Oximes in OP Pois.
Oximes in OP Pois.
Oximes in OP Pois.
Review Article
Acute organic insecticide poisoning is a major health problem all over the world, particularly in the develop
ing countries, where organophosphates (OPs) are the most common suicidal poisons with high morbidity
and mortality and account for a large proportion of patients admitted to intensive care units. Other insecti
cides less commonly used are organocarbamates, organochlorides, and pyrethroids, which are less toxic
and are associated with less morbidity and mortality. Patients with poisoning present with a wide spectrum
of gastrointestinal, neurological, and cardiac manifestations. A strong clinical suspicion is necessary to
make an early diagnosis and to start appropriate therapy. Treatment is primarily supportive and includes
decontamination, anticholinergics, protection of the airway, and cardiac and respiratory support. The use of
oximes has been controversial and may be associated with higher mortality owing to a higher incidence of
type-II paralysis. They may have other toxic side effects. This paper reviews the literature on OP poisoning.
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Adelaide, S.A 5011, Australia. organochlorides and have become the insecticide group
Department of Medicine, TMM Hospital, Tiruvalla 689101, India.
of choice replacing DDT, an organochloride compound.[7]
Dr. A. M. Cherian, TMM Hospital, Tiruvalla 689101, Kerala, India.
E-mail: [email protected] OPs are common household insecticides used exten-
Indian J Crit Care Med July-September 2005 Vol 9 Issue 3 IJCCM October-December 2003 Vol 7 Issue 4
sively by agricultural communities. Seasonal variations Most OPs are well absorbed from skin, oral mucous
in water availability keep these communities in financial membranes, conjunctival mucous membrane, and
debt, driving farmers to suicide by ingestion of agricul gastrointestinal and respiratory routes. Subsequently,
tural pesticides that are sold directly over the counter most OP compounds are hydrolyzed by enzymes, the A
and have inadequate regulations controlling their use esterases or paroxonases, which are not inhibited by
and storage. Early and correct diagnosis and treatment OP compounds. These enzymes are found in the plasma
may be life-saving in OP poisoning. It is important to and in the hepatic endoplasmic reticulum and split the
treat cases in hospitals with respiratory support facili anhydride, P–F, P–CN, or ester bonds.[10] The metabolic
ties to reduce the morbidity and mortality. products are then excreted in the urine. OP compounds
that bind to acetylcholinesterase block the conversion
Historical Perspective of acetylcholine to its degradation products, namely,
The first OP compound synthesized in 1854 was acetic acid and choline. This leads to a build-up of ex
tetraethyl pyrophosphate (TEPP). It came into use in cessive acetylcholine at synapses, which is the primary
Germany during World War II as an agricultural pesti cause of most of the toxic effects of OP compounds.
cide substitute for nicotine and for possible use as a
nerve gas in chemical warfare. It is also the most toxic Pathophysiology of OP Poisoning
of the OP insecticides.[8] Parathion, an organic deriva Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter released by the
tive of phosphoric acid, was synthesized shortly after terminal nerve endings of all postganglionic
World War II. Because it has to be converted to paraoxon parasympathetic nerves and in both sympathetic and
by substitution of oxygen for sulfur to be physiologically parasympathetic ganglia. It is also released at the skel
active, symptoms of parathion intoxication are often de etal myoneural junctions and serves as a neurotrans
layed for 6–24 h. There have been numerous OP com mitter in the central nervous system.[11] Acetylcholineste
pounds synthesized over the years and over a hundred rase is present in two forms: true cholinesterase which
compounds are currently available under different brand is found primarily in the nervous tissue and erythrocytes
names, making identification difficult in a given patient, and pseudocholinesterase which is found in the serum
unless the container is brought in by the patient’s rela and liver.[9] OPs bind to the active serine residue of acetyl
tive. Of the OP group, Parathion is the most common cholinesterase irreversibly and convert the enzyme into
cause of human poisoning and fatality.[9]
Table 1: Factors determining the onset, duration, and
Pharmacology intensity of OP poisoning
The OP compounds are classified in many ways; one Nature of compound Remarks
Water-soluble Acute and shorter duration of
based on clinical toxicity is as follows:[9] symptoms, e.g., TEPP
1. Agricultural insecticides (high toxicity), for example, Lipid-soluble Delayed and more sustained
effect, e.g., chlorfenthion
TEPP, parathion, phorate, mevinphos, and disulfoton.
Nature of binding
2. Animal insecticides (intermediate toxicity), for exam Reversible Short-lived effects
ple, coumaphos, chlorpyrifos, trichlorfon, and ronnel. Irreversible Persistent effects, e.g., parathion
Mode of action
3. Household use or use in golf courses (low toxicity) , Direct agent Direct acetyl cholinesterase
for example, diazinon, malathion, dichlorvos, and inhibition, e.g., sarin
Indirect agent Needs to be converted to active
acephate. metabolite, e.g., parathion
Route/degree of exposure
Cutaneous Chronic toxicity
OPs may also be classified according to their pharma Oral/GIT Acute symptoms
cokinetics as given below. Inhaled May be acute or chronic
depending on poison load
Relative toxicity of the compound
Pharmacokinetics Low
The onset, intensity, and duration of pharmacological Intermediate
effects that occur after poisoning are determined largely Rate of metabolic degradation
by the factors listed in Table 1. Malathion
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Cranial nerves VII and X are less frequently affected. environmental exposure including optic atrophy, degen
Electromyographic (EMG) studies have shown a com eration of retina, defective vertical smooth pursuit move
bination of pre- and postsynaptic dysfunction of neu ments, myopia owing to spasm, or paresis of accommo
romuscular transmission. Senanayake showed a fade dation. [31] Rare neurological manifestations include
on tetanic stimulation and absence of post-tetanic facili Guillian-Barré syndrome,[32] sphincter involvement,[33] iso
tation.[17] Nerve conduction and EMG studies in our co lated bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis,[34] and
hort of patients have shown that the primary type of in ototoxicity.[35]
volvement is an axonal neuropathy.[23] In addition to the
neuromuscular transmission defect, anterior cell or toxin Cadiovascular Manifestations
induced muscular instability appear to play a role in Type- Cardiac manifestations are often the cause of serious
II paralysis. This syndrome persists for approx 4–18 days complications or fatality. A systematic analysis of pa
and most patients survive this with ventilatory support tients with poisoning showed a wide variety of cardiac
unless infections complicate the course. More studies manifestations.[36]
from CMC, Vellore, have shown that there is a myopa
thy as evidenced by significant elevation of muscle en Electrocardiographic Manifestations
zymes.[24] These include prolonged Q-T corrected (QTc) interval
(67%); elevated ST segment (24%); inverted T-waves
Type-III Paralysis or OP-Induced Delayed Polyneu (17%); prolonged PR interval (9%); rhythm abnormali
ropathy ties such as sinus tachycardia (35%), sinus bradycardia
OP-induced delayed polyneuropathy (OPIDP) is a sen (28%), extra systoles (6%), atrial fibrillation (9%), ven
sory-motor distal axonopathy that usually occurs after tricular tachycardia (4%); and other manifestations such
the ingestion of large doses of certain OP insecticides[25– as noncardiogenic pulmonary edema (43%), hyperten
or after chronic exposure. Two distinct clinical entities sion (22%), and hypotension (17%).
have been described, one being pure motor polyneu
ropathy and the other having a mild sensory component Ludomirsky et al.[37] described three phases of cardiac
with a more prominent motor component. A pure sen toxicity.
sory neuropathy has not been observed in either single
or repeated acute OP poisoning.[25] Unlike the interme Phase 1: A brief period of increased sympathetic tone.
diate syndrome, it usually occurs 2–3 weeks after the Phase 2: Prolonged period of increased
acute poisoning episode and is characterized by distal parasympathetic activity, including atrioventricular block.
muscle weakness with sparing of neck muscles, cranial Phase 3: QT prolongation followed by torsade de
nerves, and proximal muscles. The EMG features are points, ventricular tachycardia, and development of ven
those of denervation and recovery is delayed for up to tricular fibrillation.
6–12 months. High-dose methyl prednisolone has been
shown to be beneficial in animal studies.[28] A picture similar to myocardial infarction has also been
reported.[38] In a recent study QTc prolongation at ad
Other Neurologic Manifestations mission was found to be associated with respiratory fail
Various neuropsychiatric manifestations have been ure and higher mortality.[39] The mechanism of cardiac
described, especially in chronic poisoning.[29] These have toxicity includes a direct toxic effect on the myocardium,
been termed as chronic OP-induced neuropsychiatric overactivity of cholinergic or nicotinic receptors,
disorder, and includes impaired memory, confusion, irri hypoxemia, acidosis, electrolyte abnormalities, and high
tability, lethargy, and psychosis. These manifestations dose atropine therapy.
are usually temporary. Extrapyramidal manifestations
have also been reported in acute poisoning, developing Respiratory Manifestations
for 4–40 days following poisoning and lasting for approx In the acute phase, muscarinic effects of bronchorrhea,
1–4 weeks, including dystonias, resting tremor, cog bronchospasm, and laryngeal spasm can result in air
wheel rigidity, and choreoathetosis.[30] Neuro-ophthalmo way obstruction. The nicotinic effects lead to weakness
logical sequlae have been documented after chronic and paralysis of the respiratory and the oropharyngeal
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of these may revert with atropine. Ventricular tachycar pharmacokinetics of these compounds and different
dia with a prolonged QTc is best treated with electrical oximes used, but these predominantly consisted of in
pacing.[39] Supraventricular tachycardia can be treated vitro studies. A few in vivo studies, animal studies, and
with an IV bolus of short-acting â-blockers. a few case series also exist. Reactivation has been
shown to be complete when oximes are given within 1 h
Specific Therapy of exposure.[52] Its effects are different in different spe
Anticholinergic Agents cies,[53] and different with different OP compounds.[54]
Anticholinergics are still the mainstay of treatment and There is also variability in their potency with pH and tem
should be started as soon as the airway has been se perature. The rate and magnitude of aging of the en
cured. Atropine can be started initially as a 2-mg intra zyme is also different with different OP compounds.[55,56]
ventricular (IV) bolus and then at doses of 2–5 mg IV Once aging of the enzyme-OP complex has occurred,
bolus every 5–15 min until atropinization is achieved. reactivation of the enzyme is not possible.
The atropine dose in children is 0.05 mg/kg IV with a
maintenance dose ranging from 0.02 to 0.05 mg/kg.[9] It None of the oximes (pralidoxime, obidoxime, Hl6, and
is important to monitor these patients closely to prevent Hlo7) are considered to be universal reactivators. Some
atropine toxicity and have clear end-points for atropini are of broader spectrum and the potencies also differ.
zation. Contrary to earlier beliefs, it is no longer neces Obidoxime is the most potent with some OP compounds
sary to achieve total atropinization (i.e., full mydriasis, and Hl6 against others.[55] Pralidoxime is generally less
heart rate more than 150/min, and absent bowel sounds). potent.[54–56] Studies have shown that obidoxime is forty,
In our experience a dose which keeps the heart rate at nine, and three times more potent than Hl6, Hlo7, and
approx 100/min, pupils’ midsize, and bowel sounds just pralidoxime, respectively.[55] Other studies have shown
present, maintains adequately atropinization without the that Hlo7 is superior to the other oximes.[56]
risks of hyperexcitability, restlessness, hyperpyrexia and
cardiac complications that are seen with total atropini Administration is an important issue, as only the pow
zation. Some uncontrolled studies have shown that an der form is stable, and once diluted, the oximes lose
atropine infusion, as opposed to bolus doses at inter their potency.[57] An autoinjector that can dissolve the
vals, reduces mortality.[47] Bardin and Van Eden [44] have powder for the purpose of IM injection before admission
demonstrated that glycopyrrolate is equally effective with to the hospital has also been recommended. However,
less central nervous system side effects and better con in megadose poisoning, even a high dose of oxime may
trol of secretions. The dose of atropine required is maxi not be effective in reactivating the enzyme in the first
mal on day 1 and tends to decrease over the next few few days following poisoning.[57] At least in three studies
days. The mean total dose of atropine in our series has oximes have been effective when the poisoning sever
been 140–167 mg.[48] Atropine does not reverse the ef ity was mild.[52,55,58] Cycloserin has been shown to be re
fects of intermediate and Type-III paralysis. sistant to oxime therapy.[57] It is also possible that the
response to P2AM may be different for the direct as
Oximes opposed to the indirect anticholinesterase agents.
Oximes are nucleophilic agents that are known to re
activate the phosphorylated acetylcholinesterase by In some studies formation of methemoglobin and cya
binding to the organophosphorus molecule.[10] The use nide have been shown after IV administration of oximes
of oximes in acute OP poisoning has been a controver to dogs especially with impaired renal function.[56,57,59]
sial subject for over two decades. Initial uncontrolled Obidoxime also leads to hepatotoxicity.[52] The reports
studies suggested that oximes (pralidoxime, P2AM) were are conflicting, though a lot work is being done in this
useful in the routine management of OP poisoning.[49,50] field. Pralidoxime is the oxime available in India, is very
A subsequent report by de Silva et al.,[51] studying two expensive, and the least potent of all oximes.
periods of time (one when P2AM was available in their
country and another when it was unavailable), found that A Medline search revealed only few randomized, con
P2AM did not make any difference to the outcomes. trolled studies.[3,20,48,60,61] In a small, recent study, respi
Recently, there have been a number of studies on the ratory complications were more in the group treated with
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