Development and Validation of The Social Emotional Competence Questionnaire (SECQ)

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Volume 4, Number 2, November 2012 pp 27-42

Development and Validation of the Social Emotional Competence

Questionnaire (SECQ)

Mingming Zhou1 and Jessie Ee

National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Reliable and valid measures of children’s and adolescents’ social emotional

competence (SEC) are necessary to develop in order to assess their social
emotional development and provide appropriate intervention in child and
adolescent development. A pool of 25 items was created for the Social
Emotional Competence Questionnaire (SECQ) that represented five dimensions
of SEC: self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, relationship
management and responsible decision-making. A series of four studies are
reported relating to the development and validation of the measure.
Confirmatory factor analyses of the responses of 444 fourth-graders showed an
acceptable fit of the model. The model was replicated with another 356
secondary school students. Additional studies revealed good internal
consistency. The significant correlations among the five SEC components and
academic performance provided evidence for the predictive validity of the
instrument. With multiple samples, these results showed that the scale holds
promise as a reliable, valid measure of SEC.

Keywords: Social and Emotional Learning (SEL); Social and Emotional Competence
(SEC); assessment; Social and Emotional Competence Questionnaire

First submission on 10th April, 2012; accepted for publication on 23rd September 2012.

In recent years, social emotional learning (SEL) has become an important element in basic
education that has drawn the attention of educators and researchers. SEL is a process whereby
children and adults acquire the knowledge and skills required to function effectively in various social
contexts. It is related to five core competencies, namely the acquisition of skills to recognise and
manage emotions, develop care and concern for others, make responsible decisions, establish positive
relationships, and handle challenging situations effectively (CASEL, 2003). The development of
social emotional competence (SEC) as an outcome of SEL is believed to enable learners to acquire
the ability to self-monitor their behaviors and self-regulate their learning (Wilson, Gottfredson, &
Najaka, 2001; Zins, Weissberg, Wang, & Walberg, 2004). Consequently, curriculum designers and
researchers are keen to devise intervention programs with the purpose of enhancing SEC. A recent
meta-analysis of over 200 SEL evaluations involving more than 270,000 students showed that, in
addition to a wide range of positive social and emotional benefits, the academic achievement of
students who participated in SEL programs improved significantly (Durlak et al., 2011). Students who
are more self-aware and confident about their learning abilities are likely to persevere and tend to
perform better, as they are likely to manage their stress and organize themselves better in their work.
Likewise, students who make responsible decisions about their learning are able to use their
relationship skills to communicate better to overcome their obstacles in problem-solving (Zins et al.,
2004). Hence, the capability of self-understanding and greater emotional management, coupled with
the ability to deal effectively with others and different situations, positively impact the capacity to
negotiate one’s both academic and personal lives.

Components of Social and Emotional Competence

There seems to be little common consensus about the operationalization of social and
emotional competence. The inconsistency in the definition is witnessed by the various terminologies
used, such as ‘social and emotional intelligence’ (Salovey & Mayer, 1990), ‘emotional literacy’ (Park,
Haddon, & Goodman, 2003), and ‘social and emotional competence’ (Elias et al., 1997). We decided
to adopt the CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning) model (2008) for
this research, as it is a cohesive and comprehensive SEL model which covers the most critical aspects
of social and emotional competence as outlined in major theoretical models (e.g., Bar-On, 1997;
Salovey & Mayer, 1990), and acts as a bridge between the theoretical and practitioner worlds.
According to CASEL (2008), SEC encompasses a set of skills including recognizing and
managing our emotions, developing caring and concern for others, establishing positive relationships,
making responsible decisions, and handling challenging situations constructively and ethically. The
CASEL model views social emotional skills at two levels: the intrapersonal and interpersonal level.
The former involves one’s understanding and regulation of own emotions, whereas the latter involves
understanding of others’ emotions, relationship with others as well as responsible decision making
skills. There are five domains in this framework: self-awareness; social awareness; self-management;
relationship management; and responsible decision-making
Self-awareness includes skills in recognizing and identifying one’s own strengths and
weaknesses, feelings and emotions and understanding how they may affect one’s performance
(Beland, 2007; Zins & Elias, 2006). It is a cognitive capacity that marks a specific step in one’s self-
development (Asendorpf & Baudonnière, 1993). Students who are aware of their strengths and

Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

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© 2012 EDRES/ENSEC Volume 4, Number 2, November 2012 pp 28
emotions are likely to be reflective and hence recognize their own state of being, and be clear about
the reasons for their emotional responses. Froming, Nasby, and McManus (1998) found that children
(especially boys) appeared to regulate their behavior using prosocial self-schemas when they were
self-aware. As Carver and Scheier (1981) argued, the state of self-awareness is necessary to engage
one into the self-regulating mechanism. If students can be nurtured to be metacognitively aware of
their emotions, they are likely to develop better self-control of their emotions and thus make more
responsible decision-making in life.
Self-management relates to the ability to manage one’s own impulses and emotions. Self-
regulation of one’s emotions is important for developing close relationships, succeeding at work and
maintaining physical health. Empirical data shows that children who can manage their emotional
experiences in an emotionally-arousing play situation are more successful in their peer relationships
(Hubbard and Coie, 1994). In contrast, children who routinely experience high intensity emotions
without constructive ways of managing such experiences, often engage in socially inappropriate
behaviors and are at risk for low peer status (Eisenberg et al., 1995). In school contexts, students who
cannot control their emotions are unlikely to think clearly and perform well (Weissberg & Elias,
Social awareness is the ability to read other persons’ cues and to understand, and
appropriately respond to their feelings (Frey, Hirschstein, & Guzzo, 2000). This is closely linked to
empathy, the capacity to share the emotional state of another person and thus relate better with them
(Eisenberg, 1986). Empathy is concerned with the ability to understand another person’s perspective
in interpreting thoughts and feelings, demonstrating an awareness of the sensitivity of complex issues,
and attempting to clarify ambiguities that leads to harmonious functioning between individuals.
Research has shown that empathetic children tend to show greater attentional focus, perceptual
sensitivity, and inhibitory control (Miller & Jansen op de Haar, 1997), and more altruistic (Ukegawa,
1996) and pro-social behaviors (Litvack-Miller, McDougall, & Romney, 1997).
Relationship management: several lines of research suggest that peers play an essential role in
children’s school engagement at school (e.g., Ladd, 1999). Studies show that children who are
rejected by their peers, who experience more loneliness and social isolation, and who affiliate with
more disaffected peers are themselves more likely to become disengaged from academic activities and
eventually leave school (Sage & Kindermann, 1999; Wentzel, 1999). On the other hand, Ryan and
colleagues (1994) found that seventh and eighth graders who felt more secure with their peers,
reported higher identity integration and general self-esteem. It should be noted, however, findings are
mixed with regards to peer relations’ direct effect on academic outcomes.
Responsible decision-making refers to the ability to consider ethical, safety, and societal
factors in making decisions, such that individuals can deal responsibly with daily academic and social
situations and contribute to the well-being of one’s school and community (CASEL, 2003).
Significant correlations were found between metacognition, decision-making style and performance

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© 2012 EDRES/ENSEC Volume 4, Number 2, November 2012 pp 29
on a decision-making task (Ormond et al., 1991). Responsible decision-making also requires training
in decision-making that emphasizes the building of a sense of social responsibility towards others
(CASEL, 2003).

Existing measurements of SEC

Along with the upsurge of SEL programs, researchers and practitioners have developed a
range of measures suitable for assessing social and emotional competence in children and young
people as an outcome of program implementation. In a recent review of existing measures of social
and emotional competence in children and young people by Humphrey and colleagues (2011), 12
measures with an established and sustained base in the academic literature, were reviewed in depth in
relation to their implementation characteristics and psychometric properties. The authors concluded
that despite the great interest in SEL over the last two decades, measure development in this field has
struggled to keep pace. During their filtering process in the review, 135 measures were first excluded
from a pool of 187 measures because they were lengthy, did not allow self-report by students, were
targeted at adults or special populations only, or focused exclusively on just one specific aspect of
social and emotional competence. Another 40 measures were further excluded from a list of 52
measures because of their infrequent appearance in the literature (for a complete list see Humphrey et
al., 2009).
The 12 retained measures in their review vary greatly in both their implementation
characteristics and psychometric properties. Some key issues raised by Humphrey et al.’s (2011)
review include the fact that the more well-established measures are only concerned with social skills,
as opposed to emotional skills or both; the majority of measures have been developed and
standardized with American populations; and that only a very small number of measures have been
used on a frequent basis.
To address the first concern, we based our measure of SEC on the CASEL model (2008),
which provides a strong framework for both the social and emotional dimensions of SEL. In practice,
dozens of other instruments exist that measure one or more aspects of SEL. However, the availability
of tools that accurately cover all areas of this model is extremely limited.
Secondly, the current study employed a non-American sample (Singaporean children and
adolescents) to provide a different cross-cultural perspective. SEL was formally introduced by the
Ministry of Education to the schools in Singapore in 2005 not only to raise academic success but also
to promote the five SEL core competencies as outlined by CASEL (2008). It is believed that
developing resilience in our children and adolescents is critical as we prepare them to face a
globalised world characterised by intense competition and uncertainty brought about by rapid changes
(Fu, 2008). This is especially important in multi-racial Singapore with its great diversity of people. As
SEL is still a relatively new initiative in Singapore, different programs are still ongoing in schools.
Hence, a well-developed measure is necessary for educators and researchers to assess the social

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© 2012 EDRES/ENSEC Volume 4, Number 2, November 2012 pp 30
emotional development in students, especially those who have undergone any training. Lastly, we
expect this measure to be a useful tool for both researchers and practitioners in the field to gauge
children’s and adolescent’s social emotional status and assess the effectiveness of SEL programs that
aim to promote the five SEC components. The purpose of the present study was to develop such a

Development of Social-Emotional Competence Questionnaire (SECQ)

The Social-Emotional Competence Questionnaire (SECQ) is a survey designed to assess how
children and adolescents (grades 3 to 12) are aware of themselves as well as others and how they
respond to the contexts of family, school, and community personally, socially and ethically. The
SECQ is designed to be sensitive to changes over time, and intends to assist school practitioners and
evaluators in assessing elementary and secondary students’ level of SEC and to subsequently identify
those areas deemed in need of improvement.
A pool of 25 items was generated on the basis of the theoretical model developed by CASEL
(2008). Each item selected for the initial pool of items reflected one of the five areas in the
framework. Sample items include: “I understand my moods and feelings.” and “I know when I am
moody.” (self awareness); “If someone is sad, angry or happy, I believe I know what they are
thinking.” and “I understand why people react they way they do.” (social awareness); “I stay calm
when things go wrong.” and “I can control the way I feel when something bad happens.” (self
management); “I always try and comfort my friends when they are sad.” and “I try not to criticize my
friend when we quarrel.” (relationship management); and “When making decisions, I take into
account the consequences of my actions.” and “I consider the strengths and weaknesses of the
strategy before deciding to use it.” (responsible decision-making).
Three steps led to the identification and development of the SECQ. Firstly, an extensive
literature review grounded in the CASEL framework was conducted to identify the key characteristics
of each dimension of SEC. Secondly, existing scales that tap into different aspects of SEC were
examined. Lastly, SEL experts, including local scholars in this field and in the SEL program in the
Ministry of Education (Singapore), examined and evaluated the items in terms of fidelity to the
relevant construct, as well as clarity, including the semantics and language employed. The resulting
instrument contained five subscales with five items for each component: self-awareness; social
awareness; self-management; relationship management and responsible decision-making. The
instrument was administered in English using a scale from 1 (not at all true of me) to 6 (very true of

Data analysis overview

Four studies were carried out to provide the empirical evidence for the reliability and validity
of the measure. The sample was recruited from three different primary schools and one secondary

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© 2012 EDRES/ENSEC Volume 4, Number 2, November 2012 pp 31
school in Singapore. Study 1 was a confirmatory factor analysis with fourth-graders, to provide
evidence to the construct validity. Study 2 tested whether the best-fitting model for the primary
students’ sample could be tested with data from the secondary school sample. Study 3 examined
whether the reliability could be replicated with a different sample, and Study 4 sought to provide
evidence for the measure’s predictive validity by linking SEC measures to academic achievement

Study 1: Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Participants and procedure

Five hundred and seventy-nine fourth-graders responded to the questionnaire in English. Data
were collected during regular class time with teachers giving the instructions. One hundred and thirty-
five students’ data were incomplete and subsequently removed, leaving a final sample size of 444,
with 52.2% being boys. The sample consisted of a range of ethnic groups, namely 73.0% Chinese,
15.9% Malay, 6.1% Indian, 2.9% English, and 2.0% others.

The validity of a five-factor structure for primary school students was tested using
Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The analyses were conducted on covariance matrices, and the
solutions were generated on the basis of maximum-likelihood estimation. Specifically, the model
hypothesized a priori that: (a) responses to the SECQ could be explained by the five factors labeled
self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, relationship management and responsible
decision-making; (b) each item would have a nonzero loading on each factor that it was designed to
measure and zero or extremely low loadings on all other factors; and (c) the five factors were
Multiple criteria were used in determining the goodness of fit to the data for this hypothesized
structure, including the chi-square degree of freedom ratio (χ2/df), the comparative fit index (CFI), the
incremental fit index (IFI), and the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA). χ2/df less than
3.0 indicates a good model fit; CFI and IFI values near 1.0 are optimal, with values greater than .90
indicating acceptable model fit (Kline, 2005). Meanwhile, the RMSEA values less than .05 indicate
good fit, with values as high as .08 representing reasonable errors of approximation in the population
(Browne & Cudeck, 1993; Byrne, 2008).

Basic CFAs and internal consistencies

As shown in Table 1, initial testing of the hypothesized model for this group yielded a
marginally good fit as indicated by the following criteria: χ2= 539.98 (df = 265, p < .001), χ2/df =
2.04, RMSEA = .048, CFI = .89, IFI = .89. In addition, all factor loadings loaded on the designated

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factor and most were acceptable (see Figure 1, with all loadings being above .45 except for 2 items: “I
know when I am moody” [SA4]; and “I try not to criticise my friend when we quarrel” [RM3]). All of
the subscales demonstrated acceptable levels of internal consistency. For self-awareness, social
awareness, self-management, relationship management and responsible decision-making, the
Cronbach’s alpha were .62, .72, .68, .62 and .72, respectively.

Figure 1. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) results for the five-factor

SEC model in Study 1 (N = 444).

Comparison with alternative models

Given the low factor loadings of the two items as well as the intention to improve the model
fit, additional CFAs investigated the fit of alternative models and compared the fit of the hypothesized
and alternative models. Two alternative models were tested: (a) 23 items with the removal of all the
items with factor loadings below .45; (b) with an even stricter criterion, 20 items with the removal of
all the items with factor loadings below .50. To compare the relative fit of the three models, it has

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© 2012 EDRES/ENSEC Volume 4, Number 2, November 2012 pp 33
been suggested that a decreased χ2/df ratio denotes an improved model fit (Hoelter, 1983). However,
the χ2 statistic is known to be sensitive to multivariate non-normality and sample size, which may
cause uncertainty concerning the overall appropriateness of a study’s model based on this particular
measure (Cheung & Rensvold, 2002; Hu & Bentler, 1995). Thus this fit index was reported, but not
given much weight in terms of the final model selection decision, especially when the χ2/df values in
the three models all showed acceptable model fit. Further, none of the CFI and IFI exceeded .90, yet
only the original model showed a highly close value in these two indices, indicating a reasonable
model fit (Kline, 1998; Schumacker & Lomax, 1996). Finally, ECVI was used as a single sample
estimate of cross-validation to assess how well the three models could be generalized to other
samples. “The model with the smallest ECVI indicates the model with the best fit.” (Hoekstra et al.,
2008, p.1558). For the above reasons, the original model was deemed the best-fitting model (see
Table 1).

Table 1: Goodness-of-fit indexes for different models of SECQ in Study 1( N = 444)

Overall fit indices
Original Model 2.04 .048 .89 .89 1.60
23-item Model 1.83 .073 .76 .77 3.57
20-item Model 1.63 .064 .83 .84 2.58

Note. CFI = comparative fit index; IFI= incremental fit index; RMSEA = root-mean-square error
of approximation; ECVI = expected cross-validation index.

Study 2: Construct Validity Replication

Participants and procedure
The purpose of the second study was to reassess scale items in a different sample for
dimensionality, and fit. Three hundred and fifty-six secondary school students in Singapore responded
to the survey in English with teachers giving instructions during regular class time, as conducted with
the primary school students (50.3% males; 48.7% Chinese, 34.8% Malay, 12.7% Indian, 0.6%
English, and 3.1% others).

The best-fitting model for the primary school sample was tested with data from the secondary
school sample. The CFA results again supported the hypothesized model, as not only were all factors
loaded on their respective latent factors with acceptable loadings (see Figure 2, all loadings above .50
except for 3 items with loadings above .45: “I know when I am moody.” [SA4]; “I can read people’s
faces when they are angry.” [SA5]; and “I will always apologise when I hurt my friend
unintentionally”. [RM1]), but also most fit statistics nearly met the criteria for an acceptable fitting

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© 2012 EDRES/ENSEC Volume 4, Number 2, November 2012 pp 34
model: χ2= 712.20 (df = 265, p < .001), χ2/df = 2.69, RMSEA = .069, CFI = .86, IFI = .86. It should
be noted that although the CFI and IFI indices fell into the “marginal” ranges (above .85 but below
.90), “it is especially important to consider the consistency of model fit expressed by the various types
of fit indices in tandem with the particular aspects of the analytic situation” (Brown, 2006, p. 87). In
addition, all of the subscales demonstrated good levels of internal consistency with Cronbach Alpha
being .71, .78, .76, .73 and .79, for self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, relationship
management and responsible decision-making, respectively.

Figure 2. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) results for the five-factor

SEC model in Study 2 (N = 356).

Study 3: Internal Consistency Replication

In order to confirm the prior findings of internal consistency, we asked 344 students (54.5%
boys; 76.1% Chinese, 5.9% Malay, 14.5% Indian, 0.9% English, and 2.7% others) from another

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secondary school in Singapore to respond to the scale in English with teachers’ instructions given as
before. The crosscheck of internal consistency revealed Cronbach’s alphas of .72, .77, 73, .71, and .76
for self-awareness, social awareness, relationship management, self-management, and responsible
decision-making, respectively.

Study 4: Predictive Validity

In Study 4, we examined whether scores on the SECQ predicted students’ academic
performance in different subjects. One hundred and sixty-seven fourth-graders (57.7% boys; 81.4%
Chinese, 8.1% Malay, 6.2% Indian, 2.5% English, and 1.9% others) from a different public primary
school in Singapore responded to the scale in English during regular class time at the start of the
semester. Their final exam scores in English, Math and Science from the previous semester were
collected from school, as the measurement of their academic achievement. The removal of 35 missing
data led to a final sample size of 132.
Table 2 presents the means and SDs of the five SEC measures and achievement sores in
English, Math and Science as well as the correlations among them. As expected, most of SEC
dimensions were significantly positively correlated with exam scores, although the correlations were
only moderate to low (.19<rs<.29, ps<.01). Next a series of regression analyses were undertaken, by
regressing achievement scores in different subjects with the five SEC variables. No significant results
were found. However, when the relationship was examined in boys and girls separately, relationship
management appeared to be the only significant predictor in English (β = .73, p < .01) and Math (β =
.55, p < .05) for girls. It seemed that the more female students were able to manage their relationships
in schools, the more likely they were to achieve better academic outcomes. These results provided
some evidence of predictive validity.

Table 2 Mean, SDs, and zero-order correlations among SEC variables and achievement in Study 4
(N = 132)
Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5
1. Self-awareness 4.74 1.05 -
2. Self-Management 4.05 1.18 .60** -
3. Social Awareness 4.17 1.17 .65** .60** -
4. Relationship Management 4.27 1.07 .49** .50** .44** -
5. Responsible Decision Making 4.25 1.06 .65** .62** .65** .52** -
6. English Score 56.48 20.37 .19* .16 .19* .27** .26**
7. Math Score 62.75 22.62 .24** .16 .20* .27** .30**
8. Science Score 68.84 19.69 .27** .20* .22* .26** .28**

Discussion and Conclusion

The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate an instrument intended to measure
school children’s and young adolescents’ social-emotional competence, on the basis of the widely

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© 2012 EDRES/ENSEC Volume 4, Number 2, November 2012 pp 36
known SEL model developed by CASEL (2008). We used both primary and secondary school
samples to provide evidence for an adequate model fit for the scale. CFAs results generally showed an
acceptable model fit for both samples. However, the factor loadings of each item to the five factors in
the model were not great, especially in the primary school sample (Study1, with a majority of
loadings between .55 and .60), compared to the secondary school sample (Study 2, with a majority of
loadings between .60 and .70). Similar findings were also observed in the internal consistency
coefficients. Cronbach’s alpha estimates used for scale development purposes should be .70 or higher
(Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994). The measures with the two secondary school samples (Study 2 and 3)
met the cut-off score requirement, suggesting homogeneity of items for the respective measures
(Henson, 2001). However, with the primary school sample (Study 1), three subscales (self-awareness,
self-management and relationship management) fell below the cutoff score. We argue that the low
reliability in these subscales might not be attributable to item generation and scale construction
problems; rather, they could reveal that children could have some difficulties in answering questions
related to the degree of how they deal with emotional and academic situations by differentiating self
from others. This speculation could be confirmed by the more mature sample (secondary school
The data also provides some evidence for the predictive validity of the scale. School
children’s scores on different SEC domains were positively related to their performance in school
subjects, although they did not appear to be very strong. Further regression analyses showed that
relationship management appeared to be a stronger predictor of achievement than the other SEC
constructs for girls. This observation is more hopeful than those studies which found no significant
correlations (e.g., Newsome, Day, & Catano, 2000) and also raises a number of interesting questions
for future research: Why did relationship management predict academic achievement? Why was the
prediction only observed in girls? It is possible that girls who are better able to manage their
relationships with peers/teachers are more effective at developing harmonious relationships with peers
and enjoying their school experience in general, which helps them achieve higher grades? Clearly,
future research needs to sharpen our understanding of the relationship between one’s social-emotional
level and academic success using psychometrically sound instruments.
Caution should be used, however, in drawing these conclusions from our studies. Firstly,
there are alternative operationalization of SEC besides the one provided by CASEL (2008).
Constructs with the same name could be conceptualized differently in different models. We believe,
however, that SECQ could be a useful addition to the spectrum of measures available to assess
children’s social emotional behaviour in the school years. Secondly, we assessed SEC with a limited
set of self-report items from students, instead of using more objective measures from parents, peers,
or teachers. Alternative assessment techniques such as interview, observation or behavioral measures,
might reveal other specific factors, to substantiate the results of this study. Multiple-instrument,
multiple-source, multiple-construct and multiple-context assessment would contribute to the

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reliability of judgments about children’s and adolescents’ social emotional functioning (Bracken,
Keith, & Walker, 1998). Lastly, since the measure was only validated with primary and secondary
school students in Singapore, it will be necessary to replicate these findings in a more heterogeneous
sample of students in other cultures. For example, it will be important to know whether the 5-factor
model can be replicated and whether SEC correlates with academic achievement with students with
different ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds, such as western samples which have quite different
cultural blends.
In sum, the findings indicate that the scale holds promise as a reliable, valid measure of SEC
as conceptualized by CASEL (2008). Potential use of the scale in theoretical research entails
exploring the nature of SEC, the determinants of SEC, the effects of SEC on other variables, and the
development of SEC over time. Despite the limitations outlined, the instrument would seem to have
value in assessing individuals who need a valid appraisal of their SEC, such that they can obtain a
better understanding of self or others, for identifying problems in areas related to social emotional
development, to collect baseline data for future assessment of progress and later interventions, or to
seek possible indicators of poor academic performance. Assessing students with regards to these
aspects will help identify their social-emotional strengths and weaknesses, which will facilitate the
delivery of appropriate programming or curricula to improve their social-emotional competence
(Coryn et al., 2009). By strengthening social-emotional educational opportunities, we will increase
children's and adolescents’ capacity to learn, give them the tools to make personal and learning
achievements, and enable them to experience personal satisfaction.

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© 2012 EDRES/ENSEC Volume 4, Number 2, November 2012 pp 41
Appendix: The Social Emotional Competence Questionnaire (SECQ)

Construct Items
Self-awareness [SA1] I know what I am thinking and doing.
[SA2] I understand why I do what I do.
[SA3] I understand my moods and feelings.
[SA4] I know when I am moody.
[SA5] I can read people’s faces when they are angry.
Social [SoA1] I recognise how people feel by looking at their facial expressions.
[SoA2] It is easy for me to understand why people feel the way they do.
[SoA3] If someone is sad, angry or happy, I believe I know what they are thinking.
[SoA4] I understand why people react the way they do.
[SoA5] If a friend is upset, I have a pretty good idea why.
Self- [SM1] I can stay calm in stressful situations.
[SM2] I stay calm and overcome anxiety in new or changing situations.
[SM3] I stay calm when things go wrong.
[SM4] I can control the way I feel when something bad happens.
[SM5] When I am upset with someone, I will wait till I have calmed down before
discussing the issue.
Relationship [RM1] I will always apologise when I hurt my friend unintentionally.
[RM2] I always try and comfort my friends when they are sad.
[RM3] I try not to criticise my friend when we quarrel.
[RM4] I am tolerant of my friend’s mistakes.
[RM5] I stand up for myself without putting others down.
Responsible [RDM1] When making decisions, I take into account the consequences of my actions.
[RDM2] I ensure that there are more positive outcomes when making a choice.
[RDM3] I weigh the strengths of the situation before deciding on my action.
[RDM4] I consider the criteria chosen before making a recommendation.
[RDM5] I consider the strengths and weaknesses of the strategy before deciding to use it.

ISSN 2073-7629
© 2012 EDRES/ENSEC Volume 4, Number 2, November 2012 pp 42

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