A Mathematical Formulation and Solution of The Opt
A Mathematical Formulation and Solution of The Opt
A Mathematical Formulation and Solution of The Opt
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3 authors:
Patrick F Mensah
Southern University and A&M College
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Abstract: - In this research the design of a class of aircraft wing with a constant taper angle is formulated
as a constrained optimization problem. The design variables for the optimization problem are the
placements of the internal components and geometric dimensions of the wing. The cost function is the
weight of the wing consisting of the weights of the front spar, the rear spar and the reinforced skin. The
design constraints imposed on the optimization process are the bending stresses in the spars, the shear
stresses and the angle of twist in the ribs. All the design calculations are non-dimensionalized with a
corresponding calculation of a rectangular planform wing, which is a member of the class of wings
studied. The optimization of the dimensionless weight of the wing, defined in terms of ten design
variables, is implemented using Nelder and Mead technique. Simplified versions of the optimization
problem for 1D and 2D cases are presented to serve as the basis for the validation of the solution process
for the multivariate (10 variables) optimization problem. For the 1D case where only one (xdp = tip ratio)
of the ten variables was allowed to vary, at a tip ratio of xdp = 0.4, the lift coefficient of the finite wing is
maximum at 1.48 for the NACA 4412 wing section used for the construction of the wing. The total
percentage weight saving at that tip ratio is about 32% compared to the worst weight. For the simplified
2D case, the minimum weight of the NACA 4412 section wing with a constant taper ratio was sought in
the domain 0.1 ≤ x1 ≤ 0.3 and 0.5 ≤ x 2 ≤ 0.7 . Utilizing Solver, an Excel Optimization routine, the
optimized weight of the wing occurred at x1 = 0.3 and x2 = 0.65 with a total weight savings of about 20%
compared to the worst weight in the solution domain. With respect to x1 alone the weight saving was
about 13%, and with respect to x2 alone the weight saving was about 10%. It is expected that allowing the
three variables, xdp, x1 and x2, to vary, the total weight saving will be about 55%, a remarkable weight
reduction that requires an independent validation effort.
of optimizing a figure of merit. For instance, a optimization solution method that uses the
multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) objective function values to obtain the minimum
system for a minimum weight wing with nacelle of the objective function. The method makes no
and pylon was developed by Takayasu Kumanu assumption about the differentiability of the
et al. [6]. The MDO system was based on the objective functions and the constraint functions.
integration of Computational Fluid Dynamics
(CFD) codes and NASTRAN aeroelastic- 2 Design of Lightweight Wing
structural interface code. The multidisciplinary
design optimization of a strut-braced aircraft
The wing is a framework composed mainly of
wing (SBW) and its benefit relative to
spars, ribs and skin reinforced with stringers.
conventional cantilever wing configuration were
The spars, which run from the root to the tip of
studied by Gern et al. [7]. The study included
the wing, are the main members of the wing.
aerodynamics, structures, aeroelasticity and
The entire load carried by the wing is
synthesis of various disciplines. Shijun Guo [8]
predominantly borne by the spars. In flight, the
presented an investigation into a minimum
force of the air acts against the skin. From the
weight optimal design and aeroelastic tailoring
skin, this force is transmitted to the ribs and then
of an aerobatic aircraft wing structure. Lerner
to the spars. Most wing structures employ two
and Markowitz [9] and Lerner [10] presented
spars – the front spar and the rear spar. Since the
composite wing design studies with strength and
spars are designed to carry the bulk of normal
both static and dynamic aeroelastic constraints
stress due to bending, it follows that the two-
using control surface effectiveness, flexible
spar wing box employing stiffened wing skins
surface lift-curve slope and divergence speed.
will generally provide a low cost, easily
The studies included both forward and backward
manufactured, light-weight structure. The front
sweeping wings. A distinguishing feature of the
spar is located near the leading edge while the
studies was that they used finite elements of
rear spar is located about two-thirds of the chord
build-up wings with laminated composite skins.
distance. The ribs are the component of the wing
Bohlman et al. [11] made extensive strength and
which support the covering and provide the
aeroelastic design studies on full and scale
airfoil shape. These ribs are called forming ribs.
models of validation of aeroelastic tailoring
The externally applied load on the wing gives
(VAT) wings. Lockheed-Martin’s ELAPS
rise to internally applied bending moments and
program and ASTROS were used in these design
shear loads. This requires the internal
studies. An ELAPS structures model is a RITZ
components of the wing to be sized such that the
flat plate representation while the ASTROS
components can withstand the external loads
models were based on finite element methods.
imposed on them in flight.
In the present work, the design of an
Shown in Fig. 1 are the components of a
aircraft wing structure is posed as a constrained
typical wing box of Airbus A380 wing. From
optimization problem which can be solved by
the figure it can be seen that the main
any available optimization solution techniques.
components of the total weight of the wing are
Posing the design in this manner brings the
the weights of the ribs, reinforced skin, and the
preliminary wing design process to the forefront
spars. It must also be pointed out that the
of existing capabilities of computers. The weight
material type as well as the wing cross-section
of the aircraft wing which mainly consists of the
and the placements of the internal members of
weights of the spars, the ribs and the reinforced
the wing all have tremendous effects on the total
skin is the cost function of the optimization
weight of the wing.
problem. The constraints which must be satisfied
are the bending stresses in the spars, the shear
stresses in the webs and the skin, the angle of 2.1 Wing
twist in the ribs and the angle of deflection at For the design of the wing (Fig. 2), two spars
any section of the wing. The method of solution (front and rear spars) and five ribs spaced along
of the optimization problem is the Nelder and the spanwise direction of the wing and a class of
Mead solution technique, a non- gradient-based
wing with constant taper ratio having no angle indicating that the choice of wing section is also
of sweep is employed to perform the analysis. a design parameter. However in this work, a
constant wing section, NACA 4412, is used
which eliminates the dependence of the wing
section on the weight of the wing. The
minimization of the dimensionless weight of the
wing is an optimization problem which is posed
mathematically as:
xl ≤ x ≤ xu where xl and xu are the lower and assumptions must be made about its geometry,
upper bounds of the design variables x and the material properties, and the way the wing is
vector xref corresponds to the design variable loaded and supported, so that established
vector x for the reference rectangular wing. In methods of engineering mechanics can be used
the process of optimizing the weight of the wing, to study the wing in the preliminary design
whilst satisfying the design constraints specified stage. For subsonic aircraft the wings, tail planes
in Equation 2, it is ensured that the structural and control surfaces consist of thin-walled
performance parameters (strength-to-weight cellular structure which may be idealized into a
ratio for bending and torsion which measure the combination of direct stress carrying booms and
efficiency of the wing structure) are also shear stress carrying skins and webs [12]. The
measured. These performance parameters are actual wing and the idealized representation of
defined as the wing consisting of these thin webs and
concentrated flange areas A1, A2, A3 and A4 are
shown in Figures 4a and 4b. For a completely
. S / W bending = M (3) idealized section the flange areas (booms) are
assumed to carry all the direct stresses and the
Non-dimensionalizing these structural skin and webs carry all the shear stresses and so
parameters with the corresponding parameters of the centroid of the wing section is thus the
the reference wing results in the following centroid of the boom areas. The coordinates of
equations for the non-dimensional structural the centroid, G(xG,yG), of the idealized wing are
performance parameters of the wing: thus calculated as:
i=4 i=4
. S ⎛ W wing , ref ⎞ ⎛ M wing
=⎜ ⎟⎜
⎞ M .
⎟= (4) . xG = ∑ Ai xi ∑A (7)
bending ⎜ W ⎟⎜ M ⎟ W i
⎝ wing ⎠⎝ wing , ref ⎠ i =1 i =1
i =4 i =4
where i denotes the ribs, spars or skin, ρi is the where Ai (for i = 1,2,3, and 4) are the virtual
density of the material of component i of the areas of the spar caps attuned to account for the
wing, Li is a characteristic length, Ai is the bending areas of the stringers in the skin. These
cross-sectional area and g is the acceleration due virtual areas are given by [12]
to gravity. . A1 = A1,actual + t12s12 ⎛⎜ 2 + σ 2 ⎞⎟ + t14s14 ⎛⎜ 2 + σ 4 ⎞⎟ (9)
6 ⎜⎝ σ1 ⎟⎠ 6 ⎜⎝ σ1 ⎟⎠
2.3 Structural Idealization of the Wing .
The aircraft wing is an extremely complex t s ⎛ σ ⎞ t s ⎛ σ ⎞
redundant structure. In order to analyze the A2 = A2,actual + 12 12 ⎜⎜ 2 + 1 ⎟⎟ + 23 23 ⎜⎜ 2 + 3 ⎟⎟ (10)
6 ⎝ σ2 ⎠ 6 ⎝ σ2 ⎠
performance of the wing, simplifying
. T0 = 2(A1τ 1t1 + A2τ 2 t 2 + A3τ 3 t 3 ) , (20) . M x ( z ) = p ave , ABCD A ABCD z ABCD , (24)
where A1 , A 2 and A 3 are the medianal areas of where z ABCD is a moment arm which, for the
the three cells. The area, A1234, in Fig. 5 wing planform shown in Fig. 6, is defined as
represents the medianal area ( A2 ) of cell2 of the
wing. The three cells at any rib location must 1 (C + 2Ct )(Span − z )
. z ABCD = . (25)
undergo the same angular rotation if the whole 3 C + Ct
wing must rotate as a unit about a reference line.
This requirement (compatibility requirement), The local chord of the wing, C(z), and the area
according to Breth’s equation [13], can be AABCD are respectively given , by
expressed mathematically as
1 . C = CR −
(C R − C t ) (26)
θi = ∫ τ ds = constant . (21) Span
2G A Cell i
(Span − z )(C + Ct ) . (27)
Performing the line integral in Equation 21 for
the three cells results in the following set of The projected area of the wing in the x-direction
equations: is negligible compared to the planform area.
Hence the shear force Sx(z) can be ignored.
τ 1 s1 + τ 4 s 4 = 2 G θ A1 Therefore, to a very reasonable degree of
− τ 4 s 4 + 2τ 2 s 2 + τ 5 s 5 = 2 G θ A2 (22) accuracy, the bending moment My(z) can also be
− τ 5 s 5 + 2τ 3 s 3 = 2 G θ A3
x5 = 1.0
length. The dimensionless design parameter is
xdp = Ct/CR. The front and rear spars are placed
at 19% and 70% from the leading edge Fig. 8 Typical Wing Section for the Simplified
respectively. For this 1D engineering model, the 2D Engineering Model of the Wing
general aero-structural problem as described in
Equation 1 reduces to the following: Now, the weight of the wing can be written as
Wwing ( xdp )
Wwing = = w( x xp ) (28) Under the assumptions listed above, the weight
Wwing,ref ( xdp = xref ) of the wing can be approximated as
Fig. 7 Wing Planform of the Simplified 1D
Engineering Model of the Wing
weight of the wing was minimum at Amin = solution occurred at x1 = 0.3 and x 2 = 0.65 for
0.813 when x1 = 0.30 and x2 = 0.65. To validate which the total non-dimensional total cross-
the, solution, the field for the cost function was sectional area of the spars was 0.0141. All the
manually constructed in the domain of the entries in Table 1 were obtained by normalizing
design variables ( 0.0 ≤ x1 ≤ 0.3 and the cost function values by the worst solution of
0.5 ≤ x 2 ≤ 0.7 ) using Excel. Table 1 shows the cost function. By allowing both x1 and x2 to
the cost function values for various values of the vary, the total influence on the weight of the
design variables within the solution domain. wing was about 20% (Table 2). Thus the
combined influence of
Table 1 Dimensionless Total Areas of the
Spars as a Function of x1 and x2
x1 x2 = 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70
the problem that was solved. The area ratios 0.50 13.14 0.10 9.87
0.796 and 0.770 (highlighted red in Table 1) are 0.55 13.36 0.15 10.32
each less than the optimized area ratio 0.813.
0.60 13.67 0.20 10.70
However, the optimizer did not accept any of
these numbers as the minimum because they are 0.65 14.09 0.25 11.02
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