Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure - Glade of The Unicorn - Printer Friendly

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The heroes witness an injured unicorn being chased by goblins in the Darkenwold Woods. Their goal is to track the unicorn, recover the weapon that injured it, find a magical spring that can heal the unicorn, and ultimately save the unicorn.

The goal of the heroes' adventure is to track the injured unicorn, recover the weapon that dealt the wound, find a magical spring that will heal the unicorn, and ultimately save the unicorn.

The adventure takes place in the dark and wild Darkenwold Woods that surround the village of Rivenshore.




Hero Kids Adventure Adventure Intro
This adventure requires a copy of the Hero Kids RPG Today’s adventure starts when the kids are on patrol
to play, and these extra materials are required: in the Darkenwold Woods to the east of Rivenshore.
• Six-sided dice (d6s) You are out on your weekly patrol of the Darkenwold
• Pencil and eraser Wood that surrounds Rivenshore. You have taken the
• Hero Cards for each player east road into the woods, and then turned north off the
• Monster Cards for the unique monsters in this road and trekked deep into the dense woods.
adventure (goblins, wolves) After an hour following a narrow track, you stop as
• Print-outs of the encounter maps you hear crashing through the undergrowth.
• Stand-up minis for the heroes and monsters As you watch, you catch a glimpse of a rare sight - a
bone white unicorn leaps over a stand of bushes and
Background gallops towards you. Behind it, a swarm of short and
snarling goblins erupts from the foliage and cheer at
Our heroes live in Rivenshore, the largest village in the the fleeing creature.
Brecken Vale. The village lies on the Camarva river,
The unicorn surges closer and you see that it has blood
which runs from the towering Druinhowe mountains.
streaming from a fresh wound, then it leaps clear over
The Brecken Vale would be a beautiful place to live, if you with a loud whinny.
it weren‟t beset by an endless series of calamities.
The goblins rush forward in pursuit of the unicorn.
Adventure Overview They see you in their path, panic, and scatter into the
This nine-encounter adventure takes place in the dark
and wild Darkenwold Woods that surround the
village of Rivenshore. Here the kids discover a
mystical unicorn that has been injured by goblins.
They must recover the weapon that dealt the wound
and find a magical spring that will heal the unicorn.

Hero Kids Adventure – Glade of the Unicorn Justin Halliday Page 2

All of the kids roll at the same time, and only one
Encounter 1: Tracking the Unicorn hero needs to beat the difficulty to succeed the test.
The first encounter takes place immediately after the The first time they pass the test, read this:
unicorn and goblins disappear into the forest. The You track the trail of hoofprints and wilting plants
heroes start on the north-south path and must track where its blood has splashed on the undergrowth.
the unicorn to make sure it’s safe.
If all heroes fail the test, they all take 1 damage (from
Encounter Intro getting cut and bruised when lost in the forest):
The heroes begin on the path, having just witnessed
You lose the trail and find yourself in unfamiliar
the injured unicorn fleeing from the goblins:
surroundings. You eventually regain the trail, but not
The goblins‟ shrieks and the thundering hoofbeats of before suffering some nasty cuts and bruises.
the unicorn head in two different directions.
If the heroes fail two tests, they take another damage
As custodians of the forest, you are sworn to protect the (Hurt), then proceed to the conclusion after this:
unicorn. You know that the unicorn is the mystical
You get lost again, and again your search to regain the
protector of the Darkenwold Woods, and if it dies then
unicorn‟s trail leaves you even more battered.
the forest will suffer blight and plague.
You look around and see deep hoofprints in the dirt. Conclusion
Further along you see a splash of the unicorn‟s blood Once the kids have passed the second ability test (or
that has fallen on the leaves of a plant. As you watch, failed the second test and been Hurt):
the plant turns brown and wilts. The hoofprints become shallower and the splashes of
You must track the unicorn and help it. blood closer together as the unicorn has slowed,
Ability Tests making it easier to track.
To track the unicorn, the kids must succeed at two After a few more minutes the animal‟s trail leads you
Intelligence tests (Tracking/Nature). If there’s one to a secluded glade.
hero, then the difficulty is 3, two heroes is at Proceed straight to the next encounter without
difficulty 4, three heroes is at difficulty 5, and four recovering any damage.
heroes is at difficulty 6.

Hero Kids Adventure – Glade of the Unicorn Justin Halliday Page 3

Here are some topics to cover in the role-playing:
Encounter 2: Glade of the Unicorn
• The unicorn has been wounded by the goblins’
The second encounter follows when the heroes track cursed spear, and the spear must be destroyed.
the unicorn to a secluded glade. This encounter is a • If the unicorn dies, the forest will fall to chaos.
role-playing scene, where the heroes can find out how
• Only the sacred springwater can heal the wound
to help the unicorn and cure its injuries.
from the cursed spear.
Encounter Intro • The goblins are cruel and evil, and will destroy the
The heroes have tracked the unicorn to the glade: forest if it falls under their control.
Following the trail, you step carefully into a peaceful • The unicorn has seen goblins near a ruined keep.
glade deep in the Darkenwold. • The sacred spring is deep in the forest and can only
The alabaster unicorn lies on the ground on a grassy be found by true heroes.
mound in the middle of the clearing. The beautiful • The heroes must find the spear and the spring
creature‟s blood still weeps from its wound, causing a before the unicorn dies (this adds tension and
widening circle of grass and moss to wilt and die. impetus, but there is no actual time restriction).
At your approach it lifts is head and regards you with a • The forest can be dangerous, be careful.
large brown eye. Its chest heaves in and out, each
• The unicorn’s true name is Alethia.
breath labored.
„You are from the village?‟ The creature does not Conclusion
speak, but you hear its thoughts in your head. This encounter concludes when the kids leave the
glade to try to find the spring or the ruined keep.
You assure the unicorn that you will return with the
In this role-playing scene, the heroes communicate
spear and the magical springwater. With a final look
with the unicorn. You (the GM) take the role of the
back at the stricken creature, you strike out from the
unicorn and converse (telepathically) with the heroes.
glade to begin your search.
The unicorn needs the kids to perform these tasks:
Allow the heroes to remove 1 damage, then continue
• Recover the cursed spear from the goblins
to the next encounter (Encounter 3: Travelling)
• Bring some of the water from the sacred spring which encompasses their search for the spring or the
ruined keep.

Hero Kids Adventure – Glade of the Unicorn Justin Halliday Page 4

Encounter 3: Travelling Ability Tests
To correctly reach their desired destination, the kids
This encounter encompasses the kids’ search for
must succeed an Intelligence test (Nature
either the ruined keep or the sacred spring. There are
/Lore/Navigation) at difficulty 5. Only one hero can
three possible outcomes:
attempt this test, so the players need to decide which
• Lost and attacked by wolves (Encounter 4) of them leads their journey.
• Reach the sacred spring (Encounter 5) If the leader succeeds the ability test, then they reach
• Reach the ruined keep (Encounter 6) their destination (the keep or the spring). If the
If you want to reduce the duration of this adventure, leader fails the test then they get lost and are attacked
then the kids can reach their destination without the by wolves.
side-encounter with the wolves. Alternatively, if you Conclusion
want more combat, you can send the kids directly to
There are three conclusions here:
the wolves!
• If the kids are ambushed by wolves, go straight to
Encounter Intro Encounter 4: Wolf Attack.
Encounter intro for the search for the ruined keep: • If the kids reach the sacred spring, go straight to
You head in the direction that you believe will take Encounter 5: Sacred Spring.
you to the ruined keep, trying to pick out the • If the kids reach the ruined keep, go straight to
landmarks that the unicorn described to guide your Encounter 6: Ruined Keep.
chosen path. The forest bustles with the sound of
animals and the creaking of ancient trees.
Encounter intro for the search for the sacred spring:
You head in the direction that you believe will take
you to the sacred spring, trying to pick out the
landmarks that the unicorn described to guide your
chosen path. The forest bustles with the sound of
animals and the creaking of ancient trees.

Hero Kids Adventure – Glade of the Unicorn Justin Halliday Page 5

Encounter 4: Wolf Attack Encounter Intro
When the heroes enter this area, read this:
The fourth encounter occurs if the kids get lost and
You proceed deeper and deeper into the heart of the
attacked by wolves on the way to either of their
Darknenwold Woods. Away from your familiar
desired destinations (the ruined keep or the sacred
patrol routes, you find yourself under a strange and
dense canopy full of dark shadows. The earlier sounds
Once the wolves are defeated, the kids can proceed
of life are strangely absent, setting your nerves on edge.
straight to their destination.
You push on warily, but soon you hear crunching
Map footfalls on dry branches and the tell-tale low growl of
A number of forest maps are included. Choose one hungry wolves.
of these for this encounter.
Encounter Features
The shaded areas of this encounter are heavy
undergrowth which are obstacles (requiring two
squares of movement instead of one, but the wolves
are able to move through this freely).
Any large tree trunks are effectively walls (although
tricksy players could use these for some improvised
Ability Tests
The players can have their heroes perform an
Intelligence test (Nature/Animals) at difficulty 5 to
know that wolves are cowardly and will flee if the dire
wolf is KO’d before the lesser wolves.

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This encounter features two wolves for each of the
heroes (or less if you like). You can bring the wolves
on from the edge of the map as the fight progresses. Wolf
1 Hero: 1 x Dire Wolf
1 x Wolf Wolf
2 Heroes: 1 x Dire Wolf
3 x Wolves Tactics
The wolves engage the heroes with melee attacks.
3 Heroes: 1 x Dire Wolf
The dire wolf is the main threat, but if the fight is too
5 x Wolves
hard, you can have some of the wolves flee early.
4 Heroes: 1 x Dire Wolf
7 x Wolves
Once all of the monsters are KO’d, read this.
Use these health boxes to mark off damage:
You strike down the last of the wolves and it drags
Dire Wolf itself into the dark of the woods with a whimper, a far
cry from its earlier aggression.
You take a few moments to catch your breath and
Wolf clear your head. Taking stock of your surroundings,
you realize that you are not far from your destination.
Wolf Allow the players to have their heroes take a short
rest to recover any damage (remember, they can
Wolf recover 1 damage only if they took damage during the
Depending on the player’s original destination:
• Proceed to Encounter 5: Sacred Spring
• Or proceed to Encounter 6: Ruined Keep

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If there’s one hero, then the difficulty is 3, two heroes
Encounter 5: Sacred Spring is at difficulty 4, three heroes is at difficulty 5, and
In this encounter the heroes reach the sacred spring, four heroes is at difficulty 6.
but the spring will only flow for the truly worthy. A Success gives the players are few hints:
forest spirit challenges the heroes to prove their • The unicorn is the protector of the Darkenwold.
worth, which in this case means convincing the spirit
• If the unicorn dies the woods will fall to chaos.
that they are here to help the unicorn.
• The unicorn’s true name is Alethia.
Proving the heroes’ worth can be accomplished
through role-playing or as an ability test. Role-Playing
The spirit’s question ‘are you worthy,’ should prompt
Encounter Intro
the players to converse, but they may need more
You emerge from the dank and oppressive woods into
prompting. Your job is the role-play the spirit to
a tranquil clearing that is dappled with soft sunlight.
coax from the heroes a statement of their worthiness.
A mossy rock cliff rises straight up on far side of the
clearing. At the bottom of the cliff is a still pool, a Conclusion
thick mist blankets the pool, wafted and stirred by a When the heroes have convinced the spirit, conclude:
cool breeze. The spirit sighs deeply, “the forest and its protectors are
As you approach the pool the mist gathers together into ever the target of beasts and creatures of foul intent.”
the shape of a young woman, but instead of skin her She gestures behind her and the spring bursts into life,
body is covered in leaves that rustle in the breeze. its sacred water cascading down the cliff into the pool.
“Welcome to the heart of the Darkenwold,” her voice “Drink to mend your harms, fill your bottles, and take
is strange and crackling, “but the spring you seek will what you need to save Alethia - then be quick on your
only run in presence of those who are truly worthy.” way from here.”
She points to you; “Are you truly worthy?” The heroes can refill their healing potions from the
Ability Tests pool. Depending on whether the heroes have the
If the players need a bit of help to work out what spear and/or have fought the wolves, they can head:
‘worthy’ means, you can let them made an • To the unicorn Encounter 9: Save the Unicorn
Intelligence test (Lore/Nature). • To the wolves: Encounter 4: Wolf Attack
• The ruined keep: Encounter 6: Ruined Keep
Hero Kids Adventure – Glade of the Unicorn Justin Halliday Page 8
Encounter 6: Ruined Keep
This encounter encompasses the above-ground areas Maps
of the ruined keep. A number of goblins are camped
out here bickering over the cursed spear.
Once the battle begins the goblins retreat through the
keep (possibly via the roof) and then down into the
keep’s dungeon level.
Encounter Features
The three maps shown to the right are the above-
ground areas of the ruined keep. The maps on the
lower row are the ground floor, the bailey on the left
and the keep interior on the right. The map at the
top-right is the roof, complete with crenellations and
holes in the floor that go through to the map below.
The players are most likely to enter the bailey where
they will find the goblins bickering about the spear.
Alternatively, cunning players could enter the keep
through the collapsed wall at the bottom right or even
by climbing the exterior walls.
The elevated wooden walkways in the bailey give
access to the roof, which sits atop the interior below.
The barbican (death-trap) has arrow-slits in the north
and south walls to allow defenders to shoot intruders.
Defenders can close the double-doors to the bailey
(duplicated on both maps) and to the central corridor.
Finally, there are stairs down to the dungeons from
the room with the table and chairs.

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Encounter Intro Combat Intro
When the heroes approach the keep, read this: Here’s the text for the combat intro in the bailey:
You see a thin wisp of smoke above the trees and then The goblins catch sight of you and abruptly cut short
glimpse the crumbling stone walls of the abandoned their argument. The armored goblin warrior has the
keep through the thick undergrowth. cursed spear in his hands, its obsidian head still
From your vantage point you see that the keep has two covered in the unicorn‟s crimson blood.
sections, an entrance courtyard – called a bailey – and Monsters
then the main building of the keep itself. This encounter features the goblin warrior (use the
The keep and bailey are protected by high stone walls, mini with the spear), plus goblin archers, stabbers,
but age and the elements have weakened these walls and jabbers. If the heroes have been spotted scouting
and in places they have collapsed to rubble. the keep, then the goblin warrior has fled already.
You hear the harsh jabbering of goblins from the keep. 1 Hero: 1 x Goblin Warrior
The heroes have an opportunity to scout the keep 1 x Goblin Archer
using the ability tests below. However, if they walk
2 Heroes: 1 x Goblin Warrior
straight in to the bailey then jump to the combat.
1 x Goblin Archer
Ability Tests 1 x Goblin Stabber
The heroes have an opportunity here to scout around 1 x Goblin Jabber
the keep. If they do this they see the alternate entry
3 Heroes: 1 x Goblin Warrior
(through the broken wall), but they risk getting
spotted by the goblins. Have each of the heroes 2 x Goblin Archer
perform a Dexterity test (Hiding) at difficulty 3 to 2 x Goblin Stabber
avoid getting spotted by the goblins. 1 x Goblin Jabber
If they’re spotted, the goblin warrior retreats down to 4 Heroes: 1 x Goblin Warrior
the dungeon, and the other goblins set up an ambush 3 x Goblin Archer
for the heroes (the details of the ambush is up to 2 x Goblin Stabber
you!). Either way, use the goblin to draw the heroes 2 x Goblin Jabber
to the stairs that lead down to the keep’s dungeon.

Hero Kids Adventure – Glade of the Unicorn Justin Halliday Page 10

Use these health boxes to mark off damage: Tactics
The goblin warrior tries to flee early in the combat
Goblin Warrior
and to escape down the stairs to the dungeon level
below the keep.
Goblin Archer The archers stay up on the walkways and fall back to
the rooftop once the warrior has escaped (from there
Goblin Stabber they head down the stairs to the keep interior).
The stabbers and jabbers fall back through the
double-doors and try to close them to keep the
Goblin Jabber players out. Use the monsters to lead the heroes to
the stairs down to the dungeon beneath the keep.
Goblin Archer Conclusion
Once all of the monsters are KO’d, read this:
Goblin Stabber Having fought your way through the ruins of the keep,
you find yourself at the top of a set of stairs that
descend into the dark dungeons below.
Goblin Jabber
You race through the ruined rooms of the keep, and
Goblin Archer
enter a final room just in time to see the goblin warrior
disappear down a set of stairs that descend into the
dark dungeons below.
Allow the players to have their heroes take a short
rest to recover any damage (remember, they can
recover 1 damage only if they took damage during the
combat), and then when they’re ready proceed to:
Encounter 7: Dungeon Ambush.

Hero Kids Adventure – Glade of the Unicorn Justin Halliday Page 11

Encounter 7: Dungeon Ambush Encounter Intro
When the heroes enter this area, read this:
The heroes venture down the stairs in pursuit of the
You carefully step down the curving staircase, which
goblin warrior with the spear. But other goblins have
brings you into a large and poorly lit room. The floor
set up an ambush for the heroes in this dungeon
of the room is sticky and smells like goblin pee.
room, letting the goblin warrior escape to the south.
You hear scrapes and bumps of something or
somethings moving in the gloom, but you see nothing
until a lone goblin leaps out from behind a pillar and
charges towards you with a fierce screech!
Encounter Features
This encounter map is quite straightforward, with
four solid pillars in the middle of the room.
Ability Tests
The players can have their heroes perform an
Intelligence test (Perception) at difficulty 5 to see the
location of all of the goblins hiding behind the pillars
(if there are any).

Hero Kids Adventure – Glade of the Unicorn Justin Halliday Page 12

Monsters Tactics
This encounter features a mix of goblin ambushers. The goblins use their normal attacks against the
1 Hero: 1 x Goblin Jabber heroes. In the unlikely event that the heroes try to
rush past them to the south, the goblins will attempt
2 Heroes: 1 x Goblin Jabber to block them or stop them.
1 x Goblin Archer
1 x Goblin Stabber
Once all of the monsters are KO’d, read this.
3 Heroes: 2 x Goblin Jabber
The final goblin falls to your attacks and you are left
1 x Goblin Archer
with the acrid smell of goblin pee burning your nose.
1 x Goblin Stabber
As you try to fight off the disgusting smell, you see
4 Heroes: 1 x Goblin Jabber movement down the corridor to the south.
1 x Goblin Archer Allow the players to have their heroes take a short
1 x Goblin Stabber rest to recover any damage (remember, they can
Use these health boxes to mark off damage: recover 1 damage only if they took damage during the
Goblin Jabber If the heroes are quite damaged and low on potions,
you should let them find some more here to make
Goblin Archer sure they stand a good chance in the next encounter.
When ready, proceed to the climax in Encounter 8:
Goblin Stabber Cellblock of Evil.

Goblin Jabber

Goblin Archer

Goblin Stabber

Hero Kids Adventure – Glade of the Unicorn Justin Halliday Page 13

Encounter 8: Cellblock of Evil Encounter Intro
When the heroes enter this area, read this:
In this last encounter of the ruined keep, the goblin
As you enter this large room you see a goblin disappear
warrior has handed the cursed spear to the goblin
around a corner to your right. A moment later you
shaman, who is now hiding in one of the cells.
hear a lever move and then a series of rusty metal
The goblin warrior uses the lever in the top left to
doors crash down on each of small cells that open off
close the cell doors, protecting the goblins in the cells
this room.
from melee attacks.
Map Encounter Features
The beds and tables in this encounter are obstacles,
which require extra movement to negotiate.
The dotted lines are the cell doors, which have been
lowered by the goblin warrior. Creatures can make
ranged attacks through the barred cell doors and but
melee attacks through the doors use 1 fewer dice.
If the heroes can get to the lever in the top-left room,
they can raise the doors. However, they’ll have to
beat the goblin warrior to get to the lever.
Ability Tests
The players can have their heroes perform an
Intelligence test (Traps) at difficulty 4 to realize that
the cell doors can be opened.

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Monsters Use these health boxes to mark off damage:
This encounter features two goblins for each hero.
This is the climactic fight, so use your judgment for Goblin Shaman
how many monsters the heroes can handle.
Don’t forget to switch to the goblin warrior mini Goblin Warrior
without the spear, and to use the goblin shaman mini
with the spear!
Goblin Archer
1 Hero: 1 x Goblin Shaman
1 x Goblin Warrior
Goblin Archer
2 Heroes: 1 x Goblin Shaman
1 x Goblin Warrior
2 x Goblin Archers Goblin Stabber
3 Heroes: 1 x Goblin Shaman
1 x Goblin Warrior Goblin Archer
3 x Goblin Archers
1 x Goblin Stabber Goblin Archer
4 Heroes: 1 x Goblin Shaman
1 x Goblin Warrior Goblin Jabber
3 x Goblin Archers
1 x Goblin Stabber Tactics
1 x Goblin Jabber The archers and the shaman attempt to stay in the
cells and use ranged attacks. If they stand adjacent to
the cells doors they can be melee attacked, so they
will move to the back of their cells if the heroes
approach. The goblin warrior and the other melee
goblins protect the lever from the heroes so they can’t
open the cell doors.

Hero Kids Adventure – Glade of the Unicorn Justin Halliday Page 15

Once all of the monsters are KO’d, read this.
After an epic chase and battle that ranged through the
ruined keep and deep into the dungeons beneath it,
you have finally defeated the evil goblins and
recovered the cursed spear before they could use it to
spread their foul influence into the forest.
Allow the players to have their heroes take a short
rest to recover any damage (remember, they can
recover 1 damage only if they took damage during the
If they don’t have the sacred spring water, then
proceed to Encounter 5: Sacred Spring.
Otherwise proceed to Encounter 9: Save the

Hero Kids Adventure – Glade of the Unicorn Justin Halliday Page 16

Encounter 9: Save the Unicorn Conclusion
With both the cursed spear and the healing water from
This is the conclusion of the adventure which occurs the sacred spring in your possession, you make your
after the heroes have recovered the cursed spear, way back through the Darkenwold as quickly as you
gathered some of the healing water from the sacred can. The sun makes its daily race towards the far
spring, and returned to help the wounded unicorn. horizon as you race to try to save the unicorn.
As dusk falls on the forest it comes alive with the
sounds of animals. Noble and peaceful animals call in
lament for their fallen protector, while animals of
chaos and savagery call in anticipation of their
imminent victory.
Just as the sun touches the western peaks of the
Druinhowe Mountains you see the dead trees and
bushes that surround the clearing. You break free from
the strangling undergrowth and emerge into the once
beautiful glade.
Lying still in the middle of the clearing is Alethia, the
fallen unicorn.
You race across the dead grass and moss to her side.
She gives a weak shudder as you touch her, and her
wide brown eyes watch you.
„Quickly,‟ her voice is distant in your head, „wash the
spear with the water from the sacred spring, then pour
the rest onto my wound.‟
Continued over the page…

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Optionally, you can allow the players to role-play the With a long last look back at you, Alethia disappears
pouring of the healing water onto the cursed spear into the forest, leaving you to make the journey back to
and then healing the unicorn’s wound. Rivenshore in the dark of the night.
Continue” Yet somehow you know that tonight your path will be
You pour the water over the spear and watch, amazed, clear and your journey swift.
as the water dissolves the obsidian head. Within Treasure
moments the entire spear has disintegrated to dust. After the monster cards and stand-ups you’ll find the
You carry the remaining healing water to the unicorn, unicorn’s treasure for your heroes. Print it out and
hoping that there is enough left to cure her wound. cut it like you would a Hero Card.
Alethia winces and whinnies in pain as you touch her
This item is a Boon,
near the wound.
which grants the
You pour the remaining water onto her coat above the heroes special
injury and massage it in with your hand. The water actions or extra dice
washes the blood from her coat and you to see that the in their pools.
wound has healed entirely.
Heroes can hold a
Alethia shivers and gets up from the ground, she rears boon while they use
up in the air and lets out a ferocious neigh that echoes another piece of
through the forest. equipment.
She stands majestically in the clearing, and you see the
dead trees and grasses spring back into life around her.
„Thank-you, young protectors of the Darkenwold.
Today you have saved the forest from the forces of
chaos and evil, that work forever for the fall of order.‟
„We may never meet again, but you have my eternal
gratitude. If you ever find yourselves in the most dire
circumstances, you need only call on me and I will
grant you a boon that may save your lives, as you have
saved mine.‟

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