Transmissoin & Iterconnection Transmissioin Handbook

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PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook


This section specifies the requirements for protective relays and control devices for
Generation Entities interconnecting to the PG&E Power System.

The applicable protective standards of this section apply to all Generators
interconnecting to any portion of the PG&E’s Transmission Power System. These
standards, which govern the design, construction, inspection and testing of protective
devices, have been developed by PG&E to be consistent with Applicable Regional
Reliability Criteria1 and to include appropriate CAISO consultation. The CAISO, in
consultation with PG&E, may designate certain new or existing protective devices as
CAISO Grid Critical Protective Systems. Such systems have special CAISO
requirements, e.g., for installation and maintenance, as described in the CAISO Tariff
Section 25 and the Transmission Control Agreement between PG&E and the CAISO,
Section 8.
In the future, the CAISO may develop its own standards or requirements applicable to
certain interconnections, and also will review and comment on interconnection requests
to the CAISO Controlled Grid. Refer to the Introduction of this handbook.
In addition, for Generation Entities connecting directly to a Third Party: A third
party must coordinate with the CAISO, PG&E (as the Transmission Owner), and the
Generation Entity, as needed, to ensure that any CAISO Controlled Grid Critical
Protective Systems, including relay systems, are installed and maintained in order to
function on a coordinated and complementary basis with the protective systems of the
Generation Entity and the PG&E Power System, in accordance with the CAISO Tariff
Section 4 and the CAISO-UDC Agreement, both available on the CAISO website.
When interconnecting to the Bulk Energy System: When connecting to the Bulk
Energy System (BES), as defined by NERC then, all protective systems, including the
station dc supply (e.g. batteries) associated with protective functions, must follow all
NERC requirements.
Rules on Tapping Transmission Lines - Effective January 1, 2016, tapping a
transmission line, on PG&E owned lines, for new load and generation interconnections
is not permitted on the PG&E system for 100 kV and above. The required method of
interconnecting new load/generation is via a new or existing substation. If a new
transition switching station is required in-lieu of a tap, on a PG&E owned line, then the
new station must be owned, operated and maintained by PG&E. Effective January 1,

1 See Glossary for more information. NERC reliability standards for transmission voltage levels of 100kV
and above require the use of two separate voltage and current sources to be connected to the primary
and alternate line protective relays respectively. Conformance to WECC and NERC standards are
required for interconnections above 100kV voltage levels.

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PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

2019, tapping 3rd party transmission lines owned, operated and maintained by a 3rd
party are restricted, and exceptions may or may not be allowed upon review of standby
load agreements being served through non-PG&E facilities and installation of PG&E
interconnection requirements required to safely and reliably interconnect the project.
The Table G2-0 summarizes the rules for tapping transmission lines for load or

Table G2-0

Above 100 kV Below 100 kV

Interconnections are preferred to
Tapping not permitted. new or existing substations.
All new connections for above 100 Exceptions are allowed on a
kV must be to a new or existing restricted basis with PG&E’s
substation. written approval as determined by
PG&E standards.
Existing taps are “grandfathered” in Existing taps are “grandfathered” in

G2.1. Protective Relay Requirements

The primary safety requirement is to disconnect interconnection facilities immediately
when a fault is detected, to minimize potential loss of life and property.
The protection equipment for a generation entity must protect against faults within that
facility and faults on the PG&E Power System. A generation facility must also trip off-
line (disconnect from the PG&E Power System automatically) when PG&E’s power is
disconnected from the line into which the unit is generating.
PG&E line-protective equipment must perform one of the following;
1) Automatically clear a fault and restore power
2) Rapidly isolate only the faulted section so that the minimum number of
customers are affected by any outage.
PG&E standardizes protection requirements as much as possible, however there are
many system variables impacting protection requirements such as generator size and
type, number of generators, fault duties, line characteristics (e.g. voltage, impedance
and ampacity) and pre-existing protection schemes. Identical generators at different
locations may have widely varying protection requirements and costs. For example,
high-speed fault clearing may or may not be required to minimize equipment damage
and potential impact to system stability. Appendix R, “Protective Relay requirements

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PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

and Approvals” and Appendix S, “Protection Alternatives for Various Generator

Configurations” provide more protection details.
PG&E's protection requirements are designed and intended to protect the PG&E
Power System only. As a general rule, neither party should depend on the other for
the protection of its own equipment.
Additional protective relays are typically needed to adequately protect the Generation
Entity’s facility. It is the Generation Entity’s responsibility to protect its own system and
equipment from faults or interruptions originating on both PG&E’s side and the
Generation Entity’s side of the Interconnection. The Generation Entity’s System
Protection Facilities shall be designed, operated, and maintained to isolate any fault or
abnormality that would adversely affect the PG&E Power System, or the systems of
other entities connected to the PG&E Power System.
The Generation Facility shall, at its expense, install, operate, and maintain system
protection facilities in accordance with applicable CAISO, WECC and NERC
requirements and in accordance with design and application requirements of this
The protective relays used in isolating the Generation Facility from the PG&E Power
System at the Point of Interconnection must be:
1) PG&E-approved devices
a. The required types of protective devices are listed on Tables G2-1a
and G2-1b. Typical protection and metering installations are shown on
Figures G1-1 and G1-2 in Section G1.
2) Set to coordinate with the protective relays at the PG&E line breaker terminals
for the line on which the Generation Facility is connected.
3) The exact type and style of the protective devices may be imposed on the
Generation Entity based on the proposed station configuration or the type of
interrupting device closest to the point of common coupling to PG&E’s facility.
Note: If additional protective equipment is required, at the Generation
Entity’s cost, PG&E will coordinate with the Generation Entity or its

For any given fault, applicable relay targets must be provided.

Do not change relay settings without PG&E’s written approval.

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Submittals: Table G2-1 shows the documents that must be submitted for review
before any agreements are executed.

Table G2-1
Document Submittals

No. Drawing or Document Timing

1. Single Line Diagram2 Mandatory (PG&E must approve prior to
relay and major equipment purchase)

2. Single Line Meter and Relay Mandatory (PG&E must approve prior to
Diagrams2 relay and major equipment purchase)

3. 3-Line AC or schematic drawings Mandatory prior to pre-parallel, (advise

PG&E review prior to fabricating relay

4. DC schematics or tripping Mandatory prior to pre-parallel, (advise

schemes for all PG&E required PG&E review prior to fabricating relay
relays panels)

5 Battery Form AT-1 from Mandatory prior to pre-parallel (PG&E must

Appendix F approve the station battery)

Leased Circuits: It is critical to the project schedule that the required leased circuits are
ordered many months in advance of the operational date. In Appendix F the timeframes
are provided for different types of circuits and services. These are approximate lead
times since each facility will have to be evaluated by the telephone company to
determine the availability of adequate cable pair facilities for the required service. If the
requisite cable plant is not available, the project timeline may be extended 6 to 12
months. The required leased circuits must be in place before a company may generate
electricity into the PG&E power grid3.
Test Reports: The Generation Entity must provide PG&E with test reports (Form G2-2)
for the particular types of protective devices applied as outlined in Tables G2-1a and

2 Refer to Appendix F for recommendations and requirements associated with pilot protection.
3 Communication-assisted protection tests include end-to-end satellite testing of the protection and
communication between the interconnected terminals as a system. See Appendix F for more

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G2-1b 30 days before PG&E will allow the facility to parallel and every six years after
that. Where tele-protection is utilized, the communication circuits must be tested, and
the scheme operation functionally verified prior to release for commercial operation.
G2.2. Reliability and Redundancy
The Generation Entity shall design the protection system with enough redundancy that
the failure of any one component will still permit the Generation Entity’s facility to be
isolated from the PG&E Power System under a fault condition. Multi-function three-
phase protective relays must have redundant relay(s) for back-up. Each redundant
relay must have a separate current and voltage source. This can be accomplished via
redundant CT’s and a dual wound potential device where each winding is connected to
its perspective relay. For generation relay voltage inputs a single voltage source may
be used for both relays. An example of relays requiring redundancy would be the intertie
breaker and the main customer transformer protection. The redundant relay can be from
the same manufacture and model number. PG&E strongly recommends against using
fuses for protection of DC control and protection circuits, since they could fail open
without indication resulting in disabling of protection and controls including breaker
tripping. If fuses are used in trip circuits, trip coil monitoring and alarming must be used.
Other Requirements:
The Generation Entity must install a disconnect device or switch with generation
interrupting capability at the Point of Interconnection (POI).
Generally, fault-interrupting equipment should be located as close to the interconnection
point as possible - typically within one span of overhead line or 200 feet of unspliced
underground cable.

G2.3. Relay Grades

Only utility grade relays can be used for interconnection protection. This requirement
must include the protective and tripping relays used to trip the breaker separating the
facility from the PG&E system.
Utility grade relays have much higher reliability and accuracy than industrial grade
relays (see Tables G2-4 and G2-5).
• All utility grade relays must include manually resettable relay targets.
• All relays must have 5A nominal AC input current.
• All utility grade relay power supplies must be powered by station battery DC
voltage, and the battery system should include a DC undervoltage detection
device and alarm. See Section G2.20 and Appendix T (Battery Requirements for
Interconnection to PG&E System)

Monitoring of the DC battery voltage by a separate voltage relay or through a
charger that provides a critical alarm to a 24/7/365 monitoring system is required
per NERC. For installations that are too small to have SCADA, then an

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annunciated alarm with strobe light with audible alarm can be substituted.
PG&E’s written approval is required for any other alarm notification methods.

All proposed relay specifications must be submitted to PG&E for approval prior to
ordering. Line protection relays must come from PG&E’s approved list (See Tables G2-
4 and G2-5). Generation protection relays can come from PG&E’s approved list (Tables
G2-4 and G2-5) or the Generation Entity can have testing performed to qualify relays in
accordance with the Appendix R - “Protective Relay Requirements and Approvals”. Any
required qualified tests shall be performed at the Generation Entity’s expense and prior
to PG&E approval of the relay for interconnection use. PG&E approval does not
indicate the quality or reliability of a product or service, and endorsements or warranties
shall not be implied. If the entity wants to use a relay not on the PG&E approved list
(Tables G2-4 and G2-5) the entity should allow additional time for testing and PG&E’s
written approval.

G2.4. Line Protection

Line-protection relays must coordinate with the protective relays at the PG&E breakers
for the line on which the generating facility is connected. The typical protective zone is
a two-terminal line section with a breaker on each end. In the simplest case of a load
on a radial line, current can flow in one direction only, so protective relays need to be
coordinated in one direction and do not need directional elements. However, on the
typical transmission system, where current may flow in either direction depending on
system conditions, relays must be directional. Also, the complexity and the required
number of protective devices increase dramatically as the number of terminals increase
in each protective zone. With two terminals in a protective zone, there are two paths of
current flow. With three terminals there are six paths of current flow, and so on. For
this reason, three terminals are discouraged and, in most cases, will not be allowed and
the BES system.
In coordinating a multi-terminal scheme, PG&E may require installation of a
transmission line protective relay at the Generation Entity’s sub-site. This is commonly
the case whenever three-terminal permissive overreach transfer trip (POTT) schemes
are employed to protect the line. Because this line relay participates in a scheme to
protect the PG&E transmission system, PG&E must ensure the maintenance, testing
and reliability of this particular type of relay.
The relays must be connected to the breaker CTs in such a way that zones of protection
overlap. The line protection schemes must be able to distinguish between generation,
inrush and fault currents. Multiple terminal lines become even more complex to protect.
Existing relay schemes may have to be reset, replaced, or augmented with additional
relays at the Generation Entity’s expense, to coordinate with the Generation Entity’s
new facility.
The PG&E required relays must be located so that a fault on any phase of the PG&E
interconnected line(s) shall be detected.

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If transfer trip protection is required by PG&E, the Generation Entity shall provide all
required communication circuits at its expense. A communication circuit may be a
leased line from the telephone company, a dedicated cable, microwave, or a fiber optic
circuit and shall be designed with sufficient levels of monitoring of critical
communication channels and associated equipment. PG&E will determine the
appropriate communication medium to be used on a case-by-case basis. The leased
phone line or dedicated communication network must have high-voltage protection
equipment on the entrance cable so the transfer trip equipment will operate properly
during fault conditions. (Refer to Appendix F for a detailed description of protection
requirements and associated transfer trip equipment and communications circuits
The PG&E transmission system and the distribution network system are designed for
high reliability by having multiple sources and paths to supply customers. Due to the
multiple sources and paths, more complex protection schemes are required to properly
detect and isolate the faults. The addition of any new generation facility to the PG&E
Power System or continued operation of an existing generator must not degrade the
existing protection and control schemes or cause existing PG&E customers to suffer
lower levels of safety and/or reliability (see Electric Rule 2).
Many portions of the PG&E Power System have provisions for an alternate feed. In
some locations, the generation cannot be allowed on line while being fed from an
alternate source due to protection problems. Whenever possible, the Generation Entity
will be given the option of paying for any required upgrades so that they can stay on line
while transferred to the alternate source or not paying for upgrades and accepting
shutdowns when transferred to the alternate source.
Table G2-1a lists the minimum protection that PG&E typically uses on its own
installations. Higher voltage interconnections require additional protection due to the
greater potential for adverse impact to system stability, and the greater number of
customers who would be affected. Special cases such as distribution-level network
interconnections, if acceptable, may have additional requirements. The acceptability
and additional requirements of these interconnection proposals shall be determined by
PG&E on a case-by-case basis.

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Table G2-1a
Line Protection Devices4 5 6
Line Protection Device Device3 34.5kV 60kV
Number or or 115kV 230kV
less 70kV
Phase Overcurrent (Radial systems) 50/51 X X
Ground Overcurrent (Radial systems) 50/51N X X
Phase Directional Overcurrent 67 X1 X
Ground Directional Overcurrent or 67N X1 X X
Transformer Neutral 50/51N
Distance Relay Zone 1 (phase and 21Z1 / X1 X1 X
ground elements where applicable) 21 Z1N
Distance Relay Zone 2 (phase and 21Z2 / X1 X1 X
ground elements where applicable) 21 Z2N
Distance Relay Carrier 21Z2C X1 X
Ground Directional Overcurrent Carrier 67NC X1 X
Distance Relay Carrier Block 21Z3C X1 X
Pilot Wire, Current differential, and Phase 87L/78 X1 X
Permissive Overreaching Transfer Trip 21/67T X1 X
(POTT) or Hybrid
Direct Transfer Trip TT X2 X2 X2 X2

1. May be required on transmission or distribution interconnections depending on
local circuit configurations, as determined by PG&E.
2. Transfer trip may be required on transmission-level or distribution-level
interconnections depending on PG&E circuit configuration and loading, as
determined by PG&E. Typically, transfer trip shall be required if PG&E
determines that a generation facility cannot detect and trip on PG&E end-of-line
faults within an acceptable time frame, or if the generation facility may be
capable of keeping a PG&E line energized with the PG&E source disconnected.
It should be noted for most PV generating facilities line phase fault detection is
not feasible therefore DTT will be required (Appendix F).
3. Refer to Table G2-1 for device number definitions and functions.
4. Line protection application is a function of the power system parameters and
equivalent sources to which equipment are interconnected given the rating of the
equipment being installed for interconnection purposes.
5. All relays must have 5A nominal AC input current.
6. For microprocessor relays, with directional elements that block operation on Loss
of Potential (LOP), then another protection element must be enabled. PG&E’s
written approval is required.

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G2.5. Generator Protection and Control

Single-phase generators must be connected in multiple units so that an equal amount of
generation capacity is applied to each phase of a three-phase circuit.
All synchronous, induction and single-phase generators shall comply with the latest
ANSI Standards C50.10 and C50.13, dealing with waveform and telephone
Synchronous generators of any size will require: a) synchronizing relays, synch check,
or auto synchronizer (Device No. 25) to supervise generator breaker closing, and b)
reclose blocking at the PG&E side of the line to which the generator is connected
(applies to substation breaker/recloser and line reclosers). For Photo Voltaic (PV)
systems they shall comply with IEEE Std. 519 for dealing with power quality. Generally
PV systems are standalone only and do not require autosynchronzing and a synch
check functions, however each installation shall be evaluated by PG&E on a case by
case basis. Standard device numbers for commonly used protective elements are
defined in Table G2-1.
The generator protection equipment listed in Table G2-1b, in addition to those listed in
Table G2-1a, is required to permit safe and reliable parallel operation of the Generation
Entity’s equipment with the PG&E Power System. Additional generator protection
requirements shall be determined by PG&E on a case-by-case basis.

Table G2-1b
Generator Protection Devices
Device1 40 kW 41 kW 401
Generator Protection Device Number or to kW
Less 400 and
kW Larger
Phase Overcurrent 50/51 X2 X2
Overvoltage 59 X X X
Undervoltage 27 X3 X X
Overfrequency 81O X X X
Underfrequency 81U X X X
Ground Fault Sensing Scheme (Utility Grade) 51N X4 X
Overcurrent With Voltage Restraint/Voltage 51V9 X5 X
Control or Impedance Relay 219
Reverse Power Relay (No Sale) 329 X6 X6 X6

1. Refer to Table G2-1 for device number definitions and functions.
2. Overcurrent protection must be able to detect a line-end fault condition. A phase
instantaneous overcurrent relay that can see a line fault under sub-transient
conditions is required. This is not required if a 51V relay is used.

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3. For generators 40 kW or less, the undervoltage requirement can be met by the

contactor undervoltage release.
4. For induction generators and certified non-islanding inverters aggregating less
than 100 kW, ground fault detection is not required. Ground fault detection is
required for non-certified induction generators of 100kW or larger capacity. For
synchronous generators aggregating over 40 kW, and induction generators
aggregating over 100kv, ground fault detection is required.
5. A group of generators, each less than 400 kW but whose aggregate capacity is
400 kW or greater, must have an impedance relay or an overcurrent relay with
voltage restraint located on each generator greater than 100 kW. Due to the
limited fault contribution of photo-voltaic generating systems the 51V and 21
requirements are waived, DTT will be utilized to trip the PV offline.
6. For “No Sale” generator installations, under the proper system conditions, a set
of three single-phase, very sensitive reverse power relays, along with the
dedicated transformer may be used in lieu of ground fault protection. The relays
shall be set to pick-up on transformer magnetizing current and trip the main
breaker within 0.5 second.
7. All relays must have 5A nominal AC input current.
8. Due to the limited fault contribution of photo-voltaic generating systems the 51V
and 21 requirements are waived, DTT will be utilized to trip the PV offline.
9. For microprocessor relays, with directional elements that block operation on Loss
of Potential (LOP), then another protection element must be enabled. PG&E’s
written approval is required.
The following paragraphs describe the required protective and control devices for

G2.5.1. Phase Overcurrent

See Table G2-1 (Device 50/51) for definition and function.

G2.5.2. Over/Undervoltage Relay

Over/Undervoltage relay protection is used for generator and customers
equipment protection in the event that the generator is carrying load that has
become isolated from the PG&E Power System. In severe cases, it may operate
for un-cleared faults. The voltage thresholds listed in Table G2-6 for the “No Trip
Zone” are based on NERC PRC-24-2 to maintain generation on-line during
voltage disturbances. Actual relay settings are to be made by the generator
owner based on their protection requirements while satisfying the listed limits at
the POI.

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G2.5.3. Over/Underfrequency Relay

This is used for generator/turbine protection and backup protection, the “No Trip
Zone” is listed in Table G2-6.
Generator underfrequency relay settings are coordinated with other utilities in the
Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) to maintain generation on line
during system disturbances. The frequency settings must not allow less stringent
operation of the generation facility than specified in the WECC Off Nominal
Frequency Requirements.

G2.5.4. Ground and Phase Fault Sensing Scheme

G2.5.4.1. General:
The ground fault sensing scheme detects PG&E Power System ground
faults and trips the generator breaker or the generating facility’s main
circuit breaker, thus preventing the Generation Entity's generator from
continuously contributing to a ground fault. This scheme must be able to
detect faults between the PG&E system side of the dedicated transformer
and the end of PG&E's line. The following transformer connections, along
with appropriate relaying equipment, are commonly used to detect system
ground faults:
• System side - grounded wye; generator side - delta
• System side - grounded wye; generator side - wye; tertiary - delta

G2.5.4.2. Ground Grid Requirements

Customer Owned Facilities - For customer or third party owned facilities
adjoining or near-by PG&E facilities, the ground grid requirements are
slightly different depending on whether or not, there are any metal
connections (e.g. electrical, communication. etc.) between a PG&E ground
grid and a customer’s ground grid.
If the customer facilities is, in any way, not connected to the PG&E ground
grid or neutral system, then the customer is solely responsible for the
design and safety limits of their grounding system facilities and must:
• Follow IEEE Std. 80, “Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding“,
for step, touch, and ground potential and,
• If the ground grid resistance is greater than 1 ohm, then include PG&E
in evaluating the ground grid and fault study calculations.
If a customer facility is connected to a PG&E-owned or would be PG&E-
owned ground grid, then PG&E must be involved with the ground grid
design and approval.
See L3, “Substation Design”, Section 7- “Switches” and G2-7 below for
more information on the POI disconnect switch on customer owned

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facilities. In addition, switch and switch platform grounding must be per

Engineering Design Drawing 067910 (see Appendix D).
PG&E Owned – If the facilities will be designed and built by others and
deeded to PG&E to own and operate then, the ground grid must be built
per PG&E standards.
Ground Fault Detection -Transformers connected to the transmission
system at 60 kV and higher must have a grounded wye connection on the
system side, and a ground current sensing scheme must be used to
detect ground faults on the PG&E Power System.

Special Case for Load Entities Adding Generation: For load entities
adding generation to their facility and the existing transformer is delta
connected on the high voltage side, then an over voltage evaluation must
be performed to ensure the facility and neighboring facilities don’t create
over voltage conditions. Studies and mitigations to prevent over voltage
are at the cost of the facility owners. PG&E’s written approval is required.

G2.5.5. Overcurrent Relay with Voltage Restraint/Voltage Control or

Impedance Relay
These relays are used to detect multi-phase faults and initiate a generator circuit
breaker trip. The relays must be located on the individual generator feeder. A
group of generators aggregating over 400 kW must have an impedance relay or
an overcurrent relay with voltage restraint located on each generator greater than
100 kW. Generators equal to or greater than 400 kW must have an impedance
relay or an overcurrent relay with voltage restraint. As determined by PG&E
protection studies, an overcurrent relay with voltage control may also be
acceptable if it can be set to adequately detect end-of-line faults. If the generator
step-up transformer is connected wye-delta or delta-wye, a delta-wye or wye-
delta auxiliary potential transformer is required on the potential circuits to the
voltage restraint or voltage-controlled overcurrent relay for phase shift correction
based on the relay design and operating principal. The Generation Entity should
contact the PG&E representative for assistance in the proper connection of the
auxiliary transformers.
Due to the limited fault contribution of photo-voltaic generating systems the
above 51V requirement is waived.

G2.5.6. Reverse Power Relay

See Table G2-1b (Device #32) for definition and function.

G2.6. Dedicated Transformer

A dedicated transformer is required to step-up the generator voltage to the
interconnection level and isolate the Generation Entity from other customers.

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The impedance of a dedicated transformer limits fault currents on the generator bus
from the PG&E Power System and limits fault currents on the PG&E Power System
from the generator. Hence, it reduces the potential damage to both parties due to
faults. It also must have a delta winding to reduce the generator harmonics entering the
PG&E Power System. The delta winding will also reduce the PG&E Power System
harmonics entering the generation facility.
A high-side fault-interrupting device is required for transformer protection. A three-
phase circuit breaker is recommended.
Lightning arrestors, if the Generation Entity chooses to install them, must be installed
between the transformer and the fault-interrupting devices and be encompassed by the
generator’s relay protection zone.

G2.7. Manual Disconnect Switch

G2.7.1. General
When tapping a transmission line below 100 kV, a manual disconnect switch on
the tap line (Tap Line Switch) is required for a generation facility. Two additional
Line Selector Switches, one on each side of the tap, may also be required to
ensure better service and operating flexibility.
A PG&E-operated disconnect device must be provided as a means of electrically
isolating the PG&E Power System from the generator. This device shall be used
to establish visually open working clearance for maintenance and repair work in
accordance with PG&E safety rules and practices. A disconnect device must be
located at all points of interconnection with PG&E. The disconnect switch must
be a gang-operated, three-pole lockable switch.
If the switch is to be located on the PG&E side of the interconnection point,
PG&E will install the switch at the Generation Entity’s expense. If the device is to
be located on the entity’s side, it must be furnished and installed by the
Generation Entity. All switch devices must be approved by PG&E. PG&E
personnel shall inspect and approve the installation before parallel operation is
permitted. If the disconnect device is in the Generation Entity’s substation, it
should be located on the substation dead-end structure and must have a PG&E-
approved operating platform.
The disconnect device must not be used to make or break parallels between the
PG&E Power System and the generator(s). The device enclosure and operating
handle (when present) shall be kept locked at all times with PG&E padlocks.
The disconnect device shall be physically located for ease of access and visibility
to PG&E personnel. When installed on the Generation Entity’s side of the
interconnection, the device shall normally be installed close to the metering. The
PG&E-operated disconnect shall be identified with a PG&E designated switch
number plate.
Metering is normally on the high-side of the Generation Entity’s step-up
transformers. Between the metering units and the circuit breaker, a second

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disconnect device is required; it shall not have a PG&E lock and may be
operated by the Generation Entity.

G2.7.2. Operation of Switch

If PG&E deems a switch unsafe to operate, then the Generation Entity’s
representative must operate the switch.

G2.7.3. Specifications
• Disconnect switches must be rated for the voltage and current requirements
of the particular installation
• Disconnect switches must be gang-operated
• Disconnect switches must be weatherproof or designed to withstand
exposure to weather
• Disconnect switches must be lockable in both the open/closed positions with
a standard PG&E lock.

G2.8. Fault-Interrupting Devices

The fault-interrupting device selected by the Generation Entity must be reviewed and
approved by PG&E for each particular application.
There are two basic types of fault-interrupting devices:
• Circuit Breakers
• Circuit Switchers – Use by exception only. See G2.8.2.
PG&E will determine the type of fault-interrupting device required for a generation
facility based on the size and type of generation, the available fault duty, the local circuit
configuration, and the existing PG&E protection equipment.

G2.8.1. Circuit Breakers

A three-phase circuit breaker at the point of interconnection automatically
separates the generation facility from the PG&E Power System upon detection of
a circuit fault. Additional breakers and protective relays may be installed in the
generation facility for ease in operating and protecting the facility, but they are
not required for the purpose of interconnection. The interconnection breaker
must have enough capacity to interrupt maximum available fault current at its
location and be equipped with accessories to:
• Trip the breaker with an external trip signal supplied through a battery
(shunt trip)
• Telemeter the breaker status when it is required

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PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

• Lockout4 if operated by protective relays required for interconnection

Generally, a three-phase circuit breaker is the required fault-interruption device at
the point of interconnection, due to its simultaneous three-phase operation and
ability to coordinate with PG&E line-side devices.
The required breakers must be trip tested (e.g. exercised) by the Generation
Entity at least once a year.

G2.8.2. Circuit Switchers

Circuit switchers should not be used because they do not have CT’s and thereby
increase exposure to the entire line section. Use of a circuit switcher must meet
the following requirements:
• Applicant must obtain PG&E’s written approval.
• The IC rating is within the fault duty at the POI.
• Stand-Alone CT’s must be installed on the PG&E (Utility Side) of the
circuit switcher to minimize the amount of 3rd party equipment within the
PG&E relay zone of protection.
• CT’s must be relaying class CT’s.
• Stand-alone CT’s will be insulation tested per TIH Section G5.1.1
“Proving Insulation”.

G2.8.3. Relay Class Current Transformers (CT)

Metering class PT/CTs (including dual winding devices) must not be used for
relaying purposes in PG&E’s system. In particular, combination PT/CTs that are
installed by PG&E for revenue metering purposes (including available taps) shall
not be connected to customer relays and used to provide protection of customer-
owned equipment.
A combination PT/CT is a device that is installed at the customer’s point of
connection to facilitate revenue metering of the power flow to or from PG&E’s
A dual winding metering PT/CT is a particular type of combination PT/CT that is
constructed with a separate second CT core winding. Dual winding units are a
non-standard device that is not stocked by PG&E.
Prior to 2001, there may be grandfathered cases where the customer installed a
circuit switcher rather than a circuit breaker as an interrupting device, and dual
winding PT/CTs were installed to provide protection for the customer’s
equipment. This practice was discontinued because the CTs in the metering unit
do not meet relaying accuracy class standards. Also, if the dual winding unit
should fail, PG&E should not be liable for protecting the customer’s equipment.

4 Lockout means a “lockout relay” prevents automatic or remote reclosing of the breaker. The lockout
relay must be manually reset before closing the breaker.

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PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

G2.9. Synchronous Generators

The generating unit must meet all applicable American National Standards Institute
(ANSI) and Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) standards. The prime
mover and the generator should also be able to operate within the full range of voltage
and frequency excursions that may exist on the PG&E Power System without damage
to themselves. The generating unit must be able to operate through the specified
frequency ranges for the time durations listed in Table G2-6, to enhance system stability
during a system disturbance.

G2.9.1. Synchronizing Relays

The application of synchronizing devices attempts to assure that a synchronous
generator will parallel with the utility electric system without causing a
disturbance to other customers and facilities (present and in the future)
connected to the same system. It also attempts to assure that the generator
itself will not be damaged due to an improper parallel action. Refer to Appendix
Q for additional information and requirements.
Synchronous generators and other generators with stand-alone capability must
use one of the following methods to synchronize with the PG&E Power System:

G2.9.1.1. Automatic Synchronizers Approved by PG&E See Table G2-

4 for PG&E-approved devices.
Automatic synchronization with automatic synchronizer (Device 15/25)
to synchronize with the PG&E Power System. The automatic
synchronizer must be approved by PG&E and have all of the following
• Slip frequency matching window of 0.1 Hz or less
• Voltage matching window of  10 percent or less
• Phase angle acceptance window of  10 degrees or less
• Breaker closure time compensation. For an automatic synchronizer
that does not have this feature, a tighter phase angle window (  5
degrees) with a one second time acceptance window shall be used to
achieve synchronization within  10 degrees phase angle
Note: The automatic synchronizer has the ability to adjust generator
voltage and frequency automatically to match system voltage and
frequency, in addition to having the above characteristics.

G2.9.1.2. Automatic Synchronizers (not on PG&E’s approved list)

Supervised by a PG&E-Approved Synchronizing Relay
Automatic synchronization with a device not approved by PG&E must be
supervised by an approved synchronizing relay (Device 25). The
synchronizing relay must have all of the following characteristics:
• Slip frequency matching window of 0.1 Hz or less

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• Voltage matching window of  10 percent or less

• Phase angle acceptance window of  10 degrees or less
• Breaker closure time compensation
Note: The synchronizing relay closes a supervisory contact after the
above conditions are met, allowing the non-approved automatic
synchronizer to close the breaker.

G2.9.1.3. Manual Synchronization Supervised by a Synchronizing

Manual synchronization with supervision from a synchronizing relay
(Device 25) to synchronize with the PG&E Power System. The
synchronizing relay must have all of the following characteristics:
• Slip frequency matching window of 0.1 Hz or less
• Voltage matching window of  10 percent or less
• Phase angle acceptance window of  10 degrees or less
• Breaker closure time compensation
Note: The synchronizing relay closes a supervisory contact, after the
above conditions are met, allowing the breaker to close.

G2.9.1.4. Manual Synchronization with Synch-Check Relay

Manual synchronization with a synchroscope and synch-check (Device
25) relay supervision. (Only allowed for generators with less than 1000-
kW aggregate nameplate rating). The synch-check relay must have the
following characteristics:
• Voltage matching window of  10 percent or less.
• Phase angle acceptance window of  10 degrees or less.
Generators with greater than 1,000 kW aggregate nameplate rating must
have a synchronizing relay or automatic synchronizer.

G2.9.2. Frequency/Speed Control

Unless otherwise specified by PG&E, a governor shall be required on the prime
mover to enhance system stability. Governor characteristics shall be set to
provide a 5 percent droop characteristic. Governors on the prime mover must be
operated unrestrained to help regulate PG&E’s system frequency.

G2.9.3. Excitation System Requirements

An excitation system is required to regulate generator output voltage.
Excitation systems shall have a minimum ceiling voltage of 150 percent of rated
full load field voltage and be classified as a high initial response excitation

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PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

system as defined in IEEE 421.1. Static Systems shall meet these criteria with
70 percent of generator terminal voltage. The offline generator terminal voltage
response shall have an overshoot limited to 20 percent and a bandwidth of at
least 0.1 to 4 hertz. However, in no case shall the bandwidth upper limit be less
than local mode frequency. All systems shall be suitable to utilize a Power
System Stabilizer as described in Section G2.9.4.
Ceiling current shall have a transient time capability equal to or greater than the
short time overload capability of the generator. See ANSI C50.12, 13, or 14.
A means shall be provided to quickly remove excitation from the generator field
to minimize contributions to faults. The preferred method is to reverse voltage
the generator field to drive the current to zero.
Excitation systems shall respond to system disturbances equally in both the buck
and boost directions. All bridges that govern excitation response shall be full
wave type. Bridges feeding a pilot exciter shall have negative forcing capability.
PG&E written approval is needed for any exceptions or exemptions to this

G2.9.4. Voltage Regulator

Voltage control is required for all synchronous generators interconnected at
transmission level voltages.
The regulator must be acting continuously and be able to maintain the generator
voltage under steady-state conditions without hunting and within  0.5 percent of
any voltage level between 95 percent and 105 percent of the rated generator
voltage per CAISO requirements. The point of voltage sensing should be at the
same point as the PG&E revenue metering.
Voltage regulators shall have a minimum of the following signal modifiers:
• Reactive current compensator capable of line drop or droop characteristic
• Minimum and maximum excitation limiter
• Volts per Hertz limiter
• Two levels of over-excitation protection. The first level should provide a
forcing alarm and trip the voltage regulator after a time delay. The second
level shall have an inverse time characteristic such that the time-current
relationship may be coordinated with the generator short time thermal
requirements (ANSI C50.13 or C50.14).
• A two input Power System Stabilizer (PSS) utilizing Integral of Accelerating
Power to produce a stabilizing signal to modify regulator output. The PSS
shall be an integral part of the voltage regulator and be incorporated into the
excitation systems for all generating units greater than 30 MVA and
connected to the transmission system at 60 kV and greater. PG&E can help
determine, at the Generation Entity’s expense, the suitability of an excitation

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PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

system for PSS. The PSS shall provide a positive contribution to damping for
a frequency range from 0.1 hertz through local mode frequency.
Voltage schedules will be determined by the PG&E Grid Control Center, in
coordination with the CAISO.
At various times, the generating facility may also be requested by the Designated
Electric Control Center, in coordination with the ISO, to produce more or less
reactive power from that indicated on the regular schedule in order to meet the
system needs.

G2.9.5. Power Factor Controller

The controller must be able to maintain a power factor setting within  1 percent
of the setting at full load at any set point within the capability of the generator.
However, in no case shall control limits be greater than (closer to 100%) between
90 percent lagging and 95 percent leading.
Power factor control is typically required for distribution level generator
interconnections where the generator is put on a power factor schedule, rather
than a voltage schedule. Power Factor Control shall not be used for units
connected to the transmission system.
G2.10. Non-Synchronous Generators
Inverter based generation, including battery energy storage hybrid systems on the Bulk
Energy System must be NERC complaint and in addition must comply with the
1, PRC-24-2 compliant for individual inverter voltage and frequency settings
2. FERC Order 827 compliant for power factor capability (See G2.1.3)
3. FERC Order 828, “Requirements for Frequency and Voltage Ride Through
Capability of Small Generating Facilities”.

G2.11. Induction Generators

Induction generators and other generators with no inherent Var (reactive power) control
capability shall be required to provide an amount of reactive power equivalent to that
required for a synchronous generator. They may also be required to follow a PG&E-
specified voltage or Var schedule on an hourly, daily or seasonal basis, depending on
the location of the installation. Specific instructions shall be provided by the Designated
PG&E Electric Control Center (see Section G3).
Induction machines can be self-excited with the nearby distribution capacitors, or as the
result of the capacitive voltage on the distribution network. Interconnecting facility
should provide for a reclose block mechanism to avoid unintended operation of the unit
following an outage on the distribution feeder to which it is interconnected.

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PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

G2.12. DC Generators
G2.12.1. Inverters Capable of Stand-Alone Operation
Inverters capable of stand-alone operation are capable of islanding operation and
shall have similar functional requirements as synchronous generators. For units
less than 100 kW, usually it is acceptable to have the frequency and voltage
functions built into the electronics of the inverter if the set points of these built-in
protective functions are tamper-proof and can be easily and reliably tested.
These relay functions must receive PG&E approval before they can be used to
interconnect with the PG&E Power System.
Protection and Synchronizing requirements
For units capable of stand-alone operation the generation and line protection
requirements of Sections G2.1 through G2.5 shall apply. Additionally, the
functional synchronizing requirements specified under Section G2.9.1 shall apply
to stand alone capable units.
Voltage Regulating Requirements for units connected to Transmission
Inverters do not have excitation systems similar to synchronous generators,,
however they have the capability to regulate and follow voltage, therefore the unit
shall meet the requirements to regulate output voltage and meet the
requirements of Section G2.9.3 and must meet the functional requirements of
Section G2.9.4 with the exception of the two levels of over-excitation protection.
They shall also meet the requirements of Section G2.9.6.
Regulation Requirements for units connected to Distribution
Inverters connected at the distribution level shall meet the requirements of
Section G2.9.5 for power factor control.
The total harmonic distortion in the output current of the inverters must meet
ANSI/IEEE 519 requirements.
Inverter-type generators connected to the PG&E Power System must be pre-
approved by PG&E. For units over 10 kW, a dedicated transformer will be
required to minimize the harmonics entering into the PG&E Power System.

G2.12.2. Inverters Incapable of Stand-Alone Operation

Non-islanding inverters, rated 10 kW or less, that have met all the type tests and
requirements for a utility interactive inverters found in UL Standard 1741, have
passed the additional tests outlined in the inverter certification section of Electric
Rule 21 and meet IEEE 519-1992 harmonic requirements, are considered
approved equipment for connection to PG&E. Inverters that do not meet the
above requirements must meet the functional requirements of synchronous
generators as outlined in this section and are highlighted below.

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PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

Protection Requirements
For units greater than 100kW the generation and line protection requirements of
Sections G2.1 through G2.5 shall apply.
Synchronizing requirements
For units that are incapable of stand-alone operation synchronization is not
required however there should be an undervoltage relay on the generation side
of the PCC breaker to supervise breaker closing by preventing a close if voltage
is on the generation bus.
Voltage Regulating Requirements for units connected to Transmission
Inverters do not have excitation systems similar to synchronous generators,,
however they have the capability to regulate and follow voltage, therefore the unit
shall meet the requirements to regulate output voltage and meet the
requirements of Section G2.9.3 and must meet the functional requirements of
Section G2.9.4 with the exception of the two levels of over-excitation protection.
They shall also meet the requirements of Section G2.9.6.
Regulation Requirements for units connected to Distribution
Inverters connected at the distribution level shall meet the requirements of
Section G2.9.5 for power factor control.

G2.13. Remedial Action Scheme (RAS) Approvals

As stated in the WECC-NERC Planning Standards, the function of a Remedial Action
Scheme (RAS) is to “detect abnormal system conditions and take pre-planned,
corrective action (other than the isolation of faulted elements) to provide acceptable
system performance.” In the context of new generation projects, the primary action of a
RAS would be to detect a transmission outage or an overloaded transmission facility
and then trip or run back (reduce) generation output to avoid potential overloaded
facilities or other criteria violations.
Any RAS proposal must be approved by both PG&E and CAISO and must comply with
“ISO Grid Planning Guides for New Generator Special Protection systems” section of
the California ISO Grid Planning Standards.

G2.14. Remedial Action Scheme (RAS) Participation Requirement for

Generation Facilities
As determined by PG&E, a generation facility may be required to participate in RAS to
protect the grid.
A typical disturbance, as it is considered in the planning and design of the electric
transmission system, is the sudden loss of one or more critical transmission lines or
transformers. A widely applied corrective measure is to instantaneously drop a
sufficient amount of generation on the sending end of the lost transmission facility. This
is known as generation dropping, and a participating generation facility may be
disconnected from the transmission by the automatic RAS controller, in much the same

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PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

way as by a transfer-trip scheme. A generation facility should therefore have full load-
rejection capability as needed both for local line protection and RAS. The RAS design
must be such that any single-point failure will not prevent the effective operation of the
Whether RAS shall be required will depend on the overall location and size of the
generator and load on the transmission system, the nature, consequences and
expected frequency of disturbances and the nature of potential alternative transmission

G2.15. Event Recording

All unattended generation facilities with capacity greater than 400 kW and with
automatic or remotely initiated paralleling capability must have event recording
capability that will enable PG&E to make an after-the-fact determination of the status of
the Generation Facility at the time of the system disturbance, should such a
determination be required. The events should be recorded to a one (1) milli-second
resolution or a minimum of 16 samples per cycle and should include oscillography and
sequence of events recording (SER). This requirement may be satisfied via the event
recording capability of the facilities installed microprocessor relays. In addition, the
event recorder of generation facilities with a nameplate rating equal to or greater than
1,000 kW must also provide a record of deliveries to PG&E of real power in kW, reactive
power in kVar and output voltage in kV.
The above does not remove the requirement for Event Recording requirements as
specified in NERC PRC -002-2 “Disturbance Monitoring and Reporting Requirements”.
Each installation is responsible for conformance to NERC standards.

G2.16. Emergency Generator Requirements

There are two methods of transferring electric power supply between the PG&E source
and the emergency generator system: open transition (break before make) and closed
transition (make before break).

G2.16.1. “Break Before Make”

This method can be accomplished via a double throw transfer switch or an
interlock scheme that prevents the two systems from operating in parallel. The
Generation Entity's main breaker shall not be allowed to close until the generator
breaker opens. This open transition method does not require any additional
protection equipment; however, it does cause the Generation Entity’s load to
experience an outage while transferring back to PG&E. The length of this
transfer depends on the transfer equipment.

5 System studies will determine the nature and intent of the RAS. Any RAS proposals to mitigate
possible cascading outages outside the PG&E interconnection points or system requires review and
approval by the appropriate WECC study groups and technical committees charged with detailed review.

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PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

G2.16.2. “Make Before Break”

This method is used when the customer wants to minimize any loss of power or
disturbance to the electric load. With this scheme, the customer's generator and
the PG&E Power System are in parallel for a very short time interval6 during
which the customer's load is being transferred between the PG&E source and the
emergency generator. Both the transfer from PG&E to the emergency source
and the transfer back can be accomplished without an outage.

G2.16.3. Interconnection Requirements

Listed below are the requirements for the interconnection of emergency
generators using the transfer schemes. First the general requirements for all
transfer schemes are presented. Then the specific requirements for the two
methods are listed.

G. Interconnection Protection Study7

In general, a protection study is not required for these types of generation
arrangements if the applicant meets the requirements outlined in this
section and submits the required reports and drawings for review and

G. Transfer Switch

The transfer switch must be rated for the maximum possible load current.

G. Notification and Documentation

1. The customer must notify PG&E in writing regarding all emergency
generator installations, regardless of method of interconnection or
2. Complete documentation is required. Information should include but
not limited to: a description of generator and control system operation,
single line diagrams, identification of all interlocks, sequence of events
description for transfer operation and specifications for any PG&E
required protective devices.
3. All documentation must be approved by PG&E prior to installation.
4. Relay test reports must be reviewed and approved by PG&E 30 days
prior to scheduling pre-parallel inspections.

G2.16.3.4. Operation/Clearance
1. For all line work and clearances, the emergency generator should be
treated as a power source.

6See G2. – a very short time interval is typically under 30 cycles for transmission facilities
7Note: This is a different study, not to be confused with a System Impact Study, see glossary for

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2. Customers utilizing “make before break” transfer schemes are required

to notify the responsible Operation Center of their intent to transfer to
their emergency generator and then again back to PG&E source,
before any transfers are attempted. This notification is not required for
break before make operation.

G2.16.3.5. “Break Before Make” Specific Requirements

G2. Transfer Switch

The transfer switch must be of a design, or have an interlock, that
prevents the transfer switch from closing and connecting the
customer’s system with PG&E unless the emergency generator is
already removed from the system.

G2.16.3.6. “Make Before Break” Requirements

G2. Transfer Switch

1. The transfer switch must be rated for the maximum available
fault duty in the event that the transfer switch closes into a fault
2. There must be an interlock that will trip the main beaker or
generator in the event of a failure of the transfer switch so that
the unit will not remain paralleled to the PG&E Power System.
This can be accomplished via a failure to open timer (see Table
G2-4) for approved timers.
3. The controls for the transfer switch must prevent a parallel
condition of the customer generator and the PG&E Power
System from existing for an extended time period. Any system
that allows a parallel to exist for greater than 0.5 seconds (30
cycles) on the transmission system and 1 second (60 cycles) on
the distribution system should be subjected additional
requirements outlined in other section of this document.

G2. Manual Disconnect

1. The customer must provide a manual disconnect, located at the
point of interconnection, which is used to establish a visually
open safety clearance for the PG&E personnel working on the
PG&E Power System.
2. The disconnect must be lockable in either the open or closed
transition and operated only by PG&E.
3. The disconnect must be easily accessible, preferably located
adjacent to the electric meter.
4. The disconnect must have full load break capability.

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PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

G2. Synchronizing Function

The transfer scheme must have adequate control and protection to
ensure the PG&E and customer electric systems are in
synchronism prior to making the parallel. This is essential to
ensure a safe and smooth transition. Synchronization is
accomplished through the use of an auto-synchronizer or a
synchronizing relay. The major requirements that these devices
should possess are briefly listed below:
1. Slip frequency matching of 0.1 Hz or less.
2. Voltage matching of ± 10 percent or less.
3. Phase angle acceptance of ± 10 degrees or less.
4. Breaker closure time compensation.

G2. Protection
Because the emergency generators are paralleled with the PG&E
Power System, protective devices must be installed which will
prevent the customer’s generator from remaining connected in the
event of a fault occurring on the PG&E Power System during the
transition. It is necessary to prevent damage to the customer’s
equipment, the PG&E Power System, and other PG&E customers.
1. In most installations, the protection requirement may be
satisfied through the installation of the reverse power relay (see
Table G2-5). This relay should be installed on the customer’s
side of the service transformer that is connected to the PG&E
Power System. The relay should trip the customer’s main
breaker and must be able to detect transformer core
magnetizing power. In this manner, reverse power flow is
detected before it actually enters the PG&E Power System and
other customers’ equipment. This can be accomplished by
setting the current level pick up equivalent to 60 percent of the
transformer bank magnetizing current. Because this current
value will be small, the current transformers associated with the
relay must be capable of providing these small currents.
2. When transferring the customer’s load back to the PG&E Power
System. It is possible to have incidental power flow back to
PG&E’s system. By properly setting the synchronizing and/or
generator control, this reverse flow can be avoided. However, a
short time delay may be required on the reverse power relay to
prevent it from tripping the generator unnecessarily each time a
transfer is attempted. At no time should this time delay exceed
one second.

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PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

G2. Dedicated Transformer

Due to the fact that the emergency generator is connected in
parallel with the PG&E Power System, all transfer schemes of this
type must have a dedicated transformer. This will lessen the
possibility that any transfer activities will affect other PG&E
customers. In addition, a dedicated transformer is also necessary
to allow the installation of the reverse power relay scheme.

G2.17. Parallel-only (NO sale) Generator requirement

Parallel-Only generators shall have similar requirements as that of any other standard
synchronous generator interconnection except that PG&E may at its discretion allow the
installation of three very sensitive, single-phase, reverse power relays (such as the
Basler BE1-32R) along with the dedicated transformer as an alternative to the normally
required ground relays. The reverse power relays shall be set to pick up on transformer
magnetizing current with a time delay not to exceed 0.5 second. This option may not be
feasible on generating systems with a slow load rejection response since they may be
tripped off-line frequently for in-plant disturbances.
Owners of Parallel-Only generators, particularly Rule 21 customers must execute a
parallel-only operating agreement with PG&E prior to operation by the generation

G2.18. GENERATION ENTITY-Owned Primary or Transmission Voltage

Tap Lines (above 60 kV and below 100 kV)
If the Generation Entity constructs, owns and maintains a transmission-level voltage tap
line extension, the entity shall also install, own and maintain the following equipment at
the point of interconnection with PG&E:
• The fault-interrupting protection device; i.e., breaker, recloser, as specified by
• The manual isolating disconnects (gang-operated).
• High-side metering installation as outlined in Section G1.

G2.19. PG&E Protection and Control System Changes which may be

Required to Accommodate Generator Interconnection
At the Generation Entity's expense, PG&E will perform a detailed interconnection study
to identify the cost of any required modifications to PG&E's protection and control
systems that are required to interconnect a new generation source. Retail generators
will execute a Generation Special Facilities Agreement (Appendix L) as indicated in
Electric Rule 21 to recover the costs to PG&E associated with any protection and
control system modifications which are directly assigned to the Generation Entity.
Wholesale generators will execute a FERC-jurisdictional Generator Interconnection

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These protection and control system modifications are in addition to any transmission
system upgrades identified in the system impact or facilities studies for interconnection
of the new generation facility.
Following is a partial list of protection system modifications that may be required:
• PG&E’s automatic restoration equipment shall be prevented from operating until the
generator is below 25 percent of nominal voltage as measured at the restoration
equipment. Generator damage and system disturbances may result from the
restoration of power by automatically re-energizing PG&E's facilities. This
modification shall be required when the generator(s) has the capability of energizing
a line when the PG&E Power System is disconnected. PG&E will not allow the
Generation Entity's generator(s) to automatically re-energize PG&E facilities.
• Installation of transfer trip from the high-side circuit breaker/circuit switcher, as well
as the distribution breaker and any line reclosers, to the generator if found
necessary by PG&E. An associated EMS/SCADA telemetering circuit is required
between the Generation Entity’s site and the Designated PG&E Electric Control

G2.20. Direct Telephone Service

The Generation Entity must obtain direct service from the local telephone company for a
business telephone so that operating instructions from PG&E can be given to the
designated operator of the Generation Entity's equipment. In addition, another
telephone must be available near the protection equipment and telemetering equipment.
This telephone would be used for maintenance of the various data a protection system
that may be in service. Other types of leased circuits would include protection and
EMS/SCADA data circuits.
Communications circuits for transfer trip and EMS/CADA must be in service at least
three weeks prior to connection to the PG&E power grid. It is critical to the project
schedule that the required leased circuits are ordered many months in advance of the
operational date. In Appendix F, approximate timeframes are provided for different
types of circuits and services. These are approximate lead times for planning purposes.
The telephone company will need to determine whether adequate cable pair facilities
are available at each facility for the required service. If cable plant is not available, the
generator should plan on 6-12 months before having the service.
A Telephone line may also be required for remote metering at the Gas Valve location as
appropriate. PG&E telecommunications personnel should evaluate this installation to
make sure that the proper precautions are taken to ensure that the dielectric strength of
the cable and protection equipment at the termination points of the cable are adequate
to meet safety criteria.

G2.21. Standby Station Service

Contact PG&E’s local representative if the Generation Entity desires standby service for
station use.

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G2.22. Station Battery

A stationary battery, a flooded lead acid type is required to power utility grade relays
and for tripping the breaker. For detailed requirements about type, calculations and
design, and test reports, etc., please refer to Appendix T- “Battery Requirements for
Interconnection to PG&E System”.

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PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

Table G2-1
Device Definition and Function

15 Speed of frequency matching device is a device that functions to match and

hold the speed or the frequency of a machine or of a system equal to, or
approximately equal to, that of another machine, source or system.
21 Distance Relay is a device which functions when the circuit admittance,
impedance, or reactance increases or decreases beyond predetermined limits.
25 Synchronizing, and synchronism-check, device operates when two a-c
circuits are within the desired limits of frequency, phase angle and voltage, to
permit or to cause the paralleling of these two circuits.
27 Undervoltage relay is a device that functions on a given value of
32 Reverse power relay is one which functions upon a reverse power flow at a
given set point.
46 Reverse-phase or phase-balance, current relay is a device which functions
when the polyphase currents are of reverse-phase sequence, or when the
polyphase currents are unbalanced or contain negative phase sequence
components above a given amount.
47 Phase-sequence voltage relay is a device that functions upon a
predetermined value of polyphase voltage in the desired phase sequence.
50 Instantaneous overcurrent, or rate-of rise relay is a device which functions
instantaneously on an excessive value of current, or on an excessive rate of
current rise, thus indicating a fault in the apparatus or circuit being protected.
51 A-C time overcurrent relay is a device with either a definite or inverse time
characteristic that functions when the current in an a-c circuit exceeds a pre-
determined value.
52 A-C circuit breaker is a device that is used to close and interrupt and a-c
power circuit under normal conditions or to interrupt this circuit under fault or
emergency conditions.

September 1, 2019 G2-29

PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

Table G2-1
Device Definition and Function

59 Overvoltage relay is a device that functions on a given value of


60 Voltage balance relay is a device which operates on a given difference

in voltage between two circuits.

61 Current balance relay is a device that operates on a given difference in

current input or output of two circuits.

62 Time-delay stopping, or opening, relay is a time-delay device which

serves in conjunction with the device which initiates the shutdown,
stopping , or opening operation in an automatic sequence.

67 A-C directional overcurrent relay is a device that functions on a

desired value of a-c overcurrent flowing in a predetermined direction.

79 A-C reclosing relay is a device that controls the automatic reclosing

and locking out of circuit interrupter.

81 Frequency relay is a device that functions on a predetermined value of

frequency—either under or over the normal system frequency—or rate
of change of frequency.

87 Differential protective relay is a protective device which functions on a

percentage or phase angle or other quantitative difference of two
currents or of some other electrical quantities.

90 Regulating device functions to regulate a quantity, or quantities, such

as voltage, current, power, speed, temperature, frequency, and load, at
a certain value or between certain limits for machines, tie lines, or other

94 Tripping or trip-free relay is a relay that functions to trip a circuit

breaker, contactor, or equipment, or to permit immediate tripping by
other devices; or to prevent immediate reclosure of a circuit interrupter if
it should open automatically even though its closing circuit is maintained

September 1, 2019 G2-30

PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

Form G2-2





September 1, 2019 G2-31

PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

Form G2-2


September 1, 2019 G2-32

PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

Table G2-4
(For Directional Overcurrent and Distance Relays, refer to
Table G2-5) (See notes on following page)
Non- Non- Overcurrent
Synch Synchronizing Automatic Undervoltage directional directional with Voltage Overvoltage Overvoltage5 Frequency Under, Time
DEVICE Check Relay7 Synchronizer7 Relay15 Overcurrent Overcurrent Restraint or Relay 15 Ground Fault Relay Over, Delay
Relay Relay Relay Voltage Control Detection (Under/Over) &
Ground (Neutral) Reverse
Device Number 25 25 15/25 27 50/518 51N 51V3,6,8 59 59N 81U/O 32 62

ABB REF 615 REF 615 DPU-2000R DPU-2000R DPU-2000R DPU-2000R REF 615 DPU-2000R REF 615
REx670 includes REF 620 REF 620 REF 615 REF 615 REF 615 REF 615 REF 620 REF 615 18 REF 620
REB,REC,RED, REF 620 REF 620 REF 620 REF 620 REF 620 18 REx-670
REG,REL,RER, REx-670 REx-670

MiCOM P921, P921, P923
P643, P344 P923,P344
Basler Electric BE1-25 BE1-11i BE1-25A BE1-27 BE1-51 BE1-51 BE1-51/27R8 BE1-59 BE1-59N BE1-81 O/U BE1-32R BE1-GPS
BE1-11i BE1-11i BE1-11i BE1-11i BE1-IPS BE1-11i BE1-11i BE1-11i BE1-11i13 BE1-11g
BE1-11g BE1-11g BE1-11g BE1-11g BE1-11i3 BE1-11g BE1-11g BE1-11g BE1-11g13
Beckwith Electric M0390 M-0193 M-0193 M-0296 M-0420 M-0420 M-3420 M-0296 M-3425 M-0296 M341012
M3410 M-0194 M-0420 M-3410 M-3425 M-3425 M-0420 M-3425A M-0420 M3410A12
M-3410A M-3410 M-3411A M-3425A M-3425A M-3410 M-3430 M-3410 M3520
M3520 M -3410A M-3420 M-3410 M-3410 M-3410A M-3520 M-3410A
M-3411A M-3435 M-3520 M-3410A M-3411A M-3420
M-3420 M3425A M-3520 M-3420 M-3425
M-3425 M-3430 M-3425 M-3425A
M-3425A M-3520 M-3425A M-3430
M-3430 M-3430 M-3520
M-3520 M-3520
Cooper IDP-210 IDP-210 IDP-210 IDP-210 IDP-210 IDP-210
Cutler Hammer IQ Transfer IQ

September 1, 2019
PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

Non- Non- Overcurrent

Synch Synchronizing Automatic Undervoltage directional directional with Voltage Overvoltage Overvoltage Frequency Under, Time
DEVICE Check Relay7 Synchronizer7 Relay15 Overcurrent Overcurrent Restraint or Relay 15 Ground Relay Over, Delay
Relay Relay Relay Ground Voltage Fault (Under/Over) &
Control Detection Reverse
(Neutral) Power11

Eaton EDR 3000 EDR3000

EDR 5000 EDR5000
General Electric D-60 Mark V SR-489 SR-489 SR-489 SR-489 SR-489 SR- SFF SR-489 D-60
(Multilin) F-60 Mark VI D-60 SR-745 SR-745 F-60 SR-745 489 SR-489 F-60 L-90
L-90 L-90 D-60 D-60 F-35 D-60 F-60 (two steps) F-60
T-60 F-60 F-60 L-90 F-60 F-35
F-60 F-35 F-35 T-60 D-60
F-35 L-90 L-90 F-60 T-60
T-60 T-60
SR-735 SR-735
SR-737 SR-737

Schweitzer SEL-300G SEL-351-5,6,7 SEL-700G SEL-300G SEL-300G SEL-300G SEL-300G SEL-300G SEL-300G SEL-300G SEL-00G SEL-300G
SEL-311C SEL-351S SEL-700GT SEL-700G SEL- SEL- SEL-700G SEL-700G SEL-700G SEL-700G SEL-351- SEL-700G
SEL 700GT 700G/GT/GW SEL-700GT SEL-700GT SEL-700GT SEL-700GT
SEL-311L SEL-700G 700G/GT/GW
717 SEL-700GT
SEL-351- SEL-700GT SEL-311C SEL-311C SEL 751/751A SEL-351-6,719 SEL-311C SEL-351- SEL-311C SEL-311C
5,6,7/351S SEL-300G SEL-311L SEL 751/751A SEL-501 SEL-311L 5,6,7 SEL-311L SEL-311L
SEL-451 SEL-751/751A SEL 751/751A SEL-321 SEL-321 SEL-321 SEL-351S SEL-351- SEL-387
SEL-700G SEL-321 SEL-351- SEL-351- SEL-351- 5,6,7/351A/ SEL-501
SEL 700GT SEL-351-5, 5,6,7/351A/ 5,6,7/351A/ 5,6,7/351A/ 351S SEL-351-
SEL- 6,7/351A/ 351S 351S 351S SEL-387E 5,6,7
751/751A 351S SEL-387 SEL-387 SEL-387E SEL-411L SEL-
SEL-387E SEL-387A SEL-387A SEL-411L SEL-421 351A/351S
SEL-411L SEL-387E SEL-387E SEL-421 SEL-487E SEL-387E
SEL-421 SEL-501 SEL-551 SEL- SEL-451 SEL-551
SEL-451 SEL-551 411L SEL487E SEL-411L
SEL487E SEL-587 SEL-421 SEL SEL-421
SEL-411L 311L SEL-451
SEL-421 SEL-311C SEL487E
SEL 311L SEL-451
SEL-451 SEL487E
PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook
Siemens 7SJ64 7VE61 7VE61 7SJ64 7UM62 7SJ64 7SJ64
7VE63 7VE63 7SJ80 7SJ80 7SJ80
7UM62 7UM62 7UM62
7UT613 7UT613 7UT613
7VE63 7VE63 7VE63
Woodward SPM 9905-
DSM 9905-

Notes for Table G2-4:

1. Intentionally Left Blank
2. All microprocessor-based relays that are applied as a multifunctional protection device will require backup relays. (Alternate or backup protective relays can be electromechanical,
solid state, or microprocessor based relays.) Most microprocessor relays include event reporting and fault locating functions. Relay settings, sequences of events listing, and fault
records should not be lost or revert to default values when DC source is momentarily lost. Event and Oscillography should not be erased from the relay records when the front panel
reset button is exercised to reset the Target LCD display.
3. Voltage restrained overcurrent relays are preferred; however, if no problems with protective coordination occur, voltage controlled relays may be used. An auxiliary potential
transformer is required for the 51V if the main interconnecting transformer is a wye-delta bank and the relay does not automatically adjust for appropriate phase shift.
4. The above table contains information regarding specific products, manufacturers and representatives. These tables are not all inclusive. The inclusion or omission of products, a
manufacturer or representative is not meant to be an indication of the quality or reliability of a product or service. No endorsements or warranties are implied. Other types of relays
may be acceptable but certified test results performed by an independent party must be reviewed and approved by PG&E prior to installation and commercial operation. This table
contains new generation relays for older or “legacy” relays contact PG&E to determine if the relay was previously approved.
5. Intentionally Left Blank
6. Distance characteristic relays can be used as an alternate to using voltage restraint relays when system conditions coupled by unit characteristics permit.
7. Synchronizing devices must be ordered with the following option: a) voltage matching, b) phase angle acceptance, c) slip frequency acceptance, and d) breaker time
8. Three single phase units are implied, a single three-phase overcurrent relay is acceptable if a redundant system is provided. There may be occasions when a three-phase 51V/27R
relay may not be applicable.
9. Manual synchronization with synch-check relay and synchroscope only allowed for generators with less than 1000kW aggregate nameplate rating.
10. The Beckwith M-0193 and M-0194 work in conjunction to provide the Automatic Synchronizer function.
11. For reverse power applications, the relay sensitivity should be evaluated to meet the transformer magnetizing current requirements for reverse power, see Appendix R.
12. Basler BE1-GPS and Beckwith M3410 have 3 phase measuring power elements. Basler BE1-IPS and Beckwith M3410A and M3520 have three single-phase measuring elements
for power measurements and protection computations. The Basler BE1-32R is a single-phase unit, one per phase is required for protection applications. Refer to note 11 prior to
September 1, 2019
PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook
selection of the devices as different relays have different measuring sensitivity elements. For example, Beckwith M3410A sensitivity is approximately 0.75 mA of real power
component, whereas Beckwith M-3520 has a sensitivity of 10mA of real component current. The IPS 32 function is suitable for low forward type detection and is suitable for
conditions where the power factor is greater than 0.1.
13. The over / under power function of the Basler IPS, 11g and 11i have user settable 32 setting elements that can utilize combination of 1 of 3, 2 of3, 3 of 3, or total 3-phase power.
Verify the user has three phase-to- neutral voltage sources and the relay is set to the 1 of 3 phase power option to meet PG&E’s single phase over / under power requirements. The
11g and 11i must have 60FL block disabled on the 32 settings.
14. Auxiliary voltage measuring element is required to make use of the Basler BE1-GPS synchronizing check setting option.
15. Multi-function devices in this column have the features that may be utilized provided that the voltage source is utilized. The voltage sensing logic in different styles from the same
manufacturer or between different manufacturers may not have capability for loss of voltage detection to alarm, when single phase voltage is used.
16. All relays must have 5A nominal AC input current.
17. For SEL-351-7 this relay is not approved for protective purposes since a secondary voltage < 40AC will prevent operation of the relay. For uses other than protection verify that
the application meets the minimum sensitivity of the relay before selection. The minimum sensitivity of the relay is 3.5 watts secondary (0.05 amps @70v single phase). This relay
is approved for Rule 21 "Minimum Import" applications for settings no less than 4 watts secondary. In general, the relay is not approved for reverse power applications (0.1% of
bank rating) unless calculations demonstrate that it can be set above the minimum sensitivity.

18. ABB REF 615 and 620 may delay 81 tripping by 10 cycles due to internal “loss of mains” logic.

19. For relay make and models not listed in Table G2-4, requests for approval can be made following the guidelines of Appendix R.

September 1, 2019
PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

Table G2-5

Relays for Generation Interconnection Application

(For Voltage, Overcurrent, and Frequency Relays, See Table G2-4)
(See notes on following page)
Distance Distance Relay Distance Distance Relay Distance Directional Directional Directional Current
DEVICE Relay Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 2 Pilot Zone 3 Blocking Relay Gnd Time Time Overcurrent Differential Aux-
Protection Pilot Distance Overcurrent Overcurrent Pilot or Phase iliary
Phase Ground (Phase and Comparison
DEVICE NUMBER 21 21 Z2 21 Z2C 21Z3C 21Z2G 67 67N 67NC 87L / 78 94
ABB REL-512 REL-512 REL-512 REL-512 REL-512 REL-512 REL-512 REL-512 REL-350 AR
(ASEA) REF 615 MG-6
(Westinghouse) REF 620 SG

Basler Electric BE1-11g BE1-11g BE1-67 BE1-IPS
BE1-IPS BE1-11g1
BE1-11g BE1-11i1
Beckwith M3425 M3425 M3520 M3520
M3430 M3430
M3520 M3520
General Electric SR-489 SR-489 D-60 D-60 D-60 L-90 HFA
D-60 D-60 D-60 D-60 F-60 D-60 L-90 HGA
L-90 T-60 F-60
Schweitzer SEL 300G SEL 300G SEL-311C SEL-311C SEL-311C SEL-311C SEL-311C SEL-311C SEL-311L
SEL 700G SEL 700G SEL 321 SEL 321 SEL 321 SEL 351 SEL-321 SEL-311L SEL-411L
SEL-311C SEL-311C SEL-421 SEL-421 SEL-421 SEL-421 SEL 351 SEL-321
SEL 321 SEL 321 SEL-311L SEL-311L SEL-311L SEL-311L SEL-421 SEL-351
SEl-421 SEL-421 SEL-411L SEL-411L SEL-411L SEL-411L SEL-311L SEL-421
SEL-311L SEL-311L SEL-411L SEL-411L
SEL-411L SEL-411L

September 1, 2019
PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook
Notes for Table G2-5
• The above table contains information regarding specific products, manufacturers and representatives. This table is not all-inclusive. The inclusion or omission of a product,
manufacturer or representative is not meant to be an indication of the quality or reliability of a product or service. No endorsements or warranties are implied. Only PG&E
approved relays may be installed for protection of interconnecting distribution or transmission lines. Refer to Appendix F for direct transfer trip (DTT) and pilot protection
requirements when applicable. This table contains new generation relays for older or “legacy” relays contact PG&E to determine if the relay was previously approved.
• Most microprocessor relays include event reporting and fault locating functions. Relay settings, event, and fault records should not be lost or revert to default values when DC
source is momentarily lost. Event and Oscillography should not be erased from the relay records when the front panel reset button is exercised to reset the Target LCD display.

• All microprocessor based relays being used as a multifunctional protection device will require backup relays, except for generation less than 400 kW aggregate nameplate with
relay failure output contact connected to trip the generation breaker. (Alternate or backup protective relays can be electromechanical, solid state, or microprocessor based

• Primary and alternate protective devices must utilize different operating principals and not be subject to possible common mode failures in order to minimize the potential for
insufficient interconnection protection, where applicable or unnecessary plant shut down; for example, due to possible product advisory letters issued by the manufacturers.
• All relays must have 5A nominal AC input current.

1-Basler BE1-11i and BE1-11g cannot be polarized by an external vx voltage input due to a high sensing threshold. The other three polarizing methods are acceptable.

September 1, 2019
PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

Table G2-6
Transmission System Interconnection
Over5 7 8 Under6 7 8
Over1,2,3,4 7 Under 1,2,4 7
Voltage (pu) Voltage (pu)
Frequency Frequency

>60.6 Hz @ 180 sec <59.4 Hz @ 180 sec ≥1.20 @ instantaneous <0.45 @ (0.15 (sec)

>61.6 Hz @ 30 sec <58.4 Hz @ 30 sec ≥1.175 @ 0.20 (sec) <0.65 @ 0.30 (sec)

<57.8 Hz @ 7.5 sec <0.75 @ 2.00 (sec)

N/A ≥1.15 @ 0.50 (sec)

<57.3 Hz @ 45 cycles <0.90 @ 3.00 (sec)

N/A ≥1.10 @1.00 (sec)

≥61.7 Hz @ 0 sec 57.0 Hz @ 0 cycles


1. All settings meet WECC Off-Nominal Frequency requirements. The
frequency settings must not allow less stringent operation of the
generation facility than specified in the WECC Off Nominal Frequency
2. Generators may use electro-mechanical frequency relays only for
settings outside the 57.9 -61.0 Hz range.
3. All Frequency relays must use the definite time characteristic specified
in Table G2.6. They should not be disabled for voltages 80% of
nominal or higher.
4. WECC allows generators to have UF/OF settings within the no trip
zone if the generator somehow arranges for an equivalent amount of
load to be tripped at the same time that the generator trips refer to
Section E.13 of the WECC Plan.
5. The over/undervoltage relay settings are intended to indicate POI
voltages and times for which the generator is expected to remain
online in accordance with PRC-024. Actual relay settings are to be
made by the generator owner based on their protection requirements
while satisfying the listed limits.
6. For undervoltage relays, set time delay typically at 3 to 5 seconds at
zero voltage to allow for motor starting and for coordination of line
protection devices. Electric Rule 21 interconnections shall meet the

September 1, 2019 39
PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

voltage and frequency requirements specified in the Electric Rule 21

7. Voltage requirements are based on NERC PRC 24-2 and will apply to
BES and non-BES for consistency (with the exception of Electric Rule
21 interconnections); however non-BES units which cannot meet the
no-trip requirements of Table G2-6 due to terminal equipment
limitations will not be held to this standard but are required to discuss
final settings with PG&E.

OK to Trip Gen per WECC Plan 62.0

Prohibited Gen Trip 60.0

Frequency (Hz)
per WECC Plan 59.0

OK to Trip Gen per WECC Plan 56.0







Trip Time Delay (seconds)
Continuous Range

Figure 1
Generator Under / Over Frequency
Trip Points & Zone Boundaries

September 1, 2019 40
PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

OK to Trip

OK to Trip

Figure 2
Generator Under / Over Voltage
Voltage Ride Through Time Duration Curve

September 1, 2019 41
PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

Appendix 1 – Quick Reference Guide

Initial review
The developer should provide the following data for the initial protection review. This list is not all
inclusive, the intent is to assist with highlighting major portions of the Transmission Interconnection
Handbook (TIH) relating to transmission interconnections it is not a substitute for the content of the TIH.

Interconnection Facility Design

• Proposed relays – Relays should be redundant and on the approved relay list as specified in
Table G2.4 and G2.5 and DC powered from a station battery. Required relays are specified to
ensure the facility is disconnected from the PG&E system during fault or abnormal conditions. If
3 phase microprocessor relays are used, they shall be redundant. The current and voltage input
sources shall also be redundant. Exception is the voltage input source for generation protection
• Generator Synchronizing - The application of synchronizing devices assures that a synchronous
generator will parallel with the utility electric system without causing a disturbance to other
customers and facilities (present and in the future) connected to the same system. It also
attempts to assure that the generator itself will not be damaged due to an improper parallel
action. This also includes interlocks to ensure there is not an unsupervised closing of a breaker
into a generator. (Not required for Asynchronous generation that does not have stand-alone
operating capability).
• Interconnection Breaker Placement – The breaker shall be placed in a location that minimizes
the amount of 3rd party equipment protected by the PG&E system this also includes lightning
arresters. Breaker must have DC trip coil tripped with DC supplied by a station battery. Tripping
shall be via a dedicated lockout tripping relay. Automatic reclosing is not allowed.
• Phase Rotation – PG&E has ACB rotation, most of the industry uses ABC rotation, ensure this is
taken into account in the facility design. (One method is to roll B and C at the entrance to the
• Interconnection XFMR – Interconnection transformer must be Gnd Wye on HV side and Delta
LV, or tertiary winding. Wye Gnd connection provides ground reference minimizing phase to
ground overvoltage’s, also providing ground source current to allowing ground fault detection to
• Station Battery – Shall be a wet-cell lead acid type and meet the requirements in Appendix T.
The DC system shall have a DC undervoltage alarm.
• Metering PT/CT’s – Shall be located on the non-PG&E side of the line disconnect switch.
Metering PT/CT’s are dedicated for revenue metering they shall not be connected to protective
relays or other equipment. (Refer to Section G1.3 for generation metering requirements).

September 1, 2019 42
PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

• Telemetering - The Generation Entity is responsible for acquiring or providing the

communication medium (lines) for transmission of transfer trip signals, alarms/status points,
and the telemetry data. Refer to Appendix F for specific requirements and monitoring alarm

September 1, 2019 43
PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

Appendix 1 – Quick Reference Guide

Documentation Requirement

• Single Line Drawing – Showing interconnection to PG&E System and the generator.
• Single Line Meter and Relay – Showing CT/PT interconnections to relays and other required
control elements.
• DC schematic drawings –Schematic drawings for the interconnection required relays and Circuit
Beaker that are used to separate the facility from the PG&E system.
• 3 Line AC – Showing relay CT/PT connections.
• Interconnection XFMR Nameplate Data – Manufacturer’s test data showing XFMR positive and
zero sequence impedance, and MVA nameplate data.
• Generator Nameplate Data – Manufacturers test data showing generation impedance data,
should include X”d, X’d, Xs, X2, and X0 data (not applicable for Asynchronous inverter based
generation). Nameplate MVA data. For inverter based generation provide maximum fault
current or low voltage ride-through overcurrent capability if this value is greater.
• Generation tie line data – Line impedance and tower configuration data.
• Proposed Relay Settings – Check required relays for coordination with PG&E relays. For
synchronous generation verify if generators can detect end of line faults and trip < 1.5 seconds.

The next three pages show several types of representative interconnections with typical relays required
for the interconnection.

September 1, 2019 44
PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

Appendix 1 – Quick Reference Guide



Transmission Line Relay 2000/1

Protection Generation Owner
21 2000/5

Used to coordinate with
the utility

200/1 auxiliary

Used for transmission
line fault detection

51V-R or 51V-C could be
used in place of 21 51 V-R 51 V-C

Figure A1-1

Single Synchronous Machine Installation

September 1, 2019 45
PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

Appendix 1 – Quick Reference Guide



Transmission Line
Relay Protection

21 2000/5
or 2000/5

51 GSU

Used to coordination
with the utility, needs 25000/5
to be reducndant., UAT To auxiliary
Autosynch Relay
used to allow parallel
across any breaker that
will close between two 25 27/
27/ 27/
energized sources 59 59 59

81O 81O 81O

Used for transmission /U /U /U
line fault detection
5000/5 5000/5
21 21 21
51 V- 51 V- 51 V- 51 V-
51V-R or 51V-C could be 51 V-R 51 V-C C R C R
used in place of 21
Typical Interconnection Relays
for Multiple Generators
Figure A1-2

Multiple Generation Installations

Appendix 1 – Quick Reference Guide

September 1, 2019 46
PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook


Transmission Line
Relay Protection

Generation Owner
67 Equipement

2000/5 2000/5
Bus Protection
87 2000/5

Used to coordinate GSU GSU

with the utility 87/ 87/
51 51
25 25
Used to coordinate
with the utility
25000/5 25000/5

200/1 200/1
27/ 27/
59 59
Used for transmission 81O O/
line fault detection /U U

25000/5 25000/5
21 21
51V-R or 51V-C could
be used in place of 21 51 V- 51 V- 51 V- 51 V-
element R C R C

Figure A1-3

Multiple Generation Installation on HV Bus

September 1, 2019 47
PG&E Transmission Interconnection Handbook

Appendix 1 – Quick Reference Guide

To Transmission


Note -1 : If the inverter does have

stand alone capability Synchronization
is not required. Undervoltage relay
Note -1 installed to monitor the generation
21 side of the breaker is required to
ensure voltage is not present prior to
OR 67/ closing the breaker.
Generally not 50/
required for PV 51T
Used to coordinate with
PG&E relays redundancy

Voltage and Frequency relays can 81O 27/

monitor this point or can be part /U 59
UAT To auxiliary
of individual generator protection
must be redundant. loads

Power Factor Correct

Capacitors 22 kV / 12 kV

Note -1

Generally not
required for PV
generation 21 21
5 Mvar
51 V-C 51 V-R 51 V-C 51 V-R

Figure A1-4

Asynchronous Generation Installations

September 1, 2019 48

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