DS100S Manual
DS100S Manual
DS100S Manual
DS Series
AC Servo Motor & Drive
Operating Instructions
DS100S AC Servo Manual
DS Series AC Servo Systems
Strong Overload Capability
Because it adopts industrial intelligent power module
IPM, it has advantages of strong overload capacity
and high starting torque. Moreover the load that it
withstands are three times stronger than the rated
torque. it is pretty good on the occasion of which the
load occurs fluctuations suddenly and that is required
to start working quickly.
“SET” Button: Enter the parameter settings or set the values to the selected parameter and exit.
Winding U V W PE
Power Line
Plug 1 2 3 4
Signal 5V 0V B+ Z- U+ Z+ U- A+ V+ W+ V- A- B- W- PE
Encoder Line
Plug 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1
DS100S AC Servo Manual
1. If use 3 phase AC220V main power supply, please connect with terminal L1,L2,L3.
2. If use 1 phase AC220V main power supply, please connect with terminal L1,L3.
3. Terminal CN2 please connect with the signal terminal of encoder.
4. Terminal CN1 should be connected following the above wiring picture.
5. Rated current of the external power supply(12~24vdc) for digital inputs and outputs should more
than 100mA.
6. Recommend use AWG24-26 shielded cables for control and feedback signals, and correctly
ground the shielded cable.
7. Cable for control signals(CN1) should be less than 3 meters, and cable for feedback signals(CN2)
should be less than 10 meters.
8. Recommend use a circuit braker (NFB) to cut off power in the case of an overload, and use an
electromagnetic contactor to switch servo motor on and off.
The code parameter PA-01 of a motor must be configured with the exact motor that you use. The
value of PA-01 should be set referring to the following table. If there is a mismatching
occurred,there will cause degradation or alarm. And needed attention that different types of code
have different default parameters. For example, DS100H-75 whose factory default model of ac
servo motor is 80ST-M02430. If there is necessary to modify the motor code or restore setting
parameters that was set by manufacturer, please firstly modify PA-0 to 385,and then enter into
PA-01, and finally press up key or down key to select the appropriate motor. The steps as the
following picture showed:
DS100S AC Servo Manual
Parameters In Position Mode
The following parameters need to be set when in position mode:
Parameter Introduction Value Default Value
PA4 Controlling Method 0 0
Command pulses if 10000
PA11 the motor runs one Set by yourself
To select position 0
PA14 Set by yourself
command pulse mode
To reverse the 0
PA15 direction of position Set by yourself
command pulse
The panel consists of 5 LED and 4 keys including ↑、↓、←、SET to display all system status and
set parameters. The operation is hierarchical. ← key indicates “back” and SET key indicates
“forward” while it also has the meaning of “Enter” and ← key also has the meaning of “Cancel”
and “Exit”. ↑key indicates “Increasing ” and ↓key indicates “decreasing”. If you press the↑key
or↓ key and maintain it, you would get a repeated operation, if stay longer, the repetition rate is
Please firstly select “PA-”, and press SET key to enter the status of parameter setting mode. And
use ↑or ↓to choose parameters and then press SET key for a little while to make sure the value.
You can modify the parameter’s value with ↑or ↓. Press ↑or ↓key one time, the parameter
increases or decreases by 1. Pressing and holding ↑or ↓key can make the value increased or
decreased continuously. After modifying the value of the parameter,please keep pressing SET key
until the LED flashes two times, it means changes are completed . Finally please recharge, then the
new parameter is effective.
There are four ways to select the mode of operation in the first layer and ↑ or ↓ key is used to
change the way. Press SET key to enter into the second layer and you can turn back to the first
layer with ← key.
DS100S AC Servo Manual
4 Pulses Of Position Deviation
Control mode 0
Input Terminal
Output Terminal
Encoder Signal
Running State
No.9 Alarming
DS100S AC Servo Manual
CN1 Connector
CN2 Connector
DS100S AC Servo Manual
CN3A And CN3B Connector
Can be connected to the PC machine or controller through special serial cable, don’t plug it with
electric. Twisted pair shielded wires are suggested and less than 2 meters in length
CN5 Connector
Terminal Name Function
1 BAT+ Dedicate power supply 3.6V of
2 GND absolute encoders.
DS100S AC Servo Manual
Parameter Function Introduction
Parameter Default
No. Name Function
Range Value
1.User password is 315 to set or change parameters.
0 Password 0-9999 315
2.Motor type code is 385.
1. Corresponding to different drives and motors with
different power in the same series.
2. The different motor type code has different default
parameters. If you want to use the function of recovering the 80ST-M0243
1 Motor type selection 80-90
default parameter, please make sure your current 0
parameter is correct.
3.If want to edit the current parameter, please set the motor
type code PA0 to 385 firstly.
0: Display the current motor speed
1:Display the current position is 5-bit low .
2:Display the current position is 5-bit high .
3:Display position command(command pulse
accumulation) is 5-bit low.
4: Display position command(command pulse
accumulation) is 5-bit high.
5:Display position deviation is 5-bit low.
6.Display position deviation is 5-bit high .
7.Display motor torque
8.Display motor current
9.Display current control mode
3 Initial display status 10.Display current temperature 0-23 0
11.Display speed command
12.Display torque command
13.Display absolute position of the rotor is 5-bit low .
14.Display absolute position of the rotor is 5-bit high .
15.Display input terminal state
16.Display output terminal state
17.Display encoder input signal
18.Display voltage value of main line of main circuit
19.Display alarming code
20.Display logic chip version number
21.Display the actuation state of the relay
22.Display external voltage state
Through this number you can set drive controlling method:
0: position control mode
1: speed control mode
4 Control mode 0/1/2/3/6 0
2: test running control mode
3: JOG control mode
6:torque control mode
1.set the proportional gain of speed loop regulator.
5 Velocity proportional gain 5-2000Hz 150
2.The value is bigger, the gain is higher and rigidity is
DS100S AC Servo Manual
stronger. The parameter value is set according to your exact
servo driving system model and the load. Generally, the
greater the load inertia, the bigger the value.
3.Please set a little high value if the system condition does
not generate oscillation.
1.To set the integration time constant.
2.The value is smaller, the integral speed is faster and the
6 Velocity integral constant 1-1000ms 75
ability of system in resisting deviation is stronger.But if it is
too small, it will happen over controlling.
1.To set the proportional gain of position loop regulator.
2.The value is bigger, the gain is higher and its rigidity is
stronger. So the position lag is smaller under the same
9 Position proportional gain frequency command pulse condition. But if it is too big, it will 1-1000/s 40
happen oscillation.
3.The parameter value is set according to your exact servo
driving system model and the load.
1.Set the number of output pulses of 1 rotation turn of the
Number of output pulses motor.
11 of 1 rotation turn of the 2.When set number “0”, PA-12(position command pulse 0-30000 10000
motor frequency divider) and PA-13(position command pulse
frequency) are effective.
1.To set the electric gear ratio in position command pulse.
2.In position control mode,it is convenient to match all kinds
of pulse source through set the parameter PA12 and PA13,
which helps to reach ideal control resolution(angle/pulse).
3. P×G=N×C×4
The numerator of position
12 P: pulses of input command; G:electric gear ratio; N: motor 0-32767 0
command pulse
rotation number; C:number of photoelectric encoder in per
rotation, default value is 2500.
4.For example, input command pulse P is 6000, servo
motor rotate a roll: G=(N×C×4)/P=(1×2500×4)/6000=5/3,
So PA12 should be set to 5, PA13 should be set to 3.
Denominator of position
13 The same as the above 1-32767 10000
command pulse
1.Set the mode position command pulse.
2. To set one of input modes through parameters:
0: Pulse+Direction
Position command pulse
14 1: CCW pulse/CW pulse 0-2 0
input mode
2: phase A and phase B quadrature pulse input.
Remark: CCW: observe from the motor axial direction. It
defines CCW in counter clock wise and CW in clock wise.
15 Command pulse direction 0:Normal 0-1 0
1:Reverse position command pulse
1.Setting the pulse range of position complete in position
16 Position complete range control mode. 0-30000 pulses 0
2.The drive judges whether it finished position complete
DS100S AC Servo Manual
based on this parameter. When the rest pulses are less
than or equal with the setting value,the drive determines it
finished position and the signal is COIN ON, or else COIN
1.Setting alarming range of detection of out of position
Detection of over range of 0-30000×
17 2.Under position control mode, if the value from position 400
position 100pulses
deviation counter is out of the setting value, the drive would
Set to:
0: The alarming detection of over range of position is
Invalid error of over range
18 effective. 0-1 0
of position
1: The alarming detection of over range of position is
invalid, and stops to detect its error .
1.To filter the command pulse. Acceleration and
deceleration are with exponential form. The value is time
2.The filter does not lose the input pulse, but the delay of
the instruction occurs.
Position command smooth 3.The filter applies in
19 0-30000*0.1ms 300
filter (1. PC controller without acceleration and deceleration
(2. The electronic gear frequency is a little big(>10).
(3.The command frequency is a little low.
4.When the motor runs, there is a step to jump.
5.When set the value”0”, the filter does not work.
Set to:
0: CCW drive inhibition or CW drive inhibition is effective. If
the switch of CCW drive inhibition is ON, CCW drive is
permitted.If the switch of CCW drive inhibition is OFF, CCW
torque keeps 0.The same as CW drive inhibition. If both
Invalid input of drive
20 CCW and CW drive inhibition are OFF, it will come to error 0-1 1
alarms of drive inhibition input.
1: Cancel CCW or CW drive inhibition. No matter what state
of the switch of CCW or CW drive inhibition is, CCW or CW
drive is allowed.Meanwhile,if the switches of CCW and
CW drive inhibition are OFF, it will still not alarm..
21 JOG speed Set the running speed of JOG operating. 0-6000r/min 1100
Internal speed and Set to:
22 external speed command 0: Speed command is from internal speed. 0-1 0
selection 1: Speed command is from external analog quantity input.
Set the highest speed of the ac motor.
It doesn’t matter with rotating direction.
23 Highest speed limit 0-6000r/min 5000
If the setting value is beyond of rated speed, the real
highest speed is set as the rated speed.
Set the internal speed 1. -3000-3000
24 Internal speed selection 1 100
Under speed control mode, when SC1 and SC2 are OFF, r/min
DS100S AC Servo Manual
internal speed 1 would be chosen to as the speed
Set the internal speed 2.
Under speed control mode, when SC1 is ON,while SC2 is -3000-3000
25 Internal speed selection 2 500
OFF, internal speed 2 would be chosen to as the speed r/min
Set the internal speed 3.
Under speed control mode, when SC1 is OFF,while SC2 is -3000-3000
26 Internal speed selection 3 1000
ON, internal speed 3 would be chosen to as the speed r/min
Set the internal speed 4.
Under speed control mode, when SC1 and SC2 are ON, -3000-3000
27 Internal speed selection 4 2000
internal speed 4 would be chosen to as the speed r/min
Set the speed arrival.
1.Under non position control mode,if the motor speed is 0-3000
28 Speed arrival 500
over than its setting value, SCMP is ON, or else SCMP is r/min
1.Set the proportion of analog quantity torque input voltage
and the actual running motor torque.
Input gain of torque
2. The setting value unit is 0.1v/100%. 10-100
29 command for analog 30
3. The default value is 30, corresponding to 3v/100%, while (0.1v/100%)
it means if the input voltage is 3V, it would generate 100%
rated torque.
Reverse the input polarity of analog quantity toque.
Reverse the input When it is set to 0 and the analog quantity torque command
33 direction of analog is positive, torque direction is CCW. When it is set to 1 and 0-1 0
quantity torque command the analog quantity torque command is positive,torque
direction is CW.
Set internal torque limit of servo motor CCW direction.
The setting value is the percentage of rated torque, for
example, it is set to 2 times of rated torque, the value is 200.
34 Internal CCW torque limit It is always valid no matter when it is. 0-300% 300%
If the setting value is over than the max overload capacity,
the actual torque limit is treat as the max overload capacity
that is permitted.
Set internal torque limit of servo motor CW direction.
1.The setting value is the percentage of rated torque, for
example, it is set to 2 times of rated torque, the value is
35 Internal CW torque limit -300-0% -300%
2.It is always valid no matter when it is.
3.If the setting value is over than the max overload capacity,
the actual torque limit is treat as the max overload capacity
that is permitted.
DS100S AC Servo Manual
Set external torque limit of servo motor CCW direction.
1.The setting value is the percentage of rated torque, for
example, it is set to 1 time of rated torque, the value is 100.
2.Only when the input terminal(FIL) of CCW torque limit is
36 External CCW torque limit 0-300% 300%
ON is it valid.
3.When the limit is valid, the actual torque limit is the
Minimum value of max overload capacity ,internal CCW
torque limit and external CCW torque limit.
Set external torque limit of servo motor CW direction.
1.The setting value is the percentage of rated torque, for
example, it is set to 1 time of rated torque, the value is -100.
2.Only when the input terminal(RIL) of CW torque limit is
37 External CW torque limit -300-0% -300%
ON is it valid.
3.When the limit is valid, the actual torque limit is the
Minimum value of max overload capacity ,internal CCW
torque limit and external CCW torque limit.
Analog torque command Make an offset adjustment of analog torque command with
39 -2000-2000 0
offset this parameter.
The setting value means the motor of acceleration time
from 0r/min to 1000r/min.
Linear acceleration and deceleration characteristics.
40 Acceleration time constant It only applies in speed control mode, while is invalid under 1-10000ms 100
position control mode.
This parameter should be set to 0 if the drive is used in
combination with an external position loop.
The setting value means the motor of deceleration time
from 0r/min to 1000r/min.
1.Linear acceleration and deceleration characteristics.
41 Deceleration time constant 2.It only applies in speed control mode, while is invalid 1-10000ms 100
under position control mode.
3.This parameter should be set to 0 if the drive is used in
combination with an external position loop.
In order to make the motor start or stop working smoothly,
Sigmoid acceleration and
42 you can set the portion time of sigmoid acceleration and 1-1000ms 10
deceleration time constant
deceleration curve.
Analog speed command Set the proportion of analog speed input voltage and actual 10-3000
43 10
gain running motor speed. r/min/v
Reverse the input polarity of analog speed.
1. Set to 0 and analog speed command is positive,the
Reversal of analog speed
44 speed direction is CCW. 0-1 0
2. Set to 1 and analog speed command is positive,the
speed direction is CW.
Analog speed command Make an offset adjustment of analog speed command with
45 -5000-5000 0
offset this parameter.
Analog speed command 1.The input low pass filter of analog speed
46 1-1000Hz 100
filter 2. The setting value is bigger, the response frequency is
DS100S AC Servo Manual
quicker to speed input analog quantity and the influence of
signal noise is louder.
1.Set the time from when the brake release
signal( BRK-ON) turns off to when the motor current is cut
Mechanical brake action off, while the motor is at stall.
47 0-200×10ms 0
at stalling 2.After setting,the parameter shouldn’t be less than Tb, and
then can prevent a micro-travel/drop of the motor work due
to the action delay time (tb) of the brake.
1.Set the time from when the motor current is cut off to
when the brake release signal(BRK-ON) turns off, while the
motor turns to servo off during the motor in motion.
2.It prevents from the brake deterioration due to the
Mechanical brake action
48 mechanical brake action after the motor feedback the state 0-200×10ms 0
at motor running
from rotating to lower speed.
3.The actual action time is the smaller one between the time
of PA48 or the time from the motor slow down to PA49.
Set the speed from when the motor current is cut off to
when the brake release signal ( BRK-ON) turns to off, while
Mechanical brake action
49 the motor is running. 0-3000r/min 100
speed at motor running
2.The actual action time is the smaller one between the time
of PA48 or the time from the motor slow down to PA49.
Under torque control, motor running speed is limited in this
Torque control mode
50 parameter. 0-5000r/min 0
speed limit
It prevents over speed due to the light load.
1. If set to 0, the dynamic electric gear is invalid and the
51 Dynamic Electric Gear
function of input terminal INH is command pulse prohibited.
To set the input terminal to force the ON effectively.
1.For unforced ON terminal, it needs to control ON in the
external connection. For forced ON terminal, external
connection is unnecessary, and it is automatic to set ON
inside the drive.
2.8-bit binary number as representation, if it is 0, it means
input terminal does not force ON. If it is 1, it means input
terminal forces ON. The binary numbers represent the input
terminals as following:
8-bit low input terminal 00000000-1111
53 7 6 5 4 00000000
force ON control byte 1111
3 2 1 0
RIL: CW torque limitation
FIL: CCW torque limitation
INH: Command pulse inhibit
CLE: Deviation counter clearance
SON: Servo enable
ALRS: Alarming clearance
DS100S AC Servo Manual
FSTP: CCW drive inhibit
RSTP: CW drive inhibit
The delay time of Set the delay time to cut off the motor current after the 0~30000×
54 0
Servo-OFF motor turns to Servo-OFF. 0.1ms
Set the reversal of input terminal.For the reversal terminal, if
the switch is ON, it is invalid, while the switch is OFF, it is
8-bit binary number as representation,when it is 0, the input
terminal is not reversal, while it is 1, the terminal
reverses.The binary numbers represent the input terminals
as following:
7 6 5 4
-- Normal
1 Over Speed Motor speed over than the setting values.
2 Main Circuit Over Voltage The voltage of main circuit is too high
3 Main Circuit Under Voltage The voltage of main circuit is too low
The value of position deviation counter is over than the
4 Position Error
setting value.
5 Drive Over Heat The temperature of the drive is high
6 Speed Amplifier Saturation Fault Speed adjustment for long time saturation
7 Drive inhibit Error Speed adjustment in saturation for long time
Absolute value of position deviation accumulation is over
8 Position deviation accumulation was out of range
than 230.
9 Encoder Error Encoder Signal Error
10 Disconnection Alarm Power line UVW disconnected or one phase disconnected
11 IPM module Error IPM smart module error
13 Drive Overload Servo drive and motor overload(overheat instantaneously)
14 Brake Fault Brake circuit Error
15 Encoder Counter Error Encoder counts wrongly
20 EEPROM Error EEPROM error
23 Current Collecting Circuit Fault Current collecting circuit fault
30 Encoder Z Pulse Missing Encoder Z pulse Error
All UVW signal in high level or low level. Or the encoder is
32 Encoder UVW Signal Error
33 UVW Signal Fault No high resistance in powering up time series
34 UVW Signal Unstable UVW Signal Unstable
When connecting to 9-line encoder, illegal state When connecting to 9-line encoder, illegal state states for
states for long time long time
42 AC Input Under Voltage AC input under voltage
47 Over Voltage When Main Circuit In Powering Up Over voltage when main circuit in powering up
Communication error when connects with the absolute
50 Encoder Communication Error
DS100S AC Servo Manual
51 Encoder Communication Disconnect The drive and encoder communication disconnect.
55 Encoder CRC Checking Wrongly Encoder gets wrong data when transmitting is disturbed.
56 MODBUS frame is too long. Data Receiving from MODBUS frame is too long
Part Number
DS 100 S □□□
① ② ③ ④
DS100S AC Servo Manual
Number Description
① DS Series AC Servo Drive
② 100:under 0.75KW , 200: under2.2KW, 300:under 3.4KW
S : standard ac servo drive compatible with 2500-line encoder
④ Power Range : 40:50-400W
Compatible Table
Operating Environment
Cooling Natural Cooling or Forced Cooling
Operating Environment Avoid dust, oil fog and corrosive gases
DS100S AC Servo Manual
Environment Ambient Temp 0~+40℃
Humidity 40%RH to 90%RH, no condensation
Vibration 5.9m/s2 MAX
Storage Temperature -20℃ to 80℃
DS100S-40(50W~400W) DS100S-75(400W~750W)
DS100S AC Servo Manual
1. Install the drives indoors, where the drives are not subjected to rain or direct sun beams.The
drives are not waterproof.
2. Install the drives where the products are not subjected to corrosive atmospheres,and free from
splash of inflammable gas, grinding oil, oil mist,iron powder or chips etc.
3. Install the drives in a well-ventilated and low humidity and dust-free place.
4.Install in vertical position, and reserve enough space around the servo drive for ventilation or
effective cooling.