Tiangson's Week 19 Final Pec 7

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Let us use the seven Rs to find out if the Curriculum Development for Teachers served its
purpose as a support instructional material for learning the course.
Based on YOUR experiences in using Curriculum Development for Teachers, rate on a scale of 1
to 5, (with 1 as the lowest and 5 as the highest) the different Rs that describe this instructional

7 Rs Key Statements RATINGS


Rigorous The curriculum material
requires me to have a higher
understanding and thinking

Real The curriculum material
replicates the activities for a

Requires independence The curriculum material allow
me to make choices

Rich in thinking The curriculum materials
makes me think more and
memorize, less

Revealing The curriculum material makes
me reveal my level of
Rewarding The curriculum material
inspires me to study more 3
Individual Check/sheet: Note. The output from the intervention phase is a part ( 60%) of the
individual check.

I can say that you can now be a curriculum material evaluator. But I want to hear from you

In the box below, please write in Box A, the things that you like most in the course and
write in Box B, things that you least like in the course. Please include your reasons below.

I like my course which is education because it gave What I dislike about my course which is education is
me a set of key, transferable skills such as an ability that in this new normal education, it made me think
to work and communicate with children, effective and felt afraid that someday I couldn’t be a
oral and written communication, information and successful educator due to my lack of knowledge as
communication technology savviness, research and the classes are ongoing through self studying or own
analytical skills, problem-solving skills, teamwork understanding. What I dislike is the today’s new
ability, self-management, organization and time normal education which haven’t meet my
management skills. As I earn my advanced teaching expectation because I am suppose to learn more from
degree and as a future educator, the classes I will take my professors through face to face classes. But
will not only help strengthen my knowledge of the today, we’re just having a modular learning which is
subject I will intend to teach but also will make me an very difficult for us because we are a future educator
expert on the teaching process itself. I will gain valuable and we’ll gonna teach someday to our future
teaching experience in an actual “real world” classroom students but it seems that we can’t do it if this
setting under the watchful eye of a veteran teacher while pandemic will continually happen. Then honestly,
i work toward my degree, and I will learn how to what I dislike with this course is that in this normal
effectively convey my expertise to my future students. education, we have nothing to ask help formally with
I like my course because earning a bachelor’s degree our professors because we know that they are busy
in education prepares me for the job I want from the and having a hard time too. The other thing I dislike
moment I graduate. While the education programs with this course is the lack of motivational support
for some professions end up spending time on theory of some teachers to us students who don’t have a
rather than real-world application, degree programs confidence to face the real-time education even in
ensure that students get plenty of experience face to face classes. I expected that teachers will
applying theory to practical situations in actual motivate students but it shows that some are not
classrooms. I’ll graduate ready to teach. Every capable to do it and I don’t know why. But with
student enters the classroom with a great deal of those instances, I just bare in my mind that someday
potential. Not all will realize that potential, as any I will motivate my students unlike what some
veteran teacher can tell me. But those same teachers teachers are doing.
will tell me that success with students is something Overall, I don’t really felt that there is other things I
that teachers will remember forever – as will the dislike with my course because overall, I find it good
students. Other thing I like with my course is that we as it is really achieve what is intended to achieve.
have different activities in which almost everybody
can join and enjoy it. We have activities that will not
only improve our learnings mentally but also will
guide us to have good characteristics which are very
essential to life.
Overall, what I like the most about my course is that
I can benefit to it through gaining knowledge and the
most important benefit is that I can share those
knowledge of mine to my future students which will
be very helpful in order for them to learn more not
only intellectually but also physically, emotionally,
socially and spiritually.

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