Evaluation of Shampoos

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J. Soc.

CosmeticCheviists,17, 539-551 (1966)

The Practical Evaluation of


PresentedDecember1, 1965, New York City

Synopsis•ppearance, performance during use, and effect on hair after use are the three
major criteria by which shampoosshouldbe evaluated. Within these three broad categories,
25 separate characteristics arc enumerated. The importance of each of these and laboratory
and beauty salon test proceduresfor evaluating shampoosare discussed.


The developmentof a shampoothat can win a significantshareof a

highly competitivemarket is not a simpletask. Even thougha shampoo
is more or lessa rather prosaictoiletry, many of its qualities, or lack of
these qualities, can affect the consumereither favorably or adversely.
The chancesof developinga utility shampoowith a significantinnova-
tion are rather remote. The term utility shampoois usedto differenti-
ate between the generaluse shampooand those which are more specific-
ally defined, such as antidandruff shampoos,color shampoos,etc. In
order to producea successfulshampooof the utility type, it must have a
quality of excellencebuilt into it. This quality of excellenceis almost
always a total combination of many factors, some of which are im-
mediately obviousto the consumerand many of which are not.
The consumerreacts to a shampoo at three different times. The
consumerwill be consideredto be female, sincealmost all of the general
use family shampoois purchasedby a feminine member of the family.

* Alberto-Culver Company, Melrose Park, Ill.


It is true that her decisionis influencedby advertising, packaging,brand

name, and reputation of the manufacturer--and, perhaps a great deal
more than one would like to admit, by price. Her first real impressions
are established when she picks the package off the shelf. If she is
favorably impressedat that time she may buy and use the shampoo.
Her decisionwhether to purchasethe product again is influenced twice
more. How did the shampooperform, and how did it leave her hair ?
Most discussions of shampooperformancefound in the literature are
limited to evaluation of foaming qualities, manageability, and deter-
gency. There are many other factors that contribute to a quality
shampoo,which have been delineatedin 25 distinct categories. Every
shampoounder development and all competitive shampoosare evalu-
ated against this checklist. Many of the qualities can be measuredby
well-establishedlaboratory procedures. Others must be evaluated by
specially devised techniques. And still other qualities can only be
determinedsubjectively,and hereexperienceand a thoroughunderstand-
ing of shampoosare invaluable.
Details of the formulation or compositionof shampooswill not be
considered. Instead, the major objectiveis a discussionof the practical
evaluation of the 25 characteristicsor qualitieswhich enablethe chemist
to determinewhether or not a shampoohas that certain "quality of excel-
lence," as measured by the consumer. These qualities are reviewed
not necessarilyin order of importance; nor are they studied in the order
shown; and many of them are interrelated.
The methods of evaluation as describedin this paper apply to a clear
liquid shampoo although similar criteria may be applied to a liquid
lotion or a cream shampoo.
The 25 shampooqualities can be divided into three broad groups.
This is primarily a checklist designedfor the fairly rapid evaluation of
large numbers of shampooson a routine basis. The first group concerns
the appearanceof the product itself in the bottle and includesthe fol-
lowing nine qualities for evaluation:
1. Clarity
2. Viscosity
3. Color
4. Color stability
5. Cloud point
6. Clear point
7. pH

8. Fragrance
9. Sterility
The second group of qualities relates to or is directly concerned
with the actual performanceon the hair and includes:
10. Foam production--hard water
11. Foam production--soft water
12. Foam production--hard water plus soil
13. Foam stability
14. Foam texture

15. Speed of foam production

16. Rinseability
17. Fragrance of lather
The third groupof characteristicsconcernsthe effectof the shampoo
on both the hair and skin. Here the followingqualitiesare evaluated:
18. Combability of wet hair
19. Combability of dry hair
20. Static electricity of the hair
21. Fragrance of the hair
22. Hair gloss
23. Effect on artificial hair color
24. Staining of bleached or permanent waved hair
25. Feel on hands


From a consumerpoint of view, the general outward appearanceof
the shampoois the first contact with the product itself, stripped of its
outer coveringof label and package. For this reasonit is most impor-
tant that a clear shampoo be manufactured with maximum care. A
shampoowith sparkling clarity has obviouslygreater consumerappeal
that one that is hazy.
The danger in formulating clear shampoosis loss of clarity with
aging, a fairly commondefect. Only thorough stability testing of the
shampoowill reveal this problem so that measurescan be taken to solve
it. Among the factors contributing to lossof clarity are temperature,
perfume, water hardness,contaminationby microorganisms,and water-
insolublefatty compoundsusedas hair conditioningagents.
Cloud point and clear point evaluationsare important in order to
maintain clarity under a range of colder-than-normaltemperatures.

The cloud point is the highest temperature at which the shampoowill

cloud or haze when cooled. The clear point is the lowest temperature
at which the product will clear when warmed from a chilled opaque
condition. They are not always the same. Clarity, insofar as cloud
and clearpointsare concerned,shouldbe maintained at about a maximum
of 10 øC. This should insure clarity in storesand homesunder average
conditions of temperature.

Liquid shampooscomprisethe largest share of the shampoomarket,
with clearliquid shampoosaccountingfor better than 50% of the market.
Among the most important characteristicsof these productsis viscosity
which may range from water-thin products to viscousliquids. There
are both psychologicaland practical advantages to relatively high vis-
cosity liquid shampoos. They often imply a high. concentration of
shampooingredients plus a richness that is usually associatedwith
hair conditioningand management. There is also a practical value.
High viscosityliquid shampooscan be pouredinto the palm of the hand
for application to the hair, thus eliminating dripping through the fingers
or down the face and neck.
A desirable viscosity range will vary between 500 and 1500 cps.
Shampooshaving viscositiesbelow this level tend to be runny; and if the
viscosity is over 2000 cps., they may not pour too well. Maintaining
viscosity within a close range over a long period of time can some-
times be a problem. Here again, stability testing is of utmost im-


A shampoomay be uncolored, or it may have certified color added.

The color of a shampoois dictated by esthetic considerations,packag-
ing, and subtle psychologicalfactors. The market to which it is
directed is alsoa factor. A shampoofor men may be blue, green, amber,
or gold, or it may be colorless,but pink would be a doubtful choice.
There has been a transition over the years in the colorswhich the con-
sumer prefers. Until recent years liquid shampooswere usually amber,
yellow, or orange. More recently, green and blue shampoos have
become popular. Clear, colorlessshampoosare also on the market.
Such shadesas lavender and red and deep colors are particularly un-

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In selecting the color to be used, color stability or instability can
become a problem. Many of the certified dyes used are sensitive to
light, pH, and other chemical factors. It should be unnecessaryto
state that every shampooshouldbe thoroughly tested for light stability.
Sinceit is not always convenientto set the product in the sun and since
the results are not reproducible, a commercial "fadeometer" may be
used to determine color stability. In such equipment the shampoois
exposedto high intensity ultraviolet light under controlled conditions.
A minimum exposureof six hours with negligible or no color changeis
usually consideredacceptable.
Incidentally, oneof the pitfalls to be avoidedin light exposurestudies
is to test the shampooin a containermade from the samematerial as the
ultimate package. It is not unusual to find a color that may fade in
glassbut is stable in a given plastic and viceversa. With the de-listing
of many certified colors,the problem of finding a suitable color that is
stable to light has increased. The use of ultraviolet absorbents in the
shampoo can be extremely helpful in improving the light stability of
fugitive colors. Some container manufacturers are coating their glass
or plastic bottles with ultraviolet absorbentswhich serve the same pur-
A third area where the color of a shampooshould be evaluated is
one that is frequently overlooked. Some hair, and this is especially
true of bleachedand permanently waved hair, is quite porousand may
absorb the color from the shampoo. Here again, pH and chemical
compositionof the product may be contributingfactors. Only thorough
testing on laboratory hair swatchesand subsequentapplication to sub-
jects with bleachedor permanently waved hair will determine whether
this problem exists.
The pH of a shampoomay have definiteeffectsupon its properties.
Most liquid shampoostoday are formulated to have a pH between 6.5
and 8.5. Within this range a suitableviscosityand clarity can usually
be achieved,as well as goodstability and lathering properties. A few
generalizationscan be made concerningthe effectsof pH on a typical
clear shampooformulation:
1. Shampoosformulated on the high side of the pH range will
exhibit a greater degree of foaming and cleansing as well as a
greater ability to strip the natural oils from the hair.

2. Conversely, shampooson the low side of the range will generally

leave the hair in better condition with a greater degree of man-
ageability and combability.
3. Shampooswith pH's above and beyond the high side of the range
can causeeye irritation more readily than those within the range.
4. It is easierto maintain clarity on the high side of the pH range.
5. Viscosity generally increases as the pH is lowered. This is
especiallytrue of alkylolamide-laurylsulfate shampoos.
pH can, therefore, be consideredas a key factor in formulating a
product to suit the consumer'sdesires. Although she may never have
heard of the term, pH can affect the appearance,efficacy,and residual
performanceof a shampoo.

The fragrance of a shampoois a most important quality. It can
add a touch of cosmetic eleganceto the product plus an air of distinc-
tion. It can significantly influence the consumer whether or not to
purchasethe product initially or to repurchase it. It is the authors'
opinion that a shampoofragrance should be a light and clean bouquet;
but the perfume type will be dictated by whether the shampoo is mar-
keted primarily to women, men, children, or for family use.
The shampoo fragrance should be evaluated critically at three dif-
ferent stages. First, the productitself in the bottle. A buye) will
often remove the cap and sniff the product at the shelf or counter. Does
it have a light refreshing scent with high appeal? Is the shampoofree
of a chemical or detergent odor; is it effectively masked? Does the
fragrance appeal to the consumergroup to whom the shampoois di-
rected? The fragrance at point of purchasecan often make or prevent
a sale.
The secondtime that the fragrance may elicit a responsefrom the
consumeris during application to the hair. The use of hot water plus
the fact that shampoosare often applied to the hair in a confinedarea,
such as the bathroom or shower,can result in a fragrance changenotice-
able in the lather and in the atmosphere. The fragrance should retain
its basic characteristicswithout becoming overpowering.
The third important stageis the fragranceof the hair after shampoo-
ing. The hair should retain an almost imperceptiblescent. Certain
perfumetypes shouldbe avoided,suchas heavy, sweettypes which tend
to cling to the hair. Hair that hasbeenbleachedor permanentlywaved

tends to retain more of the fragrance than chemically untreated hair.

Also, hair that hasbeen shampooedwith productscontainingamphoteric
surfactants often retains more fragrance than when anionic surfactants
are used.

For some reason cosmeticchemists often disregard or minimize the
potential problemof shampoocontaminationby microorganisms. They
would not consider marketing a cream or lotion that is inadequately
preserved,but shampoosare often found without preservatives. There
is a mistaken notion that, since sulfated lauryl alcohol and sulfated
ethers are consideredantagonistic to bacterial and fungal growth, no
contamination problems exist in shampoos. Several investigators
(1, 2) have shownthat this is only partly true, and shampoos are often
found that give high bacterial counts--particularly of gram-negative
bacteria. This has been confirmedby the authors' experienceover the
years. Contamination by microorganismsposes not only a health
hazard but can cause changesin the shampoo, such as malodor, tur-
bidity, and viscosity changes. On the other hand, it is also possibleto
find grosslycontaminated products without visible signsof change.
All shampoosmust be preservednot only for original freedom from
contamination but also must be protected against the possibility of
future contaminationwhen the packageis openedand reopenedfor use.
Many preservativesare available for use in shampoostoday, and their
incorporation is fairly simple; however, their effect on certain organisms
may either diminish in time or causethe generation of resistant strains.
Thus, evenafter many years of preservationby specificagentshave passed
safely, a periodic investigation should be undertaken to determine
whether the preservatives are still effective. Freedom from micro-
organismsnot only dependson adequate preservation but also upon
uncontaminated raw materials--particularly water. Vitally essential
are strict sanitary measures during manufacture. Constant diligence
is required, and development production shampoosshould be routinely
subjectedto bacteriologicalevaluation.

To the consumer, foaming or lathering action is one of the most
important aspectsin determining the quality of a shampoo,and the
measurement of foam has received much attention in the literature. The
volume, foam structure, foam viscosity, and foam stability are also

important criteria by which the consumerjudges the shampooeven

though she may not realize it. Undoubtedly, techniques to measure
and evaluate foaming qualities are important. Normally, suchmeasure-
ments are first performed in the laboratory and then in actual use on
models. There have been many laboratory techniquesdevelopedover
the years to measure foam, some of them highly sophisticated. The
authors use a very simple techniquewhich requiresonly a 500 ml glass
stopperedcylinder and a device to revolve or agitate it. This very
simple method has been widely criticized, and there are more precise
procedures(3-5). For practical purposesand after thousandsof foam

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Figure 1. Foam curves of a commercial shampoo (Shampoo A)

tests, this technique has been found to meet the following conditions:
It is fast, it is reproducible,and it reflectsthe performanceof the sham-
poo on the hair.
First, 10% dilutionsof the shampooin either soft water or water of
known hardnessare prepared. Increasing increments of the diluted
shampooare pipetted into the cylinder, diluted with water of required
hardnessto a fixed level, and then rotated for a precisenumber of times.
The foam volume is recorded, and the bubble structure and foam sta-
bility are examined. Three foam curvesare plotted for every shampoo:
A soft water dilution; a dilution with water of known hardness; and
a dilutionof waterwith knownhardness
plusthe additionof 1 ml of
olive oil. The foam determinationin the presenceof oil fairly accurately

reflects the performance of the shampoo on the first lathering. Dur-

ing the first lathering the foam is often depressedbecauseof sebum,
hair dressings,and other cosmeticproducts which may be on the hair.
The hard and soft water curves represent the range of water hardness
used by consumersthroughout the country and can be a major factor
in the type of foam developed. Figure 1 illustrates these three foam
curves of a nationally advertised brand of shampoo. Figure 2 shows
the foam curvesin very hard water (310 p.p.m.) of two popular sham-
poos. This significant difference in foam production of shampoos
A and B is also evident when the two shampoosare actually applied to
the hair of a subject using a "half-head" technique.




VOLb"t'IE0P 50LUT10•

Figure 2. Comparisonof the foam volume of two shampoosin

very hard water (810 ppm)

The most important test in evaluating shampooperformanceis to

shampooa variety of hair types under controlledconditionsand observe
the results. The recommended method is the "half-head" technique
which involvesparting the hair down the center and shampooingeach
half simultaneouslywith two different shampoos. The "half-head"
techniqueis commonlyusedwith many hair preparationssuchas hair
sprays,wave sets, hair dressings,etc. With these,"half-head"testing
is simpleand easy, but it is not quite so simplewith a shampoo.
The reasons for "half-head" testing are quite obvious. No two
headsof hair are the same. The hair varies in texture, length, condition,
sebumand soil content, and presenceof cosmetics. Therefore, cornpar-

ing ShampooA on one headwith ShampooB on anotherhead is rather

meaningless,especiallyif only subtle differencesexist. One must then
rely on memory and, therefore,cannot comparethe results of a head
shampooedwith product A and subsequentlytreated with shampooB.
A skilled beautician can apply two shampoosto the samehead and, if
done on a number of heads,obtain meaningful and reproducibleresults.
Two shampoosare applied to dampened hair in equal amounts
(from glasshypodermicsyringesfor accuracyand convenience)to
both sides. The lather is worked up as uniformly as possibleon both
sidesof the head and the various lathering and foaming qualities ob-
served,includingthe speedat which the lather develops,the so-called
"flash-foam" characteristics. A secondlather is worked up, again using
syringesfor accuratedispensingof the shampoo,and the evaluationis
repeated. Very often the secondlather is allowed to remain on the
hair for three to five minutes and foam collapse,if any, noted. The
shampoosare rinsed from the hair and the rinsing characteristicsob-
served. It has been found that some shampoos rinse very rapidly
while others continueto producefoam for severalminutes during the
rinsing procedure.
The foam texture is also examined during these tests. Foam made
up of large, thin bubblesis not desirable;neitheris foam made up of
very smallbubbles,which tend to make the foam feel like a cream.
Incidentally, one observationmade duringthese"half-head"testsis
frequentlyoverlooked. How doesthe shampoofeel on the handsduring
application? Does the shampoo impart the desirable soap-like lu-
bricity, or doesit impart a raspyharshfeelto the hands? The consumer
has been conditionedto the feeling of lubricity or slip that is always
characteristicof soap and most shampoos. With the current trend to
shampoosof lower pH, this quality can be lost. A shampooof pH
6.0 to 6.5 can lack this feelingof lubricity on the hands,but the problem
can be resolvedby skillful formulation.

Perhapsone of the most abusedwordsusedin shampooadvertising
is "manageability" or "conditioning." Such claims are frequently
madefor shampoos,even though they do not exist. However,they are
meaningfulto the consumerand are, therefore,importantto the chem-
ist. Just what do thesewordsmean? A healthy, normalheadof hair
is one that is easily combedwhen either wet or dry. This is due to
natural secretionswhich coat the hair with a lubricating film, eliminate


Date Subject Ph.


Short Medium Long

Tinted Bleached P.W. Date

Normal Oily

Fine Medium Coarse

Good Fair Poor

Date of Last Shampoo Shampoo Used


Shampoo Used



1st 1st
Slew Av. Fast Foaming Slew Av. Fast

2nd 2nd
1st 1st
Little Av. Heavy Volume Little Av. Heavy

2nd 2nd
1st 1st
Thin Av. Thick Density Thin Av. Thick

2nd 2nd

0 1 2 3 4 5 Collapse 012345

0 1 223 4 5 Rinsability o • • • h 5

0 1 2 3 4 5 Feel-Wet o • • • • 5

O 1 2 3 4 5 Combability-Wet o I • • h 5

0 1 2 3 4 5 Feel-Dry o i • 3 • 5

O ! 2 3 4 5 Combability-Dry o I • 3 4 5

O 1 2 3 4 5 Static Charge o i • 345

0 1 2 3 h 5 Body
0 1 2 3 4 5 Sheen 0 1 2 34 5

Other Comments

Call Back Comments


Figure 3. Bcauty Clinic form

and impart glossor sheen. Many shampoos
will com-
pletely strip the hair of sebumand other natural secretions,with the
resultthat the wet hair snarlsor tanglesand is difficultto comb. The
dry hair is oftenlustreless
and alsodifficultto comb. A strongstatic
chargeresultsin "fly-away"or hair difficultto holdin place.
There are two solutionsto this problem. One is to formulate a
shampoowith reduceddetergency. The shampoowill removesurface
soil on the hair and most--but not all---of the sebumcoating. The
amountof naturaloilsremainingonthe hair is sufficient
to impart some

degree of "manageability." A secondsolution is to compound a sham-

poo that will cleansethe hair but still leave a film on it to serve tempor-
arily as a conditioning agent until natural scalp secretionsare replaced.
The authors doubt that most so-called "conditioning agents" incorpor-
ated in shampoosare depositedon the hair. There are, however, sub-
stantive materials which are useful for this purpose.
After the hair has been thoroughly rinsed and towel dried, it is again
parted down the center and combed (using two identical clean combs)
by both the beautician and the chemist, and differencesin combability
are noted. No other cosmetic products are used on the hair when
shampoosare evaluated. When dry, the hair is again checked for dry
combability, gloss, and static charge. Excellent methods have been
devisedfor the measurementof static chargeon hair (6, 7) but for rou-
tine purposesvisual observationis sufficient. All beauty clinic observa-
tions are recorded on the form shown in Fig. 3. A subjective rating
system is used whereby many of the characteristicsdiscussedabove are
scoredfrom 0 to 5, with 0 being very poor and 5 very good. In a series
of tests on a shampoo,using suitable controls, meaningful observations
are readily made as to the performancecharacteristics.

t•ffect of Shampooon Hair Color

In view of the tremendousgrowth of hair coloring, the possibleeffects
of shampooson artificially colored hair cannot be ignored. Specialty
shampooshave been developedfor use on color treated hair, but utility
shampoosshould also be checked. This is routinely performed in the
laboratory and in the beauty clinic on hair that has been colored with
oxidation dyes and with semi-permanent dyes. In the laboratory,
the AATCC Launderometer as modified by Goldemberg (10) is used.
Observations of loss of color during shampooingand of color changes
are made. Here again the "half-head" technique is usefulbecausecolor
changesand attrition of color may be due primarily to the color and not
to the shampoo.


There are additional shampooqualities that require evaluation, and

omissionof these from the list of 25 characteristics does not necessarily
minimize their importance. Safety to the consumer is of paramount
importance,and certainly no shampooshouldever be marketed that is a
sensitizeror an irritant to the eyes or skin. Factors that contribute to

such hazards are well known, and Inethods to detect them are in wide-
spread use.
Detergency has not been listed as an important consideration for
routine evaluation. Although excellent methods have been reported
for the measurementof detergency (8, 9), some cosmeticchemistsare
of the opinion that a shampooshouldnot be so powerful a detergentas
to strip all natural secretionsfrom the hair and scalp. Modern sham-
poosare basedon surface-activeagentsthat performthis task adequately
for all practical purposes. The latitude for degree of detergencyis
fairly wide. When oneconsiders that mostheadsof hair are shampooed
with two applications of shampoo, the factor of detergencybecomes
relatively unimportant.
(ReceivedNovember24, 1965)
(1) Bryce, D. M., and Smart, R., J. Soc. CosmeticChemists,16,187 (1965).
(2) Schwartz, A.M., Perry, J. W., and Berch, J., SurJkceActiveAgentsand DetergentsII
(1958), intersciencePublishers,Inc., N.Y. (1958).
(3) Myddleton, Wm. W., J. Soc. CosmeticChemists,4, 150 (1953).
(4) Bromley, J. M., Ibid., 15,631 (1964).
(5) New, G. E., Proceedings of theSecondCongress of theInternationalFederationof Societies
of CosmeticChemists,London, 1962. Edited by A. W. Middleton, The Macmillan Com-
pany, New York (1963).
(6) Mills, C. M., Ester, V. C., and Henkin, H., J. Soc.Cosmetic
Chemists,7, 466 (1956).
(7) Barber, R. G., and Posner, A.M., Ibid., 10, 236 (1959).
(8) Barnett, G., and Powers, D. H., Ibid., 2,219 (1951).
(9) Ervin, J. C., Ibid., 3, 81 (1952).
(10) Goldemberg, R. L., Ibid., 10, 291 (1959).

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