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Application Note: Total Demand Distortion (TDD)

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Total Demand Distortion (TDD)

Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) is a common method used to measure the level of waveform

Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) measurements are an effective method of evaluating voltage
distortion. However THD can be misleading when evaluating current distortion.
THD is the summation of the harmonics presented as a percentage of the fundamental. For
voltage THD this will be the summation of the voltage harmonics compared to the fundamental
voltage. In a non-faulted condition voltage will always be present so a proper reference always

THD = x 100%

The same is not true for current THD.

Current THD this will be the summation of the current harmonics compared to the fundamental
current. The issue is the fundamental current can change throughout the recording as loads turn
on and off. If loads get turned off then the fundamental current drops. Since this is being used
as a reference even noise on the system will be displayed as high levels of THD when the
fundamental reference approaches zero.
This is why Total Demand Distortion (TDD) is used for measuring current distortions. TDD is the
summation of the current harmonics compared to the maximum average current recorded
during the test interval. This means that even when the current is low the TDD value will not
give misleading results. This methodology is defined in IEEE519.

TDD = x 100%

TDD provides a common reference for measuring current distortion in a single test. Comparing
the results from multiple recording can present a challenge. This is because the maximum
average current recorded during each test interval can be different in every recording. This
means the fundamental reference is different in each recording.
The Megger PQ PC software allows the operator to analyze TDD data based on a manual
reference value. By using a fixed reference value TDD measurements can be easily compared
and analyzed between multiple power quality recordings.
The Megger PQ PC software will also provide an automatic reference if a manual reference is
not known or not required.

Megger USA - Valley Forge Corporate Center

2621 Van Buren Avenue, Norristown, Pennsylvania, 19403, USA
T. 1-610 676 8500 F. 1-610-676-8610

Total Demand Distortion (TDD)

To use a manual reference select current reference then enter the desired reference value.
To use an auto reference select “Auto” and the software will calculate the reference value.

Megger USA - Valley Forge Corporate Center

2621 Van Buren Avenue, Norristown, Pennsylvania, 19403, USA
T. 1-610 676 8500 F. 1-610-676-8610

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