Drug Study Azithromycin

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Name of Classification Dose Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effect Nursing

Drug Action Responsibilities

Azithromycin macrolide 1 tab OD Azithromycin Bacteriostatic Contraindicated CNS: dizziness, Before:
antibiotic with
blocks orbectericidal hypersensitivity to
headache, vertigo, - Check the
transpeptidation in susceptible azithromycin, somnolence, fatigue doctor’s order
by binding to50s bacteria erythromycin, or - Verify
ribosomal any macrolide GI: diarrhea, patient’s
subunit treatment of – abdominal pain, identity
of susceptible - lower nausea, dyspepsia, - Assess for
organisms and respiratory flatulence, vomiting, hypersensitivity
disrupting RNA- infections such melena, to
dependent as community- pseudomembranous azithromycin,
protein acquired colitis erythromycin,
synthesis at the pneumonia or any
chain elongation - genital ulcer Other: macrolide
step. disease in men superinections, antibiotic
- angioedema, rash, - Assess
uncomplicated photosensitivity, orientation, GI
skin infections vaginitis output, bowel
- sounds, liver
nongonococcal evaluation
urethritis and - Monitor blood
cervicitis; studies
treatment of - Administer
PID the right drug
- otitis media and right dose
- pharyngitis at the right
and tonsillitis time
- Administer on
an empty
stomach 1 hr
before or 2-3
hrs after meals.
- Let patient
take the full
- Do not
administer with
- Monitor
patient’s blood
- Assess bowel
function for
- Let patient
report severe
or watery
severe nausea
or vomiting,
rash or itching,
mouth sores,
vaginal sores
- Document
and record.

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