WEEKS 3-4: I. Objectives

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I. Objectives
A. Listen and respond to others
B. Express love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them and asking to be
read more stories
C. Use culturally appropriate courteous expressions in different situations
D. Identify names of persons, things and places
E. Give/Produce the beginning sounds of letters in a given word
F. Identify differences between letters
G. Give the letter that begins with the name of the given picture/object
H. Identify specific letters (n,i,o) in the alphabet both upper and lower
I. Write upper case and lower case letters (n,i,o) in print using proper proportion
J. Give the sounds of the specific letters (n,i,o) in the alphabet
K. Match words with pictures and objects
L. Develop and use vocabulary words that begin with the sounds of letters presented by
listening to teachers producing the sounds

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills:
1. Listening and responding to others
2. Expressing love for stories by browsing the storybooks read to them and
asking to be read more stories
3. Using culturally appropriate courteous expressions in different situations
4. Identifying names of persons, things and places
5. Giving/producing the beginning sounds of letters in a given word
6. Identifying differences between letters
7. Giving the letter that begins with the name of the given picture/object
8. Identifying specific letters (n,i,o) in the alphabet both upper and lower
9. Writing upper case and lower case letters (n,i,o) in print using proper
10. Giving the sounds of the specific letters (n,i,o) in the alphabet
11. Matching words with pictures and objects
12. Developing and use vocabulary words that begin with the sounds of letters
presented by listening to teachers producing the sounds

B. Selection: An Ginikanan kan Naga

Sinurat ni: Meriam Z. Tandog
C. Reference: K+12 Curriculum
MTB-MLE Indicators
D. Materials: Story- An Ginikanan kan Naga, pictures.
E. Theme: Things I Enjoy and People I Like (food, fruits, vegetables, local
delicacies, games, toys, friends)
F. Value: Caring for animals
III. Procedure:

Day 1

A. Prereading
1. Unlocking of difficult words
Teacher unlocks the difficult words found in the story through context
a. kaugmahan
*Masalinggaya an pandok kan gabos. Napano nin
kaugmahan an selebrasyon kan piyesta.
b. hanapbuhay
*Kadakul na parasira sa samuyang lugar.
An hanapbuhay ninda an magdakop nin sira sa dagat.

2. Motivation
Present the book, talk about the cover.
1. What do you see on the cover of the book?
2. Describe the place in the picture.

3. Motive Question
What is the origin of Naga’s name?

B. During Reading
Reading Aloud of the Story “An Ginikanan kan Pangaran kan Naga”.
Teacher reads the story using the big book while pupils listen.

An Ginikanan kan Pangaran kan Naga

Sinurat ni: Meriam Z. Tandog

Duwang bersiyon an nagluluwas na ginikanan kan ngaran na Naga. An sarong

bersiyon iyo an iiistorya ko saindo.

Kaidtong inot na mga aldaw may sarong lugar na pano nin mga kahoy na nara.
Igwa ini nin dakulang salog, mga nauumahan saka mga lugar na may harababang
duot pero may dikit na tubig sa irarom. An lugar na ini iyo an gustong
pagparadumanan kan sarong klase nin mga gamgam na an ngaran Na’ga. An mga
gamgam na ini pirming yaraon duman sa lugar na ito lalo na kun amay na aga saka
pababa na an saldang. Kadakul pirming mga Na’ga an nagduduruman.

Dikit pa sana an mga tawo na nag-iistar sa may lugar na ito. Naisipan ninda na
magdakop nin pira saka dinara ninda sa sarong lugar na matawo. Dakul an
nagbarakal kan mga gamgam. Iyo na ini an naging hanapbuhay kan mga tawong
harani sa lugar na idto.
Nahiling kan iba na maray an hanapbuhay kan mga tawong harani sa lugar kun
sain nakukua an mga gamgam sa Na’ga kaya an mga tawo nagrilipat nin istaran
tanganing magdarakop man sinda kan Na’ga.

Pag hinahapot an mga tawong nag-iistar duman kun sain hali an mga gamgam,
an simbag ninda duman sa lugar na dakul na Na’ga.

Iyo na ini an ginikanan kan ngaran na Naga.

C. Post Reading
Teacher asks questions about the story heard.
1. Interactive questions during reading
a. Nata/Tano ta inapod na Naga an siyudad/lugar?
b. Nata/Tano ta mayong nag-iistar digdi kan mga inot na panahon?
c. Ano an apud sa gamgam na dakul sa lugar na idto?
d. Pano nakatabang an mga Na’ga sa mga tawong nakaistar harani
e. Pano ninda ginibong hanapbuhay an Na’ga?

Value Infusion
*Kun ipapadagos an pagpabakal kan mga gamgam/bayong, ano
kaya an puwedeng mangyari sa mga ini?
*Pano mo maipapahiling an pangataman sa mga hayop?

f. Nata/Tano ta sa pag-agi kan panahon nagdakul an mga nag-iistar sa

lugar na idto?

2. Questions after the reading

a. Ano an nakagawian o namuyahang gibuhon kan mga tawo sa istorya?
b. Kamo igwa man na nakahiligan na gibuhon? Ano an mga ini?
c. Anong pag-uugali kaidto sagkod ngunyan an dapat tang iurgulyo?

Day 2
A. Review
Recall details that happened in the story listened to by asking some questions
about it.

B. Literary Extender
Grouping: “Lights, Camera, Action!”
Teacher groups the pupils into 4. Give each group a scenario from the story and
let pupils perform the given task.
Group 1- Pantomime how birds move
Group 2- Give names of bird that they know (ex. owl, dove)
Group 3- Act out activities of vendors in the market
Group 4- Draw birds flying up in the sky

C. Skill Development
Situation: When the people migrated to the place where there were plenty of
birds called Na’ga, they met the natives in the place.
Listen as I read some courteous expressions they uttered in their conversation.
Kan an mga tawo nagrilipat sa lugar kun sain dakul an gamgam na Na’ga
nakipagmidbidan sinda sa mga dati ng nakaistar sa lugar.
Dangugon nindo an magagalang na tataramon sa saindang paghururon.

1. Diyos marhay na aga.

2. Diyos marhay na udto.
3. Diyos marhay na banggi.
4. Diyos mabalos po.
5. Kumusta ka?
6. Puwede tabi?
7. Makisuyo tabi.
8. Makiulay tabi./Makihuron tabi?

Anong magagalang na tataramon an ginamit ninda?

Ano an pigtataram pag may nakasabat ka pagka-aga?
pagkaudto? pagkabanggi?
Ano an pigtataram pag ika mapasalamat?
Ano man an sasabihon mo kun ika may hahagadon na pabor?
Piggagamit nindo an mga magagalang na tatataramon na ini? Nata?

D. Modeling
Teacher models how each expression is used.
Situations are given to practice how these expressions are appropriately used.

E. Guided Practice
Present comic strips. Teacher reads the situations and the pupils give the correct
greetings and courteous expressions.

F. Independent Activity
“On the Wall” Teacher posts pictures showing different time of the day and
situations that reflect actions that need courteous expressions. Pupils walk by
group and practice saying the correct expressions as they pass by the area.
Wall 1: morning Diyos marhay na aga.
Wall 2: evening Diyos marhay na banggi.
Wall 3: noon time Diyos marhay na udto.
Wall 4: appreciation for the favor given Diyos mabalos.
Day 3

A. Presentation:
1. Introduce names. These are the names found in the story.
(The words represent names of persons, objects and place).

Naga duot
saod gamgam

2. Teacher presents more pictures that refer to person, things and place.

B. Guided Activity
“Mystery Box”
Get a box and put pictures of persons, things and place.
Let each pupil pick one and identify each name. As the pupils name the picture,
teacher posts it on the board and puts a name below it.
Teacher says the picture name again.
Ask: What is in the picture?

C. Independent Activity
“Where Does It Belong?” Ask pupils to classify names into persons, animals,
or places. Tack the picture on the corresponding group.

Persons Things Place

D. Post Activity
“Post It” Three pupils are assigned to hold a card representing person, thing
and place. When the teacher shows picture of person, thing or place, pupils
choose from among the three. They line up on the specific post designated.

Day 4

Introducing Letter Nn
A. Presentation
“What’s in a picture?”
Here are some pictures, can you name them?
(Show pictures that begin with letter Nn.)

Picture of
gabi plant
nanay natong nigo

Picture of Picture of
backyard nara tree

natad niyog nara

B. Review
Let the pupils identify names of person, things and places.
Arin kaini an ngaran nin tawo, bagay, lugar?

C. Modeling
1. Teacher says the picture name one at a time by producing the initial sound of
each. Say the word three times.

This is a picture of a /nnn/…natad

This is a picture of a /nnn/…nanay
This is a picture of a /nnn/…natong
This is a picture of a /nnn/…nigo
This is a picture of a /nnn/…nara
This is a picture of a /nnn/…niyog

2. What sound do you hear at the beginning of each picture?

3. Teacher produces the letter sound again as pupils follow.
4. Present sets of pictures on the board. Which among the pictures begin with
/n/? Listen as the teacher says the name of the picture. Check the picture that
begins with /n/.
5. Present flashcard with letter Nn as a symbol of the sound /n/. The letter is
made of sandpaper for the pupils to trace and feel it with their fingers.
6. Class this letter sounds like /nnn/ (Produce the sound 3x)
7. The letter name is Nn. This is Mama N and here is Baby n.
Can you point where Mama N and Baby n are?

D. Guided Practice
Tracing Letter
Trace the letter Nn made of sandpaper on the flashcard, feel the roughness of
the paper.
Can you write Mama and Baby Nn?
Write it using your finger on the air, on your palm, at the back of your classmate,
on your desk.

E. Independent Practice
Total Physical Response-Body
Present a chart with letters. Teacher points each letter and ask.
Is this letter n? If the answer is YES pupils clap their hands 3x.
If the answer is NO, pupils stomp their foot 3x.

N d n w r n m N
N N o v N n e y
q N N m m w U N

Day 5

A. Review
Present pictures of object that begins with the sound /n/. Name the objects

Picture of Picture of Picture of Picture of

mosquito coconut nipa hut gabi plant

namok nigo niyog nipa natong

B. Presentation
Teacher shows letter cards with N and n.
Produce the sound of Nn as /nnn…/

C. Modeling
“Say it again” Teacher shows letter cards with letter Nn and gives its sound.
Pupils repeat after the teacher.
(Encourage pupils to produce the /n/ sound one by one.)
D. Guided Practice:
“Trace me” Trace broken lines to form picture of object that begins with Nn.
Let pupils say something about the picture.
Gibuhon 1
Talaon an putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin ritrato na nagpupuon
sa letrang Nn.

Picture of

Gibuhon 2
Talaon an mga putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin letrang Nn.

Gibuhon 3
Pagkabiton an mga tuldok tanganing makabilog nin letrang Nn.

E. Independent Practice
Activity 1
1. Write big and small letter Nn.

2. Writing big and small letter Nn following the proper hand stroke

Day 1

Introducing Letter Aa

A. Review
Show pictures that begin with letter Nn and name them.
Produce the sound of letter n.

B. Presentation
Present new set of pictures.

Picture of

abaniko abokado aldaw

Picture of

apa aso

Teacher names the picture one by one.

(Give emphasis on the beginning sound of the picture.)
This is a picture of an /aaa/ …abaniko.
This is a picture of an /aaa/ … abokado.
C. Modeling
1. Recognizing the letter sound of Aa.
What sound do you hear at the beginning of the picture?
The teacher produces /a/ as the pupils listen.
Give the sound three times.
2. Recognizing letter name Aa
Show a flashcard with letter Aa made of sand paper.
These are Mama A and Baby a. It gives the sound /a/.
Produce the sound three times.
D. Guided Practice
1. Writing Letter Aa
This is how we write Mama A and Baby a.
(Teacher traces the letter in the flashcard using the finger.) Call volunteer
pupil/s to trace the sand paper with a finger as he/she gives its sound.
Write Mama A and Baby a on the air, on the palm, on their classmate’s
back, and on the desk.
(Encourage pupils to count the number of strokes as they write letter Aa.)

2. “Trace me” Trace broken lines to form picture of object that begins with Aa.
Let pupils say something about the picture.
Gibuhon 1
Talaon an putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin ritrato na nagpupuon
sa letrang Aa.

Picture of

Gibuhon 2
Talaon an mga putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin letrang Aa.

Gibuhon 3
Pagkabiton an mga tuldok tanganing makabilog nin letrang Aa.
Gibuhon 4
Isurat an dakula asin sadit na letrang Aa.

Day 2

E. Independent Practice

1. Letter Box: “Step Yes or No”

Teacher points each letter and asks: Is this Aa?

If the answer is YES pupil steps on Yes and if the answer is NO, pupil
steps on the No.

N a A b I H a A
B A S A A a n c

2. Connect the picture with letter Aa if its begin with the sound /a/.


F. Post Assessment

Activity 3

1. Look at the set of letters. Circle letter with /a/.


Day 3

Introducing Letter Ii

A. Review
Review of two learned letters (Nn and Aa). Ring the beginning letter of the
following picture. Listen as the teacher says the name of the picture.


n, a n, a n, a n, a n, a

B. Presentation
Present new set of pictures that begin with Ii.
Here are some pictures, can you name them?

Picture of black

ikos ido ilaw ina itom

Can you name other objects that begin with letter Ii?

C. Modeling
Recognizing the letter sound of Ii
What sound do you hear at the beginning of the picture?
The teacher produces /i/. The pupils listen.
Produce the sound three times.

D. Guided Practice
1. Recognizing letter name Ii
Show a flashcard with letter Ii made of sand paper.
These are Mama I and Baby i.
It gives the sound /i/.
Produce the sound three times.

2. Writing Letter Ii.

This is how we write Mama I and Baby i.
Teacher traces the letter in the flashcard using the finger.
Call pupil-volunteer/s to trace the sandpaper with a finger as he/she gives
its sound.
Write Mama I and Baby i on the air, on the palm, on their classmate’s
back, and on the desk.
(Encourage pupils to count the number of stroke as they write letter Ii.)

Day 4

A. Review
1. What’s the First Sound?
Introduce a song.
Ano an inot na tanog na nadadangog,
na nadadangog, na nadadangog?
Ano an inot na tanog na nadadangog,
na nadadangog sa ilaw?

/i/ an inot na tanog na nadadangog, na nadadangog, na nadadangog.

/i/ an inot na tanog na nadadangog sa tataramon na ilaw.
B. Modeling
“Up and Down”
Teacher shows pupils the proper way of writing big and small letter Ii.

C. Guided Practice
“Trace me” Trace broken lines to form picture of object that begins with Ii.
Let pupils say something about the picture.
Gibuhon 1
Talaon an putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin ritrato na nagpupuon
sa letrang Ii.

Picture of

Gibuhon 2
Talaon an mga putol-putol na linya tanganing makabilog nin letrang Ii.

Gibuhon 3
Pagkabiton an mga tuldok tanganing makabilog nin letrang Ii.

Gibuhon 4
Isurat an dakula asin sadit na letrang Ii.

D. Independent Practice
“Show Me”
Teacher instructs pupils to get their magic slate. On the slate, pupils write big and
small letter Ii correctly.

E. Post Assessment
Pair of pupils goes to the board and writes big and small letter Ii.

Day 5

Review of Learned Letters (n,a,i)

A. Review
Give the sound of the letter on a letter card.
Teacher shows the cards n, a, i, then the pupils produce each sound.
1. Write the letter n, a, i on the board.
2. Let the pupils name the picture and give the beginning sound.
(Pictures begin with n, a, i)

Picture of Picture of
gabi plant dog

apa natong ikos ayam nigo

Picture of Picture of Picture of Picture of
abokado coconut tail smoke

ilaw abokado niyog ikog aso

B. Guided Practice
1. Connect the picture with its beginning sound.


nigo n


2. “Big Box”
Teacher introduces the Big Box.
Ini an dakulang kahon.
Form syllables from the letters learned (n, a, i).
Magbilog nin mga silaba hali sa mga letrang n, a, i.
Teacher writes the generated syllable on a big box.
Isusurat kan paratukdo an nabilog na silaba hali sa dakulang
Teacher reads the syllables inside the big box.
Babasahon kan paratukdo an mga silaba sa laog kan dakulang
Generate words from the syllables.
Magbilog nin mga tataramon hali sa nabilog ng silaba.
Teacher reads the generated words.
Babasahon kan paratukdo an mga nabilog na bagong tataramon.

a an na

in ni I

Generated words:
Mga nabilog na tataramon:
an ani na
ina ini naani

C. Independent Practice
“Work Trays”
Teacher prepares several sets of trays with letter card of n, a, and i.
Place pictures that begin with the letters learned (at least 3 pictures).
Call pupils to work on a tray.
Encourage pupils to give the sound and place the pictures beside the letter card.


Picture of
gabi plant

nanay niyog natong


Picture of

aki abaniko abokado

Picture of

Ikos ilaw ido


D. Post Assessment:

Activity 5

1. Trace the generated word from the syllables.

2. Read with the teacher (ni, an, ina, ani, ini, naani)

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