18-19 Math 2 Syllabus sm1
18-19 Math 2 Syllabus sm1
18-19 Math 2 Syllabus sm1
1) WELCOME to Integrated Math 2 Semester 1 at South High School. This semester’s big idea/Competencies are:
Probability and Statistics: Describe and interpret random processes using a probability model.
Trigonometry: Use Trigonometric rations and/or the Pythagorean Theorem to solve problems
Geometric Thinking: Polygon properties, angle relationships, geometry notation, triangle similarity proofs,
triangle congruence proofs and transformations.
Quadratics: Solve quadratic equations with real and complex roots by a variety of methods, completing the
square, factoring, and using the quadratic formula. Solve a systems of consisting linear and a quadratic equation.
Algebraic Thinking: solving equations, identifying functions, and analyze the multiple representations of a
function in terms of the context. Quadratic
2) Class Supplies: Please bring to every class the following items:
Chromebook- Provided by the school. Please see your contract for costs and replacement policies.
This will serve as your textbook and access point to online resources. You will have an ebook for
your use, and you will need a charged device to access the book.
It must be fully charged and in class every day with you.
One 3-ring notebook (1 1/2’’ size or larger)– bring to every class.
5 Dividers: five tabs are : 1) Homework 2) Algebraic Thinking 3) Geometry 4) Trigonometry 5) Probability and
Paper - lined and graph.
Pencils - #2 and colored
Scientific calculator should be available at home as well as in class, but a graphing calculator will be available
on your tablet.
For the classroom and community use: please bring 1 roll of paper towels and a box of tissue.
Optional Supplies: highlighters, zipper pouch or pencil case, sticky notes, pencil sharpener with “case”
to catch shavings
4) Attendance: Attendance is crucial to success in school. Due to block scheduling, missing one day is actually missing
two days. Be sure to attend class regularly. If YOU miss a class, YOU are responsible for coming to the next class prepared.
To get the assignments, talk to your classmates, email me, check Schoology daily or come to see me BEFORE our class
meets again.
5) Tardies: You are expected to be on time with your materials ready to begin class when the bell rings. SHS tardy
policy will be enforced.
6) Make-up Work: For ANY absence, you are responsible for coming to the next class prepared. Please talk to a
classmate, check Schoology, or email me to find out what work you missed and the work you need to be prepared for the
next class.
8) Classwork (CW): Class work is done every day and should always include a proper heading, following the South
format. Classwork should reflect a learning process and will be graded on a rubric that reflects this. It is important for
student’s to engage in the learning process on a daily basis. Class work will be graded on a rubric. This is posted in the
course information folder on Schoology, and a snapshot is here for your reference.
9) Cell phones and other electronic devises: Students are not allowed to have any cell phones or unapproved electronic
devises in classrooms at South High School during class, per the culture agreement signed at registration. This means
they are NOT to be displayed or turned on while during instructional periods or group discussion. Cell phones should be
put away at all times in class. Consequences for having cell phones out in class:
1. Warning 2. Collection of device and returned at the end of class.
3. Call home, and repeat of step 2 4. Referral to Dean’s office.
10) Letter Grade expectations Part of being a successful mathematician mean that students understand exactly what
their grades mean. It is my philosophy that grades shouldn’t just be letters, but communicate what a student has learned
within the course. My Letter Grade Expectations are posted in the course information folder on Schoology, and a
snapshot is here for your reference.
11) Grading policy and procedure: It is my belief that students should have multiple opportunities to show understanding.
Please note: SHS policies for plagiarism, copying, cheating as stated in the handbook will be enforced.
Please note: A major part of becoming a mathematician is showing your work. If students are not
showing and explaining their work, they will only receive 70% credit on an assignment! Be sure to
always show your work, and explain your thinking!
25% Process (Homework and Class work) Homework is due at the beginning of class. This may look
different day to day. Directions will be on the board.
Each Homework is worth 10 points each.
Work must be shown for full credit. If there is not work shown, student will not be able to earn
more than 70% of the grade.
A major portion of the class work grade will be based on investigations and classroom presentations. It is very
important for students to take good notes, review them daily, keep a well- organized binder and to bring all
supplies to class.
Class work will be worth 5-10 points each depending on the day it is collected.
Work must be shown for full credit. If there is no work shown, student will not be able to earn
more than 70% of the grade
75% Assessments -Each mathematical concept will be tired and tracked to a competency using a variety of
assessments and each competency. The breakdown of how grades will be calculated is below.
Work must be shown for full credit. If there is not work shown, student will not be able to earn
more than 70% of the grade
Exit Tickets and homework quizzes will be worth up to 10 points.
Bi-Weekly Quizzes will occur on Friday and be worth up to 25 points
o The quiz will be over material covered in class that week from class work, homework,
and may review previous big ideas to help student prepare for future larger
assessments. .
Unit assessments will be worth 100 points for each competency covered.
Final exam will be with 10% of the overall grade.
12) Hall Passes: Class time is important and not easily made up. Leaving class for any reason impacts the material you
are learning and how you will interact with your peers. For this reason, it is strongly discouraged from leaving the class,
unless it is an emergency. Use your passing period wisely.
Students will not allowed to leave more than 1 time per day and will not be given a pass to go to their lockers
for materials or assignments.
Students will not receive a pass to the vending machines, per the SHS student handbook.
If passes become over abused, students will lose all privileges of hall passes.
Passes will not be written the first or last 10 minutes of class, per the SHS Student handbook.
Students must have a teacher preprinted pass filled out and ready to be signed or with their name, date, time,
and destination on it before it will be signed.
Cell phones are not allowed in the hall during class for any reason.
13) Cheating/Plagiarism: Cheating, copying other’s work, and plagiarizing is very serious and completely
unacceptable. If you need help come to see me. If it is believed by the teacher that students are cheating on assignments,
the assignments will be presented to the Math 2 Team first, and the consequences from the student handbook will be
followed for cheating. Please the SHS Student handbook for these policies. This policy will be followed for all
assignments and assessments in this course.
Parents / Guardians and students,
Please review all course, academic, attendance and tardy policies in the course syllabus and the South High Student
Handbook. Please feel free to call with any questions or concerns.
Students: Please return this portion indicating you have communicated the Integrated Math 2 HONORS
Semester 1 Course Expectations to your parent or guardian.
Parents: If you go to parent portal and at the top, click on parental preferences. Please check that you
would like to receive emails from the teacher. This allows for regular communication