Asuncion Summative Test English 9 Quarter 2 2020 2021

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Keith Street, Gordon Heights, Olongapo City, Zambales


Quarter 2 - SY 2020-2021

NAME: _____________________________________GRADE & SECTION: _________________ Score: _________


I. Read the synopsis of George Miller’s Happy Feet and answer the following questions.

Happy Feet by: George Miller

Deep in Antarctica is a community of penguins. They are used to cultures and traditions which they have
inherited from their forefathers. They may all be flightless birds, but they are all superb song birds. In that great nation of
singing penguins, you're nobody unless you can sing -- which is unfortunate for Mumble, who is the worst singer in the
His being different can be traced back during the time of his incubation. Memphis, Mumble’s father, accidentally
let go of him and exposed him to extreme temperature. When all the eggs of his batch hatched, Mumble is the only
penguin born dancing to his own tune - tap dancing.
Though Mumble's mom, Norma Jean, thinks this little habit is cute, his dad, Memphis, says "it just ain't
penguin." Besides, they both know that without a Heartsong, Mumble may never find true love.
As fate would have it, his one friend, Gloria happens to be the best singer around. Mumble and Gloria have a
connection from the moment they hatch, but she struggles with his strange "hippity-hoppity" ways.
Mumble is just too different -- especially for Noah the Elder, the stern leader of Emperor Land. Just as when
the ocean which gave them all the food they need ran out of fish, Noah casts him out of the community thinking that
Mumble is cursed and he is the one who brought such plague in the village.
Away from home for the first time, Mumble meets a posse of decidedly un- Emperor-like penguins -- the Adelie
Amigos. Led by Ramon, the Adelies instantly embrace Mumble's cool dance moves and invite him to party with them.
In Adelie Land, Mumble seeks the counsel of Lovelace the Guru, a crazyfeathered Rockhopper penguin who
will answer any of life's questions for the price of a pebble.
Lovelace, whose neck is trapped in a soda carrier, showed Mumble the place where he got the trap. Upon
reaching the place, they were beckoned by huge fishing vessels.
Mumble thought that these vessels are the ones taking their fish. They waited until the ship sets back to US.
Muble only has one thing in his mind, to follow the vessel and bring back what the vessels have taken from them.
Together with Lovelace and the Amigos, Mumble sets out across vast landscapes for some epic encounters to
investigate why the ocean is running out of fish and of course, to prove himself that he is worth something.
In his quest to find out what causes the problem, a group of fishermen caught them and placed them in a zoo.
Bored with such limited place and things to do in their cage, Mumble finally communicated with a child who was
then viewing him from a deck. He tapped his feet to call the attention of the child and eventually called the attention of
all the people in the zoo.
Mumble’s dancing called the attention of the media and triggered a discussion amongst the leaders of the
United Nations. Mumble was finally sent back to Antarctica. The moment he set foot on his village, he immediately
encouraged his family and friends to tap dance and sent human beings a statement – that they inhabit the land and
humans should stop taking all their fish.
The United Nation then banned fishing in the area to protect the ecosystem of penguins and other organisms
that greatly depend on the resources of the ocean.
Mumble and his friends proved that by being true to yourself and working with others, you can make all the
difference in the world.
A. VOCABULARY: Each of the numbered vocabulary words appears in Miller’s story. Choose the letter of the word with the
closest definition or synonym.
_____1. inherited a. taught b. learned c. rooted d. acquired
_____2. incubation a. cultivation b. reduction c. stagnation d. deterioration
_____3. hatched a. bred b. croaked c. deceased d. demised
_____4. struggle a. agreement b. yield c. accordance d. brawl
_____5. cursed a. fortunate b. forlorn c. favored d. privileged
_____6. plague a. asset b. profit c. perk d. jinx
_____7. beckoned a. enticed b. pushed c. repelled d. dismissed
_____8. vast a. miniature b. microscopic c. enormous d. petite
_____9. deck a. porch b. exit c. escape d. out way
_____10. inhabit a. desert b. populate c. abandon d. vacate

B. READING COMPREHENSION: Answer the following:

_____1. What is Happy Feet’s first name?
a. Mumble b. Memphis c. Ramon d. Noah
_____2. What is Happy Feet’s special ability?
a. fishing b. singing c. tap dancing d. swimming
_____3. What causes Happy Feet to be different from all the other penguins?
a. He is born with captivity. c. He is dropped when he is an egg.
b. Both his parents are bad singers as well. d. He is a different kind of penguin.
_____4. What happens to Happy Feet after he follows the vessel?
a. He is brought in a veterinarian clinic. c. He is brought back to Antarctica.
b. He is put in a marine park. d. He is put in a science lab.
_____5. Taking place in Antarctica, the emperor penguins express their love and find their soul mates by doing what?
a. catching fish b. singing a heartsong c. performing a romantic play d. tap dancing
_____6. Away from home, Happy Feet met and made a new set of friends. What is the name of the group?
a. Los Penguinos b. Penguin Dance Group c. The Adelie Amigos d. Amigo Penguin
_____7. Noah, the elder of the emperor penguin colony, sees the famine as punishment from the gods and blames
Mumble's dancing for it. What does he do to Mumble?
a. He appointed Happy Feet the leader c. He exiled Happy feet from the community.
b. He put him in a confinement cell d. He did nothing
_____8. What does Lovelace have around his neck?
a. six-pack ring b. a fishing net c. a soda can d. a wooden box
_____9. What are the names of Happy Feet’s parents?
a. Lovelace and Ramon c. Norma Jean and Memphis
b. Mumble and Gloria d. Noah and Lovelace
_____10. Who is the childhood friend of Happy Feet who happened to be the best singer of their community?
a. Ramon b. Lovelace c. Gloria d. Noah

II. MAKING CONNECTIONS: Identify the following statements. Before the number, write TS if the statement is a text-to-self,
TT if text-to-text, or TW if text-to-world.
_____1. While reading, Gwenn notices that the main character in the story is tough, just like the main character in the
book she read yesterday.
_____2. Beth is reading a science fiction story. In the story, she thinks that what happens to the characters could also
happen on Earth if people don't start recycling more.
_____3. Justine is reading a book where a character visits a loved one in the hospital. It reminds Justine of when he
visited his grandmother in the hospital.
_____4. Chelwin is reading a book and notices that the main character's aunt is very similar to his Aunt Hazel.
_____5. Chelzey is reading a non-fiction book about the Civil War. She thinks that the author of the book would disagree
with a point another author made about the Civil War.
_____6. Jun is reading a book about a country in Africa. While he is reading, he thinks about a news story he just heard
about that country.
_____7. Abby is reading a book about a communist society. It reminds her of the government in a particular country.
_____8. Jerry is reading a book about Hispanic culture. It reminds his of his friend, Tom, and the food his family makes.
_____9. Markee is reading a book about rockets. He thinks that something he read contradicts a fact he saw in another
book, so he makes a note to look it up when he gets home.
_____10. Lourdes is reading a book about global warming. She wonders if Earth is being destroyed by global warming and
starts comparing what happens on Earth to what is written in the book.

III. ELEMENTS OF THE STORY: Complete the chart below using George Miller’s Happy Feet. (10 points). You may use a
separate sheet of paper.



A. Study the picture below. Identify the social issue implied in the picture.

SOCIAL ISSUE: __________________________________________

With the Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA) brought about the changing world and the global
pandemic, it depicts the difficulties we experience which can be intimidating when combined. Now, let us respond to the truth of the
VUCA world from the picture by completing the quadrant below that will turn volatility to vision, uncertainty to understanding,
complexity to clarity and ambiguity to adaptability/ agility.

vision understanding

clarity adaptability/agility

B. Make a short reflection about the topic given focusing on the lasting values that may consider winning over this
problem or social issue. (5 points)

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