Answers To Coursebo0k Questions

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Answers to Coursebo0k questions

Unit 3 Living things in their Topic 3.3 Humans and food

environment chains
Topic 3.1 Adaptations 1 Sun → grass → mammoth → human
1 A fish cannot get oxygen from the air, because it has 2 They did not destroy animal populations because
gills and not lungs. (Students may say that it cannot they could only hunt with primitive weapons such as
‘breathe’ out of water, which should be accepted at bows and arrows. They could not kill many animals.
this level.) It cannot move on land, because it does They did not destroy plant populations because they
not have legs. The fish will dry out on land, because were careful always to leave some plants to grow, so
it does not have a waterproof skin. there would be plenty for them in the future.
2 We cannot breathe under water. Our lungs would fill 3 Answers will depend on where the student lives.
with water, so we could not take in oxygen. 4 Answers will depend on where the student lives.
3 They would be too cold. They have only a very 5 There are many possible answers. Students are
thin covering of hair, so they will quickly lose heat. likely to describe how clearing land can remove
(Some students may also say that they have a large plants, so there is no food for animals further along
surface area from which heat can be lost – they the food chain.
have long thin legs and a long neck, which increases 6 There are many possible answers. Students are likely
their surface area.) They would have nothing to eat, to describe the extra food for insects and other pests
because there are only a few plants that grow in the that eat crops.
Arctic. They probably wouldn’t be able to move
easily on snow and ice. Topic 3.4 Pollution
4 It has wings so that it can fly. It has a large, curved 1 More water will be added to the sea, so sea level
beak to help it to capture, kill and eat its prey. It has will rise.
large feet with big, curved claws (talons) to help it
capture, kill and carry its prey. (Students may also 2 If there are fewer trees, then less carbon dioxide
mention its eyes, which are able to see prey from a will be taken from the air. If the trees are burnt,
long distance.) this will make more carbon dioxide which will be
released into the air. Both of these effects will cause
the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere
Topic 3.2 Food chains to increase.
1 Sun → wheat → chicken → Amal 3 Acid rain is caused when sulfur dioxide dissolves in
2 The answer will depend on the food that the student rainwater. Sulfur dioxide is made when coal is burnt.
ate. Check that the food chain begins with the Sun, 4 a If there is no sulfur in the coal, then no sulfur
and that the arrows go in the correct direction. dioxide will be produced when it is burnt.
3 Sun → plants → insects → bird (egg) → snake b No, because burning coal will still produce carbon
4 a grass dioxide and smoke.
b cricket, spider, small bird and hawk
Topic 3.5 Ozone depletion
c The direction that energy passes from one thing
1 In the atmosphere, about 25 km above the ground.
to another.
2 They can cause skin cancer and damage the eyes.
5 a Various answers are possible, including the
following. Lions have strong, sharp claws and teeth 3 The ozone layer absorbs ultraviolet rays from the
to kill and eat their prey. They have golden fur, Sun, so less of them reach the Earth’s surface.
which can camouflage them against dry grasses. 4 a The images show that the amount of ozone over the
They can run fast to catch prey. They have good Antarctic in 1987 was less than in 1981. In 1999,
eyesight, hearing and sense of smell, which help there was even less ozone over the Antarctic than in
them to find their prey. 1987 and the hole in the ozone layer was larger.
b Any three from growth, movement, reproduction, b The ozone hole is biggest over the Antarctic.
excretion, sensitivity, nutrition and respiration. Australia and southern Chile and southern
c The most likely food chain that students will Argentina are much closer to the Antarctic than
draw is: countries near the equator. The ozone layer over
grass → zebra → lion the equator has not been affected.
but others should be accepted if they relate to the 5 CFCs are gases that were used in air conditioners,
photograph. refrigerators and aerosol cans. (CFC is short for
d grass and trees chloro-fluorocarbon.)

Copyright Cambridge University Press 2012 Cambridge Checkpoint Science 7 1

Answers to Coursebo0k questions: Unit 3

6 CFCs break down ozone, therefore thinning the The disadvantages are that:
ozone layer. • harvesting wood may damage the environment (by
7 CFCs break down ozone more when it is cold, which damaging habitats, by removing trees that absorb
is why the ozone layer is most damaged over the carbon dioxide, by increasing soil erosion)
Antarctic. (The ozone layer over the Arctic is also • you need a lot of wood to produce enough energy
affected, but to a lesser extent.) for cooking and heating
CFCs break down ozone more quickly when the Sun
• it is very time-consuming to have to collect wood
shines on them, which is why the ozone layer is more
for fuel rather than just turning on a switch on an
affected in spring than in winter.
electric or gas cooker, or heater.
8 The CFCs that are already in the atmosphere will
6 There are various possible answers. The main
stay there for about 100 years.
advantages are that
• solar energy is free and renewable
Topic 3.6 Conservation • using solar energy avoids using fossil fuels, which
1 Conservation means taking care of the environment, will eventually run out and which cause pollution.
and helping other kinds of living organisms to The main disadvantages are that:
• the car will only work when the Sun is shining
2 Pollutants cannot escape through the waterproof liner,
so animals living near the site will not be harmed by • you need a large area for the solar cells to generate
them. Water from the site is treated to make it safe. enough energy, and are very expensive.
Soil and grass cover the rubbish, preventing most
animals from coming into contact with it. End of unit questions
3 Cutting down forests destroys the habitats for which 3.1 a The direction of the energy (passing from one
plants and animals are adapted, so they may die or organism to another). [1]
have to move to another place. If the trees are burnt,
b grass [1]
this will add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, which
may make the Earth get warmer. Trees also take c four [1]
carbon dioxide from the air to use in photosynthesis, d Accept any two features that can be seen in the
so fewer trees can also mean that there is more diagram and that could be adaptations to avoid
carbon dioxide in the air. predation. Give one mark for each feature, and
4 Answers will depend on the student’s choice of habitat. another mark for an explanation. For example:
The frog is green [1]
which camouflages it / makes it more difficult
Topic 3.7 Energy resources for the snake to see it. [1]
1 Any one of: fossil fuel, oil, coal, gas. The frog has long hind legs [1]
2 Answers could include energy-using cells and organs so it can jump away from the snake. [1]
in the student’s body (for example, heart beating, The frog has large eyes [1]
muscles moving, brain thinking) and also things in so it can see the snake and escape. [1]
the environment that are using energy (such as lights, 3.2 a measuring cylinder [1]
heating or air conditioning, vehicles moving outside). b 18, 43, 25 [3]
3 Fossil fuels are running out. Burning fossil fuels for giving the correct units, °C [1]
releases carbon dioxide, which is making the Earth c Any three of: the volume of the water, the
get warmer. initial temperature of the water, the size of
4 There are various possible answers, which could the test tube, the distance she held the nut
include their appearance, or the noise that they make. from the tube. [3]
5 There are various possible answers. Students could d She should compare the increase in temperature
answer the question using information given on this in the water after burning each nut. The one
page and in earlier topics, but they may also have that produced the greater temperature increase
ideas of their own. The main advantages are that: contained more energy. [2]
• wood is a renewable fuel 3.3 a a gas [1]
• people may be able to get it for free b Ozone absorbs ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet light
• electricity or fossil fuels may not be available can cause skin cancer and damage eyes. [2]
everywhere. c Gases called CFCs. These break down ozone. [2]

Copyright Cambridge University Press 2012 Cambridge Checkpoint Science 7 2

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