Mineing Helmet 2016

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A Smart Helmet for Air Quality and Hazardous

Event Detection for the Mining Industry

C. J. Behr, A. Kumar and G.P. Hancke
Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
University of Pretoria
Pretoria, South Africa
[email protected]

Abstract— A smart helmet has been developed that is able to designing the system small enough to fit into the safety helmet
detect of hazardous events in the mines industry. In the and last long enough while running on battery power. A further
development of helmet, we have considered the three main types challenge was to modify the helmet without changing its
of hazard such as air quality, helmet removal, and collision physical structure. The added weight had to be kept to a
(miners are struck by an object). The first is the concentration minimum.
level of the hazardous gases such as CO, SO2, NO2, and A mining helmet needs to be modified to improve miner
particulate matter. The second hazardous event was classified as safety by adding intelligence to the helmet. When a miner
a miner removing the mining helmet off their head. An IR sensor removes his helmet he needs to be warned. If an object falls on
was developed unsuccessfully but an off-the shelf IR sensor was
a miner even when wearing his helmet he can become
then used to successfully determine when the helmet is on the
unconscious or immobile. The system must determine whether
miner’s head. The third hazardous event is defined as an event
where miners are struck by an object against the head with a or not a miner has sustained a life-threatening injury. These
force exceeding a value of 1000 on the HIC (Head Injury two events are defined as hazardous events. Thirdly, dangerous
Criteria). An accelerometer was used to measure the acceleration gases need to be detected and announced.
of the head and the HIC was calculated in software. The layout of In the area of mining technology, real-time monitor and
the visualisation software was completed, however the control of mine hazard are more complex. Mine safety modules
implementation was unsuccessful. Tests were successfully done to are configured to communicate to ground control or a central
calibrate the accelerometer. PCB’s that were designed and made station. A real critical issue in mines is hazardous gases.
included a breakout board and a prototype board. A whole Systems used in a mine can create intense vibrations and
software implementation was done based on Contiki operating increase the level of hazardous gases such as CO, SO2, NO2
system in order to do the control of the measuring of sensors and and particulate matter. The working conditions can be very
of calculations done with the measured values. This paper noisy and miners don’t watch each other constantly. Miners
presents the undertaken design detailing solutions to issues raised tend to stay in groups and will be no more than 5 meters (m)
in previous research. from each other. A warning system needs to be incorporated
that will warn miners within a 5 m radius that a miner is
Keywords— air quality; mining; safety; wireless sensor experiencing a hazardous event. This system needs to process
networks; ZigBee. and transmit the event within 1 second (s). These systems
measure the environment around the miner with gas sensors
I. INTRODUCTION and are then used to implement evacuations. These do not alert
South Africa is known for its extensive and diverse mineral the miner at all or only alert the miner in an audible way. These
resources and large mining industry [1]. Supervisors are held systems warn miners, but when a miner is obstructed or
responsible for all injuries sustained under their supervision, injured, an external input is required from ground control [3]-
and should therefore be aware of potentially risky situations [5]. In recent years, harvesting technology has played an
[1]. The problem addressed in this paper was the improvement important role in the area of mine applications. The literature
of a mining helmet in order to ensure more safety awareness on mines technology is available but very limited. Nutter, et al.
between miners. When working with noisy equipment, being proposed a methodology for identifying safety hazards inherent
aware of one’s surroundings can sometimes be challenging [2]. in underground monitoring and control. They also designed
In the mining industry miners tend to remove some of their potential safety hazard equipment. They developed
safety gear because the gear is too heavy, warm or methodologies based on analytical electronics and computer-
uncomfortable to work with. However, miners generally do not based hardware/software systems [6]-[8]. Kock, et al.
remove their helmets. Presently mining safety helmets only developed the technology in terms of health, safety, and
have the purpose of protecting the miner’s head against productivity for the South African coal mining industry. They
potential hazardous bumps. The safety helmets do not have any also investigating the coal interface detection (CID),
technology added to it to let miners know when a fellow miner productivity, communication channels (infrared, power line,
has encountered a hazardous event. Therefore the purpose of optical fibers, and radio) [9]. Misra et al. presents a case study
the project described in this paper was to modify an existing for mines. They reviewed on communication techniques such
mining safety helmet to make the helmet even safer by adding as through the wire (TTW), through the air (TTA), and through
a wireless sensor node network. The task was extended to the earth (TTE) [10]. Forooshani, et al. presents a compressive

survey of wireless propagation in tunnels and underground A. Air Quality Sensor
mines with a focus on current wireless channel modeling, Air pollution from coal mines is mainly due to emissions of
technologies, and applications [11]. The Internet-of-Things, particulate matter and gases include methane (CH4), sulphur
where all devices are smart and interconnected, are
dioxide (SO2), and oxides of nitrogen (NO2), as well as carbon
increasingly being used in more industrial applications [12],
monoxide (CO). From different studies, it is well known that
[15], and it is therefore also a principle that can make a
difference in mining safety with smarter equipment. The when human being comes in contact these chemicals/
literature also shows that despite some attractive solutions; pollutants it could have adverse effect on their health. These
very few have been implemented and tested in the real-world, unbalanced ratios of air pollution gases, such as suspended
identifying the existence of a gap between theory and real particulate matter, increase respiratory diseases such as
world application at scientifically accepted level. In this paper asthma, chronic bronchitis, and cardiovascular problems [13].
smart helmet in compliance with IEEE 21451 standards is In this article we have measured the CO, SO2, and NO2. Per
presented. It has various advanced features such as fast the literature we have chosen the electrochemical gas sensor
response time low, portability, and low cost with precisely because of its accuracy and low power consumption in the
acceptable accuracy. development of air quality detectors. These sensors are also
very selective to the target gas. The characteristics of the
II. SYSTEM OVERVIEW sensors used are summarized in Table 1. Fig. 3, represents the
Solving the problem of miners removing their safety block diagram of the air quality monitoring and alerting of the
equipment was a challenge, taken that any new safety critical level of hazardous gases.
equipment that is not lightweight and non-distracting, will just
be removed, like all the other safety equipment. As the helmet
is the only safety gear miners tend to keep on, this is where the
new safety equipment was added on to. Three sensors were
used, an accelerometer, air quality and an Infra-red (IR)
sensor. These were used either to detect if a miner has
experienced a bump to the head or removed his helmet and
surrounding air quality. The three sensors were connected to a
ZigBee module. This module does all the processing and also
controls the wireless communication between separate helmets
through the Contiki operating system (OS). The whole system
was analyzed throughout the design process in order to keep
the power consumption to a minimum as the system is running
on battery power. Different sensors were considered for each Fig. 2. Smart helmet module device for mining safety.
separate component in order to keep the power level as low as
possible. In order to explain the entire system and the Table 1
alternatives of each component, the system will be explained Sensor used in the development of hazardous environmental gases
Sensor Target Range Resolution Response
component by component. The system consists of six Gas (ppm) (ppm) Time
components, helmet remove sensor, collision sensor, air (seconds)
quality sensor, data processing unit, wireless transmission and EC4-500-CO CO 0-500 1 <30
alerting unit. Figure 1 represents the block diagram of the EC4-20-SO2 SO2 0-20 0.1 <35
EC4-20-NO2 NO2 0-20 0.1 <35
smart helmet for mining safety. The developed prototype
mining safety model is shown in Figure 2. The development
of the prototype complies with the IEEE 21451 standard [12]. We have used electrochemical sensors for CO, SO2, and
NO2 from SGX Sensor Tech. The electrochemical sensor’s
advantages, disadvantages, typical signal conditioning circuit,
mathematical formulation (output sensor signal conversion to
gas concentration) was reported in [13]. Regarding the
concentration of CO: healthy people can tolerate a CO level of
up to 6 ppm without serious health effects, but it should
always be kept below 4 ppm [13]. The upper level of CO,
SO2, and NO2 gas concentrations were fixed at 4 ppm, 0.2
ppm, and 0.10 ppm respectively, for the developed system. If
increases in the concentration level of air quality parameters
are observed, then a signal is transmitted through a ZigBee
transmitter module to the alerting unit of the helmet.
B. Helmet Removal Sensor
For detecting the removal of the helmet a few different
Fig. 1. Functional Block diagram of Smart Helmet. approaches were considered. The comparison, advantage, and

disadvantage of the proposed approaches in the literature was ADXL377 accelerometer satisfied the specifications. There
reported in [1]-[11]. For this study, the IR beam based helmet are a few limitations when using the HIC equation. The time
remove sensor technique was considered better among other interval t2-t1 should be limited to a maximum of only 36
available techniques such as a switch, analogue distance milliseconds (ms). The time limitation is to limit the equation
sensor, and digital distance sensor. The IR beam can be to impacts and not sustained accelerations. It is also mentioned
designed to use low amounts of power. An off-the-shelf IR that the accelerometers can give inaccurate measurements due
distance detector was used for this application. The IR sensor to scull deformation. To compensate and to over design, the
was designed to send a constant signal from the one side of the accelerometer is placed on the helmet itself and not on the
helmet to the other side with the circuit in Fig. 4. plastic harness holding the head. This will allow the
accelerometer to reach acceleration experienced by the helmet
that will be greater than the actual acceleration experienced by
the miner’s head.
D. Wireless Transmission
Wireless transmission between the different nodes was
required. Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and ZigBee are the three types of
wireless systems that are practical for the system
specifications. ZigBee was created to be a low power, low-
data rate and a low-cost device. ZigBee has all the same
benefits as a Wi-Fi system. ZigBee is based on the IEEE
802.15.4 standard [13], [16]. A ZigBee module is also more
useful for creating larger mesh networks than Bluetooth and is
therefore the better option when routers and access points
cannot be implemented. In [3] all the components are attached
Fig. 3. Block diagram of the device for air quality monitoring and alerting of
to the safety helmet with Velcro. Some of the components are
the critical level of hazardous gas. placed inside the helmet, while this helps to protect the
components from bumps and gasses, this can result in
electronics being embedded into the head of a miner if a
seriously hard bump is experienced. In [4] ZigBee modules
are the chosen wireless chip because its signals are able to
penetrate walls and work very well in mines. Wireless or more
specifically Wi-Fi, is sometimes used in mines, but it needs
cabling throughout the mine to the routers, that can be
damaged [13]. A study was done to determine the best
frequency to be used in mines as the attenuation of signals
over a distance determines how far the signal will travel. It
was found that the best frequency was 2.4 Gigahertz (GHz).
The transmission was found to be effective up to 15 m from
where the signal was transmitted. [14]-[20]. ZigBee systems
can be set up to work in a few different network structures
such as star, light mesh, mesh and cluster tree, are four of the
Fig. 4. Circuit diagram of IR circuit designed based on IEEE21451 standards.
most commonly used structures. Mesh structures are used
C. Collision Sensor when one node needs to communicate information to all the
In order to conclude that a bump is actually dangerous, the other nodes, but is in reach only of a number of nodes. Mesh
bump needs to exceed a certain threshold for a certain amount network configuration is also good as it makes multiple
of time. According to the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety pathways to each node. The advantage and disadvantage of the
Standard 208 (FMVSS 208) a Head Injury Criteria (HIC) ZigBee communication was reported in [13]-[22].
should not exceed a value of more than 1000. E. Data Processing Uni
ª ª t2
º The original thought process was to use a Raspberry Pi as
« t2  t1 « 1 a t dt » »
« ³
«¬ t2  t1 t1 »¼ » (1)
the main processor in conjunction with a ZigBee module as
the wireless communication terminal, keeping with an open
¬ ¼ max hardware design [23]. The sensors and the ZigBee module
would be connected to the Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi
The variable t1 is starting time, t2 is the end time, a(t) is the
would measure the sensors and control the ZigBee module.
acceleration over time. An accelerometer was needed to
The Raspberry Pi would then be used to create the user
measure the acceleration of the system. The accelerometer
interface for the user to examine the data that has been logged.
needed to be able to measure at least 70 g in 3 axes. The
Two problems turned up: the first being power consumption

and the second interfacing with the Raspberry Pi. The power simply a rectangular plastic box with a hole on the side to fit a
consumption was a problem as the system would be running pipe that is used to pump in gas. The sensor node is powered
off a battery, even though the Raspberry Pi uses very little on and placed inside the incubator that is then closed. Gas
power it is much more than what is used by the ZigBee cylinders were used to pump the gas into the incubator. The
module. The interfacing problem was caused by the difficulty sensor node then takes measurements of the gas concentration.
of connecting to the Raspberry Pi, because it would not have a Off-the-shelf air quality monitoring devices are very
built-in display as this would dramatically reduce the expensive and thus there was nothing to compare the
durability of the product. The only other option is to connect measurements to, however the concentration levels were
to the Raspberry Pi through a network cable. The user estimated and the accuracy of the system was determined.
interface would only then be accessible. This network
B. Helmet Removal Test
configuration would be a complex and impractical process for
the mining environment. After further examination it was The purpose of this test is to show that the system will
decided to choose the ZigBee module ATZB-24-A2 wireless detect when the helmet is completely removed from the
chip. It has an adequate amount of processing power and a dummy head. For the system to pass the test it needs to detect
built-in electrically erasable programmable read-only memory the removal of the helmet with an accuracy of above 90%. The
(EEPROM). Any other additional processing units would use helmet was connected to the computer through the USB port.
more space and consume additional power as well. The helmet was placed on the dummy head. The node was
configured to transmit the data through the USB port, which
F. Alerting Unit would have been sent through the wireless network. The
Alerting miners in a mine can be a difficult process computer displayed the serial data constantly. The helmet was
bearing in mind the everyday working conditions that are then removed slowly until the IR sensor triggered the serial
encountered in a mine. Underground mines are very dark port to display that the helmet was removed. The distance was
places and therefore the miners use safety helmets with built- measured from the top of the dummy up to the inside of the
in or attachable mining lights. The equipment used in helmet. The test was repeated ten times.
underground mines can create a lot of noise and vibrations,
C. Impact Test
which are compounded by the cramped conditions in the
underground tunnels. The problem associated with the noise is In this section, we have tested to the impact reading that
that warning a miner with a speaker or an alarm system when the accelerometer gives when in two situations. The first is a
a fellow miner is experiencing a hazardous event would most hazardous force like a hammer, showing that it would trigger a
probably be in vain as the miner would not hear the alarm. A hazardous event. The second is a bumped with a non-
second option was considered with the use of a vibrating unit hazardous force like a human hand hitting the helmet, showing
within the mining helmet. Warning a miner with a vibrating that would not trigger a hazardous event. The test with the
helmet would work. However when a miner is working with hammer was changed a few times as discoveries were made
one or close to equipment that creates a lot of vibration, the through the results. The final test with the hammer was
miner most probably would feel or misinterpret the vibration dropping the hammer for ten repetitive tests from a height of 1
as part of the vibration created by the equipment. This will m above the helmet. The accelerometer was placed on the
allow the system to only work in specific conditions. The aim inside of the safety helmet with a wooden bowl used as the
would be for the system to work under all conditions. Using dummy head with a sampling rate set to 250 Hz. The data was
light-emitting diodes (LED’s) placed on the cap of the mining sent through the USB to the computer and then imported into
helmet was also considered as it would be a visual way of Matlab to give the graphs shown in Fig. 5. The test with the
alerting the miner. It was then decided that adding LED’s to a hand was done with two impacts. The first impacts are
mining helmet that is already equipped with a big light simulating a fellow miner making a joke and hitting the miner
connected to the helmet would mean not using the available lightly on the helmet. The second impact are simulating a
resources. It was therefore decided to implement a system that harder blow but still with a non-hazardous force. The results
will warn the miner by flashing the mining light a few times. are shown in Fig. 6.
Using this warning method has the added benefit of using the
D. Wireless Transmission Test
mining helmet light of the miner who is experiencing the
hazardous event. Flashing the light constantly simultaneously The purpose of this test was to determine whether or not
show who is experiencing the problem as well as indicate the the wireless transmission between the nodes meets the
location of the miner. minimal requirement of transmitting data more than 5 m and
how successful the data transmission. Placing the one node at
III. EXPERIMENTAL WORK distance 0 m (stationary point) configured to transmit every
second continuously. The second node was placed at distances
A. Air Quality Test varying from 1 m to 13 m, 8 m further than specified. The
In the air quality testing process, we have used the known second node was configured to receive and transmit the data
gas concentration cylinder and follow the static chamber through the USART. Connecting a computer and storing the
method for the development of the AQ sensor. An incubator first hundred seconds, of the system clock, that was received.
is used for testing of the developed system. The incubator is The data of each distance was stored and analyzed. The test

was done in an environment with people moving through the whether the helmet is removed or not. The test results for this
line of sight and the presence of a Wi-Fi network with the test were not added as the system constantly triggered the alert
router situated in the middle of the transmission. signal.

Fig. 7. Distance test error, showing a transmission that was not received and
transmission received more than ones.
Fig. 5. Accelerometer measurements from impact test on helmet with hammer
dropped. The test was then done using an off-the-shelf IR sensor. It
gave the results that were expected and needed for the test to
be successful. The system successfully detected when the
helmet is removed 10 cm off the dummy head with an average
deviation of 0.3% too far. The effect of these results is that
any miner will trigger the alert signal when removing the
helmet completely off their head as it was specified. Fig. 5
showed the consistent values between 81 g and 64 g with an
average of 71 g. The results Fig. 6 show the first impact at an
average of 56 g and the second more severe impact with an
average of 85 g. The result showed that the output of the
accelerometer was scaled inaccurately and that the
accelerometer needed to be calibrated more accurately. The
test could not be repeated with the correct accelerometer
calibration being 80% g of the values as seen above. The test
Fig. 6. Accelerometer measurements from impact test on helmet with hand.
also indicated that the sampling interval of the accelerometer
was not sufficient enough. The system measured the different
The results showed the data received and the corresponding axes of the accelerometer one after the other, as the ZigBee
system time. It was then determined which of the hundred module only contains one ADC with different ports connected
transmitted signals were received successfully, which were to the ADC through port switching. The Contiki OS works by
skipped and which ones were received more than once. The repeating procedures on the interval of eTimers. eTimers
data of the thirteen distances were then imported into Matlab. however can only be configured for a 8 MHz chip to repeat
These results were then plotted onto the graph in Fig. 7. The every 4 ms. This means that a single axis of the accelerometer
top blue line shows the amount of numbers that were received can only be measured every 12 ms. With the use eqn. 1, the
more than once, the green peaks show the amount of maximum acceleration that can be measured safely for non-
transmissions that were not received. hazardous events, can be calculated 92.967 g. For taking
safety factors into consideration the value was used as 90 g.
IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION The transmission was successful at distances more than double
The critical levels of the hazardous gases such as CO, SO2, than were specified.
and NO2 in the mines industry has been indicated through
alerting unit. The helmet removal test was done successfully
with an off the-shelf IR distance sensor. The IR sensor A smart mining helmet was developed that is able to detect
designed from first principles was working device. It was three types of hazardous events such as danger level of
discovered, after the system was integrated, that the hazardous gases, miner helmet removing, and collision or
transmitted IR signals reflects off the dummy head and kept impact (miners are struck by an object). The hazardous events
reflecting off the helmet’s surface until it reached the receiver. were classified as a miner removing the mining helmet off
The signal at the receiver side was close to the same amplitude their head. An off-the-shelf IR sensor was then used to
as the signal received when the helmet was removed from the successfully determine when the helmet is on the miner’s
head. The system can therefore not distinguish between head. Another hazardous event is defined as an event where

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