9 Ashwani Power System State Estimation PDF

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Presentation by
Ashwani Kumar Chandel
Associate Professor
Presentation Outline
• Introduction
• Power System State Estimation
• Solution Methodologies
• Weighted Least Square State Estimator
• Bad Data Processing
• Conclusion
• References
• Transmission system is under stress.
 Generation and loading are constantly increasing.
 Capacity of transmission lines has not increased
 Therefore the transmission system must operate with ever
decreasing margin from its maximum capacity.
• Operators need reliable information to operate.
 Need to have more confidence in the values of certain
variables of interest than direct measurement can typically
 Information delivery needs to be sufficiently robust so that
it is available even if key measurements are missing.
• Interconnected power networks have become more complex.
• The task of securely operating the system has become more
Difficulties mitigated through use
of state estimation
• Variables of interest are indicative of:
 Margins to operating limits
 Health of equipment
 Required operator action

• State estimators allow the calculation of these variables

of interest with high confidence despite:
 measurements that are corrupted by noise
 measurements that may be missing or grossly
Objectives of State Estimation
• Objectives:
 To provide a view of real-time power system conditions
 Real-time data primarily come from SCADA
 SE supplements SCADA data: filter, fill, smooth.
 To provide a consistent representation for power
system security analysis
• On-line dispatcher power flow
• Contingency Analysis
• Load Frequency Control
 To provide diagnostics for modeling & maintenance
Power System State Estimation
• To obtain the best estimate of the state of the system
based on a set of measurements of the model of the
• The state estimator uses
 Set of measurements available from PMUs
 System configuration supplied by the topological
 Network parameters such as line impedances as
 Execution parameters (dynamic weight-
Power System State Estimation (Cont.,)
• The state estimator provides

 Bus voltages, branch flows, …(state variables)

 Measurement error processing results

 Provide an estimate for all metered and unmetered


 Filter out small errors due to model approximations and

measurement inaccuracies;

 Detect and identify discordant measurements, the so-

called bad data.
State Estimation
Analog Measurements Bad Data
Pi , Qi, Pf , Qf , V, I, θkm State V, θ Processor


Circuit Breaker Status

Power System State Estimation (Cont.,)
• The state (x) is defined as the voltage magnitude and
angle at each bus
j i
Vi Ve i
x [V1 , V2 ,..., Vn , 1 ,..., b ]
• All variables of interest can be calculated from the state
and the measurement mode. z = h(x)

Measurement P12
Model: h(x)

Power System State Estimation (Cont.,)
• We generally cannot directly observe the state
 But we can infer it from measurements
 The measurements are noisy (gross measurement
errors, communication channels outage)

Ideal Noisy
measurement: Measurements
Measurement: z
H(x) z=h(x)+e
Consider a Simple DC Load Flow Example

The only information we have about this system

Three-bus DC Load Flow is provided by three MW power flow meters
 Only two of these meter readings are required to calculate the bus
phase angles and all load and generation values fully
M13 5MW 0.05pu
M32 40MW 0.40pu
f13 ( 1 3 ) M13 0.05pu
f 32 ( 3 2 ) M 32 0.40pu
x 23
Now calculating the angles, considering third bus as swing bus we get

1 0.02rad
2 0.10rad
Case with all meters have small errors
M12 62MW 0.62pu
M13 6MW 0.06pu
M 32 37MW 0.37pu
If we use only the M13 and M32 readings,
as before, then the phase angles will be:

1 0.024rad
2 0.0925rad
3 0rad(still assumed to equal zero )
This results in the system flows as shown in
Figure . Note that the predicted flows match at
M13, and M32 but the flow on line 1-2 does not
match the reading of 62 MW from M12.
Power System State Estimation (Cont.,)
• The only thing we know about the power system comes to
us from the measurements so we must use the
measurements to estimate system conditions.
• Measurements were used to calculate the angles at
different buses by which all unmeasured power flows,
loads, and generations can be calculated.
• We call voltage angles as the state variables for the three-
bus system since knowing them allows all other quantities
to be calculated
• If we can use measurements to estimate the “states” of
the power system, then we can go on to calculate any
power flows, generation, loads, and so forth that we
State Estimation: determining our best guess at the state

• We need to generate the best guess for the state given

the noisy measurements we have available.
• This leads to the problem how to formulate a “best”
estimate of the unknown parameters given the available
• The traditional methods most commonly encountered
criteria are
 The Maximum likelihood criterion
 The weighted least-squares criterion.
• Non traditional methods like
 Evolutionary optimization techniques like Genetic
Algorithms, Differential Evolution Algorithms etc.,
Solution Methodologies
 Weighted Least Square (WLS)method:
 Minimizes the weighted sum of squares of the difference between
measured and calculated values .
 In weighted least square method, the objective function „f‟ to be
minimized is given by
1 2
i 1 i
 Iteratively Reweighted Least Square (IRLS)Weighted Least Absolute
Value (WLAV)method:
 Minimizes the weighted sum of the absolute value of difference
between measured and calculated values.
 The objective function to be minimized is given by
| pi |
i 1
 The weights get updated in every iteration.
 Least Absolute Value(LAV) method:
 Minimizes the objective function which is the sum of absolute
value of difference between measured and calculated values.
 The objective function „g‟ to be minimized is given by g=
W | h (x)-z |
i i i
i 1
Subject to constraint zi= hi(x) + ei
Where, σ2 = variance of the measurement

W=weight of the measurement (reciprocal of variance of the


ei = zi-hi(x), i=1, 2, 3 ….m.

h(x) = Measurement function, x = state variables and Z= Measured

m=number of measurements
• The measurements are assumed to be in error: that is, the
value obtained from the measurement device is close to
the true value of the parameter being measured but differs
by an unknown error.
• If Zmeas be the value of a measurement as received from a
measurement device.
• If Ztrue be the true value of the quantity being measured.
• Finally, let η be the random measurement error.
Then mathematically it is expressed as
Zmeas Ztrue

1 2 2
PDF( ) exp( /2 )

Probability Distribution of Measurement Errors


0 3
Weighted least Squares-State Estimator
• The problem of state estimation is to determine the
estimate that best fits the measurement model .
• The static-state of an M bus electric power network is
denoted by x, a vector of dimension n=2M-1, comprised of
M bus voltages and M-1 bus voltage angles (slack bus is
taken as reference).
• The state estimation problem can be formulated as a
minimization of the weighted least-squares (WLS)
function problem.
m 2
• (z i h i (x))
min J(x)= 2
i 1 i
• This represents the summation of the squares of the
measurement residuals weighted by their respective
measurement error covariance.
• where, z is measurement vector.
h(x) is measurement matrix.
m is number of measurements.
σ2 is the variance of measurement.
x is a vector of unknown variables to be estimated.
• The problem defined is solved as an unconstrained
minimization problem.
• Efficient solution of unconstrained minimization problems
relies heavily on Newton‟s method.
• The type of Newton‟s method of most interest here is the
Gauss-Newton method.
• In this method the nonlinear vector function is linearized
using Taylor series expansion
h(x x) h(x) H(x) x
• where, the Jacobian matrix H(x) is defined as:
• Then the linearized least-squares objective function is
given by
J( x) (z h(x) H(x) x) T R 1 (z h(x) H(x) x)
• where, R is a weighting matrix whose diagonal elements
are often chosen as measurement error variance, i.e.,


R 

J( x) (e(x) H(x) x) T R 1 (e(x) H(x) x)

• where, e=z-h(x) is the residual vector.


J( x)
H T R 1 (e H x) 0

H T R 1H x H T R 1e

G x H T R 1e
Weighted Least Squares-Example

x est est
• To derive the [H] matrix, we need to write the measurements
as a function of the state variables 1 and 2 . These functions
are written in per unit as

M12 f12 ( 1 2 ) 5 1 5 2
M13 f13 ( 1 3 ) 2.5 1
M 32 f32 ( 3 2 ) 4 2

5 5
[H] 2.5 0
0 4

2 2
M12 M12 0.0001
2 2
R M13 M13 0.0001
2 2
M32 M32 0.0001

1 1

0.0001 5 5
1 5 2.5 0
0.0001 2.5 0
-5 0 -4
0.0001 0 4
0.0001 0.62
5 2.5 0
0.0001 0.06
-5 0 -4
0.0001 0.37
• We get

1 0.028571

• From the estimated phase angles, we can calculate the

power flowing in each transmission line and the net
generation or load at each bus.
(0.62 (5 1 5 2 )) 2 (0.06 (2.5 1 )) 2 (0.37 (4 2 )) 2
J( 1 , 2 )
0.0001 0.0001 0.0001
Solution of the weighted least square example
Bad Data Processing
• One of the essential functions of a state estimator is to
detect measurement errors, and to identify and eliminate
them if possible.
• Measurements may contain errors due to
 Random errors usually exist in measurements due to
the finite accuracy of the meters
 Telecommunication medium.
• Bad data may appear in several different ways depending
upon the type, location and number of measurements that
are in error. They can be broadly classified as:
 Single bad data: Only one of the measurements in
the entire system will have a large error
• Multiple bad data: More than one measurement will be in
• Critical measurement: A critical measurement is the one whose
elimination from the measurement set will result in an unobservable
system. The measurement residual of a critical measurement will
always be zero.

• A system is said to be observable if all the state variables can be

calculated with available set of measurements.

• Redundant measurement: A redundant measurement is a

measurement which is not critical. Only redundant measurements
may have nonzero measurement residuals.

• Critical pair: Two redundant measurements whose simultaneous

removal from the measurement set will make the system
• When using the WLS estimation method, detection and
identification of bad data are done only after the estimation
process by processing the measurement residuals.
J x (z h( x))' W z h(x)

• The condition of optimality is that the gradient of J(x) vanishes

at the optimal solution x, i.e.,
 H1 WZ 0
GX  G 1H1WZ
• An estimate z of the measurement vector z is given by

• The vector of residuals is defined as e = z - Hx; an estimate of

e is given by
z h(x)
Bad Data Detection and Identification
• Detection refers to the determination of whether or not the
measurement set contains any bad data.
• Identification is the procedure of finding out which specific
measurements actually contain bad data.
• Detection and identification of bad data depends on the
configuration of the overall measurement set in a given
power system.
• Bad data can be detected if removal of the corresponding
measurement does not render the system unobservable.
• A single measurement containing bad data can be
identified if and only if:
 it is not critical and
 it does not belong to a critical pair
Bad Data Detection

Y X i2
i 1

Y 2
Chi-square probability density function
Chi-squares distribution table
• The degrees of freedom k, represents the number of
independent variables in the sum of squares.
• Now, let us consider the function f(x), written in terms of the
measurement errors: 2
m m m
1 2 e i N 2
f (x) R ii ei ei
i 1 i 1 R ii i 1

• where e is the i th measurement error, Rii is the diagonal entry of

the measurement error covariance matrix and m is the total
number of measurements.
• Then, f(x) will have a chi-square distribution with at most (m -
n) degrees of freedom.
where, m is number of measurements.
n is number of state variables.
Steps to detection of bad data

f ei2 / 2
i .
j 1
Bad Data Identification

(zi zi ) / R ii'

R ii' (I HG 1HT R 1 )R
Steps to Bad Data Identification

N ei
e i i=1,2,...m
R ii
Bad Data Analysis-Example

• Measurement equations characterizing the meter
readings are found by adding errors terms to the system
model. We obtain
5 1
z1 x1 x 2 e1
8 8
1 8
z2 x1 x 2 e2
8 8
3 1
z3 x1 x 2 e3
8 8
1 3
z4 x1 x 2 e4
8 8
• Forming the H matrix we get

0.625 0.125 100 0 0 0

0.125 0.625 0 100 0 0
0.375 0.125 0 0 50 0
0.125 0.375 0 0 0 50
• Solving for state estimates i.e.,

G 1H T Wz

• We get
V1 16.0072V
V2 8.0261V


z2 3.01544A
z3 7.00596V

9.01 9.00123 0.00877A
e2 3.02 3.01544 0.00456A
e3 6.98 7.00596 0.02596V
5.01 5.01070 0.00070V

f ei2 / 2
i 100(0.00877) 2 100(0.00456) 2 50(0.02596) 2 50(0.00070) 2
j 1


[z1 z 2 z3 z 4 ]T [9.01A 3.02A 6.98V 4.40V]T

[e1 e2 e3 e4 ]T [9.01A 3.02A 6.98V 4.40V]T

f ei2 / 2
i 100(0.06228) 2 100(0.15439) 2 50(0.05965) 2 50(0.49298) 2
j 1


R ii' (I HG 1HT R 1 )R

eiN i=1,2,...m
R ii

e1 0.06228
R11 (1 0.807) 0.01
e2 0.15439
R 22
(1 0.807) 0.01
e3 0.05965
R 33
(1 0.193) 0.02
e4 0.49298
R 44
(1 0.193) 0.02
• Real time monitoring and control of power systems is
extremely important for an efficient and reliable operation
of a power system.
• Sate estimation forms the backbone for the real time
monitoring and control functions.
• In this environment, a real-time model is extracted at
intervals from snapshots of real-time measurements.
• Estimate the nodal voltage magnitudes and phase angles
together with the parameters of the lines.
• State estimation results can be improved by using
accurate measurements like phasor measurement units.
• Traditional state estimation and bad data processing is
• F. C. Schweppe and J. Wildes, “Power system static state estimation, part I: exact
model,” IEEE Trans. Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-89, pp. 120-125,
Jan. 1970.
• R. E. Tinney W. F. Tinney, and J. Peschon, “State estimation in power systems,
part i: theory and feasibility,” IEEE Trans. Power Apparatus and Systems, vol.
PAS-89, pp. 345-352, Mar. 1970.
• F. C. Schweppe and D. B. Rom, “Power system static-state estimation, part ii:
approximate model,” IEEE Trans. Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-89,
pp.125-130, Jan. 1970.
• F. F. Wu, “Power System State Estimation,” International Journal of Electrical
Power and Energy Systems, vol. 12, Issue. 2, pp. 80-87, Apr. 1990.
• Ali Abur and Antonio Gomez Exposito. (2004, April). Power System State
Estimation Theory and Implementation (1st ed.) [Online]. Available:
• Allen J wood and Bruce F Wollenberg. (1996, February 6). Power Generation,
Operation, and Control (2nd ed.) [Online]. Available:

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