Schools of The Air: Timesaver Customs & Lifestyle in The English-Speaking World Australia

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Schools of the Air

1 Look at the photos. Where do you think these children are studying? Why are they using computers and radios?

Many school children in the

Australian outback live on large
sheep farms, called stations. These
stations are so far away from any
town or school that children have to
study at home. They only go to the
school building for a week or two a
year – otherwise, all learning is
done via the post, phone, TV, radio
and video or via the internet. Their
teacher visits them once a term, and
all their homework
is sent by post.
There are now 12 Schools of
the Air all over Australia.

2 What do you think? Circle True or False. 3 Read about Katherine's job on
page 13. Were your ideas in
1 You can't be a teacher at a School of the Air unless you can drive. exercise 2 correct?
2 You don't need to do any marking in this kind of teaching. TRUE / FALSE
3 You have very little personal contact with your students. TRUE / FALSE
4 It's impossible to do pairwork or groupwork over the radio
or internet. TRUE / FALSE
5 Children at Schools of the Air don’t have any contact
with other children in their year group. TRUE / FALSE

12 TIMESAVER: Customs & Lifestyle in the English-speaking World © Scholastic Ltd. PHOTOCOPIABLE
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4 Katherine is a time* video of their teacher. They can interact with

teacher. She lives in their teacher using audio or email. Students can
Alice Springs, but "enter information" or "draw" directly into a
the school covers an programme so that the rest of the class can see.
area about 40 times
the size of I visit all my students once a term. I usually spend the
Switzerland. night with the family at their station, and then drive
to the next one. Once a year, we have a mini-school,
I work from 8 to 4 – where students in an area get together for lessons
students can phone and fun. And every year we organise camps to an
me whenever they like during a school day. I speak to outdoor education centre, for students, families and
all my students every day, and once a week on air. We teachers. As the students don't see each other often,
use really high frequency radio waves*, so you can this is a great opportunity for them to play and get to
hear us as far away as the Antarctic! We even have a know each other. It's the highlight* of the year.
morning assembly* where the teachers in the studio
talk about the timetable for that day via the
internet or radio.

I mark the work students send in, and send them new
work. The mail room at the school is like a small post
office. We have about 70,000 items in the post at any
time – from school work to radios and computers.

We also use IDL – Interactive* Distance Learning. This

uses computers, satellite and internet technology to
create a classroom situation. The students log on*
to their lesson using their computer to see a real

I used to teach in a normal school in Darwin. Here I

really feel I'm making a difference. You don't usually
get involved with the whole family the way I do now.
The parents are my fellow teachers, after all. We are
all helping each other to help the children. And I've
learnt to drive a 4x4, change a tyre in the middle of
the desert, and had some amazing experiences in
the outback!

4 Find the bold words in the text which mean: 5 Work in pairs and discuss your answers
1 to start using a computer programme log on
............................................. to the questions.
2 a live video or recording ............................................. 1 What do you think are the
3 to communicate ............................................. advantages of the School of the Air?
4 on the radio ............................................. 2 What do you think are
5 a message sent by computer ............................................. the disadvantages?
6 an object moving around the earth 3 How is life different for the teachers?
used for communication signals ............................................. 4 What is the most important piece of
7 learning from outside the school building ............................................. equipment for the School of the Air?
5 Why is the post office so important?
Personal project
What would you enjoy about being a student at a School of the Air?
What would you miss about the school you are at now?
* What is it in your language? Find out!

PHOTOCOPIABLE TIMESAVER: Customs & Lifestyle in the English-speaking World © Scholastic Ltd. 13

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