a stranger here

E) Of course! Take the first turning on the
right. It’s right there.

34. – 36. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca

en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.

32. 34. His favourite team lost most of its matches

last season, which caused him to lose a lot
Carol : of money.
Could you give me a lift to the
city centre? A) His favourite team caused him to lose too
much money by losing some of its matches
Daniel : last season.
---- B) He spent a lot of money for his team’s
matches last season, but his team
Carol : generally lost its matches.
Oh, no problem then. I’ll go by C) Since his favourite team lost only a few
bus. matches last season, it didn’t affect him
Daniel : D) He bet on his team’s matches many times
That’s what I’ll do too. last season and this made him lose all his
A) Of course! Come on let’s go. E) As his favourite team could win few of the
B) Where are you going for your holiday? matches last season, he lost a great deal of
C) Why do you want to go there? money.
D) Why don't you go there on foot?
E) Sorry, but my wife's got the car for today.

Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 04 5

35. The miners didn’t leave the mine in spite of 38. A relative of yours has learnt that she will
noticing that a wall was collapsing. have to have an operation and she is sad
about it. In order to make her forget about
A) The miners stayed in the mine even though this situation, you plan to ask her to cook
they were aware of the danger of a wall the meal you like most as she likes cooking
collapsing. very much. You call her and say:
B) Although the mine wall collapsed, the
miners didn’t attempt to escape from the A) I will come and cook you meatballs, wait
area. for me.
C) The miners hadn’t thought of leaving the B) I’m thinking of coming to you this
mine until they noticed the collapsing wall. afternoon, will you be at home?
D) Though they noticed that the mine wall C) Could you do me a favor? If I bring all the
would collapse, the miners had no ingredients, could you make some
alternative but to stay where they were. meatballs for me?
E) If the miners had noticed that the mine wall D) Do you want to come and eat with us this
would collapse, they wouldn’t have stayed evening?
there. E) Shall we go out for dinner tonight?

36. As their topics weren’t interesting for me, I 39. – 41. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere,
watched neither ‘Lord of the Rings’ nor parçada anlam bütünlüğü sağlamak için
‘Harry Potter’ when they were at the getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

A) Although their topics aren’t interesting for 39. The amount of sleep that a person needs to
me, I watched ‘Lord of the Rings’ and function in a normal manner depends mainly
‘Harry Potter’ at the cinema. on a person’s age. While infants sleep most
B) I didn’t watch ‘Lord of the Rings’ or ‘Harry of the day adults need about 7 to 8 hours a
day. ----. Although older adults require as

Potter’ at the cinema because their topics

didn’t appeal to me. much sleep as them, they usually sleep for
C) Watching films like ‘Lord of the Rings’ and shorter periods and spend less time in deep
‘Harry Potter’ at the cinema has never stages of sleep.
attracted me.
D) I wasn’t thinking of watching ‘Lord of the A) If you’re getting less than eight hours of
Rings’ and ‘Harry Potter’ while they were at sleep each night, chances are you’re sleep
the cinema, but I did because of their deprived
interesting topics. B) Some sleep disorders are serious enough
E) The reason why I didn’t want to watch ‘Lord to interfere with normal functioning
of the Rings’ and ‘Harry Potter’ at the C) On the other hand, teenagers need about 9
cinema was that I was told their topics hours a day
weren’t interesting. D) One theory is that sleep allows the brain to
review all the streams of information
E) When you’re trying to meet the demands of
a busy life, cutting back on sleep can seem
like the only answer

40. Dreams seem to be confused images that

don't follow a logical sequence. Many
37. – 38. sorularda, verilen duruma uygun people have tried to decipher their hidden
düşen cümleyi bulunuz. meaning, while other people believe that
they have no meaning at all. ----. However,
this can be done only when we learn the
37. Your friend wants to buy a computer and symbolic dream language.
asks you to go with him. You know nearly
nothing about computers. As you rely on A) Dreams are unique, and no two individuals
your father who is quite an expert, you say: have the same dreams
B) Dreams have been described
A) Jess’s computer is high-quality; check it out physiologically as a response to neural
before you decide what to buy. processes during sleep
B) OK, I’d like to come, where shall we go? C) An individual may find that their dream is
C) How will you afford it? Did you ask your dad either based on a previous real life event or
for help? an upcoming event
D) Why don’t you ask my father? He knows D) Dreams occur during Rapid Eye Movement,
almost everything about computers. which makes up 20% of our sleep every
E) Oh Dear, I can’t help you today as I must night
attend a meeting with dad. E) The truth is that dreams are very important
and their meaning can be accurately
Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 04 6
41. It is through education that knowledge and 43. After long discussions, educationalists
information is received and spread reached a consensus that the ideal number
throughout the world. An uneducated of students in a foreign language class is 17.
person cannot read and write and hence he
is closed to all the knowledge and wisdom A) Uzun tartışmalardan sonra eğitimciler, bir
he can gain. In other words, he is shut off yabancı dil sınıfında ideal öğrenci sayısının
from the outside world. ----. He can interact 17 olduğu konusunda görüş birliğine
with others and learn more through this vardılar.
window. B) Eğitimle ilgili uzun tartışmalardan sonra
eğitimciler ideal bir yabancı dil sınıfının 17
A) An uneducated person is satisfied with öğrenciden oluşması gerektiğini bildirdiler.
what he already knows C) Uzun tartışmalara katılan tüm eğitimcilere
B) There is nothing that an uneducated person göre, bir yabancı dil sınıfındaki en ideal
can teach an educated person öğrenci sayısı 17’dir.
C) He doesn’t know how to acquire, analyze, D) Yapılan uzun tartışmalardan sonra, bazı
evaluate, understand, and communicate eğitimciler yabancı dil öğretimi yapılan bir
knowledge and information sınıfta ideal öğrenci sayısının 17 olduğu
D) On the other hand, an educated man lives konusunda görüş birliğine vardılar.
in a room with all its windows open towards E) Uzun süre tartışan eğitimciler, bir yabancı
the outside world dil sınıfındaki ideal öğrenci sayısının 17
E) And what he does is not just taking olduğu görüşünde birleştiler.
knowledge from books

42. – 44. soruda, verilen İngilizce cümleye

anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

42. In today’s world, which is full of crime and 44. Any person will tell you that Robin Hood
wars, our personal security largely depends was a brave hero who robbed the rich so as
upon our financial security. to give money to the poor.

A) Suç ve savaşların etkisinde kalmış olan A) Herhangi bir kişi, Robin Hood’un fakirlere
günümüz dünyasında, güvenliğimiz büyük para vermek için zenginleri soyan cesur bir
oranda ekonomik güvencemize bağlıdır. kahraman olduğunu bilir.
B) Suç ve savaşla dolu olan günümüz B) Robin Hood’un fakirlere para vermek için
dünyasında, kişisel güvenliğimiz büyük zenginleri soyan cesur bir kahraman olduğu
oranda ekonomik güvencemize bağlıdır. herkes tarafından söylenmektedir.
C) Suç ve savaşların hiç eksik olmadığı C) Herkes, Robin Hood’un fakirlere para
günümüz dünyasında, kişisel güvenliğimizi vermek için zenginleri soyan cesur bir
büyük oranda etkileyen bizim ekonomik kahraman olduğunu söyleyebilir.
güvencemizdir. D) Herkesin söylediğine göre Robin Hood,
D) Suç ve savaşla sarılmış olan günümüz fakir insanlara vermek için zenginlerden
dünyasında, kişisel güvenliğimiz büyük para çalan cesur bir halk kahramanıdır.
ölçüde finansal güvencemize bağlı hale E) Herhangi birisi size Robin Hood'un fakirlere
gelmiştir. para vermek için zenginleri soyan cesur bir
E) Kişisel güvencemizin ekonomik kahraman olduğunu söyleyecektir.
güvencemize bağlı olduğu günümüz
dünyası, çoğunlukla suç ve savaşla

Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 04 7

47. Arkadaşlarımla çok iyi anlaşamıyor
45. – 47. soruda, verilen Türkçe cümleye olabilirim ama bu senin gibi herkesle kavga
anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. edeceğim anlamına gelmez.

45. Sınıftaki en parlak öğrencilerden biri olarak A) As you think, I’m always ready to argue
tanınmasına rağmen Samantha, kendi with anybody and I can’t get along well with
fikirlerini yeterince anlatabiliyor gibi these people.
görünmüyor. B) I may not be getting on well with my
friends, but it doesn’t mean that I will
A) In spite of her being very bright, Samantha quarrel with everybody like you do.
doesn’t seem to be able to make her ideas C) I don’t have good relations with my friends,
clearly understood in her class. yet you shouldn’t think that I may argue
B) Samantha is known as one of the brightest with anybody.
students in class; but she can’t explain D) Since I don’t have good relations with my
even her own ideas sufficiently. friends, everybody including you think I’ll
C) Although she’s regarded as one of the quarrel with them.
brightest students in class, Samantha E) Contrary to what you mean, I’m not in good
doesn’t seem to be able to explain her own terms with everybody, but I sometimes
ideas adequately. argue with my friends.
D) Her being one of the smartest students in
class doesn’t mean that Samantha can
express her own ideas adequately. 48. – 50. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla
E) Although she is regarded as one of the okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü
brightest students in class, Samantha bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
cannot express her own ideas well enough
to be understood.
48. (I) It has been more than a century since the
RMS Titanic sank. (II) Some of the most

prominent people of the day were travelling in

first class. (III) This tragedy became a huge
event in Europe and the USA. (IV) Even today
the tragedy attracts people’s attention.
(V) That’s why Titanic movies or documentary
films are released very often.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

49. (I) The biggest problem with using credit cards

is that they are just so easy to use. (II) If you
are out shopping and you see something that
appeals to you but you can't afford at that time,
then you can easily pay for it with a credit card.
(III) You may be pleased with your purchase for
a time, but the debt will soon make you regret it.
46. Avcı uçağı bombardıman uçağından çok (IV) The number of Americans having credit
farklıdır; birincisi hava saldırıları için card debts has been steadily increasing in
tasarlanırken, ikincisi yer hedeflerini vurmak recent years. (V) Especially if you fall behind in
için tasarlanmıştır. your payments, massive interest rates and
penalties will quickly cause you to build up huge
A) A fighter aircraft is very different from a debts that you cannot pay off.
bomber; while the former is designed for air
strikes the latter is designed to shoot A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
ground targets.
B) As a fighter aircraft is designed to combat 50. (I) Camels were domesticated as far back as
other aircrafts and a bomber is designed to 3,000 years ago. (II) Since then, humans have
shoot ground forces, they are quite different depended on them for transport across arid
from each other. environments. (III) There are two species of
C) A fighter aircraft is designed for air strikes, camels: the Arabian camel, which has a single
so it is quite different from a bomber which hump, and the Bactrian camel, which has two
is designed to be used to shoot the ground humps. (IV) This is because they can endure
targets. incredible periods of time without food or water.
D) A fighter aircraft which is designed for air (V) Humans have used them not only for
strikes is different from a bomber which is transport but also made use of their wool, milk,
designed to shoot the ground targets. meat, leather, and even dung that can be used
E) As a fighter aircraft is designed for air for fuel.
strikes, it is quite different from a bomber
that is designed to shoot ground targets. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
Marvel Grade 12 - Mini Practice Test 04 8
1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. E 7. E 8. A
9. B 10. C 11. E 12. D 13. B 14. A 15. A 16. C
17. A 18. E 19. B 20. C 21. D 22. B 23. D 24. E
25. A 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. B 30. C 31. E 32. E
33. B 34. E 35. A 36. B 37. D 38. C 39. C 40. E
41. D 42. B 43. A 44. E 45. C 46. A 47. B 48. B
49. D 50. C


Answer Key MARVEL GRADE 12

. . .

YKS-D IL YDT Mini Deneme-1.......................................... ........... ............. . . . . ........................................ . ......................... 7

YKS-D IL YDT Mini Deneme-2....................................................................... ................................. ..... ......................... 13
YKS-D IL YDT Mini Deneme-3 ......................................................................... ........................ ............. ........................ 19
YKS-DIL YDT Mini Deneme-4 ................................................................. ...... ................ . ...... . ....................................... 25
YKS-DIL YDT Mini Deneme-5................................................................................................. ................. .................... 31
YKS-DIL YDT Mini Deneme-6...................................................................................................................................... 37
YKS-DIL YDT Mini Deneme-7...................................................................... ...... .................. .......... . ............ . ........... ..... 43
YKS-D IL YDT Mini Deneme-8................................................................. ..................................................................... 49
YKS-DIL YDT Mini Deneme-9............................................................... ...................................... . ..... ........... ....... ......... 55
YKS-DIL YDT Mini Deneme-10............................................................................................... ........ ............................. 61
YKS-D IL YDT Mini Deneme-11 ..................................................... .................................................... . .......................... 67
YKS-DIL YDT Mini Deneme-12 .................................................................... ...... .................................. ......... ............... 73
YKS-DIL YDT Mini Deneme-13 .......................................................................... ....... . . ................................................. 79
YKS-D IL YDT Mini Deneme-14 ................................................. . ............... ........... ......................... ............................... 85
YKS-DIL YDT Mini Deneme-15 ................................................................................... ..... .................. . . ........................ 91
YKS-D IL YDT Mini Deneme-16 .................................... ..... ..................... ...... . . . . . . ................ ................. ......................... 97
YKS-DIL YDT Mini Deneme-17 ........................................................... ........ . ....................... ....................................... 103
YKS-D IL YDT Mini Deneme-18 ............................................ . ........ . .................................... ......................... . . . . ........... 109
YKS-D IL YDT Mini Deneme-19 .......................................................................................... ........................................ 115
YKS-DIL YDT Mini Deneme-20 ........................................................................................... ...... . ............... ................. 121
Cevap Anahtarı ............. ..................................................................................................... ........................................ 127

�\ __ - --- ---


Tnodadil ------ -- _
_d -- - -
Hedef YDTI

1 Bu testte 20 soru vardır.

1 . - 5. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan 4. The Greek astronomer H l pparchus of Nicaea

yerlere uygun d üşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi (1 20-1 90 BC) is thought ---- trigonometry, but
bulunuz. there is a possibility that Babylonians --·it first
by 1 ,000 years before.
1. Just because somethlng purchased from a A) to have invented I may have done
supermarket or a grocery store is labelled
11organlc.'' it does not -- mean it Is healthy. B) to invent / did
A) courageously 8) intimately C) having invented / were doing
C) necessarily D) considerably D) invented I should have done
E) similarly E) being invented I have done

2. Creativity is often defined as the ability to - new

and useful ldeas.
A) drop out of 8) look down on
C) cut down on D) get rid of
E) come up with
5. Hurricanes and floods are disasters for human
communlties --- the loss of life and property
and the damage to infrastructure.
A) despite B) because of
C) on behalf of D) in comparison to
E) except for

3. The number of people who die --- an immune

response to the lnitlal viral infection versus a
secondary bacterial l nfection depends, -- part,
on the viral strain.
A) from I on 8) in I of
C) of I in D) by I tor
E) at I into

-- · ,r . ..-lr-,.
1 � : \ ,' ·• ) l _ \ '. ı·,·ı
1 YDT/İ NG Mini Denemeler _ Mini Deneme 1]
06. - 08. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 9. - 1 0. soru larda, verllen cümleyi uyg un
n umaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük şeki lde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
9. -·-·, cities will have to transform themselves.
The architecture of ancient Rome developed over
the course of several centuries and reached at its A) Although we are going to witness a huge shift
zenith during the era of Pax Romana or "Roman from automotive to mobility services
Peace". it took inspiration (6)---- ancient Greek 8) Because we can assess whether there is an
architecture and incorporated various aspects in it engineering issue
such as arches and domes . (7)---- constructing
grand monuments, Roman architecture alsa C) Unless local governments are laying the
resu lted in signifıcant developments in housing and groundwork far the autonomous era
public hygiene. it (8)--·- various new forms of D) 8efore autonomous cars can transform
architecture during the med ieval period and modern life
continues to inspire modern arch itects today,
particularly in the western world. E) Only if there is nothing new to be developed

A) into 8) at
C) from D) by
E) through

ı_ ,

1 O. The practice of public baths was overtaken by

7. the Romans from the Greeks ----.
A) As opposed to
A) although there was a fee charged far every
8) Due to visit to the baths
C) Other than B) because Roman baths were kept clean
through conti nual efforts
O) in terms of
C) if a member of aristocracy decided to use one
E) Thanks to of them
D) so that they became very popular through the
end of the Empire
E) and therefore the h istory of Roman baths can
actually be traced back to ancient Greece

A) has inspired
B) inspired
C) is inspiring
D) had been inspiring
E) inspires

' ı.
·, '

modad il .com
r�DT/İNG Mini Denemeler Mini Deneme 1 1

1 1 . - 1 3. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 1 2. One can understand from the passage that
cevaplayı n ız. Scandinavla ---.
A) is a place which has a relatively reliable and
Another yea r, another report saying that the Nordic secure envi ronment
countries are the happiest in the world. Every year
the UN's Sustainable Development Solutions B) has achieved a great increase in its cumulative
Network releases the World Happiness Report, GDP i n recent years
backed by the Ernesto llly Foundation, which lists
C) is likely to attract a lot of immigrants and
the happiest countries in the world . This year the
wi nner was Norway, which follows a trend of refugees in the near future
Scandinavian countries consistently winning the D) has social programs that are envied by the rest
title of the most content places on earth - even of the world
though they have a long, cold and dark winter. But
what exactly does Northern Europe do differently E ) can be an example of how a n otherwise
that makes its citizens so happy? it looks like the restless population can be kept under control
answer comes down to neighbourly support
between citizens and state support programs for
those in need. People want ta feel secure and they
alsa benefit from havi ng a commu nity that they can
count on - an environment the Scandi navian
countries do better than most in creating. "The
Scandinavian countries are very big on social
su pport," Dr Jan-Emmanuel De Neve , one of the
study's associate editors, said. "The top countries
have societies which are not at each other's
throats. But also they have high GDP (Gross
Domestic Product) per capita ."

1 1 . Which of the fol lowing can be inferred from the 1 3. The underlined word .. consistently" in the
passage about Scandinavlan countrles? passage Is closest in meanlng to ----.
A) They can successfu lly tackle the serious A) fairly
problems they are faced with.
B) successfully
B) They have properly functioning political
systems that do not undermine public good. C) continuously
C) They are heavily prejudiced against outsiders D) impressively
who came to live there.
E) slightly
O) They have a habit of being rated the happiest
places on Earth.
E) They offer their citizens a unique health cara

9 .'
� �� 1 \

1 YDT/İ NG Mini Denemeler Mini D ne

14. soruda, karşı lıklı konuşmanın boş 15. soruda, verilen cümleye anlamca e n yakın
bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi cümleyi bulunuz.
15. Llke so many aspects of life in Europe of the
1 4. Orhun: Middle Ages, the popularlty of almond milk can
- There Is a new theory out there now be attrlbuted to relig ious demands.
suggestlng that the Clovis people who
crossed the Bering Strait some 1 3,500 years A) Almond milk was very popular in Europe in the
ago to populate the Americas were not the Middle Ages, and constituted an important part
flrst Americans as previously thought. of daily life then as it does now.

Kenny: 8) Europe was dominated by religion in the

Middle ages, and that explains the popularity of
almond milk in daily life back then.
- Appare ntly new fossil evidence has been C) During the Medieval times, a great amount of
found in Florida d ating back to 1 4,550 years almond milk was consumed daily by
ago. Europeans because of religious reasons.

Kenny: D) Many aspects of life in Europe in the Middle

- That means this new theory is b acked by Ages were influenced by religion, a mong which
some hard evidence. is the popularity of almond milk.

A) That's a bold claim. What is this new theory E) The popularity of almond milk in Medieval
based on? Europe can be associated with religious
demands, as can several aspects of life then.
B) That's exactly what l've been claiming tor a
very long time. 1 even wrote a paper on it.
C) They must have been mistaken . The United
States gained its independence from the Great
D) The ocean levels are much higher now
compared to those of 20,000 years ago.
E) Those people did not have the slightest idea
where they were going.
1 6. soruda, verilen durumda söylenmiş
olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

1 6. When you are getting ready to leave as the

day's class Is over, a friend of yours asks you
to explain one of the concepts mentloned
durlng the lecture. You want to help your friend,
but don't have time to do so. So, you say:
A) Let me explain it to you using an illustration.
Do you have a pen?
B) Look, 1 have to g o now, but 1 can explain i t to
you right before the classes start tomorrow.
C) 1 don't have time to help you . You should have
listened carefully when the professor explained
D) To be honest with you , 1 don't think 1 have a
proper understanding about this concept.
E) 1 can teli you what i t i s i f you hava time,
because this might take a while.

lYDT/I N : M i ni Denemeıer
, -- --- -




__ .....

� --------

- - -------------

Mini Deneme 1 -- .


17. soruda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam 18. 1 9. sorularda, verllen l ngllizce cümleye

bütünlüğünü sağ lamak için getlri lebllecek anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe
cümleyi bulunuz. cümleye an lamca en yakın l ngillzce cümleyi
b ulunuz.
1 7. According to the "Out of Africa" model of
human migration that is commonly incl uded in 18. There is no d oubt that as the sea ice decllnes,
textbooks the world over, some anatomlcally more and more bears are golng to starve to
modern humans from Afrlca mlgrated in a death.
single, rapid wave across Europe and Asia
a round 60,000 years ago. The model often A) Deniz buzulları azaldıkça giderek daha fazla
holds that once these people were out of Afrlca, kutup ayısının açlıktan öleceQine şüphe yoktur.
a brief perlod of lnterbreeding with B) Şüphesiz, deniz buzullarındaki azalma, kutup
Neanderthals occurred, helping to explaln why ayılarının ölüm oranını artırmaktadır.
individuals of European and Asian heritage
today retai n archalc human ONA. The
C) Git gide daha fazla kutup ayısının açlıktan
emerg lng new model, outlined in the journal ölmesinin altındaki temel neden, deniz
Selence, shows that there were multiple buzullarının azalmasıdır.
dispersals of modern humans out of Afrlca, D) Deniz buzulları eridikçe şüphesiz çok daha
beg inning at least 1 20,000 years ago. fazla kutup ayısı açlık çekecektir.
A) Neanderthals were not a 'European' population E) Deniz buzullarının azalmasıyla birlikte daha
like people thought until about 1 O years ago. fazla kutup ayısının açlıktan ölecek olması,
B) There is also no reason to assume that groups şüphe götürmez bir gerçektir.
stayed put once they migrated to or from Africa.
C) Aside from being a convenient place tor many
Africans to go, this place also had plenty of
lakes, rivers, grasslands, and savannahs.
D) Technological advances in the fıelds of
genetics and archaeology over the past <l
decade, however, are revising the story. Q
1 9. Samanyolu Galaksisindeki d iğer yıldızların
E) The earliest known pathway out of Africa :E:
etrafında sayısız yaşan ılabilir gezegen buldukça
probably occurred between 1 30,000-1 1 5,000
insan neden hala bir uzaylı medeniyeti tespit
years ago.
edemediğimizi merak etmeden yapamıyor.
A) it is hard to understand why we have yet to fınd
an alien civilization, although we have
successfully located many habitable planets
around the stars outside the Milky Way.
B) People wonder why we have not been able to
detect an alien civilization yet, given that there
are so many habitable planets around other
stars in the Milky Way galaxy.
C) As we discover numerous habitable planets
around other stars in the Milky Way galaxy,
one cannot help but wonder why we have not
yet detected evidence tor an alien civilization.
D) We can only wonder why we have not come
across an alien civilization in the Milky Way
galaxy, though we have discovered many of
the habitable planets.
E) Despite there being countless numbers of stars
in the Milky Way galaxy, most of them have
planets that are inhabitable, so it is only natural
that no alien civilization has been found so far.

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20. soruda, cümleler sırasıyla okundu{lunda

parçamn anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cOmleyl

20. (1) The Roman Empire is known for many things: its
military conquests, its-civic architecture, temples,
roads, emperors, and sculpture. (11) Yet none of
these would have been possible without the most
vital resource of all: water. (111) Now, as then, water
Is life, and without effective distribution, there would
have been no great Roman civilization. (iV) Even
until relatively modern times, Roman techniques to
collect, store, and channel water over huge
distances remained unsurpassed. (V) But by the
Third Punic War, Rome had become transformed
into a major power in the Mediterranean.
A) 1 B) il C) 111 D) iV E) V



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Hedef YD l
1 1

ı B u testte 20 soru vardır.

1. 5. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan

4. We --- the flrst planet outslde of our own solar
system untll 1 992, and since then we ·- almost
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi
bulunuz. 4,000 planets.
A) had not discovered I were found
1. H umans have - more than 90 percent of the
hlstorlc cheetah's habltat, whlch once ranged B) have not discovered I found
across stretches of Afrlca and Asla.
C} did not discover I have found
A} admired B} concluded
D} were discovering I could find
C} rejected D) loosened
E} discover I had found
E} altered

2. Worldwlde, a contagious resplratory l llness, the o

lnfl uenza - three million to five mlll lon cases <
of severe lllness and 291 ,000 to 646,000 deaths o
annually. �

A} recovers from B } turns to

C} results in D) picks up
temperatures go up due to climate change,
E} takes in . extreme weather events become more frequent,
and more intense.
A} Even though B} Whether
C} Whereas D} As
E} Unless

3. Time can feel ilke the enemy to an employee --·

any role, and in any lndustry, but it Is most

acutely threatenlng --- creative types.
A) for I from B} in I to
C} above I over D) at I into
E) against I at

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Mini D neme 2J
6. - 8. soru larda, aşağıdaki parçada 9. 10 sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde
- .

numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
9. Only a fraction of the water used to make soda
Strong social bonds are believed to help people ends up in the bottle, ••••·

(6)···· stress, which has been linked to a wide

range of illnesses. Friends and family (7)-·- loved A) although soft drink manufacturers hava been
ones to take better care of themselves, or to see a quick to respond to consumer preferences
doctor (8)··- something seems wrong . B) because some people just call it carbonated
Relationships are associated with having a sense water
of meaning and purpose in life - which are
themselves correlated with betler self-care and less C) whereas a typical can of soda contains only a
risk-taking. few main ingredients
O) so soda can have caffeine in it, which is not
good tor health
E) as the majority goes to the production of the
sugarcane that sweetens the beverage

A) put off B) take after
C) draw on O) get back
E) cope with


1 0. ····, yet it contains a h u ndred billion nerve cells,

7. called neurons.
A) may encourage
A) Making sense of the brain's mind-boggling
B) had to encourage complexity is not easy
C) have to encourage B) The neurons transmit and gather
O ) used to encourage electrochemical signals

E ) must have encouraged C) Temporal lobes of the brain are involved with
hearing and memory
O) A human brain can be held within the palm of
one hand
E) The brain and spinal cord are covered and
protected by three layers

A) whereas B) although
C) unless O) when
E) whether

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1 1. - 13. sorulan aşağıdaki parçaya göre 12. What could be sald about the gap in the ozone
cevaplayınız. layer?
A) it is a cause for concern in Antarctica .
The ozone hole was first discovered in Antarctica in
1 985, and quickly linked to the increased use of B) it keeps expanding despite the ban on CFC's.
ozone-depleting chemicals like chlorofluorocarbons
C ) i t has caused confllct among the natlons that
(CFC's). CFC's were everywhere at the time, and
signed the Montreal Protocol.
were seen as a better replacement for earlier
lndustrlal chemicals. They were non-toxic to D) it could be healed through the extensive usa of
humans, non-flammable, and used in refrigeration, CFC's.
E) it broke records in terms of its size in 2006.
air conditioning, and aerosols. Alarmed by the
effect that human actions were having on the
planet, nations around the world signed the
Montreal Protocol just a faw yaars later, agreeing
to ban CFC's and other ozone-depleting chemicals.
The agreement went into effect in 1 989; but with
CFC's long lifatime, it was not until very racantly
that rasearchars who were constantly monitoring
the health of the ozona layer were able to truly
notice signs of healing. Last year also had a
smaller ozone hole than previous years, a dramatic
decrease from the 2006 peak when the gap
raachad racord widths and depths. But despite the
last few years of good ozone conditions, there is
still a long time to go before it retu rns to pre-1 980
levals. A recent study found that the ozone hole
was unlikaly to recover to that extent befora 2070.

11. Whlch of the following Is true about CFC's?

1 3. We can understand from the passage that ·-.

A) They have an enduring effect on the ozone

A) the ozona hole could heal better in the long run
8) new agreements are needed to heal the ozone
B) They are produced extensively by heavy

C) a few nations did not sign the Montreal Protocol
C) They are required for the maintenance of the
ozona layer. O) earlier chemicals were also banned in Montreal
D) They produce a great amount of pollution. E) humans a re to blame for the g lobal warming
E) They are still being used in refrigeration, air
conditioning, and aerosols.

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YDT/ İ NG Mini Denemeler Mini Deneme �·ı
1 4. soruda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan 1 5. soruda, verllen cümleye anlamca en yakın
kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. cümleyi bul unuz.

1 4. Mustafa: 1 5. Reefs provide habitats for many fish and other

- it turns out that only chlldren are less creatures, meanlng understanding their
sociable than those with siblings. recovery following natura! disasters Is vltal.
Kemal: A) Reefs are home to a variety of fish and other
animals, but they are vulnerable to damaging
natural disasters.
- They do indeed. For one thing, they tend to B) Many fısh and other creatures live in reefs,
be more creative than others. which means it is important to understand how
they recover after natural disasters.
- Exactly. Besldes, they are more agreeable C) Reefs that are home to fısh and other
and better at emotional reg ulation. creatu res recover quickly after natural
disasters, but precisely how they do it defıes
A) lf you th ink about it, it is not unusual tor them explanation .
to be calm individuals.
D) A number of fısh and other creatures that
B) Right, but that still does not account tor the
inhabit reefs q uickly recover after natura!
differences in cognitive development. disasters that harm the reefs themselves.
C) What about adults? Do you know what the E) The important thing to know about reefs is that
research say about them? they can easily recover after a natural disaster,
D) 1 get it now; that's why 1 am less sociable than whereas many fish and other creatures can not.
my older brothers.
E) That makes sense, but they also have certain

1 6. soruda, verilen durumda söylenmiş

olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

1 6. You owe your friend some money which you

had promlsed to pay back by the weekend.
Now, you know that it won't be possible
because you don't have any money. So, you
make up an excuse and play for time:
A) 1 thought 1 cou ld fınd the money to pay you by
the weekend, but 1 couldn't. So, you have to
give me more time.
B) You've known me tor a long time. l 'm very
particular about money and about my
payments. So, why the rush?
C) 1 was expecting a payment from someone to
pay you , but he j ust called to tell me that he
could make the payment pay next week.
D) l'm hoping to pay you back by the end of the
week as 1 promised . So, you don't have to
keep asking.
E) You're not going to believe this, but 1 got some
of money stolen. Still, 1 don't think 1'11 have any
difficulty making you r payment on time.

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17. soruda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam 18. - 19. sorularda, verilen İ ngllizce cümleye
bütünl üğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe
cümleyi bulunuz. cümleye anlamca en yakın İ ngilizce cümleyi
17. it Is widely known that New Caledonian crows
use sticks to extract prey from their hiding 18. Many countries have long tried to capital ize on
spaces. These crows have developed a
•••• sclentlfic achlevements by celebrating them as
hablt of carvlng a hook at the end of a twig to a source of natlonal pride.
better reach their prey. Sclentists had the birds
test the difference between a straight twlg and a A) Birçok ülke uzun zamand ı r bilimsel başarı ları
hooked twig. They found that the hooked twig bir milli gurur kaynağı olara k kutlayarak
is up to ten times more effectlve than the onlardan faydalanmaya çalı şmaktadır.
straight tool. Not only are crows tweaking and B) Birçok ülke bilimsel başarılar elde etmeye
im provlng their old designs, they are posslbly çal ışmaktadır ve bunlar bir m illi guru r kaynağ ı
sharing their knowledge with other crows. olarak uzun süredir kutlanmaktad ı r.
A) There is little evidence for both of these C) Birçok ülkenin elde ettiğ i bilimsel başarılara bir
technological feats in the tool use of nonhuman milli gurur kaynağı olarak muamele yapmas ı
primates. uzun zamand ır devam eden bir olaydır.
B) A recent study, however, suggests crows are O) Birçok ülke çok uzu n bir süredir milli gurur
making those sticks into better tools. kaynağı olarak görebilecekleri tarzda bilimsel
C) Once we had domesticated plants, then we başarılar elde etmeye çal ışmaktadır.
immediately shifted to an agricultu ral society. E ) Birçok ülkede uzun uğraşlar sonucu elde
D) We tend to assume that the closer an animal is edilen bilimsel başarılar, bir milli gurur kaynağı
to us, the more intelligent it should be. olarak kutlan ıyor.

E) To assess animal intelligence, scientists often

examine how crows perform in novel _j
situations . o


19. Biz insanlar sosyal canlılar olduğumuz için bize

. diğer insanlarla lllşkl kurma fırsatı veren
hikayeler ilgimizi çeker.
A) We humans are social beings, so we love
those stories than provide us with the
opportunity to meet different people.
B) As we humans are social creatures and easily
form friendships with other people, we love
stories that help us do so.
C) As social beings, we hu mans tend to favour
stories that make it possible for us to form
bonds with others.
D) We humans enjoy identifying ourselves with
other people mainly because we are social
creatures who love stories.
E ) Because we humans are social creatures, we
are attracted to stories that give us an

opportunity to relate to other people .

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20. soruda cüm leler s1rasıyla okunduğunda

parçanın an lam bütü nlüğünü bozan cümleyi

20. (1) As agriculture brought the potential for peace

and stability to early peoples, a smaller percentage
of the population was involved in the hunting,
growing and preparation of food. (il) There were
several difficulties during the development of
agricultural settlements. (111) The rest could devote
themselves to exploring man's potential for
creativity, discovery and understanding. (iV) Oral
traditions became more elaborate, and a continuity
of thought and learning was established. (V) The
stage was set for the emergence of highly
developed art, philosophy and techniques for the
cultivation of personal growth .
A) 1 B) i l C) ili D) iV E) V


TEST B i TT i .

-- �- ---- - ---

Bu testte 20 soru vardır.

, _____

4. The Mycenaean clvilizatlon, roughly ·-·

1 . 5. sorularda, cümlede boş bıra kılan

the second half of the second mlllennlum, a

yerlere uygu n düşen sözcük ya d a ifadeyi -

bulunuz. syllabic scrlpt for the writlng of Greek.

A) to date I could employ
1. Althoug h well-preserved mammoth ivory looks
a lot like ivory from African elephants, it is 8) dating I employed
C) having dated I was employing
possl ble to tel l the two apart by certain ·-·

D) to have dated I had employed
A) severe 8) dependent
C) careful
E) dated I has employed
D) distinguishing
E) embarrassed

2. Many of the islands around Thai land wlll ·--­

underwater lf sea levels contlnue to rise at the

current rate.
A) end up 8) turn down
C) take in D) catch up
E ) keep off
5. ·---
Engllsh may be a relatively young language,
many of lts words have been around for over a
thousand years.
A) Since 8) As if
C) Just as D) U ntil
E) Even though

3. Many people are not only unconscious ·--·

their own consu mer behaviour, but do not

understand how and ·---
what extent they can
infl uence the economy.
A) for I into 8) from / on
C) of I to D ) to I towards
E) in I at

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YDT/İ NG Mini Denemeler ·�ı .ı Mini Deneme 3

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1 ·1 !
·,. .

6. - 8. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 9. - 1 O. sorularda, verilen cümleyl uygun

numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
9. When Chlna took possession of Hong Kong
Neanderthals - early members of the gen us from the Britlsh in 1 997, ··-.
Homo from Europe and Asia - have had such a
lowly standing on the human family tree (6)···· the A) it emerged from a civil war in 1 92 1 as the
very word Neanderthal is often synonymous with newly formed comm unist nation
archaic ways and ig norance. (7)····, they had big B) these dynamics have turned tourism into a key
brains, complex societies, and tools so useful that driver for socio-economic progress
some designs created for leatherworking are stili
(8)-··· use today. C) more than a third of intemational visitors said
they were extremely llkely to return to New
Zealand for a holiday with in the next fıve years
D) it promised the territory a high degree of
autonomy for 50 years
E) China traditionally struggled to feed its large

A) which B) but
C) that D) how
E) so

7. 1 O. --··, the term is now less often used to describe

A) Therefore B) That is people wlth slow mental development.

C) in addition D) However A) Because "retarded" has sometimes been used

as an insult
E) in turn
B) lf mental retardation beg ins in childhood or
adolescence before the age of 1 8
C) Although children who are mentally ili reach
developmental milestones signifıcantly later
than expected
D) When a person with normal intelligence
becomes impaired as an adult
8. E) While treatment of mental illness depends on
A) in B) at the underlying cause
C) to D) from
E) over


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1 2. We can infer from the passage that -··-.

1 1 . -1 3. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. A) children are the main benefıciaries of the
money collected from the fountains
The Trevi fountain in Rome has had a longstanding
tradition: if you stand with your back to the fountain 8 ) the money recovered from some fou ntains is
and toss a coin over your left shoulder, you are used for charity purposes
guaranteed a return trip to Rome. Each day
C) some trad itions need to be abandoned ,
thousands of people take part in the custom, which
however old they are
equates to roughly $1 5,000 a week and almost $1
million a year in collected coins. There is so much D) people toss coins a t the fountains, knowlng
build-up that each day the Roman Catholic charity that the money is golng to charity
Caritas takes an hour to sweep the fountain and
distributes the money to the needy. They even E) looters regularly steal the money from the
opened a low-cost supermarket in 2008 from the fountains
collection. While the Trevi fountain needs to be
cleaned every day, other famous fountains collect
their loot every few months. The lake at Las Vegas'
8ellagio, for example, makes about $12,000 a year,
and uses a very efficient cleaning system. A giant
vacuum is used to remove everything from the floor
of the lake. Similarly, the fountains at the Mail of
America in Minnesota make about $2,000 a month,
which is donated to charities and non-profıts. And
the fountains in Disney World raised $18 ,000 in
2014, all of which was donated to children in foster

11. According to the tradition, when visitors toss 13. We learn from the passage that -·--.

money into the Trevi fountain, they --·-.

A) the coins at the Trevi fou ntain are removed on

A) are likely to live longer a daily basis
8) can make a wish that will come true 8) Disney World has gradually increased the
C) are entitled for another visit to Rome amount of money donated to foster children

D) believe they will be wealthy in the futu re C) the Mail of America is planning to build more
fountains to collect more money
E) have the right to claim some of the money
there D) the lake located in Las Vegas is frequently
looted by thieves
E) the fountains around the world could help solve
the problem of hunger

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YDT/I N G Mini Denemeler Mini Deneme 3
14. soruda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan 15. soruda, verilen cüm leye anlamca en yakın
kısmını tamamlayabllecek ifadeyi bulunuz. cüm leyi bulu nuz.

14. Orhun: 15. Even though a mill ion Earths could fit inside
- l'm starvlng rlght now, but 1 don't have time to the Sun, it is stili considered an average-slzed
go out and eat. 1 have so much to do. star.
Kenny: A) The Sun is a million times as big as Earth, but
. - Well, if you don't eat, you'll gradually become it is nevertheless a star of average-size.
less and less efflclent at what you do.
8) Earth is a million times smaller than the Sun,
Orhun: and that makes the Sun more than an average
Kenny: C) The difference between the size of Earth and
- You can order somethlng to eat lnstead of the Sun is so big that a million Earths are still
going out. That way, you can keep worklng smaller than the Sun.
unti l the food arrives and save time.
D) While the Sun is thought to be a star of
A) Are you telling me that 1'11 get sloppy at work if 1 average, the Earth is defınitely much smaller.
don't eat?
E) Many stars are average-sized lika the Sun, yet
8) 1 know that, but what am 1 supposed to do? the Sun is a million times bigger than the
Earth .
C) 1 wi ll, indeed . So let's order something to eat.
D) Why do you think 1 will not be able to get it
done in time?
E) Agreed . Why don't you give me a hand so that
we can finish everything and eat later?

1 6. soruda, veri len durumda söylenmiş

olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

1 6. You took your girlfriend out to dinner to your

favourite place as a safe cholce, because you
know they have dellclous food . But on this
occasion, the food was terrible and the service
was slow. You apologise to her and say you'll
make it up to her: -··

A) l 'm so sorry tor that bad dining experience.

Next week, 1'11 cook tor you myself.
B) My apolog ies for that. 1 should have seen this
coming and taken you to a more fancy place.
C) Well, 1 didn't know that you don't eat meat. 1
wish you had told me that. 1 cou ld've taken you
to a vegan restaurant.
D) 1 know that they're usually good . But 1 sti ll think
you owe me an apology tor that terrible meal
and service.
E) 1 sincerely apologise for not showing u p and
making you wait. 1'11 do anything to make it up
to you .

1 YDT/i N G Mini Denemeler
Mini Deneme �ı
1 7. soruda, boş b1rakılan yere, parçada anlam 1 8. -1 9. sorularda, verilen İ ngilizce cü mleye
bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebi lecek anlamca en yakı n Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe
cümleyi bulunuz. cümleye a nlamca en yakın İ ngilizce cümleyi
1 7. The Voynich Manuscript Is a small unassumlng
book stored in a Yale University vault, and Is 1 8. Hlstorlcally, most crew members of space
one of the most mysterious books in the world. missions have been white men, but the men
it Is named after Wilfrid M. Voynlch, a and women who currently fly in space
bookseller who purchased it from the Jesuit represent all races and major ethnic groups.
College at Frascati in 1 91 2. The text wlthln

has yet to be deciphered by cryptographers, A) Tarihsel olarak uzay görevlerindeki

scholars, and sclentlsts, though it seems to be mürettebatı n çoğu beyaz erkekler olmuştur
ama şu an uzayda uçmakta olan erkekler ve
vag uely European and to have the patterns of a
kadınlar bütün ırkları ve büyük etnik grupları
language. Strange lllustrations accompany the
temsil etmektedir.
words, ranging from drawlngs of unldentified
plants to "cosmological medallions." B) Tarihsel açıdan incelendiğinde uzay
A) Now, thanks to Canadian computer scientists, görevlerinde yer alanların çoğunlukla beyaz
erkekler olduğu görülecektir fakat günümüzde
it looks like we may have a new lead in the
her ırktan ve etnik gruptan kad ınlar ve erkekler
bu görevlere katıl ı r.
B) Somebody with very good knowledge of
C) Uzay görevlerindeki mürettebatın çoğunun
Hebrew and who is a historian at the same
erkeklerden oluşması tarihsel açıdan önem arz
time could take this evidence.
etmektedir ama günümüzde uzayda her ırktan
C) But the manuscript is far older, most likely from ve etnik gruptan insan bulunmaktadır.
the 1 5th or 1 6 1h century.
D) Uzay görevlerinde yer alan mürettebatın
D) Historical records show the text has fallen into geçmişine bakıldığ ı nda çoğunun beyaz erkek
the hands of alchemists and emperors alike. olduğu dikkat çekse de günümüzde farkl ı
ırklardan erkekler ve kad ı nlar uzayda görev
E) However, people have been wrong in the past,
<;;}'.'. alır.
and other theories have been quickly cı
debun ked by scholars. o E) Uzay görevleri tarihinde beyaz erkeklerin
� baskın olduğu bir gerçek olsa da günümüzde
her ırktan ve büyük etnik gruptan kad ı nlar ve
erkekler bu durumu değiştirmekted ir.

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YDT/I NG Mini Denemeler __ Mini Deneme 3]
1 9. Günümüzde yemek kitapları çoğu kitapçıda 20. soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
diğer tüm kitaplardan fazla satıyor ve parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cüm leyi
beslenmeye olan ilgi devamh artıyor. bul unuz.
A) The reason why cookbooks seli more than any
20. (1) We, humans, care for certain people, yet regard
others almost like moving objects. (il) We tend to
other book today is that there is a growing
interest in nutrition.
ignore the intrinsic positive human qualities of
B) Bookstores seli mora cookbooks today than others as we walk around in the public. (111) We can
ever before because of the increased interest find common ground, and help each other to thrive.
in n utrition. (iV) We rarely perceive others as entities with lives
just as complex and aspirations just as valid as our
C) Cookbooks outsell ali others in most
own . (V) We easily form assumptions of others
bookstores today, and interest in nutrition is
through superfıcial cues and forget the inherent
constantly growing.
similarities we share.
D) The growing interest in n utrition is the main
A) 1 B) i l C ) 111 D) iV E) V
reason why cookbooks seli more than any
other book in most bookstores.
E) Today, cookbooks outsell other books in
bookstores as the interest in nutrition is
gradually growing.

__ J


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Bu testte 20 soru vardır.

1 . 5. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan

4. Our early ancestors who ---- short-term goals
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi over more d istant and uncertaln rewards ---­

bulunuz. better at survlving.

A) prioritized I may have proved
1. Different types of crises provlde us wlth plenty
of ---- to change and improve the way we do B) have prioritized / could prove
C) had prioritized I should have proved
A) opportunities B) debts
D) were prioritizing (. h <!d better prova
E) would prioritize I must be proving
C) suspicions D) expenditures
E) treatments

2. Climate change is posing a serlous threat to

many animals and the communltles that --­

A) emerge from B) lead to
C) take over D) rely on
E) get through
5. Scientists belleve that 50% of all known species
on Earth are found in the tropical rain forests;
lnterestingly, ····,
rain forests only cover about
6% of the world's land surface.
A) therefore B) moreover
C) similarly D) that is
E) however

3. The ideas and lnstltutions of western clvlllzatlon

derlve largely ---- the turbulent events of the
Early M iddle Ages and the reblrth --- culture in
the later years.
A) on I about B) by I towards
C ) from I of D) at/ off
E) upon I in

L >

25 ' '

J 1
' '
6. 8. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
• 9. 1 O. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun

numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
9. ·-·,
but a tsunaml flooded lts land-llnks to
Language is a particularly complex system of Europe some 8,000 years ago.
communication. it (6)··- gradually in a succession
of ever mora complex communication systems A) Pre-Roman Britain was mostly comprised of
used by the ancestors and relatives of modern small lron Age communities
humans. Academics (7)-·- these communication B) 12,000 years ago Britain was connected to
systems by the catch-all term 'proto-language'. Europe
ldentifying the correct nature of proto-language is
the most important task facing anyone attempting C) Ancient symbols carved into stone at an
(8)···· how language evolved. archaeological site tell the story of a
devastating comet impact
D) A massive global cooling started abruptly some
1 2,900 years ago, causing the extinction of 35
different mammal species
E) The meteor impact resulted from the break-up
of a giant comet in the inner solar system
A) had better evolve
B) ought to have evolved
C) must have evolved
D) has to evolve
E) should have evolved


7. 1 0 . When we talk about what makes someone a

A) call off B) pick u p successful leader, ••••.

C ) let down D) refer to A) this comes from their passion , pride and desire
to become better
E) take down
B) they probably compete more by means of their
leaders than their products
C) we typically describe attributes lika the ability
to innovate, and make strategic decisions
D) leadership sometimes involves making
unpopular decisions wh ich requires a certain
8. level of bravery
A) understood
E) being a victim is the exact opposite of being a
B) to understand leader
C) bei ng understood
D) to have understood
E) to be understood

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' 1 ı ' Mini Denem
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1 1 . - 1 3. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 1 2. Which of the followlng can be inferred from the
cevaplayınız. passage about rain forests?
A) They are subject to controversy, especially in
The remote rain forests in Peru 's northeast corner developing countries .
are so vast that the clouds that form above them
can influence rainfall in the western United States. B) They are likely to be visited by a good many
The region contains species, especially unusual visitors every year.
fısh, that are unlike any found elsewhere on Earth.
C) They are protected by laws that are strictly
Scientists studying the area's fauna and flora may
gain insights into evolutionary processes and into
the ecological health and geological history of the O) They could have a far-reachi ng influence on
Amazon. Now the area has become home to one the weather patterns.
of the Western Hemisphere's newest national
parks . Named Yaguas National Park, it will protect E) They are being destroyed at an alarming rate .
millions of acres of roadless wilderness - and the
indigenous people who rely on it - from
development and deforestation . "This is a place
where the forest stretches to the horizon," said
Carine Vriesendorp, a conservation ecologist at
The Field Museum in Chicago, one of many
organizations that worked to win the national park
designation, which is Peru's h ighest level of
protection. The designation stands in contrast to
moves in the United States that may weaken
protections for wilderness. President Tru mp has
made a priority of downsizing national monuments
like Bears Ears in Utah, and many advisers to the
National Park System recently quit, expressing
concerns about the administration's commitment to
environmental protections.

1 3. Which of the fol lowing best describes the

1 1 . Accordlng to the passage, Yaguas National
author's attltude towards the US approach to
Park - -- -.
national parks?
A) constitutes a huge land, second only to Bears
A) disapproving
Ears in the US
B) appreciating
B) is attracting the attention of world media even
before it opens C) hopeful
C) is expected to offer protections to a huge land O) tolerant
of wilderness and to people that benefıt from
that land E) optimistic

O) has caused a pol itical crisis in the U nited

States, where politicians want to take action to
protect their own parks
E) is known as the fırst park in Peru to be
designated as a national park

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Mini Deneme 4
---- -- - -------

1 4. soruda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan 1 5. soruda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın
kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. cümleyi bulunuz.

14. Toby: 1 5. Alexander Graham-Bell, the inventor of the

- 1 think it is interesting that many people telephone, origi nally suggested that 'ahoy' be
haven't heard about the da Vinci robot yet. introduced as the standard greetlng when
answering the phone.
Alison :
A) Alexander Graham-Bell decided that among
many alternatives, 'ahoy' should be used to
Toby: greet others in a standard way when
- lt's nothing like that. This one enables answering the phone .
surgeons to perform operations through a
few small i ncisions by al lowing the surgeon's B) After he successfully invented the telephone,
hand movements to be translated into Alexander Graham-Bell recommended that
smaller, preclse movements of tiny people hang up the phone by using 'ahoy' as
lnstruments inside the patient's body. the standard phrase.
Ali son: C) When Alexander G raham-Bell suggested that
- That's what 1 call cutti ng edge technology. 'ahoy' would be used as standard greeti ng,
people started answering the phone with the
A) Do you mean the robot the surgeons have phrase.
come to rely on during operations?
8 ) Well, 1 suppose l'm one of them. I s that one of
D) As the inventor of the telephone, Alexander
Graham-Bell initially put forward the idea that
those robots that we see on TV easily breaking the standard greeti ng should be 'ahoy' when
down while kicking a ball or jumping around? one picked up the phone .
C) 1 couldn't agree more. How come nobody has E) The recommendation that 'ahoy' be used as
ever heard of such a state-of-the-art standard greeti ng in telephone conversations
technology that is used in modern medicine? were not accepted by anyone but the inventor
D) 1 suppose you need to go through an operation of the phone, Alexander-Graham Bell.
to hear about it.
E) 1 still wonder why they named it "da Vinci"
when they could have named it anything else
they wished.

1 6. soruda, verilen durumda söylenmiş

olabilecek sözü bulu nuz.

1 6. You see one of your classmates bragging about

how he gets the top scores from all exams
without studying at all. You know that he studies
hard for each and every one of them and he Is
just lying. So, you say sarcastically: ---
A) Come on ! Why are you lying to everybody like
that? They all know how hard you study for
those exams.
B) So, why don't you go ahead and apply for
NASA now? l'm sure you can easi ly pass their
exams, too.
C) 1 have a friendly advice for you . You'd betler
stop this, or you're going to make a fool of
D) lf you think what really matters is getting high
scores from exams without studying , then 1
have nothing to say to you .
E) You can fool these people here, but you can't
fool me. 1 know how hard you study for those

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1 7. soruda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam 1 8. 1 9. sorularda, verilen İ ngilizce cümleye

bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek anlamca en yakın Türkçe c ü mleyi, Türkçe

cümleyi bulunuz. cüm leye an lamca en yakı n İ ngil izce cümleyi
bulun uz.
1 7. When Europeans began lnvad ing the Americas
in force, they destroyed a lot of history along 1 8. Staying in one place, which is what clvlllzation
the way. They also destroyed the idea that the more or less forced us to do, was not
people who had been living on the continent for somethlng healthy for us, and our a ncestors
millennia had cu ltures and religions and cities resisted it strongly for a very long time.
of their own. That Is carried all the way to the
present day. --- A) Uygarl ık bizi hiç de sağlı klı olmayan bir şey
olan tek bir yerde kalmaya öyle ya da böyle
A) Over the fırst century and a half after zorlad ı ama atalarım ız bu tarz bir yaşam
Colu mbus's voyages, the native population of tarzına uzun bir süre boyunca karşı çıktı .
the Americas plummeted by an estimated 80
percent. B) Atalarımızın uzun bir süre karşı çıktığı bir
yerde kalma olayı uygarlığın bizi öyle ya da
B) Some native peoples perceived disease as a böyle yapmaya zorlad ığı ama hiç de sağlıklı
weapon used by hostile spiritual forces, and olmayan bir şeydir.
they went to war to get rid of it.
C) Bir yerde kalma uygarlığın bizi öyle ya da böyle
C) European expansion in the Americas led to an zorlad ığı ve bizim için sağlı ksız olduğundan
unprecedented movement of plants across the dolayı atalarımızın uzun zaman boyunca
Atlantic. direndiği bir durumdur.
D) Most people these days think the Maya, for D) Bizim için sağlıkl ı olmayacak bir durum olan bir
example, had an apocalyptic calenda r, a yerde ikamet etme uygarlığın ataları m ızı, her
cou ple of stone pyramids, and that is it. ne kadar direnseler de nihayetinde yapmaya
zorlad ığı bir olguydu.
E ) Columbus even notes himself how generous
and kind the natives were as well as how easy E) Uygarlığın bizi öyle ya da böyle yapmaya
they would be to take over. zorlad ığı şey olan bir yerde kalma bizim için
sağl ıklı bir şey değildi ve ataları mız buna uzun
bir süre güçlü bir şekilde direndiler.

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YDT/i NG Mini Denemeler

19. Son birkaç yıldır, yabancı bir dil kullanmanın 20. soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
duygusal tepkilerden karar vermeye kadar parçanın anlam bütün lüğünü bozan cümleyi
hayatımızın birçok yönünü etkilediğine dair bulunuz.
artan kanıtlar olmuştur.
A) The evidence gathered in the last couple of 20. (1) The North Atlantic right whale is already one of
years shows how using a foreign language can the most endangered creatures on earth. (il) Yet,
affect many things in our lives like our all indications are its situation is rapidly getting
emotional responding and decision-making . worse. (111) At last count, the entire population was
estimated to include just 458 animals, and at least
B) The past few years have seen an increase in 1 7 of them died last year. (iV) Researchers
the amount of evidence supporting the claim tracking the right whale's normal calving grounds
that a foreign language can influence our said they have seen no signs of newborns yet this
emotional responding and decision-making . year, at a time when mothers would normally be
birthing and nursing. (V) Whales move in
C ) Over the last few years, there has been
unpredictable ways when their food is relocated by
growing evidence that the use of a foreign
changes in ocean conditions.
language affects many aspects of our lives
ranging from emotional responding to decision­ A) 1 B) i l C) 1 1 1 D } iV E) V
D) There has been increasing evidence over the
past few years that speaking in a foreign
language might affect our emotional
responding as well as decision making.
E) The evidence that learning a second language
could have an effect on our emotional
responding and decision making has been out
there for the last couple of years.

TEST B i TTi .

---- ----- - - - --

Hedef YDTI

Bu testte 20 soru vardır.

l_ _ - - -

1 . 5. sorularda, cüm lede boş bırakılan

4. All non-Afrlcans l ivl ng today --- the vast
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi majority of their ancestry back to a group of
pioneers who --··Africa in a single wave tens of
thousands of years ago.
1. in a recent TV intervlew, billionaire Bill Gates, A) must trace I have left
the co-founder of M icrosoft Corporation, stated
that he should pay --- higher taxes. B) can trace / left
A) deliberately B) significantly C) should have traced I were leaving
C) reluctantly D) bravely D) may trace I had left
E) indifferently E) had betler trace I would leave

2. Dleting alone can help you lose extra weight,

but to --- stomach fat, you should implement a
weekly aeroblc regimen to help you burn more
calories and build m uscle mass.
A) live u p to B) get along with ..--

C) get rid of D) come up with 5. -··knows for certain why Stephen Hawking
survlved so long with the incurable neurologlcal
E) look up to
disease ALS, but - ··
researchers know that the
progresslon of the disease varies depending on
the person.
A) Anybody I many
B) One I a number of
C) Someone I all
D) Everyone I several
E) No one I most
3. The foreign news media have become a major
outlet tor governments trying to infl uence news
content --- lnternational issues and foreign
affairs , especially --- regard to their own
A) to I over B) at / for
C) above I in D) about I with
E) from I of

F'İ�G Mini De n e m e ıe r
______ _________ • _____________
M i n i o e ne me
_________- �
6. - 8. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 9. 1 0 sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
- .

numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulun uz.
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
9. Although polar bears a re capable of swimmlng
(6)---- in 753 BC, the city of Rome was ideally long distances, ----.
geographically placed to become the hub of an
A) they are distributed throughout the Arctic
region in 1 9 subpopu lations
empire. Close proximity to the river Tiber provided
easy access to the Mediterranean Sea . Rome was
literally at the centre of the Mediterranean, with B) they feed almost exclusively on ringed seals
easy access to the rest of Europe, Africa, and to and bearded seals
the east. The seven hills of Rome overlooking a
shallow part of the river (7)---- provided the easiest C) they bum far more energy doing so than
crossing route meant that no-one could pass into walking
Roman territory (8)---- being seen, and the area O) many adaptations make them uniquely suited
was easily defended with the Alps to the north and to life in icy habitats
the sea to the south . The land was fertile and water
was plentifu l , flowing down from the mountains or E ) males and non-breeding females d o not
else taken from the Tlber. hibernate in the winter

6. 1 0. Nostalgla Is a yearn ing, a feellng that the past

A) Founded was rel iably better than perhaps it was; ----.
B) To found A) therefore, the understanding that odours evoke
_J more powerful reactions than the other senses
C) Having founded o
4' do is not particularly new
D) Founding Q
o B) instead, the relationship between nostalgia and
E) To have founded � coping during difficult times was explored in
many empirical studies
C) for example, some believe that the theme
tunes of their youth were so much betler tha n
those on TV today
O) nevertheless, these were some of the
treatments proposed for nostalgia during the
7. 1 ih to 1 91h cen tu ries
A) what B) where
E) besides, some severely regressed
C) when D) which schizophrenics actually live within the
del usional system of thei r idealized memories
E) how

A) at B) about
C) without O) in
E) to

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YDT/I N G Mini Danameı e r __ Mini Deneme s ı



1 1 . - 1 3. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 12. What Is one drawback of many farm animals?
cevaplayınız. A) The amount of food they produce does not
make up for what they are fed .
Red meat production, which includes ali of the
steps that go lnto supplying the animals that turn 8) They cannot be used effectively in scientlfıc
into hamburgers, takas a toll on the environment in research, as they are mostly used for food.
the form of greenhouse gases and the land we use.
C) Farmers have to close their farms as they
uRed meat production has major impacts on almost
cannot make enough profits to sustain them.
every. aspect of the environment," says Walter
Willett, a Professor of Epldemiology and Nutrition D ) They fail to breed fast enough to keep up with
at Harvard . Willett says this comes from two steps the demand.
in the cattle production process. The first is that we
lose a lot of energy in the process between growing E) The environmental destruction is, ta a great
the grains that we feed the cattle and using the extent, caused by them.
animals for food. That is because many farm
animals, especially cattle, are inefficlent converters,
meaning that they consume more food than they
are able to provlde. The second problem is the
amount of methane that cows create. On average,
cows produce around 1 00 to 500 litres of methane
per day in the form of flatulence. That methane is
about 30 times more potent as a heat-trapping, or
greenhouse gas. "The biggest piece of grain use is
about 45 percent, which is fed to animals, largely
cattle," says Willett. uwe produce a huge amount of
carbon dioxide and methane in that process. Then
we eat the red meat, and the red meat itself is very
damaglng to human health in the amount that we
consume it. That is both damaging planetary and .�ı
human health at the same time." o

1 3. Whlch could be the best title for thls passage?

1 1 . What is the connectlon between cows and
g reenhouse gases? A) The Problem of Converting Methane into a
Greenhouse Gas
A) Cows are the primary victims of the massive
amounts of greenhouse gas emissions. 8) Unfounded Claims About Red Meat Production
Causing Global Warming
8) Cows produce a few hundred litres of methane
on a daily basls, whlch is a patent greenhouse C) The Role of Animals in the Rise of Global
gas. Temperatures
C) Cows inhale the most amount of greenhouse D) How Red Meat Production Causes an Adverse
gases, primarily methane, turning them into lmpact on the Environment
less dangerous gases.
E) The Profitable Business of Red Meat
D) Cows are fed hundreds of kilograms of food Production
every day, whose production gives rise to a
variety of greenhouse gases.
E) Mora cows die of the damaging effectS of
greenhouse gases than any other animal.

14. soruda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan 1 5. soruda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın
kısmını tamamlayabllecek ifadeyi bulunuz. cümleyi bulu nuz.

1 4. Daniel: 1 5. Rome has no major lndustries, so nearly all of

- 1 know that adolescents are more likely to the air poll ution in the ltalian capital Is caused
engage in risky behaviour than adults, but by motor veh icles.
what 1 don't know Is why.
A) The air pollution in the ltalian capital of Rome
Ronnie: is mostly caused by heavy industry, and that
- lt's probably related to impulsivlty traits that caused by motor vehicles is added to that.
are evldent in adolescent development.
B) Almost all the air pollution in ltaly is caused by
Daniel: cars on the roads, because there Is not much
- Are you saying that there is a connection industry there except in Rome.
between impulsivity and risk-taking?
C) Motor vehicles are largely blamed for the air
Ronnie: poll ution in Rome, the capital of ltaly, desplte
the role of major industries causing the
A) it is likely, because sensation seeking, which is
one common form of impulsivity, rises D) The ltalian capital of Rome do not have any
dramatically during adolescence. industry, so it is only natural that the air
pollution is caused by other sources.
B) E arly interventions appear to reduce the
severity of risk-taking behaviours. E) There is little or no air pollution stemming from
any other source than motor veh icles i n Rome,
C) it is too early to say. it seems like adults do not because there is no heavy industry in the
lie as frequently as adolescents when it comes capital of ltaly.
to personal relationships.
D) You cannot argue that adults are always right
in what they say, and adolescents know that. _J
E) A traumatic experience could trigger risk-taking ıcı:
behaviou r in adults.

1 6. soruda, verilen durumda söylenmiş
olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

1 6. Your friend prepared a presentation for his

English class and wanted to show it to you.
After watching him present it, you feel ilke you
don't really like it. When he asks you what you
think, you want to be honest with him. So you
say politely:
A) This is horrible. lf you go ahead and present
this, you'll definitely fail the class.
B) lf 1 must be perfectly honest, 1 don't like it. , but 1
also know that that's the best you can do.
C) Frankly, 1 thi nk there are many parts that really
needs some improvements.
D) 1 know that it's not easy to prepare a
presentation like this, but you, my friend, you
know how to do this.
E) 1 don't th ink it matters. What really matters Is
what the teacher is going to think about it.

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Mini Deneme 5
- - - - .

1 7. soruda, boş b1rakılan yere, parçada anlam 1 8. - 1 9. sorularda, verilen İ ngilizce cüm leye
b ütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek anlamca en yakı n Türkçe cümleyi , Türkçe
cümleyi bulunuz. cüm leye anlamca e n yakı n l ngillzce cümleyi
1 7. After entering someone's body, usually via the
eyes, nose or mouth, the influenza virus begins 1 8. Although many people cite lndia's extenslve
hljacking human cells in the nose and throat to rail network as a positive legacy of British
make copies of itself. This viral attack triggers a coloniallsm, it is important to note the rai lroad
strong response from the immune system, was built wlth the purpose of transporting
which sends battalions of white blood cells, colonial troops inland to quell revolt.
antibodies and inflammatory molecules to
ellminate the threat. ---- in most healthy adults A) Birçok insan Hindistan' ı n geniş demiryol u
this process works, and they recover within ağı na Britanya sömürgeciliğinin olumlu bir
days or weeks. But sometimes the immu ne miras ı olarak değinse de demiryolunun
system's reaction is too strong, destroying so isyanları bastırmak için ülkenin iç kısımlarına
m uch tissue in the lungs that they can no sömürgeci birlikleri taşımak için yapıldığını
longer deliver enough oxygen to the blood, belirtmek gereki r.
resulting in hypoxla and death. B) i nsanların çoğu H indistan'daki geniş demiryolu
A) An immunization introduces the body to an ağı n ı Britanya sömürgeciliğinin olumlu bir yanı
olarak görmektedi r fakat bu demiryolları
antigen in a way that does not make someone
sick. ülkenin iç kesimlerinde çıkan isyanları
bastırmak ad ına askerleri taşımak için
B ) Knowing how the immune system works and yapılmıştı.
taking the steps to ensure proper functioning
are two different things. C) Ü lkenin iç kısımlarında çıkan isyanları
bastırmaları için oralara sömürgeci askerleri
C) The immune system is made up of specialized taş ıma amacıyla yapılan Hindistan'daki
cells and organs that work together to help demiryolları her nedense Britanya
fıght viruses, bacteria, and other foreign toxins. !
sömürgeciliğinin olumlu bir miras ı olarak
D) These components attack and destroy tissue
harbouring the virus, particularly in the D) Birçok insan ın Hindistan'ın geniş demiryolu
respiratory tract and lungs where the virus ağına Britanya sömürgeciliğinin olumlu bir
tends to take hold . mirası olarak bakması bu demiryolları n ı n
aslında isyanları bastırmak için gerekli yerlere
E) For example, the viruses that cause leukaemia asker taşıma amacıyla yap ıld ığı önemli bilgisini
in cats or distemper in dogs do not affect değiştirmez.
E) Altını çizerek belirtmek gerekir ki Hindistan'daki
geniş demiryolu ağ ı ülkenin iç kesimlerindeki
isyanları bastırmak için oralara sömürgeci
birli kleri götürmek için Britanyalılar tarafından
inşa edildi ama bi rçok insan bunu olumlu bir
miras olarak görüyor.

[ YDT/İNG Mini Denemeler

Mini Deneme 5 1 '

1 9. i nsan zihni bilişsel istikrara i htiyaç duyar; 20. soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
bundan dolayı temel bir varsayıma herhangi bir parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi
şekilde karşı çıkılması ya da onun bulunuz.
sorgulanması endişeye ve savun maya geçmeye
neden olacaktır. 20. (1) Although much cleaner and more
A) Because the human mind constantly looks tor environmentally-friendly than other forms of energy,
stability, any effort to challenge or question its renewable energy suffers from several setbacks.
basic assumptions will lead to anxiety and (il) Renewable energy resources like wind and solar
defensiveness. power generate electricity with little or no pollution
and global warming emissions. (111) Renewable
B) Challenging or questioning the basic energy has generally been more expensive to
assumptions of human mind will trigger anxiety produce and usa than energy produced using fossil
and defensiveness, as the mind is in constant fuels. {iV) Renewable resources are often located in
need of peace. remote areas, and it can be expensive to build
power lines to the cities where the electricity
C) What causes the human mind to get anxious or
produced from renewable energy is needed. (V) The
take a defensive position is challenging or
use of renewable resources is also limited by the
questioning one of its basic assumptions.
fact that they are not always available; tor example,
O) The human mind needs cognitive stability; cloudy days reduce electricity generated from solar
therefore, any challenge or questioning of a installations; days without wind reduce electricity
basic assu mption will cause anxiety and from wind farms.
A) 1 B) i l C) 111 D ) iV E) V
E) Any attempt to challenge or question a basic
assumption of the hum an mind causes anxiety
and defensiveness, because the mind needs



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Bu testte 20 soru vard ır.

1 . 5. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan

4. Over the past decade, hundreds of genes ---­

yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi with a wide range of brain disorders, but each
bulun uz. of these genes --- risk only sllghtly.
A) are associated I is increasing
1. People who have a positive outlook o n life tend
to ....... more than those who look at life through B) were associated I used to increase
dark-coloured g lasses.
C) have been associated I increases
A) remove B) justify
O) had been associated I has increased
C) assign D) confırm
E) would be associated I was increasing
E) accomplish

2. Productlon of language may be slightly delayed

in bilingual children, but they soon ----; by the
age of three, the language gap between
monolingual and multilingual speakers usually
A) keep i n B) hand over
C) catch u p D) take down
E) step down 5. African elephants are currently threatened wlth
extinction --- they are still being hunted for
thelr lvory tusks.
A) although B) no matter what
C) because D) whether
E) so

3. Living -··
a technical ly advanced world l eaves
us vulnerable ---- cyber-attacks any time we go
online, whlch is especially true when shopplng
A) for I in B) in I to
C) at I tor D) with I through
E) over I from


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Mini Deneme 6

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6. 8. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 9. 1 O. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun

numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük şeklide tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

ya da ifadeyi bulun uz.
9. ---, before each contlnent split and drlfted
Older adults do not comprehend jokes as apart.
frequently as you nger adults. (6)--- declines tied to
the aging process, older adults may not have the A) Earth's continents are constantly changing,
cognitive resources needed to create multiple moving and rearranging themselves over
representations, to simultaneously hold multiple millions of years
o nes in order to detect the incongruity, or to inhibit B ) The landmass consisting of Europe, Asia , and
the fırst one that was activated. Getting the joke Africa is defınitely a supercontinent
(7)--- working memory capacity and control
functions. However, when older adults succeed in C) Around 2 billion years ago the world was ali
their efforts to do these things, they typically show joined together as one giant supercontinent
g reater (8)--· of the joke than younger adults do named Nuna
and report greater life satisfaction than those who O) Climate is shaped , at least i n part, by the
do not see the humour. Earth's shifting geology
E) The exact mechanisms behind the super
. continent Gondwana's split about 1 80 million
years ago are stili un known

A) Compared to B) As well as
C) Unlike O) Despite _ _J
E) Due to «1'.
o 1 0. Caffeine in mild amounts raises blood pressu re,
� boosts heart rate and temporarlly shrlnks blood
vessels, ---.
A) because overall health can determine the
extent of your caffeine tolerance

7. 8) whereas in excess, the effects can be deadly

A) takes off B) cop es with by causing a heart attack, stroke or other
cardio-vascular-related problems
C) fıgures aut O) relies on
C) if you want to decrease the a mount of caffeine
E) goes for you take on a daily basis
O) so there is some evidence that large amounts
of caffeine can interfere with the oestrogen
production and metabolism needed to
E) although it may negatively affect a child's
nutrition by replacing nutrient-dense foods
8. such as milk
A) appreciation B) occurrence
C) requirement O) concept
E) intervention

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Mini Deneme 6 ı
1 1 . 1 3. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

1 2. Why Is Gulnea becoming poorer and poorer?
cevaplaym ız. A) it is a politically unstable country with a huge
amount of debt.
Guinea is potentially one of the wealthiest countrles
in the world due to its huge mineral deposits. B) There is a lack of investment in education and
However, it has slipped down one place to eighth in heavy industry.
the list of the world's poorest cou ntries due to its
C) Public health issues are of lower priority in the
continued dependence u pon agriculture, with its
cou ntry.
farmers largely relying on outdated i nforrnation and
obsolete technology, alongside declining D) it relies continually on agriculture, which is
commodity prices. The country is only slowly cond ucted lacking modern knowledge .
recovering from the impact of the Ebola outbreak,
which offıcially ended in December 201 5 and had a E) The rise in GDP cannot keep up with the rest
severe impact on many households' income of the world .
generating activities. Meanwh ile, the mining
industry has been affected by the suspension in
July 201 6 of the $20 billion Simandou iron ore
project. Despite this, the government recently
forecast an improvement in GDP (Gross Domestic
Product) growth based on an increase in the
production of gold. To date, an improvement in
living standards has been slow to materialise, with
rapid and poorly controlled u rbanisation driven by
the high poverty levels i n rural areas adding to
social pressures."

1 1 . it Is clear from the passage that in Gui nea -·.

1 3. What can be inferred from the passage?

A) severe outbreaks are common with devastating A) Rich natural resources do not necessarily bring
consequences wealth.

B) urban areas are expanding at a fast rate but B) Health issues need to addressed immediately
without much planning after they arise.

C) purchasing power of the people is slowly C) There is no need for heavy industry to
improving despite the record inflation in the last generate wealth .
decade D) Developed countries need to export their
D) projects that aim to exploit the natural technology.
resources are met with fıerce resistance from E) The world's poorest countries are all suffering
the Guineans from the same problems.
E) many households a re optimistic about the
future of their economic activities

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1 4. soruda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan 1 5. soruda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın
kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. cümleyi bulunuz.

1 4. 8rother: 1 5. One of the most admirable and arguably

- 1 can't keep track of my expenses and 1 end underrated qualities of leadership is the
up overspending every month . 1 seriously capaclty for reflection.
n eed to do something to stop this.
A) A leader must be admirable, which is one of
Fernando: the most important features of being an
- The first thing you can do Is to make use of a effective leader.
budget and set yourself a pre-set limit whlch
you are not supposed to exceed. 8) The ability to reflect is among the most
admirable and possibly overlooked
8rother: characteristics of being a leader.
- 1 already tried that, and it dldn't work. it seems
like 1 don't know when 1 should stop C) Reflection is one of the most respected and
spending. So, l'm thinking that 1 should take a preferable features of anyone seeking effective
different step. leadership.

Fernando: D) The capability of contemplating is a must tor

people looking to be an admirable and efficient
A) Yes, 1 really envy the way you spend your
money in such a reasonable way. 1 wish 1 could E) Good leaders probably h ava admirable and
be more like you when it comes to fı nances . modest personalities and they do not look
down on others .
8) Do you have any suggestions for me on what 1
should do with my money?
C) Then, we should get you a brand new car. The
one you have right now is pretty old anyway.
D) Well, you can entrust me a certain amount of
your money, and 1'11 keep it until the end of the
month, so you won't be able to spend it. 1 6. soruda, veri len durumda söylenmiş
olabi lecek sözü bu lunuz.
E) 1 don't know. You seem to be happy with your
current work, so 1 don't think there is any need 1 6. You need to get the photocopies of several
to change it. documents e-mailed for an important business
transaction, so you ask you r asslstant to do it
for you. Later, you get a cali from your business
partner who says that he received the wrong
documents. You immediately realize that your
asslstant is to blame. So, you c a l i hi m a nd say
A) 1 think you might have sent the wrong
document. Can you double-check that and call
me back?
8) 1 just received a call from my partner asking
me about the documents. How many times do 1
have to tell you to send them on time?
C) So, you weren't listening while 1 was explaining
to you what to do. 1 need you to be mora
careful next time .
D) 1 can't believe there was a mix-up with the
documents. They're still waiting for us to send
them the correct ones.
E) lf you're going to mess u p such a simple job,
how can 1 trust you with a nything else?

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1 7. soruda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam 1 8. 1 9. sorularda, verilen l ngilizce cümleye

bütünlüğünü sağlamak içi n getirllebllecek anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe

cümleyi bu lunuz. cümleye anlamca en yakın l ngillzce cOmleyl
1 7. H l roo Onoda might have been the most
dedicated a nd obedient soldier in hlstory. The 1 8. As a nyone who has learned a foreign language
Japanese soldier enlisted in the lmperlal wlll know, thlnklng in anythlng other than your
Japllncsc a rrny in 1 942 at the age of 2 0 . Two mother tongue requlres a lot of effort.
years later, he was de p l o y ed to t h e Philippl nes
and ordercd to p rotect the o c c u p i e d lsland from A) Bir yabancı dil öğrenmiş herhangi bir kişinin
enemy attack. ---- Onoda contin ued flghting the bileceği üzere ana dilinizden başka herhangi
war from the Philippines for 29 years after bir şeyde düşünmek çok fazla çaba gerektirir.
World War il ended because he dld not believe B) Yabancı dil öğrenmek ana dilinizden başka bir
the Japanese had surrendered. Even when dilde düşü nmeyi gerektireceği için hiç kimse
pamph lets w c rc d ropped to alert Japanese için kolay olmuyor.
guerrilla s o l c l i e r s th a t t h e war was over, Onoda
was convl nced it was just a trick by the C) Herkes bir yabancı dil öğrendiği için ana dil
Americans. it was not until 1 974, when his d ışında başka bir dilde düşünmenin ne kadar
commanding officer came to the lsland to fın d çaba gerektiren bir şey olduğunu bilir.
Onoda a n d ordered h i m to surrender, that D) Yabancı dil öğrenen herhangi bir insan, ana
Onoda finally gave up and went back home to dilinizin dışında herhangi bir dilde konuşmaya
Japan. He died in Tokyo in Jan uary, 201 6. çalışmanı n ne kadar çaba gerektirdiğini
A) He survived on rice, coconuts and bananas anlayacaktır.
foraged from the u nderbrush . E) Ana dilinizin dışında herhangi bir şeyde
8 ) Japanese history and literature are fılled with düşünmeye çalışmak çok fazla çaba gerektirir
heroes who have remained loyal to a cause. ve yabancı dil öğrenmiş herhangi birisi bunu
C) He was reportedly unhappy being the subject
of so much attention.
D) H is contribution in bri nging the war veteran
home should never be forgotten .
E) He was also ordered to "never surrender," a
command he took quite seriously.
1 9. Sosyal bağ eksikliğinin gü nde 15 sigara içmek
kadar ölümcül olduğu ve obeziteden daha da
güçlü bir mortalite öngörüsü olduğu
A) it has been discovered that smoking 1 5
cigarettes a day is not as bad as a lack of
social connection, and a weaker predictor of
mortality than obesity.
B) A lack of social connection can be a stronger
predictor of mortality than obesity and smoking
1 5 cigarettes a day combined.
C) Obesity has been found to be a stronger
predictor of mortality than smoking 1 5
cigarettes a day as a result of a lack of social
D) Smoking 1 5 cigarettes a day is not such a
strong predictor of mortality as a lack of social
connection and obesity, as discovered by
E) A lack of social connection has been found to
be as deadly as smoking 1 5 cigarettes a day,
and to be an even stronger predictor of
mortality than obesity.

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20. soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda

parçanın an lam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi

20. (1) i n order to protect crops from rodents, insects,

fungi and other microorganisms, nowadays various
kinds of pesticides are used by the fanners.
(il) However, during spray work, excess of
pesticides fall on the ground and get mixed with
water or soil. (111) Alsa, a considerable amount of
pesticides pollute the atmosphere as their
ungraded ions spread in the air. (iV) in order to
understand how and why certain pesticides are
used, it is important to understand the science
behind how and why they work. (V) Thus, there is
the possibility of contamination of both water and
air by these pesticides.
A) 1 B) i l C) i li D) iV E) V


TEST B i ni .

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Bu testte 20 soru vardır.

ı 4. The Arabs seem --- bigger roles in the hlstory

1 . 5. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi of development of gunpowder, and they --- thls
bulu nuz. knowledge to the Western World than thought
of earlier.
1. To protect themselves agalnst Ebola virus, A) to play I had transmitted
people should - - ·-
contact with the blood and
body flu ids of a ny person, particularly someone B) playing I transmit
who is sick.
C) to be played I have transmitted
A) express B) provide
O) played I are transmitting
C) avoid D) emphasize
E) to have played I transmitted
E) surpass

2. Based on accounts by his students and - - --

contemporaries, it can be assumed that <(
Socrates, a famous Greek Philosopher, -·-­ ıd
several career changes throug hout his o
abbreviated life. �

A) went through B) broke up 5. -·-·billions of dollars being spent on public

C) turned down O) let down awareness campaigns that attempt to
encourage people to eat healthily, the majority
E) showed up of us contlnue to overeat.
A) in addition to B) in terms of
C) Despite D) Thanks to
E) Compared with

3. Children who have access ---- books are able to

expect a higher adult lncome than those who
grow --- with few or none at al l.
A) for I i n B) from / to
C ) i nto I over O) with I upon
E) to I up

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YDT/ I NG Mini Denemeler

6. 8. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada

• 9. - 1 0 . sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
n umaralanmış yerlere uyg u n düşen sözcük şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
9. --, but it also left many natlons impoverished.
Perhaps the single greatest impact of European
colonization (6)···· the North American environment A) The lndustrial Revolution may have brought
was the introduction of disease, Microbes (7)-·· about enormous changes in production
native inhabitants had no immunity caused technology
sickness and death everywhere Europeans settled . B) Four of the world's poorest countries are
Along the New England coast between 1 61 6 and
1 61 8, epidemics claimed the lives of 75 percent of
landlocked , with no direct access to maritime
the native people. in the 1 630s, half of the Huron
and lroquois people living near the Great Lakes C) Prospects for economic growth are driven by
died of smallpox. The very young and the very old the services sector, including tourism
were the most (8)--· and had the highest mortal ity D) According to international observers, the
rates. The loss of the older generation meant the country cu rrently lacks economic guidance
loss of knowledge and trad ition, while the death of
children only compounded the trauma. E) While much progress has been made in
measuring and analysing poverty

A) on B) for
C) against D) to
.- .
E) about


1 O. in order to make a good carlcature, --·.

A) the book includes a narrated caricature
drawing from start to fınish
A) where B) what B) the artist should make numerous quick notes
of the subject from many angles
C) to which D) how
C) drawing caricatures can be a fun and
E) in that entertaining way to use a different form of art
D) caricature has been a powerful tool in the
hands of the political satirist
E) difference between the measurements of the
features on you r face and mine is only a matter
of millimetres
A) effıcient B) sensible
C) vulnerable D) profıtable
E) adaptive

j YDT/İ NG Mini Denemeler Mini Deneme 71

1 1 . 1 3. sorulan aşağıdaki parçaya göre

1 2. it is understood from the 2004 study mentloned
in the passage that ·-·-.
A) a lot of parents are worried that their children
l maginary friends are very common childhood will come up with a fake friend of their own
companions. in fact, according to a 2004 study,
about 65 percent of kids have had an imaginary B) more studies are needed to establish the true
friend by age 7. And while a good n umber of parents nature of imaginary friends in childhood
C) talking to people that do not exist could be an
find this worrisome, plenty of research over the last
decade has shown that those imaginary friends are
early sign of severe mental health problems
simply a product of a creative imagination.
"Certainly, it scares many parents today when they D) imaginary friends disrupt the real relatlonshlps
have children who are talking to people who are not that chi ldren form with others
there," Ansley Gilpin, a psychologist at the University
of Alabama's Knowledge in Development (KID) Lab, E) the majority of children have interacted with
recently told Science Friday. However, as the 2004 imaginary friends at some point in their fırst
study showed, children of all personality types had seven years
imaginary companions, so they should not be
considered a red flag. Researchers have found that
kids who have imaginary friends might be more
equipped to deal with real relationships later on in
life. Marjorie Taylor, a researcher on the topic of
imaginary friends, explained that the ability to create
a fully formed character speaks to an imagination
that will stick with a child even when they do not
remember their fake friend anymore. "lmagination is
not just a trivial thing you outgrow," she explained.

__ J

1 1 . According to Marjorie Taylor, ·-·-.

1 3. Which could be the best title for thls passage?

A) parents have every right to be concerned A) lmaginary Friends Are Benefıcial For Children
about their children when they tal k to people B) Disting uishing Fact From Fiction
that are not there
C) Concerns of Families About Their Children
B) child ren who feel lonely and isolated tend to
create imaginary friends to make up for those D) Research on How Children l nteract With
feelings Others
C) the contribution of a fake friend to the E) Fake Friends: Nightmare For Children
i magination remains even if chi ldren forget
about their fake friends
D) in some extreme cases , imag inary friends
continue to accompany individuals through
their later years, creating mental issues
E) the benefıts of imaginary friends usually do not
last into the early adulthood

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1 4. soruda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş 1 5. soruda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın
bırakılan kısm ını tamam layabilecek ifadeyi cümleyi bulunuz.
1 5. Known as the .. Queen of Crlme," mystery wrlter
1 4. Heli n: Agatha Christie Is the second best-selling
- Some people like to identlfy themselves more author of all time, second only to Wi lliam
wlth the antagonlst in a novel rather than the S hakespeare.
A) Mystery writer Agatha Christie, alsa known as
Warren: the "Queen of Grime" may be the best-selling
- You are absolutely rlght, which makes me author of all times, and William Shakespeare
wonder why they do so. comes right after her.
Helin: B) Agatha Christie is known as the "Queen of
Crime" as she writes about erime, but she is
behind William Shakespeare i n terms of the
Warren: number of books sold.
- That could be one way to look at it.
C) Mostly writing mystery, Agatha Christie i s seen
A) Protagonist is the leading character advocating as the "Queen of Crime" and has more books
or championing an idea or a cause in a work, sold than the next best writer, William
so it is only natural that people see Shakespeare.
connections with that character.
D) Mystery writer and the "Queen of Crime,"
B) There is an easy explanation far that. You see , Agatha Christie has sold mora books than any
most novels do not exceed three hundred other author, including William Shakespeare.
E) William Shakespeare is the best-selling author
C) 1 think that's because they fulfıl something ever, followed by mystery writer Agatha
lacking in their lives by assuming themselves Christie who is considered as the "Queen of
in the place of the antagonist.
_J Crime."
D) How come you can argue that everybody has
to admire the same cha racter in a work of art?
That's just not possible.
E) 1 always feel far the protagonist. No matter
what the circumstances are, 1 never see myself
in the shoes of the antagonist.
1 6. soruda, verilen durumda söylenmiş
olabilecek sözü bul unuz.

1 6. You have a pothole in your street, maklng it

dangerous for cars. Although you've called the
city officials many times about the problem,
they have yet to do anything about it. So, you
crlticlze them for it by sayl ng:
A) They told me that they would take care of it, so
l'm waiting far them to show up anytime.
B) At first, they did n't take m e seriously, a n d 1 got
very angry. But then they came to check it aut
and saw that 1 was right.
C) 1 don't know how so many potholes can form
on these roads . They're probably built using
cheap materials.
D) 1 already told them about the problem , but they
don't seem to care about it. They're so
i ndifferent.
E) They fıxed the problem, but only after 1 called
them like a thousand times!

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1 7. soruda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam 1 8. - 1 9. sorularda, verilen l nglllzce cümleye
bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getiri lebilecek an lamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe
cümleyi bulunuz. cümleye anlamca en yakın lngllizce cümleyl
1 7. lrony is a fıgure of speech in which what is
stated Is not what is meant. The user of irony 1 8. Dinosaurs ruled the Earth for more than 1 60
assumes that his reader or listener million years, but m uch about how they llved
understands the concealed meaning of his and died remalns a mystery.
statement. -·· Thus, in Shakespeare's Jullus
Caesar, for example, when Mark Antony refers A) Dinozorlar Dünya'ya 1 60 milyon yıldan fazla
in his funeral oratlon to Brutus and his fellow süre hü kmetti ama onların nasıl yaşadığı ve
assasslns as "honourable men" he Is really öldüğü ile ilgili birçok şey gizemini koruyor.
saying that they are totally dishonourable and 8) Dünya'ya 1 60 milyon yıldan fazla hükmetmiş
not to be trusted. olan dinozorların nasıl yaşad ığı ve öldüğüyle
A) Perhaps the simplest form of irony is rhetorical alakalı gizem bir türlü çözülemiyor.
irony, when, for effect, a speaker says the C) Dünya'ya 1 60 milyon yı ldan daha uzun süre
direct opposite of what he means. dinozorlar hükmedilmiştir ama dinozorların
8) When it comes to fınding examples of irony, life yaşam tarzları ve nasıl öldükleri hakkı nda
proves stranger and funnier than fıction. birçok gizem vardır.

C) in contrast, facts or events are u nknown to a D) Dinozorların nasıl yaşad ığı ve öldüğü hala
character in a play or story but known to you or gizemini koruma ktadır ama di nozorlar
other characters in the work. Dünya'ya 1 60 milyon yıl hükü m sürmüştür.

D) This difficulty of signalling textual irony was E ) Dinozorlar yaklaşık 1 60 m ilyon y ı l Dünya'da
fırst documented in the 1 6th centu ry. hüküm sürmüştür fakat onların yaşam tarzları
ve nasıl öldüğü ile ilgili cevaplanamamış birçok
E) lrony comes naturally to teenagers, who are soru bulunmaktadır.
vulnerable to humiliation and sometimes need -1
to cover thei r tracks. o


1 9. i ster bir aile geleneğini a ktarıyor ister yen i bir

tane oluşturuyor olsun doğal materyallerle
yapılan sanat gelecek nesiller için bir miras
A) The type of art that is made using natura!
materials can be regarded as the perfect
legacy for many generations to come.
8) New generations will come to appreciate the
legacy of art made with natura! materials,
which could either be a family tradition or a
new one.
C) Art that is created by using natura! materials
could be a legacy for the next generation,
whether it is a family tradition or a new thing.
D) Whether passing on a family tradition or
creating a new one, art made with natural
materials can be a legacy for generations to
E) The legacy of art created with natural materials
should be appreciated by the later generations,
whether it is just a family tradition or a societal

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YDT/I NG Mini Denemeler �����-�--��������M-ın_ı_oe_n_em_e � __

20. soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda

parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyl

20. (1) Goosebumps are tiny elevations of the skin that

resemble the skin of poultry after the feathers hava
been plucked. (il) These bumps are caused by a
contraction of miniature muscles that are attached
to each hair. (111) Goosebumps are a physiological
phenomenon inherited from our animal ancestors,
which was useful to them but are not of much help
to us. (iV) Each contracting muscle creates a
shallow depression on the skin surface, which
causes the surrounding area to protrude. (V) The
contraction also causes the hair to stand up
whenever the body feels cold .
A) 1 B) i l C) 111 D ) iV E) V



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Bu testte 20 soru vard ır.


1 . - 5. sorularda, cümlede boş bıra kılan 4. Americans --- that dreaming of a black cat Is
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi generally u nfortunate omen and it ---- treachery
bulunuz. as wel l as a run of bad l uck.
A) are believing I is showing
1. Durlng the High Middle Ages, which began after
AD 1 000, the popu lation of Europe l ncreased B) have believed I showed
g reatly as technological and agricultura l -­

C) had been believing I was showing

allowed trade to flourlsh.
D) believe I shows
A) restrictions B) d isturbances
E) will believe I would show
C) innovations D) admissions
E) selections

2. Students must be taught the technologlcal

skills required to --- technologlcal developments _J
and use technology in all areas of life. o
A) look down on B) come out of c
C) put up with D) run out of �
One mlght thlnk that wood and dung are forms
E) keep up with of renewable energy and thus climate friendly,
---- cookl ng wlth them produces black carbon
and methane, both of which make the planet
A) so B) when
C) since D) therefore
E) yet

3. Prehistorlc people discovered and used

weapons to kill wild animals ---- meat, hides
and tallow and to defend themselves ---- thelr
A) of I with B) in I of
C) towards I into D) for I from
E) with I on

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6. 8. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada

• 9. 1 0 sorularda, verilen cüm leyi uygun
- .

numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
9. - -,
they will begi n to resemble each other i n
With increased use of l nternet, more and mora thelr priorities and goals.
people are drawn (6)··- online shopping. This
means of buying products has gained immense A) Just as academic concerns affect a number of
popularity in today's times. Earlier, lnternet was students throughout their academic careers
only accessi ble to people of developed countries, 8) As students who are struggling with school
but recent revolution has made it accessible to might obtain help in a number of ways
almost all parts of the world. With increased (7)-,
people now flock towards l nternet for shopping. C) 8ecause communication a n d learning
The concept of shopping goods through online disorders are strongly genetic and related to
services has been highly recognized and accepted , abnormalities in how the brain functions
(8)···· it provides several benefıts to the customer. D) lf all universities pursue the same strategies to
However, every good aspect has a bad side to it attain the same notion of quality
and this is applicable to onllne shopping as well.
E) Unless eating right and staying healthy will
help you accomplish your academic goals

A) on 8) against
C) of D) at
E) toward

A) awareness 8) validity 1 O. Our braln pays attentlon to hands more than
any other body part ••••·

C) interpretation D) publication
A) because we have evolved to look at them as a
E) interrogation safety mechanism to maka sure people will not
attack us
8) although much focus is given to the extremely
well-developed sensation of the hands
C) if movements of the hand are mostly started by
muscles in the forearm
8. D) so there are not many well-documented
A) unless 8) when studies concerning them
C) even if D) as E) even if this allows muscles and joints in the
E) as though hand a great range of movement and precision

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Mini Deneme 8

1 1 . - 1 3. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 1 2. What can the parents do when there seems to
cevaplayı nız. be a generatlon gap between them and thelr
When there are drastic differences within two A) They must wait until thei r children can fıgure
generations, there are influences on entire families out who they are.
and social i nteractions. Parents , who nourish their
children tor years, at some point of life may B) They need to ask questions to u nderstand the
become strangers for their children and sometimes root of the problem.
children consider their parents as their enemies
C) They could encourage their children to be
instead of guardians and caretakers. Theretore, in
such cases, the gap keeps on widening and the
parents and children keep on moving away from D) They ought to treat their children the same way
each other. The important thing at such a point is to they treat adults.
understand the basic theory of life and that is,
"thi ngs change". Everybody needs to understand E) They should try to get familiar with the way
this basic philosophy of life. Though it seems very their children think and act.
simple to understand, it is the most difficult to
adjust to. Parents need to understand that their
children and their way of thinking and behaving will
defınitely be different. That is bou nd to happen.

1 3. Whlch of the fol lowing can be inferred from the

1 1 . it Is clear from the passage that ---. passage about generation gap?

A) some parents are neglectful to their children's A) it hardly accounts tor why parents and chi ldren
needs are moving away from each other.

B) social interactions are damaged in bigger B) it primarily exists in the developing world .
families C) it is likely to turn a problem that requires
C) children sometimes see their parents as medical attention.
enemies O) it could disturb the long-time bond between the
O) young people are hard to get on well with children and parents.

E) younger generation tend to respect the older E) it is partly caused by the adverse effects of
one technology on human interaction .

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14. soruda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan 1 5. soruda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın
kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. cümleyi bulunuz.

1 4. Alice: 1 5. Deforestation caused by human activlty is

- Psychologists now believe that noise has a happening in many parts of the world, whlch
considerable effect on people's attitudes and has serlous consequences for the ecosystem.
behavlour. But, they distingulsh between
11sound" and 11noise." A) Quite a few areas of the planet are subject to
human-induced deforestation , with severe
Cedrick: effects on the natura! balance of the
- How do they differentlate between the two? environment.
Alice: B) Non-natural deforestation upsets the balance
- Sound is measured in decibels. of nature with its detrimental impact on
numerous regions of the globe.
- How about noise? C) Man-made causes of deforestation play a
critical role in the devastation of several areas
of the earth , which already lost its forest cover.
D) The environment suffers most from human­
A) it refers to any external and unwanted ind uced deforestation due to its damaging
information that interferes with a transmission impact on the mother nature.
E) A few areas of the globe is severely affected
B) Both sound and noise can have negative
by man-made deforestation, which adversely
effects, but what is important is if the person affects flora and fauna as well.
has control over the sound.
C) it is a sound, especially one that is loud or
unpleasant or that causes disturbance.
D) it is subjective. Factors such as the magnitude,
characteristics, duration , and time of
occurrence may affect one's subjective
impression of the noise.
E) it cannot be measured in the same way
1 6. soruda, verilen durumda söylenmiş
because it refers to the psychological effect of
olabi lecek sözü bulunuz.
sound , and its level of intensity depends on the
situation 1 6. You are at the coffee break of an international
conference on climate change. You rea lize that
everybody is still talking about climate change
l nstead of taklng a break from the issue to c lear
their heads. So you say:
A) 1 don't want to ruin your coffee break or
anything, but 1 completely agree with the idea
that cli mate change is human-made.
8) Why don't we talk about someth ing else, since
that's what coffee breaks are far?
C) 1 know that we're at the coffee break folks, but 1
think this topic needs further consideration.
D) These international conferences do not really
produce the desired results, or any result for
that matter.
E) Climate change is worth discussing whether it
is during a coffee break or at the panel itself.

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1 7. soruda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam 1 8. - 1 9. soru larda, verilen İ ngilizce cümleye
bütünl üğ ü nü sağlamak için getirilebilecek anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe
cümleyi bulunuz. cümleye a nlamca en yakın İ nglllzce cümleyi
bul unuz.
1 7. The school field trips have a long history in
Amerlcan public education. Schools have 1 8. Extremely fragile and underdeveloped
gladly endured the expense and dlsruptlon of economies have elther recently been through a
providing these trips because they see these civil war or are suffering from ongoing ethnlc
experlences as central to thelr educatlonal confllcts.
mission: schools exist not only to provlde
economically useful skills in numeracy and A) Aşı rı derecede hassas olan ve geri kalmış
literacy, but also to prod uce civilized young ekonomilerin bir iç savaş yaşaması ya da
men and women who will appreciate the arts sürekli etnik çatışmalardan muzdarip olması
and culture. More-advantaged famil ies may take normaldir.
thelr chlldre n to these cultu ral institutions 8) Son derece hassas ve gelişmemiş ekonomiler
outside of school hours, but less-advantaged ya son dönemlerde bir iç savaş geçirmişti r ya
students are less llkely to have these da devam etmekte olan etnik çatı şmalardan
experiences lf schools do not provide them. ••••
A) Historical empathy is the ability to understand C) Aşı rı derecede hassas olan gelişmemiş
and appreciate what life was like for people ekonomiler yakın zamanlarda hem iç savaş
who lived in a different time and place. yaşamıştır hem de etn ik çatışmalardan
8) Greater focus on raising student performance muzdarip olmuştur.
on math and reading standardized tests may D) Devam etmekte olan etn ik çatışmalardan ve iç
also lead schools to cut fıeld trips. savaştan muzdarip olan ekonomiler aşı rı
C) The decision to reduce culturally enriching fıeld derecede hassas olur.
trips reflects a variety of factors. E) Çok hassas ekonomiler ve gelişmemiş ülkeler
D) With fıeld trips, public schools have seen ya son zamanlarda iç savaş geçirdiği için ya da
themselves as the great equalizer in terms of etnik çatışmalar yaşad ığı için bu hale gelmiştir.
access to our cultural heritage.
E) Museums across the cou ntry report a steep
drop in school tours.

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1 9. REM uykusunun 1 953'teki keşfi genellikle 20. soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
modern uyku araştırmalarının başlangıcı olarak parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi
görülür ama 1 990'1ardan önce çok az insan ve bulunuz.
kurum uykunun zaman ve para harcamaya
değer olduğunu düşünüyordu. 20. (1) While extreme weather might cause us
A) REM sleep was discovered in 1 953, which is discomfort or even death, our very lives depend on
generally considered as the beginning of the it to sustain agriculture and to keep our bodies
modern sleep research, but it was only after healthy. (il) Without weather, the Earth's
the 1 990s that many people and institutions atmosphere would remain stagnant, rivers and
came to spend money on sleep research. lakes would dry up, and it would be hard to imagine
any life thriving on our planet's continents and
B) Very few people and institutions were willing to islands. (ili) Over the last 50 years, much of the
spend any money and time on sleep prior to world has seen lncreases in prolonged periods of
1 990's, although REM sleep was accidentally excessively high temperatures, heavy downpours,
discovered in 1 953, when modern sleep and in some regions, severe floods and droughts.
research took off. (iV) Moreover, weather also provides us with a lot
of fun . (V) For instance, thanks to weather, we can
C) Before 1 990's, most people and institutions
fly a kite, go skiing , have a snowball fıght, or
were not interested in spending any money or
experience the simple joy of splashing in a fresh
time on sleep, which is surprising considering
puddle of rain water.
the fact that REM sleep, which acted as a
trigger for modern sleep research was A) 1 B) i l C ) 111 D) i V E) V
discovered in 1 953.
D) The discovery of REM sleep in 1 953 is
generally regarded as the beginning of modern
sleep research, but prior to the 1 990s only a
few people and institutions thought it
worthwhile to spend time and money on sleep.
E ) Until 1 990's, quite a few people and institutions
thought that sleep was not worth spending any
money even though REM sleep was
discovered in 1 953 during the early stages of
modern sleep research .



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� --- 1

Bu testte 20 soru vardır.

1 . - 5. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakı lan 4. On dozens of different fronts, human
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi knowledge ---- at a pace that -- even in the
bulunuz. past few years.
A) had expanded I cannot be imagined
1. Even with rapid cuts in global greenhouse gas
emlssions keeping warming below 2°C, sea B) was expanding I should not be imagined
levels could rise by O.Sm by the end of the 21st
C) expands I should not have been imagined
century, --- affecting small lsland states and
low-lying countries. D) has expanded I may not be imagi ned
A) compulsorily B) appropriately E) is expanding I could not have been imagined
C) subtly D) particularly
E) illegally

2. Work permlts are written authorlzations g lven _J

to employees who ---- hazardous tasks, or who o
work in hazardous situations, like confıned .ı:ı;:
areas. o
A) look after B) carry out
C) run away D) let down 5. ---- an ant welghs on average only one gram, it
E) cut down can lift twenty times lts own weight; it is ilke a
human belng lifting a grand-plano with his or
her mouth.
A) Now that B) Since
C) As though D) in case
E) Though

3. Because Europe is considered a contlnent ---­

many nations, it is naturally dlvlded ---- many

states, unlike the Chinese or Americans who
are generally regarded as single peoples.
A) at I for B) from I on
C) in I by D) of I into
E) over I between

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Mini D neme 9 j
6. - 8. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 9. - 1 O. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
9. in order to read masterpleces in thelr orlginal
(6)---· 545 million years ago, a large number of language, ---.
complex multi-celled organisms appeared over a
fıve-to-ten-mill ion-year period . This phenomenon A) several things and aspects of the story get lost
occurring in such an evolutionarily brief amount of in translation from the original version
time is called Cambrian Explosion. This sudden 8) the culture gap between the source and the
burst of life is responsible (7)---- most of the major target languages are big
animal groups that are recognized today. The
majority of fossils found from this very period have C) reading translated books in your target
been classifıed (8)---- arthropods, invertebrate language wi ll not harm your language abilities
animals with an exoskeleton and segmented body. D) well-known writers of the past considered it
thei r obligation to master several foreign
E) both approaches stress the importance of
children's prod uction in their own language

A) Much 8) Many
C) A lot D) Some
E) A great deal of -
( '


1 O. Sympathy is feeling compassion or pity for

someone else, ----.
A) so the word has a fırst recorded use dating
7. back to the late 1 500s
A) over B) with 8) if you cannot use sympathy ta describe sharing
C) tor D) from or understanding the feelings of another

E) upon C) although the abi lity ta feel sympathy far others

is a great part of what makas us human
D) because sympathy can be extremely
dangerous to an inexperienced ar reckless
E) whereas empathy is putting yourself in that
person's shoes and actually feel the emotions
they are experiencing
A) so 8) such as
C) such D) like
E) as

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YDT/ING Mini Denemeler Mini Deneme 9] "

1 1 . 1 3. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

1 2. it is clearly stated in the passage that ---.
cevaplaymız. A) resources were fairly shared when the world
population was about 1 O million
Anthropologists believe the human species dates
back at least 3 million years. For most of our B) more and more land was farmed by early
history, these distant ancestors lived a precarious human species until they exhausted the top
existence as hunters and gatherers. This way of life soil
kept their total nunıbers small, probably less than
C) life became especially difficult after the
1 O mlllion. However, as agricu lture was introduced,
lndustrial Revolution due to overcrowding
communities evolved that could support more
people. World population expanded to about 300 D) our history was dominated for ages by hunter­
million by A.D. 1 and continued to grow at a gatherer societies
moderate rate. But after the start of the l ndustrial
Revolution in the 1 8th century, living standards E) the world population nearly doubled between
rose and widespread famines and epidemics 1 750 and 1 800
diminished in some regions. Population growth
accelerated . The population climbed to about 760
million in 1 750 and reached 1 billion around 1 800.
in 1 800, the vast majority of the world's population
(85 percent) resided in Asia and Europe, with 65
percent in Asia alone. By 1 900, Europe's share of
world population had risen to 25 percent, fuelled by
the population increase that accompanied the
l ndustrial Revolution . Some of this growth spilled
over to the Americas, increasing thei r share of the
world total.

1 1 . The passage suggests that ----. 1 3. As revealed in the passage, ----.

A) the increase in the world population over the A) population growth cannot be curbed despite
last few decades is u nsustainable efforts to do so

B) both agriculture and the l ndustrial Revolution B) the lower incidence of famine and disease
led to a hike in world population contributed to population increase

C) the threat of famines an d epidemics has been C) agricultu ral societies were no better-off than
overestimated tor the last three centuries hunter-gatherer ones

D) Asia is second only to Europe in terms of the D) the introduction of novel farm ing methods in
percentage of world population living there A. D . 1 led to a surplus of crops

E) anthropologists accurately date the origin of E) when combined, lhe Americas and Europe are
our species back to 3 million years ago home to more people than Asia

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Mini Deneme 9

1 4. soruda, karşılıkh konuşmanın boş 1 5. soruda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın
bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi cümleyi bulunuz.
1 5. The bulk of Kafka's writings was not revealed
1 4. Mary-Anne: until after his early death from tuberculosls.
- l'm confident that time travel is posslble, but
we'd need some very advanced technology to A) Before Kafka died of tuberculosis at an early
do it. age, the majority of his manuscripts had
already been made public.
- That's right. For one thing, we must be able to B) What prevented Kafka from making the
reach the speed of light, or at least 99,5% of majority of his manuscripts public was his early
it. death.

Mary-Anne: C) After Kafka had had his writings published , he

- You are right, but that's only true for time met with an early death tuberculosis.
travel lnto the future. D) His death from tuberculosis kept Kafka from
Joe: bringing out the majority of his manuscripts.
E) After Kafka died p rematurely from tuberculosis,
A) Well, 1 don't think we will ever be able to travel the majority of his manuscripts was made
back in time anyway. public.

B) There is a lot of enthusiasm in the scientifıc

community about time travel.
C) Crazy as it sounds, 1 believe scientists already
found a way to reach the speed of light during
World War i l .
D) No, 1 don't think 1 would want to travel in time _J
even if we had the technology to do so. "·
'-- �

E ) That's probably why there are some people

who claim that they travelled back in time.

1 6. soruda, verilen durumda söylenmiş

olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

1 6. When asked about whether you thlnk capital

punishment should be legal or i llegal, lnstead
of clearly expressing your oplnion, you want to
convey it in an implicit way. So you say:
A) 1 believe capital punishment should stay
banned, for it disregards basic human rights.
8) There are two sides to every discussion , but
when it comes to capital punishment, there is
only one: it must be legal .
C) Capital punishment is something people have
been discussing everywhere for such a long
D) This is such a contentious issue, but 1 think
some crimes deserve the heaviest
E) Some believe that capital punishment is an
inhumane punishment, whereas others believe
it is necessary.

r YDT/iNG Mini Denemeler Mini Deneme �ı
1 7. soruda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam 1 8. - 1 9. sorularda, verilen l n g i l izce cümleye
bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek anlamca en yakın Türkçe c ü m leyi, Türkçe
cümleyi bulunuz. cümleye anlamca en yakın lngilizce cümleyi
1 7. Volcanic eruptions in populated regions are a
significant threat to people, property, and 1 8 . Some 80% of l ndonesian rubber Is produced by
agrlculture. The danger is mostly from fast­ small-scale farmers who do not have access to
moving hot flows of exploslvely erupted the research products and whose welfare has
materials, falling ash, and hlghly destructive not improved.
flows of lava and volcanic debris. -··- Such
explosions also create drifting volcanic ash A) Endonezya kauçuğunun yaklaşık %80'i
clouds that represent a serious hazard to araştı rma ürünlerine erişimi olmayan ve refah
airplanes. düzeyi gelişmemiş küçü k ölçekli çiftçiler
tarafından üretilir.
A) in addition, explosive eruptions, even from
volcanoes in unpopulated regions, can eject B ) Endonezya'da kauçuğun %80'den fazlası
küçük ölçekli çiftçiler tarafından üretilir ama
ash high into the atmosphere, posing a danger
to distant populations. onların araştırma ürünlerine erişimi yoktur ve
refah düzeyi düşüktür.
B) On average, 50 to 60 above-sea volcanoes
worldwide are active in any given year; about C) Endonezya'da refah düzeyi düşük olan ve
halt of these a re continuations of eruptions araştırma ürünlerine erişimi olmayan çiftçilerin
from previous years, and the rest are new. aşağ ı yukarı %80'i kauçuk üretme işine
C) Most volcanoes have steep sides, but some
can be gently sloping mou ntains or even flat D) Endonezya kauçuğ unun %80'inin küçük ölçekl i
tablelands, plateaus, or plains. çiftçiler tarafından araştırma ürünleri
kullanılarak üretiliyor olması onların yaşam
D) On the contrary, they can also be rich in standard ını artırmamıştır.
natura! resources, especially with the materials
that they eru pt. E) Endonezya'nın ürettiği kauçuğun %80'i refah
düzeyi düşük olan ve araştırma ü rünleri ne
E ) The volcanoes above sea level are the best erişimi olmayan küçük ölçekl i çiftçilerin eli nden
known, but the vast majority of the world's çıkmaktad ı r.
volcanoes lie beneath the sea, formed along
the global oceanic ridge systems.

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1 9. Modern teknoloji bize çöküşümüze neden 20. soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
olacak birçok araç sunar, ancak doğal ahlaki parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyl
psikolojimiz bize bunu engelleyecek araçları bulunuz.
A) Many tools provided to us through modern 20. (1) A novel must be more compell ing, more u rgent,
technology can possibly cause our downfall, to the reader on page 400 than it was on page 40.
but thankfully we are provided with necessary (il) Robert Schneider's fırst novel Seha/fes Bruder
tools to prevent this. received both critical and popular acclaim on its
publication in 1 992. (111) Since then it has been
B) Modern technology provides us with many translated into more than twenty languages.
means to cause our downfall, but our natural ( iV) The novel's success rested to some extent on
moral psychology does not provide us with the its vivid portrayal of bizarre local customs and on
means to prevent it. its exploration of a unique social and geographic
environment. (V) The story revolves around an
C) Although modern technology could eventually
isolated peasant community in a remote valley of
cause our downfall , our natural psychology
Austria's Vorarlberg region at the turn of the
provides us with the necessary tools to avoid it.
nineteenth century.
O) Recent technology will cause our downfall
A) 1 B) i l C) 1 1 1 D) iV E) V
sooner or later, but we can delay it as much as
we can by means of the tools given to us by
our psychology.
E) Modern people are likely to cause their own
downfall by abusing modern technology, but
our natural moral psychology has given us
tools to fıght against it.

TEST elrri.

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Bu testte 20 soru vardı r.

1 . - 5. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan 4. Accordlng to recent research, the separation of

yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi Neanderthal and Homo sapiens ---- at least one
bulunuz. million years ago, more than 500,000 years
earller than previously ----.
1. A number of animals such as ants have often A) should have occurred I to believe
been used in fables and chlldren's storles to ---­

diligence and cooperative effort. 8) had betler occur / having believed

A) fluctuate 8) discourage C) may have occurred I believed
C) comprehend D) hamper D) used to occur I to have been believed
E) represent E) might have occu rred I believing

2. By the time the American Civil War ---- in 1 861 ,

both ether and chloroform had been in use for
several years as methods of surglcal
A) broke out 8) brought up
C) accounted tor D) turned into 5. Google, a multinational corporation speclalized
in lnternet-related services and products, otfers
E) showed off
---- many fringe benefits ---- more than six
hundred people have applied for only two
A) so I that B) not I but
C) as I as D) such I that
E) far mora I tha n

3. European satelllte rainfall analysis and

monitoring provide weather forecasters ---- real
time rainfall estimates ---- the whole globe.
A) in / on 8) for / at
C) upon I in D) with I for
E) at I upon

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6. - 8. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 9. - 1 O. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun
numaralanm ış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
9. ····, but the activity of men dressing as and
(6)--· the harsh climate of the Antarctic does not mimicklng others must surely go back a long
threaten the survival of Antarctic penguins, way before written records.
overeating can be a concern , and therefore, global
warming is a threat to them. Temperate species A) Ancient Greek comedy was a popu lar and
have certain (7)-· such as fewer feathers and less influential form of theatre performed across
blubber to keep them cool on a hot day. African ancient Greece
penguins, for instance, have bald patches on their B) A comedy play followed a conventional
legs and face where excess heat can be released. structure despite the innovations
Pengulns built for cold winters of the Antarctic,
(8)-, have other survival techniques for a warm C) The precise origins of G reek comedy plays are
day, such as moving to shaded areas or holding lost in the mists of history
their flippers out away from their bodies . D) The plot of comedies usually stretches reality
in terms of time and place
E) Little is known tor certain about Aristophanes,
the giant of Greek comedy

A) Since B) After
C) While D) Unless
E) Just as

7. 1 O. --, the more likely they are to become

A) challenges B) defects responsible adults who manage their flnances
O) sanctions
confldently and effectlvely.
C) remnants
A) Unless wellbeing i n schools is tossed aside in
E) features favour of exam elitism
B) Because anxiety, absence and mental health
problems affect students and staff alike
C) The more exposed young people are to
financial issues
D) Since a great nu mber of societies a re failing
8. young people on mental health provision
A) furthermore
E) lf we can host events that bring young people
B) particu larly and the community together
C) in short
O) on the other hand
E) otherwise

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Mini Deneme 1 O

1 1 . - 1 3. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 12. Whlch of the following can be inferred from the
cevaplayınız. passage?
A) Many shoppers kept shopping even when the
Sylvan Goldman ( 1 898-1 984) was the owner of the baskets became too full or too heav}I .
H umpty Dumpty supermarket chain in Oklahoma
City when in 1 937 he struck upon the idea of the B) Whether Sylvan Goldman actually invented the
shopping cart. Goldman had observed that s hopping cart as we know today is open to
shoppers would often struggle with the wire and debate.
wicker baskets once they became too ful!, and he
C) The carts did not catch on at fırst, but they
reallzed that this would stop them from buying. His
were eventually deemed fashionable enough.
lnitial inspiration for the design came from a folding
chair in his office. Along with employee Fred D) Sylvan Goldman did not req uire any help with
Young, Goldman designed and built the fırst designing or building the fırst shopping cart.
shopping cart, which held two wire baskets, one
above the other, in a metal frame with wheels at E) The design and appearance of the shopping
the base. When the carts were not in use, the carts has hardly changed since their
frame would fold flat, like the chair that suggested introduction.
the design. Goldman fou nded the Folding Carrier
Basket Co. , while a mechanic called Arthur Kosted
developed a production line process to mass
produce the carts, and began to introduce them in
hi s stores. They were initially unsuccessful as men
found them effeminate, and women found them a
little too close to strollers. Goldman overcame thls
problem by employing models of both sexes and
various ages to use the carts around the store. The
carts took off, with a seven year waiting list by
1 940, and Goldman made his fortune collecting
royalties on every shopping cart u ntil his patents
expired . Although his original design did well,
Goldman improved it some years later by
developing the "nesl" carts, now ubiquitous across
the world .

1 3. What could be the best tltle for the passage?

1 1 . Which of the followlng is true about the flrst
shopping carts according to the passage? A) Baskets versus Shopping Carts
A) They were notably welcomed by men who had B) An Alternative Way to Shopping
difficulty in carrying a ful! basket.
C) The First Shopping Baskets
B) Nothing has been found to replace them after
more than seventy years of use. D) How to Use a Shopping Cart

C) With a single basket, and signifıcantly more E) The Advance of the Shopping Cart
room, they have been u sed for more than
seventy years.
D) The initial complaints from women were that
they were not really any different than a baby
E) They were immediately embraced by people of
both genders and various ages, though they
were a few complaints.

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Mini Deneme 1 O

14. soruda, karşılıklı konuşmamn boş bırakılan 1 5. soruda, verllen cümleye anlamca en yakm
kısmmı tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. cümleyi bulunuz.

14. lnterviewer: 1 5. Gorillas, whlch are vegetarlans, have been

- Why do you thlnk it Is so lmportant to keep an found to exhlbit gentle behaviour towards small
eye on the elderly people during cold weather animals in the wild.
such as we've been havlng lately?
A) Vegetarians have been found to show gentle
Guest: behaviour towards gorillas and small creatures
· - There are two main reasons. Flrst, the old in the wild.
suffer from the cold more than the rest of us.
B) Vegetarian gorillas have been studied while
They're not as actlve or strong as you and
me, and lt's harder for them to keep warm. demonstrating gentle behaviour towards small
gorillas in the wild.
1 nterviewer:
C) it has been observed that gorillas, by nature
vegetarians, treat small creatures gently in the
Guest: wild.
- l'm afrald, it Is. As 1 sald before, there are two
main reasons why we should keep an eye on D) Vegetarian gorillas have been detected to be
old people. Well, the second major problem Is treated gently by small creatures i n the wild.
that so many pensloners cannot afford to E) Small creatures in the wild have been
heat thelr homes properly. observed as behaving gently and openly when
A) So, now to the practical side of things - what near gorillas.
can we do to help?
B) And what if a person is too poor to afford to
heat the house or flat?
C) 1 think they need to find out what possibilities
exist for claiming a little extra money from the
O) Is there anything the state can do to help
E) According to the papers, old people are
actually dying of the cold. Is it true?
1 6. soruda, verilen durumda söylenmiş
olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

1 6. U pon wltnesslng one of your friends harshly

crltlcislng another for her choice of muslc, you
lntervene as you think that it Is a matter of
personal choice. So you say:
A) 1 don't like you going a round and criticising
others. What gives you the right?
B) Stuff like this is subjective . So, 1 think you 'd
better stop judging others.
C) Music is universal, s o when people hear
something good, they ali appreciate it.
D) How come you criticize her for the choices she
makas, no matter how terrible they might be?
E) 1 think you'd betler stop bullying peoplel
Nobody asked you what you Uıink and nobody

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1 7. soruda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam 1 8. 1 9. soru larda, verilen l ngilizce cümleye

bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek anlamca en yakm Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe

cümleyi bulunuz. cümleye anlamca en yakın i ngilizce cümleyi
1 7. Any g iven place may have several different
ecosystems that vary in size and complexlty. 1 8. Although rainforests occupy a very small
--- No matter how the size or complexity of an percentage of the land surface, they conta in a
ecosystem is characterlzed, all ecosystems g reat varlety of plant and anlmal species that
exhibit a constant exchange of matter and are mostly rare.
energy between the livi ng and non-living
elements. Thls constant exchange between A) Yağmur ormanları, yeryüzünün çok küçük bir
these e lements makes ecosystems highly yüzdesini kaplamasına rağmen, çoğunlukla
lnterconnected. türüne az rastlanan çok çeşitli bitki ve hayvan
türlerini barındırır.
A) Virtually all natura! and pharmaceutical
medicines are composed of (or derived from) B) Çoğunlukla türüne az rastlanan çok çeşitli bitki
natura! compounds of plants, fungi , microbes ve hayvan türlerini barı nd ı rması na rağmen,
and animals. yağmur ormanları , yeryüzünün küçük bir
yüzdesini kaplamaktadır.
B) Environmental organizations and the health
sector recognize the co-benefıts of a healthy C) Yeryüzünün küçük bir yüzdesini kaplamasına
environment and are working together to build karşın yağmur ormanları, çoğunlukla türüne az
awareness, develop policy, and lead initiatives rastlanan çok çeşitli bitki ve hayvan türlerini
that support each other. barındırmaktad ı r.

C) A tropical island, for example, may hava a rai n O) Yağmur ormanları , çoğunlukla türüne az
forest ecosystem that covers hundreds of rastlanan çok çeşitli bitki ve hayvan türlerini
square miles, a swamp ecosystem along the barındırır; ancak bu ormanlar, yeryüzünün çok
coast, and an u nderwater coral reef küçük bir yüzdesini kaplar.
ecosystem . E) Yeryüzünün çok küçük bir yüzdesini kaplayan
O) Forests reduce smog and pollution by fıltering yağmur ormanları , çoğunlukla türüne az
out many airborne pollutants linked to heart rastlanan çeşitli bitki ve hayvan türlerini
disease, respiratory illnesses, diabetes, and barı ndırmaktadır.
E) The causal links between environmental
change and h uman health are complex
because they are often i ndirect, displaced in
space and time, and dependent on a number
of modifying forces.

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�--------- __ _ �ini ��neliiö 10 J
1 9. Konuşmacılar dikkate değer küçük anlam 20. soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
farklarım iletmek istediğinde temas edilen bell i parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyl
noktaları vurgulamak için genellikle el ve baş bulunuz.
hareketlerini kullanır.
A) When speakers want to get their messages 20. (1) Poverty is one of the meanest menaces in
across with particular nuances of meaning, human society, responsible for myriads of social
they usually move their hands and head so as evils. (il) A poor person does not only suffer from
to stress certain points they make. aching of starvation but also from the d iscriminatlng
behaviour of the society. (111) The society treats hlm
B) People often resort to gestures and mimics just like an orphan. (iV) People try to avoid his
with the aim of underlying certain points during company and thus isolate him i n the worst pos Ş ible
a conversation if they want to communicate manner. (V) He does not seem to have any di.9 r:iity
particular nuances of meaning.
C) Speakers often use hand and head
and respect even among his close relatives .
B) il C) 1 1 1
A) 1 D ) iV E) V
movements in order to emphasize certain
points that are being made when they want to
convey particular nuances of meaning.
O) Hand and head movements are generally
utilized so as to highlight specifıc points being
made if the speaker aims to get his or her
message across with different meanings.
E) What most speakers utilize while speaking is
hand and head movements with the aim of
putting emphasis on particular points when
they want to deliver specifıc nuances of

TEST elnt

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B u testte 20 soru vardır.


1 . 5. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan

4. Computer scientlsts at Oregon State Unlversity
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi a new, m uch slmpler approach to fixlng

bulunuz. errors in spreadsheets, a system that --­

businesses around the world reduce mistakes

1. Studles have shown that routine and --- sleep and save billions of dollars.
promotes healing, immune function and proper A) have created I might help
8) create I would have helped
A) legiti mate 8) adequate
C) used to create I may b e helping
C) intentional D) particular
D) are creating I had helped
E) unusual
E) had been creating / helps

2. Government studies s how that the average

family in the United States - - 20 pounds of-

food a month, more than $2,000 worth every

year tor a famlly of four.
A) lays off 8) throws away
C) carries out D) gets along
E) takes u p
5. ---- it was fırst bullt, the Eiffel Tower was disliked
by resldents of Paris, who belleved it dld not fit
in wlth the architecture of their clty.
A) Even if B) Unless
C) As though D) 8ecause
E) When
3. Nearly 20 U.S. states have started implementing
the Clean Power Plan, which places limits ••••

carbon dioxide emisslons --- power plants to

reduce the impacts of climate change.
A) on I from
8) off I tor
C) within I beyond
D) upon I against
E) tor I by

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6. - 8. sorularda, aşa ğ ıdaki parçada 9 . 1 0. sorularda, veri len cüm leyl uygun

numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
9. A large portion of space remalns unexplored -.
Nearly everyone is aware that prices displayed in
odd fractions, lika 9.99 dollars, are meant (6)--- the A) since it has already captu red the minds of not
belief that an item costs significantly less than the only aircraft pilots and scientists but also
whole number, althoug h it is just a penny less. writers and artists
(7)---, most people claim not to be fooled by this B) if achieving spaceflight enables humans to
tactic. The fact is, this strategy would not be used begin to explore the solar system
consistently for so many years if it were not
effective. Studies have shown that (8)--- does the C) although only national governments could
penny difference increase sales disproportionately, afford the very high costs of lau nching people
but many more pricing strategies are also effective and machi nes into space
despite working against consumers' best interests. D) though man has been interested in it since the
dawn of civilisation
E) for satellites offered military forces the potential
for improved communications, weather
observation , navigation , and position location

A) encouraged
B) encourage
C) to encourage
D) t o have encouraged
E) havin g encouraged

10. Although sailing as a means of transportatlon
A) Thus B) However
predates history, ----.
C) Rather D) For instance
A) it is a safe, accessible and affordable sport that
E) Likewise welcomes participation from people of all
backgrounds, ages and abilities
B) there are many d ifferent ways to get started in
C) sport sailing is thought to have originated in the
1 ih century in Holland

8. D) it is the art of moving a boat by harnessing the

A) the more B) just as power of wind

C) only if D) as though E) mastery over ever-changing conditions

requires both great skill and experience
E) not merely

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1. 1 . • 1 3. sorulan aşağıdaki parçaya göre 1 2. Whlch of the fol lowing Is true about culture
cevaplayı nız. shock?
A) Culture shock is experienced in the same way
· The term "culture shock" was introduced for the by everyone.
fırst time in 1 958 to describe the anxiety produced
when a person moves to a completely new 8) Culture s hock might be a great opportunity for
environment. This term expresses the lack of acquiring new perspectives despite its initial
direction, the feeling of not knowing what to do or discomfort.
how to do things in a new environment, and not
C) Culture shock h inders creativity since it causes
knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate. The
feeling of culture shock generally sets in after the
fl rst few weeks of coming to a new place. We can D) Culture shock often appears after a few days
descri be culture shock as the physical and of moving to a new environment.
emotional discomfort one suffers when coming to
. live in another country or a place different from the E) The majority of individuals that immigrate to
place of origin. Often, the way that we lived before other countries lack the ability to overcome the
is not accepted as or considered as normal in the obstacles of a new environment.
new place. Everyth ing is different, for example, not
speaking the language, not knowing how to use
banking machines, not knowing how to use the
telephone and so forth. The symptoms of cultu ral
shock can appear at different times. Although one
can experience real pain from culture shock, it is
also an opportun ity for redefın ing one's life
objectives. Culture shock can make one develop a
better understanding of oneself and stimulate
personal creativity.

1 1 . One can understand from the passage that

culture shock ••••.
1 3. The passage is malnly concerned with ---.
A) can even be experienced in one's own native A) several ways to help foreigners to overcome
country cultu re shock

B) is experienced because of their intentional B) a nu mber of positive effects of cultural

attempts to keep away from the host society knowledge

C) leads to anxiety, which is the most signifıcant C) some of the symptoms of culture shock such
factor affecting the way people lose their as fits of anger over minor frustrations
cultural values D) numerous drawbacks of cultural d ifferences
D) emerges when people are unaware of how between countries
things work in a different environment E) the defınition and explanation of culture shock
E) gradually disappears as people help each
other adj ust to the new environment

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14. soruda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş 1 5. soruda, verilen cüm leye a nlamca en yakın
bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabllecek ifadeyi cümleyi bulunuz.
1 5. in the course of time, the birth rate may fan ·
14. Ann: below the death rate, and without immlgration
- Look, here's an advertisement. it says they the total population may slowly decrease.
want a junior sales manager, and it looks ilke
lt's a blg lnternational company. That'd be A) in time, there might be an overall drop in
good. population as the birth rate and death rate
- What kind of company Is it, though? B) The relationship between birth and death· rates
is an important reason for progressively limiting
Ann: immigration .
- Well, it's a textile company that seems to
lmport from abroad. They also say the salary C) Unless population losses are replaced thro ugh
is really good. And, they give you a car to immigration, the death rate m ight exceed the
travel around. birth rate in due course.

Philipp: D) Eventually, they might be an increase in the

overall population as the birth rate would
exceed the death rate if supported by
Ann: immigration .
- Well, let's see. No. They want someone young
with ambition and enthusiasm. E) Over time, the overall population might
gradually deci ine if there is no immigration and
A) Are you sure? The last one you sent me off to the death rate m ight exceed the birth rate.
was a disaster.
B) it sounds too good to be true. 1 don't think it's a
genuine job advertisement.
C) Well, do they say anything about experience? ı._ _ı

O) Really? Do they offer any opportunitles ilke

travelling abroad?
E ) No. The only thing i s you have to travel, but
1 6. soruda, verilen durumda söylenmiş
then that's what the company car's for.
olabi lecek sözü bulunuz.

1 6. You are very hungry, but you don't want to

spend time cooking because you have a lot of
materials to cover for tomorrow's fi nal exam.
So, when your roommate asks you lf you want
to eat something, you say:
A) l'm starving actually, but cooking is not an
option now. Why don't we order something to
B) 1 thought you would never ask. Why don't you
go ahead and set the table, and 1 '11 start
C) 1 don't feel like eating anyth ing, because 1 have
an important exam tomorrow. lt's stressing me
D) 1 can't tell you how hungry 1 am, but the thing is
l'm short of money these days. So, if the food's
on you, l'm in.
E) 1 can join you for dinner only if you're cooking.
You know l'm not good at it. but 1 can wash the

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1 7. soruda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam 1 8. - 1 9. sorularda, verilen l nglllzce cüm leye
bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek anlamca en yakı n Tü rkçe cümleyi, Türkçe · ·
cüm leyi bulunuz. cümleye an lamca en yakın İ ngil izce c ümleyi
1 7. There are two main categorles of polluting
materlals, or pollutants. ·-·These pollutants 1 8. Unless governments take actlon to control
become a problem when added to the popu lation growth, the natu ral resources in the
envlronment faster than they can decompose. world will soon become lnsufficient.
Non-degradable poll utants are materials that
either do not decompose or decompose slowly A) Dü nyadaki doğal kaynakları yakında yetersiz
in the natura! environment, and when these hale getirecek olan şey hükü metlerin nüfus
pollutants contaminate the envlronment, it Is artışını kontrol etmek için harekete geçmemiş
diffıcult or imposslble to remove them. olmas ıd ır.

A) Air pollution is known to cause cancer and B) Hükümetlerin nüfus artışını kontrol etmesi için
other serious health conditions. yapmas ı gereken şey, doğal kaynakların
yetersiz hale gelmesini önlemektir.
B) Biodegradable pollutants are materials, such
as sewage, that rapidly decompose by natura! C) Eğer hükümetler nüfus artışını kontrol etmek
processes. için yakında harekete geçmezse dünyadaki
doğal kaynaklar yetersiz kalacaktır.
C) Like humans, animals may experience health
problems if exposed to sufficient quantities of D) Hükümetler, nüfus a1 iışını kontrol etmek için
air toxics over time. harekete geçmediği takdirde dünyadaki doğal
kaynaklar yakında yetersiz hale gelecektir.
D) Pollution has a dramatic effect on natura!
resources and ecology in general. E) Dünyadaki doğal kaynakları n yakında yetersiz
kalmaması için hükümetlerin nüfus artış ını
E) lncreased emissions of carbon dioxide are kontrol etmek için harekete geçmesi gereklidir.
causing a rise in carbon dioxide levels, which
in turn contribute to global warming.


1 9. Uzun mesafeli uçuşlarda insan vücudunun bir
adaptasyon sorunu olarak ortaya çıkan uçuş
sersemliği, yetişkinlere göre çocuklarda daha
az görü lmektedir çünkü onların vücudu
değişime daha yatkındır.
A) An adaptation problem of the human body in
long-distance flights, jet-lag can be observed
less in ch ildren than in adults since their body
easily adapts to change.
B) Jet-lag, which appears as an adaptation
problem of the human body in long-distance
flights, is seen less in children than in adults
because their body is more prone to change.
C) As a result of an adaptation problem of the
human body in long-distance flig hts , jet-lag has
been detected less in children than in adults
because their body can adjust to change.
D) An adaptation problem of the human body in
long-d istance flights, also known as jet-lag, is
observed less in children, according to adults,
as their body is able to adapt to change.
E) Jet-lag is an adaptation problem of the human
bo.d y in long-distance flights, which can be
seen more in adults than in children since their
body is more likely to adjust to change.

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20. soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda

parçanın anlam bütün lüğünü bozan cüm leyi

20. (1) Alexander Graham Bell ( 1 847-1 922) was the

Scottish-born American scientist best known as
the inventor of the telephone. (il) He was granted
the fırst official patent for his telephone in March
1 876. (ili) Since he was a wealthy man , Bell was
able to assist with the careers of other scientists.
(iV) However, he would later face years of legal
challenges to his claim that he was its sole
i nventor, resu lting in one of history's longest
patent battles. (V) Eventually, though, Bell was
confirmed i nventor of the telephone and conti nued
his scientifıc work for the rest of his life.
A) 1 8) i l C) 1 1 1 D) iV E) V


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Bu testte 20 soru vard ır.

1 . - 5. soru larda, cümlede boş bırakı lan 4. -·-- i n Canada, the Columbla lcefleld -··- an area
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi of 1 20 square miles and is 3,300 feet thlck in
bulunuz. some places.
A) Located I covers
1. Anclent Greek and, later, enlig htenment
th lnkers argued that democracy is not just a B) T o locate I has covered
nice idea, but a mathematlcally proven way to
C ) Locating I had covered
make efflcient ·-··.

D) Having located / is covering

A) opponents B) malfunctions
E) To be located I covered
C) indications D) challenges
E) decisions

2. Despite advances in forenslc technlques,

criminal investigations still -··· age old tools
such as eyewitness testimony, which can be
biased and u nreliable.
A) draw up B) fa ll behind
C) pass away D) take over
E) rely on 5. ·-·· you can do a fine job of taking care of your
teeth with an inexpensive tooth brush, electric
and battery-powered ones are fu n and may
motivate you to brush even more.
A) Now that B) When
C) While D) Since
E) Until

3. in some countries, forests and other vegetation

are being burned away -··· alarming rates to
satisfy the growing demand --- agricu ltural
A) on I to B) in I of
C) at / for D ) u pon I on
E) by I from

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6. - 8. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 9. - 1 0. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygu n

n umaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
9. As clties become more and more crowded, ---.
Plant geneticists (6)--- the genetic structure of
plants for hundreds of years. in some cases, plants A) we see a continuous increase in traffıc and
are selectively bred to create heartier, healthier pollution there
plants. Using similar techniques, plant genetici.sts 8) there would be huge buildings, skyscrapers or
can also (7)---- a plant's genetic structure to protect soma historic monuments
against pests or other factors. 8y introducing new
features into a plant species, food shortages (8)--­ C) commuting is regarded as a disadvantage of
pests can be avoided . living in the countryside
D) urban living has offered fresh air, wide-open·

spaces, and a slow pace of life

E ) urbanization does not always entail someone
moving from the village to the city

A) ara manipulating
8) used to manipulate
C) manipu lated
D) were manipulating
E) have been manipulating ·- ..

1 O. lf the government wants to make sure that the

7. current soclal securlty system contlnues, ----.
A) alter 8) weaken
A) it is the backbone of retirement planning in the
C) confront D) pretend United States
E) overcome 8) there are not enough new workers in the
labour force to replace retiring boomers
C) many countries are coping with mora seniors
who are living longer
D) new legal measures will have to be brought

into force
E) it has received little attention during the recent
election campaign
A) similar to 8) unlike
C) in charge of D) as a result of
E) rather

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1 1 . - 1 3. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 1 2. it Is clearly stated in the passage that ----.
cevaplayınız. A) the inefficacy of the l ndonesian government
pushes Sumatran tigers one step closer to
Sumatran tigers are running out of places to live. extinction
Their population fell by 1 6.6 per cent from 2000 to
201 2 , and the survivors live in shrinking forests. B) the population of the Sumatran tiger is
"We're really at a tipping point," says Matthew increasing despite the loss of its habitat
Luskin at Nanyang Technological University in
C) there has recently been a d ramatic increase in
Singapore. The Sumatran tiger only lives on
the number of the Sumatran tiger in lndonesia
Sumatra, l ndonesia. it is critically endangered.
Luskin and his colleagues tracked tigers there D) the Sumatran tiger Is found only on the
using cameras to estimate how many are left. They l ndonesian island of Sumatra
focused on females able to breed. Populations with
at least 25 breeding females are best, to avoid E) the introduction of foreign species to the
inbreeding . There are now only two such viable lndonesian lsland of S u matra put the
popu lations, down from the 1 2 that were thought to Sumatran tiger at risk of extinction
have existed 70 years ago. The decline is mainly
driven by rapid loss of habitat. l ndonesia has the
fastest deforestation rate of any country: it lost 37
per cent of its primary forest between 2000 and
20 1 2. in the past 20 years, there has been a big
effort to save the tigers. On one measure, it has
worked . Tiger population density rose 4.9 per cent
annually between 2000 and 20 1 2 . But "while anti­
poaching efforts have been successful", says
Luskin, "at the same time, so much forest has been
lost that it has offset those commendable
conservation gains". We must protect the two
viable populations, says Joe Walston at the Wildlife _J

Conservation Society in New York. Tigers there o

could ultimately restore other populations. �

1 3. The underlined word 11ultlmately" in the

1 1 . Which of the following is true about the passage is closest in meaning to --.
Sumatran Tiger?
A) remarkably
A) There are a great number of regions on the
lndonesian island with enough breeding B) considerably
females to sustain the Sumatran tiger. C) conti nuously
B ) The destruction of habitat i s considered the D) unfortunately
greatest threat to the survival of the Sumatran
tiger. E) eventually
C) The tiger populations in Sumatra is recovering
thanks to the international pressure.
D) The future of the Su matran tiger looks bleak
despite extensive forestation efforts.
E) The l ndonesian government has provided
special areas to protect the tiger populations
threatened with extinction.

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1 4. soruda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan 1 5. soruda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın
kısmım tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. cümleyi bulunuz.

14. Customer: 1 5. Scientists are struggling to u nderstand which

- 1 have seen an advertisement about your trees are most vul nerable to drought and how
Wilder Adventu re Tour. l' d like to get more to keep the s u rvivors alive.
information about that.
A) Many trees are seriously affected by droughts,
Agent: and scientists are working hard to protect them
- Sure. That's a nature tour. We take you to a from the harmful effects.
remote area of the rain forest where you learn
all about the local plants and anlmal. 8) How suscepti ble most trees are to drought is a
major concern tor scientists since they need to
Customer: fıgure out a way to preserve the surviving
ones .
Agent: C) Scientists who are working hard to
- Don't worry. You'll be in the hands of experts, comprehend how susceptible trees are to
and everything will be perfectly safe. Also, drought are trying to fi nd a way to preserve the
there wlll always be a barrler between you surviving ones.
and the animals.
D) Scientists are worki ng hard to comprehend
A) it sounds interesting but l'm a little wary of which trees are most affected by drought and
tours that feature wild animals. how to preserve the surviving ones.
8) 1 have a question about the accommodations . E) in order to preserve the trees , scientists are
What are they like? conducting experiments to figure out how
severely drought affects them .
C) it sounds like an interesting trip and 1 hope we
are al lowed to hunt some wild animals.
D) Some of my friends suggest that 1 should take
the Local Culture Tour.
E) Can you tell me any adventure trips you have
coming up soon?

1 6. soruda, verilen durumda söylenmiş

olabi lecek sözü bu lunuz.

1 6. Since the very first day you got you r internet

service l nstalled, you've been having problems
with it. it is very slow and unreliable. So you
cali your İnternet service provider and say
A) 1 don't think l'm getting what my money is
worth . 1 need you to help me solve these
problems that l'm having.
8) You're nothing like what your advertisements
say. l've been having problems with my
connection since day one.
C) l'm really grateful far the top quality service you
guys provide . When 1 hear the term "the fastest
connection," you are who 1 think of.
D) l'm just wondering what you would do if your
internet service provider didn't deliver on its
E) l'm thinking of cancelli ng my service, because
this is nothing like what you guys promised me
when we fırst talked.

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1 7. soruda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam 1 8. - 1 9 . sorularda, veri len l ngilizce cümleye
bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek an lamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe
cümleyi bulunuz. cümleye anlamca en yakın l ngilizce cümleyi
bulun uz.
1 7. We benefit from the results of mathematical
research every day. Another example is our
•••• 1 8. Since there is limited room in most deep sea
computers, which are the result of m l ll lons of exploration boats, the divers on board have to
hours of mathematical analysls. Weather use the avai lable space efficiently.
predictlon, the deslgn of fuel-efficlent
automoblles and alrplanes, traffic control, and A) Derin deniz araştı rma teknelerindeki dalg ıçların
medlcal imaglng all depend upon mathematical mevcut alanı etkin şekilde kullanmasının
analysls. nedeni teknede sınırlı yer olmasıdır.

A) Mathematics is a basic component of the 8) Derin deniz araştı rma teknelerinin çoğunda
primary and secondary education curricula. sın ırl ı yer olduğundan dolayı teknedeki
dalgıçlar mevcut alanı etkin bir şekilde
B) The fiber-optic network carrying our telephone kullanmal ıdır.
conversations, for example, is designed with
the help of mathematical research. C) Derin deniz araştı rma teknelerinde yer s ıkıntısı
vardır ve bu yüzden teknedeki dalg ıçlar mevcut
C) Simple counting, measurement and calculation alanı en iyi şekilde kullanmal ıd ır.
could be taught more easily than other aspects
of Maths. D) Derin deniz araştı rma teknelerinde sınırl ı yer
olmas ı , teknedeki dalgıçların mevcut alanı
D) Problem solving is ona of major aspect in etkin bir şekilde kullanmas ını gerektirir.
mathematics curricul um.
E) Derin deniz araştırma teknelerindeki dalg ıçlar
E) Mathematics has been associated with the mevcut alanı etkin şekilde kullan mazsa
words "geeky and sophisticated" rather than teknedeki o mevcut yer de elverişsiz olaca ktır.
"creative and artistic", even among scientists .

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1 9. Sadece ekonomik bozulma değil aynı zamanda 20. soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
demografik çöküş de olmasına karşın, Orta parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi
Çağın sonları Batı Avrupa tarihinin en yaratıcı bulunuz.
dönemleri nden biriydi.
A} There was not only economic dislocation but 20. (1) The under-developed and developing countries
also demographlc collapse during the late of the world that require founding durable economic
system need development and sustenance of
different businesses to a great extent. (il) The role
Mlddle Ages, but it was one of the most
creative periods in the history of western
Europe. of economy is of immense importance for a nation .
(111) Economy i s for a country a s circulatory system
B} There was not economic dislocation but is for a body. (iV) As in the absence of circulatory
demographic collapse during the late Middle system, blood cannot be pushed through d ifferent
Ages, yet it was one of the most creative parts of the body. (V) Similarly, without economy,
periods in the history of western Europe. currency and other rudimentary necessities of life
cannot reach to various parts of a country.
C) M uch as there was not just econom ic
dislocation but also demographic collapse, the A) 1 8) i l C) 111 O } iV E) V
late Middle Ages was one of the most creative
periods in the history of western Europe.
D) Although it was one of the most creative
periods in the history of western Europe, there
was not just economic dislocation but also
demographic collapse during the late Middle
E) Even though there was not economic
dislocation but demographic collapse, the late
Middle Ages was one of the most creative
periods in the history of western Europe.


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B u testte 20 soru vardır.

1 . 5. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan 4. Although it Is generally believed that asteroid
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi impacts or massive volcanic flows --- around
bulun uz. the time di nosaurs became extlnct, a new
argument is that dinosaurs -···
down by tlny,
1. Animals experlments are used to develop disease-carryl ng lnsects.
A) may have occurred I must have been brought

new medicines and to test the safety of other

B) should have occurred I would have been
A) previously 8) deeply brought
C) widely D) aimlessly C) must have occurred I should have been
E) ambiguously brought
D) might have occurred I may have been brought
E ) would have occurred / might have been

2. As Antarctlc g laciers collapse on the sea,

scientists struggle to how fast the southern

continent is melting and what that means for c:c
sea-level rise. o
A) tear apart B) figure out �
C ) bring about D) dispose of
E) depend on
5. Severe psychological disturbances have
l ncreased in the society ---- living in crowded
cities in isolation from nature.
A) rather than
B) as a result of
C) with the aim of
D) despite

3. Orchlds are the largest and most d iverse the ••••

E ) as opposed to
flowering plant families, over 800 described

genera and 25,000 species.

A) in I tor B) of I with
C) by I from D) from / in
E) with / by

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6. 8. sorularda, aşağ ıdaki parçada

• 9. 1 O. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun

n umaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
9. Many people think of deserts as barren reglons,
Most people think fırst of jazz (6)···· asked to name ····.
a distinctly American form of music. (7)····, the first
home-grown musical genre was actually ragtime. A) but many species of plants and animals have
Ragtime originated as a form of popular adapted to life there
entertainment in African-American dance halis B) so they are biologically rich habitats with a vast
between 1 900 and 1 920. it gained standing (8)-­ array of animals and plants
a serious musical form only later in the century,
with the revival of interest in composer Scott Joplin . C) because they cover more than one fifth of the
Earth's land , and they are found on every
D) since desert animals have adapted ways to
help them keep cool and use less water
E) yet desert plants may have to go without fresh
water for years at a time
A) when B ) unless
C) though D) even
E ) u ntil

7. ö
A) Therefore B) Likewise � 1 O. The seas' absorption of human-generated
C) Besides D) However carbon dloxide from the atmosphere Is well
documented -···.
E) For instance
A) despite ultimately helping freshwater plants
and animals adapt to the planet's rising C02
B) when exposed to higher carbon d ioxide levels
C) in order to live in such a complex water
D) as well as dulls their senses, making them
A) as B) such more vulnerable to predators
C) like D) alike
E) along with the harm it is causing ocean
E) much creatures tike shellfish

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1 1 . - 1 3. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 1 2. Ona can learn from the passage that ----.
cevaplayı nız. A) the fırst bicycle revolutionized transportation in
Scotland and overseas
The bicycle was not invented by one individual or in
one country. it took nearly 1 00 years and many B ) bicycles are thought to have originated i n
individuals for the modern bicycle to be bom . Scotland
Bicycles fırst appeared i n Scotland i n the early
C) English engineers were disappointed by the
1 800s, and were called velocipedes, which had two
changes suggested by Americans
wheels but no pedals. Soon, a French inventor,
residing in Paris, added pedals to the front wheel; D) an American inventor added pedals to the front
however, pedalling was hard since velocipedes wheel for the fırst time
were very heavy. Therefore, no one thought about
using them for transportation. Around 1 870, E) roads of the nineteenth century were bumpy,
American manufacturers began building making it difficult to control the bicycle
velocipedes, too, but with one difference. They
made the frameworks from hollow steel tubes,
making velocipedes much lighter, but riders still
had to work hard to pedal just a short distance.
Soon, the British inventors found the method which
can make pedalling more efficient to turn pedals
one by one. They designed a bicycle with a giant
front wheel . However, as the rider had to sit high
above the giant front wheel it was too diffıcult to
keep the balance. American manufacturers once
again tried to design a safer bicycle. They
substituted a small wheel for the giant front wheel
and put the driving mechan ism in a larger rear
wheel . At last, the British changed the design one
last time and added two wheels equal in size and
the mechan ism that induce a chain to turn the rear
wheel. With this final change, the modern bicycle
was born.

1 3. The main purpose of the text Is to ---.

1 1 . it is understood from the passage that ---.
A) inform the readers about the process through
A) a nu mber of people from different countries which the modern bicycle has emerged
contributed to the development of the bicycle
B) highlight the contribution of Americans to the
8) the British designers are developing a new development of the bicycle
model of the bicycle
C) describe the rivalry between the French and
C) early velocipedes had huge pedals made of the British in their attempts to develop the
solid steel tubes bicycle
D ) the contributions of Scotland to the bicycle D) explain why the early bicycles took so long to
have largely been ig nored produce
E) bicycles with a g iant front wheel became E) criticise the countries involved i n bicycle
immediately popular in the United States making for not being cooperative

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1 4. soruda, karşılıkla konuşmanın boş 1 5. soruda, verllen cüm leye anlamca en yakın
bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi cümleyi bulunuz.
1 5. Whlle working as a postmaster at the U nlverslty
1 4. Frank: of Misslssippi, William Faulkner submitted
- 1 don't understand why some oil flelds were thirty-elght stories to magazines, seven of
set on fire d uring the G ulf War by their which were accepted.
legltimate owners.
A) Of the thirty-eight stories which William
David : Faulkner wrote about working the University of
Mississippi as a postmaster, seven were
published in magazines.
- lf that's the case, then they were sure they B) William Faulkner wrote seven out of thirty­
would lose them. eight stories after accepting a job as
postmaster at the University of M ississippi.
- Well, it was a real possibility g lven the C) Of the thirty-eight stories that William Faulkner
superior fırepower of the invading forces. submitted while working the University of
Mississippi as a postmaster, seven were
A) So, that's why the people in lraq still insist on published in magazines.
their independence.
D) William Faulkner published thirty-eight stories,
B) That's because they preferred to waste their seven of which were accepted by the
reserves instead of losing them to the University of M ississippi.
E) The seven accepted stories by William
C) lf that's not so, it is no wonder that those Faulkner were about his job as a postmaster at
people are setting their own oil refıneries on the University of Mississippi .
D) Then they must be in search of the petrol
belonging to the lraqi government.
E) But the troops had difficulty in supplying
enough water during the war.

1 6. soruda, verilen durumda söylenmiş

olabilecek sözü bulu nuz.

1 6. You've just learned that the universlty cafeterla

l ncreased the prices for meals. Although your
friends are outraged by the decision, you take a
more balanced stance by saying:
A) This is not the first time they have increased
the prices this term. They need to think more
about their students than about their profıts.
B) l'm sure the un iversity is doing everythi ng it
can to keep the prices down, but they are
utterly failing in doing so.
C) 1 guess now we have to fınd some cheaper
place to eat. Otherwise, 1 don't think 1 can
afford the cafeteria food for a whole month.
D) 1 knew this was going to happen. They were
rumours last month that they're not making as
much as they'd like to.
E) 1 understand that you feel strongly about the
decision, but 1 think we should learn what
might have caused them to increase the

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1 7. soruda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam 1 8. 1 9. sorularda, verllen İ ngilizce cümleye

bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebllecek anlamca en yakın Tü rkçe cümleyi, Türkçe

cümleyi bulunuz. cümleye anlamca en yakın l ngil iz ce cümleyl
1 7. ---- lts real extent was better u nderstood in the
1 ath century, particularly when Captain Cook 1 8. More than half of the world's coffee Is grown on
sailed for the fl rst time south of the Antarctlc small family farms in developlng countrlea
Circle and reached the edge of the icepack. A where coffee exports make up a signlflcant
portion of the ice-covered continent was first portion of the local economy.
slg hted by Edward Bransfield i n 1 820.
Explorers of several other nations alsa sighted A) Dünyadaki kahvenin yarısından fazlas ı , kahve
portions of the coast-line in other quarters and ticaretinin ekonominin büyük bir bölümünü
wrote detal led accounts of their observations. oluşturduğu gelişmekte olan birkaç ülkedeki
küçük aile çiftliklerinde üretilmektedir.
A) in earlier centuries it was thought that a great
continent must exist in the southern B) Kahve ticareti gelişmekte olan ülkelerdeki yerel
hemisphere, around the South Pole, to balance ekonominin büyük bir bölümünü oluşturmasına
the known land masses in the north . karşın dünyadaki kahvenin yarısı ndan biraz
fazlası küçü k aile çiftliklerinde yetiştirilmektedir.
8 ) i t was only with Captain Cook's voyage in the
1 8111 C) Yerel ekonominin büyük bir bölümünü kahve
century tlıat the rich natural resources of
ihracatı nın oluşturduğu gelişmekte olan
the Antarctic became known to the outside
world. ülkelerdeki küçük aile çiftlikleri , dünyadaki
kahvenin yarısından fazlasını üretmektedir.
C) Following various earlier reports concerning
the Antarctic, many explorers were D) Dünyadaki kahvenin yarıs ı ndan fazlası , kahve
discouraged from undertaking any serious ihracatının yerel ekonominin büyük bir
exploration there. bölümünü oluşturduğu gelişmekte olan
ülkelerdeki küçük aile çiftliklerinde
D ) Many adventu rers have made brave attempts yetiştirilmektedir.
to reach far and inaccessible places
E) Gelişmekte olan ülkelerdeki küçük aile
throughout the history, especially in the last
fıve centuries. çiftlikleri , dünyadaki kahveni n yarısından
fazlas ı n ı yetiştirdiğinden dolayı kahve ihracatı
E) The first extensive exploration was made by bu ülkelerdeki yerel ekonominin büyük bir
Captain James Clarke Ross in 1 84 1 when a bölümünü oluşturmaktadır.
great part of the Antarctic was discovered.

19. Çoğu insan güzelliğln evrensel olarak

tanımlanabileceğini varsaymaktadır ancak işin
aslı güzellik tamamen özneldir.
A) Most people assume that beauty can be
defıned universally, but in fact it is purely
B) Although it is assumed by many that beauty
can be defıned universally, it is indeed purely
C) Even though it is known that beauty is purely
subjective, some people claim that it can be
defineci universally.
D) Though purely subjective, beauty can be
defineci un iversally as most people assume.
E) Beauty is purely subjective yet many people
stili assume that it can be defıned universally.

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20. soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğu nda

parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi

20. (1) Mount Vesuvius, a volcano near the Bay of

Naples in ltaly, is hundreds of thousands of years
old and has erupted more than 50 times. (il) lts
most famous eruption took place in the year 79
A D , when the volcano buried the ancient Roman
. .

city of Pompeii under a thick carpet of volcanic ash.

(111) By the turn of the first century A.D., the town of
Pompeii, located about fıve miles from the
mountain, was a flourishing resort for Rome's most
distinguished citizens. (iV) When a group of
explorers rediscovered the site in 1 748, they were
su rprised to find that-underneath a thick layer of
dust and debris-Pompeii was mostly intact. (V) The
buildings, artefacts and skeletons left behind in the
buried city have taught us a great deal about
everyday life in the ancient world.
A) 1 8) i l C) 11 1 D) iV E) V

TEST B i TTi .

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Bu testte 20 soru vardır.

1 . - 5. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan 4. Before -- a new julce mix, an orang utan in a
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi Swedish zoo has enough sense ---- whether it
bulunuz. will taste nice or not.
A) having tasted I known
1. i n the 1 500's when the Spanlsh moved into
what later was to become the southwestern B) to tasta I knowing
U nited States, they ---- the ancestors of the
C) tasting I to known
modern-day Pueblo, Hopl, and Zuni peoples.
D) having been tasted I know
A) inherited B) generated
E) being tasted I to be known
C) encountered D) thrived
E) postponed

2. Alr pollution affects the envlronment by causing

acid rain, reduclng vislbility, damaglng plants
and anlmals, and ---- cllmate change.
A) p utting off B) letting down
C) dealing with D) contributing to
5. Two-thirds of Americans wlth voice problems
E) resulting from do not seek medical care ---- because they do
not know treatment is available ---- because
they thlnk the problem will just go away.
A) such I that
8) neither I nor
C) either I or
D) as I as
E) both I as well
3. A report released --·-
the World Wildlife Fund
warns that the current rate of climate change is
puttl ng many of world's great rivers risk of-·--

d rying up.
A) from I by B) u pon I in
C) with / over D) by I at
E) over I on

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Ml I �ene�e�er
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Mini Deneme 1 4 �ı
6. 8. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
• 9. 1 O. sorularda, verilen cüm leyi uygun

n umaralanmış yerlere uyg u n düşen sözcük şekilde tamam layan ifadeyi bulunuz.
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
9. A new study has ralsed the alarm worldwlde
Everything people know about the physical world that the very existence of the polar bear Is in
comes ta them (6)···· their senses. Most days, jeopardy ••••.

people put simple faith in this information as being

a perfect reflection of the real, physical world. But A) so polar bears sit at the top of the food chain in
the biologically rich Arctic
people ara alsa sometimes fooled by their senses.
This raises the question : (7)·-· accurately can the B) though polar bears feed almost exclusively on
physical world be known if all knowledge of it ringed seals and bearded seals
comes through the senses? That is the problem
(8)···· by the philosophical viewpoint known as C) in spite of ongoing and potential loss of their
representative realism. sea ice habitat resulting from climate change
D) due to the fact that the ice is melting in Arctic
Sea as a result of global warming
E) since they are powerful predators that do not
typically fear humans

A) without B) into
C) upon D) far
E) through

7. 1 O. Unti l recently, sclentists thought Brazi l was flrst

A) whom B) that settled by Asians about 1 0,000 years ago, ··-.
C) how D) why A) so it is the only Latin American nation that
derives its language and culture from Portugal
E) what
B) as it is South America's most influential
country, a rising economic power and one of
the world's biggest democracies
C) but new evidence shows there were people
living there at least 32,000 years ago
D) while the exploitation of the Amazon rai nforest,
8. much of which is in Brazil, has been a major
A) ta pose international worry
B) posed E) because it has the greatest variety of animals
of any country in the world
C) posing
D) having posed
E) ta be posed

(vorılNG Mini Denemeler Mini Deneme 1 4 1

1 1 . - 1 3. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 1 2. One can l nfer from the passage that ----.
cevaplayın ız. A) the digital clocks of modern age are a threat to
the concept of clockwise rotation
The fırst thing most of us notice about clocks and
watches when we learn to tell time, is that the B) telling the time is a practice that started in the
hands turn clockwise. Theoretically, we could just northern hemisphere
as easily tell time if they went from right to left, so
C) the sundial could be effortlessly created , which
why do clock and watch hands overwhelmingly
made it very popular during the early times
hava rightward, or clockwise, motion? Why is there
no period in history where anticlockwise and D) there is a margin of error even in the clocks
clockwise rotation competed for supremacy? The produced today
explanation for the overwhelming preference for
Clockwise movement of clock hands is somewhat E) the idea of anticlockwise rotation has failed to
obscure , but a likely explanation is that if you gain popularity throughout history
happen to be in the northern hemisphere, and you
stand facing the Sun's path across the sky, you will
see it describe a clockwise arc as it travels from the
east, to the southern sky overhead, and fınally to
the west, where it sets. lf you make a sundial, the
shadow the sundial throws will likewise follow a
clockwise course, going from west to north to east
(in opposition to the path of the Sun). Early clocks,
so the thinking goes, simply reflected the apparent
motion of the Sun, and of the gnomon (pointer) of a
sundial. Whether this is actually true is hard to
establish with absolute certainty, but there is no
reason mechanically for a clockwise direction of the
hands to be preferred and so, the idea that the
movement of clock hands was generally made to _J

copy the motion of a sundial's shadow seems a Cı

reasonable one.

1 1 . What is one possible explanation for the 1 3. What is the primary purpose of the author?
clockwlse motlon of clocks and watches?
A) To explain reasons why people would prefer a
A) it was proposed by early clockmakers as an clockwise motion in clocks
alternative to anticlockwise motion.
B) To discuss one possible theory related to the
B) it could have originated from the sundial's origins of clockwise motion
shadow as the sun makes its way across the
sky. C) To emphasize the mechanical feasibility of
clockwise motion
C) it came about in the northern hemisphere
where the sun can be clearly observed. D) To challenge the idea that the sun has
something to do with the clockwise rotation
D) it could be traced back to human anatomy and
the location of our hands. E) To prove that anticlockwise motion is just as
good as the clockwise one
E) it copied the movement of the planets in the
solar system.

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YDT/İ NG Mini Denemeler Mini Deneme 1 4 j
1 4. soruda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan 1 5. soruda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın
kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. cümleyi bulunuz.

1 4. Student: 1 5. Japan has long had deep m isglvlngs about

immlgration and has tlghtly controlled the
ability of foreigners to llve and work there.
- They break out in a cold sweat, they begln to A) For a long time Japan has had profound
breathe q uickly and thelr heartbeat lncreases. reservations about immigration and it has
severely restricted how foreigners can earn a
Student: living and reside there.
- And can these people be helped?
8) Japanese people have had second thoughts
about people immigrating to Japan and the
- Yes, certalnly, by what we call 11graded government have for many years put rigid
exposure." restrictions on the way they can work and live
A) Have you seen the patients in room 607 have there.
some trouble?
C) Japan has had meaningless doubts about
8 ) Professor, d o those patients have any migration and far a long time it has managed
problems funding themselves? how inımigrants can live and make money in
C) What are the causes of paranoia plaguing a
great number of people? D) Japan has had superficial misconceptions
about who to accept as immigrants and,
D ) What are the typical reactions when people besides, it has regulated how these people can
begin to feel afraid? perform and live there.
E) lncidentally, do the patients appreciate the E) Japanese people have long been in favor of
service here? accepting asylum seekers into their own
country, but they have strictly restrained how
they can reside and make a living in Japan.

16. soruda, verilen durumda söylenmiş

olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

1 6. U pon learning that you've got a m uch lower

score from your final exam than you were
expectlng, you feel like there must be some
klnd of a mistake. So you go to see your
teacher and politely say:
A) 1 don't know how 1 got such a bad score from
the exam. 1 mean 1 put a lot of effort into it, but
apparently to no avail.
8) 1 strongly believe you made a mistake while
scoring my paper, because it's simply not
possible far me to get such a low grade.
C) Could you please teli me, Sir, what 1 can do
going forward to pass this course? Because as
things stand, l'm failing.
D) 1 initially thought you made a mistake grading
my paper, but 1 came to realize that it's been
my fault ali along .
E) Sir, 1 wasn't expecting such a low g rade from
the exam. l'd really appreciate it if you could
taka a look at my paper again.

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j YDT/İ NG Mini Denemeler \.\'«:,::-

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M ini Deneme 1 4 :

17. soruda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam 1 8. - 1 9. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye
bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe
cümleyi bulunuz. cümleye anlamca en yakın İ ngilizce cümleyi
1 7. Tigers grow to lengths of ten feet or more and
can be bigger than the largest lion. They have 1 8. Nobody has ever seen the nucleus of a big
immense strength. They clutch their prey to comet because, as the heatlng becomes
them, holding on with their claws, and depend intense, the lces all around evaporate and hide
on the crushing bite of their powerful jaws to the nucleus behind a sort of fog.
end the struggle. ---- When the alr is chllly,
however, they avoid wet or damp vegetation. A) lsı yoğunlaşarak dört bir tarafı ndaki buzulları
They can climb, but do not approach the bu harlaştırıp çekirdeği bir tür sisin arkasına
leopard's ability in this. They can negotiate saklad ığı için büyü k bir kuyru klu yıldızın
treacherous rocky areas but generally prefer to çekirdeğ ini hiç kimse görememiştir.
stay on level ground. They are not as well B) Büyük bir kuyruklu yıldızın çekirdeğini hiç
equipped with senses as one might expect. kimse görmemiştir çünkü ısı yoğunlaşırken dört
A) A flat terrain rather than rocky cliffs gives tigers bir tarafı ndaki buzullar buharlaşıp çekirdeği bir
better opportunities for hiding. tür sis arkasına saklamaktad ı r.

B) They swim very well and can often be seen C) lsı yoğunlaşırken etraftaki tüm buzulları
splashing about in water on very hot days, buharlaştırıp çekirdeği büyük bir tür sisin
since they apparently suffer from heat. arkasına saklad ığından dolayı bir kuyruklu
yıldızın çekirdeğini henüz görebilen olmamıştır.
C) Contrary to what is generally thought, rocky
areas are invariably avoided by all wild D) Bir kuyruklu yıldızın çekirdeğini maalesef hiç
kimse görmemiştir çünkü ısı yoğunlaş ırken
çevredeki tüm buzulları buharlaştı rıp çekirdeği
O) Female tigers rely heavily upon their eyesight bir tür sis bulutunun arkasına saklamaktadır.
in locati ng and catching prey.
E) ısı yoğunlaş ırken çevredeki büyük buzulları
E) Some tigers closely resemble lions as regards buharlaştırıp çekirdeği bir tür sisin arkasına
size , speed and strength. sakladığı için bir kuyruklu yıldızı n çekirdeğini
hiç kimse görememiştir.

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rY DT/İNG Mini Denemeler M ini Denııme 14·ı
19. Orta Çağlarda işten tasarruf sağlayan tarım
aletlerinin gelişimine rağmen, mahsul
20. soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğuı:ıda
parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi
yetiştirme işinin çoğu, ilkel el aletleri bulunuz.
kullanılarak yapılmaya devam etti.
A) The work of cultivating crops, which ultimately 20. (1) During the late empire, Roman farmers and
gave rise to the introduction of the labour­ traders were reluctant to pay large amou nts of
saving agricultu ral devices, mostly continued to money for slaves because they did not wish to
be done employing hand tools in the Middle invest in a declining economy. (il) However, the
Ages. legal status of "slave" contin ued for centuries, but
slaves were gradually replaced by wage labourers
B) Though the development of the most labour­ in the towns and by land-bound peasants in the
savi ng agricultural devices took place in the countryside. (111) Roman farming was necessary to
early Middle Ages, the work of growing crops feed the population, and it was alsa seen as a
generally continued to be done by means of noble profession . (iV) These types of workers
primitive hand tools. provided cheap labour without the initial cost that
slave owners had to pay for slaves. (V) Therefore,
C) in the Middle Ages, labour-saving agricultural
it can be said that slavery did not disappear in
devices were introduced, yet most of the work
Rome because of human reform or religious
of growing crops stili continued to be done by
principle, but because the Romans found another,
means of primitive hand tools.
perhaps even harsher, system of labour.
D) The work of raising crops, which resulted in the
A) 1 B) i l C) 1 1 1 D ) iV E) V
advent of the labour-saving agricultural
devices, more often than not continued to be
done with the help of simple hand tools in the
Middle Ages.
E) Despite the development of the labour-saving
agricultural devices in the Middle Ages, most of
the work of raising crops continued to be done
using primitive hand tools.


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i OrlCı · iıl
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Bu testte 20 soru vardır.

1 . - 5. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan 4. New research ---- that planet formation in the
yerlere uyg u n düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi early universe --- carbon planets consisting of
bulunuz. graphite, carbides, and diamond.
A) has suggested I might be creating
1. The oceans perform numerous ---- functions
which make our planet i nhabitable and we B) had suggested I would create
cannot s urvive without them.
C) suggests I may have created
A) irrelevant B) trivial
D) suggested I has been creating
C) vague O) devoted
E) is suggesting I should have created
E) vital

2. As kids move from one academlc track to

another, join or leave sports teams, or --- new
extracu rricular hobbies, the opportunities to
interact with friends wax and wane.
A) bring down B) put aside
C) count upon D) rest on
5. Children are ---- sensitive to adults' body
E ) take up lang uage --- they can make reasonable
decisions on what to do and what not to do in
particu lar situatlons.
A) either I or B) neither I nar
C) so I that D) rather I than
E) such I that

3. it is a widely known fact that Albert Elnstein

was a genlus ---- birth and he Is known to have •
been the most lntelligent person --- all times.
A) in I at B) on I tor
C) at / by O) by I of
E) far I in

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YDT/ING M i ni Denemeler

6. 8. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada

• 9. - 1 0. sorularda, verilen cümleyl uygun
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
9. 11The space race" meant that scientlsts had to
For quite some time after European historians flnd out much more lnformation about space
began studying ancient Egyptian ruins, the writing travel;--···

(6)---- there was undecipherable. Many ancient

Egyptian artefacts and tombs were engraved with A) however, space exploration served as another
letters from the ancient civilization's alphabet. dramatic arena for Cold War competition
(7)--- they actually meant remained unknown. 8) hence, early Soviet successes in the space
(8)---- it was relatively easy to deduce certain race had a major impact on US society a nd
things about ancient Egyptian ways of life, not cultu re

having an understanding of their language severely

hindered any historical research. C) nevertheless, the Americans were
embarrassed at being behind the Space Raca
D) as a result, many more animals were launched
into space as part of experiments
E) in fact, U . S. interest in lunar missions was
gradually lost after the early 1 970s

A) found 8) to be found
C) to find D) having found
E) was found

7. 10. Defi ciency of folic acld, a form of vitamin 89, Is

A) That 8) How rarely a problem in humans ---.
C) Whom D) What A) because it is possi bly unsafe when takan by
E) Where mouth in large doses
B) yet it is a key ingredient in the making of the
nucleic acid that forms part of all genetic
C) since it is present in a wide variety of foods
such as dry peas, beans, lentils and chickpeas
D) so all women who are p regnant or planning to
become pregnant should consume more folic
A) Because B) Unless acid
C) While D) Just as
E) as folic acid defıciency can result in other
E) in case health problems

YDT/iNG Mini Denemeler \
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' ; l Mini Deneme 1 5

1 1 . 1 3. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

1 2. Why did Americans and lsraelis explolt a back
cevaplayınız. door in M icrosoft Windows?
A) They aimed to hamper l ran's nuclear program
The software flaws that allow hackers to penetrate, using a notorious worm.
manipulate, exploit, and sabotage computer
systems are called "back doors." Closing them is B) They wanted Microsoft to see the security risks
vital to any consumer's secu rity, which is why so of the software.
many notices pop up on our screens about critical
software updates. But keeping those doors open is C) They realized that it had been u sed by the
l ranian government for their n uclear program.
vital to cyber-warfare, wh ich the Un ited States is
determined to dominate. So there is a paradox: Do D) They wanted to launch a campaign against
you protect the public by fixing the flaws when you hacker-entrepreneurs.
fınd them? Or do you try to keep them secret so
you can use them against your enemies? When the E) They wished to protect the public by fıxing the
Americans and lsraelis developed the fearsome flaw as soon as possible.
Stuxnet worm to disrupt l ran's n uclear program,
they used a back door i n Microsoft Windows. Of
course they had not mentioned it to Microsoft. in
recent years, as the potential value of these hidden
flaws has become clear, hacker-entrepreneurs
hava set up businesses that sell them to the
highest bidder, which causes a lot of complex
problems. Ryan Ellis at the Kennedy School's
Belfer Center says the government has to focus on
this problem; the nation's infrastructure is at risk.
"There's a lot of work to be done," he says, "and in
cyber-war a good offense is not always the best

1 1 . What does the a uthor suggest about back 1 3. Which of the following is true about the hacker­
doors? entrepreneurs who have realized the potential
value of hidden flaws?
A) They are not used to gain access to other
computer systems illegally. A) They have established businesses to sell them
to the interested governments through dark
B ) They cannot enable unauthorized users to take web .
advantage of other computers.
B ) They try to sell the flaws they detected to those
C ) They must be closed when detected in order to who offer to pay the most.
provide security for consumers.
C) They have set up non-profıt organizations to
D) They must be closed to have an upper hand in protect the public.
D) They mention that the nation's infrastructure is
E) They do not allow crackers to tamper with in danger due to the problem of back doors.
some documents on the host computer.
E) They assure that the United States will
dominate cyber-warfare.

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Mini Deneme 1 s
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1 4. soruda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan 1 5. soruda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın
kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. cümleyi bulunuz.

1 4. Reporter: 1 5. Despite the sophistication of thelr hydrological

engineering, the Maya ultimately depended on
- The advantages to online social networking the seasonal rains to replenish their water
are lmmense, but do you also see any supplies.
disadvantages to this phenomenon? What
might be some of the negative A) The sophisticated knowledge the Mayans had
consequences? in the field of hydrolog ical engi neering did l ittle
to help them when they had received no
seasonal rains.
B) Although a great deal of expertise in
Reporter: hydrological eng ineering was required to keep
water su pplies fresh, the Mayans did not nearly
- What do you mean by that? have any.
John: C) Hydrological engineering was someth ing the
- Well, 1 mean you might spend so much time Mayans were very good at, allowing them to
with your online friends that you won't pay keep enough water to meet their needs.
attention to your local friends and famlly. it D) When the Mayans eventually mastered
can mean the loss of your local community. hydrological engi neering they did not have to
A) 1 feel that a joke among friends is one thing but replenish their water supplies every years
a joke with the world at-large is much different. through seasonal rains.

B) Use of social networks may expose individuals E) The Mayans were advanced in hydrolog ical
to other forms of harassment or even engineering, but eventually they could not
inappropriate contact. renew their water supplies without seasonal
precipitation .
C) Whether you like it or not, the information you
post on the lnternet is available to almost
anyone who is clever enough to access it.
D) Social networking invites major corporations to
invade your privacy and sell your personal
information . 1 6. soruda, verilen durumda söylenmiş
E) 1 see that in one way it expands our world, but olabilecek sözü bulunuz.
in another it hurts it.
1 6. You are the principal of a school. Two of the
teachers got into a physlcal altercation in front
of the students. You think it is unacceptable,
and want to show them that you will not tolerate
such behaviour again. So you say firmly:
A) 1 can 't believe you thought it was OK to have a
fıght in front of the students. Do you know how
that makes me look?
8) What happened this morning is in no way
acceptable. One more incident like this and
you are out.
C) As teachers in my school, you're supposed to
set the example for students . You should have
settled you r differences in a civilized manner.
O) This is not the first time you have caused such
a mayhem at school. 1 regret to tell you that
you are suspended tor an indefinite period of
E) You should be ashamed of you rselves. These
kids are looking up to you as role models and
look what you're doing!

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l YDT/iNG M ini D�ne�eler Mini Deneme 1 s )

1 7. soruda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam 1 8. - 1 9. sorularda, verilen lnglllzce cümleye
bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe
cümleyi bulunuz. cümleye anlamca en yakın İ ngilizce cümleyi

17. H owever, most of the action - especially
early activity that could help with disaster 1 8. in the second millennium B.C., the ancient Near
prediction and preparedness - occurs deep East was transformed by the arrlval of new
underground. Developlng a clearer picture of population groups who built up land-based
changes in subsurface conditions, together empires through systematic mllitary conquest.
wlth continuous monitoring, could provide llfe­
savlng lnformatlon in advance of future A) Antik Yakın Doğu, sistematik askeri fetihlerle
disasters. M. ô . ikinci bin yılda toprağa dayal ı
imparatorluklar oluşturan yeni nüfus gruplarının
A) Underground cables become frayed from gelişine tanıklık etti.
aging, corrosive chemicals, overload or rats
B) Yeni nüfu s gruplarının ortaya çıktığı M. ô . ikinci
biting them.
bin yılda antik Yakın Doğu, sistematik askeri
B) Between 2000 and 201 2, natural disasters fetihlerle büyüyen toprağa dayal ı
caused $ 1 .7 trillion in damage and affected 2.9 imparatorluklar yüzünden değişime uğrad ı .
billion people.
C ) M. Ö . ikinci bin yı lda antik Yakın Doğu,
C ) in earthquake-prone areas, there is ongoing sistematik askeri fetihlerle toprağa dayalı
need tor effective means of predicting seismic imparatorluklar oluşturan yeni nüfus grupları nın
activity. gelişiyle değişime uğrad ı .
O) 20 1 7 was a devastating year with natura! D) Sistematik askeri fetihlerle toprağa dayalı
disasters such as catastrophic floods, wildfıres imparatorlukları oluşturan yeni nüfus
and earthquakes affecting millions across the gruplarının ortaya çıktığı M . ô . ikinci bin yılda,
globe. antik Yak ın Doğu köklü değişikler yaşadı .
E) Most of what we know about earthquakes and E ) M. ô . ikinci bin yılda sistematik askeri fetihlerle
volcanoes is based on what we can observe at --
cı değişime uğrayan antik Yakın Doğu'da toprağa
the Earth's surface. ---
(- �'
dayalı imparatorluklar oluşturan yeni nüfus
grupları ortaya çıktı.

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1 9. Günümüzde yaşamın temel gereksinimi olan 20. soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
yiyecek Üçüncü Dünya ülkelerindeki hemen parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi
hemen tüm yoksul insanlar için u laşılamayacak bulunuz.
kadar pahalı ve kıttır.
A) For all of the poverty-stricken people in the 20. (1) Butterflies are among the most extensively
Third World , the primary necessity of life, food, studied insects , and an esti mated 90 percent of
is now priced beyond reach and scarce. the world's s pecies have scientific names. (il) As
a consequence, they are perhaps the best group
B) in our age, for virtually all of the poverty­ of insects for examining patterns of terrestrial
stricken people in the Third World, the primary biotic diversity and d istri bution . (111) Unlike moths ,
necessity of life, food , is priced beyond reach butterflies are active during th e d a y and a re
and scarce. usually brightly colou red or striki ngly patterned .
{iV) Butterflies also have a favou rable image with
C) The Third World countries in our age provide
the general public. (V) Hence, they a re a n
overpriced and scarce food for the poverty­
excellent group for communicating i nformation on
stricken people, though it is the primary
science and conservation issues such as
necessity of life.
O) in modern times, for all of the poverty-stricken
people in the Third World , food is the primary
A) 1 B) i l C) 111 O) iV E) V
necessity of life, which is priced beyond reach
and scarce.
E) The primary necessity of life, food Is priced
beyond reach and scarce for most of the
poverty-stricken people in the Third World.


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ı I
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Bu testte 20 soru vardır.

1 . 5. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan

4. Our sun, in many ways an average sort of star,
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi ---- around for nearly five bllllon years and has
bulunuz. enough fuel ···-going for another five billion
1. During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the A) has been / to keep
relatively wealthler and more advanced states
of Europe began their of the world with a
•••• B) was / to have kept
series of sea voyages.
C) had been / keeping
A) a pproach B) convenience
D) is / to be keeping
C) exploration D) destination
E ) will be / having kept
E) concession

2. Gluten is a mixture of hundreds of dlstlnct

proteins within the same family, although it is
primarily two different classes of proteins.

A) looked down on �
. .,ı

B) kept away from

C) ended up with
O) made u p of
E) got back to 5. A recent report highllghts fears that currently
rapld increases in yields come at the expense
of sustainability, and that actlon is taken,

hunger and malnutrition wlll become growing

A) unless B) so long as
C) in case O) since
3. Each winter, cities and towns --- the U.S. scatter
nearly 20 milllon tons of salt ---- snowy roads E) only after
and walkways to make it safer for people to
drlve and walk.
A) across I by
B) in / for
C) during / at
D) from / to
E) th roughout I on

97 ı· lı1
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01ı ıN
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: j
6. - 8. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 9. 1 O. sorularda, verllen cümleyi uygun
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük şeklide tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
9. -- public health offlcials would l ike to reverse

By far the most common phobia and potentially the the trend.
most disruptive Is agoraphobia. The word derives
from Greek and literally means "fear of the A) Even though globally the infant mortality rate
marketplace" but we apply it today to describe a has remarkably decreased
distressing condition in which people avoid going B) As there are so many amazing things going on
outside (6)--· the awful feelings of anxiety that worldwide in medicine and healthcare
arise. Treatment of phobias usually conslsts of the
patient undergoing behavioural therapy during C) Because multiple births are on the rise and
which they gradually get used to being near the highly dangerous far both mothers and babies
object or the situation that causes them fear. Drugs D) Provided that most medicines extend the lives
(7)-- to treat anxiety and many people opt for of those with chronic diseases
alternative therapy such as acupuncture or
hypnosis to help them come to terms (8)--· their E) Due to the fact that anaesthetic made it
fear and conquer it. possible to operate on a patient without pain

6. 1 O. Geysers have sometimes been compared to

A) by means of B) because of volcanoes ----.
C) rather than D) except far A) in that they both emit hot liquids from below
Earth's surface
E) contrary to o
cı: B) but hot springs and geysers are also
o manifestations of volcanic activity

C) whereas volcanoes and geysers depend on a
1 strong heat source in the underground

1 D ) because volcanoes might have drastic effects

on settlements
7. 1
A) may be prescribed E) so the eruptions of geysers are usually less
harmful than volcanoes
B) had to be prescribed
C) must be prescribing
D) used to be prescribed
E ) should have been prescribed

A) over B) with
C) at D) by
E) for

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Mini Denemeler
L - ----

1 1 . - 1 3. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 1 2. What is the argument provided by people who
cevaplayınız. belleve that h uman lnterference does not play a
role in climate change?
in the not-too-distant past, the tobacco industry A) Most scientist cannot reach an agreement
funded scientists who cast doubt on the idea that about the matter.
the shadows on people's lungs were cancers
caused by smoking . There were other causes, they B) There a re a great number of factors other than
said . And many people who wanted to believe human activities causing global warming.
them kept smoking, and died. Today those who do
C) Most scientists point at other factors than
not want to believe that climate change is caused
human activities.
by human activities keep saying there is no
consensus among scientists . Well, that is just not D) Newspapers and magazines play a major role
true. it has been proven again and again that a in choosing sides in the matter.
great majority of scientists have concluded there is
a causal connection between human activity and E ) it is diffıcult to fınd an objective source to
global warming. Now the journal Environmental consult about the problem.
Research Letters has published a careful new
study of thousands of peer-reviewed papers
showing that when scientists take a position on the
issue, a full 97 percent blame human causes. This
is important because press reports that mention
dou bters who argue human activities has nothing
to do with the global warming, without saying how
tiny their proportion is, have misleadingly
convinced the public that there is an even split. it is
true that there are many issues on which scientists
really do disagree, like the specifıc link, or lack of it,
between global warming and killer tornadoes. But
about the general cause of the warming itself, there
is barely any dlssent at all . � ,

1 1 . We learn from the passage that after some 1 3. The underlined word udlssent" in the passage
scientists argued that smoklng was not the only is closest in meaning to ----.
cause of cancer, ----. A) agreement
A) many people stopped smoking and blamed the
B) conflict
tobacco industry
C) accord
B) a number of studies were carried out to verify
the validity and reliabil ity of these claims D) hardship
C) a lot of smokers who trusted the scientists E) advantage
continued their habit, eventually dying because
of it
D) the tobacco ind ustry funded such scientists to
continue their research
E) the government did take some action to
conduct more experiments to clarify the
argu ment

99 \('�t
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YDT/ING Mini Denemeler Mini Deneme 1 6

1 4. soruda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş 1 5. soruda, verilen cümleye anlamca e n yakın

bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi cümleyi bulunuz.
1 5. Due to leading a busy llfe and demands at work,
14. Bruce: many people are just too exhausted to go to the
- How come you dldn't get a high score in that gym or take part in a sports club.
soclology test?
A) Quite a few people feel too tired to go to the
Daniel: gym or join a sports clu b since they lead a
- it seems while preparing tor the test, 1 hectic life, which gives rise to pressures at
focused on the wrong chapters. work.
Bruce : 8) People who have a hectic life, which makes
them too tired to go to the gym or join a sports
club eventually suffer from problems at work.
Daniel :
- Unfortunately, no. 1 believe 1 haven't received C) Several people feel pressu red at work, making
some of the messages from the instructor in them too tired to go to the gym or join a sports
thls course. club, so they can not get away from the routine
of a hectic life.
A) Why don't you object to the results? The
professor can re-check your test. D) Scores of people have a hectic l ife and
experience pressures at work, so they feel too
B) Really? Weren't you aware of the requirement tired to go to the gym or join a sports club.
for additional readings?
E) Those who lead a hectic life but feel too tired to
C) l'm confident you will fıgure out someth ing to go to the gym or join a sports club often suffer
make a higher grade next time. from work-related stress.
D) You can drop out the course anytime, you
know. l'm sure the professor would
understand .
-- J

E) How come? it seemed lika you would never be

able to get a high score like that from a test
you hadn't prepared tor.

1 6. soruda, verilen durumda söylenmiş

olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

1 6. Watching the news about war-torn countries

and the llfe of chlldren who have to endure so
many hardships, you say empathetically:
A) Those kids are tough . They g rew up under
extreme conditions, so they're not as affected
by these wars as you might think.
B) Without proper education, these children will
be a lost generation, so monetary help alone
does not solve anything.
C) in order to help children in war-torn countries ,
there are worldwide efforts to send
humanitarian aid to those places.
D) 1 can't imagine how terrible it must be tor them
to live through such difficulties. These are
innocent children tor heaven's sake!
E) 1 hope this war ends before more innocent
people, including children, get ki lled , because it
looks like that is what's going to happen if it

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·YDT/ İ NG Mini Denemeler Mini Deneme 1 6

1 7. soruda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam 1 8. - 1 9 . sorularda, verilen lngilizce cümleye
bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe
cümleyi bulunuz. cümleye anlamca en yakın lngl l l zc e cümleyl
1 7. ···-Drought and crop failure have destroyed
livelihoods and d rlven sectarian confllct, 1 8. Not staying in any one location for long, hunter­
leading to mass migration from the Middle East gatherers left no contlnuous archaeological
and Northern Africa to Europe. The problem is record which could help us trace the
about to get much worse, according to a new development of their culture.
study in the journal Science. Researchers
behind the study evaluated asylum applicatlons A) Kü ltürlerinin gelişimini izlememizi sağlamaya
submitted to the European Union from migrants yardım edecek hiçbir sürekli arkeolojik kayıt
in more than 100 countries between 2000 and bırakmayan avcı-toplayıcılar, hiçbir yerde çok
201 4, and found a link between dramatic uzun süre durmam ıştır.
temperature fluctuations and migration. 8) Avcı-toplayıcıların hiçbir yerde çok uzun bir
A) Though the flood of immigrants in 201 6 has süre durmaması , kültürlerinin gelişimini
subsided, Europe is ending the year without izlememize katkıda bulunacak sürekli
having prepared for the next migration wave. arkeolojik kayıtlardan bizi mahrum etmiştir.

B) Scientists have long cited extreme weather C) Avcı-toplayıcılar bir yerde çok uzun süre
events connected to climate change as a major durmadı kları için kültürlerinin gelişimini
factor in the ongoing European migrant crisis. izlemem izi sağlamaya yardım edecek hiçbir
sürekli arkeolojik kayıt b ı rakma mıştır.
C) Although Germany has had the most asylum
appl ications in 20 1 5 , Hungary had the highest D) Avcı-toplayıcılar, kültürlerinin gelişimini
in proportion to its population . izlememizi sağlamaya yardım edecek bir
sürekli arkeolojik kayıt bırakmad ığı ndan onların
D) lnternational leaders met in Paris to craft bir yerde çok uzun süre durmad ığı an laş ılır.
policies that would stop the h uman traffic.
E) Bir yerde yeterince uzun bir süre kalmaktan
E) Although huge numbers have been applying kaçınan avcı-toplayıcılar, kültürlerinin gelişimini
tor asylum, the number of people being given izlememize katkıda bulu nacak sürekli
asyl um is far lower. arkeolojik kayıtlardan b ı rakmamıştır.

1 01
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Mini Deneme 1 6 l ı

19. Su kütlelerini aşmak üzere ilk deniz araçlarım 20. soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
yapmak için ilk insanlar, hayvan derisinden parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi
küçük kereste parçalarına kadar uzanan çeşitli bulunuz.
materyaller kullandı.
A) Early humans, who wanted to make the first 20. (1) No pyramids are more celebrated than the
vessels to cross stretches of water, employed Great Pyramids of Giza, located on a plateau on
various materials ranging from an imal skins to the west bank of the Nile River, on the outskirts of
small pieces of timber. modern-day Cairo. (il) 8u ilt during a time when
Egypt was one of the richest and most powerful
8) 8y employing various materials ranging from civilizations in the world , the pyramids are some
an imal skins to small pieces of timber, early of the most magn ificent man-made structures i n
humans were able to make the fırst vessels to history. (1 1 1) Their massive scale reflects the
cross stretches of water. unique role that the pharaoh , or king , played in
ancient Egyptian society. (iV) Though pyramids
C ) i n order to make the first vessels to cross
were built from the beginning of the Old Ki ngdom
stretches of water, early humans employed
to the close of the Ptolemaic period in the fourth
various materials ranging from animal skins to
centu ry A. D . , the peak of pyramid building began
small pieces of timber.
with the late third dynasty and conti nued u ntil
D ) So as to cross stretches of water, early roughly the sixth (c. 2325 8 . C . ) . (V) More than
humans made the fırst vessels by employing 4 ,000 years later, the Egyptia n pyra mids still
various materials ranging from animal skins to retain much of their majesty, providing a glimpse
small pieces of timber. into the country's rich and glorious past.
E) Having employed various materials ranging A) 1 8) il C) 1 1 1 D ) iV E) V
from ani mal skins to small pieces of ti mber,
early h umans attempted to make the fırst
vessels to cross stretches of water.



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1 02
modadil . .
1 -- --
! B u testte 20 soru vardır.

1. - 5. soru larda, cümlede boş bırakılan 4. Over the last two decades, US demand for oil
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi ---- by nearly 30 percent, but it ---- its ability to
bulunuz. produce domestic sources of fuel.
A) increased I had not expanded
1. The M iddle Ages was a period of ---- one
thousand years of history, generally accepted B) was increasing / does not expand
as spanning from the fail of the Roman Empire
to the Protestant reformation in the 1 5th
C) is increasing I will not expand
century. D) has increased I has not expanded
A) considerably B) intensely E) had been increasing I did not expand
C) profoundly D) severely
E) virtually

2. With property prices rising and space rapldly ---- _J


in big cities, innovative property developers are o

golng underground in search of a solution. �
A) running out o

B) accounting for
C) making up
D) holding back 5. in Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas and a handful of
other states, oil and gas productlon has
E) going through triggered a surge of earthquakes ---- anything
scientists have ever seen.
A) despite B) according to
C) owing to D) except
E) unlike

3. Americans ---- long-term or serious i llnesses

are the least able to pay tor their medical bills
---- the leading developed nations in the world.
A) in I between B) tor I amidst
C) with I among D) over I within
E) upon I of

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1 03
r nododil
YDT/ING Mini Denemeler M ini Deneme 1 7

6. 8. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 9 . - 1 0. sorularda, verilen cüm leyi uygu n

numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
9. in addltion to lts hazardous role i n cli mate
Traditionally uniforms were - and for some change, ----.
lndustries still are - manufactured to protect the
worker. (6)- they were first designed, it is also A) concentrated carbon dioxide also causes
likely that all uniforms made symbolic sense - those pulmonary and respiratory problems in human
tor the military, for instance, were (7)-··· intended to beings
impress and even terrify the enemy. The last 30 8) carbon dioxide mainly consists in the gaseous
years, (8)--, have seen an increasing emphasis on form, yet it also has a solid and a liquid form
their role in projecting the image of an organisation
and in uniting the workforce into a homogeneous C) plants also release oxygen to the atmosphere,
unit - particularly in "customer facing" industries, which is subsequently used for respiration by
and especially in fınancial services and retailing. heterotrophic organisms
D) carbon dioxide is produced by various
microorganisms from fermentation and cellular
E) atmospheric carbon dioxide derives from
multiple natura! sources including volcanic

A) When B) Before
C) U nless D) in case
E) Even if

A) doubtfully 8) inadvertently 1 0. in order to be able to breathe in thelr inflexible
C) separately D) originally casing, ----.

E) vaguely A) water turtles fall prey to many fish and

amphibian species
8) tortoises are exclusively terrestrial and occur
on ali continents except Australia and
C) tortoises have a muscle sling which is attached
to the shell to ventilate the lung
D) numerous island populations and species are
8. now extinct because of human occupation
A) otherwise 8) therefore
E) tortoises as terrestrial individuals adapted flat
C) however D) in other words feet to more easily traverse the landscape
E) accordingly

1 04
' YDT/İNG Mini Denemeler Mini Deneme 1 7

1 1 . - 1 3. soruları aşa{lıdaki parçaya göre 12. What can be concluded from the passage?
cevaplayı n ız. A) Video games have a lot to offer, but teachers
have no idea how to incorporate them into their
Using technology as a "free babysitting service" is, in-class activities.
in fact, not free at all. The payment is waiting for
you just around the corner. We pay with our kids' B) Modern children have more problems with their
nervous systems, with their attention, and with their nervous systems, but nevertheless have the
ability tor delayed satisfaction. Compared to virtual ability to postpone personal pleasure.
reality, everyday life is boring. When kids come to
C) Academic challenges a re no concern for
the classroom, they are exposed to human voices
today's children since they are equipped with
and inadeq uate visual stimulation as opposed to
the latest technology.
being bombarded with the graphic explosions and
special effects that they are used to seei ng on the D) Although it may seem harmless to expose
screens. After hours of virtual reality, processing children to technology, it can cause cognitive
intormation in a classroom becomes increasingly damage if used to distract children and keep
challenging tor our kids because their brains are them occupied .
getting used to the high levels of stimulation that
video games provide. The inability to process lower E) Classroom environment needs to be improved
levels of stimulation leaves kids vulnerable to because it is no match for the high-level
academic challenges . Technology also disconnects stimulation of virtual reality.
us emotionally from our children and our fam ilies.
Parental emotional availability is the main nutrient
tor child's brain. Untortunately, we are gradually
depriving our children of that n utrient.

1 1 . Why is it difflcult for some children to make 1 3. The underll ned word "vu lnerable" in the
sense of the i nformatlon they recelve i n the passage Is closest in meanlng to ---.
A) resilient
A) Their brains fınd it difficult to adapt after being
exposed to increased levels of stim ulation 8) deliberate
through virtual reality. C) cautious
B) The intormation provided in the classroom is D) susceptible
highly a bstract compared to the concrete input
provided by video games . E) incidental

C) They fınd it too easy and thus bori ng as they

are already used to dealing with more
challenging content.
D) They like being alone and making decisions on
their own, sometlıing which they are not able to
do in the classroom.
E) They have difficulty in establ ishing social
interaction with their peers and their teachers.

1 05
modadil .com
[ YDT/ING Mini Denemeler Mini Deneme 1 7 )

1 4. soruda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş 1 5. soruda, veri len cümleye a nlamca en yakın
bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi cüm leyi bulu nuz.
1 5. Falntl ng Is caused by a sudden drop in the
1 4. Andrew: normal blood supply to the brain, which serves
- The question of whether U FOs really exist as the centre of the nervous system.
divides people lnto two sharply opposing
camps. What is you r opinion? A) The brain is the main component of the central
nervous system, but it can be damaged by
John: even a simple fainti ng.
B) Fainting occurs when the brain, the focal point
Andrew: of the central nervous system, suddenly loses
- Really? 1 don't think so. l'm sure that the only its usual blood supply.
form of l i fe e xists here on Earth and that U FO
slghtings can be scientifically explained as C) The central nervous system can suffer from
purely terrestrial phenomena. extensive damage when the usual blood
supply drops due to fainting.
- Well, we all know that you never have bllnd D) The usual blood supply to the brain can be
confıdence in anythi ng. For you, seeing is decreased in the event of fai nting, which could
believl ng. lead to damage to the nervous system.

A) Well, 1 feel that one of the reasons why people E) The usual blood supply is what keeps the
don't believe in aliens is because we haven't human brain , the focal point of the central
found any life forms and they haven't found us. nervous system, from fainting.

B) 1 think the concept of aliens is something

fabricated no matter how many millions of
potentially life-supporting stars out there, even
in our own galaxy.
C) l'm quite convinced that extra-terrestrials exist
and travel around the universe in flying
D) 1 just don't see how it's possible tor humans to
be the only form of life throughout the entire 1 6. soruda, verilen durumda söylenmiş
universe, but 1 think many of the alleged UFO olabi lecek sözü bulunuz.
sightings are just silly.
1 6. You are at a conference whlch you think will be
very borlng. Moments before the conference
E ) As far as 1 know, the 1 990s were a high-water
starts, as everybody is taking their seats, the
mark for public interest in UFOs and alien
lights go out. So, you turn to your friends and
say joklngly:
A) That's certainly u nexpected. l 've never seen
anything like this happen at a conference
B) l'm sure the power will be back on in a b it.
There are many people scheduled to speak, so
they can't afford to waste much time.
C) We're not going to be able to find our seats
without the lights. So, 1 think we best stay put.
O) l've never understood why we have to attend
these boring conferences. There are a bunch
of people speaking and nobody's listening.
E) 1 g uess that gives us just a l ittle more time to
enjoy our happy lives before being bored to

1 06
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1 YDT/ING Mini Denemele � _ - _ M ı n ı Dene me 17

__ _ _

1 7. soruda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam 1 8. - 1 9. soru larda, verilen lngilizce cümleye
bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek anlamca en yakın Türkçe c ü mleyi, Türkçe
cümleyi bulunuz. cümleye anlamca en yakın lngillzce cümleyi
1 7. For a long time, selence was more or less a
unlted w h o l e k nown as " natural phllosophy," 1 8. Students believe that good quallties of teachers
and was not that far removed from art. Later, make teachlng better and substantla l ly
in the 1 9th ce n tu ry , to take two examples, decrease the number of frustratlng and tense

physics and chemistry went thelr separate sltuations.

ways. So, the sharp border that we now see
between the arts and sciences Is but o n ly a few A) Ö ğrenciler, öğretmenlerin iyi niteli klerinin
centuries o ld. öğretimi daha da iyileştirdiğine inanmaktad ı r ve
bu durum, sinir bozucu ve gergin ortamları n
A) Then, in the 1 81h century, the distinctions sayısını büyük ölçüde azaltmaktadır.
between the scientifıc fıelds began to appear.
B) Sinir bozucu ve gergin ortamların sayısını
B) History is not often thought of as science, but it kayda değer oranda azaltmakta rol oynayan
can be if it uses the comparative method . öğretmenlerin iyi özellikleri, öğrencilerin daha
iyi öğretim ortamı nda bulunmasını sağlar.
C) The first serious blow to the traditional
acceptance of ancient authorities was the C) Ö ğrenciler, öğretimi daha iyi hale getiren şeyin
discovery of the New World at the end of the öğretmenlerin iyi nitelikleri olduğunu düşünür
1 51h century. ve bu özellikler sinir bozucu ve gergin
ortamların sayısını büyük oranda
D) Actually, several physicists in the 1 930s and azaltmaktad ır.
1 940s tried to apply their knowledge to
microbiology. D) Ö ğrenciler, öğretmenlerin iyi özelliklerinin
öğretimi daha iyi hale getirdiğine ve sinir
E) Astronomy and astrology were believed to be bozucu ve gergin durumların sayısını önemli
one way of glimpsing what God willed for derecede azalttığ ı na inanmaktadır.
E) Ö ğrencilere göre, öğretimi daha iyi hale getiren
şey öğretmenlerin iyi nitelikleridi r ve bu
nitelikler sinir bozucu ve gergin ortamların
sayısını önemli ölçüde azaltmaktadır.

1 07 --- -- �\�
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YDT/ING Mini Denemeler Mini Deneme 1 7 l

1 9. Şu ana kadar gelen ziyaretçi sayısında 20. soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğu nda
durgunluk olmasına rağmen, oyu nlar boyu nca parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyl
2,5 milyonu aşkın ziyaretçinin lstanbul'a bulunuz.
gelmesi bekleniyor.
A) Even though we expect that over 2,5 million 20. (1) Tourists tend to visit features of landscape and
townscaµe wtıich separate tlıem off from everyday
experience. (il) They are interested in such aspects,
visitors will come to l stanbul during the games,
there have been far fewer arrivals than
expected. because lhey are considered to be in some sense
out of the ordinary. (111) Tourism is a dynamic and
8) So far arrivals have been quite sluggish, but competitive industry that requires the ability to adapt
more than 2,5 million visitors are believed to constantly to customers' changing needs and
come to l stanbul after the games start. desires. (iV) The viewing of these tourist sights often
C ) The fact that there is a drop in the number of involves different forms of social patlerning with a
much greater sensitivity to visual elemenls of
arrivals this year decreases the likelihood that
landscape or townscape than is normally found in
everyday life. {V) People linger over these sights in a
more than 2,5 million visitors will come to
l stanbul during the games.
way that they would not normally do in their home
D) This year arrivals have been surprisingly slow, environment and the vision is objectified or captured
yet over 2,5 mil lion visitors are expected to lhrough pholographs postcards films and so on
come to l stanbul once the games start. which enable the memory to be endlessly
reproduced and recaptured.
E ) Although arrivals have been sluggish thus far,
ovar 2,5 million visitors ere expected to come A) 1 8) i l C) 111 D) iV E) V
to l stanbul during the games.

TEST B iTT i .

1 08
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modadil .com
MiNi DENEME 1 8 Hedef YDTI '


Bu testte 20 soru vardı r.


1 . 5. soru larda, cümlede boş bırakılan 4. A common myth about tornadoes is that
yerlere uygun düşen sözcü k ya da ifadeyi damage to well-built structures, ilke houses and

bu lu nuz. office buildings, lf windows prior to the

lmpact of the storm .
•••• ••••

1. The Museum of Bad Art I s a privately owned

museum whose alm Is to celebrate the labour of
A) was avoided I had been opened
artists whose work would not be -- · or B) could be avoided / are opened
appreciated in any other forum.
C) would be avoided / might be opened
A) displayed B) undermined
D) can be avoided / may be opened
C) governed D) simplifıed
E) has been avoided / have been opened
E) derived

2. Over the years, a great number of researchers

have tried to unravel the truth about deception,
investlgati ng the signs that a liar.

A) tell off B) result in

C) look after D) g ive away
E) fall behind
5. Mill ions of people would still choose to dri n k
bottled water the tap water passed strlct
qual lty sampllng tests.

A) so long as B) even if
C) in case D) now that
E) as soon as

3. in the past, people cancers would have had

no hope to del iver a baby, but this fact is - · - the

point of loslng its validity thanks to a number of

new developments in the medical world.
A) with I on B) from I at
C) of I over D) in / with
E) for / in

1 09
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6. 8. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 9. - 1 0. sorularda, veri len cü mleyi uygun
numaralanmış yerlere uyg u n d üşen sözcük şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulu nuz.

ya da ifadeyi bulu n uz.

9. While the coca plant can be found in most of
Our obsession (6)-··· recording every detail of our Lati n Amerlca, ••••.

happiest moments could be damaging our ability to

A) it is a plant with a complex array of mi neral
remember them, according to new research . Dr
Unda Henkel, from Fairfıeld University, nutrients, essential oils, and varied compounds
Connecticut, described this as the "photo-taking B) the coca leaf has been chewed and brewed for
impairment effect". She said, 'People oftan whip tea traditionally for centuries
out their cameras almost mindlessly to capture a
moment, to the point that they are missing (7)-·· is C) its varieties containing the cocaine alkaloid are
happening right in front of them . When people cultivated and converted primarily i n Peru
(8)···· technology to remember for them, it can D) it acts as a mild stimulant and suppresses
have an adverse impact on how well they hunger, thirst, pain, and fatigue
remember their experiences .
E ) the coca leaf in its natural form i s a harmless
and mild stimulant comparable to coffee

A) to B) with
C) far D) at
E) over
__ _/



1 O. Although a recently-lntrod uced transforming

7. drene is generally almed at farmers , ---.
A) whose B) which
A) its long flight time could also make it attractive
C) whether D) that far other uses, such as forestry and firefıghting
E) what B) it may still increase agricultural productivity,
decreasing workload and production costs
C) it is control led by a remote or accessed via a
smartphone app
D) drones have been around for more than two
8. E) the commercial drone ind ustry has come a
A) carry out B) deal with long way since its beginnings
C) rely on D) stand for
E) fail behind

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_____ M ın ı D
me _1 ;J

11. • 1 3. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 1 2. We can lnfer from the passage that ••••·

ceva playınız. A) robots could eventually take over all jobs

carried out by humans
All human jobs will be replaced by robots in the
future, but plumbers, electricians and nurses will B) humans have trouble competing with machines
stay in employment the longest. U.S author Martin in jobs demanding creativity
Ford , who has written a bestselling book on robots,
C) tedious and routine tasks should be
warned that soon, h umans will not be able to
u ndertaken by humans rather than robots in
compete with machines in any vocation . This
the workplace
follows an assurance from Labour Party's deputy
leader Tom Watson , that the rise of robots can be a D) robots employed in monotonous jobs may offer
good thing for Britain because they will do the hardly any economic benefits
"boring and routinen jobs. He said that by allowing
21 st-century machines to u ndertake boring and E) jobs requiring flexibility rather than creativlty
routine tasks in the workplace humans will be freed will be taken over by robots
to do other jobs with bigger economic benefıts. But
Martin Ford, whose most recent book is called Rise
of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a
Job/ess 'Future, warns that humans cannot become
too complacent about the oncoming artifıcial
intelligence revolution. One area that is safe for
people is the kind of job that requires lots of
dexterlty, hand-eye coordination and flexibility.
Nursing which requires empathy and caring, and
creative jobs would be safe from being taken over
by robots - at least for the time being.


11 . We learn from the passage that ---. 13. What Is the overal l attltude of Labour Party's
deputy leader Tom Watson toward the march of
A) the rise of robots has worried the majority of the robots?
Brftlsh politicians such as the deputy leader of
Labour Party, Tom Watson A) Scared

B) plumbers and electricians are the workers who B) Doubtful

will be last to lose their jobs to robots C) Sarcastic
C) robots may control people in such sectors as D) Gloomy
nursing and security very soon
E) Optimistic
D) most humans will fail to handle jobs with bigger
eco nomic benefıts even though they may
benefıt from robot technology
E) robots are expected to be generous with their
strength and intelligence

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YDT/ING Mini Denemeler Mini Deneme 1 8 'I
1 4. soruda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş 1 5. soruda, verllen cümleye anlamca en yakın
bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi cümleyi bulunuz.
bulun uz.
1 5. Colour film Is made from layers of chemlcals
1 4. Francis: whlch are sens itive to red, green, and blue light,
- 1 saw a n annou ncement in the paper today from whlch ali other colours can be produced.
about Green Acres being shut down. l'm
pretty d lsappointed.
A) Some layers of chemicals on colour film a re
highly responsive to all colours that can be
George: made using red , green and blue light.
- Me, too. 1 liked that restau rant. Why are they
closing it down?
B) The layers of chemicals that make up colour
film are responsive to red , green, and blue light
Francis: that all other colours originate from .
- They said that it wasn't popular wlth
students, but that's proba bly because they
C ) Colour film uses chemicals that are hardly
dldn't advertise the restau rant as much as responsive to red , green and blue fight, which
they should have.
can play a vital role in the formation of all other
D) Red , green and blue light are the essential
colours from which all other colours can be
A) You're right. 1 remember seeing only two chemically produced .
advertisements around campus during the
three months it has been open for business. E) All colours that can be produced with a
combination of red , green and blue light are
B) So you mearı that the cost of the food was too responsive to the fayers of chemical on colour
high for students. film.
C) Well , perhaps we'll get lucky and they'll
reconsider their decision.
D) But l'm happy to pay an extra dallar or two for
my meals as long as 1 eat nutritious and
E) Actually, there's no other healthy restaurant
tike it here on campus.
1 6. soruda, veri len duru mda söylenmlş
olabllecek sözü bulunuz.

1 6. You've j ust received a cali from an old friend of

yours who is in town and wants to know lf he
can pay a visit. You're a busy person and do
not have m uch time. But you sti ll think it
wouldn't be appropriate to tu rn him down. So
you say:
A) Look, l'd love to, but you see we have so much
to do at work today.
B) Why not? lt's not like you're i n town a l l the
time. There's not much going on today
C) lt's hectic at work right now, but 1 guess 1 can
take a 1 5-min ute brea k.
D) Why don't you come over here to my office?
We can have lunch .
E) 1 wish you'd told me sooner that you were in
town. 1 could have taken you out for lunch.

. .

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17. soruda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam 1 8. 19. sorularda, verilen lngillzce cümleye
bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe

cümleyi bulunuz. cümleye a nlamca en yakın lngilizce cümleyi

1 7. it could be claimed that in order to maka
everything in herltage more 11real", historical 1 8. Flrst presented in 1 929 for fi lms shown in 1 928,
accuracy must be increaslngly altered. For the Academy Awards, also known as Oscar
example, Pltheca nthropus erectus is deplcted Awards, are among the film lndustry's most
in an lndonesian museum wlth Malay faclal coveted prlzes.
features, because this corresponds to publlc
perceptions. Such presentations tell us A) Ayrıca Oscar Ö dülleri olarak da bilinen
more about contemporary perceptions of the

Akademi Ö dülleri , 1 928'de gösterilen filmler

world than about our ancestors. There Is one için 1 929'da ilk olarak takdim edilmişse de hala
compensation, however, for the professionals film endüstrisinin en çok istenen ödüllerinden
who make these i nterpretations: lf they did not biridir.
provlde the interpretation, visitors would do it B) 1 928'de gösterilen filmler için 1 929'da takdim
for themselves, based on thelr own ideas, edilen Oscar Ödü lleri, ayrıca Akademi Ödülleri
misconceptlons and prejudices. olarak bilinmesinin yan ında film endüstrisinin
A) For instance, the earliest known cave paintings en çok can atılan ödül leri arasındad ı r.
fuel arguments about whether Neanderthals C) Akademi Ödülleri olarak da bilinen Oscar
were the mental equals of modern humans. Ödülleri, film endüstrisinin hala arzulanan
B) Besides , Neanderthals are thought to have ödülleri arası nda olsa da ilk olarak 1 928'de
originated in western Eurasia and migrated into gösterilen filmler için 1 929'da takdim edildi.
Europe sometime after 300,000 years ago. D) 1 928'de gösterilen filmler için 1 929'da ilk
C) in particular, research suggests Neanderthals olarak takdim edilen ayrıca Oscar Ödülleri
fashioned tools, buried their dead, maybe olarak da bilinen Akademi Ö dülleri , film
cared tor the sick and even conversed. endüstrisinin en çok arzulanan ödülleri
D) However, Neanderthal fossi ls suggest that they
must have endured a lot of pain. E) Film endüstrisinin en çok gıpta edilen ödülleri
aras ında yer alan ve ayrıca Oscar Ödülleri
E) Similarly, in the Museum of Natural History in olarak bilinen Akademi Ödülleri, 1 928'de
Washi ngton, Neanderthal man is shown gösterilen filmler için ilk 1 929'da takdim edildi.
making a dominant gesture to his wife.

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1 9. Birleşmiş Milletler daha erken tepki gösterseydi, 20. soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
Orta Doğu'daki insanlık felaketi engellenebilir ve parçanı n anlam bütü n l üğünü bozan cümleyi
can kayıplarını önlenebilirdi. bulunuz.
A) The human itarian disaster in the Middle East
was prevented and the loss of lives avoided 20. (1) Afghanistan's transportations system is
comprised of inland waterways, air, rail, and road
transport modes. (il) The principle role of transport
even if the United Nations failed to respond
is to provide or improve access to different
8) The United Nations failed to prevent the locations for businesses and individuals, for both
humanitarian disaster in the Middle East freight and personal movements. (111) For the
despite its early response to the crisis, and a busi ness sector, this includes con nections between
lot of people got killed as a result. busi nesses and their su ppliers and between
business and their markets . (iV) For the household
C) lf the humanitarian disaster in the Middle East
sector, transport provides people with access to
workplaces, schools and shops . (V) it connects
had been prevented and the loss of lives
avoided, the United Nations would have
them to social, recreational, community and
responded earlier.
medical faci lities for personal and leisure activities.
O) The United Nations failed to respond
A) 1 B) i l C) 111 O ) iV E) V
immed iately and scores of people in the Middle
East witnessed a humanitarian disaster, which
resulted in so many deaths.
E ) The humanitarian disaster in the Middle East
could have been prevented and the loss of
lives avoided if the United Nations had
responded earl ier.

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1 14

1 . 5. sorularda, cüm lede boş bırakılan 4. Water consumptlon rates 41 percent since
201 O, and if they contl nue at that pace over the

yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi

bulunuz. next five years, the number of households that

water and wastewater services cou ld soar to
an estimated 40.9 milllon.

1. Mlchelangelo was one of the most and

important artists of the Renaissance, supported

by the Medici family of Flore nce.

A) increased I might not afford
B) have increased I cannot afford
A) susceptible 8) prominent
C) are increasing I may not afford
C) occasional D) redundant
D) had increased I would not afford
E) communicable
E) have been increasing / could not afford

2. More than two thousand years ago, Roman

emperor Augustus organ ized a g roup of
watchmen whose job was mainly to flres _J
and sound an alarm in the event of one.

A) make up for
8) look aut for
C) drop out of
D ) fail back on
5. The farmers i n Houston, Texas, are sufferi ng
from some nasty plant bacterla that keep
E ) catch u p with
i nfectl ng their wheat crops; what they do,
they ca nnot get rid of them.

A) no matter B) even if
C) much as D) however
E) seeing as

3. According to research, all muslc can be dividcd

· · - three types, and each one has profound

effects •••• the body and mind.

A) from I over
8) by / for
C) into I on
D) with I from
E ) tor I through

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[ YDT/ING Mini Denemeler

: .• Mini Deneme 1 9 '

6. - 8. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 9. - 1 0. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun

numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
9. ----, cloning procedures are stili primltive, and
A report from Mintel , a well-known market research thus, are prone to fallure.
organization , says that (6)---- the recession and
fı nancial pressures, many more people want to buy A) Since Molecular Cloning is one way of studying
environmentally friendly products and a "green the specifıc proteins involved in cell division
wave" has swept through consumerism, taking in B) lf animal cloning raises ethical issues about
people previously untouched by environmental how far humans shou ld i nterfere in the
concerns. The recently published report also production of new life
predicts that the process (7)---- itself with uethical"
concerns, involving issues such as fair trade with C) Though many mammalian species have been
the Third World and the social record of successfully cloned
busi nesses. Companies will have to be more D ) Even if ONA i s the most difficult cellular
honest and open (8)···- this mood . molecule for the biochemist to analyse
E) Because cloning expensive food crops has
been carried out for many years

A) despite B) except
C) whereby O) rather than
E) besides

1 O. Gorillas have no natura! enemles or predators,

7. .

A) repeated B) will repeat A} because the past 1 5 years have seen a

C) has repeated D) repeats dramatic decline in gori lla population size

E) would repeat B) although young gorillas learn by i mitating what

the others in the troop are doing
C) even if a female gorilla is ready to have babies
of her own when she is about eight years old
O) if a gorilla troop stayed in the same place for
more than a day

8. E) yet these peaceful creatures are at critical risk

A) at odds with B) in place of because of hu mans

C) in charge of D) on behalf of
E) in response to

rı-ıodc ı
ı YDT/iNG Mini Denemeler Mini Deneme 1 9 ·ı
1 1 . - 1 3. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 1 2. it Is clearly stated in the passage that ----.
cevaplayınız. A) the most important factor infl uencing child
development is self-development
Physica f, intellectual, social, and emotional
changes that occur from birth to adolescence are B) understanding early brain development means
called "child development." Although people that parents can provide better opportunities
change throughout their lives , developmental tor intellectual stimulation
changes are especially dramatic in childhood, and
C) children's social skills mainly depend on
many abilities and characteristics which develop in
heredity rather than the environment
childhood last a lifetime. Seme developments in
behaviou r a n d thought are very simi lar far all D) peer groups may influence the way chi ldren
children. Around the world, most infants begin to socialize more than thei r own family members
focus their eyes, sit up, and learn to walk at
comparable ages, and children begin to acquire E) the role of economic and political i nstitutions in
language and develop logical reason ing skills at child development is overrated
approximately the same time. These aspects of
ind ividual growth are highly predictable. A variety of
factors influence child development. Heredity
guides every aspect of physical, cognitive, social,
emotional, and persona!ity development. Family
members, peer groups, the school environment,
and the com munity influence how children think,
social ize, and become self-aware. Other factors
such as nutrition, medical care, and environ mental
hazards in the air and water affect the growth of the
body and mind. Economic and political institutions,
the media, and cultural values all guide how
chi ldren live their lives. Most im portant of all,
children contribute significantly to their own
development. This occurs as they strive to
understand their experiences, respond in individual
ways to the people around them , and choose
activities, friends, and interests. Thus, the factors
that gu ide development arise from both outside and
within the person .

1 1 . As is stated in the passage, --. 1 3. The underlined word "dramatic" in the passage
A) whether a child will become intellectually is closest in meaning to ----.
advanced can be easily predicted at birth A) limited
B) important skills and abilities developed in B) reasonable
childhood may continue throughout life
C) hostile
C) how family members i nteract may determine
when a child starts to speak a language D) remarkable

D) developing logical reasoning skills might E ) excessive

infl uence one's career prospects
E ) most children fail to contribute sign ifıcantly to
their own development

1 YDT/İNG Mini Denemeler
Mini Deneme 1 9 1

1 4. soruda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş 1 5. soruda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın

bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi cümleyi bulunuz.
1 5. There are frequent earthquakes in the southern
1 4. Bill: part of the country, and sclentısts are
- Have you ever heard of the art of mime? struggling to understand whether the eruptlons
of the volcanoes may add to the posslblllty of a
Mike: tsunaml.
- To be honest, no, not really. What Is it?
A) lf earthquakes frequently occur in the south of
Bill: the country, then scientist may work hard to
- it Is a type of performance carrled out wlthout comprehend whether the volcanic explosions
the use of props or language. The mime's can intensify the risk of a tsunami.
skili Is the ablllty to maka the audience
belleve that objects are present when in B) Earthquakes eften take place in the south of
reality they're not. the country, and scientists are working hard to
fıgure out if the risk of a tsunami might be
Mike: increased by the volcanic explosions.
C) Whether scientists need to work hard to
A) Right. The language of gestures was bom with comprahend if the risk of a tsunami could be
man and is reborn every day as part of his intensifıed by the volcanic explosions depends
need to express hi mself. on how freq uently earthquakes occur in the
B) So as far as 1 understand , mimes create sort of south of the country.
illusions by, for example, acting out climbing D) Earthquakes are seen taking place mostly in
the stairs while the stai rs a re not really there. the southern parts of the country, though
C ) lnstead, it focuses on provoking thought about scientists are slowly realizing that the volcanic
a particular subject by expressing certain explosions might increase the risk of a
feelings or emotions. tsunami.
D) But as far as 1 know, before there was spoken E) Scientists are worki ng very hard to make
lang uage, gestures and facial expressions sense of the frequency of earthquakes in the
were used to communicate. south while the volcanic explosions continue
increasing the risk of a tsunami in the north .
E) So we can hardly say there are many elements
involved in being a great mime artist.

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1 6. soruda, verilen d urumda söylenmiş 1 7. soruda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam
olabilecek sözü bulunuz. b ütünlüğünü sağlamak için getlrilebilecek
cümleyi bulunuz.
1 6. Vour laptop breaks down and you take it to the
service. A few days later, after being told that it 1 7. in cold temperatures, bodies of water are often
has been flxed, you pick it up and come home frozen. Heavy preclpitation can cause chunks
only to find that the problem is stili there. You of ice to push together and create a dam in
call the service and say angrily: what is known as ice jam flooding. Behind the
dam, water beglns to pile up, spilling over to
A) l'd like to bring it back so that you can take the plalns nearby. Eventually, the wall of ice
another look at it. 1 can't use it the way it is breaks, and fast-movlng water rushes
now. downstream much like a conventional flash
8) l'm paying you a lot of money to fıx the flood, destroying objects in its path. ----
problem. Are you telling me that you cannot A) The huge chunks of ice carried by the flash
fınd what's wrong with my laptop? flood can increase damage ta surrounding
C) 1 can't believe you people! it appears like you structures.
took care of the original problem but created 8) No other kind of natural disaster across the
another one. world has caused more death and destruction
D) Are you kidding me? Vou told me that my than floods.
laptop has been fıxed , but 1 still have the sama C) Most floods take hours or even days to
problem . Nothing looks fıxed! develop, giving residents ample time ta
E) 1 don't care how complicated the problem is! prepare or evacuate.
Just fıx it, and let me know when you do so 1 D) Many governments mandate that residents of
can come and pick it up. flood-prone areas purchase flood insurance
and build flood-resistant structures.
-- j E) Most flood destruction is attributable to
C- • •.ı
humans' desire to live near picturesque
• :_
1 coastlines .

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, YDT/İNG Mini Denemeler Mini Deneme 1 9

1 8. - 1 9. sorularda, verilen lngilizce cümleye 20. soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda

anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi
cümleye anlamca en yakın lngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.
20. (1) Athens and Sparta, both powerful Greek city­
1 8. Most insects have brief l lves of just a few states, had fought as allies in the Greco-Persian
weeks, and some flles live for less than two Wars between 499 and 449 B.C. (il) i n the wake
hours, so they have no time to waste and every of the Persian retreat, however, Athens g rew
moment Is precious. more powerful and tensions rose, escalating into
nearly three decades of wa r. (111) The Spartan
A) Çoğu böcek birkaç haftalık kısa bir hayata man was born with responsibility, they were
sahiptir; hatta bazı sinekler sadece iki saat demanded to be strong, powerful, psych ically fit,
kadar yaşar ve onların boşa harcayacak and the superior of every other man not living i n
zaman ı yoktur; onlar için her an kıymetlidir. Spa rta . ( iV) Sparta emerged victorious, while the
B) · Bazı böcekler iki haftalık kısa bir hayata constant fighting left Athens bankrupt, exhausted
sahiptir; hatta çoğu sinek sadece birkaç saat and demoralized. (V) After ali, neither city-state
kadar yaşad ığı için onların boşa harcayacak regained the milita ry strength they once had.
zamanı yoktur ve her an kıymetlidir. A) 1 B) i l C ) 111 D) iV E) V
C) Çoğu böcek sadece birkaç haftalık kısa bir
hayata sahiptir ve baz ı sinekler iki saatten
daha kısa bir süre yaşar, bu yüzden onların
boşa harcayacak zaman ı yoktur ve her an
D) Çoğu böcek için boşa harcayacak zaman
yoktu r ve her an kıymetlidir çü nkü onlar sadece
birkaç haftalık kısa bir hayata sahiptir ve bazı
sinekler iki saatten daha kısa bir süre yaşar.
E) Bazı böcekler birkaç haftalık kısa bir hayata
sahiptir; hatta çoğu sinek sadece iki saat kadar
yaşadığı için onların boşa harcayacak zamanı
yoktur ve onlar için her an kıymetlidir.

1 9. Yalan makineleri polis birimleri tarafından

kullanılmasına rağmen sonuçlar her zaman
istenildiği kadar doğru değildir.
A) Lie detectors have been used by police
departments far some time, yet the results are
not always as accurate as wanted.
B) Even though the results are not always as
perfect as needed, lie detectors are being used
by police departments.
C) Police departments which have been using lie
detectors tor soma time desire more accurate
D) Though police departments are using lie
detectors, the resu lts are not always as perfect
as required.
E) Although lie detectors are being used by police
departments, the results are not always as TEST BİTTi.
accurate as desired .

1 20
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Bu testte 20 soru vard ır.

1 . - 5. soru larda, cümlede boş bırakılan 4. Although an lnfl uenza epidemic at any time

yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi of year, the flu season in tem perate reglons
bulu nuz. typlcally ••••with the approach of wlnter.
A) could occur I begins
1. A new study suggests using medical drones to
carry blood samples could help by giving B) is occurring I had begun
health workers quick --- to lab tests needed for
C) must have occurred I began
diag noses and treatments.
D) will occur I will begin
A) dedication B) insight
E) may occur I has begun
C) addiction D) tendency
E) access

2. in the United States, dietary factors are estimated

to -- more than 650,000 deaths per year, thus
understa nding trends in dietary habits can
im prove diets and red uce diet-related lllness.
A) make out B) give away
C) look down D) come across 5. The Moon has no active tectonic or volcanic
the erosive effects of volcanic
E) account for upheavals that tend to erase and reform the
Earth's surface features are not at work on the
A) as 8) so
C) whether D) if
E) yet

3. Cu ltural anthropology is based primarl ly --­

cultural understanding of populations of livi ng

humans gained first-hand experience or

participant observation.
A) over I by
B) on I through
C) in I during
D) at I within
E) upon I tor

' \\ )'.. 1.
' \'<l
1 21 ı ' 1
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ı YDT/İNG Mini Denemeler
6. - 8. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 9. 1 O. sorularda, veri len cümleyi uygun

numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
9. The explorers of the fifteenth and sixteenth
Peer pressu re (6)-··· be quite straightforward. You centuries had a varlety of motivations; ·-·.
took a group of "cool kids" at a party, added one
A) however, they were mostly motivated by the
uncertain teen, and the end result was maybe a
prospects of trade and wealth
fırst sip of alcohol or puff on a cigarette. A new
study has shown that social media might be B) in fact, the Age of Exploration had a significant
making this image (7)----, with online networks impact on geography
giving peer pressure a digital boost. American
researchers studying 1 , 500 1 5- and 1 6-year olds C) for instance, methods of navlgation and
students from a Los Angeles high school found mapping signifıcantly improved
(8)···· individuals who saw more pictures of their O) thus, the lack of fresh air below deck caused
friends "partying or drinking" online were more carbon dioxide poisoning
likely to try smoking and drinking themselves.
E) on the contrary, life was diffıcult tor a sailor in
the Age of Exploration

A) used to B) could
C) would D) had betler
E) should
. _ -.....
. .



l _ =-
1 0. Glven that the re-introd uctlon of smallpox into
any modern popu lation could have profound
7. i mpacts on public health, ••••.

A) feasi ble B) lucrative A) smallpox is thouglıt to date back to the

C) a ppealing O) obsolete Egyptian Ernpire around the 3 rd century BCE

E) legible B) smallpox was one of the world 's most

devastating diseases known to humanity
C) the likel ihood of rei ntroduction or re-
emergence of smallpox was negligible
D) the smallpox vaccine may have potentially fatal
side effects

8. E) many countries have developed contingency

plans for such an event
A) that B) what
C) few D) how
E) much

"�f�� 1 1 '
1 22
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! YDT/İ NG M i n i Denemeler Mini Deneme 20 'i

1 1 . - 1 3. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 1 2. What inspired the scientists from UCLA to start
cevaplayı nız. studyi ng the sacred lotus genome?
A) They realized that the lotus plant is widely
Science and mysticism converge around the used in herbal teas and traditional medicines.
sacred lotus plant, Nelumbo nucifera . The beautiful
flower afloat on ponds throughout Asia (not to be B) it was discovered that the lotus plant can grow
confused with waterlilies) has been cultivated in seeds after over a thousand years.
China for at least 4,000 years. it looms large in
C) The lotus plant showed some potential to
both Buddhist and Hindu art. lts various parts are
replace some antibiotics .
used in exotic cuisine, herbal teas, and traditional
medicines. Lotus leaves ward off dirt and water. lts D) They found out that lotus leaves are able to
flowers generate heat. lts fruit is covered with wa rd off dirt and water.
antibiotics. And now scientists from University of
California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and their E) There were ongoing discoveries regarding the
colleagues in China have sequenced the sacred uses of the lotus plant in traditional medicines .
lotus genome. Their interest sprang from the
discovery in the 1 990s that centuries-old lotus
seeds could still germinate, and some are alive
after 1 ,300 years. Jane Shen-M iller, co-author of
the study published earlier this month , says there
are lessons to be learned that could be important
for the longevity of other plants, but also,
eventually, for humans. "lf our genes could repai r
disease a s well a s the lotus's genes, we would
have healthier aging ," she said. "We need to learn
about its repair mechanisms and about its
biochemical, physiological, and molecular
properties , but the lotus genome is now open to
everybody. n

1 1 . Which of the following can be argued according 1 3. Which could be the best title for this passage?
to the passage?
A) Lotus Plant in Budd h ism and Hinduism
A) The sacred lotus plant, which has been
B) Pros and Cons of Lotus Plant in Medicine
cu ltivated in China for a long time, is becoming
more mystical . C) Lotus Plant: How Long Does it Live?
8 ) The lotus flower was not grown until recently O) Time to Make More Research on Plants
despite its well-known therapeutic properties.
E ) Lotus Plant: Key to Healthier Aging?
C) Lotus leaves are covered with dirt and some
water though they can generate heat.
D) The lotus plant can be used tor different
purposes including healing those in poor
health .
E ) Using the lotus flower i s prohibited in Hindu art
while it is welcomed in Buddhist art.

1 23
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ı YDT/İ NG Mini Denemeler

1 4. soruda, karşılıklı kon uşmanın boş 1 5. soruda, verilen cümleye a nlamca en yakın
bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi cümleyi bulunuz.
1 5. Despite the fact that some are opposed to the
1 4. S usan: idea, most people bel ieve that the pri nted word
- Here is an article about qualifıed nurses in remains the best way to get a message across.
the U n ited States. it says that many nursing
A) A lot of people still believe that the printed
schools have reported a decline of applicants
word is one of the best ways to convey a
of 5 percent or more over the past decade.
B) There is a certain amount of opposition, but it
is generally believed that there is stil! no betler
Susan: way of conveying a message than the printed
- Yes. Apparently, an important reason Is that word .
more women are interested in professions,
such as doctor or lawyer, which in the past C) Though there is some opposition, it is known
that the printed word is used more than other
were considered to be men's professions.
media when conveying a message.
Samantha :
D) it is believed by many that the printed word is
- Although it explains a lot, there must be a
one of the best ways to convey a message
great deal more going on.
though there is a certain a mount of opposition.
A) Did you know that qualified nurses must have
E) it is obvious that the pri nted word is still the
several years of specialized training following
best way to get a message across, but most
high school?
people think to the contrary.
B) Does it have anything to do with the recent
unemployment fıgures among the new nursing
school graduates?
C) Does it offer any explanation as to why this has
O) Did you know that many nurses still chose to
go on to graduate school and get higher level
E) Do you have any idea about the primary
reason for this 5 per cent rise? 1 6. soruda, verilen durumda söylenmiş
olabi lecek sözü bulunuz.

1 6. You are known in the family tor your

forgetful ness. This morning, you're the last one
to leave home. But, no sooner had you closed
the door than you realized that you left your
keys inside. So, you cali your father and lmply
that you left the keys inside. You say:
A) You're not going to believe this. 1 remembered
to take the keys at the very last second.
8) The reason why 1 forgot the keys is because
usually l'm not the one to leave the house last.
C) Do you think 1 made a mistake in telling you
that 1 locked myself out?
O) 1 can't believe 1 did it again . 1 left the keys
inside, and even worse they are in the lock.
E) 1 hope you have the spare keys to the house
on you.

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YDT/I N G Mini Denemeler Mini Deneme 20 ı

17. soruda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam 1 8. - 1 9. sorularda, verilen l ngilizce cümleye
bütünlüğünü sağ lamak için getlrllebllecek anlamca en yakın Tü rkçe c ü m l eyi, Türkçe
cüm leyi bulunuz. cüm leye anlamca en yakın l ngilizce cüm leyi
bulu nuz.
1 7. Three-quarters of the offlce workers today

say they suffer from stress at work. Recently, 1 8. Egypt Is known for its mag nificent pyramids
psychologists and doctors have beg un to study and powerful pharaohs, but now the cou ntry is
the problem more closely. They have gaining fame among paleontologlsts with the
discovered that the most stressful professions discovery of the remains of an 80-million-year­
are those that involve danger and extreme old dinosaur.
pressure and those that carry a lot of
responsibil ity without much control. A) Mu hteşem piram itleri ve güçlü firavunları ile
bilinmesine rağmen M ıs ı r seksen milyon yıllık
A) Stress on the job costs many companies as bir di nozorun kan ıtları n ı n keşfiyle beraber
much as $ 1 50 billion a year in lower paleontologlar aras ında ün kazanmaktad ı r.
productivity and higher medical costs.
B) Mısır muhteşem piramitleri ve güçlü firavu nları
B) The signs of stress ra nge from nervousness ile bilinir ancak şimdi ülke seksen milyon yıll ık
and anger to forgetfulness and even mental bir dinozorun kalıntıları nın bulun mas ıyla
problems. paleontologlar arasında ün kazanıyor.
C) Stress affects our body's digestive system , C) Seksen milyon yıllık bir dinozorun kanıtları
which might lead to stomach-aches, nausea sayesinde, yaln ızca muhteşem piramitleri ile
and other tummy problems. değil ayrıca güçlü firavunları ile de bilinen
M ısır, şimdi de paleontologlar arasında ün
O ) Stress symptoms may be affecting your
kazand ı .
card iovascular health, even though you might
not realize it. O) Mıs ır, seksen milyon yıllık bir dinozorun
kal ı ntılarından dolayı şimdi paleontologlar
E) Stress, if left unchecked , can contribute to
arası nda ün kazanmas ı na rağmen muhteşem
many health problems, such as high blood
piramitleri ve güçlü firavunları ile bilin mektedir.
pressure, heart disease , obesity and diabetes.
E) Seksen milyon yıll ık bir di nozorun
kalıntılarından dolayı M ı s ı r, paleontolog lar
arası nda ün kazanıyor ancak bu ülke
muhteşem piramitleri ve güçlü firavunları ile

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YDT/I NG Mini Deneme ıer ___ _ _ 2_


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19. Evreni, tepesinde gökyüzü, merkezinde uzun, 20.soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda
dar bir zemin yer alan büyük bir kutu olarak parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi
gören Antik Mısırl ılar, yıldızları halatlarla bulunuz.
tavandan sarkan lambalara benzeti rlerdi.
A) Seeing the u niverse as a great box in the 20. (1) Eating disorders frequently appear during the
centre of which existed a long narrow floor with teen years or young adulthood but may also
the sky at the top, the ancient Egyptians develop during childhood or later in life. (il) These
likened the stars ta lamps suspended by disorders affect both genders, although rates
means of ropes from the ceiling. among women are 2� times greater than among
men . (111) Researchers are using the latest
B) The Ancient Egyptians, who linked the stars to technology and science to betler understand eating
lamps suspended by means of long ropes from disorders . (iV) Like women who have eati ng
the ceil ing, interpreted the u niverse as a great disorders , men also have a distorted sense of body
box in the centre of which existed a narrow image. (V) For example, men may have muscle
floor with the sky at the top. dysmorphia, a type of disorder marked by an
extreme concern with becoming more muscular.
C ) Since the Ancient Egyptians described the
un iverse as a large box in the centre of which A) 1 B) i l C) 1 1 1 D) iV E) V
existed a long narrow floor with the sky at the
top, they associated the stars with small lamps
suspended by means of ropes from the ceiling.
D) The Ancient Egyptians, who likened the stars
to lamps suspended by means of ropes from
the ceiling , saw the universe as a great box in
the centre of which existed a long narrow floor
with the sky at the top.
E) The Ancient Egyptians saw the u niverse as a
large box in the centre of which existed a long _J
narrow floor with the sky at the top, linking the
stars to lamps suspended by means of strong
ropes from the ceiling.


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modat lıl -

Mini Deneme-1 Mini Deneme-8

1. C 2. E 3. C 4. A 1 5. B 1. C 2. E 3. O 4. D 1 5. E 1
6. C 7 . C 8. B 9. D 1 O. E .
6. E 7. A 8. O 9. D 1 0. A 1
11. D 1 2 . A 1 3. C 14. A 1 5. E 11. C 1 2. E 1 3 O 1 4. E
.. 1 5. A
1 6. B 1 7. D 1 8. A 1 9 . C 20. E 1 6 .. B 1 7. D : 1 8.1 B 1 9. D 20. C

Mini Deneme-2 Mini Deneme-9

1. E 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. D 1. D 2. B 3. D 4. E 5. E
6. E 7 . A 8. D 9. E 1 0. D 6. D 7. C 8. E 9. O
. . .
1 0. E
11 . . A 1 1 2. E 1 3 .. A 1 4 . E. 1 5. B 11. B 1 2. O 1 3. B 1 4. A 1 5. E
16. . C 1 7. B 1 8 A 1 9. E
.. 20. B 1 6. D 1 7. A 1 8. A 19. B 20. A

Mini Deneme-3 Mini Deneme-1 0

1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. E 1. E 2. A 3. D 4. C
ı 5. A
6. C 7 . D 8. A 9. D 10 A.. 6. C 7. E 8. D 9. C 1 0.. C�
11. C 1 2 . B 1 3. A 1 4. B 1 5. A 11. .
D 1 2. C 1 3 . E 14. E 1 5. C1

16 .. A 1 7. C 1 8. A 1 9. C 20. C 1 6. B 17. C 1 8. A 1 9. C 20. A

Mini Deneme-4 Mini Deneme-1 1

1. A 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. E 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. E
6. C 7. D 8. B 9. B 1 0. C 6. C 7 . B 8. E 9. D 1 0. C
11. C 1 2. D 1 3. A 1 4 .. B 1 5. D 11. D 1 2. B 1 3. E 1 4. C 1 5. E
1 6. B 1 7. D 1 8. E 1 9 . C. 20. E 1 6. A 1 7. B 1 8 . O 1 9. B 20. C

Mini Deneme-5 Mini Deneme-1 2

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. E 1. E 2. E 3. C 4. A 5. C
6. A 7 . D 8. C 9. C 1 O. C ı 6. E 7. A 8. D ! 9. A 1 0. D
11. B 1 2 A 1 3. D 1 4. A
.. 1 5. E 11. B 1 2. D 1 3. E 1 4. A 1 5. D
1 6. C 1 7 . : D 1 8. A 1 9. D 20. B 1 6. C 17. B 1 8. B 1 9 . C
. 20. A

Mini Deneme-6 Mini Deneme-1 3

1. E 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C 1. C 2. . B 3. B 4. D 5. B
6. E 7. O 8. A 9. C 1 O.. B 6. A 7. D 8. A 9. A 1 O. E
11. B 1 2. O 1 3 A 1 4. D
.. 1 5 .. B 11. A 1 2. tıB
1 .
1 3. A 1 4. B 1 1 5. C
1 6. E 1 7 E 1 8. A 1 9. E
.. 20. D 1 6. E 17-. A 1 8. O 1 9. A 20. C

Mini Deneme-7 Mini Deneme-1 4

1. C 2. A 3. E 4. E 5. C 1. 1 C 2. D 3. , D 4. C 5. C
6. A 7. C 8. C 9. A 1 0.. B 6. 1 E 7. C 8. B 9. O 1 0. C
11 .
C 1 2. E 1 3 A 14. C
.. 1 5. E
. 11. B 1 2. E 1 3. B 1 4. D 1 5. A
1 6. D 1 7 . A 1 8 A 1 9. D
.. 20 . C 1 6. E 1 7. B 1 8. B 1 9. E 20. C

1 27
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Cevap Anahta rı 1

Mini Deneme-1 5 Mini Deneme-1 8

1 . E 2. E 3. D 4. C 5. ' C 1 . A 2 D 3. 1 A 4. B 5. B I


6. A 7. D 8. C 9. D 1 0. C 6. B 7. E 8 . C 9. 1 C 1 0. A
. . ' .

11 1 . C 1 2. A 1 3. ı B 1 4. E 1 5. E ı 1 1 . ' B 1 2. A 1 3. E :1 4. A 1 5. B
' : i ' '

1 6. B 17. E 1 8. 1 C 1 9. B 20. C 1 6. C 17. E 1 8. D . 1 9. E .20. A

' 1

Mini Deneme-1 6 Mini Deneme-1 9

1 . C 1 2. D 3. E 4. A 5. A
1 1 . B ! 2. B 3 C 1 4. ! B 1 5. A

6. B 7. · A 8. B 9. C 1 0. A 6. A 7. B 8. 1 E 9. C 11 0. E
. ' '

1 1 . C 1 2. A 1 3. B 1 4. B 1 5. D 1 1 . B 12. A 1 3. D 1 4. B .1 5. B
. ' '

1 6. D 1 7. B 1 8. C 1 9. 1 C 20. A ı
1 6. D 1 7. A 1 8. C 1 9. E 20. , C

Mini Deneme-1 7 Mini Deneme-20

1 . E 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. E 1 . E 2. E 3. 8 4. A 1 5. 1 B
6. A 7. D 8. C 9. A 1 0. C 6. A 7. : D 8. A 9. A 1 0. 1 E
. ' '

1 1 . A 1 2. D 1 3. D 1 4. C 1 5. B 1 1 . D 1 2. B 1 3. E 1 4. C 1 5. B
16. E 11 7. A 1 8. B 1 9. A 20. : C 1
1 ·
1 6. E 1 7. A 1 8. D 1 9. E 20. C 1

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