Writing File 1: Introduction To Emails, Letters, and Memos

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Writing file 1

Introduction to emails, letters, and memos

1 Read texts a–c below and answer questions 1–2. 3 The sender doesn’t know the receiver very well.
1 Match texts a–c to the following types of business
writing. 4 It is formal and very polite.
•  memo: 5 It is friendly.
•  email: 6 It is very direct and not very friendly.
•  letter: 7 The sender wants a reply or further contact.
2 Who do you think is the sender and who is the 8 The sender doesn’t expect a reply.
receiver in each text (e.g. boss, client, supplier, 9 The sender wants to arrange a meeting.
colleague, employees)?
4 Sometimes we use formal language in business
a writing and sometimes we use less formal
Hi language. We have to think about the type of
business writing we are using (e.g. email or letter)
We’re having the meeting Tuesday! Hope you can
and who we are writing to before we can decide
come. Sorry about the short notice.
which language to use. Work with a partner and
Thanks. match the less formal words and phrases (1–7) to
All the best the formal words and phrases (a–g) that have a
Joel similar meaning / function.
1 All the best a attend
2 wait b Dear
3 Sorry c hesitate
Dear Mr Owen 4 See you soon. d would like
I am writing to introduce myself. I am your new 5 come e I look forward to seeing you.
sales contact for Taylor and Whitaker and I look 6 Hi f Yours sincerely
forward to working with you in the future. I will 7 want g I apologize
be in your area next week and would like the
opportunity to meet you. 5 Read these rules for writing a memo. Choose the
Please do not hesitate to contact me about this correct option from the words in italics.
or any other matter in the future. I am always
available on 0970 567 4738. Rules for writing memos
Yours sincerely • 
Write who it is to and from at the 1beginning /
Nile Peterson end of the memo.
Do / Don’t write a subject line.
c Try to write about 3two or three subjects / one
subject in each memo.
To: All staff
Do / Don’t use short and clear sentences.
From: FD
Be 5informal / direct and polite.
Subject: Meet our Spanish Sales Office colleagues
Remember the meeting on Tuesday at 10.00 6 Work with a partner. Write rules for one of the
a.m. Our Spanish sales team is here for the day so following, then compare your rules with another pair.
please attend.
1 writing informal emails
2 writing formal letters
2 Work with a partner and discuss the following
7 Write ONE of the following. Remember to follow
1 What types of business writing do you use in your your rules from 5 and 6.
job (in your own language and in English)?
1 An email to a colleague – ask to meet tomorrow,
2 Who do you write to? say when and where.
3 Who do you get emails, memos, or letters from? 2 A letter to introduce yourself to a new customer –
request a meeting.
3 Read the texts again. Then work with a partner 3 A memo to everyone in your department – you
and match texts a–c to sentences 1–9. Sometimes, want them to meet an important visitor next week,
more than one answer is possible. say when and where.
1 The sender knows the receiver very well.
2 More than one person received this.

© Oxford University Press 2017 Business Result Second edition Elementary

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