Intermediate Vocabulary Test 2 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

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Intermediate Vocabulary Test 2 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises


the answer button before you have thoroughly studied the 5. Surely you're not counting on him for help. He's
question & deliberated on your own choice!! totally ............... .

A) uncountable
1. He was ............... to the hospital with acute B) untidy
C) unreliable
A) crashed D) dependable
B) reacted E) affectionate
C) rushed
D) pressurized
E) activated
6. A cardiologist tried all he could to reduce the
patient's ............... pressure.

A) cell
2. I do not wish to ............... these results at this stage. B) brain
You must give me a little bit more information about
the research techniques you used in the project. C) tissue
D) blood
A) regulate E) bone
B) interpret
C) disallow
D) prove
E) disapprove We do not approve of research projects that
............... vivisection of animals.

A) suspect
B) emerge
3. ............... of Black Death were not infrequent in the
Middle Ages. C) involve
D) disprove
A) Illnesses E) unite
B) Diseases
C) Epidemics
D) Paramedics
E) Operations Your latest report, I'm ..............., is not up to your
usual standard.

A) afraid
B) happy to say
4. We were caught in the ...............-hour trafic.
C) jealous and envious
A) bush D) frightened
B) push E) frightening
C) rush
D) hurry
E) emergency
9. He is a greedy, dishonest person. Watch out for his
............... tricks.

A) faithful
B) charming
C) incorrect
D) delightful
E) dirty

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Intermediate Vocabulary Test 2 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

10. It is the ............... that counts, not the thought. 15. Don't pay attention to him. I mean, just ...............
A) feed
B) seed A) ignore
C) deed B) run away from
D) weed C) misunderstand
E) need D) hit and hurt
E) bless and honour

11. My car battery has gone dead. I will have it ...............

tomorrow. 16. He knows very well what he is doing. I mean, he is
doing it ............... .
A) replaced
B) readjusted A) out of good-will
C) reformed B) hesitatingly
D) rearranged C) on purpose
E) reproduced D) unknowingly
E) in ignorance

12. We need two ............... men to volunteer for this

dangerous operation. 17. I had to wait in a ............... for over two hours in
order to get these tickets.
A) clumsy
B) timid A) tail
C) involuntary B) wardrobe
D) brave C) loo
E) panicky D) queue
E) men's room

13. Due to a nationwide nurses' ............... , all clinics will

be closed today. 18. You mustn't apply the ............... too suddenly.

A) punishment A) breaks
B) strike B) tyres
C) hit and run C) brakes
D) bang and jump D) signals
E) aggressiveness E) stop lights

14. Laws have their roots in the ............... of justice. 19. It's very ............... work. I get awfully tired by the
time I finish for the day.
A) proportion
B) principle A) rewarding
C) preface B) steady
D) prejudice C) important
E) principal D) tedious
E) demanding

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Intermediate Vocabulary Test 2 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

24. People ............... for all sorts of reasons, but a desire

to slim down tops the list.

20. It's a very busy restaurant on Saturdays; so, don't A) fight

forget to ............... a table in advance.
B) dine
A) bet over C) run out
B) blend with D) diet
C) book E) fit into
D) bind
E) notebook

25. Do be ............... , sweetheart. All the shops are

closed at this hour.

21. He's such a kind, ............... man; so popular with his A) exceptional
B) essential
A) outrageous C) reasonable
B) generous D) embarrassed
C) hostile E) limited
D) aimless
E) wicked and mean

26. All pines are ............... trees with needlelike leaves.

A) evergreen
22. Food kept too long outside a fridge will ............... B) permanent
through the action of moulds and bacteria on it.
C) lasting
A) turn down D) enormous
B) throw out E) everlasting
C) be out
D) go off
E) pull apart
27. She is terrified of caves. So, she is ............... to come
with us.

A) dying
23. She is the ............... daughter of a prominent Turkish B) curious
politician. Her real parents had been killed in a car
crash when she was little. C) eager
D) unwilling
A) adopted E) intent
B) saved
C) adapted
D) refused
E) accustomed
28. Although it is a fairly small town, there are numerous
public ............... , such as meeting halls, art
museums, swimmimg pools, and sports parks

A) shelters
B) obstacles
C) capacities
D) facilities
E) hindrances

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Intermediate Vocabulary Test 2 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

29. A(n) ............... man smiles in the face of misfortune. 30. You remember the day she left the town? Do you
............... what she was wearing
A) absolute
B) unselfish A) notice
C) courageous B) recall
D) funny C) remind
E) serious D) observe
E) predict

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Intermediate Vocabulary Test 2 - ESL Vocabulary Exercises

Answer Key:

1: C 16: C
2: B 17: D
3: C 18: C
4: C 19: E
5: C 20: C
6: D 21: B
7: C 22: D
8: A 23: A
9: E 24: D
10: C 25: C
11: A 26: A
12: D 27: D
13: B 28: D
14: B 29: C
15: A 30: B

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