11chemistry - Organic chemistry-Notes&VL

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Organic Chemistry-Notes VL
1. Study of chemistry of hydrocarbons and their derivatives is called organic

2. Reactivity of  − bonded compounds: The electron charge cloud of the  − bond

is located above and below the plane of bonding atoms. These electrons are more
exposed and therefore easily available to the electron seeking attacking reagents.
Therefore  − bonds provide the most reactive centers in the molecules containing
multiple bonds.

3. Structural representation of Organic compounds:


Lewis structure:
In this representation bond between
atoms are represented by pairs of dots
or lines and lone pairs on atoms are
represented by a pair of dots


Complete structural Formula:

In this representation, a single bond is
represented by single dash (-), double
bond by double dash (=) and triple bond
by triple dash (  ).Lone pair may or may
not be shown on heteroatoms (for e.g.
N, S, O etc.)

Condensed structural formula:

In this representation atoms are shown CH CH CH COOH
but bonds (dashes) between some or all 3 2 2
atoms may be omitted and number of
identical groups attached to an atom are OR
indicated by a subscript
3 2 2
Bond-line structural formula:
In this representation, carbon and
hydrogen atoms are not shown and the
lines representing carbon-carbon bonds
are drawn in a zigzag fashion.
Atoms other than carbon and hydrogen
are written. The terminals denote methyl
(–CH3) groups (unless indicated
otherwise by a functional group), while
the line junctions denote carbon atoms
bonded to appropriate number of
hydrogens required to satisfy the
valency of the carbon atoms

4. Three –dimensional representation of organic molecules: Solid-wedge is used to

indicate a bond projecting out of the plane of paper, towards the observer. Dashed-
wedge is used to depict the bond projecting out of the plane of the paper and away
from the observer. Wedges are shown in such a way that the broad end of the
wedge is towards the observer. The bonds lying in plane of the paper are depicted
by using a normal line

5. Classification of organic compounds:

1. Acyclic or open chain compounds: Compounds contain open chain of carbon
atoms in their molecule. Chain may be either branched chain or straight chain.

2. Closed chain or cyclic or ring compounds:

(a) Alicyclic or closed chain or ring compounds: These compounds contain ring of
three or more carbon atoms in them. These compounds resemble aliphatic
compounds in many of their properties.

(b) Aromatic Compounds: These compounds have a cyclic system containing at least
one benzene ring. Aromatic compounds have delocalised  - electron system

Classification of Aromatic compounds:

Benzenoid aromatic compounds Non-benzenoid compound
These compounds contain benzene or These compounds show aromaticity but
other related ring compounds and do not contain any benzene ring
exhibits aromaticity
3. Heterocyclic compounds: In these compounds ring contains one or more atoms
of N, O or S in addition to carbon atoms. Atom other than C (i.e. N, O or S) is called

6. Functional group: An atom or group of atoms that determine the characteristic

chemical properties of an organic compound

7. Homologous Series: A series of similarly constituted compounds in which

members possess the same functional group and have similar chemical
characteristics. Two consecutive members differ in their molecular formula by –CH2
group. Different members of the series are known are homologous.
IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Compounds
PREFIX for Carbon Chain

C1 Meth- C7 Hept
C2 Eth- C8 Oct
C3 Prop- C9 Non
C4 But- C10 Dec
C5 Pent- C11 Undec
C6 Hex- C12 Dodec

IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Compounds: Following rules are

used to write the IUPAC name of an organic compound.

IUPAC Nomenclature of Branched chain alkanes:

Rule 1.
Longest chain rule : The chain containing the principal functional group,
secondary functional group and multiple bonds as many as possible is the
longest possible chain.
In the absence of functional group, secondary group and multiple bonds,
the chain containing the maximum number of C-atoms will be the longest
possible chain e.g.,

Rule 2.
Lowest number rule: Numbering is done in such a way so that:
(1) branching if present gets the lowest number.
(2) the sum of numbers of side chain is lowest.
(3) principal functional group gets the lowest number.

Rule 3.

Naming the prefixes and suffixes: Prefix represents the substituent and suffix is used
for principal functional group.
Primary prefixes are cyclo, bicyclo, di, tri, tetra etc.
Refer NCERT BOOK for other rules and examples

IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Compounds with functional groups

Select the principal functional group from the preference series:
—COOH > —SO3H > —COOR > —COX > —CONH2 > —CN > —NC
> —CHO > C = O > —OH > —SH > —NH2 > —OR > = >
Functional group other than the principal functional group are called substituents.

Refer NCERT BOOK Table 12.4 for prefix and suffix of functional groups.

9. Isomerism: The phenomenon of existence of two or more compounds possessing

the same molecular formula but different properties is known as isomerism. Such
compounds are called as isomers
Different types of isomerism:

(a) Structural isomerism: Compounds having same molecular formula, but different
structures i.e. arrangement of atoms or groups of atoms within molecules are called
structural isomers and phenomenon is called structural isomerism

Classification of structural isomerism

1. Chain isomerism: Compounds having same molecular formula but different

arrangement of carbon chains (skeletons), within the molecule are called chain
isomers and the phenomenon is termed as chain isomerism

Example: Chain isomers of C5H12 :

2. Position isomerism: Compounds which have the same molecular formula but
differ in the position of the functional group, carbon-carbon multiple bond or
substituent group are called position isomers and the phenomenon is termed as
position isomerism

Example: Position isomers of C3H8O:

3. Functional groups isomerism: Compounds having same molecular formula but

different functional groups in the molecule are called functional group isomers and
this phenomenon is termed as functional group isomerism

Example: Functional groups isomers of C3H6O:

4. Metamerism: Compounds having same molecular formula but different number

of carbon atoms (or alkyl groups) on either side of the functional group are called
metamers and this phenomenon is called metamerism

Example: Metamers of C4H10O:

(b) Stereoisomerism. The isomers which have the same structural formula but have
different relative arrangement of atoms or groups of atoms in space are called
stereo isomers and the phenomenon is called stereo isomerism.

Classification of structural isomerism

1. Geometrical isomerism: Isomerism due to the difference in spatial arrangements
of groups about the doubly bonded carbon atoms is known as geometrical
isomerism. Geometrical isomerism in alkenes is due to restricted rotation around
carbon-carbon double bond.

Example: Geometrical isomers C4H8

2. Optical isomerism: Stereoisomers involving the arrangement of substituents

about an asymmetric carbon atom or atoms so that the various isomers differ in
way they rotate a plane of polarized light are called optical isomers and the
phenomenon is called optical isomerism

10. Tautomerism: It is a special type of functional isomerism in which the isomers

differ in the arrangement of atoms but they exist in dynamic equilibrium with each
other and this phenomenon is termed ad tautomerism. Example: Acetaldehyde and
vinyl alcohol are tautomers which exist in equilibrium as shown.

11. Substrate: In an organic reaction, reactant which supplies carbon to the new

12. Attacking reagent: In an organic reaction, chemical substance that attacks the
organic molecule (substrate) and leads to the formation of product

13.Reaction mechanism: Sequential account of each step, describing details of

electron movement, energetics during bond cleavage and bond formation, and the
rates of transformation of reactants into products (kinetics)

14. Homolytic cleavage of a covalent bond: Symmetrical cleavage of covalent bond

between two atoms takes place resulting in the formation of neutral species (atoms
or groups of atoms) having unpaired electrons called free radicals.

15. Heterolytic cleavage of a covalent bond: Unsymmetrical cleavage of covalent

bond takes place resulting into two charged particles. The species that has a
sextet at the carbon and is positively charged is called a carbocation. The species
that has a carbon atom with the shared pair of electrons and carrying a negative
charge is called carbanion
Reaction Intermediates: Species produced during cleavage of bonds
Name of the Oder of stability of Reason for stability order
species the species
Free radical:
An atom or Order of stability of alkyl free radical can be
group of explained on the basis of hyperconjugation. Larger
atoms having the number of alkyl groups attached to the carbon
an unpaired atom carrying the odd electron, greater is the
electron. delocalization of the odd electron and hence more
stable is the free radical. Thus, the tertiary free
radical with three alkyl groups attached to the
carbon atom carrying the odd electron is more
stable than the secondary free radical containing
two alkyl groups and so on.

CH +
< 1o 2o <3o The alkyl group attached to positively charged
Carbocation: 3
carbon atom tends to release electron towards
Group of carbon due to +I inductive effect i.e., electron
atoms which releasing. As a result, it decreases the +ve charge
contain on the carbon atom but itself becomes somewhat
positively positive. As a result, the positive charge on the
charged carbon atom gets dispersed. The dispersal of charge
carbon having results into stability. Therefore, more the number of
only six alkyl groups, the greater will be the dispersal of
electrons charge and therefore, more stable will be the
(sextet of carbocation.
Note: Triphenyl carbocation (Ph3C+) is most stable
because of resonance stabilization among three
phenyl groups

The alkyl group attached to negatively charged

Carbanion: carbon atom tends to release electron towards
Group of CH - > 1o > 2o >3o carbon due to +I inductive effect i.e., electron
atoms which releasing. This increases electron density on the
contain negatively charged carbon atom and hence makes
negatively it unstable. Larger the number of alkyl groups
attached to the negatively charged carbon atom,
charged greater will be the electron density on the carbon
carbon atom and lower will be its stability.

16. Different types of attacking reagent

Attacking Reagent Examples

Free radical: An atom or group of

atoms having an unpaired electron.

Electrophile: Positively charged or Positively charged: H+, H O+,CH +,NO +

3 3 2
neutral species which are electron
deficient and can accept a pair of
electrons i.e. an electrophile takes away
an electron pair Neutral: AlCl3 , BF3 , SO3 etc.

Nucleophile: Species that is electron Negatively charged: X− , OH−, CN−, RCOO− etc.
rich and looks for electron deficient
sites, i.e., nucleus loving or nucleus
seeking (Nu) i.e. a nucleophile brings
an electron pair with it Neutral:

17 Inductive Effect: The process of electron displacement along the chain of carbon
atoms due to the presence of a polar covalent bond at one end of the chain is called
inductive effect (or I-effect). It is a permanent effect.

NOTE: Inductive effect decreases on moving way from the atoms involved in the
initial polar bond and becomes negligible from the fourth atom onwards

For comparing the relative effects, hydrogen is taken as standard and the atoms or
groups can be classified into two categories:

(i) Atoms or groups of atoms having electron-attracting more than hydrogen are
referred to as having -I (electron withdrawing or attracting) effect.
Example: -NO2>-CN >-COOH>-COOR>-F>-Cl>-Br>-I>-OH>-OCH3>-C6H5>H

(ii)Atoms or groups of atoms having smaller electron attracting power than

hydrogen are referred to as having + I (electron donating or repelling) effect.

18. Electromeric Effect: It is a temporary effect which takes place between two
atoms joined by a multiple bond, i.e., a double or a triple bond. This occurs at the
requirements of the attacking reagent and involves instantaneous transfer of a
shared pair of electrons of the multiple bonds to one of the linked atoms.

The electromeric effect is classified as +E effect and-E effect:

(i) When the  -electrons of the multiple bond are transferred to that atom to which
the reagent gets attached, it is called +E (positive electromeric) effect.


(ii) When the  - electrons of the multiple bond are transferred to that atom to
which the attacking reagent does not get attached, it is called-E (negative
electromeric) effect.


19. Resonance or Mesomeric Effect: If a molecule can be assigned two or more

Lewis structures, none of which is capable of describing all the known properties of
the compound, then the actual structure is intermediate or resonance hybrid of
these structures. This phenomenon is called resonance. The various structures
written are called resonating structures.

Example: Resonating structures of CO2 are shown below

Resonance effect is classified as +R effect and -R effect:

(i) If a substituent has tendency to donate electrons to double bond or

conjugated system, effect is called positive resonance effect of +R effect.
Groups like
-OH,-OR,-NH2 ,-NHR,-NR2 ,-Cl,-Br,etc show +R effect

(ii) If a substituent has tendency to withdraw electrons from a double

bond or a conjugated system towards itself, effect is called negative
resonance effect or -R effect. Groups like >C=O,-CHO,-CN,-NO2 ,-
COOR,etc show –R effect
20. Hyperconjugation: It involves delocalisation of () electrons of C—H bond of an
alkyl group directly attached to an atom of unsaturated system or to an atom with
an unshared p orbital. The () electrons of C—H bond of the alkyl group enter into
partial conjugation with the attached unsaturated system or with the unshared p
orbital. The interaction between the electrons of  systems (multiple bonds) and the
adjacent  bonds (single H-C bonds) of the substituent groups in organic
compounds is called hypercojugation. It is a permanent effect

Example: Hypercojugation in propene

Since there is no bond between the -carbon atom and one of the hydrogen atoms,
the hyperconjugation is also called no-bond resonance. Although a free proton has
been shown in the above structures, it is still bound quite firmly to the -cloud and
hence is not free to move.

Order of hyperconjugation: CH3 - > CH3CH2 ->(CH3 )2CH- >(CH3 )3C-

Types of Organic Reactions

Organic reactions are broadly divided into the following four categories:
I) Substitution Reactions: When an atom or group of atoms from a molecule is
replaced by another atom or group of atoms, it is known as a substitution reaction.

II)Addition Reactions: When an atom or group of atoms are added to a substrate molecule,
which is unsaturated, it is known as addition reaction. In this reaction there is a net gain of
atoms in the product molecule.

III)Elimination Reactions: When atoms or group of atoms are removed from a molecule
resulting in the formation of multiple linkage in that molecule, it is known as elimination reaction.
The loss of atoms or group of atoms may occur from the same atom or different atoms
in the molecule.

IV)Rearrangement Reactions: When atoms or group of atoms within the molecule

simply change their position to give the product, it is known as a rearrangement reaction.
It may appear as an internal substitution reaction has occurred.
IUPAC NOMENCLATURE some important points:
(1) Longest Chain Rule:
Longest chain in molecule is selected.

(2) Lowest Sum Rule:

The numbering is done is such a way that the branched carbon atoms of the
parent chain gets the lowest possible number or locant.

(3) The names of side chains and the substituents are then prefixed to the name of
parent alkane and position of substituents is indicated by appropriate numbers.
The numbers are separated from the prefixes by hyphens (–).

(4) Alphabetical arrangement of side chains/substituents:

The name for compound is: 6–ethyl–2–methylnonane. Note

that there is no break between methy and nonane, i.e., the name is always written
as a single word.

(5) We write di, tri, tetra, penta for two, three, four, five identical substituents and so
on. The numbers (locants) are separated by commas. Note that di, tri, tetra,
penta, hexa etc do not determine the alphabetical order of the substituents.

(6) (a) If two substituents are found in equivalent positions, the lower number (locant)
is given to the one that comes first in alphabetical order.

(b) The name of complex chains (substituted substituents) are enclosed in

parentheses and numbering of C-atoms is carried such that the C-atom of
substituted substituent attached to main chain is given number 1.

(c) Composite or complex groups are represented by prefixing bis for 2, tris for
3, tetrakis for 4, pentakis for 5 identical composite groups and so on, and
entire group is enclosed in parentheses (brackets).

(d) Name of a substituted substituent is considered to begin with the first letter of
its complete name.

IUPAC Nomenclature for alkenes and alkynes:

(a) Multiple bond is preferred for numbering and represented by lowest
number of C-atoms.

(b) When two or more similar multiple bonds are present, suffix ‘a’ to the
root word.
Buta-1, 3-diene Hexa-1, 3, 5-triene

(c) When double and triple bonds are present on the same position from
the ends in an organic compound, then double bond is preferred for
naming and the compound is named as alkenyne.

(d) When double and triple bonds are present on different positions, lowest
sum rule will be followed and the compound is named as alkenyne.
Functional groups: The groups which determine the properties and functions
of an organic compound are known as functional groups.
When a functional group is present, a secondary suffix for functional group
is added by replacing ending ‘e’ of the parent name if the name of functional groups
starts from vowels y i.e., a, e, i, o, u and y.


Important points:
• When the name of suffix starts with a consonant (except a, e, i, o, u and y),
ending ‘e’ of the parent hydride is retained.
CH3CH2OH: ethanol
HOCH2CH2OH: ethane-1, 2-diol
Here ‘e’ is retained since first letter of diol, i.e., ‘d’ is a consonant.

• When a functional group and a side chain/substituent is present, then functional

group is preferred for naming and numbering.
BrCH2CH2CH2CHCH3: 5-bromopentan-2-ol
• When two or more functional groups are present, the order of preference is:
• When two or more functional groups are present, name of higher order functional
group is suffixed and the rest are prefixed. Examples are:
HOCH3CH2CH2COOH: 4-hydroxybutanoic acid

• In cyclic compound, the word ‘cyclo’ is prefixed and lowest sum rule is applied
for prefixing the side chains/substituents.
Cyclopropane Cyclobutene
Cyclopentanone 3-Chloro-1, 1-dimethylcyclohexane

• In aromatic compounds, the following trivial names have been retained by

IUPAC system.
Benzene, Toluene, Benzyl alcohol, Benzyl chloride, Benzaldehyde, Benzoic acid, o-/p-/m-xylenes
Acetophenone, Benzophenone, Phenol, Aniline, Benzonitrile, Anisole.

• When a chain of two or more carbon atoms having a functional group or a

multiple bond is attached with the benzene ring, then ring is taken as
substituent and is names as phenyl group, e.g.,
2-Phenylethan-1-ol 3-Phenylpropanal

When the benzene ring is further substituted, then the name of the substituted
phenyl group is enclosed in parentheses for example:
2-(3-Bromophenyl) ethan-1-ol 3-(4-Bromophenyl) propanal
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