Organophosphateand Carbamatepoisoning: Andrew M. King,, Cynthia K. Aaron
Organophosphateand Carbamatepoisoning: Andrew M. King,, Cynthia K. Aaron
Organophosphateand Carbamatepoisoning: Andrew M. King,, Cynthia K. Aaron
C a r b a m a t e Po i s o n i n g
Andrew M. King, MD*, Cynthia K. Aaron, MD
Organophosphate Carbamate Pesticides Insecticides Nerve agents
Chemical warfare Atropine Oxime
Organophosphates (OPs) and carbamates have a variety of applications, but are primarily
used agriculturally as pesticides.
OPs and carbamates are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people
every year.
Acute toxicity results from acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzyme inhibition and subsequent
excessive nicotinic and muscarinic stimulation in the central and autonomic nervous sys-
tems and the neuromuscular junction.
Good supportive care, decontamination, aggressive antimuscarinic therapy, early seizure
control, and early antidotal oxime therapy are the keys to good outcomes.
Experts believe that acute poisoning from acetylcholinesterase (AChE)-inhibiting in-
secticides is responsible for more deaths than any other class of drug or chemical.1
They are a particular problem in the developing world, where highly toxic pesticides
are readily available and are used in the suicides of hundreds of thousands of people
every year.2 With an estimated case fatality rate of 10% to 20%, the subsequent health
care burden of those who do not die after a suicidal ingestion is an order of magnitude
higher.3,4 The disease burden of OP and carbamate toxicity is much less in developed
countries. In contrast with the 25,288 people who committed suicide with pesticides in
India in 2010,5 the American Association of Poison Control Centers in 2012 received a
combined 4150 calls for OP and carbamate exposures, resulting in a total of 3 deaths.6
Although unintentional agricultural poisonings do occur, they are generally less
Commercially, organophosphorus chemicals have a number of applications, but are
mostly employed as pesticides in a variety of settings (Box 1 from9). They protect
commercial and food crops from damaging insect vectors. They also control insect in-
festations in commercial and residential settings. It should be noted that the Environ-
mental Protection Agency has banned or plans to remove many OPs from the United
States and thus OP use for many of these applications has been sharply curtailed.
Some medical indications for organophosphates (OPs) include the eradication of
corporeal insect infestations in humans and animals. One organic phosphorus chem-
ical is used for glaucoma (diisopropyl phosphorofluorodate).
Militarized OPs (also known as nerve agents) are classified as chemical weapons
and weapons of mass destruction. Despite the manufacture of hundreds of thousands
of tons of these chemicals by various countries during the 20th century, only small
amounts have been deployed in a number of clandestine situations, including the
Iran–Iraq war, the Iranian attack on the Kurds, and more recently in the Syrian Civil
war in August 2013, resulting in more than 1400 deaths.10 Before this, the most
notable use of nerve agents was the 1995 terrorist attack in Tokyo, Japan, which
left 11 dead and more than 5000 victims seeking medical attention.11 These recent ep-
isodes are tragic reminders of the persistent threat posed by nerve agents.
By volume, carbamates are used most frequently as pesticides. However, they do
have number of interesting medical indications (Table 1).
OPs are of particular historical interest given their development and use as chemical
weapons. The early part of the 20th century saw the development of the G-series of
nerve agents (tabun, sarin, and soman) by the Germans, the V-series (VE, VG, VM,
Box 1
Sources of organophosphorus pesticides
Garden sheds—in particular insecticidal preparations but also other products that are
marketed as fertilizers but contain some organophosphorus pesticides, available as solid
or liquid formulations
Surface and room sprays
Baits for cockroaches and other insects (eg, chlorpyrifos)
Shampoos against head lice (eg, malathion)
Pet preparations (eg, pet washes, collars)
Industrial or occupational
Crop protection and livestock dipping
Large scale internal control, including fumigation
Terrorism or warfare (nerve agents)
Sarin, for example, was used in the Tokyo subway attack, and both tabun and sarin were used
during the Iraq–Iran conflict; although nerve agents share a similar mechanism of toxicity
with organophosphorus pesticides, their treatment is a specialized topic and not dealt with
in this review
From Roberts DM, Aaron CK. Management of acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning.
BMJ 2007;334(7594):629-34; with permission.
Organophosphate and Carbamate Poisoning 135
Table 1
Human disease treated with carbamates
Indication Carbamate
Myasthenia gravis Edrophonium, pyridostigmine
Antimuscarinic poisoning Physostigmine
Alzheimer’s disease Rivastigmine, donepezil, galantamine, tacrine
Glaucoma Physostigmine, ecthiopate
Neuromuscular blockade reversal Pyridostigmine, neostigmine
Elapid envenomation Neostigmine
Adynamic ileus Neostigmine
and VX) by the allies, and, more recently, the ultratoxic group of agents called the Nov-
ichok or newcomer agents by the Russians.12 Many tens of thousands of tons of nerve
agents were produced and stockpiled by various countries during World War II. Since
then, most countries, in compliance with the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1997,
have destroyed or scuttled more than 80% of their declared stockpiles.13 However, as
the incidents in Tokyo and Syria have reminded us, nerve agents continue to be a
threat in the hands of terrorists and other militant groups.
The delayed peripheral neuropathy caused by certain OPs (also known as
OP-induced delayed peripheral neuropathy [OPIDN]) has led to many well-known,
toxin-induced epidemics throughout the world. The Ginger Jake paralysis that
affected thousands of Americans during prohibition was caused by an organic phos-
phorus adulterant (triorthocresyl phosphate, added to Jamaican Ginger [“jake”]
extract) to pass US Department of Agriculture inspections. Consumption of this adul-
terated extract resulted in lower extremity weakness, paraparesis, paralysis, and
impotence.14,15 Similar outbreaks of OPIDN have subsequently been reported in Sri
Lanka, Vietnam, and other developing countries.16,17
Physostigmine and its carbamate derivates have an interesting and tragic past as
well. Physostigmine is the ordeal bean of Old Calabar (Physostigma venenosum Bal-
four), and was the first carbamate isolated by Westerners.18 Since then, a number of
carbamates have been synthesized and employed as fungicides and insecticides. Un-
fortunately, it was this synthesis that led to the largest industrial accident in history19 in
1984 during production of the carbamate carbaryl at The Union Carbide Corporation’s
factory in Bhopal, India. Methyl isocyanate accidentally leaked, immediately killing
more than 3800 people and leaving thousands more suffering health effects and pre-
mature death.
The general structures of carbamates and OPs are shown below (Fig. 1). N-Methyl
carbamate compounds are the only carbamate derivatives that inhibit AChE. Other
derivatives, such as thiocarbamates, do not inhibit AChE and are be discussed in
this article. The major carbamates and their relative toxicities are found in
Table 2.20 A number of these are not available commercially in the United States.
The structure–function relationship of organic phosphorus compounds is clinically
relevant in that each derivative’s chemical properties relates to its toxic potential.
The general structure includes a phosphoryl group (O 5 P) or a thiophosphoryl group
(P 5 S), 2 lipophilic R groups, and the leaving group (X; see Fig. 1). The X group or leav-
ing group serves as a means of classifying the various OPs.1 These groups tend to
136 King & Aaron
Fig. 1. N-Methyl carbamates contain a common NCOO structure with various side chains
R1-R3 (left). The basic structure of an organophosphate (OP) is shown on the right. Each
OP contains a phosphoryl or thiophosphoryl group, 2 side chains, and a leaving group (X).
A number of pharmacokinetic properties are important with respect to onset and dura-
tion of toxicity. These include route of exposure, lipophilicity, and volume of distribu-
tion, whether the agent requires metabolism before it can exert its toxic effects, serum
paraoxonase activity (an intrinsic enzyme capable of hydrolyzing certain OPs), and
elimination. Important pharmacodynamic properties include potency, rate of AChE
inhibition, and rate of aging.
OPs and carbamates are absorbed through all routes
Ingestion and inhalation lead to immediate onset of symptoms if vaporized or
Dermal exposure may have immediate local effects (local diaphoresis and fascic-
ulations) and delayed systemic effects.21
Table 2
The main carbamate insecticides in use and their relative toxic potency (estimated human
Moderate Toxicity
High Toxicity (LD50 <50 mg/kg) (LD50 5 50–200 mg/kg) Low Toxicity (LD50 >200 mg/kg)
Aldicarb (Temik) Bufencarb (Bux) BPMC (Fenocarb)
Aldoxycarb (Standak) Carbosulfan Carbaryl (Sevin)
Aminocarb (Metacil) Pirimicarb (Pirimor) Isoprocarb (Etrofolan)
Bendiocarb (Ficam) Promecarb MPMC (Meobal)
Carbofuran (Furadan) Thiodicarb (Larvin) MTMC (Metacrate, Tsumacide)
Dimetan (Dimetan) Trimethacarb (Broot) XMC (Cosban)
Dimetilan (Snip)
Dioxacarb (Eleocron, Famid)
Formetanate (Carzol)
Methiocarb (Mesurol)
Methomyl (Lannate, Nudrin)
Oxamyl (Vydate)
Propoxur (Baygon)
Data from National Crime Records Bureau. Accidental Deaths and Suicides in India - 2010. Available
at: Accessed June 4, 2014.
Organophosphate and Carbamate Poisoning 137
Pharmacokinetic Properties
OPs are lipophilic compounds with some sequestering in fat stores.
Highly lipophilic agents may have a delay in symptoms development.22,23
Highly lipophilic agents cause protracted toxicity.24,25
Redistribution of lipid soluble OPs from fat stores can “repoison” a patient.
Carbamates are inactivated more quickly and generally do not cause prolonged
OPs and carbamates both inhibit synaptic AChE. Synaptic AChE normally prevents
further downstream neurotransmission by hydrolyzing acetylcholine to acetic acid
and choline. Acetic acid feeds into the Krebs cycle, whereas choline is taken back
up by the neuron and resynthesized to new acetylcholine. Subsequently, acetylcholine
accumulates in the nerve or myoneuronal synapse, which leads to characteristic toxic
manifestations (cholinergic toxidrome). True AChE is found not only in nervous tissue,
but also on the surface of erythrocytes (erythrocyte or red blood cell cholinesterase).
Butyrylcholinesterase (also known as pseudocholinesterase or plasma cholinesterase)
is found primarily in the liver and is responsible for xenobiotic metabolism (eg, cocaine,
succinylcholine). It is important to note that erythrocyte AChE activity more closely
mirrors neuronal AChE activity than does butyrylcholinesterase, and is a better marker
for neuronal physiologic status.26–28
Fig. 2. Phosphonyl (1) and phosphinyl (2) organophosphate molecules bind to the acetyl-
cholinesterase enzyme with resultant loss of the leaving group (X). The acetylcholinesterase
(AChE) enzyme is now inhibited in both cases and cholinergic toxicity ensues. Before the loss
of the R group in (1), both complexes are treatable with atropine and oximes. However,
after the loss of the R group (1), the OP has “aged” and the AChE enzyme is irreversibly
cannot reactivate the enzyme and any further AChE activity requires the de novo syn-
thesis of additional AChE enzyme30
Carbamates also inhibit AChE enzyme in an identical fashion; however, the carba-
mate–AChE bond is weaker than that formed by OPs. Thus, carbamate–AChE bonds
spontaneously hydrolyze more rapidly and AChE function returns typically within 24 to
48 hours. In contrast with OPs, carbamates cannot age and prolonged toxicity is
The 2 acetylcholine receptor subtypes found in humans and animals are the musca-
rinic and nicotinic receptors. These receptors are further subclassified according to
their locations in the body and what occurs after acetylcholine binds to the receptor.
In general, muscarinic receptors are found in the central nervous system (CNS),
exocrine glands, and the hollow end-organs innervated by the parasympathetic sys-
tem, and nicotinic receptors are located in the postganglionic neurons of both the
parasympathetic and sympathetic chains, the adrenal medulla, and the neuromus-
cular junction (Fig. 3).31 Both are found in the brain.
Onset and severity of toxicity depend on a variety of factors, including agent, route,
formulation, amount, and duration of exposure. For example, death may occur within
minutes of inhalational exposure to nerve agents, whereas symptoms from dermal ex-
posures of highly lipophilic agents requiring activation may be delayed by up to
48 hours.36 Time to onset of symptoms after ingestion tends to be slightly delayed
compared with inhalation, with clinical effects expected to begin within 30 to
90 minutes.
Similarly, initial and presenting symptoms depend on the route of exposure. Inges-
tion often presents with vomiting and other gastrointestinal symptoms, whereas aero-
sol exposure causes ocular and respiratory symptoms. Dermal exposure may present
with localized sweating and fasciculations. Both dermal and inhalational exposures
are recognized occupational hazards and exposure can occur during formulation
Table 3
Clinical effects of organophosphate poisoning (acetylcholine excess)
From Bradberry SM, Vale J. Organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides. In: Wallece K, Brent J,
Burkhart KK, editors. Critical care toxicology: diagnosis and management of the critically poisoned
patient. Philadelphia: Elsevier Mosby; 2005. p. 940; with permission.
140 King & Aaron
Box 2
Cardiac manifestations of organophosphorus insecticide poisoning
Bradycardia, tachycardia
Ventricular arrhythmias
Torsades de pointes
Ventricular fibrillation
ECG changes
ST-segment changes
Peaked T waves
AV block
QT interval prolongation
Histopathologic changes
Lysis of myofibrils
Z-band abnormalities
individual patient. Other medications or therapies that can be considered for refractory
shock include methylene blue or lipid emulsion therapy.63 Neither of these treatments
has been evaluated in the setting of OP or carbamate poisoning and should be consid-
ered off-label indications.
The diagnosis of OP or carbamate poisoning is typically a clinical diagnosis based on
history and physical examination. In the United States, an exposure is usually known
and reported by the patient, bystanders, coworkers, or emergency medical services.
The simultaneous presence of both muscarinic and nicotinic effects should strongly
suggest OP exposure and empiric, immediate treatment is warranted. Similarly, any
multicasualty incident where multiple victims have seizures, became comatose, or
suffer cardiac arrest should raise suspicion for nerve agent release. Nevertheless,
the diagnosis can be elusive, especially in the case of mild toxicity or atypical presen-
tations; laboratory evaluation and consultation with a medical toxicologist or poison
center may help.
Exposure is typically confirmed in 1 of 2 ways. The first method involves detection of
organophosphorus metabolites (para-nitrophenol or dialkyl phosphate) in the urine.
The second approach involves the assay of AChE and is most useful when the diag-
nosis is not evident or when mild or chronic toxicity is present. Cholinesterase activity
levels are often not readily available within a practical time window for emergency cli-
nicians.64–66 However, laboratory testing can provide useful parameters to follow while
managing an intoxicated patient and can give insight into the disease course and
142 King & Aaron
Clinical Management
Removal from the source and patient decontamination is often performed before
health care facility arrival and ideally should be performed by health care providers
in appropriate personal protective equipment. Although secondary contamination
from exposed individuals is likely minimal, level C personal protective equipment
used by properly trained, hospital-based health care providers is recommended.71
See the article by Holland for further information on personal protective equipment
and decontamination.
Further decontamination should be addressed only after initial stabilization and
injury assessment. Removal of all clothing and equipment may substantially reduce re-
sidual exposure directly to the patient and prevent off-gassing of fumes.72 The patient
should then be washed down with soap and water. Alternative methods of decontam-
ination include dilute alkaline soap, military reactive skin decontamination lotion tow-
elettes, sponges, or lotion. Dry decontamination can be performed with talcum
powder, flour, or Fuller’s earth (73available online at
agentlistchem.asp).74 Any agent used for decontamination is hazardous waste and
should be disposed of appropriately.
Most patients who succumb to OP or carbamate exposure die from loss of airway
and respiratory drive or from seizures. Threats to airway patency include salivation,
emesis and aspiration, bronchorrhea, bronchospasm, pulmonary edema, seizures,
CNS depression, muscular weakness, and overt paralysis. In severely poisoned pa-
tients, early control of airway and breathing is often required and may need to be per-
formed concurrently with decontamination. Rapid atropinization should be initiated
even before oxygen administration because oxygenation may be impossible until se-
cretions are controlled.75,76 The need for rapid sequence intubation depends on the
clinical situation and response to aggressive and early atropinization. If succinylcho-
line is used for rapid sequence intubation, there will be prolonged paralysis because
succinylcholine is metabolized by plasma cholinesterases.77,78 Although not contrain-
dicated, the use of succinylcholine for rapid sequence intubation is discouraged and
short-acting, nondepolarizing agents are preferred.
Because seizures can be lethal in cholinesterase-inhibiting agent intoxication,
aggressive seizure control with benzodiazepines is paramount and may increase sur-
vival, prevent CNS injury, and avoid cardiac dysrhythmias.74 Although any GABAergic
agent is likely to be effective, an initial dose of 10 mg of intravenous diazepam is sug-
gested given its rapid onset and ease of titration, although any parenteral benzodiaz-
epine may be used. If intravenous access is not immediately available, intramuscular
lorazepam or midazolam can be substituted. Other often-employed anticonvulsants
are unlikely to be effective.79 Specific therapeutic recommendations are discussed
elsewhere in this article.
Gastrointestinal decontamination after OP or carbamate ingestion is of unknown
benefit; however, emesis is common and further removal via gastric aspiration or
lavage is unlikely to have added benefit. OPs are often dissolved in various hydrocar-
bons and attempted mechanical decontamination may lead to pulmonary aspiration
and pneumonitis. It may however, be reasonable to attempt gastric aspiration under
appropriate conditions if the patient’s airway is intact or protected. Further
Organophosphate and Carbamate Poisoning 143
The pharmacologic section is divided into 3 main sections based on their therapeutic
mechanisms: Antimuscarinic agents, oxime therapy, and seizure control with benzo-
diazepines. The options available to most health care facilities include antimuscar-
inics, oximes, and benzodiazepines.
Atropine is a competitive inhibitor of muscarinic receptors both in the CNS and
peripheral nervous systems. Atropine has no effect at nicotinic receptors and
cannot ameliorate symptoms caused by nicotinic stimulation. It is readily available
in most hospitals and easily titrated, given its quick onset of action. Atropine is indi-
cated to reverse any clinical evidence of muscarinic toxicity, especially respiratory
embarrassment from bronchorrhea, bronchospasm, and pulmonary edema. Atro-
pine has the added advantage of helping to control seizures as well as cardiac
Rapid administration of atropine in rapidly escalating doses is recommended.
Patient should receive 1 to 2 mg of atropine initially, and the dose should be
doubled every 5 minutes until pulmonary secretions are dried and the patient has
an adequate heart rate and blood pressure.76 Once control is achieved with bolus
dosing, an atropine infusion should be initiated at 10% to 20% of the total dose
required to stabilize the patient per hour.85 Very large doses may be required and
the clinician may quickly exhaust the hospital’s supply of atropine. Early discussion
with pharmacy regarding the mobilization of hospital and regional stores is sug-
gested. See the article by elsewhere in this issue on resources for information on
mobilizing Chempacks.
Because atropine is able to cross the blood–brain barrier, CNS anticholinergic toxicity
may occur before adequate control of peripheral cholinergic symptoms. Atropine
treatment can be replaced with glycopyrrolate, a peripheral antimuscarinic agent
without CNS muscarinic receptor activity. Despite limited evidence, glycopyrrolate
is not inferior to atropine, and should be considered an appropriate alternative to atro-
pine if atropine supply is limited.86 Finally, if bronchorrhea and bronchoconstriction are
the primary forms of toxicity, ipratropium can be administered by inhalation with direct
effects on the target end organ.87,88 Indications for antimuscarinic pharmacologic
therapy are provided in Table 4.
Oxime Therapy
Early initiation of oxime therapy prevents OP aging by reactivating enzymes and
improving outcomes. The main goal of oxime therapy is reversal of nicotinic effects
and muscular weakness/paralysis. In vitro experiments demonstrate effective reacti-
vation of OP-poisoned AChE.
144 King & Aaron
Table 4
Recommended symptom based treatment for cholinergic poisoning
Sign/Symptom Agent
Salivation, lacrimation, nausea, Atropine, glycopyrrolate
vomiting, diarrhea
Bronchorrhea, bronchospasm Atropine, ipratropium, glycopyrrolate
Hypotension Fluids, atropine, vasopressors, inotropes
Bradycardia Atropine, glycopyrrolate
Eye pain Ophthalmic preparations that are mydriatics and
Muscle weakness Oxime therapy
Respiratory failure Intubation and ventilation, oxime therapy (muscle
Seizures Benzodiazepines (diazepam, midazolam, lorazepam)
In animal models, duration of seizure activity has been correlated with the extent of
neuronal damage. Benzodiazepines should be utilized as early as possible to halt
seizure activity. There are no head-to-head studies in humans that suggest 1 agent
is superior to another. Once an intravenous line is established, a benzodiazepine
can be easily titrated. A reasonable initial dose of diazepam is 5 to 10 mg IV
repeated every 5 minutes until seizure control is obtained. If an IV is not estab-
lished, diazepam has erratic intramuscular bioavailability and alternative agents
such as midazolam or lorazepam should be considered. Intranasal and buccal
Organophosphate and Carbamate Poisoning 145
Good supportive care is the cornerstone of management of any poisoned patient. Pa-
tients poisoned with OPs and carbamates often develop respiratory failure and require
intubation and ventilation. Respiratory failure suggests a poor prognosis.103 The usual
care of a ventilated patient should be maintained such as elevation of the head of the
bed deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis, and lung-protective ventilatory settings.
There is no strong evidence to suggest that hemodialysis or hemoperfusion improve
outcomes in the setting of OP and carbamate toxicity.104
The Intermediate Syndrome
Upon resolution of the acute cholinergic phase and before the development of delayed
neuropathy, the intermediate syndrome may occur. A few days after poisoning and
during resolution of the cholinergic crises, some OP-poisoned patients develop severe
weakness leading to respiratory failure with the need for (re-)intubation and mechan-
ical ventilation in otherwise seemingly improved, conscious patients.44 The amount of
weakness is variable23 and demonstrates a spectrum of findings. The first clinical
signs of intermediate syndrome are bulbar muscle insufficiency and a simple bedside
test is the inability to lift one’s head off of the bed. The intermediate syndrome may
persist for several weeks. The pathophysiology of the intermediate syndrome remains
unclear, but seems to be multifactorial74 and care remains supportive.
should be observed closely after the resolution of acute cholinergic toxicity for devel-
opment of the intermediate syndrome and OPIDN. In general, although acute carba-
mate toxicity should resolve within 24 to 48 hours, clinicians should be aware of the
potential for these patients to develop delayed neuropathy as well.
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