Oracle HCM Time and Labor Ds

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Oracle Time and Labor

Oracle Time and Labor (part of Oracle Cloud

HCM) is a comprehensive, easy to use, rules-
based time recording, and management system
designed to give you maximum visibility and
control over your most valuable resource, your
people. Key features
• Supports all types of time entry
Natively integrated with Oracle Global HR, Oracle Absence (punch, duration, exception,
Management, Oracle Payroll, and Oracle Project Costing, Oracle positive) for employees and
contingent workforce
Time and Labor supports a wide range of time recording needs
• Time Clock support and Web
for both your employees and contingent workforce. The real Clock (time clock simulation with
time rules engine and rule templates provide an extensible and Oracle Cloud HCM)

easy to configure method for validating time entries and • Flexible approvals to ensure
applying pay rules, with the results included on the time card.
• Visually create different types of
Integration with Oracle Absence Management means scheduled time cards for different user needs
absences will be shown on the calendar and time card and • Multiple assignment support
absences can be reported through both the calendar and the • Configurable business driven rules
time card. With integration to Payroll, including support for for overtime, premium
calculations, and time entry
retroactive changes, and recording time against valid up-to- validations
date project information, Oracle Time and Labor provides • Integrated time entry with
accurate and consistent time related data to the Enterprise. Absence Management and
• Report time against cost and
location codes
• Mass time card create, mass time
Time and Labor provides rapid time and absence entry through a daily, weekly or entry and mass approvals
monthly calendar. Full drag and drop capabilities, as well as the ability to enter time
• Send time data to any payroll
or absence for a range of dates are provided as an easy and fast way to enter time
into the system.


Ensure compliance with company
and external policies relating to
Calendar entry does not suit everyone, so Time and Labor provides comprehensive time
time card entry capabilities. The time card is highly configurable using the Time Card
• Decrease payroll preparation time
Composer, a train stop process which allows a business user to configure many of the

1 DATA SHEET | Oracle Time and Labor | Version [1.03]

Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
components of the calendar and time card entry system without involving technical • Reduce pay errors and
support. adjustments by accurate
application of pay rules
EXTENSIVE TIME COLLECTION DEVICE SUPPORT PLUS • Ensure a single source of truth for

WEB CLOCK time related data throughout the

For organizations requiring more automatic time registration, Time and Labor
provides integration capabilities to time clocks plus a configurable Web Clock. Rules
can be applied to the incoming time events such that the time registration to payroll
process can be nearly fully automated, where the Manager deals with any exceptions
to expected working times. Time entry through time clocks and the Web Clock can be
combined with the calendar and time card entry to provide support for a wide range
of time management business processes.


Time and Labor uses the standard Fast Formula rules engine, enhanced with
templates to enable configuration by business users. The rules and formula can be
extended to use many different data elements. Time entry can be validated before
time cards are saved, submitted, resubmitted or deleted. Overtime and premium
hours are calculated in real time and displayed on the review screen before a time
card is submitted. There are no batch processes involved in the execution of these


In addition to reporting time against Payroll and Projects fields, Time and Labor
allows users to define their own time card fields for reporting purposes or for
interfacing time data to third party or finance systems.


Time and Labor uses standard approval mechanisms for managing time card
approvals. The delivered approval styles of Line and Project manager can be used as
is, or extended to multi level or more complex routing as required. A mass time card
approval capability enables a group of time cards to be reviewed at summary level
and approved in one click.

Time and Labor has integrated time entry with Absence Management to provide a
seamless experience for managing both worked and absent time. Time and Labor

2 DATA SHEET | Oracle Time and Labor | Version [1.03]

Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
has integrated time entry with Projects to ensure time is entered only against valid
projects. Time and Labor is integrated to Payroll as well as other third party payroll
systems. These standard, validated integrations emphasize the value of Time and
Labor out of the box.

Oracle Cloud Applications are built so that a business user can adapt the application
to suit their personal or organizational needs. The key to this ‘tailor-ability’ lies in the
usage of metadata objects and services in the heart of the application architecture.
Changes and extensions to the application are stored as new layers over the delivered
objects, allowing for flexibility in an ‘upgrade-safe’ manner.

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