School: Grade: Teacher: Learning Areas: Date: MARCH 2, 2021 Quarter: Checked BY

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TEACHER: Learning
DATE: MARCH 2, 2021 Quarter: THIRD

A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of proper and improper, similar and dissimilar and equivalent
B. Performance Standard can recognize and represent proper and improper, similar and dissimilar and equivalent
fractions in various forms and contexts.
C. Learning Competency/s: Represent Fractions using Regions, Sets, and Number Lines M3NS-llla-63
II. CONTENT Representing Fractions using Regions, Sets, and Number Lines
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages TG page 268 – 269.
2. Learner’s Materials pages Math Unit 3 Lesson 58-page 12
3. Text book pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources
B. Other Learning Resources Power point presentation
A. Reviewing previous “Thumbs up” or “Thumbs down”
Lesson or presenting new lesson If the figure is divided equally, the pupils will “thumbs up” and “thumbs down” if it’s not.

B. Establishing a purpose A figure will be shown. Each figure should be shaded to show the fraction flashed by the
for the lesson teacher.
C. Presenting examples/ Representing fractions using regions, sets and number lines.
instances of the new lesson.
Peter bought 1 big pizza for his party. He slices it with 8 equal parts. He served 5 slices of
pizza to his friends. At the end of the party 3 part of pizza were left.

What fraction of the pizza did peter serve to his friends?
What fraction of the pizza was not served?
D. Discussing new concepts Representing fractions using regions
and practicing new skills.

What fraction of the pizza did peter serve to his friends? 5/8
What fraction of the pizza was not served? 3/8

Materials: paper, crayons
1. Draw a 3 x 3 square region. Color 3 squares.
Questions: What fractional part of the region is colored? Write the fraction form of the shaded

2. Draw a 1 x 5 rectangular region. Color 2 squares.

Questions: What fractional part of the region is colored? Write the fraction form of the shaded

3. Draw a region with 24 squares.

Questions: What fractional part of the region is colored? Write the fraction form of the shaded
E. Discussing new concepts Representing fractions using sets
and practicing new skills.

In Set A, how many ampalaya are there in all? how

many ampalaya are shaded? How many ampalaya are
not shaded? What part of the set is shaded? not shaded?

Write the fraction for the shaded part, unshaded part.

How many more ampalaya should we shade to show

In Set A, how many butterflies are there in all? how

many butterflies are shaded? How many butterflies
are not shaded? What part of the set is shaded? not

Are we going to shade more butterflies or unshaded

some butterflies to show 1/3 of the set?

Set C

In Set C, how many frog are there in all?

how many frog are shaded? How many
frog are not shaded? What part of the set
is shaded? not shaded?

How many frogs should we color to

show two-sevenths?

F. Discussing new concepts Representing fractions using number lines

and practicing new skills.
Questions: Into how many parts is each of the number lines divided? What do we call one part
of figure A? B? C?

Let the pupils name and write the fractional part of each number line

G. Developing Mastery Directions: Illustrate the following fractions using regions, sets, and number lines on your

Regions Sets Number lines

1. 4/7

H. Finding practical Let us answer the following problem

application of concepts and
skills in daily living 1. Mother baked a big cake for lita’s birthday. She divided the cake into 15 equal parts. She
served 10 pieces to lita’s guest.

What fraction of the cake did mother serve to the guest?
What fraction of the cake was not served?
I. Generalizing and How are fractions represented?
Remember that fractions can be represented by the use of regions, sets and segments of number lines.
Abstraction about the Lesson.
A fraction names part of a region or part of a group. The top number of a fraction is called its numerator and the
bottom part is its denominator.
So, a fraction is the number of shaded parts divided by the number of equal parts as shown below:
number of shaded parts numerators
number of equal parts denominators

Fractions can be represented by the use of regions, sets and segments of number lines.

Region. is the whole (the unit) and the parts are congruent (same shape and size)
the fractional part of a set is a fraction of a set of objects.
a number line is a straight line with numbers placed at equal intervals or segments along its length

J. Evaluating Learning Directions: Illustrate the following fractions using sets, regions and number lines on your

1. 4/7
2. 3/6
3. 5/9
4. 4/10

K. Additional Activities
for Application or Remediation

A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No. of Learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons ___Yes ___No
work? No. of learners who have ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation
to require remediation
E. My teaching strategies

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

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