Corewind Innovations in Integrated Floating Offshore Wind Systems

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Innovations in integrated floating offshore

wind systems
Time Presenter Topic

15:00- Sabina Potestio, Introduction

15:05 WindEurope

15:05- Lizet Ramirez, Sate of play of EU offshore policy

15:10 WindEurope

15:10- Jose Luis Dominguez, Introduction to Corewind

15:20 IREC

15:20- Mohammad Youssef A FAST model of the UPC concrete spar floater
15:30 Mahfouz, University of and the 15 MW IEA WIND reference turbine
Stuttgart and Climent
Molins, UPC

15:30- Valentin Arramounet, Optimized mooring system for the ActiveFloat

15:40 Innosea concrete semisub floater for the 15 MW IEA
WIND reference wind turbine

15:40- Marie-Antoinette O&M for commercial scale floating wind –

15:50 Schwarzkopf, Ramboll Opportunities for maintenance strategies

15:50- Jose I. Rapha, IREC Presentation on the LCOE evaluation tool

16:00 FOWApp

16:00- Pablo Necochea, Vestas Floating offshore wind innovations for cost
16:10 reduction

16:10- Sabina Potestio, Q&A

16:30 WindEurope
25 February 2021

Lizet Ramírez
Analyst, Offshore Wind
Europe is leading the floating wind

24 MW

Photo courtesy of Principle Power. Artist name: Dock90

The Offshore Renewable Energy Strategy:
Focus on scale-up

Released on
60 GW by 2030 November 19, 2020
300 GW by 2050
Europe needs both floating and fixed-
bottom offshore wind
Floating Offshore Wind about to take off


120 MW

95 MW

30 MW 80 MW

25 MW
25 MW
Other 7 MW Other 10 MW
Delivering the right offshore framework

1. Clear auction timetable

2. Technology-specific auctions

3. Contracts for Difference

4. One-stop shop for permitting

5. Private/Public grid development

6. Ensure happy co-existence

Delivering the right offshore framework



25 February 2021

Dr. Jose Luis Domínguez-García

COREWIND coordinator
Project partners and advisory board
Project objectives
COREWIND looks beyond the state of the art of the floating technology with the aim of accelerating
the path towards its commercial deployment by developing and validating innovative and cost-
effective solutions that allows to solve the most critical barrier of floating offshore wind technology, the

Goal by the End of Expectations LCOE reduction for FOW1

COREWIND project
≈ 100 €/MWh
15 % 1
Bottom-fixed offshore baseline (in 2014)
LCOE (€/MWh)


O1: Optimized mooring designs and innovative
reliable and cost-effective solutions
O2: Coupled performance and share roles
(moorings & dynamic cables)

≈ 80 €/MWh
O3: Optimized O&M strategies and tools

O4: Qualify at TRL 4-5 system innovations for a

50 15MW FOWT

O5: Potential LCOE and LCA reduction analysis

Goal for 2040
(10 years ahead expectations1)
O6: Guidelines and best design practices

O7: Foster market deployment COREWIND’s vision

2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
Project approach
Project expected impacts and outcomes
Advanced tools (DIGITALIZATION)

• Reference models:
o15 MW WT reference model
o2 floater (semi-sub & spar) models
• Design and operation tools:
o1 BIM toolbox for floating wind industry
o1 Open and agnostic Digital Twin for floating wind
o1 O&M planning and assessment tool
• Economic tools:
o1 LCOE and LCA calculation tool
oFloating Wind Farm optimization modules for cost

Key reference documents:

• Technologies State of the art

• Standards revision:
• Development guidelines
• Testing and design procedures recommendations.
Current outcomes and developments

M0 M18 M42
09/2019 03/2021 03/2023
• Reference models:
o15 MW WT reference model

o2 floater (semi-sub & spar) models

• Economic tools:
o1 LCOE and LCA calculation tool

• Number of public deliverables:

oSeveral reports have been made available
Current outcomes and developments

• Public Deliverables:
o They can be found at:
❑ D6.1: General frame of the analysis and description of the new FOW assessment app
❑ D4.1: Identification of floating-wind-specific O&M requirements and monitoring technologies
❑ D2.1: Review of the state of the art of mooring and anchoring designs, technical challenges and
identification of relevant DLC
❑ D3.1: Review of the state of the art of dynamic cable system design
❑ D1.2: Design Basis
❑ D1.1: Definition of the 15MW reference wind turbine

• Public models (available under different CC licenses):
❑ UPC-WindCRETE OpenFAST – Grand Canary Island
❑ COREWIND - ACTIVEFLOAT OpenFAST model 15 MW FOWT Grand Canary Island site

❑ Other locations to come soon

25 February 2021

Climent Molins Professor UPC

Mohammad Youssef Mahfouz Researcher USTUTT
WindCrete concept

Integrated concept of an
offshore wind floating platform
plus tower to support the wind
turbine, without any joint.

Made of reinforced and post-

tensioned concrete.

Spar type platform (ballast

WindCrete ballast
Ballast aggregate: black slag from electrical furnace

-Bulk-specific weight: 25kN/m3

-Estimated cost: €35/ton

Construction in horizontal position

With or without drydock

Horizontal transport with tugboat

Up ending: - Water ballasting
- Dynamic control

Turbine installation with a crane-less technology

WindCrete design for Gran Canaria
• Monolithic spar design
• Draft 155m
• Hub height 135m
• Tower:
➢ Height: 129.5m
➢ Radius: 6.6m->3.25m
➢ Thickness: 0.4m
• Buoy
(semi-sphere + cylinder + transition piece)
➢ Draft: 155m
➢ Radius: 9.3m->6.6m
➢ Thickness: 0.5m
OpenFAST model of WindCrete
IEA Wind

OpenFAST Mooring
+tower) model system

Natural frequencies

Surge Heave Pitch Yaw

Hz 0.012 0.031 0.024 0.092

seconds 81.9 32.8 41.0 10.9

• The WindCrete model is opensource and available at:
• More details about the floater and its performance
can be found in
25 February 2021

Valentin Arramounet
Mooring design optimisation methodology
• Environmental conditions
FAST model Orcaflex model • Mooring configuration
definition definition (Number of Lines, Materials,
Number of Sections, etc.)

• Parameters configuration
Isight model (Boundaries, Initial Values,
configuration etc.)


Isight Python
Optimization interface

FAST simulation

• Objective: minimize costs

• Model set up
• Constraints: criteria satisfied
• Design criteria verification
& limited
• Motions (excursions &
angles) & accelerations
• Design parameters
(diameters, line length, steel
• Costs estimation
grade, etc.)
Cases studies
• DLC 6.1 and 6.2 (DNVGL-ST-0437)

• Start of Life and End of Life configuration

• Mooring systems are checked in ULS, FLS and ALS in a second step

West of Barra Gran Canaria Morro Bay

Water Depth [m] 100 200 870

EWM Wind Speed at 100m 10min averaged [m/s] 47.63 27.35 35.38

Wind current speed 50 years @ surface [m/s] 1.15 0.57 0

Deep Water current speed 50 years @ surface [m/s] 0.94 0.49 0

Hs 50years [m] 15.6 5.11 9.9

Tp min 50 years [s] 12 9 16

Tp max 50 years [s] 18 11 18

Results: Gran Canaria
• 3 Lines - Catenary

• Upwind: 832m – Chain R3 - 120mm bar diameter – 286 kg/m

• Downwind: 832m - Chain R3 - 70mm bar diameter – 97 kg/m

• Estimated cost: 865 k€ (- 60% VS initial configuration)

Results: West of Barra
• 12 Lines - Catenary: 6 lines upwind & 3
lines downwind

• Upwind:
➢ 90m – Nylon
➢ 1300m – Chain R5 – 125mm bar
diameter – 310 kg/m
➢ Clump weights (Harsh conditions)

• Downwind
➢ 150m – Nylon
➢ 1200m – Chain R5 – 125mm bar
diameter – 310 kg/m
➢ Clump weights

• Estimated cost: 14800 k€

Results: Morro Bay
• 3 Lines – Semi Taut

• Upwind:
➢ 50m top / 142m bottom – Chain
R4S - 92mm bar diameter – 168
➢ 810 m – Polyester – 141mm

• Downwind:
➢ 50m top / 130m bottom – Chain
R4 - 90mm bar diameter – 161
➢ 722 m – Polyester – 126mm

• Estimated cost: 634 k€ (-55% VS

initial configuration)

• Gran Canaria
➢ Optimised cost: 865 k€
➢ Initial cost:
➢ 2156 k€ for grade R3
➢ 3161 k€ for grade R5

• West of Barra: No comparison as initial mooring is not fullfilling

design criteria

• Morro Bay
➢ Optimised cost: 634 k€
➢ Initial cost: 1399 k€
Ongoing work

• Peak load reduction systems

➢ Peak loads reduction
➢ Fatigue reduction

• Shared anchors and mooring lines

"My experience with seasickness is that at first you are
afraid you will die, then after a few hours you are
afraid you will not. “

G. Yancey Mebane, M.D.

Workability Assessment
Further developed methodology to
determine the Workability Index1 for
HSE risk the floating wind turbine in
accordance with ISO 2631-1:1997-
Impaired „Evaluation of human exposure to whole-
performance body vibration”.


Delayed workable
campaigns Hs

impact non-workable

1 Scheu et al., 2018. Human exposure to motion during maintenance

on floating offshore wind turbines. Ocean Engineering.
Interviewed External Stakeholders

Including one offshore wind turbine OEM (anonymous).

All findings published in:

Deliverable D4.1
“Identification of floating-wind-specific O&M
requirements and monitoring technologies”
Download link:
O&M Focus Areas

Source: Hereema
Source: Ørsted
Large Component
Workability Accessibility Exchange

Source: CIGRE TB 610

Source: Equinor

Source: Kystdesign

Mooring Lines IA & Export Cables Subsea Inspections

Accessibility challenges
▪ Prevailing swell waves for sites in
Atlantic Ocean challenge Hs-limits
of access systems

▪ Increased Relative motions

between vessel and platform

Source: Ampelmann
Source: Van Der Tempel, J. et al. 2016

▪ Maintenance friendly design

Source: Ørsted

Source: Van Der Tempel, J. et al. 2016

Large Component Exchange

Floating to Floating

Self-hoisting /climbing Crane

Tow-in for Repair

•Distance •Relative motions •Onshore Wind

•Harbor capacity •Two-lift operation
•Development for
•Cable and •Exchange Offshore ongoing
Mooring Line de- performed on
and reconnection same reference •Crane base
system as crane hosted from
•Substructure type floater platform
•Reduced relative
motions for lift
Mooring Lines
▪ ROVs used for visual damage inspection &
marine growth measurement

▪ External threats : fishing nets, boats, seabed

contact, ROV collision

▪ Difficult to justify sample population of mooring

line inspections.

▪ Wet-storage of mooring line during floater-tow-

in problematic for fibre rope:
➢ Dynamic seabed contact causes abrasion
➢ Retrieval operations and re-installation are

Source: Equinor ▪ Hybrid ropes (steel and fibre combination)

increase robustness
Outlook O&M Task 4.2
Evaluation of relative motions and compensation requirements for:

1. Two access methods simulating bow-transfer with a CTV and walk-to-work

from an SOV

2. Two substructure concepts with generic semi-sub and mono-hull crane vessel

Simulation of the O&M phase with the commercial cost modelling and strategy
optimisation tool Shoreline.

Optimizing Resources, Availability and OPEX for each reference site and floater
February 2021

José I. Rapha
Research Engineer at IREC
What is FowApp?
AEP: Annual Energy Production

Life-Cycle Levelized
Costs Cost Of

LCA: Life-Cycle Assessment

Why is it important?

New New Cost

technologies strategies reduction

Floating Offshore Wind Farms

Other applications

Poor AEP Generic Financial- Opportunity

calculation based
The concept
Library Project Results

•Environment and
Environments components
•Layout definition
Components Arrangement •Electrical connection
definition LCOE
Auxiliary AEP
•Development LCA
Materials •Construction
•Operation and LCIA
Fuels Life cycle •Decommissioning
and end of life
Results details

•Energy •Detailed •Summary of •Impact of



produced, costs by energy components

delivered phase delivered •Impact of
and loss •Analysis per •Summary of the auxiliary
details component costs means
•Detailed and per •LCOE •Effect of the
wake and process calculation end of life
subsystems •Time-based •LCOE treatment
efficiencies maintenance contribution •Summarised
•Capacity costs. per phase results

Features Advantages Applications

✓Built from scratch +User friendly ❖Early project

specifically for the +Variable level of development
floating wind input details as per ❖Technology
industry user needs assessment
✓Possibility to import +Multiple substation ❖Environmental
data from MS Excel concepts allowed impacts evaluation
✓Data consistently +Dependable results ❖Performance
stored in SQLite analysis
database +Combined economic
and environmental
✓Integrated power analysis
flow and wake
calculations +Identification of
aspects to improve
✓Full project overview

Layout Electrical connection

Project summary AEP

Next steps

App under registration process

LCA module being finished

Official testing: March 2021

First use in the COREWIND project

Commercial deployment: end of 2021

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