Subject: General Science Worksheet Grade: Unit: 1 The Five Senses & Unit: 2 Food Chain

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Subject: General Science Worksheet # 01 Grade: 3
Unit: 1 The five senses & Unit: 2 Food Chain
Name: Class /Sec: _
Q1) Choose the correct answer:

1) We have sense organs. (Two, Five, Seven)

2) Our organs help us to live better. (Sense , Taste, Smell)

3) are the organs of sight. (Sound ,Taste, Eyes)

4) The eyes lie in the in the skull. (Socket ,Retina, Cornea)

5) help keep the eyes clean by collecting small particles floating in air.

(Eyelashes , Iris, Pupil)

6) Our sense organs are constantly busy taking information and sending it to
_____ (Our Brain I To our Eyes , Our Nose)

7) The organs of hearing are . (Feet, Eyes, Ears)

8) We can lose our ability to hear at early age by listening to sounds that are very
____ . (Harsh, Low, Loud)

9) The is necessary to food chains because it gives plants the

energy to make their own food. (Sun , Moon ,Stars)

10) The process in which plants make their own food with the help of sun light is
called (Photosynthesis , Food chain)

Q2) Tick or Cross.

1. Decomposers are living things. E.g. ants, flies, fungi and bacteria. _
2. Consumers are all living things that cannot produce their own food.

3. The bear is a herbivore because it eats meat and plants. _

4. The food chain is important because it helps to pass energy from one living thing
to another. ----
5. The way in which living things are linked together by their food is called a food
chain. ---

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.~6. The inner ear is made up of cochlea and the semi circular canals. ·,
,7. The nose is built to smell andto moisten and filter the air we breathe." ~
8. The ear has four parts. _
9. We are able to taste food with the help of the tongue which is fleshy muscle in
the mouth. ----
10. A food chain show how all living things depend upon each other. _
Q4) Fill in the blanks with the following suitable words.
.,_- .-.~

Consumers Produce Odour Particles Smell Cilia

Food chain Plants Meat Grow Moisten

1- The nose is built to ---- and to ---- and filter the air we breathe.
2-Food give us energy to work, to and keep us alive.
3- are tiny things millions of them are floating around waiting to be
sniffed by our nose.
4- is important because it helps to pass energy from one living thing
to another.
5- are alilivi o things that cannot their food.
6-Herbivores eat . and carnivores eat -----
7- Our nostrils which contain tiny little hair called _

Q3) Label the following diagram.

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Subject: General Science Worksheet # 02 Grade: 3
Unit: 3 Insects & Unit: 7 The Solar System
Name: Class /Sec: _

Q1) Write Yes and No.

1. The life cycle of and insect begins with an egg which then hatches into a larva. _
2. There are almost 3000 man-made satellites in space today. _

3. Insects get their name because their bodies are in section. _

4. Jupiter is the sixth planet from the sun and the smallest planet within the solar

system. _

5. Insects have seven feelers or antennae. These are used from smelling and feeling. _

6. Satellites are large machines that orbit the earth. _

7. Telephones connections around the world are made with the help of satellites. _

8. All insects have three pair of legs joined to their thorax. _

9. The Hubble Space Telescope is a satellite that orbits the earth. _

10. Some insects are called social insects as they live together in groups called

colonies. ---

Q2) Fill in the blanks with the following words.

Insects Pests Destroy Honey bees

Orbits Revolves Moon Reflects
1. The Earth is the only planet that has one _

2. A planet around a star, it also that star lights.

3. Some insects are called . They destroy leaves, fruits and seed.

4. Spiders and scorpions are not _

S. Locusts can plants-and crops.

6. and ants are social insects.

7. The solar system is the sun and everything that around it.

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. ,Q4) Match the following.
, •
'i. An object that circle the sun is called a a. An egg

2. The life cycle of and insect begin with b. Planet

3. There are more than one million kinds of c. Bones

4. Insects don't have a -

d. insect --

5. Insects have two feelers or e. antennae

Q3) Circle the correct answer.

i-Objects that are very far from the sun are called . (Dwarf planets ,
Orbits, Uranus)

2-A moon is a satellite. (Telescopic, Natural, Artificial)

3- The . is the only planet that has one moon. (Mars, Neptune, Earth)

4- are scientists who study space, planets and stars.

(Chemist, Astronomers, Doctors)

5- is the biggest object in our solar system, it is in the center of it.

(Stars ,Moon ,Sun)

Q4) Label the following diagram.

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Subject: General Science Worksheet # 03 Grade: 3
Unit: 8 Wind and air & Unit: 9 Circuit

Name: ~ ....__ Class/Sec: _

Q1: Fill in the blanks.

1- The earth is the surrounded by a layer of air called _

2- Dirty air gets into our and makes us ill.

3- The part that is outside the atmosphere is called _

4. When the wind blows very strongly it is called a _

5. Air can be squeezed into spaces.

6- There is air in space.

7- is moving air.

8- Main electricity is made in a station.

9-Electricity brought to our homes through thick wire called _

10- A battery has in it.

11- An electric current can flow from a battery or _. _

12. The tiny string of wire inside a bulb is called _

13- A complete circuit allows

14- Electricitv cannot across a gap.

15- is the most important gas present in the air.

Q2: True and False

1- A complete circuit allows electric current to follow -----
2- Wind is not moving air ------
3. Compressed air is not present in a tyre
4- The sun warms the air around the Earth -----
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5- Wind is not movement of the air :'---------

6- When the wind is light and gentle, it is called a breeze. _
7- Rubber and wood are insulators of. _
8- Electricity can jump across a gap . _
9- Metal and water are conductors of electricity. _
10- A gap in the circuit will allow electric current to flow. _
11- Main electricity is not made in power station . _
12- A complete circuit that do not allows the electric current to follow.

Q3: Choose the correct answer.

1- The most important gas in the atmosphere is (carbon dioxide


2- The wind blows very strongly it is called (Gale , breeze)

3- Dirty air gets into our lugs and make us (healthy, ill)

4- The current flows out through ( one end of the battery, two end

of the battery)

5- The sun the air. (cold, warms)

Q4: Draw and label a diagram. A simple circuit ( Ref pg-47)

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Subject: General Science Worksheet # 04 Grade: 3

Unit: 11 & Unit: 13

Name: Class !Sec: _

Q1: Choose the correct answer.

1- is the main source of light. (Moon, Sun)

2-Bullock cart needs to pull it forward. (Bullocks , Rock)


3-A mill uses energy to grind grain. (Electrical, mechanical)

4-We get most of energy from . (Food , clothes)

5- A fire needs to burn. (Wood, iron)

Q2: True or False

1- A high pitch creates a shrill sound _

2- A drum skin if not hit hard, makes a loud sound. _

3- A high pitch creates a deep sound. _

4- A living thing gets their energy from the moon. _

5- Wind is a moving air._- _

6- We are not using energy all the time. _

7- There are many types of energy. _

8- Energy can bechange from one form to another. ----'-:--_

9- The sun gives out cold energy. _

10- Machines need energy to work. _

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.Q3: Fill in the blanks

, I-A fan needs to make 'it work.

2-Energy is the to do work

3-A generator needs to make it produce electricity.

4-Sounds are made by ..::.___


5-Sounds waves are vibration that be seen.

6-Sound travels in directions.

7- Very loud sound can hearing.

8-The drum is creating a pitched sound.

9- The sun gives out light and energy.

10- A wind mill needs the energy to make it work.

11- A plant stores part of the food as energy.

12- Dolphins and Whales call to each other water.

13- Sound waves are that can't be seen.

Q4: Draw diagrams of energy transfer through ball from Page # 59.

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