Evaluating The Impact of Long Cargo Dwell Time On Port Performance An Evaluation Model of Douala International Terminal

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Volume 46, Issue 2, 2018 e-ISSN (online): 2300-8830

DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0012.2098



Monde AMINATOU1, Yang JIAQI2, Stephen OKYERE3

1, 2, 3
School of Transportation, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China
Department of Procurement and SCM, Kumasi Technical University, Kumasi, Ghana

1) [email protected], 2) [email protected], 3) [email protected]

Create as part of the concession agreement signed by the Container Terminal 28 June 2004 with the port of Douala,
Douala international terminal (DIT) Company aims to manage, operate and develop the Port’s container handling activity
in Douala. This paper investigates the main factors explaining long container dwell times in Douala Port. Using original
and extensive data on container imports in the Port of Douala, it seeks to provide a basic understanding of why containers
stay on average more than two weeks in port space while long dwell times are widely recognized as a critical hindrance
to economic development. It also demonstrates the interrelationships that exist between logistics performance of
consignees, operational performance of port operators and efficiency of customs clearance operations. Shipment level
analysis is used to identify the main determinants of long cargo dwell times and the impact of shipment characteristics
such as fiscal regime, density of value, bulking and packaging type, last port of call, and region of origin or commodity
group on cargo dwell time in ports is tested. External factors, such as performance of clearing and forwarding agents,
shippers and shipping line strategies, also play an important role in the determination of long dwell times.

Key words:
dwell time, quay crane scheduling, terminal operations, ports, port performance

To cite this article:

AMINATOU, M., JIAQI, Y., OKYERE, S., 2018. Evaluating the impact of long cargo
dwell time on port performance: an evaluation model of Douala International Terminal
in Cameroon. Archives of Transport, 46(2), 7-20. DOI:

Article is available in open access and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
8 Aminatou, M., Jiaqi, Y., Okyere, S.,
Archives of Transport, 46(2), 7-20, 2018

1. Introduction and East Africa (Mombasa-Kigali and Mombasa-

The Port of Douala is the largest port in Central Af- Kampala), and ($0.05 to $0.06 in Southern Africa
rica in terms of value of cargo handled as well as the (Durban-Lusaka and Durban-Ndola) (Ocean
number of vessels handled. It also has the largest Shipping Consultants, 2008).
container terminal in the central part of Africa.
(Rallaband, 2013). Dwell time figures have become 2. Relevant literature review
a major commercial instrument to attract cargo and Before being picked-up and transported to a termi-
generate revenues. Port authorities and container ter- nal’s mainland or being loaded into a ship container
minal operators have increasingly strong incentives are stacked inside the terminal yard. The perfor-
to lower the real figure. The average or mean dwell mance of transport processes, have nowadays a huge
time has usually been the main target indicator for importance in transshipment points, were handling
ports in Africa. This statistic is easy to compute and operations are realized, eg. change of mode of
easy to understand. However, because average/mean transport, consolidation, de-consolidation, etc. Con-
dwell time in the short and medium term. In Douala, sidering the above, these are the nodes in a transport
for example, planners set an objective of 7 days at network or logistic distribution network in which the
the end of the 1990s, but the dwell time remains over cargo is temporarily stored or transferred into a dif-
18 days, despite real improvements for some ship- ferent direction. At these points, both storage and
pers. Cargo dwell times in African ports are unusu- transport processes are realized. On the one hand
ally long more than two weeks on average, com- there is a concentration of cargo flow and, on the
pared to under a week in large ports in Asia, Europe, other hand, their distribution on particular types of
and Latin America. Excluding Durban and Mom- modes of transport (Jacyna-Golda, 2015)
basa, average cargo dwell time in most ports in Af- Dwell Time (DT) is defined as “the total time a con-
rica is close to 20 days (Refas & Cantes, 2011). The tainer spends in one or more terminal stacks. (Ottjes,
Port of Douala is Cameroon’s major port, lying at et al., 2007). Containers dwell time must be influ-
the head of the Wouriestuary about 30 km from the enced by several factors as gate operations, availa-
open sea. Douala is a focal point for both the road bility and efficiency of hinterland connections and
and rail systems of the country. Douala possesses the customs regulations. Consignee, namely the receiver
basic infrastructure needed for a port, but the limited of the goods can be identified as one of the key
depth of water in the long entrance channel is a stakeholders who determine dwell time (DT) since
handicap to port development in view of the trend he decides when to pick-up import containers or
towards deeper drafts of vessels. Moreover, there is when to deliver export containers. In addition, it has
very limited room for expansion because the port is been found that the stacking area needed is linearly
largely hemmed in by the city. The port of Douala proportional to the average container time in a con-
moves freight along intraregional corridors in the tainer terminal (Little, 1961). Attempts have been
Central African region (Central Africa Republic and made to estimate the influence of (DT) in terminal
Chad Intermodal Corridors). Its neighboring ports; capacity. Specifically, (Hoffman, 1985) developed
Port of Owendo (Gabon), Port of Pointe-Noire an equation that estimates the necessary size of the
(Congo), Port of Matabi (Democratic republic of yard as a function of dwell time, the height of the
Congo RC) and Port of Luanda (Angola) suffer from stacked containers, the peak-hour and the total num-
high costs of moving goods (twice as much as in ber of containers handled each year.
southern Africa where distances are significantly
1+ F
longer). Moving a metric ton (tone) of freight from CY = ( C  A  T )  (1)
port to hinterland destination costs between $230 360
and $650 along intraregional corridors in Central where:
Africa compared with $120 to $270 in southern Af- CY - Container yard area (m2)
rica (Kgare, et al., 2011) (Raballand, 2012) in fact, C - Expected container volume (TEU)
transport costs in Central Africa remain among the A - Area (m2) per container (TEU)
highest in Sub-Saharan Africa at $0.11 to $0.26 per T - Average container dwell time
ton-km, compared with $0.06 to $0.08 in West Af- F - Peaking factor (~20%) ensuring the yard’s effi-
rica (Lomé-Ouagadougou and Cotonou-Niamey) ciency
Aminatou, M., Jiaqi, Y., Okyere, S., 9
Archives of Transport, 46(2), 7-20, 2018

Furthermore, (Dally, 1983) developed a formula that the restriction of the dwell time and terminal access.
estimates the number of containers a yard can ac- He also proposed that the extension of gate hours on
commodate. This equation uses the number of con- a marine terminal can reduce the container dwell
tainer ground slots, the mean stacking height and the time.
container dwell time to estimate the annual yard ca- (Huang, 2008) has proven that increased container
pacity. He also applies a peak factor that usually var- dwell times lead to more unproductive moves that
ies from 1.2 to 1.3. It is expected that the new gen- result in a decrease in the terminal’s efficiency in a
eration vessels will have an impact on the peak fac- very costly manner. Some of the main factors influ-
tor that has not yet being determined (Ottjes, et al., encing DT that were identified in the literature are:
2007). 1) the location of the terminal; 2) the efficiency of
terminal operations; 3) the implemented port poli-
Cs  H  W  K ' cies such as monetary penalties for delayed ship-
C= (2)
T F ments or extended gate hours; 4) customs; 5) the
freight forwarder or the shipping company; 6) the
where: available hinterland connections; 7) the mode of
C - the annual yard capacity (TEU/year) transport used; 8) the cargo being transferred; and 9)
Cs - Number of ground slots the business relationships developed between the in-
H - mean profile height volved parties (Moini et al, 2008) (Rodrigue, et al,
W - Working slots (TEU’s) expressed as a propor- 2009). (Moini et al, 2008) applied genetic algo-
tion (~0.8) rithms to evaluate the main factors affecting the
K - Number of days a year dwell time of containers and measured their impact
T - Mean container dwell time in the yard on the terminal productivity. Furthermore, she high-
F - Peaking factor (~20%) ensuring the yard’s effi- lighted the importance of acquiring data on the land-
ciency side recipients and on the type of the transported
goods. This information is expected to enhance the
Hence, the average dwell Time plays a crucial role predictability of the proposed models. In addition
in determining the overall terminal capacity (Chu, et ,she established a relationship between truck gate ac-
al, 2005) Nowadays, the increased container vol- tivities and drayage operations at a marine container
umes in combination with the new massive con- terminal using both analytical and simulation ap-
tainer vessels are demanding bigger terminal capac- proaches. By applying data mining techniques, she
ities. One solution could be the increase of terminal identified the importance of the abovementioned de-
size which, apart from being a very expensive in- terminants on the (DT) Towards the same direction
vestment, may be not feasible due to space limita- (Kourounioti et al., 2015) proposed the development
tions. Consequently, terminal operators are trying to of a methodological framework that combines ag-
decrease average (DT). In order to do so, they have gregate and disaggregate models aiming to predict
to determine the main factors that influence the num- the dwell time of containers in a marine terminal.
ber of days a container stays in the terminal. Nowa- For this purpose, regression models were developed
days, limited research focusing on quantifying the that showed the influence of a container’s consignee
determinants of (DT) exists. and commodity on the DT. In addition, if the exact
One of the first researchers of the impact of (DT) on day a container was to be discharged from the termi-
terminal capacity is (Merckx, 2005) who designed a nal was known in advance, operators would be able
framework that assists terminal operators to opti- to organize the yard appropriately so as to be able to
mize terminal capacity, by imposing a number of retrieve containers with higher pick-up probabilities
pricing mechanisms based on different dwell time more easily, reduce rehandling moves and get full
charging schemes. In addition, (Rodrigue, 2009) dis- advantage of the available capacity. The importance
cussed how logistic companies that use sea port ter- of this information has also been highlighted in
minals for their shipments and have limited distribu- (Zhao et al., 2010) who developed a simulation
tion centers and storage areas fully utilize their free- model to evaluate how to use of information affects
of-charge time on the terminal’s yard. On the other the efficiency of marine terminal. The result illus-
hand, terminal operators react on this practice with trated that when the day of a trucks arrival was
10 Aminatou, M., Jiaqi, Y., Okyere, S.,
Archives of Transport, 46(2), 7-20, 2018

known in advance there was a substantial decrease 2. Information collected in discussions of results
of non-productive moves with stakeholders in the country.
In order to deal with the lack of informational flow These analyses have been complemented by inter-
several container port terminal have implemented views with consignees, port operators, clearing and
Truck Appointment Systems (TAS). TAS is mainly forwarding (C&F)2 agents and shippers
a system which books a slot for a certain number (re-
stricted by each terminal’s capacity) of binding 4. Long dwell time in the Port of Douala
transactions during a predefined time period (usually 4.1. Differents conponents of Dwell time
one hour). One of the first TAS was implemented on Average dwell time is a combination of three Dwell
the marine terminals of Los Angeles and Long time named operational, transactional and storage
Beach in order to deal with the issues of traffic con- dwell times. Storage dwell time seems to have
gestion and air pollution (Giuliano et al., 2007). greater contribution than others, which is caused by
presence of huge free storage period. Operational
3. Methodology dwell time is the time to unload vessels and store
The summarized reflection is that limited research containers in yards. It mainly depends on the effi-
exists on quantifying the factors influencing DT. It ciency of the port and the availability of equipment
cannot be easily contradicted that knowing when a combined with the level of occupancy of storage fa-
container will be picked-up from a seaport terminal cilities. Transactional dwell time mainly concerns
is expected to assist significantly decision making in the transaction time between the importers/port ser-
a tactical and operational level when designing ter- vices and customs procedures. The single most im-
minal policies as well as in a strategic level when portant factor, according to recent studies on dwell
taking investment decisions. time in subsaharan African ports, is the use of the
This paper is to contribute to the question what the port as storage warehouse by importers or their
effect of the characteristics of terminal operation. agents. It seems that importers are taking advantage
The main reason for focusing on container terminals of the opportunity of free storage given and only
is that the container market is an important market, consider taking their cargo when the free storage
this last three decades the containerized trade flows nears expiry (Refas & Cantes, 2011).The compo-
have increased rapidly more than sixty per cent of nents of Cargo dwell Time are explain in the Figure
the world cargo transported over sea was carried in 1 below. In the port of Douala, berth congestion is
containers. The methodology used has been to com- due to a shortage of capacity, given average berth
bine readily available data from the business and occupancy of 60 percent. Net crane productivity
port community in Douala, with statistical analysis could be improved through better maintenance of
from data provided by Cameroon Customs and ana- the two gantry cranes, which have not yet reached
lyzed at World Commerce Organisation headquar- half of their lifetime. The investment in a third gan-
ters. Cameroon is a specific case since ASYCUDA1 try crane is not yet economically justified, but it will
has been implemented for all customs procedures, be if traffic increases. Efficient dredging could im-
from the manifest lodging to the exit note, which en- prove berth productivity by extending the availabil-
ables a very complete follow-up of import processes. ity of berths. As for yard productivity, the main issue
This paper disentangles cargo delays imports using today is the very high occupancy rate (88 percent).
comprehensive analysis of original data sets. It uses Physical extension of yard area would be difficult
three types of data: given the shortage of available land in the port out-
1. Data collected in Douala Port and Douala Interna- skirts and would require either additional move-
tional Terminal ments or much longer distances between the peers
and storage places.

Automated Customs clearance system
We use the acronym C&F agents in this paper to refer to all clearing and forwarding agents namely Customs brokers, Freight brokers,
Freight forwarders, etc. NVOCCs and shipping agents will be referred to collectively as shipping agents. In addition, the two largest C&F
agents have merged in 2008 but have been considered independent for consistency purpose (the two brands are still in use).
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Archives of Transport, 46(2), 7-20, 2018

Fig.1. Components of Cargo Dwell time ( Source Refas & Cantes, 2011)

The pavement of a small area in the import yard is imports has been officially defined5. This objective
expected to increase yard capacity by a few hundred has however not been adopted by all port stake-
TEUs, and the transfer of very long-stay containers holder to date notably because it did not take into
and confiscated containers to a separate storage area account shippers and C&F behaviors, as we will
could also release some capacity. demonstrate later. Table 1 shows the alternative of
A substantial increase in capacity is, however, only long cargo dwell time definition for Douala port.
achievable through investment in a more intensive
storage configuration and a transfer from the current Table 1. Alternative Long Dwell Time definitions
reachstacker configuration a straddle carrier config- for Douala Port
uration (capacity increase of 40 to 50 percent). The Dwell times
Designation Stackholder
layout of the port platform is ill adapted to the phys- objectives
ical role of a container terminal (transfer area), and Global benchmark All 3 to 4 days
the creation of an independent customs area dedi- 7 days All/facilitation 21 days
cated to physical or scanning inspections is being Free time DIT/DAP 11 days
discussed. Desired storage time Shippers 5 to 31 days
Maximum clearance Customs
90 days
4.2. The various perception of long cargo dwell delay Administration
time in the port of Douala Proposed benchmark All 11 days
Data from the World Bank suggest that delays in
ports add roughly 10% to the cost of imported goods, In conclusion long dwell time perception varies ac-
more than tariffs in many cases. Still, Africa is buck- cording stakeholders. Optimal dwell time percep-
ing the gloomy trend, and ramping up investments. tions range from 5 to 90 days today in the Port of
Cameroon has basically thrown in the towel with Douala and a segment approach is to our opinion
Douala, its major port, whose inefficiencies and de- much more relevant than a standardized objective
lays are notorious average cargo dwell time in Dou- hardly applicable for all cargo. In this paper we will
ala is 22 days, according to the World Bank. That’s adopt the 11 days median limit to distinguish be-
five times higher than the one of Durban, twice of tween short and long dwell times for two reasons:
the port of Mombasa, 1.5 times of Dar es Salaam. − it is DIT’s official free time period and is therefore
The delays are largely to do with the shallowness of formally adopted by all agents
the port of Douala. It’s an estuary port that requires − we estimate it as the limit value to avoid conges-
constant dredging and has a draught of just 7 metres. tion in the terminal for at least 5 years8.
It means that small ferries have to be used carry in − We then define three categories to specifically an-
goods from vessels larger than 15,000 tonnes, which alyze the long dwell time population:
cannot berth at the shallow port. From a national per- − from 11 days to 30 days: long delay
spective, the issue of dwell time has been specifi- − from 30 days to 90 days: very long delay
cally identified as a major hindrance to Cameroon
− over 90 Days : abnormal
economic development for a long time. In Novem-
ber 1997, a dwell time target of 7 days for container
12 Aminatou, M., Jiaqi, Y., Okyere, S.,
Archives of Transport, 46(2), 7-20, 2018

4.3. Dwell time distribution in Douala port time to furnish additional documents. The net result
Container traffic represents about 45% of the total is inordinately long dwell times, ineffective inter-
tonnage that transits through the Port of Douala an- ventions, and globally uncompetitive industries in
nually3. Containers are also the primary mode for African countries.
Cameroonian exports representing about 75% of to-
tal traffic in tons while they account for about 45% 5. Statistical analysis of determinants of dwell
of Cameroonian imports Most recent DIT statistics time
indicate an average dwell time of 19.3 days for the Choosing the right method of assessment is not easy
first semester of 2015 while means of 18 days and and obvious. The multifaceted nature of the func-
20 days respectively have been observed in July and tioning of logistic systems often requires complex
August4. Traffic growth has slowed down with the evaluative solutions. The available qualitative meth-
international crisis, but it is expected to increase at a ods require experts to put in the right order the sys-
fast pace in the upcoming years. According to cus- tems attributes, namely the making a decision
toms data, the distribution of dwell time in Douala whether a given property precedes the others, taking
port is indicated in graph 1 into account the given criterion. The quantitative
According to recent studies major reason for such methods, however, in addition to properly arranging
delays is that certain public and private actors in the the features, provide information, by how much one
system benefit from such delays. Importers use the value is superior to the other (Pavel Foltin, 2015).
ports to store their goods. Customs brokers have lit- The automated customs declaration system
tle incentive to move the goods because they can ASYCUDA has been implemented in Cameroon for
pass on the costs of delay to the importers. And when all customs procedures, from manifest lodging to is-
the domestic market is a monopoly, the downstream suance of exit bill. This is quite unique in the region
producer has an incentive to keep the cargo dwell and offers significant means to improve customs
times long as a way of deterring entry of other pro- clearance efficiency. It also provides a consistent da-
ducers. Another hurdle is that at the Douala port for tabase that stakeholders may take advantage of to
instance, fiscal pressure seems to play a role in cargo better understand inefficiencies in the customs du-
dwell time. The correlation tends to be positive: ties collection (which is primarily of interest to cus-
higher fiscal pressure leads to higher dwell time, toms) but indirectly in the whole port clearance pro-
with a noticeable exception of duty free items that cesses. We intend here to use of explanation statistic
have a relatively long average dwell time despite the to analyse shipment level data collected through the
absence of duties. This could be linked to bargaining automated customs declaration system by customs
time between the customs broker and customs agent, administration and test the assumptions and findings
a misclassification, a duty free line, or simply the show in table 2

Fig. 2.5 Dwell time distribution in Douala Port ( Cameroonian Custom Data)

Source: Annual statistics, Port Autonome de Douala
Source: DIT ( Douala International Terminal)
In addition to the different long dwell times categories observed in Fig 2 there are a few hundred containers that do not appear in statistics
which were already in the terminal as of January 1st, 2009 but have not been cleared before December 31st, 2009 (Source: Interview with
DIT, October 2010.)
Aminatou, M., Jiaqi, Y., Okyere, S., 13
Archives of Transport, 46(2), 7-20, 2018

5.1. Continuous distribution 5.2. Logistic regression analysis of dwell time ob-
We first attempt to fit the distribution of container servation
dwell times using parametric asymmetric distribu- Continuous models being unsuccessful in modeling
tions of continuous data with positive values. The CDT data, discrete analysis of CDT is attempted.
analysis of cargo dwell time qualifies as survival The objective is to identify which are the most sig-
analysis since the research output is the expected nificant determinants of very long and abnormal
time at which cargo will exit the port (continuous CDT in the list of variables identified in earlier sec-
positive values with right-censoring patterns). Such tions. We transform first the CDT into three discrete
methods have not been successful however at this levels (categories): (1) CDT less than or equal to 30
stage. Univariate analysis shows for example that days, (2) CDT between 31 and 90 days, and (3) CDT
standard parametric distributions are not fitting the greater than 90 days. An (Ordinal/Multinomial) Lo-
dwell time data well. Data is processed to try and gistic regression model is then fitted with the CDT
attempt to reduce some discrete patterns but neither as categorical dependent variable. The objective of
seasonality nor simple stratification improves distri- logistic regression is to model a dependent variable
bution fit. We also fit a Cox Proportional Hazard (DV) in terms of one or more covariates. Logistic
(PH) model (Hosmer et al., 2000) a semi-parametric regression is used when the DV is categorical. The
model to Cargo Dwell Time (CDT) with help of co- DV may have two or more categories. For example,
variates identified in earlier sections (e.g. fiscal re- default/good (customers), low/medium/high, unsat-
gime, full-container-load, density of value, cargo isfied/satisfied/ very satisfied. Dependent variables
type, C&F agents etc.). However, the model as- (DV) can be ordered (e.g. low/medium/high) or un-
sumption of proportional hazard is not satisfied. The ordered (married/single/others). Ordinary least
main issue at this stage is that CDT data population square cannot be applied to these models as the as-
presents discrete variability patterns that are hardly sumption of normally distributed residuals is not sat-
modeled by parametric or semi-parametric method. isfied. Logistic regression is fitted by transforming
the DV into log of the odds ratio of being in a par-
Table 2. Assumptions about determinants of long ticular category for given values of covariates. The
dwell time odds ratios are used in order to allow linear relation-
Factor Type Impact ship between log of the odds ratio and covariates
Fiscal Regime Shipment specific High fiscal pres- (Agresti, 2002) (Long, 1997).
sure leads to high Ordinal Logistic regression model is fitted when cat-
dwell time egories in DV are ordered and the proportional odds
Bulking of conta- Shipment specific LCL containers assumption is satisfied (Hosmer et al., 2000) How-
iners stay longer in the ever, in case of CDT levels, this assumption is vio-
port lated, as we reject the null hypothesis (p-value <
Commodity type Shipment specific Commodity cate- 0.05) that location parameters are same across three
gory is a crutial CDT levels. Hence, we fit a Multinomial Logistic
determinant (ML) regression model to CDT levels as propor-
Density of value Shipment specific High value leads tional odds assumption is not required for this
to higher dwell model.
time When a DV has M categories, one value of the DV
Concentration of External factor Dominant C/F
is designated as the reference category. Typically,
C/F marcket players have a the first, the last, or the value with the highest fre-
low performance quency is taken as the reference category. The prob-
ability of membership in other categories is com-
Low volume per External factor Lack of regularity
operation leads to poor per- pared to the probability of membership in the refer-
formance ence category. In order to describe the relationship
between the DV and the covariates, the calculation
Concentration of External factor Disruption in ship
of M-1 equations (sub models), one for each cate-
shipping flow arrivals leads to
discrete behaviors gory relative to the reference category is required.
14 Aminatou, M., Jiaqi, Y., Okyere, S.,
Archives of Transport, 46(2), 7-20, 2018

Taking the first category as reference we then have, ML regression model for every additional category
for m = 2… M, of CDT (CDT <30 days taken as reference).
Model 1: Log odds ratios of CDT between 30 and 90
P (Yi = m ) k days with respect to CDT<= 30 days
P (Yi = 1)
=am+ 
k =1
mk X ik (3) Model 2: Log odds ratios of CDT> 90 days with re-
spect to CDT<= 30 days

Where Xik, βmk, and am are kth covariate (from K 5.3. Interpretation of modeling result
number of covariates in this model) for observation Container type is significant in both sub-models
i, regression parameter (slope) corresponding to co- (level 2 vs. level 1 and level 3 vs. level 1). This
variate Xk and DV level m, and intercept for DV demonstrates that “last-trip” containers, i.e. those
level m, respectively. For each observation, there containers that are purchased with cargo at a negoti-
will be M-1 predicted log odds, one for each cate- ated rate with shipping line (about $2,000 for a
gory relative to the reference category. twenty-foot container) are expected to stay longer in
ML regression model was fitted with CDT levels (1, the port with a significant confidence level. Last
2, and 3 with level 1 as the reference category) as a ports of call are also significant in both models. Car-
DV and covariates such as fiscal regime, container gos originating from Dubai for example are likely to
load (FCL or LCL), density of value, cargo type, stay longer as compared with other ports with a jus-
container type, C&F agents, Region of origin, and tification that needs to be further investigated.
Last port of call. Two sub models are fitted in this

Table 3. Observed frequencies for CDT data (source Cameroonian customs data, 2009)
Number of Containers Marginal Percentage
CDT level CDT<=30days 35832 69.3%
CDT between 31 and 91days 5457 10.6%
CDT> 90 days 10400 20.1%
Cargo Container Type Last trip 730 1.4%
Others 50959 986%
Last port of call Antwerp 7307 14.1%
Dubai 1577 3.1%
Algeciras 17616 34.1%
Singapore 5626 10.9%
Others 19563 37.8%
Region of origin Europe 28254 37.8%
Asia 13679 54.7%
Middle East and Nord Africa 3465 26.5%
Africa 3201 6.7%
Others 3090 6.2%
20708 6.0%
Fiscal regime Over 45.7% (finished goods) 5545 10.7%
33.7% to 45.7%(semi-fin- 13406 25.9%
ished goods) 7809 15.1%
22.8%(necessity goods or 4221 8.2%
duty free 1308 2.5%
0%duty free
Density of value Superior to 6500XAF/kg 13079 25.3%
From 1000 to 6500FCFA/kg 37302 72.2%
Inferior to 1000XAF/kg 22296 43.1%
Full-container-load LCF 29393 56.9%
Valid FCL 51689 100.0%
Missing 0
Total 51689
Subpopulation 536
Aminatou, M., Jiaqi, Y., Okyere, S., 15
Archives of Transport, 46(2), 7-20, 2018

Fiscal regime is also significant: Containers with pers sharing an LCL container face clearance or pay-
finished goods and semi-finished goods are expected ment issues that lead to such dwell time. Table 4 be-
to have longer dwell time as compared to other cat- low gives the estimated beta parameters using the lo-
egories of goods, which is probably to be linked to gistic regression model. Results are very consistent
the high cost of customs duties that need to be paid with preliminary conclusions and observed values.
as compared to lower fiscal pressure for raw materi- In fact for most covariates, the estimated odds ratio
als for example. Containers with higher density of is superior to the observed value, which reinforces
value are also likely to stay longer than containers the pertinence of the use of such model: for some
with lower density value probably for similar rea- covariate categories such as “Last trip container”,
sons. It is worth noting that the consideration of lo- “Finished goods” or “Density of value superior to
gistics cost would lead to the inverse relationship 6500 FCFA/kg” there are 50% more chances or
since cargo with high density of value are also those more to be a very long dwell time which would jus-
with highest inventory costs, which corroborates our tify a separate treatment in the container yard. To the
earlier comment on low awareness of total logistics contrary some categories such as “Last port of call =
cost. To finish with LCL containers are likely to stay Singapore”, “Region of origin = Europe” or “Region
longer than FCL containers but they are less likely of origin = MENA” have about 40% less chances of
to be cleared in more than 90 days. being very long dwell time containers than refer-
This is probably linked to the more complex clear- ence. It is more difficult to identify significant cate-
ance process that implies multiple declarations for gories for abnormal delays but the last trip category
the same container and multiple payments of cus- or cargo transshipped through Dubai category are
toms duties (one for each separate declaration) and much more likely to be abnormal delays and this
generates some delay. This delay is less likely to ex- should add understanding to the abnormal delay is-
tend to 90 days since it is very unlikely that all ship- sue.

Table 4. Observed and estimated Odds ratio using logistic regression model (Source: Cameroonian Customs
data-statistical analysis using SAS Software
16 Aminatou, M., Jiaqi, Y., Okyere, S.,
Archives of Transport, 46(2), 7-20, 2018

6. Examining the impact of application of re- new paradigm of “warehousing-derived terminaliza-

gression models tion,” port terminals tend to replace warehousing fa-
The case studies and shipment-level analysis of cilities and gradually become strategic storage units.
dwell time presented up show that long dwell times Our analysis shows that companies seeking to mini-
(which account for a large share of containers in ter- mize total logistics costs will leave their cargo in the
minals) are one of the key issues that need to be ad- port when the financial cost of clearing it outweighs
dressed (probably across the continent) and are re- the potential savings from not storing it in private or
lated mostly to factors under the control of shippers. third-party facilities outside the port. In this situa-
This confirms one of the initial hypotheses of this tion, there is no incentive to clear the cargo from the
work, which is that the behaviors and strategies of port storage area, even if storage costs are high
shippers have an impact on dwell time in ports. The (parking costs plus demurrage fees); the move to
demand by importers for port dwell time beyond the cheaper storage facilities outside the port will only
time required to complete port operations and trans- occur after cargo has spent a long time stored in the
actions seems to be related mainly to inventory man- port. shippers might be willing to leave their cargo
agement and the “business model” used (including in the container terminal or in off dock container
the extent of informal practices).Due to the fact that yards (ODCYs) if they cannot bear the financial cost
demand from importers seems to explain a large part of paying all port clearance charges and fees in ad-
of long-dwell cargo, we present theoretical founda- vance. They will not move their cargo until they
tions explaining current demand in Douala port and have sold it and are able to pay these expenses.
then present some statistical analysis on firm sur-
veys. Profit Maximization Strategies
Analysis of total logistics costs provides useful in-
Some Theoretical Considerations sights into the reason why shippers might seek to re-
The model examines cost minimization strategies duce port dwell times. However, cost minimization
and profit maximization strategies. Coupled with does not explain the variety of strategies observed
various market structures, it seeks to explain why with regard to port dwell time, including the para-
behaviors that are perceived as irrational, such as doxical situation where shippers are indifferent to
leaving cargo in the port, are the best option for an long or very long dwell times. The analysis of free
importer. competition does not depart from the conclusions of
the cost minimization analysis but the analysis of
Cost Minimization Strategies monopolies does provide useful insights into profit
The application of the cost minimization model pre- maximization strategies. We show first that, despite
sented in appendix Bleeds to the expected conclu- being a cost setter, a rational monopolist should seek
sion that, because additional dwell time results in ad- to reduce port dwell times to optimize profits be-
ditional logistics costs, any market player seeking to cause it is not possible to pass on all cost to the cli-
minimize its total logistics costs will try to reduce ents without losing sales. In a situation where de-
port dwell time. We also reach two secondary con- mand is inelastic to price, modeled through the
clusions of importance. The first pertains to the im- kinked curve theory, we show that the monopolist is
pact of dwell time on replenishment time. Our anal- not affected in the short term by higher logistics
ysis shows that the optimized interval time between costs and therefore makes no effort to reduce dwell
reorders is inversely proportionate to dwell time in times. Such a scenario is likely to happen for pat-
the port. An inefficient port clearance system with terns of cyclical demand that are elastic to price only
very long clearance time would therefore encourage in the long term (for example, food supplies, drugs,
shippers to replenish their cargo at shorter intervals and equipment), while in the short term, there is little
and to split their annual orders into smaller and more demand risk and the monopolist is therefore indif-
frequent batches for delivery. The second pertains to ferent to higher logistics costs due to longer dwell
the arbitrage between different warehousing op- times. A third pricing behavior derived from this sit-
tions. Modern container shipping operations should uation of inelastic demand and observed among mo-
facilitate the movement of goods along chains, and nopolistic companies is but the analysis of monopo-
ports should be nothing more than gateways. In the
Aminatou, M., Jiaqi, Y., Okyere, S., 17
Archives of Transport, 46(2), 7-20, 2018

lies does provide useful insights into profit maximi- chain. The capacity and professionalism of the pri-
zation strategies. We show first that, despite being a vate sector have a large effect on the clearing pro-
cost setter, a rational monopolist should seek to re- cess, even greater than expected. For instance, an
duce port dwell times to optimize profits because it analysis of Douala port by a major freight forwarder
is not possible to pass on all costs to the clients with- found that customs procedures cause only 1 percent
out losing sales. In a situation where demand is ine- of all abnormal 20 days or more cargo delays. The
lastic to price, modeled through the kinked curve same analysis calculated that lack of or erroneous
theory, we show that the monopolist is not affected documentation by the importer or delays by the pre-
in the short term by higher logistics cost and there- inspection company are far more time-consuming
fore make no effort to reduces dwell times. Such a than customs procedures in total clearance time.
scenario is likely to happen for patterns of cyclical
demand that are elastic to price only in the long term 6.2. Empirical evidence in Port of Douala
(for example, food supplies, drugs, and equipment), In Douala, the high level of inventory coverage leads
while in the short term, there is little demand risk to long port storage times. Using a typical private
and the monopolist is therefore indifferent to higher storage cost of 100XAF per ton per day, we estimate
logistics costs due to longer dwell times. A third that storage in the port of Douala is cheaper than out-
pricing behavior derived from this situation of ine- side storage for 22 days, meaning 11 days more than
lastic demand and observed among monopolistic the container terminal’s free time as long as most
companies is opportunistic pricing, which explains shippers do not intend to reduce inventory levels
some paradoxical situations in which companies are sharply, cargo dwell times will remain very high in
willing to suffer from adverse logistics conditions the port of Douala.
because doing so helps them to justify charging The situation could improve slightly if shippers were
higher markups or holding inventories longer in or- aware of the total logistics costs associated with long
der to speculate on higher sale prices. Companies cargo dwell times. Few operators include hedging
seldom operate as pure monopolies, however, and costs or financial charges in their calculation of fac-
the distribution of market power is more often in the tory prices, and even fewer envisage actions to re-
hands of a few firms that is, an oligopolistic situa- duce dwell times with the objective of reducing in-
tion. We analyze different cases of oligopolies in ventory levels. As a consequence, dwell time in
turn: cartels, leader-followers, price war (Bertrand ports appears simply as an alternative to dwell time
competition), Nash equilibria–Cournot competition, in private facilities, and shippers do not undertake a
and kinked oligopoly. All of these situations lead to comprehensive analysis of lead time and inventory
different behaviors. In a cartel or leader-follower sit- levels. Shippers who have high inventory coverage
uation, monopolistic pricing strategies are observed. (typically two or three months) do not experience a
In a price war situation, the market behaves in the major direct impact on costs because long dwell time
same way as in free competition, and companies try are simple an alternative to costly physically limited
to minimize dwell time and logistics costs to secure private storage. However, the situation is radically
competitive advantage over other market players. In different for shippers that have low inventory cover-
other situations, the unpredictable consequences of age, have just-in-time production processes or han-
price changes discourage the few market players dle urgent shipments. In these cases, the direct costs
from undertaking any price move that may unbal- of higher cargo dwell time in port are not offset by
ance the system; as a consequence, prices are stable savings in private storage costs since cargo is used
despite changing logistics conditions. or sold as soon as it arrives in the shipper’s facilities.
In other words, storage in port is not perceived as an
6.1. An empirical analysis of demand: lack of alternative to storage in private facilities but rather
competence or purpose as a pure delay in the supply chain that affects logis-
A key factor is the lack of competence and profes- tics costs and customer service. The direct costs of
sionalism of small importers and customs brokers, long dwell times would quickly become prohibitive,
who often don not exercise due diligence in the especially in terms of lost sales (an estimated 0.5
clearance process. This results in considerable de- percent a day).
lays in payment and slows down the entire logistics
18 Aminatou, M., Jiaqi, Y., Okyere, S.,
Archives of Transport, 46(2), 7-20, 2018

The contracting patterns of clearing and forwarding because severe cash constraints and very high op-
(C&F) agents also exhibit some revealing peculiari- portunity costs sometimes offset high demurrage
ties. For example, the introduction of a time-effi- charges after an extended stay in the terminal.
ciency indicator with a weight of 30 percent in the Some shippers facing extreme cash constraints have
national evaluation framework of C&F agents (La- no choice but to abandon cargo in the port because
bel Qualité des Commissionnaires Agréés en Dou- they are unable to pay customs dues and clearance
ane) suggests that shippers are aware of the im- charges or can only pay them after part of the ship-
portance of time efficiency. However, few shippers ment has been sold.
include compelling time-efficiency terms into their
contracts with C&F agents, especially dominant 7. Conclusion
C&F agents who have a very strong supplier power. Cargo dwell time in the port of Douala for contain-
Those shippers who do include performance condi- erized imports is very significant. An aggregate
tions in their C&F contracts formulate them in way analysis shows that cargo dwell time exceeds 20
that leaves room for argument (for example, maxi- days for a significant proportion of traffic and aver-
mum clearance time on the condition that all docu- age dwell time has been consistently about 20 days
ments are submitted correctly and in timely manner in the last 10 years. From a customs clearance stand-
by shippers). This is why the largest brokers main- point, the two main contributors to long dwell times
tain very high market shares despite poor time per- are time between ship arrival and lodging of decla-
formance. Another key factor is that subsidiaries of ration, and time between payment of customs dues
international trade and industrial firms are often ei- and gate exit. The payment of customs dues itself
ther financially linked with international forwarders and the physical submission of documents seem to
or contractually linked to them at the regional or be time efficient operations today in Douala thanks
continental level, which does not encourage effi- to recent reforms. Another approach is to distinguish
ciency at the country level. operational dwell time (physical operations), trans-
There are good reasons to believe that wider recog- actional dwell time (customs clearance) and discre-
nition of the national broker’s label would slowly in- tionary dwell time (storage). Data consistently show
crease the number of requirements placed on cus- that operational (2-3 days) and transactional (2-4
toms brokers, but that shippers would have to re- days) dwell times are relatively limited and predict-
place brokers with whom they have contracted for able in Douala, which seem to imply that most of the
years. This seems improbable due to very strong pat- dwell time can be attributed to « discretionary » time
terns of repeat buying (loyalty of shippers). by the C&F or the shippers. However, the aggregate
Another major issue is the availability of cash and analysis of average dwell time is deceptive, and we
the strategies of shippers to reduce their financial ex- can list the following specific patterns that justify a
posure. Because of costly trade borrowing and lim- shipment-level approach:
ited import financing tools, shippers are often short − Variance between observations is quite significant
of cash in their daily operations, and this is a major which shows that a standardized approach to the
hindrance to the reduction of dwell times. The bulk cargo dwell time issue in Douala is inappropriate,
of customs declaration lodging is done in the second − Median value is much lower than mean and the
or third week after container discharge, even though distribution of dwell times has a broad tail which
it takes no longer than three days, on average, to shows that a minority of problematic shipments
clear customs. adversely impact aggregate performance,
In the first step (the processing of payments), which − Cargo dwell time distribution is multimodal with
takes 13 days on average today, processing could be a succession of frequency peaks that demonstrate
shortened by facilitating the financing of customs the discretionary behavior of shippers or service
dues, because finding the money to pay customs providers.
dues is a major reason for delaying this step. Savings − The usual measures undertaken to reduce port
in opportunity costs and financial charges associated dwell time are relatively limited in number.
with delayed clearance are probably underestimated These techniques have different impacts on different
segments of the distribution fun vnnb`ctionnd thus
affect shippers in different ways. An increase in pre
Aminatou, M., Jiaqi, Y., Okyere, S., 19
Archives of Transport, 46(2), 7-20, 2018

arrival processing would have less impact on cargo gregate analysis using broad commodity catego-
with long dwell time, for example. What matters ries derived from first figures of customs HS code.
most are measures that seek to change the incentives Few categories seem quite problematic with aver-
of key stakeholders, especially shipper? age dwell time exceeding 24 days,
Early conclusions of the shipment level approach are − Cargo density of value, an important characteristic
the following: in logistics, also play in important role in the de-
− Fiscal regime plays an important role in the deter- termination of long dwell time: high value leading
mination of long dwell time with a positive corre- in general to higher dwell time in port, which may
lation that tends to show that high fiscal pressure also explain why manufacturing and assembling is
leads to high dwell time in ports, difficult to achieve in a port like Douala.
− Dwell time patterns differ for LCL containers and Most of these conclusions were confirmed by multi-
FCL containers and for standard containers and modal logistic regression results with statistically
“last trip” containers where container is purchased significant correlation for at least three of these fac-
with cargo (LCL containers and last trip containers tors (container type, fiscal regime and density of
stay longer in the terminal), which means that con- value). Other factors of importance identified
solidation and small shippers seem to exhibit through logistic regression modeling are last port of
longer dwell times (all other things being equal), call and region of origin.
− The impact of commodity category is potentially
important but can only be approached through ag-

Table 5. Usual measures to reduce Dwell Time

Indicator Measure
Operational Dwell Time: Transfer cargo to ODCY
Transfer to ODCY infrastructure Invest in infrastructure (quays, berths)
Investment equipment Invest in equipment (cranes, reach sackers,
Transactional dwell Time: Submit documentation prior to arrival of vessel
Pre-arrival Processing and decide on required clearance procedure
Document review Reduce the additional documentation required
Post- clearance inspection when reviewing the declaration and supporting
Cargo auction documentation
Delay inspection procedures until after the
shipment has left the port, including post-
clearance audit
Reduce time before long-term cargo auctioned
Free time Reduce free time
Rates Increase the level of charges for each period
Rate escalation Increase the frequency of escalation of charges
20 Aminatou, M., Jiaqi, Y., Okyere, S.,
Archives of Transport, 46(2), 7-20, 2018

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