Alc National Moot Court Competition RR

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Approved by


Bar Council of India



16th - 17th February, 2020


Organised by:

16th - 17th February, 2020 Bar Council of India


GENERAL them. Teams shall not disclose their identity or

Date: The Competition shall be held from 16th - that of their institution or city etc. Any such
17th February, 2020 at ASIAN LAW COLLEGE disclosure shall invite strict penalty including
(Affiliated to CCS University& Approved By bar disqualification. The decision for the same shall
Council of India) Plot A2 Marwah Studios Complex be at the discretion of the Organizers.
II, Sector 125, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201303
Dress Code: Participants are required to adhere to REGISTRATION
the following dress code while present in any Court 1. All participating institutions shall be registered
Room during the Competition. on first come first serve basis by sending a soft
Ladies: White Salwar and Kurta or White Shirt and copy of the properly filled registration form
Black Pant/ Black Skirt, Black Coat and Black along with details of online payment transfer of
Shoes. Rs. 3000/- (Rs. Three thousand only) and email
Gentlemen: White Shirt, Black Trousers, Black Tie, to [email protected]. for the competition.
Black Coat and Black Shoes. Registration shall close on 01/02/2020.

THEME 2. Payment can be made through online mode only.

The moot proposition for the 1st ALC National Bank Name: Central Bank of India
Moot Court Competition (ANMCC) 2020 is based Name: Asian Law College
on Constitutional Law. A/c No. 3541897069
IFSC Code: CBIN0283172
LANGUAGE Add. RWA, Sec. 15A, Noida 201301 (U.P.)
The official language for the Competition shall be
English only. 3. Formal registration of the teams shall be done
on 16/02/2020 at the venue.
The Competition shall be open for 'bona fide' 4. Any change in the team composition shall be
students who are pursuing 5 year Integrated Law intimated to the Organizers before the Formal
Programme or 3 year LL.B Programme from an Registration.
institute/ university in India. Such institution must
be recognized by the Bar Council of India. 5. Forms received after the deadline shall not be
considered for registration.
1. Each team shall consist of three members. No 6. The organizing committee has the exclusive right
observer/ additional member can be part of a to decide in case of any dispute related to the
team in any capacity. There shall be two speakers registration. The decision of the organizing
and 1 researcher in the team. committee in such a case shall be final.

2. The teams shall identify such speakers and SUBMISSIONS

researcher during registration. 1. Each team shall be assigned a code upon
3. Each team shall be allotted a team code before
the competition. During the competition teams 2. There shall be one preliminary round, a Semi-
shall be identified by the team code allotted to Final and a Final Round.
ORAL PLEADINGS circumstances, such as when a Team fails
1. General Procedure to appear for a scheduled Oral Round, the
i. E a c h P r e l i m i n a r y Ro u n d o f t h e Court Clerk, after waiting for fifteen (15)
Competition shall consist of Forty (40) minutes, may allow the Oral Round to
minutes of Oral Pleadings. Both the sides proceed ex parte.
shall be allotted Twenty (20) minutes each.
vii. In an ex parte proceeding, the attending
ii. Semi Final and Final round shall consist of Team resents its oral pleading, which is
Sixty (60) Minutes of oral pleadings. Both scored by the judges to the extent possible
the sides shall be allotted Thirty (30) as if the absent Team had been present
minutes each. and arguing. In such a case, the Team that
fails to appear for the scheduled Round
iii. Prior to the beginning of the Preliminary forfeits all the points of the Oral Round
Round, each Team shall indicate to the and gets disqualified from the
Court Clerk how it wishes to allocate its 20 competition.
minutes among (a) its first Speaker, (b) its
second Speaker, and (c) rebuttal (by viii. Competition Communications- Oral
Petitioner/ Appellant) or Sub-Rebuttal communications during the Oral Round
(by Respondent). No single Speaker shall shall be strictly limited to the following:
plead for more than fifteen (15) minutes, • Oral Court Room Communication
including rebuttal or Sub-Rebuttal. between Counsel and Judges -Each
Similarly, the teams shall indicate their Speaker designated to present oral
allocation of 30 minutes before the pleadings may communicate with the
beginning of the Semi-final and Final judges, and the judges may communicate
round. No speaker shall plead for more with the Speaker, during the allotted time.
than 20 minutes during Semi-Final and • Oral Courtroom Communication and
Final Round including Rebuttal or Sub- Activity at Counsel Table- Every courtesy
Rebuttal. shall be given to Speakers during Oral
Argument. Communication at the counsel
iv. Extension of Time at Judge’s Discretion- table shall be in writing to prevent
Judges may, at their discretion, extend total disruption, and Teams shall avoid all
team oral arguments time beyond Twenty unnecessary noise, outbursts, or other
(20) minutes or Thirty (30) minutes inappropriate behaviour. Any Penalties
allocation, as the case may be, up to an imposed under this Rule shall be deducted
additional five (05) minutes per Team. from the Oral Scores of both Speakers of
Speakers asked to further expand upon the offending Team.
arguments may, in this instance, appear for • Written Courtroom Communication-
more than the twenty five (25) minutes or Written communication during the Oral
thirty five (35) minutes individual limit, as Round shall be limited to:
the case may be. (a) Written Communication among Team
members seated at the counsel table
v. Order of Submission- The order of the shall be through the court clerk.
oral submissions in each Round at all levels (b) A Team member at the counsel table
of the Competition shall be: Petitioner/ handing a document to a Speaker.
Appellant 1 --> Petitioner / Appellant 2 When that Speaker has been questioned
-> Respondent 1 --> Respondent 2 - about such document during the course
>Rebuttal (Petitioner/ Appellant 1 or of his or her argument, the handling
2) --> Sub-rebuttal (Respondent 1 or shall be through the court clerk only.
2) (c) A written note to assist the Speaker in
answering an issue raised by the judges.
vi. Each Team may reserve up to five (5) No other written communication may
minutes for Rebuttal or Sur-Rebuttal. take place among the Speaker, Team
E x Pa r t e P r o c e d u r e - I n e x t r e m e Members seated at counsel table,
spectators or Team Members not 7. Oral Rounds
present at the counsel table. There is no Oral rounds shall be judged as per the following
prohibition on the teams handing over criteria:
supporting documentation to the S. NO. CRITERIA MARKS
judges, but the same should be done 01 Knowledge of Facts and Law 20
through the court clerk.
02 Application of law to facts 20
03 Ingenuity and ability
ix. Anonymity of Teams in Courtrooms- Teams
to answer questions 15
shall be identified by Team Code and the side
of the dispute they re present only. 04 Presentation Skills 15
Participants shall not disclose the identity of 05 Time Management
their Team through direct or indirect means, and Organisation 10
including statements to judges, name tags or 06 Court Etiquettes 10
other signifiers, the placement of folders, 07 Logical coherency in
files, library books or other materials bearing Arguments 10
the name or logo of the college/university on Grand Total 100
the counsel table, and the wearing of pins or
clothing revealing the identity of their MEMORIALS
college/university. i. All requirements have to be strictly followed.
Non-adherence to the same shall result in
2. Draw of Lots disqualification, subject to the discretion of the
i. The draw of lots shall take place after the organizers.
formal registration on 16/02/ 2020
ii. Each team shall prepare Memorials for both the
ii. To ensure unbiased selection, teams shall be sides to the dispute. i.e. Petitioner/ Appellant
subjected to drawing of lots for the and Respondent.
Preliminary Rounds.
iii. The soft copies of the Memorial from each side
iii. In no circumstance shall any change be shall reach the Organizers at
entertained after the draw of lots. [email protected] in pdf format latest by
3. Preliminary Rounds Attachments shall be titled as [TEAM CODE]
i. The Preliminary Rounds are scheduled to take [P/A] for Petitioner/ Appellant side and [TEAM
place on 16/02/2020 CODE] [R] for Respondent side. e.g. 007 P/A
and 007 R.
ii. The teams shall be arguing on each side
during the Preliminary Round. iv. No extension shall be granted to any team for
memorial submission in any case.
4. Semi-Final Round
i. The Semi-Final round is scheduled to take v. No hardcopy of the Memorial shall be accepted
place on 16/02/2020. after 10/02/ 2020.
vi. Six hard copies of the Memorials from each side
ii. The top-four scoring teams shall compete i.e. 12 copies in total must reach the Organizers
according to the draw of lots. by 10/02/2020. on the following address:
Prof. (Dr.) Priya A Sondhi
iii. The two teams that emerge victorious shall Asian Law College, Plot A2 Marwah
succeed to the Final Round. Studios Complex II, Sector 125,Noida
Uttar Pradesh 201303
5. Final Round
i. The Final round is scheduled to take place on

ii. The teams shall argue on the side decided by

the draw of lots.
vii. Format of Memorials marks and the team's memorial marks will be the
a. Cover Page: The cover page of the memorial average of the total of both sides.
must state the following:
• Team Code on upper Right-hand side
01. Knowledge of Facts & Law 20 Marks
• The Case Title
• Colour of the cover page must be Blue in 02. Extent & Use of Research 20 Marks
case of Petitioner / Appellant Red in case 03. Drafting Skills 15 Marks
of / Respondent. 04 Originality in Presentation 15 Marks
• The Party for which the Memorial has 05. Grammar, Style and Coherency 15 Marks
been prepared. 06. Original Thought 15 Marks
b. The Table of Content
Grand Total 100
c. The Index of Authorities
d. The Statement of Jurisdiction
e. The Statement of Facts
i. Teams shall not be allowed to observe the Oral
f. The Statement of Issues
Rounds of any other teams whatsoever. (only in
g. The Summary of Arguments
the preliminary rounds)
h. The Arguments Advanced
i. The Prayer
ii. Scouting is strictly prohibited as per the Rules of
the Competition.
viii. Memorial General Format
a. Spacing: 1.5 Line Spacing
iii. Scouting by any of the teams shall entail instant
b. Margins: One-inch margin on all sides of each
c. Font: The font for the body of the memorial
iv. Any team can file a written complaint to the
shall be Times New Roman, Size 12.
Organizers for the same. The Organizer's
d. The Font for the footnotes: The font of the
decision regarding scouting shall be final.
footnotes shall be Times New Roman, Size
i. The result of the Preliminary Rounds shall be
ix. Memorials must be spiral bound only.
announced shortly after the rounds.
x. Page numbering should be at the bottom middle
ii. The result of the Semi Final Rounds shall be
of each page.
announced shortly after the conclusion of the
xi. The memorials must not contain any annexure/
photographs / sketches / exhibits / affidavits
iii. The winners of the Competition shall be
announced during the valedictory ceremony.
xii. Teams shall cite authorities in their Memorials by
way of ILI Style of Citation.
• Running Trophy
• Winning Team Trophy
xiii. The maximum number of pages in each
• Runners-up Trophy
Memorial shall not exceed 35 pages including 20
• Best Mooter Trophy
maximum pages for Written
• Best Memorial Trophy
• Best Researcher Trophy
xiv. The Memorials shall not, in anyway, disclose any
fact pertaining to the identity of the Participating
• Winning Team- Rs.15000
Team, its Members, or the Institution /College /
• Runners-up - Rs. 10000
University represented.
• Best Mooter - Rs. 5000
• Best Memorial - Rs. 4000
xv. Marking Scheme of the Memorials:
• Best Researcher - Rs. 4000
Every Memorial will be marked on a total of 100
COPYRIGHT ii. No accommodation will be provided to Delhi
i. The copyright with regard to the memorials NCR teams
submitted for the par ticipation in the
Competition is assigned by participants and shall iii. The formal registration of all the participating
vest completely and fully on the Organizers. The teams will be done on 16/02/2020 at the venue.
participants shall certify the originality of the All the participants are requested to submit their
memorials and the materials used and shall be travel plan accordingly.
responsible for any claim or dispute arising out
of further use and exhibition of these materials. CONTACT FOR QUERIES
Faculty Convener –
ii. The Organizers shall have the right to publicly Mr. Amit Nagar - 9968000120
display, distribute in any manner whatsoever and Faculty Co-Convener –
they shall not be responsible for any liability Mr. Dhawal Singh - 8318637368
thereof. Student Organizers-
Mr. Aditya Awasthi - 9818973250
DISCLAIMER Mr. Ritesh Nangia - 9810408073
The proposition is fictitious and any resemblance to
any person, living or dead, or incident, past or IMPORTANT DATES
present, is coincidental and not intended by the S.N. EVENTS DATES
authors of the proposition. 1 Release of Moot Proposition
along with Rules 07/12/2020
2 Last Date for submission
i. The moot proposition shall remain the way it is
of Online Registration
and no change shall be made whatsoever.
Forms 01/02/2020
3 Last Date for Memorial
ii. The Organizers further reserve their right to
Submission (Soft Copy) 05/02/ 2020
alter, amend or add to the moot proposition and
4 Last Date for Memorial
the same shall be intimated to the Registered
Submission (Hard Copy) 10/02/2020
Teams well in advance.
5 Formal Registration 16/02/2020
iii. Clarifications regarding matters other than the 6 Preliminary Rounds 16/02/2020
moot proposition may be sought from the 7 Semi-Final 16/02/2020
Organizers. 8 Final 17/02/2020
9 Prize & Certificate
ACCOMMODATION & FOOD Distribution 17/02/2020
i. Accommodation and Food will be provided
during the days of the competition only. In case
any team wishes to stay for a longer period of
time then accommodation may be arranged by
the organizer at the expense of the team
provided the same is requested well in advance.

Marwah Studio Complex II, Plot A-2, Sector 125, Noida–201303 (Delhi NCR) India
Phone: 0120-4594200, Web:
ASIAN LAW COLLEGE For any queries, feel free to drop email to [email protected]

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