DLP English1 (Adjectives)

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Use words to describe persons, places, animal and things.
a. TOPIC: Adjectives
a. REFERENCES: Lesson Plan in English 1,Curriculum Guide in K-12
b. MATERIALS: Power point, pictures, white board
PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity
A. 1. Morning Prayer
Let’s start our lesson with a simple prayer. Angel of God, my guardian dear,
to whom God's love commits me here,
ever this day, be at my side, to light and
guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

2. Greetings
Good morning, class! Are you ready to
listen today? Yes teacher!
That’s great! Prepare yourselves and let us
learn new things in English world.

3. Checking of Attendance
Before we proceed with our lesson, let’s
check your attendance first.

4. House Rules
We have different activities today. So you
should participate.
What will you do if teacher is talking?
Listen and keep quite.
And what will you do if teacher ask
questions? Just raise right hand.
5. Review
Before we proceed with our lesson, let’s
have a short activity. This activity is
entitled “Connect Me!”.
Direction: Read each word. Draw a line to
connect the word to a person, a place, an
animal or a thing.
1. Dog Place
2. Teacher Animals
3. Sea Things
4. Pencil Person
5. Ball
What did you observe to those words?
What do we called the word that names of
person, place, things and animals.

Nouns teacher.
Very Good! Noun is a word that names a
person, place, things and animals.

6. Motivation
I have here a poem. Let us read and
analyze what is the poem all about.

Kenny’s Friends

Koko, the monkey

Is quite fun
While Kitty kitten
Is small and fury

Kid and Kashmir

Are goats so browny
They feed on grass
And bleat soundly

Kiwi, the bird

Sings happily
As the kingfisher looks intently
The grasshopper and the frog
Both live on the pond
They, too, watch
The flying kites with glee.

1. What is the poem all about?
2. Who are Kenny’s friends?
3. What is said about the monkey?
4. How about the kitten?
5. What color do kid and Kashmir Kenny’s friend
Monkey,cat,goat,bird and etc.
6. What words can help us describe
animals? Quite fun teacher!
Mall and fury.
Very Good! You really understand the
poem. Now can we stand and give Brown.
ourselves a “Bird Clap”.
Describing words.
B. 1. Presentation
Children, do you have any idea what will
be our lesson for today?
For us to know and understand our lesson
better, let have another activity. This
activity is entitled “It’s Guessing Time!”.
Direction: Read the riddle and make a
1. This animal is busy
Buzz ling all day Bee’s teacher!
When it’s sunny.
2. He is big
With a long snout Pig.
And a loud sound.
3. It is in the field
Big and black Carabao.
That gives milk.
4. It is white
It has wings and flies high Bird.
It stays in a cage.
5. It swims in the sea
Smooth and scaly
Loved by everybody.
Good Job! You did well children.
C.EXPLANATION 1. Discussion
Based from the riddle that we read. What Describing teacher.
did you observed in riddles?
Very good! They use describing words
such as big, black and smooth.
All of those are an example of describing
words. It is actually called Adjective.
Adjective is a word that modifies or
describes a noun or pronoun.

Now let’s go back to our first activity.

Let’s try to describe those nouns.
1. Dog
2. Teacher (Children have different answers.)
3. Sea
4. Pencil
5. Ball

Very Good children! Now let’s try these

adjective e-games.
Direction: Choose the best adjective to





Good job children!

2. Generalization:
Yes teacher.
Did you understand what adjective is?

Adjective is a word that modifies or

What is an adjective? describes a noun or pronoun.
D. 1. Application
Group Activity
Let’s have another activity, children. I will
group you into two. The first group will be
the girls and the second group will be the
boys. I have here two different activities
entitled “Describe Me! And “Find Me!”
Directions: For the first group, they’re
going to describe the picture. Write as
many they can.

Direction: For the second group, find and

collect the adjective words that hide in this
E. EVALUATION Direction: Choose the word that describes
the picture.

1. pink brave happy Pink

2. small dirty big
3. sweet sour bitter

4. small large huge

happy sad lonely
F. Direction: Write 5 words that describe
ENRICHMENT your friend.

Prepared by:
Student Teacher

Check by:

Cooperating Teacher/ Master Teacher 1

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