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The document discusses the behavior and design of reinforced concrete deep beams through experimental and analytical studies.

The objectives of the study are to understand the behavior of deep beams under loading, study the failure modes, crack patterns and compare the experimental results with design codes.

Cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water were used in the concrete mix. Different mix proportions and specimen details are discussed.




CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1

1.1 NORMAL BEAM .................................................................................................................. 1

1.2 DEEP BEAM ......................................................................................................................... 2

1.2.1 Behaviour and Strength .................................................................................................. 4

1.2.2 Failure modes ................................................................................................................. 5

1.2.3 Crack patterns ................................................................................................................. 6

1.3 Objectives ............................................................................................................................... 8

1.4 Methodology .......................................................................................................................... 8

1.5 Scope of the project ................................................................................................................ 9

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................................................................. 10

CHAPTER 3 EXPERIMENTAL STUDY .......................................................................................... 16

3.1 Materials ............................................................................................................................... 16

3.1.1 Cement .......................................................................................................................... 16

3.1.2 Fine aggregate .............................................................................................................. 16

3.1.3 Coarse aggregate .......................................................................................................... 16

3.1.4 Water ............................................................................................................................ 16

3.2 Concrete................................................................................................................................ 17

3.2.1 Mix proportions ............................................................................................................ 17

3.3 Specimen details ................................................................................................................... 17

3.4 Casting and Curing of specimens ......................................................................................... 21

3.5 Experimental programme ..................................................................................................... 22

3.6 Experimental results ............................................................................................................. 25

CHAPTER 4 ANALYTICAL STUDY ............................................................................................... 32

4.1 Finite Element Analysis (FEA) ............................................................................................ 32

4.2 Non Linear Finite Element Analysis using ANSYS 14.5 Mechanical APDL...................... 33

4.2.1 Element types ............................................................................................................... 33

4.2.2 Modelling ..................................................................................................................... 35

4.2.3 Meshing and Reinforcement ......................................................................................... 35

4.2.4 Loading and Boundary conditions................................................................................ 38

4.2.5 Results .......................................................................................................................... 39

CHAPTER 5 RESULTS and DISCUSSIONS .................................................................................... 41

5.1 General behaviour ................................................................................................................ 41

5.2 Effect of variation of tension reinforcement......................................................................... 42

5.3 Effect of variation of characteristic strength of concrete...................................................... 45

5.4 Comparison of analytical results with experimental values ................................................. 48

5.5 Flexural capacity of deep beams by various country codes ................................................. 51

5.5.1 IS 456 method............................................................................................................... 51

5.5.2 CIRIA Guide ................................................................................................................ 51

5.5.3 ACI code....................................................................................................................... 52

5.6 Comparison of experimental, FEM and theoretical results .................................................. 52

CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................. 53



Figure 1.1 Normal Beam............................................................................................................ 1

Figure 1.2 Deep Beam ............................................................................................................... 3
Figure 1.3 Deep beam behaviour ............................................................................................... 5
Figure 1.4: Failure modes of beam ............................................................................................ 6
Figure 1.5: B and D regions of deep beams ............................................................................... 7
Figure 1.6: Typical crack pattern of deep beams with two point loading.................................. 7
Figure 3.1 Deep beam of Pt 0.43 ............................................................................................. 19
Figure 3.2. Deep beam of Pt 0.64 ............................................................................................ 20
Figure 3.3. Deep beam of Pt 0.86 ............................................................................................ 20
Figure 3.4 Casting of beams .................................................................................................... 21
Figure 3.5 Curing of beams ..................................................................................................... 22
Figure 3.6 Loading and measurement ...................................................................................... 23
Figure 3.7 Painting over the surface of beam to observe cracks ............................................. 23
Figure 3.8: Testing setup of beam............................................................................................ 24
Figure 3.9: Measurement of strain using D-Mac gauge .......................................................... 25
Figure 3.10: Crack patterns M25, Pt 0.43%............................................................................. 26
Figure 3.11 Load Vs deflection curve M25 Pt 0.43 ................................................................. 26
Figure 3.12 Crack patterns M25, Pt 0.64%.............................................................................. 27
Figure 3.13 Load Vs deflection curve M25 Pt 0.64 ................................................................. 27
Figure 3.14 Crack patterns M25, Pt 0.86%.............................................................................. 28
Figure 3.15 Load Vs deflection curve M25 Pt 0.86 ................................................................. 28
Figure 3.16 Crack patterns M30, Pt 0.43%.............................................................................. 29
Figure 3.17 Load Vs deflection curve M30 Pt 0.43 ................................................................. 29
Figure 3.18: Crack patterns M30, Pt 0.64%............................................................................. 30
Figure 3.19 Load Vs deflection curve M30 Pt 0.64% ............................................................. 30
Figure 3.20 Crack patterns M30, Pt 0.86%.............................................................................. 31
Figure 3.21 Load Vs deflection curve M30 Pt 0.86% ............................................................. 31
Figure 4.1 Solid65 element ...................................................................................................... 34
Figure 4.2: Link180 element .................................................................................................... 34
Figure 4.3: Solid185 element ................................................................................................... 35
Figure 4.4: Beam model and Meshing ..................................................................................... 36

Figure 4.5 Reinforcement details Pt 0.43% ............................................................................. 36
Figure 4.6: Reinforcement details Pt 0.64% ............................................................................ 37
Figure 4.7: Reinforcement details Pt 0.86% ............................................................................ 37
Figure 4.8: Loading and Boundary conditions ........................................................................ 38
Figure 4.9: Crack pattern for Pt 0.43% .................................................................................... 39
Figure 4.10: Crack pattern for Pt 0.64% .................................................................................. 40
Figure 4.11: Crack pattern for Pt 0.86% .................................................................................. 40
Figure 4.12: Deformed shape of the beam ............................................................................... 40
Figure 5.1 Variation of shear strength ..................................................................................... 42
Figure 5.2 variation of moment capacity ................................................................................. 42
Figure 5.3 Load Vs Deflection for M25 .................................................................................. 43
Figure 5.4 Load Vs Deflection for M30 .................................................................................. 43
Figure 5.5 Moment Vs Curvature for M25 .............................................................................. 44
Figure 5.6 Moment Vs Curvature for M30 .............................................................................. 44
Figure 5.7 Load Vs Deflection for Pt 0.43% ........................................................................... 45
Figure 5.8 Load Vs Deflection for Pt 0.64% ........................................................................... 45
Figure 5.9 Load Vs Deflection for Pt 0.86% ........................................................................... 46
Figure 5.10 Moment Vs Curvature for Pt 0.43% ..................................................................... 46
Figure 5.11 Moment Vs Curvature for Pt 0.64% ..................................................................... 47
Figure 5.12 Moment Vs Curvature for Pt 0.86% ..................................................................... 47


Table 1: Comparison between Deep Beams and Ordinary Beams ............................................ 3

Table 2: Material properties ..................................................................................................... 16
Table 3: Cube strength of concrete mix ................................................................................... 17
Table 4: Number of test specimens .......................................................................................... 18
Table 5: Reinforcement details of beams................................................................................. 19
Table 6: Experimental results of M25, Pt 0.43% ..................................................................... 26
Table 7: Experimental results of M25, Pt 0.64% ..................................................................... 27
Table 8: Experimental results of M25, Pt 0.86% ..................................................................... 28
Table 9: Experimental results of M30, Pt 0.43% ..................................................................... 29
Table 10: Experimental results of M30, Pt 0.64% ................................................................... 30
Table 11: Experimental results of M30, Pt 0.86% ................................................................... 31
Table 12: Element types........................................................................................................... 33
Table 13: Experimental results ................................................................................................ 41
Table 14: Comparison of experimental and Analytical results ................................................ 48
Table 15 Comparison of moment capacity KN-m ................................................................... 52

Experimental study on behaviour of RC deep beams


A beam is a structural member used for bearing loads. It is typically used for resisting
vertical load shear forces and bending moments. A beam is a structural element that is capable
of withstanding load primarily by resisting against bending. The bending force induced into
the material of the beam as a result of the external loads, own weight, span and external
reactions to these loads is called a bending moment. These forces induce stresses on the beam.
Compressive and tensile forces develop in the direction of the beam axis under bending loads.
The maximum compressive stress is found at the uppermost edge of the beam while the
maximum tensile stress is located at the lower edge of the beam.

Figure 1.1 Normal Beam

The analysis of normal (shallow) beams is simple. Many theoretical approaches and
experimental results are available.

The assumptions made in analysis of normal beam are:

1) Plane sections of the beam, originally plane, remain plane.

2) The material of the beam is homogeneous and obeys Hooke’s law.

3) The moduli of elasticity for tension and compression are equal.

4) The beam is initially straight and of constant cross-section.

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Experimental study on behaviour of RC deep beams


A beam is considered as deep, if the depth of beam is in relation to the span of the beam.

According to IS-456 (2000) Clause 29, simply supported beam it acts as deep beam when the
ratio of its effective span (L) to overall depth (D) is less than 2.0 and that for continuous beam
when the ratio is less than 2.5. The effective span is defined as the centre to centre distance
between the supports or 1.15 times the clear span whichever is less.

ACI code 318-95 classifies the beam as a deep beam for flexural if the clear span / Overall-
depth ratio is less than 1.25 for simply supported beams and 2.5 for continuous beams.The
Euro code defines a beam as a deep beam if the cross sectional depth to the effective span
length is greater than the following limits

• For simple beam h / l > 0.5

• For end span of continuous beams h / l > 0.4

• For inner spans of continuous beams h / l > 0.3

• For cantilever beams h / l > 1.0


h = depth of the beam.

l = effective span length

In deep beams, the bending stress distribution across any transverse section deviates
appreciably from the straight line distribution assumed in elementary beam theory.
Consequently a transverse section which is plane before bending does not remain
approximately plane after bending. Neutral axis does not lie at the mid depth.

Types of deep beams may be classified as Simply Supported Deep Beams, Continuous
Deep Beam & Deep Beams with and without opening. Verity of application for Deep beam is
found that can be used in situations where other type of beams or structural components cannot
be used such as in bridges where long spans are required.

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Experimental study on behaviour of RC deep beams

Table 1: Comparison between Deep Beams and Ordinary Beams

No Deep beam Ordinary beam

1 Plane section before bending does not Plane section before bending remains
remain plane after bending. plane after bending.

2 Shear deformations become significant Shear deformation is neglected.

compared to pure flexure.

3 The stress block is non-linear even at The stress block can be considered linear
elastic stage. at elastic stage.

The resulting strain is non-linear. The strain is linear.


Reinforced concrete (RC) deep beams are used for load distribution in a wide range of
structures; for example in tall buildings, offshore gravity structures, as transfer girders, pile
caps, folded plates, and foundation walls, also shear walls are considered as cantilever deep
beam. Deep beams are often located on the perimeter of framed structures where they provide
stiffness against horizontal loads.

By increasing the depth of the beam while keeping the span length constant, the member
becomes so stiff that the applied load is effectively carried through tension and compression
zones, rather than by bending and shear.

Figure 1.2 Deep Beam

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Experimental study on behaviour of RC deep beams

1.2.1 Behaviour and Strength

The behaviour and design of reinforced concrete beams in shear remains an area of
concern for structural engineers due to the sudden and brittle failure of reinforced concrete
beams dominated by shear action and due to the lack of rational design equations in building

In deep beams a significant amount of load is carried to supports by a compression

thrust joining the load and the reaction. This compression in the diagonal direction combined
with the tension along the beam bars constitute the basis for the strut-and-tie model. The
behaviour of deep beams is significantly different from that of conventional beams, requiring
special consideration in analysis, design, and detailing of reinforcement. Because of their
proportions, they are likely to have strength controlled by shear. On the other hand, their
strength is likely to be significantly greater than predicated by theoretical equations.

A large amount of compressive forces are directly transferred to supports by “Arch

action". A linear elastic analysis is only valid while the deep beam remains un-cracked.
However in practice tensile cracks develop in most deep beams between one-third and one-half
of the ultimate loads. Therefore, tension reinforcement governs the design of the deep beams.

Stresses in deep beams can be evaluated using the method of two dimensions analysis.
Plane section before bending remains plane after bending does not hold good for deep beams.
Significant warping of the cross-section occurs because of high shear stresses. Consequently
flexural stresses are not linearly distributed. Even in elastic range, and the usual method for
evaluating section properties and stresses cannot be applied. Shear strength of deep beams may
be as much as 2 to 3 times greater than that predicated using conventional equation developed
for members of normal proportions. For deep beams, however a significant part of the load is
transferred directly from the point of application to the supports by diagonal compression strut.

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Experimental study on behaviour of RC deep beams

Figure 1.3 Deep beam behaviour

Shear force is present in beams at sections where there is a change in bending moment
along the span. It is equal to the rate of change of bending moment. An exact analysis of shear
strength in reinforced concrete beam is quite complex. Several experimental studies have been
conducted to understand the various modes of failure that could occur due to possible
combination of shear and bending moment acting at a given section despite the great research
efforts, however, there is still not a simple, albeit analytically derived formula to predict quickly
and accurately the shear strength of slender beams. In addition, many of the factors that
influence the determination of the required minimum amount of shear reinforcement are not
yet known. As a consequence, the current provisions for shear in standard codes such as ACI
code, BIS code, BS code are still based on empirical or semi empirical considerations.

1.2.2 Failure modes

Failure modes can be classified in three main categories. First mode (Fig.3) is tensile
failure which usually occurs in members failed in direct tension or flexural failure. It is called
brittle failure of concrete as well though in flexural mode (Mode I), overall failure will be in
ductile form as a result of yielding of reinforcing bars. Second failure pattern (Mode II) is called
In-plane sliding failure or shear failure (Fig.3). In this case overall failure of members takes

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Experimental study on behaviour of RC deep beams

place before any sign of tensile bar yielding. Despite Mode I which usually present a ductile
form of failure, this mode is classified as brittle failure which in many cases a sudden drop of
specimens load capacity will be observed in the vicinity of the ultimate capacity of the member.
Finally the third mode is shear failure mode. Shear failure mode can be sub divided into
following three categories.

Mode III-1: Diagonal tension failure, which in the line of thrust become so eccentric and give
rise to flexural failure in compressive zone. It is important however to mention that this kind
of failure is a result of tensile crack extension in compressive zone due to flexural load.

Mode III-2: Shear compression failure where RC beam fails due to the development of diagonal
crack into the compressive zone and reduces the area of resisting region excessively and beam
crushes once generated compressive stress exceeds compressive strength of concrete.

Mode III-3: Shear proper or compressive failure of struts, which is often observed in beams
with very small shear span to depth ratio (a/d < 1.5).In this case due to the small a/d ratio, the
line of thrust will be so steep and arch action not only reserve flexural capacity in most cases
but also efficiently sustains required shear force. Arch is clearly observed in those beams and
finally beams fail due to either sudden tensile crack formation parallel to the strut axes or
compressive crush in normal direction to the strut axes.

Figure 1.4: Failure modes of beam

1.2.3 Crack patterns

Based on the structural behaviour the failure modes of deep beams can be classified
into two regions B and D. The B region follows Bernoulli theory in which the strain distribution
is linear. In D region or Discontinuity region the strain distribution is non-linear. D-regions
include the area where concentrated load is applied or abrupt change in geometry occurs.

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Experimental study on behaviour of RC deep beams

According to St. Venant’s principle the D-region is equal to one section depth on either side of
discontinuity. The Figure 4 shows B and D regions of deep beams.

Figure 1.5: B and D regions of deep beams

The Figure 5 shows the shows the failure pattern of deep beams. As per St. Venant’s
principle, the whole beam is under D region. The D region experiences local failure at support
and load point areas. Flexural failure is observed in pure bending zone (1). At compression
strut trajectory the failure is pure shear by diagonal cracking (3). The area between compression
strut and mid-span contains combined flexural and shear failure (2). Failure due to compression
is observed at extreme compression fibre of mid-span. Local failure of supports and load points
occurs due to high compressive stress occurring in the area around load and support (5).

Figure 1.6: Typical crack pattern of deep beams with two point loading

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Experimental study on behaviour of RC deep beams

1.3 Objectives
The behaviour of deep beams is significantly different from that of conventional beams,
therefore prediction of the behaviour of deep beams require special consideration in analysis,
design, and detailing of reinforcement.

The objectives of the project are summarized as follows:

 To conduct an experimental study on strength and behaviour of deep beams.

 To study the effect of variation of percentage of tension reinforcement on the strength
and behaviour of deep beams.
 To study the effect of variation of characteristic strength of concrete on the strength and
behaviour of deep beams.
 To conduct the analytical study on deep beams using Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
 Compare the experimental results with analytical results.

1.4 Methodology

The following methodology is adopted in this work:

 Experiment is conducted on deep beams to get the ultimate load capacity. Crack
patterns, crack propagation is also studied. Central deflection and strains at top, mid-
section and bottom of beam section are also measured.
 Finite element analysis is carried out in ANSYS Mechanical APDL 14.5 software.
Similar model is created in software and analysis is conducted to get the results ultimate
load capacity, crack patterns and central deflection.
 Experimental results are compared with the finite element analysis results.

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Experimental study on behaviour of RC deep beams

1.5 Scope of the project

The scope of the project are as follows:

 Size of the beam considered for the study is 150mm wide, 350mm deep and 700mm
long. L/D ratio is 2.
 Three different percentages of tension steel 0.43, 0.64 and 0.86 are provided to the
beams in this study.
 Two characteristic strengths of concrete M25 and M30 are considered.

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Experimental study on behaviour of RC deep beams



The behaviour of deep beams is significantly different from that of beams of more
normal proportions, requiring special consideration in analysis, design and detailing of
reinforcement. Because of their proportions, they are likely to have strength controlled by
shear. On the other hand, their strength is likely to be significantly greater than predicated by
usual equations. Special design methods account for these differences. Stresses in deep beams
can be studied using the methods of two dimensional elasticity, such as finite element analysis
or finite strip method. There has been great deal of research on deep beam analysis and large
body of literature on behaviour of deep beam has been published. Studies of ultimate flexural
strength and shear strength of deep beams can be found in technical literature. The following
are the technical papers referred for this research work

Prodromos D. Zararis (2003), this paper describes a theory, according to which the
shear failure of reinforced concrete deep beams under two-point or a single-point loading, with
a shear span to effective depth ratio (a/d) between 1.0 and 2.5, is due to a crushing of concrete
in a compression zone with a restricted depth above the tip of the critical diagonal crack. Simple
expressions are derived for the restricted depth of the compression zone, as well as for the
ultimate shear force of deep beams with and without web reinforcement. The derived formulas
from this analysis are verified by comparisons to extensive sets of experimental data from
literature, which have been obtained on deep beams with various strengths of concrete, main
steel ratios, shear reinforcement ratios, and shear span to depth (a/d) ratios between 1.0 and
Ning Zhang and Kang-Hai Tan, (2007), in this paper An experimental program
consisting of three groups of 11 specimens is carried out to investigate the possible causes of
size effect, typically represented by a reduction in shear strength with an increase in the height
of deep beams. It is well-known that deep beams behave very differently from shallow beams
as arch action rather than flexure dominates the behaviour, after diagonal cracking has
occurred. However, causes of size effect in deep beams remain unresolved. It is postulated that
the factors influencing the strength of a compression member, i.e. the strut geometry and
boundary conditions, govern the size effect. The experimental program provides experimental
evidence for the hypotheses from strut-and-tie models. By properly configuring the loading
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Experimental study on behaviour of RC deep beams

and support plate dimensions, size effect in ultimate shear strength is significantly mitigated,
even for beams with high h/b ratios and plain concrete web. Evenly-distributed web
reinforcement is found to mitigate the size effect to some extent. Effects of out-of-plane actions
on beam strength are also investigated and discussed. The modified STM incorporating the
causes of size effect outperforms several other methods in accurately and consistently
predicting the ultimate shear strengths.

Anand Parande, et al. , (2008) , in this research a three dimensional finite element
model is developed to examine the structural behaviour of corroded reinforced concrete beam
and non-corroded reinforced concrete beam. Non-linear finite element analysis is performed
using the ANSYS program. SOLID 65, LINK 8 element represent concrete and discrete
reinforcing steel bars, based on each component actual characteristics, non-linear material
properties are defined for both elements. The effect of corrosion in reinforced concrete is
studied by finite element analysis; an approach is developed to model the corrosion product
expansion causing concrete cover cracking for this, beam has been modelled using ANSYS
and using this data the beam has been casted with M20 concrete after 28 days the beam will be
tested for flexural strength. The comparison between ANSYS prediction and field data are
made in terms of deflection, stress, strain, bond strength and crack pattern of concrete beam.

S. Ahmad, et al. , (2011), in this research six deep beams with a shear span to depth
ratio (a/d) of 0.64, 0.76 and 0.96 have been designed against the external assumed loads. The
beams were tested under monotonic two point loads and the actual shear strength of the deep
beams was determined at the failure loads of the beams. The load carrying capacity of deep
beams was also calculated on the basis of the actual strengths of the compression struts and
nodes with the help of guidelines given by ACI-318-06, for the use of Strut and Tie Model
(STM). The observed failure loads were compared with load carrying capacity of beams
worked out from the strengths of the struts. The failure loads were also compared with the
provisions of EC-02. It has been observed that both STM based on ACI-318-06 and EC-02
have given a reasonable prediction of the shear strength of deep beams.

S.S.Patil and B.R.Niranjan. (2012) , this paper describes analysis and design of deep
beams subjected to two points loading with different L/D ratios using Programme in
FORTRAN 77 for analysis and codes I.S.456-2000, B.S.8112, ACI 318 and Appendix A of

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Experimental study on behaviour of RC deep beams

ACI 318 for design purpose. The main objective of this investigation is to conduct an
experimental study on strength & behaviour of deep beams. The detailed analysis has been
carried out using the finite strip method. The study also aimed at testing validity & usefulness
of IS 456:2000, B.S.8112, ACI 318-2005 and ACI Appendix A (STM), Draft Euro code &
CEB- FIP code and Canadian code. It was observed that failure of deep beams was mainly due
to diagonal cracking and it was along the lines joining the loading points and supports. It was
found that the strength of deep beam is inversely proportional to the shear span for the constant
depth of the beam.

R.S. Londhe, (2012), in this paper Results of an experimental investigation on the

behavior and ultimate shear capacity of 27 reinforced concrete Transfer (deep) beams are
summarized. The main variables were percent longitudinal (tension) steel (0.28 to 0.60%),
percent horizontal web steel (0.60 to 2.40%), percent vertical steel (0.50 to 2.25%), percent
orthogonal web steel, shear span-to-depth ratio (1.10 to 3.20) and cube concrete compressive
strength (32 MPa to 48 MPa).The span of the beam has been kept constant at 1000 mm with
100 mm overhang on either side of the supports. The result of this study shows that the load
transfer capacity of transfer (deep) beam with distributed longitudinal reinforcement is
increased significantly. Also, the vertical shear reinforcement is more effective than the
horizontal reinforcement in increasing the shear capacity as well as to transform the brittle
mode of failure in to the ductile mode of failure. It has been observed that the orthogonal web
reinforcement is highly influencing parameter to generate the shear capacity of transfer beams
as well as its failure modes. Moreover, the results from the experiments have been processed
suitably and presented an analytical model for design of transfer beams in high-rise buildings
for estimating the shear capacity of beams.

Sudarshan D. Kore and S.S.Patil, (2013), in this paper the main objective was to
conduct an experimental study on strength & behaviour of deep beams. To study the variations
in the deep beams designed by using codes of different countries such as IS 456:2000, (NDS-
3101-2006), CIRIA GUIDE-2, APPENDIX –A of ACI- 318-2005 (STRUT AND TIE
METHOD) and CSA-A23.3-2004. The experimental investigation was carried out to find out
the strength, cracking pattern and behaviour of the deep beam under the two point loads and
for various L/D ratios such as 1.71, 1.6 and 1.5. For each L/D ratios three specimen beams
were cast and tested. Cracking and failure modes of beams are observed. Flexural steel

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Experimental study on behaviour of RC deep beams

requirement and deflections are compared as per different code provisions. It was found that
as L/D ratio decreases there is an increase in the strength of the deep beams, the L/D ratio is
inversely proportional to strength of the beam. From the study of the different codes it was
observed that as the L/D ratio increases the lever arm decreases. From the code provisions and
the study of the various codes, the Strut and Tie method given by the ACI-318 code is suitable
for the design of Reinforced Concrete Deep beam.

S.S.Patil , et al., (2013) studied on several reinforced concrete deep beams with
different L/D ratios (1.5, 1.6, 1.71) were cast and tested in order to investigate the strain
distribution pattern at mid-section of the beam. This paper describes analysis of deep beams
subjected to two point loading with three different L/D ratios (1.5, 1.6, 1.71) using Non-linear
Finite element method (ANSYS 9.0 software). In ANSYS 9.0 software, SOLID 65 and LINK
8 element represent concrete and reinforcing steel bars. Non-linear material properties were
defined for both elements. Using ANSYS software Flexural Strains and deflections were
determined at mid-section of the beam. The failure crack-patterns were obtained. Variations of
flexural strains were plotted at mid-section of the beam. The beams were designed by I.S.456-
2000 (Indian Standard Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete). Flexural strains
were measured experimentally at mid-section of the beam using Demountable mechanical
strain gauge. The failure crack-patterns of the beam for different L/D ratios were also observed.
The comparison between ANSYS results and experimental test results were made in terms of
strength, flexural strain and deflection of concrete beams. The analytical and experimental
flexural strains were compared at mid-section of the beam for different L/D ratios. It was found
that the smaller the span/depth ratio, the more pronounced was the deviation of strain pattern
at mid-section of the beam. As the depth of the beam increases the variation in strength, flexural
steel and deflection were found to be more experimentally than the non-linear finite element

Pandurang S. Patil and Girish V. Joshi, (2014), in this research the behaviour of deep
beam for shear and bending strength by theoretical and experimental study is conducted. And
also comparison of experimental result with the theoretical results, and to find the relation
between the experimental and theoretical results is been done. And also comparison of shear
strength of a concrete deep beam predicted using the models proposed by IS code, ACI code
with the corresponding experimental shear strength of the concrete deep beam. The parameters

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Experimental study on behaviour of RC deep beams

considered are shear span to depth ratio, cube compressive strength of concrete beam. The
magnitude of shear span to depth ratio considered is 1.00 to 2.67. It was found that failure of
deep beams was mainly due to diagonal cracking & it was along the lines joining the loading
points and supports, with span to depth ratio increases, inclination of cracks decreases. It was
also observed that, in shear failure of deep beams the deflection are low are compared to
flexural failure of normal beams and the load taken at first crack in flexural is smaller than
shear failure

V. D. Sabale, et al . , (2014), in this paper the behaviour of deep beams of various span
to depth ratio is studied. The main objective of study is to analysis a deep beam of various
Length to span ratio by ANSYS 13.0 under two point loading. The detailed analysis has been
carried out by using non-linear finite element method and design of deep beam by using I.S
456-2000. The objectives of this study are to observe deflection, cracking of deep beams
subjected to two point loading of 50KN. To study non- linear finite element analysis of deep
beam by using ANSYS having different L/D ratio (1.5, 1.6, 1.71) and to study stress
distribution of deep beam.

Neha S. Badiger and Kiran M. Malipatil , (2014) , in this paper, four point bending
analysis is carried out using reinforced concrete beam. The results of the beam with respect to
mesh density, varying depths, use of steel cushions for support and loading points, effect of
shear reinforcement on flexure behaviour, impact of tension reinforcement on behaviour of the
beam are analysed and discussed. Finite element software ANSYS 13.0 is used for modelling
and analysis by conducting non-linear static analysis.

S.S.Patil et al., (2015) this paper presents construction and testing of several high
strength reinforced concrete deep beams which includes three beams, designed for three
different country codes, for each shear span to depth ratio as described and the test data is
presented. The beam consists of simple span subjected to two point loads, each span being 0.7
m in length. The shear span to depth ratios ranged from 0.62 to 0.77. Recently, reinforcing steel
(550 & 550D) with strength higher than conventional steel has become commercially available.
The introduction of high strength reinforcing steel can be useful to reduce the quantity of
reinforcement required, thereby lessening reinforcement congestion and improving
constructability. Measurements were made during each test inclusive of applied loads and mid
span deflections directly from programmed instrument (K.P.T.L.) through load cell and

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L.V.D.T’s. Cracks were marked and photographed at each initial and final crack. The beams
generally failed in shear, exhibiting the behaviour of deep beam depending on shear span to
depth ratio.

Gerardo Aguilar, et al., (2015) , In this study, an evaluation was conducted of the
behaviour and strength of deep reinforced concrete beams based on results from the monotonic
test of four beam specimens. The test specimens were designed with two different approaches,
which consisted of: 1) the procedure described in Sections 10.7 and 11.8 of the ACI 318-99
Code (ACI Committee 318 1999); and 2) the Strut-and-Tie Method given in Appendix A of
the ACI 318-02 Building Code (Cagley 2001), which is intended to replace the procedure given
in Section 11.8 of the ACI 318-99 Code. The behaviour of the deep beams is described in terms
of cracking pattern, load-versus-deflection response, reinforcement and concrete strains, failure
load, and failure mode. The experimental failure load of each specimen is compared with the
load capacities calculated using the procedures given in the ACI 318-99 Code, and Appendix
A of the ACI 318-02 Building Code. Despite different failure modes, the failure loads and
corresponding ultimate deflections were similar in all four specimens. Yielding of both
longitudinal and transverse reinforcement occurred prior to failure. Based on the test results,
the shear design procedures contained in the ACI 318-99 Code and Appendix A of the ACI
318-02 Code were evaluated. Both design procedures yielded conservative predictions of the
shear strength of the single-span deep beams.

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3.1 Materials
The materials used for the preparation of specimens and their properties are discussed

3.1.1 Cement
Ordinary Portland cement 43 grade is used. Specific gravity of cement used is 3.15.

3.1.2 Fine aggregate

The fine aggregate used in this investigation was clean river sand passing through
3.75mm sieve with specific gravity of 2.63 and Fineness modulus of sand 2.25, confirming to
IS: 383-1970 was used.

3.1.3 Coarse aggregate

Crusher Coarse aggregate of 20mm procured from local crusher with specific gravity
is 2.6 and fineness modulus of 6.1, confirming to IS: 383-1970 was used.

3.1.4 Water
Potable water is used for the mixing of concrete.

Table 2: Material properties

SL Material Specific Bulk Sieve analysis

NO gravity density(kg/m3)

1 Sand (Zone II ) 2.63 1687 Sample confirms to

requirement as per IS: 383
2 Coarse aggregate 2.60 1520 -1970 (Reaffirmed 2007)

3 Cement (43 Grade) Zuari 3.15


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3.2 Concrete
Two different grades (M25 and M30) of concrete has been used for the casting of
beams. Normal concrete without any admixtures was used for casting. Indian Standard method
of mix design was adopted to arrive at the mix proportion for M25 and M30 grade of concrete.

3.2.1 Mix proportions

Mix design of concrete has been adopted as per IS: 10262-2009.

Final mix Proportion arrived as below

M25 grade concrete = 1:2.06:2.82

M30 grade concrete = 1:1.92:2.62

Samples were tested for strength check. Iron cube moulds of size 150x150x150 mm
were used for casting test samples for both grades of concrete. The fresh mix was poured into
the mould and the top surface was smoothened with the trowel. The specimen was left in the
mould for 24 hours and then de-moulded. Identification marks were made on the exposed face
of specimen and was immersed in curing tank for 28 days. After 28days of curing cubes were
tested in compression testing machine. The results are shown the following table

Table 3: Cube strength of concrete mix

SL NO Grade of concrete Mix design ratio Average cube

strength (MPa)

1 M25 1 : 2.06 : 2.82 28.11

2 M30 1 : 1.92 : 2.62 34.23

3.3 Specimen details

A total of 18 rectangular beams of size 150mm wide, 350mm deep and 700mm long
were cast. Three different percentages (0.43, 0.64 and 0.86) of tension reinforcement was
provided, for each variation 3 number of specimens were cast. Grade of concrete is also varied.
M25 and M30. 9specimens each of M25 and M30 grade with 3 different tension steel

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percentages were cast. 12mm dia bars of Fe500 grade are used for top and bottom reinforcing.
8mm dia bars of Fe500 grade are used for shear reinforcement as vertical stirrups.

Table 4: Number of test specimens

Percentage tension reinforcement

Grade of concrete 0.43 0.64 0.86
M25 3 3 3
M30 3 3 3

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Table 5: Reinforcement details of beams

Beam designation Pt of tension Bottom bars, No’s Shear reinforcement

reinforcement and dia

DB M25 Pt 0.43 0.43 2-12 2-legged 8mm dia vertical

DB M30 Pt 0.43 stirrups @150mm centre to

centre spacing
DB M25 Pt 0.64 0.64 3-12

DB M30 Pt 0.64

DB M25 Pt 0.86 0.86 4-12

DB M30 Pt 0.86

2 numbers of 12mm dia bars are provided at top as nominal reinforcement for all beams.

Figure 3.1 Deep beam of Pt 0.43

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Figure 3.2. Deep beam of Pt 0.64

Figure 3.3. Deep beam of Pt 0.86

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3.4 Casting and Curing of specimens

Cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate were weighed and batched as per the design
mix. The mixing of concrete was done using concrete mixer. The main purpose of mixing is to
produce an intimate mixture of cement, water, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate of uniform
consistency throughout the batch. The empty moulds were kept ready for placing the concrete.
The moulds were placed on a smooth surface before concreting. After that reinforcement café
was kept in the mould with suitable cover block and the concrete was filled in the mould in
three layers. Vibration is done using vibrator machine. After 24 hours, specimens were de-
moulded. Curing is done by using the gunny bags. Beams were covered fully with gunny bags,
and water is sprayed over it.

Figure 3.4 Casting of beams

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Figure 3.5 Curing of beams

3.5 Experimental programme

All the specimens were tested for finding out the Ultimate load carried by the
Deep beams under two point loading after the age of 28 days. The beams are tested under
gradually increasing load using 1000KN capacity Universal Testing Machine (UTM). All
beams are simply supported with an effective span of 540mm. Beams are centred on platform
and levelled horizontally and vertically by adjusting the bearing plates. Two point loads are
applied at distance 1/3rd of the effective span. Dial gauge having range of 10 mm with least
count of 0.01 mm is used to measure the central deflection at the bottom of the beam. 100mm
D-mac gauge is used to measure the strains. Strain measuring studs are mounted on the beam
at top, middle and bottom section of the beam. Readings were taken at proper load interval.
Crack propagations were traced by pencil and their tips were marked corresponding to the load

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Figure 3.6 Loading and measurement

Figure 3.7 Painting over the surface of beam to observe cracks

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Figure 3.8: Testing setup of beam

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Figure 3.9: Measurement of strain using D-Mac gauge

3.6 Experimental results

The beams are divided into 6 series. 3 sets of M25 grade concrete beams with 3 different
tension reinforcements and 3 sets of M30 grade concrete beams with 3 different tension
reinforcements. For each set 3 number of specimens are tested and average value is taken. The
crack patterns were observed and corresponding load is marked on the beams. The results
obtained are shown below.

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1) M25 grade concrete

a) Pt 0.43%
Table 6: Experimental results of M25, Pt 0.43%

DB M25 Pt 0.43 (average values)

NO (P) KN Δ (mm) (V) KN (M) KN-m
1 0 0 0 0
2 50 0.95 25 4.5
3 100 2.156 50 9
4 150 2.706 75 13.5
5 157.583 3.143 78.791 14.18
6 200 3.766 100 18
7 250 4.35 125 22.5
8 300 4.993 150 27
9 307.33 5.26 153.665 27.66

Figure 3.10: Crack patterns M25, Pt 0.43%

Load Vs Deflection

y = 56.424x
150 R² = 0.9836
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 3.11 Load Vs deflection curve M25 Pt 0.43

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b) Pt 0.64%

Table 7: Experimental results of M25, Pt 0.64%

DB M25 Pt 0.64 (average values)

NO KN Δ (mm) (V) KN (M) KN-m
1 0 0 0 0
2 50 0.42 25 4.5
3 100 1.12 50 9
4 150 1.843 75 13.5
5 200 2.326 100 18
6 204.25 2.3033 102.125 18.3825
7 250 2.8033 125 22.5
8 300 3.416 150 27
9 350 4.067 175 31.5
10 400 4.99 200 36
11 410.03 5.023 205.015 36.9027

Figure 3.12 Crack patterns M25, Pt 0.64%

Load Vs Deflection


y = 84.034x
R² = 0.9928

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 3.13 Load Vs deflection curve M25 Pt 0.64

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c) Pt 0.86%

Table 8: Experimental results of M25, Pt 0.86%

DB M25 Pt 0.86 (average values)

NO (P) KN (mm) (V) KN (M) KN-m
1 0 0.00 0 0
2 50 0.22 25 4.5
3 100 1.27 50 9
4 150 1.84 75 13.5
5 200 2.28 100 18
6 222.53 2.57 108 19.44
7 250 2.92 125 22.5
8 300 3.25 150 27
9 350 3.72 175 31.5
10 400 4.37 200 36
11 450 4.85 225 40.5
12 500 5.24 250 45
13 512.403 5.54 256.2015 46.11627

Figure 3.14 Crack patterns M25, Pt 0.86%

Load Vs Deflection


300 y = 91.887x
R² = 0.9924


0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00

Figure 3.15 Load Vs deflection curve M25 Pt 0.86

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2) M30 grade concrete

a) Pt 0.43%

Table 9: Experimental results of M30, Pt 0.43%

DB M30 Pt 0.43 (average values)

NO (P) KN (mm) (V) KN (M) KN-m
1 0 0 0 0
2 50 0.9067 25 4.5
3 100 1.956 50 9
4 150 2.66 75 13.5
5 168.633 2.92 84.3165 15.17697
6 200 3.623 100 18
7 250 4.0367 125 22.5
8 300 4.476 150 27
9 324.633 4.846 162.3165 29.21697

Figure 3.16 Crack patterns M30, Pt 0.43%

Load Vs Deflection

150 y = 62.047x
100 R² = 0.9735
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 3.17 Load Vs deflection curve M30 Pt 0.43

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b) Pt 0.64%

Table 10: Experimental results of M30, Pt 0.64%

DB M30 Pt 0.64 (average values)

NO (P) KN (mm) (V) KN (M) KN-m
1 0.0 0.00 0.000 0.000
2 50.0 0.20 25.000 4.500
3 100.0 1.04 50.000 9.000
4 150.0 1.70 75.000 13.500
5 200.0 2.02 100.000 18.000
6 213.45 2.26 110.275 19.850
7 250.0 2.50 125.000 22.500
8 300.0 3.10 150.000 27.000
9 350.0 3.64 175.000 31.500
10 400.0 4.15 200.000 36.000
11 429.3 4.79 214.633 38.634

Figure 3.18: Crack patterns M30, Pt 0.64%

Load Vs Deflection

y = 94.588x
R² = 0.9898
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00
Figure 3.19 Load Vs deflection curve M30 Pt 0.64%

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c) Pt 0.86%

Table 11: Experimental results of M30, Pt 0.86%

DB M30 Pt 0.86 (average values)

NO (P) KN (mm) (V) KN (M) KN-m
1 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 50 0.13 25.00 4.50
3 100 0.82 50.00 9.00
4 150 1.53 75.00 13.50
5 200 2.11 100.00 18.00
6 232.416 2.38 116.21 20.92
7 250 2.54 125.00 22.50
8 300 2.82 150.00 27.00
9 350 3.26 175.00 31.50
10 400 3.73 200.00 36.00
11 450 4.08 225.00 40.50
12 500 4.48 250.00 45.00
13 533.167 4.92 266.58 47.99

Figure 3.20 Crack patterns M30, Pt 0.86%

Load Vs Deflection

300 y = 107.13x
200 R² = 0.9887

0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00

Figure 3.21 Load Vs deflection curve M30 Pt 0.86%

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The behaviour of deep beams is significantly different from that of beams of more
normal proportions, requiring special consideration in analysis. In deep beams, the bending
stress distribution across any transverse section deviates appreciably from the straight line
distribution assumed in elementary beam theory. Stresses in deep beams can be evaluated using
the method of two dimensions analysis. Several analytical methods are available for the
analysis of deep beams, out of which Finite Element Analysis (FEA) offers a better option.

Finite element method is a numerical analysis method that divides the structural
element into smaller parts and then simulates static loading conditions to evaluate the response
of concrete. The use of this technique is increasing because of enormous advancement of
engineering and computer knowledge. This method respond well to non-linear analysis as each
component possesses different stress-strain behaviour. The response of each element is
expressed in terms of a finite number of degrees of freedom characterized as the value of an
unknown function at a set of nodal points.

4.1 Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

The finite element analysis typically involves the following steps:

1. The structure is divided into finite elements. Mesh generations programs called pre-
processor, help the user in doing this work.
2. The properties of each element are formulated. In stress analysis, this means
determining nodal loads associated with all elements deformation states are allowed.
3. Elements are assembled to obtain the finite element model of the structure.
4. The known loads applied; nodal forces, and/or moment in stress analysis.
5. In stress analysis, the structure supports are specified. This step involves setting several
nodal displacements into known values.
6. The simultaneous linear algebraic equations are solved to determine nodal dof.
7. In stress analysis, the element strains are calculated from the nodal dof. And the element
displacement field interpolation, and finally stress from strains.

In reality most of the problems are non-linear in nature. Hence non-linear analysis is an
effective tool to obtain exact solution. Non-linear analysis is a method that stimulates the
exact behaviour of the material to evaluate strength in inelastic range and to identify the
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Experimental study on behaviour of RC deep beams

potential of high load carrying capacity of the components through redistribution, tensile
and shear strength. Nonlinear behaviour of reinforced concrete beams is complex due to
various parameters. Non-linearity may be geometric or material non-linearity. A structure
can have either of the one or both of them. Material non-linearity contains non-linear stress
strain relationship of material and hence modulus of elasticity is not a unique value. The
geometry of the body is changed during loading in slender members such as columns and
also in deformable bodies. Such case, geometric nonlinearity is encountered.

In this study, nonlinear finite element analysis is carried out using ANSYS 14.5
Mechanical APDL which employs Newton-Raphson method to solve higher order
differential equations. Many attempts have been made by the past researchers to predict the
behaviour using ANSYS. The accuracy and convergence of the solution depends on factors
such as mesh density, constitutive properties of concrete, convergence criteria and tolerance
values etc. Thus in the present study an attempt is made to perform nonlinear finite element
analysis to analyse the reinforced concrete deep beam.

4.2 Non Linear Finite Element Analysis using ANSYS 14.5 Mechanical
To create the finite element model in ANSYS 14.5 there are multiple tasks that have to
be completed for the model to run properly. Models can be created using command prompt line
input or the Graphical User Interface. For this model, the graphical user interface was utilized
to create the model.

4.2.1 Element types

The element types used for this model is shown in below table
Table 12: Element types

SL Material type element ANSYS 14.5

1 Concrete Solid65
2 Steel reinforcement Link180
3 Support Solid185

A Solid65 element was used to model the concrete. This element has eight nodes with
three degrees of freedom at each node translations in the nodal x, y, and z directions. The
element is capable of plastic deformation, cracking in three orthogonal directions, and crushing.
A schematic of the element is shown in Fig

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Figure 4.1 Solid65 element

A Link180 element was used to model steel reinforcement. This element is a 3D spar
element and it has two nodes with three degrees of freedom translations in the nodal x, y, and
z directions. This element is capable of plastic deformation and element was shown in the Fig

Figure 4.2: Link180 element

A Solid65 element was used to model the concrete. This element has eight nodes with
three degrees of freedom at each node translations in the nodal x, y, and z directions. The
element is capable of plastic deformation, cracking in three orthogonal directions, and crushing.
A schematic of the element is shown in Fig

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Figure 4.3: Solid185 element

4.2.2 Modelling
The model was 700 mm long with a cross section of 150 mm X 350 mm. The Finite
Element beam model was shown in Fig.3. The dimensions for the concrete volume were
shown in Table below

SL No ANSYS Co-ordinates in mm
1 X1,X2,X-coordinates 0,700
2 Y1,Y2,Y-coordinates 0,350
3 Z1,Z2,Z-coordinates 0,150

4.2.3 Meshing and Reinforcement

To obtain good results from the Solid65 element, the use of a rectangular mesh was
recommended. Therefore, the mesh was set up such that square or rectangular elements were
created. The meshing of the reinforcement was a special case compared to the volumes. No
mesh of the reinforcement was needed because individual elements were created in the
modelling through the nodes created by the mesh of the concrete volume.

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Figure 4.4: Beam model and Meshing

Figure 4.5 Reinforcement details Pt 0.43%

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Figure 4.6: Reinforcement details Pt 0.64%

Figure 4.7: Reinforcement details Pt 0.86%

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4.2.4 Loading and Boundary conditions

Displacement boundary conditions are needed to constraint the model to get a unique
solution. To ensure that the model acts the same way as the experimental beam boundary
conditions need to be applied at points of symmetry, and where the supports and loading exist.
Nodes on the plate are given constraint in Y direction. The loading and boundary conditions of
the beam are shown below

Figure 4.8: Loading and Boundary conditions

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4.2.5 Results
Load at first crack and failure and their corresponding deflections are obtained. The
results obtained in ANSYS are as below

a) M25
% of tension reinforcement

0.43 0.64 0.86

Load at first crack 138.01 181.63 203.1

Deflection at first 1.967 1.641 1.932

Load at failure 296.04 402.3 502.72

Deflection at failure 3.821 3.886 3.632


b) M30
% of tension reinforcement

0.43 0.64 0.86

Load at first crack 138.25 189.51 211.3

Deflection at first 1.856 1.54 1.826

Load at failure 302.44 413.83 511.34

Deflection at failure 3.605 3.649 3.748


Crack patterns are also obtained in the ANSYS. The crack patterns for the different
percentage of tension reinforcement are shown below

Figure 4.9: Crack pattern for Pt 0.43%

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Figure 4.10: Crack pattern for Pt 0.64%

Figure 4.11: Crack pattern for Pt 0.86%

The deformed shape of the beam after analysis will be as shown below:

Figure 4.12: Deformed shape of the beam

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The results obtained from the experimental investigation are tabulated in Table 13.
From the results obtained, the effect of various parameters on shear strength of concrete are
analysed and discussed as follows.

Table 13: Experimental results

M25 M30
Pt % 0.43 0.64 0.86 0.43 0.64 0.86
L/D ratio 1.542 1.542
av /D ratio 0.514 0.514
Load at first crack 157.58 204.25 222.53 168.63 213.45 232.41

Deflection at first 3.143 2.303 2.57 2.92 2.26 2.38

Load at failure 307.33 410.03 512.403 324.63 429.29 533.16

Deflection at failure 5.26 5.023 5.54 4.864 4.79 4.92

Maximum shear 153.66 205.01 256.2 162.31 214.63 266.58
Vmax in KN
Maximum bending 27.66 36.903 46.11 29.21 38.63 47.99
moment KN-m

5.1 General behaviour

The general behaviour of all the specimens was quite similar. First, the fine flexural
cracks were initiated in the pure bending region and with further increase of load, new flexural-
shear cracks formed in the shear spans and subsequently, curved toward the loading points.
Failure in these specimens was always sudden with loud sound at failure and in diagonal
tension, shortly after diagonal shear cracks appeared.

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5.2 Effect of variation of tension reinforcement

1) The shear strength is observed to be increased with the increase in the percentage of
tension reinforcement. Also it is observed that there is significant increase in moment capacity
of the beam with increase in percentage of tension reinforcement.

Variation of Shear strength







Shear strength

Pt 0.43% Pt 0.64% Pt 0.86%

Figure 5.1 Variation of shear strength

Variation of Moment capacity

Moment capacity

Pt 0.43% Pt 0.64% Pt 0.86%

Figure 5.2 variation of moment capacity

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2) Load versus deflection curve is plotted for each variation of parameters. The
variation is deflection with increase in tension reinforcement for respective loads is
shown in below graphs.



Load KN


200 Pt 0.43%
Pt 0.64%
Pt 0.86%

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Deflection mm

Figure 5.3 Load Vs Deflection for M25



Load KN

Pt 0.43%
Pt 0.64%

100 Pt 0.86%

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Deflection mm

Figure 5.4 Load Vs Deflection for M30

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3) The strains at top, middle section and at bottom are measured to know the variation
along the depth of section. Using the strain values the angle of curvature is
calculated and graphs are plotted against variation of bending moment. The graphs
are shown below

Moment KN-m

Pt 0.43%
Pt 0.64%
Pt 0.86%
0 0.0000001 0.0000002 0.0000003 0.0000004 0.0000005
Curvature ( Rad/mm )

Figure 5.5 Moment Vs Curvature for M25


Moment KN-m


Pt 0.43%
Pt 0.64%

10 Pt 0.86%

0 5E-08 0.0000001 1.5E-07 0.0000002 2.5E-07 0.0000003 3.5E-07 0.0000004 4.5E-07
Curvature ( Rad/mm)

Figure 5.6 Moment Vs Curvature for M30

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5.3 Effect of variation of characteristic strength of concrete

A small increase in the shear strength has been observed with increase in the cube
compressive strength of concrete.

1) Load versus deflection curve is plotted for each variation of parameters. The variation
is deflection with variation of characteristic strength of concrete for respective loads is
shown in below graphs.

Pt 0.43%


Load (KN)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Delfection (mm)
Figure 5.7 Load Vs Deflection for Pt 0.43%

Pt 0.64%
Load (KN)

200 M30

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Deflection (mm)
Figure 5.8 Load Vs Deflection for Pt 0.64%

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Pt 0.86%


Load (KN)

200 M30


0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00
Deflection (mm)

Figure 5.9 Load Vs Deflection for Pt 0.86%

2) The strains at top, middle section and at bottom are measured to know the variation
along the depth of section. Using the strain values the angle of curvature is calculated
and graphs are plotted against variation of bending moment. The graphs are shown

Pt 0.43%


Moment KN-m


15 M25


0 5E-08 0.0000001 1.5E-07 0.0000002 2.5E-07 0.0000003 3.5E-07 0.0000004
Curvature (rad/mm)

Figure 5.10 Moment Vs Curvature for Pt 0.43%

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Pt 0.64%
Moment KN-mm 35
20 M25
15 M30
0 5E-08 0.0000001 1.5E-07 0.0000002 2.5E-07 0.0000003 3.5E-07 0.0000004
Curvature (rad/mm)

Figure 5.11 Moment Vs Curvature for Pt 0.64%

Pt 0.86%

Moment KN-m



20 M30


0 5E-08 0.0000001 1.5E-07 0.0000002 2.5E-07 0.0000003 3.5E-07 0.0000004 4.5E-07
Curvature (rad/mm)

Figure 5.12 Moment Vs Curvature for Pt 0.86%

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5.4 Comparison of analytical results with experimental values

Results obtained by experiment and by FEM is shown in below table

Table 14: Comparison of experimental and Analytical results

a) M25
% of tension reinforcement

0.43 0.64 0.86

Load at first crack 138.01 157.58 181.63 204.25 203.1 222.53
Deflection at first 1.967 3.143 1.641 2.303 1.932 2.57
crack (mm)
Load at failure KN 296.04 307.33 402.3 410.03 502.72 512.403

Deflection at failure 3.821 5.26 3.886 5.023 3.632 5.54

load (mm)

b) M30
% of tension reinforcement

0.43 0.64 0.86

Load at first crack 138.25 168.63 189.51 213.45 211.3 232.41

Deflection at first 1.856 2.92 1.54 2.26 1.826 2.38

Load at failure 302.44 324.63 413.83 429.29 511.34 533.16

Deflection at failure 3.605 4.864 3.649 4.79 3.748 4.92


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Experimental study on behaviour of RC deep beams

The comparison of deflections of experimental results with analytical results at first crack and
failure load is shown in below graph.

Pt 0.43%

First crack Failure load


Pt 0.64%

5 3.886

3 1.641

First crack Failure load

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Experimental study on behaviour of RC deep beams

Pt 0.86%


5 3.632

4 2.57

First crack Failure load

The crack patterns obtained in ANSYS are similar to cracks generated during experiment.

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Experimental study on behaviour of RC deep beams

5.5 Flexural capacity of deep beams by various country codes

The behaviour of deep beams is different from normal beams. Hence their design is
also complicated. The design procedure given by IS 456, CIRIA guide and ACI codes are
discussed below

5.5.1 IS 456 method

The area of steel to carry the tension is determined by empirical method assuming
lever arm. IS 459 Clause 29.2 follows CEB and gives following values of z, the lever
arm length.
For simply supported beam
Z=0.2(L+2D) for L/D between 1 and 2

Z= 0.2(540+2*350)
= 248mm

Moment capacity, Mu=As*0.87fy*z

As= area of steel

Fy= yield strength of steel =500Mpa

Area of tension reinforcement in mm2

226 339 452
Moment capacity 24.38 36.57 48.76

5.5.2 CIRIA Guide

The CIRIA Guide, however, recommends the CEB values given in IS 456. The
moment capacity is given by the following formula
As= area of steel in mm2
Fy= yield strength of steel , 500Mpa
D= depth of beam in mm
Area of tension reinforcement in mm2
226 339 452
Moment capacity 20.815 31.22 41.63

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Experimental study on behaviour of RC deep beams

5.5.3 ACI code

The ACI code does not give any specific recommendation but gives a lever arm factor
Z=0.9d where d is effective depth
Moment capacity, Mu= As*0.87fy*z

As= area of steel

Fy= yield strength of steel =500Mpa

Area of tension reinforcement in mm2

226 339 452
Moment capacity 28.313 42.469 53.244

5.6 Comparison of experimental, FEM and theoretical results

The moment carrying capacity of the deep beams with variation of tension reinforcement
obtained from experiment, FEM and design procedures given by different country codes
is shown in below table

Table 15 Comparison of moment capacity KN-m

Pt Experimental FEA Theoretical

% IS 456 CIRIA ACI code
0.43 27.66 26.64 24.38 20.815 28.313
0.64 36.903 32.207 36.57 31.22 42.469
0.86 46.11 45.24 48.76 41.63 53.244

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Experimental study on behaviour of RC deep beams

From the experimental study and from non-linear Finite Element Analysis (FEA), the
following conclusions can be drawn

1) In all the beams, flexural cracks were appeared first at the central portion of the beam.
Flexural cracks propagation was vertical from bottom to the 1/3rd depth of the beam.
2) Shear diagonal cracks started to appear around 42% of failure load.
3) Failure of deep beams was mainly due to diagonal cracking and it was along the lines
joining the loading points and supports.
4) The shear strength and moment carrying capacity of deep beams increased significantly
with increasing the percentage of tension reinforcement.
5) With increasing the characteristic strength on concrete there is slightly increase in shear
strength and moment carrying capacity of deep beams.
6) The FEA results holds good with the experimental results.
7) The crack patterns obtained in FEA are similar to the cracks generated during
8) The moment capacity calculated by different design codes are in good agreement with
the experimental and FEA results.

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