Advisory Years To 1965

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With the assistance of

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Futrell, Robert Frank.

The advisory years in Southeast Asia, to 1965.

(The United States Air Force in Southeast Asia series)

Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
Supt. of Docs. no.: D 301.2:5098
I . Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975 - Aerial operations,
American. 2. United States. Air Force - History - Viet-
namese Conflict, 1961-1975. 3. Asia, Southeastern - History.
I. Blumenson, Martin, joint author. II. Title. II. Series: United
States Air Force in Southeast Asia Series.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

DS558.8F87 959.074:348 80-24547

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office

Washington, D.C. 20402

This publication is the first of a series titled The United States Air Force in
Southeast Asia. It tells the story of the Air Force’s involvement in the region from
the end of the second World War until the major infusion of American troops
into Vietnam in 1965. During these years, and most noticeably after 1961, the Air
Force’s principal role in Southeast Asia was to advise the Vietnamese Air Force
in its struggle against insurgents seeking the collapse of the Saigon government.
This story includes some issues of universal applicability to the Air Force:
the role of air power in an insurgency, the most effective way to advise a foreign
ally, and how to coordinate with other American agencies (both military and
civilian) which are doing the same thing. It also deals with issues unique to the
Vietnamese conflict: how to coordinate a centralized, technological modern air
force with a feudal, decentralized, indigenous one without overwhelming it, and
how best to adapt fighter, reconnaissance, airlift, and liaison planes to a jungle
Additional volumes in this series will tell the story of the Air Force in South
Vietnam, in Laos, and over North Vietnam until the cessation of the Air Force’s
direct role in 1973.

Major General, USAF
Chief; Office of Air Force History
Robert Frank Futrell’s works on Air Force history span the decades from
the second World War to Vietnam. For the former conflict he contributed
sections to The Army Air Forces in World War II, edited by Craven and Cate.
His volume The United States Air Force in Korea, 1950-1953 is the official
history of the Air Force in that action. His Ideas, Concepts, Doctrine book is a
fundamental primer of basic thinking about air power among American military
services from 1907 through 1964. Before his retirement in 1974, Dr. Futrell wrote
a detailed manuscript on the early years of the USAF involvement in the
Vietnamese war. I consider it an honor to have been called upon to prepare this
manuscript for publication.
I wish to thank Major General John W. Huston, Chief, Office of Air Force
History, for a hospitable environment; Dr. Stanley L. Falk, Chief Historian, for
invaluable counsel and support; Mr. Max Rosenberg, Deputy Chief Historian,
Mr. Carl Berger, Chief, Histories Division, Colonel John Schlight, Chief, Special
Histories Branch, and Mr. Jacob Van Staaveren, historian, for helpful com-
ments; Dr. George M. Watson for responses to my requestsfor information; and
all the members of the Office of Air Force History for making me feel at home.
1 a m responsible for any omissions or distortions in this narrative.

Martin Blumenson

Part One: The Truman Years

I. Origins of the American Commitment
to Vietnam

Part Two: The Eisenhower Years

The Geneva Agreements and French Withdrawal

I U.S. Command Problems in the Pacific: Emphasis on
Southeast Asia
Strained Civil-Military Relations in South Vietnam,

Part Three: The Kennedy Years

VI. Initial Challenges and Actions
Opening Farm Gate
The Taylor Mission
U.S. Command Arrangements:
and MACV 93
Tactical Air Control, Mule Train,
and Ranch Hand
Air Policy: Too Cautious?
Farm Gate and the Vietnamese Air Force
Air Operations, 1962: Interdiction, Strikes, and
and Related Matters
Air Operations,
Collapse of the Diem Government

Part Four: The Johnson Years

Objectives Confirmed, Methods Expanded
The War in Vietnam,
The Gulf of Incident
Diffusion of Air Assets
End of the Advisory Phase

Growth of Major United States Air Force and Vietnamese
Air Force Units to February
2 Development of a Viet Cong Antiaircraft Capability.
1962- 1965 283
Notes 287
Glossary 325
Bibliographic Note 347
Index 357

F-8F Bearcats ferried to Vietnam; C-47 and C-1 19s with French
markings .................................................... 8

B-26 bombers; Morane-500 Crickets; F-8F Bearcats at Dien Bien

Phu ......................................................... 9

USAF C-124 at Ceylon airlifting French soldiers to Vietnam; French

paratroop drop; French Foreign Legion .......................... 20

President Eisenhower, Gen. Paul Ely, and Adm. Arthur W. Radford;

supplies unloaded in Indochina under the Military Defense Assist-
ance Program ............................................... 2I

Refugees fleeing from North Vietnam when the country was divided at
the 17th parallel .............................................. 32

Richard M. Nixon, Pierre Mendes-France, and John Foster Dulles;

Operation Wounded Warrior: USAF evacuation of French Foreign
Legionnaires after Dien Bien Phu ............................... 33

Gen. Nathan F. Twining; Gen. J. Lawton Collins and Premier Ngo Dinh
Diem; MAAG Headquarters in Saigon .......................... 38

Gen. Laurence S. Kuter; Gen. Thomas D. White .................... 45

L-19s of the Vietnamese Air Force; Sikorsky H-19 helicopter at Tan Son
Nhut ...................................................... 51

W. Averell Harriman, President Kennedy, and Dean Rusk; Robert S.

McNamara and Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer; members of the Viet-
namese Self Defense Corps from Buon Enao; female members of the
Civil Defense Guard at Hao Cain .............................. 66

T-28 fighter-bombers; Lt. Richard A. Mathison and A I C Tri Pham

Minh, VNAF, stand with a collection of Farm Gate aircraft; T-28 in
foreground, B-26 in left background, A-IE in right background, and
C-47 in distance; RF-IO1 Voodoo .............................. 77

Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, Gen. Emmett O’Donnell, Jr., Adm. J. H.

Sides, and Lt. Gen. C . A. Roberts, in Hawaii; Gen. Paul D. Harkins,
Adm. Harry D. Felt, and Ambassador Frederick E. Nolting at Tan
Son Nhut Airport; Gen. Curtis E. LeMay ........................ 87

Brig. Gen. Rollen Anthis and Air Force Secretary Eugene Zuckert on
tour in the Pacific 99

Viet Cong prisoners unload rice from a C-I23 at Quang Ngai during a
Mule Train resupply mission; supplies pushed from a C-I 23 for an
outpost at Binh Hung; C-123s at Da Nang; aerial view of a
government outpost 109

C-1 23s on a defoliation mission; brass sprayers in the rear of a C-I 23;
C-123K aircraft at Hickam AFB, Hawaii, enroute to Vietnam for
defoliation activities I14

C-123B on defoliation mission near Saigon; view from inside a C-I23

as it sprays foliage; USNS Core in Saigon harbor with a cargo of
Ranch Hand spray and equipment 1 15

Vietnamese officers and American advisers plan an airlift of Vietnamese

paratroopers at Tan Son Nhut; 1st Lt. Wilfred G. Narr demonstrates
aircraft maneuvers to Vietnamese students at Moody AFB, Ga.; AI C
H. R. Wilson and A I C R. L. Fleury install rockets into a B-26
bomber at Bien Hoa; F-102 Delta Daggers 130

Maj. Ivan L. Slavich briefs Gen. Earle G. Wheeler and Gen. Paul D.
Harkins on a rocket mount of the UH-1 B helicopter; ARVN para-
trooper prepares for a jump over Cu Chi; TSgt William W. Cameron
instructs Vietnamese airmen in the operation of the gunsight on a
T-28; Vietnamese tanks move toward the burning presidential palace
after its bombing 164

ARVN paratroopers leap from USAF C-123; O-1E Bird Dog FAC;
Capt. B. D. Lassman and Capt. D. F. Schell with Vietnamese
observer 180

Vietnamese troops outside the presidential palace in Saigon 192

Pres. Johnson, W. Averell Harriman; Adm. U.S. Grant Sharp, Jr.;

Maj. Gen. Joseph H. Moore, Gen. Jacob E. Smart, with Maj. Xuan
Vinh,VNAF 209

Air Commodore Nguyen Cao Ky and Col. William E. Bethea;

Gen. William Westmoreland; AI E aircraft; VNAF CH-34
helicopter 222

Outposts or hamlets of South Vietnam 223

Canberra bomber; rocket pod on F-100; Australian Caribou aircraft at

AIC Leonard A Rowe; SSgt Harold Inman; AC-47 at Tan Son Nhut;

Loudspeakers installed in C-47; leaflets dropped from a C-47 249

B-57 destroyed by Viet Cong mortar attack; Brink BOQ area. following

arts, and Graphs

Southeast Asia facing p . 1

Organizational Chart - Far East Air Forces 11

Principal USAF/ VNAF Airfields in South Vietnam. to

February 1965 51

South Vietnam’s Provinces 57

U.S. Command Arrangements - Vietnam, July 1962 99

Air Operations - 1962 137

ARVN Corps Areas (Until November 1962) 154

ARVN Corps Tactical Zones (After November 1962) 155

Air Operations - 1963 176

Air Operations in South Vietnam. 1964 to February 1965 200

USAF Support Bases Outside Vietnam 231

Barrell Roll Campaign in Laos - December 1964 -

January 1965 258

Diagram of “L” or Triangular Defense System 284

RVN Countrywide Totals - VC Antiaircraft Incidents 285

50 100 Kilometers
Part one:
The Truman Years
Origins of
The American commitment
to Vietnam
About 700 miles west of the Philippine Islands, across the China Sea, lies the
great lndochinese peninsula. China is to the north, Burma to the west, and
Malaysia to the south. The western part of the peninsula holds Thailand (ancient
S a m ) while the eastern portion contains Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam
(formerly elements of French Indochina). This area of Southeast Asia (SEA)
attracted little American interest and attention until the closing months of World
War II.
American policymakers who shared President Franklin D. Roosevelt's
anticolonial sentiments expected Indochina to be freed from French hegemony.
Yet France reestablished control over Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, which had
been part of the French Empire since the 19th century. To some extent this
occurred because the British government wished to resuscitate France as a
European power to help Britain balance somewhat the growing strength of the
Soviet Union. The United States acquiesced in this aim, and increasingly so as
the confrontation of the postwar superpowers evolved into the cold war. It was
the cold war that drew the United States into this region.'
Japan had virtually occupied Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam after the fall of
France in 1940. While allowing the French to maintain a presence and a measure
of control, the Japanese incorporated the Indochinese economic resources into
their system. In March 1945, with Metropolitan France liberated and a full-
fledged member of the Allied coalition, the Japanese interned French civilian and
military officials and removed the pretense of a combined occupation.²
French police agencies and other offices of internal control having been
eliminated, indigenous groups seeking Vietnamese independence began to
expand their activities. The most vigorous organization was the Viet Minh.
Dominated by the Indochinese communist party and directed by Ho Chi Minh,
the Viet Minh launched guerrilla operations against the Japanese and soon
claimed to control much of northern Vietnam, the Tonkin provinces. T o help
harass the Japanese and also to gather intelligence, the U.S. Office of Strategic
Services sent several small teams to Vietnam.
By the time of the Japanese surrender in August 1945, the Viet Minh had
emerged as the leading nationalist group in Vietnam. Viet Minh soldiers on
August 19 arrived in Hanoi, capital of Tonkin, and assumed de facto control. In
Hue, capital of Annam, the central provinces, Emperor Bao Dai, last of the
Vietnamese royal family and a puppet of both France and Japan, abdicated. In
Saigon, capital of Cochin China in the south, a committee took power while


recognizing the overall authority of the Hanoi regime. On December 2 in Hanoi,

Ho Chi Minh proclaimed the independence of the Democratic Republic of
Meanwhile, the war in Europe had closed and in July 1945 the Potsdam
Conference convened. The American, British, and Russian representatives
agreed to include French military forces in operations being planned in Asia,
chiefly to liberate Indochina. The conferees also acted to regularize operational
boundaries. The China Theater under Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek was
extended southward to the 16th parallel, just below Tourane (Da Nang). The
territory south of that line came under the Southeast Asia Command headed by
Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten. This division determined who was to exercise
control after the Japanese
In August 1945, Chinese nationalist troops moved into Tonkin and part of
Annam, while British troops occupied the rest of Annam and all of Cochin
China. The British restored French authority in the south, and the French
brought military forces into the country and ruthlessly suppressed Vietnamese
aspirations for independence. Despite some continuing guerrilla activity, the
French had regained their former colonial status and were well established in
Saigon by the end of the year.
In the north the Chinese refused to intervene in a contest between the
well-organized Viet Minh and the small numbers of French. Concerned by the
threat of the Chinese communists under Mao Tse-tung, the Chinese nationalists
were reluctant to see the triumph of Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam. They preferred the
return of the French if France would abandon territorial and economic rights
formerly granted as concessions in China. This generally neutral stance fueled the
struggle for power between the Viet Minh and the French. A guerrilla war of low
intensity soon developed.
When the French agreed to renounce their concessions early in 1946,
Nationalist China recognized French sovereignty in Indochina and moved
Chinese troops out of Vietnam. By the end of March, they were being replaced by
French military forces.
Ho Chi Minh had been negotiating with the French authorities for recogni-
tion of his new government and ultimate independence. The exchanges were
futile and incidents of violence multiplied. The climax came in November 1946
after a French patrol boat in Haiphong harbor clashed with Vietnamese militia.
The French responded by brutally bombarding the city and killing a n estimated
6,000 civilians, whereupon H o broke off the talks. In December he moved his
government into the mountains of Tonkin and opened full-scale guerrilla war by
attacking the French in Hanoi.
American policymakers had conflicting feelings. Their sympathy for the
Vietnamese nationalists left them reluctant to see France restore control by
force-they wanted French authority to enjoy the support of the Vietnamese
people. On the other hand, Americans were uneasy because Vietnamese inde-
pendence might produce a communist


Hoping that the Vietnamese were more nationalistic than communistic,

U.S. government officials urged the French to end the guerrilla warfare and to
find a political solution acceptable to both parties. If France made a bona fide
accommodation to ultimate Vietnamese sovereignty, Ho’s strength might col-
lapse. Continually advocating an equitable solution to the problem of conflicting
claims to power, the United States prohibited the export of war materials to the
French in Vietnam, although munitions sent to Metropolitan France could, of
course, be reshipped to Southeast
While combating Ho’s guerrilla activities, France entered into negotiations
with anti-Ho Vietnamese parties. To give these elements a native leader, the
French in the spring of 1949 installed Bao Dai, the former emperor, as the chief of
state of an entity formed by the union of Tonkin, Annam, and Cochin China. But
this was hardly more than a show of sovereignty, for the French retained control
of Vietnamese foreign and military
Troubled American officials began to accept this arrangement as the cold
war intensified everywhere. The Greek civil war, the Berlin blockade, the coup
d’etat in Czechoslovakia, as well as the successes of the Chinese communists
against the nationalists, led to a heightened concern with worldwide communism
that appeared to be monolithic. Surely, Ho Chi Minh’s communist affiliation
was part of a growing global menace. To cope with this and to rehabilitate
Western Europe as a force against communist encroachment, the United States
early in 1949 helped to form and joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) for mutual defense.
The final triumph of the Chinese communists in October 1949 seemed to
confirm the worst American fears. It spurred the Congress to pass the Mutual
Defense Assistance Act designed to deal with the cold war. The President was
empowered to dispense funds to various nations, including “the general area of
China” which was extended to cover Southeast Asia and specifically Vietnam.’
The ongoing guerrilla war in Vietnam that weakened French support of
NATO and the defense of Western Europe, the arrival of Chinese communist
troops at the northern frontier of Vietnam at the beginning of 1950, the formal
recognition of H o Chi Minh’s Democratic Republic of Vietnam by Communist
China and the Soviet Union in January 1950-all persuaded the United States
government to adopt the Bao Dai solution. On February 7, 1950, the United
States extended diplomatic recognition to the State of Vietnam as well as to the
Kingdoms of Cambodia and Laos.
Nine days later, France requested American economic and military assist-
ance for prosecution of the war in Indochina. Unable to bear the burden without
American aid, France was thinking of withdrawing from the region if Ho Chi
Minh received increasing resources from China and the Soviet
What the French needed immediately were ammunition, napalm, and
barbed wire to help defend perimeters around Hanoi and Haiphong against Viet
Minh attacks. Their air units in the Far East possessed only obsolete and


miscellaneous aircraft.* Few fully trained military maintenance technicians were

on hand because of a general shortage in Metropolitan France, where the French
Air Force depended in large part on contract aircraft
President Harry S. Truman regarded the emergence of Communist China
as an extension of Soviet power and saw the growth of communist influence over
Asia as a threat to American interests. He instructed the National Security
Council to formulate a policy for strengthening non-communist Asian nations.
The result was a resolve to block communist expansion by collective and bilateral
security treaties. Since the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) had already recommended
spending funds to support anti-communist forces in Indochina, $75 million
allocated in the Mutual Defense Assistance Act for “the general area of China”
was appropriately at hand.
The French wanted a substantial and long-term American commitment.
And in the spring of 1950, American decisionmakers all opposed what was called
losing Southeast Asia to communism. Consequently, the United States Govern-
ment during fiscal year 195 I decided to provide $164 million in military aid to
France for use in
Whatever doubts some American officials may have had that French
military success, predicated on American military assistance, would necessarily
lead to a strengthened non-communist government in Vietnam vanished in the
face of two events. The first was intelligence confirmation of increasing aid to the
Viet Minh by the People’s Republic of China. The second was the invasion of the
Republic of Korea on June 25, 1950, by the communist forces of the Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea.
Now the struggle seemed absolutely clear. As President Truman told Ameri-
cans on June 27, the communists had “passed beyond the use of subversion to
conquer independent nations and will now use armed invasion and war.” The
United States, he promised, would resist aggression in Korea and at the same
time accelerate military assistance to France and the Associated States in Indo-
china (Vietnam, Laos, and Even as he spoke, eight C 4 7 transports
were being prepared for delivery to Metropolitan France. Because the situation
was critical in Southeast Asia, American pilots flew these planes direct to Saigon
and turned them over even before formal U.S. agencies were in the country to
coordinate shipments of assistance materials. These eight aircraft were the first
aviation aid furnished by the United States to the French in Vietnam.
As American forces entered the war in Korea and as the French resisted Viet
Minh attacks in Tonkin, Donald R. Heath became the U.S. Minister to the
Associated States on July 6, 1950. The initial elements of the U.S. Military

*French Air Force Indochina consisted of two squadrons totaling forty-six British MK-IX
Spitfires, three squadrons of sixty-three American F-63 Kingcobras, two squadrons of thirty-five
German JU-52 transports, and one squadron of twenty American C 4 7 s . plus some light liaison
planes. The French Navy had a patrol squadron of eight American PBY-SA Catalinas and a
reconnaissance squadron of nine British Sea Otters. A lack of specialized aircraft
required the use of fighters for reconnaissance, strafing, and bombing missions. In general, however,
bombardment was conducted by PBY patrol planes and by JU-52 transports under contract.



Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) entered Saigon on August 3. Brig. Gen.

Francis G. Brink, USA, assumed command on October 10, and Lt. Col.
Edmund F. Freeman, the Air Attach; in Saigon, handled air assistance duties
until the Air Force Section of MAAG-Indochina came into being on November 8
under Col. Joseph B.
Mr. Heath was the Chief of Mission and the senior U.S. representative in
Saigon. General Brink, the MAAG chief, was his military advisor. MAAG
received and reviewed requests for American aid to the ground, naval, and air
forces, established requirements and, after coordinating with Heath, submitted
them to the Department of Defense
Although Americans hoped to work directly with the Vietnamese as well as
with the French, the French termed the Bao Dai government and its military
forces incapable of dealing with assistance matters. French troops were carrying
the burden of the war, and the few Vietnamese units in existence had limited
capacities except as auxiliaries.
As a consequence, MAAG received requests from the French, transferred
title of military assistance program materials to them, and tried to insure the
proper use of the items supplied. On December 23, 1950, the United States,
France, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos signed the Mutual Defense Assistance
Agreement. A provision stipulated that American goods destined for Indochina
would pass through French
The military assistance effort had three priorities. The first was responding
to emergency requests to enable French forces to meet immediate threats. The
second was improving French military capabilities. The third and least important
was developing indigenous Vietnamese armed forces.
With respect to aviation requirements, not until October 1950, when forty
U.S. Navy F-6F Hellcats arrived in Saigon aboard a French carrier, could the
United States make available fighter aircraft to replace the old MK-IX Spitfires.
While the French requested F-63 Kingcobras primarily because of their
37-mm cannon, the United States Air Force (USAF)* had no spare parts or
ammunition for these obsolete aircraft and instead furnished ninety F-8F Bear-
cat fighters, which were ferried to Vietnam in February and March 1951. Delays
in installing ground equipment postponed the arrival in Vietnam of five RB-26
reconnaissance planes until July. Twenty-four B-26 bombers were renovated and
transported to Hawaii by carrier in December, then flown to Tourane. Nine
others flew from Sacramento t o Hawaii and on to Vietnam at the of the
These deliveries completed the initial aviation schedules under the Mutual
Defense Assistance Program. The planes enabled the French to expand sortie
rates from a n average of 450a week in the summer of 1950 to 930 in the spring of
I95 1

* Hereafter in this work, the terms"Air Force,” ”Army,””Navy,"and "Marine Corps" will mean
"U.S. Air Force,””U.S. Army," "U.S. Navy," and "U.S. Marine Corps." Military forces of other
nations will be specifically designated, for example. "French Air Force."

(Bottom) F-8F Bearcats ferried to Vietnam. (Upper left) C-47 with French markings. (Upper right) USAF
C-1 19s with French markings leave to drop supplies at Dien Bien Phu.

P. 9: (Top) B-26s. (Center) Morane-500 Crickets. (Bottom) F-8F Bearcats on Dien Bien Phu Airfield.


Courtesy French E C P Armees


Despite higher American priorities in Korea, U.S. materiel dispatched to

Vietnam helped the campaigning. High Commissioner and Commander in Chief
Gen. Jean de Lattre de Tassigny said in January I951 that U.S. air resources,
“especially napalm bombs, arrived in the nick of time.” Mr. Heath believed that
“French superiority in aviation and artillery was responsible for turning back a
Viet Minh offensive. In particular, the use of napalm . . . was a decisive factor in
the French holding
Further French victories in May 1951 compelled the Viet Minh to abandon
battles of confrontation and to retreat to lower-key guerrilla operations of
harassment and ambush. The war assumed the characteristics of a stalemate.”
For a variety of reasons-to gain the initiative, to respond to American
urging for a greater Vietnamese stake in the struggle, to allow France to contrib-
ute more to the NATO defenses in Europe-the French acceded to a request
from Bao Dai and projected a n expansion of Vietnamese military forces. They
opened a n air training center at Nha Trang Airfield in June 1951 and a Viet-
namese Air Force office in Saigon during .July. Furnishing for training several
Morane-500 Cricket liaison aircraft (French-built version of the German Fieseler
Storch), the French established the Vietnamese 3 1 2th Special Mission Squadron
at Tan Son Nhut Airfield near Saigon. Though the first Vietnamese flyers
received their training in Metropolitan France, French instructors at Nha Trang
started in March 1952 to train small numbers of pilots, observers, and mainte-
nance men.
These efforts permitted the activation in 1953 of two Vietnamese Cricket
observation squadrons and in 1954 of a light combat assault liaison squadron
equipped with French Dassault M.D.-3 15 Flamants. The three squadrons were
reorganized on July 1, 1954, into the Vietnamese 1st Liaison Group. Although
the air training program had significance for the future, it yielded only a token
number of Vietnamese liaison pilots and observers who had begun to fly combat
missions under French control toward the end of
By then the new MAAG chief, Brig. Gen. Thomas J . H. Trapnell, USA,
and Col. Arvid E. Olson, chief of the MAAG Air Force Section, were concerned
over the effectiveness of French Air Force Indochina. It was limited to a
personnel ceiling of 10,000 men and still suffered from a scarcity of technicians.
Aircraft maintenance and supply were consequently marginal. Plagued by poor
consumption records, the French found it difficult to project future materiel
requirements. At the same time, the Korean War imposed its own needs.
American deliveries to Vietnam decreased, and F-8Fs and B-26s scheduled to
meet increasing attrition remained unsent during 1952. Yet ten C-47s arriving in
March and April 1952, and ten more in September and October bolstered the
French. 19
The French flew the C-47s to their limits to meet stepped-up action by the
Viet Minh in October. The planes performed so well t hat Gen. Raoul Salan, who
had replaced de Lattre, asked General Trapnell for additional ones. Trapnell
passed the request to Washington and, toward the end of the year, Far East Air
Forces (FEAF) headquarters in Tokyo received instructions to fill the order.

F E A F hurriedly dispatched twenty-one (2-47s to Clark Air Base in the Philip-

pines. There, the 24th Air Depot Wing removed USAF insignia, added paradrop
equipment, and delivered the planes to the French at Nha Trang. To provide
technicians for better maintenance and supply, the wing sent a temporary duty
force to Nha Trang on January 4, 1953. This was the first USAF contingent,
exclusive of the MAAG, to deploy to Vietnam. They remained in the country
until French troops relieved them on August
While the United States was funding approximately one-third of the costs of
military operations, the French, despite limited success in northwest Tonkin,
became increasingly disheartened by their own casualties and expenditures.
Appropriations from Bao Dai’s government and from the French National
Assembly for continuing military operations were difficult to obtain.²¹ As Secre-
tary of State Dean Acheson informed Presidentelect Dwight D. Eisenhower in
November 1952, the French, in Paris as well as in Vietnam, were wavering in
their support for the war. They wanted international backing and additional
assistance for their efforts.²²
Dealing with this problem would be one of President Eisenhower’s


Part Two:
The Eisenhower Years
II. Dien Bien Phu
Early in his administration, President Eisenhower decided that three actions
were necessary for French success in Indochina. France had to give “greater
reality” to Vietnamese nationalistic aspirations and thereby deny the Viet Minh
their claim of struggling for independence. With the Vietnamese people thus
allowed a greater stake in their destiny, the French had to place more reliance on
indigenous military forces, requiring better equipment and training facilities.
Finally, the free world had to furnish more assistance to France, which alone was
carrying on what appeared to be an international struggle.’
In March 1953 Secretary of State John Foster Dulles advised French
authorities that the United States would enlarge its fiscal support if France
framed a n acceptable plan for resolving the war.² Before the French government
could make a detailed response, the Viet Minh launched another offensive in
western Tonkin in April 1953, moved into Laos, and threatened
A NATO foreign ministers conference was in progress in Paris and French
officials asked Dulles for the loan of C-1 19 transports to lift tanks and other
heavy equipment into Laos. Although Eisenhower was unwilling to employ
USAF crews on these combat missions, he agreed to lend the planes if Civil Air
Transport contract crews from Taiwan flew them. These arrangements made,
F E A F received the order to provide the aircraft. In May USAF crews flew six
C-1 19s to Nha Trang where contract pilots took them to Cat Bi Airfield near
Haiphong. The 24th Air Depot Wing sent a supporting maintenance and supply
detachment to Cat Bi, and then to Gia Lam Airfield near Hanoi. The aircraft and
detachment withdrew from Vietnam late in July after satisfying the
General Henri Eugene Navarre, a new commander in chief, arrived in
Vietnam in May 1953, with instructions to defeat the Viet Minh and bring the
war to a close in conformance with American provisos. Navarre drew a plan to
use mobile strike forces against main enemy units. He hoped to expand support,
heighten cooperation among ground, naval, and air forces, secure fresh rein-
forcements from France, and improve Vietnamese forces. He proposed to lure
the Viet Minh into open battle, break up their main forces by 1955, and reduce
them to a low level of guerrilla warfare that for the most part indigenous troops
To help Navarre and incidentally to observe the local conditions, an Ameri-
can joint military mission headed by Army Lt. Gen. John W. O’Daniel and
including Maj. Gen. Chester E. McCarty, commander of FEAF’s 315th Air
Division (Combat Cargo), reached Saigon on June 20. O’Daniel was favorably
impressed with Navarre’s plan. So was McCarty. Because of the personnel
shortages in French Air Force Indochina, McCarty noted, deliveries of more
U.S. aircraft without air and maintenance crews made little sense. Navarre
wanted extra paratroop lift capacity, and McCarty proposed to lend the French
C-119s. The planes could be dispatched to Cat Bi a day before a planned


operation, flown in combat by French crews, and returned to Clark Air Base for

The commander of French Air Force Indochina rejected the

Instead, herequested in August to supply plus
necessary equipment by October Pulled out of units in the United States, these
aircraft were delivered to Vietnam in December.'
The armistice in Korea, signed on July 1953, raised the possibility of
greater support not only by the United States for the French but by Communist
China for the Viet Minh as well. American officials nevertheless believed in the
efficacy of plan. When the French government in September agreed to
the eventual independence of Vietnam, the United States promised to make
addition to the assistance funds already committed to the French
and the Associated States of Vietnam, Cambodia, and million by
the end of In March the United States would offer to boost the
amount and to reimburse France up to million for expenditures in Indo-
china during calendar year
In Vietnam, said he would keep General and
informed of operational plans and not limit their function simply to handling
materiel requests. Expecting to play a larger role in assisting the French,
Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson in January 1954 augmented the Air
Force Section from seven officers and eight airmen to thirty officers and thirty-
five airmen. Yet, despite public announcements in Washington of all-out Ameri-
can support, continued to have little influence on French activities.
complained (as other bodies with similar missions elsewhere normally
noted) that the French were reluctant to accept advice. They generally expected
the United States to deliver everything requested, regardless of their ability to use
or to maintain
Starting his operations in the fall of General focused on the.
plain of Located in northwest Tonkin and near the border of
Laos, it controlled the main road between the two regions. A strongly fortified air
and ground base at would reestablish French authority in the area
and block Viet Minh incursions into the neighboring
onto an airstrip a t on November
and began to fortify the area. They needed heavy equipment, including large
quantities of barbed wire. On December started to ferry 315th Air
Division to Cat Airfield for further flight by French military or
civilian contract crews. At Cat a detachment of the Troop Carrier Wing,
the Aerial Resupply Unit, and a provisional maintenance squadron of the
Far East Air Logistics Force supported from twelve to 19s at any
given time."
As developed a n enclave in northwestern Tonkin, he had to
weaken the French defenses of Hanoi and In December and
January Viet Minh attacks threatened French security in those cities. Even
more serious was a growing Viet Minh concentration around

The American government noted the dangers, and Assistant Secretary of

Defense for International Security Affairs Frank C. Nash directed the military
services to give the highest priority to the Mutual Assistance Program without
regard to funding. On January 16, 1954, President Eisenhower instructed
Defense Secretary Wilson to report to him all that could be done t o help the
French without actually committing U.S. forces to combat. To permit the
French to counter Viet Minh incursions into Laos, six long-range B-26s arrived
in Indochina in January. When the French then requested twenty-two more, ten
to offset attrition and twelve to augment bombing capabilities, Assistant Secre-
tary Nash on January 29 resolved to provide them even if they had to come from
operational U S A F squadrons in the Far East. Notified of the decision, F E A F
ferried sixteen of its planes from Japan to Clark Air Base where French markings
were painted on, then delivered them to Tourane in mid-February. These
aircraft remained o n loan until sixteen B-26s and three RB-26s, funded by
the Mutual Defense Assistance Program, could reach Indochina later in
February and
Despite talk of getting additional aviation personnel from France and of
using Vietnamese to augment French service troops, the French air units
remained approximately one-fourth undermanned. F E A F received instructions
on January 3 1 to organize for duty in Vietnam several provisional C-47 and B-26
maintenance and supply units, with a composite strength of some three hundred
men. Brig. Gen. Albert G. Hewitt, commander of Far East Air Logistics Force,
arrived in Saigon on February 2, 1954, and established a B-26 detachment a t
Tourane and a C-47 detachment at D o Son Airfield near Haiphong. Three days
later, the members of this highly classified undertaking began to be airlifted in.
President Eisenhower informed the American public that “some airplane
mechanics . . . who would not get touched by combat” had been sent to

Support of the French bothered Gen. Otto P. Weyland, F E A F command-

ing general. Because furnishing USAF personnel hampered his own combat
readiness, he preferred the French to receive American funds for contract
maintenance. Traveling t o Vietnam early in February, General Weyland gained
the impression that the French problems were “primarily political and psycho-
logical.” The Vietnamese disliked the French and served poorly under them.
More serious, the Vietnamese laborers who worked at the Hanoi airfields by day
might well be joining the Viet Minh at
As growing communist forces gathered around Dien Bien Phu and cut the
surface routes to the garrison, General Navarre airlifted new French and Viet-
namese troops into the airhead. By mid-January 1954, air supply required twenty
C-I 19 and fifty C-47 sorties each day. The security of this airlift seemed threat-
ened when radio intercepts reported Viet Minh stockpiling of 37-mm rapid-fire,
Soviet-made antiaircraft (AA) artillery ammunition nearby. At the request of the
Army attach; in Saigon, two F E A F experts in antiaircraft warfare, Captains
Robert M. Lloyd and Robert W. Hicks, visited Vietnam between January 16 and
February 5. They warned that 37-mm guns sited along the limited air approaches


to Dien Bien Phu would have “considerable success” against low-flying trans-
ports. But after studying aerial photographs, the officers concluded that the
French had exaggerated the threat-there were no enemy 37-mm guns in the

President Eisenhower was apprehensive that the Viet Minh would overrun
the troops besieged in the isolated fortress at Dien Bien Phu, but Navarre
remained optimistic. The position was attracting a large part of the Viet Minh
military forces and if they attacked, the French would inflict heavy casualties on
them. The report of the American antiaircraft artillery experts was reassuring.
French Minister of Defense Rene Pleven and Armed Forces Chief of Staff Lt.
Gen. Paul H. R. Ely visited the site in February and were impressed with the
strength of the defenses. General O’Daniel enthusiastically reported the land
garrison able to withstand any attack that the Viet Minh could launch “at
present.”The USAF directorate of intelligence decided in March 1954 that Ho
Chi Minh would be “stupid” to attack and take heavy losses when “hit and run”
tactics were so much more effective.”
In talks completed on February 18, 1954, France, the United States, Great
Britain, and the Soviet Union agreed to discuss political solutions for Korea and
Indochina at a conference to be held in Geneva on April 26. Secretary of State
Dulles had opposed setting a specific date for further international negotiations,
arguing that a fixed time would tempt H o Chi Minh into a spectacular
operation. 18
His concern was prophetic-Ho sought a n all-out victory at Dien Bien Phu.
Chinese advisors had trained and equipped Viet Minh artillery and antiaircraft
units. Disassembled weapons, brought in on the backs of human carriers, had
been reassembled and placed in positions concealed under heavy vegetation in
the hills surrounding the French garrison. Artillery pieces included 75- and
105-mm howitzers, the latter of American manufacture that had been captured
in Korea. Among the antiaircraft arms were Soviet-made 37-mm automatic
weapons and 12.7-mm heavy machineguns. A 100-mile road was opened to a
major depot on the Chinese border, and a fleet of 1,000 trucks arriving from
China assured sufficient shells for a high rate of
Before the Viet Minh launched their attack against Dien Bien Phu, guerril-
las struck the Gia Lam and Cat Bi airfields inside the Hanoi-Haiphong perim-
eter. On the night of March 3, infiltrators used plastic explosives to damage o r
destroy ten civil transport aircraft at Gia Lam. Three nights later at Cat Bi,
guerrillas destroyed one B-26 and six Morane-500 Crickets and damaged three
The attack against Dien Bien Phu began on March 10 with shelling of the
two airstrips. At nightfall on the 13th the Viet Minh mounted massed assaults
against outposts. Although the French dropped two paratroop battalions into
Dien Bien Phu on March 14 and 16, the Viet Minh clung to the surrounding hills
and sent artillery fire plunging down upon the garrison and airstrips. Ground
support came from all available air units of French Air Force Indochina, the
French aircraft carrier Arromanches, and from some naval patrol airmen flying


PB4Y-2 Privateers out of Cat Bi. Sorties during the week of March 11-17
averaged forty-three per day.
On the 14th communist gunners closed the principal airstrip at Dien Bien
Phu, then destroyed seven F-8Fs, two C-47s, one C-I 19, four Crickets, and two
H-19B helicopters on the ground. A B-26 hit by antiaircraft fire crashed upon
landing at Cat Bi. Enemy fire the next day downed one F-6Fand one F-8F. That
same week, flak damaged three F-8Fs and one C-I 19. C-47s and smaller planes
sneaked into the airstrip at night for two weeks to evacuate casualties. These
missions ceased after an air ambulance was destroyed by artill :ry on March
French fighters and light bombers giving direct and close air support to the
ground troops had to operate from higher altitudes because of the accurate
antiaircraft fire. The crews therefore found it harder to locate and hit dug-in and
carefully camouflaged positions. Since napalm dropped by C 4 7 s seemed partic-
ularly potent, the French on March 18 asked to use F E A F C-I 19s for larger
napalm drops on moonlit nights. While General Weyland thought the C-I 19s
rather vulnerable for such work, he agreed to furnish them. One plane carrying
4,000 gallons of drummed napalm crashed during takeoff from Cat Bi on March
23. Nevertheless, the French flew some C-I 19 drops with satisfactory results. But
napalm, effective in the rice paddies of the Red River Delta, was less suitable to
the canopied and rain-soaked forest around Dien Bien Phu.22
With the major airstrip at Dien Bien Phu closed, the 170 tons of ammuni-
tion and 32 of food required each day to sustain the garrison had to be dropped
into ever-shrinking zones. All military air transports, including American C-I 19s,
were committed to this resupply, even though high-altitude drops from 8,000 to
10,000 feet dispersed much cargo into Viet Minh territory. Drops from 3,000 to
4,000 feet were impossible because of the 37-mm antiaircraft fire. Supplies in lieu
of aircraft and crews were sacrificed, and one-half to two-thirds of the items fell
into enemy
President Eisenhower seriously considered a direct U.S. military interven-
tion. But judging adequate ground forces to be already engaged, he was reluctant
to commit American ground troops in Southeast Asia or to employ air units
squarely in support of the French. He was unwilling to authorize stronger U.S.
measures unless a coalition of powers, including Britain in particular, gave moral
meaning to such a n
Talk of using American air and naval forces to support the French
prompted Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Thomas D. White to direct a study on how
best to employ the Air Force in Indochina. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Matthew B.
Ridgway dispatched a team of officers under Maj. Gen. James M. Gavin to
Vietnam to gather facts on a possible ground force commitment. President
Eisenhower, noting that General Trapnell was due for rotation, directed that
General O’Daniel, a n experienced combat commander who still visited Indo-
china periodically, be assigned as Chief of
In Washington on March 20, French General Ely met with President
Eisenhower, Secretary of State Dulles, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Admiral Arthur W. Radford, USN, who were gravely and sympathetically


Courtesy: USlA


P. 20: (Top) USAF C-124 at Ceylon airlifting French soldiers to Vietnam. (Center) French paratroopers.
(Bottom) French Foreign Legion.

P. 21: (Top) President Eisenhower with Gen Paul Ely and Adm. Arthur W. Radford. (Below) Supplies
unloaded in Indochina under the Military Defense Assistance Program.


concerned about the situation. Eisenhower directed Radford to give the French
whatever materials they requested. He was speaking of logistic assistance, but Ely
had the impression that much more was involved in the offer. Dulles reiterated
the position that overt U.S. participation in the war would depend on French
willingness to expand the training of indigenous forces and to give ultimate
independence to the Associated States. Radford was more encouraging. He
spoke of direct U.S. intervention by sixty B-29 bombers escorted by 150 carrier
aircraft of the Seventh Fleet against the Viet Minh at Dien Bien Phu.
In Paris, Ely reported Radford’s personal assurance of naval air support if
the situation required it. The French government on March 29 then sent Col.
Raymond Brohon to Vietnam to see if American intervention was needed to save
Dien Bien
In Hanoi, Brohon told General Navarre of possible American air strikes. At
first feeling that they might trigger overt Chinese intervention, Navarre informed
General Ely on the night of April 3 that direct American action might “have a
decisive effect particularly if it comes before the [next] Viet-Minh assault.” The
Viet Minh had already launched a massed attack on the evening of March 30,
and were about to mount another on the night of April 4. They seemed to be
taking heavy
On the 3d of April in Paris, the French government asked the United States
to fly two battalions of French paratroopers and some naval personnel from
France to Vietnam. The Americans agreed and set the first airlift for the
Alerted on April 3 to assume the mission, the United States Air Forces in Europe
planned to use C-] 19s of the 322d Air Division (Combat Cargo). On the 6th,
however, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru refused to permit flights over India,
even though the troops transported would be unarmed and dressed in civilian
clothes. Air Force headquarters accordingly directed the 62d Troop Carrier
Wing to deploy C- 124s from Larson Air Force Base, Washington. On April 20,
six C - 124s picked up 5 14 passengers in Paris and Tunis and traveled to Vietnam,
with intermediate refueling stops in Libya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan,
Ceylon, and Thailand. The planes unloaded at Tourane on the 23d. A second lift
of five C-124s departed Marseilles with 452 passengers on May 5, followed much
the same route, and arrived at Tourane on the
Meanwhile, at midnight on April 4, Premier Joseph Laniel asked Ambas-
sador C. Douglas Dillon for strikes by Navy carrier pilots against Viet Minh
artillery around the besieged French forces. As a n alternative, he requested the
immediate loan of ten to twenty B-29s, these to be maintained by USAF
personnel and flown by French
Secretary Dulles had earlier spoken of the determination of the United
States to resist Chinese aggression. In a speech to the Overseas Press Club in
Washington on March 29, he expressed strong opposition by “whatever means”
against the extension of communist power into Southeast
British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden wanted to be sure exactly what
Dulles meant, for Eden thought it useless to encourage the French in a n
adventure that would succeed only with more than limited military assistance.


Accordingly, the British Ambassador Roger M . Makins informed Dulles that his
government believed the French situation in Indochina to be beyond salvage. It
was therefore important, he said, to refrain from jeopardizing the negotiations to
be held in
Secretary Dulles, Admiral Radford, and Deputy Secretary of Defense
Roger M. Kyes on April 3 briefed a select group of congressional leaders. The
latter made it clear that the Congress would support no unilateral U.S. interven-
tion in Indochina unless three conditions were met: unified action by the non-
communist nations in Southeast Asia and by the United Kingdom, complete
independence to be granted to the Associated States, and continuation by the
French of their military effort on the same scale after other nations entered the
Because congressional support for U.S. air and naval assistance to France
depended on a British alignment, President Eisenhower wrote Prime Minister
Winston Churchill a personal letter on April 4. Churchill’s response three days
indicated little enthusiasm for
On April 5 Dulles had revealed in testimony before the House foreign affairs
committee that the Chinese were “coming awfully close” to overt military
intervention. This, he said, Eisenhower would not countenance. Yet, given the
British position, the United States on the 6th informed France that other
circumstances were necessary for a direct American role in
On the same day, Gen. Nathan F. Twining, Air Force Chief of Staff,
recommended against lending B-29 aircraft for two reasons. The French had
little ability to operate the planes and none to support them. Suitable targets for
the large bombers were
General Navarre informed Paris on April 7 that he lacked French flight
crews to man borrowed B-29s. Furthermore, without fighter escorts, the B-29s
might be shot down if the Chinese sent in MIG
Convinced of Indochina’s major importance to the free world, President
Eisenhower on the 7th explained to the press why he thought so. The surrender of
any free people to communism, he said, was inimical to freedom everywhere. The
loss of Vietnam would expose other nations in Southeast Asia to communist
aggression. “You have a row of dominoes set up, you knock over the first one,
and what will happen to the last one is the certainty it will go over very
American military studies were far from optimistic about the prospect of
employing U.S. combat forces to support the French. A F E A F staff paper
stressed the point that the French still followed a n “arrogant”colonial policy and
had so alienated native loyalties as to make a military solution probably impossi-
ble. Besides, rigid ceilings on French military manpower and a reluctance to
develop native forces had dashed what hope there might have been to deal with
the Viet Minh militarily. More specifically, the French had failed to exploit their
planes fully, for they had neither interdicted enemy supply routes nor properly
used air strikes against the hostile concentrations ringing the
A USAF staff study concluded that air power would contribute to the
efforts of land forces, but several factors would seriously inhibit air effectiveness.


Cited were the character of the ground operations, the terrain, the weather, the
absence among the indigenous population of a will to fight, the general scarcity of
good air targets, and the want of target
The Army fact-finding team headed by General Gavin reported that eight
U.S. divisions plus thirty-five engineer battalions would have to fight in the
Hanoi Delta and possibly seize Hainan Island. Because Southeast Asia had no
good ports, airfields, and land communications, support requirements were
tremendous. “We finally decided when we were all through,” Gavin said later,
“that what we were talking about doing was going to war with Red China under
conditions that were appallingly disadvantageous.” Ridgway sent the report to
President Eisenhower who was struck by the enormity of the requirements

Yet U.S. military commanders in the Far East tried to furnish all-out logistic
support to the French, even drawing equipment from American units. Gen. Earle
E. Partridge, who assumed command of Far East Air Forces on March 26,1954,
directed “full, prompt, and effective” action. Thus, when the French High
Commissioner asked Ambassador Heath early in April for eighteen C-47s to
replace losses, the planes were flown from .Japan to Tourane on April 9 and
placed on loan. When the French wanted twenty-five B-26B aircraft, these too
were provided. Other expedited deliveries included H-19 helicopters taken from
Marine Corps units in the Far East, L-20 liaison aircraft from the Air Force, and
twelve F-8F replacement aircraft diverted from Thailand commitments. The
carrier Suipan brought twenty-five F-4U Corsair fighters to Tourane to augment
the F-6Fs aboard the Arromanches. While F E A F sent large air shipments of
munitions, paraflares, and white-phosphorus bombs, larger deliveries of heavier
ordnance came by surface vessels loaded in Korea and
Maj. Gen. Jacob E. Smart, FEAFdeputy for operations, offered the French
on April 7 the Hail (Lazy Dog) munitions stored in Japan. These small finned
bullets had been manufactured for antipersonnel missions during the Korean
War but had never been used in combat. With 11,200 of the missiles packed in a
cluster adapter about the size and weight of a 500-pound bomb, the tactic was to
drop the clusters from 15,000feet and burst them at 5,000 feet. This allowed the
finned bullets to gain lethal velocity as they approached the
Five million of these small missiles and 500 cluster adapters arrived at
Haiphong on April 16, but the ship was delayed on berthing and did not unload
until the 23d. When the shipment was unpacked, about half the missiles were
corroded and many had damaged fins that affected their ballistic flight. Two
F E A F technical experts, Lt. Col. William B. Sanders and Maj. Robert V.
Prouty, urged the French to employ the finned bullets in a fairly large strike
against enemy personnel. The French, however, preferred to use them against
antiaircraft artillery emplacements. Four PB4Y-2 aircraft, each carrying 12
cluster units, opened the attack and through May 2 dropped 227 units; B-26s
dropped 132.
Though Sanders and Prouty were unable to obtain concrete evaluations of
results, the French appeared to be happy with circumstantial evidence. On April


30 and May I the missile bombs were extensively employed in conjunction with
air resupply missions, and on these dates C-1 19 crews reported less antiaircraft
fire than usual. Perhaps more indicative, the Viet Minh dispersed their antiair-
craft batteries. T o Sanders it seemed that “the finned bullet attacks were success-
ful but only due to volume rather than good delivery
When Generals Partridge and Smart visited Vietnam during April 14-18,
General Navarre asked whether B-29 operations were feasible. On his way home,
Partridge radioed Brig. Gen. Joseph D. C. Caldara, commander of the F E A F
Bomber Command (Provisional), to meet him at Haneda airport in Tokyo.
There Partridge told Caldara of Navarre’s request. According to Navarre, B-29
operations had been cleared through diplomatic channels. Partridge had
received no such directive. In any case, Caldara was to go to Vietnam and see
whether B-29s would be effective. If so and B-29 flights were authorized, Caldara
would have complete operational control. Partridge wanted him to employ his
force as a total unit under mass-strike
Leaving Japan on the following day, Caldara flew to Saigon. After con-
ferring with Robert McClintock, Charge d’Affaires at the American Embassy,
and with French officials, Caldara received a n intelligence briefing. He then flew
over Dien Bien Phu. He concluded that there were “no true B-29 targets.” But if
B-29s were “the only aircraft that can put the required tonnage on the roads and
supply areas, we can d o the job if directed.” The monsoon weather had set in,
limiting visual bombing. Hence bombing by shoran radar or by airborne radar
would be essential.
Believing that B-29 operations could best be mounted from Clark Air Base
in the Philippines, General Caldara planned to fly a maximum effort strike with
1 / IO-second-delay-fused, 500-pound general purpose bombs. Navy fighters
operating from carriers would escort the bombers. “The bombing raid,” Caldara
later reminisced, “could have effectively destroyed the entire enemy force sur-
rounding Dien Bien Phu.”
This may have been wishful thinking. Although General Navarre repeatedly
sought information on the ability of the B-29s to destroy antiaircraft facilities, he
felt that the absence of ground-based radar guidance made a mass strike so close
to the camp impossible. He preferred an American air strike against the major
Viet Minh supply base at Tuan Giao, a road-junction town about fifty miles
northeast of Dien Bien Phu. Caldara made a personal aerial reconnaissance of
the enemy supply lines from Dien Bien Phu to the Chinese border and presented
target information to the French. In Hanoi he discovered the French possessed
more fighter-bombers and light bombers than they could use on any given day
because of personnel and maintenance restrictions. Finally, Caldara judged a
mass bombing by B-29s to be impractical under the conditions. He also informed
Partridge, who directed him to return to
Arriving in Paris on April 19, Secretary Dulles learned that the situation at
Dien Bien Phu was “virtually hopeless.” It could be saved only through U.S. air
intervention. Dulles suggested to the French government that Generals Navarre
and O’Daniel hold a n emergency consultation. But on the 23d when Navarre


asked for a n American B-29 air strike, Dulles told Foreign Minister Georges
Bidault that direct U.S. intervention required a prior political basis.
Dulles conferred with Admiral Radford when the latter reached Paris on
the evening of April 24, and they concluded that it was too late for United States
action. In Geneva the following evening, Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden made
it quite clear that the United Kingdom opposed direct American air involvement.
Discussions next turned toward a new policy on the basis of a French defeat in
With direct American intervention ruled out, the sole hope for continued
French resistance at Dien Bien Phu rested on reinforcing the garrison. Para-
troopers flown from France to Vietnam in USAF aircraft offered the prospect of
releasing experienced paratrooper battalions in reserve at Hanoi. Nevertheless,
the dispatch of relief was meaningful only if air transport supply was available.
Navarre dropped small numbers of paratroopers into Dien Bien Phu on the
nights of May 3,4, and 5 , but canceled another planned drop because of scarce
airlift. Through April and early May, French combat aircraft and transports
operated under the most severe restrictions of adverse weather and terrain as well
as of hostile ground
As the defensive perimeter at Dien Bien Phu contracted, the drop zone
diminished to a diameter of about 2,000 yards. Antiaircraft weapons sited on
high ridges alongside the drop zone caught aircraft flying through the slot in a
murderous crossfire. To escape flak, French C - 4 7 ~dropped parabundles from
10,000feet and had to make several passes over the target before they could kick
out their complete loads. In deference to the ground fire, C-I 19s raised their drop
altitude to 5,000 feet, and dumped their loads quickly in a single pass. Hardly safe
from flak at that height, Civil Air Transport pilots complained that the C-47s
dropped parabundles through their flights and that escorting flak-suppression
aircraft were dropping bombs through flight formations. These were hazardous
conditions for civilian crews whose contracts made no mention of flying in active
combat areas.
To increase drop accuracy at 8,000 to 10,000 feet, French airborne techni-
cians devised an ingenious procedure. They used a refueling line to hobble a
cargo parachute until it neared the ground. Then a n explosive time-delay fuze cut
the line and allowed the parachute to deploy. The device appeared to work, and a
detachment of the U.S. Army 808 1st Quartermaster Airborne Supply and
Packaging Company, which loaded C-I 19s at Cat Bi, adopted the parachute
delay apparatus and used it on all C-1 19 drops during the last two weeks of the
Dien Bien Phu
Fragments of a 37-mm shell severely injured Civil Air Transport pilot Paul
Holden on April 24. His fellow civilians refused to fly to Dien Bien Phu again
without adequate combat air support, so French military pilots manned the
C-1 19s. On the 26th, antiaircraft fire downed one F-6F and two B-26s. Flak-
suppression missions (including a heavy concentration of Hail missiles), flown a t
the expense of close air support strikes and supply line interdiction, improved the
situation. The civilian pilots returned to their planes on the 30th. Breaking a short


period of silence, 37-mm guns on May 6 scored hits on one C-I 19 and shot down
another flown by civilian pilot James B.
On the 6th planes delivered 196 tons of supplies to the garrison. What was
to be the final Viet Minh assault started that evening. At noon of the 7th,
soldiers broke into the heart of the French defenses, and the battle ended
several hours later. Ho Chi Minh had scored a decisive victory that coincided
with the negotiations in Geneva. There, delegates had failed to reach political
agreement on Korea and were about to take up the problem of restoring peace

*A legendary figure in Asia, McGovern had come to be known as "Earthquake McGoon" in

deference to his huge size and black beard. He was a Fourteenth Air Force pilot in World War II and
remained in the Far East with the Civil Air Transport Company. He died in the C-I 19 crash.

Victory at Dien Bien Phu allowed the Viet Minh to move troops and
weapons toward the Hanoi-Haiphong perimeter. During the night of May 12,
500 Vietnamese regulars at Hanoi deserted with their arms. Grave doubts about
holding the Red River Delta arose among the French. Deciding that the safety of
the Expeditionary Corps in Vietnam had become the prime consideration, the
government directed the French commander to withdraw. He could retire as far
as the 18th parallel to safeguard the southern part of Vietnam.’
Although President Eisenhower believed overt Chinese intervention in
Indochina hardly likely, he permitted the military services to plan for the
contingency. Identifying the options open to the United States may have bene-
fited French morale. At the time, Adm. Felix B. Stump, USN, was Commander
in Chief, Pacific Command (CINCPAC), the unified commander responsible for
U.S. military operations in Asia south of the 30th parallel. He conceived that an
American commander of a Southeast Asia Defense Command ought to move
into Vietnam with U.S. naval and air forces, perhaps eight Army divisions, and
probably exercise operational control over the French
General Partridge, F E A F commander, promptly protested Admiral
Stump’s concept because it would divide the unity of air command in the Pacific
and base air units on hazardous airfields. Less than enthusiastic about B-29s with
conventional weapons, Partridge favored using carriers. Believing the struggle to
be basically a civil war in which long-term pacification and unification rather
than destruction were the prime objectives, he thought that conventionally
armed B-29s might produce favorable short-term psychological effects but no
lasting results. Indecisive and devastating air attacks would be counterproductive
because the real task was to build indigenous military, economic, political, and
Toward the end of May, the Joint Chiefs of Staff were reluctant to place
large numbers of American forces in Vietnam. They wished to avoid a defensive
Korea-type response and preferred a n offensive against mainland China, includ-
ing attacks against the Chinese war-making capability and “employing atomic
weapons, whenever
President Eisenhower sent General Trapnell, M AAG-Indochina chief, to
Paris at the end of May to discuss cooperative planning with General Ely, who
was preparing to go to Vietnam as Commander in Chief and High Commis-
sioner. When Ely failed to receive positive assurance of U.S. intervention even in
the event of a n overt Chinese attack, he was unwilling to accept a n overall
American commander and was averse to having American ground troops,
except for one or two divisions as a show of good


After that, the prospects of American intervention diminished. Discussions

in Geneva on Indochina commenced May between delegates from the United
States, the United Kingdom, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, France, the
People’s Republic of China, the Kingdoms of Laos and Cambodia, the State of
Vietnam, and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The question was how to
end the war between France (and its adherents) and the Viet Minh, the former
supported by the United States and the latter by Communist China and the
Soviet Union. The Viet Minh delegate was hardly anxious to compromise. He
felt that the French colonials had been defeated and that all of Vietnam lay within
Chi grasp.
Seeing little chance of holding an enclave in the French in June
were agreeable to a partitioning of Vietnam that would leave the southern part to
them. By then, the Viet Minh were establishing control over the central high-
lands. On the in Pass, they cut off and virtually destroyed
men of French Mobile Group that was withdrawing toward Pleiku along
The Viet Minh continued their military successes and the Geneva negotia-
tions dragged on. Between June in Washington, President Eisenhower and
Prime Minister Churchill drew up a paper and offered it to the French as the
basis for a n armistice. Pledging to press for a collective defense of Southeast
Asia, they warned that the international situation would be “seriously aggra-
vated” if the French government refused to accept a n
The Soviet Union seemed more interested in Europe than in Southeast Asia.
Informed speculation indicated that Foreign Minister Molotov
proffered Premier Pierre a somewhat favorable settlement in
Indochina if the French abstained from participating in a European Defense
Community. At the same time, Chinese Foreign Minister appar-
ently impressed with the atomic might of the United States, hoped to demilitarize
Indochina to deny the Americans bases
On July in Geneva, serious discussions centered around the place where a
dividing line could be drawn across Vietnam. The French insisted on the 18th
parallel, while the North Vietnamese argued for the 14th. After a private discus-
sion between and in Bern, the Viet Minh accepted
the 17th parallel as the demarcation, and the negotiations moved rapidly to a
conclusion on July
Signing a n agreement on Vietnam, French and Viet Minh military represen-
tatives established two states separated at the 17th parallel, a demilitarized zone
on each side of the line, and the withdrawal of French troops from the North and
of Viet Minh from the South. They prohibited introducing fresh troops, arms,
and munitions, as well as building new military bases in Vietnam. International
Control Commission teams from Canada, and Poland were to supervise
the implementation of the armistice and to report violations that might lead to
resumed hostilities. Finally, there were to be, by July elections throughout
Vietnam to unify the country. Consultations between representatives of the two

parts, North and South, were to start no later than July 20, 1955, to prepare for
The Soviet Union wished all parties to accept the Geneva accords formally,
but the United States preferred to keep them a matter between the two principals.
Nevertheless the American delegate, Under Secretary of State Walter B. Smith,
gave assurance that the United States would “refrain from the threat or the use of
force to disturb” the agreements and would “view any renewal of the aggression
in violation of the agreements with grave concern and as seriously threaten-
ing international peace and security.” The delegate from South Vietnam
solemnly protested that his country was not bound by agreements. He objected
that the French High Command had arrogated to itself the right to fix a date for a
future election, a political rather than a military
The Geneva accords led to the removal of USAF logistic support detach-
ments, and General Partridge had started the withdrawal as early as May 13. But
when the French need for support to hold the Red River Delta slowed the
evacuation, Partridge directed the detachments to take necessary measures for
their own safety and
The C-47 detachment at D o Son Airfield departed on June 29. The C-I 19
detachment at Cat Bi moved on May 23 to Tourane and joined the B-26 support

On July 13 Defense Secretary Wilson ordered immediate suspension of all

materiel shipments to Indochina. The Air Force stopped all deliveries, started to
recover the B-26 and C-I19 aircraft on loan, and arranged to evacuate its
personnel. Much materiel already en route to Indochina in French-controlled
ships could not be diverted, and eventually ended up in French dumps and
depots. The B-26 and C-I 19 logistic support detachments remained at Tourane
on aircraft recovery missions until the last of the loaned planes returned to Clark
Air Base on September
The USAF units had little trouble evacuating their own people from
Vietnam, but were hard-pressed to fulfill other personnel movements. The
French requested assistance to repatriate wounded men from North Vietnam,
and five C-124s moved 504 individuals. The 315th Air Division and 6481st
Medical Air Evacuation Group handled these patients from Saigon hospitals via
Clark Air Base to Tachikawa Air Base, Japan, where Military Air Transport
Service (MATS) craft flew them to the United States and finally to France and
North Africa. The Navy hospital ship Haven moved 725 men from Vietnam to
Oran, Algeria, and to
Air Force transports flew U.S. nationals from the Hanoi-Haiphong area;
the Philippine Air Lines evacuated Filipino residents; Civil Air Transport planes
took out Chinese; U.S. Navy Amphibious Group One and the Military Sea
Transport Service lifted supplies and thousands of Vietnamese refugees to safety.
The largest of these movements by far took place between July 10, 1954, and
July 30, 1955. Before the Viet Minh stopped the migration, about 880,000
Vietnamese fled from the North to the


Refugees fleeing from

North Vietnam when
the country was
divided at the 17th

Courtesy: USlA


(Right) Richard M. Nixon, Pierre

Mendes-France, and John Foster

(Below) Operation Wounded

Warrior: USAF evacuation of
French Foreign Legionnaires after
Dien Bien Phu.


Few efforts were made to evaluate the air operations of the Indochina War,
quite possibly because of a general feeling that it was pointless to draw lessons
from a conflict that was doomed from the start. The French had been unable to
win the support of the people where the war was fought.
Even so, a t General Twining’s direction., General visited the region
and prepared a detailed report. His main conclusion was that the manpower
strength of the French Air Force had been hopelessly inadequate to support
ground troops dispersed in many garrisons. Air operations were largely
responses to urgent ground force requests. In consequence the French had tried
to d o too much, in far too many places, with much too
Summarizing the reasons for this lackluster performance, noted the
personnel shortages and the poor organization. Often more aircraft than pilots
were available, and too few maintenance men were on hand to keep planes
serviceable. Furthermore, tactical air planners had been unable to develop
targets in the “monsoon mountain mass” of North Vietnam, and interdiction
missions had been relatively ineffective against enemy supply lines, particularly
against the flow of goods from Both General and
assessment implied that the existing problems were correctable. But neither
echoed a n earlier estimate by Gen. French air commander,
who suggested that the Minh tactics of concealment, dispersal, surprise, and
psychological warfare were extremely difficult to counter with fast-flying mili-
President Eisenhower welcomed the end of bloodshed in Indochina. Ameri-
can assistance, he said, had been unable to cure a n “unsound relationship
between the Asiatics and the French” and had therefore been “of only limited

Two emerged. In both, most people lived in two great river deltas,
the Red in the north and the in the south, as well as in
between the sea and the mountains.
North Vietnam, under Chi Minh a t Hanoi, had about million people
including a communist political elite and battle-hardened military forces. Brutal
collectivization programs in and decreased the popularity of the
revolutionaries. The migration of nearly a million inhabitants south during the
year after the Geneva accords was a protest against the regime and the conditions
of life. But the communists confidently expected the national reunification
plebiscite in to deliver the other Vietnam peacefully to them.
In South Vietnam, with million people, failure of the French to develop
indigenous leaders hampered the anti-communist nationalists. During the
absence of in France, control of the state devolved upon
Diem, a member of the Catholic minority. He became head of the cabinet in
Saigon on June and a few weeks later was invested as President of the
Council of Ministers. Not widely known in the country and somewhat aloof,
Diem depended heavily for advice on his immediate family, especially on his
brother and political counselor,

Ho Chi Minh made no secret of his determination to extend his control over
all of Vietnam. Immediately after the Geneva agreements, he called for a “long
and arduous struggle” to win the south, which he described as “territories of
He soon sent cadres across the 17th parallel, and they became known as
Viet Cong. They expanded the communist apparatus in the south, prepared for
future infiltration of men from the north, and worked for eventual unification
under Hanoi through subversion as well as open conflict.
President Eisenhower retained the U.S. Embassy in Saigon, and worked to
strengthen the indigenous government in conjunction with the French, who had
agreed to stay in Indochina until national forces could emerge. To compensate
for and bolster the weak government, Secretary Dulles actively concerned
himself with stimulating strong native military
According to a National Security Council (NSC) paper in August 1954, the
Viet Minh victory in Tonkin had enhanced communist military and political
prestige in Asia. Now the Viet Minh were certain to try to extend their influence
beyond North Vietnam by military and non-military pressures, that is, by overt
aggression and by exploiting internal political instabilities and economic weak-
nesses in neighboring free countries.
To counter this estimated course of action, the United States decided to
pursue three principal policies: negotiate a Southeast Asia security treaty pledg-
ing members to act promptly against armed aggression; swiftly support legiti-
mate governments requesting and requiring assistance to defeat local subversion
and rebellion; and, more specifically, support France in assisting the South
Vietnamese to gain and maintain the military forces and the economic conditions
needed to meet foreign aggression and insure internal
Moving speedily, the United States, Great Britain, France, Australia, New
Zealand, Pakistan, Thailand, and the Philippines signed the Southeast Asia
Defense Treaty in Manila on September 8, 1954. The major threats triggering the
agreement were subversion from within and aggression from outside a country.
Although an individual nation had primary responsibility for countersubversive
activities, the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) would act as a
clearing house to exchange information among the members and to discuss
common policies. It was external armed aggression against any member that was
recognized as the main common danger, and this the members pledged to meet
collectively. Because the Geneva agreements prevented Vietnam, Laos, and
Cambodia from joining the organization, SEATO spread its protection to them.
In the case of Vietnam, the United States would work through the French to
maintain the military forces “necessary for internal security.” For all members,
the United States would discharge its treaty obligations by deploying mobile
forces rapidly into the area rather than by stationing units in the region. The
treaty became effective in February
Since SEATO was to be a shield against external aggression, Secretary
Dulles felt that South Vietnam needed military forces for internal security only.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff were hesitant to spend scarce funds in Vietnam until a
stable government existed. They believed, however, that U.S. military assistance


to Vietnam should afford both internal security and limited defense against
Much of the American problem stemmed from the kind of government in
South Vietnam. The Saigon government had yet to consolidate its power, and
there were conspiracies to unseat Diem. The Joint Chiefs wanted a reasonably
strong civil government in control before the United States undertook a military
training mission. Secretary Dulles understood this concern, but he thought that
well-trained armed forces would strengthen the Vietnamese government. Under
pressure from Dulles, the Joint Chiefs conceded that five indigenous divisions
would permit Vietnam to maintain internal security and present a limited
response to external attack. But it would take two or three years to train that
force. If the United States decided to d o the training, it should be assigned low
priority so as not to impair more promising programs elsewhere.”
Between 1945-1954 the French had built up the Vietnamese regular and
paramilitary forces to varying degrees of effectiveness. The Vietnamese Air Force
consisted of the 1st Liaison Group with two squadrons of Morane-500 Cricket
liaison planes and one squadron of Dassault M.D.-315 light combat assault
aircraft, and a training center at Nha Trang. Few Vietnamese had held high rank.
Most were inexperienced. Enlisted desertions were frequent and
The French had declined the offer of American help in training the Vietna-
mese, but they changed their minds about the time of the Geneva accords.
Generals O’Daniel and Ely in Saigon agreed that the United States should
assume some responsibility. The Geneva agreements fixed the maximum
strength of the MAAG at 342 U.S. officers and men, the number in the country
when the accords were signed. Since this group was too small to do a great deal,
the French retained management of the programs.
In October the Joint Chiefs ruled that the MAAG in Saigon could execute a
training mission if this became a political necessity and if the French refrained
from interfering. After a National Security Council meeting, the President
ordered Ambassador Heath and General O’Daniel to “collaborate in setting in
motion a crash program designed to bring about an improvement in the loyalty
and effectiveness of the Free Vietnamese forces.” He instructed the Joint Chiefs
to prepare a long-range program to reorganize and train the minimum number of
Vietnamese forces necessary to preserve internal security. 28
The President also wrote to Diem to ask for Vietnamese-American coopera-
tion on developing a strong and stable state capable of resisting subversion and
aggression. In return for U.S. assistance, Eisenhower expected Diem to reform
his government, make it responsive to the nationalist aspirations of the Viet-
namese people, and shape it into a representative and democratic regime. 29
American policy statements stressed internal security considerations, but
public announcements indicated the intention to strengthen the nation to repel
aggression as well as subversion. The military forces projected were modeled on
the U.S. tri-service pattern. They were more suitable for conventional military
operations than for internal security and counterinsurgency activities. 30
To dramatize interest in Vietnam and to evaluate the situation. President


Eisenhower sent General J. Lawton Collins, USA, to Saigon as a special U.S.

representative on November 3, 1954. Among other missions, Collins was to look
into the question of insuring the loyalty of the army to the government. Shortly
after Collins arrived, a Vietnamese general officer who had challenged Diem’s
control departed for France. This resolved a struggle for the direction of the
government in favor of Diem. Stability seemed
Working within strength figures stipulated by the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
Collins at first negotiated solely with the French. After January 1, 1955, when the
union of the Associated States with France terminated, Collins conferred directly
with Diem’s government. He secured agreement for American support of a
Vietnamese army numbering 94,000 men, enough for a mobile battle corps of
three field divisions and one regimental combat team. MAAG was to assume full
responsibility for assisting the Vietnamese government to organize and train this
armed force. Due to the personnel ceiling on MAAG, the French would help. On
February 12, 1955, the United States formally took over all Vietnamese military
training. 32
Initial Vietnamese ground operations against the Viet Cong were encourag-
ing. To destroy communist domination in certain areas, a Vietnamese brigade
conducted a pacification operation in the Mekong Delta in February and March.
In April and May larger forces pacified the Quang Ngai and Binh Dinh Provin-
ces on the coast of the South China Sea. The soldiers broke up armed bands,
destroyed arms caches, provided local security, and resettled refugees from
North Vietnam on vacant lands.”
During March, Diem’s troops also put down a rebellion by the Binh Xuyen
politico-religious sect, a revolt that spread to the Cao Dai and Hoa Hao sects.
Driving the dissidents out of the city, the Vietnamese army crushed their armed
forces in a final campaign in the Rung Sat swamps southwest of Saigon in
September and October. Occupation of the Tay Ninh Province broke the Cao
Dai insurgency.
The army performed well and the air force afforded moderate aid in the
form of Cricket liaison flights that conducted surveillance, directed artillery, and
dropped psychological warfare leaflets. These successes gave confidence to Diem
and optimism to the Americans, who hoped that continued support would
enable the government to “pull
Further encouragement came when Diem formed two new local defense
organizations. He recruited men for the Civil Guard and assigned them to work
with provincial chiefs as a rural police. He created the Self Defense Corps whose
members used obsolete weapons to protect their homes, villages, and hamlets
under the district chiefs. 35
Air Force studies suggested that the most immediate danger to Southeast
Asia was subversion. But this was out of context with proposals to equip national
air forces with conventional aircraft. In addition, there was need to develop
indigenous equipment and techniques in line with U.S. doctrine, so American jet
aircraft could function in the event of a U.S. deployment to meet a S E A T 0
emergency. On May 5, 1955, General Twining approved an Air Force Council


(Center) Gen. J. Lawton Collins

and Premier Ngo Dinh Diem.

(Below) MAAG Headquarters in


Courtesy: USlA

.e-. ..I &--


policy that the national air forces in the Pacific-Far East should be shaped to
cope with internal aggression, to defend to a limited degree against external
aggression, and to furnish air base complexes suitable for USAF use if neces-
Whether the three were compatible remained to be seen.
In September 1955 a program to forge indigenous countersubversive mil-
itary forces seemed to demand highly mobile ground commando troops operat-
ing closely with tactical air; slow-flying conventional strike aircraft carrying
diversified weapons and loitering over target areas for extended periods, plus
visual and photo-reconnaissance planes, light transports, and helicopters; and a
strong militia to overcome communist infiltration at local levels.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff believed that a U.S. effort to defend South
Vietnam against external aggression under SEATO procedures would be sub-
stantial, costly, and difficult to manage, especially without atomic weapons. To
defeat a North Vietnamese invasion would call for two to four Army divisions
besides the South Vietnamese ground forces. To invade and occupy North
Vietnam would take eight U.S. divisions. Moreover, quite a few Air Force
tactical fighter wings would have to be committed, and this depended on proper
air facilities. To prepare to meet a North Vietnamese invasion in the near future,
the Joint Chiefs suggested increasing the efficiency of the South Vietnamese
forces and improving the air bases in the country and in neighboring
When Ho Chi Minh called upon Diem to open negotiations for a national
plebiscite, not only Diem but Dulles protested publicly. An honest election
would be impossible, they said, because the totalitarian regime in Hanoi would
direct the vote of the people it controlled in the more populous North. Diem on
August 9 positively rejected elections as long as the communist regime refused to
grant democratic freedoms and fundamental rights to the people of North
Vietnam. An October vote in South Vietnam gave Diem a mandate to set up a
republic under his presidency. On October 26, 1955, the Republic of Vietnam
came into being, and on the same day the United States extended recognition and
established diplomatic relations.
Because Ho Chi Minh was building a powerful army in North Vietnam, a n
invasion of South Vietnam would overwhelm Diem’s forces that were organized
and equipped chiefly for internal security. had therefore suggested that
the Vietnamese army concentrate on repelling outside attack and that the United
States concentrate on training the Civil Guard and Self Defense Corps. Approv-
ing, the Joint Chiefs recommended that General Collins’ ceiling of 94,000 men
for the Vietnamese military forces be raised to 150,000. This would be enough for
4 field divisions, 6 light divisions, 13 territorial regiments; and about 4,000 air,
4,000 navy, and 5,000 civilian
Lt. Gen. Samuel T. Williams, USA, was appointed the new MAAG chief in
Saigon. Arriving on November 15, 1955, he had to deal at once with a n
impending withdrawal of French forces to meet the revolt in Under
arrangements made by General O’Daniel, French advisors were serving with
American personnel in a Training Relations and Instructions Mission. The
French departure required a larger American complement. While the Interna-


tional Control Commission was unwilling to approve a bigger MAAG, it

allowed the United States to sent 350 men to Vietnam as a Temporary Equip-
ment Recovery Mission to inventory and remove surplus equipment. Stretching
the authority granted, MAAG employed these personnel as logistical advisors to
replace the French working with Vietnamese army units. They became the
Combat Arms Training and Organization Division of MAAG. On April 23,
1956, the last French commander in chief in Indochina closed his headquarters
and left for
According to General Williams, pacification duty left the Vietnamese army
little time for division combat training. Scattered miscellaneous units were hard
to organize into a cohesive field force. President Diem described the light
divisions as relics of the French colonial belief that the Vietnamese made poor
soldiers and therefore had to work in small units. Increasingly, Diem wished his
army to be organized and trained for field operations in conjunction with the
SEATO nations. When British and Canadian authorities insisted that this would
violate the Geneva accords and provoke particular disaffection in India, the
United States
South Vietnam’s refusal to conduct elections to reunify the two Vietnams in
accordance with the Geneva agreement led American officials during the winter
of 1955-56 to expect a North Vietnamese invasion sometime after July 1956, the
date when the elections would have taken place. Nothing happened, and two
months later President Eisenhower decided to help South Vietnam build armed
forces for internal security and also for limited initial resistance to North Viet-
namese attack. The United States encouraged the South Vietnamese to align
their military growth to U.S. military
As the United States prepared the Vietnamese to combat subversion and to
repel invasion as well, it seemed unable to decide which was the greater threat.
The objectives for expanded national and regional defenses even the distinc-
tion between the two were vague, confused, and at times conflicting. This
aggravated the problem American advisors faced in adapting U.S. materiel and
procedures to a strange environment.

IV. U.S.command Problems
in the Pacific:
Emphasis on Southeast Asia
Authorities in Washington had closely managed the assistance to France
during the Indochina War, but U.S. commanders in the Pacific exercised increas-
ing influence afterward. They looked to American military interests on a divided
basis. The Far East and United Nations Commands existed on the one hand and
the Pacific Command on the other. Because of budgetary constraints, the latter
had no Air Force theater headquarters or tactical units. All USAF resources
were assigned to Far East Air Forces, headquartered in Tokyo. Under F E A F
were Fifth Air Force and 315th Air Division (Combat Cargo) in Japan, and
Thirteenth Air Force in the Philippines.’
After March 26, 1954, Admiral Stump, Commander in Chief, Pacific
Command, became responsible for reviewing all military assistance programs in
this area, which took in Southeast Asia. Since Stump found it hard to manage
without a n air headquarters, the Joint Chiefs on March 31 directed General
Twining to create a command at Hickam AFB, Hawaii. Hence Pacific Air Force
(PAF) came into being under Maj. Gen. Sory Smith on the 1st of July. While
Smith reported directly to Admiral Stump, he likewise answered to General
Partridge, F E A F commander. This reflected a n understanding that all USAF
tactical air units in the Pacific and Far East would be assigned to F E A F in the
interest of command unity throughout both theaters. Stump, who was described
as “exceedingly if not unduly sensitive on the subject of command prerogatives,”
found it vexing, and understandably so, that F E A F should have a say in
CINCPAC’s area of responsibility. Yet General Partridge considered that a
common USAF policy for the Pacific and Far East areas required him to be
abreast of events in both places. He directed the Far East Air Logistics Force to
have the 6410th Materiel Group support all air components in Southeast
In February 1955, when General Partridge held a conference of air attachés
and MAAG-Air representatives from all nations in Southeast Asia to discuss
problems and programs, Admiral Stump reminded him of CINCPAC’s primary
responsibility for that area. Stump wanted General Smith to help promote
projects consistent with U.S. military and political objectives in the Pacific
Command. Placing Thirteenth Air Force under P A F on June I facilitated his
Under revised directives issued by Defense Secretary Wilson in July, Admi-
ral Stump gained more authority in carrying out the Mutual Defense Assistance
Program. Unified commanders like him were to be in the direct line of command
over the MAAGs in their areas. Thus Army, Navy, and Air Force personnel
assigned to MAAGs were no longer “allocated to CINCPAC” but rather placed


under his direct command. Stump therefore integrated the control of assistance
programs in his headquarters. Only on technical matters did he allow MAAG
chiefs to communicate directly with their military departments, their component
commanders, and other service agencies. As for Stump’s component Army,
Navy, and Air Force commanders, they were limited to advising
The Air Force’s centralization of global logistics under the Air Materiel
Command further diluted F E A F influence over assistance concerns. General
Partridge insisted on controlling his logistics, but Gen. Laurence S. Kuter who
replaced him on June 4, 1955, accepted the new concept in the interest of
economy and efficiency. Transferred to Air Materiel Command on October 1,
1955, Far East Air Logistics Force was redesignated Air Materiel Force Pacific
Area. Under this organization the Northern Air Material Area Pacific handled
support and technical assistance for Japan and Korea. The Southern Air Mate-
rial Area Pacific at Clark Air Base similarly served Okinawa, Taiwan, the
Philippines, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Guam, and
MAAG-Air personnel now went straight to these materiel commands with
their logistic problems, without need to go through the theater air command. In
November 1955 Far East Air Force headquarters invited MAAG-Air represen-
tatives to a conference in Tokyo. Again CINCPAC objected that F E A F had no
right to indoctrinate air sections with its philosophy and
The inspection team dispatched by General Smith to Southeast Asia in
November-December 1955 reported that the Army appeared to be dominating
the MAAGs. T o some extent, no doubt, this was in response to the desire of the
individual countries. Still most MAAG chiefs, deputy chiefs, and chiefs of staff
were Army officers. In Vietnam the MAAG-Air Section people were described
as being “relegated to a minor role and treated as junior partners,” without access
to current war plans and unable to coordinate or consult with MAAG-Air
sections in neighboring countries. There was a “deplorable lack of definite
relationship” between the indigenous air forces supported by mutual defense
assistance programs and the overall strategic objectives of the United States.’
After remarking on the close association between the Japanese and Korean
Air Forces and Fifth Air Force, General Kuter urged Thirteenth Air Force (now
under PAF) to foster similar rapport with indigenous air forces in Southeast
Asia. On February 17, 1956, Smith charged Thirteenth Air Force with monitor-
ing and reviewing assistance programs in SEA so that national air forces were
developed in line with U.S. strategic aims.*
Austerely manned, Thirteenth Air Force headquarters needed twentyeight
more manpower spaces to perform theadditional task. These slots were not to be
had because the entire Air Force was trying to build to a n authorized 137 wings
without increasing personnel. Kuter and Smith conferred in April 1956 on how
to improve the review and monitoring of assistance activities. In May and
November, Air Materiel Force Pacific Area sponsored conferences of MAAG-
Air representatives to the same end.’
Air commanders were disturbed by Admiral Stump’s reliance on subordi-
nate command organizations for local operations. As a matter of principle,


USAF leaders advocated centralized direction and control of air operations in

the Pacific and Far East areas. Local control of tactical air units would restrict
their operations to arbitrary and often meaningless geographic boundaries.
Furthermore, air units would go under operational control of a commander who
had little o r no experience in training, equipping, and operating them.
General Smith therefore protested the assignment of tactical air units to a
subordinate unified command. It would, he said, partition air power to defend
local pieces of scattered real estate. Smith, as Stump’s theater air commander,
should manage all air operations in Pacific Command in order to use the
available units most effectively regardless of their locations. Stump pointed out
that his area was too vast for overall direction of local operations from Hawaii.
The division of command responsibilities between component commanders, he
said, had led to disaster at Pearl Harbor in 1941, and he preferred a single
commander responsible in each operational area for all military operations there.
Kuter called the potential commitment of USAF squadrons to local defenses in
Vietnam and elsewhere in Southeast Asia a “further emasculation of air
When President Eisenhower, the National Security Council, and the Joint
Chiefs directed CINCPAC in July 1956 to prepare a contingency plan for
defending South Vietnam against overt external attack, Admiral Stump thought
in terms of setting up a U.S.-Vietnam Defense Command. The commander was
to receive from Fifth Air Force the operational control of earmarked air defense
and supporting forces, and from P A F a senior Air Force officer as the air
component commander, plus staff personnel. The Joint Chiefs accepted this
While the prospective proliferation of subordinate unified commands threat-
ened the unity of air power, other developments changed the picture. The
consolidation of the United Nations, Far East, and Pacific Commands had come
under study in the spring of 1955, after Secretary of Defense Wilson objected to
the worldwide command structure that he deemed too large, unwieldy, and
expensive. He wanted the system simplified and reduced, and the Joint Chiefs
asked commanders for comments. General Kuter recommended a single U.S.
unified command in the Pacific. The Joint Chiefs agreed early in 1956, and
Secretary Wilson approved discontinuing the Far East Command (FEC) in
favor of the Pacific Command, which was to be the single unified command in
the Pacific and Far East areas. Headquarters Pacific Air Force then became
PACAF/ FEAF(Rear) on July 1, which foreshadowed another change, and the
headquarters in Japan moved to Hawaii.
General Kuter suggested in August that the Pacific Command have three
principal component commands, namely U.S. Army Pacific, U.S. Navy Pacific,
and U.S. Air Force Pacific, and four subordinatejoint commands Hawaiian,
Southern Pacific, Northern Pacific, and Marianas-Bonin. All forces allocated to
CINCPAC, Kuter thought, should be assigned to the principal component
commanders for operational control in peace and in war. The subordinate joint
commands should have no combat responsibilities but rather should support


ambassadors and coordinate and logistic activities, and

perform other obligations in their areas. In a local war, a
CINCPAC-designated task force commander selected from the military service
predominantly involved would assume operational control of joint task forces.
During local engagements, the Commander in Chief, Air Force Pacific, should
have complete responsibility for air defense throughout the entire Pacific.
In October Admiral Stump and Army Gen. Lyman
commander in chief, recommended three component commands Pacific
Fleet, Pacific Air Forces, and Army, Pacific, each to administer, train, support,
and operate allocated forces. Stump and wished to retain existing
subordinate unified commands and to establish two additional commands in the
northwest Pacific. The plan failed to meet Secretary Wilson’s demand for
economy. It was reworked in Washington and resubmitted to the Secretary in
Reorganization as approved early in made the Pacific Command the
single unified command directly responsible to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, with the
Navy serving as executive agent. Under CINCPAC were three major component
commands: United States Army, Pacific United States Pacific
Fleet and Pacific Air Forces each headed by a com-
mander in chief. According to CINCPAC instructions, and
were to perform air tasks on a mutually supporting basis. Only three subordinate
unified commands remained. The Commander, Fifth Air Force, assumed
responsibility as Commander, United States Forces, Japan, and received a joint
staff but had no unified operational responsibilities. The Commanding General,
Eighth Army, headed United States Forces in Korea and also served as Com-
mander in Chief, United Nations Command. The Taiwan Defense Command
continued unchanged. In the Philippines, and
CINCPAC representatives coordinated matters. In countries where no U.S.
operating forces were located, the M chief was the CINCPAC representa-
tive. All were directly responsible to CINCPAC. 16
On the 1st of June, General opened his Headquarters Pacific Air
Forces at AFB, consolidating for the first time USAF tactical forces in
the Pacific and Far East areas under a single commander. Unity of command of
all theater air power was nonetheless missing. Not only did and
have to cooperate on air tasks, but Admiral Stump -not -had
the responsibility to develop indigenous air forces. could just advise Stump
whether assistance programs squared with U.S. policies and objectives. In
view, indigenous air forces in Southeast Asia were hardly being helped to
grow in harmony with U S A F objectives. That is, the forces were not prepared to
cope with internal subversion, to give limited defense against overt external
aggression, and perhaps most important --to offer suitable bases for U.S. air
units that might be committed operationally. National air forces were being
equipped with slow, conventional aircraft for combating insurgency. Air facili-
ties that USAF jet aircraft could use in time of emergency were generally

(Left) Gen. Laurence S.Kuter

(Above) Gen. Thomas D. White

Kuter instructed the commanders of the Fifth and Thirteenth Air Forces in
August 1957 to act as “rallying points” for informal discussion with indigenous
air leaders. In November he invited air and MAAG-Air representatives
to a conference in Hawaii, and urged them to work together to create a common
purpose in the “packets of democratic air power” forming in Southeast Asia.
Improving air facilities ranked high on his agenda.
Planning for the possible deployment of U.S. forces during the early months
of 1958, the Commander in Chief, Pacific Air Forces, conceived of the mobile
strike force. It would depart its home base within 24 hours after receiving an
execution order, and engage in 15 days of self-supporting combat in Southeast
Asia. 19 Since General Kuter wanted Thirteenth Air Force to have a dominant
role in SEA air activities, he charged Maj. Gen. Thomas S. Moorman (who
became Thirteenth’s commander on March 4) to take command of the PACAF
Mobile Strike Force when it deployed through Clark Air Base. The force
included three troop carrier squadrons and one combat airlift support unit from
the 3 15th Air Division (Combat Cargo); a fighter squadron, a bomber squadron,
a reconnaissance task unit with photo processing cell, and half of an air refueling
squadron from Fifth Air Force; one fighter squadron from Thirteenth Air Force;
and a search and rescue detachment from the 3 1st Air Rescue Squadron of Air
Rescue Service (Pacific). Clark Air Base was to furnish logistic support, and
Thirteenth Air Force was empowered to draw on P A C A F resources to establish
detachments at forward air bases.


Because commitment of this mobile strike force would reduce the general
war deterrent elsewhere, Tactical Air Command (TAC) began to alert in the
United States a composite air strike force for rapid global deployment, mainly to
back up an immediate response by PACAF to aggression.
During April 1958 the P A C A F mobile strike force concept was tested in a
SEATO exercise in Thailand against a simulated land aggressor force. For the
first time in a SEATO exercise, nuclear weapons were inserted into the scenario.
One observer, Lt. Gen. Frederic H. Smith, Jr., Fifth Air Force commander,
believed it vital to interdict a n enemy land force by air. Upon returning to Japan,
he directed a staff study on the use of nuclear weapons if the Chinese invaded
Southeast Asia. contrast, CINCPAC regarded forward defense in the Pacific
as resting upon the twin pillars of strong mobile U.S. forces and of allied ones
strengthened by American military assistance programs.
The Department of Defense Reorganization Act of 1958 markedly broad-
ened CINCPAC’s authority as a unified commander. Army, Navy, and Air
Force units previously allocated to him were now under his “full operational
command.” The roles of the military departments and of the component com-
manders were confined to the administration and support of Army, Navy, or Air
Force units assigned to the unified commanders. A new CINCPAC, Adm. Harry
D. Felt - a n experienced naval aviator whose exceptionally long tenure was to
last from July 31, 1958, through June 1964 - would exercise operational
command through his component commanders or through the commanders of
subordinate unified commands.
Responsible for the immense area of the Pacific and its islands -excluding
the Aleutians and the Bering Sea, but including Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia,
and the eastern part of the Indian Ocean -- Admiral Felt as CINCPAC was
comparable to a theater commander in World War II.All the U.S. armed forces
in that region were under him, and Vietnam was one of his obligations. Head-
quartered at Pearl Harbor, he also had at Hawaii the major subordinate com-
mands of USARPAC, PACFLT, and PACAF, each headed by a component
commander. Logistic and support forces, subordinate unified or triservice com-
manders, area representatives, and military assistance advisory groups like the
one in Vietnam were also under him. His mission was to defend the United States
against attack and “to support and advance United States policy and interests in
the Pacific Command
An advocate of the twin-pillar strategy, Admiral Felt perceived the separa-
tion between U.S. strategic planning and military assistance programs. The
remedy involved, on the one hand, completing a ClNCPAC contingency con-
cept for Southeast Asia as a whole and, on the other hand, relating each country
program to the entire strategy. A joint U.S. task force, he believed, should
respond to aggression in Southeast Asia. He accordingly arranged for Marine
forces on Okinawa to become the nucleus of a permanent CINCPAC Joint Task
Force (JTF) 116. Since Marines would be airlifted to meet an emergency, the
initial commander of this force was to be a Marine officer. When Army rein-
forcements arrived by air and sea, command was to pass to a n Army officer.


P A C A F designated the Thirteenth Air Force commander to head the air com-
ponent of JTF I16 in order to establish his authority over affairs in Southeast
During the autumn of 1958, Admiral Felt began to show the MAAGs how
to relate their programs to regional as well as to country PACAF’s
major task was to build air facilities and a n air operating environment in
Southeast Asia. General Kuter and Lt. Gen. William F. McKee, vicecommander
of Air Materiel Command, felt that aviation projects of the Military Assistance
Program (MAP) and of the International Cooperation Administration, Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA), were oriented to individual countries. They saw no
reason why these projects could not be loosely connected to regional defense as a
whole. Better relations between PACAF and MAAG-Air personnel, they
believed, would ensure that petroleum, oil, and lubricants (POL), ammunition,
ground-to-air communications, fire trucks, refueling vehicles, and other essen-
tials would be in place. Maintained by indigenous air forces, these services would
be available for USAF use if necessary. June 1959 the MAAGs received from
CINCPAC the first of a series of lists setting forth the priorities for accomplish-
ing projects of this
But coordination between CINCPAC contingency planning against an
overt aggression and individual country assistance programs continued to be
inadequate. For example, the latter were not designed or funded to build facilities
that could be used by USAF units. These projects were the responsibility of the
Department of Defense The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for
International Security Affairs, which reviewed assistance programs, was often
compelled to delete projects for indigenous military forces in Southeast Asia that
could not be justified according to the law. The MAAGs also hesitated to
recommend projects warranted only by U.S. interest. In Laos, for instance, it was
“extremely difficult to explain why you need a n 8,000-foot heavy duty runway,
flat concrete, and sweepers to go with it in a country that uses Gooney Birds.””
Another set of programs sprang from the Army orientation of the MAAGs.
For example, aviation equipment obtainable through military assistance pro-
grams was relatively high-priced and competed with projects desired by the
Army. After visiting Pacific areas in 1959, Maj. Gen. Donald R. Hutchinson,
USAF assistant for mutual security, found that Army officers held 15 of 23
worldwide MAAG chief positions. This, he suggested, resulted in unbalanced
recommendations from the field. The Air Force sought a more equitable man-
ning ratio, but it would take several years to bring about changes..”
Despite these difficulties, General White (who had replaced General Twin-
ing as Chief of Staff) wished P A C A F to exert a strong influence on air matters
throughout the Pacific, to include assistance programs. Soon after Gen. Emmett
O’Donnell became Commander in Chief, PACAF, on August 1, 1959, MAAG-
Air representatives were allowed to deal directly with the Air Materiel Force
Pacific Area. Amendments to USAF manuals in September and November 1959
permitted P A C A F to administer contracted technical services for the military
assistance program. In February 1960 a change in a USAF regulation directed all


communications on air logistic matters to be routed through and a

revision of a directive on military assistance instructed unified command-
ers to draw upon the advice of component commanders. What this meant, White
reminded on March was growing role in the air
aspects of military assistance. “To a n increasing degree,” White wrote, “the
capability of forces must be oriented toward complementing the USAF
war effort, and your active participation in M A P planning toward that end is
By spring of General had gained some informal influence
in military assistance matters, but no more than advisory authority. His advice
was not regularly sought after nor was it always accepted when volunteered.
Essentially, could have little impact on military assistance programs
because it had no official part in starting, programming, and carrying out
country projects. Through communications to the M sections, which
were authorized to give technical support, views could be inserted into
assistance deliberations. All proposals, however, required chief approval
before submission to CINCPAC. The commander in chief as advisor
could submit assistance proposals direct to CINCPAC, but these were invariably
referred to the chief for comment. Though Air Force headquarters
looked to for information on military assistance programs, he was
outside the relevant command channel. A case in point was the construction
programs handled for CINCPAC by the Navy’s Bureau of Pacific Docks.
Responsible Air Force officers in the field found it hard to get specific facts about
the exact status of these projects.
As matters stood in the Southeast Asia Mutual Defense Assistance
Program activities in progress since had failed to fulfill emerging require-
ments for internal country defense or for cooperative regional defense. On the
whole, little stress had been given to developing indigenous air capabilities
despite the rather large allocation of efforts, funds, and manpower to indigenous
ground forces. The country air forces in Southeast Asia remained small and
lacked sufficient personnel with basic skills to achieve rapid expansion. None had
well-organized systems for operations and training, supply and maintenance,
intelligence and communications-electronics, or civil engineering. But organi-
zational arrangements were in process of change.
President Diem visited Washington in May 1957. Among other matters, he
wished American support for a n army of 170,000 men and ten divisions.
Although Elbridge Durbrow, Ambassador to Vietnam, believed that a military
establishment this large would be a drain on the Vietnamese economy, President
Eisenhower seemed to give tacit approval when he and Diem issued a joint
communiqué. The two countries would continue to work for a peaceful unifica-
tion of Vietnam, and the United States would support South Vietnam against
communist encroachment.
By 1958 the Army of the Republic of Vietnam was a force of 150,000 men
organized into seven infantry divisions, one small brigade, and five territorial
regiments. Diem had released the army from internal security duties to permit
intensive field training. General Williams, the M AAG chief, was confident that
these troops could deter North Vietnam from orthodox military attack. They
could delay a n invasion for fifteen days before falling back to Da Nang, where
they could hold out for thirty days more. Presumably, outside assistance would
have arrived by then to launch a counteroffensive or to defend the Saigon-
Mekong Delta area.’
But whether the Vietnamese ground forces could eliminate subversion and
insurgency had yet to be seen.
While extraordinary priority was given to developing the army, only passing
attention was accorded the Vietnamese Air Force, for it was regarded as incapa-
ble of playing a substantial role in larger SEATO operations. Instead, it was to
deal with minor operations, mainly to give tactical support to ground activity in
the country through airlift, paradrops, visual and photo reconnaissance, and
medical evacuation. 2
Planning for the Vietnamese Air Force had begun in January 1955, when
General Collins, focusing chiefly on the Vietnamese army, explained that South
Vietnam would rely for the most part on SEATO air support. The Vietnamese
Air Force was to have a n initial strength of 3,000 men organized in two liaison
squadrons and one air transport squadron - a small Air Force that will be used

for liaison purposes, observation, and adjustment of fire, that kind of thing.”
Later, another transport squadron and a fighter squadron were to be added. ³
Few MAAG spaces were allocated to USAF advisors, for the French were
to organize and train the Vietnamese Air Force. U.S. aircraft deliveries to
Vietnam in August 1955 under the Mutual Defense Assistance Program
equipped the Vietnamese Air Force with aircraft and materiel released by the
French -twenty-eight F-8F fighter-bombers, thirty-five C-47 transports, and


sixty planes. When the French returned excess helicopters to Ameri-

can custody, they were transferred to Vietnam for airlift and air rescue
Because French officers had commanded Vietnamese air units, Vietnamese
pilots gained little command experience. Vietnamese army officers were there-
fore permitted to transfer to high-level air force posts. Despite difficulties in
securing sufficient qualified personnel, units were created. The Air
Transport Squadron came into being at Tan Son Nhut on July I , with
C-47s. It was organized a year later as the Air Transport Group consisting of
the and 2nd Air Transport Squadrons and thirty-two The Vietnamese
took over the training center on July and using formed
the and 2nd Liaison Squadrons. The French conducted an transition
course at Cap Saint Jacques Tau) Airfield, and on June the
Fighter Squadron was born at and assigned twenty-five Apart
from these aircraft afforded by military assistance funds, the Vietnamese Air
Force operated a special air mission squadron at Tan Son Nhut having one
Aero Commander light transport, three and three Beechcraft
Created without helicopters at Tan Son Nhut on June I , the Helicopter
Squadron flew with the French unit that served the International Control
Commission. When the French left in April they gave their ten excess
to the Vietnamese.’
While the French presence officially ended in April the Vietnamese
government continued to contract with France for Air Force training. This
arrangement left the USAF officers assigned to with few duties. They
advised when requested to d o so, tried to stay abreast of programs, and under-
went some special training i n the United States. When the French turned over the
depot at to the Vietnamese and suddenly withdrew their supply
advisors, Air Force personnel informally filled the vacuum. In November
the French agreed t o relinquish their training functions to USAF advisors, and
after Diem refrained from renewing training contracts with France. On
June complete responsibility for Vietnamese aviation assistance passed
to the United States.
American advisors discovered that Vietnamese air officers were fairly good
pilots, yet young and relatively inexperienced. Very few appeared to have
mastered basic concepts of how to employ aircraft against any enemy. Conse-
quently the Vietnamese army dominated the Joint General Staff and frequently
President Diem himself directed air missions. Diem preferred airborne opera-
tions over air strikes, for the latter often endangered innocent people. Above all,
he favored ground operations.’
Weak in command and staff experience, the Vietnamese Air Force suffered
especially in logistic support. Teams from the Southern Air Materiel Area
Pacific, based in the Philippines during converted French systems to
USAF procedures. Still the old Navy fighters worn out when the
French transferred them presented insoluble problems. The Vietnamese
possessed limited maintenance skills, and spare parts were short supply. In
October when word came that armed trainers would replace the


L-19s of the
Vietnamese Air Force.

A USAF Sikorsky H-19 helicopter

at Tan Son Nhut Air Base.

F-8Fs, the Vietnamese were disappointed. They wanted jet aircraft because the
Thais, Filipinos, and Chinese Nationalists had them. But the Geneva accords
prohibited the introduction of jets and, on the ground of maintenance alone,
MAAG felt that the Vietnamese establishment was not sophisticated enough to
handle them.
By mid-1956 American aid built a 7,200-foot runway at Tan Son Nhut,
South Vietnam’s international airport. The U.S. International Cooperation
Administration next started work on another concrete runway, this one 10,000
feet long. Though the French in 1953-54 had laid a NATO-standard 7,800-foot
asphalt runway at D a Nang, there were no runway lights or maintenance
buildings. The depot at Bien Hoa featured permanent warehouses and hangars,
but its pierced-steel runways could not be greatly expanded. The French had also
operated a 5,900-foot pierced-steel runway at Cap Saint Jacques. Even so, the
airfield was stripped of necessary facilities at the time F-8F transition training
ended. At all of these airfields, the Vietnamese Air Force looked to the Vietna-
mese army for air base maintenance, ordnance, quartermaster, signal, and
other specialized
Yet all seemed t o be going smoothly enough. Secretary of State Dulles could
say in 1958 that the communist process “of trying to pick up one country after
another has been pretty well brought to a stop by our collective defense treaties
around the world which give notice that the Soviets cannot attack one without
everybody coming to its defense.” In other words, the American threat of massive
retaliation and the collective free world defensive alliances were preserving the
peace in Southeast Asia.
In South Vietnam there was incipient trouble. Certain conditions enhanced
enemy efforts to disrupt life. The abolition of elected village councils in June
1956, the use of a compulsory labor a s a tax in kind, experiments in forced
resettlement, maladroit attempts to turn peasants into landholders, and other
measures promoted discontent in the countryside. The absence of police in many
rural areas, a scarcity of civil servants on local levels, and the inability of new and
hastily organized paramilitary forces to substitute for a n effective constabulary
badly handicapped the Saigon government in dealing with guerrillas who exploit-
ed dissatisfactions of one sort or another. By 1958 many persons wedded to the
unification of Vietnam under control of the North were ready “to launch
immediately a n armed struggle” to sustain the communist movement and to
secure its forces in the south.”
In September 1958 North Vietnam proposed to South Vietnam an under-
standing on peaceful relations. The Diem government declined the offer because
communist guerrillas in South Vietnam had kidnapped 236 persons and assassi-
nated 193that year. Political killings in the south would continue to mount, and
the local communists or Viet Cong would step up attacks on South Vietnamese
armed forces.
The Central Committee of the Lao Dong Party in North Vietnam convened
in May 1959. It decided “to continue the national democratic revolution in South
Vietnam”and “to use force to overthrow the feudalist imperialist regime in order


to establish a revolutionary democratic situation and create the conditions for

the peaceful reunification of the
This signaled the beginning of warfare in South Vietnam and the resump-
tion of warfare in Laos, both of which coincided with Chinese probes across the
border of India. l 4 The People’s Army of Vietnam, commonly referred to as the
North Vietnamese army, sent several combat units to drive the Laotian military
from the border between Laos and South Vietnam. In their wake came transpor-
tation units t o set up relay stations for a buildup and infiltration into the two
The .Viet Cong opened guerrilla war in September 1959, when they
ambushed two Vietnamese army companies in the marshy Plain of Reeds
southwest of Saigon. In October they attacked a small force in Kien Phong
Province. In Viet Cong words, “the armed struggle was launched.”“ Hanoi’s
policy directives, the growth of North Vietnamese army activities, and a marked
increase in confirmed infiltrations into South Vietnam made clear Hanoi’s
declaration of war on the Republic of Vietnam and the commitment of its
political and military apparatus to that end. 17
To American authorities in Saigon, optimistic assessments obscured the full
dimension of the threat. While his government was apparently stimulating
economic growth and internal stability, President Diem closely controlled its
intelligence activities, often for his own political purposes. He had little knowl-
edge of Viet Cong leadership, tactics, organization, logistics, and plans. As a
result, U.S. assistance programs in 1959 and 1960 were oriented less toward
internal threat in South Vietnam than toward the overt threat presented by
communist activities in Laos and particularly in the sparsely populated central
highlands of Vietnam adjacent to the Laotian border.
Diem had been interested in the latter area since 1957, when he conceived a
program for building “agrovilles” or “new communities” around Pleiku, Kon-
tum, and Ban Me Thuot. Without American assistance funds, Diem settled
farmers there on new agricultural lands so as to strengthen security. By February
1959 he had established twenty-eight outposts, and on July 7 he announced an
expanded program to create more “prosperity and density centers” in exposed
rural areas. l 9
In February 1960 the Government of Vietnam wanted trailwatchers and
commandos along the border to protect these new settlements.
Accordingly, the Vietnamese ranger training center was organized at Da
Nang. At this time the Viet Cong were thought to number 3,000-5,000 full-time
elite and regular troops, plus intelligence agents, recruiters, terrorists, service
troops, and part-time guerrillas. Because the authority to keep in South Vietnam
personnel of the Temporary Equipment Recovery Mission who augmented the
MAAG was expiring, the United States decided in May t o double the MAAG
component to 685 men. This was done in spite of North Vietnam’s protest t o the
International Control Commission. Several U.S. Army Special Forces teams
arrived during the month, and Diem formed a Vietnamese ranger force with a
projected strength of 10,000


By then the Joint Chiefs of Staff had directed the senior American officials
in Saigon and CINCPAC to draw up a broad counterinsurgency plan as a guide
to the Diem government and to the small in South Vietnam.
PAC’s plan contained among its key provisions a Vietnamese command and
control system to integrate military and civil counterinsurgency operations. A
fide military field command might end President Diem’s meddling in
operational affairs. Also needed was first-rate, centrally controlled intelligence
and counterintelligence within the Vietnamese government. Ambassador
brow believed these to be all-important. The problem was to persuade Diem to
approve and implement them.
Other proposed measures included better use of the Vietnamese forces to
fight guerrillas without lessening their ability to meet a n overt attack; improved
governmental financial procedures; border and coastal patrols to stop infiltra-
tion and outside support of the anti-government guerrillas; better communica-
tions nets; more attention to civil affairs and psychological warfare; closer
planning for economic growth and political stability; and moving the Vietnamese
Civil Guard from the Ministry of Interior to the Ministry of Defense.
Army Lt. Gen. Lionel C. became the chief on August
He and Ambassador elaborated the broad plan and worked with
Vietnamese officials during the autumn and winter of In October General
recommended and Admiral Felt concurred in enlarging the Vietnamese
army from to men. objected. A bigger army, he
thought, would bring economic hardship to the country. He also desired to use
the prospect of a greater military force as pressure on Diem for political reforms.
To ease counterinsurgency operations, Diem transferred the Civil Guard to
the Ministry of Defense in November, and in the following month took
responsibility for training and equipping it. Shortages in military assistance
funds limited support to instead of the planned Civil Guard
T o USAF officers the measures for Vietnamese stability were, as Maj. Gen.
Theodore Milton, Thirteenth Air Force commander said, “entirely domi-
nated by classic ground-force The Vietnamese Air Force had
obsolescent aircraft and lacked trained pilots and technically qualified support
personnel. Diem had worsened the tight personnel situation in August by
terminating contracts with French air crews and service technicians who oper-
ated the Air Vietnam commercial airline. He replaced them with military flight
crews and mechanics.
After a mysterious crash in August, President Diem grounded all the
obsolete of the Fighter Squadron, then in September asked to
replace them. He pointed to the U.S. jets given to Thailand and the Philippines.
Sympathetic, Admiral Felt had two trainers and four photo-recon
aircraft added in the military assistance program funding for fiscal year
These would be the beginning of as well as a reconnaissance force. But
the planes, while remaining pledged, were not delivered because the Geneva
accords prohibited introducing jets into the country. To replace the the

first notion was to make A D 4 available from Navy stocks. The Navy, however,
could not forecast continued supplies for these obsolete planes. Thus, the pro-
gram was amended early in 1960 to include AD-6 aircraft still operational in the
U.S. Fleet. The first six arrived in Vietnam in September 1960, and twenty-five
more were delivered in May
When in late 1960 some Vietnamese army rangers were ready for field
operations, the H-19B helicopters handed down by the French to the 1st Heli-
copter Squadron were worn out. MAAG secured approval for a hurried ship-
ment of eleven H-34Cs from the Army. They were airlifted to Saigon without
renovation, four in December and the others soon afterward.”
The AD-6s and H-34s had no immediate impact on operations. The high
aircraft out-of-commission rates stemmed from poor maintenance and supply at
Bien Hoa. Also to blame was the long pipeline time for processing spare parts
requisitions through USAF logistic channels to Army and Navy sources. Yet
between August and October 1960, the 1st Fighter Squadron flew twenty combat
sorties, the L- I9 liaison planes logged 9 17 combat hours, the helicopters accumu-
lated 166 hours on operational missions, and C-47s of the 1st Air Transport
Group flew thirty-two
Only five airfields were usable for AD-6 operations; no communications
network served dispersed airfields; and President Diem believed that air units
could not operate effectively from dispersed locations distant from depot sup-
plies. The Vietnamese Air Force was oriented to the support of the Vietnamese
army operations, but the ground troops gave little attention to spotting targets
suitable for air strikes. About ninety percent of the ground targets were located
by Vietnamese Air Force observers who flew in L- 19s, based at the same fields as
the fighters.
Approval for aircraft to strike ground targets was required from province
chief, regional commander, the Joint General Staff, and sometimes Diem him-
self. As a final guaranty against bombing mistakes that might hurt the govern-
ment’s image, politically cleared and technically competent observers had to
mark approved targets before air strikes could be launched against them -a rule
of engagement reportedly directed by Diem.
A USAF team visiting South Vietnam reported, “The high level approval
required for on-call fighter strikes, along with poor communications and/ or
procedures for requesting strikes, builds in excessive delays for efficient use of
tactical air effort. This is particularly true in view of the hit-and-run guerrilla
tactics of the Viet
Internal subversion in Southeast Asia still seemed minor in 1960. In com-
parison, China appeared to be threatening stability and peace. To counter this,
the United States continued to rely on the presence of SEATO and on the
credibility of its own treaty commitments in the area to discourage Chinese
While the Chinese cited Nikolai Lenin to prove that war was useful for
extending communism, Premier Nikita Khrushchev spoke to the United Nations
General Assembly in September on “the grave danger of colonial wars growing

into a new world war.” Sino-Soviet doctrinal divergencies came under debate in
November 1960 in Moscow. The apparent outcome was a compromise
announced on January 6, 1961, when Khrushchev noted that “world wars”and
“local wars that would grow into a world thermonuclear war” were to be avoided
while “national liberation wars” through which colonial peoples could attain
independence were “not only admissible but inevitable” and merited full com-
munist support.
Meanwhile, the Lao Dong Party in Hanoi had announced on September
10, 1960, the formation in South Vietnam of “a broad national united front” of
workers, peasants, and soldiers dedicated to overthrowing the Diem govern-
ment. Thereafter, the tempo of Viet Cong infiltration and insurgency quickened.
Viet Cong units of 100-300 men began to mount raids around Saigon. Even more
serious, Diem charged in October that attacks in the Kontum-Pleiku area
involved regular North Vietnamese military units operating out of Laos. This
was aggression in the formal sense.
The inability of the Diem government to deal with the Viet Cong sparked
dissatisfaction within the Vietnamese army and led to a n attempted coup on
November I 1. A paratroop force seized government centers in Saigon, prepared
to attack the presidential palace, and called for Diem’s resignation on the
grounds of his autocratic rule, his nepotism, and his ineffective fight against
communism. The chief of staff of the Joint General Staff led loyal troops into the
capital and subdued the rebels on the following day.’’
Although Diem’s brother and political adviser, Ngo Dinh Nhu, announced
the introduction of some reforms, Diem remained reluctant to decentralize his
authoritarian controls. Instead of delegating authority to military commanders
as Admiral Felt and General McGarr had recommended, Diem sought to
enhance his position by fragmenting and dividing the military hierarchy. Diem
made army regional commanders (later corps tactical zone commanders) inde-
pendent of one another but each responsible to him. Since he appointed and
removed province chiefs, many of whom were military officers, Diem frequently
gave them command over army units operating within their provinces. Hence the
field commanders looked to two superiors, their next higher military commander
in the chain of command and the politico-military province chief. These tangled
lines checked the quick movement and close control of units and reserves,
including the employment of Vietnamese Air Force units. But Diem insisted on
tight control of operations, chiefly those of the air force, because he feared a
revolt or a coup against his government.
There was also evidence that the Viet Cong benefited from security leaks at
high levels. At times Viet Cong fed false information into the intelligence system
to prompt bombardment of innocent targets. Now and then a province chief
requested air strikes for his own private purpose, for example, in another
province whose chief he disliked. Within this climate of suspicion, local officials
had to go on record as approving air strikes flown in their areas of authority. All
this spawned complexities, hesitations, and delays.




Apparently viewing the November coup attempt as proof of massive dis-

content within the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, Hanoi swiftly set up a
shadow government in the south. The National Front for Liberation of South
Vietnam (NFLSVN) was formally established on December 20, 1960. Even
though it embraced a broad range of non-communist and nationalist opposition
to President Diem, the Lao Dong Party in North Vietnam ordered its
In Saigon, Diem and Nhu felt that American officials had favored the
November coup, and relations with Ambassador Durbrow grew more and more
strained. There was also persistent discontent in the Vietnamese armed forces, for
Diem’s promise to liberalize the government had built up hope among officers.
His refusal to d o so produced deep disappointment.
By this time, warfare had erupted within neighboring Laos. On December
14, 1960, CINCPAC declared a n alert for all units to comprise Joint Task Force
116 if the United States decided to intervene. Thailand was willing to transfer ten
T-6 aircraft to Laos in exchange for more modern T-37 jets from the United
States. President Eisenhower favored a SEATO reaction in Laos and Admiral
Felt suggested offensive air action, but the SEATO allies were less than enthusi-
astic. Upon direction from Washington, Felt declared a higher alert for JTF 116
on December 31, and he requested a C-I30 transportation squadron from the
United States. With the arrival of the 773d Troop Carrier Squadron at Clark on
the 2d of January: the task force was fully prepared to assist the Laotian
Three days later, President Charles De Gaulle made clear France’s refusal to
take part in a SEATO intervention. As instructed from Washington, CINCPAC
reduced the alert on January 6. The State Department said on the 7th that the
United States would work with other free nations to pursue “whatever measures
seem most promising.””
Dispatches from Southeast Asia in 1959 and 1960 competed for attention
with louder signals from regions traditionally more vital to the United States. In
January 1959 Fidel Castro and his guerrillas became the Government of Cuba.
As the months passed, Castro’s orientation and outlook grew ever more Marxist,
a development that evoked the whole complex of policies and emotions arising
out of the Monroe Doctrine. At the same time, Premier Khrushchev repeatedly
drew attention to the precarious status of West Berlin, a small island in the sea of
Soviet-dominated Eastern Europe.
In Southeast Asia, along the northwestern frontier of the Republic of
Vietnam and along the entire western frontier of North Vietnam was the King-
dom of Laos. This geographically vulnerable, largely unadministered, politically
fragile country was a n obvious avenue of approach for infiltrators from North
Vietnam to the northern provinces and central highlands of South Vietnam.
Given the difficulties of the Laotian government in making its will effective, a
neutral Laos seemed to many U.S. officials only somewhat less a danger to
Diem’s government than did a communist Laos.


All of these problems were weighed by officials who were very much aware
that President Eisenhower’s tenure would end in January 1961. As President
Eisenhower later explained, he wanted to make no major commitment in the
closing weeks of his administration that would obligate his successor to a
predetermined course of action. Briefing President-elect John F. Kennedy on the
19th of January, Eisenhower emphasized that Laos as the key to all of Southeast
Asia must be defended. If the allies failed to d o so, he said, “our unilateral
intervention would be O U T last desperate What happened in Laos, of
course, had meaning for Vietnam.

art Three:
ennedy Years
and Actions
President Kennedy took office two weeks after Premier Khrushchev
announced Soviet support for what he termed “wars of national liberation.”
These were neither the nuclear exchanges that had preoccupied American mil-
itary thinkers nor limited wars like Korea. Rather, a war of national liberation
consisted of subversion and guerrilla actions at a level far below that likely to
trigger nuclear retaliation. Such a war could nevertheless erode the will and
power of the target state until it was helpless.
The President tried to determine the real import of the Khrushchev doctrine
and the exact nature of the communist threat to Southeast Asia. Realizing that
the United States had few troops specially trained and equipped for counterin-
surgency warfare, he directed Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara on
February I , 1961, to increase them. On March 28 Kennedy asked the Congress
to give him the means to deal with “small externally supported bands of men.”
Pointing t o nonnuclear, limited, guerrilla warfare as the most constant threat to
free world security since 1945, the President wanted to be able to respond to this
kind of aggression with nonnuclear weapons and to “help train local forces to be
equally effective” against their enemies. The main burden of defense against
overt attack, subversion, and guerrilla warfare had to rest on local populations
and their military forces. Still, the United States needed strong and highly
mobile units ready to combat the so-called lesser forms of conflict.’
Pursuing this aim in June, President Kennedy specified that the Joint
Chiefs’ “responsibility for the defense of the nation in the cold war [was] similar
to that which they have in conventional hostilities.” Air Force officials assumed
that the new technique was to rank in importance with “preparation for conven-
tional warfare.” This belief seemed justified in July when the President trans-
ferred from the Central Intelligence Agency to the Department of Defense the
responsibility for preparing and mounting large paramilitary operations,
wholly or partially covert, requiring many militarily trained personnel and the
type of equipment or military experience peculiar to the armed forces.²
Spurring these actions was the worsening situation in Laos. Fighting there
between the government forces and the pro-communist Pathet Lao intensified.
Both sides had outside support, alternating victories and defeats, and several
coups d’etat had taken place. American concern centered not only o n Laos but
on the possible adverse consequences in Vietnam. During the first two months of
his administration, President Kennedy “probably spent more time on Laos than
on anything
Events in Cuba, climaxing at the Bay of Pigs in April, shaped the President’s
thinking. Urged to at least commit U.S. air power in Laos, Kennedy replied, “I
just don’t think we ought to be involved in Laos, particularly where we might find


ourselves fighting millions of Chinese troops in the jungles. In any event, 1 don’t
see how we can make any move in Laos, which is 5,000 miles away, if we don’t
make a move in Cuba, which is only 90 miles
The Soviets had called on April 4 for a cease-fire in Laos and an interna-
tional conference to resolve the problems. The Joint Chiefs were troubled.
Diplomatic negotiations would probably result in a neutralized Laos, perhaps
eventually a communist Laos, because SEATO had failed to curb the obvious
aggression there. Laos behind the Iron Curtain would expose Thailand and
South Vietnam to further communist infiltration. Most of the 12,000 Viet Cong
guerrillas in South Vietnam had come through the Laotian panhandle or the
thinly populated northeastern corner of Cambodia.
So serious did affairs appear that Kennedy on April 20 changed the advisory
military body in Laos to a Military Assistance Advisory Group. He ordered the
MAAG members to put on their uniforms and work closely with the demoral-
ized Laotian troops. At Camp Courtney, Okinawa, Joint Task Force 1 16(it and
its air component redesignated SEATO Field Forces) readied for action. Open
U.S. commitment in Laos looked imminent until Great Britainjoined the Soviet
Union on the 24th in appealing for a cease-fire and a n international conference in
The conference opened at Geneva in May, a time when retired General of
the Army Douglas MacArthur advised President Kennedy against putting
American ground forces on the mainland of Asia. If the United States intervened
in Southeast Asia, he said, it must be ready to use nuclear weapons to meet a
Chinese entry into the conflict. The Joint Chiefs of Staff categorically informed
Defense Secretary McNamara that
any intervention with United States forces in Laos, either unilaterally or under
SEATO auspices, should be taken only after firm U.S. governmental decision to the
effect that the United States is thereby prepared and committed to succeed in its
military intervention regardless of the extent of possible consequent Communist
escalation; this is an unequivocal position which is fundamental to United States
military actions.’
TOSecretary McNamara it seemed clear that the United States must soon
decide whether o r not to stand up and fight. Yet according to Army Chief of Staff
Gen. George H. Decker, the United States could hardly hope to win a conven-
tional war in Southeast Asia. General Decker suggested moving American
troops into Thailand and South Vietnam to see if that would produce a cease-fire
in Laos. But if the United States went into Laos, “we should go in to win, and that
means Hanoi, China, and maybe even using nuclear bombs.” Lacking enthusi-
asm for a ground war in Laos, Decker said later that
this is the last place in the world I would like to s e e . . .[U.S. forces]committed unless
absolutely necessary. . . . If it were only the Pathet Lao that was involved, there would
be no problem. But undoubtedly North Vietnamese would come in and probably the
Chinese Communists and when they do, it is hard to predict where our commitment

General Curtis E. LeMay, Air Force Chief of Staff, was dubious of U.S.
policy on Laos, but he believed a cease-fire impossible without American military


action. That meant nuclear weapons if the Chinese entered the conflict. General
at estimated that his air forces could prosecute a “small war”
in Laos with conventional weapons. He envisioned an enlarged conflict including
North Vietnam or China as requiring a “truly massive U.S. ground
and air forces.’
President Kennedy deferred sending U.S. troops into Laos, tried to salvage
as much as possible from a cease-fire, and offered reassurances to Thailand and
South Vietnam. The Geneva negotiations produced no solution, but at a summit
meeting in Vienna on June agreed with Kennedy’s proposal
all get out of have “a neutral and independent Laos under a govern-
ment chosen by the Laotians.” But as late as April the State Department
would find it “very hard to prophesy what is going to happen in
Part of the difficulties in dealing with a possible use of force, General
believed, was due to President Kennedy’s procedural habits and tendencies. The
President seemed to depend on ad hoc committees in lieu of the Joint Chiefs,
leading to vetoes, stalling, lengthy discussions, and too many people “in the act
and making decisions in areas where they weren’t competent.” This approach to
policy, believed, failed to recognize that “going to war is a very serious
business and once you make that decision that you’re going to d o that, then you
ought to be prepared to d o just that.””
General uneasiness with President Kennedy’s methods came at a
time when other international crises clamored for attention. The Soviets were
again threatening allied rights of access to West Berlin, so Kennedy requested
and the Congress authorized the call to active duty of more than Army,
Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force personnel. Included were thirty-six squad-
rons and members of the Air National Guard and the Air Force Reserve.
On September the Soviet Union broke the nuclear test moratorium of several
years by exploding megatonic nuclear bombs in the atmosphere. The President
instructed Defense Secretary to resume American nuclear tests.
Though Laos overshadowed South Vietnam in SEA affairs during the first
months of President Kennedy’s administration, the fates of the two countries
were intertwined. Soon after taking office the President considered plans to
combat the insurgency in Vietnam. He agreed to enlarge the Republic of
Vietnam Armed Forces by men and to expand military training for the
Civil Guard. In February he directed Ambassador to secure President
Diem’s cooperation on these and other matters.
In November President Eisenhower had strengthened the role of
American Ambassadors in all countries. Each had “affirmative responsibility”
for all U.S. activities, including military assistance. The Ambassador was to be
informed on all that took place and to report “promptly to the President”
whenever necessary. In May President Kennedy reiterated this instruction.
However, he exempted American military forces in the field from the Ambassa-
dor’s direct authority they were responsible through military channels. In
Southeast Asia CINCPAC, a n area commander, reported to the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, the Secretary of Defense, and the President. While the Ambassador was

Courtesy: John F
Courtesy F. Kennedy Library Courtesy: U.S. Nav

(Upper left) W. Averell Harriman, Pres.

Kennedy, and Dean Rusk.

(Above) Robert S. McNamara and

Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer.

(Left) Members of the Vietnamese Self

Defense Corps from Buon Enao
(Below) Female members of the Civil
Defense Guard at Hao Cain.


outside this line, he was the Chief of Mission. He worked hand in glove with the
military commander in the mutual exchange of information, the coordination of
programs, and the formulation of policy. 14
In early 1961, six Vietnamese Air Force squadrons were combat-ready
-one AD-6 fighter, two C-47 transport, two L-19 liaison, and one H-19 helicop-
ter. The fighter unit by March had upped its monthly sortie rate 200 percent,
from 40 to 120. 15
The Army of the Republic of Vietnam comprised seven infantry divisions,
one airborne group, and nineteen separate battalions. Their limited combat
readiness reflected “inexperienced leadership above the battalion level, inade-
quate logistical and technical service development, and other deficiencies of an
organizational nature.” The enduring need to divert troops to internal security
missions interrupted training.
Complementing the army were several paramilitary forces. The 68,000 men
of the Civil Guard (later called Regional Forces) had been organized in 1955 and
were controlled by the province chiefs. Since October 1960 under the Ministry of
Defense, the Civil Guard could neither arrest nor investigate. Members had the
mission of patrolling. The Self Defense Force of 40,000 men constituted a
full-time home guard defending its members’ villages, and it was under the
district chiefs. The United States moved quickly in 1961 to arm and train these
two forces so as to free the army from static defense missions.
Against these forces and the general population, the Viet Cong had
redoubled their campaign of terror during the first part of 1961, perhaps to
disrupt presidential elections scheduled for April 9. The number of Viet Cong in
South Vietnam swelled to around 14,000. By March the North Vietnamese army
units in southern Laos seemed strong enough to push across the border and set
up a “popular” government in the central highlands. If this took place, the
Sino-Soviet bloc might pursue the technique used in Laos recognize the
shadow regime as the legitimate government of South Vietnam and furnish
assistance. But what impressed President Kennedy above all were the assassina-
tions. Sustained by North Vietnam, well-disciplined Viet Cong guerrillas in 1960
had killed over 4,000 civil officers, 2,000 state employees, and 2,000 police in
South Vietnam.”
The elections in April were reasonably orderly, and President Diem received
an overwhelming vote. With Diem’s position as head of state thereby confirmed
and apparently secure, President Kennedy sent Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff General Lemnitzer and Under Secretary of State W. Averell Harriman to
Saigon to support Ambassador Durbrow who was pressing Diem to make
certain reforms. Calling on Diem, they urged him in particular to form a military
field command and a central intelligence organization. Inasmuch as these crea-
tions might nurture potential political rivals, Diem found the decision hard to
make. He did agree to try to upgrade the paramilitary forces, get better intelli-
gence, start a junk navy to stop enemy infiltration by sea, establish internal
security councils, decentralize his government, and undertake fiscal reforms. 19


Afterwards Diem reactivated the National Internal Security Council,

founded a National Intelligence Agency, and appointed a commander of the
Army Field Forces who was to work closely with General the
chief, on counterinsurgency. Abolishing the military regional headquarters,
Diem divided the country into three tactical zones and a special tactical zone for
Saigon, the capital. The commanders were responsible to the Army Field Forces
commander, and they were to conduct all antiguerrilla military operations. The
tactical zones could be further segmented into coinciding for the most
part with provincial boundaries. In them the military chief might also be a
provincial chief and therefore would be in both civil and military chains of

On April in Washington one day after the Bay of Pigs invasion

of Cuba collapsed President Kennedy asked Deputy Secretary of Defense
to draw up a comprehensive program. I t was to cover
military, social, and political actions, and be tailored to prevent a communist
takeover South Vietnam. The deputy Defense secretary swiftly organized an
interagency committee and wrote a first-draft plan in about a week. His preface
set the tone of the paper, “Come what may, the U.S. intends to win this battle.”
military recommendations apparently aimed to hearten national
policy after the Bay of Pigs and to affirm explicitly American resolve to pay the
cost of commitments in Southeast Asia. The recommendations included the
installation of radar surveillance in South Vietnam, which would involve the
U.S. Air Force; increasing the so it could train and support more
Vietnamese soldiers, thus building the army to 170,000; supplying arms and
training to the paramilitary forces; and furnishing equipment for a small naval
At a National Security Council meeting on the Kennedy approved
several measures: establishing a combat development and test center Vietnam,
expanding civic action and economic development programs, augmenting the
685-man by approximately advisors, and adding to the Military
Assistance Program for I96 I a heavy radar facility to be sited near
to observe and report Soviet flights across the Laotian border.”
Meeting on May with Senator William chairman of the
foreign relations committee, Kennedy discussed the possibility of sending U.S.
combat forces into South Vietnam. result talk, the President
told newsmen the next day that U.S. intervention would be inappropriate
without prior discussions with Vietnamese leaders. The Air Force plans division
informed General that the President’s statement was “the first example of
the type of over-all plan that the Air Force has advocated for some time.” The
division advised strong support. By May 10 however, the plans division was
opposing premature commitment of U.S. forces to South Vietnam because it
might “reduce pressure on Vietnam for initiative and forceful action,” provoke
the Chinese communists into intervening, and have a bad effect on American

In contrast, J C S Chairman General Lemnitzer felt a sense of urgency. He

frequently spoke of the possible “loss of Vietnam,” termed the military threat
extremely serious, and deplored the tendency of the U.S. government to waste
time in quibbling over
At Secretary McNamara’s request to consider the commitment of Ameri-
can forces, the Joint Chiefs on May 10 favored an immediate deployment to
provide a visible and “significant” deterrent to North Vietnamese and Chinese
intervention. They believed it would release Vietnamese armed forces from static
missions and enable active counterinsurgency operations, help train Vietnamese
forces, be a nucleus for a U.S. buildup in the case of allied S E A T 0 operations,
and show the firm intent of American policy in Southeast Asia. The J C S leaned
toward dispatching two reinforced infantry battalions to the central highlands to
set up and operate two division training centers for the Vietnamese army. Having
U.S. combat forces in the country was bound to bolster Vietnamese morale.
Asked to estimate U.S. force requirements, Admiral Felt, CINCPAC,
discussed the matter with his component commanders on May 11. To General
O’Donnell, South Vietnam was so deficient in airfields and ground facilities that
only a few turnaround B-57s and F-102s could operate from Tan Son Nhut for
short periods.
Admiral Felt recommended the dispatch to Vietnam of one Army infantry
division with supporting troops; eight B-57s for border surveillance, close sup-
port, and anti-Viet Cong operations; four F-102s for air defense; and possibly
two or three jet reconnaissance aircraft. If American forces were committed, Felt
suggested that the M AAG chief be designated Commander, United States
Forces, Vietnam, and be charged with control, under CINCPAC direction, of all
U.S. forces
By then President Kennedy had decided against an open and substantial
commitment of conventional U.S. combat troops. On May I I he directed the
Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and the Joint Chiefs to continue
studying potential U.S. task force structures for Vietnam and to assess the value
and the cost of increasing the Vietnamese armed forces from 170,000 to 200,000
men. These actions were to signify “an intensified endeavor to win the struggle
against communism and to further the social and economic advance of Vietnam”
in cooperation with President Diem. The rationale, provided by the National
Security Council, was “to prevent Communist domination in South Vietnam; to
create in that country a viable and increasingly democratic society, and to
initiate, on a n accelerated basis, a series of mutually supporting actions of a
military, political, economic, psychological and covert character designed to
achieve this
On the same day, the President committed a n Army Special Forces group of
400 men to Vietnam. Its task was to organize the Tribal Area Development
Program to clear and hold certain Viet Cong-controlled areas, mainly along the
land border. This was the beginning of the Civilian Irregular Defense Group,
initially supervised by the Central Intelligence Agency. Raising, training, leading,


and supporting irregular forces would hardly be possible without airlift, medical
evacuation, and close air support. The Air Force would soon be
Also on May I I , the President sent Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson to
Saigon to demonstrate continuing U.S. support for Diem. Johnson’s visit was
designed to strengthen Diem’s position at home, to make him feel safe enough to
delegate power to subordinates (chiefly to a functioning field force command), to
encourage accelerated Vietnamese and American actions, and to give Diem
confidence in the United States. Johnson carried a letter from Kennedy promis-
ing more U.S. assistance if Diem promoted the economic and political develop-
ment of his
Johnson and Diem discussed the question of committing U.S. forces to
South Vietnam, and Johnson had the impression that “Asian leaders - at this
time- d o not want American troops involved in Southeast Asia other than on
training missions.” The Embassy confirmed this point of view. Diem would
welcome American combat forces solely in the case of overt
When Johnson asked Diem what he thought his country’s military needs
were, Diem said he would give a detailed answer later. He observed dryly that the
Vietnamese were not “accustomed to being asked for our own views on our
A communique issued on May 13 at the conclusion of their talks made
no mention of committing U.S. forces.
Upon his return to Washington, the Vice President said he saw no need for
American troops in Vietnam except to help the Vietnamese train their forces. The
nations of Southeast Asia had to make decided efforts, with stronger American
support, to develop their economic and political systems and to provide for their
own defense. He passed on Diem’s concern that the communists would employ
the same strategy they had used in Laos -- infiltration, aerial resupply, and
establishment of a recognizable government. “Any help,” Johnson said,, “eco-
nomic as well as military, we give less developed nations to secure and maintain
their freedom must be part of a mutual effort. These nations cannot be saved by
the United States alone. To the extent the southeast Asian nations are prepared
to take the necessary measures to make our assistance effective, we can be -and
must be - unstinting in our
Deputy Defense Secretary Gilpatric’s Committee .on Vietnam consisted of
members of the State and Defense Departments. O n May 19 it proposed these
objectives for American forces that might be deployed to Vietnam: deter the
North Vietnamese and Chinese, release Vietnamese forces for fuller use in
operations, train local troops, form a nucleus for future U.S. buildup, and
demonstrate American firmness. The committee favored the founding of two
training centers, each to be run by a reinforced U.S. infantry battalion, and the
sending of minimal air and naval forces to stop infiltration and act against the
insurgents. The Army urged deploying a n infantry division plus special forces.
The Air Force was reluctant to place combat units in a country where the major
threat appeared to be insurgency and where the Vietnamese Air Force could
afford the limited air support required by that threat..”


Hoping to help the people of South Vietnam help themselves, President

Kennedy sent to Admiral Felt and to Ambassador Frederick E. Nolting, Jr. (who
had replaced Durbrow) thirty separate actions he wished carried out. The
program encompassed: political activities to buttress Diem’s confidence in the
United States, to heighten his popular support at home, and to improve Viet-
nam’s relations with its neighbors, chiefly Cambodia; economic measures to let
Vietnam support larger military forces; and military proposals including the
installation of a radar surveillance system, a 20,000-man expansion of the
Vietnamese armed forces, more support for the Civil Guard and Self Defense
Corps, and a n augmented MAAG. The President also desired a stop to infiltra-
tion into South Vietnam and a facility to test new techniques against insur-
gency. 32
Diem issued decrees to carry out the counterinsurgency measures proposed
by the Americans, but the extent of his implementation was far from clear. He
went on using command and intelligence agencies for political ends, mostly to
maintain a balance among several local Vietnamese factions and their senior
officers of the armed forces competing for favor and power. 33
It soon became evident to Americans that the threat to Vietnam was more
severe than had been suspected. At the summit in Vienna early in June 1961,
Kennedy found Khrushchev willing to accept a neutralization of Laos but not of
Vietnam. Reflecting upon this refusal, Secretary of State Dean Rusk later
suggested that the United States should have said quite simply, “You can’t have
South Vietnam.” Perhaps that would have prevented misunderstanding within
the communist world of the American position on Southeast
Although the Joint Chiefs and CINCPAC advocated deploying U.S. forces
for combat in South Vietnam to counter the Viet Cong, the President put faith in
his program of helping the Vietnamese. Yet there were warnings in June 1961
that “the prospects for stability and progress are not too bright,”due to intensi-
fied communist warfare and “a lack of real popular support for Diem’s
In that month President Diem asked the United States to support a Vietnam-
ese army of 270,000(one airborne and fourteen infantry divisions). An expanded
MAAG to operate training centers, he said, “would serve the dual purpose of
providing a n expression of the United States’ determination to halt the tide of
Communist aggression and of preparing our forces in the minimum of time.””
In response the Joint Chiefs on June 2 1 recommended building the Vietnam-
ese armed forces to 200,000 men and adding “two division equivalents, including
necessary Navy and Air Force augmentation.” Gilpatric counseled deferral of
this action until the earlier 20,000-man increase had been
assimilated. 37
To see if the South Vietnamese economy could sustain enlarged military
forces, Kennedy sent a financial survey group headed by Dr. Eugene Staley to
Saigon. Reporting in July, Staley favored further aid for Vietnam but warned
against expecting military operations to achieve lasting results without economic


progress. A free society and a self-sustaining economy in Vietnam gave the best
basis of hope for the future.”
Military planners in Washington came to the same conclusion in July and
August Adding to the Vietnamese armed forces or deploying two rein-
forced American battalions would hardly solve the problems. Preventing the
communist domination of South had to come through a series of
mutually supporting political, military, economic, psychological, and covert
Cool to Diem’s request for more soldiers, the Joint Chiefs of Staff on
August decided that a nine-division force of Vietnamese was sufficient.
They thought priority should go to training the 20,000-man increase, the Civil
Guard, and the Self Defense Corps, as well as to retraining existing forces. On
August I President Kennedy approved U.S. support for a Vietnamese military
establishment of men. As Secretary of Defense told his
principal subordinates a week later, internal security was the first priority,
although military operations would give no lasting results without “continued
and accelerated” economic and social But in September the
intensified the conflict, occupying towns, cutting roads, slowing the flow of
rice to market, and impeding other commercial traffic. They also assassinated
about people each month, mainly intermediate government officials.
Although the Vietnamese army had mauled several large guerrilla units in the
Delta during June, it was able to d o so because the foe stood and fought
in the open. This was a n ominous sign, since strength in combat units
was now an estimated men. The evaluation division of the Air
Staff in Washington felt that “the communists are making a determined bid to
take over that nation, and perhaps all of Southeast Asia, in the very near
Infiltrators in and had been chiefly administrators, propagan-
dists, and logisticians. In combat soldiers-mostly trained veterans of the
war against France and many of them born in South Vietnam-arrived and
formed main force battalions and combat support companies. They had pushed
south along two routes. The primary one was a corridor along the border. The
other, kilometers to the east, was called Chi Minh Trail by the Ameri-
cans, a name they later gave the whole system.
These small determined men moved beneath the forest canopy, brushed
away their tracks when necessary, preserved rigid march discipline, and kept
their movements secret. They traveled in groups of several hundred, an estimated
in I, in Their presence was mirrored in the rise of incidents
involving the assassination of officials, the destruction of government outposts,
and the eagerness of guerrillas to fight in the
There were reported battles in the country during August but
September. A telling action took place on the 18th of September. Around
guerrillas overran the capital of Province. They
publicly beheaded the province chief, held the town most of the day, and left
before the Vietnamese troops arrived. President Diem was alarmed by the

infiltrators streaming from North Vietnam through Laos and by the Viet Cong’s
ability to assemble large units, to operate in battalions, to use extensive radio
command nets, and to raid key provincial cities. On September 29 Diem asked
Ambassador Nolting for a bilateral defense treaty with the United States. He
pressed Admiral Felt, CINCPAC, for a “large increase in advisors of all types”
and for American tactical air squadrons to help break up big communist units
massing for attack. Diem’s apprehension colored his address before the National
Assembly on October 2: “It is no longer a guerrilla war. It is a war waged by an
enemy who attacks us with regular units fully and heavily equipped and who
seeks a strategic decision in Southeast Asia in conformity with the order of the
Controlling infiltration into the country was virtually impossible. South
Vietnam’s land border stretched 900 miles along neighboring Cambodia, Laos,
and North Vietnam. Three-quarters of this distance consisted of rugged moun-
tains, the rest of swamps and jungles. Portions of the frontier had never been
precisely delineated. MAAG suggested using helicopters to patrol the border, but
maintenance facilities were in short supply or entirely lacking. Surveillance by
high-performance aircraft was hardly enough. Requesting S E A T 0 forces to
exercise border control would only place these units in a vulnerable position,
grossly complicate communications and logistical support, and reduce but cer-
tainly not stop Viet Cong crossings.
The best technique came into being about the time of the Laotian crisis in
May. The Vietnamese set up patrol bases and primitive airfields along the
border. Manned by regular army troops, rangers, Civil Guard companies, and
Montagnard scouts, these facilities were home for the roving patrols that located,
harassed, and ambushed infiltrators. The landing strips made air resupply by
C-47s possible. The ranger training center, which had been moved from Da Nang
to Nha Trang, recruited and instructed Montagnard scouts. But the core of the
system was the group of 400 Special Forces troops committed by President
Kennedy. They brought direction and substance to the border-control

To fulfill President Kennedy’s desire for developing counterinsurgency

methods, Defense Secretary McNamara directed the Defense Department’s
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) to create a Combat Development
and Test Center in Vietnam. When its functions appeared to overlap and conflict
with the MAAG’s, Vietnamese and American officials agreed on June 29 to
locate a small center within the Vietnamese armed forces headquarters in Saigon,
to work with the Joint General Staff. With direct channels to ARPA and
CINCPAC, the center served as a focal point for technical contract analysts
dispatched to the country by A R P A and by the director of Defense research and
engineering. By the 5th of August, the center was searching for a chemical agent
to kill the tapioca plant (a food source for guerrillas), probing the use of patrol
dogs, and considering the employment of chemical defoliants to deprive the Viet
Cong of assembly and ambush


Installing surveillance radar to record Soviet overflights in clandestine

supply and intelligence missions-as President Kennedy wished-was not easy.
The Vietnamese armed forces were without aircraft control and warning. At Tan
Son Nhut their 1st Radar Squadron owned two light TPS-1 D search radars and
two TPS-1 OD height finders. This equipment was stored from I954 to 1958, then
the Vietnamese Air Force utilized it merely for training. The 1st Squadron had
never actually controlled aircraft, and many of its U.S.-trained technicians were
assigned elsewhere, often in unrelated
Military Assistance Program funds covered the installation of two heavy
combination FPS-20/-6 radars at Tan Son Nhut and Da Nang, but delivery was
impossible before September 1962. To fill the gap and to speed refresher training
of Vietnamese technicians, Admiral Felt requested and Air Force headquarters
directed on September 1 I , 1961, the deployment of a mobile combat reporting
post to Vietnam. It came from the 507th Tactical Control Group at Shaw Air
Force Base, South Carolina.
The combat reporting post comprised 67 men plus MPS-I I search and
MPS- 16 height-finder radars. This secret movement (all identification markings
on boxed equipment were painted out) was airlifted to Vietnam during Sep-
tember 26-October 3. The installation started operating at Tan Son Nhut on the
5th of October and eventually received 3 14 more USAF personnel. A center was
organized to control and report flights, and training of Vietnamese technicians
As the first USAF unit to arrive in Vietnam on a permanent duty status, the
combat reporting post formed the nucleus of a tactical air control system. The
personnel supervised construction of a tent city, met incoming aircraft, and in
general eased the arrival of other officers and airmen ordered to Vietnam. They
began “a radar capability to support interceptor and other combat activities in
the event that U.S. or other allied forces must at some point be deployed to the
country in an
Other USAF resources soon arrived to bolster photo reconnaissance. A
single RT-33 had reconnoitered Laos until May 1961, but the United States
suspended the mission to respect the cease-fire and the Geneva conference on
Laos. The flights resumed on October 4. Shortly after the Saigon government
asked for more photo reconnaissance to assist intelligence gathering, Fifth Air
Force was ordered to move a detachment of its 15th Tactical Reconnaissance
Squadron from Okinawa to Saigon. Thedetachment got to Tan Son Nhut on the
morning of October 18, just after the Mekong River had overflowed its banks.
The severe flooding spread to the greater part of three delta provinces, left
320,000 people homeless, and destroyed 1,000 kilometers of roads and 10million
acres of crops.
The four RF-101 aircraft, six flight crews, a photo processing unit, and
support personnel were all known as Pipe Stem. Flights got under way on
October 20, photographing the Mekong floods as well as areas controlled by the
Viet Cong. During a month of operations. Pipe Stem flew sixty-seven photo
sorties within the country, along the border, and to the Tchepone area of Laos.


Another detachment of four Fifth Air Force flight crews, photo

processing unit, and support personnel reached Don Thailand, on
November Nicknamed Able it took over the reconnaissance missions
on the 10THleaving the to transport film to a processing center at Tan Son
Nhut or Clark. Filling the needs of the in Laos and Vietnam, the first
flights were mostly over Laos. But before long the pilots were flying seventy-five
percent of their sorties over South
Despite the buildup of American assistance, signs in Vietnam were mixed.
President Diem had formed a Central Intelligence Organization, was improving
the Civil Guard, was adding men to the army, and had created a ranger
force. American advisors were working down to company level, and small,
helicopter-borne, quick-reaction units were being organized. Yet Diem’s
National Internal Security Council did a of supervising the execution of
military, political, and economic measures. Military units had scant time for rest
and retraining. Province chiefs paid slight attention to the chain of command.
Vietnamese forces diverted aircraft from troop lift to administrative purposes.
Perhaps most disheartening, several Vietnamese military leaders asked U.S.
officials what American reaction might be to a coup against President
Inefficiency abounded. A typical example took place in autumn
Several Vietnamese AD-6s got orders to strike troops gathered on the
side of a river dividing that province from By the time
the fighters came, the guerrillas had crossed the river. While the planes orbited
for three hours, the Province chief could not be found to approve
the strike.4~
The Vietnamese Air Force was rated combat ready. Plans to expand it
gained Military Assistance Program backing for second fighter and helicopter
squadrons, one photo reconnaissance unit, and a third liaison squadron.
Even though the Geneva accords forbade introducing jet aircraft into the coun-
try, there was some talk in American circles during of giving the Vietnamese
surplus jets. This, it was said, would merely match the many communist
violations since
The Joint Chiefs of Staff frankly suggested that jets be delivered
to the Vietnamese for reconnaissance. Even a few jet planes would impel the
Vietnamese to expand and upgrade ground facilities-extremely valuable
actions in light of possible future commitment of U.S. air units. Admiral Felt,
CINCPAC, favored turning over several photo jets to the Vietnamese. The
USAF planners in Washington warned, “immediate and serious degradation in
the military effectiveness of the Vietnamese could the absence
The State Department stood solidly against the idea and in October Ambassador
stopped trying to equip the Vietnamese with jet planes. Secretary
told the Navy to send thirty piston-engine fighters to Saigon.
The Air Force handled the transportation of these aircraft from the west coast to
Vietnam. The first fifteen were in place by

All this was-in retrospect at least-a prelude to two decisions made by

President Kennedy on October 1 I , I96 I. The President perused Diem’s address
of October 2 to the National Assembly that termed hostilities in Vietnam as
changed and extremely serious. He also noted the stream of threat and vitupera-
tion flowing from Hanoi. Then Kennedy on the morning of the I 1th ordered a
USAF combat detachment to Vietnam. In the afternoon he sent his military
adviser, Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, to Saigon to find out how best to help the
Diem government.


(Left) T-28 fighter-bombers.

(Center) Lt. Richard A. Mathison and

A1C Tri Pham Minh, VNAF, stand with
a collection of Farm Gate aircraft
T-28 in foreground, a B-26 in left
background, A-1 E in right background
and a C-47 in distance.

(Bottom) RF-101 Voodoo.


VII. opening Farm Gate
The USAF combat detachment that President Kennedy ordered to Viet-
nam on October 1 I , 1961, had its roots in a small, secret organization created in
the late 1950s when General LeMay was Vice Chief of Staff. In March 1961
LeMay responded to the President’s instructions for the armed services to
examine how each could best contribute to counterinsurgency. When there was
no doubt about communist aggression, LeMay personally favored a direct and
open American response with the necessary strength. He defined “necessary” as
“more than is actually necessary to d o the job,” hitting “with overwhelming
weight”to avoid “stretching things out over a period of time.” LeMay, soon to be
Chief of Staff, was very much aware that the military services had to abide by
different rules. Tactical Air Command was therefore directed to form a small,
elite, volunteer unit a r o u n d t h e organization. Its mission would be
air operations in support of ground forces to be flown in older conventional
The 4400th Combat Crew Training Squadron (nicknamed Jungle Jim)
came into being at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, on April 14, I96 I . Commanded
by Col. Benjamin H. King, the unit had 124 officers and 228 airmen, sixteen
C-47s, eight B-26s, and eight T-28s. Equal numbers of the same types of aircraft
were in temporary storage. The squadron’s mission of training indigenous air
forces in counterinsurgency would combine with a mission of air operations.’
Officers and airmen of the 4400th-at times called air commandos-were
volunteers, above average in physique, hardiness, and sense of adventure. Each
was closely interviewed and approved by Colonel King. Next came psychiatric
screening at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, and survival indoctrination at
Stead Air Force Base, Nevada. Those completing the program were certified to
be emotionally mature, highly motivated, and stable. Unfortunately, not all were
mentally attuned to teaching members of other cultures o r in fact to perform a
training mission-they were combat-oriented. Later, several men would prove
unable to work with Asian officers. As volunteers dwindled, the rigorous stand-
ards were eventually lowered. The picturesque air commando uniform, person-
ally picked by General LeMay, featured an Australian-type bush hat (with
turned-up brim), fatigues, and combat
Two of the three types of Jungle Jimaircraft were extensively modified. The
T-28 received armorplate and carried about 1,500 pounds of bombs and rockets,
plus two SO-caliber machineguns with 350 rounds per gun. Loaded, the aircraft
could speed at 160 knots to a target 200 miles distant then return to base. The
C-47 (redesignated SC-47 after modification) boasted twice the normal fuel load,
a stronger landing gear suited to dirt strips, and jet-assisted takeoff (JATO) racks
for operations from short fields. The B-26 twin-engine attack bomber needed no
modification, carrying 6,000 pounds of bombs and rockets, plus machineguns.


When fully loaded, it had a combat radius of 400 miles at a normal speed of 200
knots and could loiter 30 to 45 minutes. The B-26 was designed for a glide
bomb-delivery pattern, not for dive-bombing with rolling pullouts nor for
landing with external ordnance in place after an aborted mission.³
To halt communist infiltration into South Vietnam, the Joint Chiefs on
August 24 suggested to Secretary McNamara air interdiction of the inland trails
over which the Viet Cong secured supplies. If the United States had no desire to
commit American forces openly, why not institute unconventional, guerrilla-
The President had mentioned several times to the Secretary of Defense the
benefits of testing counterinsurgency techniques in Vietnam. On September 5
McNamara informed the three service secretaries that he intended to establish an
experimental command under MAAG as a laboratory for refining organiza-
tional and operational procedures. General LeMay at this point invited Secretary
of the Air Force Eugene M. Zuckert’s attention to the 4400th Combat Crew
Training Squadron. Sending an element of the unit to Vietnam would be an ideal
way to devise and evaluate special warfare methods. On September 19 Secretary
Zuckert recommended this to Secretary McNamara. A detachment of the 4400th
had just become operationally ready. If moved to Vietnam, it would acquire
counterinsurgency experience and at the same time train the
McNamara liked the proposal, asked the Joint Chiefs of Staff for comment,
and on October 5 had their recommendation to place a detachment of Jungle Jim
with MAAG in Vietnam. The Secretary next made the idea known to the

President Kennedy weighed the burgeoning Viet Cong strength, the more
frequent reference in planning papers to U.S.covert operations, the desire of the
Joint Chiefs to make a reassuring commitment of air strength to Vietnam, and
President Diem’s change of heart on acceptance of American combat units in his
country. On the morning of October 1 I , 1961, the Commander in Chief author-
ized the deployment of the Jungle Jim squadron to Vietnam “to serve under the
MAAG as a training mission and not for combat at the present time.”’
But the 4400th was not specifically a training unit-it was “designed to
fight.” It had been “singled out”for deployment because its combat capacity and
involvement would shore up “South Vietnamese sagging
The President’s decision five months earlier to send a n Army Special Forces
group to Vietnam now enunciated a new mission statement for Jungle Jim. It was
to train indigenous airmen while working with and supporting the Special
Forces, rangers, and irregular forces along the border. In this light, General
LeMay saw the USAF unit as a regular part of the triservice team. Essentially,
however, Jungle Jim was a n experiment and one of its purposes was to forge
counterinsurgency tactics. It could use sod runways and operate austerely in
remote areas; carry out strike, reconnaissance, and airlift missions; fly close
support for ground troops; drop small forces up to company-size; deliver sup-
plies; and perform medical


Thus it was that Air Force officers and airmen, volunteers to support
friendly guerrillas, flying eight extemporized fighter-bombers, four light bombers
of World War II vintage, and four twin-engine transports designed prior to the
second World War, learned that they would go to Vietnam to support the
government of President Diem. Exactly how was in some
On the 13th of October, Colonel King and two of his officers visited Hawaii
to coordinate Jungle Jim’s movement with Admiral Felt, CINCPAC, who
“enthusiastically supported the approved deployment.” In Saigon the three
officers briefed Ambassador who was happy to have Jungle Jim to train
Vietnamese, develop tactics and techniques, and conduct other operations “as
directed by the Ambassador.” He asked that all aircraft arrive with Vietnamese
Returning to Hawaii, King was assured by officers that no major
problems existed. A tent camp would be ready for the detachment’s arrival at
Airfield and support arrangements were underway. On October
Felt asked that the detachment be sent forward at once, without waiting for the
Air Force to procure some Super Courier light aircraft and Side-
winder air-to-air missiles for the At Eglin the task force designated
for Vietnam received the formal name of Detachment 4400th Combat Crew
Training Squadron, and the code name of Farm
Meantime, members of the 6009th Tactical Support Group under Col.
Claude entered Vietnam with the utmost secrecy during late
October. These officers and airmen deployed on temporary duty from
Air Base, Japan, to Clark, then to where they prepared the
base facility for Farm Gate. Additional detachments came from Thirteenth Air
Force and (chiefly from the 6010th Tactical Support Group) to service
and support the beginnings of a n expanded USAF presence in Vietnam and
elsewhere in Southeast Asia. All were formed into numbered temporary duty
detachments on November and at Tan Son Nhut, at and
at Don Thailand. Detachment was a headquarters staff; operated the
“prime set-up” for a n air operations and a combat reporting center, as well as a
photo processing cell; while and 10 maintained and serviced
Farm Gate departed Florida on the 5th of November. Four flew to
Clark Air Base. Eight were disassembled in California and, together with
officers and airmen, were ferried to Clark by MATS. After reassembly,
Colonel King led two flights of to Tan Son Nhut. The detachment became
operationally ready on the though a week passed before the last of the
SC-47s and arrived. Farm Gate accepted four previously sent to the
Far East. These hardnosed, strafing-model, light bombers reached
near the close of
At the Farm Gate detachment found a rundown French air base
with a flight surface consisting of a single pierced-steel-plank runway by
feet. Tear-outs the steel tie strips demanded constant attention of welding
crews, and the 15th Air Division C-130s bringing in communications equip-
ment for a tactical air control system further tore up the runway. About

Vietnamese soldiers defended the airfield, because heavy vegetation and swampy
terrain nearby afforded good cover for Viet Cong troops surrounding the air
base. Farm Gate at once contacted the two USAF mobile reporting posts at Tan
Son Nhut, and set about to organize a tactical air control system of sorts and to
establish communications and supply
The members of Farm Gate thought they were to conduct combat opera-
tions while training the Vietnamese. That was how General LeMay had briefed
Colonel King, and King was more than willing to make his unit combat capable
and responsive to Ambassador Nolting and to American military authorities. In
early familiarization flights, T-28 crews trailed Vietnamese AD-6s to targets,
observed their attack procedures, and, when authorized, fired on targets. The 155
men were highly motivated and eager to
Nevertheless, on November 16 Admiral Felt tasked Farm Gate with con-
ducting tactical training and pilot upgrading for the Vietnamese. President
Kennedy was advised that the unit was “training Vietnamese aircrews and
supporting Vietnamese operations against the Viet
Uncertainties of mission and the absence of combat lowered morale from
the start. The pilots expected to carry an air offensive to the Viet Cong. Instead,
they trained and supplemented the Vietnamese Air Force, seeking to evolve
techniques for what McNamara described to the press as “not full-scale warfare
but guerrilla warfare.” Without clearcut agreement at higher levels on Farm
Gate’s mission, the early operations tended to be improvised and experimental
rather than systematic. 19
Farm Gate’s first regular employment was to reconnoiter and count the
junk and sampan traffic in Vietnam coastal waters, a tedious job lasting from
December 6 through 22, 1961. C-47s and pairs of T-28s flew four-hour search
patterns and recorded sightings. Thirty-seven sorties turned up 6,294 vessels, but
the aircrews had no way to tell how many were enemy. MAAG was equally at a
loss to interpret the findings. The long uneventful flight patterns were a physical
hardship for the T-28 crews. They were not allowed to crack their canopies in
flight, even though weakened by thecockpit heat from the tropical sun. A second
series flown during February 5-7, 1962, furnished no meaningful
Farm Gate likewise also acquired the mission of supporting the Army
Special Forces and their Civilian Irregular Defense Group. The C-47s operated
under an ad hoc system free of MAAG and Vietnamese army control, to keep
materiel, transportation, and funds in U.S. hands. The aircraft delivered locally
procured items and emergency ones flown in from the United States. (Formal
supply accountability was discarded.) These operations were small, Farm Gate
flying just 205 sorties in the first six months of
While valuable, these missions were outside of what Farm Gate wanted to
do. When Admiral Felt on December 4, 1961, directed General O’Donnell at
PACAF to ready plans for operations, O’Donnell at once permitted Farm Gate
to fly combat missions “with at least one South Vietnamese national aboard any
aircraft so committed.”Secretary McNamara, meeting with the Joint Chiefs that
day, approved combat with mixed crews. On December 6 the Joint Chiefs


granted formal authority for Farm Gate aircraft to fly combat if Vietnamese were
aboard for
On the 6th submitted to CINCPAC the same concept for opera-
tions. Actually, U.S. aircraft and personnel would support Vietnamese armed
forces and help them deny the Viet supply routes and concentration areas,
fly armed patrols of South Vietnam’s land and sea borders, and seek out and
destroy Viet headquarters as well as communist airlift into South
Together, Vietnamese and Americans were to destroy Viet lifelines
and support bases. From Tan Son Nhut, and combat air bases to be
developed at and Pleiku, air operations were to stress photo reconnais-
sance, surveillance, interdiction, and close support of ground
Needed at once were a tactical air control system and a jointly manned
American-Vietnamese air operations center. When Admiral Felt approved a
limited tactical air control system on December it appeared that operations
would get under way. Thirteenth Air Force issued a draft plan on the and
distinguished between combat actions performed in support of the Vietnamese
within South Vietnam and advisory and training actions. On the Ambassa-
dor directed that no combat mission of any description be undertaken
without his
The next day, General suggested that Farm Gate should not wait
for “tailor-made jobs” but should center on training. Secretary
repeated his approval of combat missions if the planes had Vietnamese aboard.
However, he wanted all such flights to be confined to South Vietnam owing to
the experimental nature of the program. Stressing the difference between “riding
double” combat training missions and operational missions, he charged CINC-
P A C with the latter. He wanted Admiral Felt to use combat missions solely for
“important jobs” and to monitor them closely. In other words, according to
“Jungle Jim is to be used for training and operational missions
South Vietnam with Vietnamese riding rear
On December the Joint Chiefs sent a message “to insure no misunder-
standing in the authority granted for the use of Jungle Jim aircraft.” Farm Gate’s
principal purpose was training Vietnamese Air Force personnel. On the follow-
ing day, Admiral Felt made known his conviction that Farm Gate, besides
training Vietnamese, could carry out “all kinds of conventional combat and
combat support flights” if a Vietnamese was to receive
Admiral Felt’s conviction sparked a reexamination of American policy in
Washington. The National Security Council inclined toward authorizing U.S.
uniformed personnel in Vietnam for “instruction in and execution of air-ground
support techniques.” That appeared broad enough to embrace all U.S. air
actions. Yet the State Department view, later voiced by
held that the statement hardly covered interdiction air strikes far from friendly
ground troops. General forwarded detailed clarifying instructions to
Admiral Felt and General on December He wanted Farm Gate to
conduct combat missions only when the Vietnamese Air Force could not.

Combined crews on combat missions would fulfill the purpose of training-to

allow Vietnamese to fly these missions alone as soon as possible.
When General Lemnitzer’s directive reached Farm Gate on the afternoon of
the 26th a strike mission was in the air. Two Farm Gate T-28s were escorting two
Vietnamese AD-6s to hit Viet Cong houses and rice fields about fifty miles north
of Saigon. Despite recall efforts, the strike went on. But thereafter, the possibility
of an independent American combat role came to an
Determining Farm Gate’s mission and its place in the organizational and
command structure would be the subject of continuing discussion and contro-
versy. Meanwhile General Maxwell Taylor had visited Vietnam and had
reported his observations to the President, thereby shaping and refining the
purpose and direction of national policy.

Several hours after announcing on October I 1, 1961, the dispatch of Farm
Gate to Vietnam, President Kennedy disclosed that he was sending his military
adviser General Taylor to Saigon. Taylor was to make a n “educated military
guess” of the situation in the country and to find “ways in which we can perhaps
better assist the Government of Vietnam in meeting this threat to its independ-
ence.” In his letter of instructions to the general, Kennedy said, “the initial
responsibility for the effective maintenance of the independence of South Viet-
nam rests with the people and government of that country.” Concerned with
political, social, and economic matters in addition to military problems, the
President appointed Walt W. Rostow as Taylor’s deputy. Actually, Taylor was
to advise the President whether to deploy U.S. combat forces for a direct role in
Vietnam, or to continue U.S. training and support functions only.’
Public knowledge of Taylor’s mission produced an immediate reaction
from the communists. On October 12 Premier Chou En-lai warned that China
could scarcely “be indifferent to the increasingly grave situation caused by United
States imperialism in South Vietnam.” Ho Chi Minh went to Peking for discus-
sions. The Soviet Union linked the Taylor mission with flagging diplomatic
discussions at Geneva and charged the United States with planning to send
troops to Vietnam to bring pressure to bear on the situation in Laos. On October
14 North Vietnam protested to the International Control Commission that the
Taylor mission was meant to “intensify United States intervention in South
Vietnam and prepare the way for introducing United States
What was the exact state of affairs in South Vietnam? Increases in Viet
Cong numbers, aggressiveness, and incidents constantly surprised the Viet-
namese National Intelligence Agency. United States intelligence estimates placed
the strength of Viet Cong main forces at 17,000 men, eighty to ninety percent of
whom were recruited President Diem was complaining to the Interna-
tional Control Commission of the international threat to his government,
Hanoi’s determination to “liberate the south,” the massive infiltration of com-
munist agents, the ruthless strategy of terror waged against the South Vietnamese
people, and the endeavors to establish “liberated territory”in the central reaches
of the Republic, susceptible of gaining recognition and support from the com-
munist powers. CINCPAC intelligence assessments identified enemy goals as
consolidating control over the richer agricultural areas of the country, isolating
Saigon and the Diem government from the people, and keeping the infiltration
approaches into South Vietnam
What military assistance did the South Vietnamese want? As the Viet-
namese defense minister told Ambassador Nolting on October 13, Diem wished
American combat units or “combat training units” to be stationed near the 17th
parallel to make a show of force and also to free Vietnamese units for antiguer-
rilla action.’


En route to Saigon, Taylor and Rostow stopped off in Hawaii for a briefing
by Admiral Felt. The admiral stressed that the Vietnamese required prompt U.S.
assistance. He pinpointed two serious Vietnamese weaknesses-the tendency of
province chiefs to meddle in military matters, and the penchant of military
commanders to stay in static defensive positions. Felt indorsed the Farm Gate
commitment, but saw no present need for other American combat forces to take
a direct part in the war. He recommended continuing USAF reconnaissance
flights, accelerating the delivery of T-28s, and refining military communications.
He wanted the primitive airstrip at Pleiku enlarged and stores of ammunition,
equipment, and war consumables positioned at bases for a possible introduction
of S E A T 0
The Taylor-Rostow mission arrived at Tan Son Nhut on October 18, spent
six days in Vietnam, and departed for Baguio in the Philippines,where the group
sent President Kennedy an interim report. By November 3 the members drew up
a lengthy final report.
General Taylor defined the situation in South Vietnam as “an acute crisis of
confidence” at every social level-doubt on the seriousness of the U.S. commit-
ment, concern over Viet Cong successes, and discouragement over recent floods
that burdened an “already strained state.” The military crisis mirrored political
weakness. Diem was “an old fashioned Asian ruler, seeking to maintain all the
strings of power in his own hands, while fragmenting power beneath him.”The
military suffered from skimpy intelligence, scant command control, and sparse
mobility. A “lack of target intelligence and a frustrating structure” hampered the
“small but capable” Vietnamese Air Force. It had made no significant contribu-
tion to the struggle, because there had been little photo reconnaissance before the
USAF Able Mable missions. “While the very nature of guerrilla war makes good
targets hard to find,” Taylor noted, “sophisticated aerial photography should
find such good targets as there are.” Finally, the general saw “none of the
controlling structure necessary for effective tactical operations.”
There were less than 800 American military personnel and even fewer
civilians in the country. None worked inside Vietnamese ministries, and few were
in the field, for Diem preferred Americans to remain in Saigon. Some U.S.
officials apparently thought it improper to report anything critical of the Diem
government. As a result, it was not easy to secure a thorough estimate of the
situation. Still the unsettled Laotian situation had probably lessened Vietnamese
confidence in the United States, and a more visible U.S. military presence might
restore Vietnamese morale.
General Taylor’s recommendations included continuing USAF reconnais-
sance flights in Vietnam, setting up a U.S. tactical air-ground system run partially
as a training program, giving Farm Gate a liberal rather than a restrictive
mission, and improving Vietnamese air facilities. He saw no reason to commit
U.S. combat forces in a direct role for the moment. He envisioned success as
hinging on Diem’s willingness to undertake political and social reforms.’
With a clear impression that “a U.S. military presence of some kind” was
greatly desired, General Taylor reported that he leaned toward bolstering Ameri-


D. Taylor, Gen Emmett

J H. Sides, and Lt Gen C. A

(Center) Gen. Paul D Harkins, Adm Harry D Felt, and

Ambassador Frederick E. Nolting at Tan Son Nhut

(Bottom) Gen. Curtis E. LeMay.


can military aid and advisory support for a broadly conceived counterguerrilla
campaign. Central to his concept was making MAAG a n operational headquar-
ters for a theater of war, with 8,000 military advisors to quicken Vietnamese
training, upgrade intelligence and communications, enrich research and devel-
opment, and give quick military and economic support to Vietnamese offensive
operations. An alternative was to deploy perhaps 10,000 U.S. ground troops for
defense, to release the Vietnamese army for active counterinsurgency.
Though Taylor and his colleagues believed American support for counter-
insurgency inside Vietnam to be basic, they warned against sending more U.S.
reinforcements until the nature of any final settlement in Laos and the way in
which Hanoi adjusted to it were clear. If Hanoi persisted in its guerrilla infiltra-
tion, the United States would be forced “to attack the source of guerrilla
aggression in North Viet-Nam and impose on the Hanoi government a price for
participating in the current war which is commensurate with the damage inflicted
on its neighbors to the
The Joint Chiefs of Staff did not care for the interim and final Taylor-
Rostow reports. They wanted a positive American commitment to the clear
objective of preventing the fall of South Vietnam, even ifthat meant U.S. military
forces must fight. The loss of South Vietnam would lead to communist control
over neighboring nations, and the chiefs favored a n immediate deployment of
strong American combat forces instead of a gradual entry of combat support
units. They proposed to warn Hanoi of punitive action unless Viet Cong aggres-
sion ceased. There was little chance of staving off the fall of South Vietnam
without U.S. forces “on a substantial scale.” The United States could persuade
North Vietnam of its serious intent solely by a “clear commitment”to keep South
Vietnam out of the communist camp, plus a diplomatic warning to Hanoi that its
continued support of the Viet Cong would bring American retaliation. A long
war and perhaps the intervention of the People’s Republic of China might ensue.
If it did, the United States would have to put at least 205,000 military men into
Secretary McNamara discussed the matter with the Joint Chiefs. On
November 8 he informed President Kennedy of his and their support of the
Taylor-Rostow recommendations as “first steps” toward realizing the American
aim-averting the fall of South Vietnam. Defending Southeast Asia would take
no more than six U.S. divisions, about 205,000 men. The United States, however,
should introduce major U.S. units into Vietnam only if it was willing to make an
unalterable espousal of that
McNamara and the Joint Chiefs were candid in saying that success would
turn upon many factors “not within our control-notably the conduct of Diem
himself and other leaders in the area.” They were uneasy about American
domestic political problems, but expected Congress to “respond better to a firm
initial position than to courses of action that lead us in only gradually, and that in
the meantime are sure to involve casualties.”The key, of course, was the firmness
of American intent. Without that, there was no point to deploy sizable units.”


As chairman of the State Department Policy Planning Council, Walt

Rostow argued for a contingency policy of retaliation against North Vietnam, a
program graduated to match the intensity of Hanoi’s support of the Viet Cong.
Upon his request, P A C A F furnished Rostow with two lists of aerial targets in
Admiral Felt clung to his earlier opinion. The United States should not send
large combat forces until the lesser measures, suggested by him and substantially
approved by General Taylor, were
President Kennedy was loath to approve a n extensive open-ended commit-
ment. “They want a force of American troops,” he told an aide, and he likened
that force to the units sent to Germany earlier in the year.
They say it’s necessary in order restore confidence and maintain morale. But it will be
just like Berlin. The troops will march in; the bands will play; the crowds will cheer;
and in four days everyone will have forgotten. Then we will be told we have to send in
more troops. It’s like taking a drink. The effect wears off. and you have to take
According t o Kennedy, the war could be won only so long as it remained
Vietnam’s war. Otherwise, the Americans would lose like the
On November 8 Secretary of Defense McNamara, together with the Joint
Chiefs, had been “inclined” t o recommend a firm commitment to preclude the
takeover of South Vietnam even if it meant direct military action. Three days
later, McNamara joined with Secretary of State Rusk in proposing a more
moderate stance in line with President Kennedy’s thinking. The Defense secre-
tary urged the instant dispatch of modest support units and further study before
resolving to send large organized units for actual or potential
The National Security Council and State and Defense representatives
weighed on November 11 American military options in Vietnam. On the 13th a
State-Defense memorandum generally followed the Rusk-McNamara view.
There was to be no swift overt commitment of U.S. combat troops to Vietnam. A
unilateral employment independent of SEATO action might trigger a military
escalation, provoke apathy and perhaps hostility among South Vietnamese,
jeopardize the chances for a political settlement in Laos, and promote domestic
political repercussions in the United
Also on November 13 Kennedy approved the lesser measures-more airlift
(helicopters, light planes, and transports) for the Diem forces, along with the
USAF personnel and planes for reconnaissance and defoliation. Nine days later
the President advised Diem of American willingness t o expand aid, men, and
equipment for a combined undertaking to speed Vietnamese training and to help
fashion better communications and intelligence. In return, Diem would have t o
put South Vietnam on a firm war footing, mobilize his resources, give his
government adequate authority, and overhaul the military establishment and
command structure. Meanwhile, uniformed U.S. military personnel in the coun-
try would furnish airlift for Vietnamese forces, air reconnaissance, photography,
instruction in and execution of air-ground support techniques, and special


There was neither a statement of American national objectives nor a

provision for stronger U.S. military actions should these first-phase measures
prove insufficient. The Air Staff regarded this as a much “watered down”policy.
It differed mainly from the Joint Chiefs’ position by adding the quid pro quo
approach to the Republic of Vietnam. That is, American commitments would
grow solely in response to positive Vietnamese actions.18
At a meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on December 5 , General LeMay
expressed his grave concern. He labeled what Rusk and McNamara had pro-
posed and what the President had approved as inadequate. The greater U.S.
assistance was still insufficient to defeat the Viet Cong. Southeast Asia was the
best place for a showdown between the United States and the communists. This
was not because of the local terrain or political situation. It was because “U.S.
military intervention in Southeast Asia, including the use of nuclear weapons,
could be followed by many layers of escalation before the ultimate confrontation
would occur.” In contrast, the Secretaries of State and Defense had apparently
tried to “obscure, play-down, or delay the determined and decisive action
required to effectively combat” the communist threat.19
LeMay urged the Joint Chiefs to suggest that President Kennedy deploy
sizable American forces to Vietnam. He wanted them to “press for high-level
accord” on a “clear statement of U.S. objectives in the area,” and to tell
McNamara that “timely, positive military actions are He desired at
least a definite contingency commitment to insert U.S. forces into Vietnam for
open operations when required. What the Air Force chief thought were suitable
forces for the commitment would be an Army brigade task force; a Marine
division and its complementary air wing; plus a tactical fighter squadron, a
tactical bomber squadron, and a tactical reconnaissance task These units
would free the bulk of Diem’s forces to root out the guerrillas and to secure South
Vietnam’s borders. They would also “bolster Diem’s political position and insure
his regime and tenure in office.” LeMay envisaged n o open engagement with the
enemy but could not rule it out. “Enemy military actions,” he said, “would not
alter the political objective, but such actions may compel military responses
which would not necessarily be confined to South Vietnam.” But there was “no
feasible military alternative of lesser magnitude” that would prevent the “loss of
South Vietnam and ultimately of Southeast
The Joint Chiefs referred LeMay’s proposal to the Joint Strategic Survey
Council, a group of senior officers freed from day-to-day matters so they could
take a detached view of broad military and political questions. Asked to examine
the rationale for deploying U.S. troops to South Vietnam, they replied on
December 7. “The recently authorized measures, even when implemented,” they
said, “will prove to be inadequate.” The council called attention to “the deterio-
rating military situation and the tenuous character of the South Vietnam
government,”which made it “imperative that the United States government take
the initiative.” To “reassure President Diem that the United States will support
his government and will discourage and oppose any internal factions which seek
to overthrow him,” U.S. combat forces and those of its Asian allies should go to


South Vietnam strong enough “to assure the South Vietnamese of our determi-
nation to support their government and t o defeat communist
should be “a military command and modus operandi in South Vietnam which
will assure loyalty and maximum combat effectiveness in the campaign against
Secretary was not convinced. As he afterwards told the Presi-
dent, I a m not prepared to endorse the views of the Chiefs until we have had
more experience with o u r present program in South Vietnam.” Kennedy

General clearly doubted if the administration actually had a firm

and definite Vietnam policy. In his opinion, he later observed, none of the
American military chiefs “really believed”that the United States was undertaking
“anything except [having] some diplomatic fiddling around with a little more aid
Part of this feeling might have flowed from frustration over major
constraints hindering the Air Force’s influence in SEA-too few and too junior
USAF officers in the restricted voice in Vietnamese affairs,
the inability of the indigenous air forces to cope with the insurgency, and
“inadequate ground environment for employment of USAF air power on a large
scale.” Moreover, Secretary kept a tight rein on the military services.
In mid-November, for example, the movement of three liaison
aircraft to Vietnam required his permission. Little wonder that USAF leadership
felt cramped and
Maybe it was no coincidence that on December 5-the day General
voiced his concern to the Felt dispatched a warning to the Joint
Chiefs. He reported that General chief in Saigon, and Sir
Robert Thompson,* head of a British advisory mission to Saigon, were
both uneasy because the situation in South Vietnam was “more than serious. It is
critical, with the peak of the crisis possible at any

Robert had figured prominently in subduing the guerrillas in Malaysia.


Acceptance of the Taylor-Rostow recommendations of November 3, 1961,

marked a shift in American policy “from advice to limited partnership and
working collaboration” with the Vietnamese. More material assistance would
accompany increased American participation in the war. American advisors, “as
friends and partners,” were to show the Vietnamese “how the job might be
done-not tell them or d o it for them.”’
By November 13, using such expressions as “proceed urgently” and “with all
possible speed,” Defense Secretary McNamara had authorized a host of mea-
sures. Among them were increased airlift, including sixteen C-I23s, for the
Vietnamese armed forces; help with aerial reconnaissance, photography, air-
ground support, and installing a tactical air control system; small naval craft with
advisors and crews to cut enemy waterborne infiltration and resupply; training
and equipment for the Civil Guard and Self Defense Corps to free Vietnamese
army units for offensive operations; personnel and equipment to enhance
military-political intelligence at all levels; more economic support to afford better
military pay, food, and medicine; relief and rehabilitation in the flooded areas;
“individual administrators and advisors for insertion into the governmental
machinery of South Viet-Nam in types and numbers to be agreed upon by the
two governments”; and surveys in all provinces to discover how best to deal with
the insurgency.*
Assuming that Diem would formally agree later, the Defense secretary
instructed the Joint Chiefs of Staff to proceed. McNamara personally monitored
the aid program, requiring a progress report every Monday. He wanted men and
materiel for a tactical air control system to go to Vietnam as soon as possible. He
wanted thirty T-28s rushed out to give the Vietnamese a second fighter squadron.
And he wanted more U.S. advisors in place. By June 30, 1962, there would be
6,419 Americans in South Vietnam.’
As McNamara informed Admiral Felt and General McGarr:
Political uncertainty of Diem’s position and doubt as to his willingness to take steps to
make his government more effective must not prevent us from going ahead full blast
(without publicity, until political discussions are completed) on all possible actions
short of large scale introduction of US combat forces . . . . Fundamentally, we must
adjust ourselves to a perennially unclear political framework and to a policy that for
overall national reasons sets limits on military
Early in December, President Diem made a n affirmative but hedged
response to the Kennedy program. His memorandum distinguished between
domestic and military matters and clearly defined the latter. For example,


American helicopter and naval units were to be under exclusive U.S. command.
Diem’s government would take no decisions or actions entailing combined
operations “without full prior consultation with the qualified U.S. agencies.”
Although doubting that Diem’s reply would be fully acceptable, Ambassador
Nolting radioed the State Department, “I nevertheless think memorandum
represents U.S. moving confidently
The new Kennedy program dictated that the MAAG in Saigon be reorgan-
ized and augmented. Then it could better help subdue the subversion and
insurgency, and as ‘‘an advanced party” command forces sent to Vietnam to
oppose aggression in SEATO terms. In the latter case, Task Force 116 was the
ready force. Admiral Felt had said in May 1961 that, if large-scale U.S. combat
forces entered Vietnam, he would name the MAAG chief as the Commander,
United States Forces, Vietnam. This commander would function under
CINCPAC control.
Now there was talk of appointing a four-star general to command U.S.
forces in Vietnam. As early as November I , the State Department was skeptical
about the necessity. Secretary Rusk said, “While attaching greatest possible
importance to security in Southeast Asia, I would be reluctant to see”the United
States further commit “American prestige to a losing horse.” Ambassador John
K. Galbraith in India pointed to Diem as “a wasting asset” who was “losing, not
gaining, popularity.”The United States, he thought, should refrain from putting
American ground troops into Vietnam and from
On November 22 the Joint Chiefs recommended to the Secretary of Defense
a new subordinate unified command under CINCPAC. It would be designated
as United States Forces, Vietnam, and organized in Saigon with Army, Navy,
and Air Force component commands. The commander in Vietnam was to have
four stars and be coequal with the Ambassador. He would draw together all
American military activities in the country related to counterinsurgency, includ-
ing intelligence, MAAG, and whatever economic assistance had military impli-
cations. A four-star commander would signal a considerable commitment of
American prestige and a major endorsement of Diem’s government. Conse-
quently the Joint Chiefs wished, before altering the command structure, to have
the United States clearly spell out its objectives in Vietnam and extract a pledge
f o r a suitable military program from Diem. McNamara approved on
The proposed command ran counter to CINCPAC contingency planning
f o r a possible deployment of JTF I 16. Admiral Felt nonetheless admitted that it
was justified in light of a n enlarged MAAG, P A C A F units deployed into
Vietnam, and the arrival of Army helicopter companies. Drawing up a detailed
table of distribution, Felt suggested an Army general as the commander and a
small joint staff with USAF officers as chief of staff, J-2 (Intelligence), and J-5
(Plans). The new command, the CINCPAC thought, might well give Diem the
assurance of American support that he appeared to need before carrying out his


United States Army, Pacific (in Hawaii) favored a separate theater of

operations for Vietnam removed from CINCPAC control, but acquiesced in
“double hatting” the MAAG chief as commander of U.S. forces. On that basis,
General McGarr took operational control of Farm Gate. Admiral Felt accepted
this for Farm Gate’s training mission, but P A C A F pointed out that the detach-
ment had a second mission of combat operations. By law MAAGs could not
command operational forces. Foreseeing widespread air activities in Vietnam
and other parts of Southeast Asia, PACAF wanted to establish a n advanced
echelon of Thirteenth Air Force in Saigon to command USAF units in
Admiral Felt agreed. The MAAG chief, working with his Air Force Section
chief, would handle Farm Gate’s training missions, while CINCPAC through
P A C A F and a n advanced echelon of Thirteenth Air Force, would take care of
any combat operations. The MAAG Air Force Section chief and the commander
of the advanced echelon could be the same officer. Assigned to MAAG, he would
have dual responsibilities to MAAG and to PACAF. Above all, there was to be
no appearance of a new American command moving into
To fill the two hats, General O’Donnell of PACAF nominated Brig. Gen.
Rollen H. Anthis, a n outstanding officer serving as Thirteenth Air Force vice
commander. Admiral Felt, CINCPAC, approved the choice. General Anthis
assumed command of 2d Advanced Echelon and, needing person-
nel for the organization, took control of the four small temporary duty detach-
ments (7,8,9, and 10.) Detachment 7 at Saigon became in effect the 2d ADVON

On November 20 Anthis settled 2d ADVON at the Brink Hotel in down-

town Saigon, sharing space with the MAAG Air Force Section. The new
commander realized after a few days that he was too far from his operating units.’
Whereupon, he moved 2d ADVON to Tan Son Nhut and into a building near
Vietnamese Air Force headquarters. His Vietnamese neighbors were puzzled by
Anthis’ presence.
When Ambassador Nolting first found out about 2d ADVON on the 24th,
he was not only puzzled but surprised. General Anthis told him that 2d ADVON
controlled USAF operating units in Vietnam but not the training units. Nolting
found it “incomprehensible” for American authorities to form a new U.S.
military headquarters without consulting him and the Vietnamese government.
The Ambassador instructed the 2d ADVON commander to delay further organ-
izational activities until Nolting received clarification of the relationship of the
headquarters to the Embassy. He solicited from Anthis “a precise understanding
that any combat operation in Viet Nam carried out by elements of this command
will be cleared in advance with me [Nolting].”
Apprised of the Ambassador’s reaction, Admiral Felt advised Anthis to
avoid creating a new headquarters. He was to locate in General McGarr’s
M AAG headquarters and “conduct his advance echelon business through
Detrachment] 7 in Saigon.” After fresh study, Felt termed 2d ADVON neither a
command nor a headquarters. Since its purpose was to administer, control, and
support units, it was simply a “facility” for coordination. Nolting might have


thought this a distinction without a difference, but he learned that the Diem
government had no objection. He accepted as needed to administer
and control elements that might be deployed to Southeast Asia in
coordination with
Thirteenth Air Force specified that execute with the Viet-
namese Air Force “sustained offensive, defense, and reconnaissance air opera-
tions aimed at the destruction or neutralization of forces, resources,
and communications within the borders of South Anthis was
to “set the pattern for Vietnamese Air Force In short, he was to act
as the commander of a tactical air force.
But the peculiarly ad hoc nature of the organization led to problems. For
example, what control did unit commanders have over their logistic support‘?In
the standard USAF command, such questions had been carefully worked out
through the years, but for they needed to be rethought. Further-
more, General Anthis faced a somewhat more complex chain of command. He
reported to CINCPAC through on operational matters, but he went
direct to Thirteenth Air Force on strictly USAF operational, logistic, and
Colonel King, the Farm Gate commander, was also confused. When
Detachment at tried to take operational control of his
unit, King protested this as inconsistent with General instructions. He
understood that Detachment was limited t o furnishing base logistic support.
King prevailed in this matter, but proved less successful in clarifying his own
operational mission. He visited Saigon and was unable to see General Anthis.
But the operations officer speculated that it was highly unlikely for
Farm Gate even to be cleared for daylight combat. King’s officers then borrowed
several aerial flares from the Vietnamese, pressed an into service for
improvised flaredrops, and under the illumination made strike passes with their
Colonel King went back to Saigon and reported that his unit could make
night attacks.
As King later recalled, dispatched a C-47 and some on at
least two night attacks later in November. Against an enemy position the
jungle south of the pilots never saw an exact target under the
flarelight, and merely placed their ordnance into the trees. Flying to the aid of a
fort in the delta under attack, the crews found the air strike request to be
several days old. When they arrived on the scene, there were no targets. Another
mission in late November responded to a report of intention to cut the
railroad between and Bearing flares in addition to their
guns, four reconnoitered the rail line. They illuminated and inspected
possible ambush sites but saw no sign of the
While the Departments of State and Defense discussed organizing the
American command in Vietnam, was “over its head operations and
intelligence planning to the neglect of its primary duty, the training and advisory
Authorized a strength of persons in May at the end of
the year had Military Assistance Program spaces and

A compromise worked out by Secretaries McNamara and Rusk in

December envisioned a Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) under
CINCPAC, roughly modeled on the United States Taiwan Defense Command.
T o highlight the “positive impact of change” in American policy, McNamara
desired the MACV commander to be a four-star Army general. He suggested Lt.
Gen. Paul D. Harkins to the President as “an imaginative officer, fully qualified
t o fill what I consider t o be the most difficult job in the U.S.
Commander of United States Army, Pacific, and a protege of Generals
George S. Patton, Jr., and Maxwell D. Taylor, Harkins was summoned to
Florida in January 1962. There in a brief interview, President Kennedy said he
was pleased that the general spoke French, told him to assist Diem and the South
Vietnamese people, and wished him well.
With Diem’s blessing, CINCPAC created the new command in Saigon on
February 8,1962. Harkins became commander with a promotion t o full general.
On the 10th PACAF designated General Anthis, 2d ADVON commander, to be
the air component commander and t o further serve as Thirteenth Air Force and
P A C A F air commander for all USAF matters in Southeast
The Joint Chiefs of Staff had recommended status for General Harkins
“Co-equal” with Ambassador Nolting, but the term was absent from the MACV
mission statement. Harkins nonetheless owned broader than normal authority.
He was t o assist and support the Government of Vietnam in its quest for security
through defeating communist insurgency and resisting overt aggression. He was
charged with all American military policy, operations, and aid in South Vietnam.
On U.S. and Vietnamese military operations, he could go straight to President
Diem and other governmental leaders. He had direct access to CINCPAC and
through him t o the JCS and the Secretary of Defense. He was to consult with the
Ambassador on political affairs and keep him abreast of military matters. As
CINCPAC’s single spokesman in South Vietnam, Harkins exercised operational
command of all U . S forces and military agencies assigned or attached to MACV,
including the Military Assistance Advisory
For MACV’s joint staff, Admiral Felt had recommended USAF officers as
chief of staff, J-2 (Intelligence),and J-5 (Plans). Even so, General Harkins picked
a Marine officer, Maj. Gen. Richard G. Weede, to be his chief of staff and
advocated Air Force officers for J-3 (Operations), J-2, and J-5. Secretary
McNamara wanted the Army to have the J-3 billet, but Felt believed this would
unbalance the staff. He proposed upgrading J-5 to a brigadier general slot and
allocating it to the Air Force, while the deputy J-3 would be a USAF colonel.
General LeMay tried in vain to persuade McNamara to change his mind on the
chief of staff and J-3 positions. The MACV manning authority was approved by
the Defense Secretary on March 2. It gave the Air Force none of the key
operational spots and only one of the five general officer billets-J-5, filled by
Brig. Gen. J o h n A. Dunning. Of the 105 officer spaces, the Army got 54
compared to 29 for the Navy and Marines and 22 for the Air
General Harkins shifted MAAG’s operations and intelligence functions to
MACV. He appointed Maj. Gen. Charles J. Timmes, USA, to be MAAG chief


(Timmes had been McGarr’s deputy). The MAAG was split into Army, Navy,
and Air Force Sections. Each handled military assistance, plans and programs,
training and logistic advice to the Vietnamese, and administration of American
field advisory
Yet the separation of functions between MACV and MAAG remained
fuzzy. General Harkins opposed Anthis’serving as both the MACV air compo-
nent commander and chief of the MAAG Air Force Section. He suggested and
Admiral Felt directed on May 12, 1962, that General Anthis be relieved as
MAAG chief of Air Force Section and replaced by the USAF colonel who was
the deputy.
General LeMay saw the change as a complication, for the USAF liaison
officers with Vietnamese army divisions, who should have been under Anthis’
command, were instead assigned to the MAAG. LeMay also protested the
proposed reduction in rank of the MAAG chief of Air Force Section. General
Anthis held his two jobs a while longer.
Felt and Harkins agreed in October to accept Brig. Gen. Robert R.
Rowland as MAAG chief of Air Force Section. On December 1, 1962, Rowland
relieved Anthis of his MAAG duty. Although Anthis and Rowland worked well
together, some MAAG-Air officers wondered how far they might go in advising
and training before entering into operational
Believing that he was “responsible for all that U.S. military d o or fail to d o in
South Vietnam,” General Harkins argued for full operational command over all
American military resources i n the country, to include projected covert opera-
tions. Admiral Felt thought otherwise. On April 20, 1962, he placed under
MACV operational command those units having the primary mission of advis-
ing and assisting the training of Vietnamese military and paramilitary forces.
Other units were to remain under CINCPAC component commanders. General
Anthis deemed this interpretation important because the Air Force was meagerly
represented on the MACV
The United States Army, Pacific-unlike the Air Force-elected to give
MACV operational command over the Army helicopter companies in Vietnam.
Created as the MACV component Army command, the United States Army
Support Group, Vietnam, furnished administrative and logistic support to Army
units in the country. General Harkins exercised direct operational command
over U.S. Army helicopter companies through the MAAG senior Army advisor
at each Vietnamese corps headquarters.
This arrangement appeared contrary to the principle restraining a unified
commander from personally commanding a component force. Moreover, the
MACV joint staff had to handle peculiarly Army matters that might have been
more properly the work of a n Army component command staff. The extra
workload was often cited as a compelling reason for so many Army personnel on
the MACV
Since MACV’s birth on February 8, 1962, had been publicized, Lt. Gen.
Thomas S. Moorman, vice commander in chief of PACAF, saw no reason why
2d ADVON should stay a paper organization. On February 20 General Moor-







Brig. Gen. Rollen Anthis and Air Force Secretary

Eugene Zuckert on tour in the Pacific.


man asked Admiral Felt to accept a reorganization of to make it a

standard division. This meaningful designation would clear up the Air
Force organization in Southeast
Timing of the proposal was inopportune. The International Control Com-
mission was examining MACV to see if its presence in the country violated the
Geneva agreements. Under Secretary of State George Ball urged the United
States to go along with the commission and “play the game partly their way.” In
response to questions from the press, President Kennedy insisted that no U.S.
combat forces were in Vietnam. He did admit that training units were authorized
to fire in self-protection if fired upon. Consequently, Felt and Harkins consid-
ered impolitic to reorganize into an air division at this time. Doing
so could be misconstrued as the introduction of a large operational
Visiting Vietnam in April General decided that something had
to be done about and its nondescript detachments. On some bases
there were as many as nine separate air detachments, and no one person or
organization was in charge. The Chief of Staff called for an air division to replace
and for an air base structure at each major operating location. Air
Force headquarters prepared to replace with a regularly constituted
unit to which other units and personnel could be legitimately
Two events hastened acceptance of this action. When American forces were
deployed to Thailand on May General Harkins was additionally designated
commander of United States Military Assistance Command, Thailand. And on
June the International Control Commission labeled North Vietnamese activi-
ties as aggression and the establishment of MACV as a
Meanwhile the decision had been made to reveal the USAF role in Vietnam.
Speaking in Angeles on April General announced that the Farm
Gate air commandos had the code name of Jungle Jim and were instructing allied
crews in all phases of air operations. “This is a realistic training program,” the
Chief of Staff concluded. “Those people, the Vietnamese, are at war. Our
instructors occasionally accompany them on combat missions. Our pilots are
armed. They will protect themselves if fired
The New Times remarked that the Air Force, besides stressing massive
retaliation with nuclear weapons, was as much involved “in the guerrilla-warfare
training” and in counterinsurgency as the other armed SERVICES. Radio Hanoi
broadcast that U.S. officers served in combat while instructing Vietnamese,
adding: “American pilots are often at the controls in air strikes.” Radio Peking
depicted Farm Gate doings with considerable The reaction of the
Farm Gate personnel-or air commandos, as they might now be styled-was
that speech legitimized their EXISTENCE
Under Secretary of State George Ball spoke in Detroit on May I ,
stressing that no American combat forces were in Vietnam and that the United
States was neither fighting nor running the The press reported Farm
Gate’s activities as follows: “None of these men are designated combat troopsper
but some will be fighting,just as their counterparts are today. Sometimes
an American instructor pilot has been at the controls in a strafing pass at jungle

targets or on a bomb Again: “Americans are also flying on bombing and

strafing missions. . . . U.S. Air Force pilots fly B-26 bombers and T-28 fighter-
bombers in air strikes against the Viet Cong and in support of ground
Still the Air Force was generally hidden behind the name Farm Gate, even
though newspapers covered Army and Marine helicopter operations and the
work of the Special Forces. If the air commandos and the USAF echelons above
them were denied the recognition they wished, there was nevertheless a move-
ment toward the conventional. On May 20 P A C A F suggested and Air Force
headquarters later approved redesignating the supporting detachments in South
Vietnam. The 6220th, 6221st, 6222d, and 6223d Air Base Squadrons were
formed respectively at Tan Son Nhut, Bien Hoa, Da Nang, and Nha Trang. All
four units were assigned to 2d ADVON on June 7. Detachment 7 became
Headquarters 2d Advanced Echelon, Thirteenth Air Force, and Detachment 10
became Headquarters 60 10th Tactical Group.
Converting 2d ADVON to an air division was eased on July 19, when
Ambassador Nolting no longer opposed the redesignation if it could be done
without publicity. With the discontinuance of Headquarters 2d ADVON on
October 8, the 2d Air Division was organized at Tan Son Nhut under General
Anthis and assigned to Thirteenth Air This regularization of USAF unit
organization indicated a movement away from counterinsurgency concepts and
toward the conventional.
General Anthis served as the air component commander both in South
Vietnam and Thailand, under General Harkins as commander of MACV and of
Military Assistance Command, Thailand. Anthis was also responsible for U.S.
air counterinsurgency in PACAF saw that 2d Air Division, a forward
echelon of Thirteenth Air Force and an operating headquarters in a forward
area, could not d o air planning for Southeast Asia as a whole. Since Thirteenth
Air Force and PACAF afforded administrative and logistic support for air
activities and plans, the MACV staff (though composed chiefly of Army officers)
became the air planning agency. Although Thirteenth Air Force sent temporary
duty officers to augment 2d Air Division planning, the command arrangement
was awkward and hindered air actions.
Generals LeMay and O’Donnell wanted the MACV commander to have
more and closer day-to-day associations with senior USAF officers. During his
visit to Saigon in April 1962, LeMay had tried to persuade General Harkins to
put more Air Force officers on the MACV staff. Harkins was unsympathetic but
agreed to consider it if Anthis or Dunning could make a convincing case.
Upon returning to Washington, the Chief of Staff was critical of the MACV
commander, believing air activities to be “depreciated in South Vietnam rather
than appreciated.” At a J C S meeting attended by Defense Secretary McNamara,
General LeMay charged that air planning was often omitted from field opera-
tions, that General Anthis had difficulty seeing General Harkins, and that neither
Harkins nor his chief of staff, General Weede, understood air operations.
Asked to comment, Anthis said he had direct access to General Harkins and
had never been reluctant to give his views. Admiral Felt, CINCPAC, confirmed


Anthis’ ability to speak with the MACV commander at any time. He further
certified that Harkins and Weede were superior officers and fully experienced in
air-ground tactics. Harkins was angered by what he described as General
LeMay’s “preferring charges”against him in Washington. He explained that the
Air Force chief seemed to be thinking of command and control of large numbers
of aircraft as in World War II, whereas there were essentially limited tactical
opportunities for relatively few USAF aircraft in
Throughout 1962 the MACV staff deficiencies were clear to Air Force
officers who sought to unite air and ground power in utmost cooperation against
the insurgency. But the defects were scarcely understood by those who believed
that counterinsurgency was chiefly a n Army mission and that USAF contribu-
tions could be but secondary. Secretary McNamara for one argued that the
Army must be in the driver’s seat. “If you have two or three men engaged in an
operation.” he explained, “one has to be primary. The Army has to be primary in
land war. The Air Force is there to serve the Army in the airlift role and the close
support role, and the Air Force must tailor its activities to the
As CINCPAC divorced P A C A F from operational considerations and
confined its authority to logistic support of 2d ADVON and, of late, to the 2d Air
Division, General Anthis found it hard to secure a prompt hearing at MACV for
his proposals. He discovered that several of his written communications were
slow to reach General Harkins. The MACV commander’s duties often took him
from Saigon, and his staff carried on much of the business of command. Harkins
followed Army practice in using his J-3 (Operations) for daily operational
planning. Hence his J-5 (Plans), General Dunning, was frequently outside the
routine MACV activity, especially since the J-5 division was situated in another
part of Saigon away from the major MACV staff

The Viet Cong thought in November 196 I that victory was virtually in their
grasp. Completing the first phase of insurgency, they had surrounded Saigon and
other urban centers and blocked many highways. For the second phase, they set
up subversive apparatus and were mounting overt attacks by guerrillas, many of
whom had been trained in the north. During each of the first four months of
1962, an estimated 1,000 communists entered South Vietnam. Soviet aircraft
stood ready to support two North Vietnamese regiments, poised in the Laotian
panhandle for a possible thrust across the border. Either the North Vietnamese
meant to move through the central highlands to cut South Vietnam in half, or
they were forging an infantry division for attacks on Saigon. Both seemed likely
To hide its control over the insurgency, Hanoi in late 1961 renamed the
southern branch of the Lao Dong Party the “People’s Revolutionary Party.”On
December 7 the Provincial Committee of the Lao Dong Party in South Viet-
nam’s Ba Xuyen Province declared:
The People’s Revolutionary Party has only the appearance of a n independent exist-
ence; actually our party is nothing but the Lao Dong Party of Viet-Nam. unified from
North to South, under the direction ofthe Central Executive Committee of the Party,
the Chief of which is President Ho.
Securing a copy of this statement, President Diem sent it to President Kennedy
with the comment, “Here at last is a public admission of what has always been
clear-the Viet Cong campaign against my people is led by communists.”²
There was nothing new in this-the point was, how to combat it? The
actions of President Diem’s government in November and December 1961 did
nothing to reassure American observers. The apparent response to American
demands for reforms appeared in a series of newspaper articles. Presumably
prepared in the presidential palace, these pieces denounced the United States for
imperialism. Still fearing a coup, Diem resisted forming a n unbroken military
command chain and giving confidence and authority to the chief of the Field
Command. Diem was not alone in feeling that the United States was pushing too
hard. At times several Vietnamese officers referred to counterinsurgency meas-
ures as the “American plan.”They were far from convinced that U.S. ideas and
methods would work in their country. In consequence Diem continued to
approve every U.S. military advisor, explaining that he “didn’t want to give the
monopoly on nationalism to Ho Chi Minh.”³
Having commenced resettlement projects, President Diem was drawn to the
ideas of Sir Robert G. K. Thompson (former secretary of defense of the Federa-



tion of Malaya). Sir Robert arrived in Saigon during September 1961 as head of
a British advisory mission. He suggested a program of strategic and defended
hamlets to clear communists from the Mekong Delta. That same month, Diem
started the Strategic Hamlet Program under the sponsorship of his brother, Ngo
Dinh Nhu. It would take more than military activity to subdue the guerrillas,
Diemjudged, and permanent victory rested on restoring the faith of the people in
the government. Resettlement, he felt, would
In contrast, American officials pinned their hopes on a centralized nation-
wide counterinsurgency strategy to secure Saigon, other major centers, and lines
of communications. It would also keep the Viet Cong off-balance with search-
and-destroy operations to clear, seize, and hold what were becoming sizable Viet
Cong base areas known as zones. The strategy further sought to seal off the
border against
In January and February 1962, Diem gradually conceded the need for a
national concept of action, and he seemed to tilt toward a master plan by
approving a series of separate projects in various places. The Vietnamese presi-
dent desired that his and Farm Gate’s aircraft attack Viet Cong supply routes. He
appeared willing to authorize saturation air attacks against communist zones
without exact targeting. Because his troops could not enter these areas, he
deemed them solidly hostile.
In comparison, Generals O’Donnell and McGarr believed indiscriminate
bombing might well disturb pacification efforts. Sir Robert Thompson also
thought that innocent casualties would alienate potentially friendly people. At
least two influential men in the State Department, W. Averell Harriman and
Roger Hilsman, shared Thompson’s
American officials devised strategic guidelines for a massive counterinsur-
gency operation. Due to internal political reasons, Diem refused to accept an
overall Vietnamese military commander. He opted for each corps tactical zone
commander’s having a “forward command post.” More to Diem’s liking was his
decree of February 3 that designated an Inter-Ministry Committee for Strategic
Hamlets to draw up a national plan. Besides the 784 defended hamlets completed
and the 453 being built, he planned 6,066 more in 1962.
Failing to convince the Vietnamese to accept all-out military counterinsur-
gency, Defense Secretary McNamara acceded to a concept of smaller clear-and-
hold operations. CINCPAC wished them to begin in Binh Duong Province
where large communist groups threatened Saigon and Bien Hoa. But Thompson
pointed out that a cleared Binh Duong would be hard to hold without pouring in
thousands of troops. Diem okayed the Binh Duong mission, which got under
way in March as the publicized beginning of the countrywide Strategic Hamlet
Program. As he told Thompson, “It makes the Americans happy, and it does not
worry either me o r the Viet Cong.” Decentralized clear-and-hold operations and
the Strategic Hamlet Program comprised the major ventures against the Viet

Having repeatedly ordered the U.S. military services to come up with special
measures for the insurgency, President Kennedy remained dissatis-


with results. Urged by the Joint Chiefs and CIA to create a single authority
Washington to fuse all efforts, he formed on January the Special Group
(Counterinsurgency) chaired by General The group worked on the
premise that subversive insurgency was a valid form of politico-military conflict,
equal in status to conventional warfare. That perception was to be properly
reflected in the organization and doctrine of all American programs. The group
was to judge how well U.S. resources and actions dealt with subversion in South
Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand. T o coordinate with the group, the joint staff of the
gained a new office-the Special Assistant to the Director for Counterin-
surgency and Special ACTIVITIES
in autumn I96 I over American advisors engaging in combat now
vanished. The special group pinpointed the particular character of counterinsur-
gency. Subtly but perhaps not always clearly, the group pushed for less American
and more Vietnamese involvement in the war. This point of view clashed with
President Kennedy’s intent to have U.S. armed services use Vietnam as a
laboratory for studying and testing counterinsurgency techniques and equip-
ment. The President encouraged civil and military agencies to send senior
officials on temporary duty to Vietnam for orientation and .learning.
By November the Joint Chiefs of Staff mirrored the new outlook. The
“scale of United States involvement and the level of said, “should be
limited” and merely supplement that of indigenous forces. Where guerrilla
warfare flared, American military men were to give “operational assistance” to
show U.S. resolve. They were to extend material aid and planning guidance, and
to furnish intelligence, operational, and communications facilities that could be
further expanded should the United States enter the war. American representa-
tives were to “bring the combat conditions under control and reestablish
stability” by using Vietnamese forces in “well coordinated, integrated, and
adequately supported operations.” Yet the United States might have t o act
“outside the host country” to deny safe havens to insurgents spilling across
country borders. Somewhat contrary to the prevailing emphasis on training
Vietnamese armed forces, the U.S. military services were expressly directed to
refine their own doctrine, tactics, procedures, organization, and
A wide assortment of schemes was tried amid a lingering uncertainty about
the thrust of American policy and strategy. Nevertheless, President Kennedy’s
and Secretary program of expanded American assistance sparked
some noteworthy achievements.
For the United States Air Force in Vietnam, “the most pressing require-
ment” was a strong countrywide tactical air control system. The system would
enable “effective and responsive Vietnamese Air Force tactical air operations,”
and squeeze the most from scarce Vietnamese and American air power. If
President Diem saw how well central control worked, he might scrap the divided
control of military and provincial chiefs. Since the Vietnamese could not run a
control system, it would be “US manned and
A tactical air control system had proved its worth in World War II and the
Korean War both for air defense and close support. An air operations center

afforded centralized planning, direction, and control of air operations in a

combat theater. Supporting it was a reporting center for radar and other warning
services. In each major ground command area were subordinate air support
operations centers and warning posts.
P A C A F and Thirteenth Air Force planned such a system for Vietnam in
December 1961. Tied in with a combat operations center manned by U.S. and
Vietnamese personnel for the Joint General Staff, a n air operations center for
overall control at Tan Son Nhut would also support the IIICorps Tactical Zone
headquarters. Two subordinate air support operations centers at Da Nang and
Pleiku would serve the Iand II Corps headquarters. Secretary McNamara
rejected the idea of phasing in this system. He directed General O’Donnell to set it
up at once from PACAF assets.
Transports from the 3 15th Air Division airlifted men and equipment into
South Vietnam from January 2 to 14, 1962. The USAF 5th Tactical Control
Group worked at Tan Son Nhut and Da Nang, while Vietnamese operated at
Pleiku. The Air Force ran a communications center at Tan Son Nhut, and sent
high-frequency radio teletype circuits to Da Nang, Bien Hoa, Pleiku, and Nha
Trang. 12
The initial system began operating on January 13, 1962. To avoid innocent
targets, air strikes needed President Diem’s prior personal approval. General
Anthis briefed Diem and stressed how the system’s instant information on enemy
and friendly air activities led to quick response. Persuaded, he permitted the joint
operations center to authorize air strikes.
This austere system brimmed with problems. Corps commanders reserved
specific strike and transport aircraft for their own purposes, thereby taking them
out of central control. Additional duties of officers at the center consumed part of
their time. Vietnamese personnel were accustomed to afternoon siestas precisely
during the hours when plans were readied and warning orders issued for the next
day. Several Americans had n o background for theirjobs. Many grew impatient
because work took longer when Vietnamese were involved. Quite a few of them
were highly competent, but the air operations center was certainly not a Viet-
namese “directed and operated facility” as eventually intended. It was rather “a
USAF facility with some Vietnamese Air Force participation.” Still the workers
at Da Nang and Pleiku skipped siestas and performed well, due to insistence by
their USAF counterparts that the Vietnamese themselves plan and monitor

A number of junior Vietnamese officers acted as forward air controllers and

as air liaison officers with the ground forces. They were as hesitant to control
strikes or to give advice as the ground commanders were to accept their services.
Lacking authority and seemingly uninformed, these young officers appeared
merely to transmit requests for information to their headquarters over communi-
cations nets not always secure.
Five USAF forward air controllers came to the country on February 15,
1962. They were pilots who were highly qualified to direct strike aircraft to
targets by talking with them from observation planes in the area. The initial Air


Force liaison officers to advise and assist Vietnamese ground commanders got to
Vietnam in April.
At first the USAF controllers were attached to Vietnamese ground forces
likely to’clash with the enemy. President Diem wished only rated Vietnamese
observers to control strikes, so the Americans worked mainly as assistant air
liaison officers. They also flew the L-19 for the Vietnamese observer-forward air
controller and would help him. And they served as duty officers in the air
Crippling the tactical air control system were the limited and failure-prone
communications between the centers and the airfields. Through the early break-
in period, numerous communications equipment failures took place. PACAF
had obtained newly developed AN/ TSC- 15 high-frequency single-sideband
radios for long-distance voice and teletype channels. The sets reached Clark on
December 30, 1961, for field installation by the 1st Mobile Communications
Group. Problems arose at once. Operators in the small mobile vans sweltered as
temperatures often soared to 130 degrees Fahrenheit. Atmospheric conditions
caused poor transmission and extensive use jammed the bands.
Mr. McNamara in January 1962 approved a J C S request for a civilian
contractor to install an M RC-85 tropospheric scatter communications system.
Page Communications Engineers, Inc., set about supplying many main link
channels that joined Saigon, Nha Trang, Pleiku, and Da Nang. One channel
linked Pleiku with Ubon, Thailand. Not until Page wound up its work in
September I962 were there rapid, positive, and dependable communications for
central control over air
The air control system in being sufficed for a few forces, but an entirely
integrated countrywide structure would enhance air power and train Viet-
namese. It would in addition be a framework, under American command and
control, for directing Farm Gate and USAF operational units later deployed to
Yet General McGarr, the MAAG chief, undermined the concept of a
centralized tactical air control system by his handling of the two Army H-21
helicopter transport companies deployed to Vietnam in November 1961 He
assigned them to senior Army advisors of corps, then urged the Joint General
Staff to reorganize the three Vietnamese L-19 liaison squadrons and the one
H-34 helicopter squadron into four composite groups. He wanted three of the
groups located at the three corps field headquarters and the fourth held in general
support. That would give each Vietnamese army corps the helicopters and planes
to conduct reconnaissance, move platoon- or company-size combat patrols,
transport critical supplies, evacuate casualties, and perform staff and command
liaison. When McGarr asked for Army CV-2 Caribou light transports, L-20 and
L-I8 liaison aircraft, and UH-1 (formerly HU-1) Iroquois helicopters for better
support of the MAAG Army field advisors, he planned to place this air fleet
under local rather than central
Some Vietnamese questioned this parceling out of pilots and technicians of
the Vietnamese Air Force, for it seemed to point to a n “army air force.”The main


hope for expanding tactical fighter strength lay in upgrading and C-47
pilots. This would be impossible if the liaison squadrons passed to army control.
Beyond that, maintenance and repair facilities at the corps headquarters for
helicopters and liaison craft were
Impetus for centralized airlift control came from the arrival in January
of Mule Train, a temporary duty detachment designed to give logistic support to
Vietnamese and American forces. Mule Train drew its aircraft and personnel
from Tactical Air Command’s 346th Troop Carrier Squadron (Assault) at Pope
Air Force Base, North Carolina. Sixteen C-I23 Providers arrived overseas in
January, the first four touching down at Tan Son Nhut on the Mule Train
had officers and airmen and was complete with its own maintenance, air base
personnel, medical detachment, and loadmasters. The commander was Lt. Col.
In March permanent duty personnel from the 776th Troop Carrier Squad-
ron started to replace the original Mule Train. The transfer was finished in June.
Of the sixteen Mule Train C-I four were at Clark in the Philippines, ten
at Tan Son Nhut, and two at Operational control rested with
CINCPAC through Thirteenth Air Force, and A joint
aircraft allocation board in the (Logistics) represented interested
agencies and commands, set movement priorities, and designated space require-
ments. The airlift branch of the joint operations center, part of the tactical air
control system, directed flights. Specialists on temporary duty from
15th Air Division (Combat Cargo) joined Vietnamese Air Force officers in the
airlift branch to control Mule Train. And they often helped the Vietnamese work
the Transport
In the initial seven weeks, Mule Train flew more than sorties of
flying hours, moved tons of cargo and over passengers, and kept an
operational readiness rate of eighty-five percent. Every C-I was scheduled for
flying hours monthly, leaving time for training, testing, and flight to Clark for
maintenance. The number of sorties rose steadily, from in January to in

In February alone, Mule Train conveyed passengers and tons of

cargo, dropped tons of resupply to outposts, and transported troops
for airborne training. Frequently employed in long hauls with light loads, the
C-123s operated at about ninety percent of capacity. They were supposed to
support tactical operations, but made mostly routine cargo and passenger flights
through The airlift system was not very
Management of the Vietnamese C-47s was worse. The airlift branch could
not consistently obtain firm priorities, and sudden shifts in daily orders stirred
confusion at the operating and air terminal levels. Many times USAF personnel
scheduling C-I 23s accepted Vietnamese requests based on sketchy mission
reports. While crew shortages prevented peak operations, the Transpor-
tation Group devoted about twenty-five percent of its effort to transporting very
important persons

(Upper left) prisoners unload

rice from a C-I23 at during a
Mule Train resupply mission.

(Above) Supplies pushed from a C-I23 for

an outpost at Binh Hung.

(Left) C-123s at

(Below) Aerial view of a government


Upgrading Vietnamese C-47 pilots to fill T-28 cockpits stripped the trans-
port group, and Secretary McNamara authorized thirty USAF pilots to augment
the unit. The pilots reached Tan Son Nhut in March and April. At once their
relations with the Vietnamese pilots become prickly. Tension built until August
when the commander, Lt. Col. Nguyen Cao Ky, assembled them all and asked
that they work together. The meeting cleared the air, cemented close cordial
relations, and boosted the sortie
T o meet Army needs, the Air Force had developed the C-I 23 as an assault
transport capable of carrying eight tons. In the late 1950s, however, the Army
procured the CV-2 Caribou transport featuring a 2½-ton capacity and good
short-takeoff-and-landing characteristics. By March I962 Army leaders were
pressuring Admiral Felt, CINCPAC, to approve a Caribou company for Viet-
nam. Late that month, General Harkins put in for a Caribou company and one
squadron of C-123s. He intended that the Caribous concentrate on delivering
supplies (chiefly food) to American advisors and isolated troops at remote spots.
Of the I82 airfields in Vietnam, Harkins pointed out that 162 could accommo-
date CV-2s while only I 15could handle C-123s. To avoid additional overcrowd-
ing at Tan Son Nhut, he planned to base the Caribous at the unoccupied airfield
of Vung
To check General Harkins’evaluation of airfields, the 2d ADVON surveyed
operating conditions. Aerial photographs disclosed fewer fields than listed, for
some had been duplicated under French and Vietnamese names. Many small
ones were unfit for either C-123s or CV-2s due to low load-bearing capacity,
vegetation, or danger from the Viet Cong. At first 83 airfields seemed possible for
C-123s, but another survey showed that 145 o f the current I53 fields were suitable
in dry
Admiral Felt was out of sympathy with General Harkins’desire for extra
airlift. The Army’s 18th Fixed Wing Aviation Company at Da Nang already
owned sixteen U- I Otters for corps support. A light utility plane, the Otter could
haul one ton of small bulk cargo or seven to eight passengers. Additional aircraft,
Felt believed, would overload the few facilities in South Vietnam. He favored
better use of the C-123s and C-47s on
Like Felt, General LeMay and his party visiting Vietnam in April 1962
thought more transports, whether C-123s o r CV-2s to be unnecessary. T o attain
better airlift, they suggested assigning an experienced officer to establish tighter
control. Col. George M. Foster, formerly PACAF director of transportation,
reported to General Anthis for duty on May I . Later in the month, Tactical Air
Force Transport Squadron Provisional-I was formed at Tan Son Nhut to bring
the management of Mule Train and other C-I 23s under a single
General Harkins was still bent on securing CV-2 Caribous. He suggested
using C-1 23 Providers to handle the main-line, long-haul airlift to thirty-nine
airheads. At the same time, Caribous would take care of short-haul, feeder air
transport to fifty-four locations. (The CV-2 could manage items too bulky and
heavy for the U-1 Otters and UH-1 helicopters.) Once more the MACV com-
mander requested an additional C-123 squadron and an Army CV-2 company.

1 10

Five of the C-I 23s were earmarked for Mule Train, five for airstrip alert, two for
training, and four for maintenance and reserve. Two of the CV-2s were tagged
for each corps to directly support advisors, four for the air transport system, two
for MACV staff support, and four for maintenance and
Admiral Felt acceded but told General Harkins that daily air supply to
fifty-four points through thirty-nine airheads meant “many of your customers
are eating too high on the hog.” The Army’s 1st Aviation Company of CV-2
Caribous went to Thailand with Joint Task Force 116, mainly for testing under
field conditions. From Thailand the Army sent six CV-2s to Vietnam for
dispersal in pairs to the corps advisors. American activities in Thailand tapered
off during December, and General Harkins reassembled the whole Caribou
company in Vietnam. He gave as his reasons the increased need for airlift and the
desire for further field
When the J C S ordered Tactical Air Command to deploy a second C-123
unit to Vietnam, the 777th Troop Carrier Squadron at Pope furnished sixteen
aircraft. These C-I 23s staged through Clark, four of them flying on to Thailand.
The other twelve arrived at Da Nang on June 15, 1962, going under the Tactical
Air Force Transport Squadron
General Moorman, PACAF vice commander in chief, had proposed that
the 3 15th Air Division (Combat Cargo) form a lower headquarters in Vietnam to
control the C-I 23s. General Milton, Thirteenth Air Force commander, protested
the proposal. He said it would add another air headquarters in Vietnam inde-
pendent of 2d ADVON, thereby tangling relations with MACV. Moorman next
asked Milton to set up a combat cargo group in Vietnam under the operational
control of General Anthis, the MACV air component commander. In addition
to the airlift units assigned or attached to 2d ADVON, Anthis would control all
USAF air terminal facilities in Southeast Asia. Moorman thought a Southeast
Asia Airlift System complete with a combat cargo group to be “the damnedest
exercise in overstaffing a proposal that I have ever heard of.” Milton accepted the
idea because it achieved professional supervision “without creating another little

General Moorman asked Admiral Felt to approve the plan for centralized
control of regional airlift, and he requested General Harkins to establish an airlift
allocations board. The board would require fifty more people in Thailand and
Vietnam along with small movement control sections at Tan Son Nhut and Da
Nang and in Thailand. Moorman also wanted an aerial port squadron in
Vietnam. The overall concept appealed to Harkins, but he thought that the
MACV J-4 could discharge the duties of the airlift allocation board. He agreed to
let the system take in all Army, Navy, Marine, and Air Force airlift save
helicopters. Felt then directed the MACV commander to form a joint airlift
allocation board within his J-4, and told Moorman to create a combat cargo
group as planned. At Tan Son Nhut PACAF organized the 6492d Combat
Cargo Group (Troop Carrier) and its 6493d Aerial Port Squadron. Both provi-
sional units were replaced in December 1962 by the 315th Troop Carrier Group
(Assault) and the 8th Aerial Port

General Harkins directed the Joint Airlift Allocations Board in 5-4 to

approve all C-123 missions in Southeast Asia. But his chief of staff, General
Weede, deviated from CINCPAC guidance. Weede neither defined General
Anthis' responsibilities in the airlift system as the air component commander, nor
made clear the combat cargo group's functions in running the air terminals.
Nevertheless, the Southeast Asia Airlift System was broad enough to encompass
Army Caribous, Marine R-4Ds, Vietnamese'and Air Force C-47s, and USAF
C-I 23s.
Airlift specialists were interested in a clean and straight-line organization.
At the same time, General Anthis expected the C-123s also to fly tactical airlift
generated through the air operations center of the tactical air control system. The
arrival of the additional C-123s in June 1962 allowed the creation of a fire
brigade, quick reaction force. Placed on a thirty-minute alert for emergency
employment twenty-four hours a day, this composite force consisted of five
C-I23s, five (later six) C-47s, one L-19, and five hundred Vietnamese airborne
The planes dropped all the paratroopers during a demonstration on June 5 .
Impressed, the Joint General Staff and the 2d Air Division planned to locate
paratroop battalions and transport aircraft together at eight dispersed locations.
The concept was never completely carried out, and despite its intrinsic merit the
fire brigade idea fell into disuse. Tying down C-47s and C-123s to alert status
turned out to be a waste of
Between June and December 1962, the C-123s for the most part flew cargo
and passenger missions instead of the tactical airlift for which they had been
intended. This was due chiefly to the country's surface transportation being
vulnerable to Viet Cong
Along with Mule Train had come six C-123s equipped for defoliation
operations and known as Ranch Hand. These planes plus sixty-nine men selected
from the Special Aerial Spray Flight at Langley Air Force Base, Virginia, and the
464th Troop Carrier Wing a t Pope made up the Tactical Air Force Transport
Squadron Provisional- I . With Capt. Carl W. Marshall as officer-in-charge, the
unit reached Clark on December 6, 1961, and there awaited policy decisions. It
was assigned t o P A C A F and 2d ADVON but MAAG handled the planning and
coord i nat
The Advanced Research Projects Agency had been conducting small-scale
defoliant tests in South Vietnam since August 1961. Pleased with the results,
President Diem became an ardent advocate of the use of herbicides both to
destroy crops and t o strip away foliage concealing enemy activities. The MAAG
readied a plan to try defoliant chemicals against border areas, Viet Cong crops,
and Viet Cong base areas in Zone D. The JCS endorsed this plan on November 3,
and Defense Secretary McNamara on the 7th ordered the Air Force to send
planes, crews, and chemicals to South Vietnam. On November 30 President
Kennedy approved the defoliation guidelines suggested by the Departments of
State and


The approvals were cautious. They called for carefully controlled defolia-
tion flights along key roads and railways before undertaking food denial. There
was to be n o spraying in Zone D or along the border “until there are realistic
possibilities of immediate military exploitation.” In other words, spraying for the
sake of spraying was out-it had to be linked with ground tactical operations. In
theory the Vietnamese government was managing the operations and the United
States was simply supplying the means and serving as a consultant.
United States planners saw the technique as an excellent measure to counter
ambush, the classic guerrilla tactic mastered by the foe. Killing foliage would
deny him hiding along roads and railways. The outcome of wiping out his crops
was less But into the summer of General and Ambas-
sador continued to harbor reservations on the untried chemicals. The
State Department remained apprehensive that the common nontoxic herbicides
would provoke communist charges of chemical warfare. In the meantime,
however, Secretary was eager to continue defoliation activities.
Since the Viet had already gathered their seasonal crops when the
spray planes entered the country, the initial plan was to defoliate along miles
of strategic roads north and northeast of Saigon. President Kennedy severely
pared this proposal on January He authorized experimental spraying
against separate targets that comprised merely of the nearly miles between
and Tau on Route
The State Department wanted no advance notice aside from local and
low-key warnings. Still, the Vietnamese government on January
“announced plans to conduct an experiment to rid certain key communications
routes of thick tropical vegetation. U.S. assistance has been sought to aid
Vietnamese personnel in this undertaking.” Because the C-I spray planes
had no armorplating, General voiced concern that advance notice of
flights would expose them to Viet ground fire. The conse-
quently scheduled fighter cover from Farm
According to the rules then in force, a Vietnamese needed to be aboard each
spray plane. The planes were to stay clear of areas where food crops were
growing. Province chiefs had to be alerted three days in advance of flights so they
could explain the nontoxic spraying to their citizens.
Three each fitted with an internal 1,000-gallon chemical tank and
removable spray bars attached under the wings, departed Clark and arrived at
Tan Son Nhut on January After poring over aerial photos, the crews flew
two familiarization sweeps along Highway before embarking on their first
full-scale mission on the 13th. For three days the planes sprayed a 200-meter-
wide swath on both sides of selected segments of Route Complete defoliation
in ten days was counted on. However the leaves turned brown slowly, the
vegetation remained alive, and few immediate military advantages resulted.
Several tries at burning the sprayed areas fizzled.
The Viet turned the spraying into a propaganda advantage. They
claimed that the spray was chemical warfare and led the peasants to believe it was
to blame for all dying plants. A Vietnamese government board established to


114: (Top) C-I23 on a defoliation mission.

(Center) Brass sprayers in the rear of a C-123.

(Bottom) aircraft at AFB, Hawaii,

en route to Vietnam for defoliation activities.

115: (Right) on defoliation mission near


(Center) View from inside a as it sprays foliage.

(Bottom) Core in Saigon harbor with a cargo of

-Ranch Hand spray and equipment.

evaluate claims for accidental destruction angered those people whose suits were
On February a C-123 on a low-level training mission was lost. The
cause of the crash was not clear. Enemy ground fire or sabotage was suspected,
but the exact reason was never officially The three crewmen were the
first USAF fatalities in South Vietnam.
By February several U.S. officials concluded that the spray project was
badly managed. General termed it “a blooper from start to
sought to discontinue the program, reconvert the C-123s to standard transports,
and give them to Mule Train. He told Secretary that the spray
operations were a waste of aircraft, and he recommended removal of the tanks
and spray plumbing. General joined in calling the project
militarily ineffective, and the State Department labeled it “too reminiscent of gas
warfare.” In the face of this opposition, went for continued herbicide
experiments. He decided to press to make the spray work, sending a
scientific team to Vietnam in April for a technical assessment. Brig. Gen. Fred
USA, commanding general of the Chemical Corps Research and
Development Command, headed the
General what had gone wrong with the Ranch
Hand defoliant missions. Most of the plants had been dormant, and the herbi-
cide was a growth-regulating chemical that worked only on actively growing
plants. Furthermore, the spray system had dispensed too light a dose of chemi-
cals. The system required readjustment and modifications.
These findings reassured President Diem. He was willing to begin herbicide
operations against Viet crops in the central highlands, where guerrillas
were seizing food from the tribal people. Relocating the
nards to strategic hamlets and destroying the crops would cause the Viet to
Secretary agreed to seek approval for the use of herbicides
against Viet crops. Ambassador and General Harkins in July
forwarded a specific proposal to allow the South Vietnamese to spray
Following the Viet killing of two Vietnamese perimeter guards near
the Airfield, Admiral Felt suggested spraying the areas around air-
strips. Approval came in late June from Washington for defoliating the forest
area north of the runway. Vietnamese helicopters made these
flights in July.
General Harkins next urged that Ranch Hand 23s treat some acres
(around fourteen square miles) of mangrove forests bordering the rivers and
canals of the Peninsula to deprive the communists of ambush cover.
After approval, two C-123s started the spray operations on September
Another sprayequipped C-123 sent from the United States joined in later.
Finished on October I , the flights killed ninety to ninety-five percent of the
vegetation along the waterway. It was estimated that the view from the air was
five to seven times better than before.


This success spurred the Vietnamese armed forces on December to seek

widespread defoliation of around acres alongside Vietnam’s main high-
ways. The State and Defense Departments let Harkins and approve
operations to clear roadsides, powerlines, railroads, and areas adjacent to depots,
airfields, and other field installations. Other targets took presidential approval.
Inasmuch as the Vietnamese now wanted to spray on their own,
wondered aloud why Diem did not buy weed-killing chemicals on the open
market and go
propaganda scoring defoliation handed Diem’s government a n
unforeseen advantage. The who had been impressed with Chi
victory over the French, came to believe that the power to kill trees would
bring victory to the Republic of Vietnam. Many of them left the highlands for
resettlement in strategic hamlets. This migration reduced the food
supply, and guerrillas had to switch from fighting to
In Washington on September the Vietnamese Deputy Minister of
Defense pressed President Kennedy to authorize the use of chemicals to destroy
crops. Kennedy agreed a few days later, and the State and Defense Departments
authorized Harkins and to proceed with limited test crop destruction
operations as long as they took precautions to prevent damage to innocent
people and to feed refugees from sprayed areas. State insisted on approving every
crop-destruction target, HOWEVER
The rice crop in Yen Province had matured by this time and appeared
to be no longer a valid target. The State Department approved an alternate area
in Long Province and, on November and five Vietnamese
helicopters treated about acres of rice, potatoes, manioc, beans, and peanuts.
This operation destroyed food sufficient to feed communists for over a
year. During February, May, and June Vietnamese ground troops sprayed
portions of Province by
In general the Joint Chiefs of Staff favored further spraying, but President
Kennedy withheld blanket authority. He did not wish it to appear that Ameri-
cans were making war upon Vietnamese

Too Cautious?
During a conversation with President Kennedy in November 1961, Secre-
tary of Defense McNamara had “volunteered to look after”the Vietnam War. To
d o this he set up monthly conferences in Hawaii or Saigon.’ There, he and a Joint
Chiefs of Staff member (usually the chairman) met with the Commander in
Chief, Pacific Command, the Ambassador to Vietnam, and various component
and unified commanders. The conferees discussed problems, courses of action,
and progress. They traded views, reports, and briefings, and kept each other
current on events in Southeast Asia and in Washington. Secretary McNamara
often settled things on the spot, accepting or rejecting subordinates’ suggestions.
A case in point was the first Secretary of Defense Conference held on
December 16, 1961, in Hawaii. Mr. McNamara opened themeeting by stressing
that the President did not desire to introduce American combat troops openly
into Vietnam at that time. The Secretary conveyed his concern over the danger of
alienating the Vietnamese people by careless bombing. The Army “has a particu-
larly important role to play,”he said. “While naval and air support operations are
desirable, they won’t be too effective, and we should not think they will win the
war.” McNamara wanted the C-I 23s in Vietnam used not for taxi service but for
tactical airlift in support of the combat effort, to include drops of materiel and of
Vietnamese troops. His one objective in Vietnam was “to win this
A chief order of business was the CINCPAC plan “to guide”the Vietnamese
armed forces in a field campaign against the insurgents. The operations projected
were in terms of task forces. Three or four battalions of infantry with supporting
artillery and logistic units would attack Viet Cong bases, cut lines of communica-
tion, and clear and hold ground gained. No one knew what resources President
Diem would give to this program. If Diem refused to take American advice, J C S
Chairman Lemnitzer pointed out, the United States would be “in a bad fix.” Mr.
McNamara brushed this aside and brusquely told his followers to get on with
their jobs.’
General O’Donnell, PACAF commander in chief, was impressed with
McNamara’s extremely strong statements of American determination to keep
Vietnam from falling to the communists. But it soon became evident to him that
strong talk did not necessarily mean strong action. The United States had chosen
a prudent perhaps too prudent course and was accenting ground rather
than air action. O’Donnell said that he personally deplored “overcontrol from
the Washington level”but“as a soldier would comply with the spirit of the policy
to be ultra cautious.” Admiral Felt, CINCPAC, likewise believed that policies
curbing air power were scarcely in the best American interest. General LeMay,
Air Force chief, was also impatient with “our own military rules to handicap
ourselves.” He later reminisced: “If Khrushchev had been running it [the war], he

I I9

couldn’t have done any better, as far as handicapping us, by what we did to
ourselves all through the thing from start to
In January 1962 USAF planners felt sure they had solved the problem of
creating a “clear, realistic, jointly agreed concept for the elimination of Viet Cong
influence.” Their idea called for a quick reaction force of Vietnamese airborne
troops, supported by U.S. or Vietnamese transport and strike aircraft.
All would respond to radio calls from villages under communist attack, thus
supplying the “missing ingredient of truly effective action in South Vietnam.”
This simple and direct reaction to overt enemy assaults on villages would entail
nine Vietnamese battalions of paratroopers, ten C-I 23s, forty T-28s, and eighty
H-34 helicopters. Split among several locations, the force would be on twenty-
four-hour alert - quick to react to calls for help from communications teams in
Since Farm Gate was to take part in the program, precise targeting was a
must. Guerrilla warfare blurred distinctions. The insurgents disguised themselves
as civilians, found shelter among the populace, and depended on innocent
inhabitants for food and other items. President Diem emphatically insisted that
his airmen exercise utmost care to avoid angering the people by injuring inno-
cents. Carelessness during an air strike could lead to a prison sentence.‘
Thirteenth Air Force asked PACAF to lay down rules of engagement for
Farm Gate, and the request was referred to CINCPAC for resolution. Admiral
Felt stressed caution. The French Foreign Legion in Indochina had tried to work
free of restraints hamstringing operations, on the basis that the native people
knew that innocent and guility would suffer alike if they harbored Viet Minh
members. The French command had rejected this view, and “more temperate
policies for using air power prevailed - although many tragic errors in target
designation continued to be made until the end of the war.” According to Felt, a
realistic policy pivoted on good air-ground communications and on being “as
careful as possible when shooting things up around friendly forces.”’
Farm Gate bombs hit a Cambodian village by accident on January 21, 1962.
killing several civilians. The incident raised a t the “highest level” of the U.S.
government the question of how to select targets without imperiling innocent
people. To guide the discussion expected at the next conference attended by the
Secretary of Defense, P A C A F offered:
We must exercise the greatest possible control and discretion to assure that we achieve
our objectives without undue o r unnecessary alienation of the civilian populace. If we
are to avoid the imposition of highly limiting controls on the application of Farm
Gate. we must make every effort to avoid another incident and in addition, demon-
strate the effectiveness of our control and ability t o discriminate in the selection and
designation of targets as well a s in the conduct of air

At the February conference, General Anthis depicted targeting and control

of air strikes as oriented to protect the lives and property of friendly civilians. He
said that all ground force requests for close air support or interdiction were
carefully verified as justifiable before being met. Air Force personnel scrutinized
every strike request and had recently denied two. Once a daylight strike was


approved, a Vietnamese forward air controller directed it. Anthis knew of no

attacks on friendly people.
Defense Secretary McNamara answered the 2d ADVON commander by
spelling out guidelines. Air Force personnel were not to engage in strikes on
Cambodian territory. They were to balance risk against gain. For example, a
mission was probably unacceptable if eight Americans were training a single
Vietnamese, or if there was a chance of killing innocent people to get a few Viet
By reason of this policy, more than half of the T-28s flying strike missions in
1962 returned to base with unused ordnance. One USAF forward air controller
had seen Vietnamese troops after an engagement “put 60 artillery rounds into a
village for no apparent reason and kill women and children.” Yet he knew of no
instance when “we indiscriminately went into any area and just for the heck of it
bombed and strafed.” In contrast, armed helicopters seemed almost free of the
rules of engagement. These craft had no rigid target selection, no radar control
for target location, and no forward air controllers to monitor their
During the night of March 1, 1962, the Viet Cong stormed an outpost about
thirty miles north of Saigon. The call for help flashed to the air operations center
thence to Farm Gate. An SC-47 flareship and two T-28s (carrying napalm,
rockets, and .50-cal machineguns) scrambled, with radar at Tan Son Nhut
vectoring them to the scene. Under the light of the blossoming flares, the T-28s
pummeled the enemy. He broke off the assault and the outpost held. Five
communist bodies were found the following day, along with evidence that more
had been wounded. 10
On March 3, II Corps asked for an immediate strike on a Viet Cong meeting
near a village 105 miles northeast of Saigon. After clearance by Field Command,
the air operations center sent one B-26 and two AD-6s, loaded with napalm,
fragmentation bombs, rockets, .50-cal machineguns, and .20-mm cannon. The
aircraft arrived to find the Viet Cong in the midst of a training exercise. The strike
killed twelve. 11
At times coordination failures hurt operations. On March 2, for example,
eleven U.S. Army helicopters lifted and landed four ranger companies, a recon-
naissance company, and a platoon of 105-mm howitzers in the Vinh Binh area to
encircle a Viet Cong village. The Vietnamese and Farm Gate gave air cover with
two T-28sand two L-19s. But the ground units were in the wrong places, and
air-ground communications were absent. Although the two strike aircraft and
the two liaison planes were overhead and available, they could deliver no
supporting fire. The ground troops killed one Viet Cong and captured thirty-
three suspects. ’’
While lapses in coordination and communications marred some operations,
results in general infused mild optimism. On March 4 a Vietnamese L-19 serving
with a n army task force spied a company of Viet Cong (fifty to seventy men).
They were situated near the bend of a river about thirty miles northeast of Tan
Son Nhut. Vietnamese AD-6s scrambled within fifteen minutes, armed solely
with 20-mm cannon since the planes were forbidden to carry bombs. Asked to


assist, Farm Gate flew a series of strikes. Vietnamese reports the next day claimed
fifty to sixty Viet Cong dead. A U.S. advisor put the figure at twenty-five. 13
As MAAG told Defense Secretary McNamara on February 19, 1962:
“South Vietnam had earlier been described as a country going down a steep slope
to disaster. We can’t say that the direction has been reversed, but for the moment
the slope has leveled out a
For Farm Gate personnel the slope still seemed to be downhill. Their tasks
were largely routine, and morale sagged. Being specially chosen, highly moti-
vated survivors of rigorous training and selection, they expected to work with
friendly guerrillas fighting behind enemy lines. But apart from a few challenging
Special Forces missions, they performed close air support, airlift, medical evac-
uation, and psychological warfare - not at all what they had volunteered to do.
The rules of engagement stymied these men - carry Vietnamese insignia and a
Vietnamese airman, and d o nothing that the Vietnamese Air Force can d o itself. l 5
A chance to tackle something more exacting in psychological warfare had
arisen in December 1961. Because certain areas controlled by the Viet Cong were
open only to counterpropaganda by air, 2d ADVON turned to Farm Gate for
testing loudspeaker and leaflet operations. Targets embraced the town of Ban
Me Thuot, Pleiku, and Kontum, along with thevillages of Polei Klengand Polei
Krong. Farm’Gate planes carried out the broadcast and leaflet flights. To stave
off starvation in Polei Krong, the aircraft further dropped rice and salt. 16
Brig. Gen. Edward G. Lansdale, USAF counterinsurgency specialist, ques-
tioned the rationale of the tests. He suggested that unless technical experts knew
precisely what they wished to achieve, probably nothing could be accom-
plished. 17
On January 30, 1962,2d ADVON put in for three officers, two specialists,
and one clerk, all well-versed in “military-political-economic-psychological
aspects” of this type of warfare. They would develop, test, and conduct opera-
tions in the “ideal environment” of South Vietnam. Missions suggested were
dropping leaflets, food, and clothing. Unfortunately, no psychological warfare
specialists were on hand. There had been several hundred trained officers in the
early 1950s, but the Air Force had inactivated psychological warfare units in
Farm Gate nonetheless flew seven missions from December 14, 1961, to
February I 1, 1962, dropping leaflets and making aerial broadcasts. The initial
flights impressed Vietnamese villagers, but speaker quality was marginal. For the
messages to be heard from the speakers in the belly of the SC47, the run over the
target needed to be at 600 feet at an airspeed of 100 knots or less. Even then, the
message could not exceed sixty seconds. The speakers were later mounted on a
rack in the plane’s door. This let the aircraft circle an area while a crewman aimed
the speakers at a specific spot. Still, the run had to be at a dangerously low 500
On February 1 1 a n S C 4 7 took off in good weather for a routine leaflet
mission south of Da Lat. The aircraft crashed for reasons unknown, killing eight
Americans (six Air Force and two Army) plus one Vietnamese. This flight was


portrayed without success as an attempt to train the lone Vietnamese aboard.

Press and congressional reports characterized as “fiction” the labeling of Ameri-
can missions as “solely in the transportation and training of Vietnamese units.””
During the third Secretary of Defense Conference in Hawaii in February,
Mr. said he wanted the Vietnamese to take over psychological
warfare operations as soon as they could equip their with speakers.
Admiral Felt, CINCPAC, remarked that, although U.S. personnel “en-
gaged in combat” from time to time, this was purely incidental to their training
missions. He deemed these combat ventures as nothing more than support
operations, and said “this should be fixed in the minds of the pilots and other
U.S. personnel.” then ordered action “to eliminate references to U.S.
activities as combat operations; they are to be spoken of and reported as training
or support activities regardless of the fact that incidental combat may be
inquiries from the press, office underscored the U.S.
role as limited to advice, logistics, and training.
United Press International published the essence of the Farm Gate combat
story on March reporting that U.S. airmen for two months had taken a
direct part in attacks, and that Vietnamese had acted as copilots on these flights.
According to the official explanation, the story added, this was an emergency
measure until the Vietnamese Air Force could be trained. General
commander, commented on the story’s origin: “Due to the joint
status of Farm Gate and the large number of people of both
nationalities involved, it is extremely difficult to maintain strict secrecy concern-
ing this
This situation bred difficulties regarding the amenities of life in the field for
Americans. The first USAF arrivals had been hurried to South Vietnam to
operate under wartime conditions. They and their successors over several years
were bound by peacetime directives and procedures. These strictures were ren-
dered more onerous by Secretary centralizing decision-making at
the highest Defense levels. Freshly arrived officers and airmen had their earliest
brush with Vietnam at an airfield that was not a USAF base. At a military or civil
Vietnamese base, the Air Force was a tenant because the U.S. government
adhered to Article of the Geneva agreement forbidding new military installa-
tions in South Vietnam.
The physical layout of Vietnamese bases was crude. At some the main roads
crossed runways, and at others the roads sliced through next to the
runways. Many fields wanted fences. Not until were there revetments to
shelter aircraft.
Tan Son Nhut, the Saigon airfield, was a n international facility run by the
Vietnamese Department of Civil Aviation. The Vietnamese Air Force was a
tenant located in the southwest part of the field. The U.S. Air Force was
supposed to approach the Department of Civil Aviation through the Vietnamese
Air Force. In practice. however. the Americans made contacts with the govern-
ment civilian aviation personnel who could give help and support. The Air Force
borrowed one side of a hangar and an officer for the flight line. An arbitrary

announcement solved flight control -any U S A F aircraft operating at Tan Son

Nhut would be under 2d ADVON authority and would file its flight plan with
base operations. The Army and MAAG cooperated in filing flight plans and
juggling parking space. Space was so scarce that the alert pad blocked the flow of
planes taxiing for takeoff. But the civilian authorities were understanding and
helpful. 24
Bien Hoa was about ten miles from the outskirts of Saigon. This airfield's
chief problem, aside from limited runways, was security. The field was garrisoned
by a battalion of regular infantry, reinforced by a rifle company, two mortar
companies, four armored cars, and two 105-mm howitzers. A company of
rangers provided distant patrols, and a sixty-man Vietnamese Air Force police
detachment gave interior security. Farm Gate formed twelve fifteen-man combat
teams, each with at least one Browning automatic rifle, and fused them into base
defense plans. The flight-line area was the final defensive position. 23
In general U S A F personnel coped with the poor facilities, but the supply
picture was bleak. Paperwork was sketchy on the stocks prepositioned in South
Vietnam before the Air Force buildup. Most POL came through the port of
Saigon and was distributed commercially, a system vulnerable to interruption
and blackmail. There were no on-hand reserves of electric generators, portable
buildings, bulldozers, crash firefighting equipment, graders, or construction
equipment. Due to the distance, expendable items trickled in from the United
States through Clark. Large items coming by ship took sixty days. 26
The supply problems had a number of offshoots. In late February 1962, for
example, 2d ADVON requested the removal of grass and the renovation of
fencing and lighting at the transmitter site. There was no action until a grass fire
nearly destroyed antennas, cables, and the building itself. The grass was bull-
dozed the next day, but nothing was done t o fix the fences and lights. Thirteenth
Air Force refused a March request for six hundred dollars to shelter the TSC-15
vans, in which the daytime temperatures of the working areas rose t o 130 degrees
Fahrenheit. Thirteenth suggested that the workers be moved to tents.
Men departing the United States for Vietnam duty in many cases did not
know their destination in advance. Unable to bring useful items with them, they
often went to the nearest town and bought minor things out of their own pockets.
MAAG was generous and shared its meager stocks informally. Scrounging was
frequently resorted to. Short supplies, particularly of paper, affected billeting,
mess, pay, and mail. 27
In the early days, the cramped quarters were lean-to tents or quickly built
Vietnamese-style hutments. Numerous rats and insects made it difficult to sleep.
There was n o hot water even after USAF personnel had been in the country for a
year. Offices were crowded and desks, chairs, and tables often improvised. 28
After adjusting to their quarters, the new arrivals faced hazards in the mess.
Baked goods and ices were sources of infection. Unsanitary practices in local
baking firms finally ended local procurement. There was too little refrigeration
space under U.S. control, and ice freezers for the field were not to be had. Locally


hired employees at snack bars in officers’ and service clubs were poorly super-
vised. The outcome was a high sick
No wonder that General during his Vietnam visit in April
found USAF aircraft to be
Lowered vitality and loss of energy among the men grew out of chronic
low-level fevers, dysentery attacks, and too few fresh fruits and vegetables.
Medical detachments of the U.S. Army gave local area medical support. Hospi-
talization became available on April when its 8th Field Hospital opened
Pay was erratic. Checks regularly arrived late and at times never. Men could
not meet mess bills and travel expenses. Emergency casual payments often
resulted in overpayments. 32
Mail service was primitive. Units outside of Saigon received no regular
deliveries, and n o arrangements existed to buy stamps, cash money orders, or
dispatch classified mail. Mail came through Clark on Mondays, Wednesdays,
and Fridays. The U.S. Army post office in Saigon was closed on Saturdays and
Sundays. Recipients of classified or registered mail were notified informally and
needed to make their own delivery arrangements. 33
Aggravating these problems were austere maintenance procedures,
unconventional organization, adherence in Washington to peacetime
practices in procurement and purchase, and the general inability to forecast the
number of Americans committed to South Vietnam. Ironically, USAF person-
nel were not in the jungle with guerrillas but were for the most part in or near
metropolitan Saigon, a seaport and industrial center of almost two million
people in There, the Air Force engaged in routine tasks and trained the
Vietnamese Air Force, which began to expand and to fly more operational

Gate and the

Farm Gate, Detachments through and miscellaneous units contained

U S A F personnel by the end of Together these units made up a modest
strike, photo-reconnaissance, and airlift force. But far more significant, they were
the nucleus of a rapidly expanding American effort. Since the rules of engage-
ment confined USAF planes to missions the Vietnamese were unable to perform,
strengthening the Vietnamese Air Force was all-important.
The Fighter Squadron at owned twenty each capable
of flying one operational sortie per day. The Fighter Squadron at
was being readied for combat. Because it was to receive thirty and
fourteen the pilots would require transition training in gunnery, bomb-
ing, and rocketry. The and Liaison Squadrons had fifteen apiece
and needed more pilots. Hence additional officers would undergo flight training
in the United States.
The AD-6 pilots were proficient in daytime flight, but their former carrier
aircraft lacked landing lights. This and the frequently inoperable flight instru-
ments prevented pilots from gaining experience in night and all-weather flying.
They showed slight interest in flying night combat, even though the
operated mostly during the hours of darkness.
To secure combat missions, Colonel King had proved that and
could fly night missions under flarelight furnished by But when saddled
with training the Vietnamese, the Farm Gate commander was surprised and
disappointed. He continued to discuss with General Anthis, com-
mander, whether training was the cover for combat or the primary mission. As
King later frankly admitted, he “resisted” Anthis’ instructions.
Grudgingly, Farm Gate commenced the training. Vietnamese AD-6 pilots
served as crewmembers on and but disliked flying in the rear
seats. Yet, they could not take over the front seat on combat missions until they
were qualified in every respect. At that point no need existed for a Farm Gate
instructor in the rear seat. Backseat combat training was more political than
The basing of Farm Gate and the Vietnamese AD-6s at might
have eased combined missions, but the air operations center went on issuing
separate orders. Colonel King nevertheless promoted training and demonstrated
that air detachments could operate from remote locations a long while. This
success eventually moved the Fighter Squadron to stage two AD-6s each to
Pleiku and King also sent four pilots to to give
Vietnamese instructors flight training.
More to Farm Gate’s liking was the mission of January Alerted to
sampans drawn up under camouflage south of Saigon, Colonel King


and Lt. Col. Robert L. Gleason made an afternoon flight and took photographs
of the exact spot. Shortly after dark, King led a bomb and rocket strike. The
S C 4 7 flareship approached the target area with the T-28s in trail and about
2,000 feet higher. After the flares ignited, the strike aircraft swooped down and
demolished the enemy boats. Photos revealed that one 500-pound bomb,
dropped by Capt. William E. Dougherty, scored a perfect strike in the middle of
the sampans.’
Such rapid reaction induced the joint operations center to place an SC-47
on strip alert, ready to join T-28s and B-26s in night action. While these tactics
failed to wipe out enemy units, they forced the Viet Cong to break off attacks and
fade into the jungle. Meanwhile, Vietnamese C-47 crews were sufficiently trained
by February 1962 to fly night missions with Farm Gate.
Farm Gate experience in the first months of 1962 dictated a change in
ordnance loads. The detachment sharply cut back on general purpose bombs,
and shifted from the 250-pound bomb to the M-IA2 cluster of six 20-pound
bombs. By June, Farm Gate upped its use of rockets, napalm, and strafing.
Sometimes more than one canister of napalm was requiredto burn a hole in the
ground cover.
Strike aircraft inhibited the Viet Cong from firing. If the aircrews spied the
source, they quickly opened up with formidable firepower. The T-28 packed two
.50-caliber machineguns, the B-26 eight. Both planes carried bombs and
The white smoke of the M-19 marker dissipated too swiftly, while the
aircrews rarelysaw the red smoke ofthe M-18 through thejunglecanopy. Smoke
bombs in general were unreliable, and the method of dropping them on poorly
defined targets was “most
The first combined American-Vietnamese air operation occurred near the
end of December 1961. Two U.S. Army helicopter companies whisked 360
Vietnamese troops to five landing zones in the Viet Cong-dominated Zone D,
then several days later brought inadditional troops. A Vietnamese L-19 forward
air controller and two AD-6 bombers orbited the area but saw no targets. The
troops failed in their main mission -capture o fa radio transmitter - but killed
two Viet Cong, wounded one. and captured forty-six suspects.
A larger operation took place on January 5, 1962, t o rescue prisoners in a
Viet Cong camp near Saigon. A Vietnamese forward air controller directed
AD-6s, T-28s, and B-26s to fly preparatory strikes. Under this cover, thirty-one
helicopters shuttled in 1,000 Vietnamese troops. These efforts went for
naught - the information about the prison camp proved to be erroneous.‘
A number of the problems in search-and-destroy operations stemmed from
three factors: preliminary air reconnaissance tended t o destroy surprise, plans on
occasion were too complex for the fledgling Vietnamese Air Force to carry
through, and coordination between ground and air units was weak.
The air defense system likewise left much to be desired. Since the Soviet
Union had transport aircraft at Hanoi, a key aim of the American presence was
to deter this airlift from extending t o Laos and from affordingair support to the
Viet Cong. Rumors in early 1962 told of Viet Cong in the central highlands


receiving secret air resupply drops. Time and again the air warning radars at Tan
Son Nhut and Da Nang together with the light radar at Pleiku picked up
unidentified tracks. At times these turned out to be tricks of the atmosphere, but
often were U.S. Army aircraft on flights the reporting center knew nothing of. On
the other hand, the Da Nang radar could not detect planes flying at low and
middle levels because the terrain to the west screened them. Furthermore, the
AD-6s, T-28s, and B-26s were unsuitable for intercepting communist aircraft
penetrating South Vietnamese airspace. In February I962 General O’Donnell
called for unified air action. To establish “law and order in the air,”he suggested
that the air operations center control and coordinate all air operations, including
helicopter combat support.
Two mutinous Vietnamese flyers first tested the air defense system, designed
to signal communist intrusion. On the morning of February 26, 1962, the two
diverted their AD-6s from a planned strike in the delta, and zeroed in on
President Diem’s palace. The 1st Fighter Squadron scrambled two flights of
AD-6s to intercept the rebels, but the planes merely gathered hits from small-
arms fire. Farm Gate aircraft took to the air to elude possible destruction on the
ground. Antiaircraft fire downed one of the two attacking planes, and its pilot
was captured. The other escaped to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, where he emerged
unscathed from a crash landing. Interrogation of the captured flyer confirmed
that the two pilots were engaged in a vendetta against Diem’s brother, Ngo Dinh
Although there appeared to be no general plot against the government,
Diem grounded the Vietnamese Air Force temporarily. Later he permitted the
Vietnamese strike planes to carry only 20-mm ammunition. Still later he ostensi-
bly authorized the planes a full array of ordnance, but the Joint General Staff
restricted bombloads for missions in 11 and III Corps. Ambassador Nolting
secured permission from Washington for Farm Gate aircraft to support ground
operations. T o dispel the impression that the United States was taking over the
fighting, AD-6s had to accompany American planes.’
In March 1962 a total of 1,861 incidents (attacks, acts of terrorism, sabo-
tage, and subversion) stirred apprehension that the communists were about to
step up the war. 10 Pleiku radar on theevening ofthe 19th showed seven unknown
flight tracks over the central highlands. Farm Gate scrambled a B-26 from Bien
Hoa, and when it reached the area, radar control placed the aircraft directly over
one of the tracks. The crew saw nothing. The next day, reconnaissance pilots
noticed some bundles in the trees. On the night of the 20th, Tan Son Nhut radar
detected unknown tracks leading out of Cambodia. Two Farm Gate T-28s were
scrambled but the tracks faded. Soon after these T-28s were recalled, Pleiku
reported ten to fifteen low-altitude tracks emerging from Cambodia. One SC-47
and two RB-26s were dispatched from Bien Hoa. The S C 4 7 dispensed flares
while the RB-26s searched in vain. 11
Upset over the sharp rise in Viet Cong incidents, President Diem asked for
U.S.jet interceptors to deal with enemy overflights. Ambassador Nolting quickly
cleared the request with Washington. On March 22 the 405th Tactical Fighter


(Above) Vietnamese officers and American

advisors plan an airlift of Vietnamese
paratroopers at Tan Son Nhut.

(Top right) 1st Lt. Wilfred

demonstrates airlift maneuvers with model
of a aircraft as two Vietnamese
students look on at Moody AFB,

(Right) Wilson and

install rockets into a bomber at

(Below) Delta Daggers.


Wing deployed a detachment of the 509th Fighter Interceptor Squadron from

Clark Air Base to Tan Son Nhut. The detachment’s aircraft consisted of three
single-seat F-102s and one TF-102 with side-by-side seating. The Joint Chiefs of
Staff authorized Americans to engage and destroy hostile aircraft encountered
over South Vietnam. 12
The speedy arrival of the F-102s pleased the Vietnamese government. l 3 Still
the air defense system was far from perfect. In training exercises, the F-102s flew
much too fast to intercept the slow liaison planes thatacted as enemy intruders.
Experience also taught that two pilots in a TF-102 had a better chance to
intercept than one pilot in a n F-102. Further TF-102s were therefore drawnfrom
the Fifth and Thirteenth Air Forces. On July 21 Admiral Felt ordered three Navy
AD-SQ interceptors from Cubi Point, Philippines, to relieve the F-102s. From
then on, F-102s and Navy interceptors alternated six-week tours of air defense
duty. l 4
As air defense and traffic control improved, the unknown radar tracks
diminished. T o help radar tell friendly from enemy planes, MACV on August 22
ordered every American military aircraft to emit Identification Friend or Foe
impulses if equipped to d o so. When months passed without enemy air activity,
General Harkins said it was certain there was “no air battle in Vietnam, and there
are no indications that one will
The sudden jump in Viet Cong incidents during March 1962 led USAF
officers to raise the question of enlarging Farm Gate with four B-26s now in the
Far East and with four T-28s. They reasoned that B-26s were the best tactical
aircraft for counterinsurgency, T-28s were needed for detachments at smaller
airfields, and Vietnamese forces were still learning how to use air power with
ground operations. General Harkins and Ambassador Nolting backed the pro-
posal. Defense Secretary McNamara, however, noted that the Vietnamese 2d
Fighter Squadron was becoming operational. He asked how much longer Amer-
ican pilots had to fly with the Vietnamese. General Anthis replied that Farm Gate
would have to serve as a demonstration force and to check the state of Vietnam-
ese training and standardization for quite a while. McNamara okayed the request
but delivery of the planes to Farm Gate was delayed due to the Vietnamese Air
Force buildup.
During General LeMay’s Vietnam visit in April 1962, the initial expansion
of Vietnamese strike aircraft neared its end. The thirty USAF C-47 pilots
assigned to the I st Transportation Group had released seasoned Vietnamese
pilots to fighter cockpits. Moreoever, twenty-five T-28 pilots were combat-ready
for the 2d Fighter Squadron. With thirty flying hours a month planned for T-28s
and twenty-five for AD-6s, the Vietnamese could complete 140 T-28 and fifty-
five AD-6 sorties each week. Since the training of T-28 pilots was drawing to a
close, Farm Gate found it harder to get Vietnamese crewmen for its flights.
Though LeMay noticed marked improvement among the Vietnamese, he
doubted they could meet all their operational demands for some time to come.
Because Farm Gate was flying less than it could, LeMay wanted thecrews to log
more missions. This would allow American airmen rotating through Vietnam to


attain valued experience that might well be needed elsewhere. He suggested

relaxing the restrictions calling for a Vietnamese crewman to be aboard Farm
Gate planes and confining Farm Gate to offensive missions beyond the compe-
tence of the Vietnamese. 17
General LeMay won little support for these proposals in Washington.
Secretary McNamara sought to shave American participation in Vietnam, so as
to attain an all-out Vietnamese military effort. Counterinsurgency doctrine
required indigenous forces to fight their own war. McNamara was thus interested
in having the Vietnamese take over the Farm Gate planes as soon as possible.
Hampered by the original rules and restrictions and the scarcity of Vietnam-
ese trainees, General Anthis secured the assignment of eleven Vietnamese avia-
tion cadets to Farm Gate. Until they could attend flight training in the United
States, the cadets served as the Vietnamese member of every Farm Gate crew. 19
Based at Nha Trang but with a detachment of six T-28s at Da Nang, the 2d
Fighter Squadron became fully operational in mid-1962. This afforded much-
needed air power in the central and northern areas of Vietnam, freeing the 1st
Fighter Squadron and Farm Gate for operations in the south. As a result,
Vietnamese and Farm Gate sorties multiplied, mainly for interdiction and close
support. Still the Vietnamese asked for too few air missions. They neglected to
have aircraft cover convoys and trains, to escort helicopter assault operations,
and to fly even more interdiction and close support strikes.
But augmenting the Vietnamese Air Force seemed to have been successful.
Secretary McNamara was so pleased with the progress that he told General
Harkins to firm up a program for phaseout of major U.S. combat, advisory, and
logistic activities within three years.
The Secretary was unaware of the glaring deficiencies that impeded the
Vietnamese. Pilots continued in short supply and many of those flying needed
more training. The two fighter squadrons had fewer than a dozen qualified flight
leaders, and ground personnel were generally inefficient. The T-28s lacked ample
firepower and would someday have to be replaced, calling for more pilot
training. A lack of proficiency in night and all-weather flying diluted efficiency.
Rather than the average of one hour or less, Vietnamese turnaround time
between missions averaged between two and three hours. The fastest scramble
time for a Vietnamese C 4 7 flareship was forty minutes, and over an hour was
normal. The Vietnamese were cleared to operate with a full array of ordnance,
but their strike aircraft were armed solely with napalm, rockets, small fragmenta-
tion bombs, and cannons. They were reluctant to move aircraft to advanced
locations because of poor housing and messing at Da Nang and Pleiku, and the
low pay for temporary duty.
General Anthis estimated that the two Vietnamese fighter squadrons, with
twenty-seven T-28s and twenty-two AD-6s, should generate 1,470 operational
sorties a month seventy percent for combat and thirty percent for training and
maintenance. Actually an average of seven AD-6s, eleven T-28s, eleven L-19s,
and eight C-47s were available each day to the tactical air control system.


Since the number of Vietnamese combat sorties fell short of meeting the
rising demands for air missions, Farm Gate operations reached new high levels.
By August it was clear that Farm Gate had t o have fresh aircraft and crews. The
coming of two new U.S.Army helicopter companies in September meant even
greater requirements for escort and supply sorties by strike aircraft. This clashed
with Secretary desire t o phase out American units.
General Anthis, had foreseen that mission demands would compel Farm
Gate planes to stretch beyond monthly programmed flying hours. He suggested
that additional U S A F units be allocated to Vietnam, chiefly to allow air strike
teams to be kept permanently on station a t Thirteenth Air
Force in mid-August sent Farm Gate four from Far East assets.
Farm Gate continued to fly too many hours, and in September Anthis asked
for ten more five and two General Harkins made no reply,
but recommended that the Air Staff put the proposal on the agenda of
the October Secretary of Defense Conference. Gen. Walter C. Sweeney,
commander of Tactical Air Command, and Brig. Gen. Gilbert
Special Air Warfare Center commander, agreed that the Air Force could furnish
the planes and crews. However, they cautioned Anthis to “go adding to
Farm Gate until he was completely convinced that the Vietnamese were doing as
much as they could. Sweeney did not want Farm Gate “to become a crutch to
compromise progressive and objective development of indigenous

Allegedly t o confuse the the Vietnamese renumbered their

squadrons in With the new designations went an emphasis on the
organizational unity of the Vietnamese Air Force. Perhaps the structure was
partly inspired by the proposal of the U.S. Army Chief of Staff, Gen. George
Decker, t o transfer Vietnamese helicopter and liaison squadrons to the Vietnam-
ese army.
Securing the go-ahead from the Air Staff in October t o give additional
aircraft to Farm Gate, suggested this action to CINCPAC. Briefed on
October in Hawaii, Defense Secretary was still bent on building a
wholly adequate Vietnamese Air Force. He said there should not be but
or more Vietnamese officers taking flight training in the United States. Since no
Vietnamese pilots were in training to fly the Secretary asked Admiral Felt
to explore the prospect of procuring thirty Chinese Nationalists for the Vietnam-
ese This would release thirty transport pilots for transitional training.
As for Farm Gate expansion, said, if General Harkins needed a
bigger program, he should present his case to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He himself
was “cool” to the idea, for it was contrary to the President’s desire to build
indigenous forces. Farm Gate ought to train Vietnamese rather than to operate.
Farm Gate operations in August had soared t o sixty-five percent over those
in July. But in September they had to be pruned t o thirty-seven percent of the
July totals, owing chiefly t o the one-crew-per-aircraft manning ratio not
enough t o sustain the high rate of missions. The Vietnamese wanted the eleven
aviation cadets returned for language training before going on to the United

States to become pilots. T o furnish the crewmen required on Farm Gate planes,
the Vietnarnese Air Force sent fifteen noncommissioned officers to Farm Gate.
This plugged the gap but was a subterfuge, because the enlisted Vietnamese were
uninterested in flight training. When General Moorman, Thirteenth Air Force
commander, heard of the arrangement, he urged Anthis to d o his best to meet
McNamara’s wishes. 27
Admiral Felt visited Vietnam in late October and talked with Anthis. He
said Vietnamese opposition had scuttled the prospect of using Chinese pilots to
fly Vietnamese transports. Any Farm Gate growth would have to be small and
piecemeal. 28
Acting on Anthis’ suggestion to shore up Farm Gate, General Harkins in
November asked for five T-28s, ten B-26s, and two C-47s More, he said, would
likely be required in the future. Admiral Felt routed the request to the Joint
Chiefs, adding that he saw no other way to secure the urgently needed combat air
power. 29
The Joint Chiefs of Staff well knew that President Kennedy wished the
Americans to prepare the Vietnamese to fight their own war. Hence in November
and December the chiefs carefully weighed the question of bolstering Farm Gate.
They likewise plumbed the oft-stated position that counterinsurgency was for the
most part a ground war, with air forces accounting for maybe ten percent of the
effort. Some USAF officers viewed counting Viet Cong casualties as an
“unpleasant task”and “not necessarily the military objective.” Even so, statistics
on the number of enemy killed, wounded, and captured were important. In all
known cases where ground forces entered areas struck by air, their actual body
count exceeded aircrew claims. (Of the estimated number of enemy casualties in
1962, twenty-eight percent were due to Vietnamese and American air power.) Yet
air operations did more. They shrunk the enemy’s options, crimped his move-
ments and attacks, flew in men and supplies to assault him, protected surface
convoys and trains as well as heliborne assaults, and thwarted the foe from
massing large forces in the field. Air power had proved - at least to USAF
officers - that it held equal rank with ground operations in any counterinsur-
gency venture. 30
This assessment was not altogether shared in Washington. Following a visit
to Southeast Asia in December 1962, Roger Hilsman, Assistant Secretary of
State for Far Eastern Affairs, and the President’s Special Assistant for Far
Eastern Affairs, Michael V. Forrestal, reported:
On the use of air power and the danger of adverse political effects, our impression is
that the controls on air strikes and the procedures for checking intelligence against all
sources are excellent. In spite of this, however. it is difficult to be sure that air power is
being used in a way that minimizes the adverse political effects , . . and the use ofair
power is going up enormously.3’

In December the Joint Chiefs recommended expanding Farm Gate, so it

could keep abreast of the burgeoning requests for air support. The Secretary of
Defense concurred, the State Department agreed, and on the last day of the year
the President approved the requested increase in Farm Gate aircraft. 32

In World War II and the Korean conflict, interdiction had slowed the flow
of enemy forces, supplies, and equipment into and within battle areas. In
Vietnam, according to General “the most lucrative targets” were
training areas, troop concentrations, supply depots, and sampans. Admi-
ral Felt and General had the same impression. Interdiction air attacks
against Viet base areas held a special attraction because the Vietnamese
ground forces seldom penetrated to them.
Yet air interdiction was very complex. The Viet rarely wore distinctive
uniforms, and they mingled freely with civilians. To tell them from the general
populace called for timely intelligence and reliable aerial reconnaissance. Unfor-
tunately, the Vietnamese Air Force owned but two rigged with cameras for
day photography. The single air photo intelligence center and its twelve photo
observers were situated in the division of the Joint General Staff. The
observers could d o visual reconnaissance, but the best of them were being shifted
to tactical fighters.
Able operated out of Don Airport near Bangkok,
Thailand. They sustained a daily sortie rate of flights, and photographed
high-priority areas of interest to MACV and the Vietnamese. When over South
Vietnam, these planes as a rule staged through Tan Son Nhut, where they turned
over their film to the small USAF photo processing cell for interpretation.
Although the was good for general reconnaissance of clearly fixed
targets, it was not suited to spotting an enemy who hid under heavy foliage by
day and moved at night. Furthermore, processing and interpreting the photog-
raphy in Saigon, then delivering it to requesting units by U.S. Army courier
plane, usually took several days. Some ground commanders complained that the
interval between a request and a delivery was at times thirty to forty-five days.
Intelligence from members of the enemy forces was needed, and was
scarce. Starting in December U.S. intelligence advisors did their best to
teach their methods to Vietnamese. Besides the specialists in MACV
(Intelligence), Americans worked with Vietnamese units in the field. Unpro-
ductive from the USAF point of view, MACV intelligence was oriented toward
ground operations.
Normally, Vietnamese interrogations of prisoners should have yielded sig-
nificant information. But the law authorized the military to hold prisoners only
two days before handing them over to provincial authorities for a court hearing.
This was not time enough to learn about enemy activities vulnerable to air


Vietnamese army units in the field, provincial officials, and covert agents
could request Saigon for specific strikes. If Saigon approved, Vietnamese pilots
were free to attack these targets, usually marked by air observers. While USAF
officers were not empowered to question an approved strike, General Anthis
asked for “positive control” by radar or forward air controllers when Farm Gate
aircraft took part. Targets were often described in vague terms like “groups of
huts,” “troop concentrations,” or strong points,” and were frequently
hidden under jungle cover.
In spite of precautions air strikes were dangerous, particularly in heavily
populated and poorly mapped regions. In January for example, Vietnam-
ese officers wanted a n air strike at dawn on the Viet village of
in the Parrot’s Beak close to the Cambodian border in War Zone C. Because the
Vietnamese could not handle predawn takeoffs, Farm Gate was asked to fly the
mission. At first Colonel Farm Gate commander, thought the target
too close to Cambodia, but accepted the task when the Vietnamese labeled
Radar at Tan Son Nhut monitored the flight, warning the planes as they
neared the canal that supposedly was the border. The aircraft failed to receive the
message, but a n SC-47 that had performed weather was flying
back and forth over the canal to mark it. From another S C 4 7 positioned along
the border, Colonel led and an airborne coordinator directed the strike.
As eight and three bombed, rocketed, napalmed, and strafed, the
Minister of Defense and the III Corps commander watched from a
The Farm Gate commander felt sure no one had made a mistake. Yet a few
days later, the Cambodian government charged with having crossed the
frontier, killed a villager, and injured three others. The Vietnamese defense
minister shrugged off the protest, saying that the whole area was a hot bed.”
The State Department, however, wished to prevent disruption of Vietnamese-
Cambodian relations. At American insistence Saigon apologized and awarded
compensation. General Anthis, commander, forbade Farm Gate to
strike within five miles of the border during daylight and ten miles at night.
Moreover a forward air controller, airborne or on the ground, had to mark the
targets. These restrictions might have afforded the Viet complete sanctuary
along the border, but the rules did not apply to Vietnamese pilots who could
operate more
Toward the end of January, all available Vietnamese and Farm Gate planes
at Pleiku, and simultaneously attacked fourteen carefully
pinpointed targets in five areas. After-action reports revealed good results. The
defense minister said the strikes were so timely and accurate that the
suspected spies in their midst. All the same, top American officials had nagging
doubts about the validity of the targets selected by the Vietnamese. They stressed
to the Joint General Staff the value of intelligence, proper controls, and serious
poststrike assessments.
Admiral Felt, CINCPAC, knew the problems of bombing areas where
friendly and hostile people intermingled. Impressed by Vietnamese officers who


wanted to avoid using weapons against innocent persons, he sponsored better

air-ground communications for close air support.
At the Secretary of Defense Conference on February 19, 1962, General
Anthis showed how air interdiction hurt the Viet Cong. Defense Secretary
McNamara evinced interest in using flares for strikes to relieve outposts under
night assault. He ordered CINCPAC and MACV to furnish hamlets cheap but
efficient short-range VHF-FM voice radios, so they could call for help when
attacked. The Secretary warned that U.S. advisors were to d o nothing that the
Vietnamese could d o for themselves, and were to risk hazards only when
Well-managed interdiction based on hard intelligence worked remarkably
well. On March 2 the II Corps commander requested an immediate strike against
a group of Viet Cong holding a meeting in the village of Hung Nhon. The air
operations center validated the request and dispatched two Vietnamese AD-6s
and a Farm Gate B-26. They killed at least twelve. 10
Even so, the issue of haphazard air attacks lived on. Two U.S. Army
advisors informed Army Brig. Gen. Harvey J. Jablonsky, the MACV J-4
(Logistics), that the Viet Cong were exploiting strafing and bombing attacks for
propaganda purposes. By removingjust the killed and wounded males, they gave
the villagers the idea that the women and children left behind were the targets and
victims of air strikes. Jablonsky passed this information on t o Ambassador
Nolting, who on March 3 met with Generals Harkins, Timmes, Jablonsky, and


Anthis. Nolting at first thought of curtailing air activity, but Jablonsky would
not cite instances of air attack. Harkins then pointed out that tighter curbs would
benefit merely the Viet Cong.
General Jablonsky in Hawaii repeated the charge he had made in Saigon,
and the question was reexamined at the Secretary of Defense Conference of
March 21. Ambassador Nolting urged close scrutiny to prevent killing innocent
people, and Defense Secretary McNamara agreed to allow air operations to go
on under strict controls and stringent intelligence criteria. Roger Hilsman,
Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, later defined this decision as
the worst of two worlds military men disturbed by air restrictions and
diplomats fretting about propaganda benefits to the enemy.
To assist the Vietnamese in gathering better intelligence of air force interest,
Admiral Felt authorized and the Air Force sent a detachment of the 6499th
Support Group to Saigon. Six officer and six enlisted intelligence specialists
arrived in March, but two officers were unqualified and removed. Denied direct
access to enemy prisoners, the others could ask questions only through Vietnam-
ese interrogators. 13
An additional obstacle was the lengthy procedure in processing a request for
a preplanned interdiction strike. The 2d ADVON intelligence directorate could
propose a target, and the Joint General Staff‘s air photo intelligence center
researched and prepared data sheets and folders. One copy went to the province
chief for checking, a second to the air operations center for preliminary planning.
Field Command next decided if the target was susceptible to ground action,
which took precedence over air. These steps could consume several days or
several weeks. Actually, most intelligence rose from the ground force division
and province chief levels. These authorities often suggested targets to the corps
commander who routed the requests to the operations center. Yet no matter how
intelligence generated strikes, the province chief was the key. He alone deter-
mined whether bombing a target would imperil his people. 14
To pinpoint Viet Cong radio transmitters for air intelligence, the Air Force
delivered a C-54 to Vietnam in March 1962. The transport featured infrared
detectors, cameras, and a high-frequency direction finder. About the same
time, the U.S. Army Security Agency put airborne radio homing units in three
Army L-20s. During their first operational flight on the 12th of April, the C-54
and L-20s came upon far more Viet Cong radio transmitters than expected.
However. the direction finding equipment could not give a precise fix on the
radio sites. The Viet Cong radios were short-range, low-power sets, and they
operated in periodic short bursts. Though the American eqipment was not
advanced enough to place the signals accurately, the C-54 flew 102 special
missions in ten months. The cameras worked fine for ordinary photography, but
the infrared and the direction finder did poorly.
The U S A F pilots could return fire against “a known source”in self-defense,
but needed to be very careful for they rarely knew a source’s exact location. In the
daytime, Farm Gate planes could not fire unless under positive control of a
Vietnamese forward air controller, and cooperation with Vietnamese L- 19 con-


trollers was frequently difficult. In addition the elaborate reconnaissance and the
target marking no doubt alerted the Viet to impending strikes. This
impeded action against a n already elusive foe.
the spring of interdiction focused on small groups of guerrillas and
sampans near Vietnamese army positions. Then late in May, the Joint General
Staff and MACV targeted the D o War Zone headquarters area of Interzone
With utmost care they identified, authenticated, and pinpointed nineteen
targets spread over a n area of square miles. As a final validation, a plane flew
a Viet defector over the area.
Vietnamese and American aircraft eleven eleven and six
took off on May Bad weather obscured five of the targets, but the
planes made repeated strikes on the other fourteen. Regardless of the careful
preparations, a pounded the friendly village of Dak killing four persons
and demolishing a dozen buildings. The strike pilots saw no Viet on any of
their runs, but bomb damage assessment photography showed a command post
wiped out, fourteen other structures burned and destroyed, and thirty damaged.
The Vietnamese field commanders hailed the attacks as a “total success,” and
(President Diem’s brother) reported about four hundred enemy
killed. Some Viet defectors later credited their change of heart to the
Both and were willing to accept the mission of
disrupting Viet security in base areas beyond the reach of ground forces.
The American Embassy in Saigon nonetheless questioned the wisdom of the
attacks. Some U.S. observers were positive that air power at Dak KET had killed
no more than fifty of the enemy. The commander of Interzone V had escaped.
Innocents had been killed. Consequently, General ordered Farm Gate no
longer to fly free-area missions without a forward air controller.
As spring wore on, a more extreme belief nudged aside assertions of how air
interdiction hurt pacification because it endangered guiltless people. On April I5
MACV published the first extensive Viet order of battle, listing
battalions, seventy-nine companies, and platoons. The overall strength was
put at less than the estimated by the Vietnamese. But backing up
the regular troops were paramilitary organizations of around part-time
guerrillas. And over the first two weeks of May, to more Viet
had stolen into Zone D from Laos to form a new battalion. After weighing this
information, MACV J-2 (Intelligence) concluded that air interdiction had no
military effect on the Viet
What then could isolate the Viet from the populace who furnished
them food and other supplies? Or from their logistic routes that brought them
weapons, ammunition, medical materials, and fresh troops? There was no other
way than by air interdiction and ground thrusts into enemy base areas. Admiral
Felt desired these missions continued. He especially wanted Vietnamese rangers
and regular units to fight guerrilla-style in the Viet war zones. “It is, of
course, basic to our side,” Felt told General “that the initiative be denied
the Our concept is to harass them, push them down and extend them far

beyond the capabilities of their logistics support, thus destroying them.” On the
other hand, Harkins deemed nearly all of the ground commanders too inexpe-
rienced for large-scale efforts, and the rangers lacked leaders for extended field
operations. 21
Unlike the army, the Vietnamese Air Force could carry the war into the
jungle areas held by the Viet Cong. What the pilots needed was valid target
intelligence. In August Col. Ralph A. Newman, air liaison officer with Vietnam-
ese Air Force Field Command, instructed liaison officers to work closely with the
ground forces at division and regimental levels. The aim was to identify targets
for interdiction, chiefly for Vietnamese planes returning from sorties with unused
ordnance. Most crews hesitated to land with bombs and rockets hanging outside
the aircraft, and since 1958 had jettisoned them on vacant land near the airfields.
Aware of this waste, General Anthis proposed assigning preplanned targets,
preferably in Zone D, so at least the munitions would fall on Viet Cong territory.
Anthis and the air liaison officers pressured Iand II Corps to accept this
proposal. They stressed that a backlog of such targets would ease scheduling,
distribution, and use of aircraft, as well as keep the Viet Cong off-balance. By
September 1962, however, the suggestion was still hanging
Admiral Felt asked General Harkins, MACV commander, whether “area
denial” methods might make Zone D too hot for the Viet Cong. Felt advised:
Entire extent of techniques and devices available for such purpose should be used. We
have in mind. for example. scatter bombing with butterfly bombs, proven lethal in
Korea. and other type A F mines. We also visualize use of chemical irritants and
defoliants t o expose targets for air strikes. . , . In other words we want to destroy or
drive sick, starved. blistered. and blasted Viet Cong from Zone D so that we can scoop
them up outside of their nest or prevent them from setting foot in the area
Thus spurred, MACV and the Joint General Staff started to target War
Zones D and X (headquarters of Viet Cong Interzone V) for a n intensive air
campaign. On October 3 the 5th Division submitted 129 specific targets. Presi-
dent Diem next ordered a five-day bombing attack in Zone D to begin on
November 1,followed by a Special Forces ground penetration. He also called for
the Iand II Corps to cooperate in a similar bombing and to follow up penetration
into War Zone X which lay i n the mountains dividing the two corps. Gradually,
the corps commanders and Field Command obtained many more targets
through military channels. Provincial chiefs designated free areas for air attack.
Vietnamese crews could strike these areas without a forward air controller, but
Farm Gate had to have targets marked by a Vietnamese
Review of the free areas came when Vietnam’s strained relations with
Cambodia worsened. Feeling threatened by both South Vietnam and Thailand,
Cambodia on August 20, 1962, had appealed to President Kennedy for a neutral
status like that of Laos. President Diem resented the implication that South
Vietnam was an aggressor. He said there was little question that Viet Cong
redoubts drew support from across the border. Vietnamese troops who carried
out sporadic raids into Cambodia had captured communist weapons and
ammunition destined for the Viet Cong. Undeterred, Prince Norodom Siha-


nouk, Cambodian Chief of State, charged on September 10 that Vietnamese

amphibious craft under air cover had violated his country’s soil. Any more such
aggressive acts, he threatened, would lead to severed diplomatic relations, recog-
nition of North Vietnam, and closer ties with China. Five weeks later, Vietnam-
ese naval forces moved against the island of Phu Quoc near the Cambodian
coast. They seized seventeen tons of ingredients for making
Sihanouk’s threat to invite Chinese assistance startled the State Depart-
ment. Ambassador Nolting met with President Diem and stressed there must be
no military action that might bring Chinese Communist forces onto Vietnam’s
flank. In compliance the Joint General Staff banned ground and air operations
within ten kilometers of the Cambodian border. If a river, road, or other physical
feature clearly marked the border, Vietnamese forces could pursue theenemy to
within two and one-half kilometers. Otherwise the chase would cease at eight
kilometers. Vietnamese pilots could open fire on a hostile aircraft ten kilometers
inside South Vietnam, if certain that the plane would fall inside Vietnamese
territory if shot
Though the border restrictions did not sit well with Vietnamese officials,
Secretary of State Dean Rusk and the Joint Chiefs of Staff wondered whether
the restraints went far enough. “Militarily,” Rusk cabled Nolting,
there is general agreement that success lies not in drawing tight cordon sanitaire in
Maginot manner along vaguely defined frontier but primarily in working outwards
from rural areas won . . . and, secondarily, through strikes against VC strongholds.
Usefulness of latter. when carried out near frontier, must be considered less important
than political-diplomatic problem.
The Joint Chiefs suggested a new name be found for “free areas.” Admiral
Felt did not object, and 2d Air Division (formerly 2d ADVON) commenced to
call them “approved interdiction
T o General Anthis, sponsorship of “area denial” by Admiral Felt “smacked
of indiscriminate bombing.”Even in Zone D it was impossible to know positively
that all victims were Viet Cong. When Felt proposed having C-123s drop ten
thousand pounds of napalm on marked targets during a ground offensive into
Zone D, Secretary Rusk objected. He wanted napalm confined to high-priority
targets that were clearly Viet Cong installations. Moreover, the State Depart-
ment retained the right to pass on all plans meaning to use napalm in large
In the end, General Harkins withheld USAF aircraft from delivering
napalm in Zone D and allowed the Vietnamese to d o so. Ambassador Nolting
supported this decision. The curbs put on Americans made it hard to carry the
war to the heart of the enemy sanctuaries. The best that General Anthis could d o
was to allow F-102s to fly across Zone D at night, breaking the sound barrier and
causing sonic booms. “It may not destroy anything,” Anthis said, “but I can say
positively there has been considerable VC sleep lost in the last few
Scarcely less important than interdiction was USAF support of Vietnamese
ground operations. Air Force officers constantly offered air support to ground
commanders through the tactical air control system. To sell this support, steps


were taken to strengthen the air operations center at Tan Son Nhut and the radar
facilities at Da Nang and Pleiku, procure and employ American air liaison
officers and forward air controllers, and persuade locally powerful army com-
manders to coordinate with air forces. In general these commanders were jealous
of their authority, secretive about their plans, and inexperienced in applying
tactical air support. Inasmuch as the air operations center depended on day-to-
day knowledge of Vietnamese ground operations, U.S. Army and Vietnamese
liaison officers were assigned to the center in February 1962. The idea was to
inject tactical air into operational planning at the
If Vietnamese ground commanders had but a n inkling of how the support
system was supposed to work, U.S. Army advisors had not the air experience to
qualify them as air liaison officers. They refused to accept the tactical air control
system outright, and from the USAF view were “quick to criticize, slow to
Bolstering of the joint operations center was one of the benefits accruing
from the April 1962 visit of General LeMay. He ordered several USAF officers
assigned to the center, Lt. Col. Charles J. Bowers assuming the duties of deputy
director. These officers monitored and encouraged the submission of daily
requirements for air support, and allocated sorties on the basis of available
Quite a few things weakened centralized control of tactical aircraft. Inexpe-
rienced personnel and unreliable equipment bred problems. In April, for exam-
ple, communications between Tan Son Nhut and Da Nang remained out for
three days. Moving aircraft from rotational duty at Da Nang and Pleiku
demanded special approval from Vietnamese Air Force headquarters. Conse-
quently, the air operations center could not route these planes rapidly to areas of
greater need. Also, the center was heavily committed to operations requested by
Field Command and III Corps. This led I Corps at Da Nang and II Corps a t
Pleiku to look upon the AD-6s at these fields as theirs to use without telling the
center. Likewise, the fighter squadron at Nha Trang now and then flew T-28
strikes in response to local requests without the center’s knowledge. When
General Anthis made staff visits to corps, division, regimental, and battalion
headquarters, he found little understanding of how the tactical air control
system was meant to
Attempts to bring helicopter activities under the air operations center did
not go well. General Harkins in April directed armed tactical aircraft to accom-
pany helicopter assault missions. He was therefore certain that the center was
wholly aware of all U.S. Army flight operations in the country. Yet Army ground
liaison officers readily admitted that the MACV order for escort planes was
observed only about ten percent of the
The figure of ten percent was misleading, seeing that these ground opera-
tions mostly involved small forces of company or platoon size in very brief
firefights. Since the air operations center was unable to coordinate all air
operations, it could not wholly exploit available air support. Data on ground
operations being planned was often not to be had. The commanders were


sensitive to espionage, and personally drew up and launched actions

with scant notice even to their own staffs. A few commanders went so far as to
suspect the center to be a source of information and with reason.
The Vietnamese Air Force dispatched fragmentary operations orders from Tan
Son Nhut to its squadrons in the clear. Because the teletype circuits were possibly
insecure, there were inevitable
U.S. Army officers disliked the tactical air control system, deeming it too
rigid. Accordingly, there was no realistic policy governing the relationship
between fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters. In June MACV gave General
“coordinating all air operations. In July General
ordered helicopter support missions to have proper air escort, unless the helicop-
ter unit commander judged it unnecessary. In August Admiral Felt considered it
essential to have every type of air operation coordinated by the air operations
center, and to have air cover from fixed-wing aircraft for each helicopter opera-
tion. Not until December did the latter requirement go into
Air strikes close to friendly troops called for close cooperation between air
missions and the movement and fire of ground units. As in Korea, tactical air
control parties came to be used. The Air Force supplied a seasoned fighter pilot
to serve as the air liaison member of the control party. The Army furnished the
vehicles and mechanics, radio gear and operators. The ground
mobile radio jeep carried the air liaison officer and Army members of the control
party. The vehicle’s radios linked with the forward air controller and the strike
pilots above, and with ground and air units. The control party’s work was
thwarted whenever the jeep was slowed o r stopped by cut and mired roads,
ambush parties, and jungles and swamps.
A further frustration was the meager experience of Vietnamese in coordinat-
ing air-ground operations. The shortage of pilots prevented the assignment
of air liaison officers to ground units. The foremost need was to secure sufficient
two-man crews (pilot and observer) to place AD-6 strike aircraft on the
target. So in lieu of a n air liaison officer, the Vietnamese Air Force sometimes
designated a n crew to serve as forward air controller for a ground unit
during a single operation. The pilot and observer repaired to the unit, received
briefings on the planning action, and tried to become familiar with the proce-
dures and terrain. The crew then returned home to conduct other air control and
reconnaissance missions. On the day of the operation, however, the crew
flew back and controlled air strikes for the ground unit.
Unable to operate at night, crews in daytime usually flew at to
feet, far too high for good surveillance and target marking. The air observer
marked targets for fighters by radio direction or hand-thrown smoke grenade,
commonly by both methods. Criticism and penalty awaited an crew if
ground fire damaged the plane. The observer was subject to severe punishment if
he erred in marking a target and friendly casualties resulted.”
To communicate with regular troops, the Civil Guard, and the Self Defense
Corps units, carried AN/ Army radios lashed to their backseats.
Because the plane could power only its own radios or the the crew could

not converse with strike aircraft and ground forcesat thesame time. The PRC-10
lash-up was a poor makeshift, and ground units wanted man-pack radios that
could mesh with existing U H F / VHF airborne sets. No such radios were obtain-
able in 1962. The U.S. Agency for International Development was giving large
numbers of radios to provincial paramilitary forces. These sets were the commer-
cially procured HT-1 and TR-20 with characteristics similar to those of the
PRC-10. An a n interim measure, MAAG refitted U.S. Army helicopters and
Vietnamese and Farm Gate aircraft with the AN/ARC-44 Army radio. This set
could tie in with the PRC-10, HT-1, and TR-20.
Complications of this sort paled beside the general insufficiency of the
L-19s. They were often simply unavailable. In April, for example, Farm Gate
pilots arrived over the target and could see a firefight on the ground. But the
Vietnamese controller never showed up.
Toward the end of 1962. Farm Gate received two L-28As (later known as
U-10As) for forward air controller duty. They were too costly for such use.
Moreover, Farm Gate still had to have Vietnamese air observers or air guides on
the ground to mark targets for strikes.
Three U.S. Army helicopter companies, each attached to a corps, enabled
troops to move swiftly against the Viet Cong. On the way to the target areas, the
chopper pilots liked to fly a t 700 feet and hug the terrain. Their success led
Secretary of Defense McNamara to deploy a Marine squadron of twenty-four
UH-34D helicopters t o Vietnam. Afterwards he moved two more Army H-21
companies to the country, plus a company of fifteen armed UH-1 A and UH-1 B
helicopters from Okinawa and Thailand. Manned by Americans, these gunships
were to deliver “suppressive fire,” now deemed to be self-defense. In September
1962 the Joint Chiefs of Staff ordered all helicopter gunships bearing U.S.
markings to carry a Vietnamese observer.
In July 1962, strike aircraft flew I39 combat sorties in support of helicop-
ters. Farm Gate (now commanded by Lt. Col. Eugene H. Mueller, Jr.) perfected
tactics whereby two T-28s supported each helicopter flight. One T-28 swooped
down to 200 feet, flew slightly ahead of the leading helicopter, and made slow
turns to search for theenemy. The second T-28 stayed above the formation, set to
make a firing pass on a target. As the helicopters approached in trail for landing,
the strike aircraft flew on each side and strafed the flanks to suppress enemy
Despite Admiral Felt’s belief that transport helicopters constantly required
fighter escort, General Harkins authorized helicopter gunships to operate alone
if need be. Bad weather now and then grounded strike aircraft but not necessarily
helicopters. In addition, escorts were hard put to fly slowly enough to stay with
the helicopters. Seeking to put U.S. Army air operations under the tactical air
control system, General Anthis warned Harkins against fighting two distinct air
wars. On the other hand, Army officers tended to seearmed helicopters best used
when under a ground commander’s control and carrying out local operations. In
August, MACV gave the tactical air control system supremacy solely over air


The Viet ambushed road convoys during the first seven months of
most of them in III Corps north of Saigon and near Zone On the
morning of June some four to five hundred Viet took up ambush
positions along the road to about five kilometers south of Ben Cat.
Opening fire on the convoy in mid-morning, the communists killed two Ameri-
can advisors and twenty-three Vietnamese. The column requested air support,
and three hours elapsed before the strike units at got orders to take off.
By that time, the enemy was withdrawing toward Zone Even so, a and
two AD-6s under I9 control killed fifty enemy and enabled pursuing Vietnam-
ese troops to recover nearly all the equipment and weapons stolen from the
convoy. Air Force officers pointed out to Vietnamese commanders that a single
over the convoy would probably have sighted and reported the enemy, and
no doubt would have prevented the
On July a Viet battalion ambushed a convoy en route from Saigon
to Long, killing twenty-five persons (including a U.S. Army advisor) and
wounding twenty-nine others. The convoy had not asked for air cover. In fact,
neither III Corps nor Field Command had known that the column was on the
road. The request for air support came one and one-half hours after the fighting
erupted. By then the guerrillas had long been
General emphasized to MACV the advantages of air cover for
convoys and rail movements. Not only would tactical air enhance security, it
would also absorb Vietnamese and Farm Gate sorties currently unused. At
General suggestion, President Diem in August directed his army com-
manders to call on the Vietnamese Air Force to protect trains and convoys
conveying arms, ammunition, and other critical cargo.
The simple presence of the unarmed often broke up a n ambush. On
August two spied guerrillas lying in wait between and
a n ammunition train headed north. When the planes appeared, the
Viet fled. Later that month, a n stopped the first vehicle of a convoy
just short of an explosive CHARGE
In contrast to the requests for convoy escort from January to July
there were between August and October. Doing most of the train and truck
convoy escort, flew ahead of the movement and searched for signs of
ambush. They radioed for ground or air reinforcement as required. Except for
the compulsory combat air cover for high-priority cargoes, tactical aircraft
selected to escort usually stayed on ground alert. The combination of planes
devoted to this duty constituted about ten percent of the total tactical air effort.
Convoys would have incurred less damage, had they kept travel to days and
hours when aircraft were on hand to afford cover and protection. The technique
was effective. From July on, no train or convoy escorted by air ran into ambush
for several
Helicopter assault operations proved more complex than train or convoy
escort. On August I Corps mounted an air-ground operation fifty-five miles
south of Plans envisioned ten Vietnamese and twelve U.S.
Army I to lift two hundred rangers and two hundred Special Forces troops


to the battle area. Four T-28s would fly helicopter escort while four AD-6s, four
T-28s, and one B-26 readied the landing zone. A CV-2 Caribou out of Da Nang
was to be the airborne command post. The I Corps air liaison officer, Lt. Col.
Byron R. Kalin, pointed out in vain that the Caribou lacked the fuel capacity for
orbiting during the whole operation. The plane would have to return to Da Nang
for refueling.
Early on D-day, six (2-123s ferried two hundred Vietnamese troops from Da
Nang to Quang Ngai to join the others. The Caribou command post checked the
weather in the battle area and signaled for the first heli-lift of two hundred troops.
The strike planes made their prelanding attacks but, by the time the helicopters
came, fog had rolled into some of the landing areas. The Caribou sent the
helicopters back to Quang Ngai. When the fog lifted, the Caribou called for the
mission to continue. Although the four T-28s escorting the helicopters completed
another prelanding strike, the Viet Cong opened up on the choppers with sharp
fire. A damaged H-2 I escaped to a n emergency landing area. After the crew was
rescued, a T-28 destroyed the craft to avert its capture.
Subsequent to the safe landing of a second wave of helicopters, the Caribou
needed to go to Da Nang for refueling. While it was away for over an hour,
orbiting fighters relayed messages to the commander. But he was out of direct
contact with his troops.
The fighting on theground was inconclusive, and in mid-afternoon helicop-
ters began extracting the forces. As the last chopper left the scene, the Viet Cong
opened fire, downing another H-2 I . The wounded crewmen were rescued, and a
T-28 shattered the copter on the
Why were the T-28s unable to suppress the Viet Cong fire? The Caribou's
limited communications for directing fighters and ground troops were frequently
interrupted for one reason or other. Target marking was poor. An American
forward air controller flew a n L-I9 over the area for three hours at 2,000 feet. His
Vietnamese observer marked just one target, the smoke bomb missing by 3,000
feet. Lastly, the delay between the prelanding strikes and the first helicopter
landing had likely alerted the Viet
At Da Nang on September 22, the 2d Division commander planned a
heliborne attack to begin on the 24th. The six Vietnamese T-28s on station could
not muster the firepower for the air support required. Delayed until fresh aircraft
arrived, the operation went on September 26. By then, the Viet Cong had slipped

The growing accuracy of Viet Cong ground fire against aircraft caused
concern among USAF officers. The toll of Farm Gate planes shot down
mounted -- a T-28 on August 28, 1962, a U-10 on October 17, and a low-flying
B-26 on November 5. Other aircraft were damaged. Following a night napalm
strike, Lt. Col. Miles M. Doyle nursed his B-26 home after losing an engine to
.30-caliber rounds. To silence enemy gunners, the Farm Gate commander
ordered his pilots to strafe while delivering ordnance at low
Army pilots of armed helicopters were optimistic about the defensive
abilities of the UH-1. The chopper carried two eight-tube 2.75-inch rocket


pods and two .30-caliber machineguns (each mounted on a landing skid).

General Anthis continued to plead for the UH-1 and other U.S. Army aircraft
to go under the tactical air control system. Meanwhile, the Army used the
gunships for firepower formerly furnished by artillery, explaining that the
UH 1 s supplemented rather than replaced strike aircraft.”
A vital adjunct to interdiction and close support was air reconnaissance, and
MAAG in April 1962 had projected a program for the Vietnamese. Its center-
piece was the transfer to them of four RT-33 photo jets. Since the State
Department did not at first object to the transfer, Thirteenth Air Force made
ready to train pilots for the planes. Next, MAAG formally asked for the RT-33s
together with three RC-47s and fourteen RT-28s. The RC-47s would get photo
coverage under way at once, and small Vietnamese photo processing cells at
Pleiku and Da Nang could supplement the American facility at Tan Son Nhut.
Examining the proposal in June, CINCPAC recommended that three
camera-equipped C-47s be secured, one for each corps; two Able Mable RF-10 Is
be completely committed to missions in Vietnam; a Vietnamese photo processing
cell be opened at Tan Son Nhut; and a n austere USAF reconnaissance technical
squadron be set up in Saigon for detailed photo interpretation and target
production for all of Southeast
At the Secretary of Defense Conference in Hawaii on July 23, 1962,
Admiral Felt spoke out stronglyfor giving the Vietnamese RT-33 photojets. Mr.
McNamara was negative because of the Geneva accords, and he questioned the
superiority of the RT-33 over conventional aircraft. General Harkins favored the
photo jets but suggested a compromise -bring two USAF RF-101s to Vietnam
and furnish the Vietnamese RC-47s and RT-28Bs. Two weeks later, Admiral Felt
urged the Joint Chiefs to approve the RT-33s as superior reconnaissance planes
needed for intelligence. He noted that the Army had sent some jet turbine-
powered UH-1 A helicopters to Vietnam. The admiral opposed RC-47s because
in Laos they were vulnerable to ground fire. He thought it difficult and expensive
to modify the RT-28 into a camera plane that at best would have moderate
performance. 53
The State Department now strenuously opposed jet photo planes for the
Vietnamese on political grounds. And Secretary McNamara remained uncon-
vinced that Admiral Felt had made his case. Although the RT-33s stayed in the
Military Assistance Program, three camera-equipped RC-47s and eighteen RT-
28s arrived to buttress reconnaissance. At Tan Son Nhut the Vietnamese acti-
vated the 7 16th Composite Reconnaissance Squadron. It accepted two C-45
photo aircraft, one having a six-inch and the other a twelve-inch vertical camera.
While awaiting more planes, pilots of the 716th Squadron flew strike missions in
T-28s. Not until mid-1964 would the Vietnamese attain a fully operational
reconnaissance program. Meantime, the Air Force’s 13th Reconnaisance Tech-
nical Squadron (thirteen officers and eighty-four airmen) would be formed at
Tan Son
Until the Vietnamese could d o their own air reconnaissance, Able Mable
RF-101s were fora while deployed to Saigon. In July I962 the Geneva agreement


suspended aerial reconnaissance over Laos, and by October Able Mable was
flying about eighty-eight percent of its sorties over Vietnam. This sparked the
move in December of all four RF-101s to Tan Son Nhut, where they continued to
fly 2.8 sorties a day. Flying from Vietnam rather than Thailand widely expanded
the total photo coverage per sortie.”
Detecting the Viet Cong from the air demanded night and infrared photog-
raphy, side-looking airborne radar, and infrared “snooper scope” techniques.
Most of these methods were still in development. In April 1962 MACV had
secured two RB-26C night photo aircraft for Farm Gate, the planes reaching
Bien Hoa in During the last half of 1962, they gave good service in the
face of obstacles. Flash-illuminant cartridges were in short supply. Reflections
from flooded rice paddies blurred night photos. A ground accident on October
20 put one RB-26C permanently out of action.”
The coming of the Army’s 23d Special Air Warfare Detachment to Nha
Trang in September 1962 reinforced reconnaissance. The detachment had six
OV-1 Mohawk turboprop observation aircraft, rigged with cameras and .50-
caliber machineguns. It further featured two portable laboratories to process
photographs at division headquarters and at remote locations. Split into teams of
two, the OV-1s assumed direct support of Vietnamese ground units. The
Mohawks flew mostly visual and photo reconnaissance, but carried Vietnamese
observers who could approve targets.
General Anthis still felt it foolish to give aircraft to ground unit command-
ers. When he protested to General Harkins, the reply was, “We must all be
objective.” A USAF forward air controller with the 23d Division at Ban Me
Thuot noted in November that the Mohawk detachment could makea nine-hour
delivery on photo requests, compared to the normal USAF time of seven days.
Apprised of this, Anthis could only hope that the U.S. Air Force might not lose
assigned roles and missions because of a failure to provide resources to perform
them. Even with RF-101s flying from Tan Son Nhut and the photo processing
cell working at peak efficiency, photo delivery took from three and one-half to
more than five hours. The local Mohawks could deliver emergency photo
requests within two to three
Admiral Felt pondered the status of the OV-1s Was their local employment
a n economical use of force? Or did their presence ignore the basic U.S. policy of
having Americans train the Vietnamese instead of fighting their war for them?
Yet General Harkins cited the excellent results chalked up by Mohawks, and on
December 14 asked for four more. Like the helicopter gunships, Harkins
explained, the OV-1s complemented but did not compete with USAF air

Nevertheless, by December 1962 the Army had 199 aircraft in Vietnam, the
Air Force 61; there were eight Army generals, three Air Force. As the USAF
director of plans noted:
I t may be improper to say we are at war with the Army. However, we believe that if the
Army efforts are successful, they may have a long term adverse effect in the U.S.
military posture that could be more important than the battle presently being waged
with the Viet


Both Army and Vietnamese Air Force aircraft remained outside the
tactical air control system. As early as May Brig. Gen. Stephen
Thirteenth Air Force vice commander, commented on the situation to
General Anthis. Air Force flew combat while Vietnamese were on
the ground. Army helicopters made combat lifts while Vietnamese were
unused, unreported, or transporting passengers. In response, Anthis acknowl-
edged this said, “can only be measured in small
units” meaning
A team from the Royal Australian Air Force noticed the same condition.
The Vietnamese Air Force (along with the navy) did not perform up to its full
potential. Perhaps this was due to the absence of proper representation at senior
military levels. Hence there was no joint planning as practiced in more sophisti-
cated armed services, and air force “views and requirements receive little
In June the forty-nine Vietnamese strike aircraft flew but of the
sorties of which they were capable. Too few flight leaders, no desire to fly
combat, and scarce targets were the causes. Flying fell off markedly during
weekends, siesta hours, nights, and bad weather. At any rate, the picture was not
entirely dismal the sorties in June were a decided improvement over the
The signs were mixed as I962 closed. But it was unmistakably clear that the
Republic of Vietnam, so shaky at the start of the year, had not collapsed. Even
more encouraging was the attitude of the National Liberation Front, Hanoi’s
political structure in South Vietnam. Its press release in July called for the
creation of a neutral state much like Laos. Was Hanoi thinking of abandoning
the effort to unify Vietnam by force? And what was the meaning of Chi
quoted statement praising Diem’s patriotism? In had predicted
the defeat of South Vietnam in a year. In September he began saying that
victory might take fifteen to twenty years. Was he concerned that the Americans
might bomb North
The war against the President Diem informed the National
Assembly on October had taken a n “incontestable the better. Later
that month, Admiral Felt and Ambassador bolstered Diem by assuring
him that the American resolve to resist communism in Vietnam would not

Obviously, then, the step-up in U.S. support for Vietnam that had started
late in seemed to be working.
American support arrested many adverse trends in Vietnam, and by May
Secretary of Defense was looking ahead to the end of the
counterinsurgency. As he said at his conference in Honolulu, the Military
Assistance Program for Vietnam would then be somewhere between million
and million a was hoping to phase out the war in Vietnam
I and in the near future to send home major U.S. combat, advisory, and logistic
activities. No doubt heartened by the signing of a new agreement on Laos, he
directed General Harkins, MACV commander, to draw up a program. The plan
would prepare Vietnamese armed forces to fight and win the war themselves, so
that a systematic withdrawal of American forces could to the headway
“Six months ago,” said the Defense secretary, “we had practically nothing
and we have made tremendous progress to date. However, we have been
concentrating on short term crash-type actions and now must look ahead to a
carefully conceived long-range program.” He then asked how long it would take
to eliminate the as a “disturbing force.” General Harkins replied,
“About one year from the time that we are able to get [the Vietnamese] fully
operational and really pressing the in all areas.”
Assuming that it would take about three years to bring the “under
control,”the Secretary directed Harkins to plan on this basis. Besides training the
Vietnamese to manage the war themselves, Harkins was to arrange a turnover of
materiel to them. “The objective,” said, “is to give an adequate
military capability without the need for special U.S. military
The size of the American contributions was substantial. By mid-August
there would be I I U.S. personnel in Air Force, Army,
Navy, and Marine Corps. Of the S767 million in materiel programmed
since more than S600 million had been delivered. Airfields refurbished, or
set to be, included Tan Son Nhut, Pleiku, Qui
Ban Me Hue, and A like upgrading of land and naval
facilities was underway. The Military Assistance Program, subject to congres-
sional approval, called for I77 million in fiscal year and million the
next year. Over and above these totals, the United States had given Vietnam over
I billion for roads, railways, electric lines, water, communications, hospitals,
U.S. advisors operated from Joint General Staff to battalion level, and some
worked with province chiefs and training centers. Farm Gate had trained and
certified sufficient Vietnamese crews to man a second fighter squadron that flew
missions out of The Air Staff had approved sending four to
Farm Gate for forward air controller duty. Two more glass-nosed were on

hand for reconnaissance. Mule Train was supplied a second C-I23 squadron to
achieve the quick reaction General LeMay
Ignoring these hopeful signs, LeMay remained skeptical. The Air Force
chief’s disagreement with the war strategy was widely known among the top U.S.
leaders, and Admiral Felt alluded to it at the May Secretary of Defense Confer-
ence. General O’Donnell, P A C A F commander in chief, was disappointed with
the emphasis on politics and economics at the conference. So many civilians were
there that he could not make his points. Instead of preparing for victory in three
years, he wanted to urge actions at once-“better utilization of available air in
South Vietnam, improved air lift management, and .[a] three-star slot for the
Air Force deputy” to
General Anthis told the conferees that the basic stumbling block to expand-
ing the Vietnamese Air Force-a precondition to removing USAF elements-
was the shortage of pilots. There was no debate on
What mattered was that McNamara had set 1965 as the planning date for
ending U.S. involvement in Vietnam and Harkins needed to make it possible.
By September MACV prepared a National Campaign Plan as a guide.
After briefing Mr. McNamara in October, General Harkins presented the plan to
the Joint General Staff and the Vietnamese president. Diem informally approved
the blueprint in principle, and on November 26 did so formally. No immediate
implementation followed, but rather a discussion of when execution should
begin. Not really a series of maneuvers, the plan was more a n organizational and
conceptual framework, a setting for the process of rooting out the guerrillas. A
key provision was the restructuring of the Vietnamese armed forces. This would
deprive provincial chiefs of control over paramilitary forces in their areas, and of
their freedom to appeal directly to Diem. Placing the paramilitary forces
squarely in the military chain of command would d o away with the provincial
chiefs’ private armies.
CINCPAC harbored reservations as to the costs and the ability of the
Vietnamese to train sufficient personnel in time, and MACV revised the plan in
December 1962 and again in early 1963. The plan’s intelligence annex contained
merely territorial data and a map of what MACV thought were the Viet Cong
tactical zones and secret bases. Missing was a n enemy order of battle. The Joint
Chiefs nevertheless approved the plan on March 4, 1963. They recognized that
success hinged on the “parallel development of many mutual supporting” pro-
grams, meant to lead ninety percent of the native population to identify with the
Diem government. The trouble was that many programs lay outside the military
sphere. Civilian agencies were to work on political, economic, and social prob-
lems, and much would rest on additional deficit spending by the Vietnamese
government. There were no doubts expressed on Diem’s administration or the i
course of the war. The Air Staff, however, wondered where the government
could find enough trainees t o fill the pilot
These seemed to be mere details. More to the point was Admiral Felt’s
comment that Diem had “finally delegated operational authority” tohis military


The National Campaign Plan called for nine regular divisions plus other
Vietnamese units-a total ground combat force of about fifty-one divisions.
Operating under four autonomous corps tactical zone field commanders, these
troops were to decimate local Viet Cong elements, cut off replacements, and
destroy supply, communications, control, and support facilities. The commu-
nists would first be hemmed into specific areas. Next would ‘come a general
offensive to annihilate them by simultaneous “explosion” operations in the four
corps zones. This explosion of effort was supposed to drive the Viet Cong out of
the country within a year.
“Sounds reminiscent of Korea, of course,” someone said, referring to
General McArthur’s famous communique, “out of the trenches by Christmas.”
General Weede, MACV chief of staff, estimated that the “military effort to at
least drive VC underground should be concluded in one to two years. It would
then be up to GVN [Government of Vietnam] to take over to win minds of
people, improve economy, conduct civic action, etc.” According to General
Harkins, the plan could eliminate the Viet Congas early as 1963. President Diem
apparently believed so too, but later would feel that the strategic hamlet program
first had to be completed. This could not be done before the spring of
Diem reorganized the military. Inactivating the central Field Command, he
divided Vietnam into four corps tactical zones, created the new 1V Corps in the
Mekong Delta with headquarters at Can Tho, and established the Capital
Military District around Saigon. The corps tactical zone commanders would be
given greater responsibilities. They were to exercise operational control not only
over their ground forces but over supporting Vietnamese Air Force elements as

Exactly what control the 2d Air Division commander was to have over air
operations was unstated, but General Anthis protested placing air power in the
hands of the corps commanders. He wanted as always a strong tactical air
control system.”
A related issue was how to compute the air requirements for the ‘‘explosion’’
ground operations. Preliminary estimates showed a doubled strike sortie rate
along with an upturn in calls for reconnaissance, target spotting and identifica-
tion, and aerial resupply. How much and how fast the Vietnamese Air Force
could be expanded was the central
General Rowland, chief of the MAAG Air Force Section, outlined an
ambitious program. Besides a second AD-6 fighter squadron in fiscal year 1964,
he projected two more fighter squadrons in fiscal year 1966. Both would be
equipped with the Northrop N-156 light jet fighter (later designated the F-5
Freedom Fighter). Rowland envisioned the replacement of the T-28s in one
squadron and the A-1 Hs in another with F-5s sometime between 1966 and 1968.
He called for a total of nine L-19 liaison squadrons (one for each regular ground
division) and four helicopter squadrons. He visualized air reconnaissance
handled by a squadron of four RT-33s and eighteen RT-28s. Air transport would
be performed by a single squadron of C-47s during fiscal year 1965 and by two


C-I23 squadrons, one each in 1965 and 1968. This program was eventually
trimmed. The nine liaison squadrons, for example, were cut to
Rowland also pointed out the advantages of pilot training in Vietnam. In
October a detachment of the Air Training Command was scheduled for move-
ment, to open an H-19 helicopter pilot training program at Tan Son Nhut. Two
months later, a second detachment was dispatched t o give liaison pilot training at
T o meet the rise in air requirements envisaged by the National Campaign
Plan, General Anthis in October and November 1962 asked for these new
squadrons: one T-28 (25 aircraft), one B-26 (25 planes), a third C-I23 (at least),
two RF-101, two RB-26, and three liaison. Anthis justified the liaison units on
several grounds. General Rowland’s program had been whittled down, a current
shortage of forward air control craft had delayed or deferred many strike
missions, and a step-up in visual reconnaissance and convoy cover could be

The MACV J-4 set forth airlift requirements in support of the National
Campaign Plan. His ideas of “wholesale” and “retail” operations resembled
Army thinking. He specified sealift to five port areas, then C-I23 lift to various
airfields where U-1 Otters, CV-2 Caribous, and helicopters working with the
corps were to pick up the cargo for ultimate delivery. He estimated having to
move 36,000 short tons per month by air (4.3 million ton miles of airlift). This was
almost twice the capacity of the two C-I23 squadrons and the CV-2 company







already in Vietnam. In December General Harkins requested two more C-123

squadrons (thirty-two aircraft) and a n additional CV-2 company (sixteen planes)
for arrival in the first three months of
At first the Civilian Irregular Defense Group program was managed out of
the American Embassy by the CIA. Later the program went under MACV and
the U.S. Army Special Forces (Provisional), formed at Nha Trang on September
15, 1962. Working through the tactical air control system and the air operations
center, Farm Gate had serviced these units. While General Anthis wished to
continue the practice, General Harkins preferred to give the Special Forces their
own organic airlift and fire support-a miniature tactical air force. Harkins was
thinking of setting aside four L-20s or L-28s for liaison, four CV-2 Caribous for
airlift, and twelve UH-1 armed helicopters and four OV-1 Mohawks for strikes.
These craft were to be controlled by the Special Forces commander at Nha
General Anthis dissented on the ground that the twenty-four aircraft would
displace the Vietnamese planes at Nha Trang. He remarked that every ground
unit could not have “its own separate air force.” Admiral Felt ruled in favor of
central control of air support. He expressly said that he would allow no assign-
ment of air power direct to the Vietnamese irregulars or to the U.S. Special
Forces. Harkins next proposed to use Air America contract airlift for this
purpose. In the end, a compromise was arranged. The Mohawks and Caribous
disappeared from the proposal. With Defense Secretary McNamara’s approval,

the Secretaries of the Army and Air Force sent twelve nonorganic helicopters
and four liaison planes to Vietnam for the Special Forces, to enable team chiefs
to visit remote and otherwise inaccessible posts. Harkins agreed to use the other
craft within the tactical air control system. But in December and over Felt’s
objections, he withdrew the four Army Caribou transports from the Southeast
Asia Military Airlift System and committed them to direct support of the Special
Preliminary “explosion” operations got under way in late October 1962.
Ranger forces gathered for a penetration into Viet Cong Zone D i n Phuoc Long,
Binh Long, and Phuoc Thanh Provinces (called a Special Tactical Zone). In spite
of poor weather and deficient target marking, AD-6s on November 20 conducted
prelanding bombardment. Five Mule Train C-1 23s and twelve Vietnamese C-47s
dropped five hundred paratroopers at a site selected as a base camp on the
eastern edge of Zone D. On December 19 troops moved into Zone D, where
double tree-canopy-cover towered to eighty feet. Planes flew eight interdiction
strikes and also close support missions. O n the 23d a B-26 dropped napalm, and
on January I , 1963, a B-26 and two T-28s attacked with general purpose bombs.
Results in this thickly forested but fairly dry terrain turned out better than
expected. An Army advisor who visited four interdiction targets found proof of a
hasty enemy retreat. Rockets and SO-caliber rounds had pierced the jungle
canopy, and 500-pound bombs had smashed trees to scatter lethal wood frag-
ments. There were ten fresh Viet Cong graves. In three weeks the rangers killed
sixty-two Viet Cong and took ten prisoners, at a cost of twelve killed and
When a report revealed a large Viet Cong assembly east of the city of Tay
Ninh in northern Tay Ninh Province, IIICorps hurriedly launched a three-day
heliborne assault by the 5th Division on December 19. The size of the enemy
force was overstated but the troops caught three Viet Cong. The prisoners gave
the locations, functions, and staffing of twelve headquarters of the National
Liberation Front. After special agents verified this information, Ill Corps asked
the Joint General Staff to authorize a three-day strike against the headquarters.
Most of the twelve lay within ten miles of the Cambodian border, too close in the
opinion of Americans. The Joint General Staff disapproved the air attacks, but
President Diem considered the chance too attractive. He set the operation for
January 2, 1963.
The operation was planned to kick off with a heavy hour-long air attack
against nine targets most distant from the border. Some delayed-action bombs
would be used. Next was to be a drop of 1,250 paratroops and a helicopter
landing of a ranger battalion, covered by “light strafing attacks.” The fighters
would fly airborne alert from daybreak to dark, with C-47s helping out through
the night. President Diem wanted American pilots to keep a n eye on Vietnamese
troops, and prevent them from straying across the border into Cambodia. So
that advance reconnaissance flights would not warn the enemy, key commanders
flew over the terrain in a C-123.


The entire force of twenty-six Vietnamese AD-6s and Farm Gate’s sixteen
B-26s and twenty-four T-28s at Bien Hoa engaged in the operation. Their
day-long support was called “splendid.” The paratroopers and rangers suffered
nine casualties but killed seventy-six Viet Cong and captured individual weapons
and documents. Early assessments based on prisoner of war interrogations and
on a n intercepted Viet Cong radio message credited the air strikes with killing
about four hundred persons. Later information coming from Cambodia raised
the number to between eight hundred and one thousand. American observers
praised the operation as the most successful ever undertaken in III Corps,
terming it a n intelligent use of tactical air
Overshadowing these encouraging successes was the failure near the village
of Ap Bac in I V Corps. Ap Bac involved the 7th Division, reputed to have killed
more Viet Cong in the Mekong Delta than any other division. So well had the 7th
performed in the important Plain of Reeds that it appeared to have wrested
control from the communists. The enemy leaders seemed on the point of pulling
back their regular units to sanctuary bases.
Late in December 1962, intelligence pinpointed a Viet Cong radio in a
relatively out-of-reach area near Ap Bac. The village was situated in a complex of
hamlets thirty-five miles southwest of Saigon and around fifteen miles northwest
of the 7th Division command post at My Tho, capital of Dinh Tuong Province.
In this rice-growing delta region, canals, dikes, and dirt roads channeled move-
ment. Villages and tree lines offered cover and concealment to defenders. Soft
fertile earth made digging foxholes easy, and paddies gave good fields of fire.
Nearly a company of Viet Cong troops was suspected to be in position to protect
the radio, which was supposed to transmit for the Viet Cong Central Office for
South Vietnam. On December 29 the newly appointed 7th Division commander
decided to knock out this prize.
He selected two battalions from different regiments, a company of mech-
anized infantry in M-1 13 amphibious armored personnel carriers, a ranger
company, and three battalions of artillery (two of 105-mm and one of 155-mm
howitzers). A paramilitary provincial force of three battalions would help out.
The division commander planned heliborne landings north and west of Ap Bac,
these troops to sweep south and meet the M-113s rolling north. Lt. Col. John P.
Vann, senior U.S. Army advisor, wished to start the operation at once to avert
intelligence leaks. He suggested December 31 at the latest, but helicopters were
not to be had before January 2, 1963.
Maj. Herbert L. Prevost, a USAF air liaison officer first learned of the
operation on December 30. He readied a plan for strike aircraft support, but
discovered on the 31st that all available aircraft would be supporting the opera-
tion in northern Tay Ninh Province. The U.S. Army 93d Helicopter Company
nonetheless agreed to go ahead with the helicopter landings. It furnished ten
transport helicopters plus one UH-1B and four HU-1A helicopter gunships
(armed with rockets and machineguns) to fly cover and fire-support missions. At
the final briefing on January 1 Major Prevost accented the absence of fighter


support. Perhaps, he suggested, the air operations center would respond to

emergency strike requests. He alerted the center to the possibility.
The provincial troops deployed at on the of January, and the
operation commenced shortly thereafter. Instead of meeting a Viet com-
pany near 7th Division ran into a battalion. Armed with heavy machine-
guns, automatic rifles, and 60-mm mortars, the foe was dug in under the tree lines
bordering the helicopter landing zones. The first three helicopter lifts from Tan
airfield landed safely, but during the landing of the fourth an was
downed by enemy fire. The gunships sought in vain to suppress the ground
fire. They used up rounds of and 7.62-mm machinegun ammu-
nition along with one hundred 2.75-inch rockets. An trying to rescue the
crew of the downed helicopter was shot out of the sky, and a UH-1 B was disabled
and it crashed. Two other damaged made it back to Tan
At a Vietnamese over radioed the air operations center
for help. The center diverted two AD-6s armed for strafing and they arrived at
Afterwards the center kept and also armed for strafing,
continuously active in the area. These planes failed to quiet the enemy
guns. Not until the arrival of a Farm Gate at I540 did things look up. This
aircraft’s repeated runs with napalm, bombs, rockets, and guns broke the Viet
defensive position near the village.
By then the communists had won the battle. They pinned down the
borne forces, and put the armored company out of action by focusing fire on the
gunners of the personnel carriers. (The gunners were exposed from the waist up.)
The Corps commander and the senior U.S. Army advisor, Col. Daniel
Porter, had reached Tan at noon. They suggested a paratrooper drop
east of to block Viet escape routes. The division commander and
Colonel agreed, and that afternoon the Joint General Staff chose three
paratrooper companies from nearby Tan Son Nhut. Boarding six
troops floated down close to at I8 Because their drop zone placed
them west rather than east of the village, they were in no position to stem the
enemy retreat.
During the night separate Vietnamese units engaged in firefights with one
another while the Viet battalion escaped with its wounded and all but four
of its dead. As regular troops moved cautiously into the next day,
advance elements came under the fire of friendly mortars. Five men were killed
and fourteen wounded.
The final reckoning was sixty-five Vietnamese and three Americans killed,
one hundred Vietnamese and six U.S. advisors wounded; fourteen helicopters hit
by enemy fire and five shot down. The Vietnamese captured two Viet
found four bodies, and killed a n estimated one hundred enemy. Afterwards the
Viet admitted eighteen killed, thirty-three WOUNDED three missing, plus
twenty-nine civilians killed. Clearly the had been poorly managed and
poorly fought. The Vietnamese and Americans lost in in reputation
for power. Colonel subsequently suggested that several Vietnamese officers


should be relieved of command. He spoke bitterly to newsmen of wrong deci-

sions during the
On General Harkin’s orders, the Vietnamese Joint Operations Evaluaton
Group came up with the reasons for the Ap Bac defeat. There had been no prior
air-ground planning and n o fighter escort for cover. When Vietnamese Air Force
and Farm Gate strike aircraft were diverted to Ap Bac, the crews did not know
the local situation. Communications between friendly forces had been deficient
and no fire support coordination center existed. Armed H-2 Is had tried to rescue
downed crews before Viet Cong fire was silenced. Paratroopers dropped shortly
before nightfall had been improperly loaded and briefed. They had fought
friendly troops. Without waiting for the formal report, Harkins asked the
Vietnamese to relieve two commanders.²¹
T o Admiral Felt the unescorted helicopter operation at Ap Bac was wrong.
Visiting Vietnam, he spoke with Diem and senior Vietnamese and American
officials. He told Harkins, “Experience has taught us that the VC are not
surprised by helicopter landings and are able to ambush helicopters.” Felt could
“not understand” how commanders could ignore “the fundamentals of warfare”
by failing to prepare the landing area. He could not conceive how they could have
decided to conduct a key operation when available air support was busy else-
where. It was time that everyone learned that armed “helicopters were no
adequate substitute” for fighter support. All helicopter lifts needed strikeaircraft.
When Felt questioned whether MACV was downgrading air activities, General
Harkins explained that there were too few tactical aircraft in Vietnam to cover
every heliborne mission. As a matter of fact, he said, twenty-four operations in
the preceding month had been without air cover.²²
General Anthis proposed exact procedures to make certain that Vietnamese
ground commanders and U.S. Army helicopter companies coordinated helicop-
ter assault actions. Only the air operations center could assure that fighters
preceded and protected every heliborne landing. The Vietnamese Air Force
could furnish corps commanders with strafing, close air support, reconnaissance,
photography, and airlift. But centralized control over all air power guaranteed
fast emergency
That each corps commander wielded virtually absolute control over air
power within his boundaries led to peculiar situations. In January 1963, for
example, air interdiction was out of the question in IV Corps. The corps
commander simply refused such missions to avoid political repercussions if
noncombatants were accidentally killed or wounded. On the 2d of January the I
Corps commander ordered n o strikes to be flown without his personal approval.
Inasmuch as he was often awayfrom his headquarters at Da Nang, it was usually
impossible to fill requests from the field for immediate help. Later that year, a
new I Corps commander used the Vietnamese C 4 7 flareships as his personal
transports. He assigned helicopters and liaison planes to divisions and task forces
permanently rather than in line with mission needs. The Joint General Staff
required no advance notice from corps on operations being planned and exe-
cuted, unless the commander wanted more aircraft from Saigon. Given these


conditions, a well-coordinated countrywide air campaign against the Viet Cong

Also impeding well-integrated air operations was the U.S. Army practice of
making aviation units a n integral part of the ground forces. The bitterness of the
roles-and-missions argumenl. spilled over when General Anthis several months
later pinned the failure at A p Bac on the Army’s air concepts. He dubbed the
Army “a customer that is also a competitor.” Seeing “the spectre of more Ap
Bac’s to come,” he said that
in some ways it would be better if the Army suffered a few relatively minor reverses at
this time. Certainly it would be better if their concept of close air support were
discredited now in a relatively inexpensive way than t o wait for the ultimate catas-
trophe their concept must lead us to at a time and place where we will not have the
elasticity we presently

Admiral Felt also believed that the air operations center and the airlift
coordinating board had to be “fully exploited” for combined and joint ground
and air operations. He judged this the way to make best use of limited air
resources and facilities. “Until the Army air effort joins the club,” General
O’Donnell stated, “with the intent to cooperate wholeheartedly in the achieve-
ment of valid operational objectives, there will not be unity in the air
The USAF element of Strike Command, a joint readiness force in the
United States, proposed a return to World War II organizational procedures.
That is, the Air Force would own and man air request communications down to
Army battalion level. To expand communications for air liaison officers and
forward air controllers, the Air Staff furnished 2d Air Division with twenty
contingency teams. Each consisted of a n airman operator and a commercial
KWM-2A single-sideband “suitcase”radio. Although messages were speeded to
the air operations center, there were too few teams to go around. General Anthis
eventually suggested setting up a n air request net within the Vietnamese ground

General O’Donnell felt sure that the tactical air control system had proved
its worth in the battle for Ap Bac. After all it had diverted planes to aid
Vietnamese troops at a critical time. With a n air request net, he suggested, the
system would be flexible enough to support the decentralized National Cam-
paign Plan. General Harkins disagreed. He said geography and imperfect com-
munications ruled out direct centralized control of the total air effort. Better, he
thought, to commit teams of Vietnamese and USAF strike aircraft to the corps
tactical zones and under their control. Harkins said the main function of the joint
operations center was to redistribute planes among the several zones according to
the tempo of local
These and other factors induced MACV in March to form a Flight Service
Center and Network at Tan Son Nhut to which every military flight would
report. General Harkins sought by this action to satisfy in part Admiral Felt’s
wish for General Anthis, the MACV air component commander, to possess
complete “coordinating authority” over air operations in Vietnam.


Seeking to settle the matter onceand for all, Admiral Felt compromised. He
asked Harkins to operate USAF aircraft in Vietnam under the tactical air control
system. The air operations center was to assign or allocate aircraft to the control
of the tactical corps for fixed periods. Felt also requested Harkins to bring U.S.
Army aviation units under the control system. Placing air operations under
centralized control would prevent mutual interference, facilitate flight following,
simplify air defense identification problems, and upgrade combat
General Harkins responded that the tactical air control system had not the
communications for precise coordination. In July he gave the MACV J-3 Army
air operations section general supervision over U.S. Marine Corps and U.S.
Army aviation. He designated the Marine Corps headquarters in I Corps and the
Army aviation battalion headquarters in the other corps zones to direct their air
operations. General Anthis protested the arrangement, saying it would create
two and perhaps five separate air control systems-and separate air wars-
within Vietnam. Harkins replied, “Let’s give these things a three or four month
trial.” He promised to change the setup if it failed to
The controversy reflected an overall decentralization. After Michael V.
Forrestal of the White House staff and Roger Hilsman of the State Department
visited Vietnam in December 1962, they criticized the “elaborate, set-piece”
military operations and the use of air power. Too many people, they informed
President Kennedy, were managing the American effort. There was n o overall
direction. They recommended a single strong executive-possibly a general,
preferably a civilian (an ambassador)-to dominate all departments and agen-
cies in the country and to give a single thrust to the multiple
The USAF directorate of plans drafted a position paper for possible use by
General LeMay at the Joint Chiefs meeting of January 7,1963. According to the
paper, the situation was of the “greatest concern,” even though many U.S.
programs enjoyed a long leadtime. “But when I see the Viet Cong continue to
grow in strength, Ican only assume that W E A R E N O T WINNING.” Army and
Air Force doctrinal disputes ought to be taken out of Vietnam. CINCPAC’s
requests should receive prompt attention. Harkins was in need of the “best
possible advice” through a n Air Force deputy, and Anthis should manage all air
operations. The major political obstacle of the war was Diem’s failure to secure
the real support and backing of his people. The major military obstacle was
trying to erase the guerrillas in the face of a seemingly endless stream of
replacements. Needed were greater U.S. air power until the Vietnamese Air
Force could go it alone, in-country pilot training of Vietnamese, and destruction
of Viet Cong food crops. “We should consider now the application of selected,
measured sanctions against the North Vietnamese.” Actions would range from
infiltrating agents through air bombardment to
Whatever was said at the January 7 meeting, the chiefs chose to send Gen.
Earle G. Wheeler, Army Chief of Staff, and a team of senior officers from the
military services to Vietnam. The group’s mission was “to form a military
judgment as to the prospects for a successful conclusion of the conflict within a
reasonable period of


The team spent January in Vietnam, soon after the battle at

The members examined the National Campaign Plan and endorsed the concept
of “many small operations with decentralized control,” undertaken “at an
pace by each corps, division, and sector commander in his own area.”
They noted with approval that the tempo of small actions was quickening to
per month. and they looked for a n upsurge in the future. The group was pleased
with what appeared t o be adequate coordination of political, economic, and
Paying little attention to the battle of the team heard General
announce satisfaction with the air organization. His staff needed no
stronger Air Force representation. The Mohawks could d o more than
reconnaissance. Could they be armed with rockets? Could the rule prohibiting
armed helicopters from returning fire except in self-defense be I

The Joint Chiefs of Staff swiftly authorized U.S. Army helicopters “to
engage clearly identified elements which are considered t o be a threat
to the safety of the helicopters and their passengers.” Admiral Felt then permitted
arming the Mohawks with 2.75-inch rockets.”
While the Wheeler team was sympathetic toward augmenting Air Force
units, the civilian leadership in Washington was more concerned with turning the
conflict over to the Vietnamese. On February Hanoi called upon the Interna-
tional Control Commission t o eject from Vietnam the USAF units that were
“playing a key role” and causing widespread damage. Secretary of State Rusk
was disturbed. He could hardly prevent American reporters from observing and
writing about U.S. operations. However, he wanted the MACV to
release no information on American combat air actions. The United States,
Rusk said, ought not t o hand the communists an excuse to escalate
The U.S. newspapers publicized the authorization for American helicopters
to fire on the enemy. Secretary refused t o comment except to say that
American military personnel were under instructions to fire their weapons only
when their own safety was a t stake, Secretary Rusk reiterated, “Our policy
remains that the American role in Vietnam be strictly limited to advisory,
logistic, and training
General Wheeler’s assessment in January rang with optimism.
The situation in Vietnam, Wheeler said, had been “reoriented, in the space of a
year and a half, from a circumstance of near desperation to a condition where
victory is now a hopeful prospect.” A heartening sign was the steep rise in
American advisory strength from nine hundred a t the start of 1962to more than
three thousand. At first there had been no advisors with battalions, but now there
were over four hundred. In a year the number of advisors helping province chiefs
had grown from two to one hundred or more. Though “we have not given
Chi Minh any evidence that we are prepared t o call him to account for helping
keep the insurgency alive,” Wheeler said, “we are winning slowly in the present
thrust.” There was compelling reason to
Air Force officers on the team did not quite agree with General Wheeler’s
evaluation. They believed sizable and long-lasting U.S. help a must. The war


could not be won quickly, nor could it be won finally until the Vietnamese people
got behind the government. This demanded military, political, and economic
actions - “U.S. assistance is vitally engaged in building a country, not in
defending a weak country against superior
MACV intelligence estimates showed that the number of full-time Viet
Cong guerrillas had risen through infiltration and local recruitment t o between
twenty-two thousand and twenty-five thousand. Each month about five hundred
stole into Vietnam by way of Laos and Cambodia. Late in January 1963 a
meeting was reportedly held in the Chinese Embassy at Phnom Penh, Cambo-
dia. Representatives of Hanoi, the National Liberation Front, and the Soviets
agreed to add twelve battalions to the Viet Cong. Eight were to be transferred
from Laos and four recruited in
T o the Viet Cong the battle of A p Bac was apparently a major turning point
in the war. It instilled confidence in their ability to fight American helicopters and
armored vehicles. Enemy leaders took credit for a new tactic - the deliberately
invited battle, described as “wipe-out-enemy-posts-and-annihilate-enemy rein-
forcements.” They would often resort to this tactic in the Mekong Delta, almost
always to good
On the Vietnamese side, there was a lull in military action after Ap Bac.
Admiral Felt believed the calm to have “both visible and hidden meaning.” The
Vietnamese seemed t o be in no hurry to launch operations. General Harkins in
February 1963 wrote President Diem. urging him to swiftly exploit the initiative
that his forces seemed t o have seized from the foe. “Time and weather,” Harkins
said, “are either for us or against us.”The communists, he added, “must not be
allowed to regroup or rest. We must attack and destroy them. We must hurt them
so badly that they will be forced to apply all their remaining resources merely to
survive.”Otherwise the Viet Cong might “neutralize much of the gain we won at
great cost and
But the Ap Bac engagement and American press coverage had damaged
relations with the Diem government. Newspaper accounts of the battle aroused
serious resentment in Vietnamese officials, particularly David Halberstam’s
criticism in the New York Times of Vietnamese performance. Newsmen spread
their belief that U.S. advisors had died while trying to lead Vietnamese troops
who would neither follow nor fight. Embittered Vietnamese leaders complained
that correspondents were interested merely in splashing sensational news on the
front pages when Americans were hurt. Madame Ngo Dinh Nhu recalled the
presidential palace bombing, when she and her children were in grave danger.
She said that U.S. reports revealed solely a n “ill-concealed regret that the
bombing had failed in its objective.” The Wheeler report commented on the
“mutual dislike and distrust” between the Vietnamese government and the
American press. Embarrassed by t he news reports of Vietnamese battlefield
misconduct, President Kennedy strove to repair the eroding trust between the
two governments. In his State of the Union Message t o Congress on January 14,
he declared that the spearhead of aggression had been blunted in


(Top left) Maj. Ivan L. Slavich briefs Gen. Earle G. Wheeler (center) and Gen. Paul D. Harkins on a rocket
mount of the UH-1 B helicopter.
(Top right) An' ARVN paratrooper prepares for a jump over Cu
(Center) TSgt. William W. Cameron instructs Vietnamese airmen in the operation
of the gunsight on a T-28.
(Below) Vietnamese tanks move toward the burning presidential palace after its bombing.


Signs of dissension and mistrust were all too obvious. Back in November
1962, reports had reached Admiral Felt that Diem was withdrawing more into
seclusion and leaving many decisions to his brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu. Both
sometimes regarded the numerous American advisors as a n encroachment on
Vietnamese sovereignty. They feared that the cautious U.S. policy in Laos
mirrored a weakening interest in Vietnam. They were upset by Senate Majority
Leader Mike Mansfield’s report in February 1963. It said that after seven years
and four billion dollars of American aid, “the same difficulties remain, if, indeed,
they have not been compounded.” Vietnam was less stable and “more removed
from . . . popularly responsible and responsive government.” Did this fore-
shadow dwindling U.S. support?
The defense minister scored American allegations of hit-or-miss Vietnamese
bombing as a “corrosive influence” on the military effort. American attempts to
help the Government of Vietnam create an intelligence capability were probably
seen by Diem as a threat to his regime. The Minister of Interior resented the
involvement of Americans in the country as a danger to the republic’s internal
politics. President Diem labeled the Special Forces rural aid advisors and the
sector advisors as “particularly irritating.” Even though U.S. economic assist-
ance financed nearly all of the counterinsurgency, Diem objected to American
controls over matching counterpart funds. He called them degrading to Viet-
In a series of private and public statements during April 1963, Ngo Dinh
Nhu dwelt upon U.S. “infringements” of Vietnamese sovereignty. Aid came, he
said, with too many strings attached. He told CIA Chief John H. Richardson
that it would help if the American presence were reduced anywhere from five
hundred to three or four thousand men. Richardson got the impression that Nhu
feared an emerging U.S. protectorate. Diem, Nhu said, had received many
complaints from subordinates about their American counterparts. Publicly, Nhu
was quoted as demanding the withdrawal of over two thousand U.S. advisors at
lower unit levels. Obviously referring to Ap Bac, he said that some American
casualties had occurred because the advisors were “daredevils” who exposed
themselves needlessly to enemy fire. Taking this statement as a forerunner of
things to come, the Vietnamese Air Force commander alerted his key personnel
to the possible withdrawal of U.S. forces. He warned them to conserve reserves,
prepare to go it alone, and get ready for hard days
The Vietnamese government did not officially request a reduction of Ameri-
can personnel, but Nhu’s statements induced a review of U.S. troop levels.
Evidence seemed to favor a lesser commitment of forces. Sir Robert Thompson
in March had reported the government as “beginning to win the shooting war
against the Viet Cong,”due chiefly to the American helicopters. He proposed a
psychological ploy that Admiral Felt passed to the Joint Chiefs by message. “If
things go right by end of 1963,”Felt said, “we should take one thousand military
personnel out of RVN at one time, make big proclamation out of this and
publicize widely. This would show ( I ) RVN is winning; (2) take steam out of
anti-Diemites; and (3) dramatically illustrate honesty of U.S. intentions.”


In April a U.S. National Intelligence Estimate perceived improvement in the

situation, despite the absence of persuasive signs that the Viet had been
hurt.” Ambassador in May depicted relations between
Washington and Saigon as “delicate,” but the political and socioeconomic
conditions were promising. An excellent rice crop brightened the economic
outlook. Completion of about fifty percent of the strategic hamlet program
extended shelter to sixty percent of the people in defended areas. During April
the Vietnamese armed forces took part in nine hundred offensive
These hopeful signs encouraged Secretary at his conference in
Hawaii in May. He said he would remove one thousand Americans from
Vietnam by the end of the year to show that things were going well. He would try
to pull out units in lieu of individuals, and upon departure their equipment would
be turned over the the Vietnamese. The conflict was “not a U.S. war,” and the
United States did not intend to fight
Since more Americans were still arriving in Vietnam, units and individuals
then en route were to continue their travel. There would be no personnel
increases, however, either temporary or permanent. Each of the armed services
was to take a comparable cut. hurt operations the least, most of the returnees
would come from logistic units. In November and December, Air Division
would lose
Maybe action impressed the Vietnamese. In June the Joint
General Staff ordered all ground forces to operate a minimum of twenty days
every month. starting July I . was to be a “total general offensive” to attain
“complete annihilation of the enemy” and “complete Vietnamese
General was enthusiastic. The all-out campaign was soon to begin
in earnest. He knew the strategy-“saturate the small and large
military actions-was correct. It would fragment and destroy the Viet
Unfortunately, the Viet had embarked on their own general offensive.

Although some U.S. units were scheduled to leave Vietnam by the end of
1963, the J C S earlier that year had suggested and Secretary McNamara
approved an additional C-I23 Provider squadron for Da Nang. Arrival of the
777th Troop Carrier Squadron in April 1963 with sixteen C-I 23s augmented the
airlift of the twenty-nine C-I 23s at Tan Son Nhut. Crew manning permitted each
Provider to fly sixty hours per month. In addition eight U-1 Otters, sixteen 0-1 A
Bird Dog observation planes, ten UH-1B Iroquois helicopters, and a second
CV-2 Caribou company reached Vietnam to support the corps tactical zones and
Special Forces.’
General Harkins, MACV commander, had agreed to place the CV-2s under
the coordinated airlift system. However, Army headquarters in Hawaii urged
Admiral Felt to recognize the special features of the Caribou. The Army had
purchased the planes for short-takeoff-and-landing, which rendered them
instantly responsive to ground commanders in combat zones. While centralized
control of airlift was more efficient for cargo deliveries, swift reaction to a field
commander’s needs came first. In this context Harkins assigned the two Caribou
companies to centralized airlift control, but one of these had the further mission
of immediate support to the senior corps advisors.*
The Southeast Asia Airlift System managed the forty-eight Air Force
C-I 23s, thirty-two Vietnamese C 4 7 s , and thirty-two Army CV-2s. Though the
C-123s normally made deliveries to four major depots and twenty-nine other
distribution points, they actually operated at ninety-five different airfields and
sixty-five drop zones. Carrying a lighter load than the C-123, the CV-2 could use
shorter runways. But reversible propellers let the Provider land on wet surfaces in
distances impossible for the Caribou, not yet so equipped.)
The 8th Aerial Port Squadron expanded in May by creating Detachments 6
and 7 at Qui Nhon and Can Tho. Temporary duty personnel served 120-day duty
tours at the new
Much of the Southeast Asia Airlift System’s work dealt with tactical
operations. About thirty percent of the troop carrier flights were paradrop
resupply, paratrooper drops, and assault air landings. Resolute efforts to support
remote stations drew grateful praise from the ground troops. They deemed the
system reliable and
Uncertain surface travel, the conservative bent of logistic planners, and the
use of scaled U.S. planning factors tended to inflate requirements. In October the
airlift system’s excess capacity prompted plans for reduction. In December
MACV strength was pared by one thousand. Released were personnel of the
Army’s 1st Aviation Company (Caribou), the thirty USAF C 4 7 pilots flying
with the Vietnamese Air Force, and half of the 8th Aerial Port Squadron’s
people. The 61 st Aviation Company (Caribou) with twenty-five CV-2s stayed
behind to support senior corps advisors. Some of these Caribous became spares


to insure a certain number of operational aircraft at every corps tactical

The Air Force’s 19th Tactical Air Support Squadron was activated at Bien
Hoa in July 1963 and assigned t o PACAF. The new unit’s aircraft and crews
trickled in. Four 0-1s and twenty-two crews were on board by July, and the
remaining eighteen planes arrived on the USS Curdin August. Since Americans
were forbidden to direct air strikes, eleven seasoned Vietnamese observers were
integrated into the squadron to d o so. Operational in September, the unit
furnished more and more forward air controllers and air liaison officers for the
National Campaign Plan. Its primary mission was to train Vietnamese liaison
pilots in forward air control, visual reconnaissance, combat support, and
observer procedures. The aim was t o replace those pilots drained off to fill fighter
cockpits. The squadron was to remain in Vietnam no more than a year, then turn
its 0-1s over to the Vietnamese.
Preparations to open a training center at Nha Trang were delayed because
American pilots needed proficiency in the U.S Army L-19 (0-1) aircraft. General
LeMay had ordered this plane sent in lieu of depleting the few L-28s in USAF
stocks. As his Director of Plans, Maj. Gen. J o h n W. Carpenter, III, said, “The
Chief clearly expressed his desires toward getting on with the war against the
communists in Vietnam as opposed to worrying about the source of light
aircraft.” After twenty-five officers and sixty-nine airmen underwent factory
training in July and August, they opened the Nha Trang center in September.
Trainees took one month of preflight instruction and three months of primary
flight training that included eighty hours of actual flying. Vietnamese liaison
pilots in reasonable numbers were ready for combat in early
Twelve Air Force officers and forty-seven airmen reached Tan Son Nhut in
January 1963 t o train Vietnamese helicopter pilots. By June they graduated
fifteen student pilots who were qualified t o fly H-19s. The training went on
throughout the
Admiral Felt hoped that the Vietnamese could have the four RT-33 jets
authorized by the Military Assistance Program. In February, however, Secretary
of State Rusk announced that “over-riding political considerations”and “inter-
national risks” ruled out their delivery. Shortly thereafter, the Joint Chiefs
approved a boost in U S A F reconnaissance aircraft, including four RB-26s and
two more RF-101s for Farm Gate. The RB-26s reached Tan Son Nhut in March
from Fort Worth, Tex. Two of them were equipped for night photography, and
the other two were experimental RB-26Ls specially outfitted with night photo
and Reconofax 1V infrared sensing devices. In May, Fifth Air Force’s 6091st
Reconnaissance Squadron flew two RB-57s to a temporary duty site a t Tan Son
Nhut. These jets featured advanced and improved day-and-night K-52 pano-
ramic cameras and Reconofax VI infrared
Airborne high-frequency direction finders had difficulty locating Viet Cong
radio transmitters. More than two hundred enemy sets were active, but it was
impossible to fix their exact sites. General Anthis and other officials thought it
might be better t o listen to the traffic instead of disrupting or destroying it. In any
event, knowing where the radios were operating was deemed


Infrared devices were meant to detect thermal radiation emitted by camp-

fires, vehicles, structures, and traffic on trails and streams. In theory the sensors
could pinpoint activities hidden from normal photography. But the Reconofax
infrared photo equipment on the broke down, and the technical
representative in Vietnam could not make the system (originally designed for
work. Climatic conditions, chiefly dust and dampness, fouled the sensors.
Heat from the photoflare cartridge ejectors forward of the infrared system
saturated the infrared detector and ruined the film.
As for the infrared sensors, integral components were missing.
The plane’s panoramic cameras provided very clear horizon-to-horizon pictures
even at high speed and low altitude. Having both horizons in the shot enhanced
the perspective of the photo interpreter, but he had to learn how to compensate
for distortion in the wide lateral coverage.”
When equipment worked, the intelligence apparatus was often unable to
exploit the information gathered. The zonal concept of ground operations
worked against a centralized air reconnaissance network. Separating intelligence
data by corps tactical zone was not easy because planes flew across corps
boundaries. Moreover, there were no courier aircraft to deliver reconnaissance
film rapidly throughout Vietnam before the coming of two from the United
States in May. Army Mohawks attached to Vietnamese ground divisions
reacted quickly to shifting situations. However, the intelligence they collected
was not fed into the national intelligence-reconnaissance setup. General
still labeled the Mohawks as “complementary” rather than “competitive” to
USAF and Vietnamese tactical air reconnaissance. He saw no need to coordinate
them with the standard activities, saying they were “outside the specialized
capabilities of other photo
Air Force planes flew nearly all the reconnaissance in yet the flights
failed to glean a great deal of intelligence. By reason of weather, jungle, and
forested terrain, finding and photographing the small and fleeting enemy targets
was a stiff
Air defense radar control centers were situated at Tan Son Nhut,
and Pleiku. These and the radar at Thailand, gave high-altitude surveil-
lance. The interceptor fleet consisted of Air Force and Navy EA-IF
(AD-SQ) all-weather fighters rotated to Saigon. Mountain screening cluttered
radar coverage below feet. The performed marginally in low-level
interceptions, while the EA-I lacked the speed to intercept aircraft intruding in
areas distant from Saigon. T o stretch the coverage and especially to scan much of
south-central Vietnam, the Vietnamese Air Force moved a training
radar from Tan Son Nhut to Ban Me in February
From February to a n unusual number of low-level, slow-flying radar
tracks appeared before midnight near Pleiku and then disappeared
before dawn. Air Force and Navy interceptors investigated, using flares and
other techniques. They found nothing, the tracks vanishing from ground and air
radars as the planes approached. Around on February a Navy

aircraft intercepted a flight of ducks. Consequently officials concluded that

migrating waterfowl had caused the unknown
Convinced that no air battles would be fought in Vietnam, General Harkins
nevertheless sensed the need for flight following. Since November 1961, Mule
Train transport squadrons had used their network of high-frequency radios.
Farm Gate crews reported their inflight positions to the nearest radar control
center every thirty minutes. On January 10, 1963, an Army OV-I was lost during
an unreporfed flight out of Qui Nhon, and it took over two hundred fifty search
sorties to find the plane. In March the Flight Service Center and Network was
born at Tan Son
The reduced likelihood of communist air intrusions and the birth of the
Flight Service Center and Network threw into question the need for the F-102s
and EA-IFs at Tan Son Nhut. Safety considerations alone seemed to warrant
their removal, for 233 military aircraft of all sorts used the airfield, along with
commercial planes. General Anthis wanted to clear the 10,000-foot runway by
moving out some of the helicopters, but PACAFsuggested keeping the intercep-
tors on call in the Philippines. These planes withdrew in May. The supersonic
F-102s could return to Tan Son Nhut within twelve hours, the EA-I Fs within
forty-eight. There was no call for them in 1963
Triggered by President Kennedy’s approval on December 31, 1962, to
augment Farm Gate, the Air Force in 1963 acted to regularize the status of its
units in Vietnam. Admiral Felt furnished the impetus when he spurned the
principle hitherto held that USAF personnel sent to the country had to have
prior training in counterinsurgency. Farm Gate, he said, was flying conventional
missions. Airmen could accordingly be assigned on a routine permanent change
of station basis. This would clear the way for doubling the number of aircrews
and maintenance men, and could raise the sortie rate by twenty-five or thirty
percent. Felt in addition wished to boost the number of liaison aircraft and
forward air controllers by a full two squadrons, to furnish visual reconnaissance
beyond anything already on hand. This, he said, would be the key to a successful
National Campaign
Genera! LeMay in early February pressed for putting U.S. markings on
Farm Gate aircraft. He said that “current classification restrictions on Farm Gate
are considered unnecessary. Actual operation is well known through SVN and
classification has become an administrative burden.” The State Department
queried Ambassador Nolting on a series of articles in the press on U.S. combat
air activities, particularly those of American-piloted aircraft. In his reply Nolting
pointed out the rather “gradual (and inevitable) uncovering of facts by U.S.
journalists.”That Americans flew combat aircraft was common knowledge. This
was expressly true after the deaths of Capts. John P. Bartley and John F.
Shaughnessy, Jr., in an RB-26 downed by Viet Cong fire on February 3, and the
loss of Maj. James E. O’Neill in a crash three days Secretary of State
Rusk, however, continued to accent the American role as “strictly limited to
advisory, logistic, and training


General LeMay in March again asked for permission to declassify Farm

Gate but Ambassador Nolting said, “We are winning without such overt U.S.
action. 1
By June 1963 MACV had 16,652 people, 4,790 of them Air Force. On the
28th. Secretary of Defense McNamara froze MACV strength. To clear up the
confusing array of U S A F units, PACAF formed new ones without expanding
manpower On July 8 Farm Gate at Bien Hoa became the 1st
Air Commando Squadron (Composite), a regular PACAF organization.
Although P A C A F wanted the code name Farm Gate dropped, Air Force
headquarters disapproved because various logistic facilities supporting Farm
Gate were thoroughly familiar with the name and all it implied. As 1st Air
Commando Squadron, Farm Gate contained two strike sections. The first
consisted of ten B-26s with twenty-three crews (pilot and navigator) and two
RB-26s. The second had thirteen T-28s with two crewmembers per plane. In
addition there were two support sections, one of four psychological warfare
U-10s and the other of six C-47s. The remaining eight B-26s were in detachments
at Pleiku and Soc
Likewise on July 8 the 33d and 34th Tactical Groups came into being. Based
at Tan Son Nhut and under the 33d Tactical Group were the 33d Air Base
Squadron, the 33d Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron (CAM RON),
and Detachment 1 (a ,reconnaissanceelement). The 33d Group also had detach-
ments at Can Tho and Nha Trang.
At Bien Hoa the 34th Tactical Group consisted of the 19th Tactical Air
Support Squadron, the 34th Air Base Squadron, and the 34th CAMRON.
Detachments of the 34th Group were at Pleiku and Soc Trang.
Directly under 2d Air Division was the 23d Air Base Group, activated at Da
Nang with its 23d CAMRON. A detachment of the group at Qui Nhon was
previously the 6222d Air Base Squadron.
General Anthis wanted a single control point for the packets of reconnais-
sance detachments called Able Mable, Black Watch, Patricia Lynn, and Sweet
Sue. He therefore requested a tactical air reconnaissance squadron for his 2d Air
Division, but the Air Staff could not create the unit within the authorized force
structure. In consequence the commander of Detachment I , 33d Tactical Group,
exercised a loose central direction over the reconnaissance operations.
The Mule Train C-I23 units became troop carrier squadrons the 309th
and 310th at Tan Son Nhut and the 31 Ith at Da Nang. They were part of the
3 15th Troop Carrier Group (Assault), attached to 2d Air Division but assigned
to PACAF’s 315th Air Division (Combat Cargo) headquartered in Japan.
The upshot of this sweeping reorganization was to free General Anthis from
dealing directly with twelve or more major subordinate
Farm Gate gained fresh aircraft in January 1963 five T-28s, ten B-26s,
and two C-47s and by February boasted forty-two planes and 275 men.
General Anthis fashioned an air strike team of six B-26s and one C-47 at Pleiku,
which had been revamped to take B-26s. He formed another of five T-28s and


one C-47 at Soc Trang, where the unimproved 3,200-foot runway admitted. only
T-28 operations. 25
Until General Harkins in midyear gave the Vietnamese border control
troops some aircraft of their own, Farm Gate flew combat support for them.
These forces embraced about five thousand Vietnamese army, rangers, and
Civilian Irregular Defense Group personnel, accompanied by U.S. Special For-
ces advisors. They manned 103 outposts along Vietnam’s 900-mile land border to
cut down on Viet Cong infiltration. Varying in size from platoon to battalion,
they further carried out covert penetrations across the frontier. State Depart-
ment pressure prompted the Joint General Staff to forbid ground and air
operations within ten kilometers of the border without prior approval. MACV
termed the restriction “completely incongruous,”for this strip of de facto demili-
tarized territory afforded the Viet Cong safe haven. 26
Over the last days of March 1963, U.S. Special Forces mounted an opera-
tion in the Seven Mountains of southwestern Vietnam. Farm Gate bombing
before the assault killed about one hundred fifty enemy and let the ground troops
move into the hills. Capt. John Sercel, the 2d Air Division forward air controller
assigned to the operation, went with the troops on foot and directed air strikes
with a PRC-10 radio. Even though the attack brought Vietnamese territory
under government control, the I V Corps commander protested the intrusion into
his zone. The Joint General Staff then ruled that Special Forces teams had to
request air support through Vietnamese
Ten days later the Joint General Staff removed earlier curbs on border
operations. Vietnamese ground forces could now operate to the border wherever
a geographical feature such as a river or road clearly marked it. Elsewhere they
could go to within one thousand meters of the border, except along the northern
part where a strip of ten thousand meters applied. Vietnamese aircraft could
operate to the border where it was clearly visible, elsewhere to two thousand
meters if a forward air controller was at hand, and to five thousand meters
without air control. Corps headquarters rather than the Joint General Staff had
to approve all actions along the
The State Department ordered Ambassador Nolting to press for suspension
of the new procedures since they could inflame Cambodia, North Vietnam, and
China. Nolting was sympathetic to the new rules because of the considerable
supplies coming across the borders to the Viet Cong. All the same, he and
General Harkins talked with Vietnamese officials about how border violations
seriously disturbed the common interests of Vietnam and the United States.
Admiral Felt knew border incidents could be disruptive, but thought that
trimming infiltration was worth the risk. General O’Donnell proposed having
U.S. aircraft survey the border to correct map errors. His proposal was shelved
for fear of breaching the 1962 Geneva agreement on Laotian
At the Secretary of Defense Conference in Hawaii on May 6, the partici-
pants agreed that the troops stationed along the border must d o their utmost to
slow down enemy movements. But they believed putting pressure on Hanoi to be
a better way to end infiltration. In April the Joint Chiefs had identified eight


targets in North Vietnam that were vulnerable to attack from American carrier-
and Thailand-based aircraft. Among them were the Dong and air-
fields, several highway bridges, POL storage, the thermal powerplant,
a rolling mill, and a chemical plant. Bombing would be a warning to Chi
Minh but risked bringing Chinese air assistance to North Vietnam.
Mr. now recommended to theconferees that CINCPAC embody
air strikes against North Vietnam for planning options. Perhaps the State
Department fetters on covert operations into North Vietnam could be
Roger of the State Department informed the group that he was
optimistic about the border control exercised by the Special Forces and
Strategic hamlets combined with operations were mak-
ing dramatic gains. He predicted, “You have circles; in the center of each circle is
a Special Forces team. These circles are getting bigger. When they close up,
think you will see a noticeable choking down of the use of the infiltration
Admiral Felt said he also expected solid progress from the air strikes against
Viet war zones and bases. He scored these power centers as the “nuclei of
the ‘governmental’ structure,” giving “protective sanctuaries” for offensive
enemy operations, and providing “little arsenals and installations.” Unfortu-
nately, all-out interdiction clashed with the individual interests of the largely
independent corps commanders. While USAF liaison officers called for interdic-
tion, air attacks not tied directly to ground operations began to decline.
Vietnamese probes into Viet Zone D during February and March
made good use of air interdiction strikes. Rangers swept into the area
later and burnt enemy headquarters and camps along the Ma River. They
discovered deep, log-covered bunkers built by the communists to protect against
air attacks. Inasmuch as fighters usually circled before striking, there was enough
time for everybody to take cover.
In March the Air Force and Army advisors in that area got the go-ahead for
a prolonged low-priority interdiction bombing program. Planes returning to
base with unused ordnance could attack targets under thedirection of a Vietnam-
ese forward air controller. Strikes got under way on April and went on almost
every day. It was difficult to assess results due to the jungle cover. On April
fighters surprised a gathering of Viet and attacked. Inspecting the area the
next day, the Province chief estimated that over one hundred
enemy had been killed. Viet deserters confirmed that the strikes inflicted
casualties, damaged morale, and kept everyone on the move, but said the attacks
were no serious threat to their existence. The communists kept a firm grip on
Zone continuing to collect road taxes and to exact tribute from plantation
Between April and May the Corps commander spearheaded a drive
into the Do War Zone headquarters area of Viet Interzone in the
mountains on the borders of and Tin Provinces.
His five regiments of ground troops and two battalions of Vietnamese marines


totaled about ten thousand men, assisted by an air support operations center.
The three days of preliminary interdiction generated thirty-six A-I H, fourteen
T-28, and t hirty-four B-26 sorties. Throughout the month-long operation, pilots
flew I 15 A-I H, 108 T-28, and seventy-four B-26 sorties. Besides killing five Viet
Cong, these timely and potent air strikes destroyed 238 structures and damaged
77. The badly scattered enemy would need several months to return and reestab-
lish Viet Cong Region 5 which, like the old Interzone V, guarded infiltration
routes to base areas. 35
Air Force and Vietnamese pilots faithfully followed the rule that air strikes
had to be handled by a Vietnamese forward air controller. Although the proce-
dure precluded armed reconnaissance aircraft from attacking targets of oppor-
tunity, it was a sound precaution against indiscriminate bombing. Crews staging
to and from forward airfields were encouraged to fly low and seek out the enemy.
Before they could attack, however, they needed an airborne forward air con-
troller. Army OV-I crews enjoyed less stringent rules of engagement. They
frequently flew as low as fifty feet, enticing the Viet Cong to open fire so they
could shoot
Lt. Col. David S. Mellish, I l l Corps air liaison officer, secured authority i n
September to start a n air interdiction program. Vietnamese province chiefs
certified certain areas free of friendly people. The air operations center scheduled
air strikes under forward air controllers into these regions. Provincial officials
reviewed each target belt weekly. . . . -
This interdiction paid off in Tay Ninh and Phuoc Thanh Provinces during
October, though, the Viet Cong learned to disperse and take cover as soon as the
L-19 dropped smoke grenades to mark targets for the strike planes. Mellish
persistently urged armed reconnaissance in wholly Viet Cong sections. “Vietnam-
ese pilots,”he said, “should sweep these areas and shoot VC on sight. At present,
we are ineffective because our politically inspired target-marking is the best
possible air raid warning the VC could hope to have.”
Col. Donald H. Ross, 2d Air Division director of operations, reminded his
associates that the Vietnamese - not the Americans - were waging the war.
Forward air controllers were vital to protect friendly people. 37
Carefully targeted and controlled interdiction strikes on Viet Cong base
camps, assembly areas, and logistic installations were designed to help ground
troops clear and hold Vietnam. But the overriding air mission was support,
preparation and cover for heliborne landings, night hamlet defense, and escort
for convoys and trains. 38
Over the first half of 1963, Vietnamese L- 19s usually escorted truck convoys
and trains but strike aircraft covered those transporting high-priority cargoes.
Vietnamese and USAF platies flew close to one thousand sorties in these
missions. The Viet Cong ambushed no surface movement having air cover, yet
were quick to pounce on motor columns and trains wanting aerial
Developed from original Farm Gate tactics, night flare/strike missions in
defense of outposts and hamlets under attack remained effective. One Vietnam-
ese C-47 flareship stayed on night ground alert at Pleiku, a second stood similar


duty at Da Nang, and a third flew airborne alert every night over III and I V
Corps. Yet the commander of the 514th Fighter Squadron refused to accept
orders for A-I H night-strike crews alerted at Bien Hoa and Pleiku. He argued
that his pilots were not ready to fly at night, but yielded to American pressure and
accepted about half of the missions requested. Fighters working with a flareship
could commonly dispense with a forward air controller during strikes in defense
of an installation. However, for close air support of friendly troops under attack
at night, a controller was required to mark targets.
Success of flare/strike defensive missions depended upon the speed with
which those under attack could report to an air support operations center. By
May 1963 most villages had radios, and the time lapse between attack and report
averaged about forty-eight minutes. The delay stemmed chiefly from the short
ranges of the provincial radio transmitters that demanded retransmission of
messages, often at district, sector, and division levels. Viet Cong attacks on
hamlets and outposts from January through April were few, and an average of
thirty-three C 4 7 sorties was flown each month. The enemy customarily broke
off an attack when a flare plane came on the
In the far northern I Corps, the 1st and 2d Divisions controlled the coastal
plain to the mountains. The Viet Cong owned the mountains aside from Special
Forces camps along the Laotian border and in the A Shau Valley corridor
toward Da Nang. In mid-January 1963 the U.S. Marine Corps helicopter
squadron H M M-162 became operational at Da Nang, with staging areas at Hue
and at a point midway between Da Nang and Quang Ngai. This unit’s H-34s
supported the border outposts with resupply and troop-exchange missions that
normally needed no strike aircraft support. But air mobile troops assault opera-
tions took careful advance planning for fighter escort, landing-zone preparation,
and air cover. In these operations the H-34s flew in three-ship elements, one
minute apart, en route to the landing zone. The helicopter commanders ran the
whole affair, calling for strike aircraft to neutralize enemy fire. Even though the
Marine Corps helicopter commanders evaluated the Vietnamese A-I H pilots as
“outstanding,” they favored USAF fighters because there was no communica-
tions language problem. When a platoon of Army UH-1 helicopters at Da Nang
was attainable in April, these gunships protected landing zones.
The I Corps commander had to approve all requests for air strikes.
Members of 2d Air Division who visited the air operations center there had the
impression that U.S. Army advisors dominated the scene. For example, the
advisors funneled many air support requests to the two armed OV-1 Mohawks
stationed at Da
In the II Corps eight USAF B-26s joined the four Vietnamese A-I Hs at
Pleiku. At once air support sorties rose, probably because Vietnamese ground
officers could see the aircraft on hand. But communications with the division
command posts at Qui Nhon and Quang Ngai were regularly unreliable. And
bad weather in the moutains east and northeast of Pleiku repeatedly impeded
flights to the coastal provinces. 42




To shake weather restrictions, MACV shifted two Pleiku to

Since the Vietnamese pilots were unable o r unwilling to operate out of Qui
and aircraft from Pleiku or supported the 9th and
25th Divisions. The division commanders complained that they had to divulge
their operational plans before they wanted to. Also for a short while, the
Liaison Squadron commander declined to send to He
resented the time a ground force officer had “usurped the a Vietnamese air
observer artillery. The dispatched to Qui and
were regularly late for planned operations, despite two days advance notice. This
deprived at least one operation of air cover. “When we speak of
immediate air strikes in this division,” wrote Lt. Col. Henry C. 9th
Division air liaison officer, ARVN only laugh and I can hardly blame

Vietnamese aircrews executed well in the II Corps attack on the Do

headquarters area during April 24-May Their performance was below
par in June, when the 9th Division triggered a 800-man attack around
An Khe. The chosen to work the landing zone was late, only one of the four
prestrike A-I properly delivered napalm, and the helicopters had to
circle and wait for the air preparations. Two days later, a Vietnamese forward air
controller brought prestrike A-I to a landing zone ten minutes early. On five
separate occasions in the course of the action, pilots and observers were

unable to accept strike aircraft at assigned rendezvous points. Air Force L-19s
with American pilots and Vietnamese observers solved the problems. 45
Poor performance by Vietnamese aircrews imperiled several ground opera-
tions in the I 1 Corps. Operations nonetheless made marked gains around Saigon,
disrupting a key Viet Cong base and defending strategic hamlets in Quang Ngai
Province against severe communist attacks. More and more local residents came
forth with information on Viet Cong movements, and the Popular Forces
defending the hamlets killed 383 enemy while losing 33 of their
In the III Corps north of Saigon, Vietnamese forces were busy. Rangers
probed into Zone D, the 5th Division engaged the enemy in Zone C of Tay Ninh
Province, and the 23d Division attacked Viet Cong bands and protected hamlets
in the Ban Me Thuot area. Not one of these operations received enough tactical
air support. The L-19s of the 112th Liaison Squadron at Tan Son Nhut worked
both IIIand IV Corps, and thus were often unavailable to one or the other. Poor
communications between III Corps headquarters and Ban Me Thuot led to
authorizing the 23d Division eight T-28 sorties each day from Nha Trang. As the
division pushed deeper into Tay Ninh Province and outran dependable landline
communications, radio equipment troubles increasingly impeded air support.
The use of U.S. Army armed helicopters for fire support came to be
The IV Corps employed the 7th and 21st Divisions in the generally flat and
water-sodden terrain of the densely populated Mekong Delta, where transporta-
tion was mostly by canal but some by road. The ground favored the guerrillas
who massed at places and times of their choosing. Skimpy landline communica-
tions made for heavy radio traffic. At Soc Trang the five USAF T-28s, together
with a detachment of L-19s from the 122d Liaison Squadron at Can Tho,
afforded air strikes and forward air control. Like all other airfields in the delta,
SOCTrang needed development. Its unlighted 3,300-foot runway was suited
solely to daytime T-28 operations. The glide slope was too steep for a T-28 to
touch down safely in wet weather. Though a T-28 could take off at night or in bad
weather to land after a mission it had to go to Saigon. MACV proposed
constructing a n airfield at Can Tho to replace SOCTrang. Even so, building a
6,000-foot runway would take nearly $4.5 million in Military Assistance Pro-
gram funds and about two years to complete. The project continued under study
The 7th Division was distinctly less aggressive following the battle of Ap
Bac. The division commander, believing that the Viet Cong were monitoring his
radio, directed unit commanders to handcarry requests for air support to the
division headquarters. The 2 1st Division engaged extensively in heliborne opera-
tions through February and March. Plans were usually too ambitious for the
troops committed, and the enemy was never where he was supposed to be.
Postponements and no-notice changes in plans complicated the air scheduling of
escort and strike planes. After three visiting Americans were pinned down by
enemy fire for a n hour while strike aircraft were circling overhead and no
forward air controller was to be had, three USAF pilots were assigned to the
Vietnamese L- 19 detachment at Can


In April a daring scenario called for Division troops to go to the town

of by motor convoy and to feint away from the objective the Viet
regional headquarters in western Province between Seven
Mountains and the Cambodian border. On the following day, helicopters would
land troops to storm the headquarters and to cut off probable escape routes to
the mountains. Aircraft were to fly cover and support. The plan may have been
compromised, for the Viet withdrew from their sites several days before the
assault. Then a classic demonstration of order, counterorder, and disorder took
place. The division altered all helicopter radio frequencies and some participants
failed to receive notice. Several strike crews orbited target areas waiting for
helicopters that never appeared. The ground troops did not clash with the foe,
but his fire hit two and seven helicopters. Interdiction bombing in
Seven Mountains by U.S. and Vietnamese strike pilots was said to have killed
fleeing Viet
To prevent “whimsical uncoordinated changes in planned helicopter opera-
tions directly affecting the escort,” General Anthis asked the MACV Joint
Frequency Coordinating Board to set up standard radio frequencies for
borne operations and to insist on their use. The Air Division assigned one of
its radios and a n operator to the Division. This gave the U.S. air
liaison officer a rapid communications link to cope with sudden changes in air
support needs. An Air-Ground Operations School orientation team from the
United States promoted understanding among Division personnel of the
procedures for air support at battalion and company levels. escort,
and air cover were required items in Division
On the 14th and 15th of June in Province, and
cover and escort helped the Division kill enemy (2 by air) and
capture thirty. In An Province late in June, communists were killed
(55 by air), seventy-two prisoners taken, and many arms and munitions captured.
“Air support coordination,” it was reported, “was absolutely OUTSTANDING
In contrast was the clear neglect of air support by the 7th Division early in
July. The division commander aimed a thrust at a Viet force
Province, relying on the firepower of four gunships. These
helicopters could not knock out the guns dug in at the tree line adjacent to the
landing zone. Before the afternoon was over, ground fire hit eleven helicopters
and wounded three U.S. Army crewmen. Called to the scene, two six
and two tangled with the communists. The Viet retreated at
nightfall, leaving behind the twenty-four men killed by air
The loss to enemy ground fire of two in February and a June
spurred a boost in air strike firepower. With two in lieu of one and four
rather than two, the crews COULD cover each other during low-level passes.
Unfortunately, bigger flights meant fewer missions. General Anthis accented the
importance of good defensive flying, mutual cover, suppression of hostile fire by
strafing, evasive maneuvers, and avoiding needless exposure to ground
Stationing Vietnamese air units at small outlying airfields closer to the
ground action was well-nigh impossible. Acute shortages existed in


electrical specialists, armorers, and other skilled men. There was also a dearth of
specialist tools, test sets, as well as bomb-handling trailers and other ground-
handling equipment. In consequence the Vietnamese aircraft at forward fields
were quickly out of Yet Col. Harvey E. Henderson, deputy
commander of 2d Air Division, could say, “In my six months here, I have been
amazed a t the rapidity with which the VNAF have learned and improved their

Belying the progress was the resurgence of Viet Cong attacks. In July the
communists successfully struck hamlets south of Ban Me Thuot, and ambushed
the roads leading into the area. They cowed the Montagnards, who became less
helpful intelligence sources. In a ten-minute attack just before midnight on July
16, twenty to thirty 60-mm mortar rounds slammed into troop housing at Can
T h o Airfield and wounded seventeen Vietnamese and U.S. Special Forces
troops. The guerrillas slipped away without
Statistics revealed a rising trend in Viet Congattacks and other incidents but
a drop in the number of communist casualties, weapon losses, and defections.
Even though General Harkins was pleased with the fifteen thousand Vietnamese
operations per month in Julyand August, the National Campaign Plan needed a
shot in the arm. Many offensive forays failed to find the foe. There were too
many one-day-only operations, too few night ones. The Vietnamese did not
patrol deep within Viet Congareas, pursue enemy troops that broke contact, and
capitalize on air
Beginning in September, the Viet Cong swept over exposed hamlets in the
area south of Ban Me Thuot. In the better-defended hamlets of Quang Ngai
Province, enemy “activity teams” of three to five men achieved some gains.
Vietnamese intelligence identified a large-scale, well-planned communist offen-
sive in the Mekong
Visiting Vietnam during the last week of September, Secretary McNamara
and General Taylor deemed the military situation good but political conditions
explosive. A week later in Saigon, General Harkins told members of the House
foreign affairs Far East subcommittee that the military effort was going well
despite the shaky political scene. A significant JCS assessment supported this

The faster tempo of Viet Cong attacks created new air support needs as
Vietnamese and U S A F air power diminished. Vietnamese Air Force units
appeared to be more interested in training than in combat. The 516th Fighter
Squadron commander trimmed the T-28s in his detachment at Da Nang from
eight to four. He based his action on the desire t o release some T-28 pilots for
upgrade training to A-I Hs. In September the 5 14th Fighter Squadron com-
mander gave on the average just nine of his twenty-six A-I Hs to the air opera-
tions center for daily strike missions, saying he had to divert flying hours to A-I H
pilot upgrading. For reasons unclear to Americans, he regularly ignored requests
for napalm strikes. This happened principally in the IIIand I V Corps during the
rainy season, even though incendiaries worked better than explosives in the


(Top) ARVN paratroopers leap from USAF

C-123 Providers in a combat training
exercise near Saigon.

(Center) O-1E Bird Dog FAC on a visual

reconnaissance mission in S. Vietnam.

(Bottom) After flying convoy escort in their

Bird Dog, Capt. B. D. Lassman (left) and
Capt. D. F. Schell (right) confer with
Vietnamese observer.


water-soaked terrain. Crews deployed for a while away from home bases seemed
t o be unmotivated, uneager, and
Under the rules of engagement, Farm Gate continued to fly those combat
missions that the Vietnamese could not. Though given more people, Farm Gate
failed to increase its sortie rate. The unit had been permitted to scale down
normal maintenance because of the field operating conditions. Moreover, the
planes were being overworked, and by autumn they were becoming less safe to
fly. The operational readiness rate reached only fifty to sixty percent, due chiefly
to spare parts shortages. lnflight mechanical failures and enemy action likewise
took their toll.
A major cause of B-26 fatigue not yet identified in the field was the
eight 750-pound bombs hung on specially designed racks under the aircraft’s
wings. When the B-26 was airborne, this weight did not overstress the wings. But
taxiing the heavily armed plane for many months over rough runways and ramps
imposed excessive “negative G-force” that brought the wings to their fatigue
limit. A B-26 lost a wing in flight during a combat mission on August 16, killing
two Americans and a Vietnamese. September was no better. Twenty-three
aircraft suffered battle damage. Another B-26 and a T-28 crashed because of
mechanical failures. On the 23d, three Viet Cong guerrillas cut through the
perimeter fence at Nha Trang and with package explosives blew up two
General Anthis hoped to keep the B-26s going by having the crews fly them
cautiously and use soft approach and recovery tactics. In any event, every B-26
was set for rotation through depot maintenance contracted with Air Asia in
Taiwan. Anthis urged replacing the battle weary B-26s with dual-control Navy
A-I E fighters or with “On Mark” B-26Ks being refurbished in the United States
by the On Mark Engineering Company. In August and September the 1st Air
Commando Squadron was down to an average of nine T-28s and nine to twelve
B-26s. Still, Farm Gate was supposed to up its sortie rate by twenty percent to
support planned Vietnamese ground
Although Farm Gate owned fewer planes after October 1963, standard
U S A F maintenance procedures by the 34th CAMRON at Bien Hoa lifted the
operationally ready rate to around seventy-eight percent. Past Farm Gate practi-
ces required thirty to forty-five minutes to refuel, rearm, and turn around a flight
of two T-28s. New safety checklists made two-hour turnarounds for T-28s and
three-hour ones for B-26s the norm. Too few aircraft and a cutback in flying
dampened morale in the overmanned 1st Air Commando Squadron. Depressed
crews waited for days to fly a strike
A dearth of L-19s (0-1s) and crews for forward air control also sharply
curtailed combat operations. Between May and August, 43 1 air support requests
had to be turned down. The arrival of the Army’s 73d Aviation Company and the
activation of the Air Force’s 19th Tactical Air Support Squadron did not cure the
trouble. Instead of placing the twenty-two 0-1s of the 73d Aviation Company
under the tactical air control system, MACV assigned them to support Army
advisors. The Vietnamese promptly withdrew their L-19s from the ground
divisions because they felt that their craft were no longer needed. Army 0-1s flew

the local visual reconnaissance and convoy escort previously flown by the
Vietnamese liaison planes. However, removal of the deprived forward air
controllers and air liaison officers of transportation, unless they could borrow
from the Army advisors.
As for the 19th Tactical Air Support Squadron, it was fully operational
September The unit, commanded by Lt. Col. John kept sixteen
Is at and six at Can Tho. By year’s end they flew sorties, chiefly
forward air control. I visual reconnaissance, and combat support
liaison. The and can-do attitude” of the crews bred a huge
demand for their services. The Americans met with slight success in trying to
augment rather than supplant Vietnamese liaison
A few USAF pilots who flew with Vietnamese forward air controllers
realized that these men had been doing a boring and fairly thanklessjob for many
years with no end in sight. Since the average Vietnamese pilot saw the law of
averages working against him, he was reluctant to fly below two thousand feet. If
he directed an attack on friendly people, criminal prosecution awaited him.
Nonetheless, the prevailing American view pictured Vietnamese crews as unag-
gressive and unreliable. By October this disapproval was being expressed by the
overwhelming sentiment that “we must run
As sorties swelled to meet attacks, premission briefings were
seldom practical. Responding to requests, Vietnamese forward air controllers
frequently flew many miles to an unfamiliar area. They radioed the ground unit
to find out the locations of friendly and enemy troops, then marked targets for
the strike crews. Air Force officers repeatedly urged the Vietnamese to attach air
liaison officers and forward air controllers to divisions, so they could get to know
the local conditions. The Vietnamese Air Force said no, citing the scarcity of
qualified officers, the failure of the young ones to work well when removed from
close supervision, and the discord between air and ground
Divisions tended to rely upon helicopter firepower. For example, in numer-
ous small operations in Ban Me area throughout September, the
Division requested fighter air support only once. The lone C 4 7 flareship stand-
for the Saigon area could not cope with the burgeoning night attacks in
the and Corps. Moreover, when the struck the
outpost on the Peninsula during the night of August the province
commander’s indecision delayed that C-47. In the one hour and forty-five
minutes before it came, the communists overran the outpost. A few days later,
the enemy sacked the Ben strategic hamlet that had been founded a year
before with much fanfare. Using flareships to light the way for helicopter airlifts
of company-size forces into besieged hamlets proved impractical. This was due TO
the great number of hamlets (some twelve hundred in the III Corps) and the slow
reaction time of reinforcement units flying in the
The Air Division wrestled with the problems. alerted A-I H
loaded strike ordnance and two flares, the latter for use if flareships were not to
be had. For additional flare missions, the best bet appeared to be the C-I which I

carried a spare Vietnamese However, when this


crewman hand-dropped the Mark V and VI flares, they often hit the sides of the
aircraft and were swept back into the open rear cargo door. T o prevent this, local
shops devised a flarebox that dispensed flares from the C-I 23's rear cargo ramp.
This device let the C-123s a t Tan Son Nhut join the Vietnamese C-47s, and in
September I72 flare and I32 strike sorties were flown against Viet Cong night
attacks. Fewer communist forays in October resulted in 60 flare and 94 strike
sorties. But the pace accelerated, and up to three flareships each night were kept
in the air over the 1V Corps. At least one of these planes could reach any point in
the delta within twenty t o thirty minutes. The Viet Cong captured no outpost or
hamlet after a flare/strike team arrived. Even so, the hamlet program was so
overextended that in many cases the defenders could not hold off the attackers
until air support got
The vulnerable Mekong Delta induced the Viet Cong to escalate the war
from simple guerrilla tactics t o sustained field operations. A five-day battle
erupted in the wee hours of September 10 as 81-mm mortar rounds arced onto
SOCTrang Airfield. Inside of five minutes, four Farm Gate pilots scramhled two
T-28s, called for flareship and more fighters, and strafed the mortar muzzle
flashes. This swift air support along with Vietnamese mortar fire drove off the
communists, foiling their bid to neutralize and destroy the American fighters and
helicopters on the airstrip. The aggressive action of the pilots was "commenda-
ble." All the same, they had broken the rules of engagement by attacking without
Vietnamese crewmen and without target assistance from a forward air controller
At about the same time, Viet Cong battalions pounded the district head-
quarters town of Dam Doi and Cai Nuoc near the tip of the Ca Mau Peninsula.
Swarming over Cai Nuoc, they set up roadblocks and laid mines on the sole
surfaced road between Bac Lieu and Ca Mau. Right after daybreak, T-28s out of
SOCTrang escorted heliborne Vietnamese marines to Dam Doi and carried out
prelanding strikes. Most landings went well, but that afternoon a T-28 crashed
from fire received during a third pass over a n enemy machinegun. A UH-1
gunship rescued the crew, and the T-28 was destroyed t o keep its machinegun out
of communist hands. While marines encircled Dam Doi, ten C-47s and seven
C-123s flew 498 paratroopers of the 21st Division to the scene.
The battle cost the enemy 122 killed (30 by air strikes) and huge stores of
munitions. Around Cai Nuoc the paratroopers killed 50 communists, captured
eight, and seized weapons. The sortie rate for September 10 exceeded all past I V
Corps records for a single day. Over September 10-14 the sortie total ran t o
seventy-two air cover, ten escort, eighteen prelanding, and twenty-two forward
air control. The government troops won a victory but the Viet Cong reduced the
towns to rubble and left 153 civilians killed or
The most critical shortcoming was too few strike aircraft to support the
bitter war in the delta. Only one B-26 could be spared to cover heliborne
operations in the 2d Division area. The five USAF T-28s at SOCTrang were
invaluable for quick reaction but the primitive airstrip hampered them, and
their guns were too light to silence ground fire. Heavier-armed A-I Hs or B-26s a t


Bien Hoa had to make a thirty-minute flight to Can Tho or a one-hour one to the
deep delta. Aware of this lag, the Viet Cong usually attacked in mid-afternoon to
make it difficult for aircraft to get into the area, to swing into position, and to
strike during the few remaining hours of In January 1964 CINCPAC
approved the construction of a new airfield at Can Tho, to beready a year
Planning a helicopter assault into three landing zones in mid-October, the
21st Division asked for strong tactical air support. Five USAF T-28s, two
A-I Hs, and one B-26 were available for cover, escort and prelanding strikes. On
the morning of October 19, T-28s supported the first helicopter lift of troops
which met with light ground fire at the landing zone. The Viet Cong put stiffer
fire on the second heli-lift and pinned down the troops that landed. They also hit
and damaged a B-26 and a T-28, forcing the planes to leave their covering
stations. The third heli-lift overshot its landing zone, and enemy fire downed a n
H-2 I , injuring two of the four Americans aboard. With troops in the second and
third heli-lifts nailed down, Vietnamese forward air controllers diverted all of
their air cover to close air support strikes.
In response to the division commander’s call for more air support, the
planes returned and renewed their strikes that afternoon. Army advisors praised
the aggressiveness of the support, chiefly that of the B-26. It pursued the attack
with other ordnance after its guns quit, even though under fire from six to eight
automatic weapons. The Viet Cong held firm in their trenches and fired doggedly
at attacking aircraft. When they withdrew at nightfall under cover of rain, pursuit
by flareship and fighters was out of the question because locations of government
forces were uncertain. During the battle, Vietnamese flew six A-1 H and eight T-28
sorties while USAF crews flew sixteen T-28 and two B-26 sorties. Ground fire
struck two Vietnamese T-28s, four USAF T-28s, and two USAF B-26s. Friendly
losses included forty-one killed, eighty-four wounded, (twenty-three Americans)
and one H-21 shot down. Thirty-two of the enemy were killed and in addition
fifty-nine freshly dug graves were
Early on the morning o f November 7, some two hundred Viet Cong
attacked a pagoda and then holed up in a mud-walled fishing settlement about
twenty miles from Soc Trang. In late afternoon, regular ground forces and Civil
Guard troops located and surrounded them. Although no friendly people were in
the village, the government troops made no assault. Instead, they let four T-28s
from Soc Trang conduct repeated strikes. The next day, blood marks within the
enclosure suggested that the aircraft had killed about forty Viet
By the end of I963 the government military offensive was collapsing, despite
occasional and isolated successes. The Viet Cong were seizing the initiative nearly
everywhere. The limited number of USAF and Vietnamese aircraft in Vietnam
had nevertheless scored some tactical gains i n the face of severe handicaps.

XVI. Collapse of the
Diem Government
At the Secretary of Defense Conference in Honolulu on May 6, 1963, the
participants discussed the tensions between the American and Vietnamese
governments. Ambassador Nolting labeled American-Vietnamese relations as
“somewhat less than good.” President Diem was intimating that the United
States was infringing on Vietnamese sovereignty. Nhu, his brother and counse-
lor, was suggesting that the American advisory effort was “appearing to tamper
with Diem’s political base.” Both were suspicious of the strength of the American
commitment and the thrust of U.S. policy. Nevertheless, Nolting said, Nhu was
“efficient and continues to accumulate power.” Despite causes for concern, “the
Country Team is of the unanimous opinion that the current leadership is the best
the U.S. can get. It is sincere, albeit not particularly adept, but it is better than
most in Southeast Asia.”’
Two days later in Saigon, demonstrators celebrating Buddha’s birthday
paraded with religious flags, banners, and devotional images. The procession
violated the 1950 ordinance forbidding the flying of any flag in public without the
national emblem beside it. A monk delivered a sermon protesting the Diem
government’s discrimination against Buddhists. When Civil Guard troops
moved to break up the rally, an explosion killed several persons including
children. In a communiqué to the press, Buddhist leaders demanded that the
government admit responsibility for the loss of life, rescind the flag regulation,
and give Buddhists equality with Catholics.²
Some eight million Vietnamese were Buddhists, as compared with one and
one-half million Christians. Diem, Nhu, and their families had connections with
French missionaries who represented the old order. 3
When a Washington newspaper published an anti-American statement
attributed to Ngo Dinh Nhu, Representative Otto Passman, chairman of the
Subcommittee on Appropriations vented his indignation to Defense Secretary
McNamara. “Certainly,” Passman said, “the Diem government ought to be
made to understand that the American people have no interest in propping up a n
unpopular regime if it is more concerned with the pursuit of personal aims than
with the protection of the country from communism.” An embarrassed President
Kennedy told newsmen that he hoped to withdraw some Americans by the end of
the year.
Diem meanwhile offered no redress to a Buddhist delegation but promised
to investigate the parade incident, which he believed had political rather than
religious roots. Dissatisfied, Buddhists demonstrated early in June in Hue.
Several deaths resulted, and disorders spread to Quang Tri and Nha Trang.
While the Defense Department ordered U.S. aircraft not to transport Vietnam-
ese troops on anti-Buddhist missions, and while General Harkins instructed


Americans to stand aloof from the controversy, Diem acknowledged various

errors by his officials.
In Saigon on June 1 I , a n aged Buddhist monk burned himself alive in
public. Three days later, a New York newspaper carried a Washington corre-
spondent’s story that the United States would condemn Diem if he failed to settle
the Buddhist grievances. The Vietnamese foreign minister told William C.
Truehart, in charge of the Embassy during Nolting’s temporary absence, that he
was “deeply distressed and angry”over the news report. Truehart then asked and
received permission to publicly reaffirm U.S. support of Diem. Within a few
days, the government acceded to most of the Buddhist demands but refused to
accept responsibility for the deaths in
Buddhists demonstrated again on July 16. Crowds of monks and nuns
milled in front of Nolting’s residence in Saigon, calling on the United States to
compel the Diem government to keep its promises. Violence erupted on the
following day.
The U.S. air attache in Saigon, Lt. Col. Robert L. F. Tyrrell, informed the
Defense Intelligence Agency that the Buddhist situation was “causing continuing
animosity between the government and the armed forces and is spreading to all
segments of the population. It is now common to hear Vietnamese discuss the
possible overthrow of the present government.” At a dinner party on July 17,
Maj. Gen. Duong Van Minh, Diem’s military adviser, stated that “the present
government cannot continue.” There was speculation that Minh or Maj. Gen.
Tran Van Don, chief of staff of the Joint General Staff, might head a coup. “We
cannot determine if a coup is imminent,” Tyrrell concluded, “[but] all of the
elements are present and it appears to us to be only a matter of timing.”‘
A radio address by Diem on July 19 seemed cold to American observers,
and Madame Nhu was said to have termed the Buddhist suicide a “barbeque.”
Admiral Felt, CINCPAC, estimated, “In view of the widespread distrust and
hatred of the Nhus, man and wife, far overshadowing the popular consensus to
Diem himself, it seems most likely that the Nhus would be a primary target for
any serious coup group.” The government’s “failure or unwillingness to handle
properly” the Buddhist demonstrations made a coup “more likely if the Diem
government fails to accomplish reasonable and acceptable concessions to the
Buddhists o r if the Buddhist contagion, fanned by political opportunists and the
VC, spreads into the countryside to the extent that it adversely affects the
progress of the war.”’
President Kennedy had meanwhile announced on June 27 that Henry
Cabot Lodge, a major political figure, would succeed Ambassador Nolting, a
career civil servant. Preparing for his new post, Lodge had a long talk in
Washington with a “distinguished Vietnamese” who said that “unless they left the
country, no power on earth could prevent the assassination of Mr. Diem, his
brother Mr. Nhu, and Mr. Nhu’s wife. their deaths were
Over August 14-16 several more immolations took place as expressions of
discontent. Madam Nhu favored ignoring the burnings and charged the U.S.
Embassy with pressuring the Diem government to silence her.’


To General Anthis, 2d Air Division commander, Diem was “fairly well

liked” by his people, even though he had not developed all the reforms they
desired and the United States wished. In contrast, Anthis deemed the Nhus “not
Informed people in Saigon expected sweeping changes from Ambassador
Lodge, who appeared t o be proconsul for President Kennedy. Perhaps to clear
the decks before Lodge’s arrival, Diem held a n emergency meeting with the Joint
General Staff on August 20. He appointed Tran Van Don the armed forces chief
of staff, and Nhu invited the senior generals to sign a paper calling upon the
government t o seize and silence the Buddhist leaders. At midnight Diem declared
martial law and a state of siege. Under nominal army authority the Vietnamese
Special Forces and police stormed Buddhist pagodas in Saigon and Hue before
dawn. They rounded up monks, nuns, and students, but the Buddhist leaders
escaped and took refuge in the U.S. Embassy. The pagoda raids strengthened
those officials in Washington who had always questioned the fitness of Diem and
his family to govern. On August 21 Under Secretary of State George W. Ball
released a n official statement that the United Stated deplored the repressive
actions against the Buddhists. 11
Ambassador Lodge reached Saigon on August 22. He found Embassy
officials thinking that the Vietnamese generals could depose Diem, but General
Don told General Harkins that they were too weak to d o so. The generals wanted
to end martial law quickly, to have the United States support Diem while forcing
him to clean house and showing him how to delegate authority, and possibly to
create a n interim cabinet of officers and civilians. 12
On August 24 Ball, Harriman, Hilsman, and Forrestal drafted and cleared
with the President by phone a message of instructions to Lodge. The United
States could no longer tolerate the systematic suppression of the Buddhists or
Nhu’s domination of the government. “We wish to give Diem reasonable oppor-
tunity to remove Nhus, but if he remains obdurate, then we are prepared t o
accept the obvious implication that we can n o longer support Diem.” Lodge was
to tell the Vietnamese generals that the United States would renounce Diem
unless he righted the Buddhist wrongs and formed a more responsive and
representative government. The United States would take no part in any ouster,
but would recognize a n interim anti-communist military regime as the successor
to the Diem government. 13
On the 26th a Voice of America broadcast in Vietnamese said that high
American officials blamed Nhu for the pagoda attacks and the mass arrests of
monks and students. The United States, it continued, might sharply curtail aid
unless President Diem rid himelf of certain associates. The Joint General Staff
refuted the broadcast on the following day. Responsible military commanders,
the press communique announced, had unanimously proposed martial law and
related measures to Diem. l4
Ambassador Lodge became convinced during his first week in Saigon that
the Diem government was dying, the abuse of police power having caused deep
resentments among the Vietnamese. The Buddhist immolations had also turned


the American people and government against Diem, Secretary of State Rusk
told when he returned to Washington. “We can’t stand any more
burning,” Rusk said.”
At a National Security Council discussion, made the point that
refusal t o support Diem and would renege on past commitments. Ball
argued that continued support for them risked losing the war against the
moreover, Diem and had massively violated their promises.
man felt that had been profoundly wrong for quite some time.
Replying to the cabled instructions, Ambassador Lodge suggested telling
the generals hostile to Diem that the United States had grave reservations about
the The State Department approved on August and commented that
the would have to go and “a coup will be responded on the
“We are launched on a course from which there is no respectable turning
back: the overthrow of the Diem government.” President Kennedy weighed this
appraisal then ordered Lodge and Harkins to support a coup if it had a good
chance of success but to avoid any direct American involvement. He authorized
them to suspend U.S. air support to the Diem government whenever they wished.
Also on the Secretary of State Rusk permitted Lodge to explore
Harkins’ suggestion that a threat to withdraw U.S. assistance might well force
Diem to d r o p the This seemed to Lodge t o cancel the earlier instrumenta-
tions t o “make detailed plans as to how we might bring about Diem’s replace-
now understood the President to want him “not to coup, not
to help plan a coup, but rather to keep in close touch with plotters so he could let
Kennedy know of developments that might need American decisions. Looking
for the imminent overthrow government, Lodge stopped seeing Diem and

By August CINCPAC alerted two Marine Corps battalions for possible

commitment, and moved naval task forces and air transports to within support-
ing distance. Plans were set for the air evacuation from Saigon of U.S.
dependents, I , I03 civilian employees, I U.S.-sponsored aliens, twenty-five
tourists, and seventeen alien dependents, and from Hue another
Cambodia broke diplomatic relations with Vietnam on August citing
border violations and ill-treatment of Buddhists. Two days later, Charles de
offered his good offices to restore peace and harmony in Indochina by
reunifying North and South Vietnam in “independence and neutrality.” At the
request of Asian and African members, U United Nations Secretary
General, wrote on August I t o ask Diem to insure “the exercise of fundamental
human rights t o all sections of the population.” On that day KAI-SHEK
talked at length Gen. Jacob E. Smart, commander. said it
was essential t o win the war because Asian states were closely watching the
United States in Vietnam. In Thailand influential figures told Smart that some
officials doubted if the United States could be depended upon in a crisis.
In a national television address on September Kennedy said that the
Government of Vietnam could win the war only if it had popular support. In his
opinion the government was out of touch with the people. The Buddhist


sions had been unwise. Could the government regain the affection of the people?
“With changes in policy and perhaps with personnel,” the President said, “I think
it can. If it doesn’t make those changes, I
would think that the chances of winning
would not be very
De Gaulle’s scheme to unify and neutralize Vietnam led Ngo Dinh Nhu to
admit having contacted Viet Cong leaders of the National Liberation Front of
South Vietnam. Apparently he was also in touch with Hanoi. On September 2 he
told Lodge of his talk with the Polish member of the International Control
Commission. The Pole had sought Nhu’s reaction to De Gaulle’s proposal, so
that he could forward it to the North Vietnamese foreign minister.’’ Many
top-level Vietnamese officers were convinced that Nhu would make a deal with
Hanoi if he felt it to be in his best
Diem answered U Thant’s letter on September 5 . He stressed his govern-
ment’s actions to free the Buddhist hierarchy from political agitation and propa-
ganda, which benefited foreign interests and harmed the Buddhist religion and
the Vietnamese state. He invited U Thant to send a fact-finding mission to
Vietnam. When a United Nations group visited, it reached no conclusions.
Nevertheless, the Costa Rican member said that he personally had found no
religious discrimination or persecution. He believed that the troubles were
political and involved but a small part of the Buddhist
On 8 September General Smart radioed General LeMay:
My own feeling is that if we intend to remain committed in Viet Nam and I
believe that it is strongly in the national interest that we d o so -then we must support
Diem. Whether we like him or his family is not germane., My conclusion is that we
must stick with Diem and that we must quickly demonstrate this by positive action
even though we may have to pay some price in terms of embarrassment. We are
probably going to have to swallow the fact that Diem will not exile his brother.. and
from my discussions I a m not at all convinced that this should be our objective. I get
distinct impression from Vietnamese that he isvaluable and important to Diem, just as
Diem is important to the
Unlike Nolting who had used the country team to secure policy consensus,
Lodge was ordered by Kennedy to guard closely the cables they exchanged.
Keeping even Harkins in the dark, he thus appeared to be running the U.S.
Mission as “a one-man operation, conducted in total secrecy.” General Smart
noted, “The American team left me with the impression of a divided house
and divergent directions.” Opinions about Diem, as observed by Smart, ranged
from the view held by J o h n H. Richardson, CIA station chief, that Diem could
be supported and Nhu was useful, to theview that the Diem government must go
no matter what took its Reports to Washington from the Embassy,
MACV, and the air attache differed markedly. Joseph A. Mendenhall of the
State Department and Maj. Gen. Victor H. Krulak of the Marine Corps visited
the country together to determine Vietnamese attitudes toward Diem’s govern-
ment. After hearing their disparate findings, President Kennedy asked whether
they had visited the same country.”
Suspending U.S. aid to pressure Diem, as Lodge now suggested, seemed to
Secretaries Rusk and McNamara to threaten the war effort. President Kennedy


inclined to agree. On September 2 1 he again sent McNamara and General Taylor

( J C S Chairman since October 1962) to gather information and to encourage
Diem t o solve his problems. Lodge in his briefing was pessimistic about the
survival of the Diem regime. Hut other observations led McNamara and Taylor
to conclude that the Diem government was consolidating its control throughout
the country, and that the military effort still had momentum. Some military men
were hostile toward the government but they were more hostile toward the Viet
Cong. Reluctant to cut off economic aid, McNamara wanted more potent
military action against the insurgents. More dangerous than the political ferment
in Vietnam was the rising dissent among Americans a t home. A need existed t o
build a case to be put to the people and Congress, to cement their confidence in
the Kennedy administration and its handling of the war. Consequently,
McNamara emphasized to Diem that he must conduct his military and political
affairs in a way that would win the support of the American people. Finally,
McNamara and Taylor were convinced that the war could be favorably ended in
1965, with the insurgency then shrinking t o sporadic banditry in outlying areas.
They accordingly announced that as scheduled there would be one thousand
fewer U.S. military advisors by the close of
On October 2 , subsequent to a National Security Council discussion of the
McNamara-Taylor report and Lodge’s recommendations, President Kennedy
approved the following policy statement: Since the military program in Vietnam
was sound in principle and progressing, the United States would go on working
with the Vietnamese people and their government. The goal would be to deny the
country to communism and to suppress the externally stimulated and supported
Viet Cong insurgency. Furthermore, the “United States had made clear its
continued opposition to any repressive actions in South Viet-Nam. While such
actions have not yet significantly affected the military effort, they could d o so in
Events in Saigon were far from reassuring. On October 3 Vietnamese
plainclothesmen assaulted American newsmen, and Lodge protested. The next
day a Buddhist monk burned himself, the sixth and most publicized case. On
October I6 the Senate foreign relations committee approved a n amendment to
the foreign aid authorization bill. I t empowered the President to extend to
Vietnam assistancedesigned purely “to further the objectives of victory in the war
against communism and the return to their homeland of Americans involved in
the struggle.” Nhu on the 17th declared to the press that he failed to understand
why the United States had “initiated a process of disintegration in Vietnam.” He
accused the CIA of inciting a coup against the government. Five days later, the
United States announced the end of support to the Vietnamese forces unless they
were shifted from police duties t o field operations or related training programs. 29
At this point, a major plot against Diem was hatching under the leadership
of Generals Duong Van Minh, Tran Van Don, and Le Van Kim. They repre-
sented a coalition of older men who wanted a neutralist solution to the war, and
of younger men who sought a military victory and felt sure they could secure it.
With the promise of cooperation from the I,II and III Corps commanders, the


coalition resolved t o remove the IV Corps commander who was also military
governor of Saigon and loyal to Diem.
Although American officials took care t o avoid any part in the coup, some
U.S. military circles received persistent reports that a conspiracy was afoot. On
October 28 the Joint Chiefs directed CINCPAC to sail a naval task force t o
positions off Vietnam, and that same day three USAF F-102Jet interceptors flew
to Tan Son Nhut. General Harkins was taken aback when told of these moves.
He had no idea that Diem’s overthrow was near.
On the morning of November 1 the conspirators gathered in the Joint
General Staff compound, and began to bring troops into Saigon. General Don
announced that a coup had begun, and in the afternoon American CIA person-
nel were informed. Troops with red neckerchiefs poured into Saigon from the
north. By midafternoon they captured and imprisoned all Vietnamese Special
Forces in the city who were loyal to Nhu.
The rebellion ran with precision. Troops took over key installations and
surrounded Diem and Nhu in the palace. Four A-1 Hs and two T-28s made gun
and rocket strikes against the presidential compound. Efforts of the IV Corps
commander to march troops to the capital fizzled. That evening Diem and Nhu
escaped from the palace through a n underground passage. On the following day
they surrendered. They were assassinated while being taken to the Joint General
Staff complex.
As the fighting in Saigon ceased on November 2, a Military Revolutionary
Council of twenty-four generals and colonels under Generals Duong Van Minh
and Tran Van Don became the provisional government. Besides dissolving the
National Assembly, it suspended the 1956 constitution and decreed an interim
one. The United States recognized the new government on November 8.”
Judging that the council was united and set on stepping up the war,
Ambassador Lodge proposed that the United States not press for instant politi-
cal reforms. The generals had agreed to pursue the strategic hamlet program
(now called “fortified hamlets”) and to consolidate and upgrade their defenses.
They spoke of massing all military, paramilitary, and civil forces for an all-out
campaign against the communist threat. In addition they recognized the Joint
General Staff.
Despite their designs, major tasks remained stalled. Wholesale purges and
transfers sowed concern. There was little military movement.
North Vietnam exploited at once the confusion created by the coup. Viet
Cong attacks rose. Because the Vietnamese Air Force was temporarily on “coup”
duty, U S A F crews shouldered the bulk of the operational load. On the night of
November I , for example, the mere appearance of flareships caused the Viet
Cong to break off attacks on eight outposts. Over the following week the
guerrillas assaulted seventy-one outposts and hamlets. Enemy pressure prompt-
ed a total of 284 flare and 298 strike sorties in November. The insurgents
nevertheless inflicted about twenty-eight hundred casualties that month, demor-
alizing the Civil Guard and Self Defense Corps. Though Viet Cong losses were



put at twenty-nine hundred for the period, government forces lost nearly three
weapons for every one they captured.
President Kennedy on November announced that Rusk and
were going t o Honolulu for a meeting on the 20th. Its purpose was to size up the
situation and to find out how t o intensify the struggle and t o end the American
involvement. “Now.” the President said, “this is our objective, to bring Ameri-
cans home, permit the South Vietnamese to maintain themselves as a free and
independent country, and permit democratic forces within the country to
Among the impressive group a t the meeting in Honolulu were Secretaries
Rusk and Ambassador Lodge, presidential aide
CIA Director J o h n A. Chairman Taylor, Admiral Felt, and
Generals Smart, and Secretary remarked that
certain set in since the coup, but actually “the Generals head a very
fragile government.” Rusk asked whether “an increase in dollars would make a
difference in shortening the war.” Lodge said he thought the Vietnamese had
enough dollars; what they needed was “greater motivation.” argued
that more funds would help.
Despite continuing difficulties the conferees resolved t o adhere to present
plans. The United States would hurry the growth of Vietnamese military power
and pare U.S. personnel in Vietnam. The much publicized withdrawal of one
thousand Americans would therefore proceed as scheduled. The first three
hundred departed on December the rest ten days later.
But the assassination of President Kennedy in November signaled the
end of a n era, and the accession of Lyndon Johnson to the presidency marked
the beginning of another.

Vietnamese troops outside the presidential palace in Saigon.

The Johnson
Four days after taking office, President Johnson reaffirmed past American
objectives in Vietnam. The United States was to help the republic win the war
against the externally directed and sustained communist conspiracy, assist the
government in developing public support, and keep U.S. military and economic
aid at the same level. “This is a Vietnamese war,” the President said, “and the
country and the war must in the end be run solely by the Vietnamese.” He
reiterated the October pledge to withdraw some Americans from the
country. Yet at the same time he instructed the State Department to prepare a
white paper, documenting Hanoi’s control of the and its supply of
them through Laos. He further solicited plans for stepped-up clandestine
warfare on North Vietnam and for cross-border incursions into Laos to check
Informing General Taylor on December that Vietnam was the
“most critical military area” for the United States, President Johnson asked the
chairman to have the Joint Chiefs assign the best available officers to
-“blue-ribbon men” at every level. He also sent Secretary to visit
During December in Vietnam, the Defense secretary found General
government “fragile”and “indecisive and drifting.” Unless current trends
were reversed in the next two or three months, they would lead “to neutralization
at best and more likely to a Communist-controlled state.” The dilemma for
American policymakers was that pouring in personnel and other resources to
prosecute the war would hinder rather than help the Vietnamese stand on their
own feet.
Unable to resolve the basic problem, the secretary listened to CINCPAC
plans for covert actions against North Vietnam. Vietnamese troops were to carry
out a wide variety of sabotage and psychological operations to pressure the
insurgents with minimum risk. As for extensive forays envisioned along the
Laotian border, doubted if they would be politically acceptable or
militarily effective. But he approved having high-altitude photo planes in
Vietnam to obtain better information on enemy infiltration routes.’
At suggestion, the President on December assured Minh of
lasting American support. He gave final approval to clandestine actions against
North Vietnam and to the flights. The movement of Strategic Air Com-
mand’s to proceeded so swiftly that knew of it when
the planes entered the traffic pattern at The high-level photography
later revealed extensive logistic networks in North Vietnam and Laos, supply
routes capable of infiltrating large numbers of trucks, men, and material into


General Harkins felt hopeful that the Viet Cong attacks had peaked imme-
diately after the coup. His optimism was short-lived. Government ground
actions that had decreased after Diem's downfall sprang back to between five
hundred and six hundred a day by November 20, but they were blunted by
mismanagement and defeat. A new commander spurred the lethargic 7th Div-
ision south of Saigon, but he was relieved before the month was up. Neither of
two battalions conducting clearing operations in Long An Province knew that
the other was there, and they fired on each other. The clash killed two men and
wounded twenty, exerting a "demoralizing effect on both
Before dawn on November 24, the aggressive 21st Division fell victim to a
carefully planned and executed ambush in An Xuyen Province. After the Viet
Cong struck the Cha La outpost and a strategic hamlet near the tip of the Ca
Mau Peninsula, the division hurried four heli-lifts of troops into two landing
zones, with tactical aircraft flying prestrike, escort, and air cover. Enemy fire
downed a n H-21 and damaged ten H-21s and UH-1s. While the ground troops
took cover, U S A F and Vietnamese A-I Hs, B-26s, and T-28s made repeated
attacks in which valor at times outweighed discretion. C-47s and C-123s para-
dropped a battalion t o pinch off the foe's withdrawal route. The guerrillas
escaped because the C-I 23s put most ofthe troops on the far side of the Cai Nuoc
River. Three bodies were discovered and there were signs that a t least one
hundred fifty insurgents had been carried away in sampans.
Brig. Gen. Robert H . York, USA, who saw the entire operation, com-
mended the fine work of tactical air. The operation was nevertheless costly to the
aircrews, most damage coming from .50-caliber fire. Aircraft losses included a n
H-2 1, a B-26 shot down with loss of the crew. and the crash landings after battle
damages of two Vietnamese A-I Hs and one T-28. Ground fire hit twenty-five
planes. The helicopter force had consisted of twelve H-21s and thirteen UH-1s.
Its support came from four T-28s for prestrike missions, two B-26s for escort,
and three B-26s, eight A-I Hs, and twelve T-28s for cover. It was the largest
one-day close air support operation to date.'
In a n otherwise cheerless month Capt. Richard W. Von Hake, air liaison
officer, engineered one small air victory against the guerrillas along the Dong Nai
River. The Viet Cong habitually fired at aircraft but slipped through a sweep of
the area by a government battalion. On December 8 Von Hake persuaded the
province chief tojoin him on an L-19 flight over that ground. Since the battalion
had just finished its sweep, the chief felt sure he was wasting time. T o his great
surprise, he saw more than fifty people as the L-19 drew brisk fire.
Von Hake drafted an air strike plan and on the 9th and 12th dropped leaflets
to warn that persons working with the Viet Cong were in danger. Because the
area was bordered by strategic hamlets, the hamlet chiefs blocked egress from
dawn to noon on December 14. On that morning Von Hake and a Vietnamese
observer flew into the area, discreetly trailed by three T-28s and two B-26s. When
the L-19 was fired upon, the observer marked the target and the strike planes
swept in. Twenty-three enemy were killed and others wounded.' This modest
victory showed that armed reconnaisance could succeed in Vietnam.


Twice in December, guerrillas in Zone D ambushed little convoys lacking

air escort. The Viet Cong waylaid one in Binh Long Province on the 23d,
resulting in fourteen men killed, seven wounded, and five missing.
Vietnamese and U.S. Air Force planes flew seventy-three helicopter escort
sorties in November and eighty-three in December, a decrease from earlier in the
year. In part the decline mirrored the slowing of Vietnamese ground operations.
It also stemmed from the growing practice of letting U.S. Army helicopter
gunships take the place of strike aircraft - this despite MACV directives
requiring the use of Vietnamese aircraft before bringing in American planes.
In IIICorps the 5th Division’s penchant for helicopter gunships contributed
to a major defeat on the afternoon of December 3 I . A ranger battalion ran into
about two battalions of Viet Cong ten miles west of Ben Cat and eight miles
southeast of Dau Tieng. The outnumbered rangers formed a defensive perimeter
and fought bravely, but they needed help. The 5th Division had several battalions
at Ben Cat and Dau Tieng, close enough to the scene of action and sufficiently
strong to smash the insurgents. An L-19 forward air controller and at least two
A-I Hs were constantly on station over the encircled rangers. Besides the twelve
100-pound bombs and eight hundred rounds of 20-mm ammunition carried by
each A-I H, more strike aircraft were available at Bien Hoa and Tan Son Nhut.
Capt. Ken C. Spears, Jr., air liaison officer, time and again asked that the
A- I Hs be allowed t o strike what were clearly enemy positions. But his calls fell on
deaf ears. The orbiting relays of A-I Hs returned to Bien Hoa without firing a
shot. The sole air strikes came from three flights of armed UH-Is and failed to
uproot the guerrillas. Rescue battalions arrived at noon on January I , 1964, long
after the rangers had scattered. Ranger losses totaled six killed, twelve wounded,
and thirty-one missing. An engagement that might have been a victory ended in
another disheartening defeat.
Col. Harvey E. Henderson, acting 2d Air Division commander, considered
the failure to capitalize on strike aircraft firepower “to border on being criminal.”
Ambassador Lodge cabled the same conclusion to Washington, citing “Vietnam-
ese failures to take advantage of superiority of firepower which can be obtained
by rapid reaction to VC troop concentrations.” Admiral Felt bluntly told Gen-
eral Harkins that A-I H firepower was quite superior to that of the UH-1. “It
appears t o me,”Felt said, “that [our] education program on the use of air power
is unsatisfactory.””
The Vietnamese A-I H and T-28 squadrons boosted their strike sorties in
November and December 1963. Still, they could not compensate for the fewer
serviceable U S A F B-26s and T-28s that were further diminished by battle
damage. Moreover, the work of the Vietnamese forward air controllers left a lot
to be desired. On December 6, for example, an L-19 and two T-28s responded to
a request for an immediate strike on a Viet Cong battalion. When just ten
minutes from the target, the controller pleaded the need to refuel his half-full
tanks. He and the fighter pilots touched down a t Tay Ninh airport, lunched
during the refueling, and went on their way. By then the enemy battalion had


Assessments of the political and military conditions in Vietnam at the close

of I963 were decidedly pessimistic. Severing relations with South Vietnam and
the United States, Cambodia sought closer relations with China. Although
communist support of the Viet Cong stealing into the delta through Cambodia
had already proved “very worrisome,” prospects swiftly worsened. The general
situation in Vietnam had also eroded since the assassination of Diem, and would
continue to be bad in
During January-May 1964 Hanoi sent an estimated forty-seven hundred
troops into South Vietnam. Formerly most of the infiltrators were ethnic south-
erners. Now there were growing numbers of native northerners, many of them
drafted into the North Vietnamese Army. The Viet Cong had earlier relied on
French and American weapons, chiefly from stockpiles captured before 1954 in
Indochina and Korea. Currently most of the weapons were Chinese, brought by
land and sea from North Vietnam. 13
On January 22, 1964, the Joint Chiefs of Staff responded to President
Johnson’s November 1963request by presenting a ten-point program of “bolder
actions to arrest SVN’s military/ political decline.” This proposed a virtual
takeover of the war from the Saigon government by overt and covert bombing of
North Vietnam, large-scale commando raids, mining the sea approaches, ground
operations into Laos, and extended reconnaissance over both Laos and Cambo-
dia. The plan also called for committing more U.S. forces to support combat in
Vietnam and against North Vietnam. 14
At Da Nang, where he commanded the I Corps, thirty-seven-year-old Maj.
Gen. Nguyen Khanh kept close watch on the new government. He believed that
some members of General Minh’s 12-man Executive Committee were plotting to
arrest Minh and other officers, including him, and declare for Vietnamese
neutralism. After notifying General Harkins of his intentions, Khanh flew to
Saigon and on January 30 headed a coalition of younger generals who managed
a relatively bloodless coup. He told Harkins the next day that the coup was
pro-American, pro-Western, and anti-neutralist. The new government would
step up the war at once. Harkins termed Khanh the “strongest military character
in the country”even though he lacked political appeal and complete control over
the armed forces. Ambassador Lodge thought the United States was “beginning
to make real progress” with the Minh government, but Khanh’s one-man rule
might be more effective. President Johnson then sent Khanh a personal note of
support. 15
A few days later, J C S Chairman Taylor readied a plan to revitalize the
counterinsurgency. The key points embraced improved intelligence; a stabilized
Khanh government through reforms of land tenure; liquidation of land debts,
and other measures; the prospect of n o more coups; a quickened campaign
tempo; bolder actions against North Vietnam, maybe by Vietnamese bombing;
and U.S. warnings to Hanoi to stop its aid to the Viet Cong. The CIA warned
that the government and armed forces of South Vietnam must show definite
improvement. If not, there was a n even chance at best that Khanh’s administra-
tion would not survive during the following few months.”



The new government could not immediately turn the tide. About twelve
miles south of Tay Ninh City lay the village of Ben Cau, a cluster of six strategic
hamlets housing some six thousand people. Before dawn on February 6, nearly
one thousand guerrillas drove the Vietnamese militia out of Ben Cau. While
waiting for the government forces to appear, the Viet Cong forced the villagers to
dig firing positions and shelters. Although USAF officers thought that precise air
attacks would dislodge the insurgents with least danger to civilians, the IIICorps
commander authorized firing into the village by artillery, strike aircraft, and
helicopter gunships. Pairs of A-IHs, B-26s, and T-28s struck as directed by
Vietnamese forward air controllers.
The insurgents fled after dark, leaving eleven of their dead behind. Civilian
casualties numbered forty-six killed, sixty wounded, and 670 burned in varying
degrees. The bombardment demolished 670 houses and damaged two hundred
others, depriving two thousand people of shelter. Though American relief sup-
plies soon came, the survivors were more grateful to the enemy who made them
dig for cover. Vietnamese officers said there would be no complaint about the
civilian casualties. Yet the USAF counterinsurgency expert, Maj. Gen. Edward
G. Lansdale, pointed out that the government forces had violated a cardinal rule
by not protecting people under Viet Cong attack.
Cambodia posed a prickly problem to the Khanh regime. Prince Sihanouk
charged on February 1 1 that two Vietnamese aircraft had attacked a Cambodian
village and killed five people. He held the United States partly to blame because it
had “overarmed” Vietnam and “torpedoed” plans for an international confer-
ence to establish Cambodia’s neutrality. Later border incidents impelled
Sihanouk to accept arms from China and the Soviet Union. During Vietnamese
border actions on March 19, Cambodian T-28s shot down a USAF O-1. The
American pilot, Capt. Uwe-Thorsten Scobel, and the Vietnamese observer were

In the interim, intelligence estimates in Washington highlighted Hanoi’s

intent to expand support for the Viet Cong. South Vietnam’s situation was seen
as extremely serious. On February 20 President Johnson ordered Secretary
McNamara to have the Joint Chiefs study the question of how to decrease
Hanoi’s activities. McNamara sent the President’s directive to J C S Chairman
Taylor on the 21st, adding that among alternatives being considered was “a
carefully planned program designed to exert increasing military pressures” on
Johnson said publicly on February 21 that those directing and supplying the
Viet Cong were playing “a deeply dangerous game.” He also formed the Vietnam
Coordinating Committee to run the Washington side of the war. The chairman
was Mr. William H. Sullivan, a Foreign Service officer and the United Nations
adviser to the State Department’s Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs. Members
represented the Department of Defense, the Agency for International Develop-
ment, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the White House. The President told
Sullivan to find a way to speed operations against North Vietnam and to
examine how to make Hanoi desist from its hostile




As the war seemed about to enter a new phase, there was talk in Washing-
ton, Hawaii, and Saigon of voluntary repatriation of U.S. dependents from
Vietnam. But the hope of keeping Khanh in power led to the decision not to
move dependents out of the country.²²
General Khanh on February 22 published the National Pacification Plan
that MACV had desired since Diem’s overthrow. The concept called for local
“spreading oil stain”or “oil spot” operations. These were military clear-and-hold
actions starting in safe areas and rolling back the Viet Cong. Within pacified
regions a new “life development program”wou1d enhance the civilian standard of
living. These pacification measures were to be completed in I and II Corps by
January I , 1965, and in III and I V Corps a year
Corps commanders were to write their own plans for pursuing the overall
goal. In the IIICorps, for example, a program commencing in June was expected
to push outward in concentric circles until the adjacent provinces of Gia Dinh,
Bien Hoa, Binh Duong, Hau Nghia, Long An, and Phuoc Tuy were firmly under
General Harkins concluded that the offensive would work “if there are no
more coups and Khanh stays And the Joint Chiefs accepted the oil spot
idea as part of “an integrated political, socio-economic, and psychological
offensive to support more fully the
Themilitary effort.” chiefs endorsed givingjet
aircraft to the Vietnamese Air Force and to the Farm Gate 1st Air Commando


Squadron. They likewise urged studies of how to escalate operations against

T o PACAF, the papers and studies flowing out of Washington and Hawaii
mirrored “the uneasiness with which U.S. authorities view the possibility of
engaging U.S. ground forces with Communist forces anywhere.” There was
another way, however. Strictly USAF operations “with initial non-nuclear
strikes” would hand the Air Force strong arguments for building its tactical
forces. At the same time the United States would be able to react rapidly to
threats, to control operations carefully, and to pull out at once if need
General LeMay as usual had little confidence in the “very limited”actions
and studies recommended by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. “We are swatting flies,” he
said, “when we ought to be going after the manure pile.” He wanted “more
positive and bolder actions” to include bombing targets in North Vietnam ‘‘now.”
The Air Force Chief favored expanded interdiction, crop destruction, attacks on
guerrillas in Laos, destroying dams and dikes in Northern Vietnam to flood crop-
lands, disrupting power sources, bombing North Vietnamese military centers,
and mining ports. He advocated sending more aircraft including jets to enlarge
airdropped and airlanded operations, greater bombing of targets beyond the
reach of ground forces, and heavier escort and cover. He wished to relax the
barriers to cross-border actions. To keep the United States from getting bogged
down in a ground war on the Asian mainland, the only hope was massive air
Prodded by General LeMay and pursuing the President’s expressed views,
the Joint Chiefs in early March proposed overt military actions against North
Vietnam. The initial phase would witness low-level reconnaissance over Laos
and North Vietnam. Air strikes, amphibious raids, sabotage, and harassment of
shipping were to follow. Then would come destruction of highway bridges,
airfields, POL dumps, and other supply targets. The climax would be full-scale
air and naval air operations against North Vietnam.
Walt W. Rostow, chairman of the Policy Planning Council at the Depart-
ment of State, thought North Vietnam vulnerable to bombing. After all, Ho Chi
Minh was n o longer a guerrilla with nothing to lose-he had an industrial
complex to protect. W. Averell Harriman and Roger Hilsman of the State
Department opposed escalated measures against North Vietnam, since the Lao-
tian infiltration routes seemed to be used but
On March 6 Khanh fired three corps commanders and five of the nine
division commanders. Soon a wholesale removal of twenty-three province chiefs
ensued. The disruption of leadership shook the confidence of the armed forces
and of the people. Military desertions soared. Meanwhile the prestige of the Viet
Weakness at Saigon and decentralized military command let the corps
commanders store up power. Rancor between ground commanders and prov-
ince and district chiefs bred confusion and disagreement. Air Force officers
sensed that uncoordinated air strikes might permit some party to make the
Americans a scapegoat for a tragic

20 I

Before making up his mind on the options at hand, President Johnson sent
Secretary and General Taylor to Vietnam. During March they
accompanied General on his speechmaking visits t o Can Tho, Lieu,
the area, Hue, and Saigon. On the platform, and Taylor
stood on either side of and lifted his hands in the air as a visible sign of
In private talks, and Taylor gained the impression that the
military situation had gone downhill. Nearly forty percent of the countryside was
under influence and control, including the critical provinces around
Saigon. In eight of the forty-three provinces the insurgents held seventy-five to
ninety percent of the land. was sure that his government troops could
clear the country but doubted if they could keep it. He preferred covert actions
against North Vietnam until “rear-area set up. No one was optimis-
tic about limited covert operations although clandestine activities could be
expanded by easing curbs on bombardment. “Men, money, and materiel were no
object,” said. The United States had t o press on. After discussing the
aerial mining of North Vietnamese waters, the Defense secretary directed that
mine-laying training for Vietnamese pilots begin a t once.
Ambassador Lodge objected to “massive destruction” before trying a “car-
rot and stick” approach. The United States could offer North Vietnam advan-
tages for ceasing aggression, while at the same time confronting Hanoi with
covert actions such as unacknowledged air strikes. Photos by reconnais-
sance planes revealed active: bases right across the border in Cambo-
dia. But hot pursuit across the frontier was ruled out, in light of American
negotiations to keep Cambodia from giving up neutrality and winding up in the
Hanoi and Peking camp. The political would far outweigh any military
Secretary asked if it was better to shore up the Vietnamese Air
Force or t o send more U S A F aircraft. He learned that Americans had to “fill in
the gaps caused by lack of motivation” on the part of the Vietnamese Air Force,
inability t o produce fast reaction strikes, and its reluctance to fly at night and
After a round of talks in Hawaii, and Taylor flew back to
Washington. The Defense secretary proposed twelve steps to President Johnson
for changing the course of the war. Though stressing actions within the country,
the secretary suggested that plans be laid for border-control actions inside Laos
and Cambodia on seventy-two hours notice. These would be “tit-for-tat” bomb
strikes and commando raids by Vietnamese forces on such North Vietnamese
targets as communications centers, training camps, and infiltration routes. For
the present, resisted border-control or graduated military pressure
operations. He nevertheless thought there ought to be standby plans for gradu-
ally tightening the screws on North Vietnam. The plans would be triggered on
thirty days notice and involve air attacks on military and possibly industrial

The Joint Chiefs judged the Defense secretary’s program to be too

sparse unless quick decisive action against North Vietnam was added. John A.
McCone. CIA director, labeled McNamara’s proposals “too little, too late.” He
urged swift operations in the south to match intensive air and naval moves on the
north. General LeMay spoke to the point. He did not think that the “military
tools and concepts” were “generally sound and adequate.” He deplored the
shackling of sound military activities with artificial political bonds that events
had long made obsolete.
The National Security Council concurred in the Secretary of Defense’s
recommendations but warned, “The United States should commit itself to the
clear objective of preventing the fall of South Viet-nam to Communism.”Other-
wise the result would “destroy SEATO.” President Johnson harbored doubts but
approved the proposals, preferring the secretary’s approach to that of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff. The political and military base in South Vietnam seemed too
fragile to invite expanded enemy hostilities. Furthermore, striking North Viet-
nam might bring the Chinese and Soviets into the war. The President asked all
agencies to support energetically the actions called
Shortly afterwards the Joint Chiefs answered a question put by Johnson on
March 4: Had all possible support been given American and Vietnamese units
since he had become President? The chiefs said they had hoped for stronger U.S.
action to encompass air reconnaissance in Laos and Cambodia, clandestine
intelligence operations in Cambodia, hot pursuit by ground troops, inspection of
Cambodian shipping in the Mekong Delta, and jet fighters for South Vietnam.
But all had been turned down due to national
In a major address on March 26, 1964, Secretary of Defense McNamara
explained the four options open to the President. The United States could
withdraw from Vietnam but this was completely untenable. Vietnam could be
neutralized, risking a n eventual communist takeover. Military actions could be
spread into North Vietnam, a choice being carefully studied. Or the United States
could focus on helping the Vietnamese win, the option already approved by
Johnson. Even if fighting beyond South Vietnam was needed, it would supple-
ment rather than substitute for general progress and stability in the country.
The decision to center on the battle inside Vietnam underscored thedemand
to relax the rules of engagement for air operations. On March 27 MACV
authorized strike aircraft to operate t o the border if it was a river or road.
Elsewhere they could fly as close as two thousand meters when directed by a
forward air controller, five thousand meters when not. Aircraft were forbidden to
fire across or violate the frontier without diplomatic clearance.
The State Department sympathized with the J C S stand for hot pursuit into
Cambodia under certain conditions but contested any easing of the curbs. This
position governed in 1964 and was reiterated firmly by MACV in October and
November after aircraft flew over the border by
Following a S E A T O Council meeting in Manila on April 15, Secretary
Rusk and General Wheeler went t o Saigon. With Ambassador Lodge they
weighed the chances of squeezing North Vietnam by Vietnamese covert opera-


by covert U.S. support for Vietnamese aerial mining and strikes, and lastly
by covert American-Vietnamese naval displays, bombardments, and air attacks.
Rusk felt that the limited resources given Vietnam inhibited U.S. officials from
daring new efforts. He wondered whether enough Americans were aiding civil
administrative services in cleared areas that had to be held. On April the
President therefore suggested t o Lodge that “two or three hundred” troops be
replaced by civilian advisors to shift the emphasis toward “the art of
Hanoi meanwhile became more belligerent. On April Chi Minh
declared that if the United States carried the war to North Vietnam, he had
“powerful friends ready to help”him. In the Laotian panhandle, North Vietnam-
ese construction crews, signalmen, and truckdrivers improved infiltration routes.
Also in April a North Vietnamese regiment was recalled from Laos and given
special military and political training for operations in Vietnam. Hanoi began
form new regiments for dispatch SOUTHWARD
Having probed Laotian government forces since November
Lao and North Vietnamese troops on April launched heavy attacks on the
of Jars After boasting that they could take any district headquarters in
the Delta, the Viet on the night of April overran the district
capital of Long on the Peninsula. In the ensuing air-ground battle,
the enemy lost at least fifty-five men killed including the commander. Yet
Vietnamese and Americans were casualties, the capital was in ruins, and some
two hundred civilians were killed or wounded. On May a under-
water demolition team sank the U.S. aircraft ferry Curd while it was berthed in
the Saigon River and delivering helicopters.
Stung by these successes, General told Lodge on May that he
wanted to declare war on North Vietnam. He wished to have ten thousand
Special Forces troops “to cover the whole Cambodian-Laotian border. Would
the United States start bombing beyond the confines of South
On this question there was a serious split between American policymakers
and even within the Joint Chiefs of Staff. and Gen. Wallace
had urged low-level reconnaissance and air strikes against
the north by U.S. aircraft. In a shift of opinion the other members-
Chairman Taylor, Gen. Harold Johnson, USA, and David
McDonald, that heavy pressure was not warranted, at least for
the present.
In its study of how to tighten the screws on North Vietnam, Sullivan’s
Vietnam Coordinating Committee noted that North Vietnam’s economy was
chiefly agrarian. There were relatively few industrial targets that if wiped out
would have a n immediate military impact. Still a steady in air power,
from psychological applications to selective strikes, could hurt Hanoi and slow
its support to the Viet CINCPAC meantime firmed up plans for the
United States to take part in military operations in Laos, Cambodia, and North
Vietnam if the authorities in Washington so
Communist in the Laotian panhandle prompted the Joint Chiefs to
plan with the Government of Vietnam for airlifting Vietnamese intelligence


teams into the area around Tchepone. When Secretary McNamara and General
Taylor visited Saigon during May 12-13, McNamara let Khanh know that
bombing North Vietnam would be no substitute for clearing the Viet Cong out of
South Vietnam. The two found Harkins optimistic, Westmoreland less so, and
Lodge satisfied with the size and composition of U.S. efforts. “Further large scale
contributions.” he said, “are not
The collapse of government defenses on the Plain of Jars on May 17
demanded rapid reaction within Laos and a second look at the merits of exerting
pressure on North Vietnam. A National Security Council working group,
chaired by Assistant Secretary of State William P. Bundy, prepared a thirty-day
scenario of political actions leading to air strikes against North Vietnamese
targets and a call for an international conference on Vietnam. The Joint Chiefs
J-3 (Operations) listed targets in these categories of ascending importance: to
convince Hanoi that it was too risky to back the Viet Cong and Pathet Lao, to
deter Hanoi from escalating the conflict, and to destroy the North Vietnamese
In meetings on May 24 and 25, the executive committee of the National
Security Council put forward selected portions of the scenario. President
Johnson then enjoined his senior advisers t o hold a major strategy conference in
Hawaii on June I and
The Soviet Union early in 1964 had advocated new meetings of the Geneva
powers on Vietnam and Cambodia, and on May 27 a Polish diplomatic initiative
called for a conference on Laos. After hearing charges of border violations, the
United Nations Security Council suggested that observers be placed along the
Cambodian frontier to ease tensions. The United States and South Vietnam
welcomed the proposal, but the Viet Cong and Cambodia spurned
As acting chairman, LeMay advised the Joint Chiefs on May 28 that the
United States was “losing Southeast Asia chiefs, he argued, ought to
present a t the upcoming Honolulu military conference a clear record on how to
“start winning.” He said the only way to end Hanoi’s support of the insurgency in
Vietnam and Laos would be to destroy its means to do so. Air attacks should be
made on infiltration points a t Dien Bien Phu and Vinh to show the sharp change
in American outlook and resolve. On the 30th the Joint Chiefs accepted LeMay’s
views and passed them to McNamara. Upon his return, Chairman Taylor
disagreed with these views and sent his own to the Defense secretary, initially
proposing more limited actions against targets less risky than Vinh and Dien
Bien Phu. The purpose, he stated, would be to impress upon Hanoi U.S.
readiness to take more drastic action should North Vietnam enlarge its support
for the Viet
Present at the Secretary of Defense Conference on June land 2 were
Secretary Rusk, Ambassador Lodge, General Taylor, Admiral Felt, and Mr.
Sullivan of the President’s Vietnam Coordinating Committee. General Harkins,
whose relations with Lodge had soured, did not attend. The atmosphere was
gloomy. The talk focused on getting congressional approval for wider action in
Southeast Asia. Envisioned were commitment of American divisions, a partial


U.S. mobilization, and air attacks on North Vietnam. Lodge favored a careful
bombing campaign. He believed it would bolster the shaky Khanh government
and impart a feeling of unity to the war-weary South Vietnamese. At the end the
consensus was to wait and see what
Mr. James B. Seaborn, the Canadian member of the International Control
Commission, visited North Vietnam and apprised the government of American
thoughts on a negotiated peace based on concessions by both sides. If Hanoi
would stop sending men and arms south. Washington would respond with
economic aid. Denying any attempt to threaten, the United States was well aware
of Hanoi’s strings on the Viet Cong. If the war heated up, thegreatest devastation
would be loosed upon North Vietnam. Seaborn stressed President Johnson’s
desire for a settlement based on Hanoi’s promise t o abide by the Geneva
agreements of 1954 and 1962. North Vietnamese officials were unimpressed.
They wanted the United States to withdraw totally from Vietnam. This would be
followed by a “neutral” regime in Saigon, with the National Liberation Front
charting the future of the country. Seaborn during a second trip in August
conveyed the warning that American patience was wearing thin. Hanoi’s reply
was hardly encouraging for
Secretary McNamara and General Taylor had asked the J C S and
C I N C P A C t o forge a three-phase air strike plan against North Vietnam. If set in
motion it would signal American readiness to attack all major military targets in
the country. On July I 1 the planners settled on ninety-four air strike objectives in
North Vietnam-eighty-two targets and twelve armed reconnaissance routes.
They next set about drafting detailed plans for this massive air
CINCPAC rather than MACV was to have overall direction of operations
against North Vietnam, through the P A C A F and PACFLT commanders. But
the principal thrust of American policy continued to be countering the insur-
gency within the borders of South Vietnam. T o that end the MACV commander
was to devote his full

Once asked why the United States should not have command over the
Vietnamese armed forces, General Harkins replied that this would be contrary to
U.S. national policy. More to the point, the Vietnamese government would not
agree to the arrangement, since it jealously guarded its sovereign right to accept
or reject American advice.' Although this question and this position were never
officially challenged, certain other command problems continued to vex the
carrying out of the counterinsurgency. Among them were the tie-in of MACV
and MAAG; the role and influence of the U.S. Air Force in directing policy in the
country, chiefly in the controversy over the single management of aircraft; and
the organization of the Vietnamese Air Force. These received attention in 1964.
In the U S A F view, the principal command problem in Vietnam since 1962
was the absence of experienced high-ranking air officers on the MACV joint staff
to explain what air power could and could not do. The MACV staff was
dominated by Army officers rather than really jointly manned. No component
Army and Navy units existed under MACV with the equivalent status of the 2d
Air Division.
Admiral Felt was sympathetic to having a senior USAF officer in the
mainstream of MACV current operations. In September 1963 he had proposed
filling the MACV chief of staff slot with a USAF officer when it became vacant in
mid-1964. The Joint Chiefs of Staff approved but the Secretary of Defense did
not. After talking with Harkins during his December 1963 visit to Saigon, the
Defense secretary was set on making changes along lines suggested by the Army.
Early in 1964 he created the new position of Deputy Commander, MACV, and
named Army Lt. Gen. William C. Westmoreland to it. He placed Brig. Gen. Ben
Sternberg, USA, in the J-1 (Personnel) niche. He downgraded the USAF colonel
serving as J-2 (Intelligence) to Deputy J-2 and put a Marine Corps brigadier
general over him. He directed Harkins to reorganize MACV and the subsequent
alterations shrunk the USAF allocation of J-staff jobs to the post of J-5 (Plans)
held by Maj. Gen. Milton B. Adams. McNamara nevertheless believed the Air
Force t o be well-represented. He pointed to the 2d Air Division commander and
the MAAG Air Force Section chief who were both general officers and present in
Admiral Felt and Gen. Jacob E. Smart, P A C A F commander, questioned
the wisdom of revamping MACV while the Vietnamese government was trying
to recover from the shock of two coups. They had not concurred in a Joint Chiefs
suggestion on February 15 to merge MAAG and MACV. But a study by General
Sternberg addressed the broader question. The existence of the two headquarters
had surely led to duplication of effort, occasional lapses in coordination, and a
needlessly complicated advisory program. If the functions were fused under


MACV, Sternberg favored MACV as a “specified army command” in lieu of a

“subordinate joint command.”³
That would enhance the Army’s role at the expense of the Navy and Air
Force. While General Smart assented to the need for a large Army share in the
advisory assistance effort, he failed to understand the logic of Army predomi-
nance. When McNamara and Taylor came to Hawaii in March, Smart argued
for placing senior USAF officers in decisionmaking positions in the reorganized
headquarters so that air power could be best employed. The secretary said he
knew of no operation that had suffered from want of air support. Taylor had
heard of such instances but blamed poor communications instead of faulty
organization or unsound policy. Admiral Felt asserted that at times Army
advisors neglected to pass along air support requests, because they wanted to use
Army aircraft to further Army doctrinal concepts. McNamara refused to change
General Westmoreland, former commander of the XVlIl Airborne Corps,
became the deputy commander of MACV on January 27, 1964. Maj. Gen.
Joseph H. Moore-a close friend of Westmoreland since boyhood-replaced
General Anthis as 2d Air Division commander on the 3 1st. Air Force officials
hoped that Moore’s close ties with Westmoreland would help brighten the image,
expand the influence, and enlarge the number of senior staff personnel of the Air
Force, as well as clear up air problems. General Wheeler, Army Chief of Staff,
ordered Westmoreland “to get the air missions straightened out.” He said he
would not tolerate a fight for “hide bound doctrinal concepts.” If Army doctrine
got in the way of the war effort, Wheeler could and would change doctrine with a
stroke of his I
Besides 104 aircraft, the 2d Air Division had about forty-six hundred people
in January 1964-nearly sixty on the MACV staff, four hundred in MAAG, and
more than four thousand in USAF Yet hope for a bigger Air Force part in
counterinsurgency soon vanished. The MACV J-3 complained that his USAF
deputy, who was highly regarded by the 2d Air Division, was unable to “look at
J-3 matters except through USAF-tinted glasses,” knew nothing about ground
operations, and was of little use. The deputy was succeeded by an Army officer.’
General Moore pressed for the assignment of a USAF officer as MACV chief of
staff when General Weede of the Marine Corps wound up his tour in May.
Instead, Maj. Gen. Richard G. Stilwell moved from J-3 to chief of staff and
another Army officer, Brig. Gen. William E. DePuy, took over the J-3
Perhaps foreshadowing the end of the advisory era, MAAG was closed out
on May 15, 1964. Its functions went to a n expanded MACV headquarters, and
the Army corps advisory groups fell directly under MACV. The MAAG Air
Force Section became the Air Force Advisory Group, assigned to MACV but
with operational control vested in General Moore as the USAF component
commander. Moore also came to be the senior advisor to the Vietnamese Air
Force. General Rowland, chief of the Air Force Advisory Group, acted as
Moore’s deputy for the Vietnamese Air Force military assistance


(Top left) President Johnson and W. Averell Harriman.

(Top right) Adm. Ulysses S. Grant Sharp, Jr.

(Bottom) Maj. Gen. Joseph H. Moore and Gen. Jacob E. Smart discuss air tactics with Maj. Xuan Vinh,
commander of the 23d Air Support Group, VNAF.

Courtesy: U.S. Park Service Courtesy U S Navy


T o General Smart the new setup did little to extend air knowledge and
experience at MACV. Rather than trimming the headquarters, the change
triggered a request to raise staff spaces by 3 10(283 U.S. Army, 24 Navy/ Marine
Corps, and 3 USAF). Smart recommended at least 38 more USAF officers as
directorate and branch chiefs.’”Disregarding his desires, MACV in September
asked for 71 new USAF spaces mostly for field advisory
General Westmoreland rose to MACV commander when General Harkins
reached retirement age on June 20. Ambassador Lodge resigned on the 23d to
join in the national elections at home, and President Johnson selected General
Taylor for the post. On July IS Admiral Felt retired and Adm. Ulysses S. Grant
Sharp, Jr., became CINCPAC. A whole new leadership emerged.
Should an Air Force officer be named as Westmoreland’s deputy? West-
moreland had said in early June that he needed no deputy. But General LeMay
argued in J C S discussions that a deputy from another service was a must to
preserve the unified nature of MACV. Because of broadening air operations he
thought the deputy should be a USAF general. The Navy and Marine Corps
thought so too. General Wheeler, Army chief, suggested that the 2d Air Division
commander be designated Deputy Commander for Air as an additional duty if
air operations grew. Chairman Taylor was for giving the deputy position to an
officer who could afford across-the-board assistance to Westmoreland. Owing to
the nature of operations, he wished to see a two- or three-star Army general in the
job. Taylor queried Westmoreland who then said he wanted an Army general.
After McNamara’s approval on June 18. Lt. Gen. John L. Throckmorton was
General LeMay reiterated the need for USAF expertise on the MACV staff.
In September Westmoreland proposed to give the 2d Air Division commander
the second hat of Deputy Commander for Air Operations, MACV. The Air Staff
and PACAF opposed this action because it offered the MACV staff n o real
additional help. Westmoreland nonetheless went ahead with the proposal. On
November 12CINCPAC bowed to the “political climate”and put it forward to
the Joint Chiefs.¹² Not until seven months later was the new title approved.
Still the reshuffling of May 15 bestowed some benefits. Tucking the Air
Force Advisory Group under 2d Air Division was long overdue and fostered
unity and control.¹³ The harmony between Westmoreland and Moore nurtured
better working relations between MACV and 2d Air
Yet General Westmoreland continued to command U.S. Army compo-
nents, violating the principle that commanders of unified activities must be
divorced from service operations. In effect the MACV air component com-
mander answered to the Army component commander.
Moreover, the sparse service expertise on the MACV staff made it hard to
pursue joint matters properly. A case in point was the MACV airlift allocation
board run by one overworked USAF officer i n Army officers so ruled the
MACV Joint Research and Test Activity that the Air Force hesitated to test
combined concepts for combinations of Just eight of the forty-five


AUTHORIZED officer spaces in were Air Force. Only one was a colonel's slot, the
newly created Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff for
for the most part entrusted air matters to the Air Division staff, but
more and more assumed control of day-to-day air operations. This was done at
first through a n American MACV staff element in the Vietnamese armed forces
joint operations center. Later an Army air operations section was formed with
personnel, to allocate Army aircraft to the corps and to control other Army
aviation resources. T o coordinate Army and Air Force infrared reconnaissance,
the MACV Target Research and Analysis Center was founded in December
This function took care of centralized targeting
The tactical air control system survived and outwardly appeared to meet
doctrinal needs. Still it was soon evident that the status of the tactical air
commander was severely eroded-the Air Division commander had no
command authority, no direct operating duties, and no staff support. Senior
USAF officers perceived that the local situation in Vietnam dictated several
deviations from proven tactical air doctrine. But they cautioned against adopting
the MACV air control system as a model for worldwide air command and
The performance of the Vietnamese Air Force also stirred concern. Central
to the Vietnamese military concept was the parceling out of resources among the
four corps commanders who governed all ground, air, naval, and paramilitary
forces within their areas. Air Force officers, notably General Smart, protested
splintering the meager Vietnamese air power. Even so, many Army officers
believed this grouping was required in what they saw as largely a ground

Col. had won command of the Vietnamese Air Force for

his part in the Minh coup, and polished his prestige by supporting the
coup. He assured Generals Moore and that he did not intend to
relinquish centralized control over air power. New wings, said, were to be
assigned to geographical corps areas rather than to corps commanders. On
March Vietnamese tactical wing headquarters were transferred to the corps
areas and located at Pleiku, and Another was projected for
Can Tho when the new airfield was finished. A composite airlift and reconnais-
sance wing continued to operate under the air operations The proposal
to place liaison and helicopter squadrons under the corps came up in April.
dissented and MACV sided with him. The transfer was not carried
General Moore worked to keep the tactical air control system intact,
including the air support operations centers. Since the Vietnamese wing com-
manders at and Pleiku advised and planned with corps commanders,
the role of the and Corps air support operations centers declined. The
sub-operations center at was shut DOWN On the whole, Moore
considered the Vietnamese Air Force organization a deviation but close enough
to classical air concepts to be acceptable. Maj. Gen. Sam Thir-
teenth Air Force commander, decided not to dwell on the

By retaining the integrity of his command, Ky could deploy his units as a

national counter-coup force. Yet American influence over Vietnamese air opera-
tions diminished. For example, the 4 1st Tactical Wing and ICorps staffs planned
for March 30 a night medium-level bombing raid against a Viet Cong training
center. Army and Air Force advisors first learned of the attack when planning
was well underway and white-phosphorus bombs were requested from Ameri-
can stocks. Twelve T-28s and four A-I Hs participated. Colonel Ky, who rode in
one of the T-28s, depicted the strike as a highly successful demonstration of a
“new night bombing capability.” Vietnamese army photo interpreters gave a
glowing account of damages to the Viet Cong, but U.S. Army interpreters failed
to find the samc
“The word for the Air Force in Vietnam,” General Anthis had written in
November 1963, “is austerity,” having both American and Vietnamese compo-
nents in mind. War-weary air commando aircraft, a fledgling Vietnamese Air
Force, and a slow air request net made it difficult to seize combat
The U S A F 34th Tactical Group was scheduled to phase out of Vietnam.
Withdrawal would begin in mid-1964 with thedeparture ofthe 19th Tactical Air
Support Squadron which furnished forward air controllers. The 1st Air Com-
mando Squadron, due t o receive in June 1964 the first two of eighteen rebuilt On
Mark B-26Ks, was to leave in mid-1965. Farm Gate’s B-26s were nearly worn out
but the 2d Air Division expected them to survive with careful flying, if the Viet
Cong introduced no heavy weapons with antiaircraft sighting devices. The new
Vietnamese 5 18th Fighter Squadron was to get A-1 Hs in March 1964. Also that
month the 7 16th Composite Reconnaissance Squadron was programmed to
have its eighteen RT-28s and three RC-47s During the second quarter of 1964,
USAF T-28s were to be replaced on a one-for-one basis with dual-piloted
By 1964 Vietnamese and American aircraft were furnishing but one-half of
the support asked for. The reasons lay in air request net troubles and the rising
damage to planes from Viet Cong ground defenses.
On February I 1, after the wing of a B-26at Eglin Air Force Base broke off in
flight, all B-26s in Vietnam were taken out of combat. They could fly only
straight and level with the lightest of ordnance
The uncertain combat worthiness of the old B-26s led P A C A F to suggest
deploying a squadron of the 3d Bombardment Wing’s lightjet B-57s from Japan
to Bien Hoa. These planes were being withdrawn from the wing, but they were
admirable for the war. Their jet speed spelled swift response to air support

The MACV commander and CINCPAC voiced grave concern over the loss
of the B-26s, which General Westmoreland called his “Sunday punch.” Both
headquarters proposed a squadron of B-57s with Vietnamese markings and
mixed crews to operate out of Bien Hoa under Farm Gate rules. On March 2 the
Joint Chiefs made the same suggestion to Defense Secretary
At March conferences in Saigon, McNamara questioned General Moore
regarding Vietnamese Air Force needs. The secretary judged it cheaper to give


the Vietnamese further aircraft than to bring in fresh USAF planes. He settled on
equipping all Vietnamese fighter units with A-I Hs, twenty-five tagged for the
514th Fighter Squadron in the III Corps area to replace the T-28s. In addition he
earmarked thirty for the 1st Air Command Squadron to take over from the
wornout B-26s and
General Smart told McNamara in Hawaii that tactical airchalked up more
than thirty percent of the enemy casualties in South Vietnam-14,944 out of
49,100 in 1962 and 1963. If a few obsolete aircraft could d o this damage, think of
what new and better planes could achieve. McNamara replied that he appre-
ciated why B-57s were desired. First, however, the United States should exploit
the easier method of sending in more nonjet planes to help win the war. What
interested him was the possible use of B-57s in covert operations against North
Vietnam. The Defense secretary’s recommendations, approved by President
Johnson, embodied equipping the Vietnamese with twenty-five A-I Hs in
exchange for T-28s. At the close of March, forty-eight B-57s and crews flew from
Yokota Air Base in Japan to Clark Air Base in the
Col. Benjamin S. Preston, Jr., commander of the 34th Tactical Group at
Bien Hoa, went all out to keep his B-26s in the air. But clearly they could not be
saved-every plane had cracked stress plates and loose rivets throughout its
wings. On April 8 the last of the B-26s and RB-26s were t o be ferried t o Clark Air
Base for
So long as the T-28s faced no heavy ground fire, they did the job despite
their fairly slow speed and small armament load. As Viet Cong firing heated up,
however, they became vulnerable. On February 18 a T-28 took a hit while flying
interdiction, but the crew fortunately escaped serious injury in the crash-landing.
The next day a second T-28 was shot down while strafing in support of a ground
operation, and the crewmen were killed. Three Vietnamese A-I Hs shared a like
fate in
Since the T-28s had outlived their safe employment in Vietnam, replace-
ment A-I Skyraiders came in. On March 18 the newly formed Vietnamese 518th
Fighter Squadron, with ten of twenty-five authorized began to fly
combat from Bien
Col. George 1. Ruddell, deputy t o the MACV J-3, surveyed the ground-fire
threat. He thought that a return to the Air Force’s standard four-aircraft fighter
flights was in order, with each echelon of two protecting the other during
low-level passes. This called for more planes, so Ruddell recommended that the
34th Tactical Group get two squadrons each of twenty-five in lieu of a
single squadron of thirty. Harkins, Smart, and Felt approved and passed the
proposal to the Joint Chiefs of
Compelled to stand down the combat-worn B-26s, Colonel Preston won-
dered how he could keep the 1st Air Commando Squadron going. On March 24
a T-28B lost a wing and crashed while on a bomb run near Soc Trang, killing the
pilot, Capt. Edwin G. Shank, Jr., and the Vietnamese crewman. All T-28s had
been closely inspected and aircraft maintenance was excellent. Even so, the loss


of the so soon after the wing failures impaired pilot morale. By April
the Air Division was “practically flat out of business.”
On April a crew was completing a third strafing pass over a
well-defended target when the wing snapped off and the plane crashed. Two
specialists from the North American Aviation, Inc., flew to and ran
inspections. They said that the could not take the “slam-bang type flying” I
because it was a trainer-not a properly stressed fighter-bomber. At their
suggestion, Colonel Preston retired the five remaining Gate that had
been in combat since He borrowed nine newer from the
Vietnamese, bringing the I Air Commando Squadron’s combat-ready aircraft
to fifteen. He warned pilots about cautioned them not to land if
carrying external ordnance, and placed limits on loading the wing stations of
T o cut damages from small-arms fire, Preston set a minimum
altitude of feet for attack runs. The stayed in operation until A-I
took their PLACE
At least air strike requests were received in the first three months of
Of the not honored, were due to a shortage of planes. These figures
did not present a true picture, for ground commanders and forward air con-
trollers disliked to file new requests after being turned
Air-ground operations yielded slight results. Between January 16and the
Division in An Province was supported by the most tactical air
sorties yet flown in the division area-forty-four on the first day. However, the
troops came to grips with no sizable enemy forces on the
During January the 7th Division mounted a massive search-and-clear
and water invasion into District of Province.
Artillery fire and strikes by and supported the operation.
Still, the enemy poured withering ground fire into the first waves of helicopters,
peppering all thirty-two craft and downing one, a gunship. On the 18th
another armed U was hit and plunged into the water. Only the copilot and a
crewman were rescued. Even with constant air cover, friendly losses totaled
twenty dead, twenty-five wounded, and destroyed. The
lost forty-six killed and ninety-seven CAPTURED
The main problem probably lay in the lack of directives on aerial coordina-
tion and command over a landing area. The sole person actually
allowed t o tell tactical air what t o d o was the Vietnamese forward air controller.
And he had neither the rank nor the experience to be an air COMMANDER
Problems also pervaded the smaller air operations for provincial forces. In
the 5th Division area of IIICorps, for example, the USAF liaison officer pointed
that the kindled cooking fires at dusk. They could take this risk
because Vietnamese strike pilots were not routinely ready t o fly at night. An
exception occurred on January when a Vietnamese: flareship and four
A-I struck an assembly point in Province. Most night air requests
were not honored. As for day pinpoint strikes, just fourteen of sixty-seven
requested interdiction targets were attacked in February. Pilots of the 514th


Fighter Squadron said they were “sick and tired of expending their ordnance on
nothing but empty fields, trees and
This frustration stemmed from the drawn-out air request handling required
by the 5th Division commander-all immediate sightings of the enemy vanished
before being targeted. There were, however, some good results from strikes
against enemy-held areas that provincial troops could not enter. These were the
“remote locations” in the east coast provinces of III Corps. The Phuoc Tuy
forward air controller had good rapport with the province chief, who knew the
enemy’s movements and could and would approve targets for air action. Else-
where, air strikes were hindered by controllers unfamiliar with the area, and by
Popular Forces commanders who feared close fire support by artillery, armed
helicopters, or
In light of the lag in strike aircraft response, Army advisors in III and I V
Corps accented the importance of helicopter assaults. The Vietnamese as a rule
needed thirty minutes to scramble fighters, while processing a request commonly
consumed one hour. Colonel Mellish, air liaison officer of III Corps, urged the
forward staging of aircraft to shave this delay. Three T-28s were sent on ground
alert to Phan Thiet, where Viet Cong attacks were foreseen. When the foe failed
to appear, the little-used T-28s remained exposed to the hazards of a primitive

The number of tactical air sorties available to the III Corps on a busy day
was around 30. This contrasted sharply with the average of 275 sorties a day
flown by U.S. Army planes in support of III Corps. The Army aviation assigned
to the corps was sizable-seventeen utility UH-Is, eleven UH-I gunships, two
CV-2 transports, four U- I utility transports, two OV- I armed reconnaissance
planes, and eight L-19 liaison
Lesser operations in the difficult I V Corps entailed up to four or five
heliborne missions every day in the 7th and 21st Division areas. Five USAF
T-28s at SOCTrang could react swiftly, but it took 1 1/2 hours to get ground alert
aircraft from Bien Hoa. Though the Vietnamese 1 12th Liaison Squadron kept a
detachment of five O-1s at Can Tho, the planes were confined to forward air
control and target-marking duty. The USAF liaison officers hitched rides on
Army liaison aircraft when they could. Most of the time, however, they were
grounded at the division command post. Hence their sole knowledge of the air
situation at a target area came from an Army liaison communication-relay plane
that flew cover over heliborne landing
During March barely 7 I of 126 air support requests from the 7th Division
could be satisfied in the IV Corps, and in April merely 84 of 148 requests were
approved. The air liaison officer and forward air controller spent a lot of their
time in keeping ground officers from becoming discouraged with the sparse air
support. According to Lt. Col. Clarence R. Osborne, Jr., instant air support
from armed UH-I helicopters often “saved the
On April 12 the Viet Cong destroyed the district town of Kien Long in
Chuong Thien Province. The Vietnamese Air Force turned in a splendid per-
formance, featuring a n A-IH hit on a 105-mm howitzer before dawn and a


steady stream of air support strikes throughout the day. The tactical air support
system squeezed thirty to forty-five sorties out of the aircraft at Bien Hoa, but this
was not enough to stave off a serious government
Meanwhile, the Joint Chiefs asked if two separate air control systems
operated in Vietnam and if Vietnamese commanders were getting conflicting
advice from U.S. Army and USAF advisors. MACV replied that one system
directed Air Force aircraft, while the other was a separate aviation headquarters
that managed Army and Marine Corps air units. Since these units afforded
special assistance and had “no role in the development of the Vietnamese air
structure, Ihave been free to employ them as I see fit to [the] maximum support
of the ground
The U.S. Army senior advisor at III Corps, a colonel, was an extreme
partisan of Army aviation who slighted tactical air support. He never invited the
corps USAF liaison officer to planning conferences, and as a matter of fact was
not on speaking terms with him. The senior advisor prepared pacification plans
that made no mention of tactical air support. When General Moore offered help,
he was turned down. Moore told General Westmoreland of this, and MACV
directed that province pacification plans contain an air operations annex drawn
by USAF advisors. From then on, the colonel called the air liaison officer to all
briefings and planning
Air advisors were few among the ground units. The 2d Air Division had
authority for seventeen lieutenant colonels as air liaison officers with corps and
divisions, and Army advisors outranked them. There were thirty-two captains
and lieutenants as air-advisor forward air controllers with regiments. In compar-
ison Army advisors numbered up to five hundred in a corps, with assignments
going down to company level. General Moore had kept the rank of air advisors
low to avoid dwarfing relatively junior Vietnamese counterparts. General
Maddux, Thirteenth Air Force commander, wanted a senior USAF colonel to
be assigned to the Joint General Staff. He further wished corps air liaison officers
to be colonels, thus giving them equal prestige with Army senior corps
General Westmoreland was dead-set against raising the corps air liaison
officers to the rank of colonel. He regarded the Army senior advisors as MACV
senior advisors, responsible for all military matters to include the use of air
power. Corps air liaison officers were supposed to advise the senior advisors, and
Westmoreland assured General Moore that they would be listened to. When
Moore learned that Vietnamese wing commanders would be the chief air advi-
sors to the corps commanders. he acceded to the MACV commander’s point of

Indeed, the 2d Air Division commander felt that conflict between the two
distinct control systems was overdrawn. Confident of cooperation he said, “The
Army isjust as strongly opposed to Air Force control of its aircraft as we are for
the Army to control Even so, Moore desired to enlarge the tactical air
control system by adding a n air request communications net, manned and
operated by the Air Force. It would resemble the U.S. Strike Command-Tactical
Air Command system worked out during maneuvers i n the United States. He


hoped t o d o away with the long delays in passing air requests up through
channels over Vietnamese army
General Moore’s proposed net for handling Vietnamese air requests would
enhance USAF advice at lower ground echelons. An Air Force pilot (forward air
controller) and two radio operators were to man tactical air control parties at all
levels down to battalion. They would process air support requests, provide
advice, and direct close air support strikes. To man this countrywide setup, the 2d
Air Division was to draw pilots from the USAF 19th Tactical Air Support
Squadron. Moore envisioned a continuing need for Vietnamese controllers to
mark remote and hard-to-find interdiction targets. However he saw no reason
why Air Force controllers, Army liaison pilots, and Army and Vietnamese
forward air guides could not mesh their efforts to designate targets for air

Moore counted on speeding up the reaction ofthe Vietnamese Air Force by

training and assigning Vietnamese down t o battalion level, first as counterparts
and eventually to replace U S A F personnel. He also wanted an Air Force liaison
officer appointed to the Joint General Staff and more Vietnamese working in its
operations center. General Westmoreland added a USAF colonel as advisor to
the Joint General Staff, and he authorized Moore to use P A C A F resources to
establish the air request net in the III Corps area. In Washington, J C S Chairman
Wheeler secured McNamara’s assent for the air request net. The Defense secre-
tary let the Air Force deploy combat-ready tactical air control parties from the
Tactical Air Command. They were to serve on temporary duty in Vietnam
pending the procurement of personnel and equipment for the 2d Air
With plans for the new air request net nearing fruition, with the B-26s
already retired, with the T-28s in stress trouble, with McNamara against having a
B-57 squadron in South Vietnam, General Moore wrote to General LeMay in
April asking for an expansion from two to three A-I E squadrons of twenty-five
planes each. Two of these units at Bien Hoa would permit standard four-ship
fighter formations and provide for the predicted upturn in air strikes created by
the air request system. The third squadron was to be based at the new Can Tho
airfield being built in the Mekong Delta and slated for completion in early 1965.
Without disparaging Vietnamese progress, Moore stressed that a third USAF
A-IE squadron would enable planes to respond quickly to oncall air support
missions. This would set a proper example for Vietnamese airmen, whose morale
tended to be
Richard T. Sandborn, 2d Air Division operations analyst, showed that fifty
A-I Es and seventy-five A-I Hs would generate 3,038 sorties per month, with ten
percent for training. Considering the rise in air support requests and the demand
for larger aircraft flights, Sandborn computed combat sorties at 4,476 by August
1964. He foresaw further rises in the
General Maddux, Thirteenth Air Force commander, pointed out that a
third A-I E squadron might end retention of the B-57s a t Clark. But he saw no
reason for making a n issue of the new unit so soon, since it could not be
accommodated a t Can Tho until 1965. However Gen. William H. Blanchard, Air


Force Vice Chief of Staff, stated that the Air Force was planning for the third
squadron to be fully equipped at Can Tho by March 1965. General Wheeler
justified the A-I E expansion because of low Vietnamese performance. Neverthe-
less, the additional USAF planes would delay Vietnamese self-sufficiency and
undermine the principle that Americans were to help rather than to
Two events revealed that the rule restricting USAF advisors from engaging
in battle was being strained if not entirely broken. The first took place on March
8 when Col. Thomas M. Hergert, deputy chief of the MAAG Air Force Section,
was killed. He was flying an A-I H as wingman to a Vietnamese flight leader on
an interdiction mission. Both had made a dozen passes t o deliver ordnance when
Hergert’s plane crashed. Smoke was seen billowing from the right-wing root just
before the right wing
Investigation disclosed that eighty-nine U S A F pilots were flying Viet-
namese aircraft. But no advisor could lead a flight. be the first to expend
ordnance, or continue a mission if the Vietnamese flight leader aborted. Colonel
Hergert was the twentyeighth U S A F combat fatality in Vietnam since January

The second event concerned Captain Shank who had died in a T-28 crash
on March 24. On April 21 U.S. Congressmen and the press were furnished
several letters Shank had written home. He had criticized the airworthiness of
U.S. aircraft and told of 1st Air Commando pilots flying combat missions with
Vietnamese basic airmen, popularly called “sandbags.”The airmen went along as
the required Vietnamese crewmen, for t o obtain qualified crewmembers meant
diverting fifty to seventy-five Vietnamese pilots from their own planes. Seeing
that these pilots were assigned on the basis of 1.5 for each cockpit, this would
severely hamper Vietnamese air power. If legitimate Vietnamese observers flew
with Americans, the liaison and forward air controller programs would be
bankrupt. Consequently, General Moore suggested that the arbitrary require-
ment for a Vietnamese aboard a U.S. strike aircraft be lifted. Nonrated airmen
scarcely contributed to the missions normally flown to augment Vietnamese

On April 29 the Joint Chiefs of Staff proposed that the number of U S A F

A-IEs in Vietnam be upped at once to fifty (two squadrons) and to a third
squadron later. Secretary of Defense McNamara consented t o the immediate
increase to two squadrons, which was in line with Admiral Felt’s hope for a third
squadron in 1965. McNamara also accepted General Smart’s suggestion to hold
the B-57s at Clark as an “ace in the hole” for a
Visiting Saigon in May. Secretary McNamara and General Taylor were
cool toward a third A-I E squadron. Taylor said it would not sell in Washington.
McNamara reiterated that U.S. forces were not to take part in combat. The
secretary directed General Moore t o get the Vietnamese trained so that they
could d o everything themselves. He ordered the Vietnamese pilot ratio raised
from 1.5 to 2 per plane and the Vietnamese 716th Composite Reconnaissance
Squadron fitted out with twenty-five A-I Hs by October I and converted to a


fourth fighter squadron. This would take the place of a third U.S.

Upon return to Washington, the Defense secretary in a news interview

emphasized that USAF personnel were in Vietnam to train the Vietnamese to
fight an war.” Within the Defense establishment he made known
his intention to phase down the strike operations of the Air Commando
Squadron and his goal to have that unit out of Vietnam in
A few days later, Taylor reaffirmed the policy that U.S. military personnel
were not to join in combat. Farm Gate aircraft could only “fly fide
operational training missions against hostile targets to prepare the participating
personnel for eventual replacement of U.S. pilots.” U.S. helicopter
missions would keep on introducing Americans into combat situations, but
are for use as transport.” Their weapons were for self-protection.
“Armed helicopters will not be used as a substitute for close air support strikes.”
On June Smart asked Felt and Westmoreland to clarify the directive66
that forbade Farm Gate from entering into combat but let Americans fly
operational training missions against hostile targets. They replied that Farm
Gate was to fly combat but to be more circumspect. Farm Gate was to further
insure that Vietnamese personnel aboard American aircraft were pilot aspirants
or undergoing flight training. Westmoreland thought that MACV could live
with the directive and keep Farm Gate fighting. Its effect, he said, would “not be
appreciable” on the Air Division and on U.S. helicopters.
Toward the close of April, seventeen Vietnamese were combat-
loaded and deployed from to The unannounced mission
turned out to be the start of a seven-battalion search-and-clear sweep in
the Corps. During April 27-May the sorties flown by the Vietnamese Air
Force totaled and and and The
helicopters did psychological warfare, medical evacuation, resupply, and crop
destruction. A daily average of ten A-I were on tap at and the 16th
Fighter Squadron kept five at the airfield for immediate air
The operation apparently caught the by surprise. Not only were
many automatic weapons captured and destroyed, but enemy installations were
broken up. Yet when the fighting was over, it was impossible to leave three
irregular companies behind as planned because the foe had been scattered but
not wiped out. Nonetheless, this example of well-coordinated combat aviation
gave Smart confidence that Vietnamese air power was clearly on the
Despite this burnishing of Vietnamese Air Force prestige, the month-long
operation consumed almost one-half of all Vietnamese combat sorties in May.
Besides, Vietnamese and USAF aircraft conversions were cutting into Viet-
namese aircraft. The Air Commando Squadron had borrowed fifteen
from the 516th Fighter Squadron, which sent pilots to for A-I
transition training given by the U.S. Pacific Fleet’s Naval Air Squadron VA-152.
The A-I H was bigger than the and twisted about more from the propeller
torque. It had a tailwheel rather than the tricycle landing gear that the pilots were

used to. Hence several A-1 Hs suffered damage in ground accidents. When ten
A-I Hs arrived in May, they sat on the ramps at Da Nang. Since the Vietnamese
41st CAM RON was unfamiliar with the aircraft, the incommission rate averaged
merely four or five a day and at times dipped to
At Bien Hoa the 1st Air Commando Squadron stayed operational with the
borrowed T-28s. One was lost in a takeoff accident and six were transferred on
May 20 to combat in Laos. This left only
Due chiefly to fewer T-28s, combat sorties dwindled in May even as requests
for air support climbed. In mid-month USAF personnel followed McNamara’s
guidance to the letter. They worked to lift the Vietnamese fighter pilot ratio to
two per plane. They pushed the enlargement of the fighter force to four A-I H
squadrons so that the 1st Air Commando Squadron could be withdrawn. The
Defense secretary wanted the tactical reconnaissance squadron converted to the
fourth fighter squadron by October. And he authorized air transport and other
Vietnamese pilots to fly fighters.
As the crash plan for the secretary’s program neared completion, the J C S
directive banning U.S planes from combat without giving bona fide training to
Vietnamese crewmembers foreshadowed a decline in USAF combat sorties. This
came at the time when there were too few aircraft to meet requirements and the
Vietnamese were building two new A-I H squadrons. Recognizing the emer-
gency, MACV ruled that the 1 st Air Commando Squadron could continue to fly
its eight T-28s carrying Vietnamese crewmen who were not potential pilots. As
soon as A-1 Es replaced T-28s, however, A-I E combat operations would be held
strictly to genuine
On May 28 MACV decided to equip the present three Vietnamese fighter
squadrons to attain two pilots per plane by October I. It likewise intended to
form three more fighter squadrons as soon as aircraft became available, by
February 15, 1965, if all went well. Only Vietnamese pilots were to attend the
intensive A-I H pilot training program. The 34th Tactical Group would present
the initial two-week indoctrination, Naval Air Squadron VA-I52 was to furnish
the five-week transition course, and the 34th would administer the final

Meeting with the Joint Chiefs on June 8, Secretary McNamara directed that
the first four Vietnamese fighter squadrons receive primary attention, the two
others secondary. On June 17 Admiral Felt accepted a PACAF evaluation and
reported to the chiefs that MACV was trying to d o too much too fast. He
suggested that the 5 16th Fighter Squadron be brought to full strength in Sep-
tember and that the 520th Fighter Squadron be made operational at Can Tho by
the end of the year. He judged that the Vietnamese could man four fighter
squadrons without inactivating their two C-47 transport units. On July 24 the
J C S agreed to the four-squadron
On May 30 Lt. Col. John M. Porter, commander of the 1st Air Commando
Squadron, had led the original flight of six A-IEs from the Philippines to Bien
Hoa. Colonel Preston noted that his 34th Tactical Group had “moved up into the
big league . . . with a first-line aircraft.”On the 3 1st the A-I Es flew their maiden

T H E W A R IN V I E T N A M . 1964

strike sorties. Col. William E. Bethea, who assumed command of the 34th Group
in June, was impressed by the plane’s large and varied ordnance, takeoff from a
4,000-foot runway fully loaded, extremely long range, and good loitering. Still
the A-IE’s normal cruising speed of 155 knots retarded rapid response to air
support requests, chiefly in the far reaches of the Mekong Delta. And the aircraft
could barely defend itself in aerial combat. With twelve A-I Es on site by June 30,
the T-28s were retired. The 34th Tactical Group set about giving transition
training to Vietnamese
Air support requests totaled 1,546 during January-March 1964 and 2,040
from April through June. Lack of aircraft accounted for 68 of the 807 requests
that could not be honored in the second
Generally, USAF communications were deemed better than those of the
U.S. Army. General Westmoreland therefore ordered the Army aviation battal-
ion control center, situated in the joint operations center of the Joint General
Staff, to relocate within the USAF-Vietnamese air operations center. General
Moore expected the move, which commenced on May 18, to enhance coordina-
tion among Army, Air Force, and Vietnamese air activities. This did not
The single-sideband PRC-47 and KWM-2A radios were the backbone of the
Vietnamese air request net. But the sets did not always work properly due to the
tropical climate and inexperienced operators. In addition ground commanders
were unwilling to allow the air request system to function a s designed. The Joint
General Staff issued no directive and the ground commanders refused to be
bypassed on strike firepower. In consequence the air request net served merely to
provide information. All official requests continued to travel the tortuous route
over the old Vietnamese army air request
Nor did the Joint General Staff relax its ban on strike aircraft releasing
ordnance close t o ground forces except at the direction of a Vietnamese forward
air controller. On April 23, U S A F T-28s were over Vietnamese rangers who
were trapped near Trung Lap. Although the planes had voice communications
with a U.S. Army L-19 and with wounded American advisors o n the ground,
they were not permitted to attack. Armed Army helicopters arrived, were fired
upon, and returned the fire. But the T-28sjettisoned their unused ordnance and
returned to
There were other problems. Unless Vietnamese pilots could speak English,
USAF controllers were unable to communicate with them. Air liaison officer
and forward air controller duties were clearly unpopular among Vietnamese.
And the manning ratio of two pilots to each fighter aircraft sharply curtailed the
number and caliber of Vietnamese pilots who could be spared for such duties.
Finally, the human and natural environment worked against ground tactical air
control parties. Their heavy bulky radio gear was hard to lug through thejungle.
Sometimes it was out of the question to direct a n air strike safely from the
ground, because of the presence of civilians who could be seen solely from the air.
Mountains and heavy vegetation hampered the ground view and the flat ground
of the delta pffered no elevations t o help determine range. Numerous tree lines
and canal ridges also obstructed the view. 79

22 1


P 222 (Top left) Air Commodore

Nguyen Cao Ky and Col William E

(Top right) Gen William


(Center) A1 E aircraft.

(Bottom) A VNAF Sikorsky CH-34

helicopter at Tan Son Nhut.

P.223: Outposts or hamlets of S



In mid- it was generally agreed that ground tactical air control parties
could not take THE place of airborne control. Yet potent air support demanded
something better than the plodding Vietnamese and their often indifferent
observers. Strong pleas to prevent the demise of the 19th Tactical Air Support
Squadron proved futile. The unit remained under orders to transfer its aircraft to
Like the building of the Vietnamese air strike force, the Vietnamese air
strike system held promise for the future. However, neither Vietnamese air power
nor control procedures were able to withstand Viet attacks. Over theearlier
months of C-47 and C--I23flare support for outposts and villages more
than doubled and night sorties But on the night of July when the Viet
assaulted the Dong Special Forces camp near the demilitarized zone,
a flareship orbited overhead and dropped flares till dawn. Not until first light did
two A-I and an forward air controller arrive over the target. Then they
were unable t o strike because the controller could not make radio contact with
the besieged forces to verify the target. The insurgents partially overran the camp,
killed fifty-five South Vietnamese, two U.S. Special Forces soldiers, and an
Australian advisor. The delay in A-I H reaction stemmed from the Fighter
Squadron pilots being unable t o fly at night. A further factor was the operating
rule that barred the from making a target close to friendly forces without
A more grievous failure ensued on July I in Province. Viet
stormed the Cut outpost before dawn and set ambush positions
along the road to be taken by relief forces. Within the one hour needed to get a
Vietnamese controller t o the scene, the ambush decimated the friendly troops
forty-one and wounding fifty-six. Two Vietnamese A-I on ground
alert came one and one-half hours after the air support mission was requested.”
On the morning of July the Viet hit two hamlets and a post
immediately north of Ben Cat in Binh Province. A battalion responded,
lost a lead tank to 57-mm recoilless rifle fire, and broke apart under assault. In an
initial air support strike, four USAF accepted targets from a U.S. Army
I pilot. But the Vietnamese A-I H pilots next on station refused to act without a
Vietnamese air controller, even though the Army liaison pilot and Vietnamese
ground observer marked enemy positions with smoke rockets. By the time a
Vietnamese controller got there, the guerrillas had faded into the jungle.
The policy of defining counterinsurgency as something distinctly different
from other states of armed conflict resulted in not developing enough air
firepower to defeat the Viet Occasional two-plane air strikes on well-
known enemy base areas did little more than harass. One proposed solution was
to ask the civilians to leave Viet havens. Then large-scale bombing of these
havens could be carried out by USAF tactical aircraft from bases in Thailand,
and the Philippines. With refueling, the planes need not ever
land in South
In mid- I964 General Westmoreland was “deeply concerned” with the surge
in successful Viet hamlet and outpost attacks and ambushes of troop units

and convoys. His basic approach lay in sending more U.S. forces into the
provinces at the district level. Their presence spurred Vietnamese paramilitary
and lower-level units to speed up pacification.“ Concluding that the air reaction
time to night attacks was too slow, Westmoreland directed Army advisors to
keep armed helicopters (some flare-equipped) on night alert at provincial head-
q u a r t e r ~ . ~He
’ requested more Army Special Forces troops. And he asked for
one helicopter company in direct support of each Vietnamese division, plus
additional armed helicopter companies and platoons. 88
In addition the MACV commander instructed General Moore and Brig.
Gen. Delk M. Oden, commander of the United States Army Support Command,
Vietnam, to shore up all American air support of troop movements, convoys,
and reaction forces. Moore and Oden issued a formal agreement that Westmore-
land placed in a MACV directive dated September 7. To refine coordination,
Army and Marine Corps aviation was to be collocated as would Air Force and
Vietnamese control agencies. Ground reaction forces would not normally move
without air support. In many cases, armed helicopters would engage and pin-
point the enemy until more heavily armed fighters arrived. If too few fighters
were to be had, extra armed helicopters would be
The Moore-Oden agreement was perhaps useful as a n interim measure
required by conditions in South Vietnam. Still it differed in important respects
from proven tactical air doctrine. The agreement perpetuated two separate air
control systems (Air Force and Army-Marine Corps), which made it possible for
a ground commander to receive conflicting advice. Time and again General
LeMay protested the presence of armed helicopters in Vietnam, because tactical
fighters performed better. Even so, the Moore-Oden agreement recognized
complementary needs for both types of aircraft.
Some USAF officers believed that the 2d Air Division was being “hood-
winked” in the roles and missions agreement, but theory had to give way to
practicality. With the absence of enemy air power, armed helicopters proved
useful. Their instant reply to ground fire offset their inaccurate and rather light
firepower. But the Viet Cong’s introduction of more .50-cal and 40-mm weapons
trimmed the helicopters’ advantages.
The Air Force concept of centralized control of all air resources remained
“fundamental and sound” in the words of Col. Allison C. Brooks, General
Moore’s deputy. However, since the fairly slow A-I aircraft in Vietnam could not
be moved rapidly from one base to another, Brooks agreed they should be
dispersed into the areas where the battles occurred. So long as there was no
deviation from the principle of centralized control, the planes could be shifted as
required without fragmenting the

President Johnson had intimated shortly after taking office that he was
inclining toward expanded covert operations against North Vietnam. With the
least risk he wanted t o put pressure on Hanoi, t o force lessened support for the
The President early in January approved additional resources
for covert actions, including beach landings and airdrops of Vietnamese intelli-
gence and commando teams. Closely managing this work were the Office of the
Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and Special Activities of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff (headed by General now in Washington) and the MACV
Special Operations Group in Saigon.’
As in other international waters, U.S. Navy patrols were routinely operating
in the Gulf of to monitor various North Vietnamese activities by visual
and electronic In February aircraft from Strategic Air Command
resumed their reconnaissance missions. Averaging one or two sorties a day, they
photographed the border areas of Laos, Cambodia, and North Vietnam.’ In
March more naval patrolling was deemed necessary. Done by air as well as by
sea, it focused on naval movements.’ By April the sum of this intelligence
suggested that Hanoi was readying forces to invade South Vietnam through
Laos. So General repeated announcements t o the Joint Chiefs seemed
to be sound -there could be no satisfactory solution to the situations in Laos
and South Vietnam without military action against North
At the end of June the President selected General Taylor to succeed Henry
Lodge as Ambassador to Vietnam. In recognition of Taylor’s prior role as
one of the major architects of the war, Johnson entrusted the entire military
effort t o his hands. He authorized the new ambassador t o wield whatever
command control he thought proper. If Taylor acted independently of CINC-
PAC, he would infringe on the command prerogatives of Admiral Sharp, the
newly installed commander in chief. He might also split the unity of air power
into three packages operations in Vietnam and in Laos plus those planned
against North Vietnam. Gen. Hunter Harris, picked to head on
August I , would find that possibility frustrating. After talking with Admiral
Sharp in Hawaii, Ambassador Taylor reached Saigon on July He told General
Westmoreland that he would not interfere with to day BUSINESS
T o Taylor the government seemed weak. As he later wrote, “We
lived dangerously in this period, never sure from night to night when a new
might overthrow another feeble government or when we might some
important town to a surprise attack or a military base to mortar fire.”‘
The weakness of the Saigon government, heavy deliveries of modern weap-
ons by North Vietnam to the and infiltration of North Vietnamese
Army units into the south called for greater American effort. Since January the


J C S had been advocating a shift from advisory assistance to more direct aid.
Now in May they proposed assigning U.S. Special Forces teams to provinces and
districts as advisors to Regional and Popular Forces. General Westmoreland
opposed flooding the country with American servicemen. He believed the key to
success was honing the cutting edge of the small fighting units. Hence on June 25
and again on July 16, he recommended that U.S. military strength in Vietnam be
expanded by about forty-two hundred men to work as advisors a t the district
level. Admiral Sharp agreed. 7
On July I8 General Khanh delivered a n emotional address at a rally to mark
Vietnam’s “day of shame,” the anniversary of the country’s division in 1954. He
asserted that his government was unwilling to remain indifferent in the face of the
firm determination of the people who wanted a “push northward” as “an
appropriate means to fulfill our national history.” The next day a government
statement declared, “If Communist China and Communist Vietnam obstinately
continue their way of aggression, the government and entire people of Vietnam
will step up the war with determination until total victory liberates the whole of
our national
One week earlier a detachment of C-130s from the U S A F 6091st Recon-
naissance Squadron, recently moved from Japan to Don Muang near Bangkok,
had begun flying communication intercept missions off the North Vietnamese
coast. On the 28th a Navy DeSoto patrol, consisting solely of the destroyer
Muddox, also commenced sailing close to the coast t o collect radar and com-
munications intelligence and to make a “show of
Hanoi broadcasts revealed that the North Vietnamese knew of the burgeon-
ing covert activity. In a talk with newsmen in July, Air Commodore Nguyen Cao
Ky admitted that troops were being parachuted into North Vietnam. He said
training was in progress for bigger special missions, entailing ground attacks and
airborne operations beyond the confines of South Vietnam. 10
Conferring with Ambassador Taylor on July 23, General Khanh insisted
that the war had entered a new phase - South Vietnam needed t o be on the
offensive. But the next day he asked Taylor whether he should resign. In a cable
t o the State Department, the Ambassador said that if the United States opposed
a march to the north, the Vietnamese might break with American policy. A single
“maverick pilot taking off for Hanoi with a load of bombs”could touch off an
unwarranted extension of hostilities. This would cloud the chances for internal
pacification in Vietnam. The chief need, Taylor felt, was a stable Vietnamese
government and that required time. T o gain this time, he suggested that the
Vietnamese military make contingency plans for heightened actions against
North Vietnam. 11
But the Vietnamese chafed for action. Four of their patrol boats, operating
under U.S. guidance, left Da Nang on July 30 and sailed north. That night they
shelled a radar station on Hon Me Island and a radio transmitter on Hon Ngu
Island. Both installations were off the North Vietnamese coast near Vinh, and
both were deeply involved in Hanoi’s sea infiltration. 12


During late afternoon on August 2, three high-speed North Vietnamese

Swatow patrol boats fired on the destroyer Maddox, which was in international
waters twenty-eight miles off the enemy’s coast. The Maddox and planes from
the carrier Ticonderoga returned the fire.
At first Defense Secretary McNamara thought that the attack was either a
miscalculation by the government or a n impulsive act of a local commander. In
any event, President Johnson immediatelydispatched a note of protest to Hanoi.
He made public his orders that the Navy continue patrols in the Gulf of Tonkin
and add a second destroyer. On August 3 the Maddox, now accompanied by the
C. Turner Joy, reentered the gulf. Air patrols from the Ticonderoga covered both
destroyers by day. That night, South Vietnamese forces raided a radar station on
Cape Vinh Son and a security station near Cua Ron. After dark and in bad
weather on the 4th, the Maddox reported that it was being fired upon.
Admiral Sharp, CINCPAC, asked the J C S for a new rule of engagement
allowing U.S. aircraft to pursue planes into hostile airspace instead of stopping at
a three-mile line off the North Vietnamese coast. He also sought authority to
launch instant punitive air strikes on North Vietnam as retaliation for the attacks
on the Maddox, 14
President Johnson shared this reaction -the United States had to show it
meant business. He stressed in a radio and television address to the American
people that the U.S. response to the hostile action would be “limited and fitting.”
Even so, he directed the Pacific Fleet on August 5 t o make a single all-out assault
on the North Vietnamese Swatow boat bases and their supporting POL storage
at Vinh.
Together with the reprisal attack, the President approved and the J C S
ordered emergency actions to move additional forces to the Pacific, especially
into Southeast Asia. Saigon had previously agreed to positioning more USAF
units in the country, and on August 5 planes began to arrive.
Six F-102 jet interceptors of the 509th Fighter Squadron flew from Clark
Air Base to Da Nang. Six others from the 16th Fighter Squadron at Naha Air
Base, Okinawa, touched down at Tan Son Nhut. Eight F-100s of the 615th
Tactical Fighter Squadron, still on rotational deployment at Clark, went t o Da
Nang. On the evening of August 5, thirty-six B-57s of the 8th and 13th Bomber
Squadrons had trouble getting into Bien Hoa. The rain obscured the pilots’view
and made the runway slick. One plane during approach crashed in Viet Cong
territory, and two suffered damage upon landing. Six RF-101s out of Kadena
and Misawa Air Base, Japan, augmented the Able Mable reconnaissance planes
at Tan Son Nhut. The 405th Tactical Wing sent ten F-100s from Clark t o Takhli,
Thailand. Eight KB-50s from PACAF’s 421st Air Refueling Squadron moved
from Yokota to Tan Son Nhut and Takhli. Eight F-105 jet fighters of the 36th
Tactical Fighter Squadron flew from Yokota t o Clark, then to Korat in Thailand
on August 9.
Under J C S direction the Commander in Chief, United States Strike Com-
mand, deployed a T A C composite air strike force. F-100s of the 522d and 614th
Tactical Fighter Squadrons landed a t Clark on August 8-9. Six RF-101s of the


363d Composite Reconnaissance Unit reached Kadena on the 13th. Forty-eight

C-I30 transports from the 314th, 463d, and 516th Troop Carrier Wings arrived
at Clark and Kadena between the 9th and 21st of August. For inflight refueling
the Strategic Air Command furnished forty-eight KC-135 jet tankers that oper-
ated mainly from Hickam Air Force Base in Hawaii and Andersen Air Force
Base on Guam. S A C further formed a task force of eight KC-135s a t Clark.
General Moore on August 6 created a 2d Air Division command post a t
Tan Son Nhut, separate from the combined Vietnamese-USAF air operations
center. Using just the U.S. side of the tactical air control system, he began to tie
together all the USAF units in the area.“
On August 5 General Westmoreland had met with General Khanh and
Vietnamese commanders to outline the purpose for the retaliatory strike on the
Swatow boat bases and oil storage sites. Westmoreland advised and Khanh
agreed to place the Vietnamese on maximum alert against Viet Cong reprisals.
The MACV commander added that if the North Vietnamese or Chinese attacked
South Vietnam, he would loose air strikes on targets of his choice without
requiring “a green light from Washington.” Ambassador Taylor afterwards
called on Khanh. He handed him a letter from President Johnson underlining the
need for the closest bilateral consultation. Khanh asured Taylor that he fully
understood and accepted this requirement.
The U.S. retaliatory attack on August 6 involved sixty-four aircraft,
launched in two waves from the carriers Ticonderoga and Constellation. The
strikes on five boat bases and the Vinh oil storage destroyed eight boats and
damaged twenty-one, put the oil reservoirs ninety percent out of commission,
and lost two planes to antiaircraft fire.
Shortly thereafter, at the request of the United States, the Canadian
member of the International Control Commission visited the North Vietnamese
premier in Hanoi. The Canadian said that the United States viewed Hanoi’s role
in Laos and South Vietnam as critical and threatening. He warned that if North
Vietnam persisted in its aggression, it would expect t o suffer the consequences.
The premier was “utterly unintimidated” and “calmly resolved” t o pursue his
His indifference might have reflected a recent increase in air strength. North
Vietnamese aircraft had included thirty trainers, fifty transports, and four light
helicopters. But o n August 7, aerial photos of Phuc Yen airfield near Hanoi
showed thirty-nine MIG-I fighters apparently just flown in from China.
More of these jets were on Hainan Island and South China bases.
General Harris, P A C A F commander, saw that the MIGs on Phuc Yen
posed a direct threat to his forces in Southeast Asia. He proposed to Admiral
Sharp that destroying the communist jet aircraft would be a “sharp lesson” to
China, and would deter any fresh enemy plans for attack. The USAF F-105s a t
Korat could conduct the operation, but the F-100s on alert a t Da Nang were
closer to the target. With cluster bomb unit (CBU-2A) munitions, the planes
could prosecute a low-level, high-speed, surprise attack on the parked aircraft.
Then using missiles as well as rockets, flak-suppression missions and



Courtesy: U.S. Navy


strikes against individual surviving aircraft could be carried out. 19 But Sharp
needed the go-ahead from higher authority, and it was not given.
On August 7 General Westmoreland suggested that MACV and the Viet-
namese government make General Moore the combined air commander. With a I

Vietnamese deputy, Moore could exercise operational control over U.S.-

Vietnamese air power for all missions. These would encompass air strikes into
North Vietnam and Laos, defensive actions in South Vietnam, and air support of
mobile ground forces in the northern provinces of South Vietnam. Assisted by
MACV, the Vietnamese armed forces were t o have the primary task of control-
ling the counterinsurgency inside the country.
Admiral Sharp made it clear that he as CINCPAC would manage the air
activities against North Vietnam through P A C A F a n d the Pacific Fleet. P A C A F
would work through Thirteenth Air Force and 2d Air Division. Since the latter
reported to both MACV and PACAF, coordination would be easy. As for the
MACV commander, he was to center on purging the Viet Congand pacifying the
country. Although events in Laos disturbed policymakers during thesummer of
1964, intelligence officers looked for the most serious escalation of the conflict to
occur in Vietnam. Peking and Hanoi evidently felt there was a better chance t o
gain power by dint of a collapse of the Saigon government.
Ambassador Taylor estimated the chance of such a collapse a t about fifty
percent. The Khanh government had been unable to rebuild the political control
structure between Saigon and the hamlets, which had disappeared following the
overthrow and death of Diem in November 1963. Morale had plummeted,
assisted in its drop by the constant threat of assassination or another coup. To
Taylor the most valid and realistic objectives were to bolster Saigon, press the
campaign against the Viet Cong, and be prepared t o act against North Vietnam
by January I , 1965.
At President Johnson's request, the Senate and House on August 10
enacted a joint resolution giving him authority t o prosecute military operations
as he saw fit. Tied t o the North Vietnamese attacks on the destroyer Maddox in
the Gulf of Tonkin, the resolution read in part:
Consonant with the Constitution of the United States and the CHarter of the United
Nations and in accordance with its obligations under the Southeast Asia Collective
Defense Treaty, the United States i s . . prepared. a s the President determines, to take
all necessary steps, including the use of armed force. to assist any member o r protocol
state requesting assistance in defense of its freedom.

Yet there was a nagging doubt as to whether the Maddox had actually been
attacked on the night of August 4. High-speed naval operations at night made
precise observation and rapid and accurate reporting difficult. In September
Hanoi would publish a lengthy white paper t o justify the August 2 attack as
proper defense against a covert operation. Rut it declared that none of its naval
craft was in the area two nights later. 22
William P. Bundy, Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, was
impressed by Ambassador Taylor's assessment of the Khanh government's
weakness. He therefore drafted a policy memorandum for the National Security


Council entitled “Next Courses of Actions in Southeast was to be an

initial short “holding phase” for the remainder of August to avoid actions that
might intensify the war. Then would come a “limited pressure” phase lasting
through the rest of the year, to maintain the morale of the government
without risking escalation. This phase would witness covert operations against
North Vietnam, training of Vietnamese pilots to aircraft, moves across the
border into the Laotian panhandle, reinstatement of naval patrols in the Gulf of
Tonkin, and “tit for tat”reprisals. Finally, more serious pressures were to start on
January I , For example, initial measures to destroy enemy infiltration
routes and facilities would progress to the bombardment of military targets in
North Vietnam.”
Exactly how unstable the government was became clear on the 16th
of August. The Military Revolutionary Council elected president and
made Gen. Van Minh supreme adviser. Student and Buddhist demon-
strations instantly erupted.
In Hawaii, far from the turmoil in Saigon, Admiral Sharp thought that the
United States could not afford t o lose the momentum that the Tonkin Gulf
response had created. He wanted to exert more pressure against the communists
Laos, both on the Plain of Jars and in the panhandle. He also wanted to
expand and continue covert operations and naval patrols. Because the USAF
units at and Tan Son Nhut were vulnerable to
attack, he suggested that U.S. ground troops be brought to Vietnam to defend
the bases. He further advocated that the United States set up a major base at
to show that Americans meant to stay in Southeast Asia until American
aims were attained.
In the midst of the rioting in Saigon, Ambassador Taylor recommended
that the United States try to gain time for the government. He opposed
involved with North Vietnam and possibly China. Like he
thought that Hanoi should be checked in its infiltration by limited pressure until
January Then such measures as covert operations, extensive patrolling,
flights over North Vietnam, air and ground strikes in Laos, and bombing of
the north should be stepped up.
On August Ambassador Taylor chaired a long session of the mission
council he had formed to include General Westmoreland. The members dis-
cussed alternative options in Vietnam, but found it difficult to define a n incident
that warranted American reprisal.
On the same day the Joint Chiefs of Staff were reviewing a list of ninety-four
possible bombing targets in North Vietnam, compiled in June and July. The
targets fell into five categories airfields, lines of communication, military
installations. industrial facilities, and armed reconnaissance routes.”
President resigned on the 25th of August. Two days later, the
Military Revolutionary Council named a triumvirate of provincial leaders as an
interim ruling body.”
Undeterred by these developments, the sent the list of bombing targets
to directed that strike plans bedevised for four patterns of attack

an ascending order of severity. The Joint Chiefs informed Secretary

of their disagreement with Ambassador Taylor’s position. They considered
much stronger military pressures on North ‘Vietnam to be needed, in particular
provide a psychological boost to the Saigon government. The chiefs urged
bombing the listed targets in North Vietnam at once.”
Secretary on August asked the Joint Chiefs to answer three
questions about the ninety-four targets. After a full-scale assault on the targets,
would enough ordnance and POL be left to defend Southeast Asia from Chinese
attack’? What would be the effects of each of the four patterns of attack on the
North Vietnamese economy, on its capacity to support the Lao and the
and on its ability to enlarge North Vietnamese military forces
South Vietnam and Laos? And finally, if the destruction of the ninety-four
targets failed to stifle Hanoi’s will to wage war, what course of action was
feasible‘?These were tough questions indeed.”
In Saigon on September a fifteen-man leadership committee replaced the
ruling triumvirate and picked as acting premier and Minh as chairman.
A short time later, Ambassador Taylor, Secretary of State Rusk, Secretary
of Defense and Chairman Wheeler gathered to weigh courses
of action for the United States. The group sharply revised prior outline
of graduated pressures. The members agreed that the Saigon government would
be too weak for two or three months for the United States to take any major and
deliberate action risking escalation. The communists were not likely to provoke
the United States. But Saigon should be assisted to show that the United States
was serious in its aims, while keeping risks low and under control. American
naval patrols in the Gulf of suspended after the could be
resumed. The patrols ought to stay outside the twelve-mile limit and be clearly
divorced from the South Vietnamese covert operations, which should concen-
trate on maritime raids. South Vietnamese air and ground operations, linked to
air strikes by Laotian pilots in the panhandle, should begin. Lastly, the United
States should be alert to answer a n attack upon American personnel or a special
enemy action against Vietnam. Yet it should not deliberately provoke an incident
to justify a retaliation.”
These proposals went to the President and to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. On
September General told the chiefs that the courses of action did not
convey a clear and positive signal to Hanoi of U.S. resolution. Gen. Wallace
Marine Corps Commandant, sided with for he also thought
that the ninety-four targets should be bombed. The next day, and
Wheeler talked about the Joint They saw the danger to be drastic
American action triggering, a strong reaction that the Saigon regime could not
President Johnson accepted the more cautious course on September IO. He
ordered U.S. naval patrols to be resumed, covert operations to be reviewed, and
talks with the Laotian government to be opened on limited air and ground
operations in the panhandle. But the first order of business was shoring up the
Saigon government.

American attempts to d o so met with slight success. On September 13the I V

Corps commander started a coup. Proclaiming that Khanh had capitulated to
Buddhist and student demands, he led armored elements into Saigon, occupied
public buildings, and disarmed the national police. The Vietnamese Air Force
stayed loyal to Khanh and made a show of force against the coup. The U.S. State
Department announced firm support for Khanh. The rebellious forces then
withdrew. Khanh carried out sweeping changes among his military commanders,
and appointed a High National Council of seventeen civilians to draft a constitu-
tion and designate a civil chief of state. Outwardly, this seemed a step toward
stabilizing the government. By October I , however, American intelligence esti-
mated scant improvement. Meanwhile, pacification efforts virtually collapsed
because the paralyzed military staff in Saigon could not reach decisions. 34
As President Johnson desired, U.S. destroyers Morton and Edwards
entered the Gulf of Tonkin on patrol. During the night of September 17,
however, the ships reported and fired on radar contacts. At Joint Chiefs direc-
tion, CINCPAC called for sizable reprisal air attacks on North Vietnam.
Targets and weapons were changed several times, and the 2d Air Division
command post was swamped with orders and counterorders. In the end, the air
attacks were canceled because the Navy could not be absolutely sure that North
Vietnamese action had actually occurred. The Joint Chiefs next enjoined
CINCPAC to be ready to execute immediate air strikes against preselected
targets when naval patrols were in the gulf. CINCPAC dictated that U.S.jets at
Da Nang and Bien Hoa be alerted for attacking Phuc Yen airfield. When a
SAC RB-47 was committed to weekly electronic intelligence flights over the
Gulf of Tonkin, the naval patrols were
It began to appear that unless the United States assumed a more direct role
in the struggle, the situation would go out of control.

xx of ASSETS
General Moore, the Air Division commander, counted General West-
as the biggest “booster” of tactical air support in Vietnam.’ But
Westmoreland’s requests for more air resources in mid-1964 hewed to Army
aviation doctrine. He asked for a fourth C- I23 squadron (sixteen planes) to take
care of “wholesale” supply under the Southeast Asia Military Airlift System, a
second Army Caribou company to handle “retail” deliveries within the
corps areas, two new Army helicopter companies numbering seventy
(some for command use, others for gunships), and two additional airmobile
platoons with twenty Among the forty-eight hundred personnel in the
package were forty air liaison officer and forward air controller teams.
understood and agreed to the need for the C-I squadron, in light
of Viet success in attacking surface transportation. But an extra Caribou
company seemed unnecessary, if the already in Vietnam were put under
central control of the airlift system for common use. General the
position of “complementary” needs for armed helicopters and
tactical air. He objected strongly to helicopter gunships. Despite the Air Force
chief‘s contention that strike aircraft gave more firepower, Secretary of Defense
on August approved Westmoreland’s list of requirements.’
Three days later, a Royal Australian Air Force detachment of six Caribous
arrived a t Tan Son Nhut and went under control oftheairlift system. But the new
Army Caribou company reaching Vietnam in September remained outside
systematic control. The Air Force Reserve furnished the fresh squadron of
the planes flown to Tan Son Nhut in mid-September by rotating
replacement crews. In early October the 19th Air Commando Squadron (Troop
Carrier) was formed and assigned to the 15th Troop Carrier Group.
In August the Joint Chiefs of Staff had forwarded General ques-
tion on the comparative merits of tactical air and armed helicopters. General
Westmoreland, MACV commander, responded and asserted that the latter had
numerous advantages over strike aircraft support. General Moore took excep-
tion and argued that many of the alleged benefits were invalid. Continuing
discussions consumed a lot of staff energy that might better have gone to the
Westmoreland did not neglect tactical aviation, even though he heartily
endorsed armed helicopters. For the first time, MACV critiques of Vietnamese
ground operations pointed out missed opportunities for tactical air support. For
example, in Yen Province on August three battalions attacked about five
hundred without once calling for strike aircraft. This, MACV com-
mented, was “the major fault” of the
Past counterinsurgency experts had viewed air strikes as impeding pacifica-
tion. Then Leon a n analyst with The R A N D Corporation, interviewed
prisoners and concluded that the adverse effects were far less than

assumed. He further found that since the Viet Cong were on the lookout for
strike aircraft, they feared even liaison planes.‘
Yet MACV desired more helicopters because strike aircraft and liaison
planes were too few, a shortage seen by General Moore as the most important
limiting factor in the USAF effort.’ Due to training demands, only eight of the
twenty-nine A-I Es of the 1st Air Commando Squadron were on hand for twelve
combat sorties a day. An average of just thirty Vietnamese A-I Hs were available
for thirty-five to forty-five combat Eight aircraft of the 1st Air Com-
mando Squadron crashed, at least two due t o enemy ground fire. These A-I Es
were shot down on the night of September 23, when silhouetted by flares while
making a low-level napalm pass.’
General Moore had proposed in August that the Vietnamese be given a fifth
and a sixth A-I H squadron, and he asked that the B-57 and F-100 jets at Bien
Hoa and Da Nang be used within the country. MACV and the J C S concurred.
When the Joint Chiefs took up in September the matter of lagging tactical air
support, they suggested using jets but President Johnson was unwilling t o d o so.
To up USAF sorties, Ambassador Taylor advocated deleting the need for a bona
fide Vietnamese trainee pilot aboard an A-I E during a combat mission. Perhaps,
the Joint Chiefs said, USAF A-I Es could fly combat while carryinga Vietnamese
observer if a pilot was not on hand. Although at first “entirely negative,”
Secretary McNamara on September 25 agreed to permit A-I E combat opera-
tions with a Vietnamese observer or student pilot aboard.
The J C S tried again t o allow USAF crews to respond to immediate and
emergency air requests. But Ambassador Taylor still resisted opening the door to
wider use of American crews, and McNamara agreed. In mid-October the Joint
Chiefs authorized A-1Es to engage in combat with a Vietnamese pilot or
observer aboard. For the Vietnamese Air Force they recommended a fifth A-I H
squadron in May 1965 and a sixth in October 1965. Until then, two USAF A-I E
units were required in the country. 10
During October-December 1964 the 34th Tactical Group and the Vietnam-
ese Air Force slightly expanded their strike aircraft. Organized under the 34th
Group on October 12, the USAF 602d Fighter Commando Squadron began to
build in both personnel and planes. The 520th or fourth Vietnamese fighter
squadron, formed at Bien Hoa in October, prepared to move t o the new Can Tho
In December the 34th Group flew about fifty A-I sorties a day, seventeen of
them available for combat. The planes performed admirably on strike missions
but proved hard to maintain, chiefly due to in flight engine failures. The Ameri-
cans nonetheless kept eighty percent of the aircraft operational. In contrast, the
Vietnamese could muster only fiftyeight percent. For example, the 5 16th Fighter
Squadron at Da Nang ha’d fifteenaircraft but its sortie rate was about six per day.
The 520th Fighter Squadron flew a few missions in December, but construc-
tion lagged at Can T h o (later called Binh Thuy) and the field was insecure a t
night. Beginning December 20 the squadron daily deployed a detachment of five



(Top) Canberra bomber.

(Center) A rocket pod attached to the

wing pylon of an Super at

(Bottom) Australian Caribou aircraft ai

Tan Son Nhut, on hand to aid in
aircraft support missions, August

to Binh The pilots were on call for missions until they returned to
just before nightfall.
The expansion of the Vietnamese Air Force was supported by adequate
aircraft delivery and aircrew training. It suffered from troubles in training
maintenance men, owing in part to shortages of ground support and handling
equipment. The Vietnamese borrowed a few dollies, loading hoists, and other
equipment from the 34th Tactical Group. Only main bases like owned
these items, which hardly helped the situation at forward bases.
On August at the height of the Gulf crisis, issued orders
inactivating the 19th Tactical Air Support Squadron as had earlier been
planned. General Westmoreland expressed surprise to Admiral Sharp and
asked t o retain the unit. In lieu of giving liaison planes to the Vietnamese
Liaison Squadron as contemplated, Westmoreland proposed the purchase
of aircraft t o equip that unit. On September Defense Secretary
The 19th Tactical Air Support Squadron was reactivated at on
October MACV recommended thirty more planes for it and each of the four
Vietnamese liaison units as
The reversal of the earlier phaseout decision left the squadron in limbo.
Until pipeline support could be restored, the 34th Tactical Group possessed
twenty-four and twelve liaison pilots, three of whom were about to complete
their tours. A detachment of stayed a t t o train newly graduated
Vietnamese pilots arriving from Ten with liaison officers and
forward controllers, went under the air support operations centers.
The with the 14th Regiment at was Capt. Lloyd
E. Lewis. When he received an and a Vietnamese observer in September, he
began to fly day-long surveillance missions coordinated with the Binh
province commander. The result was a n appreciable decline
activity. Friendly ground action became more productive as did interdiction
targeting and air strikes.
In September William Graham and Aaron of R A N D studied the
use of USAF liaison officers and forward air controllers on constant visual
reconnaissance and strike control. The two analysts gathered data for a new
concept they called the “Single Integrated Attack idea was presented
in Saigon, Hawaii, and Washington in October and next in a R A N D report. The
theory favored and closely coordinated air and ground strike forces as the
best counterinsurgency weapon. crews were to carry out continuous and
extensive airborne surveillance and strike control. They would work with Special
Forces ground teams of about eighty men, who were to hold the Viet
groups long enough for strike aircraft to sweep in. Unfortunately, the concept
was better-suited t o an insurgency in its initial stages than to the field warfare the
were starting to wage.
Meanwhile, General had embarked on a general following
the abortive coup against him in September. His sweeping personnel changes in
the Joint General Staff and among the field commanders produced officers

unfamiliar with the air request system. T o explain the system's features, a team
from the USAF Air-Ground Operations School completed a countrywide circuit
in October and November. But all attempts to persuade the Vietnamese to assign
sufficient workers to the request net, to disperse 0- I As to forward locations, and
to let others besides Vietnamese air observers mark targets were fruitless. The
field commanders refused to be bypassed in requests for air strikes. Neither the
Vietnamese Air Force nor ground commanders were willing to assume responsi-
bility under civil law for mistakes that the other might make in marking targets.
Strike pilots refrained from accepting targets unless a Vietnamese air observer
designated them. And deploying 0- I As to forward and remote airstrips meant
danger from guerrillas, logistic difficulties, and loss of command control.
Despite these drawbacks, Secretary McNamara in November approved a
fifth and sixth fighter squadron for the Vietnamese Air Force. He authorized
building the Vietnamese liaison squadrons to thirty aircraft each, by deliveries of
sixty-eight 0-1As and U-17As from March through May 1965. He said he would
probably go along with General Westmoreland's request to give the 19th Tactical
Air Support Squadron thirty 0-1Fs. However, he wanted to postpone his
decision until the political climate in Saigon improved. 19
The continuous surveillance concept could not be properly set in motion
during the winter of 1964-65, due to the dearth of USAF and Vietnamese aircraft
and forward air controllers. By December the 19th Tactical Air Support Squad-
ron was down t o seven airmen and nine pilots, when it received eight single-
engine pilots who needed to be checked out in 0-1s. The Vietnamese liaison
squadrons owned only sixty of 120 authorized 0-1As and U-17As. In the II
Corps there were just four 0-1 controllers on hand. 20
In compensation USAF research and development had turned out some
new weapons that TAC's Special Air Warfare Center had tested. A munitions
survey team visiting Vietnam thought that these weapons and new techniques
ought to replace older munitions and methods.*'
The hazards of Viet Cong ground fire to low-flying aircraft, particularly
those on napalm runs, demanded a different approach to hamlet defense.
Fragmentation clusters replaced napalm on night flare-assisted missions. Fight-
ers delivered the clusters from a dive to shave the time they were silhouetted by

The 1st Combat Application Group at Eglin Air Force base had devised and
tested a three-gun side-firing installation in a C-47. The Air Staff called for
operational testing of these rapid-fire 7.62-mm Gatling guns (miniguns), either
affixed to the racks of a n A-I or mounted and fired from the side cargo doors of
an orbiting C-47. In September Mk-44 Lazy Dog free-falling finned bullets were
approved for use in Vietnam. The Lazy Dog worked well at first but not in terrain
covered with heavy growth. The fins of the small projectiles easily bent out of
shape when loaded into the dispensers from which they were dropped. This
caused the missiles to tumble and lose their impact. Moreover, the size and shape
of the pattern of the falling projectiles were erratic. Clearly, Lazy Dog was no


substitute for napalm when enemy and friendly troops were fairly each
Other new weapons also proved not entirely
Tests by the 1st Combat Application Group verified that it was desirable t o
modify the C-47 with lateral-firing miniguns. Still P A C A F and T A C were
reluctant to employ the minigun-equipped plane in combat. They deemed it
obsolete, vulnerable to ground fire, and unable to perform as well as strike
To Gen. John P. McConnell, Air Force Vice Chief of Staff (who would
succeed General LeMay as Chief on February 1965) a n armed C-47 was a
highly specialized weapon for use solely in areas of light ground fire. The aircraft
could fly long night alert missions and react swiftly to surprise attacks. Circling
above small-arms range, it could pin down the enemy until fighters got there. The
armed C-47 would help offset the shortage of strike aircraft and the inefficiency
of night fighter airborne alerts.
Following a November 2 briefing on the armed C-47, General LeMay
ordered a combat evaluation that got under way in early December. A test team
led by Maj. Ronald W. Terry fitted two C-47s of the 34th Tactical Group with
miniguns. These aircraft were a n instant success against enemy troops in the
open. Using a n improvised gunsight and putting the plane’s wing down in a
“plyon 8”turn, the pilot could direct fire from the three miniguns mounted in the
left-hand cargo door. When fired together, they spewed 18,000 rounds-per-
minute into a space about the size of a football field. An aerial gunner cleared
jams and reloaded the weapons in flight. While the small-caliber bullets were
easily deflected in wooded stretches, the AC-47 gunships were outstanding for
night fort and hamlet defense. Awed by the stream of tracers, the Viet Cong
spoke of the new “ray gun” turned upon
Integrated air reconnaissance fully responsive to users’ needs did not
develop in 1964. And the absence of a coordinated reconnaissance-intelligence-
target system was a serious defect. The main stumbling block was the splintering
of air reconnaissance in and out of the country. Many elements were involved,
but the stateside U S A F Tactical Air Reconnaissance Center placed most of the
blame on the shortage of keen and influential senior Air Force officers in

By early 1964 the reconnaissance assets of 2d Air Division had consisted of

six Able Mable RF-101s, two experimental infrared RB-57s, two experimental
infrared FB-26s, and two night photo RB-26Cs, plus the 13th Reconnaissance
Technical Squadron (formerly a photo processing cell). All operated under
Detachment 33d Tactical Group, but supported the 2d Air Division director of

Time and again Col. Harvey E. Henderson, 2d Air Division deputy com-
mander, had suggested that all these resources be brought into a tactical recon-
naissance squadron. To d o so, however, would have exceeded the Air Force’s
authorized unit force levels. Mirroring the talk of out the American
forces from Vietnam, planners programmed a decline in U.S. reconnaissance.
Furthermore the Vietnamese 716th Composite Reconnaissance Squadron

(Upper right) A1C Leonard A.

boresights a caliber nose gun on a

(Lower right) Harold inspects

the links on 50-caliber ammunition belt for

(Center) An aircraft at Tan Son


(Bottom) A mounted in an


with three RC-47s and eighteen RT-28s, together with photo processing cells in
the corps tactical zones was becoming operational. Except for problems in
camera installation, this squadron was making solid progress. As the 7 16th
reached its projected goal in early 1964 of 374 sorties a month, the Able Mable
RF-101s were to depart along with six Army Mohawk armed photo-recon-
Unforeseen events buffeted the projections. The U-2 aircraft from Bien Hoa
flew very high altitude photo missions over Southeast Asia. Film from these
flights swamped the 13th Reconnaissance Technical Squadron, which had to call
upon other PACAF, SAC, and Navy facilities in the Philippines and Japan..
Unfortunately the U-2 photography, needed for national strategic planning, had
slight value for tactical Moreover, the wing-stress weakness of the B-26
led to the removal of the RB-26s from Vietnam at the close of March 1964,
diminishing night photo coverage. At the same time, the Vietnamese reconnais-
sance program ran into technical snags. The improved RC-47 infrared photo
systems were operational in April and could locate the enemy by heat-source
imagery. But MACV intelligence could not use this information because proce-
dures had not been worked out to exploit the infrared
Two things were to alter sharply the whole reconnaissance program the
U.S. decision in May to begin air reconnaissance over Laos, and Secretary
McNamara's orders to retrain Vietnamese RT-28 pilots for a fourth A-1H
squadron. Six more USAF RF-101s arrived to augment the six Able Mable
aircraft. All RT-28s were removed from the Vietnamese 7 16th Squadron, and
three RC-47s were assigned to the Vietnamese 43d Transport After a
few transport missions, the RC-47s were restored to photo duty in the IIIand IV
In midyear the RF-101s commenced flying out of Tan Son Nhut over Laos.
Yet authorized occasional night photography and infrared reconnaissance were
out of the question. The two RC-47s for this work had no self-contained
navigation systems (chiefly terrain clearance radar), and mountains and uncer-
tain weather made the flights too hazardous. The Air Force set up delivery of two
more R C 4 7 s with doppler navigation and inflight readout infrared sensors.
These planes could not be modified and in place until December
General Harris, PACAF commander, pressed for low-level reconnaissance
to secure more detailed coverage for tactical air operations. Admiral Sharp had
no hope of obtaining blanket approval for these flights, due to their danger to
low-flying planes. CINCPAC needed to justify each mission to officials in
Washington on a case-by-case basis. 35
As the photo-reconnaissance workload grew in South Vietnam, PACAF
sent six more RF-101s to Tan Son Nhut. Another six RF-101s that had been
dispatched to Kadena in the wake of the Tonkin Gulf crisis also assisted. The
Vietnamese RC-47s continued their coverage in the III and IV Corps, two
Vietnamese aircrews being permanently assigned to reconnaissance. Requests
for photography forwarded straight to air support operations centers markedly


Since photo reconnaissance could not capture rapidly shifting guerrilla

operations. interest in other air reconnaissance techniques quickened. Airborne
radio direction finding held promise, and the Army’s Radio Research Unit
operated three assorted aircraft. These planes furnished important intelligence of
the Viet order of battle, but they could not make precise-enough fixes of
enemy radio transmitters to permit air targeting.
In the United States the Air Force tested a C-47 (later a n that could
plot the location of a ten-watt radio transmitter within one degree a t a range of
twenty-five nautical miles. In January requested seven C-47s fitted
with more sensitive and accurate radio direction finders. However, the Air Force
delayed approval until the experimental plane could be tested in Vietnam.
Conducted during February-June the tests showed the tactical advantage
of equipment that gave lines of position to an enemy transmitter regardless
aircraft’s heading. The plane could fly past a transmitter without revealing
interest in it. whereas Army gear required a series of head bearings on the
transmitter. Yet a s the testing bore out, the direction finder was not
sufficiently sensitive t o plot the very low-power, short-range radios used by the
A better way t o pinpoint enemy actions seemed to be infrared reconnais-
sance sensors. In mid-1964, while two U S A F waited for tactical work,
MACV requested two Army infrared-equipped t o help carry out visual
and photographic night surveillance. General Moore asked why the Mohawks
were needed when the were there. MACV was surprised that a n infrared
capability was already on but proceeded t o justify a requirement for four
These were to feature side-looking airborne radar and infrared sensors
that could be “read out” in flight. The two had older infrared sets,
requiring film to be developed and interpreted on the ground after the mission. In
December the Air Force provided two extra with infrared
readout. The older were retrofitted with newer equipment and returned
t o service.
Word of the Mohawks authorized t o MACV reached General He
wanted them put under the operational control of the Air Division as part of a
joint counterinsurgency reconnaissance task force. General Moore hoped to get
authority to coordinate all infrared reconnaissance for MACV, but General
Westmoreland favored a quite different control arrangement.
In mid-I964 U S A F air liaison officers and forward air controllers easily
observed Viet activity. Their liaison planes flew over enemy-held areas
during the day and even more a t night, when the guerrillas kindled fires to cook
their food. The infrared sensor aircraft had the mission of collecting heat-
radiating intelligence. Experimental night flights of the produced
infrared photos with “hot spots.” These, when correlated with ground intelli-
gence, confirmed the positions of Viet camps in Zones C and The
infrared section of the Reconnaissance Technical Squadron processed the
results of each night’s infrared mission. From October on, enemy locations
(usually the coordinates of the cooking-fire sites) were phoned at once to the

corps tactical operations center. After collation with other intelligence, infrared
material was useful for artillery and air strikes. 39
While the RB-57s were in test during July, 29 infrared targets were requested
and 21 were completed. With one more RB-57 in use in December, there were
261 requests for infrared and 228 executed. Most infrared coverage was in the III
Corps. T o exploit both visual and infrared sightings, the 2d Air Division pro-
posed target centers for the other
These centers were to funnel information and needs to the air operations
center, which would coordinate strike aircraft. On December 20, 1964, however,
MACV formed the Central Target Analysis and Research Center at Tan Son
Nhut as a unit of MACV J-2 (Intelligence). Its main mission was to coordinate
Army and Air Force infrared reconnaissance. The center set up units at the corps
headquarters, and they were responsive to MACV J-2 Flights by RB-57s and
OV-1Cs proved invaluable. By January 1965 the new setup was absorbing the
entire infrared capability in Vietnam. In February there were so many requests
for RF-101 coverage that the 13th Reconnaissance Technical Squadron was
again unable to handle the processing load. Chiefly through correlation of
infrared sensor indications with other intelligence, the center identified 250
possible enemy targets in two months. Included were Viet Cong battalion camps
in Phuoc Tuy Province that would eventually be struck by B-57Jet
Although the Air Force supported the MACV program to improve intelli-
gence, the system removed control of infrared sorties and much of the RF-101
effort from the air operations MACV enjoyed several intelligence
sources that by law could not be disclosed to Vietnamese agencies. Consequently,
the Vietnamese delayed and in some cases refused t o allow strikes against targets
so generated. The Central Target Analysis and Research Center worked at
cross-purposes with the 2d Air Division's desire to develop close relations with
province chiefs for intelligence and quick air
Had the MACV system been staffed with more USAF targeting, interpreta-
tion, and reconnaissance officers, they might have produced more air strikes. But
General Westmoreland regarded all air operations as support for ground troops
and of necessity responsive to ground commanders. He even included interdic-
tion, a normal USAF responsibility. Hence the MACV J-2 had the principal say
on how air reconnaissance and surveillance resources were to be used. This left
the 2d Air Division commander, working through the air operations center, with
only nominal operational control over reconnaissance forces. These, like the
aircraft flying close support and interdiction in South Vietnam, became chiefly
geared to ground
So too the airlift. Although General LeMay preferred to have C-I23 assault
transports used in tactical operations rather than as logistic carriers, the insecure
rail and road net imposed great stress on air. At times U.S. commanders joked
that the Vietnamese army refused to travel on the ground and t o keep roads and
rails open because the Air Force moved everything for them. The adding of air
escort for trains and convoys did little to restrain requests for air


The 315th Troop Carrier Group at Tan Son Nhut operated the Southeast
Asia Airlift System. Its transport control office in the air operations center
managed common-use airlift in South Vietnam and Thailand. Assigned to the
3 15th Air Division at Tachikawa Air Base, Japan, the group came under MACV
operational control exercised by the 2d Air Division.
American and Vietnamese forces projected monthly airlift requirements
and sent them to the Joint Airlift Allocation Board in MACV J-4 (Logistics).
The board in fact consisted of one officer i n the J-4 movements branch. He
screened and processed the requests, set priorities, and with the Joint General
Staff levied the requirements on the airlift units by monthly increments.
The 3 I 5th Group commander also served as director of air transportation
for the Southeast Asia Airlift System. In theory he could call upon the forty-eight
USAF C-123s of his three squadrons, three C-47s of the 1st Air Commando
Squadron, two of sixteen U.S. Army CV-2B Caribou transports, several Viet-
namese C-47s, and two Bristol Type 170 transports of the Royal New Zealand
Air Force operating in Thailand. Actually, three C-I 23s and three air commando
C-47s were kept on station at Nha Trang to support U.S. Army Special Forces at
remote spots. A “Fire Brigade” of three C-123s a t Tan Son Nhut and one at Da
Nang stood alert, ready t o respond on fifteen-minute notice to the need for a
paratroop drop or equivalent emergency. Besides, two C-I 23s were regularly
allocated for service in Thailand. And the Vietnamese C-47s were usually flying
Col. David T. Fleming, commander of the 315th Troop Carrier Group,
depicted the airlift system as a hodgepodge of badly tacked-together elements,
saturated with requirements. The sole officer on the Joint Airlift Allocation
Board could not possibly screen requests for validity. Cargo that should have
gone by surface transportation was airlifted, and cargo for airlift was often late or
absent a t air terminals. Communications for keeping track of transport flights I
were unreliable. Aircraft frequently left bases empty or partially
The great demands constantly pushed the C- 123s above their programmed
sixty hours of flying time a month per aircraft. They were wearing out, stressed !
by landings and takeoffs on rough fields. By May I964 skin wrinkles appeared on
the top sides of two planes. Further inspection a t Tan Son Nhut disclosed visible
damage on all thirty-seven C-123s that had been in Vietnam for nearly three
years. Eleven required extensive repairs. Those at Da Nang in the theater for a
year had minor damage. Airlift further declined when three C-123s went to
Thailand in July to join the two on station there. That same month, two U.S.
Army Caribous were lost in crashes.
The debut in August of six CV-2B Caribous of the Royal Australian Air
Force helped redress the balance. They contributed six hundred tons of short-
range airlift a month, proving that all the Caribous could be scheduled and used
within a centralized
The system did well despite its shortcomings. Over the first half of 1964, the
C-123s bore the bulk of the airlift load. They airdropped 1,270 tons of supplies,
moved 1,252 paratroopers and I I5 tons of materiel in assault missions, and flew



night flare sorties (dispensing flares times). The air commando

airdropped tons of cargo and flew airlanded resupply missions (2,010
passengers and tons of supplies). As a rule the two U.S. Army Caribous
made short hauls. They flew airlanded sorties passengers and
tons of
The three USAF C-123s and the three air commando C-47s at
delivered about tons a month throughout to the scattered fortified
outposts at remote sites held by Army Special Forces. Cargo loads varied from
neatly packed bundles to bulky and unwieldy rolls of concertina wire, sandbags,
and steel stakes frequently a mixture of all. Landing strips at the forward
locations were rough and drop zones hard to find, especially in marginal weather.
Enemy ground fire made low-altitude approaches dangerous. During I964 more
C- were hit by ground fire than any other type of fixed-wing aircraft. Lt. Col.
Victor Curtis, USAF air liaison officer at spoke of the and
C-I crews as “some of the most professional and dedicated had ever
known. The Special Forces likewise appreciated the air supply. They lent a hand
in rigging AN/ radios aboard the transports for communications with
the camps. But the aircraft commanders commonly relied on smoke signals to
direct landings and drops. The crews manhandled their airdrop cargo in a
manner reminiscent of World War
Through the autumn of the C-123s and supporting the Special
Forces ran serious risks. A C-I23 on October tried to resupply an outpost in
western Duc Province but could not make radio contact. The plane
wandered over the Cambodian border and was shot down with the loss of all
eight crewmen. In December half of the 310th Troop Carrier Squadron and
seven of its C-123s went to to replace the which were with-
drawn. The seven C- an Australian and three Army supported
the Special
The new U.S. field advisors that General Westmoreland had asked for
in June and July would need a n average of tons of airlift each month.
Colonel Fleming therefore requested a C-I23 squadron to bring his total to four.
Until that unit arrived, committed eleven C-I 30s from the 15th Air
Division to the airlift in South Vietnam. These planes worked off the backlog of
air cargo at the major terminals. The Gulf of crisis in August had
triggered a hurried deployment of USAF units into South Vietnam and Thai-
land. The 15th Division, aided by three TAC C-I squadrons of the Composite
Air Strike Force, handled these movements. The division’s Detachment at
Clark Air Base functioned as the movement control
In Ranch Hand C-123s had flown a series of defoliation missions in
South Vietnam. (See Chapter The results led the Joint Chiefs to conclude in
April I963 that aerial spraying of herbicides had military value to kill the foliage
concealing the enemy and to destroy his crops. The Kennedy administration
authority to the U.S. Ambassador and MACV to order defoliation
spraying. But it cleared no U.S. crews and aircraft for spray missions against
crops. Specific approval for each crop-destruction target had to come from

Washington. The chemicals worked best in the wet season when the vegetation
was actively growing. Ranch Hand therefore waited until June and July 1963
before clearing growth from the Saigon to Da Lat powerline and canals in the Ca
Mau Peninsula. This and other spraying over the year improved the view and
reduced cover for hostile ambush operations. There were eighty-seven square
kilometers defoliated throughout 1963, compared to twenty in
In January 1964 the U.S. Army division advisors were allowed to make
wider use of aerial spray around depots, airfields, and outposts. They could also
approve hand-spray operations against enemy crops. Warnings had to go out to
the civilian population before spraying. In consequence the Ranch Hand C-123s,
flying at 150 feet, were exposed to enemy ground fire. In 1962 and 1963 the
average number of hits on each spray plane per mission was four small-arms
bullets. The risk rose in 1964 as spray flights treated areas totally dominated by
the Viet Cong. On April 30 a Ranch Hand aircraft ran into .50-caliber fire that
wounded the copilot and tore forty holes in the plane. Fighters regularly escorted
spray missions and struck the areas from which the C-123s took ground fire.
The Ranch Hand C-123s staged to Da Nang in May and June 1964. They
set about spraying the elephant grass and other vegetation that sheltered the
enemy along the roads in the A Shau-A Luoi valley and other areas near the
Laotian border. Completed quickly before the Viet Cong could fully react, these
flights sustained just four hits in the course of twenty-six sorties. On five spray
missions in III Corps during May, C-123s were struck fifteen times by ground
fire. On two occasions MACV suspended operations where heavy firing

Ranch Hand functioned on temporary duty until July 1964, supported by

the Tactical Air Command. Then the three spray C-I23 s and their specialized
crews became Detachment I of the 315th Troop Carrier Group, permanently
assigned to PACAF. Though Vietnamese helicopters and ground troops had
sprayed crops in 1962 and 1963, no American aircraft or personnel had been
permitted to take part in crop destruction prior to 1964.
On July 29, 1964, Ambassador Taylor received the authority to approve
crop-destruction operations without first referring them to Washington. In May
VNAF helicopters had resumed crop destruction but were unable to spray crops I
in certain areas. Taylor therefore directed Ranch Hand to spray some crop
targets, beginning on October 30. The Ranch Hand planes had to operate under
the Farm Gate concept when spraying crops. That is, they carried temporary
South Vietnamese markings and were under the ostensible control of a South
Vietnamese “aircraft commander” who was also on board. To cut exposure to
ground fire, the three Ranch Hand aircraft in August were given modified spray
systems. Now they could dispense herbicides at the rate of three gallons per acre
(double the old rate), and finish a mission in a single pass. Their first nineteen
crop-spraying sorties lasted ten days in October, directed against rice, corn,
manioc, bananas, and pineapples near War Zone D. While fighters escorted all
flights, enemy ground fire scored forty hits on the C-123s.


(Top) Loudspeakers installed in a


(Bottom) Leaflets dropped from a

C-47 Skytrain.

Broadcasts and leaflet drops over

areas of South Vietnam
were part of the “Open Arms”
program to persuade insurgents to

In November and December Ranch hand sprayed enemy rice near War
Zone AN intelligence source quoted the provincial
committee as reporting that the destroyed rice would have fed their troops the
area for years. During these flights ground fire shot out an engine on a C-
and the plane barely made it back to A fourth C-I23 was added in
December. By the end of the year the detachment had flown seventy-two survey
flights and spray sorties, defoliated square kilometers of vegetation, and
destroyed acres of crops. This contrasted with the acres of
crops sprayed by the Vietnamese in and the acres in
Concern of Washington officials over strengthening the government
focused fresh attention on psychological operations during the spring of
Psychological warfare had been conducted since I but with uneven results. In
November Farm Gate had first used four SC-47s for leaflet drops and
loudspeaker broadcasts. The SC-47, however, was not well-suited to remote-area
work. Farm Gate wanted a plane that could land at a forward site, pick up local
officials or defectors, and let them speak from the air to people who
would recognize their voices. To d o this the Super Courier (later
designated seemed ideal. The aircraft, specially configured for the CIA,
featured short-takeoff-and-landing and other admirable characteristics. Farm
Gate requested eight and authority to create a psychological warfare
branch of three qualified officers and two technicians, to forge “a sophisticated
psychological warfare
These efforts were abruptly dampened. On February I , a low-flying
dropping leaflets near crashed and killed eight Americans and one
Vietnamese. Embarrassed by the loss of so many Americans on a flight that was
supposed to train Vietnamese, Secretary ordered leaflet and speaker
missions turned over to the Vietnamese. The Joint Chiefs directed that U.S.
aircraft refrain from such operations “except in unusual CIRCUMSTANCES In
June the Vietnamese equipped a C-47 with speakers for airborne

The Air Staff and wanted Farm Gate to train Vietnamese Air
Force personnel for psychological warfare. But by April the Air Division
director of operations, Col. Winston Anderson, judged the Vietnamese to
have little recognition of its importance. From June through January
the Vietnamese speaker-equipped C-47 had a total of twenty-two flights-
fourteen loudspeaker and eight psychological warfare. Now and then the stand-
ard dispensed leaflets, and the OFTHE liaison squadrons participated
in a small program of civic action, troop information, and enemy leaflet
t ON
In September Farm Gate received two of four authorized
Super Couriers, one being rigged with speakers. Between December
and May Farm Gate made a number of flights in the to evaluate it
as a psychological warfare And in May, Mr. approved the
use of American planes to supplement Vietnamese psychological operations,
provided minimum U.S. personnel were

The mission was then divided between the Vietnamese Air Force and the 2d
Air Division, with neither of them given authority to coordinate the overall
psychological warfare The 2d Air Division favored the Helio Super
Courier. While the C-47 carried a navigator and was better for night flights, the
U-10 was more maneuverable, not as noisy, and less susceptible to ground fire
since it was smaller. The weight of the U-10’slaminated fiberglass armor dimin-
ished aircraft performance, but protected the crew against light-caliber fire.
After speakers and other equipment were installed in two more U-10s, the
2d Air Division had three planes for speaker and leaflet missions. Their flights
stepped up after May 1963. By October 22, 2d Air Division aircraft had flown
386 psychological warfare
In the spring of 1964, aerial psychological operations were often the sole
swift means of communication between the government and remote rural
peoples. Since part of President Khanh’s weakness stemmed from loss of contact
with the hinterland, it was proposed to expand the training of Vietnamese in
psychological operations. While visiting Saigon, Carl T. Rowan, director of the
U.S. Information Agency, was impressed with the potential of these activities. He
supported the proposal to enlarge them, which President Johnson approved on
To support the Vietnamese armed forces in “political warfare,” the Viet-
namese Air Force set up a general political warfare directorate with headquarters
at Tan Son Nhut and officers at each wing. Ten single-engine utility aircraft (six
U-6As and four were delivered to the Vietnamese Air Force for modifi-
cation to psychological warfare duty.
Also over the summer of 1964, the 2d Air Division worked with the United
States Army Support Command, Saigon, to test a public address system. It
consisted of eight 125-watt speakers installed in a Vietnamese H-34 helicopter.
Messages could be heard on the ground as the chopper flew at a fairly safe
altitude of three thousand feet, but the rotor blades distorted the sound. The 2d
Air Division abandoned the project, while the Army continued to maintain seven
UH-1B copters fitted with the public address
American and Vietnamese aircraft in August 1964 reached a new high of
132 psychological warfare sorties. The Vietnamese were nevertheless more con-
cerned with internal “personnel services” tothe soldiers and airmen. Caught up in
the conversion to fighter aircraft, the Vietnamese paid scant attention to psycho-
logical warfare. Four U-17s were used in and around Saigon, yet only one U-6
was modified due to the complications in installing
The U-10 section of the 1st Air Commando Squadron was authorized four
aircraft and six pilots. An accident claimed one plane in September, and the
absence of a planned flow of replacement pilots proved even more serious. In
November the U-10 section was down to two pilots, each averaging more than
one hundred flying hours during the month.
Psychological warfare sorties by USAF and Vietnamese aircraft totaled 106
in September, 109 in October, 69 in November, and 102 in December 1964.
Although four USAF replacement pilots finally joined the U-10 section, the

impression was current that “we are piddling with” psychological operations
“and not getting
That impression applied also to the broader canvas of events in Vietnam.

End of
Viet Cong night outpost and hamlet attacks doubled in intensity during the
last half of 1964. They were especially severe in the Ill and I V Corps Tactical
Zones. In October the enemy scored marked successes in the II Corps, which had
been almost pacified a few months earlier.'
General Moore thought it just a matter of time before the Viet Cong tried to
spring a psychologically damaging surprise raid or a mortar bombardment on a
major air base. Although the Vietnamese were responsible for interior security
and perimeter defense, the 2d Air Division had its own force of one officer and
280 airmen as additional guards.
Proper aircraft dispersal was virtually impossible a t the overloaded airfields,
thus inviting sabotage or attack. This prompted P A C A F to ask CINCPAC in
August 1964 to allow one of the two B-57 squadrons to move from Bien Hoa to
Takhli. Action was put off until October, when General Harris spoke personally
with Admiral Sharp. The latter then permitted half of each squadron to return to
Clark Air Base for training. This trimmed the number of B-57s on alert at Bien
Hoa to eighteen, but the field remained overcrowded and poorly defended.
How insecure Bien Hoa was became clear on the night of November 1,when
a Viet Cong mortar squadron penetrated the Vietnamese perimeter defenses. The
ensuing thirty-minute barrage killed four and wounded seventy-two, destroyed
five B-57s and one H-43 helicopter, and damaged thirteen B-57s and three H-43s.
Vietnamese losses totaled two killed, five wounded, three A- I Hs destroyed, and
three A-I Hs and two C-47s damaged. Some houses, a mess hall, vehicles, and
fuel tanks were also destroyed or damaged.²
The attack provoked discussions on countermeasures at the highest levels of
government in Washington. The Joint Chiefs of Staff had previously agreed on
positive action against North Vietnam, but differed on the severity, timing, and
location of that action. The major point of indecision stemmed from the stand of
Ambassador Taylor. He held that the United States could start no strong move
against North Vietnam until a stable government existed in Saigon. Conse-
quently, planning for a n air campaign had continued on a contingency basis. At
the end of his first year in office, President Johnson remarked that his principal
advisers had made no unanimous recommendation for air activity against North
As noted earlier, Secretary of Defense McNamara put hard questions to the
Joint Chiefs regarding the effects of bombing the ninety-four strategic air targets
identified in North Vietnam. In their reply the chiefs accepted CINCPAC
assurances. The targets could be attacked without depleting fuel and ordnance
needed to meet a Chinese intervention. CINCPAC had already prepared a plan
to attack all the targets in twenty days. Since there was no doubt that Hanoi was


administering and sustaining the war, General LeMay pushed for Air Force and
Navy air strikes on North Vietnam’s source of supply. He felt that interdiction
would be far more expensive and much less efficient than closing North Viet-
nam’s ports and destroying the supplies by strategic bombing before they started
General Greene, the Marine Corps Commandant, had backed LeMay but
the other chiefs supported Ambassador Taylor’s view. LeMay countered that
there could be no sound Saigon government without morale-building offensive
operations. The Vietnamese military establishment was the sole stabilizing force.
If that collapsed, the United States might well have to fight to get its military
advisors and their dependents out of the country.
Now, the Bien Hoa attack spurred the Joint Chiefs toward a strong reprisal.
On November 1 they verbally recommended to Secretary McNamara immediate
U.S. air strikes against infiltration targets in the Laotian panhandle; airlifting
U.S. Army and Marine Corps units to defend Da Nang, Tan Son Nhut, and Bien
Hoa; and assembling USAF units within sixty to seventy-two hours for air I

operations against North Vietnam. The air campaign would consist of an initial
B-52 night strike flown from Guam against Phuc Yen airfield, first-light naval air
strikes on other airfields and the Hanoi-Haiphong oil storage areas, and rapidly
progressing attacks against the entire ninety-four targets listed.
Angered by the Bien Hoa affair, Ambassador Taylor favored limited
retaliation against selected North Vietnamese targets by American and Viet-
namese aircraft, coupled with a policy statement warning of a similar U.S.
response to future incidents. President Johnson’s civilian advisers, chiefly Secre-
taries Rusk and McNamara, counseled patience. The President listened. He was
concerned about the upcoming election and about possible Viet Cong action
against American dependents in Saigon.
Ruling out a n instant response, the President ordered quick replacement of
the destroyed and seriously damaged B-57s at Bien Hoa. He further directed a
National Security Council working group, chaired by William P. Bundy, to
outline political and military options available against North Vietnam. In its
earlydeliberations the Bundy group leaned toward restrained action. In contrast,
the Joint Chiefs on December 18 recommended, first, a hard-hitting, fast,
“full-squeeze’’ air campaign against North Vietnam completed in twenty days.
Secondly, as a fall-back position, they proposed tightly controlled and gradually
increasing air pressure over a two-month period.³
Meanwhile on the night of November 6, Air Vice Marshal Nguyen Cao K y
led thirty-two Vietnamese A-1Hs against a Viet Cong camp in Zone D. The
mission was a widely announced reprisal for the Bien Hoa incident. According to
South Vietnamese intelligence reports, the attack caused five hundred enemy
On the 16th the Viet Cong troops in Zone D forayed out and battled
Vietnamese forces for six hours near Ben Cat. General Khanh personally
directed a massive operation in response. One hundred fifteen U.S. Army and


Vietnamese helicopters lifted twelve battalions of ground troops to the fringe of

Zone D near Ben Suc. They killed I63 guerrillas (83 by air) and captured
These and other sizable Vietnamese assaults did not deter the insurgents
surrounding Saigon. Severe floods from typhoons in November, together with
resurgent communist activity, virtually collapsed governmental authority in the
ten central provinces. As the floods receded, the Viet Cong moved in to take
almost complete control of the countryside in the populous Quang Ngai and
Binh Dinh Provinces. The enemy confined the government’s presence to district
towns and provincial capital cities.
Vietnamese ground forces could open a road briefly by committing four to
six battalions of troops. But as soon as they withdrew, the guerrillas moved in.
Constant Viet Cong actions kept the army units off-balance and cost them dearly
in men, equipment, and morale. The enemy seemed to easily recruit replacements
for his losses. And the National Liberation Front stood ready as a shadow
government to seize power when the Saigon regime
During a press interview in Saigon on November 2 1, Ambassador Taylor
depicted the principal problem in Vietnam as the dual inability to form a solid
national government and to stop Viet Cong reinforcement. The Ambassador
realized the military value of air strikes against Laotian infiltration routes and
North Vietnamese infiltrator-training areas. He suggested a few selective bomb-
ings, but clung to the belief that a sound government in Saigon was the first
priority. On the other hand, the Joint Chiefs more and more accepted the USAF
position. Stopping Hanoi’s support of the insurgency was a prerequisite for a
stable Saigon
William Bundy’s National Security Council working group outlined three
possible courses of action for the United States. One envisioned reprisal attacks,
intensified covert operations, resumption of offshore naval patrols, and stepped-
up Laotian T-28 attacks. Another called for the “fast/full squeeze” bombing of
North Vietnam favored by the Joint Chiefs, which Bundy termed “almost
reckless,” a n invitation to Chinese intervention. The last specified a “slow
squeeze” of air attacks on infiltration targets in North Vietnam. All three would
give a n impression of steady and deliberate pressure-building while permitting
the United States to halt at any time. Bundy and Assistant Secretary of Defense
John T. McNaughton liked the last option.’
Ambassador Taylor arrived in Washington on November 26 to join confer-
ences on strategy. He advocated U.S. actions to restore adequate government in
Saigon, refine the counterinsurgency campaign, and convince or compel Hanoi
to cease helping the Viet Cong. Taylor set out a three-phase program. The first
phase was to consist of heightened covert actions, anti-infiltration attacks in
Laos, and reprisal bombing-all to stiffen South Vietnamese morale. The second
would afford more air attacks on infiltration objectives in North Vietnam. The
third was to ultimately destroy all important fixed targets in North Vietnam. He
thought (much like Bundy) that the first phase should start at once.
The Ambassador believed that U.S. aircraft ought to take part in the air
operations over Laos (the initial phase of the stepped-up action). This would


demonstrate American willingness to share in the risks of acting against North

Vietnam. Armed reconnaissance strikes on infiltration routes in the Laotian
panhandle would signal a deeper U.S. involvement in the conflict and a resolve to
back the governments of both South Vietnam and Laos.
Briefed on December 1, President Johnson accepted the premise that a
stable South Vietnamese government was the first essential to end the insur-
gency. On the 2d he approved the first-phase military actions. He said that
subsequent ones would project progressive air bombardment to the north rather
than by functional target systems. At first the heavier Laotian T-28 and USAF
strikes along Laotian infiltration routes, as well as special covert maritime
operations, would be psychological warnings to Hanoi. After a n unspecified
transitional period, air attacks on North Vietnam would begin against infiltra-
tion objectives just beyond the demilitarized zone. Then moving northward to
the 19th parallel, the strikes were to eventually hit the Hanoi airfields and POL
storage, while naval forces mined and blockaded North Vietnam’s
Upon his return to Saigon on December 7, Ambassador Taylor stressed to
Vietnamese leaders that Washington wanted political stability above
In line with the President’s decision, a joint State-Defense message on
December 8 instructed the U.S. Ambassador in Vientiane to seek approval for
American air strikes on hostile communications in Laos. The go-ahead was given
on the 10th and Secretary of Defense McNamara authorized two missions a
week, each consisting of four aircraft. This very restricted bombing was nick-
named Barrel Roll.
Weekly, a National Security Council committee was to designate two
segments of the line of communications for armed reconnaissance as well as a
fixed target for ordnance remaining at the end of the route sweep. Both USAF
and USN planes were to playa part, with MACV actingas the local coordinating
authority. Publicity was forbidden as were attacks on the Laotian people.
Targets of opportunity had to be “unmistakingly military activity of a transient
or mobile nature.” Fixed installations could be hit only during attacks on clearly
identified military convoys and personnel, o r as secondary targets. No mission
could be launched from Thai bases or carry napalm. Secretary McNamara’s
explicit and detailed orders left little room for combat commanders to specify
tactics, ordnance, routing, and like
Admiral Sharp, CINCPAC, was impressed with the high-level national
interest in the armed reconnaissance program. He gave the maiden mission to the
F-105 Thunderchiefs of PACAF’s 80th Tactical Squadron at Korat, Thailand.
Sharp selected a section of Route 8 for the armed sweep and the Nape road
bridge as the target for unused ordnance. The fifteen-plane force took off from
Da Nang on December 14. Three RF-101s served as pathfinders and damage-
assessment craft. Eight F-100s flew combat air patrol to guard against MIG
interference. Four F-1 05s carried 750-pound bombs, 2.75-inch rockets, and
20-mm ammunition. The mission achieved slim results because the heavy ord- i
nance load led to miscalculation of time and distance. Short of fuel, the F-105s
made a hurried attack on the bridge and missed it.


Navy planes flew on December 17. Four A-I Hs escorted by eight F-4Bs
conducted armed reconnaissance of Routes 12 I and 12, with the Ban Boung Bau
road bridge as the fixed alternative. The aircraft failed to damage the bridge but
destroyed eight buildings at one end.
The next mission sent four F-100s of the 428th Tactical Fighter Squadron
along Route 8 on December 21. Lightly armed with CBU-2As and 2.75-inch
rockets, the fighters became disoriented after receiving heavy flak, ran low on
fuel, and found no secondary target.
Reports on the first two USAF missions disturbed General LeMay. He sent
word to General Moore that heexpected higher professionalism, even though he
recognized that the tight curbs complicated air operations.
To prepare for the fourth mission, PACAF's 44th Tactical Fighter Squad-
ron deployed six F- 105s from Okinawa to Da Nang. Four of them reconnoitered
Route 23 on December 25, with a strike against the military barracks at
Tchepone. The operation went well, though the dive-bombing at Tchepone was
inaccurate. During the fifth mission on December 30, four Navy A-I Hs struck
the military camp.¹¹
Planners for a mission on January 13chose the Ban Ken bridge, the most
important potential checkpoint on Route 7. Aerial photos showed thirty-four
antiaircraft guns (37-mm and 57-mm) in place, with up to seventy more firing
positions built but not occupied. The planners scheduled an RF-101 as path-
finder and another for bomb damage assessment, eight F-100s carrying CBU-
2As for flak suppression, and sixteen F-105s from the 44th and 67th Tactical
Fighter Squadrons as strike aircraft. The two flights of F-100s were to fly
low-level and abreast across the gunsites to knock them out with cluster bombs.
Immediately thereafter the F-105s would attack the bridge. Each of the first eight
F-105s were to drop eight 750-pound bombs. This would be followed by eight
F-105s loaded with six bombs and two AGM-12B Bullpup air-to-ground mis-
siles. An Air America C-I23 was to serve as airborne control for rescue
The F-100s pummeled the gun positions but some firing continued. The first
wave of F-105s cut the bridge with their sixty-four bombs. The F-100s and the
second wave of F-105s made multiple runs on the gunsites, the mixed ordnance
of the F-105s requiring at least three passes to expend. Moreover, the Thunder-
chiefs had to descend into flak range to control their missiles, and one plane was
downed. An F-100 on its fifth pass was also shot down. Four other aircraft were
General Moore said that poor judgment was displayed in the attack. To
escape the losses, the planes should have broken off the engagement after
knocking out the bridge.¹²
While it seemed impossible for ground transportation to bypass the Ban
Ken bridge, the communists within three days converted the top of a dam just
upriver into a traffic route. Press reports of the two lost aircraft prompted
Senator Wayne L. Morse to charge that the air operation violated the 1962
Geneva agreements on Laos.¹³



Armed reconnaissance sweeps by Seventh Fleet aircraft on January 2 and

10, 1965, detected no enemy. On the 15th,as six A-I Hs reconnoitered Route 23
at night, the flight leader became separated from the flare plane and wandered
west of the road. He sighted and attacked moving trucks and also adjacent
buildings that turned out tobe the friendly village of Ban Tang Vai. No further
secondary targets were assigned for night
Admiral Sharp near the end of January took a close look at this relatively
small interdiction campaign, conducted at least risk and under tight control from
Washington. He concluded that the program could be better managed from
Laos. He insisted that militarily effective interdiction had to be constantly and
completely responsive to the tactical situation. General Harris, the PACAF
commander, agreed that the missions were too few to sway Hanoi. Still, they may
have imparted political strength to the Laotian government at a critical juncture.
In late January and early February, an armed coup was
Meanwhile in South Vietnam, General Khanh and several associates had
seized power from the provisional civil government on December 20, 1964.
Ambassador Taylor strongly protested and after that the relations between him
and Khanh were strained. Taylor was apparently concerned that the feeble
Saigon government might yield to elements clamoring for a cease-fire and
coalition with the National Liberation Front. He may therefore have hinted that
U.S. advisors were about to take command of the Vietnamese armed forces. In
any event, the unstable conditions in the country encouraged the Viet Cong.
They increasingly turned from hit-and-run guerrilla tactics to more conventional
mobile warfare by regular units. This pushed the United States into stronger
support of the
Secretary of Defense McNamara had already made clear that the conflict
was chiefly a ground war in which aviation could make only secondary contribu-
tions. While this strategy precluded the full use of tactical air the rather
small Vietnamese and U.S. air operations were central to saving the Vietnamese
ground forces from piecemeal defeat. On December 9, for example, A- I Hs from
the Vietnamese 516th Fighter Squadron struck a Viet Cong force and left
thirty-three enemy dead. The force on December 7 had attacked the An Lao
district headquarters in Binh Dinh Province and ambushed government relief
troops. In the three-day battle the foe inflicted battle losses of twenty-eight killed,
fifty wounded, and twenty-two missing.
Also on December 9 a Viet Cong battalion assaulted and overran a govern-
ment battalion command post and 105-mm howitzer platoon near Tam Ky in
Quang Tin Province. A USAF captain joined the eighteen strike sorties flown by
the 5 16th Fighter Squadron against the hill position. All the strikes were directed
by a n 0-1A pilot and Vietnamese observer who were in the air for ten hours.
Direct hits on the artillery site exploded ammunition and killed enemy gunners.
The last flight of four A-I Hs landed at Da Nang after sunset when the ceiling was
under five hundred feet and visibility less than a mile. Government troops retook
the ground and confirmed 162 Viet Cong killed (85 by air). Friendly losses
totaled 26 killed and thirty-three


During the night of December 10, two Viet Cong battalions struck outposts
at Long My in Chuong Thien Province and ambushed relief forces. A U.S. Army
L-19 and located the ambush and put four covering on the
camouflaged foxholes. U.S. Army helicopters from Soc Trang held the enemy
until Vietnamese in arrived and delivered ordnance in the face of intense
ground fire. One A-I H was downed, and five helicopters damaged. i

By fine teamwork and armed helicopters killed about four hundred of

the fifteen hundred enemy troops, and probably saved a government battalion
and a regional force company from being
Viet Cong night attacks on hamlets and outposts soared to a new high. A
total of ninety-six incidents took place over the last ten days of December,
drawing flare and strike aircraft. The planes forced the foe to break off the assault
in ninety-four of the cases. Still under test, AC-47 gunships joined the air alerts
and performed well. On the night of December 24, for example, an AC-47 used
its miniguns to blast guerrillas off the wall of a fort under
At night on December 27, two North Vietnamese regiments raided the
hamlet of Binh Gia The next morning a reinforced ranger battalion, aided by
three armed helicopters, tried without success to relieve the hamlet. That evening
the Viet Cong hit the rangers at the nearby town of Ngai Giao but were driven off.
On the 29th, twenty-four U.S. Army protected by fifteen armed
lifted two other ranger companies to a landing area near Binh Gia
Small-arms and machinegun fire claimed three of the helicopters. One ranger
company fought its way out, the second was overrun.
The defeat seemed to have stemmed from the absence of preplanned
coordination of tactical air support for the heliborne operation. Another factor
was the late request for fighters, made only after the loss of the three helicopters.
Eight A-I E sorties covered the downed Four Vietnamese H-34 helicop-
ters carried ammunition into the area and evacuated wounded. A C-47 flareship
lighted the scene through the night.
Escorted by fifteenarmed twenty-six 2d and 4th
Marine Battalions into the zone. Eight helicopters were hit and one exploded,
killing the crew. Finally on the afternoon of December 30, four and five
A-I responded to requests. The strike aircraft blasted two spots in the rubber
forests around Binh Gia that reportedly sheltered two Viet Cong battalions. At I

the same time, H-34s evacuated thirty-four killed and forty-nine wounded men.
A C-47, four and one AC-47 furnished night illumination and fire
The 4th Marine Battalion battled its way into the rubber forest on
December 31, and was soon surrounded by the enemy (identified from captured
documents as the 48th Main Force Viet Cong Regiment). The Marine com-
mander radioed the USAF forward air controller overhead for air support. Four
responded and hit enemy positions with napalm and general. purpose
bombs. In the afternoon, eight were scrambled and sent to the scene. But
the senior ground commander ordered them returned to Bien Hoa, because air
support had not been requested through Vietnamese army channels.


Armed helicopters tried to launch strikes later that day. However, they
learned from U.S. Marine Corps advisors with the surrounded battalion that the
thick branches of the rubber trees absorbed the rockets and machinegun fire
from the air. Attacking a t dusk and using massed automatic weapons, the Viet
Cong overpowered the 4th Marine Battalion. All through the night of the 31st,
three C-47s, two C-123s, one A C 4 7 , and four A-IHs supplied flare/fire sup-
port. Even so, just 232 of the 532 men of the 4th Marine Battalion managed to
straggle back to Binh Gia.²²
General Khanh took personal charge of a large operation set afoot in Phuoc
Tuy Province on January I , 1965. C-1 23s flew the 1st and 3d Airborne Battalions
from Tan Son Nhut t o Vung Tau, then helicopters whisked them to the battle
area. On January 2 helicopters transported the 7th Airborne Battalion directly
from Bien Hoa. Tactical fighters supported continuing operations with cover
and escort, landing-zone preparations, and strikes on enemy positions.
On the 5th of January, eight A-1Es were each loaded with one Lazy Dog
XM-44 cannister and normal high-explosive ordnance. The aircraft employed
the Lazy Dog missiles against Viet Cong troops firing at U.S. Army helicopter
observers. Government troops kept clear of the Lazy Dogzones, but U.S. Army
air observers reported that after the drops they no longer received ground fire. An
intelligence report stated that the Viet Cong carried away from the strike areas
fifteen oxcart loads of dead and wounded.²³
At General Khanh’s order, government battalions with tanks and armored
vehicles continued to swing through the safer areas of Phuoc Tuy Province.
From January 10 through February 15, a small air support operations center
managed the flights aiding the massive sweeps. The operations achieved little, for
the Viet Cong evaded ground
Analysis of the Binh Cia defeat revealed a failure to use available fixed-wing
air support properly. Armed helicopters were unable to provide the needed
firepower. As the MACV J-3 reported, “the armed UH-1 B did not possess heavy
enough ordnance to destroy the VC in prepared positions or deter their assault,
since they were concealed under a dense canopy of
Meanwhile, a n incident in downtown Saigon brought the United States to
the verge of direct all-out action. On Christmas Eve 1964 a 300-pound charge
exploded in the Brink Hotel (bachelor officers’quarters for U.S. advisors), killing
two Americans while injuring sixty-four Americans and forty-three Vietnamese.
Admiral Sharp and the Joint Chiefs recommended an immediate reprisal. On
December 29 President Johnson ruled against it.
The Brink Hotel explosion, a direct attack against and a n open challenge t o
the United States, was ominous, but the battle a t Binh Gia was potentially
disastrous. T o U.S. officials in Saigon it was a “highly visible”defeat of serious
proportions. On December 3 I Ambassador Taylor reversed his thinking. Bol-
stered by Deputy Ambassador U . Alexis Johnson and General Westmoreland,
he sent a joint message to Washington. It advocated American air action against
North Vietnam despite the persistent weakness of the Saigon

26 I

Courtesy: U.S. Army

Courtesy: U.S.Army


Attention then turned to the air strike aircraft on hand. Attack planes in
Vietnam numbered forty-eight USAF A-1Es and ninety-two A-1Hs of the
Vietnamese Air Force. This combined force could fly about sixty combat and
thirty training sorties a day. Air Vice Marshal Ky’s need to have a n elite “Palace
Guard” flight of standby A-1Hs at Tan Son Nhut constrained Vietnamese
combat sorties. These planes were piloted by highly trained, screened, and
politically dependable personnel who routinely flew strike missions in the IIIand
IV Corps areas. However, assignments to thwart coups and to control dissidence
often diverted them from action against the Viet Cong.
Although individual Vietnamese strike crews performed valiantly, the grow-
ing independence of unit commanders diluted the control of the air operations
centers. Typically, fifty percent of the aircraft were held on five-hour ground
alert. A squadron deciding to fly would call for a target about a n hour before the
end of its ground alert and receive a set of coordinates for attack, usually in a
“free-strike”zone. Hence it was difficult to scramble or to redirect aircraft to meet
Early in January 1965 the Vietnamese 62d Tactical Wing and a detachment
of the 516th Fighter Squadron’s A-1Hs deployed from Pleiku to Nha Trang,
where work was to start on a new runway in February. The move stationed these
strike aircraft too far away to properly support the critical highland provinces,
including Pleiku and
Ambassador Taylor now wanted to use the USAF B-57s at Bien Hoa in
combat. He also wished to put off indefinitely the plan to form a fifth and sixth
Vietnamese fighter squadron, so that the Vietnamese could focus on operations
in lieu of P A C A F on January 12, 1965, suggested that heavier air
demands argued for greater air assets. It asked for thirteen tactical strike squad-
rons in Vietnam (seven to be USAF jet units), extra USAF air liaison officers and
tactical air control parties to extend direct air support nets to province and sector
levels, and at least 175 USAF and Vietnamese 0-Is-more if continuous air
reconnaissance was
Defending the role of U.S. Army helicopter gunships, General Westmore-
land said that they had “performed magnificently” at Binh Gia. At a briefing on
January 13, he asked if stepping up air firepower made sense in Vietnam. In other
words, were there significant and vulnerable targets in Viet Cong sanctuary areas
and how could they be brought under attack? General DePuy, the MACV J-3,
addressed the question in a paper that was largely the work of USAF Col. Alan
C. Edmunds, Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff J-3 for Air.
Targets were available, the study said, and lifting the curbs on using USAF
aircraft in the country would expand air power. This could best be done by
drawing on Guam-based B-52 bombers as well as USN carrier aircraft on South
Vietnamese offshore stations, for air facilities in Vietnam were scarce and
overcrowded. The Vietnamese ground forces were apparently unable to give a
high degree of security against Viet Cong attack of air bases. And it was hard to
haul ordnance and aviation fuel to Vietnamese


Air analysts agreed with part of the study. Calling on aircraft outside
the country would indeed alleviate the airfield security problem. As early as
December General had suggested sending U.S. ground combat
units into Vietnam for air base defense. The Navy and Marine Corps had
demurred, saying that it was contrary to national policy. The Army had objected
on the ground that four divisions would be needed to defend eighteen operating
sites. As for the supply system, there was no doubt that conveying POL and
ordnance was cumbersome, slow, and risky. This was especially true when done
by barges, lighters, and trucks requiring security guards.
On the other side of the coin, using aircraft located outside the country
could hamper attempts to improve air base security and Vietnamese air facilities.
Both were long overdue. Although the bombers were unmatched in all-
weather, heavy saturation attacks, the long flights from Guam would be expen-
sive. Furthermore, using these strategic bombers would reduce worldwide
deterrent posture. While the interest of General Westmoreland in tactical air was
encouraging, he failed to understand Air Division and hopes for
building a well-rounded air command, coordination, and control structure in
On January General Moore advised General Westmoreland that
the fastest way to bolster air power was to full use of the USAF resources
now in the country. Moore believed that the most compelling needs were to let
fly missions in South Vietnam, d o away with the requirement to carry
a Vietnamese observer or trainee on operational missions, and remove helicop-
ters from air bases to allow an expansion of
Some optimistic signs emerged from the lingering debate on air demands. A
measure of political stability in Saigon seemed to give the Vietnamese armed
forces confidence and initiative. A MACV press release told of air attacks killing
about twenty-five hundred in November and December Given
these indications, were more strike planes really
Vietnamese and USAF A-Is flew combat sorties in January
filling every request for close air support. The combined air forces flew a total of
sorties, yet could not meet fifty percent of the requests for all types of air
activity. Estimates showed that all of them could have been met, had there been
no operational
In a saturation test during January Vietnamese and USAF A-Is
dropped eight hundred tons of bombs on targets in the
woods of Zone Ranch Hand C-123s then began a massive defoliation
program in to cover forty-eight square miles of dense forest hiding a key
base. The operation tied up many of the combined strike aircraft. On
January in a separate action, government battalions surrounded an
enemy battalion near Helicopter gunship and strikes accounted for
half of the estimated four hundred fifty insurgents killed that
Late i n January the Joint Chiefs secured approval for using USAF jet
aircraft in a strike role within South Vietnam-if Ambassador Taylor agreed in
advance to each mission, and if these strikes could not be carried out by

Vietnamese A-Is. According to this formula, Taylor could authorize jet air
strikes solely to save American lives or to spoil huge Viet attacks like the
one at Binh He could d o this only if the air support operations center
certified that conventional aircraft were unavailable, and if a corps tactical zone
commander, the Vietnamese Joint General Staff, and MACV all thought the
As for air strikes on North Vietnam, President Johnson rejected them in
January despite his growing conviction that the feeble Saigon government
needed help of some sort to Trials and tribulations, including militant
Buddhist opposition, prompted CIA Director to expect to fall
from power and a serious political crisis to
On January in a speech interpreted by some observers as a bid for
negotiations, William suggested a diplomatic meeting similar to the
Geneva accords as “the answer” for a secure and independent South
Vietnam. Five days later, Presidential Assistant informed
President Johnson that he and Secretary were “pretty well convinced
that our current policy can lead only to disastrous defeat.” The preferred
alternatives were to “use our military power in the Far East and to force a change
of Communist policy,” or to “deploy all our resources” along “a track of
negotiation, aimed at salvaging what little can be preserved with no major
addition to our present military risks.” Secretary of State Rusk opposed both
options. “The consequences of both escalation and withdrawal are so bad,“ he
said, “that we simply must find a way of making our present policy work.”
Not sure whether to support Saigon more vigorously or to disengage from a
losing proposition, the President on February sent a fact-finding party headed
by to Saigon. The party’s arrival coincided with a visit to
Hanoi by Soviet Premier Since departure
from power in October had tried to restore closer Russian ties with
Hanoi. He and a sizable Moscow delegation that included top Soviet air force
officials reached Hanoi on February
According to the Chinese, hoped to persuade Hanoi to halt
military aid to the Viet Congas a precondition to negotiations (as William
seemed to have suggested). But in opinion, sensed an immi-
nent Viet victory and wanted the Soviet Union to share in it.
would probably offer more economic and military aid and encourage stepped-up
warfare in South Vietnam. Consequently, proposed that the United
States start air attacks on targets in North Vietnam. These would commence at
the 17th parallel and work progressively
Conflicting signals stopped on Sunday morning, February Viet
mortar squads and demolition teams attacked the small U.S. advisory
detachment in II Corps, four and one-half miles north of Pleiku. In addition they
struck Camp headquarters of the U.S. Army Aviation Battalion,
also near Pleiku. The joint assaults killed eight Americans and wounded
destroyed five Army B helicopters and two transports, three USAF

0-1Fs, and one Vietnamese 0-IF. Moreover the teams damaged the main
building o f the advisory
Bundy, Westmoreland, and Taylor jointly sent from Saigon their recom-
mendation for a reprisal strike and President Johnson ordered an instant air
response. That afternoon USN aircraft, and on the 8th Vietnamese and U S A F
planes, hit enemy military barracks near Dong Hoi in a n operation called
Flaming Dart. At the same time, P A C A F air transports commenced to lift U.S.
Marine Corps light antiaircraft missile units from Okinawa to Da Nang and to
evacuate U.S. dependents from South
The Viet Cong struck on the 10th near Qui Nhon, taking twenty-three
American and seven South Vietnamese lives. On the following day, USAF,
USN, and VNAF aircraft (in Flaming Dart II) pounded troop barracks in the
North Vietnamese panhandle. The Joint Chiefs quickly ordered the deployment
to South Vietnam and Thailand of four and one-half U S A F tactical squadrons
from bases in Japan, Okinawa, and the Philippines, and the movement of thirty
B-52s t o
South Vietnamese control deteriorated in all of the corps tactical zones as
Viet Cong action exploded. On February 8 a major enemy force crossed Route
19 between Pleiku and Qui Nhon. The crossing occurred, even though four
A-1Es dropped Lazy Dogs and killed about one hundred of the enemy. The
attackers then enveloped and damagedtwo battalions of the 40th Regiment and
a troop of M-115 armored personnel carriers in Vinh Binh Province. That night
a n AC-47 poured 20,500 7.62-mm rounds into the area, killing around 250 enemy
T o shore u p the II Corps defense, General Moore ordered eight A-I Es to
Qui Nhon where conditions were “unsafe in every respect.” Staying close to the
scene of action, each pilot flew a t least three strike sorties a day and significantly
helped to blunt the enemy
On February 13 President Johnson gave the green light to measured and
limited air attacks on North Vietnam. Called Rolling Thunder and planned for
swift execution, the strikes were delayed for two weeks by political and military
turmoil in Saigon and by bad weather.
The capital was directly and immediately threatened by the Viet Cong 9th
Division, which had no less than two well-armed regiments under forest cover in
Phuoc Tuy Province. The mystery of how these troops were getting modern
weapons was solved on February 16. A U.S. Army helicopter pilot discovered,
and Vietnamese A-I Hs sank, a steel-hulled vessel at Vung Ro Bay. An investiga-
tion turned up one hundred tons of arms and ammunition in a nearby cove a t
Cap Varella. The U.S. Seventh Fleet at once started naval patrols to stop these
General Westmoreland wanted to send B-57 light bombers against the Viet
Cong 9th Division base camps in Phuoc Tuy Province, which had been pin-
pointed by infrared reconnaissance. Securing emergency authority on February
17, he planned to launch the planes on the 19th.

On that day, dissident military leaders revolted against General Khanh.

Their troops seized Saigon, and took part of Tan Son Nhut to ground Ky’s
anticoup air force. But Ky got his planes in the air, as C-47s brought loyal troops
from the I Corps t o clear Saigon of the rebels. The Armed Forces Council then
removed Khanh and exiled him.
At the height of the coup crisis in Saigon on the afternoon of February 19,
four B-57s from Bien Hoa flew the first open USAF mission in South Vietnam as
they bombed Viet Cong base camps in Phuoc Tuv. The aircraft struck again
during February 2 1-24, while Ky kept most of the VNAF A-1 Hs on countercoup
alert and out of
Judging on February 21 that the United States was not “fullycommitted to
winning the war in Vietnam,” General Westmoreland was ready to change the
nature of the American involvement. He would make more use of jet aircraft
within South Vietnam, restore U.S. markings to American-manned A-I Es, and
abolish the requirement for Vietnamese observers in American planes.
Enemy action on February 24 involved the elite communist battalion that
had apparently just arrived in the central highlands. The battalion surrounded a
ranger company and a Civilian Irregular Defense Group company on Route 19
in the An Khe valley near the Mang Yang pass (where the Viet Minh had wiped
out a French mobile group in 1954). General Westmoreland used his emergency
authority to commit USAF jet aircraft in an all-American relief effort. F-100s,
B-57s, and A-lEs covered and supported U.S. Army UH-IBs that rescued the
surrounding men. The covering attacks by the 61 3th Tactical Fighter Squadron
F-100s, 405th Tactical Wing B-57s, and 602d Fighter Commando Squadron
A-I Es cost the enemy I50 men killed. They also allowed the helicopters to land
three times in the area without a single casualty. The copters evacuated the 220
officers and men who, according to Col. Theodore C. Mataxis, U.S. Army II
Corps advisor, would otherwise have been
The employment of B-57 and F-100 jets marked the end of the long U.S.
combat advisory phase and the beginning of direct and open American action in
the Vietnam War. On March I the new commander in chief of the Vietnamese
armed forces, Maj. Gen. Tran Van Minh, established the Vietnamese Air Force
air request net as the primary means to obtain immediate air support for all
regular and paramilitary operations. He further removed the restriction that only
a Vietnamese forward air controller could mark targets for air
After approval by higher headquarters, the Joint Chiefs of Staff on March 9
directed that U.S. aircraft could be used for combat operations in South Viet-
nam. No strikes were permitted from Thai airfields, and American aircraft were
not to accept missions that the Vietnamese Air Force could carry out. But the
planes now boldly displayed U.S. insignia, and a Vietnamese airman was no
longer required to be aboard in
The United States Air Force advisory effort spanned the decade between
1955 and early 1965, from the time the United States formally took over the
training of the Vietnamese from the French until American aircraft first openly
engaged in combat. During this interval the Vietnamese Air Force expanded


from a few hundred to over ten thousand men. Its five squadrons of obsolete
French and American planes at two air bases swelled to fourteensquadrons and
almost three hundred more modern aircraft at five major air bases. In addition
the Vietnamese Air Force forged a chain of command mirroring that of its
American advisors. Most of these changes took place through the final three
years of the period when the threat from north grew ever more serious.
The U.S. Air Force experienced parallel growth in Southeast Asia during
the decade. In the late 1950s there were airmen stationed in Vietnam and in
Thailand. From on, these numbers gradually rose and on the eve of
Americanization of the war stood at and respectively. By February
the Air Force had planes i n South Vietnam and in Thailand. Seventy
percent of those in South Vietnam were clustered around the Saigon area,
operating from Tan Son Nhut o r Air Base. The remainder were up
north, primarily at One-third of all these aircraft were C-123 trans-
ports, operating for the most part out of Tan Son Nhut. Reconnaissance
missions also originated from Tan Son Nhut, flown by and on
temporary assignment. This Saigon base further housed a handful of for
air defense. The attack fleet of for in-country strikes was
positioned at nearby also the headquarters for the forward air control
mission performed by twenty-two From the Air Force operated
one transport squadron and one temporary duty squadron of for mis-
sions in Laos. A sprinkling of support aircraft rounded out the total.
The USAF presence in Thailand was still small at the start of Air
defense of the country was provided by four from Don Airport
outside Bangkok. Farther up-country, a squadron of at Royal
Thai Air Force Base and another at flew against the
infiltration routes in the Laotian panhandle. At just south of the
Laotian capital, twenty worked to stem the Lao tide in northern
Laos. These were supported by eight air rescue helicopters from the same base.
None of these aircraft took part in operations in Vietnam.
Despite this sizable swelling of personnel and aircraft between and
the U.S. advisory mission failed to end Hanoi’s support insurgency in
South Vietnam and Laos. The decision early in to replace advisors with
combat troops recognized two facts that had come clear in late 1964: infiltration
from north into South Vietnam was growing rather than tapering off. and the
government of South Vietnam unstable since the assassination of Diem)
could not cope with the situation. U.S. policymakers saw theconfluence
two factors spelling defeat for the South unless a new approach was taken. Thus
the purely advisory function was abandoned in favor of direct U.S. air and
ground in theconflict. The USAF units in placeearly in would
form the nucleus for the coming buildup.

Growth of Major United States Air Force and
Vietnamese Air Force Units to February

Hoa Air Base
June Air Force Depot transferred here
from Hanoi.

June Fighter Squadron organized.

consisting of twenty-five

November Farm Gate arrives. Designated

Detachment 4400th Com-
bat Crew Training Squadron.
Made up of four four
eight and
men on temporary duty.

Detachment Air Force. es-

tablished tosupport
its here.

April Farm Gate renamed Detachment

C o m m a n d o Group

May Two Project Blackwatch

join Farm Gate.

June Detachment Air Force, re-

placed by Air Base

January Farm Gate increased to nineteen 514th Fighter

thirteen six replaces Fighter Squadron
and four plus
men. Some aircraft deployed
to Pleiku and

July 34th Tactical Group organized.

Air Base Squadron re-
named 34th Air Base Squad-
ron and placed under 34th
Tactical Group.

July 19th Tactical Air Support Squad-

ron activated under 34th Tac-
tical Group. By August has
twenty-two Six of these
g o to Can Tho.


Farm Gate renamed 1st Air Com-

m a n d o Squadron and as-
signed t o 34th Tactical Group.

October 518th Fighter Squadron (A-I Hs)


1964 May-June Farm Gate T-28s and B-26s re-

placed with A-IEs.

June 23d 'Tactical Wingformed. Incor-

porates 514th. 518th. 520th
(newlyformed) Fighter Squad-
rons, and the 112th Liaison

August Thirty-six B-57s arrive from Clark

Air Base. Eighteen return to
Clark in October.

October A second Farm Gate squadron 520th Fighter Squadronactivated.

(602dFighter Commando Squad-
dron) organized and assigned
to the 34th Tactical Group.
Same type of aircraft (A-IEs)
and missions as the 1st Air
Commando Squadron.

Detachment 4. Pacific Air Res-

cue Service. established with
three H 4 3 F s .

Can Tho Airfield

1962 June Detachment 3, 6220th Air Base
Squadron. established.

1963 July Detachment 2.33d Tactical Group,

replaces Detachment 3,6220th
Air Base Squadron.

1964 January

April 74th Tactical Wing organized.

trol Squadron (5th Tactical
Control Group) organized.
December 520th Fighter Squadron flies five
A-IHs from here during the
day, and returns to Bien Hoa
at night.

Da Nang Air Base

1955 November 1st Liaison Squadron moves
here from Hue.

1957 November Air Force Support Base 4 acti-



1961 October. ... . . 2d Helicopter Squadron activated

December . . . . . 3d Liaison Squadron activated.

1962 January .. . . . I Air Suport Operations Center

formed. A Combat Reporting
Post radar installed (Detach-
ment 3, 5th Tactical Control

Detachment 11, 13th Air Force,


T w o Mule Train C-123s de-

tached here from Tan Son

June . . ... . . Second Mule Train squadron

(777th) established here with
sixteen C-123s under Tactical
Air Force Transport Squadron
Provisional-2(Tan Son Nhut).
Twelve aircraft remain here,
and four go t o Don Muang,

Detachment I I, 13th Air Force,

r e n a m e d 6222d A i r Base

December . . .. . D e t a c h m e n t 2, 8 t h A e r i a l
Squadron organized.

1963 January . . . .. 213th Helicopter Squadron re-

places 2d Helicopter Squad-

110th Liaison Squadron replaces

1st Liaison Squadron.

114th Liaison Squadron replaces

3d Liaison Squadron (moves
t o Pleiku later in this year).

Air Base 41 replaces Air Force

Support Base 4 t o support
V N A F units.

July.. ... . ... 6222d Air Base Squadron be-

comes the 23d Air Base Group
(2d Air Division).

777th Troop Carrier Squadron re-

designated a s 311th T r o o p
Carrier Squadron with perm-
anent station here.



January Tactical wing established. in-

corporating all squad-
rons here.

February 516th Fighter Squadron moves

here from

April Detachment I , 619th Tactical

Control Squadron, organized.

May 7th Helicopter Squadron estab-

lished. Moves t o T a n S a n
Nhut in July and t o Binh
in December

June on IO-day deployment for

air defense.

July on t e m p o r a r y assign-
ment from Clark Air Base.

August Six here from Clark Air

Base for air defense.

August-December from the 27th Tactical

Fighter Wing ( C a n n o n Air
Force Base) and the and
405th Tactical Fighter Wings
(England Air Force Base) ro-
tate in and out in response to
the Gulf of incident.

December Six arrive from

Detachment 18th Tactical
Fighter Wing. established.

February Twelve of the Tacti-

cal Fighter Wing fly from here
in attacks o n Chap Le Bar-
racks and in Flaming Dart.

Air Base

June Air Training Center established.

July Liaison Squadron transferred

from French to Vietnamese.

October Liaison Squadron moves to

T a n Son Nhut.

December Fighter Squadron

February Detachment 13th Air Force.



June Detachment 12, 13th Air Force.

b e c o m e s 6223d Air Base

September 12th Air Base Squadron organized.

December Detachment 4. 8th Aerial Port

Squadron, organized.

1963 January 2d Fighter Squadron renamed

5 16th Fighter Squadron.

July 37th Air Base Squadron (33d Tac-

tical Group) replaces 6223d
Air Base Squadron.

1964 February Three C-123s and three C-47s 516th Fighter Squadron moves
here to support Army Special to Da Nang.

June 116th Liaison Squadron acti-

vated (0-1s).

1965 January 62d Tactical Wing moves here

from Pleiku.

Pleiku Air Base

1962 March II Air Support Operations Cen-
ter fully operational.

June Detachment I. 6220th Air Base

Squadron, formed.

December Detachment 3. 8th Aerial Port Air Base 62 activated.

Squadron, activated.

1964 March Air Base 62 becomes 62d Tacti-

cal Wing.

1965 January 62d Tactical Wing moves to Nha


Tan Son Nhut Air

1955 July 1st Transportation S q u a d r o n
(C-47s) organized.

September Air Force Communications Sec-

tion formed.

1956 February Air Traffic and Weather Section


June 2d T r a n s p o r t a t i o n S q u a d r o n
(C-47s) organized.



Headquarters Vietnamese Air

Force opens here.

1957 June 1st Helicopter Squadron (H-19s)


1959 October 2d Liaison S q u a d r o n (L-19s)

moves here from Nha Trang.

1961 October Detachment 2. 507th Tactical

Control Group, establishes a
mobile Control and Reporting
Post t o train Vietnamese in the
Tactical Air Control System.

Pipe Stem reconnaissance opera-

tions start with four RF-101sand
a Photo Processing Cell.

November Detachments 7 and 8, 13th .4ir

Force, organized to support
U S A F units.

1962 January M u l e T r a i n arrives. Twelve

C- 123s and 243 people on tem-
porary duty to provide airlift.
Two aircraft sent to Da Nang.
Unit becomes permanent in
June a s the 776th Troop Car-
rier Squadron.

R a n c h H a n d arrives. T h r e e
C-I 23s for defoliation.

Joint Operations Center set u p

consisting of a permanent
Combat Reporting Center to
monitor air traffic and deploy
fighters. Subordinate Air Sup-
port Operations Centers estab-
lished at Da Nang and Pleiku.

Pipe Stem F-101s depart, leaving

Photo Processing Cell (now
designated as Detachment I ,
15th Technical Reconnais-
sance Squadron).

February Air Force Communications Sec-

tion renamed Air Force Com-
munications Squadron.

March Hilo Hattie arrives. a C-54 fitted

with infrared equipment for re-
connaissance. Remains here
until February 1963.


Four F-102s deployed here for

air defense. Later, F-102s alter-
nate with Navy AD-5Qs in 6-
week tours of air defense duty.
Operation moved to Clark Air
Base in May 1963.

April . . . . .. . . Detachment 3. Pacific Air Res-

cue Center. established.

May . .. . ... . Mule Train and Ranch Hand

C-123s consolidated under
Tactical Air Force Transport
Squadron Provisional-2.

Two RB-57s on temporary duty

from Japan.

June . . . .. .. . Detachment 7. 13th Air Force, re-

named Headquarters 2d Ad-
vanced Echelon.
September .... Headquarters 6492d C o m b a t
Cargo Group (Troop Carrier)
organized and attached to the
315th Air Division (Japan).

October . .. . .. 2d Air Division replaces 2d Ad-

vanced Echelon.

December . . ... Headquarters 315th Troop Car-

rier Group (Assault) replaces
6492d Combat Cargo Group.
Able Mable Reconnaissance 293d Helicopter Squadron acti-
Task Force moves its four vated.
RF-101s here f r o m D o n
Muang, Thailand.

1963 January ...... 413th Air Transport Squadron re-

places 1st Transport Squadron.

415th Air Transport Squadron re-

places 2d Transport Squadron.

21 1th H e l i c o p t e r S q u a d r o n
(H-34s) replaces 1st Helicopter

112th Liaison Squadron (L-19s)

replaces 2d Liaison Squadron.
Moves t o Bien Hoa in June

February ... . . Brave Bull C-97 replaces C-54for


March . . . . .. . T w o RF-101s added to Able



April 13th Reconnaissance Technical

Squadron activated.

July Tactical Group organized.

Detachment I consolidates all
reconnaissance units under its

309th and (old 776th Troop

Carrier Squadron)Troop Car-
rier Squadrons activated un-
der the 315th Troop Carrier
Group. Tactical Air Force
Transport Squadron Provi-
sional-2 discontinued.

December 6th Composite Reconnaissance

Squadron formed. and

January Tactical Incor-

porates all of the above squad-

April Able contingent increased

to ten

619th Tactical Control Squadron


June Detachment Air Refuel- 716th Reconnaissance Squadron

ing Squadron, arrives from inactivated. Pilots retrain for
for Yankee Team new 520th Fighter Squadron
operations. Mission assumed
by Air Division.

August Air Division Command Post Helicopter Squadron inac-

established. tivated.

Six deploy here from

Six Able

October 19th Air Commando Squadron

(Troop Carrier) activated un-
der the 315th Troop Carrier
Group. Assigned C-123s.

December gunship used in combat

for the first time.


Don Muang Airport

1961 April .Control and Reporting Center
and a Control and Reporting
Post set up.

Bell Tone Detachment (four F-

102s) of the 509th Fighter In-
terceptor Squadron moved
here for indefinite duration.

November Able Mable Reconnaissance

Task Force formed, consisting
of four RF-101s and a Photo
Processing Cell.

Detachment 10, 13th Air Force,

established to support USAF

Detachment I , 5th Tactical Con-

trol Group. organized.

1962 June Four C-123s arrive here from Da

Nang's 777th Troop Carrier

Air Force Component Com-

mand of Joint Task Force I16
deploys here.

July Detachment 10, 13th Air Force,

replaced by 6010th Tactical
Group (13th Air Force).

November Able Mable discontinues Laos

flights. Continues coverage in
South Vietnam.

December Joint Task Force I16 inactivated.

Detachment I , 8th Aerial Port
Squadron, organized.

Able Mable moves to Tan Son


1963 July 6010th Tactical Group redesig-

nated 35th Tactical Group.

Bell Tone Detachment redesig-

nated Detachment 4, 405th
Fighter Wing.

35th Air Base Squadron (35th

Tactical Group) organized.


1964 July Detachment of Reconnais-

s a n c e - S q u a d r o n (C-130s)

1965 January 35th Tactical Group relieved of

responsibility for air defense.
It goes to Udorn Royal Thai
Air Force Base.

Korat Royal Thai Air

Force Base
1963 July Detachment I . 6010th Tactical
Group ( D o n Muang) organ-

1964 August F-105s f r o m McConnell Air

Force Base begin rotational
temporary duty here.

October F-100s d e p l o y e d h e r e t e m -

Takhli Royal Thai Air

Force Base

1962 May F-100sfromCannonand England

Air Force Bases begin rota-
tional temporary duty here.

July 6 0 1 1 t h A i r Base S q u a d r o n

1963 July 331st Air Base Squadron (35th

Tactical G r o u p ) replaces
Air Base Squadron.

1964 August Detachment I . 421st Air Refuel-

ing Squadron, organized.

Udorn Royal Thai

Air Force Base
1964 April Detachment 6, 1st Air Comman-
d o Wing, established with four
T-28s to train the Royal Lao-
tian Air Force.

June Detachment 2, 35th Tactical

Group ( D o n Muang), organ-

July. A Control and Reporting Post

a n d a n Air Support Opera-
tions Center established.

August Deputy Commander. 2d Air Divi-

assumes control of all
USAF operations in Thailand
and Laos.

October Detachment 35th Tactical

G r o u p . becomes Air
Base Squadron.

assumes responsibility
for Thai air defense from Don
Development of a Viet Antiaircraft Capability

By Ronald Cole

During the first three years of the war, the Viet grew accustomed to
their reputation for superior mobility over forces. In the fall of
however, the Vietnamese Air Force introduced and close air support
operations that temporarily jarred Viet complacency. The effectiveness of
the South air strikes resulted in the Viet sagging morale,
rising fear, and suspicion of spies in their midst. Defections occurred and the Viet
had to recruit arduously among the peasants to maintain their forces. Steps
to counter the air threat intensified at once. As a stopgap, the Viet
instructed their soldiers to shoot directly at the fuselage of the enemy aircraft with
any gun at hand or hurl a “flying
Among the Viet only those and North Vietnamese Army
cadres who had infiltrated south after had any semblance of antiaircraft
training. Thus, the visceral reaction of Viet officers and noncommissioned
officers to South Vietnamese air operations in September was to order their
men “to shoot aircraft flying straight’ and to fire “liberally and with all available
means.” The training of gunners and the drafting of field manuals took time.
Nonetheless, during the winter of Hanoi worked feverishly to develop
antiaircraft tactics for infantry weapons that could be instantly used by men in
the field. Programs to train inexperienced soldiers in the basics of antiaircraft
warfare were also BEGUN Still, it was not until the end of that the Viet
had a n effective antiaircraft capability.
In October Viet provincial committees distributed to district and
village troops the first detailed antiaircraft directive. The document depicted the
vulnerable points on South Vietnamese fighters, reconnaissance aircraft, and
helicopters. It further outlined procedures for organizing antiaircraft personnel
and firing commands, and methods of shooting at aircraft with infantry
In a section entitled “Nature of an Objective in the Air,” the directive
explained how to gauge the target size of an aircraft by its shape and angle of
approach. For example, “At we only see the aircraft nose. Target size At
30” we can see the wing and the fuselage, equal in size. Target size At 50” the
wings seem longer than the fuselage. Target size At we see the entire
aircraft, or target size directive described the average fighter plane used

*Ronald Cole. “People’s Army Phase manuscript. September Chapter IO.

Office of Air Force History files, based primarily on USAF intelligence materials.
A “flying bomb” was a modified shell OR a U.S. aircraft rocket, filled with napalm and hurled at
enemy planes by means of a slingshot utilizing two bamboo trees.

by the South Vietnamese in late 1962 as about I3 meters long, and flying at 200
kilometers-per-hour at an altitude of 150 to 200 meters. Since the aircraft was
therefore vulnerable to rifle and machinegun fire, a formula was devised for
computing a firing lead.
The Viet Cong taught their trainees both “passive” and “active” antiaircraft
tactics. Passive tactics consisted of camouflage, spiked landing zones, and “sen-
tinel chambers.” For camouflage the Viet Cong used dirty brown netting, natural
cover, and concealment. To spike a possible landing zone they planted pointed
bamboo shafts, 2 to 4 inches in diameter and 6 to 15 feet high, very close together
in areas as large as 100by 800 meters. The Viet Cong dug conical holes 5 feet into
the ground with their walls slanted down at 50° for sentinel chambers. These
echo chambers permitted a sentinel to hear a n aircraft approaching from a great
distance and to determine its direction of approach.
Active antiaircraft tactics included mortar assaults on landing zones, infan-
try charges against unloading helicopters, and the “three-man cell tecniques.” In
the latter method riflemen formed three 3-man cells arrayed in a n L-shaped
configuration with three machinegun teams. The machinegunners positioned
themselves at the two ends and at the junction of the “L.” (See Chart.) The
riflemen and machinegunners practiced synchronized firing in this formation,
which was specially designed to down fixed-wing aircraft. By December 1964
U.S. and South Vietnamese pilots had not yet assessed the success of this
formidable-looking technique, since the number of Viet Cong antiaircraft
attacks fluctuated monthly from 20 to 100.





The Viet Cong constructed their first antiaircraft weapons training center in
Quang Ngai Province. Aerial reconnaissance revealed that this site probably
offered instruction in aircraft recognition, techniques of fire, calculation of firing
leads, preparation of antiaircraft sites, drills in the use of these sites, and basic
tactical formations for use against South Vietnamese heliborne operations. One
major difficulty persisted - the scarcity of antiaircraft weaponry.
The Viet Cong began to receive more sophisticated antiaircraft weapons
from Hanoi in the fall of 1963. Infiltrators brought with them 12.7-mm (Soviet
DSHK) and .50-caliber machineguns. In addition reports reached Military
Assistance Command, Vietnam, of 20-mm cannon and 13.2-mm machineguns in
War Zone D, and of a 35-mm antiaircraft gun in Kien Phong Province.
Moreover, in April 1964 MACV J-2 (Intelligence) anticipated the earlyarrival of
two new antiaircraft weapons from Hanoi, the 37-mm gun weighing 4,600
pounds and the 40-mm gun weighing 10,000. Within months the impact of this
influx in weapons was felt.
Records of antiaircraft attacks commenced in January 1963. Monthly
incidents remained low throughout 1963, rose to about 100 in January 1964, and
tapered off to only 50 in March 1964. The number then climbed to more than I80
for April 1964, and the average over the next six months was at least 180 - the
greatest number for any one month being nearly 400 in September 1964. After
April 1964 the correlation of increased antiaircraft attacks and the quantity of
antiaircraft weapons available to Viet Cong gunners is obvious. (See Graph.)










1963 1964

Chapter I

Origins of the American Commitment to Vietnam

I . Grateful acknowledgement is made of the icy. 1950-1955 (Washington, 1957). pp 2364-65;

help furnished by Mr. Charles B. MacDonald of D O D Pentagon Papers, Bk I : II, A-17, A-35,
the Army’s Center of Military History on the A-36; see also Dean Acheson, Present at the
background of the American involvement in Creation: My Years in the State Department
Vietnam. The literature on the roots of the (New York. 1967), pp 671-78.
American commitment to Southeast Asia is 9. HQ USAF, Air Order of Battle, Apr I ,
extensive, but see especially Cordell Hull, The 1950; U S A F A i r Intelligence Digest, Apr 52. p4.
Memoirs of Cordell Hull(New York, 1948). II, 10, Memo, Gen. Omar N. Bradley to SEC-
1596-77; The Public Papers and Addresses of DEF, Apr 10, 1950; msg. Acheson to AmEmb
Franklin D. Roosevelt: Victory and the Thresh- London. May 3, 1950; Dept of State Press
oldofPeace(New York. 1950). pp562-63; Hear- Release 485, Aid to Southeast Asia, May I I .
ings before the Committee on Armed Services 1950; all in D O D Pentagon Papers, Bk 8: 308-
and the Committee on Foreign Relations, US 13.321, and 327.
Senate, Military Situation in the Far East. 82d I I . Public Papers of the Presidents: Harry S
Cong. Istsess(Washington. 1951).pt 4,pp 1890- Truman. 1950 (Washington, 1965). p 492.
92; US Dept of State. The Conference at Malta 12. Hearings before the Committee on For-
and Yalta (Washington, 1955). p 770. See also eign Relations and the Committee on Armed
John L. Gaddis. The United States and the Services. US Senate. Mutual Security Act of
Origins of the Cold War, 1941-45 (New York, 1951.82d Cong, 1st sess(Washington. 1951). pp
1972). 563-64; Edgar O’Ballance. The Indochina War,
2. Ellen Hammer. The Struggle for Indo- 1945-1954: A Study in Guerrilla Warfare (Lon-
china (Stanford, 1954). and Joseph Buttinger, don, 1964). p 114; hist, 1020th USAF Special
Vietnam: A Dragon Embattled (New York, Activities Wg, Apr-Jun 52.
1967). are especially helpful on the events in 13. Study Submitted by the Subcommittee
Southeast Asia during World War II and after. on National Security Staffing and Operations.
3. Hull, Memoirs. II, 1598; Terminal Conf The Ambassador and the Problem of Coordina-
Papers and Minutes of Meetings, July 1945, pp tion, 88th Cong, 1st sess (Senate Document 36)
217-26. 252-53, and 305; Marcel Vigneras, Re- (Washington. 1963). pp 12. 14-15. and 53-58.
arming the French U.S. Army in World War II 14. U.S. Dept of State, U.S. Treaties and
(Washington, 1957). pp 396-99; Supreme Allied Other International Agreemenis (Washington,
Commander Southeast Asia, Dispatch, pt IV-A, 1952). III, pt 2, 2756-99.
pp 520-28; Charles de Gaulle. The War Memoirs 15. USAF AirIntelligence Digest, Apr52,pp
of Charles de Gaulle (New York. 1960). III, 6-7, Maurer Maurer. History of USAF Activi-
242-43. ties in Support of the Mutual Defense Assisit-
4. See msg, Dean Acheson to charge in ance Program (Wright-Patterson AFB: AMC
China, October 5. 1947. in Department of Hist Office. I95 I). pt I , pp 52-53, pt 2, pp 64-65.
Defense The Pentagon Papers), United States- 80-8 1,and pt 3.. pp 138-39.
Vietnam Relations, 1945-1967 (Washington, 16. Ibid., pt 3, p 261: U S Senate, Mutual
1971), Bk 8:49 [hereafter cited as D O D Pen- Security Act of 1951. 82d Cong. 1st sess, p 564.
tagon Papers]. 17. Public Papers of the Presidents: Harry S
5. Ibid., pp 144-49; William C. Bullitt, “The Truman, 1951 (Washington. 1965). p 267.
Saddest War.” Life, Dec 29, 1947, pp 64-69; 18. USA F A i r lntelligence Digest. Jun 54. pp
Allan B. Cole, ed, Conflicts in Indo-China and 14-17: Presentation of Lt Col R. E. Edwards,
International Repercussions: A Documentary Chief Materiel Branch, MAAG Vietnam, in
History, 1945-1955 (Ithaca, 1956). pp 83-84. Rprt Asian-MAP Logistic Conference, Dec 58.
6. Military Assistance Command Vietnam pp 154-60 Capt Mack D. Second. “The Viet
Historical Monograph, Military Assistance io Nam Air Force,” Air University Review, Nov-
the Republic of South Vietnam, 1960-1963, p 2. Dec 63, pp 60-61; Maj Oakah L. Jones, Jr..
7. 63 Statutes 714, Oct 6. 1949 Hearings Organization, Mission and Growth ofthe Viet-
Held in Executive Session before the Committee namese Air Force, 1949-68 ( H Q PACAF. Proj
on Foreign Relations. U S Senate, Economic CHECO. Oct 8, 1968). pp 1-3.
Assistance to China and Korea: 1949-50 19. Ltr. Brig Gen T. J. H. Trapnell. Chief.
(Washington, 1974). p 194. MAAG-Indochina. to Gen J . Lawton Collins.
8. US Dept of State. American Foreign Pol- CSA. Dec 20. 1952, in D O D Pentagon Papers,


9: 24th Air Depot Intel Sum,

p and 7;
Digest. p I. Harry Truman, Memoirs: of
24th Air Depot Hope (Garden City. 1956). p

Chapter I1

I . Dwight Eisenhower, The White House Albert Vice Far East Air
Years: f o r Change, (Garden Logistics Force, to
City. 337-38; U.S. of State,
American Foreign Policy, p 10. de
Report of Senator Mike on a
Study Mission to the Associated States of Indo- I I . 315th Air French Indo-China Partic-
china, ipation. hist. Plans. USAF. Jan-
(Washington, 1943). p 4:
Paris, Mar in Pentagon I?. Intel Roundup.
Papers. 9: Hist, Asst for Mutual Security, USAF.
USAF Air Intelligence 25-26; note by the Executive
Secretary the National Security Council. Jan
MR by Douglas and memo by Brig Gen C. Bones-
in DOD Pentagon Papers. 9: 38: US III Jan in D O D
of State. American Foreign Policy, Pentagon Papers. 9: I8 and 240-44;
2369-70; hist, 24th Air Depot Jan- to 10. 1954; Col Robert
and 8: History of Project LILES to Hist
Swivel Chair. In response to a request made by 1954: Staff Section Monthly Hist
the Thai Ambassador to in May, emer- Feb
gency air shipments of ammunition and other U.S. Air Forces in Europe established an
urgently needed items were rushed to Bangkok. accelerated training program for French
U.S. of State, American Foreign Policy. crews and mechanics in France, and in June, the
French would allocate an additional techni-
de cians to Vietnam. to
(Paris, 1954; hist, Plans. USAF.
Hist. USAF. hist. Asst for Mutual Security, USAF,
Lt Gen John to p 145; Liles to Hist
CINCPAC), in D O D Pen- 1954: HQ 6424th Air Depot
tagon papers. 9: 69-96; hist, 315th Air Support to the French Air Force, Feb
(Combat Cargo), 1954; Public Papers of the Presidents;
Hist, Asst for Mutual Security, USAF. Dwight Eisenhower, (Washington,
45-46: USAF Statistical Sum- 1960). p
mary p "Interview with Gen Otto
of State. American Foreign POLICY Can Air Power Win 'Little Wars?". U.S.
2370-72; Hearings before the Com- World Report, 54-61; flight
mittee on Foreign Affairs. House of Representa- with by Ken
tives, The Mutual Security Act of Capt Robert Hickey and
(Washington, 1954). 6-7; Hear- Robert Floyd to Mar
ings before the Committee on Appropriations,
US Senate, Mutual Security Appropriations f o r Eisenhower, Mandate f o r Change. 339;
84th (Washington, p de
67; Eisenhower, Mandate f o r Change, p 338; and 217: to Feb in
memo. Bradley for I I, in D O D Pentagon papers, 9: 248; USAF Air
D O D Pentagon Papers. 9: Intelligence Digest, Mar p I I.
to 1953; hist, John Robinson John Foster
Asst for Mutual Security, USAF, p (New 204-06: U.S.
and Brig Gen State, American Foreign policy,
Notes to Pages 18-26
1955,pp 2372-73. See also Khrushchev Remem- 36. Hist. Dir/Ops, USAF, Jan-Jun 54.
bers (Boston, 1970). pp 481-82, for an assess- pp 44-45.
ment that Ho was acting in desperation early in 37. Fall, Hellina VerySmall Place, pp 303-04.
1954 because China was too weak to help him. 38. Eisenhower, Mandate f o r Change, p 347;
19. Navarre, L‘Agonie de I’lndochine, p 218; Public Papers of the Presidents: Dwight D.
Dep/ Intel, 13th AF. IR-29-54, Jul 19, 1954; Air Eisenhower, 1954 (Washington, 1960)pp 382-83.
Attache Saigon. IR-142-54, Jul 9, 1954; Hear- 39. Stf study, FEAF, T o Recommend a Feasi-
ings before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, ble Military Course of Action to Achieve U.S.
House of Representatives, The Mutual Security Objectives in Indo-China, Apr 13, 1954.
Act of 1954. 83d Cong, 2d sess (Washington, 40. Study, Apr 19, 1954, in Hist, Dir/Plans.
1954). pp 9, 15. 18, 20. USAF, Jan-Jun 54. pp 90-92.
20. Hist, 483d T C Wg, Jan-Jun 54, p 36; see 41. Ridgway, Soldier, pp 176-277; Gavin,
also FEAF Intel Roundup, Jun 54, p 40. “Letter to Editors.” Harpers Magazine. Feb 66,
21. Air Attache Saigon. IR-56-54. Mar 23, pp 16-21; Hearings before the Committee on
1954; Bernard B. Fall, Street Without Joy: Foreign Relations, U S Senate, Supplemental
Insurgency in Indochina, 1946-1963. 3d rev ed Foreign Assistance Fiscal Year 1966 - Viet-
(Harrisburg, 1963). p 317. nam. 89th Cong. 2d sess (Washington, 1966). pt
22. Rprt, Lt Col William B. Sanders, Com- I , pp 226, 234-35.
bat Ops Div. FEAF, to Dep, Ops, FEAF, Jun 42. Hist, Asst for Mutual Security. Jan-Jun
14, 1954; msg, Chief MAAG Saigon to Comdr 54, pp 14243. and 146; Itr, Liles for Historian
FEAF. MG-650-D-I, Mar 18. 1954; msg, FEALOGFOR. Jul 15, 1954; Itr, Vice Adm
Comdr FEAF to Chief MAAG Saigon. n.d.; Edwin B. Hooper, USN (Ret), Dir/Naval Hist.
315th Air Div (Combat Cargo), French Indo- to Brig Gen B. S. Gunderson. Ch/Af Hist. Dec
China Participation. pp 17-18. 20, 1972; Hist. Summary, Armament Div. Dep
23. Hist. 315th Air Div (Combat Cargo), for Materiel, FEAF, Apr 54.
Jan-Jun 54, pp 2627; Dep/Intel, 13th AF, 1R- 43. Hist, Dir/ Rqmts, FEAF, Apr 54, Tab C:
29-54, Jul 19, 1954. The expenditure of para- Standard Operational Procedures for Use of
chutes and other drop equipment nearly de- Lazy Dog.
pleted USAF stocks in Japan, and emergency 44. Msg, FEAF to Chief MAAG Saigon.
shipments had to come from the United States. ADO-RQMTS-3551, Apr 7, 1954 msg, FEAF
24. Eisenhower, Mandate f o r Change, p 341. to Chief MAAG Saigon, ADO-CO&T-3768,
25.Ibid.; Jules Roy, The Battle of Dienbien- Apr 15, 1954 rprt, Sanders to Dep/Ops, FEAF,
phu (New York, 1965). p 155; hist, Dir/Plans, Jun 14, 1954. Survivors of the campaign later
USAF, Jan-Jun 54, pp 90-92; Gen M. B. Ridg- reported that their Viet Minh captors had ques-
way, Soldier (New York, 1956), p 276. tioned them closely about the missiles. and one
26. Roy, Battle of Dienbienphu, pp 194-95, repatriated French officer stated that the “cigar
and 198, Eisenhower, Mandarefor Change, p 345. shaped pellets” had been very effective. Dep/
27. Roy, Battle of Dienbienphu, pp 214-15; Intel. 13AF. IR-29-54, Jul 19, 1954.
Navarre, LYgonie de I‘lndochine. p 244; Fall. 45. Caldara had available for combat thirty-
Hell in a Very Small Place: The Siege of Dien two B-29s of the 98th Bombardment Wing at
Bien Phu (Philadelphia, 1967), p 299; FEAF Yokota Air Base, Japan, and sixty-seven B-26s
Intel Roundup, Apr-May 54, pp 22 and 24. of the 307th Bombardment Wing at Kadena Air
28. Msg, Air Dep SHAPE t o ClNCUSAFE. Base Okinawa.
RL-I 172, Apr 3, 1954; msg, ClNCUSAFE to 46. Ltr. Partridge to Navarre. Apr 19. 1954;
Comdr 17AF,etal., ECINC-1616-C,Apr3.1954. MR by Maj Gen Joseph D. Caldara (USAF-Ret),
29. Hist, USAFE, Jan-Jun 54,III, App VI1B; Mar 8, 1966; Caldara to Gen Curtis E. LeMay.
hist, 62d T C Wg. Jan-Jun 54; hist. Asst for Apr 30 and May 3. 1954 Navarre, L’Agonie de
Mutual Security, USAF. Jan-Jun 54. p 148. I’lndochine. p 244.
30. Fall, Hell in a Very Small Place. p 302; 47. Eisenhower, Mandate f o r Change. pp
Roy, Battle of Dienbienphu, pp 22 1-22, 349-50; Eden, Memoirs, p 116; msg. Geneva
3 I . Dept of State, Vital Speeches of the Day. (Dulles) to State. DULTE-5, Apr 25, 1954. in
Apr 15. 1954. p 387. D O D Pentagon Papers, Bk 9: 388-89.
32. Anthony Eden, The Memoirs of Anthony 48. Early in May, the American detachment
Eden Full Circle (Boston, 1960). pp 102-03. of the 483d Troop Carrier Wing that maintained
33. Eisenhower, Mandate f o r Change, p 347; the C-I 19s at Cat Bi secured a Ground Control
Beal. John Foster Dulles, pp 20648. Approach radar, but it was not installed, and
34. Eisenhower. Mandate f o r Change, p 347. operations in the Hanoi area continued to be
35. House of Representatives, The Mutual hazardous. Rprt, Sanders to Dep/Ops, FEAF.
Security Act of I954.83d Cong, 2d sess, pp 9. 15, Jun 14. 1954.
18, and 20; Roy, Battle of Dienbienphu. p 224. 49. Rprt. Hewitt to SECDEF, Apr 6. 1954

T H E ADVISORY YEARS Notes to Pages 26-34
F E A F Intel Roundup. Aug54, p 8; L. S. Waddell. Troop Carrier Wing had flak damage to nine-
“Phase Out for Charlie-One-One-Nine,” Pega- teen C-I 19s while flying 477 sorties to deliver
sus, Oct 55. p 4; Itr, Maj Edward S. Ash, et a/, to supplies to Dien Bien Phu. Hist, 483d TC Wg.
C o m d r 315th Air Div. subj: High Altitude
Delayed Parabundle Drops, n.d. C-I 19 crews
claimed they could put cargo pallets into a 330- Place, pp 328.336-37.373-74; Corey Ford.”The
yard square from 10,000 feet. but on April 27 Flying Tigers Carry On.” Saturday Evening
only one-third of the dropped supplies could be Post, Feb pp 24 ff. and Feb 12. 1955. pp
retrieved. French and American cargo-dropping 30 ff.
aircrews agreed that escorting flak suppression Fall. Hell in a Very Small Place, p p 374-
flights operated too high to be effectiveand were 431-32.487.
frequently absent when needed. In April the 483d


The Geneva Agreements and French Withdrawal

I. Navarre, L’Agonie de I’lndochine. p p 268- can Foreign Relations, 1954 (New York, 1955).
69; Jean Lacouture and Philippe Devillers, La pp 283-310; Lacouture and Devillers, La Fin
Fin d’une Guerre, Indochine 1954 (Paris, 1960), d’Une Guerre. p p 276-82.
p p 162-63; msg. C o m d r F E A F to C o m d r IO. Eisenhower, Mandate for Change, p p
F E A L O G F O R , ca. May 13, 1954, quoting msg 370-71; Curl, Documents. p p 315-17.
from USAIRA Saigon, May 13, 1954. II. M s g , C o m d r F E A F t o C o m d r
2. Msg. C l N C P A Ct o C O M S E A D E F C O M , F E A L O G F O R . et al, V-DOO-238. ca. May 13.
A p r 28. 1954; C I N C P A C OPlan 56-54, Apr 29, 1954.
1954. 12. Dir/Hist Services, FEAF. Far East Air
3. Msgs, Comdr F E A F to CSAF. May 4, Forces Support of French Indo-China Opera-
1954. May 20, 1954, and J u n 7, 1954. tions. Jul I. 1952-Sep 30, 1954, pp 162-71. 294-
4. Memos. Radford for SECDEF. May 20, 302. Guerrillas o n J u n e 14 captured five enlisted
May 21. and May 26, 1954, in D O D Pentagon men w h o were illicitly beyond the airfield
Papers, Bk IO: 477-82 and 487-93. p e r i m e t e r a n d held t h e m p r i s o n e r until
5. Eisenhower, Mandate f o r Change, p 361. August
6. Fall. Street Without Joy, pp 169-230
Eisenhower, Mandate f o r Change, p 368; Eden Security, USAF, Jul-Dec 54. p p 23-24; F E A F
Memoirs. p 149; Public Papers of the Presidents: Staff Section Monthly Hist Rprts. Dep/Ops,
Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1954, pp 599-600. Jul-Dec 54; hist. Curr Ops Div, Aug and Sep 54;
7. Lacouture and Devillers, La Fin d’Une Div(Combat Cargo). Jul-Dec 54,
Guerre, p p 252-68; Amry Vandenbosch and pp 32-47.
Richard A. Butwell, Southeast Asia among the 14. Far East Forces Support of French Indo-
World Powers (Lexington, 1957). pp 295-97; China Operations, p p 239-48; Itr, Hooper to
Chester L. Cooper, The Lost Crusade: America Gunderson, Dec 20, 1972.
in Vietnam(NewYork, 1970),pp90-91.See also 15. Far East Air Forces Support of French
Robert P. Randle. Geneva 1954: The Settlement Indo-China Operations, p p 248-51. 270-74; US
of the Indochinese War (Princeton. 1969). pp Dept of State, American Foreign Policy, 1950-
371-85. 1955. p 2399.
8. Lacouture and Devillers, La Fin d’Une 16. Rprt, Hewitt to SECDEF. Apr 6, 1954.
Guerre, pp 252-68; Hearings before the Sub- 17. F E A F Intel Roundup, Aug 54. pp
committee o n the F a r East and the Pacific of the 18. Gen G . J. M. Chassin. “Lessons of the
Committee o n Foreign Affairs, House of Repre- War in Indochina,”Interavia. VI I ( 1952). 670-75.
sentatives. United States Policy Toward Asia, 19. Eisenhower, Mandate f o r Change. p p
89th Cong. 2d sess (Washington, 1966). pt 2, pp 372-73; Public Papers of the Presidents: Eisen-
398-99. In its final form, the Geneva agreements hower, 1954. p 168.
comprised separate military accords for Viet- 20. Lacoutre and Devillers, La Fin d’Une
nam, Laos, and Cambodia, a n unsigned final Guerre, p p 298-99; U S A F Air Intelligence
declaration of the nations represented a t Geneva, Digest, Feb 55, pp 36-37; David Halberstam,
and several unilateral national declarations, The Making of a Quagmire (New York, 1965).
9. Peter V. Curl, ed. Documents on Ameri- pp 38-39.

Notes to Pages 35-40
21. Ho."Appeal Made."Jul22. 1954,quoted view with Gen J. Lawton Collins: What We're
in Bernard B. Fall. ed. H o Chi Minh on Revolu- Doing in Indo-China," U.S. News & World
tion (New York. 1967). p 272. Report, Mar 4. 1955, pp 82-88; USA FAir Intel-
22. Public Papers of the Presidents: Eisen- ligence Digest. Feb 55. p 38. .
hower, 1954. p 168; Dept. of State. American 32. Hist, Asst for Mutual Security. USAF.
Foreign Policy, 1950-1955, pp 2400-0 I . Jan-Jun 55. pp 146-50; MACV. Military Assist-
23. Statement of Policy by the National ance, pp 2-5; D O D Pentagon Papers. Bk 2:
Security Council on Review of U.S. Policy in the IV.A.4.. 6.
Far East. Aug 20, 1954. in D O D Pentagon Pap- 33. Memo. Col Edward G . Lansdale for SEA
ers, Bk IO: 731-41. Subcommittee of the Draper Committee. Mar
24. Curl. Documents, 1954. pp 319-23; Dept 13. 1959: U S Air Force Academy Oral History
of State. American Foreign Policy. 1950-1955. Program, intvw with Maj Gen Edward Lansdale.
pp 2334-37; FEAF Intel Roundup, Jan 66. pp Apr25, 1971; Edward G. Lansdale. In the Midst
12-13, and Apr 55, p 25; hists. Dir/ Plans, of Wars: An American’s Mission to Southeast
USAF. Jul-Dec 54, pp 57-59. and Jul-Dec 56, pp Asia (New York. 1972).
138-39; Dep/Ops. Pacific AF. A Pacific Air 34. IR-163-55. AIRA Saigon, Oct 21. 1955;
Force Staff Study, Sep 55. in hist PAF, Jul-Dec U S Dept of State, American Foreign Policy.
55. pt I I , Doc 21: Statement of Policy by the Current Documents, 1956 (Washington, 1959).
National Security Council on Review of U.S. pp 859-63; Hearings before the Committee on
Policy in the Far East, Aug 20, 1954. Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives.
2 5 . Ltrs. Dulles t o Charles E. Wilson. Mutual Security Act of 1955.84th Cong. I st sess
SECDEF, Aug 18 and Oct I I . 1954; memos. (Washington, 1955). pp 190-9 I .
Twining for SECDEF. Aug 4. 1954, and Rad- 35. H Q C I N C P A C . R e c o r d , S e c o n d
ford for SECDEF, Sep 22. 1954, and Oct 19. S E C D E F Conference, Jan 15. 1962. Item 5;
1954, in D O D Pentagon Papers. Bk IO: 70 1-02, D O D Pentagon Papers. Bk 2: IV.A.4.. 22-23.
728-30. 756-58. 768-89. and 771-74. 36. Dep/Ops. PAF. A Pacijic Air Force
26. MACV, Military Assistance. pp 2-5; hist. Staff/ Study on M D A P Air Force Objectives f o r
Dir/ Plans. USAF, Jul-Dec 54, pp 62-65; memo, Title III Countries in the Pacific Command.
Radford for SECDEF. Sep 22, 1954, in D O D Sep 5 5 .
Pentagon Papers, Bk IO: 756-58. 37. [bid.
27. Ltr. Dulles to Wilson, Aug 18, 1954. in 38. Memo, Twining for SECDEF, Sep 9.
D O D Pentagon Papers, Bk IO: 728-30: MACV, 1955, in D O D Pentagon Papers, Bk 10: 1002-15.
Military Assistance to the Republic of South 39. Dept of State, American Foreign Policy):
Vietnam. pp 2-5; Hearings before the Subcom- 1950-1955, p 2404; Cole, Conflict in Indo-China.
mittee on State Department Organization and pp 226-27.
Public Affairs of the Committee on Foreign 40. Hist, Dir/Plans, USAF, Jul-Dec 55.
Relations. U S Senate, Situation in Viernam. pp 81-84.
86th Cong, 1st sess (Washington, 1959). pt I. 41. Ibid.: D O D Pentagon Papers. Bk 2:
p 49; Robert Scigliano. South Vietnam: Nation IV.A.4., 20.
under Stress (Boston, 1964). pp 162-67. 42. Hist. Dir/Plans, USAF, Jul-Dec 5 5 ,
28. Hist, Dir/Plans. USAF. Jul-Dec 54, pp 81-84; "Why the U S is Losing in Vietnam-
pp 62-25; memo, Radford for SECDEF. Oct 19, An Inside Story, Interview with Former Chief
1954, in D O D Pentagon Papers, Bk IO: 768-74; US Military Advisor, Lt Gen Samuel T.
see also D O D Pentagon Papers, Bk I : IV.A.4.. Williams (Ret)." U.S. News & World Report.
3-6. NOV9. 1964. pp 62-63.
29. Public Papers of the Presidents: Eisen- 43. Ibid.; Hearings before a Subcommittee of
hower, 1954, pp 948-49; R. Frank Futrell. the Committee on Government Operations.
"Chronology of Significant Airpower Events in House of Representatives, Foreign Aid Con-
Southeast Asia. 1954-1967," Aerospace Studies slruction Projects. 85th Cong. 2d sess (Washing-
Institute. Air University; Journal of Military ton, 1958). pp 872-73.
Assistance, 1954, 44. U.S. News & World Report, Nov9, 1964,
30. Statement of Policy by the National pp 63-64; memo. Capt B. A. Robbins. Jr.. U S N .
Security Council on Current U.S. Policy in the May 10. 1957, in D O D Pentagon Papers, Bk 10:
Far East, Dec 22, 1954, in D O D Pentagon 1 106-07; USAF Journal of Mutual Security, X
Papers. Bk IO: 835-52; Public Papers of the (Jul I . 1957). 128. and XI (Nov I. 1957). 117.
Presidents: Eisenhower, 1954. pp 948-49; Dept 45. Memo. S E C D E F for SA. et al, Jul 16,
of State, American Foreign Policy. 1950-1955. 1956. and Statement of Policy on U.S. Policy in
p 2403; hists, F E A F Dep/Intel. Jan 55. w/incl. Mainland Southeast Asia, Sep 5. 1956. in D O D
and Feb 55, w/incl. Pentagon Papers, Bk 10: 1064. 1082-95.
3 I . Curl, Documents, 1954. pp 237-38; "lnter-

29 I


U.S. Command Problems in the PACIFIC Emphasis on Southeast Asia

Gen. and Control Gen. Fred took command of Air Task

in Asia-Pacific Area.” Lecture to Air War Col- Force He also became Chief. Air Force Sec-
lege. Mar tion. Taiwan Defense Command and Military
Hist, USAF. p Advisory Group. Thus theadvisory functions of
and 32-33: hist. the Air Force Section and the operational func-
to tions of Air Task Force came under a single
hist. I. Doc though separate command chan-
10 to I I. nels were preserved for the two functions. Jacob
Hist. III. Hist Van Air Operartions in the Taiwan
and Policy. Feb 55; hist. Jan- Crisis U S A F Historical Division Liai-
and son Office. II I3
M A P Logistics and p and
Hist. chap I : Hist. (Rear).
AM I. I. I ; “The Pacific Air Forces.” Air
to Force 57). p hist. USAF.
p to I I.
Hist, 1955: hist, III 522-27:
Doc 25: hist Smith to CINCPAC. The
Doc Feb Air Link Exercise held at Bangkok in May
Hist. 35: hist. of systems to meet require-
Rear. III Doc 10 ments. and the exercise went poorly. Memo, Lt
Title Logistic Col. A. Clark. of Staff Visit.
J a n 7-May IO. and in Hist, 5th III 99; hist,
Air (Combat Cargo). 57:
10. “Command and Control in Asia- Asian-MAP Logistic
Pacific Area.” p
I . IBID hist. PACAF/FEAF Rear, C o m m a n d Relations Concepts of
96-97; hist. Plans. USAF. Jan- in Hist.
II: Final Air Attache-
Dir/Plans, USAF. Introduction.
and and p 10 Hist, Dir/Plans. USAF.
hist. PACAF/FEAF Rear, II,

“Command and Control in the

Asia-Pacific Area”: to Robert Ideas, Concepts. Doc-
I I. in Hist. II, TRINE A History of Basic THINKING in the United
Chap Docs and 4: hist. Plans. USAF, STATES Air Force, (Air University:
and 56: hist, Aerospace Studies Institute, I), I,
(Rear). I, I . Hist, Fifth
Study 1956) in Remarks of Lt Gen Smith, May
File. Theater Reorganization. C o m p o n e n t in 101A; see also
Commanders’ Recommendations. I , 146-51; Fifth Atomic
(Rear). Weapons in Limited Wars in Southeast Asia.
II, and USAF, 1958; Smith. “Nuclear Weapons and
Limited War,” Air QUARTERLY Review,
CINCPAC 1957; XI I (Spring
Final (Air Attache Air Attache- Hearings before the Subcommittee of the
I-C-6 and Committee on Appropriations, Repre-
Slightly different from the others and sentatives. Security Appropriations f o r
later introduced into Vietnam was the model in (and Related Agencies), 86th
Taiwan. On March the headquarters of (Washington, 1960). p
the Taiwan Defense Command and of the Annual Report of the Secretary of
on April I. Maj. Defense. to
Notes to Pages 46-53

ton. 1960). pp 35-46: hist. PACAF, Jul-Dec 58. 31. NAMAP. rprt of5th Asian-MAP. Logis-
I. Pt I. 172-75. tic Conf, Nov 59, p 353: hist. Asst for Mutual
25. CINCPAC hist. 1964. pp I and 3. Security. USAF. Jan-Jun 60, n.p.. and Jan-Jun
26. Msg. PACAF t o CSAF. PFCCS-61-7-3. 62. pp 35-36.
Jul 12. 1961: hist. 315th Air Div (Combat 32. Hist,AMFPA,Jul I , 1959-Mar31, 1960.
Cargo). J a n - J u n 62. pp 53-54; George F. 11, App 18. Dec 9. 1959: hist. PACAF, Jan-Jun
Lemmer. The Laos Crisis of 1959 (Office of Air 60. I l l ; P F M L P hists, Apr 60. w/atch, Apr 17.
Force History. 1961). pp 39-49. 1960, and May 60. w/atch; Lt Col William G.
27. US Senate. Mutual Security Act of1959. Beno. “How to Improve the USAF Portion of
86th Cong. 1st sess, pt 1,pp 5. 10-1 I , and 19-20. the Military Assistance Program in Southeast
28. NAMAP, Asian-MAP Logistics Conf, Asia,” (Thesis. USAWC, Apr 60).
Dec 58. pp 45 1-53, 33. P A C A F Ref Bk for Jan 62 S E C D E F
29. N A M A P , 5th Asian-MAP Logistics Conf, Tab 15F: Country Force Imbalance:
Conf. Nov 59. pp 67-7 1. NAMAP. rprt of 5th Asian-MAP Logistic
30. Ibid.. pp 69-71; NAMAP Asian-MAP Conf, Nov 59. pp 53-58 and 61-62.
Logistic Conf. Dec 58, pp 456-58; Lemmer, The 34. PACAF Ref Bk for Jan 62 S E C D E F
Laos Crisis of 1959. pp 39-49: rprt. Air Vice Conf. Tab 15F: Country Force Imbalance;
Marshal Kamol Thejatunga. RTAF. and Maj NAMAP. rprt of 5th Asian-MAP Logistic
Gen Thomas S. Moorman. USAF, to C h / Conf. Nov 59, p 353.
SEATO Mil Plng Ofc. Mar 23. 1959. p 2.


Strained Civil-Military Relations in South Vietnam. 1957-1960

I . DOD Pentagon Papers, Bk 2: IV.A.4.. 24- Smith, Comdr PAF. to CINCPAC, Nov 27,
31; U.S. News & World Report, Nov 9. 1964, 1956: Robbins memo, May 15. 1957; hist,
p 63: OASD-ISA, MAP. FY 1962-66. Sep I. PACAF/FEAF Rear, Jan-Jun 57.11: Hist Sum,
1960. Dir/Plans and Policy. Apr 57; hist Asst for
2. NAMAP. Asian-MAP Logistic Conf. Dec Mutual Security. USAF. Jan-Jun 57, App;
58. pp 154-60. USAF Journal of Mutual Security. X (Jul I,
3. Hist. Dir/Plans. USAF. Jul-Dec 55, 1957). 106. and (Aug I, 1957). 131.
pp 62-65; hist, Asst for Mutual Security. USAF, 7. Background Paper on Vietnam. prepared
Jan-Jun 55, pp 146-50; MACV, Military Assist- by Maj William L. Nicholson, III, H Q PACAF.
ance. pp 2-5: rprt. Collins for SECSTATE. Jan ca. Jan 62; Robbins memo. May 15. 1957.
20, 1955, in DOD Pentagon Papers. Bk IO: 865- 8. USAF Journal of Mutual Security. XI
84; U.S. News & World Report, Mar 4, 1955, (Nov I . 1957). 131; NAMAP. Asian-MAP
pp 82-88. Logsitic Conf. Dec 58, pp 154-60: hist. Asst for
4. Hists. Asst for Mutual Security, USAF, Mutual Security. USAF. Jul-Dec 58. n.p.:
Jan-Jun 55. p 146. Jul-Dec 55. pp 33-34. Jan- PACAF Curr Intel Sum. Oct 23. 1959. p 9.
Jun 58. n.p.: DOD Pentagon Papers, Bk 3: 9. USAF Summary of M D A P a n d Progress.
IV.B.3.. 125;AMFPA. Title I I I M D A P Logistic No. 42, Dec 31, 1955. p 99; PACAF Base Devel-
Conf. May 7-10, 1956, p 303: hist, PAF, Jan- opment Plan, Jul 15. 1964, App 2, Tab G: rprt of
Jun 56. I l l . 527. Dep/Ops P&R Team to Comdr PAF. Jan 2.
5. IR-223-54. AlRA Saigon. Dec 15. 1954: 1956: USAF Journal of Mutual Security. VIII
IR-149-55. AlRA Saigon, Sep 15. 1955: VNAF. (Sep I. 1956), I37,and lX (Dec I . 1956). 104and
Welcome to Vietnam. pp 5-8; Secord. “The 126.
Viet-Nam Air Force, pp 60-61: F E A F Intel 10. See Dept of State. American Foreign Pol-
Roundup. Apr 55, pp 21-24; A M F P A Area I l l icy, Current Documents. 1958. pp 120-12 l .
M A P Logistic Conf May 7-10. 1956.p 303,and I I . Cong Rec, May 9. 1968. pp 12615-16.
Nov 14-19. 1956, p 314; rprt of Dep/Ops R&R 12. Futrell”Chron”; rad, ClNCPAC to DIA.
Team to Comdr PAF. J a n 3. 1956: hist. Asst for Mar 63; DOD Pentagon Papers, Bk 2: 24.43.
Mutual Security. USAF, Jan-Jun 58, n.p. 13. Ibid., pp 68-70.
6. AMFPA. Area I l l MAP. Logistic Conf. 14. Lemmer. The Laos Crisis of 1959, p 40;
Nov 14-19. 1956, p 312; NAMAP. Asian-MAP memo, J C S for Dep Asst SECDEF for NSC
Logistic Conf, Dec 58, p 154; Itr. Maj Gen Sory Affairs and Plans. Jul 14. 1959. in D O D

T H E ADVISORY YEARS Notes to Pages 53-59
Pentagon Papers, Bk IO: I2 15; Hearings before ADVON to PACAF. Jan 13. 1962: telephone
the Committee on Appropriations, U S Senate, conversation. Futrell and Col Harvey Brown.
Mutual Serurity Appropriations f o r 1960 (and USAF (Ret), Sep 28. 1972.
Related Agencies), 86th Cong. 1st sess(Washing- 29. U S Senate. Mutual Security Appropria-
ton, 1959). p 5 I 1. tionsfor 1960, 86th Cong, 1st sess, p 516: see
15. H Q MACV. “Infiltration Study,” Folder also Operations Coordinating Board. Rprt on
Vietnam. Nov 1-30. 1965, 69A-3853. box 34. Southeast Asia, Aug 12, 1959, and 68-2-
16. Halberstam. Making. of a Quagmire. 59, The Situation in Laos. Sep 18. 1959, in DOD
pp 63-64; msg, AmEmb Saigon to DA. 278. Pentagon Papers. Bk IO: 1238-39, 1242-47.
Mar 7, 1960. in DOD Pentagon Papers. Bk IO: 30. “Declaration on Granting Independence
1260 Cong Rec. May 9, 1968, p 12616. to Colonial Countries and Peoples.” Khrushchev
17. Ibid. in New York (New York, 1961). p 90; Hearing
18. HQ MACV, Sum of Highlights, Feb 8, before the Subcommittee to Investigate the
1962-Feb 7. 1963. p 21. Administration of the Internal Security Act and
19. Memo, Lansdale for Draper Committee, Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the
Mar 13, 1959; Robert Scigliano, South Vietnam: J u d i c i a r y , US S e n a t e , Analysis of the
Nation Under Stress (Boston, 1964). p 179; Khrushchev Speech of January 6. 1961, 87th
Williams “Interview”; CINCPAC Rcrd. Second Cong, 1st sess (Washington, 1961). pp 64-65,
SECDEF Conf. Jan 15, 1962, item 5A. 77-78.
20. MACV hist monograph, Military Assist- 31. Cong Rec, May9. 1968,p 12617; MACV
ance to the Republic of South Vietnam, pp 6-7, hist monograph. Military Assistance to the
9-1 1. MACV, Sum of Highlights. Feb 8, 1962- Republic of South Vietnam, pp 9-1 I ; Douglas
Feb 7. 1963. pp 46-49; DOD Pentagon Papers. Pike. Vier Cong: The Organization and Tech-
Bk 3: IV.B.3., 125. niques of National Liberation Front of South
21. Msg. Lemnitzer to JCS, May 8. 1961; Vietnam (Cambridge, Mass., 1966). p 79.
Journal of Mutual Assistance, Jun 61, 32. USAF Journal of Mutual Assistance.
22. PACAF Ref Bk for Jan 62 SECDEF X l l l (Dec 60). 149; Buttinger, Vietnam, I I , 990.
Conf, Tab 6A; CINCPAC Comd Hist, 1961. 33. Arthur F. Schlesinger. Jr.. A Thousand
pp 172 and 174-75; Scigliano, South Vietnam, Days (Boston, 1965). p 450; Robert Shaplen.
pp 164-65; U S A F Journal of Mutual Serurity The Lost Revolution (New York, 1965), p 149;
XIII (Dec 60). 149. See also msg. AmEmb Sai- Maj William L. Nicholson. III, Background
gon to SECSTATE, 276, Jan 4. 1961, in DOD Paper on Vietnam, ca. Jan 62; Schneider rprt:
Pentagon Papers, Bk IO: 1357-59. Presentation by Gen Moorman before Congres-
23. Maj Gen Theodore R. Milton. “Air sional Committee. 1. 1 - 1 I ; hist, 13th AF, Jul-Dec
Power: Equalizer in Southeast Asia.” Air Uni- 61. I. 107-09; Intelligence Estimate. SVN. ca. Oct
versity Review, Nov-Dec 63, p 4. I . 1961. in Hist. 2d ADVON. Nov61-0ct 62, 1.
24. USAF Journal of Mutual Security, XII Doc 15.
(Sep 59). 164-55. 34. Cong Rec, May 9, 1968. pp 12617-18:
25. PACAF Curr Intel Sum. Oct 23. 1959. Pike, Vier Cong. passim: Douglas Pike, War,
pp 9-10 hist. Asst for Mutual Security. USAF, Peace. and the Vier Cong (Cambridge. Mass..
Jan-Jun 60, n.p.; hist. PACAF, Jul-Dec 60. III, 1969). pp 1-18.
Wkly Activities Rprts. PFMLP. May22-26and 35. Presentation by Gen Moorman before
Oct 10-14. 1960; msg, CINCPAC to DIA. Mar Cong Committee. 1. Maj William L.
13. 1963; PACAF Reference Book for Oct 8. Nicholson, III, Background Paper on Vietnam.
1962, SECDEF Conf. Vietnam Sec. Tab 4. ca. Jan 62; Schneider rprt.
26. Hist. Asst for Mutual Security, USAF, 36. Arthur L. Dommen. Conflict in Laos:
Jul-Dec 60, n.p.; hist. PACAF. Jan-Jun 61. III, The PoliticsofNeutralization (New York. 1964).
Wkly Activities Rprt. PFMLP, Feb 27-Mar 3, p 175; Fifth A F Wkly Intel Brief. Jan I I . 1961.
1961. 37. Dwight D. Eisenhower, The White House
27. Rprt of USAF Asian MAP Logistics Years: Waging Peace, 1956-1961 (Garden City.
Confs, Nov 1-3. 1960, pp 254-55. hist. PACAF, 1965). p 612; Lyndon B. Johnson, The Vantage
Jul-Dec61. I l l ; Wkly Activities Rprts. PFMLP. Point (New York. 1971). p 51; Schlesinger.
Jul 24-28 and Sep 18-22, 1961; rprt, Col Edwin Thousand Days. pp 163-64.
A . Schneider, Asst for MAP, PACAF, to 38. Memo, Clark Clifford for the President.
CINCPACAF, Oct 25, 1961. subj: Conf on Jan 19. 1961, dated Sep 29. 1967,
28.Ibid.;intvw w/Capt Donald V. MacKellar in D O D Pentagon Papers. Bk IO: 1360-64.
by J. W. Grainger. Aug 29. 1963; msg. 2d

Notes to Pages
Chapter VI

Initial Challenges and Actions

I . Special Message to the Congress on the Committee on Appropriations. US Senate. For-

Defense Budget. Mar in Public Papers eign ASSISTANCE and TED Agencies Appro-
of the Presidents: John Kennedy, 87th (Wash-
(Washington, ington. 1961). and 135-37: Henry
Book of Actions in SEA. on Times
No. Charles USAF Magazine. Mar Back-
Counterinsurgency Doctrines and Capabilities. ground, China and U.S. Far East POLICY
(USAF Hist Liaison Feb 104; Stebbins. DOCUMENTS 1-18;
64). Presentation to the in Laos. hist.
Advisory Board on the Subject of Counterin- 13-18; hist.
surgency by Brig Gen Williams. USAF. 184-88; 5th
1962; US of State Bulletin Brief. 5.1961; Hearings before the Commit-
Maxwell Taylor. and Plow- tee on Foreign Relations. US Senate. Foreign
shares (New 1972). and 220; Assistance Act 87th
(Washington. 1962). and
Richard "Cuba. and I I . Hist. USAF,
John Kennedy." Reader's Digest. with
Public Papers OF the Presidents; Ken-
CONFLICT in Laos. NEDY and 656; Annual Report
hist, Dir/Plans. USAF, 78-81; of the of Defense. Fiscal Year
Hearings before the Committee on Foreign Jacob Van U S A F Plans and
Relations. US Senate. International Develop- Policies in South Vietnam. (USAF
MENTANDSECURITY87TH Washing- Hist Liaison 65). CINCPAC
ton, 682; 5th Intel Brief, Hist. 174-74: memo. Pres
and Kennedy for and Jan
Hist. Ill. Hist to Saigon,
A-2. 61: hist. 315th Air (Combat Penragon Papers.
Cargo). CINCPAC I I : 13-16: rad. CINCPAC to Feb
Hist. 89-90; Thou- Federal REGISTER 10
sand Days. 336; Richard Stebbins. Doc- 3; of State Bulletin
uments on American Foreign RELATIONS, U S A F Journal OF Mutual Security. Mar
(New 1962). Con- If Vietnamese pilots were sometimes less
FLICT in Laos. than enthusiastic about flying or fighting. it was
US Senate. International Development because they lacked the protection of insurance.
and Security. 87th 649; death benefits, and disability pensions. They
Thousand Days. might hope that their families or clans would
CINCPAC Hist. p 93; hist, protect their survivors if they were killed or
Dir/Plans. USAF. injured, but even so. a loss of life or a crippling
of State, Memo of Conversation on injury had consequences beyond those an Amer-
Laos. in Pentagon Papers. ican might imagine on the basis of his own situa-
I I: 62-66: Hearings before the Subcommittee tion. Vietnamese pilots and aircrews in
of the Committee on Appropriations. House of combat exposed their FAMILIES to hazards of a
Representatives. DEPARTMENT OFDEFENSE Appro- most sobering variety. Kenneth History
PRIATIONSFOR 87th (Wash- ofThe Second Air Division. Ill.
ington, 1962). USA F Journal Mutual Security. Mar
of State. Memo of Conversation on
Laos. cited above: to Pentagon Papers. 2: 30: Nation- hist. al Intelligence Estimate. May 59: Research
Analysis Corp., "U.S. Army Special Forces
10. Theodore C. (New Operations under the Civilian Irregular Defense
1965). Thousand G r o u p s P r o g r a m in Vietnam.
DAYS Pentagon Papers. 2: 1966). 26; History.
Taylor, 220; The police consisted of approximately
Public Papers of Presidents: seventy-five hundred Bureau of Investigation
Kennedy, Hearings before the and ten thousand five hundred municipal police-
THE ADVISORY YEARS Notes to Pages 67-73
men who were in the cities and not available to tive. Memo for the Record. May22. 196l.inclto
deal with insurrection in rural areas. A CIA J C S 1992/Y94; msg. AFXOD to PACAF. May
survey in December 196reported that the secur- 19. 1961.
ity forces in the fourteen provinces needed train- 32. CINCPAC Comd Hist. 1961. pp 172-74.
ing in professional fundamentals. The following 33. DOD Pentagon Papers. Bk 2: 16.
January. the Bureau of Investigation and the 34..-Graff. "Teach-In .on Vietnam.': p 131.
police- were combined. J C S History. 1954-59. p Rusk had recommended on May 5. 1961. that
96; DOD Pentagon Papers, Bk 2: 23; R W? the United States refrain From placing combat
Komer. "The Malayan Emergency in Retro- forces in South Vietnam. See Levy Memo for
spect." The RAND Corp. 1972. p 38: Status Record. DOD Pentagon Papers.
Rprt on Covert Actions in Vietnam. Dec 28. Elk I I: 67-68.
1961; Status Rprt on Instructions to Nolting. 35. Status Rprt on Covert Actions in Viet-
Jan I I. 1962. nam. Jun 61. p 158,
18. MACV hist monograph. Military Assist- 36. The Kennedy Commitments and Pro-
ance io the Republic ofSouth Vietnam. pp 9- I I ; gram. 1961. pp 5841.
Fifth A F Wkly Intel Brief, Mar22. 1961; Public 37. Hist. Dir/Plans. USAF. Jan-Jun 61. pp
Papers ofthe Presidents: Kennedy. 1961. pp 3 I I. 44. 169-70.
340. 38. Joint Action Program by the Viet Nam-
19. A Program of Action. Apr 26. 1961. United States Special Financial Group. in DOD
20. CINCPAC Comd Hist. 1961. pp 169-70: Pentagon Papers. Bk I I : 182-226.
5th A F Wkly Brief. May I I. 1961; PACAF Ref 39. Note by Secys t o J C S on Presidential
Bk for Dec 61 S E C D E F Conf, T a b B-7-B; rad, Program. 2343/ 12. Aug 15. 1961. p 42. Folder
U K 70272, May8, 1961; USAF Journal of Mili- "Policy-Vietnam." Sec 3 64A2436. #25. Covert
tary Security, Jun 6 I. actions are "small military type actions taken in
21. Schlesinger. Thousand Days. p 541; the national interest that. if detected by friendly
CINCPAC Comd Hist. 1961. p 175; hist. Asst or unfriendly powers. can be plausiblydenied by
for Mutual Security. USAF. Jan-Jun 61. n.p.; the U.S. Government. Equipment and/or per-
Van Staaveren. U S A F Plans and Policies in sonnel used in these operations are selected and
South Viemum, 1961-1963, p 7. prepared so as to offer the highest probability
22. Talking Paper o n Program of Action for that they cannot legally be traced to the U.S.
Vietnam, Folder "Policy-Vietnam," R L - (61) Government." Clandestine operations, in con-
38-9, (Jan I-May 31, 1961), Sec I , 64-A-2436 trast. are those in which emphasis is placed on
memo, AFXOD-PY to CSAF, May 10, 1961, concealing the fact of the operation. 1-tr, Lt Gen
ibid. John K. Gerhard, USAF. DCS/ Plans and Pro-
23. See rad. U K 70272. May 8. 1961. grams. to the Asst to SECDEF. Mar 28. 1962.
24. Scigliano. South Vietnum. p 160: Public 40. Folder. "Policy-Vietnam.'' Rl. (61) 38-9
Papers of the Presidents: Kennedy, 1961, p. 356; (Jun I-Aug 1961): Van Staavcren. U S A F Plans
AFXOPJ Book of Actions in SEA, 1961-64, und Policies in South Vietnain. pp X-9: msg.
Item IV-A; CINCPAC Comd Hist. 1961, pp CINCPAC to DIA. Mar 13. 1963: memo.
184-75; Itr. O'Donnell to Felt. May 17. 1961; SECDEF to Service Sccys, CJCS. ASD; ISA,
Johnson. Vantage Point. p 53. Aug IX. 1961.
25. DOD Pentagon Papers. Bk 2: 19-45. 4 I . Journal of Milirary Assistance, Sept 6 I .
26. Kennedy Program and Commitments, pp 152-53.
I96 I , pp 44-45; RAC-1477, p 26. 42. MACV J-2, lnfiltration Study, Folder
27. Folder. "Policy-Vietnam. RL (61) 38-9 Vietnam 1-30, Nov 64, R A N D Corp Study,
(Jan I-May 31. 1961). Sec I." Infiltration of Personnel from North Vietnam,
28. DOD Pentagon Papers. Bk 2: 55; Rprt. 1959-67, Oct 68.
J-3 2434/41 to the JCS. Aug 5. 1961, quoting 43. Hist, 5th AF, Jul-Dec 61, I, 107-09;
AmEmb Saigon 1743. May 15. 1961. P A C A F Ref Book for Dec 61 SECDEF Conf,
29. The Kennedy Commitmencs and Pro- Tab B-2; The Pentagon Papers as Published by
grams. 1961. pp 58-61. the New York Times,ed N. Sheehan, et al(New
30. Van Staaveren. U S A F Plansand Policies York, 1971), pp 95-96.
in South Vietnam, 1961-1963. p 8; Dept of State 44. CINCPAC Comd Hist, 1961, pp 182-83;
Bulletin 45, 956-57; Schlesinger, Thousand MACV, Sum of Highlights, Feb 8, 1962-Feb 7,
Days p 543: Public Papers of the Presidents: 1963, p 41'; AFXOPJ Book on Actions in SEA,
Lyndon B. Juhnson. 1965 (Washington. 1966). 1961-64, Item IV-C; hist, Dir/ Plans, USAF, Jul-
1.404;NSAM52, May I I . 1961:rprc. Lyndon B. Dec 61, pp 4445; CINCPAC Rcrd of 2d SEC-
Johnson to the President, May 23. 1961. in D E F Conf, J a n 15, 1962, Item 13.
DOD Pentagon Papers. Bk I I: 136-37. 159-66. 45. CINCPAC Comd Hist, 1961, p 183; hist,
3 I . Col R. M. Levy, USAF, J C S representa- Asst for Mutual Security, USAF, Jan-Jun 61,

Notes to Pages 74-82
n.p.; Rprt of C S A F Visit to SVN. Apr 62. Monthly Hist Rprt. Oct 61; hist. PACAF. Jul-
46. SVN Radar Environment Survey. Jul61, Log, PipeStem
Jul-Dec61. AppXXV. Det, Oct 18-21. 1961.
47. Memo, Phillip F. Hilbert for Dir/ Plans. 49. Journal of Military Assistance. Sep 61. p
J u n 8. 1961; CINCPAC Comd Hist. 1961, pp 153; Schlesinger, Thousand Days, p 450;
33-34; hist. PACAF, Jul-Dec 61, Ill, Hist Rprt Shaplen, Lost Revolution, p 149; Maj William
of C-E Opns. Elec Systems Div. Aug 61; hist. L. Nicholson, III, Background Paper on Viet-
PFOCO. Dec 61; Itr. Brig Gen R. M. Anthis to nam. ca. J a n 62; Schneider rprt; Presentation by
13th AF, n.d.; Schneider rprt; Joseph W. Grain- Gen Moorman before Congressional Commit-
ger and TSgt George P. Day. Hist of the 2d tee. 1,.1-1 I ; hist 13th AF. Jul-Dec 61. I. 107-09;
ADVON. Nov 15, 1961-Oct 8. 1962; Itr, Lt Gen Intel Est, ca.Oct I , 1961. in hist, 2d ADVON.
Earle E. Wheeler, Dir Jt Stf, to CJCS, Nov 14. Nov61-0ct 62. 1. DOC15.
1961. 50. Hist. Asst for Mutual Security. USAF.
48. Kennedy Program and Commitments, Jan-Jun 61. n p . and Jul-Dec 61, pp 28-29.
1961; Futrell, “Chron”; hist, 13th AF. Jul-Dec 51. JCSM-700-61, Jet Aircraft for SVN, Oct
7. 1961; hist, Dir/Plans, USAF, Jul-Dec 61, p
5 ; hist. PACAF, Jul-Dec 61, I. pt 2. 18-32, III, 262; AFXOPJ Book of Actions in SEA, 1961-
A-2 Monthly Hist Rprt, Oct 61; msg, CINC- 64. Item VII-A; CINCPAC Comd Hist, 1961. p
PAC to JCS. Nov 11, 1961; Rprt on Able 186; H Q USAF Memo (OPS 50-61). Sep 20,
Mable, ca. Feb I. 1962, in hist. 2d ADVON, Nov 1961; hist, Asst for Mutual Security. Jul-Dec61.
15. 1961-Oct 8, 1962. Doc 72; DOD Pentagon n.p.; hist, PACAF. Jul-Dec61,III, Wkly Activi-
Papers, Bk 2: IV.B.1.. 91; hist, 19th TFW, Jul- ties Rprt, PFMLP. Dec 11-15, 1961.
Dec 61. p 62; hist, PACAF, Jul-Dec 61, I l l , A-2

Chapter VII
Opening Farm Gate

I . Ltr, Col Robert L. Gleason to Col Ray intvw with Lt Col Charles E. Trumbo. Jr.. by
Bowers, O f c / A F Hist. Dec 30. 1971; Book of J . W. Grainger.Jul 13, 1963; LeMay comments.
Actions in SEA, p 6; SO G-4. TAC. Langley intvw by Thomas G. Belden, Mar 29. 1972; see
AFB. Va.. Apr 10, 1961; memo, Dir/Ops, also Proj Corona Harvest Oral Hist intvw with
USAF. Apr 27. 1961, incl7. Vol2; TSgt Robert Brig Gen Benjamin H. King. Sep4, 1962. pp 1-5.
J . O’Neill. History of Special Air Warfare Cen- IO. Rcrd. Second S E C D E F Conf, J a n 15,
ter, Apr-Dec 62, Air Archives; intvw with Lt Col 1962. p 111-2; intvw. J . Grainger with Lt Col
M. M. Doyle, Bien Hoa, Feb 16. 1963; hist. 2d M. M. Doyle, Feb 16. 1963. in App D. Hist, 2d
ADVON, NOV61-Oct 62. ADVON, Nov 61-Oct 62.
2. Ltr, Gleason to Bowers; Doyle intvw, Feb I I . MR, Dir/Plans. USAF,subj: CINCPAC
16. 1963. Briefing on Jungle Jim, Oct 16, 1961.
3. Hist, 2d ADVON. Nov 61-Oct-62. p 8: 12. Msg, US Amb Saigon to State, Oct 13.
hist. 2d Air Division. Jan-Jun 64, p 4: John 196 I. in New York Times, Pentagon Papers, pp
W. R. Taylor. ed, Combat Aircraft ofthe World 140-41; see also Taylor, Swordsand Plowshares,
(New York 1961). pp 491-92; Tactical Air Sup- Hist, 1961,pp 187-
port Handbook,Oct 62, Sec IX; MR, Detailson 91, Proj Corona Harvest Oral Hist intvw with
Modification and IRAN’S Perf on T-28 and B- Col King. pp 15-21.
26 Acft, n.d.. Binder COIN o p s 774-64, box 12, 13. Detachment I was spending several
68A-4994. weeks in Mali. the Republic of West Africa,
4. AFXOPJ Book of Actions in SEA, 1961- training paratroopers.
64, Item IV-B. 14. Progress Rprt. 6009th TSG. ca. Dec 5 ,
5. Ibid., Item Ill-B, pp 21-22. 1961, in Hist, 2d ADVON, Nov61-0ct 62, and
6. CINCPAC Comd Hist, 1961, p 187. Doc 6: hist, 5th AF, Jul-Dec 61. I, 53-56; msg,
7. Kennedy Program and Commitments, PACAF to 13th AF. Nov 17, 1961.
1961. p 84. 15. Hist, SAWC, Apr-Dec 62. pp 12-13.
8. Hist, Dir/Plans. USAF, Jul 1-Dec 31. 16. Msg. Det 9.2d ADVON to PACAF. Nov
1961. Vol 22, 78. 21. 1961; Intel Rprt, Debriefing of the Com-
9. Book of Actions in SEA, p 2 and Item II; mander and Intelligence Officer. Det 2. 4400th
hist. SAWC, Apr 27-Dec 31, 1962, pp 1-10; I , 1962; Briefingby

THE ADVISORY YEARS Notes to Pages 82-88
Capt M . K . Palmer, Jan 16. 1962. in Hist, 5th. Asia, 1962-67(Research Analysis Corp. Jun 69).
AF, Jan-Juri 62. I I . Doc 144. p 117.
17. Hist, 2d ADVON, pp 8-9; 4400th CCTG 22. Msg, JCS to CINCPAC, Dec 6, 1961;
Intel Rprt. Apr I. 1962; msg, CSAF to CINC- C I N C P A C Comd Hist, 1961, pp 190-91;
PAC. N o v 9, 1961; msg, CINCPAC to JCS. AFXOPJ Book of Actions in SEA, 1961-64,
Nov 15, I961:CINCPAC Rcrd. SECDEFConf. Item VII-B.
Dec 16. 1961, msg. Item 8A: AFCHO Oral Hist 23. Msg. PACAF to CINCPAC, Dec 6.
lntvw with LeMay, Jun 8, 1972; telephone con- 1961; PACAF Ref Bk for Dec 61 SECDEF
versation. Futrell with Col Robert L. Gleason, Conf. Action Tab H.
Lt Col John Pattee. and Lt Col William E. 24. ClNCPACComd Hist. 1961.p 171;msg.
Doughterty, Jul72; Victor B. Anthony, The Air CINCPAC to Chief MAAG VN. Dec 6. 1961:
Force in Southeast Asia: Tactics and Tech- CINCPAC Rcrd. SECDEFConf. Dec 16. 1961.
niques of Night Operations. 1961-1970. (Ofc/ Item 4.
A F Hist, Mar 73). 25. Msgs, PACAF to CINCPAC, Dec 8.
18. Msg, CINCPAC to Chief MAAG VN, 1961. 13th A F to PACAF, Dec 10. 1961;
Nov 16. 1961; rprt, S A F to Pres, Feb 6, 1962. AFXOPJ Book of Actions in SEA, 1961-64,
Binder Vietnam 11-62, Item Ill-C: CINCPAC Comd Hist. 1961. p 188.
19. Msg. CINCPAC to DIA. Mar 13, 1963; 26. CINCPAC Rcrd, SECDEF Conf. Dec
New York Times. Feb 20. 1962. p 3: PACAF 16. 1961, Item 8A; msg. PACAF to CSAF. Dec
Ref Bk for Mar 62 SECDEF Conf. Item 5. 17. 1961.
20. PACAF Ref Bk for Jan 62 SECDEF 27. Msg. CINCPAC to PACAF. Dec 20,
Conf, Tab 3B. Mar 62 SECDEF Conf, Item 5; 1961.
Futrell's conversation with Gleason. Jul 72. 28. lntvw with Anthis by Gausche and
21. Paul S. Ella, Richard P. Joyce, Robert H. Grainger, Aug 30. 1963; msgs. 13th A F to
Williams. and William Woodworth, U.S. Army PACAF, Dec28, 1961. CSAF to PACAF. Mar
Special Forces and Similar Internal Defense 23. 1963. JCS to CINCPAC, Dec 26. 1961;
Advisory Operations in Mainland Southeast PACAF Ref Bk for Feb 62 SECDEF Conf.

Chapter VIII

The Taylor Mission

I . The President also asked the State Depart- 6. CINCPAC Comd Hist. 1961. pp 187-91.
ment to solicit comments on this question from 7. Ltr. Taylor to the President (Taylor Rprt).
allied nations. AFXOPJ Book of Actions in Nov 3, 1961; Kennedy Program and Commit-
SEA. Item Ill-B; Van Staaveren. U S A F Plans ments. pp 98-99.
and Policiesin South Vietnam, 1961-1963; M R , 8. Taylor, Swords and Plowshares. pp 241-
Roswell Gilpatric, Oct 1 I. 1961. and NSAM 44; New York Times, Pentagon Papers. pp 141-
104. Oct 13. 1961, in D O D Pentagon Papers, Bk 48; D O D Pentagon Papers. Bk 2: IV.B.1.. 100-
I I: 322-38: Public Papers of the Presidents: 08; Van Staveren, USAF Plans and Policies in
Kennedy. 1961. p p 656. 660: Taylor. Swords South Vietnam. 1961-1963.pp 10-1 I ; Schlesinger.
and Plowshares. pp 225-26. Thousand Days. pp 546-47; Roger Hilsman, To
2. CQ Background, Chinaand U.S.Far East Mow a Nation: The Politics of Foreign Policy in
Policy, 1945-1967. p 108; see also Cooper, Lost the Administration of John F. Kennedy
Crusade, pp 193-94. (Garden City, 1967). pp 422-23; George W. Ball.
3. MACV hist monograph. Military Assist- The Discipline of Power: Essentials ofa Modern
ance to the Republic of South Vietnam. 1960- World Structure (Boston. 1968). p 334; Dept of
1963. p I I ; Itr, Diem to Kennedy. n.d., in Public State Bulletin 56. 514.
Papers of the Presidents: Kennedy, 1961, pp 9. Covering note, sgd William P. Bundy with
801-02: PACAF Reference Book for Dec 61 draft memo, SECDEF for President, Nov 6.
SECDEF Conf, Tab B-I; Intel Estimate SVN, 1961; Background Paper on CINCPAC OPlan
ca. Oct I , 1961. in Hist, 2d ADVON. I. Doc 15. 32-59: Kennedy Program and Commitments.
4. PACAF Reference Book for Dec 61 1961, pp 122-23; SM-1212-61. Recommended
SECDEF Conf. Change to the Proposed Memo for the Pres,
5. Msg. USAmb Saigon to State, Oct 13, Nov6. 1961; hist. Dir/Plans, USAF, Jul-Dec61.
196I . in New York Times, Pentagon Papers, pp pp 176-78.
140-41. 10. Van Staaveren. USAF Plans and Policies

Notes to Pages
in South Vietnam, p I I: memo, Talking Paper on Determination of Effec-
for the Pres. tive U.S. Policy toward South Vietnam,
Pentagon papers, I:
I I . Kennedy Program and Commitments, for the on
122-23; Taylor, Swords and Plow- 5.1961; Book on Actions in SEA.
shares, Jan
Thousand p 547; In Penragon Papers, 12:
Monthly Background Paper on
A-2, to
CINCPAC to draft memo for thinking
and 1961; Pentagon Papers, was consistent with that of the Army at least. On
November Army had embarked a brigade
THOUSAND DAYS p task force in the Pacific Command, plus some
memo, for the Pres, thirty-five thousand combat and logistical sup-
I I. in Pentagon Papers, I: port units from the United States, for deploy-
359-66; Taylor. Swords and Plowshares. ment. Memo with Lt Gen Earl Wheeler,
Hist, Dir/Plans, USAF,
Van USAF Plans and Memo, to Pres. Jan
Policies in South Vietnam. p 12; to
Penragon Papers, 2: with Mar
I I I. First Phase of See Summary Sheet, USAF.
Program, 1961; memo with in to
Memo, to Col
Frank Pancake). CINCPAC to


U.S. Command Arrangements: AD and MACV

I. Pentagon Papers. 2: I
108: Ref
The Kennedy Program and Commit- IO. Book of
ments. 129-30; memo, to CINCPAC t o
and Chief
Note to Control I I. a controland reporting center
Note by the the of the Thirteenth Air Force had been at Don
Rear to Thailand. since April under a
command element known as Thirteenth Air
Felt and Force (abbreviation for Advanced
Echelon). This was the first that in
Saigon to Vietnam became the second.
I96 I . to I I,
Pentagon Papers. Feb to
Hearings before the Committee on Foreign 1962.TO 1961;
Relations. US Senate, Foreign Assistance. SO C-85. 1963; 5th
89th (Washington. 1966). I,
263; New to Pres. to State.
Pentagon Papers. II: CINCPAC to and
I I Saigon to
CINCPAC to Chief
and 1961; hr. to CINCPAC,
USAF Plans and Policies in Viet- 1961; with by
CINCPAC to 13th 10.
T H E ADVISORY YEARS Notes to Pages 96-102
to CINCPACFLT. et al, May 22. 1962. Felt
16. This technique wasevaluated as being less believed that no requirement existed for a
satisfactory than cooperative C-47 flareship/ MACV Navy component command. Yet on
strike aircraft operations mainly because of the July I . 1962. Headquarters Support Activity
limited number of flares that a T-28 could load Saigon, a naval organization. came into being to
on its wing stations and the consequent reduc- provide common administrative and logistic
tion of ordnance that it could Msg. support, including construction. commissary. ex-
PACAF to CSAF. Dec 17. 1961: Project change, and housekeeping services. to MAAG
Oral Hist intvw with King, pp and MACV units.
51-56. 27. Msg, P A C A F t o 13th A F and 2d
17. See msg. MACV to CINCPAC, Sep 17. ADVON, Feb 20. 1962.
1962. 28. Martin and Clever. I I . 17-18: The Public
18. Of the former, 2.066 were allocated to the Papers of'the Presidents: John F. Kennedy, 1962
Army. 6 to the Marine Corps, 135 to the Navy, (Washington, 1963). p 137: msgs. PACAF to
and 187 (68 officers and I19 men) to the Air 13th A F a n d 2d ADVON, Feb 20. 1962, CINC-
Force. CINCPACComd Hists. 1961.p 175.and PAC to MACV. Feb 25. 1962. MACV to
1962. p 155; hist. PACAF, Jul-Dee 61, I l l ; CINCPAC, Mar I. 1962. and 2d ADVON to
P F M L P Wkly Activities Rprt, Dec 22-29. 1961; 13th AF. Mar 9, 1962.
PACAF Ref Bk for Dee 61 S E C D E F Conf, 29. Hetherington Rprt, Apr 25. 1972: msg.
Action Tab F. P A C A F to 13th AF. May 24. 1962.
19. Memo, S E C D E F to Pres. Dec 22. 1961: 30. Dept of State. American Foreign Policy:
Van Staaveren. USAF Plans and Policies in Current Documents. 1962 (Washington. 1966).
South Vietnam, 1961-1963. p 15. pp
20. Msg. P A C A F t o 13th A F a n d 2d 31. NY Herald Tribune. Apr 28, 1962.
ADVON. Feb 20, 1962. 32. Ibid.
21. A F C H O Oral Hist lntvw 522, with Gen 33. Brig Gen Thomas R. Phillips, USA (Ret).
Paul D. Harkins, Feb 23, 1972: mg, CINCPAC in St. Louis Post-Dispatch. May 6, 1962.
to DEPCINCUSARPAC. Feb 8. 1962. 34. Intvw, Grainger with Lt Col M. M.
22. Msgs, J C S to CINCPAC, Jan 31 and Doyle. Feb 16. 1963; Martin and Clever, App 2.
Mar 2. 1962. to MACV, Apr 7. 1962. C S A F t o COIN Intvws, Tab M.
PACAF. Feb 21. 1962: Martin and Clever. IV. 35. New York Times, May I . 1962.
38-39; Van Staaveren. USAF Plansand Policies 36. Chicago Tribune. May 6. 1962.
in South Vietnam, 1961-1963. pp 16-17. Later. 37. A. Rose. "Our Undeclared War i n Viet-
Brig Gen Milton B. Adams was Assistant Chief nam." Reporter. May IO. 1962.
of Staff J-5 (Plans). 38. Msg. PACAF to 13th AF. May 24. 1962:
23. Msg. MACV to CINCPAC. Sep 17, hist. 2d ADVON. Nov 61-0ct 62. pp 21-31, 34;
1962: Itr. Anthis to Eugene C. Zuckert. SAF, msgs. C l N C P A C t o MACV. J u l7 a n d 2 8 . 1962.
J a n 9. 1963: Brig Gen Frank A. Osmanski, MACV to CINCPAC, Jul 19. 1962: P A C A F
MACV J-4. Rprt on Vietnam. Sep 26, 1963, pp SO G-87. Sep 24. 1962; hist. 13th AF. Jan-Jun
63. p 20.
24. Msgs, MACV to CINCPAC, Mar I , 39. Hist. 2d ADVON. Nov 61-0ct 62. p 42:
1962. 2d ADVON to PACAF, May 7. 1962. msg. PACAF to 13th AF. Nov 10, 1962.
C I N C P A C t o MACV, May 12, 1962, 2d 40. Msgs, 2d ADVON to 13th AF. Apr 21
ADVON to 13th AF. May 16. 1962. C S A F to and 25. 1962: Van Staaveren, USAF Plansand
Chief MAAG. Jun 21. 1962. and CINCPAC to Policies in South Vietnam. 1961-1963. pp 46-47;
CSAF.Oct31,1962: DAFSOAA-2164,Nov9, AFCHO Oral Hist intvw with Harkins. Feb 23.
1962; Itr. Anthis to Zuckert. Jan 9. 1963. 1972.
25. Msgs, CINCPAC to MACV, Feb 25, 41. Hearings before the Committee on
1962. MACV to CINCPAC, Mar I. 1962. Apr Armed Services, House of Representatives. Mil-
6. 1962. Apr 7. 1962, May 6. 1962. P A C A F to itary Posture. 89th Cong. 2d sess (Washington.
13th A F and 2d ADVON. Apr 27. 1962. 2d 1966), pp 7609-10.
ADVON to PACAF. May 5, 1962, P A C A F to 42. Van Staaveren. USAF Plansand Policies
CSAF. May 12. 1962. CINCPAC to MACV, in South Vietnam, 1961-1963. p 47: memo, Col
Sep 30. 1963. Winston P. Anderson. Dir/Ops. 2d AD. for
Anthis. Feb 23. 1963; msgs, 2d A D to PACAF.
Zuckert. J a n 9. 1963; msg. C N O / C S A / C S A F Jan 27, 1963. and Sep 29, 1963.

Notes to Pages 103-107
Chapter X

Tactical Air Control, Mule Train, and Ranch Hand

I . Wilfred G. Burchett. Vietnam: Inside Book of Actions in SEA. 1961-64. Item Ill-C;
Storyofthe Guerrilla War(New York. 1965),pp hist, 315th AD. Jan-Jun 62. pp 44-45; CINC-
88-89; PACAF Ref Bk for Jul 22-24, 1962. PAC Rcrd. 2d SECDEF Conf. Item 3.
S E C D E F Conf. Item B; MACV hist mono- 13. Hist, 2d ADVON. pp XVII-XX: Chief,
graph. Military Assistance to the Republic of AF Sec. MAAGV. Agenda Book for Feb 62
South Vietnam, 1960-63. pp I 1-12. SECDEF Conf. Item 3 (a)A: rprt, Brig Gen
2. Cong Rec. May 9, 1968.pp 12617-18: Pike. Travis M. Hetherington, DCS/ Plans and Ops.
Viet Cong, passim, and War, Peace, and the Viet PACAF. Apr 25. 1962; rprt. Lt Col Charles D.
Cong, pp 1-18. Easley. ca. Aug 5. 1962: Itr, Easley to 2 ODC. ca.
3. Msg. USAIRA Saigon to CSAF. Nov 28. Jul I . 1962; Proj Corona Harvest Oral Hist
1961: PACAF Reference Book for Jan 1962, intvw w/Anthis, pp 64-68: PACAF Ref Bk for
SECDEF Conf. Tab 13; CINCPAC Rcrd, Jan 62 SECDEF Conf. Tab 3: MACV Sum-
Second SECDEF Conf, Jan 15. 1962, Item 13, mary of Highlights. Feb 8. 1962-Feb 7. 1963. p
and Dec 16. 1961. Item 2. 135; msg. USAIRA Saigon to CSAF. Mar 21.
4. CINCPAC Rcrd, Second SECDEF Conf. 1962.
Jan 15, 1962. Item 5A: HQ MACV, Summary 14. Ralph A. Rowley, U S A F F A C Opera-
of Highlights. Feb 8, 1962-Feb 7. 1963, p 97; Itr, tions in Southeast Asia. 1961-65 (Ofc/AF Hist.
R . K . G. Thompson to Diem. Nov I I . 1961. in Jan 1972). pp 15. 18. 24-25: hist. 2d ADVON. p
D O D Pentagon Papers. Bk I I : 345-58. 97; Draft presentation. Anthis for Mar 62
5. CINCPAC Rcrd. Third SECDEF Conf. S E C D E F Conf, Hist. 2d A D V O N : rad,
Feb 19. 1962. Items 2 and 4. USAIRA Bangkok to PACAF; Jan 31. 1962.
6. Msg. MACV to CINCPAC. Apr 14. 1962; 15. PACAF Ref Bk for Dec 61 SECDEF
CINCPAC Rcrd. SECDEF Conf, Dec 16,1961, Conf. Action Tab I. for Jan 62 SECDEF Conf.
Item 2, and 3d SECDEF Conf. Feb 19. 1962, Tab 9, for Feb 62 SECDEF Conf. Item 9;
Items 3 and 5; memo, Moorman to PFDALand CINCPAC Rcrd. SECDEF Conf. Dec 16. 1961,
PFDOP. Feb 23. 1962: Hilsman. To Move a Item 8-1; Rprt of CSAF's Visit to South Viet-
Nation. pp 44 1-44, nam, Item I I ; Hetherington rprt, Apr 25. 1962:
7. CINCPAC Rcrd. 2d SECDEF Conf. Jan Easley End of Tour Rprt, ca. Aug 5. 1962.
15. 1962. Items 5.5A. and 14. and 3d SECDEF 16. The 8th and 57th Transport Helicopter
Conf. Feb 19. 1962. Item 4: Sir Robert Thomp- Companies arrived as identifiable units at Sai-
son. Defeating Communist Insurgency': The gon aboard an aircraft carrier on December l l .
Lassons of Malaya and Vietnam (New York. 1962. and were so reported in the New York
1966). pp 129-39. Times. The International Control Commission
8. The members were Robert Kennedy, U. promptly recorded this violation of the Geneva
Alexis Johnson. Roswell L. Gilpatric, General accords. The companies were based at Tan Son
Lemnitzer. J o h n A. McCone. McGeorge Nhut and Qui Nhon under the U.S. Army senior
Bundy. Edward R. Murrow.and Fowler Hamil- advisors to the I I and I l l Corps. On January26,
ton. 1962. the U.S. Army's 93d Helicopter Company
9. Taylor. Swords and Plowshares, pp 20 1-3; arrived at Da Nang and was placed under the
NSAM 124. Jan 18, 1962. in D O D Pentagon U.S. Army senior advisor to the I Corps. The
Papers, Bk 12: 442-44: Hearings before a Sub- companies flew combat support missions and
committee of the Committee on Appropria- trained the Vietnamese army in air mobility tac-
tions. House of Representatives. Department of tics. U.S. Army's 18th Fixed Wing Aviation
Defense Appropriationsfor 1965.88th Cong. 2d Company. with sixteen U - l Otter aircraft.
sess (Washington. 1964). pt 2. p 612. reached Nha Trang on February 7. 1962, and
10. Taylor, Swords and Plowshares. pp 201- these liaison aircraft (able to transport two thou-
03; NSAM 162. J u n 19. 1962. and NSAM 182. sand pounds of cargo or eight passengers) sup-
Aug 24. 1962. in DOD Pentagon Papers. Bk 12: ported the U.S. Army field advisors. The 339th
48 1-86; US Overseas Internal Defense Policy. Transportation Company (Maintenance) ar-
Aug I . 1962; JCSM. Nov 20, 1962. rived on February I I , 1962. Chief, A F Sec,
I I . AFXOPJ Book of ActionsinSEA. 1961- MAAGV, Agenda Bk for Feb 62. SECDEF
64, p 23. Conf. Item 3 (3); CINCPAC Rcrd, 2d SECDEF
12. Hists. 13th AF, Jul-Dec 61. 1. 73-74. and Conf. Jan 16. 1962. Item 3; CINCPAC Comd
1962. I. 72-74; 13th A F OPlan 226-61, Dec 30. Hist, 1961. p 194.
1961: hist. PACAF. Jul-Dec 61. I l l : AFXOPJ 17. CINCPAC Comd Hist. 1961. p 189; msg.

30 I
T H E ADVISORY YEARS Notes to Pages 108-1 16
USAIRA Saigon to CSAF. Nov 28. 1961; Tour Rprt. Aug 2. 1962.
CINCPAC Rcrd. SECDEFConf. Dec 19.1961. 31. Ltr. Moorman to Anthis. Sep 25. 1962;
Item 7: Martin and Clever. IV. 31-34. msgs, 13th A F to PACAF, May 26. 1962,
18. Ltr. O’Donnell to CINCPAC. Dec 12. PACAF to 13th AF. May 29. 1962. and AFCC
1961: msg, USAIRA Saigon to CSAF. Nov 28. J T F I16 to PACAF, May 29, 1962.
1961; PACAF Ref Bk for Dec 61 SECDEF 32. Ltrs. Moorman to CINCPAC. Jul 6.
Conf. Tab B-1. 1962. and to Anthis. Sep25. 1962: PACAFSOs
19. Hist. 315th TC Gp (Assault). 1962. p 16: C-85 and G-92. Sep 19 and Oct 19. 1962: msgs,
intvw with Lt Col E. W. Strong by Grainger. CINCPAC to MACV. Jul 18. 1962, MACV to
Nov 7.1962: AFXOPJ Book of Actions in SEA. CINCPAC. Aug 23. 1962.
1961-64. p 25; Jane AIl the World Aircraft. 33. P A C A F Summary of Actions, Gen
1955-56. ed Leonard Bridgeman (New York. Wheeler’s Party. Sec II. Tab C; Itrs. Anthis to
n.d.), p 259; CINCPAC Rcrd. 3d SECDEF Moorman. ca. Apr 16, 1962. and Bowers to
Conf. Feb 19, 1962: PACAF Ref Bk for Dec 61 Mann. ca. Jun 62 and Jul25. 1962: Reaves End
SECDEF Conf. Tab A-5 and Action Tab A: of Tour Rprt. Aug 2. 1962: JCS/2d ADVON Jt
msgs. CINCPAC to 13th AF. Dec 9. 1961. OPlan 62-2. Oct 17. 1962; Moorman presenta-
PACAF to 13th AF. Dec 13. 1961. tion. ca. Feb 63. 1. 38; msg, 2d A D to PACAF.
20. Talking Paper on USAF Ops in VN. Apr 5. 1962.
3. Folder Policy-Vietnam. Jan 1-31. 1964. 34. P A C A F Summary of Actions. Gen
21. Moorman presentation t o Congressional Wheeler’s Party. Sec II. Tab C.
Committee. ca. Feb 63, I, 38; Itrs, Anthis to 35. Msgs. PACAF to 13.
Maj Gen W. Martin. Sep 2. 1963,and Moorman 1961.
to Anthis. ca. Feb 28. 1962: msgs. MACV to 36. Doris Krudener. formerly of the Office of
CINCPAC, Mar 12. 1962. and 13th A F to 2d Air Force History. kindly supplied this docu-
ADVON. Mar 18.1962; Rprt of CSAF‘s Visit to mentation: Memos, J C S for McNamara. Nov 3.
SVN. Apr 62. Ops Sec. 1961. and William P. Bundy for Rusk and
22. MACV Summary of Highlights. Feb 8. McNamara, Nov 14 and 30. 1961.
1962-Feb 7, 1963. p 69; Itr. Lt Col Floyd K. 37. NSAM 115, Nov 30. 1961: Marvin E.
Shafner, May 12. 1962. Hintz. History of the Thirteenth Air Force, Jan
23. 2d ADVON. Agenda and Info Bk for I-June 30. 1963. pp 75-76: msg. CHMAAGV to
Mar 62 SECDEFConf. Item 17; hist. 13th AF, CINCPAC. Dec 23. 1961,in ISA files.
1962, pp 103-05. 38. JCSM-2-62(U), Jan 2. 1962; msg. CINC-
24. Msgs. 2d ADVON t o 13th AF. Mar 9. PAC to CHMAAGVN. Dec 28, 1961: memo.
1962. Mar 12, 19.and26. S E C D E F t o the President. Feb 2. 1962: and see
1962. msg. CHMAAGV t o CINCPAC Jan 17. 1962;
25. Anthis presentation at May 62 SECDEF and PACAF Ref Bk for Jan 62 S E C D E F Conf.
Conf: msgs. 2d ADVON to 13th AF, Mar 27, Tab 16A.
1962. CINCPAC to JCS. Mar 30. 1962. and 2d 39. Msg. SECSTATE to AmEmb Saigon,
A D to 13th AF. Nov 20, 1962. Jan 4. 1962: and msg. CHMAAGV to CINC-
26. Msgs. 2d ADVON to 13th AF, Mar 27. PAC. Jan 12. 1962.
1962. MACV to CINCPAC, Apr 9. 1962. and 40. Capt George T. Adams. TAC Aerial
May22, 1962. PACAF toCSAF, May 12,1962. Spray Flight Operations in Southeast Asia,
and CINCPAC to MACV. Aug 13. 1962: 1961-1964 (TAC/SASF. n.d.). p 8.
Hetherington rprt. Apr 25. 1962; hist. 315th T C 41. Hist. PACAF. Jan-Jun 62. III.
Gp (Assault), 1962, p 27; rprt. Lt Col Howard P. PACAF Ref Bk for Jan 62 S E C D E F Conf. Tab
Reaves. Aug 2, 1962. Items3
27. Ibid.; Rprt of C S A F s Visit to SVN. Apr and 4: Chief, A F Sec. MAAGV, Agenda Bk for
62: PACAF Status Rprt. May 2 to 9. 1962; msg. Feb 62 S E C D E F Conf. Item 3( I); CINCPAC
CINCPAC to JCS. May 8, 1962. Rcrd. 3d S E C D E F Conf. Feb 19. 1962. Item 3.
28. Msg, MACV to CINCPAC, May 22, and 4th SECDEF Conf. Mar 21. 1962. Item I:
1962. msg. PACAF to CSAF. Feb 20. 1962; Moor-
29. J T F 116, AAR, Dec8, 1962: msgs, 2d A D man memo, Feb 23. 1962. In April, when Tacti-
to 13th AF. Jul28and CINCPAC cal Air Command moved two spray planes to
to JCS. May 25,1962. to MACV, May 25.1962; the Middle East to work against locust infesta-
PACAF Summary of Actions, Gen Wheeler’s tionsand to save food crops. it added two stand-
Party, Jan 63. ard C-1 23s to the Mule Train airlift detachment.
30. One plane was lost without crew fatalities 42. 3d ADVON Agenda Bk for SECDEF
in a major accident on July 15. Hist, PACAF. May 62 Conf. Item 3: CINCPAC Rcrd, 4th
Jan-Jun62. III. May and SECDEF Conf, Mar 21, 1962. Item 1. hist,
Gp (Assault), 1962. pp 27-28: Reaves End of PACAF. Jan-Jun 62. III. Apr 62.

Notes to Pages


I, Item CINCPAC Actions
See C I N C P A C 6th 7th paras and 9;
I. MACV Summary of Highlights. 210;
Memo, Col William Brooks. for to
hist. USAF,
MACV Summary of Highlights, Feb and To Move a Nation,
1962-Feb 59-61; CINCPAC to
Saigon to

Chapter XI
Air Policy: Too Cautious?

I . Quoted in Henry Tuesday COIN Tab with

Cabinet: Deliberations and Decision on Peace Doyle and Lt Col Charles E.
and War under Lyndon Johnson in Hist. Van
Cliffs, 1970). p USAF Plans and Policies in Vietnam,
to p 25: hist. p
Chief to CINCPAC,

13th to Memo. Landsdale to Col David C . Jolly,

to Mar and to Binder
CINCPAC. Ref for Memo, Maj Gen C
Feb by Plans Programs. USAF, Binder
Mar 1972; with Anthis by Vietnam box
and Van U S A F Plans and POLICIES
Memo. USAF, for in South Vietnam. p 26: hist,
Mar I , 1962; Report p Times, Feb
of Visit to p 1962; to
USAF Operations. p Jan and Feb 1962;
for Jan Jan paper, CA Mar I , 1962; CINCPAC
Tab CINCPAC to Feb Item 3;
Feb Ref for Feb Tab
Feb 3-22; CINCPAC to
Maj Thomas Hickam with Capt MACV, Mar
Rhein, Tan Son Nhut, Jan 1963; to 13th Mar
Martin and Clever, COIN Tab
Feb 4-5; Hist, p
End of Tour Reports. Lt Col Doyle, Maj Gen Martin to
John Gilbert. Feb I Binder Vietnam I9 box
10. Draft presentation, Anthis for Mar 8; hist, p 3; Gen
hist. Frank Logistic Support in the
Vietnam Era, I-III (Washington, 1970). p
I I.
Lessons Learned U.S. Army with Maj William C.
I I, Johnson and Capt Ernest C. Cutler. Feb
draft presentation.
Anthis for Mar in Hist. Chief to
1961; hist.
Feb Hist,
Hist. p 9; Maj Gen Travis Hetherington.
Maj Dean and with Staff Visits. hist,
Anthis. 1963; Martin and Clever, 62; Maj Thomas Hickam with
T H E ADVISORY YEARS Notes to Pages 124-133 I

TSgt Harry M. Nonamaker. Dec I I. 1962, with ibid., Tab L; hist. 2d ADVON. pp 67-70.
Capt Edwin J . Rhein. Jr.. Jan 3. 1963. with 30. Report of CSAF's Visit to SVN, Apr 62.
Chaplain Squires. Jan 16, 1963.and with CWO p 11.
William Weakley. Jan IO. 1963; Martin and 3 1. Maj Gen Spurgeon Noel, Medical Sup-
Clever. App 2. COIN Intvws. Tabs F. G. and H . port of the U.S. Army in Vietnam, 1965-70
28. Intvw. Maj Thomas J. Hickam with Capt (Dept of the Army, Wash D.C.. 1973). pp 5 and
(Chap) Donal M. Squires. Jan 16, 1963; Martin 9.
and Clever, App 2. COIN Intvws, Tab I; hist, 2d 32. Intvw. Hickam and Grainger with CWO
ADVON. Nov61-Oct 62.pp 67-70; End of Tour A C. Liberator, Nov 20. 1962; Martin and I
Reports, Lt Col Kenneth M. Keyte, Apr 20, Clever, App 2. Tab A.
1963. and Capt Forrest P. Meek, Apr 9. 1963. 33. Hist, 2d ADVON. pp 182-83.
29. Intvw. Hickam with Auten, Feb 15,1963;

Chapter XII

Farm Gate and the Vietnamese Air Force

I . Chief. A F Sec. MAAGV. Agenda Bk for 12. Msgs. AmEmb Saigon to SECSTATE.
Feb 62 SECDEF Conf. Item 5C; Gleason paper. Mar 28. 1962. PACAF to 13th AF. Mar 22.
ca. Mar I. 1962;ClNCPAC Rcrd.4thSECDEF 1962, J C S to CINCPAC. Mar 27. 1962; hist.
Conf. Item 5. 13th AF. 1962. 1.81-83: MR. Maj Gen John M.
2. PACAF Ref Bk for Jan 62 SECDEF Reynolds. Mar 22. 1962.
Conf. Tab 3. TP-I; Proj Corona Harvest Oral 13. Report of CSAF's Visit to SVN. Apr 62. I

Hist intvw with King, pp 52-53; Futrell, personal Item 6.

conversations with Gleason and Dougherty. 14. Hist. PACAF. Jan-Jun 62. I l l ; Monthly !
3. DAF-IR-1521904: hist. 2d AD. I. xiv; Hist Rprts. PFOCO. Mar and May 62: hist.
CINCPAC Rcrd, 3d S E C D E F Conf, Feb 19. PACAF, Jul-Dee 62. II; hist. PFODC. Jul 62:
1962. Item 3; Gleason paper, ca. Mar I . 1962. hist. 13th AF. 1962. I . 81-83; hist. 509th FISq.
4. Hist. 2d ADVON, p 144; Itrs. Anthis to Jan-Jun 62, pp 166-67.
Moorman. Mar 28. 1963. Det 2A t o 2d 15. Msg. MACV to AmEmb Laos. Aug 22.
ADVON, Jun 5, 1962. 1962; Proj Corona Harvest Oral Hist intvw with
5. Rprt. Cairney and Evans, May 4, 1962; Anthis, pp 129-31. Itrs, Harkins to O'Donnell
Gleason End of Tour Report. and Felt, Mar 22. 1963.
6. PACAF Ref Bk for Jan 62 SECDEF 16. Msgs. 13th A F t o PACAF. Mar IO. 1962.
Conf. Tabs 2 nd 3; Palmer briefing in Hist. 5th MACV t o C I N C P A C , Mar 24, 1962. 2d
AF. Jan-Jun 62. 11. Doc 144. ADVON to 13th AF. Apr 12. 1962; CINCPAC
7. CINCPAC Rcrd. 3d SECDEF Conf, Feb Rcrd. 4th SECDEF Conf, Mar21. 1962. ltem5.
19. 1962. Item 2. 17. Msgs. 2d ADVON to 13th AF. Apr 21.
8. Anthis briefing. Mar 62 SECDEF Conf, 1962. and P A C A F t o CINCPAC, May 8. 1962;
in Hist, 2d AD, II, Doc 206; msgs, PACAF to Report of CSAF's Visit to SVN. Apr 62, paras 4
13th AF. Mar 15. 1962,toCSAF. Mar 17, 1962. and 7; 2d ADVON Bk for May 62 S E C D E F
and to CSAF. Feb 20. 1962; Report of CSAF's Conf. Item I A : Mueller to 2CCR. Jun 5. 1962.
Visit to SVN. Apr 62, pt 2; Itr. Moorman to 18. Msg. 2d ADVON to PACAF. Jul 17.
Anthis. ca. Feb 28. 1962; CINCPAC Rcrd. 3d 1962.
SECDEF Conf. Feb 19. 1962. 19. Ltr. Anthis to Pritchard. Oct 20. 1962.
9. Msgs, MACV t o CINCPAC. Feb 27. 20. PACAF Ref Bk for Jul 62 SECDEF
1962. 2d ADVON to PACAF. Mar 17, 1962. Conf. Tab I ; CINCPAC Rcrd, 6th SECDEF
and to MACV. Aug 22. 1962. AmEmb Saigon Conf. Jul 23, 1962. Item 2.
t o SECSTATE. Mar 3. 1962; Martin and 21. Msg. 13th A F to PACAF. Aug 6. 1962;
Clever. I l l . 60-63; Moorman presentation. ca. Itrs. Anderson to Bowers, Jul 19. 1962. Anthis to
Feb 62. pt 1. p 30. Col Nguyen Xuan Vinh. Aug 8, 1962. and
IO. MACV hist monograph. Milirary Assist- Anthis to Nguyen Dinh Thuan. Aug I I . 1962;
ance to the Republic of South Vietnam, 1960- hist. Asst for Mutual Security, USAF. Jan-Jun
1963. p I I . 62. p 57; Chief. A F Sec, MAAGV, Agenda Bk
I I . Msg. 2d ADVON to PACAF. Mar 21. for Feb 62 S E C D E F Conf. Item 5C; PACAF
1962; msg. USAIRA Saigon to CSAF. Mar21, Summary of Actions, Gen Wheeler's Party, Sec
1962. 1. Tab A. See also, PACAF Ref Bk for Oct 8.

Notes to Pages 133-138
1962. SECDEF Conf. Tab A3; Itr, Harkins to 26. Msgs. C S A F to PACAF. Oct 6, 1962.
Moorman, Oct I. 1962: ClNCPAC Summary of CINCPAC
Decisions Taken at Seventh SECDEF Conf. Summary of Decisions Taken at 7th SECDEF
Oct 8. 1962. Item 6: msg. PACAF lo TAC. Oct Conf. Oct 8. 1962. Item 6.
13. 1962: Long rprt. Oct 18. 1962. 27. Msgs, PACAF to TAC. Oct 12 and 13.
22. Msg. 13th A F to PACAF. Aug 6. 1962; 1962; Itrs. Anthis to Pritchard. Oct 20. 1962. and
hist. PACAF. Jul-Dec 62. III. Aug 13. 1962. Moorman to Anthis. Oct 23. 1962.
23. Msg, PACAF to CSAF. Sep 29, 1962; Itr. 28. Msg. 2d A D to PACAF and 13th AF.
Pritchard to Anthis. Oct 1, 1962. Oct 22. 1962.
24. 1st and 2d Fighter Squadrons became the 29. Msgs. MACV to CINCPAC. Nov 7 .
514th and 516th; 3d Liaison became 1962. and CINCPAC to JCS. Nov 9. 1962.
the 110th. 112th and 114th; 1st and 2d Helicop- 30. Msgs. 2d ADVON to 13th AF. Mar 9.
ter became the 211th and 213th: 1st and 2d 1962. CINCPAC to ADMINO. CINCPAC.
Transport became the413thand 415th; the Spe- Oct 22. 1962, 2d A D to PACAF. Jan 24. 1963:
cial Air Mission became the 312th Squadron; Moorman presentation, ca. Feb 63. 1. Question
tactical reconnaissance elements formed the I I: P A C A F S u m m a r y of Actions. Gen
716th Squadron: the 12th. 23d. 30th. and 41st Wheeler’s Party. Sec I. Tab C; msg. PACAF to
Air Base Squadrons operated at Nha Trang. CSAF, Feb 14. 1963.
Bien Hoa, Tan Son Nhut,and Da Nang, respec- 31. Hilsman. To M o w 4 Nation, pp 453-67.
tively. Msg. CHMAAGV to CINCPAC. Sep 32. AFXOPJ Book ofActionsin SEA. 1961-
19, 1962. 1964. Item I l l F; msg. C S A F to PACAF. Dec
25. Msg. DA to USARPAC. Aug 16. 1962. 12. 1963.

Chapter XIII

Air Operations, 1962: Interdiction, Strikes, and Reconnaissance

I . Anthis presentation at Mar 62 SECDEF AmEmb Phnom Penh to OSD, Jan 22. 1962.
Conf. in Hist. 2d AD. I I , Docs 200.203, and 205; SECSTATE to AmEmb Saigon, Jan 24. 1962.
CINCPAC Rcrd. SECDEF Conf, Dec 16.1961. and AmEmb Saigon to CINCPAC. Jan 26,
Item 2. 1962.
2. Chief, A F Sec. MAAGV, Agenda Bk for 7. CINCPAC Rcrd, 3d SECDEF Conf, Feb
Feb 62 SECDEF Conf; Moorman presentation 19. 1962, Item 3: msg. USAIRA. Bangkok. to
to Congressional Committee, ca. Feb 63, 1. PACAF, Jan 31. 1962; PACAF Ref Bk for Feb
pp 1 - 1 I . MACV Summary of Highlights, Feb8 62 SECDEF Conf. Item 5.
1962-Feb 7, 1963, pp 14. and 27-30: PACAF 8. Msg, CINCPAC to CHMAAGV. Feb 4,
Ref Bk for Dec 61 SECDEF Conf. Action 1962.
Tab F. 9. CINCPAC Rcrd, 3d SECDEF Conf, Feb
3. PACAF Ref Bk for Jul62 SECDEF Conf. 19. 1962. Items 2. 3. 4. 5: Moorman memo, Feb
Tabs 1A. MACV toCINCPAC, 23. 1962; PACAF Ref Bk for Mar 62 SECDEF
May I . 1962: Itrs. Anthis to Brig Gen H. D. Conf, Items 3 and 5: Itr. Maj Gen Richard C .
Aynesworth. Oct 28, 1963. and to Gen Jacob E. Weede, Feb 27. 1962: msgs. J C S to CINCPAC.
Smart. Nov 25, 1963, and Col Harry O. Patter- Mar 12. 1962. P A C A F t o CSAF. Feb 20. 1962.
son to CINCPAC. Jun 62; rprt. Capt Charles H. 10. Anthis briefing. Mar 62 SECDEF Conf.
Tardiff, Aug 4. 1962. in Hist. 2d AD. II. Doc 205.
4. Report of CSAF’s Visit to SVN, Apr 62, I I . Msg. 13th A F to PACAF. Mar 4. 1962;
Intel Sec; MACV, Rcrd, 5th SECDEF Conf, PACAF Ref Bk for Mar 62 SECDEF Conf.
May I I , 1962. Item 8. Items 3 and 5.
5. Chief, A F Sec, MAAGV, Agenda Bk for 12. PACAF Ref Bk for Mar 62 SECDEF
Feb 62 S E C D E F Conf. Item 5; PACAF Ref Bk Conf. Item 7 ; CINCPAC Rcrd. 4th SECDEF
for Feb 62 S E C D E F Conf. Tab 5. TP-I; Conf, Mar 21. 1962. Item 5; Hilsman, To Move
CINCPAC Rcrd. 3d S E C D E F Conf, Feb 19. a Narion, pp 441-44.
1962. Item 5. 13. Easley End of Tour Report, ca. Aug 5 .
6. PACAF Ref Bk for Feb 62 SECDEF Conf 1962.
pt I-B a n d T a b C; C I N C P A C Rcrd. 3d 14. Ltr, Anthis to Pritchard. Dec 20, 1962.
SECDEF Conf, Feb 19, 1962. Item 5; msgs, 15. The direction finder had been designed by

General in the basement of his quarters
in Washington. was personally inter- CINCPAC to I I,
ested inelectronics and he hoped that various air to Saigon.
navigation aids, such as radio to 1962;
range indicators, would give instant and unam- Anthis to
biguous bearings on radio stations. Ref for Mar
Item 3: Anthis briefing at the Mar
CINCPAC 4th in AD. Doc 203;
Mar Item hist, End of Tour Report, 1962;
Recon Sq. I. Final Analysis Directive Program No.
Hist, AD, 157; MACV to 39-43; 13th to
May 1963; Ref for Mar 1962; see Moorman
May Agenda Item Tab 3: Anthis, Feb
CINCPAC 8th May Thomas and Douglas
Item 3; Air Interdiction and Evans Feb 1962: paper,
Ground Support, in Martin Mar I. 1962: to
and Clever, Tab A.
Ref for May and Evans May 1962:
Agenda Item Tab E. MACV to CINCPAC. May
Bernard Fall, The Two A to I and II
Political and Military Analysis, (New
1963). 355-56; see Hetherington 1962:
to MACV, May and to 1962:
Report of Visit to and Evans to May 1962;
Intel MACV 5th End of Tour Report.
May I and 8: 13th to Mar
Agenda Book for May Item MACV to and
I-A; hist. I. to 13th and 1962:
citing Intel Digest. May Ref for Mar
1962: CINCPAC 6th Item
1962; Item 5: CINCPAC to MACV, MACV to CINCPAC, May
to 13th Mar 1962:
MACV to I I, to I.
CINCPAC to MACV, and and Evans May 1962;
and to
Anthis to to 13th to
Moorman to Harkins, 1962: and and CINCPAC to MACV.
and Evans May 1962:
Harkins to Moorman, I , 1962: Lt Col William Lewis to Mar 1962:
Maj Andrew Chapman to paper. Mar I . 1962: hist. AD. I.
16 1962; I 10: Anthis to Maj Carl
and A D to MACV Summary of Highlights, Feb
US of State. American Foreign 1962-Feb Col John C.
Policy: Current Documents. 13th 10. Lt Col
Saigon to Miles Doyle to I I . 1962:
1962: MAY9, ADVONto
Ref for Tab Feb and A D to
Report of Visit by Team to Jan 1962; paper, Mar I . 1962:
para Ref for Mar
CINCPAC Tab See also Counterinsurgency
Saigon 1962: Lessons Learned. 1962: Col
MACV Summary of Highlights, Feb Winston Anderson, Jan 1963: Anthis
Feb 40: memo, Lt Gen Le Van to Moorman. 1963; 13th Final
Limitation of Air and Artillery Supports along Report,
Vietnam Republic Border Corridor, to Anderson,
Moorman to Henderson. with
to Saigon, 1963: Report of Visit by Brig Gen Gilbert
to and 1962;
Notes to Pages 144-149
rprts. Maj Hal G. Bowers, Jan 9. 1963, and Capt 52. PACAF Ref Bk for Jul 62 SECDEF
Bryant C. Kuhman. Sep 4, 1962; 2d ADVON/ Conf, Tabs IA. IC. and 5; Itr. Patterson to
A F Sec. MAAG. MAAG Symposium. Aug 9, CINCPAC, Jun 62. Visiting Saigon in July.
1962. Gen. Walter C. Sweeney, Jr.. Tactical Air
39. MACV Army Sec. Lessons Learned I Command commander, urged General Anthis
and 6. Mar 30 and Apr I I . 1962; msgs, MACV toestablish photocellsat Pleikuand Da Nangat
to CINCPAC. Jun I and Jul9.1962. CINCPAC once in order to speed the delivery of data to I
to JCS, Jul9, 1962. and Aug I I . 1962.2d A D to and I I Corps. Msg, 2d ADVON to PACAF, Jul
13th AF. Dec21, 1962. P A C A F t o 13th AF, Jul 17. 1962.
30, 1962. J C S to MACV, Aug 3, 1962. to 53. CINCPAC Rcrd.6th SECDEF Conf. Jul
CINCPAC. Jul27. 1962: CINCPAC Rcrd. 6th 23, 1962. Item I ; msgs. MACV to CINCPAC.
S E C D E F Conf, Jul 23, 1962, Item 1. The Aug 8. 1962. and CINCPAC to JCS, Aug 8,
Marine helicopters wished to be based at Da 1962; PACAF Ref Bk for Oct 62 SECDEF
Nang. but because the U.S. Army had a com- Conf, Tab H.
pany there. they went to the Soc Trangairfield in 54. Msg. CINCPAC to JCS. Sep 8. 1962;
the delta. Later, they traded stations with an rprt. Col J . L. Asbury. Jr.. Nov 22. 1963: hist. 2
Army company. because they were more effec- ODC, Jan-Jun 64. in Hist. 2d AD, Jan-Jun 64.
tive in mountainous terrain. Maj John J. Cahill IX, Doc 9; Oakah L. Jones, Organization, Mis-
and Jack Shulimson. Draft, "History of U.S. sion and Growth ofthe Viernamese Air Force,
Marine Corps Operations in Vietnam, Jan-Jun 1949-1968. p 50: hist, PACAF. Jul-Dec 62, II.
65,"pp 14-16, and 76-81. and Jan-Jun 63. I I ; hists. PFIDC, Sep 62, Apr
40. Mueller r p r t , A u g 4, 1962; msg, 63; hist. 13th AF. Jan-Jun 63, 1, xiv.
CINCPAC to JCS. Aug I I. 1962. 55. Msgs. CINCPAC to JCS. Sep 8,1962.2d
41. Msgs. 2d ADVON to PACAF. Sep 16, A D t o PACAF, Sep 14. 1962.and Nov 14. 1962.
1962,and ClNCPACto MACV. Ju128 and Aug and to 13th AF, Nov 28. 1962; Itr. Harkins to
3. 1962; MR, Col S. H. Nigrc. Jan 9. 1963. Moorman. Oct I , 1962; PACAF Summary of
42. Hiat. 2d AD. pp 149-50: Martin and Actions, Gen Wheeler's Party. Sec 11. Tab B.
Clever, V. 52-53; Fall, Two Vier-Nums. 56. Two other RB-26s went at the same time
pp 378-79; msg, CINCPAC to MACV, Sep 12. to Thailand. PACAF Ref Bks for Jan and Mar
1962. SECDEF Confs; msg. MACV to CINCPAC,
43. PACAF Ref Bk for Jul 62 SECDEF May I , 1962.
Conf, Tab I . 57. Msgs. 2d A D to PACAF. Nov 14, 1962.
44. Ibid.; 2d AD, Ops Analysis Paper 3, Oct and Jul 10, 1963; PFLPL, Sep 12. 1963.
15. 1962; msgs, MACV to CINCPAC, Jul 31 58. Ltr, Felt to MACV, Sep I. 1962: MACV
and Aug 27, 1962. CINCPAC to JCS. Aug 28. Summary of Highlights, pp 189, 213: msgs. 2d
1962. A D to CSAF. Nov 30. 1962. and MACV to
45. Msg. CINCPAC to JCS. Aug I I , 1962; CINCPAC, Apr 29. 1963; memo, Anderson for
rprt, Maj Eugene R. McCutchan, Aug 24, 1962. Anthis, Feb 23. 1963.
46. Ltr. Harkins to Moorman. Oct I , 1962; 59. Msgs. 2d A D to PACAF. Sep 15. 1962.
hist, 2d ADVON, Nov 15, 1961-Oct 8. 1962. and Jun 26. 1963. and to 13th AF. Sep 26, 1962;
p 150; Martin and Clever, V, 54; End of Tour Itrs. Anthis to Pritchard, Aug 4, 1962, and to
Report. Capt Edwin J. Rhein, Jr., Dec 28. 1962; Milton. Aug 9, 1962: .PACAF Summary of
msg, 2d A D to PACAF. Jan 6.1963: 2d A D Ops Actions. Gen Wheeler's Party. pt 11. Tab 1 I ;
Analysis Paper 3, p 17. memos, Col Harvey W. Brown for Rowland,
47. Rprt, Lt Col Byron R. Kalin, Sep4, 1962; Apr 19 and 22. 1963.
observations, Capt Bryant C. Ruhman, Sep 4, 60. P A C A F Summary of Actions. Gen
1962; msgs. 2d ADVON to PACAF. Sep 22, Wheeler's Party, Sec I, pt I l l , Tab A; msgs, 2d
1962, and MACV to CINCPAC. Sep 14, 1962. A D to PACAF, Dec 23, 1962. MACV to
48. Ruhman observations; Capt Kenneth H. CINCPAC. Apr 29. 1963.
Wells, Sep 14. 1962; msgs. C I N C P A C to 61. Memo. Dir/Plans. USAF. for DCS/
MACV. Sep5. 1962,and MACV to CINCPAC. Plans and Ops, USAF. Dec 17, 1962.
Sep 14, 1962. 62. Ltrs. McElroy to Anthis. May 6. 1962,
49. Rprt. Maj William J . Kuntz, Sep 30, and Anthis to McElroy, May 22. 1962.
1962: msg, 2d A D to 13th AF. Dec 21, 1962. 63. App C, RAAF ASU 18/3/Air (28). Jun
50. Msgs, 2d A D to PACAF, Oct 31, 1962. 14, 1962.
and to CSAF. Dec 15, 1962: Burgin rprt, Nov 64. Ltr, Anthis to Nguyen Cao Ky. Aug I I.
15, 1962: Anderson to PACAF. Jan 14. 1963; 1962.
hist. SAWC. Apr 27-Dec31. 1962. pp 188, 197. 65. Msg. CINCPAC to DIA, Mar 13, 1963;
51. MR, Anthis. Oct 19. 1962; hr, O'Donnell PACAF Ref Bk for SECDEF Conf. Oct 8,1962,
to Harkins, Mar 8, 1963 Tab K-I. and for May 63 S E C D E F Conf.

T H E ADVISORY YEARS Notes to Pages 149-160

Agcndaltem3.Tab E:Bernard Fall."Talkwith 0 6 . Msgs. C I N C P A C t o A D M I N O .

Ho Chi Minh." The N ~ Republic.
M Oct 12. 1963, CINCPAC. Oct 22. 1962. and to JCS. Oct 22.
and in Fall. H o Chi Minh on Re\dulion, 1962: CINCPAC Rcrd. 8th SECDEF Conf.
pp 320-24. May 6, 1963. Item IB.

Chapter XIV

A p Bac and Related Matters

I . CINCPAC Rcrd. 8th SECDEF Conf. 16. Msgs. 2d A D to PACAF, Oct 22. 1962.
May 6. 1962, pp 2-a/ b-3. Jan 27. 1963. and MACV to CINCPAC. Dec 2.
2. PACAF Ref Bk for May 63 SECDEF 1962; MACV Summary of Highlights. p 66:
Conf. Item I ; MACV Summary of Highlights. PACAF Summary of Actions. Gen Wheeler's
Feb 8. 1962-Feb 7. 1963, p 95. Party. pt 11. Tab D: Air Staff Observations.
3. Msg. J C S toSECDEF. Aug 13. 1962; rprt. South Vietnam. Jan 16-30. 1963. pp 9-1.
J-5 to JCS. Aug 7. 1962. 17. Msgs, 2d A D to PACAF. Sep 14 and
4. Ibid.: memo. Review of USAF Actions 30, Oct 30 and 31. Nov I. and Dec 23, 1962. Jan
and Progress since May I . Ref Bk l'or July 62 27.1963,and toCSAF.Sep30.1962; MACVto
SECDEF Mtg. CINCPAC, Oct 25, Nov 17 and 19. 1962:
5. Ltr. O'Donnell to LeMay. Jul 28, 1962. PACAF Summary of Actions, Gen Wheeler's
6. CINCPAC Rcrd. 6th S E C D E F Conf. Party. Sec II. Tabs A and 10: msg, Maj Gen
p 2-2. John W. Carpenter I l l to Burchinal. Jan 23.
7. Memo. J C S for SECDEF, Mar 7. 1963; 1963.
memo and tabs. Lt Col Franklin Rose. Jr.. 18. Rprt. Capt Lester G. Frazier. n.d.: Nigro
Dir/Plans. USAF. to CSAF. Jan 28. 1963; memo of Felt Visit with Diem. Jan 9. 1963;
MACV National Campaign Plan for SVN. Dec msgs. CINCPAC to JCS, Oct 22. 1962. and 2d i
15. 1962. AD to 13th AF. Nov 22, 1962: Itr. Bowers to
8. Msg, CINCPAC to DIA. Mar 13. 1963. Dep/Dir. JOC, Dec I I. 1962.
9. PACAF Ref Bk for May 63 SECDEF 19. Bowers rprts. Dec 28. 1962. and Jan 10:
Conf. Item I ; Report of Visit by J C S Team to 1963: Maj Eugene R. McCutchan rprt, Jan 15.
SVN, Jan 63. Scc I l l : MR, Col E. H . Nigro, Jan 1963; Nigro memo, Jan 9. 1963: msg, 2d A D to
9. 1963; intvw with Lt Col Charles E. Trumbe. PACAF. Mar 5. 1963.
Jr.. by Grainger, Jul 13. 1963; msg. 2d A D to 20. Rprt. Maj Herbert L. Prevost. Jan 15.
PACAF. Nov 5, 1962. 1963; Report of Summary Briefing Given by Lt
10 Msgs. USARMA to DA. Nov 26. 1962. Col John P. Vann. Jan 6. 1963; Halberstam.
2d A D to PACAF. Oct 18. 1962; Itr. Col Making of a Quagmire. p 146; Burchett. Viet-
Winston P. Anderson to Dir/ Mat. 2d A D . Jan nam. pp 193-94: J O C Briefing Summary, Jan 3.
15. 1963. 1963; msgs, 2d A D to PACAF. Jan 3 and 7, Apr
I I . Rprts. Bowers to Dep/Dir. JOC, Jan 9 6. 1963, and to 13th AF, Jan 4. 1963.
and Feb I . 1963, and Lt Col Donald K. Reamy, 21. Msg, 2d A D to CSAF. Jan 18. 1963.
Feb 8. 1963. 22. MR. Col S. N. Nigro, Jan 9. 1963; mags.
12. Msg. 2d A D to PACAF. Feb 6, 1963: 2d A D to 13th AF. Jan 10 and 1 I . 1963. and
memo, Anderson for Anthis. Feb 23. 1963: Itr. CINCPAC to MACV, Jan 4. 1963.
M a j James C . D u n n to 13th AF. Jan 21. 1963. 23. Ltrs, Anthis to MACV, Jan 16. 1963.
13. Ltrs. Moorman to Harkins. Sep 3. 1962. Anderson to Dir/Mat, 2d AD. Jan 15. 1963:
and Rowland to Maj GcnGlen W. Martin. Mar intvw with Truinbo by Grainger, Jul 13. 1963:
14. 1963.2d A D to PACAF. Oct 22. 1962.and PACAF Ref Bk for May 63 SECDEF Conf.
Jan 3. 1963. Agenda Item I.
14. Msgs. 2d A D to 13th AF. Oct 22, 1962, 24. Rprts. Lt Col Donald K. Roamy. May 8.
Dec 10. 1962.and Jan IO. 1963. and PACAFto 1963. Maj William J . Kuntz. Feb IO. 1963. Lt
13th AF, Dec 8. 1962: hist. 13th AF, 1962. I. Col Bill A. Montgomery t o 2d AD, Aug63. Oct
107-08. 63. and Nov 63. and Lt Col Charles J. Chennault
15. Memo. Anderson for Anthis. Feb 23, to 2d AD. Nov 13. 1963; End of Tour Report.
1963; msgs. 2d A D to PACAF. Oct 22, 1962. Col Benjamin S. Preston. Jul 64: Itr. Capt B. L.
Jan 8. 1963, and to 13th AF. Dec IO. 1962. and Ruliman to Chief ALO/ FAC Sec, 2d AD, Jul2.
Jan IO, 1963, and CINCPAC to JCS, Nov 9. 1963.
1962. 25. Ltr. Anthis to Smart. Nov 25, 1963.

Notes to Pages 160-167
26. Ltrs. Anthis to Gen Jacob E. Smart. Nov (Washington. 1963). pp 549-53: Martin and
25. 1963. and O’Donnell to Harkins. Mar 8. Clever. 11. 8-10,
1963: msg, CINCPAC to JCS. Feb 16, 1963. 42. Burchett. Vietnam. pp 85-99.
27. Msg. CSAF to PACAF. Jan 9. 1963: Itr. 43. Ibid.: intvw with Lt Col Charles E.
Anthis to JCS. n.d.: Anthis notes on matters to Trumbe by Grainger, Jul 13, 1963: rnsg.
be taken up with Gen LeMay. ca. Mar 63. CINCPAC to DIA. Mar 13. 1963: and PACAF
28. Ltrs. Harkins to O’Donnell and Felt. Mar Ref Bk for May 63 SECDEF Conf. Agenda
22. 1963. Item I .
29. Ltrs. Felt to Harkins. May 20, 1963, and 44. MR.Col E. H. Nigro. Jan9. 1963: Public
to O’Donnell. May 24, 1963. Papers ofthe Presidents: John F. Kennedy. 1963
30. Ltrs. Harkins to Felt. Jun 21. 1963. (Washington. 1964), p 1 1 : Report of Visit by
Anthis to Martin. Sep 2. 1963: MACV Directive J C S Team to SVN. See IV. para 7.
44. Jul 8. 1963: intvw with Henderson by 45. Msg. ClNCPACto MACV, Nov9. 1962:
CHECO. Dec 20, 13thAF. CINCPAC Rcrd. 8th SECDEF Conf. May 6.
Feb 6. 1964. 1963. Items I b and 4: House of Representatives.
3 1. Hilsman. Two Movea Nation. pp 453-67. Viet-Nam and Southeast Asia. 88th Cong. 1st
32. Memo. Col W.V. McBride. DiriPlans. sess (Washington. 1963). p 8: hr. O’Donnell to
USAF. to CSAF. Jan 5. 1963. Harkins. Mar 8. 1963: and PACAF Ref Bk for
33. Report of Visit by J C S Team to SVN. May 63 SECDEF Conf. Agenda Item 4.
Jan 63. The USAF contingent consisted of Lt. 46. MR, Conf with Ngo Dinh Nhu on Apr
Gen. David A. Bruchinal. Lt. Gen. G.P. Disosway, 12. 1963. Intel Rprts63 and 69A-702. box 1/ 15:
Maj Gen William W. Momyer. Col Robert M. PACAF Ref Bk for May 63 SECDEF Conf.
Levy. and Lt Col Harry M. Chapman. Agenda Item 4: msg, SECSTATE to AmEmb
34. Report of Visit by J C S Team to S V N . Saigon, May 13, 1963: House of Representa-
Jan 63. pt III. tives. Fureign Operations Appropriations. 88th
35. Ibid.. see also msgs. 2d A D to PACAF. Cong. 1st sess (Washington. 1963). pt 2.
Jun 27. 1963. MACV to CINCPAC, Nov 17. pp 89-91,
1962. C l N C P A C t o MACV, Nov 19. 1962.and 47. Ibid.. pp 94-95: msg. CINCPAC to JCS.
PACAF to CSAF, Apr 16. 1963. Apr 4. 1963: CINCPAC Rcrd. 8th SECDEF
36. Report of Visit by J C S Team. Jan 63. Sec Conf. May 6,1963. Items I and I b: and PACAF
IV: msgs. J C S to CINCPAC. Feb 17. 1963. and Ref Bk for May 63 SECDEF Conf, Agenda
CINCPAC to MACV. Feb 17. 1963: Itr. Moor- Item I .
man to Anthis. Feb I I . 1963. 48. DOD Pentagon Papers. Bk 3: IV.B.4..
37. Msgs. 2d A D to PACAF. Jan 24 and Dir/Plans. USAF,to
27. 1963. PACAF to CSAF. Feb 14. 1963. PACAF, Apr 30, 1963. and to TAC. May 20.
SECSTATE to AmEmb Saigon. Feb 15. 1963: 1962: CINCPAC Rcrd. 8th SECDEF Conf,
Report of Visit by JCS Team. Jan 63, pt IV. May 6. 1963, Items 2 and 4.
38. Msgs. CINCPAC to MACV, Mar 2. 49. Hist. PACAF. Jan-Jun 63. 11. Jun 63:
1963. and PACAF to 2d AD. Mar 2. 1963. Manpower Review and Analysis of 13th A F
39. Report of Visit by J C S Team to SVN. Activities. Jun 28. 1963: End of Tour Report. Lt
Jan 63. See 11. paras 2 and 2a. and See V, Col James C. Dunn. Jul22. 1963: hist. PACAF,
para la. Jul-Dee 63. I. pt 2. Oct 63: DOD Pentagon
40. Air Staff Observations. South Vietnam. Papers, Bk 3: IV.B.4.. 12-13. 15-16.
Jan 16-30. 1963. 50. PACAF Ref Bk for Nov 63 SECDEF
41. Msg. MACVto DIA. Mar 12. 1963: Hear- Conf, Tab 4C: intvw with Trumbo by Grainger,
ings before the Committee on Armed Services. Jul 13. 1963.
US Senate, Military Procurement Authoriza- 51. Msg. MACV to JCS. Jun 13. 1963.
tion, Fiscul Year 1964. 88th Cong, 1st sess

Chapter X V

Air Operations, 1963

I . Three C-123s were detached to Thailand. 2. Msgs. USARPAC to CINCPAC. Apr 19.
PACAF Ref Bk for May 63 SECDEF Conf. 1963. CINCPAC to USARPAC. May 1. 1963.
Agenda Item I: rnsg. CINCPAC to MACV. and to MACV. Jan 24 and Jul21. 1963. and 2d
Jun24, 15. A D to PACAF, Jul 9. 1963: Itr. Anthis to

THE A D V I S O R Y Y E A R S Notes to Pages 167-1 71
Martin. Sep 2. 1963; intvw with Kennedy by 1963; hist. 6091st Recon Sq. Jul-Dec 63. pp I I-
Gausche. Feb 4. 1964. 15; P A C A F Counterinsurgency Lessons
3. Ihid.: ltr, Anthis to Smart, Nov 25. 1963; Learned, Sep 12. 1963.
msgs. 2d A D to 13th AF. Feb 25. 1963. and 12. CINCPAC Rcrd, 8th S E C D E F Conf.
315th A D to P.4CAF. Feb 25. 1963. May 6. 1963. Item 3; hr. Rose to MACV 5-5, Oct
4. Hist. 315th T C G p . Jan-Jun 63. pp 15. 19. 23. 1963: P A C A F Ref Bk for May63 S E C D E F
35; Itr. Maj Gen R.G. Weede to 2d AD, Apr 18. C o n f . A g e n d a Item 4; msg, M A C V to
1963; hist, PACAF, Jan-Jun 63. II. Jun 63. CINCPAC, Apr 29, 1963: intvw with Kennedy
5. Hist. 315th T C Gp. Jan-Jun 63. p 24; Itrs. by Gausche, Feb 4. 1964.
Capt Louis W. Gaylor to USAFS( P)V. Jun 16, 13. L t r s . A n t h i s to Brig G e n H. D .
1963. Anthis t o Martin. Sep 2. 1963. and to Aynesworth. Oct 28. 1963. and to Smart. Nov
315th CP. May I I , 1963; ACTIV. Final Rprt. 25. 1963; Mellish rprts. Dec9. 1963,and Jan 15,
P 9. 1964: Col Harvey E. Henderson End of Tour
6. Hist. 13th AF. Jul-Dec63. I. 17; intvw with Report. Feb 5, 1964; PACAF Ref Bk for May63
Kennedy by Gausche. Feb 4. 1964; Itr. Anthis to S E C D E F Conf. Agenda Item 4; Ops Analysis
Smart. Nov 25. 1963. Ofc. 2d A D . Counterinsurgency Lessons
7. Msgs. 2d A D to PACAF. Mar 22. 1963, Learned. Jan-Jun 64. Jun 4. 1964.
Sep 29, 1963. and Oct 5. 1963, MACV to 14. Rprt. Brig Gen Virgil L. Zoller to CSAF.
CINCPAC. Oct 3. 1963. P A C A F t o 2d AD. Oct Jul 5. 1962; see also Proj Corona Harvest Oral
30.1963,CINCPACtoCSAF. Mar 15and May Hist lntvw 83 with Col William M. Martin. cu.
I I . 1963: Hearings before the Committee on Jan 30. 1971; PACAF Ref Bk for S E C D E F
Appropriations. US Senate, Foreign Assisrance Conf. May 13. 1964. Fact Sheet 6; MACV
and Related Agencies Appropriations,for 1965. Summary of Highlights, p 135.
88th Cong. 2d sess ( W a s h i n g t o n , 1964). IS. Msg. 2d A D to PACAF, Jul IO. 1963.
pp 160-61: Hist Data Rcrd. 34th TG. Jul-Dec 16. P A C A F Summary o f Actions. Gen
63. p I and atch 3: hist. 13th AF, Jul-Dec 63. 1, Wheeler's Party. pt 2. Tab 20: Lt Col Miles M.
116; hist. Asst for Mutual Security. USAF, Jul- Doyle End o f Tour Report. Feb 6. 1963; intvw
Dec 63. pp 53-54; memo with atch. Col Roger E. with Maj William J . Johnson and Capt Ernest
Phelan. Dir/ Plans, USAF. to Asst VCS. USAF, C. Cutler, Jr.. by Grainger. Feb 7, 1963: Anthis
Aug 13. 1963; hr, Carpenter to Moorman, Apr file of items to be taken u p with Gen LeMay, ca.
I . 1963. Mar63: msgs. 13th A F t o PACAF, Aug9. 1963.
8. Hist. PACAF. Jul-Dec62. II. Dec62: hist. 17. Ltr. Anderson to Anthis, Apr 12. 1963;
13th AF. 1962. I. 107-08: msg. A F Sec, hist, PACAF. Jan-Jun 63, I I . May 63; Itrs.
MAAGV. to PACAF. Aug 12. 1963; PACAF Anthis to Brig Gen Joseph W. Stilwell and to
Counterinsurgency Lessons Learned, Sep 12. Moorman. May 28. 1963; msg. 2d A D to I

1963. PACAF, Jan IO. 1964.

9. Hist. PACAF, Jan-Jun 63. I I , J a n 63; Van 18. Quoted in msg. PACAF to CSAF, Jan I .
Staaveren. p 33: msgs. P A C A F to 13th AF, 1963.
Mar I . 1963. 5th A F to 41st AD. Mar 27. 1963. 19. To conceal B-26s as strike aircraft. they
2d A D to 13th AF. Jan IO. 1963. MACV to were referred to as RB-26s. the reconnaissance
CINCPAC. Mar 15. 1963; hist. 5th AF. 1963. I. configuration.
59; P A C A F S u m m a r y o f Actions. Gen 20. Msgs. C S A F to JCS. Feb 8. 1963.
Wheeler's Party, Sec I . Tab F: hist. PACAF. PACAF to CSAF. Feb 20, 1963, 2d A D to
Jan-Jun 63. I I. Mar 2, 1963. PACAF. Feb 18. 1963; hist. SAWC. Jan-Jun63,
IO. Hist. PACAF. Jul-Dec 62. I I . Nov 62; p 166.
Report of Visit by J C S Team to SVN. Jan 63, 21. Msg. C S A F to PACAF. Mar 5 , 1963;
Sec I I . para 2c(S)(b); hr. Anthis to Milton. J a n rprt, Col Frank R. Pancake. Mar 20. 1963.
I I . 1963. 22. Ltr. Anderson to Anthis, Apr 12. 1963:
I I . Msgs. 1st Air Commando G p to AFLC msgs, 313th A D to PACAF. Apr 27, 1963, and
Ln Ofc, Jul I , 1963. 2d A D to PACAF. Aug 25 13th A F to P A C A F . Apr 27, 1963; hist.
and Sep 21. 1963. MACV to CINCPAC. Mar PACAF. Jan-Jim 63, 11, Jun 63; Manpower
15. 1963,5thAFto4lstAD,Mar27, 1963. 13th Review and Analysis of 13th A F Activities,
A F to PACAF, Apr 12. 1963. 13th A F to 2d RVN. Jun 28. 1963; Henderson End of Tour
AD. May 6. 1963. 2d A D to 13th AF, Jun 27. Report. Feb 5. 1964: hist. 13th AF, Jul-Dec63.1.
1963,and PACAFto2d AD. Sep 13. 1963: hists. 10-1 I .
PACAF. Jan-Jun 63. I I , Feb 24-Mar 2. 1963. 23. Hist Data Rcrd, 1st ACS. Jul-Dec63,incl
III. Jun 63. and Jul-Dec 63. I l l . Jul 63: Itr, 4; hists. SAWC. Jan-Jun 63. I I , Item 74, and
Henderson to Moorman, Jul 25. 1963; End of Jul-Dec 63. p 119; hist, 13th AF. Jan-Jun 63,
Tour Reports. Capt Harry C. Rudolph. ca.Oct p 72; msgs. C S A F to PACAF, Jun 17. 1963. and
63. and Capt Joseph E. Simanonok. Oct 15. PACAF to CSAF. Apr 30. 1963.

Notes to Pages
Hist, 13th 22-23: 1963; A D to Jan 10
"Chronology." for William C. and to AD, Feb 1964; marginal
"Reconnaissance in SEA," comments by Ross on
1-90; End of Tour Report. Col John C. Ref for May
Feb 1963: Moorman to Agenda Item
Anthis, Feb I I . and Anthis Counterinsurgency Lessons
to Moorman, Mar 1963: hist. Learned. 1963; hist. AD.
to May VI. Doc A D to 13th
and A D to Jan IO, 1964; 1963: Army Lessons Learned
Anderson End of Tour Report, 1963: Feb IO.
Order 1963; 315th Martin and Clever. 67-69: AD
(Assault), and to 10. 1963: Final Opera-
I ; hist. III, tional Test and Evaluation. in
A D to 6220th Jan I I: Col Thomas to Hien.
May 1963; to 1963:
Report of Visit by Team to Ref for
Jan para 8; MACV Summary of Tab
Highlights. Capt to AD.
Memo of Felt-Diem Meeting. Jan and Capt Fred
1963: with by CINCPAC to
Anthis to Milton. 1963: Jan 1963; and (draft),
Capt John 1963: and "History of US Marine Corps Operations in
to Anthis. Vietnam, 65." 16-17:
Saigon to to 1963; with by
10 1963: Simmons to
to Saigon, 1972; Capt Donald
and Saigon to to AD,
and 1963; Ref 63; Capt Ronald A. Johnson to
for May Agenda Item I: AD. and
and CINCPAC 8th May Anderson to Anthis. 1963;
Item Lt Col Henry C. to II Jan
CINCPAC 8th and Lt Col James
May Item I ; of Actions in Maj Magnus Johnson, Feb
SEA, Items VI-E. and Lt Col Charles Allen, Feb
Hearings before the Committee on For- I I , 1963; to ea.
eign Affairs. House of Representatives, Foreign
of 88th to II Jan
(Washington, 1963). and to AD, and Mar
CINCPAC 8th 1963; Maj Magnus Johnson, to II
May Item 3; CINCPAC to Corps. Feb and Lt Col Charles
Allen. to AD. Feb I I . 1963; Lt Col
Digest. Charles Allen. Mar and May
Capt Lester Jan I I . 1963: Van Plans and Policies in
Feb and Mar South Vietnam, Hist. 1965).
Maj James Maj John 1963;
and Capt Edward Robinson, May 63;
Ref for May Bruce End of Tour Report. ea. 64;
Agenda Item I . Hearings before a Subcommittee on Appropria-
Lt Col Charles Allen, tions, House of Representatives. Foreign
Capt Louis A. 30-May Appropriationsfor 88th
and 1963; CINCPAC of (Washington, 230; AD
Special 13th
Item End Maj Walter
Bruce, CINCPAC of Special
Hist. AD, 13-14; Item
A D Regulation Jan 1963; Maj William I . Jan 10
Harkinsto Lt Col James Feb 1963; End of
Anthis. May Lt Col Charles Allen to Tour Maj Robert Butler.
AD. May Ref for May
and Agenda Item I ; Doyle End of Tour Report. Feb

T H E ADVISORY YEARS Notes to Pages 177-183
6. 1963; msg, 2d A D to PACAF, Feb 15, 1963: Col Bill A. Montgomery, ea. Aug 63.
hist. PACAF, Jul-Dec 63. I, pt 2. Nov 63; hist, 62. End of Tour Report, Col Harold E.
PACAF, Jan-Jun 64. I, pt 2, Jan 64. Walker, Aug 21, 1964; Debriefing of Walker,
49. Rprt, Maj Clarence M. Van Meter. Jul3, Sep 15, 1964 hist, 13th AF, Jul-Dec63, I l l , Doc
1963; rprts, Lt Col Donald K. Rearny. Feb 28, 79; rprt. Lt Col Carry Oskamp, Oct I , 1963; ltr,
1963. Mar8, 1963,and 1st Ind. Lt Col James O. Col R L. Gleason to Carl Berger. May 12, 1972.
Cowee. n.d.: rprt, Capt Bob W. Quinn, n.d.,and 63. Msg, 2d A D to 13th AF, Sep 2, 1963; Itr,
1st Ind. Cowee, Apr 8. 1963: M Rs, Maj Stephen Anthis to Maj Gen Sam Maddux, Jr., Oct I I ,
J. Carrig, Mar 28, 1963, Apr I . 1963; rprt, 1963; msg, PACAF to CSAF, Oct 9 1963.
Burgin, Apr I , 1963, and 1st Ind, Cowee, Apr 8, 64. Hist, 34th CAMRON, Jul 8-Dec 31,
1963. 1963; Henderson End of Tour Report. Feb 5.
50. Rprt, Burgin. Apr 22, 1963, and 1st Ind, 1964: Capt Glenn E. Frick End of Tour Report,
Cowee. n.d.; P A C A F Ref Bk f o r May 63 Jul 20, 1963; rprt, Mellish. Jan 15. 1964; End of
SECDEF Conf. Agenda Item I . Tour Reports. Capt Roy H. Lynn, Jr., Capt
5 1. Ibid.: rprt. Burgin, Apr 21, 1963, and 1st Thomas G. Cain, and Lt Wells T. Jackson, in
Ind. Jun 6, 1963; rprt. Lt Thomas G. Mclnerney. Hist. S A W C , J u l - D e c 63. II. D o c 35.
Jun 22, 1963. 65. Martin a n d Clever, I V , 62-64; Maj
52. 1st Ind, rprt, Burgin, Apr 25. 1963; rprt. William I. Burgin End of Tour Report. Jul I I .
Mclnerney, Jun 22. 1963. and Cowee. 1st Ind. 1963: rprts. Mclnerney. Jul 22, 1963, and
n.d.; rprt. Burgin. Jul 1. 1963. Mellish, ca. Aug 21. 1963; MacKellar intvw by
53. Martin and Clever, V. 96-97; rprt. Capt Grainger. Aug 29, 1963: Lt. Col K. L. Collings
Fred W. Maberry. Jul 5-6, 1963. rprt. Sep 15. 1963; Combat Ops. 19th TASS.
54. Doyle End of Tour Report, Feb 6, 1963; Dec 31. 1962. in Hist, 13th AF. Jul-Dec63, I l l ,
hist, 13th AF, Jul-Dec63.111, Doc79; Summary Doc 80: Mellish rprt, Oct 16, 1963; msg. 2d A D
of Aircraft Lost and Damaged, 1963; msgs, 2d to PACAF. Oct 5, 1963; and Lt Col John J.
A D t o PACAF, Jul 5 and Jul IO. 1963; Itrs. Wilfong End of Tour Report. Jun 30, 1964.
Martin to Anthis, Sep 17. 1963, and Anthis to 66. Rprts. Mellish. Jan 15. 1964. and Maj.
Martin, Oct 9, 1963. John G. Schmitt, Jr.. Sep 2. 1963, and 1st Ind.
55. Anderson End of Tour Report, Apr 5, Allen. Sep 12, 1963; memo. Ross for Anthis. Oct
1963; Itr, Maj Gen Robert R. Rowland to Maj IO. 1963.
Gen Robert N. Ginsburgh, Apr 72. 67. Van Meter. rprt.Jul 18. 1963,and 1st Ind,
56. Hist, 2d AD, Jan-Jun 64. VI, Doc 31; Cowee. n.d.: Maj Harold L. Johnson rprt. Sep6,
PACAF Ref Bk for Nov 63 S E C D E F Conf, 1963, and 1st Ind, Allen. Sep 17. 1963; Schmitt
Tab 28; Itr, Henderson to Moorman, Aug I , rprt. Sep 18, 1963, and 1st Ind. Allen, Sep 28.
1963. 1963: Mellish rprt. ca. Sep 18. 1963.
57. Msg. AmEmb, Vientiane. t o SEC- 68. Ltrs. Cowee to 7th Div ALO, Jul8, 1963,
STATE, Apr 26. 1963: PACAF Ref Bk for Nov and Mellish to Dep/Dir. I l l ASOC. Aug 20.
63 S E C D E F Conf. Tab 28: rprt, Mellish. ca. 1963; Mellish rprt. Sep 16. 1963; msg, MACV to
Aug 21, 1963; msg. USAIRA, Saigon, to DIA, CINCPAC, May 18. 1963; PACAF Ref Bk for
Jul 18. 1963. Nov 63 SECDEF Conf, Tab 28; hist. 2d AD,
58. Msgs, J C S to CINCPAC, Nov I , 1963, Jan-Jun 64, VI, Doc 31; Quane rprt, Oct 19.
MACV to JCS, Jun 13. 1964, 2d A D to 13th 1963.
AF, Aug 21. 1963. 69. Msg, 13th A F t o PACAF, Aug 12, 1963;
59. Bruce End of Tour Report. ca. Jun 64; PACAF Ref Bk for May 64 SECDEF Conf, II.
C I N C P A C R c r d of Special S E C D E F - Ops Fact Sheet 6; Lawrence J. Hickey. Night
SECSTATE Mtg, Nov 20, 1963, Item A4; rprt, Close Air Support in RVN, 1961-1966 ( H Q
Maj Robert K. Butler, Oct 30, 1963: Butler End PACAF, Proj CHECO, Mar 15. 1967).pp 5.32:
of Tour Report, Jun 8, 1964; Burchett, Vietnam, PACAF
p 89. 2B; msg, 2d A D to PACAF, Jan 10, 1964; intvw
60. Hearings before the Committee on with Kennedy by Gausche. Feb 4, 1964: hist.
Appropriations, US Senate, Foreign Assistance msg. 2d AD, Jan-Jul 64, VI; msgs. 2d A D to
and Related Agencies Appropriations f o r 1964, PACAF, Nov 16, 1963.and PACAF to 5th AF.
88th Cong, 1st sess (Washington. 1963), p 374: Oct 9, 1963.
MR, Ross. Oct 7, 1963; Van Staaveren. USAF '70. Msg, 2d A D to 13th AF, Aug 21. 1963;
Plans and Policies in South Vietnam, 1961-1963, Butler rprt, Oct 3, 1963: msg. 34 Tac Gp t o 2d
pp 73-74. AD, Sep 13, 1963: Capt Thomas G. Cain, End of
61. PACAF Ref Bk for Nov 63 SECDEF Tour Report, n.d.. in Hist, SAWC, Jul-Dec63,
Conf. Tab 28; rprt, Capt Donald V. MacKellar, II. Doc 35.
Oct 9. 1963: MR, Henderson, Oct 7. 1963; rprts. '7 I . Butler rprt. Oct 3, 1963: msg. 34th Tac Gp
Maj John G. Schmitt, Jr.. Sep 17, 1963, and Lt t o 2d AD, Sep 13. 1963: Cain End of Tour

Notes to Pages 184-189
Report, n.d.. in Hist. SAWC. Jul-Dec 63, II, J u n 64, III. hist rprt, J a n 64.
Doc 35. 74. Butler rprt. Nov 26. 1963; Itrs, Pierce to
72. Collings rprt. Sep 15. 1963, and 1st Ind. Dep/Dir. AOC. Oct 19. and 21. 1963; Quane
Lt Col Milton R. Pierce. Sep 24, 1963: rprt. Capt Notes. Oct 19-21. 1963.
Don O.Quane, Oct 23.1963; Butler End of Tour 75. Mclnerney rprt, Nov 27. 1963.
Report. J u n 8. 1964. 76. Msgs. MACV to JCS. J u n 13. 1964. and
73. Msgs. P A C A F to 2d AD. Nov 19, 1963, J C S t o CINCPAC. Nov I , 1963; Pierce. End of
t o C I N C P A C , Dec I , 1963. and MACV t o Tour Report. Jul 24. 1964.
C I N C P A C , Dec 24. 1963: hist. PACAF, Jan-


Collapse of the Diem Government

I . C I N C P A C Rcrd, 8th S E C D E F Conf, tents. James C. Thompson, Jr.. “How Could

May 6, 1963, Item M M lb. Vietnam Happen? An Autopsy,” Arlantic. Apr
2. Martin and Clever, I l l , 64; Dennis J . 68. p p 50-5 I; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days.
Duncanson, Government and Revolution in p 991; Hilsman, To M o v ea Nation. pp 483-88:
Vietnam (New York, 1968). pp 327-33; Hear- Taylor. Swords and Plowshares. p 292; msg.
ings before a Subcommittee of the Committee State to Lodge. Aug 24. 1963. in D O D Pentagon
on Appropriations. House of Representatives, Papers, Bk 12: 536-37.
Foreign Operations Appropriations for 1964. 14. J o h n Mecklin. Mission in Torment; A n
88th Cong. 1st sess (Washington, 1963). pt 3. Intimate Account of the US Role in Vietnam
pp 264-65. (Garden City. 1965). pp 193-95; Martin and
3. D A Pamphlet 550-40. Area Handbook for Clever, III. 83; US Dept of State, American
Vietnam. Sep 62. Foreign Policy: Current Documents. 1963.
4. Foreign Operations Appropriations for pp 862-66; msg C I N C P A C to JCS. Aug 25,
1964. pt 2, pp 14-17. and 89-91; Public Papers of 1963.
the Presidents: Kennedy. 1963. p 421; msg. 15. Dept of State. Bulletin. Vol 56. 799;
SECSTATE t o A m E m b Saigon, May 13. 1963. Baltimore Sun. Apr 4. 1968. p 4.
5. M a r t i n a n d Clever. I l l . 65-70; msg, 16. Hilsman, To Move a Nation. p 492.
C I N C P A C to MACV, J u n 5. 1963. 17. Msgs, Lodge to Rusk. Aug 29. 1963. in
6. Msg. USAIRA Saigon to DIA. Jul 18. N . Y. Times, Pentagon Papers. pp 197-98. State
1963. to Lodge and Harkins. Aug 29, 1963. in DOD
7. Quoted in msg. P A C A F t o CSAF, Jul 23. Pentagon Papers. Bk 12: 538; Henry Cabot
1963. Lodge. The Storm Has Many Eyes: A Personal
8. Schlesinger, A Thousand Days. p 988: Narrarive (New York. 1973). pp 208-13.
Dept of State. Bulletin, Vol 56. 799. 18. Msg, P A C A F to CSAF, Aug 29. 1963.
9. Martin and Clever. I l l , 73-75; CQ Back- 19. US Dept of State. American Foreign
ground. Chinaand US Far East Policy, 1945-57. Policy: Current Documents. 1963. pp 869-70;
p 125. msg. P A C A F to CSAF. Sep 8. 1963.
10. lntvw with Anthis by Gausche a n d 20. Public Papers ofthe Presidents: Kennedy,
Grainger. Aug 30. 1963. 1963. pp. 651-52.
I I . US Dept of State, American Foreign 21. M s g . C I N C P A C t o A D M IN O
Policy: Current Documents. 1963 (Washington, CINCPAC. Oct 22. 1962: Martin and Clever.
1967). pp 862-66; D O D Pentagon Papers, III. 127-28.
IV.B.5.. xiii; msg, S E C S T A T E t o A m E m b 22. Ibid., p 102; Buttinger. Vietnam. I I . 186.
Saigon. Aug 21. 1963; and see Hilsman, To 242; Mieczyslaw Maneli. Warofthe Vanquished
Move a Nation. p 486. (New York, 1971), pp 132-52.
12. Msgs. 2d A D to CINCPAC, Aug 21, 23. US Dept of State, American Foreign
1963,andClNCPACtoJCS,Aug21,1963,and Policy: Current Documents. 1963, pp 87 1-72.
Aug 25. 1963. 882-83; Anthony T. Souscaren. The Last ofthe
13. According to General Taylor. the mes- Mandarins: Diem of Vietnam (Pittsburgh.
sage was dispatched without concurrence by the 1965). p 109.
Secretary of Defense or the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 24. Msg. P A C A F to CSAF. Sep 8, 1963.
although Deputy Secretary of Defense Gilpatric 25. Ibid.: Mecklin. Mission in Torment.
and Taylor himself were informed of its con- pp 222-23; Schlesinger. A Thousand Days.

T H E ADVISORY YEARS Notes to Pages 189-198
p 995: Dept of State. Bulletin. VoI 56. 799. 5th AF. Aug 27. 1963: msg. J C S to CINCPAC.
Kennedy on November 7 ended secret reports. Oct 29. 1963; Shaplen. Lost Revolution.
and Lodge restored the country team concept. p p 188-212; H a l b e r s t a m . M a k i n g of a
26. Msg, 2d A D to PACAF, Mar 12. 1964; Quagmire. pp 277-99.
M a r t i n a n d Clever. I l l , 80-81. 99-104; 31. Ibid., pp 288-99: msgs. 2d A D t o
Halberstam, Makingofa Quagmire, pp 252-53. PACAF, Nov 28 and Dec 2. 1963; Martin and
27. Halberstam, p 659: Schlesinger. A Thou- Clever. 111. 110-18.
sand Days, pp 995-96; memo, McNamara and 32. PACAF Ref Bk for Nov 63 S E C D E F
Taylor for the President, Oct 2, 1963. in D O D Conf. Tab IA: hist. Dir/ Plans, USAF. Jul-Dec
Pentagon Papers. Bk 12: 554-89: msgs, 2d A D to 63. p 233: US Dept of State. American Foreign
PACAF, Sep 29 and 30, 1963, and Oct 2, 1963. Policy: Current Documents. 1963. pp 879-80.
PACAF to 2d AD. Oct 9. 1963: Itrs. Frederick 33. CINCPAC Record of Special SECDEF-
W. Flott to Harbin, Oct 2, 1963, Wade to SECSTATE Meeting, Nov 20, 1963. Item IA:
CHMAAGV, Sep 30. 1963. PACAF Ref Bk for Nov63 SECDEFConf. Tab
28. Public Pupers of the Presidents: Kennedy. 4A; msg. 2d A D to PACAF. Dec 3. 1963;
1963, PP 759-60. Mellish rprt, Dec 9. 1963.
29. CINCPAC Comd Hist. 1963. p 280 US 34. Martin and Clever, III 118: PACAF
Dept of State. Ameriran Foreign Po1icy: Cur- Background Bk for S E C D E F meeting of May
rent Documents, 1963. pp 875. 877; CQ Back- 13, 1964, I I . Ops Fact Sheet 6 hist. 2d AD.
ground, China and US Far East Policy, 1954-67, Jan-Jun 64. VI. Doc 31; CINCPAC Record of
p 129; Hearing before the Subcommittee on the Special SECDEF-SECSTATE Meeting. Nov
Far East and the Pacific of the Committee on 20. 1963. Items A2 and 83.
Foreign Affairs. House of Representatives. 35. Public Papers ofthe Presidents: Kennedy. I
United Stares Po1icy toward Asia. 89th Cong. 2d 1963. p 846.
sess (Washington. 1966). pt I, pp 154-55. 157; 36. CINCPAC Record of Special SECDEF-
Duncanson. Government and Revolution in SECSTATE Meeting, Nov 20. 1963. Items B3
Vietnam, pp 286-338. and B4; Hearings before the Committee on
30. Martin and Clever. I l l , 106-07, 109-10; A p p rop rial i o ns. US Senate . Foreign Assistance
Thompson. Defeating Communisr Insurgency. and Related Agencies Appropriations,for 1964.
p 42: Mecklin, Mission in Torment. pp 277-78; 88th Cong. 1st sess (Washington. 1963). p 348;
hist. 13th AF, Jul-Dec 63.1.75; msg, PACAFto hist. 13th AF. Jul-Dec 63, I, 16 and 66.


Objectives Confirmed, Methods Expanded

I . PACAF Ref Bk for S E C D E F Conf of Brady. Dec 3. 1963; Halberstam. Making of a

May 13. 1964. I I . Fact Sheet 4: hist. Dir/Plans. Quagmire. p 307.
USAF. Jul-Dec 63. p 65; New York Times. Pen- 6 . Mclnerney rprt. Dec I I , 1963, 1st Ind.,
tagon Papers. pp 232-33: D O D Pentagon Butler. Dec 12. 1963. 2d Ind. Collings. n.d.. 3d
Papers. Bk 3: IV.C.1..4; Johnson. Vantage Ind. Pierce. Dec 22.1963: msg, 2d A D to CSAF.
Point, p 45. Dec I. 1963: 2d A F Ops Analysis Paper 4. Feb
2. Msg. J C S to CINCPAC, Dec 6. 1963: I I . 1964.
Johnson. Vantage Point, p 45. 7. Capt Richard W. Von Hake. rprt, Dec 17.
3. Msgs, 2d A D to PACAF, Dec 20 and 21. 1963.
1963: memo, McNamara for Johnson, Dec 21. 8. Mellish rprt. Jan 15. 1964.
1963. 9. PACAF Ref Bk for Nov 63 SECDEF
4. Public Papers of the Presidents: Lyndon B. Conf. Talking Paper. Tab 28.
Johnson, 1963-64 (Washington, 1965). I, 106; 10. Capt Kent C. Spears rprt, Jan 8. 1964:
PACAF Ref Bk for Mar 64 SECDEF Conf, msgs, 2d A D t o P A C A F . J a n 4. 1964,
Tab 8. for S E C D E F Conference of May 13, ClNCPACto MACV, J a n 18. 1964; Martinand
1964. pt IIT a b G ; Cong Rec. May 9, 1968. Clever. V, 99-102.
p 12618; msg,2d A D t o PACAF. Mar IO. 1964. 1 1 . Mellish rprt, Jan 15, 1964.
5. CINCPAC Record of Special SECDEF- 12. Hearings before Subcommittees of the
SECSTATE Meeting, Nov 20, 1963. Item 2A; Committee on Appropriations, House of Repre-
Mellish rprt, Dec 9, 1963; rprt, Col Lawrence W. sentatives. Supplemental Defense Appropria-

Notes to Pages 198-204

tions,for 1966. 89th Cong. 2d sess (Washington, 28. AFXOPJ Book of Actions in SEA, 1961-
1966). p 62: msgs. 2d A D to PACAF. Dec 20 64. Item IV: Hearings before a Subcommittee of
and 21, 1963: Shaplen. Lost Revolution. p 232; the Committee on Appropriations. House of
C I N C P A C Record of Special S E C D E F - Representatives. Foreign Operations Appropria-
SECSTATE Meeting. Item B3; see also memo. tions for 1965. 88th Cong. 2d sess (Washington.
McNamara for the President. Mar 16, 1964. in 1964). pt I. p 369: msg. J C S to SECDEF. Mar
Gravel Pentagon Papers. I I I , 502. 2, 1964.
13. Marguerite Higgins, Our Vietnam Night- 29. 2d A D Chronology. Jan-Jun 6 4 Sharp-
mare (New York. 1965). pp 153-54: DIA. Cold Westmoreland. Repor,. p 92; Hearings before
War (Counterinsurgency) Analysis. Republic of Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropria-
Vietnam. Dec 1, 1964. SecD,pp 10-1 I ; Hearings tions, House of Representatives, Supplemental
before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Defense Appropriations for 1966.89th Cong. 2d
Appropriations. U.S. Senate. Dept of Defense sess (Washington. 1966). pp 64-65: msg, 2d A D
Appropriations for 1966, 89th Cong. 1st sess to CSAF. May 12, 1964.
(Washington. 1965). pt 2. p 764. 30. Msgs. 2d A D to 13th AF. Mar 3. 1964.
14. AFXOPJ Book of Actionsin SEA, 1961- and PACAF to 2d AD. Mar 13. 1964: Mellish
1964. Item VI-I: Gravel Pentagon Papers. III. rprt, Apr 15. 1964.
35-42. 3 1. Taylor, Swords and Plowshares, p 3 10:
15. Msgs. AmEmb Saigon to CINCPAC. msgs. 2d A D to CSAF, Mar 11. 1964. and
Jan 30. 1964. MACV t o CINCPAC, Jan 31. PACAF to CSAF, Mar 12, 1964.
1964; Hearings on Military Posture before 32. Msgs, 2d A D to PACAF. Mar 6. 8, and
the Committee on Armed Services. House of 10. 1964; PACAF Ref Bk for SECDEF Conf of
Representatives. 88th Cong, 2d sess (Washing- Mar 12. 1964. Tab 2; memo. McNamara for
ton, 1964). pp 7120-21, and 154-56: Public Johnson, Mar 16. 1964.
Papers of the Presidents: Johnson, 1963-64, 33. Msgs. 2CCR-64-077C and 0848.
pp 256-60 Gravel Pentagon Papers, I l l , 38-39. 34. Memo, McNamara forJohnson, Mar 16,
16. CJCS to Dir Jt Staff. Feb 5. 1964. 1964.
17. Msg. CSAF to Smart [Feb 641. 35. AFXOPJ Book of ActionsinSEA. 1961-
18. Capt Donald V. MacKellar rprt. Feb 10. 64. Item IV-I; PACAF Ref Bk for SECDEF
1964: Hearings before the Subcommittee to Conf of May 13. 1964. pt I: Public Papers of the
Investigate Problems Connected with Refugees Presidents: Johnson, 1963-64. I , 387-88:
and Escapees of the Committee on the Judiciary. Johnson, Vantage Point, pp 66-67; msg, CSAF
US Senate, Refugee Problems inSouth Vietnam to JCS. Mar 14. 1964; Gravel Pentagon Papers.
and Laos. 89th Cong. 1st sess (Washington, III.499-510.
1965). pp 294-95. and 298: 2d A D APEX 36. Msg, J C S to SECDEF. Mar 17, 1964.
CPSACT Rprt. Feb 6. 1964; Maj Gen Edward 37. Hearings before the Committee on
G. Lansdale. "Viet Nam: Do We Understand Foreign Relations, US Senate, Foreign Assist-
Revolution?" Foreign Affairs. Oct 64. pp 84-85. ance. 1964. 88th Cong, 2d sess (Washington.
19. C Q Background. China and US Far East 1964), pp 541-64: msg, MACV to 2d AD, Mar
Policy, 1945-67(Washington 1967). pp 134. 136: 27,1964: msg, J C S to CINCPAC, May 12. 1964
2d A D Chronology, Jan-Dec 64. msgs, MACV to 2d AD. Oct 29. 1964. and to 2d
20. Memo. McNamara for Taylor, Feb 21. AD. Nov 20. 1964.
1964: see also msgs. PACAF to CSAF, Feb 21, 38. Msg. 2d A D to CSAF. Apr 17. 1964
1964, and CSAF to Smart, n.d. PACAF Ref Bk for SECDEF Conf of May 13.
2 I . Hilsman, To Move a Nation. pp 527-34; 1964. Plans Fact Sheet 12; AFXOPJ Book of
Public Papers ofthe Presidents: Johnson, 1963- Actions inSEA. 1961-64, Item IV-M: msg. State
64. I. 304. to AmEmb Saigon, Apr 28, 1964; Public Papers
22. See msg, PACAF to CSAF. Feb 24. of the Presidents: Lyndon B. Johnson, 1966
1964. (Washington, 1967). II, 760-63.
23. Msgs. CINCPAC to JCS, Feb 8, 1964, 39. Cong Rec, May 9. 1968. p 12618: CQ
and MACV to JCS. Jun 13. 1964; PACAF Ref Background, China and Far East Policy,
Bk for SECDEF Conf of May 13. 1964, pt I. 1945-67. p 139.
Tab F. 40. Hist, PACAF. Jan-Jun 64, I, pt 2, 66-67.
24. Adm U. S. G. Sharp, CINCPAC, and 41. PACAF Ref Bk for SECDEF Conf of
Gen W.L. Re- May 13. 1964, pt I. Tab C: Butler to ALO IV
port on the War in Vietnam (as of 30 Jun 1968) Corps rprt, May27,1964; Sharp-Westmoreland,
(Washington. 1969). Report. p 93; msgs, 2d A D to CSAF May 12
25. Msg. 2d A D to PACAF. Mar 8, 1964. and 13. 1964: New York Times, Pentagon
26. Gravel Pentagon Papers. III, 43-45. Papers, p 246.
27. Msg. PACAF to CSAF. Feb 24, 1964. 42. Memo, CJCS to SECDEF. subj: Alterna-


tive Courses of Action. Apr 14, 1964: Joseph C. ments on American Foreign Relations, 1964,
Goulden. Truth is the First Casualty: The Gulf pp 232-29.
of Tonkin Affair-Illusion anti Reality 48. AFXOPJ Book of Actionsin SEA. 1961-
(Chicago. 1969). pp 64, Item IV-O; CM-451-64. Jun 5. 1964.
49. New York Times, Pentagon Papers,
Diri Plans, USAF. Apr 64. pp 250-51 (Gravel Edition. III 174-77).
44. Lodge. Verbatim of Conf. Saigon. 50. New York Times, Pentagon Papers.
May 12. 1964, p 19: P A C A F Ref Bk for p 256 (Gravel Edition, III 182); Johnson,
S E C D E F Conf of May 13. 1964. pt Tab G; Vantage Point. p 67.
New York Times, Pentagon Papers. p 246. 51. Msg, J C S to CINCPAC. Jul 2 and 9.
45. Ibid.. pp 245-49: msg. J C S to CINCPAC, 1964: hist. PACAF, Jul-64-Jun 65. Nov 6 4
May 1964. AFXOPJ Book of Actions in SEA. 1961-64.
46. New York Times, Pentagon Papers, Item IV-O. I
pp 249-50. 52. Hist. PACAF. Jan-Jun64, I, pt 2. 171-72;
47. Ibid.. p 250: Jules Davids, ed. Docu- New York Times. Pentagon Papers. p 247.


The War in Vietnam, 1964

I . Msg. 2d A D to PACAF. Jan 27, 1963; 13. End of Tour Reports. Lt Col Bill A.
Sharp-Westmoreland Report. p 104. Montgomery. Jun 27. 1964. Col Robert J.
2. Hist. PACAF. Jul64-Jun 65. 2.46-55: Loughry, Jul 22. 1964. Pierce. Jul 22 and 24.
hist. Dir/ Plans. USAF. Jul-Dec 63. p 233; Itr. 1964.and Walker.Aug 21. 1964;msg,2d A D t o
Smart to Taylor, Apr 8. 1964. PACAF, Jan 28. 1965.
3. Msgs, J C S to CINCPAC. Feb 15. 1964, 14. Ltr. Moore to Baron. J a n 18, 1965.
P A C A F to 13th AF. Mar 6. 1964. to CSAF. 15. Dir/Plans, USAF, Debriefing Rprt of
Mar 21. 1964. and CINCPAC to JCS. Mar, 22, Col David T. Fleming. Aug 9, 1965.
1964. 16. Ltr. Col W. D. Ritchie to 2d AD. Oct 2.
4. Ltrs. Smart to Taylor. Apr 8, 1964. Taylor 1964.
to Smart. n.d.: msg. CINCPAC toJCS. Mar 22, 17. Msg. PACAF to 2d AD, Jan 23. 1965.
1964; hist, PACAF. Jan-Jun 64. I, pt 2. Apr 64. 18. 2d AD. Ops Analysis Div. Tech Memo 4,
5. Hearings before the Committee on Appro- Jul I . 1965.
priations. US Senate. Foreign Assistance and 19. Hist. MACV, 1965.p 95: MACVDir95-
Related Agencies Appropriations for 1964.88th I I . Jun21. 1966; 7th A F Pamphlet 55-1. Mar 20.
Cong, 2d sess (Washington. 1964). pp 206-07; 1968. pp 25-26.
msg. 2d A D to CSAF. Apr 17. 1964. 20. Hist. PACAF. Jul-Dec 63. I, pt 2. Dec63;
6. Talking Paper on USAF Ops in VN. J a n msgs. 2d A D to PACAF. Dec 3 and 9. 1963; Itr.
1964. Brig Gen Milton B. Adams to CHMAAGV.
7. Msgs. 2d A D to CSAF. Apr 17. 1964. to Dec 8. 1963: msg. P A C A F t o MACV. Dec 13.
PACAF. Mar 24. 1964. and to 5th AF. Apr 29. 1963; msg. P A C A F to 13th A F a n d 2d AD. Dec
1964. 1963.
8. Msg. 2d A D to PACAF. Apr 20 and 23. 21. The 41st Tactical Wing was establishedat
1964. Da Nang, the 516th Fighter Wing moved from
9. Msg. 2d A D to PACAF, May 7. 1964: Nha Trang to Da Nang, and the 62d Tactical
P A C A F Ref Bk for S E C D E F Conf of May 13. Wing was organized at Pleiku.
1964. Plans Fact Sheet 8; hist, PACAF. Jan-Jun 22. Msgs. 2d A D to PACAF. Apr 20 and
64. I, pt 2. May 64. May 4. 1964. P A C A F t o 2d AD, Apr 18, 1964.
IO. P A C A F Ref Bk for S E C D E F Conf to CSAF. Jun 3. 1964; Proj Corona Harvest
of May 13. 1964. Talking Paper 4. Oral Hist Intvw 241 with Lt Gen Joseph H.
I I. Hist, PACAF. Jul 64-Jun 65. I. pt 2. Moore, Nov 22, 1969, pp 2-3. and 29.
46-55. 23. Lt Col Bill A. Montgomery rprt. Mar 12.
12. AFXOPJ Book of Actions in SEA. Item 1964; Itr. Maj Gen J . H. Moore to Ky. Apr 3.
msgs. C S A F t o PACAF, Jun 17and 19, 1964; msg, PACAF to CSAF. Jun 3, 1964.
1964, and MACV to JCS. Jun 19, 1964; hist, 24. Msg. 2d A D to PACAF, Apr 20 and May
PACAF, Jul 64-Jun 65. I. pt 2, 46-55. 2. 1964.

Notes to Pages 212-219
25. Montgomery rprt. Apr 16. 1964. 47. Quane rprt, Apr 14, 1964. 2d Ind.
26. Ltr. Anthis to Smart, Nov 25. 1963: Osburne, Apr 22. 1964: Maj Alan G. Nelson
P A C A F Ref Bk for Nov 63 S E C D E F Conf. rprt. May 4. 1964.
Tab 2A. 48. Butler rprt, May 27. 1964.2d Ind. Lt Col
27. Ltr, Ross to MACV J-5. Oct 23, 1963: Milton R. Pierce, May 30, 1964.
P A C A F Ref Bk for Nov63 49. Msgs. PACAF to 2d AD, Apr 14. 1964,
2A; msg. P A C A F to CSAF, Nov 9, 1963: hist. 2d A D to PACAF. Apr 15. 1964. MACV to
PACAF, Jan-Jun 64, 1. pt 2, Jan 64. CINCPAC, Feb 17, 1964; hist, 2a AD, Jan-Jun
28. Msgs, 2d A D t o PACAF. Jan 10and Feb 64. 1. 70-7 I .
21, 1964; 2d A D Ops Analysis Paper 4, Feb I I , 50. Msgs. 2d A D to 13th AF, Mar 3, 1964. to
1964: hist, 2d AD, Jan-Jun 64. II, 28. ASOCs, Mar 21, 1964. to PACAF, Mar 18,
29. Hist, PACAF. Jan-Jun 64.1. pt 2. Jan 64; 1964. and Apr 20, 1964.
msg. 2d A D to 13th AF. Jan 23, 1964. 51. Msgs. 2d A D to 13th AF. J a n 21. 1964,
30. Msgs, 2d A D t o PACAF. Feb 18. 1964. and Feb 6, 1964.
CINCPAC to JCS, Feb 21. 1964, MACV to 52. Msg, 2d A D to 13th AF, May 15, 1964.
JCS. Feb 22, 1964: AFXOPJ Book of Actions in 53. Msgs. 2d A D to 13th AF. Feb 6, 1964, to
SEA. 1961-64. Item Ill-K. PACAF. Apr 20. 1964.
31. Msgs, 2d A D to PACAF, Mar 8 and IO. 54. Msg. 2d A D to PACAF. Apr 12, 1964.
1964: hist, PACAF, Jan-Jun 64. III. Mar 64. 55. Msgs, 2d A D t o 13thAF, Mar2. 1964.10
32. Ltr. Smart t o Taylor, Apr 8, 1964; CSAF. Apr 15. 1964. to PACAF. Apr 20, 1964.
P A C A F Ref Bk for S E C D E F Conf of Mar 12, and PACAF to 13 AF, May 8, 1964.
1964. Tab IB; AFXOPJ Book of Actions in 56. Msgs. 2d A D to PACAF. Apr IS. 1964,
SEA, 1961-64. Item Ill-K. and to CSAF. Apr 17, 1964; Itr. Harkins to Maj
33. Msg. 2d A D to PACAF. Mar I. 1964; Gen Tran Thien Khiem, Apr 17. 1964 PACAF
Preston End of Tour Report. Jul 64; hist, 2d Ref Bk for May 13,1964, S E C D E F Conf. Plans
AD, Jan-Jun 64, IX. Doc 12. Fact Sheet 3; and AFXOPJ Book of Actions in
34. Hist. 2d AD, Jan-Jun 64, II, 31; msg, SEA. 1961-64, Item Ill-N,
PACAF to CINCPAC. Mar 28. 1964. 57. Ltr. Moore to LeMay. Apr 7, 1964: msgs.
35. 2d A D Chronology. Jan-Dec 6 4 hist. 2d 2d A D to CSAF. Apr 12, 1964. P A C A F to 2d
AD, Jan-Jun 64, VI. Doc 21. AD, May 6. 1964. and C S A F to PACAF. Apr
36. Msgs. 2d A D to PACAF. Mar 18. 1964, 30. 1964.
P A C A F t o CINCPAC, Mar 28, 1964, and 58. Memo. Sandborn for Moore, May 7.
CINCPAC to JCS, Apr 1. 1964. 1964.
37. Preston End of Tour Report. Jul 64; 59. Msgs, PACAF t o CINCPAC, Apr 27,
msgs. 2d A D to CSAF, Mar 25. 1964. and Apr I . 1964, C S A F t o PACAF, Apr 30, 1964. 13th A F
1964; trip rprt. Justin MacDonald and Howard to PACAF. May 8, 1964, and 2d A D to
Anderson, McClellan AFB, Calif.. Apr 10, 1964: PACAF. May 8. 1964.
Itr. Moore to LeMay, Apr 7. 1964: hist, PACAF, 60. Memo, Rowland for Ginsburgh, Apr 2.
Jan-Jun64, A D t o 13thAF. 1972.
Apr 24. 1964. 61. P A C A F Ref Bk for SECDEF Conf of
38. Msg, 2d A D to PACAF, Apr 12. 1964: M a r 12, 1 9 6 4 , . T a b 9; Itr. Rowland t o
Mellish rprt. Jan 15. 1964:Itr. Moore to MACV, Ginsburgh, Apr 72.
Oct 22, 1964. 62. Msgs, 2d A D to 13th AF. Apr 24. 1964.
39. Capt Don O. Quane rprt. Jan 29. 1964. and PACAF to CSAF, May 6. 1964.
40. Lt Olin B. Gundiff rprt. Jan 28, 1964. 63. AFXOPJ Book of Actions in SEA. 1961-
41. 1st Ind to Gundiff rprt. ca. Jan 28, 1964; 64, Item Ill-M; msgs. C S A F to PACAF, Apr
and Butler rprt. Jan 16, 1964. 30, 1964. P A C A F to 2d AD. May 6. 1964. to
42. Mellish rprts. J a n 15 and Mar 15, 1964; CINCPAC. May 4, 1964. and CINCPAC to
2d A D Chronology, Jan-Dec 64. and Jan 16. JCS. May 8. 1964.
1964; Lt Anthony J . Zilinsky Report of Staff 64. Msgs, 2d A D to PACAF. May I I. 1964.
Visit. Mar IO. 1964. to CSAF. May 13. 1964.
43. Mellish rprt. Apr 15. 1964. 65. Msg. C S A F to PACAF, May 16, 1964;
44. Quane rprt. Jan 30. 1964; Maj Earl D. Hearings before the Committee on Appropria-
Jameson rprt. Mar IO. 1964, 1st Ind. Mellish. tions, US Senate, Foreign Assistonre and Re-
Mar 13, 1964.2d Ind. Lt Col Albert H. Holman, lated Agencies Appropriations for 1965. 88th
Mar 19. 1964; Mellish rprt, Apr 15. 1964 Mellish Cong, 2d sess (Washington. 1964). p I8 I .
Itr. Mar 18. 1964. 1st Ind. Capt William M. 66. Msg J C S to CINCPAC, May 20. 1964.
Leimkuehler, Apr I. 1964.and atchd memo, n.d. 67. Hist. 2d AD. Jan-Jun 64, I. 48-52;
45. Mellish rprt, Apr 15. 1964. P A C A F Ref Bk for S E C D E F Conference of
46. Butler End of Tour Report, Jun 8. 1964. May 13. 1964, Item 6A; Maj Walter S. Bruce

T H E ADVISORY YEARS Notes to Pages 220-229
End of Tour Report. ea. Jun 64; Sharp- Carlos O. Beasley Report, May 5. 1964; Butler
Westmoreland. Report, p 90. rprt. Jun 4. 1964.
68. Montgomery Rprt, Jun 8, 1964; msg. 2d 80. Mellish rprt. May 15. 1964; Montgomery
AD to PACAF. Jun I. 1964. End ofTour Report. Jan27. 1964; Pierce End of
69. Hist. 2d AD, Jan-Jun 64, IX. Doc 12; Itr. Tour Report. Jul 24. 1964; hist, PACAF, Jan-
Moore to MACV. Jun 2, 1964. Jun 64. I. pt 2. Hist Rprt. Dir/ Policy. Jun 64.
70. Msgs, 2d AD to PACAF. Jun 64. to 81. Rprt. Moore to MACV. Aug 3, 1964.
PACAF. Jun 4. 1964. 82. Ltr. Moore to Brig Gen W. E. DePuy. Jul
71. Msgs, 2d AD to PACAF. Jun I and 7, 17, 1964; Sharp-Westmoreland. Report, p 93.
1964. to CINCPAC and CINCPACFLT. Jun 3. 83. Pierce End of Tour Report, Jul 24. 1964;
1964. hist. 2d AD. Jul-Dec 64. II. 58-60.
72. Msg. CINCPAC to JCS, Jun 17. 1964; 84. Capt Franklin D. Peschel rprt. Jul 29,
AFXOPJ Book of Actions in SEA, 1961-64, 1964. 1st Ind. Maj Earl D. Jameson, Aug I ,
Item VII C. 1964; hist. 2d AD, Jul-Dec 64, I I . 61-64; Itr. Lt
73. Preston End of Tour Report, Jul64; msg. Col John P. O’Regan to Dep/ Dir, III ASOC.
2d AD to PACAF. Jun 4, 1964: Itr. Moore to Aug 21. 1964.
MACV, Jun 2, 1964; intvw with Col William E. 85. Ops Analysis Ofc. 2d AD, Counterinsur-
Bethea. Jan 65, in Hist. 2d AD. Jul-Dec 65. V. gency Lessons Learned. Jul 4. 1964.
Doc 5; hist. PACAF, Jan-Jun 64. III. PFMSS 86. Msgs, MACV to CINCPAC. Jul 16.
Wkly Activity Rprt. Jun 26-Jul 3, 1964: rprt. 1964. CINCPAC to JCS. Jul 20, 1964. and
Moore to MACV, Aug 3. 1964. MACV to CINCPAC. Jul 28, 1964.
74. Ltr, Moore to MACV, Oct 22, 1964. 87. Maj Alan G. Nelson rprt. May 4. 1964.
75. Msgs. 2d AD to CSAF, Apr 17. 1964. to 88. Msg.MACVtoCINCPAC.Jul 16,1964.
PACAF. Apr 20. 1964. and May 18. 1964. 89. Msg. MACV to OASD/PA, Aug 20,
76. Ops Analysis Office. 2d AD, Counterin- 1964: 2d AD Operating Instructions I. Aug I .
surgency Lessons Learned. Jul 4. 1964: Lt Col 1964: Itr. Col W. D. Ritchie to 2d AD, Oct 2.
Albert H. Holman rprt. Jun 8 . 1964: and Itr. 1964; MACV Directive 95-4, Sep 7, 1964.
MSgt Clarence M. Hall to AOC. ca. Jul I. 1964. 90. Ritchie rprt. Oct 2. 1964; hist. TAC. 1964.
77. Hist Data. 2d AOC. Jul-Dec 64, in Hist, I. 294; msgs. PACAF to CINCPAC, Sep 5,
2d AD. Jul-Dec 64. V. Doc I I : Itr, Moore to Col 1964. CSAF to PACAF, Sep 7, 1964; Ops Anal-
Oakley W. Baron, Jan 18. 1964. ysis Div, 2d AD, Tech Memo 4. Jun I . 1965.
78. Mellish rprt. May 15. 1964. 91. Msg. 2d AD to CSAF. Sep 21. 1964; Itr.
79. Ibid.; Itrs, Rowland to Ky. Oct 26. 1964, Moore to Baron. Jan 18. 1964;and Brooks End
Hall to Dep/Dir OAC. ea. Jul I I . 1964; Maj of Tour Report. Jan 9, 1964.


The Gulf of Tonkin Incident

1. Hist, PACAF. Jan-Jun 64, 1. pt 2, Jan- 7. Msgs, MACV toCINCPAC,Jul 16. 1964,
Mar; Goulden. Truth pp 33, 92-95. and CINCPAC to JCS. Jul 20. 1964; DOD
2. Hist. SAC. Jul-Dec 64. III. 122-23. Pentagon Papers. Bk 3: IV.B.3.. 43-54.
3. Ibid.. pp 124-25; msg, CINCPACFLT to 8. Goulden. Truth p 32; CQ Background,
CINCPAC. Jul 24, 1964; hist, 41st Air Div, China and U.S. Far East Policy, 1945-1967. p
Jul-Dec 64, pp 66-70. 142.
4. Msg. 13th A F to ATF. Oct 10, 1964; 9. Msgs. MACV to CINCPAC, Jul 17 and
AFXOPJ Hook of Actions in SEA, Item IV-Q. Aug 16. 1964.
5. Msgs, JCS to CINCPAC, Jul2. 1964, and 10. Hist, PACAF. Jan-Jun 64. 1. pt 2, Jan-
2d AD to PACAF. Mar23. 1964: Itr. Johnson to Mar; Goulden. Truth pp 92-95.
Taylor. Jul 2, 1964, quoted in msg, CINCPAC I I . New York Times, Pentagon Papers. pp
to PACAF, Jul3. 1964; see Taylor, Swords and 258, 288-89.
Plowshares. p 3 16. 12. Goulden. Truth pp 86, 127-28.
6. Maxwell Taylor, "The Case for Continued 13. The question of the covert activities and
Bombing of the North," Washington Star, Oct the South Vietnamese patrol-boat raids as prov-
22, 1967: see also Taylor, Swords and Plow- ocation for the attacks on the Maddox can be
shares. pp 3 15-17. followed in: Hearings before the Senate Com-

Notes to Pages 229-236
mittee on Foreign Relations, The Gulf of Ton- 1964 Incidents. 90th Cong, 2d sess. passim;
kin. The 1964 Incidents. Feb 20, 1968, and pt I I , Goulden. Truth. pp 76-81, 122-57; Davids, ed,
Dec 16, 1968. 90th Cong. 2d sess (Washington, Documents on American Foreign Relations.
1968); Goulden, Truth; John Galloway, The 1964, pp 216-17; Johnson, Vantage Point. pp
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (Rutherford, 'N.J.. 112-19.
1970); Eugene G. Windchy. Tonkin Gulf(New 23. Bundy Memo on Actions Available to the
York. 1971); and Anthony Austin, The Presi- U.S. after Tonkin, in New York Times, Pen-
dent's War (New York, 1971). tagon Papers, pp 294-98; AFXOPJ Book of
14. Msg. CINCPAC to JCS. Aug 5, 1964. Actions in SEA. Item IV-T.
15. AFXOPJ Book of Actions in SEA, Item 24. Msg, CINCPAC to JCS. Aug 17, 1964.
I l l - P msg. JCStoCINCPAC. Aug5. 1964; Hist in New York Times, Pentagon Papers, pp
Data, Plansand Rqmts Div, 2d AD, Jul-Dec 6 4 298-300.
hist. TAC, Jul-Dec 64, IV, Doc 4; hist, 405th Ftr 25. Msg, U.S. Mission Saigon to State. Aug
Wg, Jul-Dec 64. I I , Docs. 2, 3. and 4; hist, 41st 18, 1964. in ibid., pp 349-52.
Air Div. Jul-Dec 64. pp 55-58: hist. 401st TFWg. 26. Hist Data. Plansand Rqmts Div. 2d AD,
Jul-Dec 64. pp 33-34: hist, 27th Ftr Wg, Jul-Dec Jul-Dec 64; msgs, 2d AD to PACAF, Aug 25,
64. App I; hist, 313th Air Div. Jul 64-Jun 65. p 1964, and 2d AD to 13th AF. Oct 28. 1964.
302; hist, SAC. Jul-Dec 64. p 131. The Thai 27. AFXOPJ Book of Actions in SEA, Item
government approved the movement of addi- IV-x.
tional USAFforces into Thailand but was reluc- 28. DIA. Cold War (Counterinsurgency) A-
tant to have combat sorties flown from the coun- nalysis, Dec I . 1964; Sharp-Westmoreland. Re-
try. The Thais finally agreed to the latter if they port, p 94; 2d AD Chronology, Jan-Dec 64.
were absolutely necessary and if their bases were 29. JCS Memo for SECDEF. Aug 26. 1964,
not publicly revealed. Msg, DEPCOMUSM- in New York Times, Pentagon Papers, pp
ACTHAI. to CINCPAC, Aug 7. 1964. 354-55.
16. Telecon I . 2d A D to 13th AF, Aug 7. 30. AFXOPJ Rook of Actions in SEA, Item
1964. IV-x.
17. Msg. MACVtoCINCPAC,Aug6.1964. 31. Memo. Bundy for President Johnson.
18. New York Times. Pentagon Papers, pp 268- Sep 8. 1964. in New York Times, Pentagon Pa-
69; msgs. PACAF to CINCPAC, Aug 8, 1964, pers. pp 357-59.
and 2d AD to multiple addressees, Aug 7, 1964; 32. AFXOPJ Book of Actions in SEA. Item
Sharp-Westmoreland, Report. p 13. IV-T: Johnson Vantage Point, p 120.
19. Msg, PACAF to CINCPAC. Aug 8. 33. NSAM 314, Sep IO, 1964, in New York
1964. Times, Pentagon Papers. pp 359-60.
20. Msgs. MACV to CINCPAC, Aug 7, 34. DIA, Cold War Analysis, Dec I . 1964;
1964. and CINCPAC to MACV, Aug 8. 1964. Sharp-Westmoreland, Report, pp 90. 94-95; 2d
21. Msg. AmEmb Saigon to SECSTATE, AD Chronology. Jan-Dec 64; AFXOPJ Book
Aug 9. 1964. in New York Times, Pentagon of Actions in SEA. Item IV-V.
Papers. pp 346-48; excerpts from Summary of 35. CINCPAC Comd Hist, 1967, I I , 962:
Taylor's Mission Rprt from Saigon, Aug IO. Goulden. Truth, pp 159-60; Briefing by Chief.
1964, in ibid..pp 291-94. PACAF Assistance Team, Sep 64, in Hist, 2d
22. Sharp-Westmoreland, Report, pp 11-13; AD, Jan-Jun 64, VI, Doc 3; Hist Data, Plans &
Hearings before the Committee on Foreign Rqmts Div, 2d AD, Jul-Dec 6 4 Itr, 20th PR to
Relations, US Senate, The Gulf of Tonkin, the PACAF. Jan 1, 1965.


Diffusion of Air Assets

I . Ltr. Moore to Ferguson, Mar 16. 1965. 3. Hist Data, 2d AD Ops Services Div. Jul-
2. AFXOPJ Book of Actions in SEA, Item Dec 6 4 hist, PACAF. Jul 64-Jun 65. Ill. Hist
Ill-C. Because forty air liaison officer and for- Rprt, DPO, Jul-Dcc 6 4 hist, TAC, 1965. p 627..
ward air controller teams would take all of 4. Msgs. JCS to CINCPAC. Aug I I , 1964.
STRICOM resources. only twenty were sent. MACV to CINCPAC. Aug 19, 1964, PACAF
Memo. SECDEF to JCS, Aug 7, 1964; DJSM- to CINCPAC. Sep 5. 1964. CSAF to PACAF.
1349-64 to ADS/ISA, Aug 5 . 1964. Sep 7, 1964, 2d AD to CSAF. Sep 21. 1964;

THE ADVISORY YEARS Notes to Pages 236-241
Brooks End of Tour Report, J a n 9, 1965. Oct 64.
5. Hist, 2d AD. Jul-Dec 64. II. 5. 18. Ltr, Moore to Baron. J a n 18. 1965; Hist
6. Msgs, MACV to CINCPAC, Feb 21. Data, 2d AOC, Jul-Dec 64: Itr, Rowland to Ky.
1965. and PACAF to 5th AF. Apr 12. 1965. Oct 27, 1964: memo. Stilwell f o rC / S . RVNAF.
7. C H E C O intvw with Lt Col Garth Rey- n.d.: and Itr, Moore to Pritchard. Apr 27. 1965.
nolds. Jan 65: rprt. 2 C C R to MACV. Sep 2. 19. AFXOPJ Book of Actions in SEA. Item
1964. From July through September 1964.3.553 VII-G; msg. C S A F to PACAF. Feb IO. 1965.
requests for air support were received. of which 20. Bethea intvw, J a n 65: hist. PACAF. Jul
2.403 were honored: 918 were refused because of 64-Jun 65. III. Feb 65: rprt. 2 CCR to MACV
a lack of aircraft. Ltr, Moore to MACV. Oct 22. J-3. Feb 5. 1965: Guthrie End of Tour Report,
1964. ra. Aug 65: Bailey End of Tour Report, Mar 20.
8. Ltr, Lt Col Clarence R. Osbourne. Jr., to I 1965; Eichelberger End of Tour Report,ca. May
CALO. Sep 3, 1964. 9. 1965; 2d A D Ops Analysis Div, Tech Memo 4.
9. The 34th Group then discontinued the use Jun I. 1965.
of napalm on night support missions. Reynolds 21. Hist Data. 2d A D Ops Services Div. Jul-
intvw. Jan 65; Hickey. Night Close Air Support Dec 64: Itr. Maj Gen A. J. Kinney to Moore, Sep
in RVN, 1961-1966. p 34. 2. 1964.
IO. USAF advisors assigned to Vietnamese 22. Hickey. Night Close Air Support. p 34: 2d
squadrons had never been prohibited from fly- A D Ops Analysis Office. Counterinsurgency
ing single-seater A- I Hs in strike formations. but Lessons Learned, J a n 18, 1964; P A C A F Assist-
Taylor first learned about this practice late in ance Team Briefing. Sep 64.
October. Thinking that high-ranking officials in 23. Ltr. Kenny to Moore, Sep 2. 1964: Hist
Washington were unaware of this. he informed Data. 2d A D Ops Services Div. Jul-Dec 64;
McNamara and General Wheeler, who saw no Capt Joseph Yarrish End of Tour Report. Mar
reason to change the situation. Rprt, 2 CCR to I. 1965.
MACV. Sep 2. 1964; msgs. P A C A F to CSAF, 24. An XM-70 pod for launching 40-mm
Sep 4. 1964, t o CINCPAC, Sep 5. 1964. C S A F grenades from A-Is as an antipersonnel weapon
to PACAF. Sep 6. Oct I . and Oct 17. 1964, and had a feed system that frequently malfunctioned.
CINCPAC to JCS. AFXOPJ The old 2.75-inch aerial rocket. previously little
B o o k of A c t i o n s i n S E A . I t e m used because it buried itself in theground before
VIII-G; exploding, received another warhead and a n
I I . Rprts. 2 CCR to MACV. Nov 3, 1964. XM-427 super-quick graze-action fuze. A new
J a n 4 and Dec 2. 1965: msg. 34th Tac Gp to 2d "Westo" mix of napalm incendijel proved stable
AD. Nov 11, 1964; Bethea intvw. J a n 65; in storage. and stabilizing fins added to napalm
MACV Monthly Eval Rprt, Dec64, Annex B. p tanks allowed delivery in a dive-bomb mode.
22; Bailey End of Tour Report, Mar 20.1965: Lt But the fire pattern was small and left a long-
Col William R. Eichelberger End of Tour burning incendiary puddle in the impact crater.
Report, ra. May 9. 1965; hist. 2d AD, Jul-Dec The best napalm employment continued to be
64. I I , 44-45; hr. Rowland to Ginsburgh. Apr 72. the low-level splash attack. Variable-time radar
12. Hists, PACAF. Jan-Jun 64, I. pt 2, Jun proximity-fuzed general purpose bombs failed
64. and Jul64-Jun 65. III.Jul64; Bethea intvw. to have good antipersonnel effect. and the 2d Air
J a n 65; msg, P A C A F to 2d AD. J u n IO. 1964: Division fell back on the "daisy-cutter" tech-
Wilfong End of Tour Report, Jan 30. 1964. nique. whereby nose-fuze extenders attached to
13. Msgs, MACV to CINCPAC, Aug 1 1 . bombs produced a waist-high explosion. Yar-
1964. and C S A F to PACAF. Aug 29, 1964: rish End of Tour Report. Mar I . 1965; address
AFXOPJ Book of Actions in SEA. Item Ill-R. of Gen Moore at P A C A F Commanders Conf.
14. Hist PACAF. Jul 64-Jun 65, III. Oct 64. Feb 22-25. 1965.
15. Bethea intvw. Jan 65: Oxburne to I 25. Kenneth Sams. First Test and Combat I

CALO. Sep3. 1964; Miller End ofTour Report, H Q PACAF. Proj CHECO. Dec
Feb 7. 1965; and Itr. Janssen to Woodyard. Oct 8. 1965): Itr, Ferguson to Moore. Nov 12, 1964:
29. 1964. msg, MACV to CSAF. Dec 29, 1964; Hearing
16. Lt Clare C. Eaton rprt, n.d. before the committee on Armed Services. House
17. William B. Graham and Amron H. Kat7. of Representatives. Fiscal Year 1966 Supple-
SIA T: Single Integrated A t t a d Team. A Con- mental Authorization for Vietnam. 89th Cong.
ceptfor Ofrensive Military Operations in South 2d sess (Washington. 1966). pp 5125 and 5160;
Vietnam (The R A N D Corp. 1965): Itr, Col Wil- USAF Spec Ops Force. Proj Corona Harvest
liam Burke to 2d AD. Oct 29. 1964: msgs. C S A F rprt. J a n I. 1965-Mar 31. 1968. chap 3. pp 1-3.
to 2d AD. Nov20. 1964.2d A D t o 13th A D a n d 26. Msg.2d A D t o CSAF. Mar 15. 1965: hist,
13th AF, Dec 3, 1964, MACV to CINCPAC, TAC. 1965. I. 298-99.
Feb 21. 1965: hist. PACAF, Jul 64-Jun 65. I l l . 27. Rprt, Asbury to PFODC. Nov 22. 1963:

Notes to Pages
Lt Col Paul Rainowski End of Tour Report, 21-22: MACV to AD. Mar
to Mar 1965:
A D to Jan IO. 1964: Feb
Jan AD. Analysis Tech Memo
Ref for of I . 1965; Col James HAGERSTROM to
Mar Tab 8; hist. AD.
III, Mar 64: MACV to CINCPAC, Jan to Mar
and MACV to AD. Mar 1965: MACV
Hist. 64: to Directive I.
Ginsburgh. Hist, AD. I.102-3: Mont-
I, gomery End of Tour Report,
Film processed at Tan Son Nhut was Hist. AD. Of
flown immediately to Clark Air Base. where the the remaining thirteen Caribous of the U.S.
Armed Forces Courier Service picked it u p and Army's Aviation Company, four were
delivered it to Washington. usually within thirty- assigned to the 145th Aviation Battalion in
four hours after a photo mission. Other copies Corps. three to the I Corps Aviation Detach-
went to for the U.S. Air Attache in Vien- ment. the Aviation Battalion in the
tiane. who received them within twenty-four Corps. three to the Delta Aviation Battalion
hours. In July. two were assigned to the in Corps, and one to Bangkok.
Air Division as photo couriers. A D to Dir/Plans. USAF. Debriefing of
May 1964; Hist Data. Fleming. 1965: AD. Debriefing
64; hist, III, May of Col Robert Jones. 10.. 1965;
64: Col Allison C. Brooks to MACV Analysis AD. Counterinsurgency Les-
sons Learned. Jan
Three were flown to Hist. Materiel, AD. 64;
where Thai pilots used them to photograph the MACV to CINCPAC. 1964: hist.
results of strikes in Laos. Since the U.S. air AD, I. and 51: A.
attache in Vientiane wanted this photography and E. Patterson. Assault
within twelve hours, established a Operations, Jan (HQ
photo processing cell at Hist, Feb 1967). 40:
I. to MACV. 1964; to
MACV Jan 1965; A D Monthly Sum-
Jan mary of Aviation Activities. Jan IO.
to CINCPAC. May A D Stat of Combat Support
13th Missions, in Hist, AD.
and to I I. VI. Docs
CINCPAC to Mar with Kennedy by Feb
1964; Analysis A D Counterinsur-
Jan I, 1965: gency Lessons Learned. 1964; Lt Col Vic-
A D to 1964: to tor Curtis, Tour Report. Jan 65:
MACV Jan Maj Leonard End of Tour
Col Alfred The €C-47 in Report. Mar
Southeast Asia. MAY 1966-June (HQ Fleming Debriefing 1965;
1968). hist. 315th (Assault). 64; Hist
A D to I. to Data, A D Services 64:
IO. AD. to MACV. and Curtis End
to I I. of Tour Jan
Hist. 64: to and Patterson. Assault AIRLIFT
MACV, Operations. 40; MACV to CINC-
Hist. to PAC, and 1964; Book of
MACV. Jan 1964; his!. AD Actions in SEA, Ill-C.
Hist. Dir/Plans. USAF,
Analysis AD, Counterinsur- Saigon to
gency Lessons Learned, Jan 1965; Anal- 1963; Charles Herbicide
ysis. TAC. draft. Planning and Control of the Operations in Southeast Asia, 1961-June
Air-Ground Operations in South Vietnam by (HQ
Thomas 65; Col Lauren 1967).
to AD. 1965; MACV Saigon to
Monthly Eval Jan Annex 1963; Moore to MACV. 1964:

T H E ADVISORY Y E A R S Notes to Pages 250-257
rprt. Montgomery to 2d AD. Jun 8. 1964: msg: and Ross to MACV. Nov 3. 1963.
2d AD to PACAF. Jun 18. 1964; Collins. Herbi- 61. Msgs. MACV to CINCPAC. Mar I I .
cide Operarions in SEA, pp 7-9. 1963. CINCPAC to ADMINO. CINCPAC.
55. Hist Data. 2d AD Ops Services Div. Jul- Oct 22, 1962; CINCPAC Rcrd. 8th SECDEF
Dec 64; rprt. Moore to MACV. Oct 22. 1964: Conf. May 6. 1963. Item I ; msgs.CINCPAC to
rprt. 2d AD) to MACV, Nov 3 and Dec 2. 1964. MACV. May I I . 1963. and CSAF to PACAF.
and Jan 4. 1965; Collins, Herbicide Operations May 13. 1963.
in SEA, pp 9- 15. 62. Lt Col Ray A. Robinson. Jr.. End of
56. Msg. 2d ADVON to PACAF. Jan 30. Tour Report. Apr IO. 1965.
1962: Gleason paper. ca. Mar I . 1962: PACAF 63. Ltr. Ross to MACV. Nov 3, 1963.
Ref Bk for Mar 62 SECDEF Conf. Tab 8; intvw 64. D O D Penragon Papers. Bk 3: IV.C.1.. p
with Col R.L. Gleason. May 12. 1972. 39; msg, SECSTATE to AmEmb Saigon. Apr
57. CINCPAC Rcrd. 3d SECDEF Conf. 28. 1964.
Feb 19. 1962. Item 3; msgs. JCS to CINCPAC. 65. USAF Spec Ops Force, Proj Corona
Mar 12. 1962. and CSAF to PACAF. Apr 20. Harvest, Apr I , 1968-Dec 31. 1969. Sec 2. pp
1963. 25-26; rprt. Moore to MACV. Oct 22. 1964;
58. General Moorman presentation before Robinson End of Tour Report. Apr 10. 1965.
Congressional Committee. I. ca. Feb 63: MACV 66. Ltr, Moore to MACV. Oct 2. 1964;
Summary of Highlights. Feb 8 . 1962-Feb 7, USAF Spec Ops Force. Proj Corona Harvest.
1963. p 53. Apr I. 1968-Dec 31. 1969. Sec 2. pp 25-26 and
59. Msg, CSAF to PACAF. Apr 20. 1963; Itr. Robinson End of Tour Report. Apr IO. 1965.
Anderson to Anthis. Apr 12. 1963: MACV 67. Rprts. 2 CCR to MACV J-3 Dec 2. 1964.
Summary of Highlights. Feb 8. 1962-Feb 7. and Jan 4, 1965: Reynolds intvw. Jan 65. and
1963. Bethea intvw. Jan 65. both in Hist. 2d AD.
60. Ltr. Anderson to Anthis. Apr 12. 1963: Jul-Dec 64, V. Docs 5 and'8; Capt Earl E. Tighe
Itr. Doyle to 2d AD. Oct I I . 1962; Maj John P. End of Tour Report, Apr 15. 1965.
Anderson to D/AFTU-Vietnam. Aug 21, 1963.


End of the Advisory Phase

I . Msg. 13th A F to MACV. Oct 7, 1964: Itr, pp 324-25.

Moore to Baron, Jan 18. 1965: and Guthrie End 8. AFXOPJ Book of Actions in SEA. 1961-
of Tour Report. ca. Aug 65. 1964, Items IV-Y and IV-Z.
2. Kenneth Sams. Historical Background to 9. Msg, MACVto2d AD. Dec 19, 1964; New
Viegcong Morrar Attack on Bien Hoa (HQ York Times, Pentagon Papers, p 335.
PACAF, Proj CHECO. Nov9. 1964): Hit Rprt, I O . Ibid.. PP 335-36; AFXOPJ Book of
PFOOP. Aug 64: Moore address at PACAF Actions in SEA. 1961-1964. Item IV-2; msgs,
Commander's Conf. Feb 22-25. 1965: hist. JCS to CINCPAC, Dec 19. 1964. and CINC-
PACAF. Jul 64-Jun 65. II. pt 2. PAC to MACV. Jan 9. 1965: Brooks End of
3. Ibid., Hist Rprt, PFOOP. Aug64. Ill.and Tour Report. Jan 9. 1965.
Sep 64; AFXOPJ Book of Actions in SEA. I I . Msgs.2dADto23dABGp.Dec24. 1964.
1961-1964. Items IV-X. IV-V, and IV-Y: New and to 80th TFS. Dec 25. 1964, CSAF to
York Times, Pentagon Papers, pp 320-22; John- PACAF. Dec 24. 1964: hists. 19th TFW. Jul-
son, Vantage.Point, p 119. LeMay intvw, May Dec 64. p 40, Jan-Jun 65. p3; Robert T. Helmka
29. 1972. and Beverly Hale, U S A F Operarions,from Thai-
4. Hist. 2d AD, Jul-Dec 64. II. 94. land. 1964-1965 ( H Q PACAF. Proj CHECO.
5. Sharp-Westmoreland. Report. p 95: rprt. Aug IO. 1966). pp 81-82; AFXOPLC. Analysis
Edwards to 2d A D Hist Ofc, ca. Jan 65; Guthrie of Southeast Asia Air Operations, I. Sec 2.
End of Tour Report, ca. Aug 65. 12. Msgs, Det 2, 18th TFW, to 2d AD, Jan
6. "The Lowdown from the Top U.S. Com- 18. l965,2d AD to PACAF, Jan 17. 1965. 13th
mand in Saigon." Life, Nov 27. 1961. pp 46, AF to PACAF. Jan 27. 1965. and 2d AD to
51-53: AFXOPJ Book of Actions in SEA. 1961- CSAF, Mar 15. 1965: Helmkaand Hale. U S A F
1964. Item IV-Y. Operarionsfrom Thailand. pp 6 1-65. 123.
7. Ibid.; New York Times, Pentagon Papers, 13. Ibid.. p 91: Public Papers of the Presi-

Notes to Pages 258-267
dents: Lyndon E. Johnson. 1965 (Washington. memo. Edumunds for Moore. Jan 18. 1965;
1966). 1.57: New York Timer. Pentagon Papers. PACAF Activity Input to Proj Corona Harvest
p 339. on In-Country Strike Operations in Southeast
14. Msgs. ADMINO. CINCPAC. to CINC- Asia. I J a n 6 5 - 3 1 M a r 6 8 . V . p t I. 1965. 15-18;
PAC. Feb 27. 1965. AmEmb Vientiane to SEC- and msgs. PACAF t o 13th AF. Jan 23, 1965.
STATE. Jan 18. 1965. to CINCPAC. Mar 1. and 2d A D to PACAF. Jan 28. 1965.
1965. and 13th A F t o CINCPAC, Jan 30. 1965; 31. AFXOPJ Book of Actionsin SEA, 1961-
AFXOPLC, Analysis of Southeast Asia Air 1964. Item V-1: msgs, MACV to CINCPAC,
Operations. I. Sec 2. Jan 2 . 1965. PACAF to 13th AF, Jan 23. 1965.
15. Msgs. CINCPAC to JCS. Jan 21. 1965. 13thAF to
PACAF to 13th AF. Jan 23, 1965. AmEmb 2d AD, Feb 15. 1965.
Vientiane t o S E C S T A T E . Mar 6. 1965. 32. Msg, 2d A D to PACAF. Jan 28. 1965.
USAIRA Vientiane to CSAF. Jan 24. 1965. 33. Ltr. Col H.L. Priceto 2d AD, Jan 2. 1965:
J C S to CINCPAC. Jan26. 1965. AmEmb Vien- MACV Immediate Release, Jan 65.
tiane to CINCPAC. Jan 27. 1965. OASD/lSA 34. MACV. Monthly Evaluation Rprt. Jan
to AmEmb Vientiane,-Feb 3. 1965. 13th A F to 65. Annex B. Air Force, p 19.
PACAF, Feb 6. 1965, AFXOPLC, Analysis of 35. Hist. 2d AD, Jan-Jun 65, II. 16-17. 22.
Southeast Asia Air Operations. I. Sec 2 . p 8-9: 36. Feb
Helmka and Hale. USAF Operations from 4. 1964; hist, 2d AD. Jan-Jun 65, II. 29: Robin-
Thailand, 1964-1965. pp 19. 7 I. 84. son End of Tour Report, Apr 10. 1965; MR.
16. Msg. MACV t o 2d AD. Dec 28. 1964: Woodyard, Mar I. 1965.
New York Times, Pentagon Papers. pp 336-37: 37. New York Times, Pentagon Papers. p
Thompson, Defeating Communist Insurgency, 337; Ball, Discipline of Power. pp 317-18: Tay-
pp 43. 166-67: James C. Thompson, Jr.. "How lor. "The Casefor Continued Bombing."
Could Vietnam Happen'?". p 5 1. 38. Sharp-Westmoreland, Report. p 107;
17. Sandborn. End of Tour Report, Dec 8. hist. 2d AD. Jan-Jun 65. II. 8.
1961: Thompson, Defeating Communist Insur- 39. Stebbins. Documents on American For-
gency, pp 106-08. eign Relations, 1966. p 129: Cooper. Lost Cru-
18. Hist. 2d AD. Jul-Dec 64. II, 99; Itrs. sade. pp 255-62: Donald S. Zagoria. Vietnam
Moore to Ky. Dec 29, 1964, and Rowland to Triangle (New York. 1967). p 151: Johnson.
Ginsburgh, Apr 72. Vantage Point. pp 122-24.
19. Hist, 2d AD. Jul-Dec 64. I I , 109-12; rprt. 40. Rprt of Investigation, Pleiku Incident. by
Capt Stanton R. Musser. Dec 14. 1964. Board of Officers to Investigate Incident at
20. Ltr. Moore to Baron. Jan 18. 1965: rprt. 2 MACV Compound and Camp Holloway.
CCR to MACV J-3. Jan 4. 1965: S a m , First Pleiku, RVN. Maj Gen Milton B. Adams,
Test and Combat Use ofAC-47. p 5. USAF, President. Feb 16. 1965.
21. Woodyard rprt; Kenneth Sames. The 41. Sharp-Westmoreland. Report. pp 14-15:
Battle of Binh Gia. 27 Dec 64 I Jan 65 ( H Q hist. 2d AD. Jan-Jun 65. pp 22-26.
PACAF. Proj CHECO, Dec 27. 1965). p 2. 42. Hist, PACAF. Jul I , 1964-Jun 30, 1965.
22. Ibid.. pp 2-6. I. pt 2, 96: hist, SAC, Jan-Jun 65. II. 238-239:
23. Woodyard rprt: hist. 2d AD. Jan-Jun 65. msg, PACAF to 13th A F and 5th AF. Feb 65.
I I . 12 and 15. 43. Hist. 2d AD, Jan-Jun 65. II. 26-28;
24. Ibid., p 15. Bethea intvw. Jun 6, 1965: Guthrie End of Tour
25. Sams, The Battle of Binh Gia. pp 6-8. Report, ca. Aug 65.
26. New York Times. Pentagon Papers. pp 44. Hist. 2d AD. Jan-Jun 65. II. 31-33.
337-40. 45. Sharp-Westmoreland. Report. pp 107-
27. Hist. 2d AD, Jan-Jun 65, II. 8 and I I: Itrs. 108: hist, 2d AD. Jan-Jun 65, II. 34-35: Itr.
Everding to Hiller, Jan 8. 1965. Rowland to Mataxis to 2d AD, Feb 28. 1965: msg. MACV to
Ginsburgh. Apr 72; Brig Gen A.W. Schinz CINCPAC. Feb 21. 1965.
Debriefing Report. Oct 22. 1966. 46. MACV. Monthly Evaluation Rprt. Mar
28. Msg. PACAF to CSAF. Jan 6. 1965. 65, Annex B. p 23.
29. Hist, PACAF. Jul 64-Jun 65. III. Jan 65; 47. Msgs. PACAF to 2d AD. Mar 2. 1965.
msgs, PACAF to 13th AF, Jan 23, 1965, and to CSAF to PACAF. Mar 6, 1965. CS to CINC-
5th AF. Apr 12. 1965. PAC. Mar 9. 1965,and ADMINO. CINCPAC.
30. Sharp-Westmoreland, Report, p 107: to MACV. Mar 10. 1965.

A- I E Skyraider Prop-driven, single-engine, land- o r carrier-based multipurpose aircraft.
developed to permit greater versatility as a n attack bomber o r utility
aircraft. Two crew. Formerly designated AD-5.
A-I H Skyraider Prop-driven, single-engine. land- o r carrier-based multipurpose aircraft.
Carrying heavy stores on its centerline rack, this plane is especially
equipped for low-level attack bombing. A single-seater, like all Skyraiders
other than the series. Formerly designated AD-6.

The C-47 transport converted into a gunship by adding the General

Electric IA The had several nicknames: Puff the
Magic Dragon, Dragon Ship, and Spooky.
AD-4 Skyraider Prop-driven. single-engine, land- o r carrier-based aircraft used for dive-
bombing, tactical support, and other combat missions. One crew.
AD-5 aircraft See A- I E Skyraider.
aircraft See EA-I F Skyraider.

AD-6 aircraft See A-I H Skyraider.

Army Air-Ground System (US)
Army Air Operations Section, MACV
R air-to-air refueling
AB air base
air base advisory team
air base group
Able United States Air Force photographic reconnaissance detachment at Don
Royal Thai Air Force Base( 1961-62) Tan Son N h u t Air
air base squadron
airlift command post: airborne command post.
air commando squadron
Assistant Chief of Staff for
Army Concept Team in Vietnam (US)
AD air division

Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for

administrative office
advanced echelon
air depot wing
Air Force

AFAG Air Force Advisory Group

AFB Air Force Base

AFCC Air Force component commander

AFCHO Office of Air Force History, United States Air Force

AFF Army Field Forces, South Vietnam

AFLC Air Force Logistics Command

A F Sec, MAAGV Air Force Section, Military Assistance Advisory Group. Vietnam

AFTU-V Air Force Test Unit - Vietnam (US)

AFXOD Director of Doctrine. Concepts. and Objectives. United States Air Force

AFXOP Director of Operations. United States Air Force

AFXOPI Special Air Warfare Division, Deputy for Tactical/Transport Forces.

Directorate of Operations, United States Air Force

AFXOPJ Assistant Director for Joint Matters. Directorate of Operations. United

States Air Force

AFXOPLC Tactical Division. Deputy for Tactical/Transport Forces. Directorate of

Operations, United States Air Force

AFXPD Director of Plans. United States Air Force

Agile Remote area counterinsurgency research and development by Advanced

Research Projects Agency.

AGM air-to-ground missile

AGOS Air-Ground Operations School (USAF)

AID Agency for International Development (US)
AIG address indicating group
AlRA air attach;
Air Link Southeast Asia Treaty Organization air exercise in Thailand (1957).
Air Progress Southeast Asia Treaty Organization air maneuver in Thailand ( 1959).

ALCC airlift control center

ALO air liaison officer
ALPIT Authorized Low Priority Interdiction Target
Amb Am bassad or
AMC Air Materiel Command
AmEmb American Embassy
AMFPA Air Materiel Force Pacific Area (USAF)
AOC air operations center

aPP appendix

ARDF airborne radio direction finding

ARMA Army attache
ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency. A separately organized research and
development agency of the Department of Defense under the direction
and supervision of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering.

ARPAC Army Forces. Pacific (US)

ARVN Army of the Republic of Vietnam

A S D / ISA Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs

AS1 Aerospace Studies Institute (USAF)

ASOC air support operations center

Associated States Vietnam, Laos. and Cambodia

in Indochina

asst assistant

A-Staff Air Staff. Formerly used in numerical combinations as with J-Staff. which

ASU aeromedical staging unit

atch attachment

atchd attached

ATF air task force

ATF-I3(P) 13th Air Task Force (Provisional) (USAF)

ATGp air transport group

ATSq air transport squadron

AVCO aviation company (USA)

8-26 Invader A three-place, midwing, all-metal monoplane, light-bombardment aircraft

with tricycle landing gear. Powered by two prop-driven engines. Three

8-47 Stratojet A swept, high-wing, multi-engine jet aircraft with swept tail surfaces and
tandem landing gear. Four engines are paired in pods below and for-
ward of the wings. Other two engines are in individual pods at wing tips.
Three crew.
8-57 Canberra A wide-short, midwing, twin-jet bomber aircraft with retractable tricycle
landing gear. Two crew.
B-58 Hustler Long-range, high-altitude, high-speed aircraft. Wing is full cantilever mid-
wing modified delta design. Powered by four turbojet engines equipped
with afterburners. Engines mounted inindividual nacelles, two per wing.
mounted on pylons beneath each wing.
Bristol Type 170 Prop-driven, twin-engine. cantilever high-wing monoplane designed a s a
freight o r passenger transport. Used in Southeast Asia by the Royal New
Zealand Air Force.
British Supermarine I An amphibious aircraft used by the British during World War I I for
Sea Otter reconnaissance and general naval duties, including air/sea rescue. The
French Navy employed this aircraft in Indochina.


Back Porch United States communications system in South Vietnam.

Movement of French military personnel by air from Europe to Vietnam

Barn Door Establishment of tactical air control system in South Vietnam ( 1962). Barn
Door II extended the system to Thailand.

Barrel Roll United Statesair interdiction ineastern later limited

activity in northern Laos.

bomb damage assessment

Bell Tone United States Air Force airdefense detachment at Don Royal Thai
Air Force Base.

Bent Bow Rapid delivery airdrop

Big Safari Air Force Logistics Command technical rework of infrared equipment

Binh Lam Special Republic of Vietnam Armed tactical zone in the provinces of
Zone Binh and Lam Dong (1964).


Black Watch photographic activity in Laos that was transferred to Vietnam

Booster Shot Pacific Air Forces airdelivered village aid project in

Box Top United States Air Force intelligence over the Gulf of

Brave Bull An especially modified C-97 employed for reconnaissance in Southeast

Asia during

Light. low-wing. prop-driven, twin-engine cargo aircraft of all-metal con-

struction. Two crew. four passengers.

Prop-driven, low-wing monoplane with retractable landing

gear, utilized a s a cargo. ambulance, or troop transport. Two crew,
twenty-four passengers.

C-54 Skymaster low-wing monoplane with retractable tricycle

landinggear. A long-rangecargo, troop. o r personal transport. Six crew.

C-I Flying Boxcar A twin-boom, high-wing. land monoplane of all-metal construction having
a conventional tricycle gear with a steerable nose gear. I t s two recipro-
cating engines have constant-speed. four-blade. reversible-pitch pro-
pellers. Five crew. forty-two troops.
C-I Provider Prop-driven. two-engine, high-wing monoplane. Used to transport combat
and other equipment for airborne assault troops, the resupply by air of
advanced combat positions, evacuation of wounded. and air transporta-
tion of paratroops to the d r o p ZONE Two crew, sixty troops. o r fifty
litters plus four attendants. Also served a5 a forward air control/flare-
ship. (The features two pod-mounted turbojets in addition to its
piston engines.)

C-I24 Globeinaster A low-wing monoplane powered by four reciprocatingengines. Has clam-

shell cargo doors in front fuselage and loading elevator in center fuselage I
capable of transporting heavy ground-force and ordnance equipment in
the main cabin. Five crew. two hundred troops or 127 litters plus
twenty-five ambulatory patients.

C-130 Hercules A high-wing. all-metal construction, medium-range, land-based mono-

plane, for rapid transportation of personnel. cargo. or paratroops.
Powered by four turboprop engines. Four crew. ninety-two troops or
sixty-four paratroops. or seventy litters plus six attendants.
CH-21 Workhorse All-metal, semi-monocoque-constructed helicopter for transport and
cargo operations. Crew compartment in nose. side-by-side seating. Has
three-blade. all-metal rotors arranged in tandem and turning in opposite
directions. Tricycle-type landing gear. Two crew. sixteen passengers.
Formerly designated H-21.
CH-34 Choctaw Sikorsky Model S-58 helicopter equipped with a four-blade. main rotor
and a tail rotor. Has two-wheel main landing gear and small tail wheel.
Two crew, eighteen passengers. Formerly designated H-34.
CV-2B Caribou Prop-driven, twin-engine transport with load-carrying capacity compara-
ble to that of the C-47. Has short-takeoff-and-landing capability. Crew
of two and thirty-two passengers.

C/ Chairman o r Chief of
CALO corps air liaison officer
C A M RON consolidated aircraft maintenance squadron (USAF)
Candy Machine United States Air Force F-102 interceptor air defense teams in Vietnam.
Superseded Water Glass.

CAP combat air patrol

CAS close air support

CASF composite air strike force

CAT Civil Air Transport Corporation

CATO Combat Arms Training and Organization Division, United States Military
Assistance Advisory Group. Saigon
Cat Paw Provisional United States Air Force C-I 19 maintenance detachment in
Vietnam (1954).

CBU cluster bomb unit

CC combat cargo
CCTG combat crew training group
CCTS combat crew training school; combat crew training squadron
CDNl Committee for the Defense of National Interests. o r Lao conservative
political party.

CDTC Combat Development and Test Center

C-E communications-electronics
CHECO Contemporary Historical Evaluation of Counterinsurgency Operations
1962); Contemporary Historical Evaluation of Combat Operations
1965); Contemporary Historical Examination of Current Operations


Chien Thang “The Victorious.” Government of Vietnam military campaign plan offi-
cially issued in February 1965.

Chieu Hoi “Open Arms.” Government of Vietnam cause designed to persuade Viet
Cong (0rally to the government cause.
CHMAAGV Chief. Military Assistance Advisory Group. Vietnam

chron chronology
C1 counterintelligence

CIA Central Intelligence Agency (US)

C1D C Civilian Irregular Defense Group (RVN)

CINCARPAC Commander in Chief. Army Forces Pacific

ClNCFE Commander in Chief, Far East

CINCPAC Commander in Chief. Pacific Command

CINCPACAF Commander in Chief. Pacific Air Forces

CIN C P A C F L T Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet

CINCUNCI F E C Commander in Chief. United Nations Command/ United States Far East
Command (1950-1956)
CI N C U SA FE Commander in Chief. United States Air Forces in Europe
Civil Guard See RF, Regional Forces.

CJCS The Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

CJTF Commander, Joint Task Force

CM Memorandum (The Chairman. Joint Chiefs of Staff)

CMH Chief of Military History, United States Army

CNO Chief of Naval Operations (US)

COC combat operations center

COIN counterinsurgency I

Cold War A hostile encounter between nations o r groups of nations that stops short
of actual armed conflict. I t uses the weapons of politics. diplomacy.
economics, espionage, police action, and propaganda to gain advantage. I

comd command
comdr commander
COMFEAF Commander, Far East Air Forces
COMPAF Commander. Pacific Air Force
COMSEADEFCOM Commander. Southeast Asia Defense Command (US)
C O M USMACTHAI Commander, United States Military Assistance Command, Thailand

COMUSMACV Commander. United States Military Assistance Command. Vietnam

Condor French military thrust out of Laos toward Dien Bien Phu (1954).

conf conference

Cong Congress of the United States

Cong Rec Congressional Record

Corona Harvest United States Air Force evaluation of air operations in Southeast Asia.

COSVN Central Office for South Vietnam (Viet Cong Headquarters)

counterinsurgency Those military. paramilitary, political. economic. psychological, and civic

actions taken by a government t o defeat subversive insurgency.

CQ Congressional Quarterly

CRC control and reporting center

CRP control and reporting post

C/S Chief of Staff

CSAF Chief of Staff. United States Air Force

CSAFM Chief of Staff Air Force Memorandum

CTZ corps tactical zone (RVNAF)

curr current

DA Department of the Army (US)

DABlN Data Base Inventory

DAF Department of the Air Force (US)

D/AFTU-V Director of Air Force Test Unit Vietnam

Dep/ Deputy for

DCS/ Deputy Chief of Staff for

D C S / S&L Deputy Chief of Staff. Systems and Logistics, United States Air Force

D E P C I N C U S A R P A C Deputy Commander in Chief.United States Army, Pacific

D E P C O M USMAC- Deputy Commander. United States Military Assistance Command.
THAI Thailand

dept department

De Soto United States offshore intelligence collection.

DIA Defense Intelligence Agency (US)

Dir/ Director of

dir director; directorate: directive

direction finding Procedure for obtaining bearings of radio frequency emitters with the use
of a highly directional antenna and a display unit o n a n intercept receiver
of ancillary equipment.

Dirty Thirty United States Air Force C-47 transport pilots attached t o the Vietnamese
Air Force (1962-63). An unofficial nickname.

33 I


Director Joint Staff Memorandum

DMZ demilitarized ZONE

doc document

Department of Defense ( U S )

doppler radar A radar system that differentiates between fixed and moving targets by
detecting the apparent change in frequency of the reflected wave due
motion of target or the observer.

Duke’s Mixture Provisional United States Air Force aircraft maintenance detachment
Vietnam 1954). Formerly “Project Revere.”

drop ZONE

EA- I F Skyraider Similar to A-I E except that it is equipped for countermeasures. Four crew.
Formerly designated AD-SQ.

A C-47 that has electronic countermeasures capability or electronic devices I

to permit employment a s a n early warning radar station. Three crew.

Eagle Flight A tactic for helicopter employment.

Economic Cooperation Administration (US)

EDC European Defense Community

Nickname for bomb (1965). Formerly “Lazy Dog.”

electronic intelligence

est estimate


Corsair Prop-driven, Navy fighter used in various models both

during and since World War

Freedom Fighter An all-metal. single-place. jet fighter. Has tricycle

landing gear and steerable nose wheel. Nose is fitted with
cannon. Can carry sixty-two hundred pounds of ordnance. Has
a range of four hundred miles and a speed of about nine hundred miles
per hour.
Hellcat A World War II,prop-driven. single-engine, Navy fighter.

A prop-driven, Navy fighter.

Kingcobra Prop-driven, low-wing fighter. Developed during World
War II, chiefly for ground-attack work. One crew.
Sabre All-metal, low-wing. fighter interceptor with
swept-back wings and tail. Has tricycle landinggear and nose radar. One
Super Sabre Supersonic. turbojet-powered, tactical and air superiority
fighter. Has a low, thin. swept wing and nose air intake. Employs air
brake and drag chute. Can provide close support for ground forces and
be refueled in flight. One crew.

F-101 Voodoo Single-place. twin-engine, swept midwingjet aircraft designed as a n escort

and penetration fighter. Has a swept one-piece horizontal stabilizer set
high on its fin tricycle-type landing gear.

F-102 Delta Dagger Single-engine. supersonic, all-weather. delta-wing, jet interceptor used in
air defense. Has tricycle landing gear. speed brakes, and drag chute. One

F-105 Thunderchief A supersonic, single-engine. turbojet-powered. all-weather. tactical fighter.

Capable of close support for ground forces. Its range can beextended by
inflight refueling. One crew.

FAC forward air control: forward air controller

FAG forward air guide

FAR Royaume, o r Royal Lao Army

Farm Gate Detachment 2. 4400th Combat Crew Training Squadron. and subse-
quently United States Air Force air commandoactivity at Bien Hoa Air
Base. Vietnam.

FEAF Far East Air Forces (USAF) (1944-56)

FEALOGFOR Far East Air Logistics Force (USAF)

FEC Far East Command (US)

FIC French Indochina

Field Goal United States Air Force RT-33 photo jet reconnaissance in Laos (1961).

Fire Brigade United States Air Force-Vietnamese Air Force air transport rapid alert
capability for Army of the Republic of Vietnam airborne employment.

Firm Link Southeast Asia Treaty Organization maneuvers in Thailand (1956)

FlSq fighter interceptor squadron

Flaming Dart United States-Vietnamese Air Force air reprisal strikes against North
Vietnam (February 1965).

FM frequency modulation

fragmentary The daily supplement to standard operations orders governing the conduct
operations order of the air war in Southeast Asia. It contained mission number and
function. type of ordnance. time on target. and other instructions.

FTD field training detachment

ftr fighter

FY fiscal year

G The measure o r value of the gravitational pull of the earth o r of a force

required to accelerate or decelerate any freely movable body at the rate
of about 32. I6 feet-per-second. To pull "three Gs"means to be subjected
to a G-force of three Gs.


GCA ground controlled approach

GHQ general headquarters

G LO ground liaison officer

GP general purpose (bombs or forces)

gP group
GPO Government Printing Office (US)

Green Python United States Air Force reconnaissance operations at Udorn Royal Thai
Air Force Base, Thailand.
Green Turnip Loan of United States Air Force C-47s to the French (1954).
G-Staff Army staff; used in numerical combinations with J-Staff, which see.

GVN Government of Vietnam

H- I9 helicopter See UH-19 Chickasaw

H-21 helicopter See CH-21 Workhorse
H-34 helicopter See CH-34 Choctaw.
H-43 helicopter See HH-43.
HC-47 Skytrain The C-47 transport especially equipped for search and rescue missions, and
with twice the normal fuel load, a stronger landing gear, and jet-assisted
takeoff. Three crew. Formerly designated SC-47.
HH 4 3 A twin rotor, single-engine helicopter designed for crash-rescue operations.
Semi-monocoque-constructed fuselage. Rotors are intermeshing. coun-
ter-rotating rotors, each with two blades, mounted side-by-side. Has
non-retractable, four-wheel type, landing gear. Two crew, three pas-
sengers. Formerly designated H43.
HU-I helicopter See UH-IA Iroquois and UH-IB Iroquois.
HU-IA helicopter See UH-IA Iroquois.
HU-IB helicopter See UH-IB Iroquois.
HU-16 Albatross Prop-driven, twin-engine. high-wing, amphibious aircraft with all-metal
hull and fixed wing floats, For search and rescue missions. Four crew,
ten passengers.
Hail Initial nickname for Mk-44 bomb.
Hawk Eye Experimental airborne radio direction finding C-47 (later EC-47) activity
in Southeast Asia.
HF/DF high frequency/direction finder
Hilo Hattie An especially equipped United States Air Force C-54 reconnaissance
aircraft employed in Vietnam (1962-63).
hist history; historical
HMM medium helicopter squadron (USMC)
Hoi Chanh A Viet Cong returnee under the Chieu Hoi program.

H o p Tac Sequential concentric military operations to safeguard Saigon under the

HQ headquarters

International Cooperation Administration (US)

International Control Commission

identification, friend A system using electronic transmissions to which equipment carried by

or foe friendly forces automatically responds, for example, by emitting
impulses, thereby distinguishing themselves from enemy forces.


i indorsement



in trail Aircraft directly behind one another.


initial photographic interpretation report

intelligence report: infrared

IRAN inspection and repair a s necessary

Age Overall program for United States Air Force materiel support of the
French in Indochina (1953-54).
I SA International Security Affairs (US)

Prop-driven, low-wing. transport monoplane built in Ger-

many by Junkers.

Joint Airlift Allocations Board (MACV)

Joint Air-Ground Operations System (MACV)

Joint Military Mission for Aid to Turkey (US)

joint air operations center

JATO jet-assisted takeoff

Joint Chiefs of Staff

Joint Chiefs of Staff Memorandum

Joint General Staff

joint operations center

Joint Operational Evaluation Group. Vietnam (MACV)

Joint Research and Test Activity (MACV)

Joint Staff. Used in numerical combinations as (Personnel).

(Operations), (Logistics), (Plans).
and Electronics).


it joint

JTD joint table of distribution

JTF joint task force

J ungle J i m The 4400th Combat Crew Training Squadron and subsequent United
States Air Force air commando activity at Eglin Air Force Base,

JUSMAG Joint United States Military Advisory Group

JUSMAP Joint United States Military Advisory and Planning Group

KB-50 Superfortress Tactical aerial tanker powered by four reciprocating engines and two
turbojet engines. Capable of simultaneous aerial refueling of three
fighter-type aircraft by the probe and drogue method. Six crew.

KC- I35 Stratotanker Long-range. high-performance tanker powered by four turbojet engines.
Has a flying boom for aerial refueling. Performs high-speed. high-
altitude refueling of bombers and fighters. Can be used as a cargo
a n d / o r troop transport. carrying up to eighty troops. Four crew.

K BA killed by air

KIA killed in action

kilometer Equals 3.280.8 feet. about two-thirds (.62) of a mile.

L-18 Prop-driven. single-engine. braced high-wing, light monoplane. Enclosed

cabin seats two in tandem. Has dual controls.

L-19 aircraft See 0-1 Bird Dog.

L-20 aircraft See U-6 Beaver.

L-26 aircraft See U-9 Aero Commander.

L-28 aircraft See UH-IO Helio Super Courier.

landline system Telephone o r telegraph communication by wire over, on. or under the

Lazy Dog Nickname for M k-44 bomb. earlier called “Hail’ and later “Elda.”

Leaping Lena United States and Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces long-range recon-
naissance interdiction teams.

In liaison

LOC line of communications

LOP line of position

LORAN Long-range electronic navigation system that uses a time divergence of

pulse-type transmissions from two o r more fixed stations. Also called
long-range navigation.

LPR Laotian People’s Rally. o r neutralist political party

Itr letter

Lucky Dragon High-altitude aerial reconnaissance flown by Strategic Air Command U-2
aircraft (1964). Later called "Trojan Horse."

landing zone

Marcel Dassault French prop-driven. twin-engine, all-metal. light military transport and
M.D. 3 15 Flamant liaison monoplane.

MIG-15 Single-engine. turbojet. Russian fighter aircraft. designed and developed

by Mikoyan-Gurevich. One crew.

MIG-17 Single-engine, turbojet. Russian fighter aircraft that by 1953-54 began

replacing the MIG-IS in the Soviet Air and Naval Service.

MK-IX Spitfire British prop-driven. single-engine, low-wing fighter developed by Super-

marine. One crew. The speed. rate of climb. superior maneuverability.
and great firepower of the Spitfire made it one of the greatest combat
aircraft ever built.

Moranc-500 Cricket Prop-driven. single-engine, high-wing. liaison aircraft. Built by Moranc

Saulnier. it is the French version of the German Fieseler Fl-156 Storch
communications monoplane. Two crew.

MAAC Military Assistance Advisory Group

MAAGV Military Assistance Advisory Group. Vietnam

MACSOG Military Assistance Command, Studies and Observations Group

M ACTH A I Military Assistance Command, Thailand

MACV Military Assistance Command, Vietnam

MAG Military Advisory Group

Mail Pouch RT-33 photo courier service from Don Muang Royal Thai Air Force Base.
Thailand (1961-62).

M&O manpower and organization

MAP Military Assistance Program

Market Project for the loan of United States Air Force B-26s to the French in
Vietnam (1954).

Market Time United States Navy patrols off South Vietnamese coasts

mat materiel

MATS Military Air Transport Service ( U S A F )

MDAP Mutual Defense Assistance Program

memo memorandum

meter Equals 39.37 inches

MG machinegun

MIG A popular designation for certain Russian fighter aircraft designed and
developed by Mikoyan and Gurevich.

Millpond United States covert assistance actions in Laos (1961)


monthly evaluation

Primitive mountain tribesmen (numbering about eight hundred thousand)

who had a history of antipathy toward the Vietnamese. They were not
absorbed into the mainstream of Vietnamese life.
MR memorandum for record: military region

M Military Revolutionary Council



M Military Sea Transport Service

Mule Train Nickname of initial United States Air Force C-I detachment in Vietnam.

Northern Air Material Area (USAF)

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization

noncommissioned officer-in-charge
National Campaign Plan
no date
National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam political
arm). Also sometimes abbreviated or
National Intelligence Agency. South Vietnam
national intelligence estimate (US)
Night Owl Night delivery of ordnance by aircraft under illumination of their own
National Internal Security Council. South Vietnam
Lao Sat Lao)
Nomad An armed trainer aircraft configured for the Mutual Defense
Assistance Program.
NORM not operationally ready maintenance
not operationally ready supply
no place: no publisher
National Security Action Memorandum
National Security Council (US)
NVA North Vietnamese Army

Bird Dog Single-engine, two-place tandem. closed cabin, high-wing aircraft of con-
ventional strut-braced, two-spar design. All metal and semi-monocoque
fuselage with a fixed pitch propeller. Twenty-four volt elec-
trical system. Two crew. Formerly designated
Mohawk Prop-driven. single-engine. surveillance (day and night) airplane with vis-
ual observation and photographic capabilities. Crew of two.
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs
PA Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense. Public Affairs
office in charge of construction
on-the-job training
One Buck United States Tactical Air Command composite air strike force deploy-
ment t o Southeast Asia in August in response to the Gulf
On Mark Extensive modification of aircraft performed by the On Mark
Engineering Company.
Operation Plan
order of battle The identification. strength, command structure. and disposition of the
personnel, units. and equipment of any military forces.
Office of the Secretary of Defense

Privateer A four-engine bomber and reconnaissance monoplane. developed by Con-

solidated during World War for the United States Navy.
all-metal, parasol-wing patrol-bomber flying
boat. Has amphibian capability, with a retractable tricycle undercar-
riage in the hull.
Pacific Air Forces (USAF)
Pacific Fleet
Pacific Command (US)
Pacific Air Force (1954-1956) (USAF)
Pagoda Call sign of the control and reporting post at Pleiku.
Panama Call sign of the control and reporting post (later control and reporting
center) at Air Base.
Paper Sack Suspension of Defense and Assistance Program deliveries t o lndo-
china following the Geneva agreements of
Paris Call sign of the control and reporting center at Tan Son Nhut Air Base.
Parrot’s Beak The tip of the Cambodian salient west of Saigon, South Vietnam.
Lao Laotian communists.
Pathfinder Two or more aircraft using lead aircraft’s LORAN for navigation
Patricia Lynn reconnaissance aircraft equipped with improved day-and-night
cameras and infrared sensors.
Special Tactical Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces special tactical zone in the provinces of
Zone Long, Binh Long, and (1962-63).

des Jars (Plain of Jars). A military strategic area north-northeast of

Vientiane in Laos.
programs evaluation office
Popular Forces, o r the former Vietnamese Self Defense Corps. Locally
recruited South Vietnamese volunteers. organized into squads and pla-
toons. and used chiefly a s security forces in villages and hamlets.

PFDOP Deputy Chief of Staff. Plans and Operations, Pacific Air Forces
PFIDC Director of Intelligence, Pacific Air Forces
PFLPL Plans Division. Directorate of Plans. Pacific Air Forces
PFMLP Assistant for Logistical Plans. Directorate of Materiel. Pacific Air Forces
PFMSS Supply and Services Division. Directorate of Materiel. Pacific Air Forces
PFOCO Combat Operations. Assistant Chief of Staff Operations. Pacific Air
PFODC Assistant Chief of Staff Operations, Pacific Air Forces
PFOOP Operations Plans Division. Directorate of Operations, Pacific Air Forces
Phyllis Ann EC-47 airborne radio direction finding aircraft and project. Followed
experimental “Hawk Eye.”
Pierce Arrow United States Navy retaliatory air strikes against North Vietnam. August
5. 1964.
Pipe Stem United States Air Force photographic reconnaissance detachment at Tan
Son Nhut Air Base (1961-62).
POL petroleum. oil. and lubricants
POW prisoner of war
P PC Photographic processingcell. A facility. generally mobile. equipped for the
processing, printing. and interpretation of reconnaissance sensor pro-
ducts and other production normally related to the reconnaissance
intelligence function.
People’s Revolutionary Party (southern branch of the North Vietnamese
communist ( L a o Dong) party).
PSP pierced steel planking
pt part

Queen Bee United States Air Forcecommunications reconnaissance missions over the
Gulf of Tonkin (1964).

R-4D United States Navy transport similar to the Air Force C-47
RB-26 Invader The B-26 modified for reconnaissance missions by changes in nose and
installed equipment. Three crew.
RB-47 Stratojet The B-47 modified and equipped for photographic reconnaissance mis-
sions. Three crew.
RB-57 Canberra The B-57 modified for photo reconnaissance. Two crew.
RC-47 Skytrain The C-47 transport with equipment permanently installed for photo-
reconnaissance and/ o r electronic reconnaissance missions. Three crew.
RF-101 Voodoo Day o r night photographic reconnaissance version of the F-101.
RT-28 Trojan The T-28 configured for photo reconnaissance. Two crew.
RT-33 Shooting Star Reconnaissance version of the T-33. Two crew.
RAAF Royal Australian Air Force

rad radio
Ranch Hand Nickname of United States Air Force C-I23 aerial spray detachment
deployed to Vietnam in 1961-62 and applied to later defoliation and
herbicide activity.
RAND Research and Development (The R A N D Corporation, Santa Monica.
R&D research and development
rcrd record
recon reconnaissance
ref reference
Revere Provisional United States Air Force aircraft maintenance detachment in
Vietnam (1954). Later called “Duke’s Mixture.”
RF Regional Forces (the former Vietnamese Civil Guard). These were local
South Vietnamese defense forces. recruited and used within one of the
administrative regions into which the country was divided.
RKG Royal Khmer (Cambodian) Government
RLAF Royal Laotian Air Force
Rolling Thunder Sustained United States air strikes against North Vietnam (March 1965-
October 1968).
rprt report
rqmt requirement
RTAF Royal Thai Air Force
RTAFB Royal Thai Air Force Base
RVN Republic of Vietnam
RVNAF Ripublic of Vietnam Armed Forces

SC-47 aircraft See HC-47 Skytrain.

SA Secretary of the Army
SAC Strategic Air Command ( U S A F )
SACSA Special Assistant to the Director. J C S Joint Staff. for Counterinsurgency
and Special Activities
Saddle Soap Loan of B-26aircraft to the French by the United States Air Force (1954).
SAF Secretary of the Air Force
SAMAP Southern Air Materiel Area Pacific (USAF)
SAMSq special air mission squadron
SAR search and rescue
SASF special aerial spray night
SAW special air warfare
Saw Buck United States Tactical Air Command composite air strike force deploy-
ments to Southeast Asia in mid-I962 and afterward. Also the nickname
of the United States Air Force C-I23 detachment deployed to Vietnam
in mid-1962.

34 I

SAWC Special Air Warfare Center (IJSAF)

SCAR strike control and reconnaissance
SCAT selected counterinsurgency air target
scramble To take off as quickly a s possible (usually followed by course and altitude
SDC Self Defense Corps (RVN)
SEA Southeast .Asia
SEAAS Southeast .Asia Airlift System
SEACOORD Southeast Asia Coordinating Committee for US Missions
Sea Dog Project for the loan of United States Air Force C-47s t o the French (1953).
Sea Swallow Government of Vietnam clear-and-hold operation in Phu Yen Province
( 1962).

SEAT0 Southeast Asia Treaty Organization

sec section
SECDEF Secretary of Defense (US)
2 CCR Commander, 2d Advanced Echelon; Commander, 2d Air Division
2 ODC Director of Current Operations. 2d Advanced Echelon: Director of Cur-
rent Operations. 2d Air Division
SECSTATE Secretary of State (US)
secy secretary
sess session
SHAPE Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
shoran bombing Bombing done after positioning the aircraft t o the bomb-release point by
radar adapted to the purpose.
Short Count Air surveillance flights over South Vietnamese coastal waters flown by
Farm Gate (1961-62).
Shufly Nickname for United States Marine Corps helicopter squadron and det-
achment in Vietnam.
SlAT single integrated attack team
SLAR Side-looking airborne radar. Views at right angles to the axis of the vehicle.
which produces a presentation of terrain o r moving targets.
SLAT Special Logistics Actions. Thailand
SM staff memorandum
SNlE special national intelligence estimate
so special order
Special Forces Military personnel with cross-training in basic and specialized military
skills. They were organized into small multiple-purpose detachments
with the mission to train, organize, supply, direct, and control indigen-
ous forces in guerrilla warfare and counterinsurgency operations. and t o
conduct unconventional warfare operations.
sq squadron
SSB single sideband
stf staff

Strike Command (US)
sum summary
Sunrise "Binh Minh." Highly publicized Government of Vietnam clear-and-hold
operation in Binh Province (1962).
South Vietnam
Sweet Sue Experimental night reconnaissance aircraft equipped with early
infrared sensors.
Swing Back Spare parts support for aircraft through cannibalization.
Swivel Chair Project for the loan of United States Air Force C-I 19s t o the French and
associated USAF maintenance support

Texan Prop-driven, single-engine, two-seat, low-wing, trainer airplane.

Trojan Prop-driven, single-engine. low-wing, all-metal monoplane with
tricycle landing gear with steerable nose wheel. For primary pilot
training. Two crew. The version is an attack plane. capable of
carrying a variety of ordnance on counterinsurgency missions.
Shooting Star all-metal, full-cantilever low wing, two-seat,
jet aircraft. Designed for training of flight personnel. Incorporates
laminar-flow wing sections, dive flaps, pressurized and heated cockpit.
Has hydraulically operated tricycle landing gear. Two crew.
All metal, jet-powered, two-place, low-wing monoplane
primary trainer employing a retractable tricycle landing gear. Is com-
pletely equipped with flight instruments. Features side-by-side seating.
Nose gear is equipped with power steering. Two crew.
Delta Dagger Similar to except that it is a two-place, side-by-side trainer version
for combat use. Two crew.
TAC Tactical Air Command (USAF)
tactical air control center
tactical operation
tactical air control party
tactical air control system
tactical air direction center
Taiwan Defense Command (US)
tactical air reconnaissance center (USAF)
tactical air support element (MACV)
Tactical Air Warfare Center (USAF)
troop carrier
temporary duty
tech technical
TERM Temporary Equipment Recovery Mission
task force

TFS tactical fighter squadron

TFW tactical fighter wing
T-MC transportmovement control
TO&E table of organization and equipment
TOC tactical operations center
Toy Tiger Night photographic modification of RF-101 aircraft
TRAC Targets Research and Analysis Center (MACV)
Triangle Military operation by Royal Lao Army in north-central Laos (July 1964).
TRIM , Training Relations and Instruction Mission
Trojan Horse High-altitude aerial reconnaissance flown by S A C U-2 aircraft. Formerly
"Lucky Dragon."
TSG tactical support group
Turnaround The length of time between arriving at a point and departing from that
point. It is used in this sense for the turnaround of shipping in ports. and
for aircraft refueling and rearming.

U-l Otter Prop-driven, single-engine, short-range. high-wing, light. utility aircraft.

Can operate on wheels. wheel-skis. or floats. Has throw-over control
column. dual rudder controls. tailwheel powered steering, and double-
slotted wing flaps. Two crew, eight passengers.
u-2 Single-seat. single-engine jet aircraft. Has long, wide, straight wings to give
it a glider-like characteristic and increase its load capacity to accommo-
date data-collection instruments, as well a s the ability to operate above
seventy thousand feet. Used for high-altitude reconnaissance and
weather sampling.
U-3 Prop-driven. twin-engine. low-wing monoplane with a tricycle landing
gear. Used for administrative and light-cargo purposes. Two crew, three
U-6 Beaver Single-engine. high-wing, all-metal monoplane. Has fixed landing gear,
throw-over controls, and dual rudder controls. For general utility mis-
sions. One crew. five passengers. Formerly designated L-20.
U-9 Aero Commander Prop-driven. twin-engine. light, high-wing. cantilever monoplane with
tricycle landing gear. For administrative missions. One crew, five pas-
sengers. Formerly designated L-26.
U-IO Helio Super Prop-driven. single-engine, light. short-takeoff-and-landing aircraft used
Courier for general utility missions. Two crew, two passengers. Formerly desig-
nated L-28.
U-17 Prop-driven. single-engine, high-wing. all-metal, six-place. utility aircraft
with conventional fixed landing gear and tail-wheel. Adaptable for
various missions such as personnel, cargo, and ambulance operation.
UH-I helicopter See UH-IA lroquoisand UH-IB Iroquois !
UH-IA Iroquois Used for transporting personnel and supplies. Has two-blade, helicopter
shaft driven by a gas turbine engine. Torque counteracted by a two-
blade, tail rotor mounted on a tail boom. Has skid-type landing gear.
Provisions for dual controls and internal ferry tank. One crew, five
passengers. Formerly designated H U-I A.
UH-IB Iroquois Used to transport personnel and supplies and a s a gunship. Similar t o
UH-I A except for engine and wider rotor blade, copilot controls, provi-

for armament. and capability to carry three litters. Two crew, seven
passengers. Formerly designated
U Chickasaw All-metal. semi-monocoque fuselage helicopter. Has one all-metal. three-
blade, main rotor and a n all-metal two-blade, antitorque, tail rotor.
Engine mounted in nose. landing gear. side-by-side seating,
external cargo sling. dual controls. Used for general utility operations.
Two crew, ten passengers. Formerly designated
Similar t o Choctaw. Utility version. Two crew, twelve passengers.
UHF ultra high frequency
United Nations
United Nations Command
us United States (of America)
USA United States Army
USAF United States Air Force
United States air attache
United States Ambassador
United States Army attach;
United States Army. Pacific
United States Army Special Forces, Vietnam (Provisional)
United States Army War College
United States Marine Corps
United States Navy
United States Operations Mission

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization exercise in Thailand

Vice Chief of Staff
VHF very high frequency
Viet Vietnamese communists. usually South Vietnamese communists.
Viet Minh Initial description of Vietnamese communists. Was later used to indicate
ethnic North Vietnamese forces whoentered Laos prior to regular North
Vietnamese Army troops.
VIP very important person
Vietnamese Air Force
Voice of America
Vulture Proposed United States Air Force bombing operation in relief of

Water Glass United States Air Force rotational air defense deployments to T a n
Son Nhut (1962-63). Superseded by “Candy Machine.”
Water Pump Detachment 6, 1st Air commando to Thailand in
1964 and applied to subsequent special air warfare activity at Udorn
Royal Thai Air Force Base.
wg wing
WIA wounded i n action
Wounded Warrior United States Air Force aeromedical evacuation of French repatriated sick
and wounded military personnel from Vietnam to Europe (1954).
Wring Out United States Air Force project to reach authorized strength of 137 wings
with existing personnel (1956).

Yankee Team United States tactical air reconnaissance missions in Laos.

Z Zulu Time (Greenwich Mean 'Time)

For the purposes of both history and self-evaluation, the United States Air
Force began in a n extensive effort to identify and collect documents on its
role in the conflict in Southeast Asia. At the same time, the Air Force expanded
its normal historical program. It also established a new activity named Project
Contemporary Historical Evaluation of Counterinsurgency Operations, later
called Contemporary Historical Evaluation of Combat Operations
During the next several years, USAF commands and agencies involved in the
war searched their records and selected papers pertinent for historical research.
Records of USAF staff agencies in the Washington National Records Center at
Suitland, Maryland, and of the Commander in Chief, Pacific Command
(CINCPAC) in the Federal Records Center at the Naval Supply Depot,
Pennsylvania, were screened for data on the air war.
All these sources, together with others, were indexed into the computer-
processed Data Base Inventory (DABIN) System at the Aerospace Studies
Institute, Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. Maintained by the
Technical Systems Branch of the Albert Historical Research Center
at Maxwell AFB, DABIN identifies source materials ranging from multivolume
studies to single-page messages, including title, issuing agency or author, date,
general subject, and significant key words in titles. It reveals the location of
sources by finding numbers in the collections noted above as well
as those in the Reference Division of the Historical Research Center and the Air
University Library. A query to DABIN by an authorized researcher can obtain
the listings of sources and, more specifically, the locations of the items referenced
in the footnotes of this volume of history.


Books and Documents


The records kept by the United States Air Force and its subordinate
commands and agencies are the major source materials for this volume. At the
Washington level, the holdings of the Deputy Chief of Staff, Plans and Opera-
tions, are the most useful collection of high-level Air Force policy and planning
papers. The semiannual histories of the Directorate of Plans and of the Assistant
for Mutual Security give succinct information on policy formulation. The study
cited this history as Book of Actions in Southeast Asia,
July was prepared in the Directorate of Operations. It summarizes
recommendations of the USAF Chief of Staff with respect to the conflict. Special
studies prepared by the Office of Air Force History also give perspective on
policy matters, and the following are particularly useful:


Hildreth, Charles H. USAF Counterinsurgency Doctrines and Capabilities, 1961-1962. February

USAF Special Air Warfare Doctrines, 1963. August 1964.
Lemmer. George F. The Laos Crisis of 1959. May 1961. i
Van Staaveren, Jacob. Air Operations in the Taiwan Crisis of 1958. November 1962.
USAF Plans and Policies in South Vietnam, 1961-1963. June 1965.
USAF Plans and Policies in South Vietnam and Laos, 1964, December 1965. i
USAF Plans and Policies in Southeast Asia, 1965. October 1966.
The officially published United States- Vietnam Relations, 1945-1967:
Study Prepared by the Department of Defense (Washington: Government I
Printing Office, 1971) and The Pentagon Papers, published in various editions,
also provide essential information on high-level policy decisions. The Historical
Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff kindly screened and made available from its
files selected documents pertaining to this volume.
Military command histories and their supporting documents have been
useful sources. The annual CINCPAC Command Histories are of high quality,
and annual MACV Command Histories are available for 1964 and 1965. A
special historical study prepared by the Directorate of Historical Services, Far
East Air Forces (FEAF), FEAF Support of the French Indo-China Operations,
1 July 1952-30 September 1954, contains details on the beginnings of USAF
activities in Southeast Asia. After 1956,Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) histories
(semiannual, except for a one-year coverage from July 1964 to June 1965)give
information on Southeast Asia, as d o reports and diaries of PACAF staff
agencies. Thirteenth Air Force histories offer progressively less detail as the war
progressed. A perfunctory History of the Second Advanced Echelon, Thirteenth
Air Force, July I , 1961-December 3 1, 1961,contains little of value for research.
But a History of the 2d ADVON, November 15,
by Joseph W. Grainger and TSgt George P. Day and issued on November 12,
1963)is a n excellent narrative with supporting documents. No narrative history
of the 2d Air Division in 1963 exists, but supporting documents for such a history
afford a good coverage of the period. Excellent semiannual 2d Air Division
histories were completed from January 1964 under the direction of Kenneth
Sams, 2d Air Division historian and director of CHECO in Saigon.
Valuable operations information is contained in the following studies:
Anthony, Maj Victor B.. USAF. The Air Force in Sourheast Asia: Tactics and Techniques of Night
Operations, 1961-1970. Washington: Office of Air Force History, March 1973.
Bowers, Col Ray L., USAF. “The Air Force in Southeast Asia: Tactical Airlift.” Washington: Office
of Air Force History, draft manuscript, 1971.
Cahill, Maj John J., USMC, and Shulimson, Jack. “History of U.S. Marine Corps Operations in
Vietnam, January-June 1965.” Washington: Historical Branch. G-3 Division, United States
Marine Corps, draft manuscript, 1968.
Komer, Robert W. The Malayan Emergency, in Retrospect: Organization of a Successful Counter-
insurgency Effort. R-957-ARPA. Santa Monica: The R A N D Corporation, February 1972.
Lewis. Thomas T. “The U.S. Military View of the Vietnamese War in 1963: Realistic Optimism or
Bureaucratic Distortion.” Master’s Thesis, George Washington University School of Govern-
ment and Business Administration, September 1972.
Rowley. Maj Ralph A., USAF. USA F F A C Operationsin Southeast Asia, 1961-1965. Washington:
Office of Air Force History, January 1972.
von Luttichau, Charles P. “The U.S. Army Role in the Conflict in Vietnam.” Washington: Center of
Military History. United States Army, draft manuscript, n.d.

Project established in October was designed to give
a n immediate reporting operations. In was
additionally charged to microfilm documents for incorporation in at the
Air University. A few microfilmed documents trace back to the period of this
history, but the major importance of as a source to this history of the
period lies in the following studies, most of which are often accom-
panied by voluminous supporting documents:
Anderson, Capt USAF. and Rescue in Southeast Asia, October

Bear, James SEA, September

Coffin. Lt Col Monty USAF, and Maj Ronald USAF. The ROYAL Thai Air Force.
Collins. Capt Charles USAF. Herbicide Operations in Southeast Asia, 1961-June
October I
Robert USAF. and Hale. Beverly. USAF. U S A F Operatiomfrom Thai-
land. August 10,
Hickey, Lawrence Night Close Air Support in March
Col Alfred USAF. The in Southeast Asia. MAY 1966-June September

Jones. Maj USAF. Organization, Mission and Growth of the Vietnamese Air Force,
Lt Col Robert USAF, and Porter, Melvin Air Traffic Control in S E A ,
Lt Robert USAF. Yankee Team, MAY 1964-June March
Martin. Lt Col Donald USAF. and Clever. Carl Southeast Asia Report. October
1961-December May
Wesley The War in Vietnam. January
Evolution OFTHE Engagement f o r Southeast Asia, September

Porter. Melvin. Tactical Control Squadron Operations in S E A S I A , October

Maj John C., USAF. Laotian Air Force, September
Kenneth. The Battle OF Binh December January July I .
Command and Control, December
Escalation of the War in Southeast Asia. JULY-DECEMBER December
Final Test and Combat Use of the December
Historical Background to Vietcong Mortar Attack on November
Kenneth, and Lt Col Bert USAF. U S A F Support OF Special Forces in SEA.
November 1961-February March
Smith, Capt Mark E.. USAF. U S A F Reconnaissance in Southeast Asia. October

Thompson, Maj A. USAF. Strike Controland Reconnaissance in SEA, January

Capt Edward, USAF. Operations in September 1961-July

Capt Robert USAF. Air Operations in the Delta. December
Lt USAF. and Assault AIRLIFT Operations. January 1961-June
The USAF Southeast Asia End of Tour Report Program was established
in response to a requirement by the Joint Chiefs of Staff for all the armed
services to provide observations from all senior officers completing a tour of duty
in an area threatened by insurgency. After the number of officers in Southeast
Asia grew to sizable proportions, the Joint Chiefs relaxed the requirement.
However, the Air Force continued the End of 'Tour Reports as an internal
program initially under and later the Office of Air Force History. The

observations in these reports frequently supply insights not captured by formal

reporting systems.
The Southeast Asia Oral History Program was started in 1967 to plan,
conduct. and process tape-recorded interviews with knowledgeable persons and
to record their experiences, observations, and recommendations. These oral
interviews are especially worthwhile in filling informational gaps in written
sources. The Office of Air Force History has continued the oral history program
and has expanded it to encompass USAF activities well beyond Southeast Asia.
The Reference Division of the Albert F. Simpson Historical Research
Center maintains guides to End of Tour Reports and oral histories. Some of the
latter are privileged and unavailable to researchers until a future time.
Other Department of Defense studies consulted include:
Climatology of Southeast Asia. Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.: Project Corona Harvest. August
Communist Policy Towards Southeast Asia. 1954-1969: A Chronological Compendium. Prepared
by Battelle Memorial Institute. Columbus. Ohio. Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.: Project Corona
Harvest, October I , 1970.
The Employment of Airpower in the Greek Guerrilla War. Maxwell Air Force Base. Ala.: Aerospace
Studies Institute. 1964.
Farmer, J.. and Strumwasser, M. J. The Evolution of the Airborne Forward Air Controller: A n
Analysis of Mosquito Operations in Korea. RM-5430-PR. Santa Monica: The RAND Corpo-
ration. October 1967.
Futrell. Robert F. The United States Air Force in Korea, 1950-1953. New York: Duell, Sloan and
Pearce, I96 I .
United States Policy Toward Sourheast Asia 1943-1968:A Chronological Compendium.
Maxwell Air Force Base. Ala.: Project Corona Harvest. 1968.
A Chronology of Significant Airpower Events in Southeast Asia. 1950-1968. Maxwell Air
Force Base. Ala.: Aerospace Studies Institute. 1969.
Ideas, Concepts, Doctrine: A History of Basic Thinking in the United States Air Force.
1907-1964. 2 vols. Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.: Aerospace Studies Institute. 1971.
Goure. Leon. Some impressions of the Effects of Military Operations on Viet Cong Behavior.
RM-4517-ISA. Santa Monica: The RAND Corporation. March 1965.
Graham, William B.. and Katz. Amron H. SIA T:Single Integrated Attack Team: A Concept for
Offensive Military Operators in South Vietnam. RM-4400-PR (Part II. Santa Monica: The
RAND Corporation, November 17. 1964.
Physical and Cultural Environment of Southeast Asia. Maxwell Air Force Base. Ala.: Project
Corona Harvest. November I . 1968.
Sharp. Adm U.S.G USN. and Westmoreland. Gen W.C.. USA. Report on the Warin Vietnam (As
of 30 June 1968). Washington: Government Printing Office. 1969.
Vigneras. Marcel. Rearming the French. [United States Army in World War II: Special Studies].
Washington: Office of the Chief of Military History. Department of the Army. 1957.

Senate. Report of Senator Mike Mansfield on a Study Mission to the Associated States of Indochina.
October 27. 1953. Indochina. 83d Cong. I st sess. Washington: Government Printing Office.
House. Hearings before the Committee on Foreign Affairs. The Mutual Security Act of 1954. 83d
Cong, 2d sess. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1954.
Senate. Compilation of Studies and Surveys Prepared Under the Direction of the Special Committee
to Study the Foreign Aid Program. Foreign Aid Program. Senate Document 52.85th Cong. 1st
sess. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1957.
House. Hearings before the Subcommittee on the Far East and the Pacific of the Committee on
Foreign Affairs. Mutual Security Program in Laos. 85th Cong. 2d sess. Washington: Govern-
ment Printing Office. 1958.

Senate. Hearings before the Subcommittee on State Department Organization and Public Affairs of
the Committee on Foreign Relations, Situation in Vietnam. 86th Cong. 1st sess. Washington:
Government Printing Office, 1959.
House. Seventh Report by the Committee on Government Operations, June 15 1959. U.S. Aid
Operations in Laos. House Report 546.86th Cong. 1st sess. Washington: Government Printing
Office. 1959.
Senate. Hearings before the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security
Act and Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary. Analysis of the Khrushchev
Speech of January6, 1961.87th Cong, 1st sess. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1961.
Senate. A Study Submitted by the Subcommittee on National Security Staffing and Operations.
The Ambassador and the Problem of Coordination. Senate Document 36. 88th Cong. 1st sess.
Washington: Government Printing Office, 1963.
Senate. Report of Senator Mike Mansfield to the Committee on Foreign Relations. Vietnam
and Southeast Asia. 88th Cong, 1st sess. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1963.
House. Hearing before the Special Subcommittee on Tactical Air Support of the Committee on
Armed Services. Close Air Support. 89th Cong. 1st sess. Washington: Government Printing
Office. 1966.
Senate. Hearings before the Subcommittee to Investigate Problems Connected with Refugees and
Escapees of the Committee on the Judiciary. Refugee Problems in South Vietnam and Laos.
89th Cong. 1st sess. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1965.
House. Hearing before the Committee on Armed Services. Fiscal Year 1966 Supplemental Authoriza-
tionfor Vietnam. 89th Cong. 2d sess. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1966.
Senate. Hearings before the Committee on Foreign
Assistance Fiscal Year 1966- Vietnam. 89th Cong, 2d sess. Washington: Government Printing
Office, 1966.
House. Hearings before the Subcommittee on the Far East and the Pacific of the Committee on
Foreign Affairs. United States Policy Toward Asia. 89th Cong, 2d sess. Washington: Govern-
ment Printing Office. 1966.
Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Background Information Relating to Southeast Asia and
Vietnam. 90th Cong. 1st sess. 3d revised edition. Washington: Government Printing Office.
Senate. Hearings before the Committee on Foreign Relations. Submission of the Vietnam Conflict to
the United Nations. 90th Cong. 1st sess. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1967.
Senate. Hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations on February 20. 1968. The Gurfof
Tonkin. The 1964 Incidents. Parts I and 2. 90th Cong, 2d sess. Washington: Government
Printing Office. 1968.
“Working Paper on the North Vietnamese Role in the War in South Vietnam.” Congressional
Record. May 9, 1968, pp 12614-12620.
Senate. Hearings before the Subcommitteeon United States Security Agreementsand Commitments
Abroad of the Committee on Foreign Relations. United States Security Agreements and
Commitments Abroad. Kingdom ofLaos. Part 2.91st Cong. 1st sess. Washington: Government
Printing Office, 1970.
The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt: Victory and the Threshold of Peace.
New York: Harper and Brothers. 1950.
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Harry S. Truman, 1950. Washington: Govern-
ment Printing Office, 1965.
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Harry S. Truman, 1951. Washington: Govern-
ment Printing Office, 1965.
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1954. Washington:
Government Printing Office. 1960.
Public Papers o f the Presidents of the United States: Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1955. Washington:
Government Printing Office, 1959.
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1957. Washington:
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A Luoi Valley: 248
A Shau Valley: 175, 248
Able Mable: 147-148, 171, 229, 241-243
Acheson. Dean: I I
Adams, Milton B.: 207
Advanced Echelon (ADVON), 2d: 95-102, 108, 110-1 13. 122. 124. 138
Advanced Research Projects Agency: 73, 112, I16
assessment of accomplishments: 267-268
civilian: 204
in combat role: 105, 218-219
French, with MAAG: 39
details from MAAG: 40, 75
number. expansion and reduction: 97, 151. 162, 166-167. 171. 192. 195, 216. 268
range of operations: 151, 162, 216
Aerial Port Squadrons
8th: 11 1, 167
6493d: I l l
Aerial Resupply Unit, 8081st: 16
Agency for International Development: 144
Air America: 257
Air Asia: 181
Air Base Group, 23d: 171
Air Base Squadrons
33d: 171
34th: 171
6220th: 101
6221st: 101
6222d: 101. 171
6223d: 101
Air bases. See Airfields
Air Commando Squadrons
1st: 171, 181. 200-201, 212-214. 218-220. 238, 246, 251
19th: 236
Air Defense, RVN Air Force: 128. 131
Air Depot Wing. 24th: I I . 15
Air Divisions
2d: 101, 112, 141. 146, 153, 160, 171-172. 175. 178.
230, 232, 235. 241. 244-246, 250-253. 264
315th: 16. 31. 41, 45. 81. 106. 108. I I 1. 171, 247
322d: 22
Air drops. See Airborne operations: Airlifts of troops and supplies
Air Forces
Far East: 10-1 I . 15-17. 23.41-42
Fifth: 41, 43-45. 74-75. 131
Pacific: 41. 43-44, 47-48. 81, 83, 95. 101, 106. 112. 120, 217, 229, 232. 236, 241. 244. 250. 253
263-264. 266
Thirteenth: 41-42. 45, 47. 81, 83,95. 101. 106. 108, 120, 124, 131, 133. 147. 232
Air-ground liaison: 106. 128. 131, 140. 143, 159. 168. 178, 182, 196. 215-216. 239, 244
Air-ground operations. See Tactical air support
Air-Ground Operations School: 178. 240
*Numerals in italic indicate a n illustration of the subject mentioned

Air Materiel Command: 42
Air Materiel Force Pacific Area: 42
Air National Guard: 65
Air operations
air-ground liaison: 106. 128. I3 I . 140. 143. 159. 168. 178. 182. 196. 239.
airstrike missions: 120-122. 128. 136-139. 172-174. 178. 183-184. 191. 196-197. 199.
212. 220-22 I. 245. 254. 257-267
artillery fire direction: 37
bombing missions: 25-26. 120, 139. 156. 158. 172. 264
communications intercept missions: 228
communications systems and equipment: 55. 81. 106-107. 142-144. 146. 159-160.
172, 175,177-178. 247
composite strike force in: 46. 247
convoy support missions: 174. I78
coordination and control: 42-44. 55-56. 74-75. 82-83.95-96. 105-106. 124. 136. 159.
175. I. 214-215. 217. 225. 227. 260-261
cropdestruction missions: 219. 247-250
damage assessments: 174. 199. 212
defoliation missions: I 247-250. 264
effect on pacification: 236-238
effectiveness. studies on: 25. 134. 157. 213
electronic intelligence missions: 235
escort missions: 25. 133. 145
forward air controllers in: 106-107. 121. 128. 136. 138-140. 142-144. 151, 168.
172-176. 180. 181-182. 184. 197, 199,214-215. 221.224.
236. 267
hamlet defense. support of I74
helicopter missions. escort of 144. 146. 157-158, 174. 176. 197. 267
identification. friend or foe: I3 I
infrared reconnaissance missions: 138. 148. 168-169. 243-245, 266
intelligence collection and transmission in: I38
joint operation. first: I28
joint operations center in: 83. 106. 128. 142, !
language barrier in: 221
logistics centralization: 42 I
mixed crews in combat: 220.267
mobile combat reporting post: 74. 82
napalm strikes: 10, 19. 121. 128, 141. 146. 156, 158. 179. 238. 260
night missions: 96, 127- 127. 132, 168.174-175. 224. 244. 247. 259-260
operations center in: 142
photographic reconnaissance missions: 74-75. 127. 135, 138, 147-148.
psychological warfare missions: 122. 219. 251-252
reconnaissance missions: 25. 37. 82. 128-129. 139. 143,147-148, 169. I7 I. 174. 182.
196, 227. 239-241. 243-244. 256-259, 268
restrictions on: 133. 141, 159, 172. 224
results, assessment of I34
rocket assault missions: 158. 130. 158. 237 I
roles and missions in: 49
search-and-rescue missions: 50, 170. I83
tactical air support missions. See Tactical air support missions
target acquisition and designation: 55, 136, 138-139. 140, 143. 146, 156, 196. 245
traffic control in: 131
warning system: I29

Air refueling Squadron. 421st 229
Air Rescue missions. See Search-and-rescue missions
Air Rescue Serv ice (Pacific): 45
Air Rescue Squadron. 3 1 s t : 45
Air Training Command: 154
Air warning system: 129
Airborne operations
American: 120. 167
French: 16-18. 20. 26
Republic of Vietnam: 112. 156-159. 164. 180. 196. 228. 246
armament loads: 128. 132. 240. 256-257
casualties evacuation by: 31. 122. 219. 260. 267
combat readiness and faults: 181. 212-214. 218. 20. 238. 243. 246
corps. assignment to: 21 I

losses: I 16. 146. 158. 178. I8 I . 183- 184. 2 13. 220. 229-230. 238. 246-247. 250. 253. 257. 260.
265-266. See also Helicopter losses
maintenance and repair: 50-52. 55. 125, 181
modifications in: 79-80
obsolete models: 54-55
spare-parts stocks: 50
types. See Aircraft types
Aircraft types
A-1: 77, 153. 174-176. 179. 181-184. 196-197. 199.212-214. 222. 224-225, 238-240. 243.
253-254. 257.259-261.263-264. 266-268
AC-47: 24 I . 242. 260-26 I . 266
AD-4: 55
AD-5: 131. 169
AD-6: 55. 67. 75. 82. 84. 121. 127-129. 132. 137. 139. 142-143. 145-146. 156-158. 178
8-26: 7. 9. 10. 17-18. 24. 31. 77. 79-80. 121, 127-129. 130. 131. 133-134. 136-137. 139. 145-146.
151. 154. 156-158. 171. 174-176. 178. 181. 183-184. 196-197. 199. 212-214. 217.242
0-29: 22-23. 25-26. 29
B-52: 263
B-57: 69. 2 12-2 13. 2 17. 229. 237, 238. 245. 253.262. 263. 267
Bristol Type 170: 246
C-45: 50. 147
C-47: 6n. 8. 10-1I. 16-17. 19. 24. 26. 31. 49-50. 55.67. 73 77.79. 82.96. 108. 112. 123, 128.
131-135. 147. 153. 156. 167. 171-172. 174-175. 181-183., 240-241.244.
246-247.249. 25 I . 260-261. 267
C-54: 138
C-I 19: 8. 15- 17. 19. 22. 25-26. 3 I
C-123: 93. 108. 109. 110-113. 114-115. 116, 119-120, 141, 146, 152, 154-156, 167, 180, 182-183.
196. 224. 236, 245. 247-250. 257. 261. 264. 268
C-124: 20. 22. 31
C-130: 58. 81. 228. 230
CH-34: 222
CV-2: 107, 110-1 12, 146. 154-155. 167. 215. 236. 238. 246-247. 265
Dassault M.D.-315 Flamant: IO, 36
EA-I: 169-170
EC-47: 244
F-4: 257
F-4U: 24
F-5: 153


I3 I ,



51. 138 158.


Morane-500 Cricket: 10,



U-1: I 10,

UH-1: 107, 144. 147, 155, 157-158,164, 167, 175. 178, 183.
UH-34: 144
air strikes against: 173
conditions at: 55, 123-124. 132, 177, 183. 215, 263
construction and repair: 39, 52, 81, 151, 177, 184, 217, 238, 263
defense of: 82. 264
security measures at: 170. 253, 264
suitability survey: I 10
tenant status of USAF: 123
Viet Cong attacks on: 253
Airlifts of troops and supplies: 8, 16. 19. 20-21. 24-27, 33. 50, 55. 58. 73-74, 106. 108. 110-1 12.
121-122, 128, 130, 144-146, 154-156, 171. 178, 182-184. 196,204-205.
214. 219. 245-247.254-255. 260-261. 266
Airmen, personal hardships of: 124
Ambush operations by Viet Cong: 53. 112-1 13. 145, 174, 179, 196-197. 224. 259-260
An Khe: 176. 267
An Lao: 259
An Xuyen Province: 178, 196, 214
Andersen Air Force Base: 230
Anderson, Winston P.: 250
Annam: 4-5
Anthis. Rollen H.: 99
and air operationscoordinationand control: 106. 136, 142-144. 147-149. 153, 155. 159-161. 171
and airborne operations: I12
and aircraft overuse: I8 I. 2 I2
and aircraft strength expansion: 133-134, 154
and airlift operations: I 1 1 - 1 12
appointed special assistant for counterinsurgency: 227
on Army concept of aircraft use: 160
on combat role for Air Force: 123
commands ADVON: 95-96
commands MACV air components: 97-98
commands 2d Air Division: 101
and communications systems: 160, 178
on defensive measures: I78
Diem and Nhu. assessment of 187
and escort missions: 145
Harkins. relations with: 101-102
and helicopter missions escorts: I59
on intensifying operations: 192
on interdiction missions: 135
and MACV command authority: 98
and mixed crews in combat: 131
and pilots training: 132, 152
and radio homing: 168
and reconnaissance operations: I71
on roles and missions: 148
and self-sustaining RVN Air Force: 134
sonic boom, use of 141
and sorties by RVN Air Force: 132
a n d tactical air strikes: 120. 136-139. 171-172
and tactical target designations: 140-141
and training programs: 127

36 I

A n tiaircraft ope rat ions a nd systems

Viet Cong: 283-285
Viet Minh: 17-19. 25-26. 212
Ap Bac: 157-160. 163. 177. 264
Armed Forces Council, RVN: 267
Armor operations: 261
Armorers. See Technicians
Arromanches (French carrier): 18. 24
Artillery fire support, Viet Minh: 18
Assissinations by Viet Cong: 52, 67. 72
Atomic weapons. See Nuclear weapons
Atrocities by Viet Cong: 52. 67, 72
Australia: 35

Ba Thu: 136
Ba Xuyen Province: 103
Bac Lieu: 183. 202
Ball. George W.: 100. 187-188
Ban Boung Bau road bridge: 257
Ban Ken bridge: 257
Ban Me Thuot: 53. 122. 148. 151. 169. 177. 179. 182
Ban Tang Vai: 259
Bao Dai: 3. 5. 7, 10-1 I . 34
BARRELL ROLL Operation: 256
Bartley. John P.: 170
Bay of Pigs incident: 63. 68
Ben Cat: 145, 197, 224, 254
Ben Cau: 199
Ben Suc: 255
Ben Tuong: I82
Berlin blockade: 5
Bethea, William E.: 221. 222
Bidault. Georges: 26
Bien Hoa Airfield: 50, 52. 55, 81. 83. 96, 104. 113. 116. 124. 127. 129, I30. 136. 145. 148. 151.
157. 168, 171. 175. 181-182, 184. 195. 197. 21 1-220. 229. 233, 235. 238-239.
243, 250, 253-254, 260-261. 262. 267-268. 27 1-272
Bien Hoa Province: 75. 200
Binh Dinh Province: 37. 255
Binh Duong Province: 104. 200. 224
Binh Gia: 260. 263
Binh Hung: 109
Binh Long Province: 156. 197
Binh Thuy (formerly Can Tho): 238-239
Binh Xuyen (religious group): 37
Black Watch: 171
Blanchard. William H.: 217-218
Boat bases. air strikes against: 230
Boi Loi woods: 264
Bomb loads and types: 128. 181. 197,212.230. 340. 257
Bombardment Squadrons. 8th and 13th: 229
Bombardment Wing, 3d: 212
Bombing missions. See Air operations
Bonin Islands: 44
Bowers. Charles J.: 142

3 62
Bridges, air strikes against:
Brink, Francis
Brink Hotel incident:
Brooks, Allison, C.:
Buddhists, demonstrations by:

Bunker systems, Viet

C. Turner Joy.
Peninsula: I

Joseph C.:
American recognition of
bombing OPERATIONS in and near:
border violations charged by:
breaks relations with
breaks relations with United States:
French patrol of
Japanese occupation of
military assistance to:
neutral status sought by:
as sanctuary:
relations with
supply ORGANIZATION for:
Cameron. William
Camouflage. use of
by Viet
by Viet Minh:
Camp Courtney:
Can T h o (later Binh Airfield:

(religious group):
C a p Saint Jacques Airfield. See T a u Airfield
Capital Military District,
Carpenter. John III:
Carrier aircraft. strikes by: I73
from air power, estimates of:
attitude toward figures:
evacuation by airlift:
first in USAF:
French: I
Navy. evacuation by: I
REPUBLIC of Vietnam:

Cat Airfield:
Central Highlands:
Central Intelligence Agency:
Central for South Vietnam
Central Target Analysis and Research Center:

Chemical agents
tests of
use charged:
Chemical plants, air strikes against:

China, Nationalist:
China, People's Republic of
on Air Force combat role:
India. incursions into:
intervention, threat of
military assistance by:
nationals, evacuation of
Taylor mission, reaction to:
China Theater extended:

Churchill. Winston:
Civil affairs:
Civil Air Transport: I
Civil Guard.
Civilian Irregular Defense Group.
evacuation of
Clark Air Base: I I . I I I. I

Cochin China:
and air support for
and armed forces strength estimates:
and army loyalty, investigation by:
Combat Application Group.
Combat Cargo Group. II I
Combat Crew Training Squadron. 4400th:
Commander in Chief, Pacific. Felt. Harry Sharp. Grant; Stump. Felix
Pacific Command
Commander, United States Forces. Vietnam:
Communications intercept missions:
Communications systems. equipment and operations: 55, 81, 106-107, 121, 142-144, 146. 159-160.
172. 177- 178. 22 I. 247
Composite Air Strike Force: 46, 247
Composite Reconnaissance Unit. 363d: 230
and American commitment: 23
military assistance, amendment to: 190
and reserve units call-up: 65
Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadrons (CAM RON)
23d: 171
33d: 171, 181
34th: 171
41st: 220
Constellation, USS: 230
Convoys. See Motor convoys
Core. USNS: 115
Corps Tactical Zones
I: 106, 140, 142, 145-146, 159. 161. 174, l90,200,211-214,267
II. 106. 121, 129, 137. 140. 142, 173, 175. 177. 190, 200, 211. 219, 240, 253, 265-266
III. 106. 129, 142, 145. 156-157, 175, 177, 179. 182, 190, 197, 199-200, 213-217, 243, 245, 248,
253. 263
IV: 153, 157-159, 172. 175, 177, 179. 182-183, 191, 200, 215, 235. 243. 253, 263
policy of differentiating: 224
RVN concept of 39, 54, 103
Crew chiefs. See Technicians
Cropdestruction missions: 219, 247-250
Cua Ron: 229
Cubi Point, Philippines: 131
Curtis. Victor N.: 247
Czechoslova kia: 5

Da Lat: 96, 122. 248, 250

Da Nang Air Base: 4, 7, 17, 22, 24, 31. 49, 52, 68, 74, 83, 101, 106-108, 109. 110-1 I I, 127,
129, 132. 136. 142, 145-147, 159, 167, 169, 171, 174-176. 179. 198. 21 I , 219-220.
228-230, 233. 235, 237, 238. 246, 248, 254, 256-257, 259. 266, 268. 272-274
Dak Ket: 139
Dam Doi: 183
Dau Tieng: I97
Decker, George H.: 64. 133
Defense, Department of (see also McNamara, Robert S.; Wilson, Charles E.)
cold-war defense, responsibility for: 63
in command structure: 65
military assistance programs, role in: 7. 47
Reorganization Act (1958): 46
Defense Intelligence Agency: 186
Defoliation project: 73. 112-1 13, 117, 247-250. 265
De Gaulle. Charles: 58. 188-189
Delmore. Fred J . : I16
Demilitarized zone established: 30
Democratic Republic of Vietnam. See North Vietnam
Demolitions operations by Viet Cong: 181. 204, 261, 265
DePuy, William E.: 208. 263
Deserters from Viet Cong: I73


Diem, I
advisors criticized by:
and air operations and units. control
and air units commitment:
and American troops commitment:
and armed forces expansion:
and armed forces reorganization:
and bombing operations:
on Cambodia as sanctuary:
Central Intelligence Organization formed by:
charges invasion by North:
and Civil Guard improvement:
and clear-and-bold operations: I19
command structure fixed by.
conspiracies against:
and counterinsurgency operations:
defense treaty with U.S. sought by:
and defoliation project:
on economic assistance:
elected President:
fiscal reforms, promised by:
and government reforms:
infiltration, alarm over:
intelligence activities control by:
jets requested by:
Kennedy program, reaction to:
and expansion:
and MACV activation:
martial law declared by:
and military command formation:
military operations, control by:
and national campaign plan:
and National Internal Security Council:
and navy. formation of
optimism of
plebiscite protested by:
and political disturbances:
popular support lacking:
ranger units activated by:
relations with United States:
religious affiliation:
resettlement project:
residence attacked:
security agency formed by:
strategic hamlets plan:
and supply routes, interdiction of
on tactical air support:
and tactical zones organization:
Taylor evaluation of
threats to government, complaints about:
and training programs:
unification, opposition to:
elimination, estimates for: 153

C. Douglas:
Direction finders:
D o Son Airfield: I
Do War Zone:
use by patrols:
Don. Van:
Don Airport:
Dong River:
William E.:
Doyle. Miles
John Foster:
and American commitment:
on Communist threat:
and Geneva Accords:
and military assistance program:
and military forces of concern for:
plebiscite protested by:
Dunning. John

on armed forces strength:

and government reforms:
and intelligence organizations:
relations with Diem:

Eden, Anthony:
Alan C.:
Eglin Air Force Base:
Eighth Army:
Eisenhower, Dwight I I,
and air commitment: I 7
ambassadors role strengthened by:
and American
and armed forces strength:
armistice proposals by:
and Chinese intervention:
and defense of
and defense:
government stability, concern for:
and independence movement, policy on:
and Laos. intervention in:
and military assistance programs:
and requisites for French success:
support of
and training programs:
Electricians. See Technicians
Electronic intelligence missions:
England. See United Kingdom
Equipment losses. See Materiel losses
Escort missions:

Far East Air Logistics Force: 16-1 7. 41

Far East command: 41.43
Farm Gate: 78-84. 95-96. 100-101. 107. 113, 120-124, 127-134, 136-140. 144146, 148. 151, 155.
157-159. 168, 170-172, 174. 181, 183. 200, 212. 214, 219, 248, 250
Felt. Harry D.: 87
and advisors in combat role: 219
and advisors force reduction: 165
and ADVON operations: 95-96. 100
and air commando units: 81-82. 86. 95
and air-ground liaison: 136-137, 170
and air operations coordination and control: 83, 95, 155-156, 160-161
and air operations, restrictions on: 172
and air strikes against North: 201. 206
and air units commitment: 69
and aircraft armament: 162
and aircraft for Army: 110-1 I I
and aircraft for RVN: 54. 75. 86, 131. 213
and aircraft strength expansion: 134, 138
and airfields construction: 86, 184
and airlift operations: 108. III
and Ap Bac disaster: 159
and armed forces expansion: 54
and Cambodia, incursions into: 204
and Chinese pilots for RVN Air Force: 133-134
and clear-and-hold operations: 104
and combat role for U.S. Air Force: 123
in command structure: 46
and commander for U.S. forces: 94
and commanders' lack of initiative: 86
and counterinsurgency operations: 54, 170
and covert actions against North: 195
and defoliation project: I16
Diem reassured on U.S. support: 149
on firepower of airplane vs. helicopter: 197
on forward air controllers: I70
Harkins. evaluation of: 102
and Harkins'command authority: 98
and Harkins' relations with Anthis: 101-102
heads Pacific Command:
and helicopter missions, escort for: 143-144. 159
and initiative against Viet Cong: 139-140
and intelligence collection and transmission: I38
on intensifying operations against North: 192. 204
and interdiction missions: 135
and jets for RVN Air Force: 147-148. 168
joint task force concept: 46-47
and Kennedy program: 71
and Laos. incursions into: 58. 204
on MAAG reorganization and expansion: 69. 73
on MACV organization and staff 97-98. 207-208
and Marine Corps commitment: 188
and military assistance programs: 47
and military operations. control of: 56
and mixed crews and air combat: 83. 123

and mobile combat reporting post:
and napalm strikes:
and national campaign plan:
and pilots training program:
on political disturbances;
on province chiefs' meddling:
and reconnaissance MISSIONS
on supplies
and supply routes, air interdiction of:
and tactical air strikes: I73
and target acquisitions:
and targets in North: I73
training programs:
and troop units commitment:
and flights:
and unified command for Vietnam:
evaluation of
Field Hospital. 8th:
Fighter Commando Squadron.
Fighter Interceptor Squadron. 509th:
Fighter Squadron. 16th:
Finned ammunition:
FLAMING D A R T I and II Operations:
Flares. use of
Fleming, David
Flight Service Center and Network:
Floods. effect on operations:
Food service. deficiencies in:
Foreign Legion:
Fortified hamlets plan. See Strategic hamlets plan
Forward air controllers:

advisors with
air operations by:
aircraft deliveries to: I.
aircraft losses:
aircraft recovered from:
aircraft strength:
airfield construction and repair:
ammunition deliveries to:
casualties: I
finned missiles. use by:
flight crews. lack of
Foreign Legion:
government, aid in stabilizing:
independence. agreement on:
manpower strength: 10.
materiel losses: I9
military assistance to:
Mobile Group 100:
sorties, number of 7, 19
and Southeast Asia Defense Treaty: 35
supply requirements: 19
supply system and operations: 10
support of war declines: I I
training programs: 36, 49-50
and Vietnam partitioning: 30
Vietnamese, alienation of 17, 23-24, 34
Vietnamese. desertions from: 29 I

withdrawal to south: 29-30

withdrawal from Vietnam: 39-40, 50
Freeman, Edinund F.: 7
Fuel supplies: I24
Fulbright. .J, William: 68

Galbraith. John K.: 94

Gatling gun (minigun): 240-241, 242
Gavin. James M.: 19, 24
Geneva Accords: 18, 23. 26-27. 30-3 I , 35. 52. 54, 64-65, 74-75, 123, 147, 172, 206, 251
Gia Dinh Province: 200
Gia Lam Airfield: 15, 18
Gilpatric, Roswell L.: 68. 70-7 I
Gleason, Robert L.: 128; 136
Goure: Leon: 236
Graham. William B.: 239
Great Britain See United Kingdom
Greece. civil war in: 5
Greene, Wallace M., Jr.: 204, 234, 254
Ground crews. See Technicians
Groups support. See Tactical air support
Guam. supply organization for: 42
Guerrilla operations
by Viet Cong: 53. 56, 103, 116, 120, 145, 181. 191, 196-197, 199, 259
by Viet Minh: 3-5. IO. 18
Gulf of Tonkin crisis: 229, 234-235, 239, 243, 247

Hail (Lazy Dog) missiles: 24, 26

Hainan Island: 24, 230
Haiphong: 4.8
air strikes against: 173, 254
operations at: 5. 16-18. 29
Halberstam. David: 163
Hamlet defense, support of 174
air strikes against: 254, 256
aircraft strength in: 25
operations at: 5, 16, 18. 29
Viet Minh control of 3-4
Hanoi Delta: 24
Hao Cain: 66
Harkins. Paul D.: 87, 164
and ADVON reorganization: 100
and air operations coordination and control: 131. 144, 155. 160-161. 167. 169
and air operations, restrictions on: 172. 203
and Air Force representation at MACV:
and aircraft for Army: I
and aircraft for
and aircraft strength expansion:
and airlift operations:
and American phase-out:
and disaster: I59
and Army control of Marine Corps aviation:
and assistance withdrawal threat:
and authority as MACV commander:
and Cambodia border violations:
and clear-and-hold operations:
and command of forces:
commands M A C Thailand:
commands M A C Vietnam:
and defoliation project:
and crisis:
and helicopter missions, escort of
and helicopter units, control of:
on initiative against
on intensifying operations:
and jets for Air Force:
assessment of:
and MACV staff structure:
military situation, report on:
and napalm strikes: 141
and national campaign plan: I53
and political disturbances;
and radar operations:
and tactical air strikes:
and tactical air support:
elimination. estimate for:
and of conflict:

on bombing operations:
on Diem support:
and government reforms:
and political disturbances:
and troop units commitment:
Harris, Hunter.
and air operations coordination and control:
and air strikes against North:
and Laos, incursions into:
and low-altitude reconnaissance:
Heat detecting devices:
Heath. Donald 10,
airplane escort of
in airlifts:
armament loads:
Army concept of use:

casualties evacuation by:
control by Army:
in gunship role:
Marine Corps operations:
tactical strikes by:
transfer t o Air Force:
types. Aircraft types
Henderson. Harvey E.: I
Air Force Base:
Hicks, Robert
High National Council.
Highways (numbered). See Routes
on air power lethality results:
on bombing operations:
on border control operations:
CRITICIZES air and military operations:
and political disturbances:
on tactical air strikes:
Chi Minh
Diem praised by:
and independence movement:
intensified operations. reaction
plebiscite, demand for:
support by China and Soviet:
Taylor mission, reaction to:
unification, plans for:
Chi Minh 'Trail:
(religious group):
Holden, Paul:
Me Island:
also Saigon. conferences at
Air Force Base:
Hutchinson, Donald

Identification. friend o r
Indochina (see also each area BY later
allied cooperation in:
American policy toward:
Chinese policy in:
French control o f
geographical features:
independence movement:
Japanese occupation:
Infrared devices:
Intelligence collection and reports: 18. 54. 85. 135. 137-138. 152. 157. 163. 169. 179. 199. 227-228.
235.243.245, 250, 261
Inter-Ministry Committee for Strategic Hamlets. RVN: 104
International Control Commission: 30. 40. 50. 53. 85. 100. 162. 189. 230
International Cooperation Administration: 52
Interzone V: 139. I73

Jablonsky. Harvey Jr.: 137-138

Japan. supply organization in: 42
Johnson, Harold K.: 204
Johnson, Lyndon B.: 209
and advisors. reduction in force: 195. 204
and air strikes against North: 229. 253-254. 256. 265-266
and aircraft for RVN: 213. 229
becomes President: 192
and bilaterial consultation agreement: 230
Congress supports military operations: 232
and covert actions against North: 195. 227. 234
Diem, conference with: 70
and government, stability for: 256
and Gulf of Tonkin incident: 229
on intensifying operations: 195, 198-199. 203
and jets for RVN Air Force: 238
Khanh. relations with: 198
and Laos. incursions into: 195. 234
and MACV. officers assigned to: 195
and military assistance programs: 70
and patrols by Navy: 229. 234
policy of Vietnam: 195
and provisional government: 195
and psychological warfare missions: 25 I
on support for U.S.-RVN units: 203
and Taylor authority: 227
and U-2 flights: 195
on Viet Cong control by North: 195
and Vietnamization of conflict: 195
Johnson. U . Alexis: 261
Joint Airlift Allocation Board: 246
Joint Chiefs of Staff
and advisors in combat role: 105, 219
and air base defense: 254
and air commando units: 80. 83
and Air Force expansion: 41
and air operations coordination and control: 216
and air strikes against North: 205-206. 234-235. 253-254
and aircraft for RVN Air Force: 75. I I I. 167-168, 212. 229. 238
and aircraft strength expansion: 134. 218. 220. 229, 238. 266
and American aircraft in combat: 267
and Cambodia border violations: 141, 203
and China, pre-emptive strikes against: 29
and clear-and-hold operations: 20
cold-war defense, responsibility for: 63
and combat role for U.S. Air Force: 131
and command structure: 43. 65

and communications systems and equipment: 107
and counterinsurgency operations: 54
and defense of RVN: 43
and defoliation project: 112. 247
on Diem crisis. security during: 191
government. concern for stability: 35-36
and helicopters combat role: I62
on intensifying operations against North: 198-190. 201. 203-205
and jets for RVN Air Force: 200. 238. 264. 266
and Laos. incursions into: 64. 204-205. 254
and Laos as infiltration route: 64
and MACV commander authority: 97
and MACV staff structure: 207. 210
and military assistance programs: 6. 35-36
military situation. report on: 179 I
and mixed crews in combat: 82-83, 144. 238
and national campaign plan: 152
and psychological warfare missions: 250 I

and RVN armed forces strength: 36. 39, 71-72

and Special Forces assignment: 228
and supply routes, air interdiction of 80
on supportr for U.S.-RVN units: 203
and targets in North: 172-173. 233-234
Taylor report. reaction to: 88
and training programs and proposals: 36, 69. 72, 220
and troop units commitment: 69. 71. 88. 198. 254
on unified command for Vietnam: 94
Joint Frequency Coordinating Board: I78
Joint General Staff. RVN
and air operations coordination and control: 55. 172. 221
air operations. restrictions on: 141 159. 172, 22 I
and airborne operations: 112. 158
and aircraft assignments: 107
and airlift operations: 246
Army domination of: 50
bombload restrictions by: 129
intelligence collection and transmission: 138
intensifies operations: 166
and jets in strike role: 265
and political crises: 56. 187
recognized by provisional government: 191
and tactical air strikes: 139
Joint military mission, U.S.: 15
Joint operations center: 83. 106. 128. 142. 21 I
Joint Operations Evaluation Group, RVN: I59
Joint Strategic Survey Council: 90
Joint Task Force 116: 46-47. 58, 64, 94
Jungle J i m units: 79-84. 100

Kadena Air Base: 229-230, 243. 257

Kalin, Byron R.: 146
Kats. Aaron 14,: 239
Kennedy, J o h n F.
activates M A A C Laos: 64

aggression blunted, belief in:
and air units commitment: I70
and aircraft deliveries t o
and assistance withdrawal threat:
ambassadors. role strengthened by:
civic action program:
and cold-war defense. responsibility for:
on combat developments and test center:
counterinsurgency plans:
and Cuba crisis:
and defoliation project:
on replacement:
economic development program:
and government reforms:
on guerrilla warfare, danger from:
on as MACV commander:
on intensifying operations:
and Laos, intervention in:
and military assistance programs:
nuclear tests resumed by:
policy on Vietnam:
and radar facilities:
reserve units. call-up by:
and armed forces expansion:
government, aid to:
Special Forces commitment:
Special Group (Counterinsurgency) formed by:
Taylor mission to government:
training programs expanded by:
troop units commitment by: I
and atrocities:
and VIETNAMIZATION of conflict:

and air strikes against North:

and consultation agreement:
chief of state, proposal for:
civil government overthrown by:
and clear-and-hold operations:
command structure reorganized by:
fall of predicted:
forms government:
government of. instability:
on intensifying operations against North:
leads attacks:
and National Pacification Plan:
proclaimed acting premier:
proclaimed President:
resignation considered by:
and Special Forces expansion:
and standard of living. enhancing:
support by United States:

and war declaration against North: 204

Khrushchev. Nikita S.
and Laos. cease-fire in: 65, 71
on national liberation wars: 55-56, 63, 71
and West Berlin, threat to: 58
Kidnappings by Viet Cong: 52
Kien Giang Province: 178
Kien Hoa Province: 178, 214
Kien Long: 204, 215
Kien Phong Province: 53
Kim, Le Van: 190
King. Benjamin H.: 79, 81-82, 96, 127-128
Kontum: 53. 56. 122
Kontum Province: 173. 263
Korat Air Base, Thailand: 229-230, 256. 280
Kosygin, Aleksei N.: 265
Krulak. Victor H.: 189
Kuter, Laurence S.: 45
and air units. control of 4344
on command structure: 43-44
and local air forces, relations with: 42. 45
and logistics. control o f 42
and military assistance programs: 47
mobile strike force concept: 4 5 4 6
Ky. Nguyen Cao: 222
and air operations coordination and control: 21 1-212
commands air force: 21 I
and corps, assignment of aircraft to: 2 I I I
and intensification of operations: 228
leads Zone D assault: 254
and paradrops into North: 228
personal anti-coup aircraft: 263, 267
teamwork, appeal for: I10
Kyes, Roger M.: 23

Lackland Air Force Base: 79

Langley Air Force Base: I12
Language barrier: 221
Laniel, Joseph: 22
Lansdale, Edward G. 122, 199
Lao Dong Party: 52.56, 58. 103
aircraft deliveries to: 58
American recognition: 5
French control of 3
incursions into: 58-59, 64
Japanese occupation: 3
military assistance to: 16
operations in: 15, 17, 53. 58, 63. 148
photographic reconnaissance over: 74-75, 243
as sanctuary and infiltration route: 56. 58. 67. 72-73. 163. 204, 227
supply organization for: 42
Larson Air Force Base: 22
Lassman. B. D.: 180

Lattre d e Tassigny, Jean de: 10
Lazy Dog finned ammunition: 24-25, 240, 261, 266
Leaflet drops: 37, 122, 196.249, 250
LeMay, Curtis E.: 87
and ADVON reorganization: 100
and air-base defense: 264
and air commando units; 79-84, 100
and Air Force representation on MACV: 101
and air operations policy: 119, 201
and air strikes against North: 201. 204-205. 254
and air units commitment: 90
and aircraft for Army: I 10, 244
and aircraft for RVN Air Force: 168
and aircraft underuse: 125
and airlift operations: 245
and armed C-47 evaluation: 241
and combat role for U.S. Air Force: 132
criticizes air and military operations: 161
on Farm Gate declassification: 170- I7 I
and helicopters as gunships: 225, 236
on intensifying operations against North: 203
and joint operations center: 142
and Laos, incursions into: 64-65, 227, 257
and MACV staff structure: 97-98, 210
and mixed crews in combat: 132
and options for action against North: 234
and RVN Air Force combat effectiveness: 131-132
strategic plans, disagreement with: 152
and troop units commitment: 90
on Vietnam policy: 91
Lemnitzer, Lyman L.: 66
and air commando missions: 83
and clear-and-hold operations: I19
and command structure: 44
and government reforms: 67
on mixed crews in combat: 84
on troop units commitment: 69
Lenin, Nikolai: 55
Lloyd, Robert M.: 17
Lodge, Henry Cabot
and air power, RVN failure to use: 197
and air strikes against North: 206
and assistance withdrawal threat: 188-189
becomes ambassador: I86
and conspiracies against Diem: 186
o n Diem-Nhu replacement: 188-190
on intensifying operations against North: 202-205
Khanh. assessment of 198
on motivating Vietnamese: 192
and political disturbances: 187-188
and political reforms: 191
resigns: 210
Logistical operations and systems. See Supply operations and systems
Long An Province: 198. 200

Long My:
Loudspeaker, use of:

Ma River:

Sam, I.
Mail service:
Maintenance crews. Technicians
Maintenance and repair: IO.
Mansfield. Mike:

Islands, in command structure:

Marseille. airlift from:
Marshall, Carl I12
Theodore C.:
Materiel Group. 6410th:
Materiel losses
by France:
by forces:
Mathison, Richard
Chester E.:
McDonald, David
Lionel C.
and air commando mission:
aircraft assignment by:
and bombing operations:
commands U.S. Forces. Vietnam:
on crisis in Vietnam:
and military operations. control of
and Army expansion:
and tactical air control system:
and advisors. number of
and air commando training mission:
and air operations coordination and control:
and air strikes against North:
and aircraft for Air Force:
and aircraft strength expansion:
and airlift operations: I IO, I19
and American phase-out:
on American combat role:
on Army mission in Vietnam: I19
assistance withdrawal threat: 189-190
and B-57 for contingency use: 218
centralizes decision-making: I23
and China, intervention by: 234
and Chinese pilots for RVN Air Force: 133
and clear-and-hold operations: 104, I19
and Combat Developments and Test Center: 73
on combat role for U.S. Air Force: 123
and communications systems and equipment: 107
comprehensive measures for RVN aid: 93
conferences with commanders. See Honolulu conferences; Saigon, conferences at
and counterinsurgency forces. expanding: 63, 80
and counterinsurgency plans: 80. 82
and defoliation project: 112-1 13, 116-1 17
on Diem-Nhu replacement: 190
on flares. use in air strikes: I37
ground war, stress on: 259
and Gulf of Tonkin incident: 229
and helicopter deliveries to RVN Air Force: 144
hostilities end, predictions of 122, I5 I , I90
on intensifying operations: 192. 202
and jets for RVN Air Force: 147
and Laos, incursions into: 195. 256
and Laos, intervention in: 64
and MACV organization and staff 97. 171. 207-208, 210
and materiel transfer to RVN: 166
and military assistance programs: 105. 151. 192
and mining operations: 202
missions t o Vietnam: 190. 195, 202
and mixed crews in combat: 82-83, 131, 218, 238
monitors aid program: 93
and negotiations to secure peace: 265
and nuclear tests. resumption o f 65
and options on action against North: 203. 234
and pilots shift to airlifts: I 10
on political conditions in RVN: 179
and political disorders: I85
on priorities for RVN: 72
on provisional government: 192. 195
and' psychological warfare missions: 123. 250
and radio use in air warnings: 137
on roles and missions: 102
and supply routes, air interdiction of 80
on tactical air control systems: 93. 106
and tactical air control: 121. 138. 217
Taylor report. reaction to: 88
and training programs: 133. 220. 243
and troop units commitment: 69. 88-89.9 I
and U-2 flights: 195
and unified command for Vietnam: 94
and Viet Cong elimination. estimates for: 151
and Vietnamization of conflict: 133, 137. 151-152. 166, 218. 220
McNaughton, John T.: 255

Medical Air Evacuation Group. 6481st: 31
Medical services: 3 I. 122. 125. 2 19, 260, 267
Meier, Henry C . : 176
Mekong Delta. operations in: 34. 3'7. 49. 72. 74, 153. 157. 177. 179. 183. 204. 21 7. 221
Mellish, David S.: 174. 215
Mendenhall. Joseph A,: 189
Mendes-France. Pierre: 30. 33
Military Air Transport Service: 3 1, 8 I
Military assistance advisory groups
Air Force Army representation on: 47, 49
local air forces. developing: 48
military assistance, role in: 4 7 4 8
Military Assistance Program
annual allotments: 151
priorities in: 7
Military Revolutionary Council. RVN: 191. 233
Military Sea Transport Service: 31
Milton. Theodore R.: 54. I I I
Minh. Duong Van: 186. 190-191. 195. 198, 233-234
Minh, Tran Van: 267
Minh. Tri Pham: 77
Minigun. See Gatling gun
Mining operations by Viet Cong: 183
Misawa Air Base: 229
Missile assaults: 230. 257
Mobile combat reporting post: 74. 82
Mobile Communications Group, 1st: 107
Mobile Group 100: 30
Molotov. Vyacheslav M.: 30
Monroe Doctrine: 58
Montagnards: 73. 116-1 17. 173. 179
Moody Air Force Base: 130
Moore, Joseph H.: 209
and advisors grades: 216
and air base defense: 253
and air escort missions: 225
and air-ground liaison: 216
and air operations coordination and control: 21 I . 216. 225
and aircraft strength expansion: 217. 238
commands 2d Air Division: 208
and helicopters as gunships: 236
and helicopters. removal from air bases: 264
and infrared reconnaissance: 244
and jets. use of 264
and joint air operations center: 221
Joint General Staff. liaison with: 217
and Laos. incursions into: 257
and liaison and strike aircraft shortage: 238
and MACV staff structure: 208
and mixed crews in combat: 218, 264
and RVN Air Force organization: 21 I
and tactical air support controls: 216-217
and tactical air support missions: 217

and reorganization:
and airlift operations:
and defoliation project: I16
heads mobile strike force:
and self-sustaining Air Force:
Morale status
Air Force:
armed forces:
Morse. Wayne
Mortar assaults, by Viet
Motor convoys
support missions for: I78
Viet attacks on:
Mountbatten. Louis:
Mule Train:
Mutual Defense Assistance Act (1949):
Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement (1950):
My Tho:

Air Base:
Napalm strikes: IO.
Nape road bridges:
Wilfred C.:
Frank C.:
National Intelligence Agency.
National Liberation Front (Viet
National Security Council
and air strikes against North:
and Communist expansion. threat of
and defense of Vietnam:
and Diem support:
on intensifying operations against North:
and Laos. incursions into:
and military assistance program:
military operations, proposals for:
and naval patrols resumption:
and armed forces expansion:
and training programs:
on troop units commitment:
Navigation systems:

New Times:
New Zealand: See Royal New Zealand Air Force

Diem. See Diem,



Nha Trang Airfield: 10-1 I , 15, 36, 50, 96, 101, 107, 125, 127, 132, 142, 148, 151, 154-155, 168,
171. 176-177, 181, 185, 211, 239,.246-247. 263, 274-275
Nhu, Madame Ngo Dinh: 163-186
Nhu, Ngo Dinh: 34. 56, 58, 104, 129, 139. 165. 185-191. Seealso Diem. Ngo Dinh
Night operations
by RVN forces: 96, 127-128, 132, 168, 174-175, 182-183. 214, 224. 244, 247, 259-260
by Viet Cong: 253, 260
by Vier Minh: 22
Night-vision devices: 148
Nixon, Richard M.: 33
Nolting. Frederick E.: 87
and ADVON operations: 95-96, 101
and air commando units: 81-82
and air operations, restrictions on: 172
and aircraft deliveries to RVN air force: 75, 131
and American combat role: 170
and Cambodia border violations: 141
and defense treaty with United States: 73
and defoliation project: 113, 116-1 17
Diem reassured on U.S. support: 149
on Diem reply to Kennedy program: 94
on Diem support: I88
and jets for RVN Air Force: 129
and Kennedy comprehensive plan: 71
and napalm strikes: 141
on relations with RVN: 166, I85
and tactical air control: 83
and tactical air strikes: 129. 137-139
North American Aviation. Inc.: 214
North Atlantic Treaty Organization: 5
North Vietnam (see also Ho Chi Minh)
aggression by affirmed: 100
air strikes against: 230
aircraft strength: 230
airlifts of troops and supplies: 128-129
Communist control of: 34
Diem overthrow exploited by: 191
independence proclaimed: 4
invades South: 53
migration to South: 3 I , 34
navy, assaults by: 229. 232
Nhu contact with: 189
number in South: 198
peace negotiations rejected by: 206
population: 34
recognition by China and Soviet: 5
regular forces move to South: 204, 227
supply system and operations: 195. 198
Taylor mission. reaction to: 85
on USAF combat role: 100, 162
and Viet Cong expansion: I63
Northern Air Materiel Area Pacific: 42
Nuclear weapons
considerations on use: 29. 64-65

in test exercise: 46

Observers training programs: 10

O'Daniel, J o h n W.
and French advisors: 39
and French plans: 15
and Dien Bien Phu defense: 18,25
heads MAAG: 19
and training programs: 36
Oden. Delk M.: 225
O'Donnell, Emmett: 87
and Air Force representation at MACV: 101
and air commando units: 82-83
and air operations coordination and control: 129. 160
and air operations. restrictions on: 172
on air operations policy: I19
and aircraft strength expansion: 133
airlifts. control of: 108
and bombing strikes: 104
commands Pacific Air Forces: 47
and defoliation project: 113, I16
and Laos, intervention in: 65
and military assistance programs: 48
on RVN Air Force deficiencies: 69
strategic plans. disagreement with: 152
and tactical air control: 106, 160
and tactical air strikes: 135, 137
Office of the Special Assistant for Counterinsurgency and Special Activities: 227
Office of Strategic Services: 3
Oil-spot concept. See Clear-and-hold operations
Oil storage plans, strike against: 173. 229. 230. 254, 256
Okinawa, supply organization in: 42
Olson. Arvid E.: 10
On Mark Engineering Company: 181,212
O'Neill, James E.: I70
Osborne. Clarence R.. Jr.: 215
Overseas Press Club: 22

Pacific Command (see also Felt. Harry D.; Sharp. Ulysses S. Grant; Stump, Felix B.)
in command structure: 41. 43-44. 46, 65
territorial area: 46
Pacific Fleet: 44, 219, 229. 232
Pacification, effect of air operations on: 236-238
Page Communications Engineers, Inc,: 107
Pakistan: 35
Paramilitary units: 67-68, 152, 157. 225. See also Civil Guard; Civilian Irregular Defense Groups;
Montagnards: Popular Forces; Regional Forces; Self-Defense Corps
Paratroopers. See Airborne operations
Paris. airlift from: 22
Parrot's Beak: 136
Partridge. Earle E.
and air operations conduct: 29
and American commitment: 29
begins U S A F withdrawal: 31


in command structure: 41
logistics, control by: 42
and military assistance program: 24-25, 31
Passman, Otto E.: 185
Pathet Lao: 63, 204, 268
Patricia Lynn: I71
ground: 179
naval: 227-229, 234-235, 266
Pay service: 125
People's Revolutionary Party (North Vietnam): 103
Personnel carriers: 157-158, 260
Petroleum, oil, lubricants (POL). See Fuel supplies
Phan Thiet: 21 5
Philippine Air Lines: 3 I
in command structure: 44
nationals. evacuation of: 31
and Southeast Asia Defense Treaty: 35
supply organization in: 42
Phnom Penh: 129, 163
Pho Sinh: 182
Photographic reconniassance missions: 74-75. 127, 135, 138, 147-148, 168, 241-243
Phu Quoc Island: 141
Phu Yen Province: 116-1 17, 236
Phuc Yen: 230. 235,254
Phuoc Long Province: 117, 145, 156
Phuoc Thanh Province: 75, 156, 174,250
Phuoc Tuy Province: 200,2 15,245.26 I , 266267
Phuoc Vinh: 72
civilian. See Civil Air Transport
friction with Vietnamese: I 10
training programs. See Training programs
Plain of Jars: 204-205, 233
Plain of Reeds: 53, 157
Pleiku: 30, 53, 56, 83, 106-107, 122, 127, 129, 132-133, 136, 142, 147, 151, 169, 171, 174-176,
2 I I . 263. 265-266, 275
Pleiku Province: 263
Pleven, 18
Poland: 25
Polei Kleng: 122
Polei Krong: 122
Pope Air Force Base: 108, I 1 1 - 1 12
Popular Forces, RVN. 177, 215. 225
Porter. Daniel B., Jr.: 158
Porter, John M.: 220
Potsdam Conference (1945): 4
Power plants, strikes against: 173
Press reports. effect of 163, 170, 185- 186, 257
Preston, Benjamin S.. Jr.: 213-214, 220 I

Prevost, Herbert L.: 157- I58

Prisoners of war
interrogating and processing: 135


Propaganda by Viet
Psychological warfare missions:

Duc Province:

Tin Province:
Quartermaster Airborne Supply and Packaging Company,
Quarters. conditions in:

Radar systems and operations: I2 I . I3 I ,

Radio communications. See Communications SYSTEMS and equipment
Radio direction finding:
Radio Research Unit.
Ranch Hand:
R A N D Corporation, studies by:
Ranger Units.
Reconnaissance missions:

Reconnaissance Squadron,
Reconnaissance Technical Squadron, 13th:
Red River and Delta:
Refueling operations:
Region Viet
Regional Forces,
Religious groups. demonstrations by:
Republic of Korea
supply organization in:
war in:
Republic of Vietnam (See also Diem,
American troop strength in:
border defenses: I72
Cambodia. relations with:
economy, plans for improving:
elections in: I ,
financial procedures, improving:
government stability. concern over:
independence :
infiltration by North:
materiel delivered to, value of
migration from North:
military staff inaction, effects of
political disturbances in: 58.
provincial organization:
provisional government recognized: I
terrain features:
warfare begins in: 53
Republic of Vietnam Air Force (RVNAF). See also Republic of Vietnam armed forces
air crews, combat effectiveness: 176-1 77
air defense by: 128, 131
airborne operations. See Airborne operations
and aircraft assignment and control: 107-108, 142
aircraft deliveries to: 49-50, 52. 54-55, 75. 127. 132-133, 151, 153-154, 179, 238-239, 243, 251,
263, 267-268
airlifts of troops and supplies. See Airlifts of troops and supplies
combat effectiveness: 67. 75
command positions, Army officers in: 50
equipment shortages: 179, 239
ground crews effectiveness: 132
morale status: 18 1, 2 I7
organization and strength: 37-39, 49. 75, 153, 207
organizational unity: 133
pilots, combat effectiveness of 50, 54. 127, 131-132
relations with U.S. Air Force: 42
resources parceling by: 21 I
scramble time: 132. 175, 182, 2I5
sorties, numberflown: 55.67, 131-133, 149,
squadrons renumbered: 133
surprise applied by: 219
Taylor Report on: 86
training programs: IO, 36, 50. 79-84, 125. 127-128, 131, 134, 147, 151-152, 154. 168, 179, 219.
22 I , 239,243. 25 1
units activated: 50
62d Tactical Wing: 263
1st Air Transport Group: 50,55. 108, 131
1st Liaison Group: IO, 36
43d Transport Group: 243
1st Air Transport Squadron: 50
1st Fighter Squadron: 50, 54-55, 127. 129. 132
1st Helicopter Squadron: 50, 55
1st Liaison Squadron: 50, 127
1st Radar Squadron: 74
2d Air Transport Squadron: 50
2d Fighter Squadron: 127, 131-132
2d Liaison Squadron: 50. 127
3d Liaison Squadron: 127
I 10th Liaison Squadron: 176
I I 2th Liaison Squadron: 177. 2 15
116th Liaison Squadron: 239
122d Liaison Squadron: 177
312th Special Mission Squadron: 10
514th Fighter Squadron: 175, 179, 213-215
5 16th Fighter Squadron: 179. 2 19-220, 224, 238, 259. 263
518th Fighter Squadron: 212-213
520th Fighter Squadron: 220, 238
716th Composite Reconnaissance Squadron: 147, 212,
Republic of Vietnam armed forces
casualties: 145, 156-158. 177, 179. 184, 191, 196-197. 266
civil affairs, neglect of 54
Civil Guard: 37, 39, 54. 65-66, 67, 71-73, 184-185. 191

3 86
Civilian Irregular Defense Groups:
Combat Developments and Test Center:
commands, discontent in:
counterinsurgency operations:
desertions from:
discontent over Diem policies:
intelligence collection dissemination:
joint operations center:

materiel losses:
morale status:
offensive actions, number of
organization and strength:
paramilitary units:
Popular Forces:
psychological warfare campaigns:
Regional Forces:
security systems:
Self-Defense Corps:
supply operations and systems:

Republic of Vietnam Army (see Republic of Vietnam armed forces)

airborne operations. See Airborne operations
airborne units:
airfield defense by:
armor operations:
artillery fire support:
combat effectiveness:
command structure. defects in:
communications systems and equipment:
defoliation project: I I7
guerrillas. training to fight:
operations. number of:
organization and strength:
ranger units:
search-and-clear missions:
search-anddestroy missions:
security, diversion to:
Special Forces units:
training programs:
5th Division:
7th Division:
9th Division:
25th Division:
14th Regiment:
40th Regiment:
Republic of Vietnam Marine Corps:
Republic of Vietnam Navy
assaults by:
organization and equipment:
patrols by: 228
Richardson. .John H.: 165. 189
Ridgway, Matthew B.: 19. 24
Road construction and repair by Viet Cong: 257
Roadblock construction by Viet Cong: 183
Roberts. C. A.: 87
Rocker assault missions: 128. 130. 158. 237
Roles and missions defined: 46
ROLLING THUNDER Operation: 266
Roosevelt. Franklin D.: 3
Ross. Donald H.: 174
Rostow. Walt W.: 85-86. 89. 201
Route 7: 257
Route 8: 256-257
Route 12: 257
Route 15: I 13
Route 19: 30. 266-267
Route 23: 257. 259
Route 121: 257
Rowan. Carl T.: 251
Rowe. Leonard A,: 242
Rowland. Robert R.: 98. 153-154
Royal Australian Air Force: 149, 236. 237. 246
Royal New Zealand Air Force: 246
Ruddell, George 1.: 213
Rung Sat: 37
Rusk, Dean: 66
and air operations. restrictions on: 172
and air strikes against North: 254
and aircraft deliveries to RVN Air Force: 75
and aircraft strength expansion: 134
on Americans combat role: 162. I70
and assistance withdrawal threat: 188-190
and Cambodia border violations: 136. 141. 203
on commander for U.S. forces: 94
and defoliation project: 112-1 13. 116-1 17
on information on combat. releasing: 162
on intensifying operations: 192. 203-204
and jets for RVN Air Force: 147, 168
Khanh government supported by: 235
and Laos. incursions into: 58. 65. 256
and MACV organization: 97
on military assistance increase: 192
and napalm strikes: 141
and options for action against North: 234
and political disturbances: 187-188
on RVN neutralization: 71
and troop units commitment: 83, 89
Russia. See Soviet Union
Ryukyu Islands in command structure: 44

Saigon: 10. 31, 115. 202

as Capital Military District: 153
in communications system: 107

conference at: 119. 212. See also Honolulu conferences
operations in and around: 49, 56. 103-104, 145, 177, 196, 248,255, 261. 266
political disturbances in: 185-187, 192, 266-267
a s special tactical zone: 68
troop unit arrivals in: 17
Viet Minh control of 3-4
Saigon River: 204
Saipan, USS: 24
Salan. Raoul: 10
Sandborn. Richard T.: 217
Sanders, William B.: 24-25
Schell, D.F.: 180
Scobel. Uwe-Thorsten: 199
Seaborn. James B.: 206
Sealift of troops: 154
Search-and-clear missions: 214, 219
Search-and-destroy missions: 104. 128
Search-and-rescue missions: 50. 170, I83
Security measures: 17
Self-Defense Corps, RVN: 37. 39. 66, 67. 71-72, 191
Sercel. John: I72
Seven Mountains: 172. 178
Seventh Fleet: 22, 259, 266
Shank, Edwin G.. Jr.: 213, 218
Sharp, Ulysses S. Grant: 209
and air base defense: 233
and air operations coordination and control: 232
and air strikes against North: 229. 232, 235, 253
and aircraft assignment and replacement: 212
appointed CINCPAC: 210
and covert operations against North: 233
and Laos. incursions into: 233, 256. 259
and low-altitude reconnaissance: 243
and MACV staff structure: 210
and naval patrols: 233
and troop units commitment: 233
and troop units strength, expanding: 228
Shaughnessy. John F.. Jr.: 170
Shaw Air Force Base: 74
Shofner, Floyd D.: 108
Side-firing system: 240
Sides. J. H.: 87
Sihanouk, Norodom: 140-141. 199
Slavich. Ivan L.: 164
Smart. Jacob E.: 209
and advisors in combat role: 219
and aircraft assignment and replacement: 213
and 8-57 for contingency use: 218
Chiang. conference with: 188
and corps, assignment of aircraft to: 2 I 1
and Diem crisis: 189
and Hail finned missile: 208
at Honolulu conference: 192
and MACV staff structure: 207-208. 210

on tactical air support missions: 213
Smith. Frederic H., Jr.: 46
Smith. Sory: 4 1 4 3
Smith, Walter B.: 3 I
Smoke bombs and markers: 128. 174, 224, 247
Soc Trang Airfield: 133, 171, 177, 183-184, 213, 215, 260
South Korea. See Republic of Korea
South Vietnam. See Republic of Vietnam
Southeast Asia Airlift System: I I 1-1 12, 156. 167. 236, 246
Southeast Asia Command: 4
Southeast Asia Defense Treaty (1954-55): 35
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization: 35, 58,203
Southern Air Materiel Area Pacific: 42, 50
Soviet Union
armistice proposals: 30
and Geneva Accords: 31, 203
intervention. threat of 203
and Laos. cease-fire in: 64
military assistance by: 17-18, 103, 128, 199
nuclear explosions by: 65
Taylor mission. reaction to: 85
and Viet Cong expansion: 163
West Berlin. threats to: 65
Spare parts: 50
Spears. Ken C.. Jr.: 197
Special Aerial Spray Flight: I12
Special Air Warfare Center: 240
Special Assistant t o the Director for Counterinsurgency and Special Activities: 105
Special Forces
American: 53. 73. 82, 155-156. 172-173. 179. 224. 246-247
Republic of Vietnam: 145-146. 175. 187, 191. 239
Staley, Eugene: 71-72
State, Department of. See Acheson. Dean: Rusk. Dean
Stead Air Force Base: 79
Steel plants, strikes against: 173
Sternberg, Ben: 207
Stilwell, Richard G.: 208
Strategic Air Command: 195. 227. 230. 264
Strike Command: 160. 229
Students, demonstrations by: 233
Stump, Felix B.
and air units. control of 44
and American commitment: 29
and command structure: 41-44
and defense of RVN: 43
and military assistance programs: 41-42
and mobile forces. reliance on: 46
Sullivan, William H.: 199. 204
Supply operations and systems
Air Force organization for: 42, 45, 47-48. 108
Air Force withdrawal from: 3 1
air units, commitment of 17
aircraft. use in. See Airlifts of troops and supplies
American: 15. 24

centralization of
French: 10
in Laos:
losses in. See Materiel losses
North Vietnamese:
reserve stocks, lack of
Republic of Vietnam:
surface vessels in: I24
suspension of I
Support Group, 6499th:
Sweeney. Walter C.,
Sweet Sue:

Air Base:
Tactical Air Command:
Tactical Air Reconnaissance Center:

Tactical Air Support Squadron, 19th:

Tactical Control Groups
Tactical Fighter Squadrons

Tactical Fighter Wing. 405th:
Tactical Groups

Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron,
Tactical Support Groups
Tactical Wing,
Air Base. Thailand:
Tan Airfield:
Tan Son Nhut Airfield: 10 I IO,

Tank losses, Army:

Target acquisition and designation:

Tay Ninh Province: 37. 157, 174. 177. 214
Taylor, Maxwell, D: 87
and advisors. number of 190
and advisors in combat role: :219
and air strikes against North: 205-206, 233, 253-35, 261. 266
and aircraft strength expansion: 218. 263
appointed ambassador: 210. 227
authority in military affairs: 227
and covert actions against North: 233. 255
and crop-destruction project: 248
and Diem-Nhu replacement: 190
and government. stability for: 228, 255-256, 259
and helicopters as gunships: 2 19
hostilities end. prediction of: 190
and infiltration routes interdiction: 255
on intensifying operations against North: 192. 198, 204. 228
and jets for RVN Air Force: 264-265
Khanh government, assessment of: 227. 232
and Laos, incursions into: 233, 255-256
and MACV staff structure: 208. 210
and mixed crews in combat: 238 !
and naval patrols resumption: 233
missions to RVN: 77. 84-89. 190. 202
and options for action against North: 233
on political conditions in RVN: I79
and reconnaissance missions over North: 233
Special Group (Counterinsurgency) headed by: 105
Tchepone: 74, 205.257
commitment t o Vietnam: 15, 17
French lack of 34
training programs: 10
Temporary Equipment Recovery Mission: 53
Terrain. effect on operations: 26, 157. 169. 177, 221, 261
Terry, Ronald W.: 241
air strikes from: 173
aircraft strength in: 268
Diem crisis, reaction to: I88
mobile strike force test: 46
and Southeast Asia Defense Treaty: 35
supply organization for: 42
threats to: 15
Thanh Phu District: 214
Thant, U: 188-189
Thompson. Robert G. K.: 91. 103-104. 165
Throckmorton. J o h n L.: 210
Thua Thien Province: I I 7
Ticonderoga. USS: 229-230, 232
Timmes, Charles J.: 97, 137
Tonkin: 4-6, I I . 15-17
Tourane. See Da Nang
Traffic control: I 3 I

Transport Squadrons, Provisional
1st: I IO. I12
2d: Ill
Trapnell. Thomas J. 10. 16
Tribal Area Development Program: 69
Troop Carrier Group: 171, 236. 246. 248
Troop Carrier Squadrons
309th: 171
310th: 171. 247
311th: 171
346th: 108
773d: 58
776th: 108
777th: I I I . 167
Troop Carrier Wings
62d: 22
314th: 230
463d: 230
464th: 112
483d: 16
516th: 230
Truehart, William C.: 186
Truman. Harry 6
Trung Lap: 221
Tuan Giao: 25
Tunis. airlift from: 22
Tuy Hoa: 151
Twining. Nathan 38
and Air Force expansion: 41
French air operations. evaluation by: 34
and military assistance program: 23
and organizational pattern, RVN Air Force: 37-39
Tyrell. Robert L. 186

Ubon. Thailand: 107. 169

Udorn Air Rase. Thailand: 268,280-281
United Kingdom
and intervention in Indochina: 23, 26
and Laos, cease-fire in: 64
and Southeast Asia Defense Treaty: 35
and Soviet strength: 3
United Nations
and Cambodia border violations: 205
and Diem crisis: 189
United Natios Command. in command structure: 41. 44
United Press International: 123
United States
and Geneva Accords: 31
nationals. evacuation of 3 I , 188. 200. 266
and NATO formation: 5
Pacific command structure: 41
public dissent against war: 190
and Southeast Asia Defense Treaty: 35
Southeast Asia security, policy on: 35

war materiel. embargo on: 5
United States Air Force
advisors. See Advisors
and air units commitment: 70. 74
airborne operations. See Airborne operations
aircraft for Army needs: I 10
aircraft deliveries to RVN Air Force: 131. 133. 148. 167-168, 171-172. 208, 212-213. 219.
229-230, 238. 250. 268
airlifts by. See Airlifts of troops and supplies
Army. rivalry with: 148
combat role situation: 100-101. 138-139
counterinsurgency units: 79-84
first units committed: I I
expansion program: 42
MACV staff. representation on: 97. 207-208. 210-21
morale status: 82. 122. 181. 214
personnel strength. See Advisors
policy direction. role in: 207
relations with RVN: 42
sorties. number flown: 108. 135, 144. 148, 167. 174. 81. 184. 191, 238. 251. 264
Taylor report. reaction to: 90
tenant status at airfields: 123
on troop units commitment: 68
turnaround time rates: 181
unit reorganization: 171
weapons development by: 240-241
on Wheeler assessment: 162- I63
United States Air Force Council: 37-38
United States Air Force Pacific: 43-44
United States Air Force Reserve: 65, 236
United States Army
and air base defense: 264
Air Force. rivalry with: 148
and air operations coordination and control: 143
aircraft assignments: 21 5
aircraft losses: 246. 260, 265-266
aircraft strength: 148
communications systems: 221
defoliation and crop-destruction projects: 248 I

helicopters. concept o n use: 146-147

helicopters. control of 144
helicopters in gunship role: 157-158. 177. 197. 109. 215, 225
and loudspeaker missions: 251
photographic reconnaissance by: 148
reconnaissance missions: 182
sorties. number flown: 215
Special Forces units: 53. 73. 82. 155-156. 172-173. 179. 224. 246-247
in tactical air strikes: 121
tactical air support, concept of 160. 167
troop strength in Vietnam: 151
and troop units commitment: 70
52d Aviation Battalion: 265
1st Aviation Company: I I I, 167
18th Fixed Wing Aviation Company: I 10

Aviation Company:
Aviation Company: I8 I
Helicopter Company:
Special Air Warfare Detachment:
United States Army, Pacific:
United States Army Security Agency:
United States Army Support Command, Saigon:
United States Army Support Command, Vietnam:
United States Army Support Group, Vietnam:
United States Forces. Japan:
United States Forces, Korea:
United States Forces. Vietnam:
United States Marine Corps
and air base defense:
and air operations coordination and control:
helicopter deliveries t o Air Force:
helicopter operations by:
Helicopter Squadron: I75
troop strength in Vietnam:
troop units commitment:
United States Military Assistance Advisory Group. Indochina (see also Harkins, Paul McGARR
Lionel C.):
activation and mission:
Air Force representation on:
air patrols proposed by:
and aircraft for Air Force:
and airlifts. control of
in command structure:
and counterinsurgency operations:
defoliation project:
functions shifted to MACV:
MACV, relationship with:
military assistance programs, role in:
ORGANIZATION and strength:
and photographic jets for Air Force:
training programs:
United States Military Assistance Command, Laos:
United States Military Assistance Command. Vietnam (MACV). See also Harkins, Paul
Westmoreland. William C .
Air Force representation: I
deputy commander authorized:
Geneva Accords violation affirmed:
relationship with:
organization and staff structure:
personnel strength:
United States Navy
and air base defense:
air operations by:
aircraft deliveries to Air Force:
aircraft losses:
Amphibious Group One:
escort missions: 25
patrol operations: 227-229. 234-235. 266
personnel strength in Vietnam: 151
pilot training program: 219
VA-I52 Squadron: 219-220
United States Navy. Pacific: 43, 48
United States Taiwan Defense command: 44.97

Vann. John P.: 157-158

Vienna Conference (1961): 64. 71
Viet Cong
air defense operations: 283-285
airfields, attacks on: 253
ambush operations: 53. 112-1 13. 145, 174. 179, 196-197, 224. 259-260
assassinations by: 52, 67, 72
bunker systems: 173
camouflage use: 127-128
casualties: 121-122, 128, 13'7, 139, 145, 156-158, 172-174, 177-178, 183-184, 191-192, 196, 199.
204. 2 13-2 14, 254. 259-260. 264. 266-267
cover and concealment, use of: 135, 266
demolition by: 181. 204, 261. 265
desertions from: I73
geurrilla operations: 53. 56. 103. 116. 120. 145. 181. 191, 196-197. 199, 259
infiltration into South: 35
influence and control extended: 201-202
intensification ofattacks: 72, 129. 131. 179. 183-184. 191. 224.253. 259-260
kidnappings by: 52
materiel losses: 178, 219
Nhu contact with: 189
mining operations: 183
morale status: I73
mortar assaults: 179, 183. 253, 265
motor convoys, attacks on: 197
night operations: 253, 260
organization and strength. estimates of: 53, 64, 67. 72. 85. 139. 163
paramilitary units: I39
prisoners of war lost: 109. I2 I . 128, 156. 158. I78
propaganda campaigns: 113-1 14, 117, 137-138
road construction and repair: 257
road blocks. use by: I83
ruses by: 56, 137
supply operations and systems: 72. 117.227, 266
tactics: 163, 184
war aims. identification of: 85
9th Division: 266
48th Regiment: 260
Viet Minh: 3-4
aggression by. threat of: 35
air defense operations and systems: 17-19, 25-26. 212
artillery fire support: 18
camouflage use: 19
casualties: 22
guerrilla operations: 3-5, 10. 18
night operations: 22

supply operations and systems: 18
withdrawal t o North: 30
Vietnam, State of
air force activation and strength: 10, 36
aircraft deliveries to: 10, 16
American recognition of 5
armed forces effectiveness: 36
armed forces expansion: 10
armistice supervision: 30-3 I
demarcation line agreed on: 30
elections scheduled: 30
refugees. evacuation by aircraft: 31, 32
withdrawals by U.S. Air Force: 31
Vietnam Coordinating Committee: 199. 204
Vinh: 173. 205. 228-230
Vinh Binh: 121
Vinh Binh Province: 239, 266
Vinh, Kuan: 209
Voice of America: 187
Von Hake, Richard W.: 196
Vung Ro Bay: 266
Vung Tau Airfield: 50, 52. 110. 113. 261

War Zone C: 136. 177.24.4

War Zone D: 112-1 13. 128. 139-141. 145. 156, 173, 177. 197. 244. 248-250. 254-255. 264
War Zone X: 140
Warning systems: 129
Weapons losses. See Materiel losses
Weather. effect on operations: 25-26. 139, 144. 146. 156, 169, 175. 229, 266
Weede. Richard G.: 97. 112, 153.208
Wells. Joseph B.: 7
Westmoreland. William C.: 222
on adivors in combat role: 219
and advisors grades: 216
and air escort missions: 225
and air-ground liaison: 2 I6
and air operations coordination and control: 225
and air strikes against North: 230, 261. 266
and aircraft strength expansion: 21 1-212. 220. 236, 238. 240
and aircraft strength reduction: 239
appointed MACV commander: 210
appointed MACV deputy commander: 207-208
Army air doctrine, adherence to: 236, 245. 264
commands Army components: 210
and helicopters on alert: 225
and helicopters as gunships: 236. 263
and infrared reconnaissance: 244
on intensifying actions against North: 205, 263
and jets in combat role: 265-267
and joint air operations center: 221
Joint General Staff, advisor to: 2 I7
and markings for U.S. aircraft: 267
and mixed crews in combat: 220, 267
and Moore as combined air commander: 232

and pilot training program:
and Special Forces units:
and supply operations:
and tactical air support:
on target acquisition:
and troop units strength, expanding:
success, concern over:

Wheeler, EARLE
and air operations coordination and control:
and aircraft strength expansion:
on intensifying operations against North:
and MACV staff structure:
and options for actions against North:
and tactical air control:
Vietnam situation, assessment of
White, Thomas
White phosphorus bombs:
Williams, Samuel
Wilson, Charles E.:
Women in forces:


Air Base:



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